Contest Health Auto Matters Base Movies Around Town
Contest Health Auto Matters Base Movies Around Town
DISPATCH Marine Corps • Coast Guard • Army • Air Force AT EASE • ARMED FORCES Navy FIFTY THIRD YEAR NO. 51 THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 S a n D i e g o N a v y / M a r i n e C o r p s D i s p a t c h • w w w. a r m e d f o r c e s d i s p a t c h . c o m • 6 1 9 . 2 8 0 . 2 9 8 5 Serving active duty and retired military personnel, veterans and civil service employees EVERYDAY IS VETERANS DAY! $2 SELECT PINTS Military Discounts Everyday Open to Close 25 Taps 8)&6WDQOH\&XS 6DWXUGD\1R&RYHU L 2 NEW LOCATIONS 1 (855) 479-7473 San Marcos 174 So Rancho Santa Fe Oceanside 3231 Waring Ct. #N &URZQ9DOOH\3DUNZD\0LVVLRQ9LHMR)UHHZD\ FREE MASSAGE New clients only. Not valid with any other offer. 6/19/14 Contest LaJolla Playhouse El Henry ... 14 Health AirShow San Diego this weekend World War II aircraft, paratroopers, mock aerial “dogfights” complete with fireworks, performance flying demonstrations - even an airplane racing a jet-car — will fill the skies and tarmac Saturday and Sunday at “AirShow San Diego” at Gillespie Field in El Cajon. The air show, formerly known as “Wings Over Gillespie,” has been put on annually at the County airport for nearly two decades by Air Group 1, the San Diego Chapter of the “Commemorative Air Force.” This year’s airshow will honor the 70th anniversary of “D-Day,” the 1945 Allied invasion at Normandy in France that freed Europe and helped end WWII. Gates will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days. Saturday’s attractions will run through 7 p.m. Parking is free. Discounted tickets are available online at before the event: $16 a day for adults and $11 a day for children aged 7-14. Multi-day and discounted group packages for active-duty and retired military can also be bought online. Health System review ... 8 Auto Matters ... 25 E-8 selection results available Classifieds WASHINGTON - The results of the FY15 Senior Chief Petty Officer selection board were released on command BUPERS Online (BOL) June 4, providing commanding officers the opportunity to notify Sailors of the selection results 24 hours prior to public release. General release was scheduled for June 5 at 9 a.m. by NAVADMIN and Navy social media. About 1,400 Sailors will advance to E8 with an overall advancement opportunity to E8 of 12.03 percent this cycle. This was a 1.59 percentage point drop in opportunity from 13.62 percent last cycle. Complete quotas and the information on the E8 board can be found at ep=10&id=80517. The names of selectees will be posted on All Hands Magazine at ... 28-29 Base Movies ...29 Around Town ... 30 NEW DUCATI MOTORCYCLES IN STOCK! MILITARY SPECIALS! The Normandy landings, code named Operation Neptune, were the landing operations on June 6, 1944 (termed D-Day) of the Allied invasion of Normandy in Operation Overlord during World War II. The largest seaborne invasion in history, the operation began the invasion of German-occupied western Europe, led to the restoration of the French Republic and contributed to an Allied victory in the war. Inside .... U.S. to continue to lead in 21st Century ... Page 4 Financing Experts OAC 1890 Auto Park Place Chula Vista, CA 91911 FRANK TOYOTA SERVICE SPECIALS X WAS 11995 4-WHEEL ALIGNMENT $ 89 $ 95 3UHFLVLRQFRPSXWHUL]HGZKHHODOLJQPHQW $GMXVWFDVWHUFDPEHUWRH,QVSHFWVXVSHQVLRQIRUZHDU &HQWHUVWHHULQJZKHHO,QVSHFWWLUHV 7R\RWDVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHU RUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV9DOLGRQO\DW)UDQN7R\RWD 2IIHUH[SLUHV BATTERY TRUE-2 SPECIAL 60 MONTH PRO-RATE WARRANTY X WAS 12995 $ 99 $ 95 +tax Z([FKDQJH ,167$//$7,21,1&/8'(' 7R\RWDVRQO\0RVWPRGHOV0XVWSUHVHQWFRXSRQ&DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\RWKHURIIHU RUGLVFRXQWDQGFDQQRWEHDSSOLHGWRZDUGSUHYLRXVSXUFKDVHV([FOXGHV+\EULGV 9DOLGRQO\DW)UDQN7R\RWD2IIHUH[SLUHV CHECK ENGINE LIGHT FAST LANE OIL & FILTER CHANGE Military Special Only X 29 $ ,QVWDOO*HQXLQH7R\RWDRLOILOWHU WAS 5HSODFHHQJLQHRLOSHUIDFWRU\VSHFLILFDWLRQV $ 3495 7RSRIIXQGHUWKHKRRGIOXLGV FREE&KHFNVHWWLUHSUHVVXUHWRYHKLFOHVSHFLILFDWLRQV FREE 0XOWLSRLQWLQVSHFWLRQ Oil & Filter Change. 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James F. Amos at Marine Barracks Washington. “It is a unique evening here at Eighth and I. We are officially naming the next bigdeck amphibious ship, the USS Tripoli, LHA 7,” said Mabus. “The proud heritage of this name will remind all who come in contact with her of the Marines’ storied history, strong present and noble future.” Mabus introduced the ship’s sponsor, Lynne Mabus, during the ceremony and she spoke about what it means to be a part of the life of USS Tripoli, the third Navy ship to bear the name. “I feel especially glad to be the sponsor of the Tripoli,” said Mrs. Mabus, “because of so many things that are close to my family and my heart,” she added. “She will be built at Huntington Ingalls in Pascagoula, Mississippi. It is at this shipyard that my grandfather worked for decades “It is at this shipyard that my grandfather worked for decades and where my grandmother was a real life Rosie the Riveter during World War II.” - Lynne Mabus and where my grandmother was a real life Rosie the Riveter during World War II.” with the line “to the shores of Tripoli”, brought about a successful conclusion to the combined operations of the First Barbary War. “It will be my great privilege to be a part of this ship from laying the keel to christening to commissioning and for as long as she is in the fleet,” said Mrs. Mabus. “She will be worthy of the Navy, of the Marine Corps, of the American people and of the name she will bear.” The Secretary and Mrs. Mabus concluded the ceremony by watching the Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon perform during the Friday Evening Parade at Marine Barracks Washington, D.C. Lynn Mabus, ship sponsor for the amphibious assault ship USS Tripoli (LHA 7), delivers remarks about what it means to be a part of the life of Tripoli as her husband, Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Ray Mabus looks on. Navy photo by MC2 Armando Gonzales the Ask Ab $WWH Vete out QGD ran QFH s Aid %HQ HÀW The Tripoli name commemorates the capture of Derna, Lybia in 1805 by a small force of U.S. Marines and approximately 370 Soldiers from 11 other nationalities. The battle, later memorialized in the Marines’ Hymn Navy Marine Corps Dispatch/At Ease (619) 280-2985 Published by Western States Weeklies, Inc. P.O. Box 600600, San Diego, CA, 92160 email: You served our country. You deserve the best Publisher.........................Sarah Hagerty A full service retirement community with private apartments for Independent & Assisted Living plus Memory Care. You are invited to an informative seminar. Planning a successful journey - choices while you still have them. Wednesday, June 25th - 1:00-3:00 pm Casa Bella Ristorante, 2330 Proctor Valley Rd, Ste. 101, Chula Vista, Ca 91914 Lic Pending 3URFWRU9DOOH\5RDG&KXOD9LVWD&$ &RUQHURI K& Broadway %URDGZD\&KXOD9LVWD&$ ¶1LVVDQ0XUDQR $11,990 ¶%0:L. $ ),1$1&,1* AVAILABLE! %URDGZD\&KXOD9LVWD&$ ¶3RQWLDF* $10,990 Brands we carry include: Window Tint Available!! ¶0LQL&RRSHU6- $11,990 ¶+XPPHU+ $ ¶)RUG0XVWDQJ $ AUTHORIZED DEALER 9LVLWXVDWZZZ.2$8726327FRP *all sales require installation, no carryout. Pictures for illustration purposes only. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 3 The Dispatch is published weekly on Thursdays, by Western States Weeklies, Inc., as a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department of the Navy and is no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Dispatch, however, is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publishers. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Dispatch or Western States Weeklies, Inc. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. Subscription by mail is $65 per year to CONUS or FPO address. U.S. to continue to lead in 21st Century, Hagel says by Jim Garamone SINGAPORE - The United States will continue to lead in the Asia-Pacific region, but the methods will change, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said here May 30. Hagel spoke to the annual Asia Security Summit sponsored by the International Institute of Strategic Studies May 30. It was Hagel’s second trip to the summit, known as the Shangri-La Dialogue, and his fifth trip to the region since becoming defense secretary. Earlier this week, President Barack Obama laid out the next phase of America’s foreign policy, telling the audience at the U.S. Military Academy commencement that the United States will balance diplomacy, development assistance and military capabilities. A huge part of that effort will be the push to strengthen global partnerships and alliances. This is the heart of the rebalance to the Pacific, Hagel said. “The rebalance is not a goal, promise, or a vision - it is a reality,” he said. The secretary listed the strat- egy’s accomplishments in the past year, including holding a summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping, building partnerships with Vietnam and Malaysia, and visiting three treaty allies in the region: Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. The United States and the Philippines announced a new enhanced defense cooperation agreement, and there is progress in the TransPacific Partnership trade agreement, he said. “Diplomatic, economic, and development initiatives are central to the rebalance, and to our commitment to help build and ensure a stable and prosperous region,” the secretary said. “But prosperity is inseparable from security, and DoD will continue to play a critical role in the rebalance, even as we navigate a challenging fiscal landscape.” The Asia-Pacific is the region of potential in the 21st century, Hagel said, and the American rebalance is a recognition of that. “But even while advances in human rights, freedom, democracy, technology, and education are yielding better lives and futures for all people, and even as more nations are stepping forward to contribute to regional security, the Asia-Pacific is also confronting serious threats,” he added. Territorial and maritime disputes in the South and East China seas, North Korea’s provocative behavior and its nuclear weapons and missile programs, the long-term challenge of climate change and natural disasters, and the destructive and destabilizing power of cyberattacks are just a few challenges in the region, the secretary said. “Continued progress throughout the Asia-Pacific is achievable, but hardly inevitable,” he said. “The security and prosper- ‘Friction points’ stoke Asia tensions, Locklear says by Jim Garamone SINGAPORE - The situation in Asia has become more serious in recent months, with nations engaging in territorial disputes at “friction points,” the commander of U.S. Pacific Command said here May 30. In an interview with Japanese broadcaster NHK, Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III said these friction points - primarily areas of the East China Sea and the South China Sea - endanger stability not only in this part of the world, “but in the entire interconnected economic global system.” Nations need to be careful about their rhetoric and provocative acts, the admiral said, because these could escalate. Territorial disputes must be solved by negotiation and legal remedies. “We encourage all nations in the region to avoid all provocation, and avoid miscalculation,” he said. Tensions and disagreements are inevitable, Locklear said, but security and stability demand other ways of solving these frictions. The U.S. is a Pacific nation, he noted, and America has been involved in security in the region since the early 1800s. “For about the last 70 years, we’ve been the centerpiece of the security architecture here,” Locklear said. “In that 70 years, the peace and prosperity has helped not only the American people, but has helped the people of every country in this region.” U.S. security in the Pacific allowed Japan, South Korea and the nations of Southeast Asia to prosper. The American security has affected the Indian Ocean nations. China, too, has benefitted from the stability American security fosters, the admiral said. Pacom’s role is to ensure U.S. interests are protected and that American allies are protected, and to be a stabilizing influence, Locklear said. This means engagement and maintaining dialogue with nations across the spectrum, he added. “What we aim for in this century is another 70 years of peace and prosperity,” Locklear said. “The U.S. doesn’t need to be the guarantor of security, but we will certainly remain here and participate.” “The United States has many, many, many things in common with China,” said Locklear, noting both nations need and desire peace and stability in the Pacific region. ity we have enjoyed for decades cannot be assured unless all our nations have the wisdom, vision, and will to work together to address these challenges.” The U.S. will work with all responsible states to deal with these issues, Hagel said, and will encourage the peaceful resolution of disputes, uphold principles including the freedom of navigation and stand firm against coercion, intimidation, and aggression. Also, he said, the U.S. will work to build a cooperative regional architecture based on international rules and norms, will enhance capabilities of allies and partners to provide security for themselves and the region, and will strengthen its own regional defense capabilities. “One of the most critical tests facing the region is whether nations will choose to resolve disputes through diplomacy and wellestablished international rules and norms - or through intimidation and coercion,” he said. The South China Sea is a prime example. The sea is “the beating heart of the Asia-Pacific and a crossroads for the global economy,” Hagel said, and China has undertaken destabilizing, unilateral actions asserting its claims there. 4 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 Get your discount tickets at your local Military Ticket Office A fresh Camp Snoopy with 3 NEW RIDES This Summer! © Peanuts Worldwide LLC, Cedar Fair Entertainment Company® © 2014 Cedar Fair, L.P. KB14-183 Caring for military families FRA staff (DLP John Davis) attended a media event in the Capitol building last week highlighting Caring for Military Families, a joint effort of the Elizabeth Dole Foundation (EDF), and the Wounded Warrior Project (WWP). Former Senator Elizabeth Dole said that while the nation is quick to rally behind our military and provide veterans the support they deserve, the caregivers themselves are often overlooked. The WWP and EDF recently teamed up to pay for the first comprehensive, evidencebased study on the needs of military and veteran caregivers conducted by the RAND Corporation. The study’s findings confirmed that the nation has neglected the most important factor in the recovery and well-being of wounded veterans - the spouses, parents, siblings and other loved ones who care for them at home. An estimated 5.5 million caregivers assist and care for wounded warriors. This service would cost $15 billion annually if it were paid for. These caregivers are desperately struggling to negotiate the labyrinth of family finances and legal matters, all while managing the daily medical and emotional needs of their injured veterans. SGLI premium adjustment effective July 1 The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently announced that the Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) program will adjust its monthly premium rate from 6.5 cents per $1,000 back to the 2006 rate of seven cents per $1,000 of insurance, a modest increase to ensure the SGLI program remains in a strong financial position. For a service member with the maximum $400,000 of life insurance, this change will mean an increase of two dollars a month. The VA claims that in order for the program to remain in good financial condition, it’s now necessary to increase the premium rate by half a cent per $1,000 of insurance. Insurance companies hold reserve funds to ensure they can pay future claims, and it’s common practice in the insurance industry to adjust premium rates as reserve funds increase and decrease. Message from the Acting Secretary of Veterans Affairs by Sloane D. Gibson Not all Vveterans are getting the timely access to the healthcare that they have earned. Systemic problems in scheduling processes have been exacerbated by leadership failures and ethical lapses. I will use all available authority to swiftly and decisively address issues of willful misconduct or mismanagement. VA’s first priority is to get all veterans off waiting lists and into clinics while we address the underlying issues that have been impeding veterans’ access to healthcare. The President has made clear that this is his expectation. Even as we implement these immediate actions, we will work with Veterans Service Organizations, members of Congress, academia, public and private organizations, and with all other agencies and institutions that can help us move forward. We will also continue to depend on the faithful service of VA employees and leaders who place the interests of veterans above their own, those who serve veterans with dignity, compassion, and dedication, and who live by VA’s core values: Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence. Finally, as we accelerate our access to care, we will not lose sight of the fact that the quality of VA healthcare remains strong. Ten years of external validations have consistently shown that, on average, veterans who use VA healthcare rate our hospitals and clinics as high or higher in customer satisfaction than patients give most of the Nation’s private sector hospitals. On behalf of all veterans, I express my appreciation to Secretary Shinseki for his leadership of VA. For decades to come, veterans will benefit from the transformation begun in the past five years. Thank you for your support and dedication to Veterans and our mission to serve them.” D-Day remembrance (May 29, 2014) - Seventy years ago, the Normandy landings, on D-Day, June 6, 1944, launched the invasion of German-occupied Western Europe and began the Allied victory in the war. “When the war broke out, I went right down and signed up,” said Army Air Corps veteran Robert Royce (shown here). Royce remembers the pride he felt the first time he looked in the mirror and saw himself in uniform. “It was the first time I felt like a man,” said Royce. That was Dec. 2, 1942. Royce was 18 years old. Now, 70 years later, Royce said he would enlist all over again, if he could. “I’m so glad I joined the war effort,” said Royce. “Most days I didn’t think I would make it through the day. I was there for the Battle of the Bulge and for the Normandy invasion. So many deaths,” he said, shaking his head. “I’ve always asked myself, why me? All of these guys, young guys … 18, 19 years old, they didn’t get to go on and live their lives and have families. I always wondered how I got to be so lucky.” - by Mary Kay Gominger, chief of community & public affairs, Veterans Health Care System THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 5 Career & Education Navy reading program update announced An update to the Chief of Naval Operation Professional Reading Program (CNO-PRP) was recently announced in NAVADMIN 121/14. The update serves to keep the CNO-PRP fresh and relevant and will include five new titles, which focus on professional development of Sailors throughout the fleet, to accompany the current 18 CNO-PRP books. Titles included in this update are: Cyber Security and Cyber War, by P. W. Singer and A. Friedman; Leading With the Heart, by Mike Krzyzewski and D. Philips; The Trident, by Jason Redman and J. Bruning; Turn the Ship Around, by retired Capt. David Marquet; and The Twilight War, by David Crist. A kit containing these five new titles will be shipped to commands throughout the fleet in the coming weeks. Large commands will receive multiple copies of each title. Commands with existing reading program libraries should integrate the new hard copy titles into their legacy collections. Books from previous lists should be retained to build a growing and versatile lending library for the command. A number of current and previous CNO-PRP titles are available for free loan as eBook or digital audio downloads from the Navy library e-content within the Navy General Library Program portal, which is accessible through Navy Knowledge Online. Active participation in the CNO-PRP is highly encouraged for all Sailors. The intent of this program is to serve as a tool to help extend Sailors’ personal and professional growth beyond their day-to-day duties. Since the program’s inception, many commands have established reading groups, essay contests, and special liberty programs to reward their dedicated professional readers. Reading, discussing, and understanding the ideas found in the CNO-PRP will not only improve our critical thinking skills, but will also help us become better Sailors, better citizens, and, most importantly, better leaders. For more information on CNO-PRP or to replace worn, damaged, and missing books, contact the CNO-PRP management office via the contacts listed at http://navyreading. For more information on the current update to CNO-PRP, view NAVADMIN 121/14. Cmdr. Daniel Dolan, deputy program manager for the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Professional Reading Program, program manager professor John Jackson and Rear Adm. Walter E. Ted Carter Jr., president of the U.S. Naval War College, participate in a collaboration of Professional Reading Program books. The Chief of Naval Operations Professional Reading Program is designed to enhance professional development, learn about Navy heritage and gain a greater understanding of what it means to be a 21st century Sailor. The 42 books in the collection are arranged in categories that align with the CNO’s three Tenets: Warfighting First, Operate Forward, and Be Ready. Books are available throughout the fleet in lending libraries. U.S. Navy photo by MCC James E. Foehl Do you have what it takes to become a steam generating plant inspector Over the years the use of steam to power ships in the Navy has declined. With the Boiler Technician and Machinist’s Mate (MM) ratings merger in 1996, much of the in-rate knowledge in boilers and steam systems was lost. Steam Generating Plant Inspectors (SGPI) have a fleet-wide impact by being responsible for providing technical oversight and assistance and hands-on training to ship’s force personnel on their equipment. Additionally, they have the opportunity to shape the future of the MM rating by participating in work groups which serve to shape the future