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pdf - Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month
Gypsy Roma Traveller
June 2009
Gypsy Roma Traveller
June 2009
Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month in Leeds
Storytellers Awards and
Achievement Awards Ceremony
Wednesday 24th June 6.00 until 8.00pm
In the Banqueting Suite in Leeds Civic Hall
Featuring music by William Langton and
portraiture by Ferdinand Koci
Special Guest Performers
William Langton (Petulengro)
William has achieved many coveted awards both
Nationally and Internationally since he began playing
the accordion. The accordion was his destiny as many
members of the family, including his Grandmother and
Grandfather had played when they were young.
He is an entertainer born and
bred, he has his own style,
which is versatile and fresh,
and he has an infectious
personality which shines
through in his performance.
William is the Social
Director of the North West
International Accordion
Festival, he is the co-organiser of the NAO North West
Area Championship, committee member of the Blackpool
Accordion Club and the Blackpool and Fylde International
Accordion Festival. He is also the Junior News and Views
researcher and correspondent of the Accordion Times
International Magazine.
William has a busy time ahead, appearing as the entertainer
William Petulengro, and also as part of Gina and Romany Rye
as well as Accordion Club appearances and concert dates.
Gina Brannelli, Musical Educator
01253 778 764 accordions@btinternet.com
William Langton, c/o Gina Brannelli, Music World UK,
17 Marsh Mill Village, Thornton, Cleveleys, Lancashire FY5 4JZ
Ferdinand Koci – International Roma Artist
Ferdinand is Roma and from Albania. He was the first
Roma to attend the Art School in Tirana and has since
studied in France and has exhibited widely across
Europe. He speaks fluent Rromani, Albanian as well as
good English, French and some Italian and Polish.
Ferdinand has led successful and exciting workshops as
part of Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month (GRTHM) 2009
combining art appreciation
with practical work and
giving an insight into the
Gypsy Roma and Traveller
culture of which he is part.
He is currently working with
schools providing a range of
art activities and workshops
for children.
Ferdinand also undertakes commissioned work. He has
recently completed a memorable poster for GRTHM 2009. He
has completed many illustrations for books and publications
on Roma in particular. He provided all the illustrations for the
‘Open Roads Open Minds’ Travellers’ Storytelling Learning
Resource by the Gypsy Roma Traveller Achievement Service
(GRTAS) in Leeds.
An exhibition of his work is currently showing at the Flux
Gallery, 16a Midland Road, Leeds LS6 1BQ (until 28th June)
as part of GRTHM. Some of his work is on display in the
GRTAS library and can be viewed by appointment.
See www.grtleeds.co.uk for more information, work examples
and information on how to obtain posters and art featuring
his work.
0782 654 1739 ferdinand@grtleeds.co.uk
Daniel Lyons – Photographer
Daniel is recording tonight’s event. He is a photographer, shooting in the studio as
well as on location.
Schools, parents and award winners will be able to obtain souvenir photographs of tonight’s
ceremony. After the ceremony visit www.daniel-lyons-photography.com to view the
photographs and find details of how to purchase photographs you like.
Daniel specialises in events photography, including sports and corporate work. He uses the
latest digital equipment, ensuring the highest quality results. Daniel also produces beautifully
reproduced fine art prints – including many of Ferdinand Koci’s artworks – that are available
to buy from him and GRTAS.
See www.daniel-lyons-photography.com for details. 0775 311 1859 daniel_lyons_photography@yahoo.co.uk
June 2009
The Need for
Gypsy Roma Traveller
History Month
Gypsies, Roma and Travellers are the largest
Ethnic Minority community in the European
Union with over 12 million people. In the UK,
they are recognised ethnic minority communities
and number 300,000. They are also the most
marginalised and continue to suffer extreme levels
of prejudice and discrimination.
Despite this they have enriched our culture in so
many different ways. Gypsy Roma Traveller History
Month (GRTHM) aims to help raise awareness of
these communities and their valuable contributions
to our society and to offset the negative
stereotyping and prejudices that have led to the
situation where:
The Children’s Society report that nearly 9 out
of every 10 children and young people from a
Gypsy background have suffered racial abuse
and nearly two thirds have also been bullied
or physically attacked.
