July 2016 - Wilkesboro United Methodist
July 2016 - Wilkesboro United Methodist
The Witness Monthly Newsletter of Wilkesboro United Methodist Church NEW PASTOR AND FAMILY Mr. & Mrs. Dr. Timothy K. Roberts will July 2016 MISSION— Nursery-Pre-school & K-5th (includes rising 6th graders) 5:30—8:45pm (supper included) Pastor Karen has served previously at Woodleaf UMC in Salisbury; Liberty UMC in Mocksville; and Mt. Olivet UMC in Lexington. She has a passion for proclaimIf you would like to help in any way, ing the Gospel, a love of exploring God’s created contact the church office. world (especially with her dog “Lady”), and a heart for MISSION—HONDURAS worship that is powerful and transforming. In May, a team of ten, travDr. Timothy K. Roberts, a United Methodist pastor, eled to Honduras via the Honhas been appointed as the Appalachian District duras Agape Foundation (HAF) Church Vitality Strategist. They have two daughters to work on a school/medical center in the community of La Katie Allen and husband, Kevin, who reside in Winston Montañita which is also Salem and Emily Roberts who lives in Charlotte. known as “Little Mountain.” Rev. Karen Robert’s first Sunday in worship with the During our trip we took some time to hand out dresspeople of Wilkesboro United Methodist, is July 10th. es and shorts that were made by the WUMC Krafters Please note the Combined Worship schedule, which Sewing Bee project [see below, on this page]. includes a Welcome luncheon, on pg. 4. God richly blessed our trip. We faced some adversity but in the end God used it to show us that He was not MISSION OPPORTUNITY through working. This was our fifth year working in Get involved in this national mission trip with Samaritan’s Purse, Sept. 18—24, 2016 the community of La Montañita and this year we could see and feel the relationship that has been built. The community embraced us as their own and were The Wilkesboro United Methodist team will be limited to 10 persons. Estimated cost is $300, very thankful for us being there. We went to bless them and in the end they blessed us. God is a good plus personal expenses. If interested, please contact God. He worked through us to do great things, not the church office by Aug. 1st. just building a school house/medical center, but also to lead others to the saving grace of Christ. All Glory MISSION—UPPER ROOM PRAYER MINISTRY belongs to God through Christ Jesus. Be a Prayer Center Volunteer. Become an active part of a worldwide prayer MISSION—SEWING BEE ministry here at Wilkesboro UMC! Our 1000 Milestone Reached! At the May Sewchurch members are regularly involved ing Bee, the group completed dress # 1007 as a part of The Upper Room Living and shorts # 1007 as counted since the proPrayer Center, www.upperroom.org. ject started in August of 2014. As impressive The mission of the prayer center is to help disciples of as that milestone is, what really counts are Christ experience the living, transformative power of the 580 dresses and 580 shorts in 2016 that were deprayer. Each day hundreds of people call the Living livered by mission teams to Costa Rica, Guatemala, Prayer Center's toll free number with requests for Belize, and Honduras. Many thanks to the dozens of prayer. Our church members, along with hundreds people who volunteer their time and donations to across the country, talk to these callers and pray with make this happen. them. The next Sewing Bee will be Saturday, August 27th, Would you like to be involved? If you have a willingfrom 8:30am to Noon at the Shire's residence. Call ness to serve and agree to a short training time - we 336-927-0911 or email tanyashire@aol.com to join want you! Please contact the church office. this mission project. CHURCH BUSINESS Wilkesboro UMC Goals Together We Can! As of 06/26/16 553 0 2016 Goal 580 10 169 240 43 22 365 270 13 24 stewardship giving report 05/29 $ 3,177.00 06/05 $ 10,029.00 06/12 $ 7,912.86 06/19 $ 18,781.17 in supporting the Capital Campaign for the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems. Total Giving through June 19, 2016 $ 43,165.00 Need $ 75,867 in order not to deplete financial reserve. The Administrative Council meeting minute(s) and Treasurer Report(s) are available in the church office, in the Sanctuary narthex, and on our website via the “Newsletter” link. FINANCIAL GIVING STATEMENTS January—June 2016 Giving Statements will be emailed July 29th. If the church office does not have an email address for you, your statement will be on the table in the back of the Sanctuary July 31st. MEN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Calling all men! The Discipleship Committee is responding to interest in starting a Men's Sunday School Class. If you are interested in participating in this class, please contact Roger Eich, 336-984-9406, or the church office. YOUNG ADULT CLASS All