Tunnel energy lining
Tunnel energy lining
Tunnel energy lining Turning Infrastructure into Energy Sources Construction Automotive Industry CO2 Reduction Sustainable Use of Tunnel Structures One of the most important challenges our plant is facing is the global population growth with the connected trend towards mega cities and increased energy demand. By 2050 more than 70% of the world’s population will be living in cities. To cater for their needs in regards to utility and traffic infrastructure it is inevitable to build structures underground. Turning those structures into energy sources will provide a valuable contribution to become independent from fossil fuels and reduce CO2 emissions. Those large concrete structures can either be build as cut and cover, according to the New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) or with Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) and pre-fabricated concrete segments. In all of those concrete structures it is possible to integrate absorber pipes to thermally activate the building structure. The use of thermally activated tunnel constructions to harvest ground source energy, heat and cool connected buildings and/or cool the tunnel in case of heat build up through tunnel operation has been awarded twice with the tunnel innovation of the year 2011 to future prove new tunnel constructions. The judges commented: “Tunnel Energy Lining reduces costs, energy consumption and lowers CO2 emissions for heating and cooling of the tunnel and above ground buildings. This is a genuinely scalable innovation which provides real sustainable advantages. It turns a simple tunnel in to a multi-function structure increasing the value of your tunnel asset.” Thermal active building structures are increasingly becoming the norm in above ground concrete structures like office buildings to increase comfort level and reduce energy demand. REHAU is one of the major players in this field and is championing the adaptation of this technology for underground applications. As a world’s first pre-fabricated concrete segments have been activated in German and Austrian TBM tunnel projects. Tunnel Award 2 Award Ceremony, Hong Kong 2011 Tunnel Energy Lining use and benefits 1.Harvest Ground Source Energy The large interface between the tunnel structure and the surrounding ground enables to harvest ground source energy by thermally activating the concrete structure. The extracted energy is supplied to above ground user, conventional heat pumps lift the temperature to the required level. Using tunnel structures is generally more efficient and cost effective than energy sources like oil or gas and can even provide an improvement to conventional ground source solutions like probes or piles. 2.Cooling of above ground buildings Most tunnel constructions are not prone to overheat. This enables the possibility to reject waste heat from e.g. office buildings into the activated tunnel structure. Particular in areas where above ground re-development of an area coincides with the construction of new tunnels the cooling requirement of buildings like office blocks could be achieved by using the tunnel construction as a heat sink in summer and heat source in winter. 3.Cooling the tunnel In cases with hot climates and/or considerable amount of heat build up through tunnel operation e.g. metro tunnels with a high train frequency it can be commercially more viable to cool the tunnel by thermally activating the tunnel construction rather than trying to limit the overheating by forced ventilation. Reduction of energy consumption and maintenance costs are a major factor to consider in large infrastructure projects. Extracted energy can get used or dissipated to the atmosphere via a chiller. tunnel energy LINING Segment Construction and Installation 1 RAUWAY flex pipe assembled to steel mesh or cage 2 Completed Concrete Segment 1 Segment Construction REHAU RAUWAY flex pipe assembled to a steel mesh or cage forms a module. These modules are inserted into the segment moulds before concrete is poured. Once a segment has been constructed it forms part of a ring. 4 Segments installed into tunnel ring REHAU EVERLOC™ fitting to connect absorber pipes 2 Tunnel Lining Construction From the tunnel boring machine (TBM) the pre-fabricated concrete segments are installed. Typically 7 segments and a keystone complete a ring. The absorber pipes in each segment are connected at radial and circumferential joints to create a continuous loop using REHAU EverlocTM fittings. Robustness and speed of installation is ideal for tunnel construction applications. CASE STUDY Brenner Base Tunnel Approach Together with its partner Züblin, REHAU worked on a demonstration project in the town of Jenbach in Austria. In this case a 54m section of the new twin-track high-speed railway tunnel was identified for the installation of Tunnel Energy Lining to generate c. 40kW of heat for a municipal building on the surface. RAUWAY flex Pipe assembled to steel cage The tunnel is 12m in diameter and situated 27m below the surface. Each concrete segment that forms the tunnel lining is 2m wide and 500mm thick. The ring is formed with seven segments and a keystone. Each segment is connected using REHAU EverlocTM pipe connections. 