Office of Human Resources Hurst-Euless
Office of Human Resources Hurst-Euless
Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District D Office of Human Resources Dear New Employee, Welcome to the Hurst-Euless-Bedford I. S. D. We are delighted that you have been offered a professional position for the 2016-2017 school year and look forward to meeting you during your upcoming new hire meeting with Human Resources. This letter contains instructions for completing the required paperwork for the meeting. Please have ALL paperwork completed upon arrival so as not to delay your new hire process. To print the required documents: Go to Using the grey horizontal navigation bar at the top of the website, hover your mouse over Careers, scroll down to Human Resources, and click to enter the HR webpage. Using the menu along the left side of the page, click on New Hire Info & Documents. DOCUMENTS THAT MUST BE PRINTED, COMPLETED, AND BROUGHT TO THE MEETING: HR Data Record I-9 form W-4 form Direct Deposit form (Attach a voided check) Network Access Agreement Two (2) Social Security Statements (Employee ID on these forms is your Social Security Number) Two (2) HEB ISD Professional Employee Expectations (Initial each item; sign/date the bottom) Two (2) HEB ISD Professional Coach Expectations- COACHES ONLY (Initial each item; sign/date the bottom) DOCUMENTS THAT INCLUDE IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR YOUR RECORDS: Quality Learning Department Flyer (Includes important dates/times for your calendar) Athletics Department Welcome Letter- COACHES ONLY (Includes important dates/times for your calendar) Board Policy and Employee Handbook Access Instructions (Includes pathway to important documents) 2016-2017 District Map 2016-2017 District Calendar/ Administration Office Information ITEMS THAT MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE MEETING: Two allowable forms of identification (see List of Acceptable Documents attached to I-9 form) Social Security Card for verification of middle name/initial on HR Data Record Original transcript(s) (not copies) from each college you attended * Original Service Record from current/previous school District(s) showing years of experience * * Transcript(s) and service record(s) must be provided within 30 days of the date of your letter of intent, if not available at time of the new hire meeting. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Our entire Human Resources team looks forward to supporting you as an employee in HEB ISD. Sincerely, Sonia Cardenas and Cicely Tuttle Coordinators of Human Resources Sonia Cardenas, Coordinator of HR, Elementary Staffing~ 817-399-2011 Cicely Tuttle, Coordinator of HR, Secondary Staffing~ 817-399-2010 HURST-EULESS-BEDFORD INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES NEW HIRE DATA RECORD Social Security #: ______________________________ DL #: ___________________________ Date of Birth: _____/_____/________ MM DD YYYY ________________________________ LEGAL Last Name _______________________________ LEGAL First Name _________________________________ Middle Name/Initial *As it appears on your SS Card ________________________ Maiden Name Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________________ State: _________________________________ Phone: (____)______________________________________ Zip: ________________________ Ethnicity: Are you Hispanic/Latino? Choose only one: _______Hispanic/Latino Gender: _______Male _______Female ______Not Hispanic/Latino Race: What is your race? Choose one or more regardless of ethnicity. Indicate your primary race with a “1”. Check all others that apply. _______American Indian or Alaska Native _______Asian _______White _______Black or African American _______Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander Highest Education: (circle one) No HS diploma earned Associate’s Degree High School/GED Bachelor’s Degree 30+ College hours Master’s Degree 60+ College hours Doctoral Degree University/ies from which degree(s) were earned: (Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Creditable Years of Education Experience: ________________ Years in HEB ISD: ______________ Privacy Issues/Public Information From time to time, we receive requests for public information regarding District employees. According to Section 552.024 of the Texas Government Code, you may agree to or deny public access to this personal information about yourself. Please indicate your choices. Yes No _____ _____ I give permission for my home address and phone number to be