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500 of Australia’s most talented students, trainees and apprentices 200 industry experts judging $10M VISIT AUSTRALIA’S LARGEST worth of equipment 50 TRADE AND SKILL KILL COMPETITION! WWW.WORLDSKILLS.ORG.AU FREE ENTRY September 18-20 9.00am-4.00pm Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre trades and skills on show ONLY 50 gold medals up for grabs 30 1 interactive Try’aSkill activities T GOVERNMENT PARTNERS MEDIA PARTNER GOLD PARTNERS SILVER PARTNERS BRONZE PARTNERS INKIND SUPPLY PARTNERS A Member of The Linde Group WELCOME The Hon Ian Macfarlane MP Brian Wexham Minister for Industry Chair of WorldSkills Australia Australia has a proud and well-deserved reputation as a nation built on ingenuity, creativity and the skilled workforce that transforms our great ideas into practical reality. WorldSkills Australia as an organisation is dedicated to the pursuit of skills excellence in Australia. Through its elite program of competitions and pathways, WorldSkills Australia celebrates the achievements of young Australians in trades and skills and works towards creating a culture which respects and appreciates that the economic prosperity of our nation is underpinned by a quality vocational education and training system. The Australian Government is proud to be associated with the WorldSkills Australia National Competition, the largest and most prestigious showcase of trade and skill excellence in Australia. Our workers are our country’s best assets. Our prosperity in the decades ahead will be closely linked to making sure Australia’s workers have the world class skills that will be the basis of our industries and our exports of the future. The 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition showcases the very best of our nation’s young professionals in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector and challenges them through competition to be the best they can be. Congratulations to the 500 students, trainees and apprentices from across Australia who have excelled in their regional competitions and have now taken the opportunity to put their skills to the test on the national stage. The hard work, passion and commitment these young trade and skill technicians apply to their chosen professions is truly admirable and is testament to the depth of skills talent Australia can tap into as we build an even more productive economy. 2FCPCÑGQÑNJCLRWÑ?RÑQR?ICÑ?LBÑRFCÑAMKNCRGRGMLÑUGJJÑ@CÑ̆CPACÑ?QÑCLRP?LRQÑTGCÑLMRÑMLJWÑDMPÑRFCÑ @P?EEGLEÑPGEFRQÑRMÑ@CÑRFCÑ@CQRÑGLÑSQRP?JG? Ñ@SRÑ?JQMÑDMPÑRFCÑFMLMSPÑMDÑ@CGLEÑL?KCBÑ?LÑM̈AG?JÑ “Skillaroo” and going on to represent Australia at the WorldSkills International Competition in Brazil next year. While the competition will be intense, I am sure that it will also be good natured as our young professionals take the opportunity to create new friendships, make new professional connections and share their training experiences. Each of these young professionals are ambassadors for Australia and for the opportunities RF?RÑCVGQRÑRFPMSEFÑ?ÑDMPK?JÑQIGJJQÑOS?JĞA?RGMLÑÑ The Government looks forward to working with apprentices, businesses and the VET sector to ensure Australia’s skills and training system is of the highest standard and is delivering what @MRFÑQRSBCLRQÑ?LBÑ@SQGLCQQCQÑU?LRÑ¢ÑUCJJÑOS?JĞCBÑWMSLEÑNPMDCQQGML?JQÑUFMÑA?LÑBMÑRFCGPÑHM@Ñ and do it well. I wish all competitors the best of luck for the competition and for their future careers. Hon. Dr Kim Desmond Hames MLA MBBS, JP Deputy Premier; Minister for Health; Training and Workforce Development The WorldSkills Australia National Competition will see the nation’s top apprentices and trainees competing at the FGEFCQRÑNMQQG@JCÑJCTCJÑGLÑRFCGPÑAFMQCLÑ̆CJBQ WorldSkills is Australia’s biggest and best trade and skill competition, and challenges young people to work at their best and strive for victory on a national stage. Having met the Western Australian team, I can say they are inspiring role models for other young people. They highlight the great opportunities available to everyone through quality vocational education and training. Whilst the spotlight is on the competitors at the National Competition, I would like to draw your attention to people behind the scenes, who provide the opportunities for these young people to shine. To the teachers, the trainers, the mentors, the employers and the countless WorldSkills Australia volunteers from around the nation who invest so much of their time and passion into seeing young people succeed – thank you. It also goes without saying that WorldSkills Australia would not be able to host Australia’s largest and most prestigious trade and skill competition without the enormous support from Australian industry and government, particularly the Western Australian government who ?BTMA?RCBÑDMPÑRFCÑPCRSPLÑMDÑRFGQÑK?HMPÑCTCLRÑRMÑ.CPRF As the Board of WorldSkills Australia, we are proud to see such strong support of the Australian VET sector and we look forward a very successful 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition. Good luck to all. Mark Callaghan !FGCDÍ#VCASRGTCÍ-˔ACPÍMDÍ5MPJB1IGJJQÍSQRP?JG?Í Skills are the foundation of modern life – shaping people and societies. They are the driving force behind successful careers, innovative and leading companies, thriving industries and economies. WorldSkills Australia, along with 71 other member countries, is part of the global hub for skills excellence. We highlight the importance of Vocational Education and Training (VET) for students, businesses and society by challenging young Australians to become the best in the skill of their choice. The 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition in .CPRF ÑECLCPMSQJWÑFMQRCBÑ@WÑRFCÑ5Ñ%MTCPLKCLR ÑNPMTGBCQÑ the perfect platform to celebrate skills excellence as well as highlighting the opportunities available via a VET pathway. Visitors will have the opportunity to witness the next generation of skills talent, as well as participating in a comprehensive Try’aSkill program, aimed at inspiring, attracting and educating students to try and discover the fun, relevance and importance of skills. In these challenging times it is heartening to see the level of support that WorldSkills Australia continues to receive - from Government, industry, training organisations, employers, mentors, teachers, trainers and the countless WorldSkills Australia volunteers - only via this support are we able to continue to inspire young Australians to achieve skills excellence. Finally, congratulations to all WorldSkills Australia competitors – you all possess the skills which Australia needs to create and maintain a strong nation with a strong economy. You are the future upon which the productivity of Australia is based. Good luck for the competition and for the future. 2FGQÑUGJJÑ@CÑRFCÑ̆PQRÑRGKCÑGLÑÑWC?PQÑ5MPJB1IGJJQÑSQRP?JG?ÑF?QÑ@CCLÑFCJBÑGLÑ.CPRF Ñ?LBÑRFCÑ CTCLRÑGRQCJDÑGQÑ?ÑK?HMPÑ@MMQRÑDMPÑ5ÑUCÑUGJJÑUCJAMKCÑMTCPÑÑAMKNCRGRMPQÑ?QÑUCJJÑ?QÑRFCÑ many trainers, mentors and volunteers who make the event a success. By operating side-by-side with the 2014 Skills West Expo, WorldSkills Australia will be part of a ‘mega-event’ which showcases the many education, training and employment opportunities throughout WA. I wish all competitors the very best of luck. I know these challenging events will inspire many people to achieve their best. 3 CONTENTS 5. WorldSkills Australia explained 6. Australia’s largest trade and skill competition returns to the west 7. Program of events 8. Competition category directory 11. VETiS Competitions on show 12. Try’ASkill 14. Keeping it Green WorldSkills Australia Level 3, 92-94 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 PO Box 4638, Melbourne VIC 3001 15. Water Innovation TEAM Challenge 17. i am...up for the challenge Tel +61 3 9249 1000 Fax +61 3 9249 1033 20. Venue Map 22. National Competitors cont… 26. i to find the best 29. WorldSkills International 31. International Pathways and Scholarships 32. Supporting the Pursuit of Excellence 34. 2015 Regional Competitions 36. Our Supporters and Volunteers 4 Worldskills australia Celebrating excellence in skills since 1981 WorldSkills Australia is a dynamic national organisation which has been actively contributing to Australia’s economic prosperity through the development, recognition and celebration of vocational skills since 1981. WorldSkills Australia is our nation’s most prestigious showcase of youth skill and trade excellence. Our mission is to actively engage in the development of policy and the practice of skills excellence through competitions, international benchmarking and applied research. WorldSkills Australia aims to create an aspirational community for vocational education and traineeships via a program of competitions aligned to National Training Packages and work Australians. Through strong networks with government, industry and the community, WorldSkills Australia has been able to achieve incredible results by directly encouraging more than 80,000 young process - along with their employers, trainers, industry and Australia as a whole. national competitions and national competition medallists, if eligible, may then be provided with the opportunity to progress to the international competition where they become representatives of Australia and their industry as team members of the Team Australia Skillaroos. In addition to allowing the nation to benchmark its education and training system against the rest of the world, WorldSkills Australia challenges young Australians to strive for skills excellence. WorldSkills Australia programs unearth ‘Skill Ambassadors’ –the perfect role models for all young Australians who are contemplating their futures and shining examples of what can be achieved in a trade or skills-based career. WorldSkills Australia has seen thousands of young people transformed both personally and professionally through the challenge of competition. Competitors are overwhelmed by the knowledge that they represent the best in Australian vocational skills. The excitement and inspiration generated by these young people, as they awaken to their enormous potential, has driven WorldSkills Australia’s programs to ensure the competition is only the beginning of a tremendous life journey. 5 Australia’s largest trade and skill competition returns to the west The WorldSkills Australia National ͱFH>LBLBͱGÁBKÁLA>ÁͱJ@:GBK:LBͱGKÁ˔:@KABHÁ event and Australia’s largest and most prestigious skill and trade competition. Every LOͱÁQ>:JK ÁLA>Á>N>GLÁBKÁAͱKL>=ÁBGÁ:Á=B˒>J>GLÁ state bringing with it 500 of the nation’s best trainees, apprentices and students for three days of exciting competition. ÑK?PIQÑRFCÑPCRSPLÑMDÑRFGQÑK?HMPÑCTCLRÑRMÑRFCÑ!GRWÑMDÑ.CPRFÑDMPÑRFCÑ̆PQRÑRGKCÑ QGLACÑÑ2FCÑL?RGML?JÑAMKNCRGRGMLÑUGJJÑ@CÑFCJBÑ?RÑRFCÑ.CPRFÑ!MLTCLRGMLÑ?LBÑ Exhibition Centre between the 18th and 20th of September. is proud to support the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition Each competitor at the national competition has been selected as a representative of their regions following their medal winning performances in the 2013 round of WorldSkills Australia regional competitions, which saw over ÑAMKNCRGRGMLQÑPSLÑ?APMQQÑRFCÑÑM̈AG?JÑ5MPJB1IGJJQÑSQRP?JG?Ñ0CEGMLQ The national competition provides these ambitious young professionals with the opportunity to benchmark their skills against their peers in 50 specialised competition categories, ranging from the traditional trades such ?QÑSRMKMRGTCÑ+CAF?LGAQ Ñ!MMICPWÑ?LBÑ.JSK@GLEÑRMÑRFCÑKMPCÑAMLRCKNMP?PWÑ professions of Mechatronics and Web Design. In addition to the competition itself, the event will also feature the thriving Skills West careers expo and up to 30 of WorldSkills Australia’s popular Try’aSkill interactive activities, allowing visitors with the opportunity to try their hand at a wide range of trade and skill areas. 2FGQÑDPCCÑRMÑRFCÑNS@JGAÑCTCLRÑGQÑMNCLÑ@CRUCCLÑ?KÑ?LBÑNKÑ?LBÑGQÑ expected to attract over 40,000 visitors over the three days of competition. Members of the public are encouraged to attend the event to support their local competitors, to try their hand at new skills and to learn more about career opportunities available within the vocational education and training sector. 6 program of events WEDNESDAY 17 SEPTEMBER NK -̈AG?JÑ-NCLGLEÑ!CPCKMLWÑMDÑRFCÑÑ5MPJB1IGJJQÑSQRP?JG?Ñ,?RGML?JÑ Competition, (invitation only) THURSDAY 18 SEPTEMBER ?KÑÑNK Day one of the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition – Open to the public ?KÑÑNK Up to 30 exciting Try'aSkill activities to take part in throughout the day ?KÑÑ?K Fashion Technology Speed Test Ñ?KÑÑNK Electrical Installation Speed Test ?KÑÑNK Day two of the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition – Open to the public ?KÑÑNK Up to 30 exciting Try'aSkill activities to take part in throughout the day ?KÑÑ?K Carpentry Speed Test ?KÑÑNK Electrical Installation Speed Test NKÑÑNK .JSK@GLEÑ1NCCBÑ2CQR NKÑÑNK Bricklaying Speed Test NKÑÑNK VETiS Construction Speed Test NKÑÑNK Retail Butchery Speed Test ?KÑÑNK Final day of the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition – Open to the public ?KÑÑNK Up to 30 exciting Try'aSkill activities to take part in throughout the day ?KÑÑ?K Electrical Control Speed Test ?KÑÑNK Electrical Installation Speed Test NKÑÑNKÑ Retail Butchery Speed Test NKÑÑNK -̈AG?JÑ.PCQCLR?RGMLÑ!CPCKMLWÑMDÑRFCÑÑ5MPJB1IGJJQÑSQRP?JG?Ñ National Competition (invitation only) FRIDAY 19 SEPTEMBER SATURDAY 20 SEPTEMBER SUNDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 0HHW WKH ORFDOV DW \RXU QH[W FRQIHUHQFH Western Australia (WA) is a highly sought after destination that is easily accessible through direct flights offering exotic landscapes, an enviable climate, culture and history. Perth city is brimming with life and is full of world class eateries and night life. It is different; unique; beautiful; safe; clean and modern, yet not congested. It is a multi cultural society that is politically stable and progressive. With an unending list of to do’s and opportunities, WA is an ideal conference location. Call us today to find out more. PERTH CONVENTION BUREAU T +61 (0)8 9218 2900 | W 7 the ultimate skills challenge Category Directory AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION AUTOBODY REPAIR BRICKLAYING The Autobody Repair competitors will complete the removal and replacement of welded panels on a simulated vehicle frame. The competitors will also measure and report damage on a vehicle using the latest Car-O-Liner electronic measuring equipment. They will also use some good old fashioned ender. The Bricklaying competitors will build a detailed brickwork design featuring a swan and a rendered panel in the shape of Western Australia. The competitors AUTO ELECTRICAL The Auto Electrical competitors will use a range of skills to carry out diagnostics and repairs to an electrical system in a variety of automotive based environments. The projects the competitors will work through over the three days of competition include ignition timing, starting systems, engine management, vehicle systems and accessory circuits and wiring diagrams. AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS The Automotive Mechanics competitors will complete six projects on complete cars and assemblies such as engines and transmissions over three days. Some of the projects include engine diagnosis and tuning, suspension and wheel alignment and the dismantling, measurement, inspection and assembly of an engine. Speed, accuracy and attention to detail are critical to achieve the best results. HEAVY VEHICLE MECHANICS The Heavy Vehicle Mechanics competitors are required to complete six QIGJJÑQNCAĞAÑNPMHCARQÑUFGAFÑ?PCÑBCQGELCBÑRMÑPCNJGA?RCÑQACL?PGMQÑRFCWÑ would be expected to perform in their workplace as a tradesperson. 2FCÑAMKNCRGRMPQÑ?PCÑOS?JĞCBÑGLÑFC?TWÑTCFGAJCÑPCN?GPÑ?LBÑK?GLRCL?LACÑ ?PC?QÑMDÑ@MRFÑPM?BÑRP?LQNMPRÑ?LBÑM̅ÑFGEFU?WÑKM@GJCÑCOSGNKCLRÑ?LBÑ will be working on this machinery at the competition. The competitors will be marked on their use of planning, approach to the task and their professional trade skills demonstrated. VEHICLE PAINTING be assessed on eight main areas including dimensions, level, alignment, angles and detail. The competitors will also participate in a 20 minute ‘Speed Test’ where they will construct a pier as high as they can within the set time frame. CABINETMAKING The Cabinetmaking competitors be required to follow a detailed plan to construct a writing desk. Competitors will be required to use a range of materials, tools, and machinery to build the desk in 18 hours. The competitors will be marked on accuracy, machine use, the set out, SQCÑMDÑF?LBÑRMMJQ Ñ?QQCK@JWÑNPMACBSPC ÑBMMPÑ?LBÑBP?UCPÑ̆RRGLEÑ?LBÑ RFCÑ̆L?JÑ̆LGQF CARPENTRY The Carpentry competitors will complete a gazebo in 18 hours. The project structure. The competitors will be marked on the development of all angles required, hand skills and accurately calculating, cutting and constructing organisation or charity. ELECTRICAL CONTROL The Electrical Control competitors will be challenged in a number of electrical tasks including designing a circuit, writing an electrical program using a PLC complete a practical wiring exercise. The competitors will also create a loadable conveyor capable of forwarding and reversing with all safety precautions included. The competitors will be marked primarily on function, safety and correct placement of equipment. