Read the Holiday issue here! - Associated Humane Societies


Read the Holiday issue here! - Associated Humane Societies
Story & Photos Page 12
Story & Photos Page 12
Story & Photos Page 13
Story & Photos Page 13
in the NEWS
US Airline Virgin America has removed SeaWorld as a partner in its
rewards systems. This move was as a result of PETA advising the
airlines that SeaWorld has forcibly removed orca calves from their
loving mothers & subjected them & other animals to lives of
deprivation & physical & psychological suffering in captivity. Also,
California State University – Long Beach has stopped selling
discounted tickets to SeaWorld.
Pictured is Lolita’s entire living space. She can only swim several yards in any
direction and has no protection from the sun or other elements.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund, PETA and Orca Network has presented a
lawsuit to Miami Seaquarium contending that the facility’s imprisonment of a
suffering orca, Lolita, who is currently held without the company of any others
of her kind in a cramped tank with no protection from the harsh sun,
constitutes a violation of the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Lolita is protected
by the ESA and as such, deserves to live a life free of harassment in which she
can engage in natural behaviors. Since 1970, Lolita can only swim a few yards
a day. The tiny tank offers no protection from the sun & has caused her skin to
crack & bleed. There is a seaside sanctuary that has been waiting for her in her
home waters off Washington’s San Juan Islands where she could interact with
her family pod. Lolita appeared to recognize her pod’s calls DECADES after
being captured & the orca believed to be her mother, (who is estimated to be
about 86 years old), is still thriving.
In Canada, Ontario has become the first province to ban the breeding,
purchase and sale of orcas. The new law passed the legislature in May and
requires qualified veterinarians with marine mammal expertise to oversee
preventive & clinical care at any facility that has marine mammals.
According to AWI QUARTERLY, Marineland in Niagara Falls is the only facility in Ontario that has an orca. Due to a lengthy expose of the deplorable
animal welfare conditions at Marineland, a story by the Toronto Star
helped build momentum for the law. Sadly, Kiska, the solitary orca who
has been in a concrete tank at Marineland will remain since she was
excluded from the law’s provisions.
The U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service has been alerted to over 25
walruses that were gunned down off the Alaska coast at the
Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge. Many were decapitated including a dozen dead babies and many were missing
their tusks. It is believed that they were killed for their ivory.
Holiday 2015
A baby beluga whale, born
in an artificial tank at the
Georgia Aquarium has lost
the will to stay alive. The
mortality rate among baby
belugas in captivity is
about 65%.
Judge Amy Totenberg of
the U. S. District Court for
the Northern District of
Georgia upheld the
National Marine Fisheries
Service’s denial of an
import permit application
for 18 wild-caught beluga
whales for the Georgia
Aquarium, SeaWorld
facilities and two other
aquariums. The Georgia
Aquarium had originally
sought permission to
One of the many beluga whales kept in
import 18 beluga whales
captivity for entertainment purposes.
captured from Russian
waters. When the whales
were captured, they were less than 2 years & were still nursing &
not independent from their mothers.
Sea Shepherd Global & five Sea Shepherd volunteer crew members
were found guilty in a Danish court of breaking the Faroe Islands Pilot
Whaling Act. They interfered with the slaughter of over 250 pilot
whales on the killing beaches of Bour & Torshavn in the Faroe Islands.
The slaughter of cetaceans is outlawed throughout the European
Union including Denmark; however, in the Faroe Islands, the slaughter
of pilot whales & other small cetaceans continues with the assistance
of the Danish Police force & Navy & the blessing of the Danish legal
system. A total of 7 crew members from 7 different countries have
been arrested & all are facing charges. The Deputy Chief Prosecutor is
attempting to deport the 5 volunteers & one has had his passport confiscated by local authorities. For updates, visit
AS WE GO TO PRESS: Sea Shepherd’s pursuit of the vessel Thunder
has resulted in guilty charges for the captain & 2 senior crew members for multiple charges linked to illegal fishing, damage to the environment, etc. The 3 men from the ship Thunder face between 32 &
36 months in jail & collectively fined more than $17 million!
The California Coastal Commission (CCC) voted to allow SeaWorld’s San Diego location to expand its orca tanks but the allowance comes with major conditions:
SeaWorld San Diego will no longer be allowed to breed its 11 captive orcas. The
CCC also set drastic limits on how much SeaWorld can transfer its existing orcas
in/out of the park. SeaWorld will not be allowed to sell, transfer or trade them.
in the NEWS
Great News for Animals!
Dorma Ridon and her husband, Vicente, of Manila, Philippines, were found guilty of
crimes related to the production of “crush” videos, child abuse, human trafficking &
wildlife protection. They were sentenced to life imprisonment & ordered to pay fines
totaling more than $200,000. Through the efforts of PETA Asia, they worked with
authorities to have the Ridons located, investigated, arrested & prosecuted. Young girls
of about 12 years of age were filmed stepping on & crushing live animals to death.
The Gulf Greyhound Park will close its doors to live racing by January 1st. Hundreds of
greyhounds will be given a second chance to find a lifelong commitment. More than
2,000 greyhounds were injured since 2008 at Gulf Greyhound. If you are interested in
adopting, contact Greyhound Rescue Austin or the Texas Adopt a Greyhound Society.
There are six states in which greyhound racing is legal: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas,
Florida, Iowa & West Virginia. The following states have dog tracks that have closed &
ceased live racing but a prohibitory statute has yet to be enacted: Oregon, Connecticut,
Kansas and Wisconsin.
According to recent reports, West Virginia closed its last remaining gas chambers by
the end of the year.
To learn whether gas chambers are banned in your state, visit
The gas chamber is illegal in NJ, thanks to the efforts by AHS & other groups who
pushed for this legislation in 1978.
The Sandy City Council came to a unanimous decision that requires euthanization of
animals be performed by injection rather than by a gas chamber starting in 2016.
After Jerry collapsed and was unable to stand, he was dragged
by a winch and removed from the street, never to be seen
According to PETA, Carriage for Hire, a horse-drawn
carriage company in Salt Lake City, announced its closure
one year after a horse named Jerry collapsed while pulling
a carriage in 97 degree heat. Despite their protestations,
the company finally was forced to admit that Jerry later
died. Following the company’s closure, the Salt Lake City
council unanimously voted to ban cruel & dangerous
horse-drawn carriages.
Be T hankful for Furever Friends
Come meet your new best friend at ourT hanksgiving Adoption Event!
Friday, Sat. & Sunday November 28th, 29th & 30th
Adoption fees for all dogs will be $50 and for cats $25 to qualified applicants.
Adoption fee includes spay/neuter, de-worming, all inoculations and a microchip.
For more information,
please contact:
Tinton Falls:
File 136984-F (Newark)
File 137029-NM (Newark)
File 139672-SF (Newark)
File 137346-M (Newark)
Forked River:
More Society News on Page 16 and 17
LAVE had a table at the
Humane Day
Celebration. LAVE is a
family owned business in
Toms River that produces handcrafted soaps
and body scrubs. They
support animal rescue with each product sold including Popcorn Park. Each year, they donate soap
samples for the 5K Run, as well as a beautiful basket for the Gift Auction. LAVE (Learn, Adopt, Voice
& Educate) is at the heart of their efforts – especially for bully breeds!
Rob Hanlon of Hanlon K-9s Training Academy puts one
of his dogs through its paces. He welcomes problem
pets, (or problem people with pets), who need
assistance with off-leash obedience, agility and more!
Rob has helped AHS with several dogs who were
problematic & enhanced their chances at adoption.
Jack of Snakes-N-Scales brought many turtles & reptiles
and has always assisted Popcorn Park with efforts in
education, rescue and more.
It was the 39th Anniversary of Popcorn Park and the
AHS Forked River Humane Day Celebration was two
fun-filled days of food, music, entertainment, shopping & lots of pets getting attention! Crafters and vendors were selling everything from handmade soap to
cookies for your dogs!
We had Cousin Jared the Juggler walking through our
event and our Animal Refuge, keeping our guests
entertained. We also had DJ's Frank and Sue Staff that
donated their time to emcee our event both days.
Hanlon's K9 performed demonstrations of training,
protection, and agility with their dogs. Farasha and
Su'ad Dance and Designs were here to dazzle the
crowd with belly dancing. Jack from Snakes-N-Scales
put on a Radical Reptile Show. Lots and lots of our
wonderful dogs awaiting adoption got to grab the
spotlight and meet all of our guests throughout the
weekend, too!
Everyone had a great time and we would like to thank
our vendors and all that we've mentioned who participated, but also our volunteers who helped so
much with escorting our dogs, parking, patrolling our
park, etc. Thank you all for coming out to support our
animals and the work that we do here at Associated
Humane Societies/Popcorn Park. We look forward to
seeing you all next year when we celebrate our "big
Popcorn Park volunteer Laura Gural with
Megan, a wonderful lass, who has been
patiently waiting for a “new leash on life”.
.... For the temperature to be in the single
digits to be concerned
about a dog that is tied
up outside with
improper or no shelter.
Now is the time to
solve the life-threatening situation before it is
too late. Call your local
anti-cruelty organization
or police.
