StewardShip 2016 pointS of Light Service
StewardShip 2016 pointS of Light Service
OCTOBER 2015 Star The Stewardship 2016 Points of Light Service St. Martin’s Episcopal Church Atop each of the spires of The Church is a three-dimensional radiant cross, a symbol of Christ, the light of the world. There are numerous references in scripture to Christ as the light of the world (John 1:9, 14). These include the story of the wise men coming to see the child Jesus (Matthew 2:1-15), when Jesus was presented to the priests at the temple (Luke 2:30-32), and Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist (John 1:29). May St. Martin’s always be that light of Christ to our city and region. Star The The Star is an official publication of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church. Our Mission To bring by the power of the Holy Spirit as many people as possible to know, love, and serve God as revealed through Jesus Christ; and to be transformed into spiritually renewed disciples of Jesus who know, love and serve one another and the world. Deadline for Announcements The deadline to submit information for The Star is two months before publication on the 10th of the month. Phone Numbers Office...............................................................713-621-3040 Fax...................................................................713-622-5701 Activity Center..................................................713-621-8625 Café St. Martin’s...............................................713-985-3847 Event Reservations..........................................713-985-3844 Library ............................................................713-830-4118 Church Offices 717 Sage Road, Houston, TX 77056 Prayer Requests...............................................713-830-4124 Office Hours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Individual department hours vary.) The Hope and Healing Center & Institute.........713-871-1004 Postmaster Send address changes to St. Martin’s Episcopal Church 717 Sage Road Houston, TX 77056-2199 Preschool.........................................................713-621-2944 The Island/Student Ministries..........................713-871-1004 Tours................................................................713-830-4117 Visitor Information...........................................713-830-4126 Additional phone numbers and email addresses are at: > About St. Martin’s > The Staff On the Cover The fleur-de-lis cross, a design frequently repeated in the church, is carved on the baptismal font located at the entrance to the nave in The Church. The font is made of Botticino Classico marble that was shipped from Italy to China where it was carved. Contents October 2015 02 From the Rector 04 Stewardship 2016 06 Worship, Christian Education and Fellowship for Adults 04 I STEWARDSHIP 2016 Because . . . Exercise your faith by making a pledge to the work of Jesus Christ in and through St. Martin’s for 2016. 08 I Points of Light – One Prayer: Many Faiths This special Interfaith and Ecumenical service of prayer, reflection and song is hosted by a broad representation of faith leaders from the greater Houston area. 25th Annual Joy of Giving Market 13 I 25th Annual Joy of Giving Market The Episcopal Church Women of St. Martin’s host the 25th Annual Joy of Giving Market that marks the beginning of the holiday season. 10 Music St. Martin’s 11 Programs for All Adults 12 Programs for Women 14 Programs for Men 15 Student Ministries 16 Children’s Ministry 17 Outreach and Missions 20 Parish Life 23 Hope and Healing Center & Institue 24Giving From the Rector Inevitably, there is a phrase that every parent has uttered; and if you are not a parent, then as a child, you heard it – it goes like this, “Because I said so...!” I t is usually the last ditch effort a parent makes when every other argument, attempt and direction has been tried; when all cajoling, bribing, pleading has failed. Here’s a simple one... Parent: “Put your seat belt on...!” Child: “Why? We are only going down the street.” Parent: “Please, please put it on!” Child: “Why? You did not do it when we drove down the street the other day.” Parent: “I’m running out of patience; put your seatbelt on!” Child: “But Patty’s Mom does not make her put hers on when they drive down the street...why do I have to?” Parent: “I’m not going to ask you again; put your seatbelt on!” That may work between parents and but I suspect I would have few inquiring children (I confess, it may not as well!), minds and hearts if, when asked, my only (Some kids here – future attorneys no but it does not transfer into many other response to “Why should I give my life doubt – might pause and say, “You have areas of life – particularly when it comes to Christ?” was “Because I said so..!” I’m not really made a compelling argument to things we really do not “have” to do. fairly confident that would not go over. For instance, a very important part of my The same is true when it comes to another work is doing my best to compel people important part of my work, encouraging that being in a personal relationship with members to prayerfully consider how they God through Jesus Christ is vital. That will personally support the work of Jesus work is done in a wide variety of ways, Christ in and through St. Martin’s by Child: “I still don’t understand why?” Mother...”) Parent: “Because I said so!” 02 T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 f r o m t h e r e c t o r < “Give, and it will be given to you... For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Luke 6:37-38) = making a financial pledge to the Church. offered that prayer, then spend days – “giving” was about all Jesus did – His I do believe committed members of if not weeks, thinking – on your own – words, wisdom, time, power, love – in St. Martin’s should make a pledge – why you might give. the end, even His life. Ultimately, whatever reason I offer, or As your Rector, you and I have lived whatever you read in the materials you through eight wonderful years together. receive, or hear in sermons or step-talks, We have seen the growth and vitality will come down to “your because...” of St. Martin’s continue to broaden and When you receive those materials, you deepen – for some of us, beyond what any will see that I have asked several of our could have expected; that is simply due to own members, as well as our former the grace of God and the generosity of our rectors and a few Bishops you members. Please, please, prayerfully share a bit more about “their because.” ponder how you will help support God in Hopefully, what you read will guide you His work here as we look toward 2016. in making your own decision. In the end, I hope you are able to say to should support the work of Jesus Christ through this wonderful Parish – but again, I suspect, if that is not already part of your personal discipline, I would not make much of a compelling argument if I told you that you should make a pledge, “Because I said so...” So, why might you make such a personal investment? The basic theme of our stewardship invitation this year centers on this word, “Because.” You will, in a few weeks, receive the regular stewardship materials from St. Martin’s. As I always do, before you open the materials and read them – I would ask you to pray – pray that God will personally lead you to listen to Him this fall and let Him guide you toward what you will personally sacrifice for His work at St. Martin’s. Once you have We know we are supposed to give. Jesus talked a lot about it. Perhaps one of His the one in the mirror, “I gave because I said so...!” most poignant “because” responses went like this: “Give, and it will be given to you...For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Luke 6:37-38) Jesus The Rev. Dr. Russell J. Levenson, Jr. never questioned whether one would give, it was assumed. Frankly, of course, T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 03 S T E W A R D S H I P 2 0 1 6 BECAUSE... • GOD HAS GIVEN US SO MUCH. • GIVING IS A JOY. • GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER. • GIVING BLESSES THE LIVES OF OTHERS. • GOD INVITES US TO. • GIVING MAKES A DIFFERENCE. Melinda and Matt Mogas When Russ Levenson asked me and Melinda to co-chair the stewardship campaign, we had a sudden sense of unease. Leading a stewardship campaign is totally out of our