your issue here. - Associated Humane Societies
your issue here. - Associated Humane Societies
AHS RESCUES HELPLESS “SWIMMER” PUPS WHO WERE FOUND AS “STRAYS” ABANDONED, INJURED BOXER LEFT TO DIE IN SECLUDED LOT Story & Photos Page 13 Story & Photos Page 12 cover PHOTO SUPPLIED ROCKY THE PET BOBCAT ESCAPEE SENT TO POPCORN PARK Story & Photos Page 12 AFTER 4 YEARS OF NEGLECTED SKIN INFECTIONS, COOKIE ON THE MEND AT AHS Story & Photos Page 13 BABY ELEPHANTS, LION CUBS & ANTELOPE CAPTURED & ABDUCTED FROM ZIMBABWE ANIMALS in the NEWS WORKER CHARGED WITH BEATINGS & ABUSE AT VEAL FACTORY FARM This elephant was exported from Zimbabwe in 2012, and now lives alone at Taiyuan Zoo, in cold north-central China. PHOTO COURTESY: CHANGE FOR ANIMALS FOUNDATION PHOTO COURTESY: FARM SANCTUARY Secret video footage recorded by Mercy for Animals at a Delimax veal factory farm in Canada has resulted in animal cruelty charges against Eric Dame, a former employee of the facility. The graphic video shows the worker kicking, punching & beating baby calves that had been chained by the neck & locked inside a narrow crate so small, they couldn’t walk, turn around or lie down. Animals suffering from open wounds went without proper veterinary care. The evidence was given to the Montreal SPCA & for they took swift & decisive action in this important case. As a result of this case, the Ontario Veal Association & the Quebec Veal Association have agreed to phase out inherently cruel veal crates. Major retailers including Loblaw, Metro & Sobey have committed to removing crated veal from their shelves. Such a ban was already in effect at Costco. The Retail Council of Canada still refuses to prohibit cruel veal crates in its member stores. You can e-mail to give your opinion. To see the entire article, the video or petition, log on to CARE LACKING FOR FARM ANIMALS IN NATIVITY SCENE One of the most heartwrenching news alerts that has come across our desk is the abduction of baby elephants in Zimbabwe. Visitors to the Hwange National Park witnessed the capture of baby elephants by government helicopters and ground teams. The baby elephants were roped together after being separated from their mothers & 34 terrified baby elephants, seven lion cubs, & 10 rare sable antelope were rounded up by the Zimbabwe Parks & Wildlife Management Authority for possible sale to China. According to In Defense of Animals (IDA), a former official of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, (CITES), Hank Jenkins, was hired to process “hundreds” of elephants for Chinese zoos & safari parks— quite a difference from his previous position regulating global trade in endangered species. For more on how to help, contact Our Sonny the elephant originally came from Zimbabwe, just a baby when he was captured, after witnessing his family slaughtered in front of his eyes. NO LAWS TO PROTECT EXPORTATION OF WHALES & DOLPHINS Presently, there are no laws preventing the exportation of whales and dolphins from the U. S. It is known that there are marine parks & institutions that are negotiating business deals for the trade & exportation of these marine mammals to the Middle East, Dubai, Asia and Russia. Although the parks may “own” the animals, it would be a reprehensible act to take cetaceans from their surroundings & transport them via air and introduce them to a new environment. The Petition Site is circulating a petition to ask the Congress, the President of the U.S. & NOAA to place a ban on the exportation of the cetaceans from the U.S. to other countries. Please contact your Senators & Congressmen to introduce & enforce a ban on exportation of whales and dolphins. Over several weeks after Thanksgiving, the AHS received reports concerning lack of care for animals in nativity scene displays. Since the holiday season is well over with, we will re-visit this problem next autumn to solve this issue. While a nativity scene is thought to be important to Christian traditions, live animals are not necessary to a display. A 5 month old donkey died 2 days after it was placed in a nativity scene display in Lucena, Spain, where it was abused by a visitor who proceeded to sit on the animal. The city of Lucena has made no effort to remove the remaining donkey from public display. These animals were kept in tight quarters & they huddled with each other against a gusty Nor’easter. Cement blocks were placed on the tarpaulin & it could have been dangerous if it fell on them. The shelter was kept in a distant part of the parking lot so it was not seen by most of the public who were not aware of it. 2 HUMANE NEWS February 2015 DOLPHIN ABUSE CHARGED AT MIRAGE HOTEL The continuing problem of Dolphin abuse at the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas arises in the hope that action needs to be taken to save them. The pools at the Mirage have little or no shade & the dolphins have no where to go to get out of the heat. Twelve dolphins have died at the hotel since 1991, earning the nickname “Dolphin Death Pool”. Force Change has a Petition available to sign. Just log on to; the petition to David Blasko, Director of Animal Care at the Mirage, is available as well as other important petitions regarding animal cruelty & abuse. ANIMALS IN ENTERTAINMENT RADIO CITY USES ANIMALS FROM AGENCY WITH NUMEROUS VIOLATIONS OAKLAND, CA CITY COUNCIL PASSES LAW TO PROHIBIT BULLHOOKS Radio City is using camels, llamas and sheep in its “Celebrate the Miracle” live nativity performance. According to PETA, the Dawn Animal Agency has repeatedly failed to comply with even minimal standards & were found noncompliant in 29 of the last 32 inspections. The problems go back decades. The animals are hauled into New York City on trucks from their Westtown, NY location. Dawn Animal Agency, a profit-making company, is also known as Sanctuary for Animals, a charity organization. We will re-visit this effort during this coming year's holiday season and try and prevent further exploitation. 16 HORSES DIED IN SUMMER RACING SEASON AT DEL MAR An unprecedented number of horses died during the summer racing season at Del Mar Racetrack in California. PETA is calling on the racetrack & the California Horse Racing Board to make public the complete veterinary records of the horses who died (or were euthanized) & the condition of the horses before they died . A thorough investigation is needed which would include all medications administered to the horses & why they died. You can log on to and go to the Action Alerts. Racetrack officials can be contacted at 858-755-1141 or on the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club Racetrack Facebook to request the records. Racing in California is administered by a state agency that is publicly funded. SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL BANS HORSE-DRAWN CARRIAGES The Salt Lake City Council has unanimously voted to ban cruel and dangerous horse-drawn carriages. Salt Lake City has joined a growing number who support a ban including Palm Beach, Key West, Pompano Beach, Treasure Island and Kenneth City, Florida and Biloxi, Mississippi PHOTO COURTESY OF SIMONA DIMITRU BIG CATS TO BE REMOVED FROM NEVADA ILLEGAL BIG CAT OPERATION Karl Mitchell, known as Big Cat Encounters in Nye County, Nevada, has been operating illegally for over a decade. According to PETA, a court decision specified that all big cats be removed immediately. He has been repeatedly cited by the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture for a wide range of atrocious violations of the Animal Welfare Act. The violations included cruelly withholding water as a “training technique” & failing to provide animals with adequate vet care, living conditions & palatable food & water. Mitchell’s USDA exhibitor’s license was permanently revoked in 2001 but he flagrantly ignored this & continued to exhibit animals illegally & was issued no less than 3 cease-and-desist orders & ultimately assessed a $100,000 fine. PHOTO COURTESY OF PETA A bullhook is a rod with a sharp metal hook at the end, used for digging into an elephant’s tender flesh to enforce or correct the behaviors the trainers want. Training is started when the elephants are babies to insure lifelong subservience. Oakland, CA City Council has passed a law to prohibit bullhooks 5-2. An emergency appeal from Lily Tomlin, Russell Simmons & former Oakland Raiders player David Carter helped to make it happen. Soon thereafter, Austin’s City Council voted unanimously to have its legal counsel draft a bullhook ban & is expected to vote on the matter in the spring. The ordinance has been passed in Los Angeles and Miami Beach. ANIMALS IN CIRCUSES - NETHERLANDS According to Animal Defenders International, the Netherlands is considering a proposal to take effect in September 2015 to ban the use of animals in traveling circuses. According to Dutch minister for economic affairs, Sharon Djksma: “It is no longer of this time that wild animals like elephants & tigers perform in the circus. The use of these animals for entertainment & preservation of a tradition does not outweigh the degradation of the animal”. ANIMALS IN CIRCUSES – MEXICO New legislation bans wild animal use in circuses which includes huge fines, (the equivalent of nearly $230,000), according to Preceding the national ban was similar legislation adopted by 6 of the 32 Mexican states. The law does not apply to water shows with dolphins or bullfighting nor does it prohibit the use of animals in the traditional rodeos. PETA FILES COMPLAINT WITH USDA AGAINST SEA WORLD After a serious & gruesome injury to Nakai, an 11 year old male orca, PETA has filed a complaint with the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture to take disciplinary action against Sea World for housing orcas incompatibly in apparent violation of the Animal Welfare Act. In the meantime, Jim Atchison has stepped down as CEO and Sea World has announced an internal restructuring that will result in the loss of employees. 