released. _____ _____ I give permission for my personal email address to be released. _____ _____ I give permission for my personal cell phone number to be released. _____ _____ I give permission for information about my family members to be released. _______________________________________________________________ Signature ______________________________ Date Please keep for your records. AUTHORIZATION AGREEMENT FOR AUTOMATIC DEPOSITS HURST-EULESS-BEDFORD ISD (PAYROLL OFFICE) Employee’s Name: _________________________________________________ Last First ____________________________ Middle Initial Campus/Dept.: __________________________________________________________ I.D. # Ext #: ______________________ For the purpose of direct deposit of payroll checks only, I hereby authorize Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District, hereinafter called SCHOOL DISTRICT, to initiate direct deposit (credit) entries and correction (debit) entries to my checking or savings account designated above and the depository named above, hereinafter called DEPOSITORY, to credit and/or debit the same to such account. This authority is to remain in effect until SCHOOL DISTRICT has received written notification from me of its termination or new authorization (for bank change) at least ten working days prior to the scheduled pay date. I understand that to initiate this agreement, this correctly completed form and a voided personal check for checking account or a personalized deposit slip for savings account must be returned to the Payroll Office at least ten working days before a pay date. I UNDERSTAND THAT ONCE THIS FORM IS PROCESSED, ON THE FIRST PAYDATE FOLLOWING, I WILL RECEIVE MY CHECK AT MY PAY LOCATION, AND ON THE NEXT PAYDATE, MY CHECK WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DEPOSITED TO THE ACCOUNT SPECIFIED ABOVE. ACCOUNT #1 Depository (Financial Institution): ACCOUNT #2 Depository (Financial Institution): Branch: Branch: City/State/Zip: City/State/Zip: Checking Savings Checking Savings Full Amount Partial Amt $ ________ Full Amount Partial Amt $ ________ Transit Routing #: Transit Routing #: Account #: Account #: *Transit Routing # is the 9 digits prior to the account number on the bottom of your check. Please attach a voided check for each account or deposit slip for savings. Employee’s Signature Form 23-05 Date Hurst-Euless-Bedford ISD Network Access Agreement I understand that by signing this agreement, HEB ISD will create a unique user id and password that will be used for: accessing the district’s Microsoft network internet Exchange email system logging calls to the Help Desk accessing the School Center software where I will maintain my department/campus/classroom web pages I also understand that this unique user id and password is for my use and that it is my responsibility to protect its use; I understand that it is not to be shared with other individuals in or outside the district. I understand it is my responsibility to read and become familiar with Local Board Policy CQ, Technology Resources - District’s Electronic Communications System. I agree to abide by the provisions explained in this policy and in the district’s Employee Handbook. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in suspension or revocation of my system access. I understand that should I commit or cause to commit any violations, my access privileges may be revoked without notice, and district action and/or appropriate legal action may be taken up to and including termination of my employment. I understand that this agreement becomes effective on my first day of duty with HEB ISD and remains in effect for the length of my employment in the district. Employee Name (Print): _______________________ Date: _______________________ Employee Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ You can access the Technology Resources policy by doing the following: • Go to • Hover your browser over Inside HEB ISD (top tab), scroll down to Board Policy and click on it • Enter CQ in box titled “Enter Policy Code” and click on “Find Policy” OR enter Technology Resources in box titled “Enter Word or Phrase” and click on “Search” • Select applicable policy to download/print Office of Human Resources (White copy retained in Employee File/Yellow copy given to employee) Duplicate Form 310-10 Revised 10/4/12 SSN SSN Please keep for your records. Core Message #2 Quality teachers and effective schools are essential to students' learning. NEW HIRE ORIENTATION DATE: AUGUST 1-10, 2016 TIME: 8:00AM – 4:00PM *AUGUST 1, 2016 7:30-8:00 