comfort zone and scary. I then thought of all the other OUR STEWARDSHIP CO-CHAIRS times the Clergy at St. Martin has asked us to be more involved in the Church. The first time was when I was asked to join a Bible study group. The next time the Clergy came calling was when I was asked to teach a class at the Church. Through the years we have luckily accepted many challenges from God. These challenges got us out of our comfort zone and forced us to trust in God. I firmly believe that when you tithe 10 percent for the first time you also will find your “because” and it will Susie and Ira Green We have been members of St. Martin’s since the early 1990s. We both chose worship that was offered and friendly atmosphere created by the Clergy and If you have never pledged to St. Martin’s, parishioners. Over the years, we have witnessed our sons’ baptisms, first communions and confirmations. We have celebrated thanksgivings as well as mourned losses at St. Martin’s. We have asked for forgiveness and prayed to alleviate uncertainty within the walls of this great church, all the time feeling comfort and solace from the Clergy and other leaders of the Church. We are giving to this year’s annual stewardship campaign because of our appreciation for everything the Church has done for our family. T H E S TA R I O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5 with God. JOURNEY TOWARD THE TITHE St. Martin’s because of the style of 04 be transformational in your relationship please begin today. If you have supported us in past years, please continue your support; and if you have been blessed, or have come to see with new eyes and a new heart just how very blessed you are, consider increasing your support of St. Martin’s by 10%, 20%, 30% or more – because the more you give, the more you bless the lives of others, the more you reveal your union with Christ – and the more you make possible the very purposes of God. S TE W A R D S HI P 2 0 1 6 Annual Gross Income 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 10,000 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 20,000 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 25,000 250 500 750 1,000 1,250 1,500 1,750 2,000 2,250 2,500 50,000 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 100,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 200,000 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 16,000 18,000 20,000 250,000 2,500 5,000 7,500 10,000 12,500 15,000 17,500 20,000 22,500 25,000 500,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 1,000,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 Find the income level in the first column that most closely matches your income, and then follow the numbers horizontally to determine levels of giving to St. Martin’s. Percentages are listed at the top, with tithing amounts (10%) at the far right. Consider stepping up your giving by moving one or more columns to the right for your 2016 pledge. Our Stewardship TEAM Lisa and George Francisco Shannon and Earnest Hunter II Barbara and John Patton Tom and Mary Miller Emily Crose Jackson Gillette T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 05 W o r s h i p, C h r i s t i a n Ed u c a t i o n a n d F e l l o ws h i p f o r A d u lt s Hope and Healing Sunday Special Guest Preacher Sunday, October 4 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 11:15 a.m. and 6 p.m. The Church We welcome back the Rev. Katherine (Kate) Picot, former Associate Rector for Pastoral Care and Prayer Ministries at St. Martin’s, as our special guest preacher on this inspirational day. The Rev. Picot is the Director and Chaplain of the Harnhill Centre of Christian Healing, located in the heart of the English Cotswolds. She has responsibility for The Altar’s First Anniversary Celebration and Family Picnic Sunday, October 4 11:15 a.m. the ministry at the Healing Centre The Island and is passionate about bringing Join us as we celebrate one year of the people into a greater understanding Altar! Following the worship service of the healing presence of Christ in there will be a cookout and Houston their lives. She previously trained as Texans football game on the big screen. a nurse at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Hamburgers and hotdogs will be served. in London and specialized in hospice Parishioners with last names A – M are care, before being called to ordained asked to bring side dishes to share and ministry and attending seminary N – Z bring desserts. at Ridley Hall in Cambridge. After being ordained deacon in England, she spent nearly four years at St. Martin’s during which time she was ordained as a priest in 2010. She considers her time working here as key preparation for her current role and is delighted to have the Building for Life Campaign Donor Plaques Sunday, October 4 After the 11:15 a.m. services The Island, The Scout Center and the Hope and Healing Center opportunity to return. In appreciation for the gifts of the more Sunday School with the Rev. Picot made our most recent expansion possible, 10:15 – 11 a.m. all parishioners are invited to take note Hope and Healing Center Auditorium of the new “All Givers” plaque, as well “What I’ve Learned from the Mission as other donor plaques throughout the Field Called Home” buildings and Serenity Garden. than 1,000 St. Martin’s households that Blessing of the Animals Service Sunday, October 4 5 p.m. Lawn outside the Wayside Chapel In honor of the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals, a special service will be held followed by a blessing by a member of our Clergy of all creatures great and small. Please be sure to keep your pets on leashes or in cages. The service will not be held in the event of rain. During the Blessing of the Animals Service, Outreach will have a pet food drive. Please bring canned or packaged pet food that will be donated to Pet Patrol. 06 T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 W o r s h i p, C h r i s t i a n CHRISTIAN EDUCATION peer groups Sundays 10:15 – 11 a.m. Peer groups provide an opportunity for fellowship with other people of your age, and some great teaching from fellow parishioners and our Clergy. Peer groups will focus on Singing a Song of the Saints of God: A Year-long Look at Biblical Heroes. They will meet in October, December, February and April. Ed u c a t i o n a n d F e l l o ws h i p This group is looking forward to another great year. We hope that you will join us for wonderful times of teaching, discussion and fellowship. f o r A d u lt s Healing Service for Those with Mental Illness and Their Families 60+ Wednesday, October 7 5 – 6 p.m. Activity Center, Upper Hall East Old Church Clergy Liaisons: The Rev. Marty Bastian Mental illness is one and the Rev. Mary Wilson of the big challenges to health that so This class is for those 60 and above who are eager to grow deeper in their many people face. Even if we ourselves relationship with Christ. In-depth Bible haven’t experienced it, almost all of us and book studies promise to be both know someone who does struggle with engaging and challenging as we apply some form of mental health issue. The what we learn to our everyday life. It good news is that our God is a comforter will be a time of learning coupled with in times of sickness and can bring healing an opportunity for great fellowship to our bodies and minds, by the power and spiritual support. of His Holy Spirit. This Order of Seekers 20s and 30s (60s, 70s and up) Activity Center, Fellowship Room Sundays 10:15 – 11 a.m. Activity Center, Aerobics Room Clergy Liaisons: The Rev. Nick Dyke and Clergy Liaison: The Rev. Suse McBay This group is geared toward both young adults and young families. We are excited to study scripture and get to know one another better. the Rev. Robert Wareing Seekers is a great place for couples and singles to meet and study the Gospel Parents of Young Children and other readings, and then branch Payne Education Center, Room 210/212 off into Church history, liturgy, Clergy Liaisons: The Rev. Alex Large and sacraments and other related areas. the Rev. Chad Martin We just have fun learning! Please come This group offers parents of young children (infants through 5th grade) a welcoming place to discuss the joys and challenges of being moms and dads. and join our group. Christian Book Study Professional Blend Parlor Clergy Liaison: The Rev. R-J Heijmen service