The Witness - Wilkesboro United Methodist
The Witness - Wilkesboro United Methodist
The Witness January 2016 Monthly Newsletter of Wilkesboro United Methodist Church COMMITMENT 2016 Congratulations! 73 commitment cards have been returned for 2016. However, this response represents only about 1/3 of our active congregation. Full participation is our goal. Each person responding helps us all better accomplish the mission of sharing the good news of Christ, comforting the troubled, and embracing God’s love. Commitment cards are available in the Sanctuary narthex and the Educational building. Take a few moments to complete and return your commitment card. HOME MISSIONS What does your money do when you contribute to the Home Missions Fund? The Home Mission Committee partners with groups that work well within the community to evaluate the needs of people in crisis requesting assistance. During the 2015 calendar year, church members in need received $1,253. Samaritan Kitchen of Wilkes received $200. Wilkes Ministry of h.o.p.e received $398. St. Paul's Episcopal Church Crisis Ministry received $4,427. This assistance was made possible by your donations for a specific ministry or person, endowment funds, donations in memory or honor of someone, and the United Methodist Women's Love Basket Project. In order to provide financial assistance, the Home Mission fund must have donations. The Committee is asking each of you to consider an individual donation and to encourage each group within the church to support this important mission. Please help our church show the love of Christ by sharing with those in need. Celebrating God’s Love for Us February 6, 2016 6—8pm Sponsored by WUMC Youth Your choice of Parmesan Chicken OR Lasagna served with Grilled Vegetables, Salad, Tea, & Dessert -Children’s MenuPizza & Ice Cream $10/dinner WELCOME NEW MEMBERS 2015 Welcome the newest members to the Wilkesboro United Methodist Church family: Michele Austin, Mitch Austin, Aidyn Harkless, Drew Hayes, Kim Hayes, Madison Hayes, Spencer Hayes, Amy Peterson, Dale Peterson, Chad Quirin, April Rousseau, and Wes Rousseau. Contact the church office to obtain more information. LOCAL MISSION OPPORTUNITY The Mission Committee invites you to serve Samaritan Kitchen of Wilkes on the second Tuesday and/ or the third Monday each month beginning at 9:00am. This month: January 12th and January 18th. Mission work includes: preparing backpacks with food items for students to take home for the weekend to ensure they have food; stocking/distribution of food in the pantry office. MISSION OPPORTUNITY The people of Wilkesboro United Methodist Church participates annually with STOP HUNGER NOW (SHN) to provide food and lifesaving aid to the world’s most destitute and hungry. Our goal is to raise $5800, in order to provide 20,000 meals. The meal packaging program is used to target school feeding programs which promote education, encourage children to attend school, improve the health and nutrition of students, address gender inequalities, spur economic growth, and combat child labor. Your financial contribution (payable to WUMC with memo, SHN) and helping hands on February 21st for the Meal Packaging Event are welcomed. be performed in standing and sitting down positions. Did You Know? Lack of Vitamin A weakens the immune system, can cause blindness and leads to the death of 1 million infants each year. More than 2 million children have severe vision problems. Nearly 500,000 will become blind each year. Half of these children die within 12 months of losing their sight. Iron deficiency is the most common form of malnutrition. For children, the health consequences include premature birth, low birth weight, infection, anemia, physical and cognitive underdevelopment and elevated risk of death. Iodine deprivation is the main cause of brain damage during early child development. Each SHN meal packet contains highly nutritious dehydrated meals that include rice, soy, vegetables, flavoring and 21 essential vitamins and minerals. Each SHN meal contains 60% of the daily total of vitamin A and iron, and 50% of the daily total of iodine. CHURCH BUSINESS Wilkesboro UMC Goals Together We Can! As of 12/28/15 554 5 2015 2016 Goal Goal 565 580 10 10 181 210 240 44 20 22 657 250 270 36 20 24 stewardship giving report 11/22 $ 7,180.00 11/29 $ 3,572.00 12/06 $ 15,991.00 12/13 $ 20,720.91 12/20 $ 8,695.25 12/24 $ 533.00 12/27 $ 9,100.25 The Administrative Council meeting minute(s) and Treasurer Report(s) are available