3 SOCIETY It was a grateful kiss good-bye to AHS Volunteer Jen Vuocolo from Biscuit who was lucky enough to find a loving home. NEWS More Society News on Page 20 and 21 Volunteering - Calls for Courage and Devotion Volunteering at an animal shelter is an act of selflessness like no other. An animal shelter volunteer’s sole purpose is to enrich the lives of the animals that are awaiting their forever homes. These animals crave love, attention, and human contact just like we do. When volunteers provide that for our dogs and cats, it results in easing the stress of shelter life, and increasing their adoptability. PHOTOS SUPPLIED The AHS has been evaluating the programs and prioritizing those efforts. If you would like to volunteer as a dog walker at any of our facilities – either Newark, Tinton Falls or Forked River – please e-mail and request a copy of our Volunteer Application. A brief orientation program will be required. At right: Violet gets a hug & a kiss from AHS Volunteer Dave Czeizinger. This sweetheart has been waiting for a valentine since September. File 129214-F (Newark). AHS Volunteer Cory Rodrigues with Bobby, a 1 ½ year old dog waiting to be a devoted companion. He was surrendered when the family was moving. The young fellow has a slight deformity & has been at AHS since March. As we go to press, Bobby is moving to Popcorn Park to find more friends & adopters. File 130865-M (Forked River). TARGET EMPLOYEES VOLUNTEER CLEAN-UP TIME AT TINTON FALLS SHELTER From left to right: Cynthia Grant, Jill Micchelli, Stephanie Lemble, Christine Kay, Stephen Szczepaniak, Jackie Roos, Michael Zielinski, Bill Cordwell & Rob Lulenko; Kneeling in forefront: Jacqueline Eltringham, Brian Bodington & AHS Tinton Falls Manager, Luis Mercado The AHS Tinton Falls shelter was contacted by Target Corporation’s Middletown, NJ store as they offered to help in our efforts. A wonderful group of 11 Target employees arrived and spent the morning cleaning out sheds & were then given a brief tour of the shelter & our efforts. A huge thank you for taking on a task that needed to be done …. one that we were having difficulty finding time for. 4 HUMANE NEWS February 2015 BOXES OF DOGGY COATS DONATED BY MR. WAGS! Binkie & Puppy both spend time in the Administrative Offices hoping for a second chance at happiness. Both are wearing American made, attractive, colorful coats thanks to donations from Mr. Wags. With a Nor’eastern blowing in and the weather hovering at sub-freezing temperatures, the boxes received from Mr. Wags of Maryville, Tennessee was a wonderful and welcoming surprise! A great assortment of winter coats for the shelter dogs that enjoy the low temperatures while on a walk or hiking with the volunteers! Mr. Wags has a full line of American made pet products including walking harnesses, leads, pet beds, donut beds and other products. You can check them out at THE VESTED INTEREST FUND Since June 1998, the AHS has been the driving force to outfit every law enforcement K-9 with a bullet-stab resistant vest through the Vested Interest Fund. The Society has donated vests to well over 1,600 K-9s in NJ as well as hundreds across the country – many of which have not been featured in the HUMANE NEWS. Thanks to the thousands of donors, civic groups, school kids, law enforcement supporters, etc., the Vested Interest Program has been a successful, ongoing program! If you would like to make a donation, just earmark your check/donation to the Vested Interest Fund or donate online at This is an ongoing effort and there is a continual need to offer the vests to newcomers and new graduates who serve and protect the public. SOCIETY NEWS More Society News on Page 20 and 21 PHOTO SUPPLIED Pitman, NJ Patrolman Ernest J. Parker with his partner, Ranger, a 2 year old Belgian Malinois. PHOTOS SUPPLIED K-9 Officer Steve Connell and his partner, K-9 Fox – for Patrol and Narcotics Duty K-9 Officer Bekim Cobaj and his partner, K-9 Vice, a Belgian Malinois – for Patrol & Narcotics Duty Several weeks ago, AHS donated two bullet/stab resistant K-9 vests to the law enforcement personnel at the National Park Service’s Statue of Liberty. Pitman, NJ Borough Council recently welcomed the town’s first K-9 – Ranger, a 2 year old Belgian Malinois who was purchased from a breeder in Hungary. After an intensive fund raising program, the town raised $75,000 to purchase the dog, a vehicle and the necessary special equipment. (The K-9 vest was donated by AHS at no charge). Patrolman E. J. Parker will return for a final phase of training in January, and Parker & his partner, Ranger, will be on patrol some time in March. Ranger was named after Pitman resident, Alessandro “Sandrino” Plutino, an Army Ranger who died fighting in Afghanistan at age 28 in 2011. ATTRACTIVE DOG BEDS MADE BY PENNSYLVANIA COUPLE’S CRAFTSMANSHIP As featured in the June 2014 issue of the HUMANE NEWS, Tammy & Steve Frank of Easton, PA visited the AHS’ 3 facilities – Newark, Tinton Falls and Forked River – to donate 40 beautiful dog beds they constructed. Since that time, some beds Beds and goodies donated to Newark shelter. needed some repairs & so the Franks re-visited AHS to take back some beds that needed to be refurbished and to donate 36 more beds! The beds are colorful red canvas with paw prints on each corner…. and a doggy bone is tied to the bed. The craftsmanship is outstanding and perked up the kennels. Our thanks to Tammy & Steve for their love of animals & their commitment to helping homeless orphans enjoy a bit of comfort while they wait for “a new leash on life”! Tammy and Steve Frank with Gracie and Archie – both are Society alumni. They are surrounded by beds and goodies brought to the AHS Tinton Falls facility. 5 Happy Endings A “VISITING ANGEL” OPENED HER HEART & HOME TO BLIND BONDED PAIR Brenda & Sharyn became the office mascots after they had been abandoned on a porch in Newark. One was in a box and the other cat sat beside the box. Neither one of them could see. The sweet sisters were terribly neglected and sick. Both had ocular disease that was left untreated for so long. Luckily Sharyn just needed surgery on her eyes to repair them and did not lose all of her vision, but Brenda's eyes were too far Brenda & Sharyn enjoyed their time in the gone and could not be Administrative Offices at Popcorn Park … saved. She was quite until they were adopted. relieved when they were enucleated and both girls were so happy to be in good hands. They took up residence in one of our administrative offices while they recovered from surgery, and they were so comfortable, getting lots of love and attention, that they stayed there. Donna Delia of Whiting visited to meet them after seeing them on Facebook (associated humane popcorn park shelter) & she loved them from the moment they met. After a year at the AHS, they have gone off to start a new life. According to Donna, they have fit in to her heart & home wonderfully. Donna works for “Visiting Angels” – what appropriate terminology! Donna Delia of Whiting and friend Brian help with the two heavyweights, Brenda & Sharyn, who are embarking on a new chapter in their lives. EXISTING IN A LIFE OF DEPRIVATION AND CRUELTY – NOW A LIFE OF DEVOTION & CARE What a miserable life Lollie had … (See her story on Page 24.) We are so very happy to report that our lovely little Lollie got herself a great home! She really deserves the best home ever, too! You may remember Lollie, from the awful pictures of her living in horrific conditions in a yard in Newark. Her owner kept her chained outside 24/7 in a trash filled area, with a dilapidated dog house for shelter. When we were finally able to remove her from her sad existence, our veterinarians examined her immediately and she was found to be emaciated, dehydrated, and suffering with multiple infections. It took lots of good care and plenty of TLC to get her back to being a normal, healthy, happy dog again, but eventually, she transformed, and what a sweet little girl she was! She was sent to us at Popcorn Park to find a home and we are just so thrilled that some wonderful people came along and fell in love with her. She will finally have the home that she's always dreamed of! Congratulations Lollie and family! May you have a happy, healthy, long life together! Note: For reasons of privacy and safety, Lollie’s new home is kept confidential. Lollie lived her life burdened by a short, heavy chain, bred to excess, and clearly without the food and water she needed for minimum health. Pet FOOD ALERT BARKWORTHIES DOG TREATS RECALL Barkworthies Chicken Vittles dog chews, which have been distributed nationwide, have been recalled because they have the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. The product in question can be identified by its Lot Code found on the side of the plastic pouch: Lot Code 1254T1, Size 16 oz. Plastic Pouch, Best Used by Date: May 2016; UPC 81680711510. Not to be sold or fed to pets. Sharyn enjoys her new home and thanks to our veterinarian, has limited vision, and is without pain. Brenda & Sharyn were mild mannered and they fit in beautifully in their new home! ROO BITES DOG TREATS RECALLED Jump Your Bones Brand Roo Bites Dog Treats have been recalled as it has the potential to be contaminated with Salmonella. The affected treats were distributed nationwide through pet food retailers & distributors. For further information, consumers may call 888-249-6755. PHOTO SUPPLIED RISK ASSOCIATEDWITH MILK-BONE BRUSHING CHEW 6 HUMANE NEWS February 2015 An e-mail alert has been circulated alerting dog owners to Milk-Bone Brushing Chew which resulted in an obstruction in one pet’s intestines. Emergency surgery was successfully performed. He was matted, unkempt, dirty – obviously not wanted by his caretaker. So they threw him into a dumpster on Manchester Ave. in Newark. Without benefit of proper shelter, food and water, he wouldn’t have lasted long in the sub-freezing temperatures. When he was brought to the AHS Newark facility, he was warmed up, given a bowl of food – and then his very own spa day! His loving personality drew fans from all over! Happy Endings THROWN IN DUMPSTER; RESCUED BY AHS – OLIVER FOUND HOLIDAY HAPPINESS Rachel Rock, a devoted animal lover and supporter of AHS, saw his photo and immediately called. Rachel was instrumental in the fund raiser at the Harrison Avenue Tavern in West Orange. “Oliver” was neutered, microchipped and then sent off to a wonderful holiday filled with the happiness and love he deserves. What a wonderful life Oliver will experience! PHOTOS SUPPLIED Rachel Rock of Montclair saw Oliver’s picture & story on the AHS home page ( and immediately put in her adoption application. The home page is always filled with the latest stories on a weekly basis … many of which never make it to the HUMANE NEWS. Just as frequently are the updated stories & videos of animals for adoption or happy endings can be seen on Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter Facebook. SENIOR SWEETIES FIND NEW LOVE & NEW LIFE AFTER OWNER PASSES AWAY Photo above: Ricky Bones & Shiva enjoying a second chance at happiness after their owner passed away. Photo below: Sharon Prendergast of Forked River magnaminously opened her heart & home to two senior citizens left orphaned after their owner passed away. Sharon would have also taken Spooky, (photo extreme right), but she was suffering from a large debilitating mass in her chest. When a Linden