Holiday 2015
.... to be heard if you object to the displays set up at
fruit/vegetable markets and/or churches that have
live nativity scenes. If you are concerned about
animals who are often left with no thought as to
what is needed for their safety & comfort, let your
opinions be known. A nativity scene is important to
Christian traditions but live animals are not
necessary to a display. Many times, the people left
to care for the farm animals are inexperienced.
If you enjoy a Christmas
tree during the holidays, it
can be enjoyed twice - by
your local birds. Remove all
tinsel and decoration and
trim the tree with pine
cones filled with peanut
butter or suet, string cranberries and popcorn, and
hang seed treats from the
More Society News on Page 16 and 17
Over the past few years, there has been a flurry of media attention
concerning animal shelters exposed for horrific animal cruelty,
same-day euthanasia of strays, shelters in disrepair, shelters
fraudulently advertising as no-kill, etc.
We feel the need to alert you to the efforts that AHS has made to
assist in these cases, while we are simultaneously rebuffed by a
number of self-proclaimed "experts" who have no actual credentials and public servants who wanted to keep their constitutents
quiet. This is especially true of the AHS Newark facility where we
have been routinely and unjustly labeled as "awful" on social
Our Newark shelter operates in an urban setting where almost a
third of the residents live in poverty. Every day we face daunting
challenges: terrible hoarding situations, irresponsible and heartless breeding, and unimaginable cruelty and neglect. But we continue to save the lives of most of these abused and abandoned animals, often at staggering expense, and do our utmost to find them
the homes they deserve. However, there are times, and only when
it is absolutely necessary, that we must euthanize, a sad but
unavoidable reality in a city environment. Despite the fact that we
provide endless water, warmth, food, top-notch vet care, socialization to all the animals in our care, it is for this we are attacked.
The AHS is both exhausted and frustrated by this lack of justice as
these individuals go on to criticize the manner in which we handle
animal care and control in the towns that we service. Quite the
contrary, we are very proud of the efforts that we go through to
help any domestic animal, wildlife, waterfowl, farm animals. In
logging on to you can see a very small sample
of the many animals that are routinely helped by AHS.
The horrific pictures we have of forgotten, untreated and uncared
for animals at the many shelters that led to their downfall are
remembered by us.
Included are Jersey Animal Coalition-Maplewood, East Orange
Animal Shelter, Linden Animal Shelter, Bloomfield Animal Shelter,
North Jersey Humane Society, Hunterdon Humane Society.
Helmetta was a truly atrocious situation which went on for over
two years. Animal lovers exchanged pictures, experiences, etc. but
nothing changed. AHS contacted Channel 12 who passed the
information to Walt Kane, & when he did a story, the shelter was
finally closed down.
AHS chooses to take the path to save as many animals that come
through our doors as possible. In additon to all our own efforts, we
work with amazing rescue groups to help care for our animals.
The AHS has always worked hard to save lives. We have always
had, and apparently always will have, our critics whether they are
totally uninformed in the larger world of animal sheltering, have a
personal axe to grind, or are pursuing their own political agendas.
It has always been our goal to do the most we can for the most animals and to live up to our mission of advancing the humane treatment of animals everywhere.
As featured in the August 2015 issue of the HUMANE NEWS, nearly 40 dogs were languishing in a fecesfilled, garbage-strewn house. The situation became public weeks after the township was aware of the
house of horrors. AHS was contacted after most of the animals had been dragged out by poles at night
with lights flashing, ambulances, strangers in haz mat suits & throngs of people standing by in the circus
type atmosphere.
AHS staff arrived & took the last five dogs that were living in deplorable conditions. It took hours to care
for these dogs who were hideously matted. Several broken teeth & eye problems were discovered & corrected. Sadly, the dogs were extremely bewildered & highly nervous. AHS staffers took the time to settle
them in and work with them so they would be
able to live normal, healthy lives. Tragically,
one of the dogs adopted from another shelter
got loose 5 times and was returned each time.
Eventually, the dog was hit by a car and killed
by a car on the Parkway. Another Lakewood
dog had also gone missing from the same
adoption center & also got hit by a car.
Owner Laura Giacini was found guilty of two
counts of animal cruelty & fined $1,900. She is
banned from owning any animals in the future.
All of the dogs from Lakewood at AHS were
adopted. Red & Dewey were on the Share-A-Pet
Program but since that time, they have gone
into a wonderful home!
Red on his first day at Popcorn Park. It took almost 2
hours to care for the hideously matted dog.
Red and Dewey have been adopted! The happy
ending will appear in a future issue – but you can
see a brief video of the laborious beginnings to
save the Lakewood dogs & the interaction of Red
& Dewey in their new home. Just log on to
The adorable dog needed to be sedated due to the
extent of matted mess she had been forced to endure.
Photo Above: Dulcea happily & contentedly
sleeps now that her horrific past is behind her.
Photo Right: Dulcea enjoys her new home with
Maximus, another rescue, and they are
Staffers watched - horrified - as this 1 ½ year old Shih Tzu
was surrendered to AHS. The owner didn’t bring the dog
to us – she asked that we pick up the dog. The young
female was immediately sent to the Medical Dept. where
she was sedated to remove the matted mess. Underneath it
all, was an adorable dog we called Duchess and she was
ready for a lifetime commitment!
Douglas Urisko of Brookfield, Connecticut visited our
Newark shelter and took her into his heart and home. He
recently advised that her new name is Dulcea which is Latin
for sweetness. Her sores have all healed & her fur has
grown back beautifully. She is now best friends with
another rescue named Maximus & the two are inseparable!
“Thank you for giving me the chance to adopt Dulcea & I
hope you continue to do the great work you do to help
these unfortunate animals. Please post these pictures because people need to know that with a little
love, all dogs can become beautiful despite what they look like at first”.
Bear & Peanut were bonded
brothers brought to AHS after
their untreated skin conditions
were causing allergies for a
child in the house. Shortly after
arrival, they were given medicated baths, good medical
care, and good meals – all the
things that were lacking in
their previous home. It is somewhat difficult to adopt a twosome but they were so bonded, we did not want to separate them. They were placed
on the Share-A-Pet Program &
once they were out in the Dog
Yard, their explosive joy was
seen on YouTube. Shortly after
arrival on the Animal Haven
Farm, Robert & Pat Christopher
of Bayville visited and fell in
love with the boys.
Bear & Peanut’s video on the
Animal Haven Farm showed their
joyous side. Robert & Pat
Christopher of Bayville quickly
came to adopt!
Holiday 2015
A sweet-faced lass was
pictured in the August
issue of the HUMANE
NEWS after we rescued
her. She was trapped
under a porch, & the
Rahway Police Dept. and
unscrewed the siding and
AHS was contacted to
remove the dog. Gwenn
Claytor had contacted
AHS about a dog adoption but she had a few
concerns. The dog couldn’t chase cats & had to
get along with their other
dog. Gwenn met Millie at
a PetsMart Adoption
Event in East Hanover. It Trapped under an enclosed porch, she was restook a little while for cued by AHS. Millie was at a PetsMart Adoption
Millie to overcome her Event & met the Claytor Family – and it was
fearful attitude at her new kismet!
home in New Vernon ….
but time and patience paid off! She started to gain weight, was happy with
her new family, was no longer aloof …. and when it is bedtime, she now
comes upstairs at night. She enjoys rolling in the grass & best of all -- she
does not chase the cats!!! Our thanks to Gwenn & Todd Claytor & family
for their kindness, patience and loving acceptance of this very needy lass.
An abused & neglected
Shepherd was given up
due to a slight foot
injury. He is now living
a wonderful & welldeserved life with the
Engstrom family.
This bright and bubbly German shepherd
came to Popcorn Park
way back in February
from our Newark facility after he was given
up by his family.
Apparently Scooby cut
his foot somehow, so
his family decided to
surrender him.
Scooby's injury was
healed in no time, but
we did notice that he
had an issue with his
eyes, in addition to
being thin, dirty, and
neglected. We got
Scooby all cleaned up
and plumped up,
then took him to see a
specialist for his eyes. We found out that Scooby was born with
eyes too small for his eye sockets, and was also born with
cataracts. There was not much that could be done for him, but at
least we had a diagnosis for his condition. Unfortunately, this
condition scared away many interested adopters. Mr. & Mrs.
Richard Engstrom of Ambler, PA came along and weren't scared
off at all. As a matter of fact, they fell in love with Scooby and
decided that if he lost his eyesight down the road, they would
love him just the same. Scooby finally went off to start his wonderful new life and we're just thrilled for him! Congratulations
Scooby and family, and may you have a long, healthy, happy life
together. We'll miss you Scoob!
Above: Tiny on the day she arrived at
our Tinton Falls branch. Swollen with
milk for babies that had been taken
from her. We rescued the family &
now a happier, healthier Tiny finds a lifetime of love with Ashley Morgan.
