signal anal yzers - Helmut Singer Elektronik
signal anal yzers - Helmut Singer Elektronik
With compliments Helmut Singer Elektronik fon +49 241 155 315 fax +49 241 152 066 Feldchen 16-24 D-52070 Aachen Germany SIGNAL ANAL YZERS Dual-Channel, Model 3582A . . . . DynamicSignal Analyzer 0.02 Hz to 25.5 kHz Transfer function magnitude end phase measurements Coherence function measurement Phase spectrum measurement Transient capture end frequency domain analysis De.crtptlon Tbe 3582A is a powerful dual-cbannel,real-time spcctrum analyzer tbat solvesbencb or systemsmeasurementproblems in tbe frequency range of 0.02 Hz to 25.599 kHz. Sophisticated LSI digital filtering combined witb microcomputer execution of tbe Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) provides exceptional measurementcapability and performance, Exceptlonal Frequency Resolution Tbe ability to resolve closely spacedspcctral componcnts is orten critical in tbe study of subtle pbcnomenasucb as structural transfer functions. Unlike conventionaldynamit signal analysis whicb extends from DC to somemaximum frequency, thc Model 3582A'can "zoom in" to analyze any selcctedband of frequcncics witb dramatically improved resolution, Tbc start or center frequcncy of tbe 5 Hz to 25 kHz band analysis spanscan be adjusted in I Hz incrcments to cover tbc entire frequency range of tbc instrument. Tbis provides resolution down to 20 milliHertz acrosstbc cntire range tor spectrum analysis or 40 milliHertz tor transfer functions, representingas mucb as 5000 to I improvemcnt ovcr convcntionaJ"baseband" analysis, . . . InternaI periodic and random noise source Band selectable analysis tor 0.02 Hz resolution Alphanumeric CAT annotation and marker readout Exce"ent Low Frequency Many elcctrical and physical mcasurementshave signficant spectrat information in tbc audio and sub-audio range. With frequency ranges from 2S kHz down to 1 Hz full scale, tbc Model 3S82A is extremely weil suitcd to thcsc ty~ of mcasurements.The display shown in fig. I reprcscnts the phase noise of a freqUCDCY synthesizer over tbc range of 0 to 1 Hz with a frequency ~Iution of 6 milliHertz. Real Time Mea.urement Speed Long measurement times can be a major limitation of swept low frequency spectrum analyzers. In high volume testing or in applications requiring substantial on-line tuning these long measurement times are both expensiveand inconvenient. Since the Model 3S82A usesan advancedmicrocomputer to execute the Fast Fourier Transform (FfT), it can perform equivalent measurementsas much as one to two orders of magnitude raster than a swept analyzer. Wlde Amplitude Range When examining the sensitivity of an analyzer, it is important to consider the full range of potential applications. If the analyzer does not directly cover the range of anticipated signals, extemal ampiifiers or attenuators will be required. Thesedevicescan add their own noise andcandistort the signalbeingmeasured. The Model 3S82A offers 150 dB of calibrated measurement range covering +30 dBV (31.6 volts) to -120 dBV (I Jlvolt) and thus minimizes the needfot external signal conditioning. Even with input sensitivities down to -120 dBV the input circuit is fully protected against accidental overloadsof 100 Volts DC or 120Volts RMS fOTshort periods. Wlde Dynamlc Range In many applications the information of interest is contained not in the high amplitude fundamental, hut rather in the low amplitude components.For a spectTumanalyzer to provide useful information about theselow level components in the presenceof a \arge signal, it mustoffer widedynamicrange.The Model 3S82Adynamit rangeis specified as 70 da. Phase Spectrum MeaBurement M~t spectrum analyzerscan measureonly tb.eamplitude SpectfU.m of a signal, yet complete characterization in tbe frequency domalß. also requires phase information. Signals with identical amplitude spectra. but different phase spectra can differ significantly. The advanceddigital signal processingtechniques incorporated in the Model 3S82A providedirect measurement of phasespectra. Tranal.nt Captur. and Analysis Many signals such as mechanical shocks and electrical transients may occur infrequently and spontaneously aod may last only fot a brief period of time. Swept spectrum analyzers generally cannot handle thesetransient signals. By using digital processingtechniques.the Model 3S82A can capturo and analyze transients as short as a lew milliseconds. Tbis means that spectrum analysis and transfer function analysis are no Ionger lirnited to stable. time invariant signals. Fig. 2A Fig. 28 Figur.. 