resident passed away, it was found that no specific plans had been made for his 3 adorable senior sweeties. A relative brought them to the AHS Newark facility and we included them on the Home Page of our website ( Unfortunately, it is a sad time for animals who have been in a loving home & now their world has been turned upside down. There was 7 year old Ricky Bones, Shiva, an 11 year old Husky, and Spooky, a 7 year old lass whose sad despair could be seen in her face. Within a few days, we received a call from Sharon Prendergast of Forked River. The animal lover has 1 horse and four cats & was willing to take all three to keep the family together! The trio was sent to Forked River where they were given a thorough exam. Spooky was found to have a large mass in her chest & due to the severity of her health problems, Spooky was peacefully euthanized. Ricky Bones and Shiva were adopted to Sharon who has given us an update on the duo: “As promised, here are some pictures of Shiva & Ricky Bones in their new forever home. Ricky Bones is definitely the energetic clown of the two & seems to be coming out of his shell. He likes to show off by sitting up & doing the begging pose. Shiva is quite the lady although she lets Ricky Bones know when he is being too pushy or in her face. They were both completely under foot for the first couple of hours & then they both had their bedtime cookies & kiss and passed out in their new beds. Just sitting & staring at them while they sleep, I wish Spooky were here, too – but I asked my Mom to look over him in heaven with the rest of our beloved pets we have lost”. What a great animal lover … and a great home! Ricky Bones sound asleep on his new bed, knowing at last, he’s home. PHOTOS SUPPLIED 7 Join! the POPCORN PARK WILDLIFE CLUB There’s always lots going on at Popcorn Park and the animals have plenty to keep them busy here’s a few of our residents having some fun! A local farmer had more pumpkins than he needed so he shared with Popcorn Park. Some of our residents found them to be great toys; others like Annie and Peggy, above, found them a delicious treat. Annie was orphaned at birth when her mother’s life could not be saved; Peggy was first dumped in a Maryland park, and then was denied vet care for a broken leg at a “sanctuary.” Luckily, she found her way to us ... and Annie! Our birds are never without enrichments to keep them busy and playful. Jocko, a blue-fronted Amazon, given up by his owners because he was too loud, has plenty to do with this toy! Tara, one of our newest tigers from Alabama, has a great time with her boomer ball. She is one of four cats we rescued from a facility whose owner fell ill and could no longer care for the anmals. Little Girl and Amy found the new item in their area quite tasty! Both does were hand-raised from fawns and would not have been able to survive in their natural habitat. Kitty! Kya was just like an oversized kitten with a big ball of catnip with her pumpkin. Kya is blind from glaucoma and was no longer wanted at the facility where she lived in Maryland. POPCORN PARK WILDLIFE CLUB FEBRUARY 2015 Name of animal(s) sponsored: __________________, ________________, __________________. _________________ NAME __________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP _________________________________________ # OF ANIMALS _______ X $4.00 each = TOTAL $ ____________ 8 HUMANE NEWS February 2015 If you haven’t yet been to Popcorn Park, come down and visit! Our unique sanctuary caters to wildlife, farm animals, exotics and birds that have been abused, abandoned, exploited, injured, handicapped, etc. The park is open daily from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. On Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s Day, Popcorn Park closes at 2 p.m. so that staff can be with their families. Our current admission fee is $5 for adults, and $4 for children under 12 and senior citizens. If you would like to support one of our residents, the donation cost is only $4.00 a month, for which you will receive a color photo of your animal and an update every 4 months, (which includes a holiday card), a membership card, plus free admission to Popcorn Park with presentation of your card. For a copy of the Popcorn Park Wildlife Club booklet to help you choose the animal you wish to sponsor, order on Page 21. You can also sponsor Popcorn Park residents on our website at and click on Wildlife Club. There is no required time limit – you can sponsor for as long as you’d like. Any donated funds that exceed the care given for a particular animal will be applied to the care of other Popcorn Park residents. CATS & KITTENS She was found as a very lonely kitten on a very busy street. The AHS was contacted & picked up the errant lass who is searching for a meowvelous purrrson who will give her a lifetime of love. The domestic long hair has been with us for several weeks & wants a valentine to call her own. File 81493-F (Tinton Falls). Max has been with us for over 6 months! He was brought to AHS & would do best as an only cat. The handsome young lad is a little over a year old & would love to start a new chapter in his life. File 23832-NM (Forked River). The economy has hit everyone which includes animals in need. Fluffy’s owner has no where to live and had to surrender her 7 year old cat. File 131399-NM (Newark). She came to the AHS in May & had her hands full with 3 kittens! After a short time, her kittens were put up for adoption & Momma Silvie was on bed rest & care. Now Momma needs to find a home to call her own. File 78652-F (Tinton Falls). He was just a kitten when he arrived & was quickly adopted. After about a year, the problem with the economy took a turn for the worse & Christopher’s owner had to move in with the family. Sadly, Mom is allergic so Christopher is back, & he is anxiously awaiting another chance to purrrsuade you to be his valentine. File 23915-NM (Forked River). Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? A stray in search of an open door; no one cared, though I’m only four. Here I wait for Prince Charming to arrive, and claim his Snowflake before I turn five. A fairy tale ending would suit me just fine; won’t you take my heart and say you’ll be mine? File 81903-F (Tinton Falls) After 4 years with her owner, the 4 year old tiger lass was at the mercy of the landlord’s decision not to allow pets. “Gaga” is now hoping for a new home …. and a new name! File 131436-SF (Newark). Meet Caramel – the sweetest cat in our neighborhood. She must have been someone’s beloved pet – the young lass had already been spayed when she arrived at AHS. Caramel has been waiting for the last four months & no one has even met with her. If you have a sweet tooth, we have a sweetheart for you. File 24050-SF (Forked River). Only 4 months of age, this purrrfectly adorable kitty cat was given up by an owner who could not afford to keep her. Daisy is one of the many youngsters who haven’t found the road to happiness & need a step up for a sweet life. File 131385-F (Newark) 9 newark I thought I would find my share of love but Santa had nothing for me in his sack. Now Cupid may be the one I need to contact to tell him how much my heart is breaking. Did my owner care so little for me that they never searched to find me? File 131195-M. DOGS A very lovely Bichon Frise was found as a stray without an owner, without a microchip or license. The lovely lady with the personality to match is waiting for Cupid to point his arrow at you! File 131428-F. Meet Harley, a 7 month old Dogo Argentino puppy who is cute beyond words. The young gent took treats softly & had no problems sharing his rawhide or food bowl. He even sat on command for his food bowl to be served. Harley loves people & dogs. File 131006-M. Smokey is a 2 ½ year old Siberian Husky who was surrendered by his owner. Although many expressed an interest, it has been several weeks & no one has come in to open their heart & home to this handsome guy. File 130954-M This Doxie duo spent a week alone in cage in an abandoned apartment. Seven year old Tootsie & six year old Louie are an adorable pair that hope there is someone with a heart & home to take them in. File 131149-F & File 131150-M. She’ll melt your heart when you see her neglected state. Found dumped in someone’s backyard, she was probably an outside dog most of her life. A volunteer gave her a nice brushing which she enjoyed immensely since she was probably never pampered. The mature Rottweiler has a gentle soul & is exceptionally sweet. She had no idea of what a toy or treat was. She just wanted to be near staff so she could receive affection & human kindness. File 131310-F. AT NEWARK 124 Evergreen Ave. Just off Rt. 1 & 9 near Newark International Airport 10 HUMANE NEWS February 2015 This young hopeful Plott Hound type was surrendered because the owner had no time. Troy is happy as a lark to be hugged & allowed to play with toys. He’s gentle with taking treats, had a good food test & would love to have a home with a yard where he could run & play fetch. File 131118-M. newark DOGS If you see sadness in her eyes, Xena was separated from her owner who is deployed to boot camp. The 3 year old spayed lady enjoys engaging with people. She will lean on you to keep petting her. The evaluation showed a good food test but her main focus is “you”. Xena bonds quickly & would make a great family addition. File 131133-SF. When this young lass was found wandering at large, the owner decided to sign ownership of the dog to AHS. Although the owner was irresponsible, it is always the animal that suffers. File 131377-F. A nursing female Shepherd & her aging male companion came in with no background history. No one has come forward to claim them and no one has shown an interest in either dog. These traveling companions had to fend off a loveless public and were brought in by a good Samaritan. File 131206-M & File 131207-F. What a great guy Charlie is! Sadly, his owner wasn’t as loyal – he had no time to take care of Charlie. But at least we have Charlie now & he is terrific! He sits for a treat & releases toys on command. Charlie was ecstatic with the wide selection of toys that he just wanted to play & play. Our evaluation shows no aggression or food issues. Only a year old & waiting for someone to heal a broken heart. File 130031-M. If you are hoping to find the man of your dreams, stop by & see Barney. He loves to lean in for a hug or a kiss on the nose. He is an unselfish boy with toys, rawhide or food. Barney just keeps wagging his butt until you discover he’s the man of your dreams. File 130509-M. Another little lap dog found wandering in a cold, cruel world. The young Corgi mix was brought to