REGISTRATION /LIGHT BREAKFAST LOCATION: PAT MAY CENTER 1849B Central Drive Bedford, TX 76022 LUNCH: ON YOUR OWN ATTIRE: PROFESSIONAL New Hire Orientation will introduce you to the culture and climate of HEB ISD and provide you with information and resources to ensure a successful start to your career in our district. Schedule outline will be given on August 1, 2016 Questions: Quality Learning Karen Miller/ Paula Empkey Contact: (817) 399 2185 HURST-EULESS-BEDFORD I.S.D. PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEE EXPECTATIONS Please initial each item indicating your commitment to the expectations below: HEB ISD is a high performing school district driven by a common purpose. I will advance the District’s mission, vision, goals, and core values. HEB ISD is a diverse community of learners requiring a commitment to high expectations for all students. I will focus on student learning to narrow the achievement gap. HEB ISD is a Continuous Improvement District where decisions are made based on data. I am responsible for implementing a data-driven system of improvement. HEB ISD is a school district that seeks high-quality, results-driven employees. I am accountable for individual and team performance. HEB ISD is a learning community where student success is linked to professional development. I will complete the District Professional Development framework, aligned to my position, within five years of my initial employment. I understand that I will be required to attend Professional Development classes outside of my designated work hours. HEB ISD is a minority/majority school district that celebrates diverse student groups. The District is preparing students for the highly competitive global economy of today and tomorrow. I will embrace the District’s ethnic, economic and cultural diversity and I will work to maximize each student’s potential. HEB ISD is a school district whose focus is on the “Whole Child.” I will participate in and support activities outside the school day that encourage student and family involvement. ____________________________ Employee’s Signature ___________________ Date of Commitment Sonia Cardenas/Cicely Tuttle ___________________ Date Received HR Coordinator’s Signature Office of Human Resources HURST-EULESS-BEDFORD I.S.D. PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEE EXPECTATIONS Please initial each item indicating your commitment to the expectations below: HEB ISD is a high performing school district driven by a common purpose. x I will advance the District’s mission, vision, goals, and core values. HEB ISD is a diverse community of learners requiring a commitment to high expectations for all students. x I will focus on student learning to narrow the achievement gap. HEB ISD is a Continuous Improvement District where decisions are made based on data. x I am responsible for implementing a data-driven system of improvement. HEB ISD is a school district that seeks high-quality, results-driven employees. x I am accountable for individual and team performance. HEB ISD is a learning community where student success is linked to professional development. x I will complete the District Professional Development framework, aligned to my position, within five years of my initial employment. x I understand that I will be required to attend Professional Development classes outside of my designated work hours. HEB ISD is a minority/majority school district that celebrates diverse student groups. The District is preparing students for the highly competitive global economy of today and tomorrow. x I will embrace the District’s ethnic, economic and cultural diversity and I will work to maximize each student’s potential. HEB ISD is a school district whose focus is on the “Whole Child.” x I will participate in and support activities outside the school day that encourage student and family involvement. ____________________________ Employee’s Signature ___________________ Date of Commitment 6RQLD&DUGHQDV&LFHO\7XWWOH ___________________ Date Received HR Coordinator’s Signature Office of Human Resources HEB ISD Professional Coach Expectations Please initial each item indicating your commitment to the expectations below: Section I: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to be dedicated to the coaching profession and desire to grow professionally. • • I will advance the HEB Athletic Department mission and uphold its philosophy. I will focus on my professional development by pursuing opportunities for growth outside my assigned coaching responsibilities. Section