operational, maintenance, and training policies. How does a Sailor become a certified SGPI? Prerequisites are Weekend Mobile Impound Releaser 6 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 Western Towing is looking for energetic, self-motivated individuals to fill our weekend mobile impound release position. It is a part-time position. Skills/Requirements: Qualified candidates should possess cash handling experience, excellent communication skills, written and verbal, be able to multi-task and be detailed-oriented and reliable. Must be punctual and be able to work independently. Must be over 23 years of age for insurance requirements. Knowledge of various office equipment and knowledge of inventory control a plus. Must have a clean driving record and be able to pass a background and drug screen. Please send resume to:, or fax resume to 619-923-3211. Apply in person at 4380 Pacific Highway, San Diego. Drug-free EOE School Directory outlined in OPNAVINST 9220.3 and in the Catalog of Navy Training Courses (CANTRAC) for course identification number K-651-2151. SGPI candidates in pay grades E-7 through E-9 will attend a certification course in San Diego and will be certified to inspect propulsion, auxiliary, waste heat steam generating plants and steam catapult systems and re-boiler systems. Sailors E-5 and E6 can also apply and will be placed in a grooming list. For additional information contact your detailer. om Comic relief fr the internet: I need a vacation and by vacation I mean I need to move away and find a new job on a beach with rum. Mira Mesa Christian Schools Preschool (Lic. # 376600879) & K-6th Homeschool Options available Partnering with parents for excellence 858-578-0262 Enjoy the Dispatch Public Charter School Grades K-8 Open to all San Diego County Families 858.271.1414 to place an ad call (619)280-2985 Interpersonal Edge: Workplace success is in the details by Dr. Daneen Skube Q. My manager keeps giving me feedback that I miss details. The truth is I’m a big-picture person. I resent that my manager keeps expecting me to fix the little stuff when we have bigger problems. Are there jobs where I can be successful and not have to pay so much attention to detail? A. Nope, the truth is the way you make the coffee in your break room is the same consciousness you bring to absolutely everything you do during your workday. Believing that detail is unimportant and doesn’t deserve your attention makes your entire performance worse. William Blake, the poet and artist, wrote, “To see a world in a grain of sand/And a heaven in a wild flower,/Hold infinity in the palm of your hand/And eternity in an hour.” To paraphrase, if you can’t look at a grain of sand and see the rest of the world you are probably missing some pretty important stuff. Success is easiest at work when we experience ourselves being in a state of service in something we’re good at with others. There really are no small tasks at work, but we do sometimes bring a small mind to what we are doing. One of the best examples I can give of the power of detail was a bathroom I once used at a meditation center. I don’t know who had cleaned it before I went to wash my hands but that small commercial bathroom was glowing. There was a small flower by the sink and everything sparkled. Whoever had done that job brought the consciousness of Buddha to the work. Commission seeks service members’ compensation preferences the moment we are in. When we aren’t in our current moment, a world of opportunities goes by because we just see an unimportant grain of sand. The commission tasked by President Barack Obama and Congress to modernize military compensation and benefits programs is seeking input from service members on their preferences. When instead every grain of sand at work gets your full and undivided devotion, you build a solid platform upon which everything you do simply glows. People will be eager to work with you, promote you and pay you a whole lot more because you show up. Alphonso Maldon Jr., chairman of the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission, said understanding service members’ compensation preferences is central to the commission’s effort to craft modernization recommendations. Next time you are staring a small job in the face, see the infinite window of opportunity it represents simply because you finally brought an infinite amount of yourself to every detail you touch. The last word(s) Next time you’re assigned a meager job, check your inner belief about what you are doing. If you bring all of your enthusiasm, skills and brain power to the task, you may even see a way to make yourself indispensable in big ways. Q. My coworker is a big baby. He complains about everything and everyone. Is there anything I can say that would discourage him from constant whining? “Our primary goal is to ensure the uniformed services can maintain the most professional all-volunteer force, provide for a high quality of life for the members of the uniformed services and their families, and ensure that compensation and retirement systems are financially sustainable,” he said. “Our fundamental objective is to craft an integrated compensation and personnel system that will continue to be valued by service members, provide flexibility for the uniformed services, and be cost effective.” The devil truly is in the details when it comes to success at work. Sometimes we are in such a rush to get to the next important moment that we miss A. Yes, patiently and quietly mention that it will probably only be getting worse. He will be stumped. People find it hard to engage in self-pity when no one is arguing with them. To obtain these preferences, the commission will survey a number of active-duty, National Guard and reserve service members during the next few months, with plans to survey retired When we bring resentment or grumbling to a task, we bring everything and everyone around us down rather than uplifting our workplace. Our managers see that we can’t even do a minor task well and won’t entrust us with bigger responsibilities. service members as well. The survey will ask participants to value individual elements of their compensation package in relation to each other, Maldon said. “If you receive this survey, please take it,” he added. “However, the survey is not the only way to let us know your preferences.” People can provide input on the commission’s public website, http://www.mcrmc. gov, and written comments may be mailed to the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission, Post Office Box 13170, Arlington, VA 22209. “These tools are powerful ways to ensure we are aware of your preferences and concerns,” Maldon said. Over the past year, he noted, the commission has benefitted from meetings with service members, veterans, retirees and their family members. “Additionally,” he said, “representatives of the uniformed services, military and veterans service organizations, and other subject-matter experts have greatly added to our understanding of the breadth of current military compensation and benefit systems. These engagements have reinforced what we’ve always known: Our people are the strength of our uniformed services.” Maldon added, “We honor your service and ask for your continued input and support as we move forward with this important endeavor.” Top DVD RENTALS 1. The Monuments Men, 20th Century Fox, PG-13 2. Pompeii, Tristar Pictures, PG-13 3. Ride Along, Universal Pictures, PG-13 4. About Last Night, Screen Gems, R 5. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, 20th Century Fox, PG 6. That Awkward Moment, Focus Features, R 7. The Nut Job, Open Road Films, PG 8. I, Frankenstein, Lionsgate, PG-13 9. The Legend of Hercules, Lionsgate, PG-13 10. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, Warner Bros., PG-13 Where planning for life Where planning after the military meets FOLLOW YOUR PASSION TO A CAREER for next lifeweek.” after the “I’m being deployed IN GOLF military meets “I’m being deployed next week.” Contact us for a campus tour in Carlsbad, CA today. © 2014 National University 284-21 760-734-1208 | 1950 Camino Vida Roble, Ste. 125, Carlsbad, CA 92008-6505 For information about graduation rates, median debt of students who completed our programs, and other important information, visit • • • • • Fully accredited One-course-per-month format 28 campuses plus online programs Dedicated military and veterans affairs advisors Military tuition and scholarships $3ULYDWH1RQSURȴW8QLYHUVLW\6HUYLQJWKH3XEOLF*RRGȠ Learn more at (877) 628-6828 THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 7 • Associate’s degree in 16 months • Staff of PGA Professional instructors • Special benefits for veterans and families • Career Services Placement About Your Health Marine Corps-centric health and wellness materials are now available The Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC), in collaboration with the Marine Corps Community Services Semper Fit and Behavioral Health Branch, announced, May 21, the release of customized materials geared towards Marine Corps health and wellness. Topics addressed include general Health Promotion and Wellness (HPW), Healthy Eating, Active Living, Tobacco Free Living, Psychological and Emotional Well-being, Preventing Drug Abuse and Excessive Alcohol Use, and Injury and Violence Free Living. These materials contain information and resources specific to the Marine Corps audience and are intended to provide health educators with ready-to-use, evidence-based materials to disseminate at their local installations. Visit NMCPHC’s HPW Marine page to view and download the materials, including posters, fact sheets and brochures. “The Health Promotion and Wellness Department and the Marine Corps Community Services Semper Fit and Behavioral Health Branch recognized that the Marine Corps community has unique needs that should be addressed separately from the needs of Sailors,” said Cmdr. Connie Scott, NMCPHC department head for HPW. “All of the resources created by the HPW Department are intended for both Sailors and Marines; however the new materials are of particular relevance to the Marine Corps population.” NMCPHC’s HPW department provides innovative and evidence-based programs and services that facilitate readiness and resilience, prevent illness and injury, hasten recovery, and promote lifelong healthy behaviors and lifestyles. body & mind! 20% OFF :LWKWKLVDG by Claudette Roulo Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told reporters traveling with him on a multi-country 12-day trip that he began asking military leaders about Defense Department hospitals and health care facilities around the world about a week ago. Hagel has placed Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work in charge of a 90-day review of the military health system. “I suggested that we think about this and come together NMCPHC is part of the Navy Medicine team, a global health care network of 63,000 Navy medical personnel around the world who provide high-quality health care to more than one million eligible beneficiaries. Navy Medicine personnel deploy with Sailors and Marines worldwide, providing critical mission support aboard ships, in the air, under the sea and on the battlefield. Follow the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center on Facebook for the latest news and updates on health promotion and wellness. For more news from Navy Medicine, visit: www. Japanese-St yle Massage Comfort your Hagel: Health system review to begin ‘immediately’ We have the best girls! Deep Tissue, Swedish, Relaxation, Shiatsu Massages, Luxurious Table Shower, Body Scrub or Jacuzzi Available 2SHQ'D\V6XQ:HGDPSP7KXUV)UL6DWDPSP 10433 Friars Rd. Suite A San Diego, Ca 92120 619.284.1266 Parmela Sawhney, MD. FAMILY MEDICINE HOLISTIC MEDICINE 705 Palm Ave. Imperial Beach, CA 91932 1222 1st St., Unit 6 Coronado, CA 92118 Call for an Appointment Call Military Discount Parmela Sawhney, MD. Inc. 619-424-5106 0LVVLRQ*RUJH5G6DQWHH Ayurvedic Integrated Wellness 619-435-4488 on Body Treatments WE TAKE TRICARE & MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED 8 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 Visit our website at: 10460 Mission Gorge Rd Santee, CA 92071 MILITARY DISCOUNT Get $25.00 off $300 or more with this ad The review comes just days after the commander of Womack Army Medical Center at Fort Bragg, N.C. was replaced following the deaths of several patients after what was routine treatment, and amid several on-going investigations into the separate health care system run by the Department of Veterans Affairs, where there have been allegations of unusually long delays for medical care. side experts in the areas of patient safety and quality care,” Kirby said. Hagel said he has requested weekly updates on the progress of the review. “As the secretary has made clear, nothing is more important than the health and well-being of our people,” the admiral said. “To the degree we learn about issues affecting the health care of our military health beneficiaries, including active duty service members, retirees, and their eligible family members, we will address them.” “We’re going to start this immediately,” Hagel said. “These are big operations. They’re imperfect operations. But this is part of leadership and oversight -- to assure ... and reassure our people that we are doing what we need to do in order to fulfill a commitment we made to them in health care.” A final report is expected to be delivered to Hagel by August 29. The review will be led by Work, with the assistance of the acting undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness and the assistant secretary of defense for health affairs, and the direct participation of the secretaries of the military departments and the service chiefs, Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary said. “In addition, Secretary Hagel has asked Deputy Secretary Work to solicit the perspectives of out- FREE ESTIMATES - Serving Military for Over 23 years CLUTCH A/C Body BRAKE SERVICE SPECIAL $ Service Work 619-749-0742 • Truck Bed Covers • New and Used Camper Shells • Side Steps • Bed Liner • Trucks Racks • Tool Boxes • Fuel Tanks • Carpet Kits • Tow hitches • Mufflers • After meeting with Work and the secretaries or undersecretaries of each service and other key personnel, on May 27 the defense secretary announced the parameters for a comprehensive review military health system. “We’ve got to focus on three primary things,” Hagel said. “...Are our people getting what they need and when they need it? Are they getting safe attention and medical care? And ... is it consistently the high standard of quality that we commit to our military men and women and their families around the world?” Relax with a soothing massage in an Asian Inspired atmosphere at a very upscale and quiet location! Oriental Spa with some concurrence within our military and our leadership of a thorough review of all of our facilities,” he said. from $ Per Axle, Parts & Labor included. Most Cars Standard Brake Packages Don’t Wait Until You Have a Problem! You name it, We’ve Got It and Repair TIMING BELT SPECIAL from $ Most Cars. Parts & Labor included and Paint CV JOINT AXLE from $ Most Cars. Parts & Labor included Most Cars. Parts & Labor included. Includes: Pressure plate and disc. Adjustment, New throw out bearing. Pilot bearing. Inspect flywheel FUEL INJECTION SERVICE from $ Most Cars. Parts & Labor included 0DLQ6WUHHW6DQ'LHJR THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 9 On Base & On Board 10 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 Breakers Beach Luau Friday, June 20 • 4-8 pm • FREE A night of fun, games and entertainment awaits you! Plus, we’re serving up island favorites with s‘mores for dessert. For more details stop by Liberty.Rec, NASNI, Bldg. 2000, or call 619-545-2878. Event is open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Food available while supplies last. Offered at all base MWR Fitness Centers for all MWR patrons…that means YOU! Individual or small group sessions are available. Get more out of your workout! FREE fitness instruction Sailor’s Got Talent! Friday, June 13 • 7 pm • FREE Head over to the Training Support Center auditorium aboard Naval Base San Diego to watch and support your favorite Sailors as they compete for the grand prize. For more details stop by The RECYARD, NBSD, Bldg. 221, or call 619-556-5078. Event open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Youth H2O Polo $45 for 8 club sessions • Mondays & Wednesdays • 9-9:45 am A great introduction to the sport for youth 6-12 years old! The intent is to provide basic skills and understanding of the sport in a recreational format. Although water polo is known for its toughness and endurance, Splashy Ball harnesses all the fun and dynamic aspects of the game in a safe and easy-to-learn aquatic experience that will motivate kids to swim and stay fit. For more details call 619-553-0934. It’s Always Summer in Coronado! With a 50-meter, 9-lane heated outdoor pool, NAB is the place to be for water fun and exercise! This newly built facility offers recreation and lap swim hours, locker rooms, a family changing area, and deck furniture for relaxation. So dig out your swimsuit and make the short drive to Coronado! Pool use is FREE for active duty, dependents and DoD civilians, and $5 per guest. For more information call 619-437-5012. 2014 Junior Sailing Camp Monday-Friday beginning in June, full and half-day sessions are available. As low as $100 per child per session. 10% discount for multiple sign-ups. Sailboats provided at no extra charge. Three sailing camp levels – Beginner through Advanced as well as an Aquatic Camp for the younger set. Open to military dependents and sponsored guests, ages 7-15. Registration NOW open! Call 619-522-8680 for more details. Vintage T-Shirt 2-Mile Run/1-Mile Walk Presented by MWR and USAA Wednesday, June 18 • 10 am (Check in starts at 9 am) • FREE Also sponsored by Propel. For more details or to sign up contact the Admiral Prout Field House, NBSD, Bldg. 3279, at 619-556-7444 or register online at Longest Day of the Year 5K Run/2-Mile Walk Presented by MWR, Lincoln Military Housing and USAA Thursday, June 19 • 11 am • FREE Celebrate the official start of summer with a scenic run or walk along the bay! Muster on the Quay Wall on the northwest corner of the base, ¼-mile from the Main Gym. T-shirt awaiting each runner/walker! Proudly sponsored by Propel and Octane Fitness. For more information contact Main Fitness Center, NASNI, Bldg. 281, at 619-545-2877. Navy Region Southwest Beach Volleyball Tournament Saturday, June 21 • 9 am-5:30 pm at NASNI’s Breakers Beach Proudly presented by USAA and sponsored by San Diego Medical Federal Credit Union Register today at or call 619532-6080. Roll & Grow Bumper Bowling League Saturdays • 9:30 am Join the fun anytime! For only $5 per week, plus USBC Annual Membership of $17, your child will learn proper bowling techniques, meet other bowlers, be part of a team, receive a team jersey and have a great time! For more details contact the Admiral Robinson Recreation Center at 619-556-7486. HAPPENINGS LISTED FROM PREVIOUS ISSUES…. Sunday Group Dance Classes $5 per person per class ~ 6 pm Beginner, 7 pm • Intermediate Head over to Admiral Robinson Recreation Center every Sunday to learn Salsa, Rumba, Cha Cha, Mambo, Merengue, Samba, Swing, Waltz, Fox Trot, Tango, Hustle, and Night Club Two Step. Plus, LINE DANCE Classes NOW OFFERED! Every Sunday at 8:30 pm after the group classes, learn the Electric Slide and other popular line dances. Cost is $5 per person per class. BINGO COVERALL game pays $750 every Saturday night! All Main Pack games pay $200. The BINGO Hall opens at 4 pm every Saturday night with Fun Games beginning when 5 or more players are present. Main session begins at 6:30 pm. For more information contact the Admiral Robinson Recreation Center, NBSD, Bldg. 3223, at 619-556-7486. Bike Rentals Naval Base Coronado is proud to offer its bike rental program available at three locations: Liberty.Rec, NASNI, Bldg. 2000 • 619-545-2878 Q-Zone, NAB, Bldg. 337 • 619-437-3190 Fiddler’s Cove Marina, Hwy 75 • 619-522-8680 GOLF Tee Time Golf Specials Pre-book tee times Monday-Thursday 9:30 am-12 pm for two golfers with cart and save $3 on each golfer. Book your tee time using Promo Code: WW2WC. Not valid with any other promotions. Book online at or call Admiral Baker Golf Course at 619-487-0090 and Sea ‘N Air Golf Course at 619-545-9659. BOWLING Monday Madness Hot dogs, soda, games and shoe rental only $1.25 each! Available at Admiral Robinson Recreation Center, NBSD, 619-556-7486 and Sea ‘N Air Lanes, NASNI, 619-5457240. Free Bowling for Active Duty All active duty personnel bowl FREE from 11 am-1 p.m. every Monday at Sea ‘N Air Lanes and every Tuesday, Admiral Robinson Recreation Center offers FREE bowling and billiards from 11 am-1 p.m. For more information call Sea ‘N Air Lanes, NASNI at 619-545-7240 or Admiral Robinson Recreation Center, NBSD at 619-556-7486. LIBERTY Scenic Sunday: Beach Day Trip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty Hall, NMAWC: 619-524-6587 Sunday, June 8 • All Day • $5 Liberty Hall is heading to La Jolla Shores for a day in the sun! We’ve got the fun beach time activities covered. Just make sure you bring sunscreen! Mission Trails Night Hike Trip open to all active duty and a guest, 18+. Liberty.Rec, NASNI: 619-545-2878 Friday, June 13 • 5 pm • $5 active or guest Join us on a spectacular Mission Trails night hike. Bring good walking shoes and appropriate exercise attire. Cost includes transportation and Liberty staff to lead the way. Sign up by 6/11. h F Ministries for preschool, kids, youth & adults Awana, Wednesdays at 6:15pm 10770 Rickert Rd., San Diego, Ca 92126 619-735-4330 Family Life Places of Worship Armed Services YMCA extends family The Kid’s Doctor: Heroin use is rising at an alarming rate by Sue Hubbard, M.D. and in almost any high school esty in discussing his addictions. memberships to March 2015 in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.” I pray that he may stay clean and by Terri Moon Cronk tions, where they could use base Military families using fitness fitness and childcare facilities. 