AHS for the chance to find hearts & flowers & a Valentine smooch. File 131439-M. It was almost midnight on Christmas Eve when the AHS was called to pick up a homeless Shih Tzu. No one has come forward to claim this lost soul who now waits for a chance to show you how devoted he can be. File 131387-M. Adoption Center Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m. Phone: (973) 824-7080 E-Mail: View More Orphans at or “Like” us on Facebook at Newark Associated Humane 11 COVER On the evening of Oct. 21st, the AHS’ ACO Alvis Carrington responded to an injured animal that had been abandoned in a secluded road of an industrial area of Hillside. STORIES Continued from Page 1 ABANDONED, INJURED BOXER LEFT TO DIE IN SECLUDED LOT The Boxer's leg was mangled and badly broken & with the assistance of Hillside K-9 Officer Ron Bartell, the injured and emaciated Boxer was loaded into a crate and the AHS ambulanced him to the Animal Emergency and Referral Agency, (AERA), in Fairfield. In addition to starving, he was found to have old and new wounds all over his body; a broken front leg, a cracked pelvis and a possible break in his hip. We named him Evan & concluded that he had been forcibly detained somewhere, given no food & left to die. We believe that when it took too long, they dumped him in the secluded area to die. The vet at AERA was unable to operate because he was discovered to have a belly filled with garbage -- plastic bags, sticks, sanitary napkins & more. It took several days for Evan to finally pass most of the debriss. A visual inspection of the place where the Boxer was found had no garbage at all -- so he was dumped there. Evan was allowed to linger someplace where he was able to get at garbage to try and sustain himself. The AHS offered a $1,000.00 reward for the arrest & conviction – but we received no tips. At the emergency hospital, Evan was operated on for his broken leg. It was discovered that the break was an old injury left untreated for so long that the bones began to separate. Evan's pelvis is fractured so he had limited movement & possible problems to his hip. He was put on a pain management medication. PHOTO SUPPLIED Badly injured with a mangled leg & emaciated, it is believed he was left someplace to die …. but it took too long so someone brought him to a secluded area & left him there. Skin infections, a broken leg, cracked pelvis & emaciated – he was on pain medication & when he was walked, he had to have a sling to help him navigate. Evan was then brought to Popcorn Park in Forked River for lots of veterinary care, special needs & comfortable quarters complete with soft & cozy beds. Updates and videos were included on the Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter Facebook page and our website while he completed his long-term recovery. Evan continues to be in great spirits – a bubbly personality & loves meeting new dogs & greeting staffers. All of the above would not be possible if it were not for the generosity of donors to our Res-Q Fund to give Evan all of the necessities to help him through a long recovery. (Forked River). By Christmas, Evan is healed & waiting for the New Year to celebrate with a new family! ROCKY THE PET BOBCAT ESCAPEE SENT TO POPCORN PARK Rocky has settled in nicely at Popcorn Park with both a spacious indoor and outdoor enclosure. 12 HUMANE NEWS February 2015 It has been a year since the perils of Rocky the Bobcat have been in the headlines for escaping from his Stafford Township home. Rocky lived in a home with a dog and cats but had escaped too many times. Some may see Rocky’s coming to Popcorn Park as a “victory”…. but the 4 year old, 38 pound, declawed cat was domesticated. Rocky had escaped Ginny Fine’s Beach Haven West (Stafford Township) home at least 6 times & if Rocky escaped again, Fine would lose him forever. He had escaped injury or death from cars, coyotes, dogs & more. With Rocky, as well as other exotics we have rescued, we must gain their trust & give these sentient beings a life filled with confidence & faith, free of fear & danger. It is a billion dollar industry that results in the cruelty, abuse, exploitation & death of animals that lose their freedom to be “stored” under horrendous conditions & caged. The AHS supports the belief that exotic animals should not be household pets, and where “left-overs” are sold to roadside zoos, etc. As a result of the residents’ concerns, Stafford Township adopted an ordinance prohibiting the ownership of exotic animals within the town. Once kept in a house as pets, they suddenly find themselves living in a totally different environment to which they must adapt. Like Anubis, a Serval cat who came to live at Popcorn Park in 2006 after living as a pet in a home for five years, Rocky will learn he is safe and well cared for in his new home. We urge people not to add to the problem of thousands of wild or unusual animals being bred and sold by purchasing them and filling the pockets of breeders who have no obligation to the welfare of those babies once they leave their facility. There are no winners in situations like Rocky’s. COVER STORIES Continued from Page 1 AHS TAKES IN HELPLESS “SWIMMER” PUPS WHO WERE FOUND AS “STRAYS” Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Russ Howe Smith and his staff at Pet PT in Cherry Hill, the totally helpless pups receive therapy several times a day. They suffered from rashes, injuries, and urine burns as they were unable to move. (See photo far right) This late-breaking story is about the arrival of a helpless trio of pups which found their way to the AHS Newark facility thanks to a good Samaritan who found them as “strays”. The condition of these weak pups was unique to previous experiences of various injuries, congenital defects, etc. Our veterinarian described the condition as “Swimmer Puppies” – a term to describe puppies that paddle legs much like a turtle but are unable to stand. In some cases, pups have front leg problems … or rear leg difficulties. Unfortunately, these pups were kept by someone until they were about 10 weeks old & have both front/rear leg PHOTOS COURTESY: Pet PT,Cherry Hill, NJ issues. The pups should have been evaluated by about 3 weeks of age and therapy started then. Precious time was lost for them. There was no time to waste, but as soon as the pups were en route to Popcorn Park, they were immediately sent to Pet PT in Cherry Hill for physical therapy which started the night they arrived. Puddy, Pancake & Leon are now having several physical therapy sessions several times a day to build up muscles. Frequent updates will be noted on our home page ( or you can go to our Facebook: Associated Humane Popcorn Park or e-mail Pet PT has been successful with several of our orphans; notably Tiny Tim. The condition is not a popular life-saving effort for many organizations as it is a long-standing effort to treat and not always successful. The AHS wanted to give these adorable, fun-loving pups a chance to live a normal life. Your donation to our Res-Q Fund will help continue our efforts. AFTER 4 YEARS OF NEGLECTED SKIN INFECTIONS, COOKIE ON THE MEND AT AHS Cookie was purchased from a store when she was just a puppy but was recently given up. Cookie has suffered for at least 4 years or more but due to financial difficulties, the family was unable to give her the veterinary care needed Cookie went straight to our medical department when she came in to meet our head veterinarian, Dr. Baris. After tests & bloodwork, it was determined that Cookie’s problems may have started with a heavy untreated flea infestation that caused an allergic reaction. The untreated skin irritation problems snowballed & Cookie had multiple yeast & bacterial infections of the skin, eyes & ears, & lost most of her hair because of it. Her skin is inflamed, sagging, and as brittle and coarse as sandpaper. Her ear canals are difficult to find due to the swollen skin around her ears, and her eyes tear constantly from infection. She also has luxating patellas in her hind legs, which is causing her some difficulty with walking. She has been on a daily walk schedule to strengthen her hind legs & a strict hypoallerUpon arrival, Cookie was given a much-needed spa day after genic diet. she suffered for at least 4 years with the skin condition. The staff took on the lengthy (She’s very vocal during her baths). care of Cookie who received multiple medications & medicated baths & soaks for several weeks. The treatment was costly & thanks to the Res-Q Fund, it helped Cookie who has been quite vocal while getting her frequent spa days. There are several updates on Cookie, including videos with her conversing with her groomer, which can be seen on or on the Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter Facebook. Cookie likes to “talk” through her daily baths & seems to enjoy it immensely.Cookie is now ready to start off a new life in the New Year! (Forked River). The medicated baths have given much improvement to her skin and hair coat. 13 forked river DOGS Cookie was a stray dog that had been nursing pups. She has been at the Society for over 4 months and is in need of a loving family to give her the opportunity she didn’t have in her last home. Won’t you visit this candidate for Valentine Lass from Barnegat. File 23943-F. Chester & Chad were found as strays Meet Boomer, a handsome in Newark at Havanese mix, who was separate times & surrendered because the landmet up in their lord at the new apartment said tumultuous journey. no pets allowed. His owner They were a healing has moved on … and now balm for each other in an unfamiliar world. When AHS staffers brought Boomer must do the same. several dogs to Popcorn Park to meet new faces, new opportunities, He’s sweeter (& less fattening) Chester & Chad made the trip. They continue to be kennel mates until they that the box of Valentine are both fortunate to find loving homes. File 24079-NM & File 24080-M. chocolates! File 24210-NM. Oodles of poodles seem to come through the AHS Newark facility on a regular basis. Most of them are in various stages of disrepair & in need of grooming. Perhaps owners cannot afford the frequent grooming requirements but by the time they arrive, they are in serious need to avoid medical issues. Meet Phillip, a young lad who needs another chance at happiness. File 24173-M. Peanut & Cashew were brought to AHS with no known background history. They came to us in November & we are just NUTS about the adorable duo! They are energetic young gents who would love to find a lifetime commitment of love. File 24131-M & File 24132-M. Lhasa Apsos & Shi Tzus are familiar at the AHS Newark facility. They come in as strays & most are rarely reclaimed. Grady