Tiny was brought to AHS Tinton Falls facility as a nursing “stray”. The staff did some
excellent detective work & tracked down her former owner. Each little bit of history
we gathered indicated what a miserable, uncaring life she had & how irresponsible
her owners were. We found that she had 4 beautiful pups & due to their tender
age, we retrieved 3 still waiting at the home to be sold/given away. The owner gave
away one & we can only hope it survived. Tiny was happy to be back with her little
pups until they all found homes of their own. Shortly after, Tiny suffered from mastitis & once she was treated, she was then brought to Popcorn Park for a chance to
see some new faces. After a few months, she was placed on the Share-A-Pet
Program. Finally – Tiny was noticed! Ashley Morgan of Forked River met and just
adored her. Thankfully a life that started out as a throwaway pet has become that of
a well deserved, much-loved and adored dog!
Jolene was one of the dogs confiscated from the House of
Horrors in Lakewood. (See story Page 5J olene was one of
the many dogs seized from deplorable conditions. They
were living in garbage, filth, feces & had little or no
human contact. They were in horrendous condition when
they came to us and each dog took several hours to get
cleaned up. Once they settled into their new, clean lives,
these dogs really came alive! Jolene was so terribly shy at
first but with lots of coaxing and gaining her trust, she
really came out of her shell and began making lots of new
friends. Katherine Stohrer of Wall, NJ met Jolene & it was
a match made in heaven! Jolene will now have a family of
her own to love and spoil her, and we're just thrilled for
this deserving pup! Congratulations Jolene and family,
and may you have a long, happy, healthy life together.
Have fun Jolene, you deserve it!
You can see a brief video
of the laborious efforts
to save the horrendous
conditions of the Lakewood dogs & there is a brief section of Red & Dewey
in their new home. Just log on to
Katherine Stohrer of Wall
Township met Jolene & it was
a match made in heaven! 7
Doing a little holiday shopping? Imagine
finding this cute fellow hanging out at a
strip mall in Waretown on Rt. 9. AHS got
a call about a “stray” goat. Oddly enough,
he just happened to be waiting for us in
front of the puppy store at that address.
And thankfully, he never wandered into
the busy traffic before we got there. We
brought the pygmy goat back to Popcorn
Park, neutered and vetted him, spent
some time socializing him, and soon we
found Andy a happy spot of his own in
the refuge. Since he can no longer go
shopping on his own, he’d love a gift from
you - a sponsorship!
Jessie was another monkey kept as a
pet. As is often the case when a
monkey matures, they start to become
aggressive and want to assert their
place in the troop. Jessie, a rhesus
macaque, began attacking his family
who contacted us for help. Luckily, we
had a spot for him. Jessie is a sweet and
friendly boy who enjoys attention from
staff and visitors. He’d love a little extra
attention at the holidays. Could you
sponsor Jessie? (Come visit, too!)
Percy came to us some time ago along with
another male and 3 females, no longer
wanted as pets. Though he is completely
white, he is not an albino, just simply
elegant. To us, he is the epitome of the
beauty of winter, as lovely as freshly fallen
snow. Percy is the representative of all our
white peacocks - perhaps you could send
them a little sponsorship love.
Holiday 2015
If you haven’t yet been to Popcorn Park, come down and visit! Our unique sanctuary caters to wildlife, farm animals, exotics and birds that have been abused,
abandoned, exploited, injured, handicapped, etc. The park is open daily from 11
a.m. until 5 p.m. On Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s Day, Popcorn Park
closes at 2 p.m. so that staff can be with their families. Our current admission
fee is $5 for adults, and $4 for children under 12 and senior citizens.
If you would like to support one of our residents, the donation cost is only $4.00
a month, for which you will receive a color photo of your animal and an update
every 4 months, (which includes a holiday card), a membership card, plus free
admission to Popcorn Park with presentation of your card. For a copy of the
Popcorn Park Wildlife Club booklet to help you choose the animal you wish to
sponsor, order on Page 20.
You can also sponsor Popcorn Park residents on our website at and click on Wildlife Club. There is no required time limit –
you can sponsor for as long as you’d like. Any donated funds that exceed the
care given for a particular animal will be applied to the care of other Popcorn
Park residents.
Lance nods off in the sun, perhaps dreaming of his love, Camille. Of the
7 big cats we rescued from Texas in 2011, Lance and Camille were the
only bonded pair, but sadly, she passed away in June of this year from
intestinal cancer. Lance suffered greatly at the facility from which we
rescued him. Kept in a barren metal stall which seemed to never be
cleaned, he also was found to have two broken rear legs which were
never treated, but healed on their own. He gets around fine, but hasn’t
had an easy life, and now without his mate he would enjoy a little extra
holiday cheer. Might you have a little love to share with Lance?
Name of animal(s) sponsored: __________________,
________________, __________________. _________________
NAME __________________________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP _________________________________________
# OF ANIMALS _______ X $4.00 each = TOTAL $ ____________
Many people mistakenly believe that stray cats do just fine
out there! Selma could not have survived much longer as a
stray. The young lass had an injured rear leg, infection in
both back legs & was sent to our Medical Dept. She was
given antibiotics, medical care, FeLV/FIV test, de-worming,
spay and has since made a complete recovery – and after
over 250 days at the AHS shelter, would be purrrrfectly
happy to be living with you. File 132731-SF (Newark).
Fuzzy & Clyde were surrendered when their owner had to relocate to an assisted living
facility. The 13 year old & 12 year old respectively have several more years left to enjoy
life. The altered couple are hoping to spend their sunset years in an assisted living
situation with you. File 86155-SF & File 86157-NM (Tinton Falls).
If you want to adopt a feline from our Forked River facility, we suggest that you meet with our cat
care staffer, Jay Cat Morris. He will answer any questions and assist you with your selection.
Rico & Wolverine enjoy being held by Jay & they immediately stretch out their paws & hold him
around the neck. Since we only have one Jay ... and one neck ... we are hoping to find lifelong
homes for these two fellas.
Rico was brought to Popcorn Park in
December 2009 when we found him in
the bitter cold of the homeowner’s
basement. He doesn’t appreciate other
cats but after being at AHS for over 2,130
days, we are hoping to find a feline fancier
who will love him as much as we do.
File 18820-NM (Forked River)
Beau came in as a gaunt
gent sorely in need of a
helping hand. He was
given a flea treatment,
checked for intestinal
parasites, neutered & is
found to be FIV Positive.
If you have no cats or
have cats that are FIV
positive, you may wish
to consider adoption of
this sweetie. File 83660NM (Tinton Falls).
Wolverine was one of 3 kittens that we
took in on Nov. 11, 2013. He is the only
one who wasn’t adopted & so he just
patiently waits for Jay to walk by so he can
give him a hug to last him for a few hours.
He’s a sweetie who doesn’t mind other
cats. File 22987-NM (Forked River).
He was found as a typical
male roaming the countryside in hopes of finding a
feline fancier. “Million” was
brought to AHS where we
have neutered the gent so
he will no longer survey the
countryside except from
the safety of a home.
Wouldn’t you love to have a
Million??? File 82505-NM
(Tinton Falls).
Meet Kitten who has been at the shelter over 190 days! The mature miss is
over 9 years old & needs to have a meowvelous future where she can watch
the sunset as she sits on your
lap. File 133595-SF (Newark).
Frankie is an 11 year old mature miss
whose owner was going into the
hospital. She had alopecia around the
neck due to a flea collar. She enjoys the
free roaming area of one of our cat
rooms – but she would better enjoy the
peaceful coexistence of someone who
will supply her with a bottomless food
bowl, a catnip toy, and the warmth of acceptance of the right
home. File 132637-SF (Newark).
She had been
someone’s pet
….. was she lost?
Stolen? Strayed?
Given away?
These unanswered questions
are asked hundreds of times
each month. Sadly,
there is rarely an
answer. This attractive Shepherd deserved more than to be lost
& wandering the streets of Newark. File 139434-F.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Station is one
of the more frequented abandonment
spots in Newark. The N.J. Transit Police
advised us of the stray young female Shar
Pei type who would love to be on the
right track to your heart. File 139459-F.
It was
when someone found this Rottweiler loose. Such
errant strays could be seized by others for
inhumane, illegal efforts. We call him “Axel” & we
are hoping that he will be tops on your Christmas
list! File 138735-M.
Why was this adorable
Puggle mixture walking the
streets at 3 a.m.??? The
portly neutered Puggle was
wearing a black leather collar
– but no tag. Like most
microchipped strays, the chip
was never registered.
“Potter” will sit for a treat &
will share his toys & food. He
would be a wonderful companion – but you can’t let
him keep those late-night
hours! File 138946-NM.
124 Evergreen Ave.
Just off Rt. 1 & 9 near Newark International Airport
Holiday 2015
Cleo is an adorable sweet middle-aged lady
who looks great in a soft, cozy bed & she
deserves to be pampered! She was found
as a stray & it has been well over a month
since she has waited to find a home and
happiness. File 138578-F.
Zeka is a 3-year old pit bull who may have been used as a breeding
machine. She didn’t know what a toy was & took a rawhide … but
when asked to give it back, she did so politely. Her owner passed
away and so the landlord requested we remove Zeka and partner
Buck, (right). Now she is with us until a new home is found. File
139271-F (Zeka) and File 139270-M (Buck).