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION the procedures carried out in a modern day workshop including preparation, fully primed panels, detailed masking, colour matching, application of water The Electrical Installation competitors will complete three modules over the three days of competition. The two main modules will simulate an extensively application. The main module includes a detailed design which the competitors are required to lay out and mask up on the top surface of a car bonnet. environmental awareness and ability to reuse and recycle their materials. The competitors will also participate in three 30 minute ‘Speed Tests’ on each day of the competition. EVENT PRINCIPAL PARTNERS 8 Refrigeration: The 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Refrigeration Competition was held in Melbourne in conjunction with the Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Building Services (ARBS) Trade Exhibition from the 20th to the 22nd of May. The Refrigeration Competition is one of the few national competition categories Over three days of challenging competition, 10 of Australia’s most talented trainees and apprentices competed against each other for the prestigious title of the ‘Nation’s Best Refrigeration Technician.’ The 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Refrigeration Competition involved four main tasks over 18 hours of competition, these included; a refrigeration system installation, air conditioning system commissioning, refrigeration At the conclusion of the competition, the judges collated their marks and an of the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Refrigeration Competition were: GOLD: Beau Kupris, Sydney West SILVER: Jordan Wallworth, Melbourne BRONZE: Mark Young, Tasmania Thank you to the competitors, judges and sponsors for making the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Refrigeration Competition such a huge success. L-R: Jordan Wallworth, Beau Kupris and Mark Young. JOINERY CLIENT SERVICES The Joinery competitors will produce a curved head window frame with an BEAUTY CARE will be marked on their use of hand skills, drawing comprehension, speed and accuracy. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION The Landscape Construction competitors will be working on a simulated landscape site to demonstrate the range of skills required by a successful landscape tradesperson. The competitors will be working to identical plans and materials, utilising local Western Australian native plants and quarried stones. The competitors will be assessed on the manner in which each task is approached and the level of detail and accuracy achieved over each stage of the build. The Beauty Care competitors will perform seven tasks using live models to demonstrate their skills. These tasks include applying an advanced facial incorporating facial massage, facial machinery, eyelash and brow treatments and an eyelash perm, a deluxe pedicure treatment treatment to the back incorporating a full body massage, a full set of acrylic nails in a natural FASHION TECHNOLOGY sketching, draping, pattern making, cutting, sewing and embellishment. Both garments have a design component allowing competitors free choice, providing them with a chance to show PAINTING & DECORATING The Painting and Decorating competitors will work independently from a creative brief to demonstrate their understanding of materials and tools and their ability to display their knowledge of colour and techniques. The competitors must adhere to work safety regulations and use clean working methods. FLORISTRY of two of the projects just prior to the competition beginning. This replicates what happens PLASTERING The Plastering competitors will frame and sheet the walls and ceiling of their manufacturer’s instructions using a three coat system (base coat, topping & as material wastage, cleanliness and overall job appearance. PLUMBING The Plumbing competitors are required to complete a series of tasks which involve the design and fabrication of a simulated basic bathroom and laundry of a house including, but not limited to hot, cold and rain water, gas, solar hot water and waste services. The competitors are also required to install and thermostatic mixing valve, pump, rainwater tank, evacuated glass tube solar panel and cylinder. HAIRDRESSING The Hairdressing competitors will display a high level of hairdressing skills which map to the hairdressing training package. These include demonstrating a skill-set in ladies creative technical style and colour for both day and night, men’s perm incorporating tattooing and carving to create a high fashion look for the fashion conscious male, as well as other traditional styles such as bridal hair up and a classic men’s haircut. COMPUTING AND BUSINESS BUSINESS SERVICES The Business Services competitors will showcase their skills and knowledge of working in an their skills in word processing, spread sheets, databases, PowerPoint, desktop publishing and binding, laminating, safe work practices and phone calls. SIGNAGE PRINTING AND GRAPHIC ARTS The Signage competitors will create and install a LED sign for a display, a vehicle wrap to the side of a car and a banner for an event using a design computer program which is to be printed for display. The Printing and Graphic Arts competitors will complete four separate tasks over 18 hours, which include a packaging design, editorial design, information and corporate designs as well as an advertising and display design. The competitors will be marked on both the creative and technical aspects for each task. WALL AND FLOOR TILING WEB DESIGN Western Australia’s skyline. To complete the project competitors will require accurate cutting skills, the ability to read and interpret plans and the skills to maintenance of websites. The diversity of the skills required by a web designer is quite large and covers areas such as user interface design and programming. The Web Design 9 HOSPITALITY SERVICES METALS AND ENGINEERING COOKERY CONSTRUCTION STEEL WORK given list of ingredients. This allows the competitors scope to be able to apply their own style, be innovative and creative. The competitors will need to produce The Construction Steel Work competitors will complete ‘The Perth Bulldozer’ project, a metal bulldozer. The skills required to complete the project include drawing interpretation, job planning, safety, control and prevention of distortion, The competitors will be marked on excavator movement, dimensions, quality, RESTAURANT SERVICE er atmosphere. FITTING cooking, cocktail making, table setting, wine evaluation and decanting as well as The Fitting competitors will be given a drawing of a simple air turbine that they will attempt to machine and assemble. The competitors will need to show RETAIL BAKING – BREAD and time management. The competitors will be marked on size compared to the drawing, assembly and function. The Retail Baking – Bread competitors will make a range of breads over 14 hours, including instant and artisan styles of bread, croissants and danishes which must all link in with the theme ‘Outback Australia’. The competitors will be marked on hygiene, OH&S, the visual appearance, volume and aroma of the bread and also crumb texture. RETAIL BAKING – PASTRY The Retail Baking – Pastry competitors will create a variety of pastries GLAJSBGLEÑ?ÑDPSGRÑ̇?LÑ?LBÑR?PRJCRQ ÑKMSQQCÑA?IC ÑF?LBÑBGNNCBÑAMSTCPRSPCÑ AFMAMJ?RCQÑ̆JJCBÑUGRFÑ?ÑE?L?AFCÑ@?QCÑ̆JJGLEÑ?LBÑ?ÑAFMAMJ?RCÑ centrepiece. The competitors will also be given a mystery box of 20 ingredients which are to be used to produce a cold or hot plated dessert. All of these tasks are based on the competition theme of ‘The Outback’. RETAIL BUTCHERY The Retail Butchery competitors will break down lamb, beef, pork and chicken carcases to create a merchandising display. The major component of the whilst maximising their yield. The competitors will be marked on break up, boning, preparation, rolling, value adding, slicing, display, cooking knowledge, presentation, OH&S, hygiene, communication and speed. JEWELLERY The Jewellery competitors will create an 18 carat piece of jewellery in yellow gold. The modular designed jewellery will be submitted in pieces at the end of each day for marking. On day three the competitors will assemble all completed components prior to gemstone setting. The competitors will be judged on MECHATRONICS The Mechatronics competitors will work in teams of two comprised of an industrial programmable computer to write programs which control various work stations. By the end of the competition, the teams will have written equipment in a virtually simulated environment. SHEETMETAL WORK The Sheetmetal work competitors will manufacture a stainless steel pizza oven. They will have 18 hours to complete the project which involves cutting, forming and shaping as well as assembly of all parts. 2FCÑAMKNCRGRMPQÑUGJJÑ@CÑSQGLEÑAMKNSRCPÑ@?QCBÑBCQGELÑQM̊U?PCÑDMPÑ elements of their overall project. TURNING The Turning competitors will use lathes to produce four components by using four components will be assembled together. The competitors will be working WELDING The Welding competitors are required to complete a series of test plates and pipes, assemble and weld a complex carbon steel pressure vessel and also complete stainless steel and aluminium projects. These tasks involve using tig, standards. DEMONSTRATION CATEGORIES: Water Innovation Team Challenge Solver has been manufacturing premium quality paint for trade professionals for almost a century. The Water Innovation Team Challenge involves two multidisciplinary teams working together to deliver a water supply solution for two remote communities near Katherine in the Northern Territory. These communities currently have poor access to a safe and reliable water supply. The teams will work together with the local community and will use the best available resources and technology to address the water supply issues. The teams will include but are not limited to, engineering students, plumbers, secondary school students and local community members. The winning team will be involved in the installation of the solution in these actual communities. Engineering Excellence Challenge WorldSkills Australia has partnered with Australian Industry Group to deliver the innovative Engineering Excellence Team Challenge. Competitors involved in the challenge represent 10 Registered Training Organisations from across Australia. Each team consists of a Heavy Fabrication (Construction Steelwork) apprentice and a Fitter and/or Turner apprentice. The teams of two will work together to build a ‘Hammer Crane’ over the three days of competition. 10 Proudly supporting the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition, Perth VETiS Competitions Category Directory The WorldSkills Australia Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VETiS) program is a series of work-simulated competitions which are =>KB@G>=ÁKH><B˓<:EEQÁ?ͱJÁKLM=>GLKÁKLBEEÁ:LL>G=BG@ÁK><ͱG=:JQÁK<AͱͱEÁ:G=Á undertaking a VETiS course or subject. The competition projects are based on industry standard frameworks and are designed and administered by practising teachers and industry professionals. WorldSkills Australia VETiS competitions operate on the same two year cycle as WorldSkills Australia Regional Competitions. VETiS medallists from state and regional competitions are eligible to compete against their H>>JKÁ?JͱFÁ:JͱMG=ÁLA>Á<ͱMGLJQÁBGÁLA>ÁL>GÁ/-B,Á<:L>@ͱJB>KÁͱ˒>J>=Á:LÁLA>Á WorldSkills Australia National Competition. The VETiS competition medallists from around the country will be competing in the following categories at the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition: VETIS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES VETiS CONSTRUCTION VETiS PRIMARY INDUSTRIES The VETiS Automotive Services competitors will complete tasks broken down into various vehicle systems; these include electrical, cooling, engine operation and tuning, hand tools and equipment and vehicle inspections. The competitors will be marked on accuracy, attention to detail, the time it takes to complete each task and their correct use of tools required to complete all tasks. The VETiS Construction competitors will construct a garden arbor. The competitors are provided with a drawing of the arbor and are required to replicate the drawing to the best of their ability. The competitors will be marked on how they use carpentry hand and power tools, drawing, setting out, plan GLRCPNPCR?RGMLÑ?LBÑ-&1ÑNP?ARGACQÑ 2FCÑ4#2G1Ñ.PGK?PWÑ'LBSQRPGCQÑAMKNCRGRMPQÑUGJJÑBCKMLQRP?RCÑ the skills which are commonly used in the sector including tractor operation, soil testing and fertiliser recommendations, animal husbandry skills with livestock in yards, how to install, maintain and repair a conventional fence and construct an CJCARPGAÑDCLACÑ@WÑDMJJMUGLEÑ?ÑQNCAĞAÑNJ?LÑ?LBÑUCCBÑAMLRPMJÑ using a knapsack. VETiS BUSINESS SERVICES The VETiS Electrotechnology competitors will complete QCTCP?JÑNPMHCARQÑGLAJSBGLEÑRFCÑGLQR?JJ?RGMLÑMDÑCJCARPGA?JÑ equipment, dismantling and identifying components, constructing a metal toolbox, completing electronic kits, preparing circuit drawings and measuring circuit voltage and currents. The VETiS Business Services competitors will complete a BGTCPQCÑP?LECÑMDÑM̈ACÑ?BKGLGQRP?RGMLÑR?QIQÑSQGLEÑRFCGPÑ'2Ñ QIGJJQÑGLÑ+GAPMQM̊Ñ-̈ACÑÑ2FCÑR?QIQÑGLAJSBCÑAPC?RGLEÑ databases, mail merging data, creating form letters and mailing labels, monitoring utilities usage and presentations on safe work methods using chemicals in the workplace. The competitors will also word process hand written letters for clients, design promotional material, follow style guides, answer telephones, photocopy, bind documents, handle mail and deal with reporting a workplace accident. VETiS COMMERCIAL COOKERY The VETiS Commercial Cookery competitors are required to prepare food for the following services, high tea, tapas style lunch and a dinner menu. The competitors will be provided with recipes on each day except for day three when the competitors will prepare a two course meal from a set list of ingredients. The competitors will be assessed on taste, texture, colour, timing, creativity and presentation. VETiS ELECTROTECHNOLOGY VETiS FOOD AND BEVERAGE The VETiS Food and Beverage competitors are expected to complete a service of high tea, an informal tapas lunch and a formal three course dinner. The competitors will be marked on personal presentation, restaurant preparation, customer service skills and food service as well as their ability to produce a range of non-alcoholic beverages including CQNPCQQMÑAM̅CC VETiS METALS AND ENGINEERING The VETiS Metals and Engineering competitors will complete RUMÑNPMHCARQÑGLAJSBGLEÑ?ÑA?LRGJCTCPÑRMMJ@MVÑ?LBÑ?ÑUCJBCBÑ ¤4¥Ñ JMAIÑNPMHCARÑ2FCÑAMKNCRGRMPQÑUGJJÑ@CÑK?PICBÑMLÑRFCGPÑ sheet metal work and metal fabrication, as well as a drawing GLRCPNPCR?RGML ÑNPMHCARÑNJ?LLGLEÑ?LBÑ-&1 The competitors will also need to apply their knowledge of 'LRCEP?RCBÑ.CQRÑ+?L?ECKCLR Ñ̆PQRÑ?GBÑ@?QCBÑMLÑ?ÑNPGK?PWÑ industries scenario, participate in a teamwork task and use their technology skills to improve environmental work practices and assess weather conditions. VETiS RETAIL The VETiS Retail competitors will complete a number of tasks including stock and control procedures, routine housekeeping duties, a safety audit, merchandise products and respond to a variety of scenarios involving interacting with and selling to customers. The competitors will be marked on RFCGPÑNPCQCLR?RGMLÑQIGJJQ ÑRFCGPÑ?@GJGRWÑRMÑUMPIÑC̅CARGTCJWÑUGRFÑ customers and their communication skills. VETiS Tourism The VETiS Tourism competitors will complete the day to the B?WÑR?QIQÑ?QQMAG?RCBÑUGRFÑUMPIGLEÑGLÑ?