II: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to contribute to the success of the overall athletic program. • I am accountable for all levels of our program’s achievement. Section III: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to build and maintain professional relationships with teachers, coaches, administrators, parents, and all other stakeholders. • I will establish open communication with all stakeholders and strive to keep those communications professional and consistent. Section IV: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to devote the necessary hours toward the improvement of his/her program(s) and be willing to make personal sacrifice. • I understand that the responsibility and honor of the coaching profession requires a commitment above and beyond my teaching duties. Section V: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to possess knowledge of his/her sport(s) and be detailed in his/her approach. • I am responsible for implementing a data-driven system of evaluation and improvement. Section VI: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to inspire, motivate, and develop self-confidence in our athletes. • I will focus on both the mental and physical aspects of my sport(s) with the intent of creating highly competitive athletes. Section VII: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to be fair, honest, and consistent with individual and team discipline. • I will hold my athletes to a high level of athletic excellence and self-discipline. Section VIII: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to conduct themselves in an appropriate and professional manner, and maintain a professional personal appearance. • I will exemplify professionalism in all my coaching responsibilities. Signature of Coach Date of Commitment Cicely Tuttle Signature of HR Coordinator Date of Commitment HEB ISD Professional Coach Expectations Please initial each item indicating your commitment to the expectations below: Section I: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to be dedicated to the coaching profession and desire to grow professionally. • • I will advance the HEB Athletic Department mission and uphold its philosophy. I will focus on my professional development by pursuing opportunities for growth outside my assigned coaching responsibilities. Section II: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to contribute to the success of the overall athletic program. • I am accountable for all levels of our program’s achievement. Section III: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to build and maintain professional relationships with teachers, coaches, administrators, parents, and all other stakeholders. • I will establish open communication with all stakeholders and strive to keep those communications professional and consistent. Section IV: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to devote the necessary hours toward the improvement of his/her program(s) and be willing to make personal sacrifice. • I understand that the responsibility and honor of the coaching profession requires a commitment above and beyond my teaching duties. Section V: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to possess knowledge of his/her sport(s) and be detailed in his/her approach. • I am responsible for implementing a data-driven system of evaluation and improvement. Section VI: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to inspire, motivate, and develop self-confidence in our athletes. • I will focus on both the mental and physical aspects of my sport(s) with the intent of creating highly competitive athletes. Section VII: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to be fair, honest, and consistent with individual and team discipline. • I will hold my athletes to a high level of athletic excellence and self-discipline. Section VIII: The HEB Athletic Department expects our coaches to conduct themselves in an appropriate and professional manner, and maintain a professional personal appearance. • I will exemplify professionalism in all my coaching responsibilities. Signature of Coach Date of Commitment &LFHO\7XWWOH Signature of HR Coordinator Date of Commitment HURST-EULESS-BEDFORD INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES Online Access to Board Policies and Employee Handbook Hurst-Euless-Bedford I.S.D. Board Policy and the Hurst-Euless-Bedford I.S.D. Employee Handbook may be accessed from the District website at To access Board Policy: Go to Place browser over Inside HEB ISD [top