Pictures could
never adequately
depict the horror
that this dog
experienced. The
neutered male
Shih Tzu was
found at 2:00
a.m. by a trucker
only a block from
the Newark
shelter. The driver called AHS & we met him there to take
possession. He is adorable & we would love to know the
identification of the person who abused this dog. File
Snowflake is quite the gent around the 4-legged
females. The 7-month old pit mix has been at
AHS for over 2 months & is quite excited to go
for walks with volunteers. He is people focused
& loves affection. He sits on command for treats
& enjoys being with people rather than toys.
Come & meet Snowflake. File 137475-M.
Some idiot no longer wanted their
dog – so they packed his cage,
doggie pee wee pads & food & left
him at 10 p.m. out by the garbage
that was to be collected the next
morning. Thankfully, local police
picked up the dog & held him for the
ACO to rescue him. File 139708-M.
Shy Suzie
kept her tail
between her
legs until
the evaluator
sat down &
cuddled with
her. Then we
saw the
meltdown of a
dog who
needed to be
with kisses. A shelter is a cold unfeeling place to a stranger
who needs to know she need not be frightened. Sadly, she
had no idea what a toy or treat was. Let’s get her on the
yellow brick road to the greatest home she so deserves.
File 139249-F.
These two young female Rottweilers
became a nuisance to whoever had
them & so they illegally abandoned the
two lasses. They are now at the AHS
shelter in Newark and they hope that
they can remain together. We call them
Ava and Alice. What a precious holiday
gift! File 139341-F & File 139342-F.
Meet Patch who was one of 3 dogs given
up by a dog collector. The 1 year old had
an upper respiratory infection, ear
“debris” which was cleaned … and now
Patch is waiting for someone to patch up
a lonely, love-starved life. File 138820-F.
Six year old King was summarily dismissed when the landlord
said No Pets Allowed! His
heart is broken that the royal
name doesn’t mean as much as
he would like. He hopes a loyal
owner will provide him a castle
of dreams so he can share his
love. File 138756-M.
Cooper spent his
one month
anniversary at AHS
just staring at the
kennel door in the
hope that a visitor
would come in and
take him home. The
2 year old boy was
found in the local park and if holiday means happiness …. he
is waiting! File 138659-M.
Adoption Center Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Phone: (973) 824-7080 E-Mail:
View More Orphans at
or “Like” us on Facebook at AHS-Newark Branch
The picture does not
graphically depict the
matted mess &
extreme discomfort
that he endured.
Continued from Page 1
An adorable, outgoing sweetheart was found under
mounds of matted hair. To see the video, log onto
A very sad fact that most people don't realize about our AHS
facility in Newark is that every day brings in another horror
story. Every day brings in another dog or cat that is seen as
a disposable object ..... some days, dozens of these dogs and
cats that were neglected and tossed away come to us in
desperate need of help. This small dog was a stray and
although he was clearly miserable, his personality and quiet
acceptance of our help had shown through. Thanks to the
caring patience of our groomer, Sandy Kauffman, "Cyrano"
was released from the restricted confines of the matted mess
that kept him imprisoned. It took a few hours without anesthesia to give him relief. A video was made by our social
media person, Sarah Sangree, to memorializes the kind efforts that were put forth to help Cyrano.
Astounding as it may seem, he is one of several dogs that have come in with life-threatening, longterm, matted hair causing topical wounds. Thanks to our Res-Q Fund, there are donors who will help
us give these abused, discarded orphans the urgent care needed. Cyrano has been moved to Popcorn
Park for a change of scenery. For more information, call us at 609-693-1900 or e-mail
His paws were the most serious
medical issue that needed
attention and staff was there to help.
We imagine that he had a loving owner who
could not afford medical care for their
Labrador …. nor the expense to euthanize.
Living in Staten Island, there aren’t too
many options. If they brought to the dog to
the ACC, the Lab would have gone through
an impersonal intake & then the death
knell. He was left at an animal hospital in
Staten Island. A veterinary tech reached out
to a friend who had adopted a dog from
Popcorn Park. She contacted AHS & the
gentle Lab we named Mikey was brought
The hopelessness and despair is what this abandoned into our care. Mikey had lots of health
problems all of which are being/have been
dog must be feeling.
addressed. A severe infection to the feet
caused swelling, an inflamed, painful condition which, left untreated, would have made it
impossible for him to walk. Medicated baths were on his “to do” list and he has blossomed with
the personalized care!
He was quiet and gentle through it all & then we finally saw the breakthrough!! He knew we
were there to give him care and comfort. Every few days, an update, pictures and video were
included on the website,, where you can see Mikey’s improvement and his
becoming the playful dog he once no doubt was.
Once again, it was our Res-Q Fund to the rescue to help heal Mikey. What better time than now
to give the gift of life to a Society orphan and donate to this fund? For more information on
Mikey, call 609-693-1900 or e-mail
Mikey may feel some sadness – but he is in a place that is giving
him care and attention and will make a difference in his life.
Holiday 2015
The 3 adorable terrier
pups were in a cage
behind the gas station.
The two adult dogs had
been tied to the cage.
Continued from Page 1
When a Tobyhanna, PA motorist was passing through NJ, he pulled
into a gas station on Rt. 22 which was now defunct. He saw the head
of a dog peek out from behind a garbage can in the rear of the
station, so he went to investigate.
There he found two adult dogs -- a female Terrier mix and a
Chihuahua mix -- tied to a cage that had 3 pups inside. They were in
93 degree heat -- without the benefit of water. The motorist brought
them to the AHS Newark facility where all have been checked out,
inoculated, given water and food. It was sheer luck that this group of
adorable homeless orphans was discovered. Judging from their appearance, they had not been
there very long.
We call the pups Snap, Crackle & Pop! The adults are Captain … and Crunch! If you would like to
energize your life and have a companion to accompany you, we have the Breakfast of Champions
right here! They are now at Popcorn Park for lots of R & R. For more information on them, call
609-693-1900 or e-mail
A timid & petrified pit bull pup had been slashed at the
hands of humans & then thrown over the fence into a
Newark resident’s backyard.
Deep cuts had deliberately been done to incite pit bulls for a
blood-thirsty fight. Here Benson accepts food offered by AHS
Assistant Director, Scott Crawford.
The AHS Newark facility got a late-night
call from the Newark Police Dept. A
resident had called advising them that
she had an injured dog in her yard that
someone had thrown over her fence.
Our ACO officer was dispatched to the
scene and found the pathetic, frightened
dog huddled in the corner to keep from
being noticed.
According to Asst. Director Scott
Crawford who handled the call, the dog
was understandably timid but was more
than willing to accept the hand-out of
food. With Scott’s patience & concern,
the dog finally allowed Scott to pick him
up & bring him to Dr. Adriana
Hordynsky at the Animal Hospital of
Linden for emergency care. Dr.
Hordynsky is on the AHS Board of
These graphic pictures show the treatment that Benson received at the hands
of humans. The wounds were not
made from a result of being
“Benson” was so timid and it took a younger pup to
thrown over a fence; it was cruelly
draw him out of his shell. Fortune was a young pup
& maliciously done by humans
that had been thrown out of a moving car, injured by
who we assume made deep cuts
an auto & suffered a broken leg. Both are at Popcorn
to draw blood and to incite pit
Park & are best buddies.
bulls for a blood-thirsty fight.
Benson needed quiet time, more human contact & a much slower, more peaceful
existence than the frenetic pace of our Newark shelter. He was brought to Popcorn Park
along with another victim of cruelty, Fortune. Both seemed to know that more good
“fortune” was coming their way! The dog we named Fortune was a 4-5 month old Pit
who had been thrown from a moving car, resulting in a broken leg.
Benson was initially withdrawn & frightened from his ordeal, & Fortune has helped to
bring about a positive change in Benson. They have discovered a life of kindness, fun
and safety. They both are happy and content while they await medical clearance due to
the problems they both experienced in the past.
Benson & Fortune have both been the subjects of updated stories and videos on the
Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter Facebook page and on
forked river
Meet Lenox who wears a smile on his face and love
in his heart for all he meets. This holiday season is
for people to spread joy and happiness to others.
So …. what are you waiting for? File 25616-M.
Meet Hercules -- both the 6 year old
Rottweiler and his owner are heartbroken.
The disabled veteran had to surrender his
dog as the caretaker was no longer coming
to the house. Hercules has been with us
since March …. & he doesn’t feel much like a
hero. Won’t you visit Herc before the
holidays? File 24562-M.
Featured on the cover of the April
2015 issue of the HUMANE
NEWS was a trio of neglected
Mastiffs living under atrocious
conditions. Kept separated,
Diamond was kept for breeding &
spent her life in a small, dilapidated
wire cage. Bones & Bear have
found lifetime homes … but
Diamond still waits. File 24363-F.
Meet Mandy, Randy and Andy – victims of an uncaring, irresponsible owner. Each dog had wounds, embedded nails into
paw pads and other conditions which needed medical attention. They are about 5 years old & need some caring families
to help them with holiday happiness. File 25550-M, File 25551-F and File 25552-M.
Meet Ginger, a lovely Bullmastiff who has been taught
good behavior! She knows “sit”, “give paw”… but she
is a foodie …. & prefers her mealtimes be spent
uninterrupted. File 25589-F.