(November Report 2007)
The achievement levels of the Gypsy, Roma and
Traveller communities are the lowest of any of
the BME communities and the gap is widening.
(December 2007 DCSF national figures)
The Gypsy Roma Traveller Achievement Service in
Leeds (GRTAS) offers support and advice regarding
the education of Gypsy Roma and Traveller (GRT)
children in Leeds. GRTAS has had great success with
children accessing education from Pre-School to
Further Education and offers a range of support to
the GRT communities and all education providers.
They also produce culturally relevant educational
resources, including posters and DVDs.
As in 2008, the City of Leeds and GRTAS have
fully backed GRTHM, supporting Gypsy Roma and
Traveller music, dance and arts in the area. Find out
more at: www.grtleeds.co.uk and www.grthm.co.uk.
Gypsy Roma Traveller
June 2009
Gypsy Roma Traveller
Competition Awards
June 2009
National Association of Teachers of Travellers
+ Other Professionals
The Leeds winners of the National and Regional Storytelling
Competition organised by the National Association of
Teachers of Travellers and Other Professionals (NATT+).
This was a contest for all children from Foundation Stage
to Key Stage 4 to write a story to celebrate Gypsy Roma
Traveller History Month. Stories were to feature Gypsy
Roma and Traveller communities.
Foundation Stage
William Priestley – Blackgates School
Eleanor Gregson – Blackgates School
Key Stage 1
Indianna Reynolds – Blackgates School
William Collinson – Blackgates School
Runner up
Sophie Rhodes – Blackgates School
Key Stage 2
Zoe Tempest-Mitchell – Blackgates School
Joe Moore – Blackgates School
Runners up
Mollie Land and
Millie Hodges –
Rawdon St. Peter’s School
Areeba Mohammed –
Hillcrest School
Achievement Awards – Primary School Aged Children
Blackgates School
Hunslett Carr School
Holly May Price
Maisie Spaven
Nominator: Mrs Elaine Kay-Devanney, Head Teacher.
Nominator: Rachel Crosland, Class Teacher.
Reason for nomination: Always polite and well
mannered. Very good with Key Stage 1 pupils at lunchtime
– supports in dining room and helps with outdoor clothing.
Very willing to help with jobs. Responsible mature attitude.
Reason for nomination: 100% attendance and she puts
100% effort into all of her work. She is an extremely polite
and helpful child.
A happy girl with a pleasant disposition.
Cobden School
Tereza Rybarova
Nominator: Paula Head, Head Teacher.
Reason for nomination: Tereza has been an asset to
Cobden and we are sorry that she is now leaving to go to
High School. She has a fantastic attitude and gives 100% in
everything she does. She works hard in everything and during
Year 6 she has asked for extra homework every week to help
her prepare for SATs!
Tereza is an exemplar pupil in every way and would
thoroughly deserve an award.
Cottingley School
Tyrone Moloney
Nominator: Mrs Sally Hall
Reason for nomination: For making a huge effort to
improve his maths work this year. He has made a massive
improvement and has acted as a really positive role model for
the other children to aspire towards.
Ingram Road School
Nicola Malarova
Nominator: Miss Gartside
Reason for nomination: Her confidence is really
improving and she joins in all activities. Very good at all
sports, particularly football.
Rene Benak
Nominator: Mrs Robb
Reason for nomination: Settled really well into new
school and made friends. Tries hard with all his work.
Angel Kindon
Nominator: Mrs Robb
Reason for nomination: Attendance has greatly
improved. Has more confidence and social skills. Is making
good progress in all subjects in class.
Thomas James Kindon
Nominator: Miss Anderson
Reason for nomination: Taking responsibility for
lunchtime equipment and has been very caring in looking
after school property.
Fieldhead Carr School
Manilitho Kindon
Megan Cassidy Flint
Tullyanne Sherralee Flint
Nominator: Miss Anderson
Nominator: Miss Lisa Stevens, Learning Mentor.
Reason for nomination: Both girls have great attendance.
They join in out of school activities and their parents also play
a part in school life.
Holy Family Catholic School
Joseph Buxton
Nominator: Mrs B Crosthwaite
Reason for nomination: Joseph Buxton is in Year 6 and
has set up a very successful reading group at dinner times for
the Key Stage 1 children. This not only boosted Key Stage 1
confidence in reading but also promoted good relationships
between Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
He is very pro-active with school events and takes part in
all productions. Joseph is a popular member of his class and
always thinks of others.