is about a year old … but there was no license, no i.d. tag or microchip – and he received a much-needed spa day as soon as he arrived. The New Year brings new hope for this young gent. File 24206-M. AT FORKED RIVER Humane Way at Lacey Road - Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m. Phone (609) 693-1900 E-mail: Exit 74 off Parkway: Turn left & go 7 miles. Make right on Humane Way View more Orphans at or “Like” us - Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter on Facebook 14 HUMANE NEWS February 2015 Naoki is a 6 year old Japanese Chin who was surrendered to AHS when the owner could no longer care for him. It was obvious that Naoki had medical issues that had been left untreated. He is blind due to a long-standing ocular disease. Similar problems have been exacerbated with a torn Achilles tendon in his hind leg but he has adjusted to walking on 3 legs. He is calm, well-behaved & affectionate. Naoki loves to be held & cuddled. File 23873-NM. tinton falls DOGS Meet 8 year old Pops, a Rat Terrier. The owner claimed that her husband was having allergies & so everyone blamed Pops. By the time he arrived at AHS, he needed some dental extractions. Now he is neutered, checked out & ready to be your valentine. File 80898-NM. Is there someone out there who would love me a lot? I have been here several weeks & no one has given me a chance. I enjoy walkies …. or just sitting by your side. Just ask for Trixie the Terrier & we can start the New Year off right. File 81774-F. Benny was entrusted to a rescue who adopted out this fella who wound up on the street, went to a county shelter, was reclaimed, & was back out on the street. The owner said he gave him away. Benny is a sweetheart who deserves a lifetime commitment – and what better time than Valentine’s Day? File 81878-NM. Rainy was one of two dogs left abandoned in an empty house. Her companion was lucky & has found a forever home but this 7 year old lass still waits. She is waiting for someone to call her “sweetheart” in time for Valentine’s Day. File 81712-F. What better time than Christmas to get in a Mini Pin called Prancer? The 8 year old boy was found as a stray & when the owner was contacted, he signed over this handsome gent. File 81844-M If Santa got confused on his one-night journey across the land, our stray named “Dasher” was ready to be a stand-in. Luckily, all of the reindeer showed up on Christmas Eve, so this handsome terrier still waits for a chance to be lucky in love. File 81846-M. He’s a hopeful Chihuahua whose hardworking owner left Sanchez in the apartment while he was at his job. The 6 year old gent’s separation anxiety caused him to bark & the landlord told him that no pets would be allowed. Perhaps another canine companion would have alleviated the problem – but now Sanchez is with us & hoping to find a new home …. without solitary confinement. File 81830-NM. AT TINTON FALLS Meet Bandit – a 10 year old Rat Terrier who was found as a stray in mid-November. Two AHS identification tags indicate that Bandit had been with us on two previous occasions. The staff contacted Bandit’s owner who decided that after 10 years, he no longer wanted the fella. Please come & visit Bandit – he’s sure to steal your heart. File 81642-M. 2960 Shafto Road, on Route 547 - Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m. Phone (732) 922-0100 Fax: (732) 922-4032 E-Mail: 2 Miles from Rt. 33-34 Circle, Parkway Exit 102 (So.) Parkway Exit 100B (North) View More Orphans at 15 on the medical front ... ◆ The Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) is searching for approximately 1,000 Golden Retrievers for a Golden Retriever Lifetime Study in an important cancer research study. Now in its third year, the study is the largest, longest & most complete one ever conducted in veterinary medicine. MAF is looking to enroll Golden Retrievers younger than 2 years old & living in the U.S. The group is aiming for 3,000 and presently has 1,900 dogs enrolled. The MAF plans to conduct the study for 10-12 years, learning about each of the Golden Retrievers through vet exams, owner questionnaires, blood tests, and genetic sequencing. For more information or to enroll your dog, check out ◆ Two clinical trials are underway for dogs diagnosed with osteosarcoma, an aggressive bone cancer primarily affecting long limb bones of large & giant breeds. The study is beng headed by Nicola Mason, BVetMed, Ph.D., a veterinarian, immunologist & assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in Philadelphia. The vaccine being used is currently pending license approval with the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. For more information on Mason’s studies, visit ◆ According to Veterinary Practice News, a new study conducted by the University of Nottingham School of Veterinary Medicine & Science, found that excessive grooming of fingernails & toenails could lead to serious nail conditions – a finding that can be applied to farm animals & horses. The study was published in the October 17th in the journal Physical Biology. Hoping to Find Some Valentine Love ... Perhaps you remember Hulk, (r.), who was featured on the Home Page of the AHS website, (, when he was being groomed to be a dogfighter. Affection was withheld from the pup by his owner. Because of a slight deformity of a front leg, they brought the 2 month old pup to AHS. By the time we got him, he would bite, growl & snap. We enlisted Binkie, a temporary “office mascot” to take on the role of “mom” to Hulk & teach him some manners. She has taught him well & Hulk now behaves like a gentleman. They are in the Administrative Offices & each has been hoping for a lifetime commitment. Binkie & Hulk have become so anxious to find homes, that they decided to take matters into their own paws. Binkie took the large dog bed kept in one of the offices and dragged it to the exit door! (while Hulk got a free ride & slept contentedly on the bed). 16 HUMANE NEWS February 2015 NEWS FROM NEW JERSEY PRINCETON Michael Rosenberg, a 32 year old dog trainer of Princeton, pleaded guilty to animal cruelty for his role in the death of a 3 year old German Shepherd mix. Rosenberg was accused of dragging Shyanne, hitting the dog with a crop whip, & slamming her into the ground. Rosenberg’s 5 year term will run concurrently with a 4 year sentence in child endangerment charges for engaging in sexual activity with a juvenile. A Princeton Animal Control Officer witnessed Rosenberg dragging another dog & the animal cruelty charge would have carried an additional 5 year sentence. The charge was dismissed in the terms of the plea deal. BEDMINSTER TOWNSHIP The town has completed a series of five “turtle tunnels” beneath River Road designed to help wood turtles, (a threatened species). It was done to reduce the high mortality rate for reptiles & amphibians crossing the road, especially during the springtime breeding season. The new tunnels have metal grates over the top to let sunlight in or otherwise, reptiles & amphibians wouldn’t go in. LIVINGSTON The Township Council will pass a Resolution to create an Animal Shelter Committee on January 1st. CAMDEN COUNTY The Camden County Police Dept. is training five new K-9s to their officers. Currently, they have two black Czech Shepherds, Achilles and Zero. The five recruits will receive obedience, agility, criminal apprehension & scent training before cleared to work. Four of them will be cross trained in bomb detection and the fifth in narcotics. Each dog costs about $7,000 – most of which is paid thru the Camden County Police Foundation. New!on the Market Birds of prey are a problem for small pets in many areas especially where bald eagles, hawks and owls are abundant. In one case in Washington state, a tree with a large hawk/eagle nest in its branches blew down & there were over two dozen dog & cat collars in the nest. MY INVISIBLE PET is the latest item on the market designed to help dogs and cats that may be in their yards. The protective pet coat is designed to blind birds of prey that pose a threat to small pets. Developed by Janubu Earth, Fire & Fiber, it features a bright light aiming upward to blind avian predators and a reflective fabric for day and night protection. Since the website is still under construction, please call Janet Wass at 907-354-8861. The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) is partnering with LiveSafe – a mobile App to help animals by letting you report abuse & neglect right from your phone. You can now secure the legal justice animals deserve. When you submit a tip, a GPS embedded text, photo, or audio report is sent to your local authorities via the LiveSafe app. The app was built by the same developers who created an already established national app for general crime reporting, so there is already a well-established infrastructure in place. Such organizations as Houston Humane Society, Vermont Humane Federation, Dutchess County SPCA are encouraging communities to report animal cruelty using LiveSafe. NEW JERSEY LEGISLATION AROUND THE USA MINNESOTA Gov. Mark Dayton signed HF 3172 , the Omnibus Supplemental Budget Bill which contained the Beagle Freedom Law. It mandates that if a dog or cat is used in a taxpayerfunded research experiment & is healthy at the end of the experiment, the lab must offer them up to public adoption through a rescue organization. Until now, none of the laws covering lab animals addressed the opportunity of adopting them post research & the animals had been euthanized. OREGON Irina Walker & husband John Walker pleaded guilty to operating an illegal gambling business & agreed to pay $200,000 to the government. The Walkers were arrested in 2013 after authorities said they staged at least 10 cockfighting derbies in a barn at their ranch in Oregon. More than a dozen other people were indicted in the case. CALIFORNIA The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) filed a false advertising lawsuit against “Barkworks”, a pet store chain with locations in Los Angeles, Orange, Ventura & Riverside counties. They charge that puppies were sick and/or injured & customers were deceived about the well being & health of the pups. The lawsuit alleges that Barkworks violated California state law business practices & defrauded consumers by misrepresenting the care & origin of the pups & by not ensuring vet care & rehabilitation of the puppies. In 2012, Los Angeles banned the sale of “puppy mill” puppies & by Barkworks continuing to sell puppy mill puppies, they violated both state & local regulations. CALIFORNIA The Fish & Game Commission approved a motion to prohibit financial rewards to encourage “killing contests”. California became the first state