Jax is a great guy …. but needs a
steady companion. The young gent
was left alone a lot & now has
separation anxiety - so just stay
home a lot – problem solved!
File 25256-NM.
Humane Way at Lacey Road - Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Phone (609) 693-1900 E-mail:
Exit 74 off Parkway: Turn left & go 7 miles. Make right on Humane Way
View more Orphans at
or “Like” us - Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter on Facebook
Holiday 2015
Nala and
Simba was
surrendered by
an owner
who could
no longer
care for
them. He stressed the importance of keeping the 5 year
old & 6 year old together. The mild-mannered dogs have
heavy hearts as they are spending their first holiday without their owner. They would love a second chance at happiness. File 25405-F & File 25406-NM.
tinton falls
Meet Sophia, a terrier mixture originally found as a
stray. She has been waiting since July for someone
to welcome her into their life …. but no one has
shown up yet. If you would like to share a part of
your heart, Sophia is waiting. File 85270-F.
Odie came in with a severe flea allergy infestation
and surely, he must have been very miserable! The
Shih Tzu mixture feels much better after we his
flea treatment. Now all we need to do is have a
treatment for a broken heart. File 86042-M.
In July, an animal lover “rescued” a dog
from the NYC ACC. When
“Brooklyn” did not get along with the
other dog in the home, the
Boxer/Terrier was brought to AHS. She
knows basic commands, walks well on
a leash and should be the only dog in
the home. File 85924-F.
A Monmouth
County couple were
guests of the county
correctional facility
& their dogs arrived
at AHS in poor
condition. After
their release, the
couple took one
dog after it was
neutered. Momma
remained at our
shelter & the 2 year
old sweetheart now waits for “a new leash on life”! File 85436-F.
Meet Pippin who is seriously searching for holiday happiness. The adorable poodle is about 5 years old & was found
as a stray. No microchip … no i.d. tag. All he needs is a big
red bow, and he’ll stand under the mistletoe for a kiss, all
set to bring you good cheer! File 85993-M.
He’s a hopeful young gent who
came in as a stray – already
neutered! Somebody must have
cared … but there were no
tags or chips for identification.
Once he had a family …. but
they have not come to his rescue. File 85908-NM.
Jolie was picked up as a stray and held by the finder for a
month. Sadly, there may have been someone missing their dog
& after the passage of time, gave up the search. The rat terrier
type was with the finder who had children. Double oyyyy!!
Jolie would love to be in a home with adults. File 85880-F.
Spider’s owner brought in the 2 year
old Pomeranian to surrender his
companion. No reason given …. but
surely this young fella needs to feel
loved & wanted. He has been at AHS
since July & he is getting impatient!
File 85539-M.
2960 Shafto Road, on Route 547 - Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Phone (732) 922-0100 Fax: (732) 922-4032 E-Mail:
2 Miles from Rt. 33-34 Circle, Parkway Exit 102 (So.) Parkway Exit 100B (North)
View More Orphans at 15
Thank you for helping our animals!
Rock & Rawhide co-founder, Kylie
Edmond with Emerson …. who is still
waiting for a lifetime of love.
AHS was overwhelmed, shocked, surprised when a group of
enthusiastic young animal lovers with an infectious energetic love of animals visited the AHS Newark shelter! Rock
& Rawhide in New York works all year ‘round, but the most
recent fund raiser was the Summer Santa program. Pet owners were invited to come to Petco’s
New York stores to donate & take a
photo of themselves & their pets in
a holiday motif. This great group of
Left to right, Kristina Dwyer, Renaldo Ramdeen,
collected pet donations
Shaneka Joseph, Kylie Edmond, Adriana, Sean-Patrick
as they drove through Manhattan
M. Hillman and Joe Ciaccia take a photo in the AHS
to Petco Stores in Union Square;
Newark lobby.
86th & Lexington; 52nd & 2nd
Ave.; 100th & Columbus; and 92nd & Broadway – a feat in itself! All of the goodies were
tallied up and the excitement grew as they visited the Mount Vernon Animal Shelter, the
Yonkers Animal Shelter & then made their way to the Associated Humane Societies in
Our thanks to Kylie Edmond and Sean-Patrick M. Hillman, co-founders of Rock & Rawhide,
Joe of Honda Manhattan for the PAW EXPRESS, and the “Roadies” –Kristina, Shanek, Rey,
Adriana & more!
For information on this 501(c)3 group, log on to and
read more! To see a copy of this whirlwind effort, you can view the video at
Spread out across the Newark shelter’s waiting room was a HUGE
amount of donations for the animals in our care.
Saturday, Sept. 26th was the Halfway to St. Patrick’ Day reason to celebrate
with a benefit to the Associated Humane Societies! Thanks to the wonderful
generosity of participants, many wonderful prizes were raffled that day. A
terrific DJ, complimentary food, fantastic weather, animal lovers – and a
sampling of Society orphans made it a memorable day for all who were
there. The event was expertly organized by Rachel Rock and Irene Donnelly,
Harrison Avenue Tavern owners, Vin & Luisa Henrich, Ernie Whitenour &
Dave Fogarty who all made it a
fun-filled day with old and new
friends. As a result, the Harrison
Avenue Tavern of West Orange
raised over several thousand
dollars to help the animals.
Photo near right - A
member of the Bergen
County Sheriff’s Dept.
demonstrates the
abilities of a K-9 law
enforcement dog.
Far right: AHS volunteer
David Czeizinger with
Kodiak who recently
found the road to
Sandy, held by AHS volunteer, Jennifer Vuocolo, was adopted
as a result of her appearance at the H.A.T. benefit.
Holiday 2015
The celebration was held outdoors under tents with music,
great company and complimentary food!
Thank you for helping our animals!
We would like to send out a huge THANK YOU to Farasha & Su'ad Dance
and Designs, and all of the dancers that participated in Fall Fantasia IV:
Shimmy for A Paws! Farasha and Su'ad arranged this belly dance
extravaganza to benefit Associated Humane Societies Popcorn Park at the
Brick Twp. EMS building. We would like express our gratitude to them
and all of the dancers for all of the donations that we received for the animals in
our care. In addition to monetary donations, dancers and guests brought us
blankets, dog and cat food, leashes, toys, even items for our Annual Gift Auction.
We had a great time and appreciate this all so much! If you missed this fun event,
please check out their website for future events here:
It has been reported that the Wildlife
Services branch of the U. S. Dept. of
Agriculture will go into designated areas
without prior notification to the public & kill geese, turkeys & their
babies by putting them into crates & gassing or shooting them.
S2644/A8934 is a “Right to Know” bill that would require prior notice
of this agency before any such slaughter or culling takes place. This
bill will cover the entire State of NY. It also requires the Wildlife
Services to provide information on humane alternatives to lethal
methods for co-existing with wildlife. The NY TIMES has indicated that
Wildlife Services was called “America’s Misnamed Agency” due to the
fact that it is actually a killing service for farmers, ranchers, golf
courses, etc. The slaughters are inhumane & without scientific basis.
Orange County is the seventh county in New York to have an online
registry of convicted animal abusers. The registry will include names &
photos of the abusers. It will prohibit abusers from acquiring animals
for the 15 years they are listed on the registry. If convicted again, the
ban would be for life. Orange County will post links on its registry to
New York City, Rockland, Westchester Counties & a few other counties
and pet stores & animal shelters can check them. The law requires
abusers to register within 5 days of being convicted or released from
jail. A word of caution: The registry should not give people a false
sense of security. Many abusers & irresponsible pet owners are never
taken to court & never face a conviction.
It is a sad commentary to see the homeless on the streets of NYC
where the only support and unconditional love comes from their loyal
pets. COLLIDE is a new group (501c3) which provides assistance to
homeless youth & travelers offering food & medical care to their
companion animals. It is operated through Graffiti Community
Ministries. Their clinics also allow them to provide necessary animal
medical services as well as legally required vaccinations & dog licensing. They serve human & animal families a meal together from late
spring through the fall on Tuesdays & Wednesdays at Graffiti Church at
205 East 7th St. in the East Village. There are free lunches in front of
Tompkins Square Park on Saturday afternoons. Collide provides many
different programs to a needy public. Please visit
Farasha and Su’ad co-teach and co-sponsor dance workshops
and events! For more information on dance events, log on to Not only did they raise monetary
donations, they donated a HUGE bunch of goodies for the
Society orphans & the upcoming Annual Gift Auction.
The Safari World Theme Park forces orangutans to
put on boxing gloves & fight each other in “fake”
boxing matches as a tourist attraction for visitors. A
petition has been set up at
Due to the outcry of animal lovers, environmentalists, OCEANA supporters,
etc., the Chilean government has withdrawn its plan to install polluting
salmon farms in the Tortel coastal area of Chilean Patagonia.
Sanctuary Cove, a five-star resort for the rich and famous has outraged
environmentalists for starting the slaughter of 100 kangaroos living within
their jurisdiction. They have refused to consider non-lethal means of
control & opting instead to euthanize almost one third of the kangaroo
population. Managing director of Endeavour Veterinary Ecology Dr. Jon
Hanger said the kangaroo population had exploded after Sanctuary Cove
resort failed to maintain its reproduction suppressant program.