tab], scroll down and click on Board Policy Enter key “word or phrase” or “policy code” and click on Search Select applicable policy to download/print To access Employee Handbook: Go to Place browser over Careers [top tab], scroll down and click on Human Resources Click on HR Documents [left tab] Click on “Employee Handbook [school year]” Click on Download Now View, save, or print Employee Handbook Board Policy and the Employee Handbook are subject to periodic revision as circumstances warrant. JUNIOR HIGHS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS 13 Shady Brook 10 North Euless 16 Spring Garden 18 West Hurst 2601 Shady Brook Dr. 2400 Cummings Dr. 501 Precinct Line Rd. 1000 Cummings Dr. 1101 Denton Dr. Bedford 76021 354-3513 Bedford 76021 354-3395 Hurst 76053 285-3290 Bedford 76021 788-3150 Euless 76039 354-3505 Oakwood Terrace Shady Oaks Stonegate Wilshire 2 Bell Manor 14 11 17 19 700 Ranger Rd. 1400 Cavender 900 Bedford Rd. E. 420 Wilshire Blvd. 1300 Winchester Way Euless 76040 354-3386 Hurst 76053 285-3240 Bedford 76022 Euless 76040 354-3529 Bedford 76022 354-3370 285-3250 12 River Trails 15 South Euless 3 Bellaire 8850 Elbe Tr. 605 S. Main 501 Bellaire Dr. 35 Viridian 4001 Cascade Sky Dr. Fort Worth 76118 Euless 76040 354-3521 Hurst 76053 285-3230 Arlington 76005 Mid-Cities Blvd. 285-3235 Donna Park 4 1125 Scott Dr. Cheek-Sparger Hurst 76053 285-3285 5 Harrison Lane Cummings 7 1000 Harrison Ln. Cummings Ash 20 Hurst 76053 285-3270 1 Hurst Hills Carolyn Dr. 16 6 23 525 Billie Ruth Ln. Hurst 76053 285-3295 Harwood 8 Harwood 10 d o 7 Lakewood 13 o w 1600 Donley Dr. Har Euless 76039 354-3375 Midway Meadow Creek 8 3001 Harwood Rd. 25 Airport Frwy (183, 121) s les 26 9 22 Bedford 76021 Highway 183 E Eu 17 354-3500 d 14 r o df Midway Park Be 9 409 N. Ector Dr. 29-33 19 Donna Euless 76039 4 Signet 354-3380 12 Tyne Tr. Tr in ity Ri ve r Bear Creek Pkwy. Highway 360 S. Main Ector Simmons Ranger Wilshire 1100 Raider Dr. Euless 76040 354-3563 PTA Clothes Closet (portable) 399-2559 Blue Lake Discipline Alternative Education Program 354-3398 29 G ene A. Buinger Career and Technical Education Academy 1849E Central Drive Bedford 76022 354-3542 30 Transition Center 1849F Central Drive Bedford 76022 354-3537 31 Administration Office 1849A Central Drive Bedford 76022 283-4461 32 Pennington Field 1501 Central Dr. Bedford 76022 354-3591 33 Pat May Center 1849B Central Drive Bedford 76022 283-4461 34 Auxiliary Services Facility 1350 W. Euless Blvd Euless 76040 • 3191 W. Pipeline Rd. Euless 76040 354-3350 22 Euless Junior High 306 W. Airport Frwy. Euless 76039 354-3340 Harwood Junior High 23 3000 Martin Dr. Bedford 76021 354-3360 24 Hurst Junior High 500 Harmon Rd. Hurst 76053 285-3220 15 S. Pipeline y nit Tri 35 Trinity Blvd. . vd Bl HIGH SCHOOLS 25 L.D. Bell High School 1601 Brown Tr. Hurst 76054 282-2551 26 Trinity High School 500 N. Industrial Blvd. Euless 76039 571-0271 27 KEYS Learning Center 1100 Raider Dr. Euless 76040 354-3580 Tarrant/Dallas County Line S. Pipeline 325 Carolyn Dr. Bedford 76021 788-3101 21 Central Junior High N. Main Lakew ood N 21 y1 wa gh Martin 11 27 Forrest E. Watson Educational Center Elbe Tr. Jones Cascade Sky y 10 hwa Hig 27 34 Industrial Blvd. (157) 21 Hi Central Dr. W ay k roo yB d Sha Forest Ridge r este ch Win Raider 3 Bellaire Harrison Ln. 2 Pipeline Rd. OTHER FACILITIES Norwood Trinity Blvd. Thames Tr. East Loop 820 Highway 10 Norwood 24 Harmon 18 Cavender Hurstview Precinct Line Rd. Scott Dr. Redbud Billie Ruth 6 5 20 Bedford Junior High Locator Map Brown Trail woo Nor d Do n ley 1 Bedford Heights HURST-EULESS-BEDFORD INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2016-2017 SCHOOL CALENDAR JULY 2016 S M T W T F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 S 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 M N N PD 22 29 T N N PD 23 30 W N N PD 24 31 T N PD PD 25 F N PD PD 26 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER AUGUST 2016 S AUGUST S 6 13 20 27 NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER 2016 S M T W T 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 DECEMBER JANUARY OCTOBER 2016 S M T 2 9 16 23 30 3 PD 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 W T F S 1 PD 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 NOVEMBER 2016 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY 27 28 29 30 DECEMBER 2016 S M T W T 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 For Inclement Weather School Closings or Delayed Openings, News Events and Important Updates Sign Up for Free BACKPACK E-NEWS 1 1-10 