5/15 5/22 5/29 6/5 6/12 centers and respite day care The program later was extended through the Armed Services to active-duty families. YMCA will be able to continue their memberships until March “It provides spouses an outlet of next year, a morale, welfare during stressful times, and an and recreation program official opportunity to maintain fitness, said yesterday. physically and mentally,” he said. MWR program analyst Chris Wright said the Military OutSome 2,700 YMCAs across reach Initiative, a five-year the nation participate in the contract between the Defense initiative, Wright said, adding Department and the Armed Ser- that the memberships are paid vices YMCA, was set to expire through Overseas Contingency recently, but it has been extended Operations funding, because the to March 17, 2015. initiative is tied to readiness and deployment. The initiative originally reached out to the families of “As we continue to draw deployed Guardsmen and reserv- down efforts in Afghanistan and ists to give them an opportunity the Middle East, that requireto join a YMCA free for fitness, ment is beginning to decline,” recreational activities respite 6/19 and 6/26 7/3 he explained. “We want families child care, Wright said. It began to understand that as popular as with the Guard and reserves, he it’s been, this program is beginhrist Community explained, because their fami- Church ning to draw down to prepare lies, in mostSummer cases,timedidn’t live is a great time to for comethe backend to church! of the contract, and Sundays at 9:00installaam & 10:30 am[we with Children's Ministriesfor for All Kids! opclose to major military are] looking other swap swap C Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 or (858) 549-2479 portunities.” Other services will remain available to families of deployed service members who live in remote locations following the end of the contract next year, Wright said. For example, through the White House’s “Joining Forces” initiative, free personal training and gym memberships are being donated by members of the American Council on Exercise and the International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association, DOD officials said. Additionally, Wright said, military installations offer fitness programs and child care, and families can check for opportunities through their service’s MWR program. “We encourage families and service members to remain engaged, healthy and seek recreational and physically activities that help maintain 9/4 their fitness level,” Wright said. “DOD wants people to live healthy.” swap I continue to be alarmed with the news that heroin is becoming a more prevalent drug in our society. I was reminded of the reality of this just the other day when I saw a 20-year-old patient of mine whom I hadn’t seen in a while. I remembered that during the end of his high school years his mother had called me about some issues he was having, but I never heard more and had not seen him for quite some time. He came into the office for treatment of cough and cold symptoms. While I was taking the history of his illness, I also started asking him how he’d been and what he was doing now. He told me that he’d just recently gotten out of rehab and was working part time and planning to start taking some college classes. He also told me that heroin is cheaper than many other drugs, so may be a go to drug. What really struck me was when he said, “I cannot tell you the rush and euphoria you get with heroin. You are addicted the first time!” That certainly turned out to be true for him. At some time in the previous two years, my patient had also been arrested and sent to jail for a drug-related crime, but once out he continued to use heroin until he finally accepted help and entered drug rehab. When we spoke, he’d been clean for months and was continuing to work on staying that way. I was proud of him, as well as his hon- sober, although he is smoking now. However, as he said to me, “that discussion is for another appointment.” Agreed. The face of heroin addiction is not like I had thought. Rather than being strictly an inner city problem, it’s now affecting people across the country and in suburban neighborhoods and schools. If my young patient’s statement that he “was addicted the first time” holds true for others, then this is yet another discussion to have with our teens. While some teens “experiment” with alcohol and marijuana, there’s no experimenting with heroin. While this young man certainly wasn’t the first patient of mine who’d been to rehab, he was the first to tell me he’d been a heroin addict. I was shocked, to say the least. irst Baptist Church "Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach the World" He was quite open as he told Pastor Cameron Bernard Sunday Bible Study 8:45 am, Sunday Worship Service 10 am, me he’d started smoking mariThursdays Women's Bible Study 9:30 in amhigh (childcare available) juana school and then had 445 C Ave, Coronado,CA 92118 gone on to experiment with other (619) 435-6588 drugs, including prescription narcotics, mushrooms and even meth. He was then introduced to heroin and, as he told me, “it is readily available around here F aith Tabernacle Church B ayview Baptist Church F irst Baptist Church C alvary Chapel Coronado Living Waters F irst Baptist Church of Mira Mesa C hrist Community Church G reater Victory Baptist Church C ity of Praise H ope Lutheran Church C 6126 Benson Avenue, SD 92114 (619) 262-8384 Sunday 7:45 am and 11 am Worship Service Wednesday 6pm Youth Fellowship,7pm WNL Wednesday Nig "A Multi-Cultural, Multi Ethnic, Multi Generational Church" 1224 10 St (Corner of 10th & B) Coronado CA 92118 (619) 435-8233 Sunday Worship 9:30 am - Childrens Sunday School 10am Wednesday Evening Study 7pm - Church Sanctuary Men's Fellowship Breakfast Saturday 7:30 am Weekly Women's Bible Study: Call church for current study information Father's Day is Sunday, Jume 15! Join us to celebrate Dads! Sundays at 9:00 am & 10:30 am with Children's Ministries for All Kids! Friday Evening Youth Ministries - Middle & High School - 6:30 pm 9535 Kearny Villa Rd., Mira Mesa 92126;Located just off Miramar Rd. & I-15 or (858) 549-2479 The Perfect Place for Imperfect People to Mature in Christ! A place to belong with exciting life related messages for everyday living. See you at Sunday School - 9:00am & Sunday Moring Celebration-10:30am Tues Bible Connection-7pm Location: 2321 Dryden Rd., El Cajon, CA 92020 619.749.1767 visit us at & twitter@citybishop Bishop Stephen M. Brunson, Senior Pastor, USN, Retired ollege Avenue Baptist Church A multi-ethnic, multigenerational community We invite you to join us this Sunday: 8:45 am - Bible Studies & Seminars for all ages 10 am - Worship Services in English & Spanish (Children's Ministry is available for babies thru grade 4 @10am) 4747 College Ave, San Diego 92115 (near SDSU) 619.582.7222 - I 4019 48th Street San Diego, CA 92105 Sunday & Sunday School @10am & 7pm, Wed @7:30 pm Friday Bible Study and youth @ 7:30pm / 619-440-2393 A full gospel multi-ethnic church "Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach the World" Pastor Cameron Bernard Sunday Bible Study 8:45 am, Sunday Worship Service 10 am, Thursdays Women's Bible Study (on break for summer) 445 C Ave, Coronado,CA 92118 (619) 435-6588 "Helping People Find and Follow Jesus" Sundays at 9:00am and 10:30am Ministries for preschool, kids, youth & adults Awana, Wednesdays at 6:15pm 10770 Rickert Rd., San Diego, Ca 92126 858-566-3671 Dr. G.A Williams, Pastor 1045 S 29thStreet San Diego, Ca 92113 (619)236-9041 Sunday Devotional Hour 7:45 am/ Sunday School 9am Sunday Worship Service 10:30am Nursery/Child Care Provided Tuesday Ministry Group for the Family 6:30-7:30pm Tuesday Bible Study led by Pastor Williams 7:30-8:30pm Multicultrual, Everyone is welcome!! 7371 Brookhaven Road, San Diego 92114 Sunday Bible Study: 9am Sunday Worship 10am Pastor Jogy Olivar (619) 735-4330 Pastor Jogy Please come and join us in Worship! mmaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church Pastor: Rev. André Ramos 537 E Street, Ramona CA 92065 760-789-0583 Confessions: Sat 3:30pm Saturday Mass: 5 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 (in Spanish) New military families are moving to San Diego every day. Invite them to worship with you. Navy Dispatch/AT EASE Church Directory. (619)280-2985 M esa View Baptist Church M t. Moriah Christian Church P S W Dr. Darrow Perkins, Jr., Th.D. Pastor/Servant Seeking Sinners; Saving Souls, Strengthening Saints Sunday School at 9:30 am, morning worship at 11 am New Worship location: 13230 Pomerado Rd, Poway CA 92064 858-485-6110 "Purpose Driven" Gospel Church Multi- Cultural, Non-Denominational Services on Sunday at 9 a.m. Near Miramar Base L.J. Thomas - Sr. Pastor 7055 Carroll Rd, San Diego CA 92121 (858) 335-5795 rince of Peace Lutheran Church VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 23-27, 9:30am-12 Noon Ages 4 yrs-7th grade (in the fall) 6801 Easton Court, Allied Gardens For information/directions: (619)583-1436 t. Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Church Anglician Tradition and Spirituality in full communion with Rome Holy Eucharist Sun. 12:45pm 4300 Oceanside Blvd , Oceanside CA estminster Presbyterian Church Sharing Lives, Building Families, Deepening Faith 3598 Talbot Street, San Diego, 92106 - Phone: (619) 223-3193 Sunday Adult Seminar: 8:45 am - Sunday Worship: 10:00 am Men's Bible Study is 1&3 Tuesdays at 7:00 pm Women's Bible Study is 1&3 Tuesdays at 6:30 pm E-mail: - Website: THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 11 Places of Worship Local Military Former Blue Angels’ CO reprimanded at Admiral’s Mast PEARL HARBOR - At an Admiral’s Mast proceeding on June 2, a former commanding officer of theNavy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron - the Blue Angels - was found guilty of violating Uniform Code Military Justice articles 92 (failure to obey an order or regulation) and 133 (conduct unbecoming of an officer) by fostering a hostile command climate, failing to stop obvious and repeated instances of sexual harassment, condoning widespread lewd practices within the squadron, and engaging in inappropriate and unprofessional discussions with his junior officers. As a result, Capt. Gregory McWherter was given non-judicial punishment in the form of a punitive letter of reprimand. Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Adm. Harry Harris Jr., convened the Admiral’s Mast after an investigation he ordered found McWherter allowed his officers and senior enlisted personnel to engage in inappropriate and sexually harassing behavior that significantly contributed to an unprofessional command climate during his second command tour as the Blue Angels commanding officer from May 2011 to November 2012. The investigation concluded that McWherter witnessed, condoned, and encouraged behavior that, while juvenile and sophomoric in the beginning, ultimately and in the aggregate, became destructive, toxic, and hostile. According to the investigation, at no time did the behavior lead to sexual assault. The investigation found that McWherter had a successful tour as the Blue Angels commanding officer from 2008 to 2010; however, during his second command tour, the Blue Angels ready room environment degraded and ran counter to established USS Vandegrift enters 4th Fleet area of responsibility by MC3 Cory Booth USS VANDEGRIFT, At Sea - USS Vandegrift (FFG 48) entered the 4th Fleet area of responsibility May 21 in support of Operation Martillo. Operation Martillo (Spanish for “hammer”), a joint operation involving the U.S., European and Western Hemisphere partner-nations, targets illicit trafficking routes in the waters off Central America. Southern Command leads the U.S. military involvement in Joint Operation Task Force-South. Coast Guard Law Enforcement Detachment 402, deployed aboard Vandegrift , is supported by Vandegrift ’s Visit, Board, Search and Seizure team and Helicopter Anti-Submarine Light Squadron 49 Detachment 3. The U.S. contribution to Operation Martillo includes Navy and Coast Guard assets working together to deny transnational criminal organizations the ability to export illegal narcotics along the Central American coastline. Operation Martillo is part of the U.S. government’s support to combat transnational organized crime and the U.S. Central America Regional Security Initiative. Naval Forces Southern Command and 4th Fleet supports U.S. Southern Command’s military operations by employing maritime forces in cooperative maritime security operations to maintain access, enhance interoperability, and build enduring partnerships in order to enhance regional security and promote peace, stability, and prosperity. Navy standards and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Upon assuming command from McWherter in November 2012, the investigation notes, the present Blue Angels’ commanding officer reestablished good order and discipline in the squadron by exercising leadership in the manner the Navy expects of all its commanding officers. The investigation found that with his implicit and explicit approval of unacceptable behavior, McWherter set a moral standard far below Navy expectations. Harris found McWherter, as the commanding officer, to be primarily responsible for the unacceptable behavior. “Commanding officers have an enduring obligation to maintain a proper work environment at all times and in all places and spaces; and they will be held accountable as appropriate when they fail,” Harris noted in his final endorsement of the investigation. “Navy leaders must treat all personnel fairly, with dignity, and with respect. Everyone is entitled to work in an environment free of unlawful behavior and offensive material. “Capt. McWherter failed to maintain appropriate good order and discipline in his unit,” Harris concluded. Harris ordered the investigation after a servicemember filed an official complaint with the Navy on March 24. Based on the initial findings of the investigation, McWherter was relieved of his duties as executive officer of Naval Base Coronado, on April 18, and reassigned temporarily to the staff of Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific in San Diego. As a “fleet-up” position, McWherter was scheduled to become the Naval Base Coronado commanding officer in April 2015. Several junior personnel assigned to the Blue Angels during McWherter’s second command tour received formal written counseling for their roles in participating in the improper behavior during that time frame. The counseling provided to these individuals is non-punitive in nature and is intended as a tool to remedy a noted deficiency in their conduct and performance of duty. McWherter was held ultimately responsible and accountable for the actions of these junior personnel while he was in command. “Our Navy has very high standards of conduct for all of our personnel,” said Vice Adm. David Buss, commander, Naval Air Force Pacific. “The totally inappropriate command environment fostered by Capt. McWherter was so unacceptable that it should have been clear to each member of the team that standards of personal decency and respect were violated. I will not accept the encouragement of such behavior on the part of a leader entrusted with the responsibility of command.” As a result of the investigation’s findings and to mitigate any potential future problems, Harris directed Buss to review a number of policies, procedures and organizational issues related to the Pensacola-based Blue Angels. These reviews are expected to be completed in the next few months. Business & Service Directory AFROCENTRIC !!Attention Military!! THE PLACE TO GO BEFORE YOU GO ANYWHERE! Email: 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102, San Diego, Ca 92111 12 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 California Vet & VA Home Loans ³1XPEHU´6DQ'LHJR9$/RDQ2I¿FHU )LQDQFLQJ)L[HG 12&/26,1*FRVWORDQVDYDLODEOH 9$ORDQVGRZQWRDFUHGLWVFRUH $5DWLQJZLWKWKH%%% 3URXG6XSSRUWRIWKH:RXQGHG:DUULRU3URMHFW Call me for your FREE loan approval! David Stein 858.337.9744 NMLS #343820 APR on above rate 3.625%. Rates subject to change New Energy Massage 8QLYHUVLW\$YH6'&D 1 Block West of I-15 619.795.0955 $ 'LVFRXQWRQDQ\0DVVDJH Open 7 Days a Week • 9am-10pm NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY The Oceanside Swapmeet 2SHQ6DWXUGD\V6XQGD\V Admission Saturday $1 & Sunday $2 Military Get in Free on Saturdays with ID Do Your Garage Sales on Saturday $5 0LVVLRQ$YH2FHDQVLGH&D 2I¿FHRUFDOOGino 760-535-8880 3MILITARY SPECIAL3 FREE SHIPPING BOX WITH ANY SHIPMENT Offer expires 10/31/14 7HUUD1RYD3OD]D(DVW³+´6W6XLWH$ &KXOD9LVWD&D $/7(5$7,216'5<&/($1,1* Expert Tailoring & Organic Cleaning Process 919 GRAPE SPA & MASSAGE :(6(:210,/,7$5<3$7&+(6 Alterations & Cleaning Specialists for: - Military, Law Enforcement & School Uniforms - Leather & Suede Garments - Men - Women - Children - Household Items - Bridal & Designer Garments 2))0,/,7$5<',6&2817 2Q$OWHUDWLRQV&OHDQLQJ Limit 1 coupon per visit. Not valid with any other offer. 0LVVLRQ*RUJH5G6DQ'LHJR&$ By the beautiful San Diego Harbor, next to the Airport 'HHS7LVVXH6ZHGLVK6KLDWVX 5HIOH[RORJ\0RUH 10 OFF 1st Visit $ :*UDSH6WUHHW6' 619.255.8885 723/$&(<285$' ,1285 %86,1(66 ',5(&725< &$// BEAUTICIANZ BRAIDERZ BARBERZ +$,5:($9,1*+$,5%5$,',1* HAIR CUTTING Since 1992 2527 University Ave. • San Diego 92104 619.293.0475 THE PLACE TO GO BEFORE YOU GO ANYWHERE! Email: 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102, San Diego, Ca 92111 Midshipmen experience life aboard USS John Paul Jones by MC2(SW) Zachary Bell SAN DIEGO - A group of Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) midshipmen from colleges across the country experienced the taste of saltwater, life and sea for a day aboard guided-missile destroyer USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53), May 29. ing a surface warfare officer has really sparked my interest.” The purpose of the day-long cruise was to spark the midshipmen’s interest in the surface warfare community as a future career path. While gaining knowledge for his future, one midshipman was also able to connect with his past. As part of the NROTC program, midshipmen submit their preferences for which warfare community they would like to enter upon commissioning. By getting underway on an active duty warship, this group of future officers received firsthand experience of shipboard life to help make that decision. “It’s definitely not what I expected. There is a lot more to setting sail than I originally thought,” said Midshipmen 3rd Class Sarah Hoffman from the University of Auburn. “I’ve always wanted to get into the aviation field but after today, be- During their visit, the midshipmen watched live gunfire exercises, mass causality drills, air-defense exercises, damage control training, high power turns and other ship-handling evolutions. Jones’s father, retired Navy Capt. Stu Jones, was the ship’s supply officer at the time of commissioning. In addition, his sister Megan Jones was the first child christened in the ship’s bell during a ceremony that took place when the ship was still under construction. “I can’t think of a better way to The next Friends of the Navy tour will be the morning of June 26, on board USS Mobile Bay (CG-53). SAN DIEGO The command master chief of Navy Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 86 was relieved of his duties June 2, after he was found guilty of violating two counts of article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice during a Captain’s Mast proceeding at NAS Lemoore. Cmdr. Ian Burgoon, commanding officer, VFA-86, awarded Master Chief Petty Officer James K. Shumate non-judicial punishment in the form of a Letter of Reprimand. This action followed the completion of an investigation into allegations of the master chief’s personal conduct while the squadron was conducting training at Naval Air Station Fallon, Nev., during the week of May 19. VFA-86 is based at Naval Air Station Lemoore. Shumate was temporarily reassigned to the staff of Commander, Strike Fighter Wing Pacific at NAS Lemoore May 28, based on the initial findings of the investigation. Senior Chief Petty Officer Todd King is acting as VFA-86’s command master chief. Command master chiefs are the senior enlisted leaders of a Navy command and have a great deal of responsibility for their unit’s assigned Sailors and their mission. They strengthen the chain of Navy ROTC midshipmen dress out in firefighting command by keeping the commanding officer aware of existing or equipment aboard USS John Paul Jones (DDG-53). potential issues of concern as well as procedures and practices which Navy photo by MC2 Zachary Bell affect the mission, readiness, welfare and morale of the Sailors in the command. SELF STORAGE We Buy, Sell & Consign 877-917-7990 Bad Credit? We Can Help! If you’re interested, go to and sign up by June 19. Due to constraints on space, there will only be space for 30 guests this trip. SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY/SSI 858-888-2289 LAX SHUTTLE WITH ASIANA AIRLINES 10% MILITARY DISCOUNT MANILA .....$1080 CLARK.............$1120 CEBU.............$1115 BANGKOK........$1165 SEOUL...........$987 CRIMINAL & DUI EXPERT LEGAL DEFENSE FOR ALL CRIMES Little or $ 0 Down* & Affordable Payments Call 24 hrs - FREE Consultation 760-746-0958 BORDER PASS SMOG CHECK OTAY MESA BRAKE & LAMP BANKRUPTCY &+&+'(%71(*27,$7,21 $ 0 Down* Affordable Payments $ 300 Off* Attorney fees Present Military ID at consultation Expires 6/30/14 Expires 6/30/14 Expires 6/30/14 Expires 6/30/14 Our attorneys have over 100 years of combined legal experience Ask for our Weekly Specials & from Asia Fares ALL TAXES & FEES INCLUDED 7888 Dagget St, Suite 102 San Diego, CA 92111 )D[ THE PLACE TO GO BEFORE YOU GO ANYWHERE Puddin’s Wholesale Wheels 0LVVLRQ5G6WH(VFRQGLGR 1-619-234-3333 Free info by phone TOKYO.........$1090 OKINAWA........$1195 SHANGHAI......$1140 HONG KONG....$1050 Some restrictions apply. Prices subject to change. #2007746-10 Stop Dreaming... Start Riding Today! 3XGGLQV:KHHOV#\DKRRFRPZZZ3XGGLQV:KROHVDOH:KHHOVYSZHEFRP Ask us about our special Ticket NOW PAY LATER PLAN MOTORCYCLES email: As seen on TV *David Weil, Supervising Attorney. No money down to begin most misdemeanor cases and Bankruptcy cases if requested in San Diego County. Filing and Legal fees need to to be paid before filing. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 13 Been Denied? NEVER Give Up! Appeal Today! You could be entitled to thousands of $$$ in back pay! Hearing Scheduled? No Attorney? NEVER Go Alone! No fee EVER unless you win! FREE Attorney Advice! The group of midshipmen’s time aboard the destroyer was the first among many expected moments that will not only shape their own career, but also those who they will eventually lead after commissioning. VFA-86 command master chief relieved “My father served proudly on this ship over 20 years ago. It’s a real honor to be able to set sail and follow in his footsteps,” said Midshipmen 3rd Class Benjamin Jones from the Illinois Institute of Technology. Friends of the Navy Tour FREE SD start my life other than keeping my family legacy going,” said Jones. “The Navy has always provided for me and I would love to be able to provide for my family one day while serving as a naval officer.” USS Ronald Reagan departs Santa Barbara SANTA BARBARA - USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) departed Santa Barbara on June 2 after a three-day port visit. During their visit, Sailors donated their time to local charities, enjoyed shopping and local fare, and toured many attractions. Much of this was made possible due to the hospitality of the Santa Barbara Navy League, an organization that has supported and adopted the ship since its commissioning in 2003. Sailors were treated to special events planned to celebrate the visit and to bid “America’s Flagship” a final farewell before it replaces USS George Washington (CVN 73) in Yokosuka, Japan as the U.S. Navy’s only permanently forward-deployed aircraft carrier. The crew enjoyed tours of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, the Reagan Ranch Rancho del Cielo - and a public barbecue and a friendly softball game against a combined squad of Santa Barbara Deputy Sheriffs and the Santa Barbara Fire Department. “I’m happy our junior Sailors were able to see the ranch for themselves,” Chief Logistics Specialist Ryan Talob said of his tour of the Reagan Ranch. “I think the visit made everyone a little more proud to be on the ship named after such a great American. That experience was made possible by the wonderful people of Santa Barbara and the Santa Barbara Navy League they are gracious hosts.” While nearly 3,000 members of the crew took advantage of “We all feel very close to this ship. Everyone has been looking forward to talking and getting to know the Sailors from Reagan. To everyone in Santa Barbara, this is really the ship’s homeport.” - Santa Barbara resident the opportunity to enjoy the ship’s adoptive city, members of the local community were equally happy to see the 1,000 foot warship anchored off its coastline. “We all feel very close to this ship,” Santa Barbara resident Stevie Danley-Considine said while being interviewed by the local media. “Everyone has been looking forward to talking and getting to know the Sailors from Reagan. To everyone in Santa Barbara, this is really the ship’s homeport.” Ensign Joseph Pfaff, from Detroit, is interviewed by Victoria Sanchez, a news reporter from KEYT channel three, on the flight deck of USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76). Ronald Reagan is anchored off the coast of Santa Barbara for a port call. Navy photo by MC2 Jacob Estes While Ronald Reagan Sailors were beneficiaries of Santa Barbara’s generous and inviting nature, a small and dedicated corps of individuals made it Johnrobert Scarbrough said of his participation in the Habitat for Humanity event to build affordable homes for county residents. WINNER! Voucher for a pair of tickets to La Jolla Playhouse’s El Henry 14 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 “There are those among us who enjoy giving back and enacting change within the community, whether we are in San Diego or in a liberty port,” Intelligence Specialist 1st Class Stevie Danley-Considine The Armed Forces Dispatch wants you to be a musical comedy romance from the talents behind Jersey Boys, Peter and the Starcatcher, and Altar Boyz their mission to thank the city by returning the favor in the form of several community service projects including feeding the homeless, a local beautification endeavor and a Habitat for Humanity project. June 14-22 at the SILO in East Village Rules: Fill out the entry form below and send it to us at: Dispatch Newspaper/El Henry, P.O. Box 600600, San Diego, CA 92160. Entries must be in our office by Wednesday, June 11, 2014. One entry per family. Must show ID upon pickup. Entries may also be submitted via e-mail to Subj: El Henry. Include all information requested below in online entries. Winners notified by telephone. Armed Forces Dispatch Newspaper/El Henry Deadline is Wednesday, June 11, 2014, at noon. Please answer all questions to be eligible. name____________________________________ address_ _________________________________ city, state, zip______________________________ phone___________________________________ What radio station do you listen to?_______ Active duty military (which base): _______________________________________ Military spouse/family member Civilian Retired military “It was very rewarding to interact with the people of Santa Barbara and share our experience with them,” added Logistics Specialist 2nd Class Christopher Peacock. “We came together as one team to accomplish something that will help the people of Santa Barbara as much as they have helped out our ship during the visit here.” While members of the crew were constantly thanked for their military service over the weekend, they offered their own way to say “thanks” by hosting close to 1,400 guests who rode water taxis to Ronald Reagan’s anchorage for an opportunity to tour the ship and meet the Sailors who bring her to life. “We really do love this ship and all that you do for our country,” said John Wilczak, a local business man heavily involved in the ship’s visit to Santa Barbara. “Did you see the airplane flying around the city and pulling a sign that says ‘SB loves the USS Ronald Reagan’ today- That’s truly how we feel. Being able to host you and tour the ship today is an honor.” T h e w e e k e n d ’s e v e n t s wrapped up with a farewell reception hosted aboard the ship. After Capt. Chris Bolt, Reagan’s commanding officer, welcomed guests and thanked the city for its hospitality. B iohazard training gives Marines chance to work with outside agencies by Cpl. Owen Kimbrel MCAS MIRAMAR - Marines with Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting responded to a biohazard training simulation along with multiple other agencies aboard Marine Corps Air Station Miramar May 29. Participants use the exercise, Phantom Vector, to employ emergency response plans, policies and procedures that pertain to a biological incident. Marines with Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting worked alongside San Diego Fire-Rescue Department, MCAS Miramar Fire Department and San Diego County Department of Environmental Health Hazardous Incident Response Team to collect samples needed to accurately determine the type of contamination. “We set up an instant command, and we had all the entities get together and make their plan on how they were going to get samples from around the Navy releases record of decision for the introduction of the P-8A aircraft The Department of the Navy, after carefully weighing public comments, as well as strategic, operational, and environmental effects of the proposed action, has announced the signing of a Record of Decision for the introduction of the P-8A MultiMission Maritime Aircraft into the Navy fleet. The decision is to home base the P-8A squadrons as described in Alternative 1 of the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, which was published in the Federal Register April 25. Alternative 1, identified as the preferred alternative in the Final Supplemental EIS, calls for home basing six fleet squadrons and the Fleet Replacement Squadron at NAS Jacksonville, Fla., and six fleet squadrons at NAS Whidbey Island, Wash. This alternative also includes a permanent rotating squadron detachment at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, with periodic squadron detachments to Naval Base Coronado. A copy of the ROD may be obtained by writing to the P8A SEIS Project Manager, at: Naval Facilities Engineering Command Atlantic/EV21CZ, 6506 Hampton Blvd, Norfolk, Virginia 23508. Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting Marines collect samples during an exercise aboard MCAS Miramar May 29. The Marines collected the samples to send to the San Diego Vector Disease and Diagnostic Lab to test for a contaminant. Locally, copies of the ROD were distributed to the Coronado Public Library at 640 Orange Ave. “This type of training helps us learn how the other sections are going to work with us,” said Pfc. Aaron Allen, an aircraft rescue and firefighting specialist. area that was contaminated,” said Mark Manring, the chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear protection officer with MCAS Miramar. “This exercise has given the military and county a good chance to work together.” The MCAS Miramar Fire Department set up a decontamination site as a safety precaution before any samples are taken in case of accidental exposure at the contaminated area. Aircraft Rescue and Firefighters were assisted by the Hazardous Incident Response Team to learn the proper procedures to collect the samples. Once the samples were bagged and stored, during the training the Marines returned to the decontamination site and proceeded to be decontaminated by the MCAS Miramar Fire Department. The samples collected are then sent to the San Diego Vector Disease and Diagnostic Lab where they are tested for a contaminant. This exercise gives MCAS Miramar the opportunity to ensure the base is prepared for an biological incident. BOB BAKER WEST COAST AUTO GLASS Free Mobile Service all of San Diego County (SHKI(EVXW THE JOB IS DONE RIGHT THE 1st TIME! Serving San Diego ‘s Military for over 20 Years 5803 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115 619-265-2811 Welcome Home! 1764 &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX 7IPPMRK4VMGI *EGXSV]6IFEXI 1MPMXEV]6IFEXI Net Cost $ EXXLMWTVMGI(( WTIIH%YXSQEXMG'(4PE]IV8MPX'VYMWI &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX *EGXSV]6IFEXI 1MPMXEV]6IFEXI 7500 2IX7EZMRKW JVSQ1764 $ MRWXSGO 2014 RAM 1500 )\TVIWW5YEH'EF\ 1764 &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX 7IPPMRK4VMGI 1MPMXEV]6IFEXI 1764 &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX 7IPPMRK4VMGI 8VYGO&SRYW'EWL *EGXSV]6IFEXI 'EPMJSVRME&SRYW'EWL 1IQSVMEP(E]'EWL 1MPMXEV]6IFEXI Net Cost 27,990 $ WTIIH%YXS9'SRRIGX2EZMKEXMSR0IEXLIV 1764 &SF&EOIV(MWGSYRX 7IPPMRK4VMGI *EGXSV]6IFEXI &SRYW'EWL 1MPMXEV]6IFEXI Net Cost 26,490 $ EXXLMWTVMGI), Any purchase over 50 *ÊUÊ ,9-, "ÊUÊ, Net Cost 26,490 $ EXXLMWTVMGI)7 2014 Dodge Charger SXT 308 $999 $ $ Deja Vu Love Boutique 1 at this payment #EW144574 Payments+tax & License, 36 mo. closed end lease with purchase option. $999 Customer Cash + $500 Lease Rebate + $500 Military Rebate* = $1999 Due at signing. $0 security deposit required, On approved above average credit. Excess mileage fees of 15¢ per mile. Based on 10,000 miles per year. MSRP $23990 %YXSQEXMG%MV'SRHTG,EVHXST&PYIXSSXL7MVMYW 0,)1-WTIIH%YXSQEXMG'(4PE]IV8MPX'VYMWI 2014 (SHKI'LEPPIRKIrXL%RRMZIVWEV]7<8 With this coupon. Some restrictions may apply. Not valid on any sale items. Not valid with other offers or prior purchases. Exp. 6/30/14 TIVQSPIEWI XE\ (S[R 4E]QIRX .IIT;VERKPIV7TSVX\ EXXLMWTVMGI)0 Military Discount $10 Off 248 $999 $ 14930 #1 in Satisfaction Guaranteed .IIT'LIVSOII7TSVX\ TIVQS0IEWI XE\ (S[R 4E]QIRX 1 at this payment #EH141215 Payments+tax & License, 36 mo. closed end lease with purchase option. $999 Customer Cash + $1000 Lease Cash Rebate + $500 Military Rebate* = $2499 Due at signing. $0 security deposit required, On approved above average credit. Excess mileage fees of 15¢ per mile. Based on 10,000 miles per year. MSRP $30290 (877) 363-2393 5555 Car Country Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (15 minutes from Pendelton.) Camp Pendleton Cannon Rd. Car Cntry Rd. * Must present valid Military ID. 1YWX½RERGIZILMGPI[MXL'LV]WPIV'ETMXEPAll advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Subject to prior sale. Vehicle pictured may not be the color of vehicles in stock. Expires 6-2-2014. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 15 Alternative 1 presents the greatest re-use of existing facilities and optimizes manpower, simulators, and facilities at NAS Jacksonville and NAS Whidbey Island. A Notice of Record of Decision has been published in the Federal Register, and the complete text of the ROD is available for review on the project website at The Final Supplemental EIS and supporting documents are also available on this website. Independence tests 57 mm gun in preparation for RIMPAC SAN DIEGO - USS Independence (LCS 2) successfully completed a test event with the ship’s Mk 110 57 millimeter gun May 20. SAN DIEGO (May 28, 2014) - Justine Alegre performs Hula, a Hawaiian dance that preserves the culture and traditions of the Hawaii Islands, during the Asian-Pacific Islander Heritage Month celebration at Naval Medical Center San Diego. (inset) NMCSD staff member David Quinones performs Haka, an ancient Maori war dance. The command’s Diversity Team organized the festivities, which included hulu dancing, ukulele performance, singing and static displays. Held at Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, Point Mugu Range, the test demonstrated Independence’s surface warfare capabilities by engaging a stationary target using the ship’s core combat system. As part of the test plan, Independence crew members tracked a surface balloon, also known as a Killer Tomato, with SAFIRE, the ship’s electrooptical/infrared camera, and the Sea Giraffe radar prior to engaging the target with the 57 mm gun. photos by MC3 Pyoung K. Yi “I’m pleased with the outcome of this test on a number of levels. Not only did we validate the current combat system software and the procedures for safely firing the core weapon system, but the crew also received valuable training time, improving their proficiency with the ship’s sensors and weapons,” said Capt. Tom Anderson, LCS program manager. Independence, the lead ship of the Independence variant of littoral combat ships, will operate off the coast of Hawaii as part of Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC), the world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise, in July. USS Freedom (LCS 1), the lead ship of the Freedom variant, participated in RIMPAC in 2010. PEO LCS is responsible for delivering and sustaining credible littoral mission capabilities to the fleet and is working with industry to achieve steady production to increase efficiencies and leverage cost-savings. UP TO SAVE off SUREFIRE.COM “You have worked together time and time again to achieve and exceed our command goals under challenging conditions,” said Jenkins. “You have all proven yourselves as great professionals who continue to perform at a top level.” “As a crew you have answered a higher call to make Essex better and have made the lives of those around us better,” said Jenkins. &20387(5&87:,1'2:7,17,1*&20387(5&87:,1'2:7,17,1*&20387(5&87:,1'2:7,17,1*&20387(5&87:,1'2:7,17,1* COMPUTER CUT WINDOW TINTING 17620 Mount Herrmann Street | Fountain Valley, CA by MC1 Joseph Ebalo SAN DIEGO - A change of command ceremony was held aboard USS Essex (LHD 2), May 28 where Capt. Peter Mantz relieved Capt. Joker Jenkins as Essex’s commanding officer. After two years of dry-dock and pier side maintenance, Essex executed an on-time underway to conduct sea trials in April. Essex also received an aviation certification in May 2014 by showing proficiency in the launching, landing and refueling of various helicopters and MV-22 Ospreys on the flight deck. On selected flashlights, hearing protection, tactical gear & lithium batteries! Saturday, June 7, 2014 10am to 3pm USS Essex welcomes new CO COMPUTER CUT WINDOW TINTING TINT REMOVAL AVAILABLE Serving all of San Diego County Same Day Service TINTING NATIONWIDE LIFETIME WARRANTY 5803 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115 619-265-2811 COMPUTER CUT WINDOW TINTING 16 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 WAREHOUSE SALE 70 Delivering high-quality warfighting assets while balancing affordability and capability is key to supporting the nation’s maritime strategy. During Jenkins’s tenure, Essex completed a historic 20-month Dry-Dock Planned Maintenance Availability. The “Iron Gator” received more than $230 million worth of DPMA-related repairs and upgrades including complete overhauls on the flight deck, boilers, communication systems and the hull. DON’T MISS SUREFIRE’S % Littoral combat ship USS Independence (LCS 2), underway in the Pacific Ocean. Navy photo by MCC Keith DeVinney &20387(5&87:,1'2:7,17,1*&20387(5&87:,1'2:7,17,1*&20387(5&87:,1'2:7,17,1*&20387(5&87:,1'2:7,17,1* THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 17 CORONADO (May 10, 2014) - High school students compete in the sit-up portion during the fourth annual SEAL Invitational sponsored by Naval Special Warfare Recruiting Directorate at the Naval Special Warfare Center obstacle course. Thirteen high school teams consisting of more than 130 students visited the center and competed against each other in many of the same physical activities that SEAL candidates are required to perform. Navy photo by MCC Anastasia Puscian 18 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 AT SEA, NEAR JAPAN (May 29, 2014) - Seaman Crystal Abbott assigned to USS Kidd (DDG 100), steers the ship from the bridge. Kidd is on patrol with the George Washington CSG. Navy photo by MC2 Declan Barnes SAN DIEGO (May 30, 2014) - (From left) Commander, Naval Medical Center San Diego Rear Adm. Bruce Gillingham awards Lt. John Aylsworth, Registered Nurse Irene Grepo and Navy nurse Lt. j.g. Carolynn Spangler the “Good Catch of the Week.” Their catch was for correcting the scale used to score withdrawal CIWA (Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment) for inpatients who scored three points for sleep. These additional three points could result in patients receiving additional or increased doses of medications ordered. The three worked as a team to resolve the issue. Navy photo by MC3 Pyoung K. Yi PASCAGOULA, Miss. (April 28, 2014) - Information Systems Technician Seaman Jason Recinto, assigned to amphibious assault ship Pre-commissioning Unit (PCU) America (LHA 6), turns on a server rack during the ships initial computer and network installation. C5I is installing more than 600 computers aboard America as the crew prepares for the ship’s maiden voyage. America replaces the Tarawa-class of amphib assault ships. Navy photo by MC1 John Scorza KUPANG, Indonesia (May 31, 2014) - Lt. Sharon Enujioke, a pediatrician assigned to Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton, performs a wellness exam on an infant during a medical information exchange at the RSUD Kota Kupang City Hospital in support of Pacific Partnership 2014. Pacific Partnership is the largest annual multilateral humanitarian assistance and disaster relief preparedness mission conducted in the Asia-Pacific region. Navy photo by MC1 Stephen Oleksiak Arts & Entertainment Sweetwater Harley Bikini Bike Wash June 14 11 a.m. to 3 p.m Sites from balloon fest Bikini Bike Wash June 14, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bikes, bikinis, burgers and a live performance by Harley and the Pirates! Sponsored by San Diego Riders. Bikini Bike Wash will be at 3201 Hoover Ave., National City, CA 91950. (619) 477-4477 THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 19 County Library launches annual Summer Reading Challenge with prizes and programs L O NG E S T All ages are invited to take the Summer Reading Challenge at San Diego County Library! The Challenge runs from June 1 through August 1 and rewards prizes to customers who complete a goal of reading 10 books or reading for 10 hours. Upon completing your 10 hours or 10 books goal, keep on reading to support Pets for Patriots through the library’s Read for a Reason program. For every child, teen or adult who reads a total of 20 hours or 20 books, $5 will be donated to Pets for Patriots to help a veteran adopt a shelter pet. Sign up starting June 1 at or at your local library. DAY OF THE YEAR 5K RUN/2-MILE WALK THURSDAY, JUNE 19 • 11 AM Celebrate the official start of summer with a scenic run or walk along the bay! Muster on the Quay Wall on the northwest corner of the base, ¼-mile from the Main Gym. T-shirt awaiting each runner/walker! MAIN FITNESS CENTER NASNI, BLDG. 281 • 619-545-2877 • WWW.NAVYLIFESW.COM Presented by 20 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 6/14 No Federal Endorsement Implied. Sponsored by The Encinitas Branch, 540 Cornish Dr., will be hosting a Summer Reading Challenge kickoff event on June 5 at 3 p.m., featuring stories read by a Pets for Patriots participant and his dog, a Bite Prevention for Kids presentation by the County of San Diego’s Department of Animal Services, a dog agility demonstration, and refreshments. “Literacy and responsible pet ownership go hand and hand,” said Dawn Danielson, Director of the County of San Diego’s Department of Animal Services. “The more educated children become, the more apt they are to make compassionate choices later in life.” Once you sign up to take the Summer Reading Challenge, you can track your goals with an online or paper reading log. When you have completed your log you can claim prizes from July 1 to August 1 at your local branch. Prizes include ear buds, tote bags, toys, and coupons to select restaurants, museums, and theme parks. In addition, the San Diego Padres are donating limited supplies of tickets to summer games. “The Summer Reading Challenge encourages thousands of kids, teens, and adults to read and participate in library events each and every summer,” said Library Director José Aponte. “Our libraries are sanctuaries that provide access to endless inspiration and transformational experiences.” Summer reading is particularly valuable to kids and teens as it prevents the “summer slide.” Reading during the summer keeps students from falling behind. Children who read four or more books during the summer score better on reading comprehension tests when they come back to school, compared to peers who don’t read over the summer (http://scholar.harvard. edu/files/jameskim/files/2004_ ms1583-summerreading-edited_website.pdf). The Summer Reading Challenge is a great way to encourage your children and teens to read and keep them on track. ‘The Short List’ Showcase returns with chuckles galore The Lemon Grove Historical Society will present episodes from the Short List Showcase for Outstanding International Short Film on Film Night at the Library on June 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the Lemon Grove Library, 3001 School Lane. The popular series will focus on comedy from many lands interspersed with one or two more serious works. The Short List screenings are made possible by New Pacific Productions, producer of the series, and presented in cooperation with the Lemon Grove Library. Film Night at the Library is free and suitable for ages 18 and over. (619) 463-0863. I MHG promotes safe motorcycle riding techniques by Lance Cpl. Ricardo Hurtado Marines with I Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group participated in a motorcycle ride May 29, 2014. Nearly 20 Marines took their motorcycles for a group ride, building camaraderie and promoting safe motorcycle handling techniques. The event consisted of a 70-mile, round-trip ride from Camp Del Mar to Murrieta, Calif., where riders stopped to enjoy lunch and each other’s company at the local Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant. Among the riders was the commanding general of I MEF, Lt. Gen. John A. Toolan, who came out to spend time bonding with the Marines. Toolan spoke to the riders and said motorcycle riding is a good way for Marines to release stress from work and busy schedules. dangerous, as Marines, and when you get yourself on a motorcycle the odds stack against you even more,” said Master Sgt. Joseph Kepler, I MHG motorcycle club president. “It just makes sense for the units to sponsor these types of events so we can get [the Marines] out in the streets, watch what they’re doing on their motorcycles and make corrections as they’re necessary.” Staff Sgt. Jason Garcia, a team chief with 1st Civil Affairs Group, I MEF, said his favorite part of these club rides is getting to know the Marines he works with and learning riding tips from more experienced riders. “It’s important for the Marines to have that cohesiveness, come together, spend time, meet new people and get more experience on the road with their motorcycles,” said Garcia. Spending time among Marines, having fun, and swapping ideas and riding tips between younger and more experienced riders were some of the goals for the ride. “Everybody learned something about each other and about themselves, we executed [the ride] safely, operational risk management procedures were all in place and we built camaraderie,” said Kepler. Kepler also said companysponsored motorcycle rides are meant to be held on a quarterly basis, but the command looks to host them with more frequency during the summer months. 