The Town Council in Trigueros del Valle voted unanimously to define dogs
and cats as “non human residents”, giving them rights similar to humans.
Animal rights groups celebrated the new-found protection for pets & the
sensitivity & intelligence shown by the people of Trigueros del Valle. The
new act also includes a provision that bans “any action that causes the
mutilation or death of a non-human resident”.
The government has brought in a ban on the religious slaughter of animals
for the production of halal & kosher meat. European regulations require
animals to be stunned before slaughter but grants exemptions on religious
grounds. For meat to be considered kosher under Jewish law or halal under
Islamic law, the animal must be conscious when killed. Although there are
complaints concerning a clear interference in religious freedom by a halal
group, the Minister for Agriculture & Food, Dan Jorgensen said that “animal rights come before religion”.
Almost 6 months ago, two exuberant, energetic kids had a wish to raise money
to help animals at Popcorn Park. They decided their well-thought out project
would be a lemonade stand. Erin Roarke and Lyla Gunn, both 7-year olds and
students in the 2nd grade at Ravine Drive School in Matawan, embarked on
their plans, and made t-shirts & posters over the summer. The plans were in
place; they baked cookies in the shapes of fish, cats & poodles & bought 15
pounds of lemons. On Sept. 11th, they opened up their table at 4:00 and by
5:45 they were sold out!!! What a wonderful project and Erin & Lyla raised
$330 for Society orphans! The girls recently visited Popcorn Park to present
their hard-earned donation to Popcorn Park Director John Bergmann. They
then took a tour of Popcorn Park. Our thanks to all who participated in helping in this effort. The one unsung hero in this project was Erin’s Mom, Daryl
Stone who had to squeeze 15 lbs. of lemons!
The poster was made up by the talented youngsters and
given out to the neighborhood and over the internet.
Erin Roarke (left) and Lyla Gunn spent the summer working on the lemonade stand fund raising project. Unsung
hero: Daryl Stone who had to squeeze 15 lbs. of lemons!
Popcorn Park Director John Bergmann
accepts $330 which was raised by Erin
Roarke (left) and Lyla Gunn.
food for thought ...
McDonald’s announced a landmark commitment to source only cage-free
eggs for the U.S. and Canada restaurants. That won’t happen until 2025.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) has released
undercover video footage documenting a system that exploits
both workers & animals from a Tyson Food Texas slaughter
plant. The investigation has shown that cruel treatment of
chickens by Tyson Foods are not isolated incidents but a
systematic company wide problem. For video footage and
additional information, log onto
and click on the Tyson investigation.
General Mills announced that it will make a major move toward cage-free
eggs …. but it hasn’t set a deadline. “You just don’t make these transitions quickly “ said a General Mills’ spokesman. Among the General Mills products in which
eggs are an ingredient are Yoplait
yogurt, Hamburger Helper, Progresso
soups, Betty Crocker & Pillsbury.
Whether the chickens
are raised for eggs or
meat, this is how
most “free-range”
chickens live their
lives. When raised for
meat, the chickens
gain weight so rapidly
that their legs are
unable to support
them and they cannot
Holiday 2015
The Cheesecake Factory made a
landmark announcement …. the restaurant chain with nearly 200 locations …
will eliminate pork from operations that
use gestation crates! But that won’t be
until 2020. They will switch exlusively to
cage-free eggs with a timeline that will
be announced within a year.
Whole Foods Market in Charlotte, NC has quit selling rabbit parts as the
sale volume did not justify the continuation or expansion of the pilot to a
national program. Whole Foods started selling rabbit meat in June 2014 &
expects that all remaining product will be sold by January 2016. The USDA sent
a letter of caution warning Whole Foods’ rabbit supplier, Iowa Rabbit, for
sending out multiple cartons of rabbit meat improperly labeled as USDA
inspected when they were not. Whole Foods had stated that “no crates, cages or
tethers” are permitted from rabbit suppliers but USDA inspectors found “wet
rabbits in the bottom of crates”. Whole Foods had also stated that food & water
are always available for the rabbits it purchases but in a January 2015 report,
USDA inspectors found “rabbits overnighted in crates during cold weather” had
no access to water because the water sources tended to freeze.
H 19
* Tinsel/Ornaments
* Candles
* Gift Wrap/Ribbon
* Candy/Chocolate
* Water In Christmas Tree Stand
* Holly/Mistletoe/Poinsettia plants
(toxic to pets)
* Liquid Potpourri
* Snow Globes (anti-freeze)
* Electric/Extension Cords
* Yeast In Unbaked Bread Dough
* Alcohol
* Grapes/Raisins
* Medications
Children’s Toys –Stuffed with gel
or toxic stuffing
* Guests! - may feed pets “people
food”, leave the door open, etc.
Many people celebrate Christmas and with the busy time of year, there are
many holiday hazards that are overlooked. Can you find the dangers to your
pets in this scene? If they’re not in the photo, how many more can you name?
(answers below in box)
on the Market
If your dog slips on hardwood floors, tile,
area rugs, etc., this may help. ToeGrips for
dogs was developed by a veterinarian. ToeGrips are tiny
rubberized covers that go on a dog’s nails to keep them from
slipping. They especially help senior dogs or dogs who have problems
walking. Caution: ToeGrips must be placed properly – not touching the
nail bed & with the tip of the nail protruding. For more information, log
on to
BioUrn is a lovely and environmentally
attractive biodegradable cremation urn
for pets that holds their ashes, along
with soil and the seed from your chosen
tree. Once prepared and planted,
BioUrn grows a memorial tree. Log on
to to see a video
on the process as well as additional
information made available with data
for temperature/grow zones, etc. The
urns are $99 & available in 3 sizes.
You can make your pet’s photo into a
work of art! Your pictures are turned
into a custom “Paint by Number” kit –
complete with brushes, paint and
canvas. Multiple options are available including gift certificates. It is
$54.95. For details, log on to
TrapSmart is an easy, humane & convenient way to remotely monitor
wildlife traps using advanced GPS communication technology. TrapSmart
sends an alert – via signal, text or e-mail – to let you know when your trap
closes so it alleviates checking traps frequently. It is wireless & eliminates
connection issues associated with power cords, chewed wires & fits any size
mobiPET is designed for pet owners to register their pet with a photo on
their computer, tablet or cell phone, then add a web app for use on their
smart phone to issue a lost pet photo text alert to neighbors who have
registered, to post the lost pet on social media & opt in to receive pet
alerts from others. A photo alert will go out by text to all registered pet
owners within a 2 mile radius.The service is free for the first photo amber
alert for any missing pet. Owners are asked to upgrade to a premium level
if the pet goes missing a second time. For more information, log onto
PetPace has a medical collar that can measure a dog’s vital signs & other
information to look for signs of pain. Irregularities trigger a notice by
phone, text or e-mail. Voyce, created by 14C Innovations, Inc., has a collar
that tracks similar information and also has a Voyce Pro geared towards
veterinarians. Pet Pace has a Jack Russell Terrier used as a model for an
epileptic dog. They will be tailoring a collar for other dogs with epilepsy.
Both smart collars can be programmed to monitor for a pet’s specific
illness. Dogs/Cats over 8 pounds can use them. Pet Pace is $150 per collar
& $15 a month; Voyce is $200 & $9.95 a month
Order here!
◆ H.R. 3193 (Titus-NV) will require facilities
regulated by the Animal Welfare Act to develop disaster response plans & ensure that
employees know what steps to take when an emergency occurs. This
would include businesses like zoos, research facilities & large-scale animal breeders.
◆ S.1981 (Menendez-NJ) is Ceasing the Importation of Large (CECIL)
Animal Trophies Act. Recently introduced is H.R. 3526 (Grijalva-NM),
the House version. The bills would make it illegal to import the carcass
or part of an animal from a species that is being considered for listing
under the Endangered Species Act in order to discourage trophy hunters
from shooting these animals.
◆ The 2016 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) introduced by
Congressman Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ) and Senator Claire McCaskill (DMO) mandates that America’s heroic military working dogs will be
returned to U.S. soil upon retirement & that their human handlers &
their families will be given first right of adoption. The average military
dog saves the lives of between 150-200 service people by detecting
IEDs & hidden weapons caches. But too many of these dogs are left
behind on foreign soil & never again see their human Battle Buddies. If
the dogs are retired overseas, they become “civilians” & are no longer
qualified to travel home on military vehicles – creating an insurmountable barrier to getting them home to the ones that care for them the
most. Contact your Senators & Congress people in Washington, DC.
AS WE GO TO PRESS: The 2016 National Defense Authorization Act
was finalized by both the House of Representatives & Senate. Now
President Obama needs to sign the Act to help military dogs and their
If you are interested in receiving any of the items listed below, please include
the coupon along with the required donation, and mail to:
Associated Humane Societies
124 Evergreen Ave.
Newark, NJ 07114-2133
NEW! Share-A-Pet Booklet
AHS/Popcorn Park License Plate Frame
What Will Happen to Your Pet?/Pets In Wills
Arbor of Love Brochure
ZoonooZ (sample copy)
Princess Memorial Booklet (incl. S&H)
Princess Memorial Video DVD (incl. S&H)
Pet Alert Decals (2)
Wildlife Club Booklet
AHS/Popcorn Park Color Brochure
Small Coloring Book
Elephant Coloring Book
Zoological Society Brochure
Allergy Proofing Booklet
$9.95 ea
$2.00 + SASE
SASE- #10
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Holiday 2015
For those of you on our mailing list, the AHS/Popcorn Park 2016 Calendar will
be arriving shortly! You will meet some of the animals whose lives have been
changed through our efforts. Your donation towards this calendar will enable
us to continue to help more animals and make a difference in their lives. The
holidays will be here shortly & one of our calendars will make a great gift!