11-19 22 New Teachers Begin New Teacher Professional Development Professional Development First Day of School 5 Labor Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL 30 End of 1st Six Weeks (29 Days) 5 Secondary Professional Development - NO SCHOOL 5 Elementary Parent Conference Day - NO SCHOOL 10 Professional Development - NO SCHOOL 10 11 11 11 23-25 Early Release - High School Only: 12:45 p.m. Early Release - Elem: 11:50 a.m., JH: 12:20 p.m., HS: 12:45 p.m. End of 2nd Six Weeks (28 Days) End of 1st Trimester (57 Days) Thanksgiving Holiday - NO SCHOOL 5-9 STAAR EOC Test (Dates subject to change, per TEA) 19-30 Winter Break - NO SCHOOL 13 13 13 16 Early Release - Elem: 11:50 a.m., JH: 12:20 p.m., HS: 12:45 p.m. End of 3rd Six Weeks (32 Days) End of 1st Semester (89 Days) Martin Luther King Holiday - NO SCHOOL 23 24 24 24 Early Release - High School Only: 12:45 p.m. Early Release - Elem: 11:50 a.m., JH: 12:20 p.m., HS: 12:45 p.m. End of 4th Six Weeks (29 Days) End of 2nd Trimester (61 Days) 13-17 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL 28-31 STAAR Grades 4,5,7,8 and EOC English I & II 13 End of 5th Six Weeks (29 Days) 14 Holiday - NO SCHOOL 1-5 8-12 8 9 24 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 27 27 29 30-31 STAAR EOC Test (Dates subject to change, per TEA) STAAR Grades 3-8 (Dates subject to change, per TEA) STAAR Math Retest Grades 5 & 8 STAAR Reading Retest Grades 5 & 8 Last Day of School Early Release - Elem: 11:50 a.m., JH: 12:20 p.m., HS: 12:45 p.m. End of 6th Six Weeks (28 Days) End of 3rd Trimester (57 Days) End of 2nd Semester (86 Days) Professional Development Professional Development KEYS Graduation, 7:00 p.m. - L.D. Bell HS Auditorium Trinity High School Graduation, 10:00 a.m. - FW Convention Center L.D. Bell High School Graduation, 2:00 p.m. - FW Convention Center Like Us on Facebook 2/9/2016 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 T 3 10 17 24 31 W T F S 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 FEBRUARY 2017 S M W T F 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 S M T S 4 11 18 25 MARCH 2017 W T F 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 T S 4 11 18 25 APRIL 2017 S S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 M T W T F MAY 2017 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 PD PD W 28 29 30 31 JUNE 2017 S T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 N Teacher Work Day Memorial Day Holiday Applicable staff inclement weather days. School Hours: Elementary Schools: 7:50 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Junior High Schools: 8:05 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. High Schools: 8:45 a.m. - 3:57 p.m. Follow Us on Twitter JANUARY 2017 M T W HOLIDAY NEW STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/WORKDAY (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS) ALL SCHOOLS EARLY RELEASE HIGH SCHOOL EARLY RELEASE REPORTING PERIOD BEGINS/ENDS SCHOOL BEGINS/ENDS W TEACHER WORK DAY APPLICABLE STAFF INCLEMENT WEATHER DAY TEACHER DAYS - 187 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 1849 A Central Drive, Bedford, Texas 76022-6096 817-283-4461 HIGH SCHOOLS L.D. BELL...................................................................... 817-282-2551 1601 Brown Trail, Hurst 76054 TRINITY ......................................................................... 817-571-0271 500 N. Industrial Boulevard, Euless 76039 KEYS HIGH SCHOOL .................................................. 817-354-3580 1100 Raider Drive, Euless 76040 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS BEDFORD ..................................................................... 817-788-3101 325 Carolyn Drive, Bedford 76021 CENTRAL ...................................................................... 817-354-3350 3191 W. Pipeline Road, Euless 76040 EULESS ........................................................................ 817-354-3340 306 W. Airport Freeway, Euless 76039 HARWOOD ................................................................... 817-354-3360 3000 Martin Drive, Bedford 76021 HURST .......................................................................... 817-285-3220 500 Harmon Road, Hurst 76053 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS BEDFORD HEIGHTS .................................................... 817-788-3150 1000 Cummings Drive, Bedford 76021 BELL MANOR ............................................................... 817-354-3370 1300 Winchester Way, Bedford 76022 BELLAIRE ..................................................................... 