to prohibit cash prizes for slaughtering animals. Coyotes, bobcats, foxes & other wildlife are indiscriminately killed in “derbies”. Hundreds are killed or are wounded & left to suffer until they die. Killing contests continue in Idaho, Kansas, Wyoming and Arizona. OREGON Robert Silver & wife, Jocelyn Silver, opened up Jocelyn’s Alpaca Ranch which held over 200 animals. After a neighbor complained, authorities found awful conditions including 60 dead alpacas & almost 200 underfed & malnourished alpacas that needed emergency care. Robert Silver was given a guilty verdict of over 15 misdemeanor charges of animal abuse. Jocelyn previously pleaded guilty to neglect charges & was penalized with 3 years probation. Thankfully, once the story became public, there was an abundance of adoption offers. ◆ Despite overwhelming support for legislation that would have banned pig gestation crates, Gov. Christie vetoed the bill. It was Christie’s second veto on the gestation crate bill. The bill had the bipartisan support of 93% of New Jersey voters. ◆ S1870 and A3306 passed both Houses and is now on the Governor’s desk. The bill establishes requirements & penalties for failure to comply concerning information to be provided to persons purchasing cats or dogs from pet shops. There were several amendments made to clarify the information that must be provided & posted on cages & enclosures for animals & several other clarifications & corrections to the original bill. ◆ Assembly Bill A3588 (Garcia) has passed the Assembly 71-0-2. The bill would clarify that needlessly piercing or tattooing an animal for entertainment & amusement of an unscrupulous pet owner would be an animal cruelty offense. Under NJ law, piercing or tattooing an animal would be a 4th degree crime punishable by 18 months in jail. If the animal dies as a result, it would be a third degree crime which could lead to 3-5 years. The bill makes an exception for veterinary procedures & piercing or tattooing for identification purposes. Companion bill S2500 has been referred to Senate Environment and Energy Committee. LORILLARD TOBACCO COMPANY BANS ANIMAL TESTING Lorillard Tobacco Company, the third largest manufacturer of cigarettes in the U.S., has issued a policy banning animal testing unless such tests become mandated by federal law. This makes Lorillard the largest company in the U. S. to end animal testing. In their new policy statement on their website, Lorillard will use scientifically accepted or validated alternative test methods & technologies that avoid the use of live animals. When testing is required, Lorillard promised to comply with established guidelines on the humane use & care of animals as outlined by the Animal Welfare Act & National Research Council for Care & Use of Lab Animals. Please help us save lives ... Yes! I want to support the many life-saving efforts of AHS and Popcorn Park through a donation of $ _______________________ ❑ Please find my donation enclosed. ❑ Apply to ResQ Fund ❑ Please charge my donation to my credit card: VIRGINIA Newport News has banned the chaining of dogs outdoors unattended for more than one hour in a 24 hour period. Newport News is the hometown of Michael Vick. It took 10 years for PETA to accomplish this. Celebrities Wanda Sykes and Patton Oswalt wrote to the Council where the chaining law was passed unanimously including by Michael Vick’s aunt, who is a council member. ❑ American Express ❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ Discover Name on Card: ______________________________ Exp. date: ________ Card# _____________________________________ 3/4 digit sec. code: _______ Your signature: ________________________________________________ NORTH CAROLINA The NC Board of Agriculture has announced it will now prohibit gas chambers in the “routine euthanasia” of cats and dogs – a decision following an April 2014 petition for rulemaking on the issue that the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) filed with the Board. The gas chamber is already outlawed in numerous states & most NC counties have voluntarily ceased the practice. The ALDF has requested that the ban be expanded to include all animals but has not received a response. As long as shelters/pounds have gas chambers on the premises, it will be too convenient to use it for any animal. Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________ Please send all donations to: Associated Humane Societies/Popcorn Park PO Box 43 Forked River, NJ 08731-0043 FEBRUARY 2015 17 junior TIGER-LOVING BETH HELPS BENGAL TIGERS AT POPCORN PARK HUMANE 8 YEAR-OLD WALL TOWNSHIP ANIMAL LOVER MEETS THE REASON FOR HER EFFORTS – VINNIE!! Catherine Mako gives a big hug to Vinnie – the dog for which she raised donations. Although 8 year old Catherine Mako of Wall loves all animals, she had only one reason to collect a huge amount of donations – her love for Vinnie Van Gogh! Catherine brought in blankets, pet food, towels, toys – and she got to meet the guy who made her efforts happen. Vinnie has captured the hearts of many and his story has brought tears and cheers to all who know him or have met him. Thank you Catherine for showing Vinnie the soft side of your heart. Thanks to various forms of media, people can learn all they want about any species – including the Bengal Tiger. The Bengal tiger has been threatened by illegal wildlife trade, habitat loss, and has been classified as endangered since 2010. Beth wanted to help Bengal Tigers --- and all of the tigers at Popcorn Park are Bengals! Beth brought the bag of change she saved up – almost $20.00 worth of coins! Thanks, Beth for helping our tigers. FAIR HAVEN GIRL SCOUT TROOP’S COOKIE SALE HELPS SOCIETY ORPHANS LACOSTE HALTS ANGORA WOOL FROM ALL PRODUCTS PETA has announced that French clothing company Lacoste has removed all angora wool products from its shelves. A short time before, U.K. - based retail firm French Connection announced it will no longer produce garments made with angora wool. They joined Gap Inc., Old Navy, Lands’ End, QVC PHOTO COURTESY: WIKIPEDIA and Express, Inc. in banning angora. Several months ago, Forever 21 & Eddie Bauer had advised that they were permanently banning products made with angora wool. PETA had released undercover video footage showing how workers on angora farms violently rip fur from the rabbits’ sensitive bodies. Rabbits endure this terrifying ordeal every 3 months for 2-5 years before being killed. Other companies who have banned angora wool include Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, IZOD, H&M, Limited Brands, Marks & Spencer & more. Before you purchase that sweater, please check the label! 18 HUMANE NEWS February 2015 The members of Girl Scout Troop 60031 of Fair Haven had a fabulous cookie sale – and then decided that this money should go to the animals at Popcorn Park. Their donations also included blankets, towels and cleaning towels to help give comfort to the animals while they wait for homes. CHICKS & DUCKS NOT COOL AS EASTER PETS ... Sunday, April 5th is Easter. Helpless baby chicks, ducks, rabbits, and even turtles can usually be seen in pet stores and on the internet to be sold to families for this holiday. Most of these animals either die from mishandling, poor diet, exposure, & are even illegally abandoned. Please don’t purchase an animal that you cannot properly care for as it grows up .. do the right thing. Just say: Make mine chocolate, please!! junior STUDENTS AT MARINE ACADEMY GET TURTLE PROTECTION BILL LAUNCHED! Since 2002, students at the Marine Academy of Technology & Environmental Science in Manahawkin have been trying to have terrapins protected by educating the public & researching the turtles’ population. As a result of the students’ efforts, a bill was introduced to make it illegal to catch or take terrapins from the wild & would commit the state to studying & protecting their numbers. According to the Associated Press, cars kill many turtles each year, plus the terrapins' habitat in coastal marshes is shrinking. PENN STATE STUDENTS CAN ENROLL IN UNIV. OF GLASGOW’S VET SCHOOL Effective 2015, students in the Dept. of Animal Science at Penn State will have the opportunity to enroll in the University of Glasgow’s School of Veterinary Medicine for their final year of college. Students interested in the program can contact Mikesell, 324 Henning Building, University Pak, PA 16802 or or Jana Peters at Other universities with agreements for the University of Glasgow’s veterinary medicine include California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Purdue University, University of Connecticut, University of Illinois & University of Vermont. HUMANE PENNSYLVANIA ANIMAL LOVER HELPS POPCORN PARK ANIMALS Look who’s holding the bag!!! Sami Kosick traveled with his family from Furlong, Pennsylvania to donate his bag of money that he was saving to help animals. Sami visited Popcorn Park and donated $84.82 for the benefit of animals who will have some special treats this holiday … thanks to Sami. RAISED $600.00 & EARNED BRONZE AWARD FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE CELEBRATE ONE DAY OF MEAT-FREE EATING TO HELP ANIMALS PHOTO COURTESY: PETA How about a yummy, vegan falafel sandwich? Going meat-free for just one day will drastically improve your impact on helping animals and the environment. You don’t have to join or become a member – or do anything else other than have one meat-free day each week – and by registering, you join Gwyneth Paltrow, Ricky Gervais, Kevin Spacey & many more celebrities. For more information, log on to: Keep in Touch - We’re Social! Stay in touch and up-to-date on AHS’ activities and the animals we shelter, defend, and protect. Please stop by .... AHS website: Facebook: ‘Like’ Us at Newark: Newark Associated Humane Forked River: Tinton Falls: Olivia of Director John Bergmann & Forked River Shelter Farmingdale, an Manager Tiffany Price-Zinky accept a donation check Independent I-Girl from Olivia of Farmingdale and the youngest family Cadet, has worked member. With them is Brody, an AHS orphan who also hard to earn the patrols Popcorn Park with Cupcake & Mickey. Bronze Award for Community Service. Her tireless efforts, energy and love for animals combined to work towards the benefit of helping unwanted and injured animals that come through the door at Popcorn Park. Olivia’s hard work has proven to be an outstanding effort to make life better for animals! Thank you, Olivia. 