ÑRMSPGQKÑM̈ACÑ2FGQÑ includes client consultation, customer service, research and writing skills. The competitors are also required to write an article for the media and provide a presentation on tourism 11 PASS T POR Type a Here is a taste of some of the popular Try’aSkill activities which will be available at the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition. Try’ choices for the future. CONSIDER YOURSELF A BIT OF REV HEAD? AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS (Level 1) FANCY YOURSELF AS A BIT OF A HOME PROJECT WIZZ? Get your name on the ‘Top Gear’ Try’aSkill Leader board in our driver change speed challenge. Be the fastest at putting on a racing car helmet and strapping yourself into a racing car. AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL (Level 1) Try your hand at wiring up an electrical board which simulates system correctly to make it light up. BRICKLAYING (Level 1) Learn how to butter a trowel and lay a course of bricks. access to some of the basic skills involved within a Try’aSkill seeks to encourage students, young people and career-seekers to appreciate that o. NT N UME l DOC Skil WorldSkills Australia’s Try’aSkill initiative is an interactive program which allows people to try some of the skills involved in various professions through small scale projects, demonstrations and digitally simulated work environments. LIA uing TRA of Iss Code AUS State In addition to all of the live action of the National Competition, WorldSkills Australia will also be hosting a comprehensive and exciting Try’aSkill program throughout the venue which will allow visitors to engage with trades and skills in a hands-on way. KILL ORT AUS ality A P RALI tion AUST e Loca LLS Nam H DSKI PERT WORL n N Natio LIA re TRA ignatu AUS er ’s s Hold po 2014 of Ex mber Date epte 18 S piry 2014 of ex Date mber epte <<< 20 S <<<< <<<< ority <<<< IA Auth L <<<< < <<<< TRA A<<< IA<< AUS RALI TRAL AUST <AUS RTH< ERTH <<PE S<<P ILLS KILL LDSK RLDS SWOR USWO P<AU LL<A ASKI TRY’ ’A S TRY SP PA S pick up your passport from the information desk on level 1 CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTION LINE (Level 1) Create your own tea tray at the construction production line where you will learn carpentry, cabinetmaking and tiling skills. You get to take the tray home with you too! HAND TOOLS CHALLENGE (Level 1) Visit the TradeUp Australia booth to join in on your chance to learn skills on basic hand tools and then test your talent through the exciting ‘Hand Tools Challenge’. PLASTERING (Level 1) Here you will get the chance to learn how to mix plaster and BUILDING BASICS (Level 1) So you think hammering a nail into a piece of wood is easy? See if you can do it correctly and get it straight too when you head over to the Trades North booth. Here you will also be able to lay bricks and tile on a magnetic board. Stay Organised Wherever You Work HEAVY VEHICLE MECHANICS (Level 1) Get your hands dirty and learn how to change a piston and MECHANICAL ENGINEERING (Level 1) Sit inside an electric vehicle which was built by students at the 2013 ITC Global Electronic Vehicle Challenge. Learn about the purpose of the car from Central Institute of Technology’s students and make sure you check out the hand sized Stirling engine on display. VEHICLE BODY BUILDING (Level 1) Have a go at restoring car bodies by hammering out dents. VEHICLE PAINTING (Level 1) Test your speed and accuracy in the virtual spray painting booth. ‘TRY A TOOL’ – COVS (Level 1) Examine and learn how to use specialised automotive tools with Covs professionals. Post-it® Mobile Attach and Go Storage Pockets Post-it® Mobile Attach and Go Pockets stick securely and remove easily from laptops, notebooks, planners and more. They are transparent so you can see contents such as schedules, handouts, and presentations with a quick glance knowing you have what you need. Also inserts into three-ring binders and planners. • Sticks securely, removes easily from laptops, notebooks, planners and more • Transparent: see papers and supplies • 3M™ Dual Lock™ Fastener snaps secure MUSIC (Creative Hub Level 3) ARE YOU INTERESTED IN METALS AND ENGINEERING? Jump behind the computer and test your ear for music by WANT TO GET THOSE CREATIVE JUICES FLOWING? program. PHOTOGRAPHY (Creative Hub Level 3) Stage your own photo shoot and see the images on the big screen. GRAPHIC DESIGN (Creativity Hub Level 3) WELDING (Level 1) FASHION TECHNOLOGY (Creative Hub Level 3) Enter the world of virtual reality and test your skills as a welder. ENGINEERING (Level 1) Watch a robot in action as it engraves a memento for you to take home. our templates and swatches. INTERIOR DESIGN (Creative Hub Level 3) BEAUTY CARE (Creative Hub Level 3) Treat yourself to a massage and try your hand at applying make-up and nail art with our beauty specialists. Learn how to decorate anything from a kitchen to a hotel from interior design students and then test your skills in a colour combination and materials activity. HAIRDRESSING (Level 1) WEB DESIGN (Creative Hub Level 3) Learn how to master hair braiding and beading. Have a go at writing and developing programming codes with functionality and learn the basics to web design and how to develop a website. RETAIL BAKING – PASTRY (Level 1) Learn the delicate art of cake decoration. INDUSTRIAL DESIGN (Creative Hub Level 3) BUTCHERY (Level 1) BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE... Have a go at putting an image of yourself on the front cover of a magazine and then put your creativity skills to the test in a logo design competition. See if you have the skills to make the perfect sausage. BILLY BLUE INTERIOR DESIGN (Creative Hub Level 3) Interact with current interior design students and showcase your ideas and designs. Speak to designers and learn the processes of design from phones through to aeroplanes. Also don’t forget to check out INTERACTIVE MEDIA (Creative Hub Level 3) Have a go at beating the top scores in arcade video games designed by the students at Central Institute of Technology THE ULTIMATE SKILLS POST (Level 2) COMMUNITY SERVICES (Level 2) We want to know what you are the best at! Share your skills and talents on a Super Sticky Post-it note and add it to our wall. Try on beer goggles and see how alcohol and drugs change perceptions. While you’re there check out the standard drink and drug awareness displays which will provide you with important information on addiction, recovery, mental health and other issues around Community Services. AGED CARE AND DISABILITY SERVICES (Level 2) Witness and experience a hoist in action and learn safe tips on how to move patients with mobility issues in a safe manner. Check out the range of apps which assist people with communication issues and have a go at role playing to demonstrate how you would use these technologies. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (Level 2) Are you thinking of a career in Early Childhood Education? INSTANT WASTE MANAGEMENT (Level 1) AVIATION (Level 1) of the position. Learn about the Apps that are used for the development of literacy, numeracy, storytelling and also Take a look inside a helicopter and learn from a USA Air Force pilot on how it all works. Visit the instant waste management display to speak with industry experts about the education and career opportunities in the waste management sector. classroom. LABORATORY OPS (Level 2) BROADCAST TELEVISION (Level 2) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (Level 2) Learn about live television recording techniques using multiple cameras and then see yourself live on the big screen in a variety of sets used by popular television shows. Get your hands on a dissecting microscope to observe invertebrates found in local freshwater ecosystems. You can also create your own herbarium press here. DENTAL STUDIES (Level 2) FLUKE SHOWCASE (Level 1) Try out glow bug cream by applying it to your hands to see how easily bacteria can be transferred just by shaking hands and observe your hair strand or a swab of your cheek under a microscope. Make sure you also check out the chemistry demonstration where students will use a simple paper chromatography technique using everybody’s favourite sweet Are you brushing your teeth right? Does your tooth brush get all the right areas? Have a go at using our vegetable die which will reveal plaque and the areas you are missing, and get all the tips on how to keep your teeth healthy. Get your hands on some state of the art Fluke Australia equipment. At their display, Fluke will showcase their latest and greatest test tools in electrical installations, refrigeration and air conditioning, manufacturing, industrial control and electronics. NURSING (Level 2) Check your health with our free blood pressure, pulse, respiration and sugar checks administered by nursing students. TOURISM (Level 3) Do you know your way around the world? Take the quiz using ?LÑG.?BÑRMÑ̆LBÑMSRÑ7MSPÑ?LQUCPQÑUGJJÑ@CÑPCTC?JCBÑMLÑ the big screen. Post-it® Mobile Attach and Go Note Pads Post-it® Mobile Attach and Go Dispenser Post-it® Mobile Attach and Go Full Adhesive Note Pads are the notes for people on the go. Remove the last two sheets and stick the entire pad to laptops, notebooks, planners, tool boxes and more so you have notes at your fingertips when you need them. Full-adhesive means notes stay neatly together and stick secure. Post-it® Mobile Attach and Go Car Visor Pop-up Note Dispenser clips to a car visor for instant accessibility to notes. Keep Post-it® Notes, neat, clean and close at hand. It’s neutral colour complements any car interior. • Stick entire pad to laptops, notebooks, planners, tool boxes and more • Full adhesive means notes stay neatly together • Pad and notes stick securely, remove cleanly • Sturdy dispenser clips to car visor for instant accessibility • Complements any car interior • Keeps Post-it® Notes neat, clean and close at hand 13 KEEPING IT GREEN 2014 WorldSkills Australia’s Green Team Green Team 2014 WorldSkills Australia hosts some of the nation’s largest and KMQRÑJMEGQRGA?JJWAMKNJCVÑCTCLRQ ÑA?RCPGLEÑDMPÑÑBG̅CPCLRÑ skill categories at the biennial WorldSkills Australia National !MKNCRGRGMLQÑ0SLLGLEÑRFCQCÑQIGJJÑA?RCEMPGCQÑSQCQÑQGELĞA?LRÑ quantities of water, energy and materials, and generates multiple waste streams. In 2014, the Green Team will trial an even more robust approach to assessing the comparative sustainability of each participating category at the national competition. This will be achieved through monitoring and analysing each category’s QMAG?JÑ?LBÑCAMLMKGAÑC̅CARQÑ?QÑUCJJÑ?QÑGRQÑ@PM?BCPÑGKN?ARÑMLÑ the environment. Faced with these challenges, Dusseldorp Forum and WorldSkills Australia worked together on an innovative NPMHCARÑƝÑRFCÑ%PCCLÑ2C?KÑ2FCÑNPMHCARÑU?QÑGL?SESP?RCBÑ?RÑ the 2008 WorldSkills Australia National Competition and due RMÑGRQÑQSAACQQÑGLÑÑRFCÑNPMHCARÑU?QÑ?BMNRCBÑ?E?GLÑGLÑÑ and 2012. The Green Team will be comprised of Environmental Monitoring students from Challenger Institute of Technology ?LBÑK?L?ECBÑ@WÑ.PMHCARÑ+?L?ECPÑMDÑ1SQR?GL?@JCÑ "CTCJMNKCLRÑ?RÑ!F?JJCLECP Ñ.?QA?JGLCÑ-UCPQ The 2008 Green Team comprised of TAFE NSW Event Management students and university Environment Management students trained to conduct an Environmental 0CTGCUÑLÑ#LTGPMLKCLR?JÑ+?L?ECKCLRÑ.J?LÑ#+.ÑESGBCBÑ the review, allowing the Green Team’s work to conform to GLRCPL?RGML?JJWÑPCAMELGQCBÑQR?LB?PBQÑ2FCÑÑ#+.ÑNPMTGBCBÑ WorldSkills Australia with an event sustainability blueprint for continuous improvement. The results from Green Team 2014 will be published on the WorldSkills Australia website following the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition. %PCCLÑ2C?KÑSQCBÑRFCÑ4GARMPG?LÑ#.§QÑ#TCLRÑ$MMRNPGLRÑ Calculator to calculate the impact of the event in 2008, 2010 and 2012. In order to reduce the environmental impact of the competitions, WorldSkills Australia focused its attention on reducing the level of energy, materials, water consumed and waste generated by each category, thus demonstrating to the wider community, in particular the vocational education and training sector and Australian workplaces, what can @CÑ?AFGCTCBÑRFPMSEFÑC̅CARGTCÑAMLRPMJÑKC?QSPCQÑ?LBÑQK?PR Ñ sustainable planning. Green Team’s primary role, under the guidance of the lead auditor, is to audit each competition area, considering RFCÑQSQR?GL?@GJGRWÑMDÑNPMHCARÑBCQGELQ ÑRFCÑC̈AGCLRÑSQCÑMDÑ materials, water and energy, and waste management at the competition. Proudly supporting the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition, Perth 14 @DermalogicaAUS Instant Waste Management is proud to be sponsoring the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition in Perth and have targeted a 90% plus recycling rate for the construction waste generated by the trade participants entering the awards. Why not recycle your waste & make a meaningful difference to our future? Contact us: T: +61 8 9379 2111 E: Water Innovation Challenge The inaugural water innovation challenge in Singapore The Water Innovation TEAM Challenge The Water Innovation Team Challenge is an initiative of the WorldSkills Foundation that was conducted in Singapore during their International Water Week in June this year. Multidisciplinary teams from Australia and the USA competed over three days to produce the best plumbing and sanitation solutions to meet the needs of communities in Nepal and Bangladesh. The design briefs for the challenge were based on the actual solutions developed by the teams. Both teams worked extensively before and during the challenge to develop their project concepts, covering design, logistics, budgeting, and skills transfer, as well as carrying out a number of ‘hands on’ tasks such as guttering, installing a water pump and setting up a solar panel to power the pump. Team USA won the overall competition and will participate in the implementation of the solutions in a community selected by Healthabitat as part of their global Sanitation Studios program. The aim of the challenge is to demonstrate how young engineering, and graphic design – can work together to create WorldSkills Australia and RMIT University bringing safe and reliable water to remote communities in the Northern Territory Following the success of the inaugural Water Innovation Team Challenge held in Signapore, WorldSkills Australia and RMIT University will be bringing the model to the category. The main focus of the challenge is to have two multidisciplinary teams working together to deliver a water supply solution for two remote communities near Katherine in the Northern Territory, who currently have poor access to a safe and reliable water supply. The teams will work together with the local community and will use the best available resources and technology to address the water supply issues. The teams will include but are not limited to, engineering students, plumbers, secondary students studying a vocational pathway and members of the local communities near Katherine. The winning team will be involved in the installation of the solution in these communities. health of the communities for which they were designed. The Water Innovation Team Challenge was led and supported by the WorldSkills Foundation, Healthabitat, World Plumbing Council, RMIT University, and the Institute of Technical Education in Singapore. For more information about the project and backgrounds of participating teams, Visit WorldSkills Foundation The WorldSkills Foundation (WSF) was established in 2011 with the aim to share the WorldSkills movement beyond the WorldSkills Competition. This movement represents the unique talents and expertise of the global network of WorldSkills champions and experts, can help improve lives around the world. Each WSF project is equipped with highly skilled professionals, supported by strategic global partnerships, and endorses the foundation’s vision to improve the world through the power of skills. Their Through their many global partnerships, WSF has rolled out a series of innovative programmes and projects that support continued international education reform and health-related issues for countries in need. By collaborating with top vocational training institutions, highly-regarded universities and industry partners, WSF promotes development of cuttingedge skills training methods and research to help nurture and build the workforce of the future. people, and show how important skills are in achieving economic growth and personal success. 15 START A WORLD SKILLS CONSTRUCTION CAREER AT SCHOOL 16 Pay us a visit and find out more I AM...UP FOR THE CHALLENGE The 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition will showcase the skills of approximately 500 of Australia’s best trainees, apprentices and students for three days of exciting competition, providing a unique platform for these young professionals to test their skills, meet like-minded individuals and prove their commitment to their profession. The 2014 national competitors have earned the opportunity to represent their region on the national stage following their medal winning performance in the 2013 round of WorldSkills Australia Regional Competitions. AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Autobody Repair Mahmoud Ahmad .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 AHG - North City Holden .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Albert Doyle-Smith Brisbane - QLD Exclusive Auto Centre MTA Institute of Technology Blake Holden Sydney - NSW 2P?LQÑ.?AĞA TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, St George College Aiden Hole Sydney West - NSW Valley Heights Smash Repairs TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute, Mt Druitt College Mitchell Lozenkovski Illawara - NSW Bears Auto Hospital TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Graham Munro Hunter - NSW 5?PLCPQÑ ?WÑ.?GLRÑ?LBÑ.?LCJÑ TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Glendale Campus Trent Yeo Melbourne - VIC Antique Autoworks )?LE?LÑ'LQRGRSRCÑÑ"MAIJ?LBQÑ Campus Auto Electrical Justin Fenton Sydney - NSW Shoalhaven Auto Electrical TAFE NSW South Western Sydney 'LQRGRSRC Ñ5CRFCPGJJÑ.?PIÑ College Kane Girard New England - NSW ÑSRMÑ#JCARPGAQÑÑGPÑ Conditioning TAFE NSW New England Institute, Tamworth Campus Steven Harmsen .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 WesTrac .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Ashley Lake Brisbane - QLD "?W@MPMÑÑ"GQRPGARQÑSRMÑ Electrics TAFE Queensland Julian Perusic Sydney West - NSW ACÑGPÑÑSRMÑ#JCARPGA?J TAFE NSW South Western 1WBLCWÑ'LQRGRSRC Ñ5CRFCPGJJÑ.?PIÑ College Michael Rodriquez Melbourne - VIC PIMLÑSRMÑ#JCARPGA?JÑÑ 'LQRPSKCLRQÑ.RWÑ*RBÑ )?LE?LÑ'LQRGRSRCÑÑ"MAIJ?LBQÑ Campus Automotive Mechanics Aaron Cornelius Victoria Country - VIC Berwick Nissan Chisholm Institute of TAFE Dandenong Campus Karl Davies Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC Hewitts Spanners Ñ1N?PIQÑSRMKMRGTCÑ University of Ballarat Joshua Freund Sydney - NSW Heartland Motors Castle Lill TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute, Blacktown College Carmelo Giuseppe Corica North Queensland Wayne Neven Mechanical TAFE Queensland Brian Kirkman Melbourne - VIC VACC Auto Apprentices Box Hill Institute BMW Group Australia Katherine Macpherson Illawara - NSW 2FGPPMSJÑ1CPTGACÑ1R?RGMLÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Shellharbour Campus Angus Munro Northern Rivers - NSW Rodney’s Auto Engineering TAFE NSW North Coast Institute, Wollongbar Campus Katherine Strahan .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 AHG - Giant Autos .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Kurt Trask Brisbane - QLD Bruce Lynton BMW TAFE Queensland Brett Tronc Wide Bay - QLD )K?PRÑ2WPCÑÑSRM TAFE Queensland Jacob Twidale Southern Queensland - QLD Toowoomba Toyota TAFE Queensland Mathew Van der Held .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 RAC Auto Services Automotive Institute of Technology Ashley Viney Tasmania - TAS Les Walken Enterprises TasTAFE Timothy Walton Sydney West - NSW Mountain Autos TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute, Blacktown College Tristan Williams Central Queensland - QLD Lawrences Holden CQUniversity Australia Heavy Vehicle Mechanics %CMˑPCWÍ ?PRML Sydney - NSW MTU Detroit Diesel Australia TAFE NSW South Western 1WBLCWÑ'LQRGRSRC Ñ5CRFCPGJJÑ.?PIÑ College Dylan Bell Riverina Murray - NSW Milbrae Quarries TAFE NSW Riverina Institute, Wagga Wagga Campus Jackson Beurteaux .