27 activated segment rings formed the system each connected through header pipes back to a central manifold and into the building less than 150m from the access point to the tunnel. In this particular project the decision to include Tunnel Energy Lining was made retrospectively to the design of the concrete segments. This meant adaptations to the design. However, REHAU will work closely with concrete segment manufacturers to optimise the design from an early stage ensuring reduced cost and lower risk. Concrete Segment Production The length of tunnel required to provide the heat requirement for a building will depend on a number of factors namely: Installation of Concrete Segments (TBM) Connecting the Ring – REHAU EverlocTM The amount of CO2 emissions saved over a conventional heating system will also depend on a variety of factors and whether or not the impact of cooling is taken into account. 15 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 at 5m distance from lining Temperature [°C] 10 at interface tunnel/soil 5 Constant heat extraction Intervall heat extraction 0 Intervall extraction (winter) / introduction (summer) Intervall extraction / introduction (5 m distance) -5 0 91 183 274 365 456 548 639 730 821 913 1004 1095 Time [Days] Heat Output Calculations --Heat requirement of the building --Tunnel geometry --Thermal ground conditions --Hydro geological conditions Thermographic View – Pressure Testing 5 ADDED VALUE Future Proofing Tunnel Applications REHAU is an established global player providing innovative and efficient solutions to the construction industry. In case of thermally activating tunnel construction REHAU is engaged in the complete process from: Project and Design Support REHAU is working closely with clients, investor, design consultancies and construction companies to inform about Tunnel Energy Lining and provide design support. Our aim is to increase the knowledge regards thermal activation of tunnel structures and follow realised projects with performance monitoring to further improve future applications. Specification Because of the required design life and robustness of pipe and fitting material in tunnel applications REHAU has developed a special multilayer RAUWAY flex pipe based on PE-Xa with functional outer layer for increased protection and bond to the concrete structure. The REHAU Everloc Fitting is a permanent mechanical connection providing a quick and reliable solution for tunnel construction. REHAU EVERLOC™ fitting REHAU RAUWAY flex pipe assembled to module Academy REHAU host every year a number of tunnel seminars worldwide where specific tunnel related topics are presented. REHAU Academy provides training for contractor and installer of how to use our system solutions. Module Supply For reliable quality and speed of segment production REHAU has developed pre-assembled modules where the pipe is assembled to a steel mesh which can be incorporated inside the structural required steel cage (conventionally reinforced segments) or positioned direct inside the segment mould, in case of fiber reinforced segments. Please get in touch, we would be pleased to support you with your next tunnel project. 6 REHAU Academy REHAU in Tunnel Construction Tunnel Energy Lining REHAU RAUWAY flex Drainage Pipes RAUDRIL Rail PP Cable Ducts 3rd Rail 7 For further information please contact: REHAU AG + Co Business Unit Traffic Route Engineering Ytterbium 4 91058 Erlangen Germany Phone: +49 9131 92-5750 Email: tunneling@rehau.com REHAU SALES OFFICES AE: Middle East, Phone: +9714 8835677, dubai@rehau.com AR: Buenos Aires, Phone: +54 11 489860-00, buenosaires@rehau.com AT: Linz, Phone: +43 732 381610-0, linz@rehau.com Vienna, Phone: +43 2236 24684, wien@ rehau.com AU: Adelaide, Phone: +61 8 82990031, adelaide@rehau.com Brisbane, Phone: +61 7 38897522 brisbane@rehau.com Melbourne, Phone: +61 3 95875544, melbourne@rehau.com Perth, Phone: +61 8 94564311, perth@ rehau.com Sydney, Phone: +61 2 87414500, sydney@rehau.com BA: Sarajevo, Phone: +387 33 475-500, sarajevo@rehau.com BE: Brussels, Phone: +32 16 3999-11, 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The use of REHAU products in conditions that are beyond our control or for applications other than those specied releases us from any obligation in regard to claims made in respect of the products. We recommend that the suitability of any REHAU product for the intended application should be checked. Utilization and processing of our products are beyond our control and are therefore exclusively your responsibility. In the event that a liability is nevertheless considered, any compensation will be limited to the value of the goods supplied by us and used by you. Our warranty assumes consistent quality of our products in accordance with our specication and in accordance with our general conditions of sale. This document is protected by copyright. All rights based on this are reserved. No part of this publication may be translated, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any similar means, electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in a data retrieval system. www.rehau.com/tunneling S11700 EN 05.2012
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