2-Mile Run / 1-Mi le Walk WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8 • 10 AM “There’s too many times when we work [hard] several days a week,” said Toolan. “And I think we all appreciate the fact that riding motorcycles gives us a little peace of mind.” Participants receive a T-shirt from one of our past runs! Run begins at 10 am behind the Admiral Prout Field House Gym, NBSD, Bldg. 3279. Check-in at 9 am. Open to all ID cardholders. No phone registration is accepted. For more information call 619-556-7444. Register online at Command Deadline: Monday, June 16 Awards: Small, Medium and Large Commands The occasion helped new riders gain experience on busy roads and allowed them to practice safe riding techniques. Presented by 6/14 Sponsored by No Federal Endorsement Implied. “What we do is inherently Dining Directory Military Discount Everyday 10% OFF RESTAURANT & SPORTS BAR *UHDW$WPRVSKHUH +LGHI79V *UHDW)RRG HOURS: Sun-Thurs 11am-11pm Fri & Sat 11am-2pm %RQLWD5G%RQLWD&D MILITARY 10% OFF UG$YH6DQ'LHJR&D Giorgino’s “Best cheesesteaks in town” 1237 28th Steet, Golden Hill 92102 619-234-9141 Mention this ad for 25% OFF Offer expires 6/19/14 Father’s Day Bottomless Beer Brunch 10am-2pm 'LQQHU%XIIHWSPSP6XQGD\-XQHWK Featuring a Huge Buffet Happy Father’s Day t0NFMFU4UBUJPO t$BSWJOH4UBUJPO t4FBGPPE4UBUJPO /VNFSPVTPUIFSJUFNT On the Bay Featuring Fabulous Food by International Chef Ramon Gomez Make Your Reservation Today! $GXOW2QO\ $ Children (5 to 12)..... $ .LGV8QGHU)UHH Music by Divinas Mariachi DPSP &KXOD9LVWD0DULQD0DULQD3DUNZD\&KXOD9LVWD&$ Banquets, Catering, Weddings, Quinceanera’s, Anniversaries, Hails, Promotions, Retirements & 1/2 Way Parties THANK YOU TO OUR MILITARY!! THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 21 UFC Fights Trivia Mondays at 7pm Mon-Fri DRINK/BEER SPECIALS Military Hookah Special $ 7.50 Omarr’s weekly Astrological forecast ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Don’t Fence Me In” may be your favorite song this week when ideas and education are concerned. You want to live in the fast lane and circulate freely. A growing dissatisfaction with the familiar calls for new plans. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Practice mindfulness. During the coming week, set aside time each day to become aware of your surroundings and physical sensations. Feel the air on your arms, smell the lavender, and live a few moments in the here and now. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22Dec. 21): Trusting to luck won’t get the job done. You may need to make corrections or fix matters that have proved inaccurate. You’re less shackled by tight schedules and have more time for sociability this week. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Be an enthusiastic team player. You could be surrounded by well-wishers and helpful advisors in the week to come. It’s easy to get the cooperation you need to deal with projects simmering on the back burner. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You may turn away from light social exchanges and become entranced by deeper mysteries. Make major purchases or financial decisions in the first half of the week, when you’re more skilled at negotiations. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You’re intensely ambitious this week, but have the time and the money to stop and smell the roses, too. Recent run-ins with prejudice and narrow-mindedness may lead you to reconsider your own viewpoints. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Your passionate interests may begin to come into focus this week. An intense obsession with learning more about your hobbies and turning them into a business may seize you. You’re more aware of what you don’t know. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): If you have a passionate desire for financial success, you must take control of finances and refuse to be coerced by competition with others. Steer clear of arguments and gossip this week and concentrate on doing the right thing. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You might dare to go where no man has gone before. Others are likely to follow and may even applaud if you explore uncharted territories and lead the team. Partners will offer sound advice in the week ahead. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Inspirations and an increased sense of optimism can put brighten your prospects in the week ahead. Make decisions about joint resources during the first half of the week, when your judgment is supercharged. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Inertia is a powerful thing. As a consumer, you might have accepted modest rate hikes without balking but over time these might add up. Make sure you receive extra value for extra fees in the week ahead. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You may be preoccupied by reminders of past issues this week, but sometimes those who hesitate are not lost, but wise. Talk over plans and marital or family problems, and keep communications clear and succinct. Your Invitation to a Fun & Romantic Getaway Manzanita Cabins Enjoy Elegance In Accommodations Visit Our Year Round Resort! "Ask about our 3-7 night specials! Ask for Active Military Discount 5 to 30% book online: 22 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 951-659-3151 You can ease your dog’s anxiety about fireworks by Steve Dale Q: With Independence Day around the corner, is there anything I can do to help our dog, Betty, who gets really nervous about the fireworks displays held fairly close to our home? - M.M., Deerfield, IL A: Run away! If you can, slip away for a few days to somewhere reasonably quiet. If a trip to a quiet cottage in the woods is not practical, however, you do need to be proactive. Waiting until July 3 at midnight would leave you few options. If Betty is truly terrified by fireworks, the best and kindest answer might be to see your veterinarian about a psychopharmaceutical drug (not acepromazine). (Statistically, your pet may also become nervous about thunderstorms, which the drug could also ease.) Q: Could a dog help an autistic 6-year-old? - L.M., Montreal, Quebec, Canada A: Speaking via Skype form Ammerzoden in the Nether- Summer Camp Directory V A C AT I O N RENTALS IN MAMMOTH LAKES Tucked away in the quaint village of Idyllwild Individual cabins for rent, with in easy walking distance of the Village. Call today to book a romantic weekend 2 Night Minimum 30% OFF by Steve Dale If, however, Betty merely becomes mildly worried when rockets start flying, try the following: 1. Royal Canin CALM: A prescription diet with unique calming nutrients. 2. Pheromone therapy: Pheromones are species-specific chemicals that influence behavior. Feliway is a copy of a soothing cat pheromone, and the same for Adaptil for dogs. 3. Anxitane: Veterinarians sell this chewable for dogs and cats containing L-Theanine, an amino act which helps to ‘take the edge off.’ 4. Thundershirt, Anxiety Wrap, or Storm Defender: Each of these commercial products resembles a sweater or superhero cape for a pet. For many pets, the pressure provided by wearing one of these is soothing. 5. Music: New evidence suggests that music helps soothe a pet’s nervous soul. Apparently, the type of music matters; rock ‘n roll and hip-hop are not suggested. Instead, check out music specifically designed to calm pets. Several websites are devoted to such tunes. 6. Redirection: Some pets can be redirected with distracting interactive play or food puzzles. 1 (800) 336-6543 lands, psychologist Dr. MarieJose Enders-Slegers says her recent study paired nearly 30 families with autistic children from age 4 to 7 years old with a service dog. “At this age, the children often begin to be bullied, but we noted this didn’t happen (with a service dog),” EndersSlegers comments. “In fact, the dogs attracted friends, which seemed to force improvement in the social skills (of the autistic children).” Autistic children often have tactile issues, not wanting to be touched or to touch others. Over time, Enders-Slegers notes that while some children wouldn’t hug Mom, they eventually hugged the dogs, or at least petted them. Ultimately, the children began to touch their parents more often. The study also measured an increase in learning ability. She also observed that with a service dog at their side, autistic children in the study had fewer temper tantrums, allowing their parents and siblings a more “normal” existence, including the freedom to go to the movies or out to dinner. Enders-Slegers is one of many presenters who will offer the latest information regarding studies involving human-animal interactions at the International Association of Human Animal Interaction Organizations Conference (IAHAIO) July 20-22 in Chicago in conjunction with the Convention of the American Veterinary Medical Association. “For anyone interested in the topic of human/animal relations, subjects like animal-assisted therapy, service animals, pet reading programs, or using animals in nursing home settings - as only a few examples - this conference is one of a kind,” says Rebecca Johnson, president of IAHAIO, the umbrella organization for over 40 associations and individual scientists doing research to better understand human/animal relationships.” This is the first time the prestigious conference is being held in the U.S. Learn more at www. Join us this summer at Q: I heard you speak on the Jameson Ranch Camp. Our two-week program for kids 6-16 connects kids to responsiblity, independent thinking, and outdoor fun. Discount for military & active duty Contact info: 661.889.2271 Liz Smith: Top Hollywood actresses talk showbiz with THR by Liz Smith “I WOULD love to foray into film editing. Or become a shepherdess, wandering.” That’s “Bates Hotel” actress and Emmy nominee Vera Farmiga, answering The Hollywood Reporter’s question: “If you stopped acting what would you do with the rest of your life?” Ms. Farmiga - along with Claire Danes (“Homeland”), Julianna Margulies (“The Good Wife”), Sarah Paulson (“American Horror Story”), Jessica Pare (“Mad Men”) and Keri Russell (“The Americans”) - sat with THR for one of the magazine’s let’s-throw-these-actors-together-and-see-what-happens articles. Always interesting. The ladies are all Emmynominated and each has a tale to tell. It was especially interesting, for those who think show biz is all glitz and glamour, to read of Claire Danes’ experience shooting the second season of “Homeland.” She recalled: “I was pregnant, and the show got more action-packed. At one point we were shooting in an old sewage factory. I was kidnapped, chained to a pipe; it was 4 a.m. I was 7-1/2 months pregnant and I was like ‘This sucks!’ They were like, ‘Sorry!’ The baby was on my sciatic nerve. I also had to do love scenes, pregnant.” All the women have interesting stories to tell about fame, coming up in the biz, losing roles, sex scenes. (Not much fun - sorry!) And Ms. Margulies says it all about why TV is so hot and satisfying: “Roles written for women are so much more complex on television. The film world is becoming quite flimsy for women.” Vera Farmiga adds: “There’s a deeper level of sophistication in the writing of female characters on TV.” So, even if Vera ends up playing a shepherdess, it’ll be a very sophisticated shepherdess! “SHE WAS a masterpiece of composure; nothing ever ruffled her or made her upset, and though she was not beautiful, her calmness had the magnetic pull of beauty - a stillness so powerful that the molecules realigned themselves around her when she came into a room.” That’s Donna Tartt describing one of the characters in her Pulitzer Prize-winning fiction, “The Goldfinch” - a character who became the book’s most sympathetic figure. I covered “The Goldfinch” back in January. It is real literature and dazzlingly written. Despite the skill, there is some debate with the editing. It’s a lot of writing - more than 700 pages - too much, at times, beautiful as it is. I was reminded of “The Goldfinch” last week when a good friend of mine announced he’d been given the book and read it in one night! I was flabbergasted. How, how, how? “I connected,” he said. “I know all about abandonment and the choices one makes in life and how they really are your choices. What struck me about the book is that for all the writing, the protagonist, the ‘hero’ says very little. He’s almost monosyllabic. Donna Tartt writes around him, conveys his thoughts. Other characters say much more.” “But that’s not like you,” I said to my friend. “No, I talk too much. But I know that guy. I’ve been to those places, or at least nearby.” When I again expressed astonishment that he could have gotten through all of the book in one night, he snorted, “Please, I just read ‘Portrait of a Lady’ for the first time, 500 pages. That’s a heck of a read - the language of the 1880s - and I did it in two nights. I don’t kid around when I read.” (He’s not kidding.) My friend then suggested “The Goldfinch” should be Rita Hayworth’s most famous remark, a poignant exclamation on stardom and image vs. reality. The tragic reality of Rita was that she evinced almost no enjoyment from her fame. (“I just don’t want to do this anymore,” she told a studio photographer who was begging for “more Rita” during a session in the early 1950s.) Rita was horrified at the tale her picture was pasted on the first atomic bomb. Vera Farmiga filmed. “Not as a feature movie. There’s just too much of it to be adapted comfortably, but as a four-part series on HBO or Showtime? For sure.” I agree that the novel - which is partly an essay on ethics, trauma and obsession, and partly a thriller about identity and art thieves - is too much to squeeze even into a long movie. TV would be better. But if it’s ever done, the actor who gets to play “Boris” (the push-pull, scarycomforting best friend of the narrator) has an Emmy and a SAG in waiting. What a role! “EVERY MAN I knew fell in love with ‘Gilda’ and awakened with me.” That is Still, actress that she was, Rita Hayworth conveyed a tremendous amount of energy, joy and sexuality, especially in the early years of her career. A luscious reminder of her power came when I was sent a YouTube link of Rita dancing to the Bee Gee’s song, “Stayin’ Alive.” The Armed Forces Dispatch The video brilliantly melds the Bee Gees music with Rita’s movements. It is incredible, covering almost all of Rita’s musical films, including “My Gal Sal”, “Down to Earth”, “Cover Girl”, “Gilda,” “Affair in Trinidad,” “You Were Never Lovelier” and “You’ll Never Get Rich” (the latter two gloriously paired with Fred Astaire.) What a woman! What a reminder of the fine dancer Rita was. And what technical genius it takes to put together a video such as this. By the way, “Stayin’ Alive” remains a remarkably infectious song. The good old days of disco! Your number one source for Military news. Call 619-280-2985 to place an advertisement THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 23 Sports & Events Combat engineers build bridge over muddy water for ‘World Famous Mud Run’ by Lance Cpl. Keenan Zelazoski Every year the Marines of Bridge Company, 7th Engineer Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, construct a bridge for The World Famous Mud Race, aboard Camp Pendleton, Calif., May 29, 2014. The Mud Run is an annual 10-kilometer race with several obstacles, which can be negotiated individually or as a team. This year they built a bridge spanning 71 feet and weighing about nine tons. the way, but now we have a sturdy bridge, and my Marines gained a lot of confidence when it comes to working in a lessthan optimal environment.” Adding that the junior Marines gained insight to what they will do as leaders, Diaz said they were able to identify the difficulties involved with the bridging procedure. The most significant of which, were the unstable slope and narrow passage they worked in. Unlike the majority of the bridges they build when train- “Building the bridge was a little bit more difficult than usual, due to the terrain, but we did an engineering reconnaissance before we came out here,” said Lance Cpl. Christopher De LOCAL ATTRACTIONS BREWERY TOURS OF SAN DIEGO 619-961-7999 *GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE” Corporal Jervis Hettrick (left), bridge master, and Lance Cpl. Christopher De Casanova (right), combat engineer, Bridge Platoon, Bridge Company, 7th Engineer Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, work together to move a roller beam that will support a bridge, May 29, 2014 for the World Famous Camp Pendleton Mud Run aboard Camp Pendleton, Calif. The annual Mud Run is a 10-kilometer race with several obstacles, which can be negotiated individually or as a team. This year they built a bridge spanning 71 feet and weighing almost nine tons. On June 6, the Marines who built the bridge plan to participate in Mud Run, as a unit, to increase morale. They will also be volunteering to support the event.U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Keenan Zelazoski Casanova, combat engineer, Bridge Company. Scouting the construction site beforehand is ordinarily done by more senior Marines, who know what to look for, to formulate a plan and ensure their Marines are safe during the construction, allowing the bridge to be built efficiently. However, their platoon sergeant wanted to provide the junior Marines with a unique learning experience. Sergeant Samuel Diaz, the platoon sergeant, said it was important for developing the leadership of junior Marines who will one day be in a leadership position. “This is the first time we are building on a slope like this,” said Diaz, a native of Houston. “There were a few hiccups along ing, this one will need to remain standing for the duration of the races. “Usually we build a bridge and tear it down right after,” said De Casanova. “This time hundreds of people will run across it, including us. It is satisfying to see our hard work pay off in a real situation.” On June 6, the Marines who built the bridge plan to participate in the Mud Run, as a unit, to increase morale. They will also be volunteering to support the event. Preble Sailor honored as Chicago White Sox ‘Hero of the Game’ A Sailor assigned to guided-missile destroyer USS Preble (DDG 88) was honored as the Chicago White Sox “Hero of the Game” during the team’s home game against the San Diego Padres at U.S. Cellular Field, May 31. Culinary Specialist 1st Class Jeremy Domagalski, a native of Chicago, was home on his first day of leave when his family surprised him with the prestigious honor. “It was all a surprise to me,” said Domagalski. “This was all planned by my family and the Chicago White Sox ball club and I was told I was to be honored by my family the day of my arrival too my hometown. Domagalski said that without his knowledge his family had nominated him for the honor and had worked with the team to set up the event. The team also reserved an entire section of seats for his family to attend. As the honoree of the game, he received a standing ovation by everyone in the stadium while the announcer gave a brief overview of his military career including one year in Afghanistan as part of Operation Enduing Freedom. “Not only did I get to shake hands with all the players from both teams, but I was escorted back to my seat from the field while everyone was still applauding my service recognition,” said Domagalski. 24 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 The Chicago White Sox have been honoring an active duty service member or veteran as the “Hero of the Game” for several years at each of their home games during the regular season. “It was truly an honor and I was blessed that the Chicago White Sox would dedicate and honor this game in my name,” said Domagalski. “Many others just like me deserve this kind of appreciation, and I hope this inspires others to do the same.” REPAIRS • RENTALS • SURFBOARD BLANKS SURFBOARDS • WETSUITS ------ MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR ------ 2014 SAN DIEGO SPIRITS FESTIVAL 1PSU1BWJMMJPOPO#SPBEXBZ1JFSt"6(645tQNQN 'VFMZPVSQBTTJPOBOEZPVSTFOTFTHFUZPVSUJDLFUTBOEKPJOVTUPTBNQMFUIFXPSMETöOFTU CSBOETJO4QJSJUTJODMVEJOH5FRVJMBT(JOT7PELBT8IJTLFZT#PVSCPOT.F[DBMT'JOF -JRVFVST.PPOTIJSFCSBOET&OKPZDVMJOBSZDSFBUJPOTBOECFFOUFSUBJOFEXJUI#VSMFTRVF BOEMPUTPGTVSQSJTFFMFNFOUTJODMVEJOHB#FW.P#VCCMZ'FTU All Inclusive Tickets with UNLIMITED TASTING Spirits & Food Samples (FUZPVSUJDLFUTPOMJOFBU BOEVTFQSPNPDPEF)&30&4GPSEJTDPVOU BTPVSXBZPGTBZJOH5)"/,:06 FULL WETSUITS $ 79 95 15% MILITARY DISCOUNT On clothing & accessories 3780 Mission Blvd. • Mission Beach (858) 488-9374 AutoMatters: 2014 Ford coast-to-coast EcoBoost Challenge relay that data here. However – conspicuous by its absence, the data on the white boards did not include fuel economy figures. Ford is touring the country to showcase their EcoBoost technology in cars, trucks and utility vehicles, as compared to competitors’ vehicles. This 12-city tour began in Phoenix in April and will end in Indianapolis in July. Ford’s objective for EcoBoost is to provide the power and performance of larger displacement engines with the fuel economy of smaller engines “by combining advanced engine technologies such as turbocharging, direct injection and variable valve timing.” “By the end of 2014, more than 90 percent of Ford’s North American lineup will be available with an EcoBoost engine.” Even the new Mustang will have one. Ford set up three relatively low speed autocross courses in a large parking area to demonstrate the handling and acceleration of the vehicles. Before we drove an instructor prepared us with a “chalk talk” to introduce us to the EcoBoost Challenge Drive Course, the Hybrid Challenge Drive Course and the ST Performance Academy. Then, at each course, another instructor spoke about that course and the vehicles we would be driving on it. Basic engine output and vehicle specs were presented on the white boards, alongside course maps. I will The first vehicles that I drove and compared were Ford’s 2014 F-150 FX4 with the available 3.5 liter V-6 EcoBoost engine and Chevy’s Silverado, equipped with its much larger displacement 5.3 liter V-8. The Ford’s 365hp and 420lb.ft. of torque exceeds that of the larger displacement Chevy’s 355hp and 383 lb.