817-285-3230 501 Bellaire Drive, Hurst 76053 DONNA PARK .............................................................. 817-285-3285 1125 Scott Drive, Hurst 76053 HARRISION LANE ........................................................ 817-285-3270 1000 Harrison Lane, Hurst 76053 HURST HILLS ............................................................... 817-285-3295 525 Billie Ruth Lane, Hurst 76053 LAKEWOOD ................................................................. 817-354-3375 1600 Donley Drive, Euless 76039 MEADOW CREEK ........................................................ 817-354-3500 3001 Harwood Road, Bedford 76021 MIDWAY PARK............................................................. 817-354-3380 409 N. Ector Drive, Euless 76039 NORTH EULESS........................................................... 817-354-3505 1101 Denton Drive, Euless 76039 OAKWOOD TERRACE ................................................. 817-354-3386 700 Ranger Road, Euless 76040 RIVER TRAILS .............................................................. 817-285-3235 8850 Elbe Trail, Fort Worth 76118 SHADY BROOK ............................................................ 817-354-3513 2601 Shady Brook Drive, Bedford 76021 SHADY OAKS ............................................................... 817-285-3240 1400 Cavender Drive, Hurst 76053 SOUTH EULESS ........................................................... 817-354-3521 605 S. Main Street, Euless 76040 SPRING GARDEN ........................................................ 817-354-3395 2400 Cummings Drive, Bedford 76021 STONEGATE ................................................................ 817-285-3250 900 Bedford Road E., Bedford 76022 VIRIDIAN ....................................................................... 817-864-0550 4001 Cascade Sky Dr., Arlington 76005 WEST HURST ............................................................... 817-285-3290 501 Precinct Line Road, Hurst 76053 WILSHIRE ..................................................................... 817-354-3529 420 Wilshire Drive, Euless 76040 OTHER CAMPUSES ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM ................... 817-354-3398 1100 Raider Drive, Euless 76040 BUINGER CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION ACADEMY ... 817-354-3541 1849 E Central Drive, Bedford 76022 TRANSITION CENTER ................................................. 817-354-3537 1849 F Central Drive, Bedford 76022 SCHOOL HOURS Pre-Kindergarten ............................... 7:50 a.m. - 11:25 a.m. 11:25 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Elementary Schools (K-6) ................. 7:50 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Junior High Schools (7-9) ................. 8:05 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. High Schools ..................................... 8:45 a.m. - 3:57 p.m. Alternative Education Program . (depends on student’s schedule) Buinger CTE Academy ................ (depends on student’s schedule) Transition Center......................... (depends on student’s schedule) EARLY RELEASE FOR TESTING ELEMENTARY 11:50am Dismissal on................ Nov. 11, 2016 Feb. 24, 2017 JUNIOR HIGH 12:20 Dismissal on...................... Nov. 11, 2016 Feb. 24, 2017 HIGH SCHOOL 12:45 Dismissal on.......................Nov. 10, 2016 Jan. 13, 2017 Feb. 24, 2017 Jan. 13, 2017 May 24, 2017 Jan. 13, 2017 May 24, 2017 Nov. 11, 2016 Feb. 23, 2017 May 24, 2017 ABSENCES Students are required to be in attendance for at least 90 percent of the days in a semester to receive credit. Elementary: All absences should be reported to the school office before 9:00 a.m. A note explaining the reason for the absence must be sent with the student when they return to school. Secondary: Parents or guardians are required to report a student absence to the school office within 24 hours. INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY In the event of inclement weather school closings or delayed school openings, parents and students should check their local radio or television station or subscribe free to BACKPACK for E-News. Go to and click on the backpack icon at the bottom of the website. To follow the district on Twitter, sign up at The district will notify the media immediately following a decision by the superintendent to close school or delay the start of the school day. TRANSPORTATION The district provides bus transportation for students whose residence is two or more miles from their home campus. UPDATED: 2/9/2016