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 WesTrac WesTrac Institute WA WesTrac Robert Brosnan Wide Bay - QLD Anglo American - Dawson Mine TAFE Queensland James Collins Illawara - NSW Agriquip Machinery TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Shellharbour Campus James Daniels North Queensland - QLD 2UGLCÑ+?AFGLCPWÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE Queensland Matthew Martland Sydney West - NSW Scania Australia TAFE NSW South Western 1WBLCWÑ'LQRGRSRC Ñ5CRFCPGJJÑ.?PIÑ College Kristofer Maxwell Tasmania - TAS De Bruyn’s Transport TasTAFE Ethan Morris Victoria Country - VIC !+4Ñ2PSAIÑÑ SQ )?LE?LÑ'LQRGRSRCÑÑ"MAIJ?LBQÑ Campus James Simonis Melbourne - VIC !("Ñ#OSGNKCLRÑ.RWÑ*RB Chisholm Institute of TAFE Dandenong Campus BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION Benjamin Snow Brisbane - QLD Volvo Commercial Vehicles Australia TAFE Queensland Brodan Aylott Sydney West - NSW Wesbrook Bricklaying TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Miller College Christopher Stear .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Westrans Services .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Sam Barratt Tasmania - TAS JJÑ PGAIÑ2?QK?LG?Ñ.RWÑ*RB TasTAFE Vehicle Painting Matthew Baxter Melbourne - VIC !ÑÑ(Ñ*GEFRUCGEFRÑ SGJBGLEÑ Specialist Holmesglen Institute of TAFE Jordan Atkins Sydney - NSW Medicar Automotive TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Campbelltown College Jayden Cook .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 5?WLCÑ.FGNNQÑ1K?QFÑ0CN?GPQ .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Billy Cowcher Melbourne - VIC Woollards Auto Body Works GO TAFE Wangaratta Blake Duke Sydney West - NSW Wreck-A-Mended Smash Repairs TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Campbelltown College Maigan Hackett Brisbane - QLD Brisbane BMW Body Shop TAFE Queensland Jay Knick Illawara - NSW .CPPCÑ PMQÑ1K?QFÑ0CN?GPQÑ TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Blair Watters Hunter - NSW 2)Ñ0CQRMP?RGMLQ TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Glendale Campus Bricklaying Brydon Beckwith Victoria Country - VIC Beeze Bricklaying Holmesglen Institute of TAFE Todd Bridge Hunter - NSW "ÑÑ)Ñ5GJICQ TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Newcastle Campus Matthew Cheso Adelaide - SA Adelaide Hills Bricklaying TAFE SA Nicholas Coci .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Celebration Homes West Coast Institute of Training ABN Training Liam Hood Canberra - ACT AJ Baxter Bricklaying TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Sam Lewis South West - WA S Lewis Bricklaying South West Institute of Technology ABN Training 17 BRICKLAYING CONTINUED Isaac Machin Central Queensland - QLD (C̅Ñ!?PPÑ PGAIJ?WGLE CQUniversity Australia Dylan Marsh .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Foundation Bricklaying .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Jack Sommerfeld North Queensland - QLD 1MKKCPDCJBÑ?LBÑ1MLQÑ.RWÑ*RBÑ TAFE Queensland Sam Spong Illawara - NSW *ÑÑ#Ñ+A+?FMLÑ PGAIJ?WGLEÑ .RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Kurt Sugden Brisbane - QLD )SPRÑ1SEBCL BIGA Training Damien Tibbles Macquarie - NSW 5(Ñ1C?PJÑ PGAIJ?WGLEÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW Western Institute, Bathurst College Toby Tosh Wide Bay - QLD .%ÑÑ$+Ñ2MQFÑ PGAIJ?WGLE TAFE Queensland Matthew Van Der Linden Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC !+Ñ.CLL?LRÑ PGAIJ?WGLEÑ University of Ballarat Cabinetmaking Oliver Baker Canberra - ACT Capital Veneering Canberra Institute of Technology Matthew Bisazza Sydney West - NSW Designarobe TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Lidcombe College Mathew Burnett South West WA - WA Glen Holst Furniture South West Institute of Technology John Curtin .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 .CPRFÑ5MMBÑ1AFMMJÑ .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Kate Elstone Geelong - VIC Fusion Cabinets Gordon TAFE Shaun Ferrero Brisbane - QLD John Adderson Constructions TAFE Queensland Jordan Flannery Tasmania - TAS Fairbrother TasTAFE Karl Geue Southeast South Australia - SA )GLEQRMLÑ)?@GLCRQ TAFE SA Group Training Employment (GTE) 18 Jason Hegner Sydney - NSW Madison Turner TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Lidcombe College Hugh Jackson Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC "PGQAMJJÑ(MGLCPWÑ.RWÑ*RBÑ University of Ballarat Joshua Tregenza Adelaide - SA Atkins Building Group TAFE SA Todd Hindmarsh Southeast South Australia - SA Donna’s Electrical TAFE SA Zebulun Jacobsen Wide Bay - QLD Stauntons Cabinets and Joinery TAFE Queensland Kris Wilds North Queensland - QLD )CGTJCGEFÑ+?RFCPÑ SGJBCPÑ TAFE Queensland Oliver Schinkel Northern Territory - NT .MUCPÑ?LBÑ5?RCPÑ!MPNMP?RGML Charles Darwin University GTNT Grant Storey Southern Queensland - QLD 1SLÑ.GLCÑ$SPLGRSPC Ñ Toowoomba TAFE Queensland Carpentry Samuel Barlow Sydney - NSW BarlowBuilt TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, Gymea College Tom Barratt Tasmania - TAS JJÑ PGAIÑ2?QK?LG?Ñ.RWÑ*RBÑ TasTAFE James Brettell Melbourne - VIC Brettell Developments Victoria University - Sunshine Campus Anthony Brien South West WA - WA .CPIGLQÑ SGJBCPQ South West Institute of Technology Jack Cawthorne Southeast South Australia - SA .CRCPÑ%SCPGLÑ TAFE SA Group Training Emplyment (GTE) Danny Dredge Sydney West - NSW Hammerennails Carpentry TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Miller College Aaron Ehrlich Southern Queensland - QLD All Built Up, Toowoomba TAFE Queensland Peter Ives Hunter - NSW North Construction and SGJBGLEÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Ourimbah Campus Josh Mann Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC Boadle Developments University of Ballarat Thomas Meyers Illawara - NSW A J Corby Construction TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Bradley Monkhouse Canberra - ACT Master Builders Group Training Master Builders Group Training Kieran Muldoon Macquarie - NSW .5Ñ!MLQRPSARGMLQÑ TAFE NSW Western Institute, Bathurst College Skillset Joseph Taylor Mid Coast - NSW %ÑÑ2Ñ7MSLE TAFE NSW North Coast 'LQRGRSRC Ñ!M̅QÑ&?P@MSPÑ Campus Liam Wilson Brisbane - QLD Caraun Constructions TAFE Queensland Electrical Control Shoulhie Artie North West WA - WA &.Ñ GJJGRMLÑ'PMLÑ-PCÑ .GJ@?P?Ñ'LQRGRSRC Apprenticeships Australia Dylan Bromley Southeast South Australia - SA !?PRCPÑ&MJRÑ&?PTCWÑ.GLCN?LCJQ TAFE SA Jim D’Elbroux Macquarie - NSW CSA Mine, Glencore TAFE NSW Western Institute, Dubbo College Nicholas Hewett North Queensland - QLD ,GCJQCLÑ.RWÑ*RB Tec-NQ Michael Miller Riverina Murray - NSW !?QCJJ?Ñ5GLCQÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW Riverina Institute, Leeton Campus Timo Pretorius Central Queensland - QLD Sibelco Queensland Magnesia CQUniversity Australia Luke Schaenzel Brisbane - QLD Electro Group Apprentices TAFE Queensland Electro Group Apprentices Jesse Williams Spencer Gulf - SA Aquest TAFE SA CEG Electrical Installation Daniel Baker Central Queensland - QLD %J?BQRMLCÑ.MPRQÑ!MPNMP?RGML CQUniversity Australia 2GKÍ!JGˑMPB North Queensland - QLD .!Ñ1KGRFÑ#JCARPGA?JÑ.RWÑ*RB Tec-NQ Samuel Dargan Macquarie - NSW Chris Nagle Electrical TAFE NSW Western Institute, Dubbo College Luke Davies Brisbane - QLD Blue Star Atlantic TAFE Queensland Mitchell Demamiel Riverina Murray - NSW %1ÑÑ "Ñ#JCARPGAQÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW Riverina Institute, Leeton Campus Mark Eaves .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 #JCARPGA?JÑ%PMSNÑ2P?GLGLEÑÑÑ Coronet Electrical Services College of Electrical Training Coronet Electrical Services Shaun Steiner .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 #JCARPGA?JÑ%PMSNÑ2P?GLGLEÑÑ AB Tilbury College of Electrical Training Electrical Group Training Jonathon Williams Tasmania - TAS Tasmanian Electrical Services TasTAFE Joinery ?PMLÍ&MˑK?L Sydney - NSW Budget Stairs TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Lidcombe College Ben Curtis Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC Ballarat Staircase Company University of Ballarat Steven Diberardino Melbourne - VIC Schiavello Victoria University - Newport Campus Timothy Fitzgerald Sydney West - NSW .J?RGLSKÑ1FMUCPÑ1APCCLQÑÑ Wardrobes TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Lidcombe College Christopher Lee Geelong - VIC B?KÑ&?JJÑ SGJBCPQÑ.RWÑ*RB Gordon TAFE Daniel Conaghan Sydney West - NSW #LRPCLAFCBÑ*?LBQA?NCQÑÑ"CQGEL TAFE NSW South Western 1WBLCWÑ'LQRGRSRC Ñ.?BQRMUÑ College Rory Fitzparick Brisbane - QLD Green Survival Horticultural Training Queensland Chris Lindsay Southern Queensland - QLD ZEN Landscaping TAFE Queensland Joshua Passafaro Sydney - NSW The Garden Makers TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute, Ryde College Lachlan Samers Melbourne - VIC #QH?WÑ*?LBQA?NCQ Swinburne TAFE - Wantirna Campus Heath Stevenson Geelong - VIC Heath Stevenson Landscaping Gordon TAFE Jack Wallace Canberra - ACT Easycare Landscapes Canberra Institute of Technology Painting & Decorating Rachael Anderson Wide Bay - QLD All Trades Queensland +?QRCPÑ.?GLRCPQÑ/SCCLQJ?LB All Trades Queensland Matthew Bird Illawara - NSW (?KCQÑ&GAICWÑ.?GLRGLEÑÑ Decorating TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Christopher Moore Adelaide - SA Tiana Joinery TAFE SA Molly Close Brisbane - QLD 3QFCPÑÑ1MLÑ.?GLRGLEÑ Contractors TAFE Queensland Brayden Rendall Canberra - ACT 2FCÑ(MGLCPWÑ1RMPCÑ.RWÑ*RB Canberra Institute of Technology Cameron Creagh .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Esplanade Hotel Fremantle .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Nicholas Roman Illawara - NSW #T?JMAIÑÑ5GLBMUQÑÑ"MMPQ TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Luke Young Tasmania - TAS Fairbrother TasTAFE Landscape Construction Jackson Bramley New England - NSW Jackson’s Landscapes TAFE NSW New England Institute, Tamworth Campus Tyson Carr Victoria Country - VIC 3P@?LÑ*?LBAP?̊ North Melbourne Institute of 2$#ÑÑ$?GP̆CJB Stewart Jones Canberra - ACT &MKCUMPIQÑSQRP?JG?Ñ.RWÑ*RB Canberra Institute of Technology Sharlene Kidd .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 %4Ñ.?GLRGLE +.Ñ1IGJJQ +.Ñ1IGJJQ Anthony Phonlamuang Sydney West - NSW 2MNÑ%SLÑ.?GLRGLEÑÑ"CAMP?RGLEÑ Services TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Granville College Cory Tobin Macquarie - NSW +A,?SEFRÑ%PMSNÑ.RWÑ*RBÑ TAFE NSW Western Institute, Orange College Russell Turbill Adelaide - SA 'K?ECÑ.?GLRGLEÑÑ"CAMP?RGLEÑ TAFE SA Jarrod Wardle Hunter - NSW *SA?QÑÑ.?GLRGLEÑ1CPTGACQ TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Newcastle Campus Plastering Christopher Just Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC Armstrongs Commercial .J?QRCPGLEÑ Building Skills Centre Luke Montford .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Ceiling Solutions .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Blake Ayerst Hunter - NSW (ÑÑ+ÑWCPQRÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Newcastle Campus Mitchell Cook Canberra - ACT Goulburn Interior Lining and Cornice Canberra Institute of Technology Anton La Palombara Tasmania - TAS 2P?LQDMPKÑ.J?QRCPGLEÑ TasTAFE Plumbing Justin Bilske Adelaide - SA Smith Brothers TAFE SA Ben Devenish-Meares .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5Ñ +.Ñ1IGJJQ +.Ñ1IGJJQ Dylan Di Martino Melbourne - VIC .?SJ§QÑ.JSK@GLEÑ1CPTGAC Victoria University - Sunshine Campus 1?KÍ%GˑMPB Riverina Murray - NSW +GAF?CJÑ MWJCÑ.JSK@GLE TAFE NSW Riverina Institute, Albury Campus Sam Glisson Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC LESQÑ#CJCQÑ.JSK@GLE University of Ballarat Rechelle Gulliver Wide Bay - QLD Steve’s Northside Gas and .JSK@GLE TAFE Queensland Kieren Lewis Mid Coast - NSW !PMQQGLEF?K§QÑ.JSK@GLEÑ Service TAFE NSW North Coast 'LQRGRSRC Ñ!M̅QÑ&?P@MSPÑ Campus J?ICÍ+AÍ!?ˑPCW Sydney West - NSW %MJBK?LÑ.JSK@GLEÑ1CPTGACQ TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute, Mt Druitt College Dale McGeown Brisbane - QLD .&.Ñ.JSK@GLEÑ!MLRP?ARMPQ TAFE Queensland Taryn Kearney Illawara - NSW )F?LÑ1GELQ TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus CLIENT SERVICES Caitlin McLenaghan Brisbane - QLD TAFE Queensland Beauty Care FASHION TECHNOLOGY Luke Lane Brisbane - QLD Custom Decals and Signs TAFE Queensland Rachel De Waal North Queensland - QLD .PCAGMSQÑ*?BWÑ C?SRWÑ Boutique TAFE Queensland Anne Amarasinghe Melbourne - VIC Holmesglen Institute of TAFE Clinton Levy Melbourne - VIC 1GELÑ#̅CARQ Victoria University - Sunshine Campus Jarron Miller Southern Queensland - QLD (?AIPFMLÑ.JSK@GLEÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE Queensland Kiara Sawtell Sydney West - NSW Bankstown Signarama TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Maquarie Fields College Oden Nicholson Illawara - NSW &CJKÑ.JSK@GLEÑÑ"P?GL?EC TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Brenden Watson Sydney - NSW )CLÑ$SJF?KÑ1GELQ TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Daniel Potter .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 2MBBÑ5PGEFRÑ.JSK@GLEÑ?LBÑ %?Q̆RRGLEÑ +.Ñ1IGJJQ Wall & Floor Tiling Ricky Stein Canberra - ACT "SMKCAÑ+CAF?LGA?JÑ.JSK@GLEÑ .RWÑ*RB Canberra Institute of Technology Zak Wain North Queensland - QLD 2PCLRÑ$GLLÑ.JSK@GLEÑÑ %?Q̆RRGLEÑ TAFE Queensland Signage Ethan Buckton Central Queensland - QLD Horizon Signs TAFE Queensland Harley Clements .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Auto Vision .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Daniel Coward Canberra - ACT Screenmakers TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Steve Galluccio Adelaide - SA &WJ?LBÑÑ$MVÑ1GELQ TAFE SA Peter Cooper Mid Coast - NSW .CRCPÑ!MMNCP TAFE NSW North Coast 'LQRGRSRC Ñ!M̅QÑ&?P@MSPÑ Campus Mick Ivey .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 West Wide Tiling Services .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Jarett Lim .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 .%Ñ&MKCQ .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR ABN Training Julian May Brisbane - QLD All Trades Queensland TAFE Queensland All Trades Queensland Anthony McGivern Sydney West - NSW BMPLÑ2GJCQÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Maquarie Fields College Daniel Picariello Adelaide - SA Sabcal Tiling TAFE SA Mark Withers Canberra - ACT %JCLLÑ1UG̊Ñ2GJGLE Canberra Institute of Technology Jasmine Gordon Northern Territory - NT Mombasa Day Spa Charles Darwin University Krystle Harvey Victoria Country - VIC Immerse Day Spa Chisholm Institute of TAFE Berwick Campus Lauren Karman Melbourne - VIC Victoria University - City Campus Katelin Kirsteuer Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC SRC Services University of Ballarat Ballarat Sanctuary Day Spa Paige Parry Bendigo - VIC Absolute Indulgence Bendigo TAFE Jade Robertson Mid Coast - NSW TAFE NSW North Coast 'LQRGRSRC Ñ.MPRÑ+?AOS?PGCÑ Campus Stacy Romanowski Sydney West - NSW Signature Day Spa TAFE NSW Western Sydney 'LQRGRSRC Ñ)?RMMK@?Ñ!MJJCEC Breanna Rooney Central Queensland - QLD Just Magic Skin Care Clinic CQUniversity Australia (CQQGA?Í1OSGPCQ+M˔R Southern Queensland - QLD .SPCÑ'LBSJECLACÑ1IGLÑÑ C?SRW TAFE Queensland Madison Tolano Geelong - VIC Saltair Spa Gordon TAFE Natasha Webster .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Central Institute of Technology Briellen Barron Wide Bay - QLD TAFE Queensland Kate Bernardino Hunter - NSW TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Newcastle Campus Caitlin French Mayor South West WA - WA South West Institute of Technology Emma Hillier Sydney West - NSW TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Macquarie Fields College Natalie Jones Sydney - NSW TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Alice Litzow Brisbane - QLD J?AIÑ+GJIÑ!JMRFGLEÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE Queensland Emily Turner Victoria Country - VIC )?LE?LÑ'LQRGRSRCÑÑ0GAFKMLBÑ Campus Melissa Westwood .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5Ñ .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Julia Wood .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5Ñ .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Floristry Natahlia Brandt Melbourne - VIC )LMV̆CJBÑ$JMPGQR +?PHMPGCÑ+GJLCPÑ!MJJCEC Linley Fullwood .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Code Bloom Challenger Institute of Technology Ellie McCarthy Southern Queensland - QLD #RFCPC?JÑ%G̊QÑ?LBÑ$JMUCPQ Ñ Emerald Flowers To Impress School of Floristry Jessica Peters Sydney West - NSW Simply Unique Flowers and %G̊Q TAFE NSW South Western 1WBLCWÑ'LQRGRSRC Ñ.?BQRMUÑ College Rosemarie Stewart Sydney - NSW Bunnings Warehouse TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute, Ryde College Lydia Watson Victoria Country - VIC Whites Florist Ballarat +?PHMPGCÑ+GJLCPÑ!MJJCEC Lauren Nitschke Southeast South Australia - SA Red Ivie Hairdressing TAFE SA Alexia Papadopoulos Sydney - NSW Fabulous The Salon TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, Gymea College Hayley Parker Geelong - VIC 1?JMLÑ1MHMSPL Gordon TAFE Jessica Power Tasmania - TAS Monro’s Haircutters TasTAFE Hairdressing Claudia Cole .