young adults, ages 18 to 35, are invited to join in the formation of the Young Adults class each Sunday at 10:00am in the Community Room. This class is a safe place to share in deep discussion of Biblical studies and Christianity in the world today. KEENAGERS The Keenagers luncheon will be at Village Inn Pizza on July 5th at 11:30 (Dutch treat). On July 19th the group will leave at 9:30am for the History Museum of Catawba County in Newton and Murray's Mill in Catawba. The original mill was built in the 1800's and rebuilt in 1913 by two brothers. Portions of the original structure are still there and other portions have been restored/rebuilt in 1980-1988. Plus, there is a general store similar to the Mast General Store in Valle Crucis. There is no charge for the museum but there is a charge for the self-guided tour of Murray's Mill. Church family are welcome to join the Keenagers in all activities. If you plan to attend call Jenny Miller 336-667-9495. WOMEN’S MINISTRY—UMW Eight United Methodist Women traveled to Lake Junaluska June 10th for the Spiritual Growth retreat. The messages and concert by the Junaluska singers were enjoyed by all. We got to see Lewis and Pat at a community yard sale. The Methodist Women provided cookies for the Blood Drive and volunteered in the canteen [June 9th]. Cookies were also provided for the Poverty Simulation June 14th. The United Methodist Women will not meet in July and will resume Tuesday, August 2nd at 6:30pm. New faces welcomed! Plus, come at 6:00pm to share a meal prepared by the Methodist Men before the meeting. MEN’S MINISTRY—UMM The United Methodist Men will not meet in July. Please plan to attend Tuesday, August 2nd, in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00pm for an evening of fellowship, a delicious meal, a moment for reflection, and planning upcoming projects. HAND IN HAND MINISTRY Hand in Hand has had another wonderful year at Moravian Falls Elementary! God’s presence is everywhere in that precious school. All of this church’s support, and many others that have given to our ministry, is genuinely appreciated by the staff and the students. Planning for the 2016-2017 school year has already begun. If you are interested in helping in any way, please contact Jane Joines, 336-838-8011. Below are ways you can be involved in this ministry: “Stuff the Basket” with Back to School items in the back of the Sanctuary or in the Educational Building Donation Bin labeled “Hand”. Items collected year round are: school supplies, Box Tops for Education, new or gently used Ty beanie babies, books in excellent condition. Monetary gifts to WUMC, memo-Hand in Hand, that the ministry will use for: emergency clothing needs, the PBIS behavior program, teaching materials, treats for the staff/students, and gift cards for the Christmas for Families program. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Sunday Children’s Church: 9:00am & 11:00am Worship Sunday School: 10—10:45am July 3rd—The Golden Calf July 10th—Rahab & the Spies July 17th—Jordan River Crossing July 24th—The Jericho Walls July 31st—Gideon Wins J.A.M. (Jesus And Me)—Wednesdays: 6:30—8:00pm The J.A.M. Children’s Ministry group is taking a summer break and will resume Wednesdays @ 6:30pm in August or September with beginning date to be announced. THANK YOU & CONGRATULATIONS Dear Church Family, I discovered we had never properly thanked you for all the prayers, assistance, and cards for Ashley Carpenter, during her illness. There were many of you who were so supportive and always kept her and Sailym in your Prayers! Also, the Love and Support Sai has received in the past year is immeasurable. She so loves her Church. Thank you again, we can’t imagine this time in life without GOD’s Grace and the Love and Support of this Church Family. ~ Jerry & Becky Kilby Dear Wilkesboro UMC, Thank you for your generous donation of time and financial resources to the people of the Quimistan Valley in Honduras. You are a blessing to so many! ~ In Christ, D. Vaughters, Honduras Agape Foundation Thank You! With the support of our church family participating as players or sponsors, the 11th annual Wayburn Clonch Memorial golf tournament [June 9th] was a great success. Currently, the profit from the tournament is over $10,000 and additional funds are expected. The funds from the event will go for future church and community projects. ~ Wilkesboro UMC Men Congratulations to Trevor Greene, son of Steve & Vanya Greene, upon his marriage to Callie Lee Walker, on June 25, 2016. Trevor & Callie will make their home in Moravian Falls. The congregation offers its prayers and best wishes to Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Greene. YOUTH MINISTRY Upcoming Events, Activities, and Studies Serving Christ… Reaching the Lost… Growing in Faith Check us out at www.wilkesboroumc.com and