2A & 28: Capture and anaiyze transients in both amplj. lude and pha8e. Transfer Functlon Measurement Wlth the Internal Noise Source Many elcctrical circuitsand mechanicalsystems canbe treatedas linear networks and can be characterized by tbc magnitude and phase of their transfer functions. Most spcctrum analyzers can mcasurc only tbc magnitude portion of tbc transfer function - and even then only by assuminga tlat drive signal. Tbe Model 3582A dircctly mcasures tbc complete transfer function, both maanitude and phase. With dual channels thc actual drive signal is mcasured on Channel A and thus docs not have to be totally tlat; drive signal variations are taken out in the computation processto give valid results. Tbe major constraint on tbc input signal is that, unlikea sweptsource,it muststimulateall frequencies of interest simultancously. Two sourccsare provided in the Model 3S82A which mcct this constraint. Tbey are pscudo-random and random noisc. For linear networks, the pseudo-rand&mnoisc sourcegives you accurate results in tbc fastest thcoretically possibletime. When nonlinearities are a problem, random noisc gives the best estimate of tbc transfer function at tbc operating point. In addition, both noise sources are bandlimited to concentrate all stimulus energy in the band of frequenciesanalyzed. This minimizes test time becauscit improves tbc signal to noisc ratio of tbc measurements.This also minimizes the disturbance to the network under test, which can be very important in control applications. With this drive signal functioning as a "tracking generator" substitute, the Model 3582A is a low frequency network analyzer with "real-time" measurement speed. As with spectrum measurements, portions of the transfer function as narrow as 5 Hz can be examined anywhere over the 25 kHz frequency range. Coherence Functlon Measurement The measurement of a device transfer function assumesthat the device under test is linear and that no portion of the output is caused by noise or extraneous signal sourccs. In active electronic circuits or mechanical structures these conditions can easily be violated - yet such violations arevery difficult to identify. The Model 3582A considerably simplifies this problem by providing the direct measurement of the coherence function. This is a frequency domain measure of the fraction of the power in one signal (e.g., the output) causedby the other measuredsignal (e.g., the input). If this fraction is 1.0, the output at that frequency is causedby the input and thc transfer function is valid. If the fraction is near 0.0. the output ia causedby something other than the measuredinput. This causecould be noise, nonlinearities or an unanticipated input, but the result is the same - the transfer function data at that frequency is suspect. In addition to serving as a valuable check on the validity of transfer functions, the coherence function can be useful when investigating causejeffect relationships particularly in multiple input systems. Digital Averaging Capabillty Many spectral measurementscontain both discrete signals and random noise components.Obtaining proper amplitude readings can be difficult if the random components are really the ones of interest or are of nearly the same amplitude as the discrete signals. The digital averaging techniques incorporated in the Model 3582A help solve theseproblems. The RMS averaging mode takes the power average of 4 to 256 successivespectra in order to reduce the uncertainty of the estimate of random spectral components.For measurements where the spectral information is not stahle hut varies slowly with time, a running exponential form of RMS averalinl is provided. By continually reducing the importance of older spectra. this mode preventsold data from completely obscuring new data yet still retains the basic advantales of averaginl. When a synchronizing trigger signal is available, the TIME average can enhance the signal-to-noise ratio by as much as 24 da. Since it involves the averaging of successivetime records before transformation it is also signjficantly fastet than other types of averaging. Fully Annotated, C811br8ted CRT DIspl8Y One of the most important features of the Model 3582A is its ease of use. Operator interaction with the instrument is simplified by the combination of intelligent microcomputer control and the alphanumeric display capability. The basic annotation clearly