focuses specifically on mental illness with Dr. Matt Stanford, Chief Executive Officer of the Hope and Healing Center & Institute, bringing his wealth of experience and unique position of insight into both the realities of mental health struggles and Jesus’ healing work in our lives. There will be a time of response at the end of the service where people will have the option to receive prayer from members of OSL who have a breadth of experience yourself, a friend or relative, OSL invites you to come to this service, bringing those needs to offer them to God in prayer. For more information, email, or contact the Rev. Suse McBay at 713-985-3823 or Our Sunday School classes emphasize This class is for professionals who desire Christian education and fellowship fellowship centered on the word of God. while reading various Christian books, 40s and 50s monthly healing in this form of ministry. Whether it is for Sundays 10:15 – 11 a.m. Vestry Conference Room Clergy Liaison: The Rev. Marty Bastian St. Luke (OSL) and provide a community in which you can develop your Christian The Scout Center understanding, a sense of belonging Clergy Liaisons: The Rev. R-J Heijmen and lasting friendships. and the Rev. Rob Dixon T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 07 W o r s h i p, C h r i s t i a n One Prayer: Many Faiths Sunday, October 18 6 p.m. Ed u c a t i o n GASPER TRINGALE Photography At the invitation of the Points of Light Foundation, Rabbi David Lyon, Imam Wazir Ali and the Rev. Dr. Russell J. Levenson, Jr. will serve as leaders in the greater Houston area at an Interfaith and Ecumenical service of prayer, reflection and song. F e l l o ws h i p With Special Guest Speaker Jon Meacham, Executive Editor and Executive Vice President of Random House The Church hosts to a broad representation of faith a n d f o r A d u lt s a biography of George H.W. Bush to be published in November 2015. He serves on numerous boards and as Chairman of Jon Meacham the National Advisory Board of the John received the Pulitzer C. Danforth Center on Religion and Prize for American Politics at Washington University. Lion, his 2008 Meacham is a contributing editor to Time biography of Andrew magazine, a former editor of Newsweek, Jackson. He also is and has written for several other national the author of Thomas Jefferson: The Art of publications. In addition, he has been Power, Franklin and Winston, American Gospel awarded honorary degrees from numerous and his newest book, Destiny and Power, prestigious universities and colleges. Participating Faith Leaders Rev. Dr. Calvin J. Abraham Meei-Hsiang Ku-Goto Dr. David A. Peterson Rector Emeritus Bella Vista Missionary Baptist Church Chung Mei Buddhist Temple of its founder, faithful member of Murad Ajani St. Martin’s and 41st President of the President The Aga Khan Council for Southwestern United States Rector St. Vladimir’s Russian Orthodox Church Director of Community Outreach The Robert and Janice McNair Foundation Scholarly Advisor H. E. Butts Family Foundation Retired Senior Pastor Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church The Points of Light Foundation celebrates its 25th Anniversary in the hometown United States, George H.W. Bush. This service, which is the kick-off event for the Points of Light annual meeting, is Imam Wazir Ali open to the entire community. Rabbi Resident Imam Mercy Community Center Lyon, Imam Wazir, Dr. Levenson and several other faith leaders began meeting last spring with Neil Bush, President of the Points of Light Foundation, in preparation for this service. The Rev. Martin J. Bastian Vice-Rector St. Martin’s Episcopal Church Pastor Suzette T. Caldwell Rabbi David A. Lyon Senior Rabbi of Congregation Pastor Windsor Village United Methodist Church Beth Israel Senior Pastor Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Imam Wazir Ali Resident Imam of Mercy Community Center Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Cosby Imam Eugene Farooq Resident Imam Mercy Community Center Pastor Trent Henderson The Rev. Dr. Russell J. Levenson, Jr. Rector of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church Mercy Community 08 T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 Pastor Heritage Park Baptist Church Rev. Dr. James F. Jackson, Jr. Retired Senior Pastor Chapelwood United Methodist Church Rev. Father Lubomir Kupecz The Rev. Dr. Russell J. Levenson, Jr. Rector St. Martin’s Episcopal Church Rev. Monsignor Frank H. Rossi Senior Rabbi Congregation Beth Israel Pastor St. Michael Catholic Church Vice General Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Rev. Ray Mackey Omar Samji Rabbi David A. Lyon Founder Higher Impact Ministries Rev. Dr. Charles R. Millikan, D. Min The Aga Khan Council for Southwestern United States Pastor Chris Seay Vice President, Spiritual Care and Values Houston Methodist Hospital Pastor/Lead Overseer Ecclessia Church The Rev. Alejandro S. Montes M. Rector Iglesia Episcopal San Mateo Senior Pastor Chapelwood United Methodist Church Dr. Paul Osteen Associate Pastor Lakewood Church Pastor Luis Palomo Community Pastor The Branch, Spanish-Speaking Ministry of Chapelwood United Methodist Church Rev. Dr. John E. Stephens Rabbi Brian Strauss Rabbi of Congregation Beth Israel Congregation Beth Yushurun The Very Rev. Barkley Thompson Rector Christ Church Cathedral Rev. Dr. Ralph D. West Senior Pastor The Church Without Walls W O R S H I P, C H R I S T I A N E D U C AT I O N A N D F E L L O W S H I P F O R A D U LT S Parish Family Picture 10:15 a.m. Sharp In front of The Church Veterans Day Observance 6 p.m. The Church St. Martin’s salutes the many military men and women of our Parish who have served our country. Please join us for this special service honoring our veterans that is set within the context of Evening Prayers and patriotic music. Lieutenant General Rick Lynch, US Army (retired) CELEBRATE ST. MARTIN’S DAY AND VETERANS DAY Sunday, November 15 You are invited to join us in celebrating the more than 60 years of our existence as a Parish and help us remember all those who have gone before us as laity and Clergy in this wonderful Parish. Please come and give thanks for Martin, our patron saint, and God’s many blessings to United States Navy Captain Eugene A. Cernan (retired astronaut and last man on the moon) our Church Family. Special Guest Preacher with The Anglican Digest, for which he serves The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon, Jr. (retired) to become Associate Rector and then Rector 8 a.m., 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. Arkansas, before serving as Rector of The The Church Church of St. Michael & St. George near Bishop Edward L. Salmon, Jr. (retired) is the former Dean and President of Nashotah House Theological Seminary in Nashotah, Wisconsin. Prior to that appointment, he served as Bishop of South Carolina from 1989 to 2008. A native of Natchez, Mississippi, Salmon received his Bachelor of Art degree in history from Sewanee: The University of the South and Master of Divinity degree from Virginia Theological Seminary. He was ordained a deacon in 1960 and priest in 1961. Bishop Salmon first served missions in northwest Arkansas and became involved as Chairman of the Board today. He went on of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Fayetteville, St. Louis, Missouri. While there he founded The Honorable James A. Baker, III and Mrs. Susan G. Baker United States Navy Vice Admiral William E. Ramsey (retired) the Anglican Communion Institute, which seeks to promote the cause of traditional and biblical Anglicanism. Bishop Salmon was a member of the Board of Trustees for Sewanee for more than 30 years, as well as the Board of Regents. After retirement, he served alongside the Rev. Alex Large as Rector for The Very Rev. Anthony P. Clark Command Chaplain, Florida Army and Air National Guard (active) All Saints Church in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Bishop Salmon still has Episcopal oversight of two congregations, and also leads retreats for vestries and preaches. He and his wife, Louise, have two grown children and three United States Army Lieutenant Colonel James B. Montgomery (retired) grandchildren. T H E S TA R I O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5 09 M U S IC s t. ma r t i n ’ s Staff Singer Concert Friday, October 16 Festival Choral Eucharist 7 p.m. Sunday, November 8 