-ft. of torque. Also impressive is that 90% of the Ford’s power is available at 1900 RPM (100% at 2500 RPM) versus at 4100 RPM in the Chevy. after slowing down for turns. Ford’s Escape was also equipped with the 2.0-liter EcoBoost I-4 engine, whereas the Honda CR-V AWD had a larger, 2.4-liter engine. Once again Ford beat its competitor’s larger engine in horsepower and torque: 240hp and 270 lb.-ft. for the Ford versus 185hp and 163 lb.-ft. for the Honda. On the course, the Honda’s handling was nimble, predictable and fun. Combined with a sporty exhaust note and brisk acceleration, it was very impressive – not at all what I expected from an all-wheeldrive SUV. The Escape, with its EcoBoost engine, accelerated smartly, but I did notice some turbo lag. At the Fiesta ST’s autocross course our runs were timed. However, we were required to shift the ST’s manual transmission into second before the first turn and then leave it there for the rest of the course. This did not play well to the strengths of the EcoBoost engine, because slowing for the turns meant we then had to accelerate from low RPM. So, instead of accelerating hard out of the tight turns, the noticeable turbo lag kept me waiting and waiting and waiting. Ford’s hybrid offerings include the C-MAX Hybrid and Energi (Plug-In Hybrid), and the Fusion Hybrid and Energi. Toyota’s largest Prius – the V, was there for comparison. The C-MAX has much better acceleration than the Prius. I was disappointed with Ford’s EcoBoost engines, as compared to non-turbocharged, larger engines. With EcoBoost you will get the power of a larger engine, but you will have to wait for it due to turbo lag. That may be a reasonable trade-off if fuel economy and not acceleration is your primary goal. In the future, electrics will probably provide the best of both worlds, but first we’ll need batteries that provide more range and quicker recharging. As always, please write to with your comments and suggestions. Copyright © 2014 by Jan Wagner – AutoMatters #335 Next up were the Ford Fusion, equipped with an I-4 2.0-liter EcoBoost engine that produces 240hp and 270 lb.-ft. of torque, matched up against Toyota’s Camry V-6 3.5-liter, which produces 268hp and 248 lb.-ft. of torque. The Camry has higher horsepower than the Ford and less torque. The course began with a straight stretch, where we were asked to accelerate to 45mph. Acceleration in the Camry was good, as was its handling. It was fun to drive. The Fusion has a much more comfortable driver’s seat than the Camry. Acceleration was strong but I noticed big-time torque steer, which tried to pull the car off my intended line. I was able to keep that in check with the precise steering. Turnin was good but I repeatedly noticed turbo lag (a momentary hesitation when I planted my foot down on the gas pedal) when I tried to accelerate hard )5((7,&.(76 ZLWK3URPR &RGH0,/ Call to make your reservation USE PROMO CODE: MIL23 FOR FREE ADMISSION See Website for Show Times +LODULRXV6WDQG8S&RPHG\ $ZHVRPH&RFNWDLOV 'HOLFLRXV)RRG )UHH3DUNLQJ 8878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA 92123 5HVHUYDWLRQV THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 25 San Diego’s Premier Comedy Club Stand-up Comedy at its Best TV Listings WEEKDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 ESPN2 TLC USA am m9:30 m10 am m10:30 m11 am m11:30 San Diego Living The 700 Club CBS This Morning Let’s Make a Deal The Price Is Right Good Morning America Live! With Kelly and Michael The View 10News Midday Peg Plus Cat Dinosaur Train Varied Programs Wild Kratts Curious George Curious George Sesame Street Mickey Jake and the Mickey Pirates Mouse SportsCenter SportsCenter Mickey Doc Mouse McStuffins SportsCenter Sofia the First Mickey Mouse SportsCenter First Take Numbers Never Lie Varied Programs My Crazy Obsession I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Varied 19 KidsPrograms Count Varied Programs Varied Programs My Crazy Obsession m12 pm America Now America Now We the People CBS News 8 at 11AM Judge Judy Today DISN Mouse ESPN m9 Wake Up San Diego at 7 m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm We the Justice for All Justice for All Paternity People Court Bold/Beautiful The Young and the Restless The Talk The Chew General Hospital m2:30 Paternity Court Rachael Ray m3 pm Days of our Lives Access Hollywood Live Doc Cal. Wild McStuffins West SportsCenter Mickey Mouse Outside the Lines Randy to the Rescue What Not to Wear Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Little Little Einsteins Einsteins NFL Insiders NFL Live Octonauts Steve Harvey TVData© m5 © Zap2it XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2 Five years after uniting the dragons and vikings of Berk, Hiccup and Toothless find themselves at the center of a battle to protect the island from a power-hungry warrior.PG Cast (voice): Jay Baruchel, Cate Blanchett, Gerard Butler, Craig Ferguson, America Ferrera, Jonah Hill Release date: June 13, 2014 Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy pm m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at NBA 5pm (N) KPBS Nightly Evening Business NBC 7 Nightly News at 5 News m6 pm Judge Judy Judge Judy Katie RightThisMinute Wild Kratts RightThisMinute Wild Kratts Arthur The Ellen DeGeneres Show NBC 7 News Varied at 4 Programs Pardon the Interruption 19 KidsVaried Count Programs Law & Order: Special Victims Unit SportsCenter Cake Boss Varied Programs Cake Boss Law & Order: Special Victims Unit m7 pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 The Simp- The Simp- The Middle The Middle The Vampire Diaries sons ’ sons ’ (CC) (CC) “True Lies” ’ (CC) Evening News Entertain- The Insider Big Bang Mom ’ News ment Ton. (N) ’ Theory (CC) 2014 NBA Finals Miami Heat at San Antonio Spurs. Game 1. News From the AT&T Center in San Antonio. (N) (Live) World News KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Historic SnapShot ’ Evening ’ (CC) Places NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Hollywood Game Night Fortune (N) (CC) (N) ’ (CC) Jessie ’ Jessie ’ (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN (CC) 30 for 30 Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Austin & Jessie ’ (CC) (CC) Ally (CC) (CC) X Games Austin. BMX Vert & Men’s Skateboard Vert Final. From Austin, Texas. (N) March to March to Baseball Tonight (N) ESPN2 Brazil Brazil (Live) (CC) Toddlers & Tiaras ’ (CC) My Big Fat Gypsy Wed- Outrageous 911 ’ (CC) TLC ding ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special NCIS: Los Angeles “Plan NCIS: Los Angeles USA Victims Unit ’ (CC) B” ’ “Imposters” ’ m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm 22 JUMP STREET Undercover officers Jenko and Schmidt begin to question their partnership while investigating a case at the local college. NR Cast: Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Ice Cube, Peter Stormare, Nick Offerman, Dave Franco, Amber Stevens Release date: June 13, 2014 Genre: Action, Comedy THE SIGNAL A surprise awaits three college students who think they have tracked a rival computer hacker to a shed in the Nevada desert. PG-13 Cast: Brenton Thwaites, Beau Knapp, Olivia Cooke, Laurence Fishburne, Lin Shaye, Robert Longstreet Release date: June 13, 2014 Genre: Science Fiction, Thriller XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 ››‡ Princess Protection Program (2009) Selena Gomez. ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Austin & Ally (CC) 26 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 m9 am m9:30 m10 m10:30 m11 Olbermann (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) (CC) (Live) (CC) Outrageous 911 ’ (CC) OMG! EMT! “Surprise Attacks” ’ (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles “Familia” ’ “Lange, H.” ’ pm Seinfeld (CC) News m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Letterman 10News at Nightline 11pm (N) (CC) Easy Yoga for Arthritis With Peggy Cappy NBC 7 Tonight News Show GoodA.N.T. Dog With a Jessie ’ Charlie Farm ’ Blog ’ (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) NBA Tonight Olbermann (CC) NASCAR (N) Now (N) OMG! EMT! “Wrong OMG! EMT! “One Call, Place, Right Time” ’ Two Many” ’ NCIS: Los Angeles Modern Modern “Cyber Threat” ’ Family ’ Family ’ JUNE 6, 2014 pm The Simpsons ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 The Simpsons ’ News The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 pm m11:30 Hart of Dixie George San Diego 6 News at Seinfeld Seinfeld ’ makes a bad decision. 10pm (N) (CC) (CC) Hawaii Five-0 “Hana Blue Bloods “Drawing News Letterman Lokomaika’i” (CC) Dead” ’ (CC) What Would You Do? 20/20 ’ (CC) 10News at Jimmy ’ (CC) 11pm Kimmel Washington Roundtable Classical Rewind Classical masterJesse Cook Live at the Bathurst Week pieces. ’ (CC) Theatre Jesse Cook performs. ’ NBC News Special: Brian Dateline NBC (N) ’ (CC) Crossbones “The NBC 7 Tonight Williams D-Day Covenant” (N) (CC) News Show Whose Line Whose Line Is It? Is It? Undercover Boss “Buffets, Inc.” (CC) Shark Tank ’ (CC) GoodAustin & Austin & Austin & Jessie ’ ›››‡ Up (2009) Voices of Ed Asner, Austin & GoodA.N.T. Dog With a Jessie ’ Charlie Ally (CC) Ally (CC) Ally (CC) (CC) Christopher Plummer. ’ Ally (CC) Charlie Farm ’ Blog ’ (CC) X Games Austin. Men’s Moto X Best Whip Final, Moto X Step-Up Final, SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN Skateboard Big Air Final. From Austin, Texas. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) SportsCen- Soccer International Friendly: Mexico vs. Portugal. Boxing Friday Night Fights. Norberto Gonzalez vs. Baseball Tonight (N) Olbermann (N) (CC) NFL Live ESPN2 ter (N) From Foxboro, Mass. (N) (Live) Yudel Jhonson. From Verona, N.Y. (N) (Live) (CC) (N) (CC) Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: I Found the I Found the Say Yes: Say Yes: TLC ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL ATL Gown Gown ATL ATL NCIS: Los Angeles “Skin ›‡ Little Fockers (2010, Comedy) Robert De Niro, Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern Playing USA Deep” ’ Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson. Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ House Good- DISN Charlie SATURDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Originals “Tangled San Diego 6 News at up in Blue” ’ 10pm (N) Two and The Millers Elementary “All in the Half Men (CC) Family” ’ (CC) The List (N) Let’s Ask Inside Edi- Jimmy (CC) America tion (N) Kimmel Suze Orman’s Financial Solutions For You Finding financial solutions. ’ (CC) Undateable Undateable Last Comic Standing (N) ’ (N) ’ “Invitational 4” (N) ’ FRIDAY EVENING pm Here Comes Here Comes JUNE 5, 2014 m6:30 DISN (CC) TVData© m5 m4:30 Dr. Phil THURSDAY EVENING COMINGSOON pm Varied Programs Around the Horn Long Island Varied Medium Programs Law & Order: Special Victims Unit m4 Engagement Engagement Arthur NBC 7 News Access Hollywood m3:30 The Bill Cunningham Show JUNE 7, 2014 am m10:30 Justice Wake Up San Diego (N) Dragon Ball Z League Kai ’ Dr. Chris Pet Recipe Re15 Minute All In With Game Paid Program Vet hab ’ (EI) Meals Laila Ali Changers Good Morn- 10News This Morning at Jack Hanna Ocean Born to ing 8am Saturday (N) (CC) Mysteries Explore Moments to Remember: My 30 Days to a Younger Heart With Dr. Steven Masley, MD Music ’ (CC) Reversing onset of aging and disease. ’ 2014 French Open Tennis Women’s Final. From Roland Garros Stadium LazyTown in Paris. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) (CC) m11 am m11:30 m12 pm m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 m3 pm m3:30 m4 pm m4:30 Digimon Yu-Gi-Oh! ’ Yu-Gi-Oh! Make $$ in Paid Program Wealth-Trad- Make $$ in Wealth-Trad- Dog Bounty Dog Bounty The CleveThe CleveThe CleveFusion ’ (CC) ZEXAL (N) Real Estate ing Real Estate ing Hunter Hunter land Show land Show land Show New TV Offer! Make $$ in Dr. Ordon’s PGA Tour Golf FedEx St. Jude Classic, Third Round. From Tournament Players Club at Solar Alliance The Insider Judge Judy Judge Judy Real Estate Secret! Southwind in Memphis, Tenn. (N) (Live) (CC) (N) (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Sea Rescue X Games Austin. Rallycross, Skateboard Park Final, Moto X Speed & Style Final. From Austin, Texas. (N) (Live) (CC) March to Paid Program Burn Notice “Broken Rules” ’ (EI) Brazil (CC) Yanni: World Without Borders Yanni Earthflight, A Nature Special Presentation Ed Slott’s Retirement Rescue for 2014! Suze Orman’s Financial Solutions For You Finding financial performs around the world. ’ (CC) ’ (CC) (DVS) Securing retirement. ’ (CC) solutions. ’ (CC) Zou “Zou Up PGA Tour Red Bull Signature Series (N) ’ (CC) 146th Belmont Stakes California Chrome tries to become the first Triple Sharp Money High” 2014: Lefty Crown winner since 1978. From Belmont Park. (N) Hospital Matters ›››‡ Up (2009, Comedy) Voices of Ed Dog With a Dog With a Dog With a Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Jessie ’ Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Liv & Maddie Liv & Maddie Liv & Maddie Good Luck Asner, Christopher Plummer. ’ Blog (CC) Blog (CC) Blog (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Charlie ’ X Games Austin. BMX Dirt Final, Rallycross. From Austin, College Baseball NCAA Super Regional: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter Soccer United States vs. Nigeria. From Jacksonville, Fla. (N) (Live) (CC) ESPN Texas. (N) (Live) (CC) (N) March to March to March to College Baseball NCAA Super Regional: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) College Baseball NCAA Super Regional: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) College ESPN2 Brazil Brazil Brazil Baseball Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program My First My First My First My First My First My First My First My First Undercover Boss “Mack Undercover Boss “Van Undercover Boss “Baja Undercover Boss The CEO TLC (CC) (CC) (CC) Home ’ Home ’ Home ’ Home ’ Home ’ Home ’ Home (N) Home (N) Trucks” ’ (CC) Lines” ’ (CC) Fresh” ’ (CC) goes undercover. Paid Program Paid Program Smoothies ›››› Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981, Adventure) Harrison Ford. An ››› Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984, Adventure) Harrison Ford, Kate ›››‡ Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) Harrison Ford. USA archaeologist races Nazis to find a powerful relic. Capshaw. Jones, a singer and an orphan look for missing stones. Indy’s hunt for his missing father leads to the Holy Grail. Mickey Mickey Mickey Mouse Mouse SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) DISN Mouse SATURDAY EVENING TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm Futurama ’ Futurama ’ (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (CC) 10News at World News 5pm NewsHour KPBS Wk Spectrum The Chica Noodle/ Show (EI) Doodle m6 pm m6:30 JUNE 7, 2014 m7 pm m7:30 Love-Ray- Love-Ray- The Middle The Middle mond mond (CC) (CC) Evening News Entertainment Tonight News (N) ’ (CC) 10News at Red Carpet Burn Notice Michael 6pm breaks into prison. Magic Moments: The Best of 50s Pop Musicians perform. ’ (CC) NBC 7 Paid Wheel of Jeopardy! News at 6 Program Fortune ’ (CC) m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 Community Community Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ San Diego Engage(CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) 6 News ment Blue Bloods “No Regrets” Elementary “Solve for X” 48 Hours (N) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Bet on Your Baby (N) Sing Your Face Off Willie Nelson, Freddie Mercury. ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) Happy (2011, Documentary) Narrated Yanni: World Without Borders Yanni by Marci Shimoff. performs around the world. Dateline NBC ’ (CC) The Blacklist ’ (CC) pm m11:30 The Office “Lotto” News The Office ’ (CC) Criminal Minds ’ 10News at Sports 11pm XTRA Australian Pink Floyd: Eclipsed by the Moon NBC 7 Saturday News Night Live GoodI Didn’t Do I Didn’t Do Jessie ’ Jessie ’ ›› Ramona and Beezus (2010, Comedy) Joey Lab Rats ’ Kickin’ It ’ Austin & Jessie ’ Charlie It ’ It ’ (CC) (CC) King, Selena Gomez, John Corbett. ’ (CC) (CC) Ally (CC) (CC) X Games Austin. Moto X Freestyle Final, BMX Big Air Final. From Austin, SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN Texas. (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) College Baseball NCAA Super Regional: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Baseball NCAA Super Regional: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight (N) March to ESPN2 (CC) (Live) (CC) Brazil Undercover Boss “Roto- Undercover Boss “PJ’s Return to Amish “Home Is Where the Beef Is” Sex Sent Me to the E.R. Strange Sex Strange Sex Sex Sent Me to the E.R. TLC Rooter” (CC) Pet Centres” Chester is in for a rude awakening. (CC) “Hot Air Affair” (CC) (CC) “Hot Air Affair” ››‡ Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008, AdvenModern Modern Modern Modern Modern Modern CSI: Crime Scene USA ture) Harrison Ford, Cate Blanchett, Shia La Beouf. Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ Investigation ’ Good- DISN Charlie 2 X 3” ad m5:30 TV Listings SUNDAY MORNING/AFTERNOON TVData© XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G m7:30 m8 am m8:30 m9 am m9:30 JUNE 8, 2014 m10 am m10:30 m11 am m11:30 m12 pm m12:30 m1 pm m1:30 m2 pm m2:30 Make $$ in Wake Up San Diego (N) 21 Day Fix Whiten Teeth! Paid Program Make $$ in ››‡ Love & Other Drugs (2010, Drama) Jake Gyllenhaal, Paid Program Wealth-TradReal Estate Real Estate Anne Hathaway, Oliver Platt. ing CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Nation (N) ’ (CC) Make $$ in Sheer Cover Get Sub D 21 Day Fix Dr. Ordon’s PGA Tour Golf FedEx St. Jude Classic, Final Round. From Tournament Players Club at (N) ’ (CC) Real Estate Secret! Southwind in Memphis, Tenn. (N) (Live) (CC) Good Morn- 10News This Morning at This Week With George Joel Osteen The Wildlife X Games Austin. Stadium Super Trucks, Skateboard Street Women’s and Men’s Finals. From Austin, Texas. (N) (Live) ing 8am Sunday (N) (CC) Stephanopoulos (N) (CC) Docs (CC) Happy (2011) Narrated by 30 Days to a Younger Heart With Dr. Steven Masley, MD Suze Orman’s Financial Solutions For You Finding financial Moments to Remember: My Music 1950s and ’60s hits. ’ (CC) Marci Shimoff. Reversing onset of aging and disease. ’ solutions. ’ (CC) 2014 French Open Tennis Men’s Final. From Roland Garros Stadium in Paris. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) Formula One Racing Canadian Grand Prix. From Circuit F1 Extra (N) Kurt Busch: Payne (N) ’ (CC) Gilles Villeneuve in Montreal. (N) (CC) (CC) 36 (N) ’ FriendsI Didn’t Do It Austin & Ally Liv & Maddie ›› Ramona and Beezus (2010, Comedy) Joey King, Heart. ’ (CC) (CC) (CC) Selena Gomez, John Corbett. ’ X Games Austin. BMX Park Final, Stadium Super Trucks College Baseball NCAA Super Regional. (N) (Live) (CC) ESPN Final. From Austin, Texas. (N) (Live) (CC) Cheerleading Cheerleading From Orlando, SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) 30 for 30 (CC) Bad Boys Remix (CC) ESPN2 (CC) Fla. Paid Program ’ (CC) Paid Program Four Weddings An oceanFour Weddings “... and a Four Weddings A school-of- Four Weddings Celeste; TLC (CC) front wedding. ’ Thousand Cranes” ’ rock wedding. Marisol; Ann; Soo. (CC) David JerPastor Chris Joel Osteen Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Special Victims Law & Order: Special Victims USA emiah (N) (CC) Unit “Denial” ’ Unit “Lowdown” Unit “Strain” ’ Unit “Outsider” Mickey Mickey Mickey Mouse Mouse SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) DISN Mouse Gravity Falls (CC) m3 pm m3:30 TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 m6 pm m4:30 Gravity Falls (CC) Dog With a Dog With a Dog With a Dog With a Liv & Maddie Liv & Maddie Blog (CC) Blog (CC) Blog (CC) Blog (CC) (CC) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball Tonight: Sunday Night Countdown College Baseball NCAA Super Regional: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) College Baseball Sister Wives Nine moms visit for Mother’s Day. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Cold” ’ Sister Wives “Boys Night Out” ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Hothouse” Sister Wives Meri has a complete meltdown. ’ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Snatched” SUNDAY EVENING CROSSWORD PUZZLE m4 Da Vinci’s Inquest Shooting White Collar A teenage con of an officer. man. (CC) Solar Alliance Laura Entertainment Tonight ’ McKenzie (CC) Expedition Hiring RightThisNBA CountWild ’ (EI) America (N) Minute (N) down (N) Healing ADD With Dr. Daniel Amen, MD & Tana Amen, RN ’ (CC) Graham Paid Program 1st Look ’ Justin Time Bensinger (EI) Sister Wives “While the Wives Are Away...” ’ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Sin” (CC) JUNE 8, 2014 pm m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 SAF3 A team member is Cleveland Cleveland Futurama ’ Futurama ’ severely burned. ’ Show Show (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Evening News 60 Minutes (N) ’ (CC) Marcella Lee. (N) News 2014 NBA Finals Miami Heat at San Antonio Spurs. Game 2. From the AT&T Center in San Antonio. (N) ’ (Live) (CC) NewsHour Earthflight, A Nature Special Presenta- Doc Martin “The TameWk tion ’ (CC) (DVS) ness of a Wolf” Tree Fu Tom Nightly NBC 7 Paid Dateline NBC (N) ’ (CC) (EI) News News at 6 Program m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 America’s Funniest America’s Funniest San Diego EngageHome Videos (CC) Home Videos (CC) 6 News ment The 68th Annual Tony Awards Honoring excellence on Broadway. (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) News Jimmy Team 10 Let’s Ask Castle Investigating a Kimmel Special America murder from 1947. ’ PBS Previews: The Downton Abbey -- Behind the Drama Behind the Roosevelts ’ (CC) scenes of the runaway hit. ’ Miss USA 2014: Live From Baton Rouge Contestants vie for the crown. (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) pm Rock TV with Miles News m11:30 Real Estate Criminal Minds ’ 10News at Sports 11pm XTRA 30 Days to a Younger Heart With Dr. Steven NBC 7 Jerome’s News Furniture GoodJessie ’ Jessie ’ Austin & Austin & Liv & Liv & Liv & Liv & Jessie ’ Austin & Jessie ’ GoodCharlie (CC) (CC) Ally (CC) Ally (CC) Maddie Maddie Maddie Maddie (CC) Ally (CC) (CC) Charlie MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Detroit Tigers. From Comerica Park in SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) ESPN Detroit. (N) (Live) College Baseball NCAA Super Regional: Teams College Baseball NCAA Super Regional: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) NBA Tonight ESPN FC (N) MLB ESPN2 TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) (N) Baseball Sister Wives “Browns in Sister Wives “Tragedy in Sister Wives “Celebration Sister Wives ’ (CC) Sister Wives “Meri Drops Return to Amish Sister Wives “Meri Drops TLC Crisis” ’ (CC) the Family” Countdown” a Bomb” (N) “Shunned & the City” a Bomb” ’ Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special NCIS: Los Angeles USA Victims Unit “Trade” Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit “Anchor” Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit “Clock” “History” ’ Good- DISN Charlie MONDAY EVENING TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) KPBS Evening NBC 7 News at 5 Nightly Business Nightly News m6 JUNE 9, 2014 pm The Simpsons ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 m7 pm m7:30 The Simpsons ’ News The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! Fortune (N) (CC) Good- GoodGoodGoodCharlie Charlie Charlie MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Cincinnati ESPN Reds. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) College Baseball NCAA Super Regional: Teams ESPN2 TBA. (If necessary). (N) (Live) (CC) Toddlers & Tiaras ’ (CC) My Big Fat Gypsy WedTLC ding ’ (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles “The NCIS: Los Angeles Hetty USA Gold Standard” goes on a trip. DISN Charlie m8 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at NBA 5pm (N) KPBS Nightly Evening Business NBC 7 Nightly News at 5 News m6 Cloud 9 (2014, Drama) Dove CamAustin & GoodA.N.T. eron, Luke Benward. ’ Ally (CC) Charlie Farm ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) Olbermann (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) Olbermann (CC) (CC) (Live) (CC) Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. Sex Sent Me to the E.R. Sex, Lies and Zumba ’ (CC) ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) ’ (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) ’ (CC) “Drive” ’ I Didn’t Do Dog With a It ’ Blog ’ Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Live (N) (CC) JUNE 10, 2014 pm m6:30 Austin & Ally (CC) No Tomorrow ESPN2 USA Toddlers & Tiaras ’ (CC) My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding ’ Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Sugar” Victims Unit ’ (CC) WEDNESDAY EVENING TVData© m5 XETV & KFMB ( KGTV * KPBS / KNSD G pm m5:30 Community Community (CC) (CC) CBS News 8 at 5pm Marcella Lee. (N) 10News at 5pm (N) (CC) m6 pm The Simpsons ’ News Austin & Dog With a Dog With a Ally (CC) Blog ’ Blog ’ MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Baltimore Orioles. ESPN (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) (CC) March to Inside: U.S. Soccer’s March to ESPN2 Brazil March to Brazil (N) Brazil Toddlers & Tiaras ’ (CC) My Big Fat American TLC Gypsy Wedding ’ Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special USA Victims Unit ’ (CC) Victims Unit “Closet” DISN Ally (CC) pm m7:30 m8 pm I Didn’t Do Dog With a It ’ Blog ’ Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) (CC) Inside: U.S. Soccer’s March to Brazil (N) 19 Kids and Counting “The Proposal” ’ Law & Order: Special Victims Unit ’ pm m7:30 m8 pm m8:30 Arrow A criminal breaks out of prison. Undercover Boss “Sky Zone” ’ (CC) The Middle The Gold(CC) bergs ’ Nature “Fortress of the Bears” ’ Graham Access Bensinger Hollywood m9 pm m8:30 m9 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 pm m9:30 m10 pm m10:30 m11 The 100 Octavia faces a San Diego 6 News at tough decision. 10pm (N) Criminal Minds “The CSI: Crime Scene Road Home” ’ Investigation ’ Modern The Gold- Motive “Deception” (N) ’ Family ’ bergs ’ (CC) (DVS) NOVA “Earth From Space” Satellite data of the earth. ’ (CC) Wheel of Jeopardy! Dateline NBC ’ (CC) Fortune (N) (CC) I Didn’t Do Dog With a ›› Tinker Bell and the Lost TreaAustin & GoodA.N.T. It ’ Blog ’ sure (2009, Fantasy) ’ Ally (CC) Charlie Farm ’ Baseball Tonight (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (Live) (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) MLS Soccer FC Dallas at Portland Timbers. From 2014 FIFA World Cup Preview (N) Providence Park in Portland, Ore. (N) The Little The Little The Little Couple “All You The Little The Little The Little Couple “The Couple ’ Couple ’ Wanted to Know” Couple ’ Couple ’ Big 4-0” (CC) Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Suits Mike and Harvey Graceland A cartel puts a Victims Unit ’ Victims Unit ’ adjust. hit on Mike. pm Seinfeld ’ (CC) News Jimmy Kimmel Ken Kramer’s S.D. Tonight Show GoodA.N.T. Jessie ’ Shake It Up! Charlie Farm ’ (CC) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) (CC) Olbermann (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) NBA Tonight Olbermann (CC) NASCAR (CC) (Live) (CC) (N) Now (N) 19 Kids and Counting (N) A Duggar Leaves Home The Little Couple “The 19 Kids and Counting ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) Big 4-0” (N) ’ ’ (CC) Law & Order: Special Royal Pains “Smoke and Playing Modern Modern Modern Victims Unit ’ Mirrors” House (N) Family ’ Family ’ Family ’ m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Letterman 10News at Jimmy 11pm Kimmel The Charles W. Morgan ’ (CC) NBC 7 Tonight News Show Jessie ’ Shake It Up! (CC) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ESPN FC The Little Couple ’ Modern Family ’ m11:30 Seinfeld ’ (CC) Letterman Lemonade Mouth (2011) Bridgit Mendler. Five high-school students form a music group. ’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) JUNE 11, 2014 m7 The Middle The Middle (CC) (CC) Entertain- The Insider ment Ton. (N) ’ World News 10News at The List (N) 7pm (N) (CC) KPBS Nightly KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Evening Business Evening ’ (CC) 2014 Stanley Cup Final Los Angeles Kings at New York Rangers. Game 4. From Madison Square Garden in New York. (N) (CC) Austin & The Simpsons ’ Evening News 10News at 6pm (N) World News m6:30 m7 The Little Couple ’ Modern Family ’ START TALKING BEFORE THEY START DRINKING Kids who drink before age15 are 5 times more likely to have alcohol problems when they’re adults. To learn more, go to or call 1.800.729.6686 2 X 3” ad THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 27 Dog With a Dog With a Dog With a Blog ’ Blog ’ SportsCen- Inside: U.S. Soccer’s ESPN ter (N) March to Brazil (N) NFL Insiders (N) (CC) 30 for 30 m11:30 Jessie ’ Shake It Up! (CC) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) NASCAR SportsNaNow (N) tion (N) Sex Sent Me to the E.R. ’ (CC) ›› The Mechanic (2011) Jason Statham. The Simp- The Simp- The Middle The Middle Famous in 12 (N) ’ (CC) Supernatural “I’m No San Diego 6 News at Seinfeld ’ sons ’ sons ’ (CC) (CC) Angel” ’ (CC) 10pm (N) (CC) Evening News Entertain- The Insider NCIS Tracking one of NCIS: Los Angeles “War Person of Interest “The News News ment Ton. (N) ’ Parsa’s cohorts. ’ Cries” ’ Devil’s Share” 2014 NBA Finals San Antonio Spurs at Miami Heat. Game 3. News The List (N) Let’s Ask Inside Edi- Jimmy 10News at From the AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. (N) (CC) America tion (N) Kimmel 11pm World News KPBS PBS NewsHour (N) Joy Bauer’s Food Remedies ’ (CC) 50s & 60s Party Songs (My Music) Pop songs and Evening ’ (CC) dance hits. ’ (CC) NBC 7 News at 6 (N) Wheel of Jeopardy! America’s Got Talent “Audition” Hopefuls perform for The Night Shift “Hog NBC 7 Fortune (N) (CC) the judges. (N) ’ (CC) Wild” (N) ’ (CC) News DISN Blog ’ TLC pm Whose Line Whose Line Beauty and the Beast San Diego 6 News at Seinfeld ’ Seinfeld ’ Is It? Is It? “Cat and Mouse” (N) 10pm (N) (CC) (CC) 2 Broke Mom ’ Mike & Mike & 48 Hours (N) ’ (CC) News Letterman Girls ’ (CC) Molly ’ Molly ’ The Bachelorette (N) ABC News: Hillary Mistresses April has an 10News at Jimmy ’ (CC) Clinton (N) ’ (CC) affair with an artist. 11pm Kimmel Suze Orman’s Financial Solutions For You Finding Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine With Lissa financial solutions. ’ (CC) Rankin, MD ’ (CC) Last Comic Standing American Ninja Warrior “St. Louis Qualifying” Three NBC 7 Tonight “Invitational 4” (CC) brand-new obstacles. (N) (CC) News Show TUESDAY EVENING TVData© m5 m10:30 m11 CL ASSIFIEDS ARMED FORCES DISPATCH CLASSIFIEDS To place your ad, please call AUTOS ENTERTAINMENT LOANS WE BUY CARS – MOTORCYCLES – MOTORHOMES – Running or not. Lost title Ok. $Cash paid $ 888-244-9039. Frannie the clown NEED A LOAN? 10/23 _________________________________________________ the Classified Advertising 619.295.2625 Department (619) 280-2985. is Tuesday at noon. See your ads in print, and on the web, Hi this is Lor, Need a car or truck?? Go see the Military Mom! She’ll hook you up!!! Special financing for the Military! FREE PHONE SEMINARS FREE! LOVE YOUR LIFE & LIVE YOUR DREAM SEMINAR Tuesdays at 6:30PM PST Tel-Seminar: Call 800.527.4184 to Register Today!! 619-274-0507 on Thursday! 6/5 FURNITURE AUTO REPAIR MENDOZA MOTORS ATTORNEYS BANKRUPTCY • LITIGATION BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE LAW WILLS & TRUSTS Law Offices of Pamela Kleinkauf Attorney at Law - 21 Years Experience LEGAL EXPERIENCE YOU CAN TRUST 858.675.1105 ________________________ LOW COST BANKRUPTCY Recordon & Recordon, Attorneys STOP Creditor Calls Home Foreclosure Repossessions PAYMENT PLANS Free Consultation (619) 232-1717 Mission Valley ... 283-7777 El Cajon ............ 442-6999 Chula Vista ....... 427-3404 _______________________ LOW COST DIVORCE 28• • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 Recordon & Recordon, Attorneys • SUPPORT • • CUSTODY • • VISITATION • • MEDIATION • • ADOPTION • PAYMENT PLANS Free Consultation (619) 232-1717 Mission Valley ... 283-7777 El Cajon ............ 442-6999 Chula Vista ....... 427-3404 ________________________ LOW CONFIDENTIAL COMFORT Paralegal -LDADivorce $525-$675 Includes Mediation Will & Trust $525 Name Change, Judgements & Debt Collections 714-305-9531 • 951-444-8LAW Lic# 187 - Bond #Ca744226 Safety First Complete Auto Repair Tune-ups, Motor Mounts, Steering, Ties, Brakes & Rotors, Clutches/Axles, Suspension/Hubs 619-770-9735 Is 1403 Broadway #107, Chula Vista NEW MATTRESSES All sizes with factory warranty. Many styles, pillow top, orthopedic. Queen sets as low as $169. 800.464.6420 BURIALS AT SEA/MEMORIALS on board the last operational World War II Vessel in San Diego. 619-234-9153 ext 102. 11/6/14 MODELING Make up to $2500 in a few hours - NO JOKE! Local studio needs in-shape models (over 18 yrs old). Set your own hours. Professional, clean and SAFE atmosphere. Gigs are adult themed. Please apply at: MOTORCYCLES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY HEALTH & BEAUTY FREE TRADING CLASS Pamela Sawhney MD Family Medicine & Holistic Medicine 619-224-2300 Please call Stephen for further information 619-477-9600 2 locations to serve you 705 Palm Ave. Imperial Beach, CA 91932 1222 1st St. Unit 6 Coronado, CA 92118 619-424-5106 619-435-4488 IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH & WEALTH!! A leading nutrition company is seeking serious individuals who are interested in improving their health and helping others to do the same. Training is provided! Call 347.435.1141 for more information! ATTENTION Need more money? Want a career? Work from home. We train you. Check out the freedom project at CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL FOR MILITARY DISCOUNT WE TAKE TRICARE & MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Visit our website: NEW CLIENTS HAVE IT YOUR WAY! Is Receive 45 worth of Salon Services for $ 6/5 $ 25 877-545-7774 Is Call for Additional Details!! CAREER ALREADY EMPLOYED? Build a business while keeping your present job. Let me show you what I did. HELP WANTED Good Morning…McDonald’s! Earn Extra $$$! CLAIRVOYANT Mornings with McDonald’s Afternoons/Evenings with your family. McDonald’s now hiring-flexible SPIRITUAL READING AND ENERGY BAL- hours. Apply at McDonald’s MCAS Miramar. TFN ANCING. Call Sophie at the Spiritual Awak- ______________________________________ 6/5 CONSULTANTS CALYPSO CAFÉ IS HIRING for the following positions: Breakfast Cook Sandwich Maker Bus Boy Please call Hanan at 619-423-5144; 619-2538767 or apply in person at 507 Grand Caribe Cswy, Coronado HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE LATEST TFN ______________________________________ CRAZE…. It’s jewelry in a candle Doing parties, need FT/PT consultants. Call Marie 619-779-8947 6/26 Now view your ads online at Top Price Paid - All Models Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki 100 used bikes to choose from SOUTH BAY MOTORSPORTS Hotel Occidental 6/5 REAL ESTATE 619-274-0507 BRE #01900160 Call 760-604-3354 CALL ME FOR INFO ON OUR We also buy & sell used Harley Davidson Parts PUDDIN’S WHOLESALE WHEELS 0LVVLRQ5G6WH(VFRQGLGR RENTALS APARTMENTS CASA DE ORO – Deluxe, large upstairs 2BR + 2 car gar, W/D hk-ups, view Mt. Helix, prvt patio, $1400/mo. **MILITARY SPECIAL** 1/2 OFF DEPOSIT, Avail Now, realtor/owner Juanita 619-670-0121 6/5 ____________________________________________________ EL CAJON – 1BR in triplex, $925/mo, gas paid, new remod, w/d in unit, off st prkg, no pet. 762 S. Orange Ave. 619-888-2206 6/12 ____________________________________________________ 6/5 ____________________________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – 2BR/1BA, upstairs unit in 2 story duplex, behind commercial bldg at 1512 Palm Ave, new stove, fridge, blinds, cabinets ZZZ3XGGLQV:KROHVDOH:KHHOVYSZHEFRP & paint, quiet & private w/sec gate, $950/mo + utils, 1510 Palm Ave. Drive by first to view the outside, call Barbara 619-997-0642 to view PROFESSIONAL SERVICES the inside. 760.746.0958 WE DO STUMP GRINDING, ROTOTILLING & MORE 858-997-7062 6/5 ________________________________________________ SPARKLING CARPET CLEANING Residential & Commercial Carpet Cleaning & Repair/Grout Cleaning Upholstery Cleaning/Stain & Odor Removal Water Removal/24 Hr Emergency Service Call Andy 619-669-8882 PROXY MARRIAGE or DIVORCE in as little as one day 50 years experience 978-443-8387 6/5 ____________________________________________________ OCEAN BEACH - $1550/mo, xtra lrg 2BR/ 2BA, all appls, prkg, lndry, near beach. 619507-5185; 619-224-0396 6/12 ____________________________________________________ OCEAN BEACH - $1550/mo, 2BR/1BA at pier, natural wood interior, appliances, lndry & prkg, 1 dog ok, 5067 Niagara Ave. 619-224-4215; 619-962-9549 6/19 ____________________________________________________ PARRETT PAINTING Interior/Exterior. Commerical & Residential Competitve Prices Acoustic Ceiling Removal & Texturing Crown Mould, Base & Trim. Flat Roof Repair Lic #743976. Brian Parrett 619-253-8593 Veteran owned since 1991 Offering the world’s finest hand crafted deployment plaques, award plaques, retirement shadow boxes and more available online at: WWW ATC H E S . C O M W.. P L A Q U E S A N D PPA 1-877-543-6094 1-800-205-9897 or 619-232-1336 “Military Friendly” PACIFIC LEGACY PROPERTIES 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms available throughout San Diego County. Online Rental Hotsheet 619-423-7500 CHULA VISTA 1 BR Furnished Apartments $825 & Up. w/low $150 Deposit Close to shopping & trolley EZ Move In 521 Parkway (Off Broadway, Near 5th & G) Office Open Daily CALL 619-420-5084 IMPERIAL HOUSE APTS Move-in Special 1 MONTH FREE RENT $825-$1125/mo. Onsite laundry Assigned parking 619-423-6070 OR EMAIL: RENTALS OCEAN BEACH - $1350/mo, lrg 2BR/1BA, CONDOS near beach, appls & lndry, no dogs. 4826 Santa Cruz Ave. 619-962-9549; 619-224-4215 CORONADO – Unique 3BR/2.5BA, stand 6/19 ____________________________________________________ alone in the heart of the Village, walking distance to all, furnished/unfurnished, includes W/D & garage, avail Mid-June. 912 E Ave. Call AVAILABLE NOW Steve 619-302-0974 1, 2 or 3 BR’s Apartments, Townhouse & Houses PAINTING CONTRACTOR offers great value, location and hospitality to San Diego locals and world travelers alike. Situated conveniently between Hillcrest & the Gaslamp, our WEEKLY room rentals start at $175 PER WEEK! WE ALSO OFFER $20 ACTIVE MILITARY, STUDENT, SENIOR, AND CORPORATE DISCOUNTS OFF OUR FULL & HALF BATH ROOMS. We are filling up fast, so call now WEEKL O AN SEMIN ARS WEEKLYY VA LLO SEMINARS MOTORCYCLES PLAQUES Hi this is Lor, Are you in the military? Need extra cash? Come work for me. No experience necessary will train. You can earn up to $4,000 a month. Call for an interview Ask for Toni Lee “The Military Mom” Your Real Estate Resource Center Specializing in supporting Military Financing • Buying & Selling Your Home • VA Loan Experts • Property Manager Experts • Home Maintenance Specialists TFN GOLDEN HILLS/SHERMAN HEIGHTS – _____________________________________ Large 2BR/1BA, lower level in a Historic building, laminate floors, new paint, great location in WE BUY, SELL & CONSIGN a hip & happening neighborhood. $1250/mo + $800dep. 2045 K St. #1. Craigslist Search for Oliver 619-715-5459 --------------ALL BRANDS-------------- tfn ________________________________________________ 6/5 ening Center 818-339-5590. She can get rid of negative energy; bad karma & can lead and guide you to your true soul mate. FURNISHED ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED Thomas Jacobucci REALTOR® MEMORIAL SERVICES ________________________ WE BUY BIKES For Military Personnel Only Learn to trade E-Mini SP500 futures from a 27 year Wall Street Professional WE NEED RENTALS IN CORONADO Long term and seasonal. Premier Properties Management 619-429-4120 24hr/7 days Deadline to place an ad Bad Credit - No Credit Ok! Cash Loans-Grants-Business Loans FAST APPROVALS for all types of loans. Military & Federal Loans Available! GUARANTEED HELP! Call Toll Free 1-800-615-6818 10% Discount for 2 hour Party for 20 kids or less RENTALS APARTMENTS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT MOVE-IN SPECIAL ! LEADINGHAM REALTY 1062 Palm Ave., Imp. Beach 619-424-8600 TFN ____________________________________________________ ACTIVE DUTY SPOUSES You are invited to join the Navy League of the United States. Just $30 per year. Call (619) 230-0301 6/12 ___________________________________________________ CORONADO SHORES – Beautiful, unfurnished, remodeled 1BR/1BA, La Princessa Tower w/bridge & bay views. At beach & shops/restaurants. Amenities include pools/ gym. Long term only. Avail now. Owner 619805-6149 6/5 ____________________________________ LA JOLLA OCEANFRONT – Luxury, pano view, valet optional, gym, pool, spa, security, steps to village & shopping, 2BR/2BA, $3950/ mo. 714-335-0138 no agts 6/12 ___________________________________________________ LA MESA/ADAGIO - **MOVE IN SPECIAL** $300 OFF 1ST MONTH! Luxury 2BR/2BA, upstairs unit, lrg balcony, storage closet & stacked W/D, all black appls, DW, fridge, stove & micro, ss sink & granite counters, central AC/heat, cer tile & cstm crpt, fitness room, pool, jac, rec area. $1495/mo + $1000 dep. 5417 Lake Murray Blvd #12. Craigslist search for Oliver 619-715-5459 6/5 RENTALS COTTAGES NORMAL HEIGHTS – 1BR/1BA, private yard, new stove, new remodeled kitchen, ceramic tile, new floors, 1 assigned prkg, $1295/mo + $800 dep. 4581 Hawley Blvd. Craigslist search for Oliver 619-715-5459 6/5 View ads online at • (619) 280-2985 RENTALS HOUSES RENTALS HOUSES WE NEED RENTALS IN CORNADO Long term and seasonal. Premier Properties Management 619-429-4120 PARADISE HILLS – Nice, large 2BR/2BA, handy location, nice yard, detached 2 car garage with “man cave” incld, $1600/mo + dep. 619-246-0547 (call evenings) 6/5 6/5 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SANTEE - Newly Remod 2&3 BR Mobile hms COLLEGE AREA – 2BR/2BA, detached 2 for rent in all age park. $1000- $1350 Move in car gar, near SDSU, refinished hardwood flrs, Special!!! Mission Del Magnolia 619-449-1500 fenced yrd, off st prkg. $1860/mo. 619-5346/26 0915 ____________________________________________________ 6/5 ___________________________________________________ EL CAJON – 2BR, double garage, “Country charmer in the city”, W/D hk-ups, yard, $1500/ mo. 619-871-3629 6/5 ___________________________________________________ HORTON PARK/SAN DIEGO 92102 – Furnished 2BR, $1200/mo, utils + cbl included, $1000 dep, **MILITARY DISCOUNT**, carpet, near bus stop, off Federal & Euclid. 619264-6437 6/19 ___________________________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – Spacious 4BR/2.5BA, 2 car gar, fenced yard, pets ok with approval, Avail June 1, $3000/mo, long term, 1237 East Lane, 619-737-6388 6/5 ___________________________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – 4BR/2BA house for rent! 50% SPECIAL DISCOUNT! 3202 Veralee St. Call 619-423-6070 6/19 ____________________________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – 3BR/2BA house for rent! SPECIAL DISCOUNT!!!! 584 13th St. Call 619423-6070 6/19 ____________________________________________________ IMPERIAL BEACH – MOVE IN SPECIAL!!! 50% DISCOUNT! 3BR/1BA house. 514 Delaware St. Call 619-423-6070 6/19 ____________________________________________________ MIRA MESA – 3BR/2BA, 1800sf, newly remodeled, new appliances, 2 car gar, no pets, avail 6/1, $2100/mo. Art 858-549-9875 La Pacific RV Park offers long term stays! Conveniently located to your station in San Diego. We are a quiet community already housing some of your colleagues. Beaches are 3 miles away. Local shops and restaurants on the doorstep. We only have a limited amount of long term, affordable opportunities. 