Reason for nomination: Taking part as lunchtime buddies
and supporting reception children with transition.
Sandra Haluskova
Nominator: Miss Anderson
Reason for nomination: Has worked hard to improve her
attendance and behaviour in school.
Casey Docherty
Nominator: Mrs Whittaker
Reason for nomination: Making a big effort to improve
her attendance at school. Making progress in Maths.
Gabriel Benak
Nominator: Mrs Whittaker
Reason for nomination: Settled really well into his new
school and has made friends.
June 2009
Gypsy Roma Traveller
Jitka Haluskova
Nominator: Miss Woodlands
Reason for nomination: Concentrates really hard on the
Rossetta Stone Programme. Is very focussed and tries to get
100%. Has worked hard to improve her attendance. Working
hard in English and Maths and speaking in full sentences.
Nikkita Kindon
Nominator: Mr Corkery
Reason for nomination: Having the confidence to stand
up in assembly and read the prayer each week.
Vanesa Malasova
Nominator: Ms O’Keefe
Reason for nomination: Has settled really well into
nursery and is making friends. She attends regularly.
Isaac Smith
Nominator: Mr Corkery
Reason for nomination: Provides a good role model for
the younger children. Takes care of them if they are upset.
Morley Newlands School
Lewis Henry Price
Nominator: Belinda Johnson, Class Teacher.
Reason for nomination: Over the school year, Lewis has
made a fantastic improvement in his attitude to work. He
has become much more engaged and focused, he has taken
part in ‘Every Child Counts’ which has helped to develop his
confidence. Lewis has now found his voice during lessons!
Lewis is now keen to learn and be an active member of the
class. Most importantly he enjoys his time at school.
Richmond Hill School
Louis Ward
Nominators: Sue Mudie, Head Teacher.
Simon Danby, Class Teacher.
Reason for nomination: Louis has been at Richmond
Hill since Nursery and has been an excellent pupil, working
hard, having very good attendance (always over 95%) and
taking part in all aspects of school life, he is a good sports
person and has been particularly keen to take part in school
performances, he has an excellent singing voice. He has been
a credit to himself, his family and school.
June 2009
Savana Lowther
Roma Traveller
Nominators: Sue Mudie,GHead
Helen McIntyre, Year 5 Class Teacher.
Reason for nomination: Savana has made tremendous
progress over the past two years. Since the beginning of Year
4 she has really got down to work in school and completed
and worked at home making significant achievement.
Savana has shown a real keenness and determination.
St. Theresa’s Catholic School
Brye Collins
Nominators: Mrs Ellis, Class Teacher.
Mr Hutchinson, Head Teacher.
Reason for nomination: For helping the other children
within the year group and the school to learn more about
the Gypsy Roma Traveller Communities during Cultural
Heritage week as part of The Stephen Lawrence Education
Standard. Literacy lessons on storytelling using Travellers
stories as a resource.
Seven Hills School
Douglas Pattison
Nominator: Louise Bates, Class Teacher.
Reason for nomination: I would like to nominate
Douglas for an award. Douglas is in Year 3 and I have seen
him mature this year. He works hard in class, he has great
enthusiasm and is a delight to teach. Douglas definitely
understands when it’s time to focus and when to laugh
and joke.
He is a friendly and popular member of the class. This was
shown when he was chosen by his peers to be the Year 3
School Council representative. This is a new role for Douglas
and he is beginning this with enthusiasm and taking it very
seriously. Well done! I am very proud of him and he should
be proud of himself.
Whingate School
Patrick Duffy
Nominator: Mrs Janet Harris
Reason for nomination: Excellent improvement
(sustained) in attendance.
Brilliant, positive attitude to all aspects of school life and
towards adults and peers. A pleasure to teach and to have
in our school community.
Achievement Awards – Secondary School Aged Young People
City of Leeds School
Simona Fraterova (Year 10)
Nominators: Mr Daud Bilal Wright
Ms Linda Cooper
Reason for nomination: My reasons are that she is
always sensible in lessons, attempts all activities and often
works independently. She is a pleasant and well behaved
young person.