The Church 6 p.m. Our annual Staff Singer Concert has The Church become a popular event featuring our own The brass principles from the staff singers from the St. Martin’s Parish Houston Symphony will join us in Choir. Selections will be from the classical the presentation of thrilling works art song and opera aria repertoire. for choir, organ, brass and tympani. For more information about Music St. Martin’s events, contact the Music office at 713-985-3838. St. Martin’s Parish Choir Tour July 22 – August 1, 2016 London, England Join Join us us as as St. St. Martin’s Martin’s Choir Choir travels travels to London for a four-day to London for a four-day residency residency at St. St. Paul’s Paul’s Cathedral. Cathedral. at Tour Tour Highlights Highlights Organ Concert with Simon Johnson Friday, October 30 7 p.m. The Church Sing Sing 5 5 p.m. p.m. Evensong Evensong daily daily July 25 – 28 July 25 – 28 at at St. St. Paul’s Paul’s Cathedral Cathedral Tour Tour Oxford Oxford and and sing sing a a brief brief concert at Christ Church concert at Christ Church Cathedral Cathedral in in Oxford Oxford on on July July 29 29 Accepting $500 $500 deposits deposits now. now. Accepting Simon Johnson, Organist and Assistant Director of Music for St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, England, has a remarkable and multifaceted international career as a virtuoso organist, conductor and composer. Recitals have taken him all over Europe and the United States, as well as to many of the premier venues in the United Kingdom. He returns to St. Martin’s after performing with St. Paul’s Choir in April 2015. 10 T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 For For tour tour information, information, contact contact the the Music Music Office Office at at 713-985-3838 or or 713-985-3838 If If you you like like to to sing sing and and would would like like information information about about joining joining the the Choir, Choir, contact Dr. Dr. David David Henning Henning at at 713-985-3820 713-985-3820 or or contact p r o g r ams f o r a l l ad u l t s Parents of Young Children Saintly Stitchers St. Martin’s Parents of Young Children Mondays Ministry strives to make our Church 10 a.m. family a welcoming place for every life Activity Center, Upper Hall East stage. This new, growing ministry offers The men and women of Saintly Stitchers Bible studies, socials and programs are filling St. Martin’s with beautiful for parents of young children (infants needlepointed pew kneelers, prie-dieu through 5th grade) as they experience cushion for the Patron’s Chapel, and the unique joys and challenges of acolyte pew kneelers. Many kneelers parenthood. For more information about this ministry, contact the Rev. Alex Large at are complete and more are in progress. The Moms’ Group Wednesdays, October 7, 14, 21 and 28 9:15 a.m. Each pew kneeler bears a quotation from scripture taken from the stained glass windows. Our needlepoint is funded only Sunday School Payne Education Center, Room 207/209 October 4, 11, 18 and 25 Join The Moms’ Group as we discuss 10:15 a.m. an honoree whose initials are stitched on together the joys and struggles of raising Payne Education Center, Room 210/212 the back edge of the kneeler. Sponsor a young kids. Mothers of young children kneeler or join us to stitch, whether This group offers parents of young ranging in age from infants to early expert or novice. children a welcoming place to discuss elementary meet for a time of fellowship, the joys and challenges of being moms teaching, prayer and support. The group and dads. is led by Emily Large. Fall Halloween Play Date Saturday, October 24 9 – 11 a.m. St. Martin’s Playground Bring your little ones in their Halloween costumes. We will have a photo booth for pictures. Drinks and snacks will be provided. St. Martin’s 20s & 30s Special Social Event With David Zahl – “Linked In (to the Gospel): Grace, Faith and Career” Wednesday, October 21 7 – 9 p.m. The Island David Zahl, Founder and Director of Mockingbird Ministries, and Editor-inchief of the Mockingbird blog, is the guest speaker at St. Martin’s 20s & 30s October Social Event. He was born in New York City to an Episcopal priest and graduated from Georgetown University Young Dads’ Bible Study Wednesdays, October 7, 14, 21 and 28 7 – 8 a.m. Bride’s Room Join the Rev. Alex Large and other dads of young children for Bible study as we seek to connect the Gospel to our lives today. in 2001. David then served as an itinerant youth minister with FOCUS (Fellowship Of Christians in Universities by donations. Kneeler sponsors choose For more information, contact Deb Tisch at 713-985-3817 or Vestry Nominations Are Open Current members of St. Martin’s may nominate any confirmed member of the Parish for consideration to serve on the Vestry for the upcoming three-year term. Nominations can be submitted for review from August to October of each year. At our Annual Parish Meeting in January we will vote as a Parish to elect five new members to serve for a three-year term on the Vestry. Completed nomination forms for the upcoming term must be received by Friday, October 30, 2015. To request a Vestry Nomination form, or if you have any questions, please contact Brittney Jacobson, at 713-985-3821 or and Schools) in their New England Boarding Schools region. David and Nominations are to be kept strictly his wife, Cate, currently reside in confidential – please do not inform the Charlottesville, Virginia, with their nominee or their family that you have two boys, Charlie and Cabell. nominated them. T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 11 P R O G R A M S DAUGHTERS OF THE KING MONTHLY MEETING F O R W O M E N WOMEN’S PRAYER GROUPS Wednesday Morning Prayer Group St. Martin’s offers several opportunities Wednesdays for women to pray not only during 7:50 – 8:30 a.m. regular Sunday services, but also Welcome Center throughout the week. Additional prayer This group prays weekly for St. Martin’s ministries include the following: – our Rector, the Clergy and staff – and the wonderful programs that benefit us Saturday, October 10 10:30 a.m. – noon (new time) Payne Education Center, Room 210/212 Join us as we learn about our global sisters. This will be a fascinating meeting where we will learn more about our partnerships and connections to Daughters of the King abroad. The Order of the Daughters of the King is a spiritual sisterhood of women dedicated to a life of Prayer, Service and Evangelism. We have made a commitment to Jesus as our Savior, and we follow Him as Lord of our lives. We are an Order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the Historic Episcopate. For more information, contact, or Deb Tisch at 713-985-3817 or The Moms’ Group within our Church, as well as those that Wednesdays reach out into our community. 9:15 a.m. For more information, contact Janie Putman at 713-782-3077 or, or the Rev. Suse McBay at 713-985-3823 or Bride’s Room Join mothers of young children ranging in age from infants to early elementary for a time of fellowship, teaching, prayer and support. For more information about The Moms’ Group, see page 11. Global Prayer Group Mondays, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. Hope and Healing Center, Room 204 While this group continues to focus Contemplative Prayer Group on our soldiers overseas, members have Second and fourth Mondays felt the need to pray for many of the 1 – 3 p.m. suffering and forgotten people all over Bride’s Room This group concentrates on meditation, Bible reading, book study and prayer to listen for God’s spiritual direction. For more information, contact Ophelia Pujol at 713-812-1722 or, or the Rev. Suse McBay at 713-985-3823 or the world. For more information, contact Janie Putman at 713-782-3077 or, or the Rev. Suse McBay at 713-985-3823 or Bookstore Gift Shoppe Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Sunday 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. • Baptism and confirmation gifts • Holding crosses • Purses and scarves • Bibles, prayer books and more • Religious jewelry • Candles and picture frames • Decorative items • Greeting cards • St. Martin’s commemorative items Accepting all major credit cards, cash and checks Gift certificates available 713-985-3840 12 T H E S TA R I O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5 The Episcopal Church Women of St. Martin’s present