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 "C̆LGRGMLQÑ$MPÑ&?GP Challenger Institute of Technology Jake Putan Hunter - NSW Nik’s Cutting Edge TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Newcastle Campus Alisha Doughman Brisbane - QLD Jack’s Barber 4171 Brisbane School of Hairdressing Jessica Saliba Sydney West - NSW Studio 206 Hair, Skin and Beauty TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute, Mt Druitt College Gemma Edwards Mid Coast - NSW Milans Hairdressing TAFE NSW North Coast 'LQRGRSRC Ñ.MPRÑ+?AOS?PGCÑ Campus Nathan Sanford South West WA - WA Eaton Hair Salon South West Institute of Technology Victoria Edwards Central Queensland - QLD Intuition The Art of Hair CQUniversity Australia Laura-Jayne Turnbull Wide Bay - QLD La Vita Hairdressing TAFE Queensland Erin Flemming Southern Queensland - QLD Jazzy Lane Hair Studio, Toowoomba TAFE Queensland Jasmine Gardner Illawara - NSW Angels Hair TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, West Wollongong Campus Tegan Kerrins Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC Roberts Avenue Hair Design University of Ballarat Emma Knuth North Queensland - QLD Beautique Hair Lounge TAFE Queensland D’koda Lee-Feeney Northern Territory - NT I AM Hair and Spa Lounge Charles Darwin University ParexGroup are proud to partner with WorldSkills Australia as a manufacturer of a full tile system solutions For more information on how we can help bring your tiling together please contact us 1800 653 347 19 the venue map Level 3 - Creativity Hub (CH) CONVENTION CENTRE LEVEL 1 EXHIBITION PAVILION loads more try’askill activities and demonstrations here including the ultimate skills post wall where we want you to share your skills and talents with us! INKIND EVENT PARTNERS COMPUTING AND BUSINESS Business Services Samantha Brugnera Illawara - NSW TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Shellharbour Campus Kimberly Chown Canberra - ACT Early Childhood Australia Inc Canberra Institute of Technology Ebony Couzens North West - WA Woodside .GJ@?P?Ñ'LQRGRSRC Kayleigh Eastick Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC Ray White Ballarat BGT Ballarat 2Gˑ?LWÍ#LEJCP Brisbane - QLD Evocca College Alexandra Knight Wide Bay - QLD Bundaberg Coaches TAFE Queensland Rhianna Reid Sydney West - NSW Blue Mountains City Council TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute, Wentworth Falls College Gabriella Swiecki Sydney - NSW Test Drive TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute, Meadowbank College Printing & Graphic Arts Sarah Clark Adelaide - SA Adelaide Convention Centre TAFE SA Dale Fisher Melbourne - VIC RMIT - Melbourne City Campus Matthew Fletcher Brisbane - QLD CATC Design School Helen Kilpatrick Southern Queensland - QLD TAFE Queensland Ellen Savige Victoria Country - VIC (?KCQÑ7C?RCQÑ.PGLRGLEÑ.RWÑ*RB RMIT - Brunswick Campus Broderick Thomsen North Queensland - QLD Annandale Christian College Ñ2MULQTGJJCÑ!PC?RGTCÑ Technologies College Web Design Thomas Claasz Sydney - NSW TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute, Hornsby College Chi Hieu Nguyen Sydney - NSW TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, Ultimo College David Blanch Hunter - NSW Wyee Computer Services TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Ourimbah Campus JJW?L?Í%Mˑ .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Central Institute of Technology Shaquille Ray-Brazel Brisbane - QLD Evocca College Harlan Wilton Sydney West - NSW TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute, Wentworth Falls College HOSPITALITY SERVICES Cookery Alyssa Baxter Wide Bay - QLD .CRPM§QÑ!FGAICLÑ!?PTCPWÑ !?RCPGLEÑ?LBÑ5?̉CÑ!M̅CCÑ House TAFE Queensland Krystal Cagney New England - NSW Inverell RSM Club TAFE NSW New England Institute, Tamworth Campus Stefanie Cselka Northern Rivers - NSW Ballina RSL Club TAFE NSW North Coast Institute, Wollongbar Campus Jane Grant Central Queensland - QLD !CLRP?JÑ.?PIÑ+MRCJ CQUniversity Australia Bradley Howden Canberra - ACT Canberra Southern Cross Club Canberra Institute of Technology Chris Malone .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Frasers Restaurant West Coast Institute of Training Adriana Manfredi Illawara - NSW 2FCÑ!FĠCWÑ&MRCJ “TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus / )CLT?JCÑ!MJJCEC Ñ0?LBUGAI Ñ Sydney “ Joshua Mason Sydney - NSW Antoine’s Grill TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute, Ryde College Cameron McLeod Northern Territory - NT .GAAMJM§QÑ!?DiÑ Charles Darwin University Cassandre Morris Brisbane - QLD Stokehouse Brisbane TAFE Queensland Katie Phillips Southern Queensland - QLD The Olive Branch Restaurant TAFE Queensland Siobhann Redman Hunter - NSW 2FCÑ!CJJ?PÑ0CQR?SP?LRÑ.MIMJ@GL TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, )SPPGÑ)SPPGÑ!?KNSQ Laura Schultz Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC The George Hotel University of Ballarat Kevin Senjaya .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 !PMULÑ.CPRF .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Apprenticeship Solutions Sean Sharan Sydney West - NSW The Hills Lodge Grand Mercure TAFE NSW Western Sydney Institute, Baulkham Hills College Kiri Walsh South West WA - WA The Ridge Restaurant South West Institute of Technology Anthony Wilksch Geelong - VIC Gordon TAFE Restaurant Service Samantha Johnson Sydney - NSW The Reef Restaurant TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute, Ryde College Scarlett Liddell Illawara - NSW Sixty Seven Dining TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Lyly Cheng Brisbane - QLD The Fish Factory TAFE Queensland Stuart McManus Canberra - ACT Canberra Southern Cross Club Canberra Institute of Technology Leisha Young South West WA - WA Noovoh Backbeach South West Institute of Technology Retail Baking - Bread Deejay Timney Northern Territory - NT Outback Bakery Charles Darwin University Jarryd Coghlan Melbourne - VIC Red House Bakery William Angliss Institute of TAFE - Melbourne Campus Scott Cumming Hunter - NSW Bakers Delight Thornton TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Hamilton Campus Nick Gillan .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 *?UJCW§QÑ ?ICPWÑÑ!?Di West Coast Institute of Training Gemma-Louise Hanna Bendigo - VIC Bridgewater Bakehouse GO TAFE Shepparton Jasmine Harris Adelaide - SA Bakers Delight Salisbury TAFE SA HEATCRAFT AUSTRALIA - PROUD SPONSORS OF THE 2014 WORLDSKILLS AUSTRALIA NATIONAL REFRIGERATION COMPETITION WE’RE LOOKING AFTER APPRENTICES WITH OUR TOOLCARD > Additional discounts on tools > Grab your FREE Toolcard at your local Heatcraft branch > Register at for special offers 22 13 23 50 Aidan Hauptli Brisbane - QLD Childers Hot Bread and Cakes Baking Industry Training Australia Christopher Kirkpatrick .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 The Miami Bakehouse .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Carlin Bowen .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Willowbrook Butchery Australian College of Training William Brooks Adelaide - SA Cooper’s Butchers TAFE SA Kristy Koch Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC Bakers Delight, Melton South University of Ballarat Lachlan Kerr Illawara - NSW Tarrawanna Meats a Treat TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, West Wollongong Campus John Reminis Illawara - NSW Bakehouse Delights TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Todd Maher Hunter - NSW Neal Eastley’s Butchery TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Hamilton Campus Alex Slinger Victoria Country - VIC Bakers Delight Cranbourne Federation University Australia Samuel McGuire Sydney West - NSW .CLLWQÑ/S?JGRWÑ SRAFCPQ TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Granville College Retail Baking - Pastry Mikayla Brightling Illawara - NSW Delaneys Cakes TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Adele Di Bella Sydney - NSW Cavallaro Cake Works TAFE NSW Northern Sydney Institute, Ryde College Olivia Lutze Adelaide - SA The Stirling Hotel TAFE SA Laura Mackwell .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 La Vespa .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Liam Pepper Brisbane - QLD Bazza’s Bakehouse Baking Industry Training Australia Amy Stoner-Paterson .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 *?UJCW§QÑ ?ICPWÑÑ!?Di West Coast Institute of Training Retail Butchery Byron Allsopp Wide Bay - QLD Wilsonton Meats Axial Training Samantha Anderson North Queensland - QLD +?J?LB?Ñ+C?RÑ!MKN?LWÑ.RWÑ*RB Symbio Alliance Tom Melville Central Queensland - QLD 1KGRF̆CJBÑ!FMGACÑ!SRQ Symbio Alliance Bradley Mengel Southern Queensland - QLD Inglewood Fine Meats Axial Training Christian Nicholls Brisbane - QLD Marina Meats Hope Island Axial Training Joshua Webb Tasmania - TAS McLennan’s Butchery TasTAFE PROUDLY SUPPORTING WA’S 2014 WORLDSKILLS AUSTRALIA CONSTRUCTION TEAM SHOULHIE ARTIE ANTHONY BRIEN MATTHEW BURNETT HARLEY CLEMENTS NICHOLAS COCI JOHN CURTIN BEN DEVENISH-MEARS ALANA FRYER MICK IVEY SAM LEWIS JARETT LIM DYLAN MARSH LUKE MONTFORD TRENT O’BRIEN DONNA PAULL DANIEL POTTER MICHAEK SNOOK SHAUN STEINER Find us METALS AND ENGINEERING Construction Steel Work Scott Brown Illawara - NSW Coastwide Engineering TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Jacob Atkins Hunter - NSW 2FMK?QÑ?LBÑ!M̅CW TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Newcastle Campus Anthony Beljan Sydney West - NSW Aardvark Steel Construction .RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Miller College Taylor Cox Melbourne - VIC .PMHCARÑ1RCCJÑ$?@PGA?RGMLQÑ Victoria University - Sunshine Campus Michael James Riverina Murray - NSW CB Engineering TAFE NSW Riverina Institute, Leeton Campus Jordan Lueth Southeast South Australia - SA Haynes Engineering TAFE SA John Lyle Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC .JGLGSQÑ#LEGLCCPGLE University of Ballarat Adam McIlwain Brisbane - QLD JJ Richards Engineering TAFE Queensland Joshua Pratt Tasmania - TAS )GLEQRMLÑ PMQ TasTAFE Aaron Purdy .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Calidus Welding Solutions .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Kyle Shillings Adelaide - SA AGL Torrens Island TAFE SA Jed Sparks Southern Queensland - QLD &MUCJJÑ"?TGCQÑ5CJBGLEÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE Queensland Engineering Excellence Team Challenge Juhl Atkinson North Queensland - QLD Torgas Inc. Careers Australia - Institute of Training Bradley Clark Tasmania - TAS United Engineering TasTAFE Jordan Demarco Adelaide - SA ,WPQR?PÑ.MPRÑ.GPGC 2P?GLGLEÑ.PMQNCARQ Sasha Domitrovic Melbourne - VIC +CAF?LGA?JÑ#LEGLCCPGLEÑ.RWÑ*RB )?LE?LÑ'LQRGRSRCÑÑ Broadmeadows Campus Todd Fitzsimmons Hunter - NSW 3JRP?̇MMPÑSQRP?JG? TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Newcastle Campus Brock Goodwin Hunter - NSW Hunter Net TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Newcastle Campus Hunter Net Brayden McColl North Queensland - QLD Towers Engineering Works .RWÑ*RB Careers Australia - Institute of Training James Gray Adelaide - SA ,WPQR?PÑ.MPRÑ.GPGC 2P?GLGLEÑ.PMQNCARQ Alex Reid .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 AGC Australia Challenger Institute of Technology The Apprenticeship Traineeship Company Hemi Harris Brisbane - QLD JJ Richards TAFE Queensland Shari Hunt Spencer Gulf - SA Arrium (OneSteel) TAFE SA James Jorgensen Melbourne - VIC +?̅P?Ñ1FCCRKCR?JÑ5MPIQÑ )?LE?LÑ'LQRGRSRCÑÑ0GAFKMLB Matthew King Spencer Gulf - SA 5FW?JJ?Ñ&MQCÑÑ$GRRGLEQ TAFE SA Eh Ler Taw Sydney West - NSW MG Mygateway TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Campbelltown College Andrew Lloyd Sydney West - NSW D.M.E. Engineering TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Chullora College Matthew Luttrell Tasmania - TAS ACL Bearing Company TasTAFE Alphonsus Rowe Geelong - VIC Alcoa of Australia Ltd Gordon TAFE Patrick Sharman .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Ikad Engineering Challenger Institute of Technology Brendan Tulczyn Brisbane - QLD Aurizon TAFE Queensland Mitchell Warren Geelong - VIC Alcoa of Australia Ltd Gordon TAFE Fitting Joshua Lawson Illawara - NSW BCRAL / South Coast Hardwoods TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Hatady Ain North West WA - WA &.Ñ GJJGRML .GJ@?P?Ñ'LQRGRSRC Apprenticeships Australia Jayden Anderson Central Queensland - QLD Rio Tinto Alcan Yarwun CQUniversity Australia Daniel Smith Spencer Gulf - SA Heavy Mech TAFE SA Jason Ballarino North Queensland - QLD Skills360 TAFE Queensland Jewellery Reece Bennett Macquarie - NSW Skillset TAFE NSW Western Institute, Orange College Skillset Carson Denouden Tasmania - TAS Hydro Tasmania TasTAFE Ryland Groves Wide Bay - QLD Darren Groves Engineering TAFE Queensland Daniel Hewitt Brisbane - QLD MIGAS TAFE Queensland MIGAS Aaron Hill Southeast South Australia - SA SA Water TAFE SA Kelvin Marquand Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC Findlay Engineering University of Ballarat Kenny Ng Sydney - NSW Skilled Group Ltd TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Skilled Group Ltd Douglas Ely Sydney West - NSW York Jewellers TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, Design Centre Enmore Jyothi Forman Melbourne - VIC Georgies Fine Jewellery North Melbourne Institute of 2$#ÑÑ$?GP̆CJBÑ!?KNSQ Lachlan Hogan Southern Queensland - QLD Hogan Family Jewellers, Toowoomba TAFE Queensland Samantha Kelly Adelaide - SA Ian Gardiner TAFE SA Jacob Lanham Victoria Country - VIC Jeremy Fleming Jewellers North Melbourne Institute of 2$#ÑÑ$?GP̆CJBÑ!?KNSQ Jason Nesbitt .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 #EMJGÑ.J?ACÑMDÑ%MJB Central Institute of Technology Jennifer Newby .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Leon Baker Jewellers Central Institute of Technology Shaye Seifert Sydney - NSW )SPRÑ1CGDCPRÑ(CUCJJCPQ TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, Design Centre Enmore 23 Nick, 23 Pastry Chef Aliesje, 22 Community Worker GET INVOLVED IN THE COMMONWEALTH CLASS. Nick, 19 Bricklayer Commonwealth Class is an initiative for schools from the British Council, BBC and Commonwealth Secretariat, and is delivered in Australia by the Australian Federation of Societies for Studies in Society and Environment (AFSSSE). Become involved today at @AFSSSE AFSSSE In collaboration with Commonwealth Class is an initiative for schools from the British Council, BBC and Commonwealth Secretariat, and is delivered in Australia by AFSSSE. Kevin Shakir Brisbane - QLD )CTGLÑ1F?IGP TAFE Queensland Mechatronics Jake Barton Geelong - VIC Alcoa Australia Rolled .PMBSARQ Gordon TAFE Ben Brown Hunter - NSW Solar Sailor TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Newcastle Campus Lyle Davis Macquarie - NSW Electrolux TAFE NSW Western Institute, Orange College Luke Diaz Geelong - VIC Ford Motor Co Gordon TAFE James Dyson Hunter - NSW Humming Bird Electronics TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Newcastle Campus Peter Johnson Macquarie - NSW Newcrest Mining Limited TAFE NSW Western Institute, Orange College Mark Musonda Brisbane - QLD TAFE Queensland Pyara Singh Brisbane - QLD 2$#Ñ/SCCLQJ?LBÑÑ Queensland University of Technology Sheetmetal Work Hamish Chamley Tasmania - TAS SED Maufacturing Services TasTAFE Thomas Crittenden Hunter - NSW Quality Sheet Metal TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Newcastle Campus 24 Harrison Denford Sydney - NSW Viking Marine TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Dylan Linehan Melbourne - VIC Bronson Sheetmetal Fabrications Victoria University - Sunshine Campus Gary Mills Canberra - ACT Still Standing Sheet Metal Canberra Institute of Technology John Rizzo Sydney West - NSW National Stainless Steel TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Miller College Kian Vidler Brisbane - QLD Heat and Control TAFE Queensland Turning Dylan Darcy Ballarat - VIC Australian Valve and Engineering University of Ballarat Raymond Grapella North Queensland - QLD Johnstone Agricultural Machinery TAFE Queensland James Kelly Macquarie - NSW (C̅Ñ&MPRÑ#LEGLCCPGLEÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW Western Institute, Orange College Skillset Jake Klein South West WA - WA *?BK?AFÑ#LEGLCCPGLEÑ.RWÑ*RB South West Institute of Technology Matthew Langbine Riverina Murray - NSW Wodonga Engineering Centre TAFE NSW Riverina Institute, Albury Campus Melinda Lethbridge Melbourne - VIC Hargo Engineering Swinburne TAFE - Wantirna Campus Brendan McArthur Sydney - NSW Ansto / HUTC TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Joshua Morris Sydney West - NSW Nepean Engineering and Innovation TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Campbelltown College Michael Munden Victoria Country - VIC 5?PP?ESJÑ+?AFGLGLEÑÑ Mechanical Repairs Gippsland TAFE - Yallourn Campus Joseph Pauley .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Albany Engineering Company .MJWRCAFLGAÑ5CQR Matt Sawers Illawara - NSW CSS Engineering TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Bradley Smith Southeast South Australia - SA Aldersey Engineering TAFE SA Matthew Trotter Central Queensland - QLD Queensland Alumina Limited CQUniversity Australia Jonathan Van De Straat Wide Bay - QLD ISIS Central Sugar Mill TAFE Queensland Rhys Webb Brisbane - QLD Mendham Engineering TAFE Queensland Brock Webster Tasmania - TAS Hydro Tasmania TasTAFE Welding Scott Asquith Hunter - NSW &ÑÑ+Ñ+?LSD?ARSPGLEÑ.RWÑ Limited TAFE NSW Hunter Institute, Newcastle Campus Bradley Batty Brisbane - QLD #LEGLCCPGLEÑNNJGA?RGMLQÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE Queensland Matthew Barnes Sydney West - NSW 0M?BQÑÑ+?PGRGKCÑ1CPTGACQ TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Miller College Darren Barnes Melbourne - VIC Toll Fleet Victoria University - Sunshine Campus Samuel Eastwood Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC Eastwood Hydraulics and Engineering Workco Limited Workco Owen Evans Spencer Gulf - SA *GLAMJLÑ1RCCJÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE SA )PGQRMˑCPÍ$JCKGLE Central Queensland - QLD ,0%Ñ%J?BQRMLCÑ.MUCPÑ1R?RGMLÑ Bluedog Training Nathan Kelly Macquarie - NSW .1*Ñ%PMSNÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW Western Institute, Orange College Cody McMahon Canberra - ACT Austec Engineering Canberra Institute of Technology Kallon McVicar Illawara - NSW Mainteck Services TAFE NSW Illawarra Institute, Wollongong Campus Ryan Moss Wide Bay - QLD Oakwood Sheet Metal Works TAFE Queensland Nathan Playle South West WA - WA &.