Michal Karsa (Year 11)
Nominator: Ms Carrie-Ann Merifield
Reason for nomination: After realising how musical
Michal was I arranged for him to move into the GCSE music
class around Christmas (of this year). The course requires a
lot of coursework (2 performances and 2 compositions that
need to be recorded), despite Michal also going on holiday
for a long period of time, he has worked really hard since
joining the class and completed all this coursework ready for
the deadline.
He also works really well with the other students in the
class and brought a new sense of enthusiasm and musicality
to the group which was very refreshing as we approached
coursework deadlines and exam preparation.
Michal also helped with the school orchestra after school. The
music exam is next week and although I am sure this will be
difficult for Michal (and many of the students in the class!) he
should be proud of the work he has achieved in such a short
space of time.
Libor Horvath (Year 10)
Nominator: Mr Simon Fitzgerald
Reason for nomination: The reward would be for
continuous very good behaviour and effort as he tries very
hard every lesson and I am very pleased with his progress
as we had a very good dictionary based discussion about
fairness and crime last week.
Rene Horvath (Year 8)
Nominator: Ms Funmi Watts
Reason for nomination: I’d like to nominate Rene
Horvath. He is very motivated, takes a real pleasure in trying
his best, works very hard all the time, and has probably had
the most R4s I’ve ever given out in my teaching career! More
specifically, he is very confident with his writing. He always
answers comprehension questions fully, and when asked to
produce a longer piece of writing, he doesn’t hold back …
(is not afraid to make spelling and grammar mistakes), but
really tries hard and produces a long piece.
Magdalena Toracova (Year 9)
Nikolas Csupori (Year 9)
Nominator: Mr Simon Fitzgerald
Reason for nomination: Magda Toracova and Nik Csupori
for constant excellent behaviour, work and effort. They have
really tried and worked hard in RE. I am very impressed with
them and their progress.
Zuzana Adamova (Year 10)
Robert Karsa (Year 10)
Tereza Salayova (Year 10)
Lukas Gregor (Year 11)
Barbara Horvazhova (Year 9)
Eva Korinkova (Year 9)
Nominator: Mr Simon Fitzgerald
Reason for nomination: For excellent effort and
behaviour and ‘giving it a go.’
Cockburn College of Art
Kathleen Nicholson
Nominator: Christine Sutcliffe
Reason for nomination: Kathleen has a very positive
attitude to learning and is working towards 5A* – C for
GCSEs which she takes next year. She is on target to gain
11A* – G including English and Maths.
She has maintained good attendance throughout her school
career – Year 7: 98%, Year 8: 96%, Year 9: 92%, Year 10: 93%
– and contributes to all aspects of school life.
Corpus Christi Catholic School
Liam Collins
Nominator: Peter Fusco, Deputy Head Teacher.
Reason for nomination: Academic progress – he will
achieve a number of GCSEs – he has already passed Maths
GCSE. Social progress – Liam has matured in his time at
Corpus Christi. He is turning out to be a sensible, objective
young person.
Lawnswood School
Michaela Risdon
Nominators: Jenny Elliott
Christine Day
Reason for nomination: Michaela has maintained
an excellent attitude to learning throughout her time at
Lawnswood. She exceeded her target levels when she took
her Key Stage 3 SATs last year, achieving good Level 3s in
English and Science, and a Level 4 in Maths.
Gypsy Roma Traveller
This represents very good achievement for Michaela. She has
continued this progress into her GCSE subjects. She looks set
to gain qualifications in English, Maths, Science, ICT, ASDAN,
Health and Social Care, Drama and RE.
Morley School
Adam Reec Atkinson
Nominator: Dave Bardsey
Reason for nomination: Adam Reec for the most
improved student of the year. He is top of the class on the
building course. He has had no exclusions this year and his
attendance has gone up.
Primrose School
Peter Zsiga
Nominator: Georgina Vince, EAL Course Leader.
Reason for nomination: He was nominated completely
independently by 9 teachers across different subject areas,
including Science, English, ICT, History, Literacy, EAL, ASDAN
and PE. They nominated him for achievement, improvement
and effort in their subjects. It was mentioned that he always
tries hard in lessons and has a very positive attitude to school
and to his learning. There were also many comments about
his excellent manners, politeness and courtesy. He is also very
helpful and always supports other students in class, especially
those who may be new to the school and need help with
their English.