the 25th Annual Joy of Giving Market Featuring 80+ high-end merchants offering stylish clothing, jewelry, one-of-a-kind accessories, unique home decor items and more Early Bird Shopping Night Tuesday, October 20 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. Admission $15 (includes hors d’oeuvres) Wednesday October 21 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Free Admission Thursday October 22 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Free Admission For more information call 713-985-3844 or visit T H E S TA R I O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5 13 p r o g r ams Thursday Morning Bible Study October 29 f o r m e n Guest Speaker James Hutton James R. Hutton Thursdays is a Registered 7 – 8 a.m. Professional Engineer Bagby Parish Hall in five states. Now This group is open to all men of the in his mid 90s, he Parish of all ages, and any male guests currently serves as and visitors. We gather each Thursday Vice President at morning for a brief Bible reflection and Compressor Engineering Corporation, then break into groups for discussion, where he has worked for 29 years, Men’s Outreach Program fellowship and mutual support, along following his retirement as President of Tuesday, October 6 with several special guest speakers. Worldwide Sales at Dresser Clark after 5 – 6:30 p.m. more than 37 years. Jim received degrees Activity Center, Fellowship Room in engineering and business from The University of Texas at Austin and was the Chief Engineer on two Navy ships during World War II. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and received the Join the Men of St. Martin’s to make sandwiches for hungry children. We make approximately 10,000 sandwiches annually that are delivered for lunch to preschool children living in poverty. 2012 Engineer of the Year Award from the South Texas Section of ASME. Jim frequently speaks to engineers about career enhancement and is the author of How to Sell Technical Equipment and Services. This program year we will study Mark by N.T. Wright. The book may be purchased for $10 at the Thursday morning meetings or in St. Martin’s Bookstore & Gift Shoppe. Breakfast is available for a $5 donation. Reservations are not required. For more information, contact the Rev. Chad Martin at 713-985-3842 or October 1 Chapter 4 – Mark 4:1-34 Parables of Jesus October 8 Chapter 5 – Mark 4:35-5:43 Trading Fear for Faith October 15 Chapter 6 – Mark 6:1-29 Opposition Mounts October 22 No meeting – Joy of Giving Market 14 T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 Thursday, September 3 – A crowd of nearly 100 turned out to hear atheist-turned-Christian Lee Strobel, the New York Times best-selling author and former award-winning legal editor of The Chicago Tribune, at the Men of St. Martin’s Thursday Morning Bible Study. Strobel serves as Professor of Christian Thought at Houston Baptist University and as a Teaching Pastor at Woodlands Church, one of the largest congregations in the country. In addition to his latest book The Case for Grace, he has authored or co-authored more than a dozen books, published articles in numerous periodicals, been interviewed for national television networks, and been a recurring guest on two radio programs. s t u d e n t For All Students m i n i s t r i e s and musicianship through preparation of challenging, sacred repertoire, and also collaborates with the Choristers on a monthly basis. For more information, contact Kellen Gray at Sunday Morning EYC Middle School Activities 10:15 – 11 a.m. The Island 8th Grade Confirmation Let’s get started with Sunday mornings! Sunday, October 4 Meet downstairs for donuts, fun and 10:15 – 11 a.m. to learn more about God through the The Island Bible. If you are visiting or looking to check out our middle school group for the first time this would be the perfect place to start! For more information, contact Anthony Orona at 713-830-4110 or, or Laura Henry at 713-985-3841 or Parent Information Meeting If you are looking for a weekend away with your friends where you can also grow deeper in your faith then this trip is for you! All middle school students and their friends are welcome! For more information, contact Florence Ritchie at 713-985-3843 or, or visit 10 – 11:10 a.m. Location to be announced Confirmation Retreat (required) Friday – Sunday, January 8 – 10 class runs from November – February and gives students an opportunity to learn about and think through the Christian message in a more intentional manner than ever before. Through classes, discussion, fellowship and retreat, these students will be led through the journey 10:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Lake house on Lake Livingston Sundays, November 1 – February 21 The St. Martin’s 8th grade Confirmation Sundays Friday – Sunday, October 16 – 18 Confirmation Classes Carolina Creek Christian Camp, Huntsville Youth Choir Middle School Fall Retreat from childhood to adult faith. For 8th grade Confirmation information, contact Will Kulseth at 713-830-4148 or HIGH SCHOOL School-based Fellowship Groups Our school-based Bible studies continue this fall. We believe meeting students where they are gives us the greatest opportunity to reach them and their communities. The times and locations of these groups are tailored to their specific schools. Please check for all the details. If you are interested in having one of these groups at your school, contact Anthony Orona at 713-830-4110 or, or Laura Henry at 713-985-3841or Payne Education Center, Room 207/209 The Youth Choir is for 6th – 12th graders with unchanged voices. St. Martin’s Youth Choir rehearses from 10:15 – 11 a.m. each week, and then takes part in the 11:15 a.m. worship service procession and sings with the Parish Choir. The mission of the Youth Choir is to challenge older singers with more difficult music while preparing them to become active, contributing members of our Parish. This young choir focuses on developing youths’ voices T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 15 C H I L D R E N ’ S CHORISTERS M I N I S T R Y No two Sundays in a month look alike as Designed for children 3rd grade and Sundays we hope to encourage our older kids to older, the sessions offer children an 8:30 – 10:15 a.m. dig a little deeper in their spiritual walk. insight into the Lord’s Supper and the Payne Education Center, Room 207/209 Come each Sunday and engage in our act of taking Communion each week in rotating Ministry on the Move. Help us church. It’s designed to teach children reach these kids as they move down the on a level they can understand and path to a more meaningful relationship know that all baptized Christians are with Jesus. included at the table. Parents are required St. Martin’s Choristers for children K – 5th grade rehearse and attend worship at the 9:15 a.m. Family Table service on a weekly basis. They also perform anthems to attend the classes with their child and in both the Family Table service and continue the teaching at home as we 9 a.m. worship service on a monthly prepare the children for their basis. The Choristers’ mission is to Communion Recognition service. make joyful, beautiful music while Registration is required. teaching children that they hold a very To register, visit For more information, contact Holli Kight at 713-985-3816 or special place in the worship service at St. Martin’s. Please join us for this contemporary, family-friendly time of worship as the children lead us in our Creed and the Doxology. Worship is enhanced FAMILY TABLE WORSHIP by the sound of children’s voices, and we Sundays certainly hope to share this special time 9:15 a.m. with you. Old Church For more information, contact Kellen Gray at This family-friendly service offers a casual setting with contemporary worship music while using a traditional liturgy. Designed for families, the sermon connects the message of Jesus to our everyday lives, while remaining accessible to children and adults. Communion Recognition Service and Reception Sunday, October 25 9 a.m. The Church MINISTRY ON THE MOVE Children who completed the As an enhancement to our regular Communion class are recognized Children’s Ministry curriculum, our during this service and a reception older grades (3rd – 5th) participate in will be hosted by Children’s Ministry Ministry on the Move during the 10:15 a.m. Sunday morning program. This added component