Ñ GJJGRMLÑ5MPJQCWÑJSKGL? South West Institute of Technology Joseph Pratt Southeast South Australia - SA "+)Ñ#LEGLCCPGLE TAFE SA Michael Smith Riverina Murray - NSW !MKKGLQÑ#LRCPNPGQCQÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW Riverina Institute, Leeton Campus Elton Stewart-Murray Tasmania - TAS Haywards TasTAFE (CˑPCWÍ5C@CP Southern Queensland - QLD Golden West Group Training TAFE Queensland Golden West Group Training VETIS VETiS Automotive Services Samuel Brown QLD VETiS - QLD .?P?KMSLRÑSRMKMRGTCÑÑ .CPDMPK?LAC St. Joseph’s College Liam Brown WA VETiS - WA Sevenoaks Senior College Jake Doran QLD VETiS - QLD )GPU?LÑ&GEFÑ1AFMMJ "?JCÍ"SˑW QLD VETiS - QLD Horsepower Solutions St Edmund’s College Luke Staunton NSW VETiS - NSW Newman Senior Technical College Anthony Ters NSW VETiS - NSW &C?PRJ?LBÑ+MRMPQÑ.RWÑ*RB TAFE NSW South Western 1WBLCWÑ'LQRGRSRC Ñ.?BQRMUÑ College Tammeeshya Vukojevich WA VETiS - WA Sevenoaks Senior College VETiS Business Services Renae Anderson NSW VETiS - NSW &MX?AIÑ!JGQBCJJÑ*?UWCPQÑ.RWÑ*RB Ulladulla High School Katelyn Dwyer NSW VETiS - NSW One Agency Real Estate Newman Senior Technical College Jessica Grima NSW VETiS - NSW MIGAS (Manufacturing Industries Group Apprenticeship Scheme) TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Campbelltown College Logan Holmes QLD VETiS - QLD Ipswich State High School Emily Hughes NT VETiS - NT Nhulunbuy High School Alarha Miller QLD VETiS - QLD All Sorted Bookkeeping St. Joseph’s College The Apprenticeship Company Shenae Smith WA VETiS - WA St. Norbet College VETiS Commercial Cookery Samantha Bennett NT VETiS - NT .CCÑ5CC§QÑ?RÑRFCÑ.MGLRÑ Charles Darwin University Sharni Coonan QLD VETiS - QLD )GPU?LÑ&GEFÑ1AFMMJ Nataya Currie-Ritchie NSW VETiS - NSW Caveau Five Islands Secondary College Lucy Whitehurst NSW VETiS - NSW Gunnedah High School Andrew Williams NSW VETiS - NSW TAFE NSW South Western 1WBLCWÑ'LQRGRSRC Ñ5CRFCPGJJÑ.?PIÑ College Hongxi Li WA VETiS - WA Rossmoyne Senior High School VETiS Construction Avari Aremaki NSW VETiS - NSW Warrawong High School Mitchell Baird NSW VETiS - NSW #ÑÑ1Ñ&MKCQÑ.RWÑ*RBÑ TAFE NSW South Western Sydney Institute, Campbelltown College Anthony Bates QLD VETiS - QLD Maryborough State High School Lucas Hammond VIC VETiS - VIC .FMCLGVÑ.Ñ!MJJCEC Federation University Jordan Leitch ACT VETiS - ACT Cockram Construction St Xavier’s College, Canberra 3UʝXɮʙɨSɈԯȸʑʢʖQɒ ʨLʃɓ Oscar Mills QLD VETiS - QLD St. Joseph’s College Alex Ramsay NSW VETiS - NSW Newman Senior Technical College VETiS Electrotechnology Steven Butler NSW VETiS - NSW TAFE NSW Riverina Institute, Leeton Campus Jake Clayton NSW VETiS - NSW Wagga Wagga High School Adam Keilar WA VETiS - WA Comet Bay College Luke Norman WA VETiS - WA Comet Bay College Dylan Perry NSW VETiS - NSW Newman Senior Technical College Mattheus (Jake) Van Den Berg QLD VETiS - QLD Australian Trade College North Brisbane VETiS Food & Beverage Braydan Allott NSW VETiS - NSW Wollongong High School of the .CPDMPKGLEÑPRQ Samantha Dwight QLD VETiS - QLD )GPU?LÑ&GEFÑ1AFMMJ Amy Pittman NSW VETiS - NSW Huntex Sports High Hannah Ronald WA VETiS - WA Hamilton Senior High School Skyla Stewart NT VETiS NT Charles Darwin University Shantelle Watts QLD VETiS - QLD St. Joseph’s College Georgia Westcott NSW VETiS - NSW .C?IÑ&GJJÑ!CLRP?JÑ1AFMMJ VETiS Metals & Engineering Zak Biggin VIC VETiS - VIC Ballarat Group Training Ballarat Group Training Alex Cormack NSW VETiS - NSW Armidale High School VETiS Retail Derek Gee NSW VETiS - NSW Duval High School Kayla Hoban QLD VETiS - QLD )GPU?LÑ&GEFÑ1AFMMJ Nicholas Curmi QLD VETiS - QLD )GPU?LÑ&GEFÑ1AFMMJ Ebin Kunnummel NSW VETiS - NSW #?EJCÑ MWQÑ.GXX? Denison College, Bathurst High Campus Jarrod Francis QLD VETiS - QLD Maryborough State High School Kodie Schuler QLD VETiS - QLD +?AÑ!J?LÑ1CPTGACQÑ!SPP?Ñ.RWÑ*RB James Nash State High School Benjamin Hicks NSW VETiS - NSW The Canobolas Rural Technology High School VETiS Tourism Kayne Lymar QLD VETiS - QLD Australian Trade College North Brisbane Liam Norman NSW VETiS - NSW Newman Senior Technical College Zayden Norris WA VETiS - WA Gilmore College VETiS Primary Industries Caleb Allen NSW VETiS - NSW Woodenbong Central School Louise Austin NT VETiS - NT Charles Darwin University Elysia Brand NSW VETiS - NSW TAFE NSW Sydney Institute, Ultimo College Nick Forsyth QLD VETiS - QLD Albany Creek State High School (CQQGA?Í0GLB˓CGQAF NSW VETiS - NSW Oxley High School Madison Ryan QLD VETiS - QLD )GPU?LÑ&GEFÑ1AFMMJ James Allen QLD VETiS - QLD 2FCÑ1AMRQÑ.%!Ñ!MJJCEC Samantha Lees VIC VETiS - VIC Ballarat Clarendon College Georgina Murdoch NSW VETiS - NSW Yanco Agricultural High School Kate Sandford NSW VETiS - NSW Red Bend Catholic College Keagan Size NSW VETiS - NSW "MS@JCÑ!Ñ.?QRMP?JÑ!MÑ Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School SUPPORTING TRADE CAREER PATHWAYS ϮϯdžŚŝďŝƟŽŶƌŝǀĞ͕DĂůĂŐĂ tĞƐƚĞƌŶƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂ Shop in store Mon-Sat 8am-5pm ǁǁǁ͘ďĞLJŽŶĚƚŽŽůƐ͘ĐŽŵ WɛʣʦʠSɛԭʝʦɠ VʤXȫʑQWɡFʝʛȼHʤʖQɒʖɚ :ʝʁOɍ6ʘɵɸOɡ $XVʤUɪʙLɈ1DʤLʝQɪɗ &ʝʛȼHʤLʤLʝɚ ^ĂůĞƐ͕ŶƋƵŝƌŝĞƐнKƌĚĞƌƐ dнϲϭϴϵϮϬϵϳϰϬϬ&нϲϭϴϵϮϬϵϳϰϵϵ ƐĂůĞƐΛďĞLJŽŶĚƚŽŽůƐ͘ĐŽŵ ZĞƉĂŝƌн^ĞƌǀŝĐŝŶŐ dнϲϭϴϵϮϬϵϳϰϰϰ&нϲϭϴϵϮϬϵϳϰϱϱ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞΛďĞLJŽŶĚƚŽŽůƐ͘ĐŽŵ *ȹRɍʙXɭɖʖɚ3ɏԬɓ Australian family owned & operated. Established 1986. 25 I AM... HERE TO FIND THE BEST The 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition will bring together 300 industry experts from across Australia, representing 50 specialised trade and skill disciplines, as the official judges of Australia’s largest trade and skill competition. The judges will be volunteering their time, knowledge and expertise in their roles to help us discover who our 2014 national champions will be. AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES Craig Shepley Judge Adelaide - SA Andrew McCormick Judge Sydney West - NSW Michael Welshman Judge South West WA - WA Paul Johnson Judge Southeast South Australia - SA Simon Buchanan Judge Melbourne - VIC Auto Electrical Nigel Raddie Judge Brisbane - QLD Brian Johnson Judge Hunter - NSW Desmond Walsh Judge .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Electrical Installation Alden Meale Judge Melbourne - VIC Robert Badewitz Judge Sydney West - NSW Stephen Crompton Judge Sydney - NSW Robert Green Judge Wide Bay - QLD Richard Geiles Judge Industry - WA BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION Carpentry Marc Brockman Chief Judge Tasmania - TAS Heavy Vehicle Mechanics Bricklaying Rob Moseley Convenor .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 David Cummings Judge Macquarie - NSW John Makrillos Convenor/Judge .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Eddie Campbell Convenor/Judge .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Richard Twist Chief Judge Illawarra - NSW Ben Houghton Judge Macquarie - NSW Ian Vickery Mentor/Judge Hunter - NSW Troy Everett Chief Judge Illawarra - NSW Allen Hill Judge Sydney West - NSW Paul Prior Judge Brisbane - QLD Rai Malisauskas Chief Judge Brisbane - QLD Eric Parletta Deputy Chief Judge Adelaide - SA David Leek Judge Hunter - NSW Joinery Justin Halliday Judge Adelaide - SA Todd Richards Judge Central Queensland - QLD Scott Leighton Judge Canberra - ACT Loris Moriconi Judge .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Trevor Ingram Judge Victoria Country - VIC Peter Carr Judge Central Queensland - QLD Stephen Kirkman Judge Tasmania - TAS Andrew Hosking Judge Wide Bay - QLD Electrical Control Tom Ryan Judge Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC Ray Dobson Convenor .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 David Corrigan Judge Sydney West - NSW Rob Franklin Convenor/Chief Judge .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Landscape Construction Brad Thomas Judge Hunter - NSW Glen Baker Convenor .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Peter Coleman Chief Judge New England - NSW Bruce Muller Judge Brisbane - QLD Autobody Repair Brendon Meinck Convenor/Chief Judge .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Michael Knight Judge Brisbane - QLD Dayne Ciborowski Judge Melbourne - VIC Lawrie Martin Judge Industry - QLD Automotive Mechanics Shaun Holland Convenor /Judge .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 John Francis Chief Judge Ballarat / Wimmera - VIC Grant Petch Mentor/Judge Ballarat / Wimmera VIC Tim Taylor Judge Ballarat / Wimmera - VIC Phil Austin Judge Melbourne - VIC 26 Dale McMullen Judge .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Gary Webb Judge Southern QLD - QLD Jim Separovic Convenor/Chief Judge .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Milorad Pirovic Deputy Chief Judge Sydney West - NSW Raman Badekar Judge Industry - NSW Thomas Gallagher Judge Industry - NSW Denis Auberson Judge Central Queensland - QLD Joe Berry Judge .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 James Ripa Judge Sydney - NSW Vehicle Painting Tony Bishop Judge Industry - QLD Tony Mobilia Convenor Western Australia - WA Cabinetmaking Dean Hunter Chief Judge Illawarra - NSW Alex Rupe Convenor .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Warren Carlyon Mentor/Judge North Queensland - QLD Joe Esterman Chief Judge South West WA - WA James Keen Judge North Queensland - QLD Jason Hindes Judge Adelaide SA Angus Sweet Judge Adelaide - SA Brad Franklin Chief Judge Sydney - NSW Dylan Ward Judge Hunter - NSW Ray Dobson Convenor .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Rob Moseley Convenor .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Dion Iori Chief Judge Sydney West - NSW Lukas Page Judge Victoria Country - VIC Jason Pepperell Convenor WA Ben Meade Mentor/Judge Melbourne - VIC Kris Cadogan Chief Judge Sydney - NSW Andrew Nicholson Judge Sydney - NSW Painting & Decorating Ben Hackett Judge Sydney - NSW Steve Genner Judge Sydney West - NSW Kate Howden Judge Melbourne - VIC Plastering Jarred Denning Judge Adelaide - SA Warren Banks Judge Tasmania - TAS Donald White Judge Canberra - ACT Plumbing Lachlan Marr Convenor Perth South - WA CLIENT SERVICES Hairdressing HOSPITALITY SEVICES Dean Baker Judge Ballarat / Wimmera - VIC Cookery Retail Baking - Pastry Beauty Care Alexis Scott Convenor South West WA - WA Tyson Knight Chief Judge Riverina Murray - NSW Renee Burns Convenor Perth North - WA Donna De Maria Chief Judge Mid Coast - NSW Nathan McMurdo Convenor Perth North - WA Brian Wilkinson Convenor Perth South - WA Andrew Whalan Judge Illawarra - NSW Christine Churchill Chief Judge Sydney West - NSW Ebony Miller Judge Melbourne - VIC Ianthe Smith Chief Judge Sydney - NSW Charles Janszen Mentor/Judge Illawarra - NSW Alex de Koeyer Judge Riverina Murray - NSW Mignon Harris Deputy Chief Judge Adelaide - SA Candice Faranda Judge Perth North - WA Patrick O’Brien Deputy Chief Judge Western Australia - WA Janet Aislabie Judge Hunter - NSW Max Garbin Judge Perth North - WA Amanda Smith Judge Perth North - WA Jessamy Mooney Judge South West WA - WA Marion Fitzpatrick Mentor/Judge Sydney - NSW Martin Schett Judge Brisbane - QLD Gerard Allen Judge Canberra - ACT Elizabeth Spadanuda Judge Perth North - WA Paul Pardini Judge North Queensland - QLD Kim Stanton Judge Perth South - WA Herve Boutin Judge Sydney - NSW Signage Mihaela Stewart Judge Brisbane - QLD Angela Piaud Judge Sydney - NSW Amanda Smith Judge South West WA - WA Alaine Watson Judge Sydney West - NSW Angela Marzouk Judge South East SA - SA Christian Loghem Judge Brisbane - QLD Fashion Technology Paul Frasca Judge Industry - NSW Nenad Djuric Judge Sydney - NSW COMPUTING AND BUSINESS Adam Moore Judge Sydney - NSW Alan Peardon Convenor Perth South - WA Michael Doherty Mentor/Judge Illawarra - NSW Mitchell Croke Judge Illawarra - NSW Belinda Butler Convenor/Judge Perth South - WA Josh Tunbridge Judge Illawarra - NSW Donna Drain Chief Judge Illawarra - NSW Sean Dewar Judge Brisbane - QLD Tracey Azoulay Judge Sydney - NSW Marilyn McCutcheon Chief Judge Perth South - WA Wall & Floor Tiling Ashleigh Huntley Judge Sydney - NSW Sarah Frew Judge Southeast South Australia - SA Wendy Roach Convenor Perth South - WA Genevieve Hutty Judge Illawarra - NSW Rachel Mammatt Judge Illawarra - NSW James Sun Chief Judge Sydney - NSW Carol Costa Judge Brisbane - QLD Katrina Retallack Judge Brisbane - QLD Johnese Mullen Judge South West WA - WA Floristry Lynne Tickell Judge Melbourne - VIC Jessica Martin Judge Sydney - NSW Ron Simeon Convenor/Mentor Judge Perth North - WA Martin Stallard Chief Judge Canberra - ACT Peter Steinweiss Judge Sydney West - NSW Business Services Luke Wray Judge Canberra - ACT Leonie Joss Convenor Perth South - WA Liam Cochran Judge Perth North - WA David Berger Chief Judge Sydney West - NSW Bill Atkins Convenor/Judge WA Erin Lamb Judge Perth South - WA Sarah Jones Chief Judge Melbourne - VIC Peta Longman Judge Perth South - WA Printing & Graphic Arts Web Design Jarrad Langdon Mentor/Judge Sydney - NSW Daniel Jones Chief Judge Sydney - NSW Mitchell LaRosa Judge Sydney - NSW Cameron Falzon Judge New England - NSW Restaurant Service Retail Butchery Terry Richards Convenor WA Ben Barrow Chief Judge Sydney - NSW Steve Shaw Convenor WA Danny Finnigan Judge Perth South - WA Matthew Papandrea Judge Sydney - NSW Darren Scott Judge Tasmania - TAS Bev Steeden Judge Illawarra - NSW Retail Baking Bread Brian Wilkinson Convenor Perth South - WA Ashley Schmidt Chief Judge Adelaide - SA Dean Tilden Judge Hunter - NSW Richelle Hassett Judge Brisbane - QLD 27 CENTRAL AT WORK Central Institute of Technology wishes Beauty Therapy student Natasha Webster the best of luck in the Beauty Care category of the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition. Be sure to stop by to see Natasha in action – or try your hand at one of Central’s 18 activity stands throughout the event. CTA1814 METALS AND ENGINEERING Simon Bailey Judge TasTAFE - TAS Construction Steel Work Bill Lane Judge 2P?GLGLEÑ.PMQNCARQÑÑ1 Kevin Wood Convenor .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Michael Schnackenberg Chief Judge Tasmania - TAS John Sharples Mentor/Judge Illawarra - NSW Greg Oliver Judge .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Michael Hamilton Judge Riverina Murray - NSW Kurt Maier Judge Riverina Murray - NSW David Coulter Judge Brisbane - QLD Michael Ashton Judge Illawarra - NSW Engineering Excellence Team Challenge Brent Butler Chief Judge Canberra - ACT Martin Bezzina Judge Illawarra - NSW Walter Bastiani Convenor/Judge Challenger Institute - WA Steve Fawcett Judge TAFE SA Whyalla - SA Engineering Excellence Team Challenge Nilesh Govind-Vanmali Judge TAFE Queensland - QLD 28 Bruce Dunn Judge TAFE NSW Hunter Institute NSW Mark Russell Judge )?LE?LÑ'LQRGRSRCÑÑ4'! Rowan Diggins Judge Riverina Murray - NSW Jeremy Gransden Judge Illawarra - NSW Sheetmetal Work Paul Condran Mentor/Judge Illawarra - NSW Kevin Wood Convenor .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Fitting Ben Hudson Chief Judge Sydney West - NSW Ian Wright Convenor .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Hilton Jones Judge Hunter - NSW Ben Hooper Chief Judge Southeast South Australia - SA Russell Routledge Judge Brisbane - QLD Steve Beelitz Judge Adelaide - SA Sam Fairweather Judge Sydney West - NSW Mathew Hall Judge Ballarat / Wimmera - VIC Turning 1RCˑCLÍ5CLRPMAI Judge Adelaide - SA Greg Dowling Judge Brisbane - QLD Ian Wright Convenor .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Peter Buttenshaw Chief Judge Illawarra - NSW Jewellery Bruce Pitman Judge Brisbane - QLD Erin Thomson Convenor Industry - WA Mathew McGlashan Judge Illawarra - NSW Darren May Chief Judge Sydney - NSW Brandon Gillett Judge Central Queensland - QLD Peter Keep Judge .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Phil Matthews-Frederick Judge Brisbane - QLD Halina Kaufman Judge Tasmania - TAS Michael Moran Judge Illawarra - NSW Mechatronics Antony Donaldson Judge Sydney West - NSW Andy Heath Chief Judge Geelong - VIC Welding Daniel Rehling Judge Hunter - NSW Greg Oliver Convenor .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Tyler Cook Judge Macquarie - NSW Mark Williams Chief Judge Macquarie - NSW VETiS Commercial Cookery Erin Aggis Convenor .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Ivan Novak Judge Sydney - NSW VETiS Metals & Engineering Louise Avis Chief Judge Sydney West - NSW Kevin Wood Convenor .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 Guy Brooks Judge Illawarra - NSW John Rankins Judge New South Wales (VETiS) NSW David Wilson Chief Judge Illawarra - NSW Peter Holmes Judge Southern QLD - QLD Deborah Whitebread Judge Sydney - NSW Paul Lomas Judge Illawarra - NSW Jaqueline Read-Smith Judge South West WA - WA Terry Fabish Judge Southeast South Australia - SA VETiS Construction Lachlan Mayled Judge New England - NSW VETIS Andrew Gilchrist Convenor .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 John Anderson Judge Hunter - NSW VETiS Primary Industries Derek Edmondson Convenor .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Ivan Gant Chief Judge Hunter - NSW VETiS Automotive Services Chris Nance Judge New South Wales (VETiS) NSW Amy Burgin Judge Brisbane - QLD Joe Guira Convenor/Judge Industry - WA Daniel Bonnici Chief Judge Melbourne - VIC Colin Hawthorn Judge Macquarie - NSW Simon Woolcott Chief Judge Sydney West - NSW Murray Alpen Judge Ballarat/Wimmera - VIC VETiS Retail Richard Swan Judge Sydney West - NSW VETiS Electrotechnology Chris Chalmers Judge .CPRFÑ,MPRFÑÑ5 VETiS Business Services Maryanne Hughes Convenor .