shows the major measurement parameters. Operational Diagnostics In addition to measurementresults, the display is used to provide the operator with useful diagnostics. As the examples show, these tend to not only indicate the problem, hut also to suggestan appropriate action. Fig. 3A Fig. 38 Figur.s 3A & 38: Operatlonal diagnostics not only show problem but also suggest solution SIGNAL ANAL YZERS Dual-Channel,Real-TimeSpectrum Analyzer 0.02 Hz to 25.5 kHz Model 3582A (cont.) Service Dlagnostlcs By pressing combinations of front panel keys, tbc instrument will run self-diagnostic routines. Tbese include a lest of all tbc ROM, RAM, front panel, display, recorder output and tbc digital filters. The test results are displaycd on the CRT as eitber "OK" (correct) or "ER" (error). Powerful HP-IB Capabillty The Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB) is an interface concept that allOWStwo-way communication among as many as fiftcen different devices.Generally, at least one of tbese devices is a "computing controller" wbicb excrcises overall system control. Tbis controller directs and coordinates tbc activities of tbc otber devicesin tbc system. All major front panel controls witb tbc exception of tbc vemiers are fully programmable via the HP-IB. Tbe programming codesare simple and are logically dcrived from tbc front panel controllabels. Tbe states of tbc various controls occupy only ten 8-bit bytes of data tbat can be read and written by tbc HP-IB. Tbis allows you to manually set up a test from the front panel and store it in a compact form. From the HP-IB it is a simple matter to command tbe Model 3S82A to output results in a usable fonn. Not only can tbc various control settingsbe retrieved, but numcric marker data can be extractcd. More importantly, tbc full display can be read in ASCII fonnat along with complete annotation. The HP-IB structure is entirely flexible, allowing any of tbc RAM (random accessmemory) in the instrument to be read or written into. Tbis meanstbat intenncdiate computational results sucb as tbc cross power spectrum can be read by a computing controller. In applica. tions where speedis critical, tbc controller can transfer tbc displaycd traces in binary, direct from tbc RAM. Tbe ability to write into tbc RAM is also extremely valuable. For example, a perfect time record can be synthesizedfrom a matbematical model and input to the instrument for analysis. More importantly, storcd display infonnation such as the vibration signatures of a rotating machine can be input to the instrument fot review. Also, the controller can matbematically process tbc storeddataandfonnat tbe resultsfot displayon tbc CRT. Since the controller can also write its own CourliDesof alpbanumeric tex~ tbe resultscan be properly annotatcd and calibratcd. Tbe operator can even be liven brief interpretation instructions-.l1 on the CRT of the instrument. ations of a prccision high frequency SOUTcc. This is accomplishcd by mixing the high frequency signal down to DC end measuring the phase noise close-in to tbe carrier. Fllte, Menurement With dircct transfer function measurementsend tbe built-in driv. ing source, the Model 3582A is weIl suitcd to pcrforming a network analysisof low frequency devicessuch as filters. Figure 5 showsa five scction low passelliptic filter. Figur. 5: Filter Tranafer Function . Te'ecommunIc8t1on8 Tbe frequency range and performance characteristics of the Model 3582A are weil matched to the R&.D and production needsof telecommunications. Voice frequency componentsincluding analog liDes can be easily characterized. Specialized signal sourcessuch as multifrequency tone sourcesand modemscan poseunusual testing problems. Figure 6 shows the frequency spectrum of a modem transmitting astring of asterisks. Figure 6: Modem Spectrum Audlo and Acoustics Special Displays Figure 4: Are Poasible Under HP-IB Control A Wide Range of Applicatlons Includlng: . Low frequency electronlc. Ch8r8ct.rlz. SIgnal Sourc.. Spectrum analyzers have typically been of major value in characterizing the harmonic distortion. spurious outputs, level and frcqucncy of signal sources. The model 3S82A not only makes these measurcments bettet end more accurately tban before. but it also makes them faster. Tbe additional combination of "real-time" messurement speed and the powerful HP-IBcapability make automated testing of these parameters very attractive. Ph.88 NolM Me..urement In addition to characterizing low frequency sources, tbe Model 