I would also like to add that Peter has been extremely helpful
for me in supporting a new Czech student in the school:
showing him round, acting as an interpreter, supporting him
in lessons and generally looking after him. He has always
been extremely polite, friendly and helpful in doing this.
Natalie Lazova
Nominator: Georgina Vince, EAL Course Leader.
Reason for nomination: For completing her coursework
well and generally working hard in Childcare and
Health & Social Care.
Idriz Haziri
Nominator: Georgina Vince, EAL Course Leader.
Reason for nomination: For excellent effort and always
showing a positive attitude in English. For showing many
excellent qualities and being a good all-round student
in Science.
Patize Haziri
Nominator: Georgina Vince, EAL Course Leader.
Reason for nomination: For making a good effort to
improve her attendance and school work this year and for
working hard to secure a college place for next year.
June 2009
Tibor Geci
Nominator: Georgina
Reason for nomination:HISTORY
For hisMONTH
hard work
lessons. He is considerate to all other students within the
class even those he would not normally mix with. He is
eager to do all things in the lesson and is a very polite and
considerate young man.
He is also always willing to act as an interpreter for new
students and often helps to interpret when parents come in
etc., showing great maturity and politeness.
South Leeds School
Yvonne Gentle
Nominator: Mrs Barbara Trayer, Deputy Head Teacher.
Reason for nomination: She joined the BTEC Health and
Social Diploma course after the initial start date and has
shown the determination to catch up with her peers and to
complete the units to a high standard.
West Leeds School
Amanda Fiedler
Nominator: Julie Hodgson
Reason for nomination: Amanda has a positive attitude
towards her studies and is a helpful and valued member of
her year group. Amanda’s attendance is very much improved
this academic year and her punctuality is excellent.
Wortley High School
Milan Hudi
Nominator: Kim Hunter, EAL Co-ordinator.
Reason for nomination: He had missed some of his
education in the Czech Republic and believe this was because
of his ethnic background. Milan did not speak any English
and he found the first few weeks stressful and became upset.
However with support he has gone on to be a happy student
at WHS. He is a confident speaker of English, and he supports
new arrival pupils in Year 8 from the Czech Republic and
Slovakia. He also was the runner up in the Secondary School
Category for the 2008 Peace Poetry Competition.
This is a wonderful achievement, I am very proud of Milan.
I am confident that he will be very successful at school.
Library Services
Kathrine Moloney
Nominator: Emma Hayton, Leeds City Library.
Reason for nomination: Katharine regularly attends
Leeds City Library for a computer development course. She
concentrates and stays on track. She works co-operatively
with other students and shares her skills with her siblings.
Gypsy Roma Traveller
June 2009
Gypsy Roma Traveller
The Ceremony Programme
June 2009
5.30 – 6.10pm
Tea/Coffee/Juice and Biscuits
William Langton, English Romany Gypsy,
entertains the audience.
An opportunity to view the displays and see Ferdinand
Koci, International Roma artist do portraiture and listen
to William Langton, English Romany Gypsy, who is the UK
Champion Accordion Player and 6th best in the world.
The Lord Mayor, Councillor Judith Elliot, welcomes
everyone to the Civic Hall and commends the children
and young people on their achievements.
Rehana Minhas, Equality and Entitlement
Strategy Manager for Education Leeds,
congratulates everyone on their achievements
and how this is an important element in developing
the cultural heritage of Leeds.
The Prize-giving to Primary School Aged Children.
Chris Edwards, Chief Executive of Education
Leeds, talks about the importance of this national
celebration of Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month and
the achievements in Leeds.
Milan Hudi reads his poem, which won a prize
in the 2008 Peace Poetry Competition.
Some of the winning stories read by the children.
The Prize-giving to Secondary School Aged
Young People.
The prize-giving to storytellers –
Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
Ceremony concludes.
Master of Ceremonies: Eugen Balaz and Sentabell Mabbott (Gypsy Roma Traveller Achievement Service)
Honoured Guests: The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Councillor Judith Elliot
Chris Edwards, Chief Executive Education Leeds
Rehana Minhas, Equality and Entitlement Strategy Manager for Education Leeds
Gypsy Roma Traveller Achievement Service Leeds
National Association of Teachers of Travellers
+Other Professionals