Not on our snail-mail list? The calendar will also soon be available on our
website - Publications.
Mercer County prosecutors say that Michelle
Wankoff, 19 years old, has been charged with animal cruelty & tampering with evidence. Wankoff
had bragged about killing & burying her 9 year old
mixed breed dog which she repeatedly hit on the
head with a shovel & claw hammer until it died.
Crosswicks Clippers pet grooming salon has been charged with 4 counts
of animal cruelty after a 10 year old Airedale terrier was euthanized after
suffering back injuries while in custody & control of the staff at the business. Sarah Bruccoleri, owner of Crosswicks Clippers has owned & operated the business since 2005.It was scheduled for a court appearance in
mid-July but it still has not been heard in court.
PetAid Montclair is a partner of the Montclair Animal Shelter & Chrill Care
of Verona to bring new pet Care programs aimed at keeping animals &
their owners together. Volunteers will now bring pet food, supplies & toys
to those who are unable to make it to the store or care for their pets.
Participants must be 60 years or older, be disabled/homebound & reside
in one of those 3 towns & participate in Chrill Care’s Mobile Meals of
Essex program. Pet necessities are delivered alongside the regular Mobile
Meals delivered weekdays between 10 a.m. & 2 p.m. For information,
visit or call 973-744-8601.
A new ordinance makes it unlawful to tether a dog.
The Bayonne Economic Opportunity Foundation (BEOF) & WomenRising
are partnering to bring a support group to Bayonne for victims of domestic violence. If you are in need of help, please call BEOF for information
and/or support groups. Please call 201-437-7222, Ext. 23. If you are
experiencing domestic violence problems & have pets, please e-mail All information will be kept confidential.
Andrew Mayer, 28 of Toms River was indicted on animal cruelty & criminal mischief charges. Mayer’s 2 year old Boxer mix, Rolo, was inside a
pickup truck that plunged through the ice on a frozen river. The dog was
found dead after the truck sank. Mayer could face several years in prison
if convicted.
The Lacey Township Committee has passed an ordinance to set limits on
anti-tethering. Chained dogs that are not altered is prohibited.
Neutered/spayed dogs can be chained but need at least 15 feet of tether;
Tethers cannot be attached to the dog by a choke chain, slip collar or
prong collar. Also, dogs cannot be tethered where they can get tangled
around poles, fences, trees, etc.; dogs cannot be tethered more than 6
consecutive hours in any 24 hour period & can never be tied up between
10 p.m. & 6 a.m. All dogs must be tethered separately so they cannot
become entangled in each other’s lines. Dogs cannot be tethered at
vacant buildings or property where no adult is present to care for the animal. The ordinance also gives specific requirements concerning dog houses & temperatures.
Check us out! - We’re social!
Stay in touch and up-to-date on AHS’ activities and the animals
we shelter, defend, and protect. Please stop by ....
AHS website:
Facebook: ‘Like’ Us at Newark: AHS-Newark Branch
Tinton Falls: Associated Humane Tinton Falls
Forked River: Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter
Popcorn Park Refuge: PopcornParkAssociatedHumaneSoc
Instagram: ahsnewark
Newark: AHSNewark
YOU Tube Forked River: Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter
Please help us save lives ...
Yes! I want to support the many life-saving efforts of AHS and
Popcorn Park through a donation of $ _______________________
❑ Please find my donation enclosed.
❑ Apply to ResQ Fund
❑ Please charge my donation to my credit card:
❑ American Express
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Address: _____________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________
Please send all donations to:
Associated Humane Societies/Popcorn Park
PO Box 43
Forked River, NJ 08731-0043
Remembering Will Rodgers
Will Rodgers
4 Paws Animal Hospital – NJ
Fred Phillips
Frances Graeff – NJ
Charlie, the dog
Simone A Goring Devaney – D.C.
Vilma Van Ollesen
Dorothy Leahey – VA
Diane & Ed Ranuska – NJ
Robert & Mary Griffin – CO
Robert James Stefanic
Doris Csejka - NJ
John M. Kennedy - NJ
Margaret Messina – NJ
Ronnie T. Vuolo – NY
Douglas & Joan Stefanic – NJ
Lawrence & Grace Puggio – NJ
Peter – NJ
Lynda Inzinna – She loved all animals –
even bottle feeding baby raccoons
Irene Melson - NJ
Eleanor F. Patterson
Frank Verange – NJ
Joanne Pugliese – May you rest in peace
& experience the joy of heaven
Carl Merrell – NJ
Linda Mee – NH
Danielle & Mike Sparacino - NJ
Dorothy Mead
Linda Breitkopf – NJ
Sandy Breitkopf & Richard Lesbirel – NJ
Clay Standish
Harry, Sue & Betty Drexler - NJ
Charles F. Thorne
Joseph J. Kupsch, Jr. – NJ
Bernard J. Kruppa- NJ
Salvatore Allocco
Edward & Kelly Homiek – NJ
Jerry Blevin
Barbara Sinnott
Marge Stierle
Audrey J. Lewis – NJ
Ken Chicalese
Val-Pak of Conmur, Inc. – NY
Tara Duffy – NJ
Stephen Samra & Josie – NJ
Todd Fenstermaker – NJ
Jacqui & Jenna Klein – NJ
John & Donna Ventriello – NJ
Mary & Mark Agolia – NJ
Glenn & Nancy Tringali – NJ
Richard & Joanne Hayes – NJ
Carol Bruce – GA
Carlo & Darlene Christensen-NJ
Kim Kantor & Family – NJ
Kathleen A. Bartol – NJ
Jesse & Debra Meredith – NC
John Ventriello – AZ
Valerie Rupp – NJ
Matthew & Nancy Anderson – NJ
Robert & Gladys Fenstermaker - NJ
Anthony & Hollie Ventriello – NJ
William & Stephanie Oehm – NY
Harold & Joyce Jandola – FL
Patrick Lawrence – NJ
Kim & George Maihack & Family – FL
Eleanor & Wendell Rupp – FL
Christian Ventriello – NJ
June & Elmer Schneider – NJ
Dave Sharpe – Oct. 5, 2013 – Beloved
husband, devoted father, loving grandfather, faithful friend & an advocate for all
creatures big & small. You are greatly
missed and deeply loved always.
Linda Bogden-Sharpe – FL
Timmoty Balabas – Loss 30 years ago,
but still remembered
Anna Balabas - NJ
Patricia A. Reagan
Bryan Poerner – NJ
My aunt, Mildred D. Carroll
Nancy Savage – NJ
Our cousin, Larry Weidner
Keith & Georgia Schilling – NJ
In 1984, the Associated Humane Societies was in the
forefront to ban the steel jaw leghold traps in New
Jersey. AHS Director Lee Bernstein appeared at hearings and Committees in Trenton. He brought with
him pet owners and the victims of dogs and cats that had been caught in
leghold traps. We chronicled photos of pets and non-target wildlife that
were injured or died as a result of this barbaric trap.
In June 2015, the NJ Fish & Game Council voted to legalize the traps to
catch raccoons & possum in NJ. SCR 175 (Raymond Lesniak) determines
that Fish & Game Council's proposal to allow use of the enclosed foothold
traps is inconsistent with plain language & legislative intent of 1984 law
banning animal traps of steel-jaw hold type. Please contact YOUR N.J.
Senator asking that they support Senator Lesniak's Resolution to ensure that
the regulations will not go into effect. You can find your State Senator's contact information at
My beloved wife of 61 years
Frank Colbert – NJ
Joanne Pugliese
Bill & Gale Arata – NJ
Tim & Melissa Gorman- NJ
A donation as a memorial to a loved one will go a long way to help
Society orphans. There are many ways to make a donation. The Society
will notify a bereaved family with a card IF A FULL NAME & ADDRESS
included. Due to the high volume of requests, only gifts of $50.00 or
more will be printed in a timely manner.
Put your OLD address or mailing label below, and fill in you new address. Send entire
coupon to us. Thanks for the update!
BEAR who gave me 16 years of loyalty,
love & companionship
Rich Cardillo – NJ
Will Rodgers, 38 years old of Farmingdale,
was a young vet tech worker at the 4 Paws
Animal Hospital on Route 9 in Englishtown
/Marlboro area. In his position, he touched
many lives – both human and 4-legged.
He was known to friends and loved ones as
The Mayor. Recently, Linda Navas brought
in a large donation from 4 Paws Animal
Hospital in his memory. Will went out of
his way to help other pet owners on his
own time and he will be sadly missed by
AHS staffers.