19 more SOCIETY NEWS More Society News on Page 4 and 5 RUN THE PINES FOR CANINES 5k ANOTHER FABULOUS SUCCESS! The AHS/Popcorn Park’s third annual Run the Pines for Canines 5K was the most successful of the previous events! Kudos to Justin Rand the Race Director for the smooth operation of this outstanding success! Each attendee was greeted with lots of goodies, doggie bags, breakfast, a free video of the 5K run & so much more. Thanks to Lucky’s Bed & Biscuit, Special-T Graphics, Applebee’s of Lacey, Thompson Healthcare & Sports Medicine, Bamber Lake Volunteer Fire Co., Lave hand-made, handcrafted soap, Shop-Rite, WaWa and so many more “thank-you”s that haven’t made it into this newsletter. If you would like to help Justin in next year’s 5K run, just e-mail for a volunteer form for next year’s event! Just some of the many runners who came out to support Popcorn Park. Society alumni - Roger, Sweetie and Sugar, all seniors, and all adopted by the Swarer's a number of years ago. Order here! ORDER FORM FEBRUARY 2015 If you are interested in receiving any of the items listed below, please forward the coupon along with the required donation, and mail to: Associated Humane Societies 124 Evergreen Ave. Newark, NJ 07114-2133 Top fund raiser Anna Renner receives a special award from 5K Organizer, Justin Rand. Teresa Rutan from Popcorn Park runs the 5k with Share-A-Pet, Mickey ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ What Will Happen to Your Pet?/Pets In Wills Arbor of Love Brochure ZoonooZ (sample copy) Princess Memorial Booklet (incl. S&H) Princess Memorial Video DVD (incl. S&H) 7 Asst. Popcorn Park Postcards (incl. S&H) Popcorn Park Magnet (incl. S&H) Pet Alert Decals (2) Share-A-Pet Booklet Wildlife Club Booklet AHS/Popcorn Park Color Brochure Small Coloring Book Elephant Coloring Book Zoological Society Brochure Allergy Proofing Booklet SASE-#10 SASE-#10 $1.00 $5.00 $15.00 $7.00 $5.75 $2.00 + SASE $2.00 $2.00 $1.00 2/$1.00 $3.00 SASE- #10 $2.00 Name ___________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________ Apt. ________ City, State, Zip ___________________________________________ Popcorn Park veterinarian Dr. Jonathan Bergmann with his running partner, Leon 20 HUMANE NEWS Justin Rand (l.), AHS Board Member, who administered & organized the 5K Race with Zoo Director John Bergmann. February 2015 Enclosed is $ _____________ in ❑ check ❑ money order Please charge my donation to: ❑ Visa ❑ Master Card ❑ American Express ❑ Discover Card # ____________________________________3/4 digit Sec.Code _____ Signature __________________________________________ Exp. ________ BRIDAL SHOWER ALSO CELEBRATES NEED FOR ANIMALS The bridal shower for Jaclyn Vanwagenen was not only a festive celebration for the Brick Township resident, but the animal lover also had a place in her heart for animals. The attendees not only honored the bride-to-be but collected goodies for Society orphans as well. Jaclyn visited Popcorn Park and brought a basket filled with dog food and treats, as well as a cash donation and a gift card. Bride-to-be Jaclyn Vanwagenen of Brick brought a basket of goodies collected at her bridal shower. (She was accompanied by an unidentified friend). ST. CATHERINE’S CHURCH WAS A “BLESSING” FOR AHS-TINTON FALLS more SOCIETY NEWS More Society News on Page 4 and 5 AHS WELCOMES DONATIONS OF TIME, TALENT & CONTRIBUTIONS During a tour of Howell Township, Corporal Kevin Rooney, the Animal Control Officer for southern Monmouth County, met with Herb Celler who loves animals. During their meeting, Mr. Celler presented Corp. Rooney with a very generous check for the AHS! Not only did he give a generous check, he made a very generous offer –he has a diesel-powered generator and in the event of a power outage, the generator could possibly power the entire Corp. Kevin Rooney, Monmouth County building! Our thanks and ACO, accepts generous check from Herb appreciation to Herb Celler for Celler, an animal lover who offered a genhis thoughtfulness. erator in the event of a power outage. During these lean economic times, there are talents and offers that are just as valuable to contribute. SEAVIEW ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATES COLLECT FOR POPCORN PARK Charles Cooper delivered the much-needed items from St. Catherine’s Church in Middletown. When St. Catherine’s Church did their annual Blessing of Pets in October, it was also a blessing for the animals at our Tinton Falls facility. It was the 4th annual effort for the donations for the animals. Father Dan of St. Catherine’s Church on Bray Ave. in Middletown and Charles Cooper visited with Tinton Falls to bring a carload of goodies for Society orphans. 2014 SAVE-A-LIFE SWEEPSTAKES WINNERS Listed below are the winners of the 2014 Save-A-Stray Sweepstakes! Our thanks to all who helped in raising much-needed funds for the care of animals that come through our doors. 1st Prize - 2014 Ford Mustang - Lois Kurz-Middletown,NJ 2nd Prize - $2,000 Amazon Gift Cards - Lu Ann Schiavone-Wildwood, NJ 3rd Prize - Apple iPad - Suzanne Williams-San Jose, CA From left: Darlene Laurita and Jessica Sutton from Seaview Orthopaedic in Barnegat brought the outstanding results of a collection for the Dog Days of Summer During the Dog Days of Summer, employees at the Seaview Orthopaedic & Medical Associates of Barnegat took up a collection from staff and patients for the benefit of the animals at Popcorn Park. A wonderful effort on the part of staff and patients brought a huge supply of everything … and anything ... we could have wanted or needed! Over $200.00 worth of dog food, cat food, bleach, towels, treats and more were delivered to our Forked River facilities – for which we thank all who participated! 4th Prize - Xbox 36D - Beatrice Kocher –Wind Gap, PA 5th Prize - Amazon Fire TV - Ruth De La Cerde – Destrehan, LA 21 NEWS FROM NEW YORK Arbor of Love Donation for Carol Fentiman & her pets, Bowser & Kelly Betty Zak – N J POTO, our son’s rescued Border Collie. She was a devoted companion & friend to R. J. Lewis of Newtown, PA for over 10 years. Dorothy Lewis – NJ Hilda Florentine Diana Fuguitt – FL Ed Hatley Eleanor Waladkewics – NJ Molly Weakley & to help Cookie Pat Weakley – NJ Dorothy Wolff Dawn Golding – N J Mr. & Mrs. Stan Marietta – N J Ronald Sonkin – MA Mikhaela Jameson Susan Modliszewski – NJ Katie Cirillo Although I wasn’t fortunate enough to know you, you touched my heart in so many ways. I hope your memory lives on through this organization that you loved so much. Rest in peace—you’ll be missed. Dana MacNeal – PA Sweet 18 year old Jack Russell Terrier & to help Cookie the Shih Tzu Judy Mendelsohn – NJ Judy R. Lowey who loved the animals MJ & Tom Bailey – MA Luann Spiotta – NY Mary Fleming – FL David Madoff - MA Amigo, our little Mensch Elisha Abrams - PA My daughter, Alice Fran Schaefer – NJ Sally, an adoptee from Popcorn Park, who also had eye surgery funded by the Res-Q Fund. She wants to pass the love on to Lucas Judith Corcoran – NJ Gladys Sidebothom who loved all animals, but especially dogs. She had a dog all of her life. Gladys passed away at age 91. June Fuller – NJ Joanie Jones Barbara Luce – NY Our four little friends – Kiwi, Ray, Jade & Rascal Joseph & Amy Uggiano - PA Shadow Ahlering, my beloved cat who passed away last February from kidney failure at age of 14. Belle Ahlering – FL Our 2 precious Golden Retrievers – Woody & Stewart Karen Cadwallader – NJ Van Go – a small abused dog I rescued that sadly was only with me for 3 years. He had one ear, was blind & had a heart defect – and was the most loving dog ever! Eileen Senz – NJ Shadow Lois Blankenburg – TX Margaret (Peggy) Tighe Susan Guzmich - MA Elvis – It’s been 4 years. I miss you in my life every day, but you’ll be in my heart forever. Mom – N J Catherine Eichinger Eileen Kaufholz N J Lydia Heinrichs William & Elaine McClure – N J Albert Lemke Helen & Robert Bernhard – N Y Owen McMahon who loved animals & cared for them. Frieda Scher, Rise Goodwin, Ginger Iorizzo, Susan Ross - NJ Toshka, our little rescue who passed away 10-11-14 leaving her family with beautiful, loving memories Richard & Cheryl Allen – NJ A Plaque for Bob Larkin Ocean County Health Dept. – N J A donation as a memorial to a loved one will go a long way to help Society orphans. There are many ways to make a donation. The Society will notify a bereaved family with a card IF A FULL NAME & ADDRESS OF THE FAMILY AS WELL AS FULL NAME & ADDRESS OF DONOR is included. Due to the high volume of requests, only gifts of $50.00 or more will be printed in a timely manner. YONKERS The SPCA of Westchester has arrested Rene Carcamo & charged him with illegally disposing of dead cats in connection with 25 dead cats found in plastic bags hanging from trees. He is not charged with killing the cats as it may be difficult to prove how some died. Tests on three bodies showed they had been killed with blows to the head. The local animal enforcement found 2 sick kittens in Carcamo’s possession & told him to take them to a vet – but he did not. The kittens were removed & found to be severely neglected. The local spca went to his apartment & removed 5 more cats. NASSAU COUNTY Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice introduced Mega, a 2 year old Labrador Retriever to be used as a stress reliever for victims and witnesses in sensitive cases. Mega has already assisted with two sex crime victims since she started working. Dogs are now being used in Staten Island, Tampa, Florida & Montgomery, Alabama. NEW YORK CITY NYC Council Members Daniel Dromm & Ydanis Rodriguez introduced legislation aimed at banning the carriage horse industry. The Animal Legal Defense Fund acquired “shocking new records” about accidents documented by the NY Police Dept. and this is just a small piece of a much larger story. NEW YORK CITY The New York City Council has introduced a bill to ban the sale of rabbits in New York City. Legislators cited the large number of rabbits taken to shelters because people do not know how to care for them. The rabbit bill is part of legislation that would regulate the sale of dogs & cats in New York City. ROME A NY State Supreme Court ordered Lucky Dog Rescue of Mohawk Valley to be dissolved after an investigation by Attorney General Eric Schneiderman showed that thousands of dollars had been received from the public but few animals actually benefited. The shelter was registered by Jan Miller. MOVING?? Put your OLD address or mailing label below, and fill in you new address. Send entire coupon to us. Thanks for the update! FEBRUARY 2015 Fenster Ted & Kathy & Jeanine & Izzy - NJ Newtsie, Misty & Jack Daniels – all rescued cats who I loved with all my heart!!!! Donna Franklin – CO SUFFOLK COUNTY The Suffolk County Legislature unanimously passed the puppy mill bill which makes Suffolk County the first in New York to regulate the sources of animals for pet dealers. Resolution No. 423-2014, Local Law No. 16-2014 REQUIRES dealers