allows the older kids a time for additional fellowship during the Community Time, time for moving around during our Activity Time, a time for quiet reflection during our Prayer Time and opportunities for service during our Outreach Time. 16 T H E S TA R I O C T O B E R 2 0 1 5 COMMUNION CLASS immediately after the service in Bagby Sundays, October 4, 11 and 18 families are invited to attend as we 10:15 a.m. Old Church Parish Hall. All participants and their celebrate this important event. It’s a special morning for the families of the Join us for the three-week series teaching communicants and we’re blessed children about the Eucharist sacraments to look forward to it each year! as the basis of our Christian faith. OUTRE A CH A N D M I S S ION S Houston reVision team of volunteers in addition to hosting the volunteer appreciation Houston: reVision was created in event for reVision. Mentoring 2012 through an innovative opportunities are available daytime partnership between the Impact grant and evenings at the juvenile detention of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church and centers and at area schools. The first St. Luke’s United Methodist Church. Friday of each month, volunteers minister to kids serving adult Our investment in this transformational ministry of kinship has expanded through sentences at the Clemens prison. the incredible volunteer efforts of Community Nights St. Martin’s members. In addition to Thursdays, October 1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 25 mentors, we have 32 others helping 6:45 – 9 p.m. with community nights, team sports and The Island prayer teams. St. Martin’s hosts the annual reVision works to transform the lives of at-risk and gang-affected youth by connecting them to positive adult role models, building a new community around strong, affirming peer groups, and preparing the youth for promising futures through education and jobs. reVision pairs adult mentors with youth, many of whom are incarcerated at the time volunteer appreciation luncheon for Volunteer Orientation reVision’s more than 260 volunteers. Thursday, October 1 Our own Bob Heston and Ed Taussig were honored with the 2014 Volunteers of the Year awards. Each Tuesday night 6 – 7 p.m. The Island they coach softball for youth who had Prison Ministry previously never held a glove! Other Friday, October 2 St. Martin’s coaches are Kevin Delaney 10:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. and Andrew Donaldson. Texas Department of Criminal Justice Clemens Unit mentors meet them. These volunteer mentors offer friendship and encouragement to youth during a difficult period of their lives, and commit to helping them move toward a more positive future. Community Nights, which are held every Thursday at The Island at St. Martin’s, provide a positive peer group evening of prayer, dinner, break dancing, basketball, Houston: reVision Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon Wednesday, October 7 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. The Island For more information, call 713-985-3811 or email soccer and fellowship for an average 270 youth. The Daughters of the King prayer team gathers weekly to pray for the community members, from prayer requests submitted, and for the entire community. St. Martin’s Steering Committee of 10 men and women provides support Team Sports Tuesday, October 6 7 p.m. Spring Spirit Baseball, 8526 Pitner Road Weather permitting For more information about reVision, contact Outreach Ministry at 713-985-3811 or and encouragement for St. Martin’s T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 17 OUTRE A CH Mission Trip Testimonial Honduras: Beautiful Land, Welcoming People Our day begins...before dawn... whoooo... whooooo. That little bird has a lot of volume. It is a cool, comfortable morning after a light rain from 2 to 4 a.m. and the coffee is ready. The day officially begins with devotion to reflect on our personal goals, our individual gifts and God’s mission. Breakfast follows at Zamarano, a tradition Honduran meal that is fuel for the day. The drive to the well site takes two and a half hours. It is a long ride by diverted route due to construction. This beautiful, rugged country is traversed, with plenty of rocks and lots of geology for show, green and healthy, with verdant crops in the field. Rural life is subsistence farming that is blessed by rains. Along the way, the people here are gracious and we are blessed to find accommodation when necessary in a village in need of water – perhaps this may be a future well project contact. A N D M I S S ION S local participants, TWM team members and St Martin’s parishioner missionaries joining together to ask a blessing, safety and fulfillment. “The day officially begins with devotion to reflect on our personal goals, our individual gifts and God’s mission.” Now the well site springs to life – intentioned, directed activity to place the rig, setup for drilling and prepare logistical support. Almost immediately the rig cranks up and the well is spudded. By 12:15 p.m. dust is coming forth, and gravel and rock emerges from the well bore. Lunch follows and we go to health and safety training along with a very special visit to the children’s ministry. We meet dear and engaging children, who are studying similar topics as their mothers, to learn about sanitation and keeping water pure, and better living in the future. With the well underway and a At Oropolis, we rendezvous with the Texas community trained, and our hearts Water Mission (TWM) Honduran driller, moved in God’s mission for our team Poco, and arrive at the well site. A blessing participation with Texas Water Mission. prayer for the project is moving, with – Michael Huffmaster, Missioner for Texas Water Mission in Honduras (pictured above with Honduran children) 18 T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 OUTRE A CH A N D M I S S ION S Opportunities to Serve and mentor Whether you are reaching out to help others less fortunate here in Houston or another country, doing so “makes the heart happy!” St. Martin’s partners with more than 50 agencies in Houston and abroad. Each week there is an organized effort to serve others and share in fellowship with other parishioners. For more information about St. Martin’s volunteer opportunities, contact Outreach Ministry at 713-985-3811 or Church Under the Bridge Tuesday, October 13 Christian Community Service Center Work Day 6:30 – 9 p.m. Saturdays, October 24 and 31 Church Under the Bridge ministers to 9 a.m. – noon the homeless in downtown Houston by 3434 Branard Street serving a meal, serving as prayer partners Christian Community Service Center and providing praise music for the worship service once a month. (CCSC) assists the poor, hungry, disabled and otherwise needy, and provides a back-to-school and Christmas program for low income children. They also offer emergency assistance for needy families, job training and school vision screening. The Gathering Kids’ Meals Monday, October 26 Tuesday, October 6 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. 4 – 5 p.m. Bagby Parish Hall Activity Center, Community Room The Gathering endeavors to use its time Kids’ Meals provides and distributes and gifts to serve Church members and nutritious lunches to hungry preschool others in our community who suffer with children throughout Houston. Men of memory loss. The program provides a St. Martin’s also hosts a Kids’ Meal safe and loving environment filled with program the fourth Tuesday of creative and stimulating activities for the month. See page 14 for more care partners, and allows their care givers information. respite from the day-to-day care and Stamping It Forward Tuesday, October 6 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 4 – 5 p.m. Activity Center No experience is required to help make paper creations such as cards, boxes, bags and more benefitting our Outreach programs. Creative coaching is included! All paper, embellishments, adhesive and tools are provided. Houston Food Bank/San Mateo Episcopal Church Food Fair Saturday, October 17 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. San Mateo Episcopal Church 6635 Alder Drive St. Martin’s coordinates quarterly food distribution to hundreds of families in the underserved San Mateo community located in southwest Houston. often difficult support required by care