3S82A can help characterize tbe short term random frequency fluctu- T8pe Recorder Flutter Tbe Model 3582A hai a number of features that make it weil suited to the analysisof entertainment products. For example. an audio tape recorder is a moderately complex electromechanical system.Any unwantcd mechanical speedvariations will show up as discrete modulation sidebandson a recordcd tone. With the frequency resolution of the Model 3582A. it is possible to identify the sidebands preciselY enough to relate them to actual geometries. Loud.pe8kerT..tlng Loudspeakersprovide another interesting application example. By combining the built-in noise source with time averaging. it is possi~le to obtain valid characterizations evenin tbe presenceof ambient nolse as sbown in figure 7. It is also possibleto use impulse type signals for this . Since tbe timerecord collection time is only a few milliseconds. tbiS can minimize the echo problems. With a slightly different hook-up the clcctrical impcdance of loudspeakercan even be measurcd. Figure 7: Loud Speaker Response . Structur.' .n.lyst. A broad range of mechanical structures can be adequately described as linear systemsand can be characterized by their frequency domain transfer functions. These transfer functions relate applied forces and the resulting motion. This example illustrates the driving ~int inertance (acceleration/force) transfer function of a small beIm. DC response: Adjustableto >40 dB belowmaximuminput level Accuracy: Accuracy at the :t:0..1dB PassbandCenter Flat top filter: +0, -0.1 dB Hannlng filter: +0, -l.S dB Uniform filter: +0, -4.0 dB Note: Overallaccuracyis the sumof the accuracyat the pusband centerplusthe selectedfilter accuracy. Resolution: Log: 0.1 dB Unear: 3 digits Phase Display range: +200 degreesto -200 degrees Accuracy: :t 10degrees Resolution: 1 degree Transfer Functlon Measurementrang.: Log: + 160dB full scaleto -80 dB fu" scale Linear: 4 X 10' fu" scaleto 4 X lo-a fu" scale Phasedisplay range: + 200degreesto - 200degrees Accuracy: Amplitude: :t0.8 dB Pha..: j: 5 degrees Accuracy: Option 001 Amplitude . I I .02 HZ 0:448 :2:2- r I 0... :2:5- .1kHz I I 25..1kHz Coherence Measurement rang.: 0.0 bottom display liDe to 1.0 top display liDe Resolution: 0.01 Input ImpedanC8: 10' n :t.5% shuntcd by <60 pF rrom input high to low (ror less than 75% relative humidity) Isolation: Input low may be floatcd up to 30V Coupllng: Switch selectionof AC or DC couplins. The low rrequency Figure 8: Driving Point Inertance . RotaUng machlnery Ifgnature. Every rotating machine exhibits a unique characteristic vibration pattern determincd not only by tbc basic design and construction of tbc machine. but also by environmental factors and Weaf. With tbc appropriate transduccrs the Model 3S82A can mcasurc and analyze these vibration patterns or "signatures." 3582A Speclflcationa Frequency Range:0.02Hz to 25.5kHz with tbelowfrequencylimit tberesultof DC response. Span.: 1 Hz to 25 kHz in a 1-2.5-5-10 sequence.The 1 Hz and 2.5 Hz spansare usable only in the O-start mode. Accuracy: :t 0.003% of display center frequency. R..olutJon: 0.4% of tbe frequency span for single channel or 0.8% of the frequency span for dual channels. Filter .hape: Flat Top Hannlng Uniform 3 dB Bandwldth (1.4 :t0.1% (0.58 1:0.05% (0.35 :t0.02% (single chann.l) of span) of span) of span) Shap. Factor 2.6 :t0.1 9.1 1:0.2 716 ::t20 Amplitude Display mode.: Log: 10 dB/division or 2 dB/division LInear: Constant voltage/division Mea.uremen' range: Log: +30 dBV to -120 dBV noise noor LInear: +30 V to I"V noise noor Dynamlc ranoe: 70 dB 3 dB roll off is < 1 Hz. Commonmode re)ectlon: 50 Hz: >60 dB 60 Hz: >58 dB Crosstalk: <-140 dB betweenchannelswith 1 kn SOUrte impeciancedriving ODechanDeiand the other terminatedin 1 kn. Output X-Y recorder: Level: OVto 5.25V :t:5% Impedance: 1 k!2 Pen Hft: contactclOlureduring sweep Nol.. source: Type: Periodicpseudorandum noiJeor randomnoiJesignalwith switch selection.80th are band limited and band translatedto matchthe analysis. L.vel: From <10 mV to >500 mV RMS into >50 n Imp.danc.: <2 n General Envlronmental: Temperatur.: O°Cto 5SoCoperating;-40°C to +7SoCItonp Humldlty: <95% R.H. O°Cto 40°C Power r.qulr.ment8: 100.120.220.or 240voltl (+S"'. -1~); 4866 Hz; lessthan lS0 VA Dlm.nslons 5lze: 42S.S W x SS2.S D x 188 mmH (16.7S' x 21.7S' x 7.4') Welght: 24.S kg (S4 Ibs.); shippping weight: 29 kl (63 IbI.) Options Opt 001: High AccuracyTransferFunction Measurement Option 3582A Spectrum Analyzer