6/5 RENTALS TOWNHOUSES IMPERIAL BEACH – Beautifully upgraded 2BR/1.5BA, 1 block to Strand, 2 blks to Bay/ Bike Path, 7 blks to beach; granite, travertine, stainless; new lighting, paint, lrg balcony, lrg 2 car gar, $1650/mo, yr lease, pets nego. 619423-1290 6/12 SERVICES OFFERED 619.428.4411 the 6/5 __________________________________________________ Bases GRAPE STREET SPA & MASSAGE 919 W. Grape St., SD 619-255-8885 Drama | Sport - 109 min At the NFL Draft, general manager Sonny Weaver has the opportunity to rebuild his team when he trades for the number one pick. He must decide what he’s willing to sacrifice on a life-changing day for a few hundred young men with NFL dreams. 9/11 VACATION RENTALS CORONADO – Furnished 3BR/3BA house, yard, avail now thru Nov 1. Call 619-5495556; 619-435-5553 for rates. 6/5 _______________________________________________ CORONADO – Seasonal Rentals, call for pricing and availability. Premier Property Mgmt 619-429-4120 WANTED! CASH PAID! STABLES HORSE BOARDING CARLSBAD $350/month Western casual, family-oriented ranch. We have roomy 12x48 or 24x24 corrals and provide a veterinarianrecommended diet twice daily. CLOTHING • CDS • DVDS LPS • BOOKS • COOL STUFF 2947 El Cajon Blvd 619-261-1744 3939 Iowa • North Park 619-444-CASH 1416 Garnet • Pacific Beach 858-272-7283 4879 Newport Ave. • Ocean Beach 619-222-5011 2$ Thrill • 447 Broadway • El Cajon 619-701-2274 For Large Quanities Call Jeff 858-382-7396 Thrift Trader Lowry Theater – NASNI, 619-545-8479, Bldg. 650 Thursday, June 5 6:00 p.m. Transcendence (PG-13) 8:20 p.m. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - 2D (PG-13) Friday, June 6 6:00 p.m Mom’s Night Out (PG) 8:00 p.m. Neighbors (R) Saturday, June 7 1:00 p.m. Mom’s Night Out (PG) 3:00 p.m. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - 3D (PG-13) 6:00 p.m. Neighbors (R) 8:00 p.m. Mom’s Night Out (PG) Sunday, June 8 3:00 p.m. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - 2D (PG-13) 6:00 p.m. Mom’s Night Out (PG) 8:00 p.m. Neighbors (R) Monday, June 9 6:00 p.m. Neighbors (R) 8:00 p.m. Mom’s Night Out (PG) Tuesday, June 10 6:00 p.m. Mom’s Night Out (PG) 8:00 p.m. The Other Woman (PG-13) Wednesday, June 11 6:00 p.m. Neighbors (R) 8:00 p.m. Mom’s Night Out (PG) Thursday, June 12 6:00 p.m. Brick Mansions (PG-13) 8:00 p.m. Neighbors (R) Bob Hope Theatre - Miramar 858-577-4143 Bldg. 2242 *Indicates last showing 5-Jun Thur 6:30 PM *Draft Day PG-13 6-Jun Fri 6:30 PM Neighbors-R 9:00 PM The Other Woman PG-13 7-Jun Sat 8:00 AM Swap Meet Live 3:00 PM *Heaven is for Real- PG 6:30 PM Mom’s Night Out PG 9:00 PM The Quiet Ones PG-13 8-Jun Sun 1:00 PM The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2D) PG-13 6:30 PM *A Haunted House 2-R Q-Zone Theater- NAB, 619-437-5487, Bldg. 337 Thursday, June 5 12:00 p.m. Epic (PG) 5:00 p.m. The Legend of Hercules (PG-13) Friday, June 6 5:00 p.m. Pompeii (PG-13) Saturday, June 7 2:00 p.m. Winter’s Tale (PG-13) 5:00 p.m. That Awkward Moment (R) Tuesday, June 10 12:00 p.m. Monsters University (PG) 5:00 p.m. Nebraska (R) Wednesday, June 11 5:00 p.m. I, Frankenstein (PG-13) Thursday, June 12 12:00 p.m. Planes (PG) 5:00 p.m. 47 Ronin (PG-13) Camp Pendleton Theater 760-725-9217 Thursday, June 5 CLOSED Friday, June 6 6:30pm Mom’s Night Out (PG) 9:00pm Neighbors (R) Saturday, June 7 1:00pm The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (PG13) ***3D*** 4:15pm Mom’s Night Out (PG) 6:45pm A Haunted House 2 (R) Sunday, June 8 1:00pm The Other Woman (PG13) 3:45pm ***FREE MOVIE*** Muppets Most Wanted (PG) 6:30pm Neighbors (R) THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 29 Thursday, June 5 5:50 p.m. Heaven is for Real (PG) 8:10 p.m. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - 2D (PG-13) Friday, June 6 6:00 p.m. Mom’s Night Out (PG) 8:10 p.m. Neighbors (R) Saturday, June 7 1:00 p.m. Mom’s Night Out (PG) 3:00 p.m. Heaven is for Real (PG) 5:50 p.m. Neighbors (R) 8:00 p.m. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - 3D (PG-13) Sunday, June 8 12:50 p.m. Mom’s Night Out (PG) 2:50 p.m. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - 2D (PG-13) 5:50 p.m. Neighbors (R) 7:50 p.m. The Quiet Ones (PG-13) Monday, June 9 5:50 p.m. Neighbors (R) 7:50 p.m. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - 2D (PG-13) Tuesday, June 10 6:00 p.m. Mom’s Night Out (PG) 8:00 p.m. Neighbors (R) Wednesday, June 11 6:00 p.m. The Quiet Ones (PG-13) 8:00 p.m. The Other Woman (PG-13) Thursday, June 12 5:50 p.m. Mom’s Night Out (PG) 7:50 p.m. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - 2D (PG-13) T/F WANTED TO BUY REAL ESTATE HOUSES 5108 Spencer Ct. is located in the community of Arrowood. 4BR/3BA. Loft, office, 3 car garage, formal living & dining rooms. 2832 sq. ft. Corian counter tops in the kitchen, all this and upstairs laundry too! The great stamped concrete patio & large yard make entertaining easy. Offered at $499,000-$535,000. sleeplessness, worry, anger, fears, helplessness, hopelessness? Let Recovery International help you. We do not take the place of the professional, we work in conjunction with. Low cost self help group with daily meetings through out San Diego County. (619) 275-0364. Phone meetings also available. 6/5 for active military! OCEANSIDE - Beautiful Home Do you suffer from: stress, tension, anxiety, panic, mood disorders, fatigue, SPA 25/mo Discount Naval Base Theater - NBSD, 619-556-5568, Bldg. 71 Draft Day (R) GOLDEN HILLS – Beautifully remodeled 2nd floor studio in an East Village Area Victorian. Great views of the Coronado Bridge & the bay. Walk to Petco Park & Gaslamp. New ceramic tile floors, appls, cabinets, ss sink & tub. Walk-in closet & storage. $950/mo + $800 dep. 505 21st St. #5. Craigslist search for Oliver 619-715-5459 760.840.0187 at ROOMS for RENT ____________________________________ LEMON GROVE – Share home w/priv bedroom, bath, yard & entry. “A MUST SEE” $975/mo + dep. Military Welcome, avail now. 619-318-0282 $ 6/19 ___________________________________________________ MOVIES RENTALS STUDIOS Around Town Padres vs. Nationals at Petco Park. Fri., June 6, 7:10 pm. www. Cruisin’ Grand. Fri., June 6, 5-9pm. Grand Avenue, Escondido. The #1 car cruise in the nation. San Marcos Rock, Blues & BBQ Fest 2014. Fri.-Sat., June 6-7. Walnut Grove Park. (760) 744-9000. Farm Tour Day in North County, Sat., June 7, 9am-3pm. Behind-the-scenes look at how food/flowers are grown. Guided walking tours, demos, samples, activities for all ages.Various Farm Locations. (760) 745-3023. “You gotta stand ire Insp olette from C for something or you’ll fall for anything” -from the internet Operation Engage America, Sat., June 7, 1-5pm. Free. Day of support, awareness, education, and resources for Veterans and families living with PTS and TBI and for the community. American Legion, VFW, IAVA, PVA, and the VA have come together to host Operation Engage America, being held in San Diego and Des Moines. American Legion Post 731, 7245 Linda Vista Road, Linda Vista. Art Around Adams: Two-Mile Music & Art Walk, Sat., June 7, 2-10pm. Free. Live music, impromptu galleries, performance art, interactive installations, and more. Free and family-friendly event. Complimentary trolley featuring live performances will shuttle guests up and down Adams Avenue. 11th Annual Encinitas Rotary Wine & Food Festival at San Diego Botanic Garden. Sat., June 7, 5pm. (760) 436-3036. www. San Marcos Hikes: San Dieguito River Park/ Santa Fe Valley. Sat., June 7, 8am. (760) 744-9000. 26th Annual Spring Fling Gala for the Helen Woodward Animal Center. Sat., June 7. Fairbanks Village Plaza in Rancho Sante Fe. (858) 756-4117. Sam Hinton Folk Festival. Sat., June 7, 10:30am-5pm. Free. Old Poway Park, 14134 Midland Rd. www. Padres vs. Nationals at Petco Park. Sat., June 7, 7:10 pm. Father’s Day Sleepover at San Diego Zoo. First weekend. Sat., June 7, 4pm–9am. (619) 718-3000. 146th running of the Belmont Stakes Horse Race, Sat., June 7. Third and final leg of the triple crown of horse racing. Encinitas Rotary Wine & Food Festival. Sat., June 7, 5pm at the San Diego Botanic Garden. Trek with the Trackers, Saturdays, June 7, July 5, Aug. 2, Sept. 6. 8:30-10:30 a.m. Free. Discover and identify tracks, scat, bedlays and other evidence of critters that live in local underbrush and trees. Join a Mission Trails Regional Park tracking-team guide for two hours of dirt-time fun -- wear long pants! Meet in front of the Visitor Center. Mission Trails Regional Park, One Father Junípero Serra Trail, San Carlos Camp Pendleton World Famous Mud Run. Second Weekend. Sat.-Sun., June 7-8. 2014 San Diego County Fair, theme: The Fab Fair! Sat., June 7-Sun., July 6. Adult $14*; Age 62+ $8; Age 6-12 $8; Age 5/under Free. *Discount admission available at Albertson’s/Sav-On. San Diego’s annual county fair is the largest fair in California, offering a variety of food, entertainment, exhibits, rides & games. Del Mar Fairgrounds, off I-5 at Via de la Valle. Spy Del Moto Derby at the San Diego County Fair. Sun., June 8. SPY is happy to present the third annual SPY Del Moto Derby Invitational, the only motocross event in San Diego County Fair history. Padres vs. Nationals at Petco Park. Sun., June 8, 1:10 pm. Texas Hold-Em at Alta Vista Gardens. Sun., June 8, 2 pm. (760) 945-3954. Encinitas Environment Day. Cottonwood Creek Park. Sun., June 8, 10am-4pm. The Siers Brothers provide musical entertainment at the Seaport Village Free Sunday Concert Series. Race Across America bicycle race starts at Oceanside Pier Amphitheater: Solo start. Tues., June 10, noon. Tuesday Movie at Encinitas Library. See a critically acclaimed film on the full-size movie screen every Tuesday. 4pm-6pm. (760) 753-7376. Albertsons $4 Fair Day at the San Diego County Fair. Weds., June 11. Monty Python’s Spamalot at the Moonlight Amphitheater. June 11-28, 8pm. Concerts at the Cove at Fletcher Cove Park in Solana Beach. Thurs., June 12, 6-8pm. FIFA World Cup in Brazil, Thurs., June 12-Sun., July 13. Cruisin’ Grand. Fri., June 13, 5-9pm. Grand Avenue, Escondido. The #1 car cruise in the nation. Flag Day, Sat., June 14. People across the United States celebrate Flag Day on June 14 each year to honor the United States flag and to commemorate the flag’s adoption. On the same day, the United States Army celebrates its birthday. Roar and Snore Father’s Day at the Safari Park. Sat., June 14.(619) 718-3000. 7th Annual Carlsbad Beach Fest. Sat., June 14. Festivities include 5k beach run or walk, Zumba fitness on the beach, pro and amateur surf contests, and more. Father’s Day, Sun., June 15. Call your dad! San Marcos ArtWalk, Sundays, July 6, Aug. 3, Sept. 7, Oct 5, 10am-2pm. Free. ArtWalk hosts 30+ local artists. Sponsored by Old California Restaurant Row. ArtWalk shares Sunday with a high-energy Car Show and a local Farmers Market. Special offers on dining and entertainment. Old California Restaurant Row, 1080 West San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos Run for Fun! Wednesdays, 6 p.m. Ongoing. Free. Locate new routes in the city, “test-drive” latest Nike footwear, run with motivated people. Run choice of three-, five-, and seven-mile routes, starting from Nike Fashion Valley. (619) 294-9385. 7007 Friars Road, San Diego. Public Nights at the Planetarium, Fridays. $4-$6. Two shows every Friday. “The Sky Tonight” (7-8pm): A live narrated show highlighting the current night skies from San Diego. The moon, planets, and constellations are described and audiences are taken on virtual journeys into space. “Violent Universe” (8:15-9pm): A fulldome feature that creates an emersive experience . Palomar College. 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos. planetarium ENJOYthe Armed Forces Dispatch Open Mon.-Thurs. 11am to midnight )ULDPDP6DWDPDP 6XQDPWRPLGQLJKW After a day at the beach... stop by for the EHVWÀVKWDFRVDURXQG 'XEOLQHU%XUJHU 'RPHVWLF%HHU $ or 10 'XEOLQHU%XUJHU &UDIW%HHU $ 13 $9$,/$%/(021'$<1,*+76 IN JUNE ONLY 215 N. Coast Highway Downtown Oceanside Must present coupon. May not be redeemed for cash. 30 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 760-439-7442 UPDATE YOUR RIDE Serving San Diego’s Military for 10+ years #1 in Satisfaction, Guaranteed The job is done right the first time Security You Can Rely On Free Tint for Military Alarms, Rims & Stereos Payment Options 10% OFF WITH THIS AD CERTIFIED CAR AUDIO 6670 Miramar Road #A, San Diego, CA 92121 • 858-453-7787 Concerts Please confirm concerts before attending. NOTE: Some venues are age 21+ only. Mar. (858) 755-1161. BritBeat, Thurs., June 12, 6:30 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Jeff Dunham, Thurs., June 12, 7:30 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Darius Rucker, Fri., June 13, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. West of 5, Fri., June 13, 9 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 June Danity Kane, Thurs., June 5, 7:30 p.m. Hip-hop/rap/pop. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Neon Trees, Nightmare & the Cat, Smallpools, Fri., June 6, 7:30 p.m. ROck. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Lionel Richie and CeeLo Green, Sat., June 7, 7:30 p.m. Pop. Sleep Train Amphitheatre, 2050 Entertainment Cir., Chula Vista. (619) 671-3600. Air Supply, Sat., June 7, 8 p.m. Pechanga Resort & Casino, 45000 Pechanga Pkwy, Temecula. (951) 693-1819. Tierra and Malo, Sat., June 7, 7 p.m. Latin/rock. Sycuan Casino Showcase Theatre, 5469 Casino Way, El Cajon. (619) 445-6002. Third Eye Blind, Sat., June 7, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Fab Fair; Tribute to the British Invasion, Sat., June 7, 6 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Voz de Mando, Sun, June 8, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Super Freestyle Explosion, Sat., June 14, 7:30 p.m. Valley View Casino Center (San Diego Sports Arena), 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. (619) 224-4171. Ramon Ayala, Sun, June 15, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Hazmatt, Sun., June 15, 9 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Steve Winwood, Tues., June 17, 7:30 p.m. Rock. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. Battle of the Bands, Tues., June 17, 5 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Zendaya, Wed., June 18, 7 Fab Fair; Tribute to the British Invasion, Sat., June 7, 6 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. (858) 755-1161. Il Volo, Mon., June 9, 8 p.m. Classical/pop. Humphrey’s by the Bay, box office 2241 Shelter Island Dr., (619) 224-3577 or Ticketmaster (619) 220-TIXS. The Fray, Barcelona, Oh Honey, Tues., June 10, 7:30 p.m. Rock. Open Air Theatre, 5500 Campanile Dr., San Diego. (619) 594-6947. Cowboy Jack, Wed., June 11, 4:30 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Tiff Jimber, Wed., June 11, 6 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Joe Nichols and Jana Dramer, Wed., June 11 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Taylor Hicks, Wed., June 11, 7:30 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. James Darren, Thurs, June 12, 5 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Pentatonix, Tues., June 24, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Hunter Hayes, Sat., June 14, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 (858) 755-1161. Gavin Degraw and Matt Nathanson, Sun., June 15, 7:30 p.m. Country/folk. Humphrey’s p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Teen Hoot, Wed., June 18, 6:30 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 7551161. Johnny Rivers, Thurs., June 19, 3 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. Smokey Robinson, Fri., June 20, 7 p.m. Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd, Del Mar. (858) 755-1161. CHRYSLER JEEP DODGE RAM MAZDA FIAT Bob Baker Quality PreOwned Vehicles (with the purchase of any regular priced entree and 2 beverages) Up to $10.99. Dine-in only. Not valid with any other offers. Valid at Mission Valley, Gaslamp, Oceanside, & “NEW” San Marcos Locations only. One coupon per table per visit. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Expires 8/15/14. PLU 2178 MISSION VALLEY, GASLAMP, OCEANSIDE, & “NEW” SAN MARCOS ‘14 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Moab #EL246305 stk#P20500 $CALL ‘12 Mazda CX-9 Grand Touring ‘14 Kia Sorrento #EG434661 stk#FR4276 $19941 #C0355899 stk#MT22893 $27992 ‘14 Dodge Charger ‘12 Dodge Durango ‘02 Dodge Viper ‘11 Mazda CX-9 GT #CC253045 stk#T20372 $CALL #B0317119 stk# MT22908 $26996 #EH131249 stk# R20538 $25990 #2V100802 stk#T20429 $32941 ‘07 Volvo V70 2.5T Wagon ‘12 Fiat 500 #72629412 stk# T20609 $14990 #CT254594 stk# FT4278 $12221 ‘05 Scion tC #50008903 stk#T20517 $8888 ‘14 Mazda6 i Grand Touring #E1113629 stk#MT22898 $26991 ‘02 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner ‘11 Mazda3 s Grand Touring ‘14 Dodge Charger 15132 mi ‘10 Toyota Corolla #2Z890874 stk#FT4320 $13995 #B1445722 stk#MT22916 $18982 #EH131249 stk#R20538 $CALL #AZ379883 stk#MT22981 $13983 ‘12 Ford Focus ‘13 Mazda5 ‘10 Jeep Wranger Sahara 43422 mi ‘11 Jeep Wrangler #CL279335 stk#MT22910 $12992 #D0154884 stk#MR22940 $18681 #AL167081 stk#P20319 $23988 #BL522686 stk#P20456 $24488 *ÊUÊ ,9-, "ÊUÊ, (877) 363-2393 5555 Car Country Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (15 minutes from Pendelton.) All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Subject to prior sale. Vehicle pictured may not be the color of vehicles in stock. Expires 6-8-2014. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 • • 31 FREE ENTREE ‘13 Toyota RAV4 LE #DW023623 stk#R20367 $CALL Think Fuller Ford Fuller Honda Fuller Summer Days ALL NEW 2013’S MUST GO THIS WEEKEND! MEMORIAL DAY SAVINGS STILL GOING ON! 2014 Fiesta, Focus, Fusion, Eascape & F-150 0% APR FOR 60 MONTHS! 3p*p2,*+ 2014 Ford Fiesta 5 Hatch SE MSRP..................$16,905 Fuller Discount.....-$3,178 Sale Price............$13,727 Retail Customer Cash -$750 “Ecoboost Challenge” Retail Customer Cash....-$1,000 Retail Bonus Customer Cash... .....................................-$500 2014 Ford Military Appreciation............-$500 NET SALES COST $10,977 31 MPG In appreciation of your military service, Honda proudly presents Honda Military Appreciation Offer. This offer is available to eligible customers toward any 2013 or newer model year Honda when you finance or lease through Honda Financial Services (HFS). 1.9 % For 60 Months* On all 2014 Accord, Civics, Pilots & Odysseys *Must have Tier One or Two credit. See dealer for details. Sales Going on Now at Fuller Kia The Fastest Growing Kia Dealer in the South Bay New Cadenza Impossible to Ignore in Stock Now! 2014 KIA FORTE EX MSRP.........................$21,185 LOADED, POWER WINDOWS, POWER DOOR LOCKS, REMOTE Fuller Discount............-$1,916 START, WHEEL LOCK, CARGO TRAY, Sale Price..................$18,777 CARGO NET, CARGO MAT, *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 6/9/14. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #D44252. Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. NET SALES COST $15,977 2014 Ford F-150 4x2 Regular Cab MSRP....................$25,640 Fuller Discount.......-$4,163 Sale Price..............$21,477 “Ecoboost Challenge” Retail Customer Cash......-$1,000 Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash.........-$1,000 2014 Ford Military Appreciation...............-$500 NET SALES COST $18,977 *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 6/9/14. On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #E01192. Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 6/9/14 800-507-1644 560 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA 18,777 2014 Honda CIVIC Sedan 4 Dr. LX AUTOMATIC *Must finance thru Ford Motor Credit Company LLC. Prices plus any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges and any emission testing charges. **On approval of credit. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 6/9/14 On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #240928 Prices off MSRP include customer incentives. MSRP....................$23,505 Fuller Discount.......-$4,028 Sale Price..............$19,477 “Ecoboost Challenge” Retail Customer Cash......-$1,000 Ford Credit Retail Bonus Customer Cash.........-$1,000 Retail Trade-in Assistance Bonus........................$1,000 2014 Ford Military Appreciation...............-$500 MUD GUARDS NET SALES COST $ $ 2014 Ford Escape S FWD 32 • • THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2014 Fuller Kia 139 LEASE FOR PLUS TAX PER MONTH On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #E5106591. Must finance through Kia Motors Financial. 2014 KIA SORENTO SX AWD LOADED, CARGO NET, CARGO COVER, CARGO TRAY, 7 PASSENGER, MUD GUARDS, 3RD ROW SEAT & REAR WHEEL LOCKS, PANORAMIC ROOF $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $139. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $11,988. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. MSRP.........................$39,385 Fuller Discount............-$6,386 NET SALES COST NEW 2014 Honda Accord LX 4 Dr. Sedan $ 32,999 AUTOMATIC 189 $ LEASE FOR On approved Tier one & two credit. 1 at this price #EG550244 2013 KIA OPTIMA LX HYBRID PLUS TAX PER MONTH $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 remaining payments at $189. $0 security deposit. Residual Now $13,656.10. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. NEW 2014 CR-V 2WD 4 Dr. Wagon LX HYBRID CONVENIENCE PACKAGE, BLUETOOTH, CD, CARGO TRAY, IPOD CABLE, POWER LOCKS & WINDOWS, CRUISE CONTROL MSRP.........................$28,105 Fuller Discount............-$2,706 KMF Bonus.................-$2,500 Competitive Bonus.........-$500 Military Rebate...............-$400 NET SALES COST $ 189 $ 21,999 LEASE FOR PLUS TAX PER MONTH 1 at this price #5061453 $1995 Due from customer at lease signing. Excludes tax, title, license & dealer fees. 36 monthly payments of $189. $0 security deposit. Residual $14,502.75. 12,000 miles per year. 15c per mile in excess. Tier one credit. 5 at this price. 619-656-2600 SOUTHBAY’S SAVING ZONE 580 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA BUYING SERVICE *Excludes taxes, titles and fees. Not all buyers may qualify. Subject to limited availability. See dealer for complete details. All prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document preparation charge and any emission testing charge. Residency restrictions apply. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Dealer installed options are extra. Alarms can be purchased at additional cost or removed at customers option. Vehicles to retail customers only. No wholesale transactions allowed. See dealer for complete details. Prices & Terms expires 6/9/14 *Warranty is a limited power train warranty. For details see retailer or go to 800-507-1644 540 AUTO PARK DR. CHULA VISTA *Prices plus government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer documentation preparation charges, and any emission testing charges. “On approval of credit”. Subject to prior sale. Prices do not include dealer installed alarms. Prices & Terms expire 6/9/14