partners. The Gathering’s activities are centered around the timeless connection of music – singing favorite songs together, enjoying the camaraderie of games, reminiscing with friends who can relate to their experiences, making new friends while participating in fun craft projects and sharing the fellowship of a good meal. For more information, contact Kathy Tellepsen at 713-621-6485 or, or the Rev. Suse McBay at 713-985-3823 or T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 19 P A RI S H LIFE Thursday, August 13 – Approximately 200 parishioners, family members and friends attended St. Martin’s Night at the Cullen Theater for the opening night performance of “The Screwtape Letters” with award-winning actor Max McLean (center). Sunday, August 23 – Parents of children from kindergarten through 5th grade met in the Old Church while parents of children from 6th through 12th grade met in the Hope and Healing Center Auditorium to learn about all the programs, trips and retreats planned by Children’s Ministry and Student Ministries for the upcoming year. 20 T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 P a r i s h L i f e Kick-off Sunday – Coming Attractions 2015 Parishioners heard from the Rev. Dr. Russell J. Levenson, Jr., the Rev. Mary Wilson, the Rev. R-J Heijmen, Dr. Matt Stanford and others about all the opportunities for education, Outreach and events planned at St. Martin’s and the Hope and Healing Center for the coming year. Name the Theme for Shrove Tuesday The heroes, big Texas and night at the movies themes at recent Shrove Tuesday dinners have been so much fun that we want to continue this tradition – but we need your help. Join the fun and submit your idea for this year’s Shrove Tuesday theme! Email your entry to Bruce Morgan, Creative Director for Ministries, at If your idea is chosen, you’ll not only win a great prize, but also you and your family will be our special honored guests at the event. You also can have a hand in helping with various “hat-a-gories”, entertainment, decor, and more Entries are limited to one per person. If duplicate themes are entered, the winner will be selected by the earliest date the entry is received. The deadline for entries is Friday, November 20, 2015. T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 21 P A R I S H BAPTISMS NEW MEMBERS Caren Schmidt Laura Wheeler Tim Schmidt Erik Wheeler Janell Sewell Susanne Wright Brad Sewell Matthew Wright Jane Shipley Zoe Wright August 1 Sheila Bagozzi Elizabeth England Hobart McKinley Blackwell V Hunter Bell William England Paul Bell IV Robin Floyd Sadira Rose Dawson Paty Suarez de Blomerth Deanna Fuehne August 8 Matt Blomerth Alex Fuehne Ryker Reid Didow-Maloskey Julie Borque Colin Fuehne Sawyer Sloan Didow-Maloskey Craig Borque Dax Dakota Didow-Maloskey Barbara Gholson Savanna Bowman Jace James Didow-Maloskey Karyn Hall David Bowman William Wells Fuqua Philip Kerr Shana Burrow Hunt Kushner August 15 Holden Burrow Truett Latimer Kevin M. Weldon Graham Joseph Castille Russell Burrow Anthony Lizama Hayes Tallerine Stargel Woodley Burrow Ann Ludeke August 16 Tyson Day Stargel Jack Bush Ashley McCabe August 29 Don Cheatham Owen McCabe Melissa Cook Chris Meisenhalder Connor Cook Sealy Moore Amanda Dixon Michael Nwaiwu Hayden White Ann Onyekwena Sierra Dixon August 29 Frances Padon Stella Rose Dixon Amanda Kirkton Maxson and Ryan Trent Armbruster Monica Peral-Ratliff Christabel Ebuzoeme Frederick Ratliff Peggy England Francesca Ratliff Craig England August 31 Tatiana Ratliff Ruthe Duncan August 2 Annabelle Lee Moncrief MARRIAGES Wednesday, September 9 – A group of St. Martin’s volunteers boarded a little yellow school bus for a tour of Yellowstone Academy, which serves children from families living in extreme poverty. Yellowstone Academy mentors help children understand, through clear teaching and affectionate sharing, that reading enriches their lives. Volunteers also help with the Yellowstone Scouting program. 22 L I F E T H E S TA R I M AY 2 0 1 5 Doug Fuehne Hadley Smith SYMPATHY August 13 Edward Everett Horton III August 14 Addaleigh “Addie” Brooks Hamilton Nolan Henry King August 17 Richard “Dick” Vaughan August 21 Blanche Palmer Craig August 23 Thomas Wellborn Ford Sunday, August 30 – Serving as acolytes is all in the family for the children of Nancy and John Gray, Sr. The three siblings who served at the 8 a.m. service are Marine Lance Corporal David Gray (left), who is deploying shortly to the Mideast and was home on leave, John Gray, a senior at Houston Christian High School who is an acolyte master, chaplain and football team captain, and Margaret Gray, a sophomore at the University of Houston who is pursuing a degree in nursing. H o p e a n d H e a l i n g C e n t e r & I n s t i t u t e All classes, seminars and special events are free of charge unless otherwise noted. Reservations are requested. Activities are held in the Hope and Healing Center & Institute that is located on the eastern side of the St. Martin’s Episcopal Church campus. For more information or to register, visit The Autism Family Across the Lifespan: Caring for the Individual and the Family Thursday, October 1 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Learn from Kelley M. Williams, PsyD, LP, Mary Cooper, MEd, CCC/SLP of Krist Samaritan Center and Debbie Moon, mother of a son with ASD, about the signs and symptoms of autism, the warning signs of parental burnout, how to safeguard against burnout, and how you can reach Recovering from Trauma: Sensory Based Treatment Integrating Emotional, Psychological and Spiritual Dimensions In collaboration with New Heart Monday, October 19 of Texas Ministries Noon – 1:30 p.m. Thursday, October 8, Guest speaker Ruth 9 a.m. – noon Theresa Burke, MA, PhD, NCP, LPC, BCCP, Founder of Rachel’s Vineyard, and The Power of Healing Prayer to recognize and respond to the ways that Monday, October 5 the body and mind reveal unspeakable Chaplain, Harnhill Centre of Christian Healing, as she discusses the power of healing prayer and how our spiritual lives impact our physical and psychological wellbeing. She will share what the Bible says about disease and healing, as well as the benefits of healing ministry, based on American/Israeli Friday, October 9, an internationally recognized speaker and Join the Rev. Kate Picot, Director/ Ebenstein is an 9 a.m. – to 4 p.m. out and offer support to those in need. Noon – 1:30 p.m. How We Can Transform Ourselves: My Journey from Breast Cancer to Lobbyist for Women’s Health expert in trauma and healing, equips you writer/activist who has written and spoken about what emerged from her battle with breast cancer: an unexpected close friendship with devout Muslim Palestinian women – and a passion for health advocacy. events that have been hidden in secret. Mindfulness, Acceptance and Compassion in Service of Suicide Prevention Lunch and Learn In collaboration with the Depression and Wednesday, October 14 Noon – 1 p.m. Evangelina Hammonds, LCSW, psychotherapist and trauma specialist in private practice, discusses the emotional impact on individuals and their families/ the model used at Harnhill. caregivers, and the importance of caring The Role of Faith and Spirituality in Mental Health after a cardiovascular event and while for the behavioral and psychological health living with chronic heart disease. Bring Bipolar Support Alliance Tuesday, October 27 Noon – 1:30 p.m. This presentation by Thomas E. Ellis, PsyD, ABPP, Director of Psychology at the Menninger Clinic and Professor of Psychiatry in the Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Baylor College of Medicine, summarizes recent developments in the fields of your lunch; we will provide drinks. psychotherapy and suicidology that show The Journey to Healing and Love: Getting Beyond Abuse perspective for sustaining an alliance Chief Executive Wednesday, October 14 or her supporters. Officer of the Hope 6:30 – 8 p.m. Tuesday, October 6 6:30 – 8 p.m. In this presentation, Dr. Matt Stanford, and Healing Center & Institute, will answer Join Rick Huttner, retired Strategic the question, “What is the mental health Consultant, Huttner Holdings, Inc., as he and faith communities worked together shares his experience and mission that all to serve those in distress by providing a people can learn and know they need not framework for mental health recovery that remain victims, while