2015-16 Key Info PowerPoint


2015-16 Key Info PowerPoint
Upper School Athletics
Meet the Coaches Night
Athletic Department
—  Athletic Director: Todd Zell – tzell@wcastl.org
—  Assistant Athletic Director: Lindsay Carlile –
—  Assistant Athletic Director (Middle School): Steve
Bradley – sbradley@wcastl.org
—  Athletic Department Assistant: Laura Copeland –
Athletic Trainer
Hilary Orf – Athletico
314.997.2900 ext. 6270
—  Non-game days she is here from 1:30-6 p.m.
—  We do have a recommended Orthopedist. Not required
but we can get you in.
—  If you see a doctor please send a note to Hilary.
Head Injuries
—  State of Missouri passed – Youth Sports Brain Injury
Prevention Act.
—  Required to give you information – Handout
—  If there is any sign of a concussion, the athlete is to be
pulled from the contest immediately
—  Athlete cannot return to action for a minimum of 24 hours
and being symptom-free
—  For more info go to www.mshaa.org for an informational
video. Or www.nfhslearn.org both have free educational
Head Injuries
—  There is a 5-day return to action procedure that we are
required to follow
—  Concussion testing through Hilary – Impact
—  The brain is very important so we will always follow –
When in doubt, sit them out.
—  Sonya Burns
—  Concessions Help
—  We try to open for just about everything. Please
sign up to volunteer at least once.
FAQ #1
—  Can my child still play if they miss school for the
whole day or part of the day?
—  MSHSAA & WCA policy that all athletes and
students participating in any after-school events,
(i.e. music concerts and theatre productions) must
attend every class period in which they are enrolled
that day unless excused in advance by the
Administrative team. That includes game day and
practices. (If you miss an hour you cannot
—  Possible excused absences include: doctor
appointments, funerals, etc. However, we must have
a note from that doctor stating the student is“okay
to participate.” Communication in advance is the
FAQ #2
—  What’s the deal with the website?
—  www.wcastl.org/athletics
—  Calendar
—  Filter the Calendar
—  Print a PDF
FAQ #3
—  What organizations do we belong to?
—  Metro League – Luth. South, Luth. North, Priory,
MICDS, John Burroughs, Principia and Villa
—  MSHSAA – Missouri State High School Activities
—  If you transfer schools, you are ineligible for
athletics for 365 days.
—  There are some exceptions. Most of the time you
can at least get sub-varsity eligibility.
—  If you are transferring, just talk to me and I will
help you with the process.
—  NO GPA Standard – Just need to pass 6 classes
FAQ #4
—  How do we find out if a game is canceled/
—  Twitter - @wcasports, @wcalax
—  Usually make decisions on games by 2 pm.
—  Website is updated and teams attempt to send
FAQ # 5 – What is the 10
Pillars Commitment?
—  New Form – Alongside the Westminster Family
—  Need to sign and return it to the coach
—  Outlines Expectations for Students
—  Parents Role - We are in this together: Student
athletes, coaches, and parents are all on the same
page. Parents are encouraged to show support for
their children from the sidelines, but all coaching
should be left to the Westminster coaching staff
throughout practice and all competitions.
10 Pillars Commitment
—  We ask non-captain students and all parents NOT to
communicate with or comment to the officials/
referees at any time. Communication with coaches
should follow specific guidelines for when and what
to discuss as outlined in the team plan.
Communication Chain of
Should a disagreement occur with a coach please follow the
following order:
WAIT 24 Hours.
1. If possible, have the player talk to the coach sometime during
the school day or before practice.
2. Parent call and set up an appointment to meet with the coach.
Not right after a game or a practice. Talk on the phone or in
person. Email is the last choice.
3. Go to your level coach first, then the head coach.
4. Call to set up a conference with the AD and the coach.
5. We can work our way up from there if necessary.
What to discuss?
Do’s –
—  The treatment of your student mentally and physically
—  Ways to help your student improve
—  Concerns about student behavior
Dont’s –
—  Playing time
—  Team strategy
—  Play calling
—  Other student-athletes
My Shorts and the Wildcats
FAQ #6– Can you help my
kid get a scholarship?
—  Yes
—  I would suggest hiring a tutor and get your ACT score up
J. More than 7 times the amount of scholarship money
for academics as compared to athletics
—  NCAA Clearinghouse – Lots of information as needed.
Also, Kate Kindbom in the guidance office is a great
—  New requirements for Class of 2016
—  Varying levels of eligibility based on GPA and test
—  Pay attention to core courses and your core course
GPA. Need a 2.3 GPA
—  Reference sheet
—  See Mrs. Kindbom in the guidance office.
—  Also I have a PowerPoint that I can email you
—  4 English
Division I Core Course
—  3 Mathematics
—  2 Natural or Physical Science
—  1 Additional English, Mathematics, or Natural or Physical Science
—  2 Social Science
—  4 Additional Core Courses (from any of the above subject areas or
foreign language, philosophy, or non-doctrinal religion)
Education-Based Athletics
—  What we do here is different from what happens
with your club teams.
—  We want to train your athlete the best we can
—  ….BUT we also hope to train them mentally and
Goals vs. Purpose
•  Goals help us get to a destination.
They give us direction.
•  We Prepare, Plan, & Play to “win”
•  But “winning” is not our PURPOSE
Definition of Purpose
The reason for which
something exists or is done.
•  The reason for which something exists
•  The purpose is WHY we are doing it
•  The purpose is the growth and
development of the student
We asked each of our coaches to write a
purpose statement and they will share it
with you tonight.
Hopefully J
Goal or Purpose
What is more important for the longterm development of your child?
Less than 3%
of high school athletes
will play beyond high school
at any level!
• Self-confidence
• Risk-taking
• Self-motivated
• Responsible
• Self-disciplined
• Flexible
• Working with others
• Courage
• Committed
• Focused
• Persistent
At Westminster, we also
want to teach our kids to
engage the world and
change it for Jesus Christ
Goal or Purpose?
support our child in more than
just the outcome of the game?
Questions to Ask After a
—  We want the kids to understand there is more to it
than just the scoreboard
—  Did you have fun?
—  Did you learn anything? Themselves or the game?
—  Did you improve? Pillar #8 Supporting other players
and teams is expected
—  Did you help a teammate succeed? Pillar #9
Supporting other players is expected
More than the Scoreboard
—  Did you conduct yourself well? Pillar #1 Honor
Jesus Christ in all things
—  Did you do your best? That’s all we can ask
—  Did you appreciate your opponent? What did you do
to show the other team/officials that you respect
their effort?
More than the Scoreboard
—  Did you develop any other qualities? Life skills: Selfconfidence, risk-taking, self-motivation,
responsibility, self-discipline, working with others,
flexibility, courage, commitment, focus, persistence
—  A study of professional and college athletes
—  They all answered that the people who they enjoyed
having at their games were their grandparents.
—  Why?
—  Because they offered little advice and just told
them “I enjoy watching you play”
Need For Officials
—  The number of officials is decreasing rapidly
—  We are in near crisis-mode in almost everything
—  Great college job
—  If you know someone who might be interested,
please let me know
—  It could result in us having to redo our schedules
and the times that we start
Todd Zell
Athletic Director
314-997-2900 ext 6135
—  Field Hockey – HUB (Upstairs)
—  Cheer – Under the stairs
—  Cross Country – Gymnasium
—  Volleyball – Gymnasium
—  Soccer – Theatre – Stay Here
—  Golf – 7th Grade Commons