Facebook (full calendar is found online). Wednesday Nights (YBS=Youth Bible Study) July 6th-NO YOUTH July 13th-YBS July 20th-YBS July 27th-YBS Sunday Morning Studies (10—10:45 a.m.) Paul’s Letter to the Romans Sunday Night Studies (5—7:00 p.m.) ***July 3rd-YOUTH SUNDAY during 9 & 11a.m. Services (no Youth Sunday night) July 10th-Regular Youth July 17thJuly 24th-NO YOUTH July 31st-Dash Baseball Game Plus, visit Youth page on church website for updates. Special Event Vacation Bible School ***July 17th—21st 1 JIM BROOKS, SUZANNA CHAVEZ; 4 REAGAN BESHEARS; 5 TODD HUBBARD; 7 PEGGY ABSHER; 8 JOHN HENRY GROCE, PHYLLIS SMITH; 9 DEVIN GAMBILL, JORDAN LAKEY, LAURIE WILCOX; 10 SAILYM BAILEY, DOUG TETZLAFF; 11 KEN AUSTIN, AMANDA BARROWS, ADAM RANDOLPH; 12 COLLIN DOUGLAS; 13 MEGHAN ROUSSEAU; 14 TIMOTHY TOLLIVER; 15 A. J. ATWELL, DEANNA FAW, DWAYNE ROYAL; 16 DAN PARKS, ED SNYDER, DONNIE THORNTON; 17 NICHOLAS BARROWS, ANDREW BROWN; 20 LUKE SHEPARD; 22 TRACY HAMBY, MELISSA MOWERY, BRIAN SHEPARD; 25 RALPH ABSHER, CINDY BENFIELD, TERESA FOSTER, BILLIE ROWE; 27 ROBYN PLESS; 30 LAUREN QUINN 7 WESLEY & KRISTEN COGDILL, CHUCK & CATHY KOLSTAD; 12 MARK & LYNETTE REAVILL; 14 ANDREW & JAMI BROWN, MAX & JANE JOINES, DWIGHT & BETH LEVI; 23 ROBERT & ROBYN PLESS; 25 JOHN & CAROL PATTON; 31 DAN & WENDI SLENTZ Upcoming Events August 7th-NO YOUTH August 10th-NO YOUTH August 14th-Youth Cookout August 17th-Trip to Sweet Frog August 21st-Pizza-n-S’mores August 28th-NO YOUTH August 31st-Meet @ Ted’s Kick’n Chicken September 4th-NO YOUTH September 11th-Whitewater Rafting Trip www.usnwc.org September 18th-NO YOUTH ***September 25th-Outreach Project ***REQUIREMENT FOR HS SUMMER MISSION TRIP Teaching Teenagers to be persons of Faith, Integrity and Character WILKESBORO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH exists to share the good news of Jesus Christ, comfort the troubled and embrace God’s love. Sundays 9:00am & 11:00am Worship 10:00am Sunday School July 10—Combined Worship Schedule 9:30am Sunday School / 10:30am Worship Covered side dish luncheon follows worship. 2 Sat 3 Sun 4 Mon 5 Tues 6 Wed 8 Fri 10 Sun JULY 2016 Youth Johns Island Mission Team Returns 6/25—7/02 9:00a+ Sunday School + Worship, p. 4 Independence Day—Church Office Closed 10:00a Krafters 11:30a Keenagers Luncheon, p. 2 7:30p Jubilate Ringers NO Fellowship Supper & Programs, p. 4 Church Office Closed 9:30a Sunday School + Young Adult Class Worship 10:30a Combined see “New Pastor & Family”, p. 1 Welcome Luncheon, p. 4 5:00p 7/10—7/16 CREATION EXPRESS The Summer Camp & After School Program of WUMC has Summer openings for ages K5—Middle School. Hours are 7:30AM—6:00PM. Activities include: Crafts, Games, Water Games, Adventures, Field Trips, Picnics in the Park, Devotional Times, Reading, Bounce House and Lots, Lots More. Contact Joe Kilby, director, 336-838-2921, to register. Donations welcomed for card and board games, healthy snacks, juice boxes, 8oz. water bottles, sports equipment, and cleaning wipes. and may be put in donation bin “CEXP” in the Educational building. 11 Mon 12 Tue 13 Wed 14 Thu 15 Fri 16 Sat 17 Sun 18 Mon 19 Tue 20 Wed 21 Thu 22 Fri 24 Sun 26 Tue 27 Wed 31 Sun 5:00p 7/10—7/16 10:00a Krafters 5:00p 7/10—7/16 7:30p Jubilate Ringers 5:00p 7/10—7/16 6:00p Fellowship Supper & Programs, p. 4 5:00p 7/10—7/16 tbd 7/10—7/16 tbd 7/10—7/16 9:00a+ Sunday School + Worship, p. 4 5:30p Vacation Bible School 7/17—7/21, p. 1 6:00p Administrative Council 5:30p Vacation Bible School 7/17—7/21, p. 1 9:30a Keenagers—Daytrip, p. 2 10:00a Krafters 5:30p Vacation Bible School 7/17—7/21, p. 1 7:30p Jubilate Ringers 5:30p Vacation Bible School 7/17—7/21, p. 1 5:30p Vacation Bible School 7/17—7/21, p. 1 tbd VBS Cleanup 9:00a+ Sunday School + Worship, p. 4 10:00a Krafters 7:30p Jubilate Ringers 6:00p Fellowship Supper & Programs, p. 4 9:00a+ Sunday School + Worship, p. 4 NO Fifth Sunday—Combined Worship WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Fellowship and Programs each Wednesday. Supper at 6:00pm. 4:30pm Praise Band 6:00pm Fellowship Supper 6:30pm Praise Band 6:30pm YBS—p. 3 6:45pm Adult Bible Study 6:45pm Carillonneurs 7:45pm Chancel Choir Interested in preparing a meal? Simply choose an available date and reserve your night by writing the menu items and class, group, or family name on the board in the kitchen. Prayer Request cards are available in the Prayer Room. PRAYER CONCERNS: The Prayer Concerns list is available in each Sunday’s worship bulletin or upon request. Wilkesboro United Methodist Church 309 W. Main Street / PO Box 197, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Office: (336)818-0552 * Monday-Friday, 9am—3pm www.wilkesboroumc.com The Witness Monthly Newsletter—July 2016 Return Services Requested non-profit org. US postage PAID permit #2 wilkesboro nc
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