regaining their self incorporates faith and spirituality?” respect, confidence and the love of self. He is joined by Dr. Matt Stanford and the Rev. Suse McBay, Deacon for Pastoral Care and Prayer Ministries. the potential of a mindful acceptance between a suicidal individual and his Lunch and Learn Wednesday, October 28 Noon – 1 p.m. With a simple yet profound method of inner healing prayer, Jesus brings truth that sets us free from these struggles. Come learn from Kathy Eason, Executive Director, Serenity Retreat, and witness a life-changing experience with God. Bring your lunch; we will provide drinks. T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 23 G i v i n g Remembering and Honoring Loved Ones and Friends A gift to the Saint Martin’s Endowment is a wonderful way to remember or honor your loved ones. The funds of the Endowment may be designated as you wish, strictly for special needs within St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, or for needs of those outside St. Martin’s. Giving gifts to the Endowment in memory of loved ones who have died, in honor of someone, or for any other reason, are excellent ways to ensure that the heritage of St. Martin’s will continue. Those honored and the families of those remembered will be notified of your gift. Checks may be sent to St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, 717 Sage Road, Houston, TX 77056, with an enclosed note indicating the names of those being honored or remembered. Please include your name, address, telephone number and information on others to be notified. For more information, contact Lynda Eyberse at 713-985-3833 or To the Endowment Fund In Memory of: Brad Burton by Garry Huckaby Brad Burton by Betty and Lawrence Rennell Jerry Basconi Jeannette S. Hastings Hazel Catherine Elizabeth Muckley by The Thomas F. and Catherine Mary Hastings Foundation Claire Elizabeth Ryan by Lynn and Mark Edwards To the Endowment-Choir Fund In Memory of: STG Design MLN Company Texas Steel Fabricators, Inc. Gloria and Ralph Hill Cheryl Bailey Jim Rector and Carol Bickham To the Endowment Fund In Honor of the 101st Birthday of: Eleanor Brooks Brown by Mrs. Ike S. Kampmann, Jr. Susan Ray Mayfield byPeggy Garland and Family Julie and Jim Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Allen T. McInnes Barbara and Roy Blackbird Judy and Henry Sauer To the Endowment-Outreach Fund In Memory of: To the Altar Guild Fund In Memory of: Robert Ryan by Lynn and Mark Edwards Susan Matthews Ellerbeck by Lisa Miller Oral Facial Surgery, PC Elizabeth and Michael Cotton Lucy Brantley Kelly Walker Linnie Burton Donnelly byWhitney and Dennis Gormley Lamar and Warren Hall To the Christian Life Study Fund In Honor of: Royden Stanley Bair by Marilyn and Bob Biehl Mary Katherine Piggott Mary Metz Ann Harvey Ken Perry Sandra Shenkir Marilyn and Tom Sumner Barbara and Tony Eberwein Rosalyn and Howard Parker Eleanor Jane McLean by Lynn and Mark Edwards Brad Burton by Wes Ferguson Patricia Ann (Pat) Bodley by Alida and Mike Webb To the Endowment-Inreach Fund In Memory of: To the Hope and Healing Center Fund In Memory of: Susan McGrath by Gina and Saib Saour Brad Burton by Thomas and Dunne Engineers LLC Gloria Escareno Marshall Diggs, Jr. by Bruce McIntyre 24 T h e S ta r I O C T O B ER 2 0 1 5 To the Discretionary Fund In Memory of: To the Outreach Ministries Fund In Memory of: Dale Carroll Cheesman, Jr. by Lynn and Mark Edwards To the Daughters of the King Fund In Memory of: To the Saintly Stitchers Fund for a Pew Kneeler In Honor of: The ECW by Ann Thurmond Florence A. McGee for the many ways in which she has blessed our church by Lee A. and John W. Hunnell Earl Lester, Jr. by Ginya and Clayton Trier The many women who have served in St. Martha’s Guild by Lee A. Hunnell To the Endowment Fund In Honor of: Albert J. Smith III by Gwen F. Smith Christy Dauphin by Kris and Thomas Dill To the Saintly Stitchers Fund for a Pew Kneeler In Memory of: William L. Sellers by Jan Sellers Andrew William Clay, infant son of Emily and Daniel Clay by the Lazarides, Lariviere, Sharma, and Hamilton families Pat Bodley by Ann Thurmond June Learned Tellepsen by Karen Tellepsen, Howard T. Tellepsen, Jr. and Thomas Tellepsen II Sandra G. Lipscomb by Julia Butler My Grandchildren: Allison Gray Anderson, Mary Stewart Anderson and John Douglas D’Angelo by Nedaye G. Potts John Patton’s Birthday by Barbara S. Patton Gwen F. Smith by Cynthia F. Guill To the Saintly Stitchers Fund for a Pew Kneeler In Thanksgiving for: The Pew Kneeler Project by Ann and Michael Halverson Our Marriage by Paula and Frank Gay My Family and Friends by Betty Kelly Moore The Plant Family by Bette Plant Thomas and Lynne Plant Spivey Our Marriage by Pam and Peter Jones The Gifts of Time and Talent of Robert and Shirley Allen by Brent and Kent Caldwell, Barbin Caldwell Graham and deSha Caldwell Carter G i v i n g Altar Flowers Given to the Glory of God To give Altar flowers for The Church, Narthex, Old Church or Chapel in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion, please contact Barbara Piana, Worship Services Coordinator, at 713-830-4116 or Floral gifts also may be given to the Garden of the Holy Cross flower fund in memory or in honor of a loved one. August 2 August 30 The Church The Church In memory of Charles Hansel Watt III on the anniversary of his birthday by Virginia Watt On the occasion of their marriage by Amanda Kirkton Maxson and Ryan Trent Armbruster The Narthex In thanksgiving for the 49th wedding anniversary of Marcia and Martin Taylor and the birthday of their daughter, Saralee Taylor Parker, by Martin Taylor In memory of Charles Hansel Watt III on the anniversary of his birthday by Virginia Watt August 9 August 23 The Church The Church In thanksgiving for their 35th wedding anniversary by Paula and Frank Gay In thanksgiving for their 50th wedding anniversary by Joan and Henry Hill The Chapel In thanksgiving for the baptism of Annabelle Lee Moncrief by Meredith and Andrew Moncrief T h e S ta r I MAY 2 0 1 5 25 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID HOUSTON, TX PERMIT NO. 013-054 717 Sage Road Houston, TX 77056 Volume 21, Issue 8, October 2015 © 2015 St. Martin’s Episcopal Church The Star (USPS 013-054) is published monthly by St. Martin’s Episcopal Church. Periodicals postage paid at Houston, TX. Address changes may be emailed to All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Postmaster Send address changes to St. Martin’s Episcopal Church 717 Sage Road Houston, TX 77056-2199 With an emphasis on beautiful liturgy and excellence in music, worship at St. Martin’s provides an opportunity to give thanks and praise to God. Rite I is the form regularly used. All Christians baptized in the name of the Trinity are welcome to receive Holy Eucharist in the Episcopal Church. Worship Services Sunday 8:00 a.m. oly Eucharist, The Church H Spoken service with sermon 9:00 a.m. oly Eucharist (first, third and fifth Sundays) or Morning Prayer (second H and fourth Sundays), The Church Family service with hymns, anthems and full Choir; feast days and other special events may affect the 9:00 a.m. worship schedule. 9:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 11:15 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Family Table, Holy Eucharist, Old Church Family-friendly contemporary worship oly Eucharist, The Church H Traditional service with hymns, anthems and full Choir The Altar, Holy Eucharist, The Island Contemporary worship for all ages Holy Eucharist, The Church Traditional service with hymns, choir and organist; casual attire Healing prayer, or prayer for any need, is offered after each service in The Church in the Patron’s Chapel located to the left of the Altar. Child care is available for newborns – pre-K for all Sunday morning services. For the sermon schedule and sermon audio, visit Audio copies of Sunday sermons also are available through the Bookstore & Gift Shoppe for just $3. Wednesday 7:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Chapel Noon Holy Eucharist followed by the Sacrament of Healing (Holy Unction), Chapel 6:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Chapel. The Order of St. Luke the Physician offers a Healing Prayer service from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. in the Old Church on the first Wednesday of each month.
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