to provide inspection reports of the breeding facilities on request and BANS DEALERS in the county from buying animals from commercial breeding facilities that have 1) A direction from the USDA within the past 2 years; 2) “No access” violations on the 2 most recent inspection reports from the USDA; 3) Three or more different indirect violations other than “no access violations” on the most recent USDA REPORT; OR 4) One or more recurring indirect violations on the most recent USDA report. No animal shall be offered for sale, trade or give-away by a pet dealer or pet store unless the animal is at least 8 weeks old, in good health & has been weaned from its mother. Name February 2015 City, State, Zip (please print) address city NEW ADDRESS Address 22 HUMANE NEWS name state zip Humane News Published by the Associated Humane Societies Over A Century of Caring 1906 - 2014 EXECUTIVE OFFICES: Editor-in-Chief Contributing Editors 124 Evergreen Avenue Newark NJ 07114-2133 Phone: (973) 824-7080 FAX: (973) 824-2720 E-mail: Popcorn Park/Photo Editor Photography Editors: MONMOUTH COUNTY BRANCH: 2960 Shafto Road Tinton Falls, NJ 07753-7608 Phone: (732) 922-0100 FAX: (732) 922-4032 E-Mail: Circulation Editors: OCEAN COUNTY BRANCH & POPCORN PARK ZOO Humane Way & Lacey Road P.O. Box 43 Forked River, NJ 08731-0043 Phone: (609) 693-1900 FAX: (609) 693-8404 E-mail: Roseann Trezza Jeanne Balsam Sandy Hickman Deborah Beyfuss Karen Powell John Bergmann Colleen Buchanan, Dee Hobson Jay Cat Morris Lindsay Papa Linda Wells Carole Goss Beth Stio Information contained in this publication should not be used as the basis of decisions by any reader without referring to applicable laws, regulations and/or professional advice. The HUMANE NEWS has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of materials in this publication but the HUMANE NEWS will not be responsible for loss or damages caused by errors, omissions, misprints or misinterpretations of the publication contents. FEBRUARY 2015 - Volume 46, No. 1 Information filed with the Attorney General concerning this charitable solicitation may be obtained from the Attorney General of the State of New Jersey by calling (973) 504-6215. registration with the Attorney General does not imply endorsement. Charitable Registration #-CH012-6200, Tax Exempt # 221 487122. airline news DELTA AIRLINES LOSES PASSENGER’S DOG – YET AGAIN! On Oct. 31, a man boarded a Delta Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Tampa Bay but when he reached Florida, his pit bull dog, Ty, got lost at LAX. The 6 year old dog was homeless when Frank Romano found him a year ago. Delta claims the dog managed to chew through the crate located in the cargo, escaped the plane & wandered through the tarmac. Delta offered a $200 voucher to board another flight. This is not the first time Delta Airlines has lost a pet on its flights. DETROIT METRO AIRPORT HAS INDOOR DOGGY BATHROOM For dog owners that pass through Detroit Metropolitan Airport, they will now have a place for their canine traveling companions to “go”. They have installed a new indoor dog bathroom located in the airport’s McNamara Terminal that features fake fire hydrants, plus real & artificial turf that cleans itself with pop-up sprinklers. IN RESPONSE TO THOSE WHO HAVE ASKED US: NEITHER THE HUMANE NEWS, THE ASSOCIATED HUMANE SOCIETIES, NOR POPCORN PARK MAKES ITS MEMBERSHIP LISTS AVAILABLE TO ANYONE. Where T here’s A Will, T here’s A Way ... Meet Dagwood of the Blondie & Dagwood cat couple. Their Edison, NJ owner passed away but had made provisions for the twosome to live out their lives in Kitty City. Dagwood & Blondie’s owner had told his family of the plans for his two beloved cats so that the worries that befall families were minimized with his decision for their future care. When the cats arrived, they were traumatized & confused at the disruption in their lives. The AHS staff is well experienced in the approach to frightened & displaced pets. Blondie & Dagwood lived in a quiet area of the facility and within a short time, Blondie graduated to Kitty City, where she has become quite comfortable. Dagwood wasn’t ready for Kitty City, but after a short time, he moved into the Administrative Offices where he has come out of his shell. For information on long-term care for pets when you are no longer able to care for them, please order “What Will Happen to Your Pets” – see Coupon on Page 20 - or order online at in our Publications section. AROUND THE WORLD EUROPEAN UNION The European Commission has implemented a condition ban on the import of horsemeat from Mexico following a series of audits by the Food & Veterinary Offices. The audits consistently identified serious problems with the lack of traceability of horses slaughtered for EU export, particularly regarding veterinary medical treatment records. IRAN Dog owners will be sentenced to 74 lashes if caught keeping pets at home or walking them in public. Under the Shia branch of Islam, the new law enforced by the Iranian parliament, dogs are considered ritually unclean & the majority of the population falls under the Shia denomination. The law follows a series of incidents in which dog owners were fined & had their pets confiscated. DENMARK According to reports, Denmark has seen an increase in animal sex tourism & a rise in animal brothels. Bestiality has been widely accepted in many countries including France, Germany, Belgium & Holland until the last 10 years. In Mexico, Brazil, Greenland, Russia, Japan & parts of Southern Asia, it is legal to have sex with animals. To Our Wonderful Adopters ... We absolutely love receiving and publishing photos of the pets you have adopted from us; however, to be reproducible in print, photos must be high-resolution. If using a camera phone, be sure the setting is at high resolution. If you’d like to be considered for our annual calendar, please shoot high-resolution with a digital camera only. Thank you! 23 THE HUMANE NEWS 124 Evergreen Ave. Newark, NJ 07114-2133 FEBRUARY 2015 Deliver to Addressee or Current Resident Join! PAID Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PERMIT NO. 5116 ASSOCIATED HUMANE SOCIETIES, INC. When a family illness forced an owner to give up his two companions, he brought them to AHS in Forked River. Kita, a 12 year old, and Bella, a 9 year old Lab mixtures were together hoping that a quiet family home would offer to take them. After two months of a veterinary check-up, additional attention & x-rays were given to Kita who passed away due to liver cancer. Now our attention is focused on a very gloomy & depressed Bella who has lost not only her family … but also the companion that was with her all of these years. Bella has been placed in the Share-A-Pet Program in the hope that staff, volunteers & our subscribers will give a little more attention to a very lonely lass. File 23969-SF. (Forked River) FEBRUARY 2015 SHARE-A-PET PROGRAM The Society’s unique SHARE-A-PET PROGRAM is helping many animals thanks to the kindness and generosity of many HUMANE NEWS readers. The animals are placed on the program on the basis of such details as victims of cruelty, handicap, length of stay, etc. As a result of our efforts, brand new facilities have been given to these orphans. You can help by “adopting” one of these orphans for $10.00 a month. In turn, you will receive a color photo and report of your pet every four months, plus a membership card which entitles you to FREE ADMISSION TO POPCORN PARK. You are also invited to visit your pet, take him for walks, bring him treats, toys, and even adopt him. All funds gathered under this program are applied directly to the care of these animals. Any funds that exceed what is needed for a particular animal are applied to the care and welfare of other shelter anmals. You can also view and sponsor all Share-A-Pets on our web site at:, and click on Share-A-Pet Program. Bella of Marlboro SHARE-A-PET the Cindy of Newark The sad story of animals kept under horrendous conditions was never told until now. A year ago, AHS staffers investigated checked on deplorable conditions in a Newark yard – garbage strewn about, several roosters & pigeons, and three sickly, emaciated dogs. A couple of dented, dirty food bowls were lying in the mud. All of the dogs were kept on heavy, 6 foot chains – one chained to a tree while others were chained to railroad ties. The existence for these creatures was inhumane – all were sick & in need of medical attention. Cindy’s owner was a heartless individual that wanted the dogs for nothing more than "guarding" his property and having puppies. AHS seized the three dogs and brought them to safety. Unfortunately, the animal law enforcement agency for NJ later informed our people that they must give the dogs back to the owner, and give him a chance to correct the situation. These poor dogs were safe, warm and fed for the first time in their lives, and they had to go back to their miserable existence. After a lengthy dispute with the owner of the dogs and the law enforcement agency, we were able to get the dogs back in our custody. Sadly, one of the three dogs was given away by the owner, and we'll never know what happened to him. Lollie and Cindy came in and were so happy to be in good hands and receiving the medical care and attention that they needed. It took almost one year until the case was finally adjudicated. Newark Municipal Court Judge Sybil Elias found Ofarrill guilty of Failure to Provide a Living Animal with Necessary Care. The Criminal Summons fine was $750, Civil Summons fine was $500, Restitution to the NJSPCA was $200. The AHS waived our rights to any funds if the owner forfeited his rights to the animals & the dogs were to remain with AHS for immediate adoption to forever homes. For the story on Lollie, please see Page 6 Name of pets sponsored: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ NAME ____________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP ___________________________________ # OF ANIMALS _____ X $10.00 EACH = TOTAL $_________ Cindy never knew kindness or love. She is not at all aggressive and is not used to being treated well. She is about 2 ½ years old, is quiet and well behaved. A previous adopter visited with Cindy and her dog and Cindy was adopted out – but within minutes at her new home, she became terrified and ran. It took us several days to finally get her and it is obvious from her past life that she will be safer, more secure, and happier at Popcorn Park. She doesn't know anything about toys, and doesn't even know much about running and playing. Cindy gets along fine with other dogs. For a video of Cindy, log on to YouTube -
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