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Karen Bulbert Chief Judge Illawarra - NSW Janet Macfarlane Judge Illawarra - NSW Judy Tyrrell Judge New South Wales (VETiS) NSW Rodney Chant Chief Judge Macquarie - NSW Josh Kleinig Judge Macquarie - NSW %CMˑÍ+A"ML?JB Judge Hunter - NSW VETiS Food & Beverage Clare Russell Convenor .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Helen Hughes Chief Judge Hunter - NSW Fran Rogers Judge .CPRFÑ1MSRFÑÑ5 Lauren Trask Convenor/Judge WA Kaye Higgins Chief Judge Sydney - NSW VETiS Tourism Barbara Edney Chief Judge Sydney - NSW Caroline Gallacher Judge Northern Territory - NSW WORLDSKILLS INTERNATIONAL WorldSkills Australia is one of 72 WorldSkills International Member Countries/Regions. WorldSkills International is the collective voice for skills excellence in vocational, technological and service oriented careers around the globe. Since 1950 WorldSkills International has continued to raise awareness among young people, as well as their parents, teachers and employers, that the successful future of a country depends on an effective skills training system. The 43rd WorldSkills International Competition, SÃo Paulo - Brazil, 2015 The 43rd WorldSkills international competition, the culmination of WorldSkills competitions, will be held at the Anhembi Convention Centre in São Paulo, Brazil from the 11th to the 16th of August, 2015. The venue spanning over 75,000sq metres in size will see more than 1000 competitors from up to 72 Member Countries/Regions converge on the international stage to compete for the coveted gold medal and the title of ‘World’s Best’ in 45 skill areas. The Skillaroos are a team of Australia’s most talented trade and skill technicians who have been selected to represent their country following their medal winning performances at both the WorldSkills Australia regional and national competition levels. Each member of the Skillaroos will train rigorously with their mentors and trainers in the lead up to the International Competition, with the hope of being crowned the best in the world in their chosen profession. Over four exciting days of competition the 2015 Team Australia Skillaroos will aim to improve on Australia’s current ranking as the 13th most highly skilled nation in the world. 2013 Team Australia Skillaroos 29 Developing Australia’s future industry leaders Apprenticeships Degrees Diplomas Online courses University pathways Proud supporter of the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition, Perth 1300 360 3 601 > real skills, endless possibilities 3M Automotive Aftermarket Division Reece. Works for you. 3M Automotive Aftermarket a 3M Automotive Aftermarket Division is pleased to be associated with WorldSkills Australia. Apprentices and trainees are the future of any Industry and we are committed to assisting with training and product support. At Reece, we’re strong supporters of the plumbing industry and plumbers. Whether its through our long running ‘Don’t risk it, use a licensed plumber’ campaign or by helping apprentices get the right start with ‘the Journeyman’ toolbox, we’re committed to keeping you up to speed in a rapidly changing plumbing industry. Wishing all the competitors the very best over the next few days and we are confident this will be a great event as in past years. Reece. We’re working for you. Reece proudly support the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition, Perth 30 3M Automotive Aftermarket Division Phone: 136 136 International Scholarships and Pathways WorldSkills Australia is committed to the pursuit of skills excellence and in addition to our program of regional and national competitions, we also aim to provides links and support for several alternative pathways and scholarships for participants. The ultimate goal of these scholarships is to provide opportunities for further skill development through study, work experience, ͱN>JK>:KÁLJ:N>EÁ:G=ͱJÁ˓G:G<B:EÁKMHHͱJLÁ BBM Skilled Futures Program 2FCÑ +Ñ1IGJJCBÑ$SRSPCQÑ.PMEP?KÑGQÑPCAMELGQCBÑ?QÑ?ÑT?JS?@JCÑ and prestigious award for acknowledging and rewarding CVACJJCLACÑGLÑQIGJJQÑ +Ñ7MSRFÑ1SNNMPRÑ̆PQRÑ@CA?KCÑ?Ñ prominent international pathway for WorldSkills Australia in 2000. Since then, over 100 young and talented WorldSkills Australia competitors have been granted the scholarship, providing PCAGNGCLRQÑUGRFÑRFCÑMNNMPRSLGRWÑRMÑRP?TCJÑRMÑRFCÑ3LGRCBÑ)GLEBMKÑ to participate in a two week leadership development course. The scholarship helps to enhance the career prospects of WorldSkills Australia competitors through a development NPMEP?KÑM̅CPCBÑ@WÑ+GQQGMLÑ.CPDMPK?LACÑ2FCÑPCAGNGCLRQÑ?PCÑ also encouraged to seek work placement and take advantage of their overseas experience. All eligible medallists from the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition are invited to apply. ABBTF World Class Bricklaying Development Scholarship The Australian Overseas Foundation In a bid to strengthen the Australian bricklaying category on the international stage, WorldSkills Australia and the Australian Brick and Blocklaying Training Foundation (ABBTF) have developed a comprehensive scholarship program for the bricklaying competitor set to represent Australia at the WorldSkills International Competition. The Australian Overseas Foundation (AOF) was established to provide talented young Australians, who have completed a traineeship or apprenticeship, with the opportunity to travel overseas to develop not only work skills but also life skills. This is achieved through the NPMTGQGMLÑMDÑ̆L?LAG?JÑ?QQGQR?LACÑRMÑJGTCÑ?LBÑ work in the country of their choice. Recipients are encouraged to undertake robust work placement and to develop skills which may not @CÑM̅CPCBÑGLÑSQRP?JG? The goal of the ‘ABBTF World Class Bricklaying Development Scholarship’ is to provide support for the bricklaying Skillaroo, which will allow him or her to achieve the highest possible level of skill to compete successfully against competitors from other countries at the International Competition. The scholarship provides support including; training, mentoring, personal and professional development support, psychological support as well as necessary tools and equipment. “ABBTF recognize that the WorldSkills international competition continues to the raise the bar and industry support is vital to give our bricklaying competitor every AF?LACÑMDÑQSAACQQÑDMPÑSQRP?JG? ¥ÑQ?WQÑ!FGCDÑ#VCASRGTCÑ-̈ACPÑ MDÑRFCÑ 2$ Ñ%CM̅Ñ,M@JC The Bricklaying Skillaroo will receive the inaugural ‘ABBTF World Class Bricklaying Development Scholarship,’following RFCÑM̈AG?JÑ?LLMSLACKCLRÑMDÑRFCÑÑ2C?KÑSQRP?JG?Ñ Skillaroo. The Ern MacDonald Fellowship aims to launch the careers of talented young tradespeople working in the building and AMLQRPSARGMLÑGLBSQRPWÑRFPMSEFÑRFCÑNPMTGQGMLÑMDÑ̆L?LAG?JÑ support. The scholarship was established in Ern MacDonald’s honour by WorldSkills Australia, the Dusseldorp Forum and the MacDonald family and has been in operation since 2006. The Ern MacDonald Fellowship has assisted past recipients to start their own businesses, travel overseas, invest in further study and implement innovative and sustainable NPMHCARQÑRF?RÑF?TCÑ?QQGQRCBÑRFCÑ@PM?BCPÑAMKKSLGRWÑ Medallists in the building and construction categories from the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition are eligible to apply. Queensland Overseas Foundation The Queensland Overseas Foundation provides annual scholarships for young people in the vocational education and training sector. The scholarship aims to provide opportunities for ambitious young Queenslanders to broaden their skill-sets and improve their career prospects through travel and work overseas. This is made possible through the support of the Queensland Government and a range of industry sponsors. Established in 1976, the foundation has since supported over 100 Queenslanders from a variety of trades, helping them to further their skills and knowledge which has then been brought back and utilised in Australian Industry. The Ern MacDonald Fellowship The winner of the scholarship is awarded $10,000 to GKNJCKCLRÑRFCGPÑNPMHCARÑNJ?LQÑ?LBÑRUMÑPSLLCPQÑSNÑUGJJÑ?JQMÑ receive $2,500 to put towards their future ventures. Upon their return to Australia, AOF recipients are equipped with new skills and experiences DMPÑRFCÑ@CLC̆RÑMDÑRFCGPÑMULÑA?PCCPÑBCTCJMNKCLRÑ and Australian Industry. 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Workshop Equip. and much more... Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse are proudly supporting the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition, Perth. Over 60 years of Global Innovation Take a closer LOOK over 4,500 products online Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth Ph: (02) 9890 9111 Ph: (03) 9212 4422 Ph: (07) 3274 4222 Ph: (08) 9373 9999 ROTHENBERGER, supporting trade professionals in Australia for 30 years. Proudly supporting the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition, Perth For more information call 1800 186 657 or visit 33 WANT TO GET INVOLVED? WorldSkills Australia’s Regional Competitions are held biennially, 2015 will see approximately 500 Regional Competitions operate across the 30 WorldSkills Australia Regions between March and October. Visit the WorldSkills Australia website RMÍ˒LBÍMSRÍFMUÍWMSÍA?L mÍ0CEGQRCPÍWMSPÍGLRCPCQRÍRMÍAMKNCRC mÍ&MQRÍ?Í0CEGML?JÍ!MKNCRGRGML mÍ(MGLÍRFCÍ5MPJB1IGJJQÍSQRP?JG?ÍD?KGJWÍMDÍ volunteers mÍ,MKGL?RCÍWMSPÍ?NNPCLRGAC ÍRP?GLCCÍMPÍ student as a competitor Alternatively, you can contact the WorldSkills SQRP?JG?Í,?RGML?JÍ-˔ACÍMLÍÍÍÍ or Regional competitions provide young apprentices, trainees and students with the opportunity to showcase their passion and talent in over 50 competition categories ranging from the traditional trades including Carpentry and Hairdressing through to the more contemporary professions of Mechatronics and Web Design. Regional competitions are organised by WorldSkills Australia’s 4000 dedicated volunteers. The competitions run over one or two days and are conveyed in either a public forum or at a registered training facility such as a TAFE. Medallists from the 2015 round of regional competitions, if eligible, will be provided with the opportunity to compete at the 2016 WorldSkills Australia National Competition. Our 30 WorldSkills Australia Regions Making it Happen 34 2MÑ̆LBÑMSRÑFMUÑWMSÑA?LÑECRÑGLTMJTCBÑGLÑRFCÑÑPMSLBÑMDÑ regional competitions, visit the WorldSkills Australia website Western Australia New South Wales South Australia Tasmania North West WA Hunter Adelaide Tasmania .CPRFÑ,MPRF Illawarra South East SA Northern Territory %MJB̆CJBQ Macquarie Spencer Gulf Northern Territory South West WA Mid Coast Victoria Queensland New England Ballarat/Wimmera Australian Capital Territory Brisbane Northern Rivers Bendigo Canberra Central Queensland Riverina Murray Geelong Northern Rivers Spencer Gulf Melbourne Southern QLD Sydney Victoria Country Wide Bay Sydney West Become a Leader “Everything I have achieved over my career has been because of where WorldSkills Australia has taken me. Winning an international gold medal, has given me the ability and confidence in my own skills to teach web design part-time at TAFE and to also run my own company (Jala Design Pty Ltd), which I started at age 21” Jarrad Langdon- Web Design-2005 Skillaroo 38th WorldSkills International Competition, Helsinki, Finland- 2005 Showcase your Skills “WorldSkills Competitions are the culmination of everything that I enjoy about my job as a carpenter, and it has provided me with the chance to display that a vocational education is an achievement, a valid choice of employment one that should be considered by everyone.” Patrick Markovic- Carpentry- 2013 Skillaroo 42nd WorldSkills International Competition, Leipzig, Germany - 2013 Discover New Opportunities “My experience so far with WorldSkills has not only improved my personal confidence but it has also significantly assisted me in my career development. Doors have opened to new and exciting job opportunities which I never would have dreamt of and I am constantly surrounded by inspirational people who I can learn from. WorldSkills has changed my life.” Hannah Colquhuon- Beauty Therapy - 2013 Skillaroo 42nd WorldSkills International Competition, Leipzig, Germany - 2013 GOT THE SKILLS FOR A GREAT CAREER? BE RECOGNISED NATIONALLY! If you are an apprentice or trainee, Australian an School-based Apprentice or vocational student, you may be eligible to apply for a state or territory training award and go on e to compete for one of the categories of the 2015 Australian Training Awards. “To be named Australian Apprentice of the Year at the Australian Training Awards is a huge honour and a dream come true.” Patrick Janes, welder, business owner and the 2013 Australian Apprentice of the Year. FFollow @AusTrainAwards 13 28 46 Email: 35 thank you Thank you to the WorldSkills Australia community Board members: Staff: Thank you Brian Wexham Chair Mark Callaghan Aaron Dunn Kevin Harris Deputy Chair Conny Wilson General Manager Martin Baird Director Joanne Thomson Finance Manager Jeanette Allen Director Lincoln Costello National Operations Manager Amanda Smith Doug Wright Director Simone Gioia National Marketing and Communications Manager Belinda Butler Jarrad Langdon Director Adam Lucas Adrian Zabat Alan Peardon Alex Rupe Andrew Gilchrist Bill Atkins Brendon Meinck Event Management students from Edith Cowan University Lachlan Marr Russell Blythe Leonie joss Russell Torrance Event Research students from Edith Cowan University Loris Moriconi Sean Dewar Mark Harper Shane Judd Mark Taliby Stephen Hollings Matthew Talbot Steve Shaw Melvin Chan Steven McDougall Michael Doherty Steven Perez Michael Riach Terry Richards Michelle Robinson Nathan McMurdo The team at The Sunday Times Paul Mason The team at VISA Peter Harper Tim Riessen Peter Keep Tony Mobilia Peter Wharram Troy Macintosh Rachelle Taylor Walter Bastiani Fiona Johnson Gary Livett Graham Boyle Greg Oliver Helen Burgess Ian Bodger Ian Vickery Jack Hanrahan Director Sam Fielke National Sponsorship Manager Wayne Collyer Director Michelle Hardy Senior Project Coordinator Broadcast Television and Radio students from Central Institute of Technology Coralie Morrissey Director Elaina Pittas Brand Marketing Coordinator Central Tech - TBA Linc may know Jarrad Langdon Kate MacDonald Director Jessamine Laplagne Digital Marketing and Events Coordinator Chris McDonald Jenny Harris Alicia Stanway Jodee Pereira Christine Judd John Makrillos Daniella Batchelor Johnese Mullen Danny Finnigan Julie Hobson Dave Arnold Keith Glenn Dean Pearson Kevin Wood Des Walsh Kim Stanton Sophie Dusseault Operations Coordinator Kylie Philippzig Programs and Events Coordinator Carmel Langan OFFICIAL DELEGATES: Brigitte Collins Team Australia Technical Delegate Grant Stewart Team Australia Assistant Technical Delegate Brian Wilkinson Ian Wright Jane Burgess Pascaline Owens Jason Pepperall Ray Dobson Renee Burns Rob Franklin Rob Moseley Robert Hardy Rod Savage Ron Simeon Eddie Campbell Environmental Management students from Challenger Institute of Technology Event Management students from Central Institute of Technology TECHNICAL AND FURTHER EDUCATION 36 With thanks to our volunteers of the National Competition THE OFFICIAL MEDIA TEAM CENTRAL INSTITUTE – BROADCAST TV BOOM Radio WorldSkills Australia would like to acknowledge and thank Central Institute of Technology’s Broadcast Television students Broadcasting in the lead up to and live from the venue via their online/community radio station will be BOOM radio. BOOM radio to you all of the action from the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition students studying radio at Central Institute of Technology. Ceremonies. The students involved in the broadcast of the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Central Institute of Technology Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Broadcast Television) class of 2014. The students will be involved in all aspects and live broadcasting to directing and producing the daily highlight videos which will be accessible through the WorldSkills Australia YouTube channel. The students, under the guidance of TV and Broadcast professional of 37 and lead trainer, Peter Wharram, are currently completing the Advanced Diploma of Screen and Media (Broadcast Television). and second-year students, each of who are passionate about commercial radio and have ambitions to pursue a career in the industry. Tune-in via: and for the latest in local music, entertainment and more visit Thank you to the members of the BOOM Radio team. Co-ordinators/ Lecturers Phil Vinciullo Annwen Burrows Russell Torrance On-air talent Jodie Williams Zaheer Ahmed Shannon Freeman Todd Gray Mirelle Burke-Scott Rory Machell Bianca Gyurka Support Beth Krapljanov Callum Wylie Rhys Edwards Ophelia Standley-Thopson Thomas Black Christian Dichiera Kane Coelho Gareth Bennett Tim Collins Katrina Markey Ryan Turner Declan Barrett Allan Aldworth EVENT MANAGEMENT STUDENTS OF EDITH COWAN UNIVERSITY the 2014 WorldSkills Australia National Competition. Two School of Business Event Management students, Hayley Knowles and Hanna Oeyre, were selected to undertake a 6-month practicum placement with WorldSkills Australia to plan, implement and evaluate the Closing Ceremony. Hayley reigning from a stage performance background understands what it takes to create an exciting and engaging ceremony, while Hanna is also completing a Project Management major, which is an ideal complement to the duo. range of practical and relevant courses. They provide current theoretical knowledge, practical experience and important employability skills that can be used both locally and internationally. held on Sunday the 21st of September. Results and footage from the event will be available on the WorldSkills Australia website. 