Pugsley the Pug – 12-15-14 – Personality
Ken Cerra – FL
Holiday 2015
City, State, Zip
(please print)
Humane News
Published by the Associated
Humane Societies
Over A Century of Caring
1906 - 2015
124 Evergreen Avenue
Newark NJ 07114-2133
Phone: (973) 824-7080
FAX: (973) 824-2720
2960 Shafto Road
Tinton Falls, NJ 07753-7608
Phone: (732) 922-0100
FAX: (732) 922-4032
Humane Way & Lacey Road
P.O. Box 43
Forked River, NJ 08731-0043
Phone: (609) 693-1900
FAX: (609) 693-8404
Contributing Editors
Roseann Trezza
Jeanne Balsam
Sandy Hickman
Deborah Beyfuss
Karen Powell
Cruelty Investigation Editor/
Scott Crawford
Photo Editor
John Bergmann
Popcorn Park/Photo Editor
Judy Bohs, Dee Hobson,
Photography Editors:
Jay Cat Morris, Lindsay Papa,
Sarah Sangree, Kim Tamborra, Linda Wells
Circulation Editors:
Carole Goss
Beth Stio
Information contained in this publication should not
be used as the basis of decisions by any reader
without referring to applicable laws, regulations
and/or professional advice. The HUMANE NEWS has
made every effort to ensure the accuracy of materials
in this publication but the HUMANE NEWS will not
be responsible for loss or damages caused by errors,
omissions, misprints or misinterpretations of the
publication contents.
HOLIDAY 2015 - Volume 46, No. 6
Information filed with the Attorney General concerning this
charitable solicitation may be obtained from the Attorney General
of the State of New Jersey by calling (973) 504-6215. registration
with the Attorney General does not imply endorsement.
Charitable Registration #-CH012-6200, Tax Exempt # 221 487122.
AHS/Popcorn Park is partnering
with Trupanion Insurance & offering a FREE 30 day program for
anyone who adopts a dog/cat from
any of the AHS branches –Newark,
Tinton Falls or Forked River.
Enrollment must be made within
24 hours of adoption. This is a
wonderful, effortless insurance to
help with your new family addition! Although your pet has been
given a medical exam, problems
may surface including dental, kidney/bladder stones or other problems that did not become apparent or surface until a later date. We
have experienced situations with Abby was found as a stray & has been at
adopted dogs that had unexpect- AHS for a few months! She hasn’t
ed conditions, foreign body inges- stopped wagging her tail since she has
tion, urinary obstruction & more. been here & she radiates pure joy whenFree enrollment during the first 30 ever attention is given to her. This
days is quite a savings in such youngster would love a holiday filled
emergencies. After 30 days, you with happiness. File 137948-F (Newark).
are given an opportunity to sign
on for continual coverage. No pressure – no phone calls – it is your choice.
Senate Bill 715 would make it a summary
offense if a person organizes, operates or conducts a trap or block shoot where live pigeons are used as targets. Progun advocates said the shoots help to reduce the number of pigeons &
HB 1579 was signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott which prohibits buying & selling shark fins in the state. Under the new law, fishermen may
still sell other parts of the shark, but not the fins. According to A.W.I. this
makes Texas the 10th state to institute such a ban following, California,
Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon &
Gov. Bruce Rauner has signed HB 3231 into law which takes effect
January 1, 2016. The bill provides for additional penalties when animal
abuse is committed in front of a minor. In cases of domestic violence,
abusers force children to witness animal cruelty in order to exert control
over them & instill fear in them. According to AWI Quarterly, similar laws
have been enacted in Arkansas, Oregon and Puerto Rico.
Gov. Greg Abbott signed HB 593 into law. The bill requires training for
Texas law enforcement in non-lethal responses to encounters with dogs.
The law was passed as a result of a series of officer-involved shootings of
dogs. The new law requires training in canine encounters & canine behavior for all new officers starting Jan. 1, 2016 & as a condition of promotion for existing officers.
A ballot initiative has been launched to bring a cruelty by extreme confinement to a close on the nation’s factory farms. Those who were
involved in the initiative petition included the Massachusetts SPCA,
Animal Rescue League, Mercy for Animals & a long list of others. The
measure will appear on the November 2016 ballot once enough signatures are collected. It will require that veal calves, breeding sows & laying
hens have enough room to turn around, stand up, lie down & freely
extend their limbs.
The Tennessee Animal Abuser Registration Act which would establish a
publicly accessible list on the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation website of
any person convicted of an animal abuse offense on or after January 1,
2016 has been enacted into law on May 20, 2015.
Liberty Township residents are concerned about the planned construction
of a 143 acre safari park scheduled to open next summer. Adam Gulher
already owns two Living Treasures Wild Animal Parks in Western
Pennsylvania. Despite concerns, the township granted Gulher a conditional use permit that allows him to use the land if he complies with a list of
federal & state regulations. The owner plans to have North American,
African, South American & Eurasian animal exhibits & about 100 species
of animals. Some animals will include rare & endangered species, such as
Africa’s white rhinoceros.
While playing with a Kong toy, the ball suctioned onto a beloved
Rottweiler’s tongue causing enough damage to get it amputated. Sadly,
the dog’s favorite toy ended up costing his life. The seemingly harmless
toy proves to be a danger for any canine. 23
124 Evergreen Ave.
Newark, NJ 07114-2133
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The unique SHARE-A-PET PROGRAM was established in 1978 and the animals are chosen for various
reasons so that you can choose from the homeless dogs or cats featured each issue. We also give our
Share-A-Pet parents the choice of receiving photos, reports, etc. by mail or through your e-mail. In the
last several months, many of the animals on the program are featured in their own personalized videos!
For the $10.00 monthly donation, you will receive a color photo and report three times a year, a membership card, free admission to Popcorn Park, visit your pet for walks, etc. All funds gathered under this
program are applied directly to the care of these animals. Any funds exceeding the need for a particular
animal is applied to the care & welfare of other shelter animals. You can view and sponsor all Share-APets on our website at We have just published a brand new edition of the Share-APet Booklet (see Page 20) The staff has undertaken an effort to take videos of many of our Share-A-Pets,
and posted them on YouTube. Videos can also be seen on our Facebook pages (see Page 21 for the
Facebook list). Then you will be able to view your Share-A-Pet “live”!
Fluffy of Newark
Featured on the cover of the August
2015 issue of the HUMANE NEWS
was a cat that been pummeled &
kicked by some unidentified Newark
youths. A forceful kick caused the
organs in the lower extremity &
intestines to be thrust into the
upper part of the torso & were
obstructing the lungs. A diaphragmatic hernia was diagnosed & required
specialized surgery. Throughout the
painful ordeal, “Fluffy” remained
calm, sweet & affectionate. After
surgery at Animal Emergency &
Referral Service, she was sent to
Popcorn Park for a new life. Fluffy
was a bit nervous at first when he
arrived, especially since all of our
other Kitty City residents sauntered
right up to welcome him, but once he got to know everyone, he is loving life these days!
Fluffy is only 3 years old and is a gorgeous white male with blue eyes. Fluffy is deaf, but
he doesn't let that faze him or impair him at all. He strolls around Kitty City, socializing
with the other cats, seeking attention from his caretaker and visitors, and sunning himself
on a comfy bed high atop one of our perches.
Fluffy is now leading a peaceful existence in Kitty City and well deserving of a tranquil
time after such brutal treatment. Would you share a part of your heart with Fluffy?
If you have a computer, you may have seen Twilight and Smooch all over the
(Forked River).
internet! They were surrendered to AHS Tinton Falls shelter in April when
Twilight & Smooch of
their owner could no longer keep them. They are a bonded pair &
whenever you see one … you see the other. They are like having one dog –
except they eat for two! They are a favorite of the staff and volunteers and
enjoy walks & playtime immensely! They are housebroken, were trained to
know sit, stay, hug, kiss and down. Due to their size, visitors have been
reluctant to see the exuberant pair of pooches outside – but they are
GREAT! They even have their own Facebook page: HELP TWILIGHT AND
SMOOCH FIND A FUREVER HOME. The staff outfits them in attire for
various holidays. We have placed them on the Share-A-Pet Program. They
will stay in Tinton Falls until proper space opens at our Forked River facility.
But sponsors, (or even possible adopters), are welcome to visit, spend time,
and walk them at our paths. File 82993-NM & File 82994-SF (Tinton Falls).
Name of pets sponsored: ___________________
___________________ ___________________
NAME ____________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP ___________________________________
# OF ANIMALS _____ X $10.00 EACH = TOTAL $_________
Chico & Oreo of South Toms River
These adorable munchkins
arrived at AHS when their
owner said she had too many
dogs & too much going on in
their life. The family had to
lighten their load by
surrendering these two fellas –
one was 5 and one was 6 &
have been together since puppyhood. They have been at the
shelter since May , pictured in
the HUMANE NEWS August
issue & are even featured on
the masthead of the
Associated Humane Popcorn
Park Facebook page. Surprisingly, no one has offered to adopt the bonded pair.
The boys are well behaved, enjoy walking on a leash & even enjoy baths! They
give each other the happiness and constant companionship lacking in their every
day existence. Since they have waited over 6 months, we have placed this
adorable duo on the Share-A-Pet Program.
File 24769-NM & File 24770-NM (Forked River).