37 thank you to our volunteers A ?PMLÑ)CPP 38 Aaron Von Bruch Adam Lucas Adam McDonald Adam Moore BCJÑ@MSPH?GJW Adrian Clarke Adrian Gilmore Adrian Marron Adrian Scheuer Aiden Cowdrey Aine Evert-Vance Alaine Watson J?LÑ.C?PBML J?LÑ.MFJ J?LÑ.MR?I? Alan Ramsden Alan Shaw Alan Sutton Alan Tansey J@CPRMÑ.GXXG Aldo Muia Aldo Sustar Alec Ross-Fuller JCGQF?Ñ+A)CLXGC JCVÑ"CÑ)MCWCP Alex Rupe Alexandra Dashwood Alicia Wilkie Alisha Williams Alison Bonney Alison Browning Alison Lambert Alison O’Neil JGQMLÑ.MPRCP Alison Smith JJ?LÑ)GLE JJ?LÑ.MR?I? Allan Ryan Allen Hill Allyson Davies Allyson Dovaston Amanda Brown Amanda Dawes Amanda Galea Amanda Hall Amanda Smith Amber Beasley Amber Johnson Ambrose Chiang Amelia Scicluna Amien Coombe Amir Chishti Amy Dix Amy Wallace Andra Summits Andre Willemse Andrew Barnes Andrew Berta Andrew Crosby Andrew De Water Andrew Di Bedetto Andrew Dower Andrew Evans Andrew Faughlin Andrew Frith Andrew Grzona Andrew Hoath Andrew Hoskins LBPCUÑ)LMUJCQ LBPCUÑ+A)GLLML Andrew McLay Andrew Mellas B Andrew Newman Andrew Nicholson Andrew Ringsgwandl Andrew Russell Andrew Scott Andrew Upton Andrew Wallin Andrew Williamson Andy Heath Anette Gorham Angela Marzouk Angela Tyrrell Angelo Tornatoro Anita Host Anna Shirely Anne Bahr Anne Marie Chapman Annette Gorham Annita Bokobli Anthony Donaldson LRMLÑ)GLE Antonio Sorgiovanni Anurag Gautam Arron Haycock Ashlee Marcon Ashleigh Huntley Ashley Bourne Ashley Redmond Ashley Tilley Ashley Williamson Ashlyn Dobey Ashraf Salem Barb Wuersching Barbara Lindsell Barry Sharp Barry Dellow ?PPWÑ.?UQCW Barry Wright Bart Turnball-Gant ?QGJÑ.Q?LMSB?IGQ Belinda Butler Ben Barrow Ben Belloo Ben Cooper Ben Hudson Ben Raulin Ben Young CLH?KGLÑ&SBQML Bev O’Neile Beverley Milling G?LA?Ñ)CLLCR Bianca Wagner H?KCÑ-FJGL Bob Badewitz Bob Cunningham Bob Emanual Bob Emslie Brad Armstrong Brad Buhse Brad Gray P?BÑ.?PPW Brad Randall Brad Seeds Brad Thomas Brad Tyrell Braden Lang Bradley Wickham Brendan Carter Brendan Evill Brendan Lampard Brendon Meinck Brent Butler C Brenton Murray Brett Binns Brett Cahill Brian Chanter Brian Gray Brian Jenkins Brian Johnson PG?LÑ)PGV Brian Lawrence Brian Rodman Brian Taylor Brian Wilkinson Brian Womersley Bronwyn Blencoe Bronwyn Hudson Bruce Cockerill Bruce Dickie Bruce Muller Bruce Norris PSACÑ.GRK?L Bryan Joyce Bryce Steele Cameron Falzon Camille Clark Carl Balke Carl Copeland Carl Dwyer Carl Gibson Carl Tinsley Carlos Bravo Carmel Glasgow Carol Costa Carol Daniels Caroline Hawkins !?QCWÑ.MGLRML Catherine Foundas Catherine Harrington Catherine Jackson !?RFCPGLCÑ.PCBBW Celeste Burns !F?LBP?HGRÑBFGI?PG Charles Janszen Charlie Borg Charlie Eltringham Charlie Saliba Chaz Goulding Cheryl Scott Chris Barham Chris Brown Chris Chambers Chris Doolan Chris Edwards Chris Findlay Chris Hani Chris Howlett !FPGQÑ)CRRJC !FPGQÑ)PMCFL Chris O’Reilly !FPGQÑ.CLL?LR Chris Rowbottom Chris Smith Chris Spinella Chris Van Der Wall Chris Weber Chris Wilson Christine Churchill Christine Judd Claire Monks Claude Serryn Clement Lee !JG̅Ñ PMUL !JG̅Ñ2GLB?JJ Clinton Morgan D Clive Hartley Colin Brown Colin Davies Colin Fear !MJGLÑ)GLE Colin Trembath Colin Tyrrell Colin Woolmer Colleen Mailey Corinna Hebdon Craig Brittle Craig Butler Craig Clark Craig Hobbs Craig McVittie Craig Morrison Craig Ramstadius Craig Ringsgwandl Craig Walker Craig Wright Cristian Zota Dale Freeman Dale Malseed "?JJ?QÑ)CJTGL Damian Coombe Damien Coats "?KGPÑ1R?HBSF?P "?LÑ.CRFGAI Daniel Alcorn Daniel Bonnici Daniel McGavin Daniel Severino Daniel Shadwick Danielle Costello Danny Finnigan "?LLWÑ.J?RR Darren Connor Darren Davies Darren May Darren McDonald Darren Scott Darren Walters Darren Williams Darryl Rowe Daryl Spalding Dave Allen Dave Arnold Dave Cartledge Dave Chapman Dave Hicks Dave Neville Dave Robinson Dave Walters Dave Witt David Adams David Barker David Berger David Boadle David Borg David Corrigan David Coulter David Diamantis David Dillon David Evans David Gill "?TGBÑ&C̅CPL?L David Herring David Hilliard "?TGBÑ)CCJW David Leask David Lee David Leek David Long David Mills E F David Moodie David Redmond David Rogers David Rush David Scott David Summerville Dayne Robinson Dean Baker Dean Hart "C?LÑ)PMLI Dean Nguyen "C?LÑ.C?PQML Dean Tilden Debbie BirachMayer Debbie Mclindin Debbie Witt Deborah Whitebread Dene Mintern. Denis Auberson Denis Boulet Denis Darcy Denis O Meara Denise Scott Dennis Ross Denzil D’Silva "CPCIÑ.MSJRML Derrick Garcia Des Hayes Des Lloyd Desmond Walsh Detlev Berkemeyer Di Buttenshaw Diamantis Bitzios Dion Iori "MBGCÑ-§)CCDC Domenic Furnari Domenic Guzzomi Domennico Scavarelli Don Mayura Donna Arielle Donna Colombini Donna Cooper Donna De Maria Donna Ferret Donnie White Dorothy Huggon Doug Beattie "MSEÑ.?AI Dylan Hopkins Eamonn Ebony Miller Ed Given Eddie Campbell Eddie Costello Eden Carey Eileen Wenn Ella Dagan Ellen MacAndrews #JJCLÑ+A)CLXGC Ellen Trezise Ellena Frisina Elsa Mittiga Elton Button Emmanuel Gabriel Eric Davis Erin Lamb Erin Aggiss Eunette Vanniekerek Evan Street Farazana Farhat Faye Jones G Fiona Brough Fiona Johnson $GML?Ñ.?RRCPQML $GMLLS?J?Ñ)CMEF Firas El Mouhamed Fleur Ambrosa Fran Gusthart Fran Rogers Fran Van Riesen Francis Hernon Franco Mure Frank Baker Frank Mazzone $P?LIÑ.FGJJGNQ Frank Wharton Fred Jones Fred Joseph Fred Monterosso Fred Munro Gabrielle Frawley Gail Emmett Gareth Wilson Garry Clear Garry Cockman Garry Jones Gary Atherton Gary Barnes Gary Durrant Gary Guy Gary Hart Gary Hibbert Gary Hicklin Gary Hywood Gary Livett Gary Stevens Gary Webb %?TGLÑ.?EC %?TGLÑ.?PICP Gay O’Neill %CL?Ñ)?PNDÑ Genevie Baker Genevieve Hutty %CM̅Ñ ?AML %CM̅Ñ P?KC %CM̅Ñ!F?LR %CM̅Ñ!SPRGL %CM̅Ñ#JKMPC %CM̅Ñ)?QQSJIC %CM̅Ñ+A"ML?JB %CM̅Ñ,M@JC %CM̅Ñ.?RML %CM̅Ñ5GJJG?KQ %CM̅PCWÑ!F?LR George Chingwangwi George Dragovic George Englert %CMPECÑ.J?QRPGLM Georgia Ramsay Gerard Allen Gerhard Steiner Gerri Gina Benson Giovanna Webb Glen McGill Glen Metcalfe Glen Riddett Glen Widman Glenn Carter Glenn Gordon Glenn Martin Graeme Bendle Graeme Cochrane Graeme Hughes H I J Graham Andrews Graham James Graham Lock Grahame Read Grant Hastie %P?LRÑ.CRAF Grant Stewart Greg James %PCEÑ!MP̆CJB Greg Dowling Greg Fahey Greg Michell Greg Milner Greg Oliver Greg Seeds Greg Thompson Greg Todman Greg Vanderberg Gregory Joyce %PCGEÑ.PGAC Guy Brooks Guy Sinclair &?JGL?Ñ)?SDK?L Hannah Colquhoun Hanns Blaser Harold WoodwardClarke Harry Hills Hazel Sims Heath Barber Heath Earls Heather Gray &C?RFCPÑ)LGEFR Heather White Heidi Leondiou Helen Burgess Helen Grant Helen Samson Helen Smith Helen Stanley &CJCL?Ñ.PCRRW Hilton Jones Iain McNiven Ian Bamford Ian Bodger Ian Fitzgerald Ian Frost Ian Hartwig Ian Hunt Ian McCrohon Ian Mckenzie '?LÑ.?WLC '?LÑ.CPPW Ian Randell Ian Ross Ian Stilo Ian Vickery Ian Walsh Ian Wright Ianthe Smith Ivan Bartul Ivan Novak Ivon Shell Jacinta Maahs Jack Bab itch Jack Velthiuzen Jacob Webb Jacqui Hancock Jacqui Maclaine Jacquie Hancock Jade Drew Jai Maluga James Folk James Gorham (?KCQÑ)CCL James Milner James Nolan James Stenhouse James Sun Jamie Dodd (?KGCÑ(C̅CPW Jamie Workman Jan Loots Jan Wilson Jane Alexander Jane Foster Jane Hegarty Jane Marshall (?LCÑ1UG̊ Janet Aislabie Janet Blythman (?LCRÑ!P?LC̆CJB Janet Green Janet MacFarlane Janette Griggs Janine Hedley Jarrad Langdon (?PP?BÑ.MUCJJ Jason Darney Jason Jennings Jason Smith Jason Wilkes Jay Opdam Jaycob Hargreaves Jeana Nicholson Jeannette Hudson Jeannette Learned (C̅ÑLBCPQML (C̅Ñ J?LB (C̅Ñ!MSJRCP (C̅Ñ'X?RR (C̅Ñ*CC (C̅Ñ-§&?JJMP?L (C̅Ñ.FGJJGNQ (C̅PCWÑ!PMJC Jenelle Amatto (CLCJJCÑ.MLB Jennifer DaSilva Jenny Bourke Jenny Field Jenny Frost Jenny Mitchell Jenny Takahashi Jeremy Crawford (CPCKWÑ)LGEFR Jess Stimpson Jessamy Mooney Jessica Martin Jill Barnes Jim Gallagher Jim Gregory Jim Separovic Jim Slattery Jo Charters Joan Lyons Jo-anne Cambell Joanne Madden Joanne Shoesmith Jodie Taylor Jody Ridgeway Joe Balloto Joe Berry Joe Estermanm Joe Farrugia Joe Giura (MCÑ.?ELMAAMJM John Anderson John Baker K John Bowyer John Cain John Callaghan John Cartwright John Clayton John Cregan John Dalgleish John DiCarluccio John Eves John Francis John Gibbs John Gillooly John Grey John Hardy John Heckrath John McLean John McLeod John Miller John Nelson John Oakley (MFLÑ.?RCPQML John Rankins John Sharples John Stephens John Sullivan John Thompson Johnese Mullen Jon Scholz Jonathon Maile Josephine Ziino Josh Tunbridge Josheph Morrasut Josie Simmonds Jude Dierden Judith Graham Judy Bell Judy Tyrrell Judy-Ann Quilliam Juliann Ward Julie Curnow Julie Srour Justin Barlow Justin Browne Justin Graham Justin Roberts (SQRGLÑ5CQRFM̅ Justine Fairchild Justine Snelgrove )?PCLÑ@CPAPMK@W )?PCLÑ PMMIQ )?PCLÑ%PME?L )?PCLÑ.GAICPGLE )?PCLÑ0CCB )?PCLÑ1FCJBML )?PCLLÑ*?WLC )?PJ?Ñ.PCQRML )?PMJCGLÑ1CJCL )?PPCLÑ ?RRCPK?L )?RCÑ MJ?LB )?RCÑ!PMAICPÑ )?RFÑ!SPPW )?RFÑ"?TCW )?RFÑ,?RGML )?RFCPGLCÑ&MUBCL )?RFCPGLCÑ1F?PP?RR )?RFJCCLÑ#T?LQÑ )?RFWÑ%?̅ )?RFWÑ0MQCPÑ )?RGL?Ñ Vangopoulos )?RPGL?Ñ0CR?JJ?AI )?WÑ+?A?SJ?W )CGRFÑ SAIJCW )CGRFÑ%JCLL L )CGRFÑ2MLIGCQ )CGRFÑ5GJAMV )CJJGCÑ+MLIRML )CLÑ!?PBC )CPPWÑ)LCC )CTGLÑ&?LAMAI )CTGLÑ&?PKCP )CTGLÑ(MFLQML )CTGLÑ+MPPGQ )CTGLÑ1KGRF )CTGLÑ5MMB )GKÑ ?L̆CJBÑÑ )GKÑ!PMU )GKÑ%GPJBCP )GKÑ&?PPGQML )GKÑ(?EECP )GKÑ1R?LRML )GKÑ1RP?AF?L )GK@CPJCWÑ Tidcombe )GPIÑ$P?LIQ )GPQRGCÑ1U?GLC )GPQRWÑ SPLCRR )PGQÑ!?BME?LÑ )PGQRGÑ.GCRP?A?RCJJ? )PGQRGCÑ)CJJW )PGQRGLÑ0CBBGL )PGQRWÑ+GJJGE?L )SPRÑ+?GCP )SPRGQÑ%?XXMLC )WJGCÑ*CC Lachlan Fleming Larissa Cromb Larry Taylor Lauren Lindsay Lauren Robson Laurie Brown Laurie Cella Laurie Raynor *?U?LÑ)?CUNFSK Leanna Youngman Leanne Fredericks Lee Moore *CCÑ.MULCJJ Leigh Bellchambers Leigh Cassidy *CGEFÑ.P?BM Leigh Smith *CGEFLLCÑ.MMJC Len Farren *CL?Ñ.J?IG?Q Lenice Jahnke Leo Smith Leone Scott Leonie Joss Les Brindley Leslie Johnson Leslie Simpson Lex Valentine Liam Downes Linda Campbell *GLB?Ñ)CJJW Linda Manning Linda Sharpe Lindsay O’Sullivan Linus Smith Lisa Howlett Liz Hennig Liz Nair Liz Spadanuda Llewellyn Biggar Llyod Millington Loris Moriconi *MPP?GLCÑ+A!?̅PCW Lorraine Stevens Louis Marcus Louise Avis Louise Moss Louise Mucha Louise O’sullivan Lucio Macchia Lucy Liccardello Luke Wray Lyle Barrett Lyle Jacobsen Lyn Anderson *WLB?JJÑ.J?RR Lyndon Wales M Mal Dawson Malcolm Heath Marc Brockman Marcus Vermey Maree Dela Roche Maree SeagrottMitcheson Margaret Mullen Maria Cavanagh +?PG?Ñ)?J?K@MW?Q Maria O’Dea Marilyn McCutcheon Marina .?L?EGMR?PMQÑ Mark Baker Mark Bowen Mark Brownlie +?PIÑ!M̅CW Mark Cusack Mark Duncombe Mark Eatts Mark Grenfell Mark Harper Mark Ngo Mark Niebiezczanski Mark Rath Mark Russell Mark Spencer Mark Wyborn Marlene Organ Martin Bezzzina Martin Edwards Martin Jud +?PRGLÑ)J?BLGE Martin Schett Martin Stallard Martin Whelan Mary Bysouth Mary Wilks Mary-Ann Tierney Maryanne Hughes +?RGH?Ñ,GIMJGA Matt Barratt +?RRÑ%PG̈RF Matt Shaw Matthew Burton Matthew Dodunski Matthew Hutchins Matthew Ware Maurice Tate Max Garbin Megan Buxton +CE?LÑ)SFL Megan Stevens Melania McMahon Melanie Brenton Melanie Dodemaide N Melinda Simich Melissa Dower Merlyn Dawson Michael Barlow Michael Blasch Michael Burn Michael Caminada Michael Cassamatis Michael Clancy Michael Diekmann Michael Doherty Michael D’Souza Michael Girlder Michael Hamilton Michael Harvey Michael Herde Michael )?QRCJJMPGXGMQ +GAF?CJÑ)?T?L?EFÑ +GAF?CJÑ)CLR +GAF?CJÑ)GPIUMMB Smith +GAF?CJÑ)LGEFR Michael Mavarikakis Michael Mohr Michael Moran Michael Murray Michael Openshaw +GAF?CJÑ.P?RM Michael Russell Michael Schnackenberg Michael Taylor Michael Wade Michael Welshman Micheal McHugh Micheal Short Michelle Caron Michelle Gleeson Michelle Lucas +GAFCJJCÑ.?AIUMMB Michelle Robinson +GAFCJJCÑ0MHM Michelle Serdiuk Michelle Smith Mick Cudmore Mick Loveridge +GAIÑ.P?RM Mick Windsor Mike Briggs Mike Goddard Mike Hawley +GICÑ)CJJW +GJ?LÑ0?HGA Mitch LaRosa Mitch Tamsett Mitchell Anderson Monica O’Neill Murray Lewis Murray Thomas Murry Millar Naomi Chapman Natalie Downey Natalie GoodmanJones Natalie Okely Natascha Schwartz Nathan Malmborg Nathan McMurdo Nathanael Forster Neal McCann Neelab Hussein Neil Wiese O P ,CL?BÑ"HSPGA Nerida Williams Neville Eastabrook Neville Mathewson Nicholas Crook Nick Cameron Nick Del Grosso Nick Hayler Nick Mastrangeli Nick Westwood Nicola Fonti Nicole Brudenall Nicole Gorrie Nicole Lorch Nicole Oakley Nicole Ogilvie Nicole Rutherford Nicole Stenlake Nicole Thackray Nigel Raddie Nigel Reed Nik Rubenis Noel Higginbotham Nola Grant Norma Hogg Norma Roberts Nuran Akbal Odile Higgins Owen Carlin Owen Cameron .?BBWÑ5?JQF .?KÑ#JJGQ .?KCJ?Ñ%PG̈RFQ .?KCJ?Ñ(MFL .?RÑ(?LCQ .?RÑ2GCPLCW .?RPGACÑ)GJN?RPGAI .?RPGAG?Ñ"CJÑ$?TCPM .?RPGAG?Ñ,GCJQCL .?RPGAIÑ!?PRCP .?RPGAIÑ-§ PGCL .?RPGAIÑ0?ULQJCW .?RPGAIÑ4GJJCNGLRC .?RPGAIÑ4S?JJ?R .?RPGAIÑ5MMB .?RPGL?Ñ!J?PI .?SJÑ MUCP .?SJÑ!MLBP?L .?SJÑ%?JL? 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0CKWÑ.CPCGP? Renee Burns Rhona Henderson Richard Babovic Richard Blackwell Richard Coates Richard Cody Richard Collin Richard Geiles Richard Halbert Richard Jack Richard Johnson Richard Jordan 0GAF?PBÑ)GLE Richard Luttrill Richard Twist Richard Van Egmond Rick Dunn Rinaldo Marino Rob Ackary Rob Berryman Rob Christensen Rob Guest Rob Hall Rob Jones Rob McAdam Rob Rattray Rob Zarebski Robert Brown Robert Franklin Robert Hardy Robert Michalski Robert Schwerdt S Robert Wood Roberto Viola 0M@GLÑ)SFLC 0MBÑ!P?̊CP Rod Grosch Rod McShannon Rod Wallace Rodney Chant Rodney Eaylor Rodney Fox Rodney Ryan Roger Bain Roger Harrington Roger John Roland Fiegert Rolf Barfoed Ron Almond Ron Simeon Ron Winzenberg Rosamma Giacomin Rosaria Bugge Rosemary Ampt Rosemary Brown Ross Burke Ross Firth Ross Jorgenson Ross Quittenden 0SGÑ.CLE Russel Routledge Russell Blythe Ry Cunningham Ryan Creek Ryan Dahiblom Ryan Van Egmond Sam Cimino Sam Coppolina Sam Fairweather Sam McCue Sam Nancarrow 1?KÑ.MN Sam Rigg Samantha Torpy Samatha Harper Sandra Morris Sandra Riley Sandra Ryder Sandra Wood Sarah Andrews Sarah Ashburner Sarah Ashburton Sarah Byers Sarah Hemsley Sarah Jones 1?P?FÑ.?RPMLC 1?P?FÑ.FGJJGQ Sarah WhitakerSims Scott Carningham Scott Cureton Scott Gehrke Scott Hopgood Scott Leighton Scott Radici Scott Steele Scott Thomson Scott Umbers Sean Alexander Sean Barrett Sean Cameron Sean Crane Sean Dewar Serge Fernandez Shane Armstrong Shane Baker Shane Johnston Shane Lucas Shane Wood Shanine Ryan Shari Madden Sharon Altman Sharon FletcherCore Shaun Holland 1F?SLÑ)CCE?LÑ Shaun Read Shaun Shrivel Shelley Moredoch Sherelle Mondolo Sheryn Deall 1FGPJCWÑ&C̅CPL?L Shirley Wardrope Simon Bailey Simon Boarder 1GKMLÑ)PCXJGI 1GKMLÑ.̆RXLCP Simon Stanning Simon Waters Simon Woolcott 1GKMLCÑ)CLLCBW Siobhan Hudson Sonya Osborne Stacey Gill Stacey Warrener Stan Bowie 1R?LÑ.Q?LMSB?IGQ Stefan Liszka Stephen Bowden Stephen Creamer Stephen Creelman Stephen Genner Stephen Gilfedder Stephen Irving 1RCNFCLÑ)CMEFÑ 1RCNFCLÑ)GBB 1RCNFCLÑ)GLE 1RCNFCLÑ)GPIK?L Stephen Murphy Stephen Raymond Stephen Simon T Stephen Smith Stephen Waylen Steve Bognar Steve Corbett Steve Creelman Steve Davie Steve Ebenstelli Steve Fawcett Steve Horne Steve Irving Steve Lancaster Steve Menhennet Steve Morton Steve Nicholson Steve Oberleuter Steve Ross Steve Shaw Steve Slender Steve Smith Steve Walker Steve Walsh Steven Bulman Steven McMahon Steven Norton Steven Schumann Steven Tye Din Stewart Detez 1RS?PRÑ)J?P Sue Buckman Sue Collins Sue Leed Sue-Anne Steer Susan Wall Suzanne Donovan Suzie Lane Talia Byrne 2?K?P?Ñ.MPRCP Tamara-Ann Charles Tania Hayter 2?LW?Ñ+A)CML Tayron Scagnetti Terri Manfredi Terry Bush Terry Fabish Terry Laifoo Terry Ogle Terry Terramoana Terry Wockner Terry Yuke Tery Dennis Thierry Liebgott Tim Green Tim Modra Tim Riessen Tim Ryall Tim Shaw 2GKÑ1FCPPG̅ Tim Taylor Tim Varcoe Timothy Van Der Borgh 2GL?Ñ.?J?XXMRRM Toby Ore 2MBBÑ.?PIÑ Tom Lambert Tom Millar Tom Russell Tom Snowball Toney Davis Toni Brown Toni Foot Tonia Folina-Driver Tony Bishop Tony Cartwright Tony Deliolanis Tony Johnston 2MLWÑ+A)GLJ?W Tony Mobilia Tony Monigal Tony Morgan Tony Mudge Tony Trevaskis Tony Walker Tony Walsh Tony Wilson Tony Wright Tracey Harrison Tracey Malvern Trevor Cox Trevor Elliott Trevor Hislop Trevor Jenkinson Trevor McCrystal Trevor Munro Trevor Schwenke Trevor Williams Tricia Allender Troy Everett 2PMWÑ.PCRRW 2WQMLÑ)LGEFR V Valda Matheson Vanessa Brandwood Vanessa Buemi Vicki Aurisch Vicky Milner Vicky Nicola Victor Raszewski Vince Aranda Vince Ball Vincent Digges Vivek Angre W Warren Banks Warren Carlyon Warrick Johnson Wayne Brouwer Wayne Cavanagh Wayne Ehsman Wayne Hawley Wayne McGee Wayne Morling 5?WLCÑ.C?PR Wayne Rutledge Wayne Sibrey Wayne Smith Wendy Harris Wendy McClellan Wendy Tengstrom Wes Foster William Moratz 5GJJGCÑ)JCGLF?LQ Y Yvonne Cilia Yvonne Groth Yvonne Webb Z Zoe Fensom 39 500 IT TAKES AN ARMY OF PEOPLE TO DELIVER THE 2014 WORLDSKILLS AUSTRALIA NATIONAL COMPETITION . HERE ARE A FEW FAst FACTS THAT YOU MAY NOT HAVE KNOWN... HIGHLY SKILLED EIGHT APPRENTICES.... TRAINEES........... STUDENTS..... TONNES OF STEEL 90 kgs of chocolate WorldSkills Australia was founded in 1981 30 beef, pork Over lamb carcasses will be used in Retail Butchery 300 industry 5,000 tonnes of equipment and tools will be used 500+ volunteers making it happen professionals judging 3 0 0 5KMS OF TIMBER 10KMS OF WIRE, WHICH IS THEN RECYCLED AND REPURPOSED 10M+ visitors expected to attend worth of equipment and donations have been supplied by industry, government and TRAINING ORGANISATIONS Australia is one of 67 member countries 40,000 of WorldSkills International 613kgs of flour THE Total competition 1,600 eggs used in Cooking Baking 5 large trucks 7 vehicle shells 20 cars will be used throughout the competition $20,000 of flowers will be used in the Floristry category WORLDSKILLS.ORG.AU All information contained in this program is correct at time of printing 20/08/2014 space IS larger than Patersons Stadium'S playing surface 90 mannequin heads will by styled, cut and coloured in Hairdressing $30,000 worth of gold will be used by the jewellery competitors This event is supported by the Australian Government and the Government of Western Australia