in the church office, in the Sanctuary narthex, and on our website via the “Newsletter” link. WILKESBORO UNITED METHODIST ENDOWMENT FUND The Wilkesboro United Methodist Church Endowment is a source of support for the ministry and mission of this congregation. Please include the Endowment in your planned giving. PRAYER REQUESTS? Prayer Request cards available in the Prayer Room. Call WUMC Office 336-818-0552 or the Upper Room Prayer Center 1-800-251-2468 PRAYER MEETING Wednesdays @ 6:30pm in the Prayer Room MISSION—COSTA RICA In February, Francoise Hughes and Larry and Dee-Dee Caudill will join a Western NC Methodist Conference VIM (Volunteers in Mission) team to Quiriman, Costa Rica. Quiriman is a small village located on the Nicoya Peninsula at the end of a dirt road near the base of a mountain. The group will take dresses and shorts made by members of Wilkesboro UMC along with donated reading glasses. They will take additional shorts and dresses to be distributed at another church located inside the San Jose city dump. Yes, people are living inside the dump and they do have a minister and a functioning church built by VIM. Due to funding cuts at the Conference level, VIM mission teams are now asked not only to fund their own costs for the trip, but to also provide funds for building supplies. If you would like to assist with the cost for this project's supplies, please make a check payable to Wilkesboro UMC and note the Costa Rica mission project on your check. Those wishing to contribute should do so by the first of February. WILKES CIRCLES OF CARE Should you be an ally? Do you have a desire to share time with someone who wants to work toward goals for handling personal resources more efficiently? Are you a willing listener who has a genuine concern for others? Each Thursday meeting begins with a fellowship meal. More than forty community groups, individuals, and churches have supported Wilkes Circles of Care by providing a meal. Special thanks to our United Methodist Men and United Methodist Women who have provided many delicious meals. Wilkes Circles of Care is a nonprofit that depends on financial support from grants, corporations, and individuals to fund expenses. Circles is excited to announce acceptance by United Way as a partner agency for 2016. Contact Gretchen Barelski, 336-667-9450,, or Greta Ferguson, 801-810-9262, or visit to learn more. WOMEN’S MINISTRY—UMW United Methodist Women ended their year with a Christmas Dinner at Sixth & Main Restaurant on December 3rd. Twenty-one people attended, including Pastor Andrew and Pastor Chris who were each joined by their wives. Pastor Andrew conducted the installation of new officers for 2016. Antha Reid presented Jan with a past president’s pin and announced that our group purchased a flock of hope and 2 biogas stoves through Heifer International in honor of Jan, past presidents, and all our wonderful Methodist Women. Jan Taylor, outgoing President, presented a brief report about 2015. We completed 18 of 22 criteria to be recognized as a Mission Today unit, where 12 is required. KEENAGERS The Keenagers invite church family to join them in all activities each We invite new ladies to join us on the first Tuesday of each month in 2016 month on the 1st Tuesday and 3rd Tuesday. If you plan to attend, call beginning at 6:00pm for dinner with the UMM and 6:30pm for our meeting. Jenny Miller, 336-667-9495. MEN’S MINISTRY—UMM On Tuesday, January 5th, the United Methodist Men will January 5 @ 11:30am, Amalfi’s meet in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00pm to begin another year. Italian Restaurant, Wilkesboro. All men in the church are invited to join in an evening of felJanuary 19 Leave church @ 9:30am lowship and enjoy a meal. May "Our hearts be soften and our feet harden" for Downtown Elkin to visit the as we strive to help with church and community projects. Please join us in Amish store and Theo’s. Christian Ministry. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY - JANUARY Sunday School: 10—10:45am Sunday Children’srd Church: During 9am & 11am Worship 3 -Jesus Fights Temptation 10th -Jesus says, “Come and Follow Me” Wednesdays: 6:30—8:00pm 17th-Jesus Heals and Forgives JAM—Jesus And Me 24th -Jesus Befriends an Outcast Children Pre-K—5th Grade 31st-Jesus Teaches on a Mountainside HAND IN HAND MINISTRY The Christmas Hope for families project was very successful, thank you! The next big project will be an Easter egg hunt for the children of Moravian Falls Elementary School. We will start collecting plastic eggs soon, so if you have any you need to get rid of or if you are thrift shopping, please keep that in mind. Donations are appreciated all year long for: clean new or gently used Ty Beanie Babies, school supplies and Box Tops for Education. THANK YOU & CONGRATULATIONS Thank you very much for the care packages! I am so thankful for your continued support. Your thoughtfulness has inspired me to make care packages for the Airmen at my base that are new to the Air Force who are spending their first Christmas away from home. The transition from civilian to military life is not an easy process; and being away from family and friends is one of the most difficult aspects of the military. I want you all to know that your care packages remind me how blessed I am to have a such wonderful church family. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Happy Holidays! ~ Respectfully, Staff Sergeant Select Lauren Quinn [Diana Cecil’s daughter], USAF, Unit Deployment Manager Dear Hand-in-Hand Partners, Thank you for your generous donation of Christmas gift cards for our families [of Moravian Falls Elementary students]. We are blessed to partner with you to assist families in need over the holidays. ~ Teresa Miller, Counselor, Moravian Falls Elementary School Thank you for your response to our food challenge in November for Samaritan Kitchen. Due to the church's generosity, the United Methodist Men will match your donations of $1,000 and 869 lbs. of food. These gifts will be a blessing to so many in need. ~ Wilkesboro UMM Thanks for all the support for our Christmas Hope for families! We had a very successful Wednesday night meal fund raiser for this project! The fellowship was full. We will have to make a lot more soup next year as I hope we will continue to grow. ~ Jane Joines and Diane Eller, WUMC Hand In Hand Ministry Congratulations to Jenny Miller, proud great grandmother, in the birth of Noelle Jade, December 23, 2015, weighing 9lbs 10oz to her granddaughter, Casey Simpson and Kevin Gillian, who reside in Gulfport, Mississippi. 1 RAY BESHEARS, JIM DAY, BECKY LAKEY, RAY RICH; 2 KATHY BENFIELD, JACKIE MCENTIRE, RACHEL MILLER; 3 LAURA CHURCH, JIM DAVENPORT, CAROLINE RANDOLPH; 4 PAM WHITTINGTON; 5 HAILEY DILLS, HERB TAYLOR; 6 ROSIE DRUM; 7 TRENTON GREENE, TREVOR GREENE, AIDYN HARKLESS, TERRI GROCE; 8 LINDSAY WARD; 9 TOM KINLAW, DAN SLENTZ; 10 JOSEPH BUMGARNER, JOSHUA CECIL; 12 MATT PERKINS, CYNTHIA STURDIVANT; 13 ANSLEY JOYCE, MISTY SMITHEY; 14 CLEGG CULLER, JEREMY DULL, ROB THORNBURG; 15 ASHLYN CHAVEZ, MODIO CHAVEZ II, MATT HARROLD; 17 CATHY FREEMAN, SHIRLEY INSCORE; 18 STEPHEN DILLS; 20 PAUL BARELSKI, JAKE SHEPARD; 22 STAN CLARK, CARY ROUSSEAU; 24 LEIGH COMBS, MOLLY KOLSTAD; 25 REBEKAH LAKEY, SONNY THOMAS III; 28 JOHN YORK; 30 VAN SOUTHER, CLAYTON WARD; 31 BILL ALEXANDER JR YOUTH MINISTRY Serving Christ...Reaching the Lost...Growing in Faith Winter 2015 Events, Activities, and Studies Check us out at + Facebook (full calendar online). JANUARY Wednesday Nights: 6:30—8:00pm 6th-Fellowship Meal Prep, 6:00pm th 13 -REGULAR YOUTH, Who is Jesus? th 20 -REGULAR YOUTH, Who is God? th 27 -Ted’s Kickin’ Chicken Meet at Ted’s @ 6:00pm. Bring money for supper and tip. Sunday Mornings: 10—10:45am The Book of Revelation Sunday Nights: 5—7:00pm 3rd-NO YOUTH 10th-Tube Wars Competition, Come ready to do battle. 17th-***Mission Outreach, 3—6:00pm, Meet in Fellowship Hall 24th-REGULAR YOUTH 31st-NO YOUTH ***REQUIREMENT FOR 2016 HIGH SCHOOL SUMMER MISSION TRIP Additional Outreach Friday, Jan. 8th at WCHS, 7:00pm All Youth events, activities and studies are subject to change. Teaching Teenagers to Be a Person of Faith, Integrity and Character Check website for Inclement Weather Policy WILKESBORO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH exists to share the good news of Jesus Christ, comfort the troubled and embrace God’s love. Sundays 9:00am Worship 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Fifth Sunday 9:30am Sunday School 10:30am Worship WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Fellowship and Programs each Wednesday. Supper at 6:00pm. Programs for all ages at 6:30pm. Covered Dish Luncheon follows JANUARY 2016 1 Fri New Year’s Day—Church Office Closed 3 Sun 9:00a+ Sunday School + Worship 2:00p Take Down Decorations NO Youth 4 Mon 6:30p Disciple Bible Study 5 Tues 10:00a Krafters 11:30a Keenagers—Luncheon, see p. 2 6:00p UM Men Meeting, see p. 2 6:30p UM Women Meeting, see p. 2 7:30p Jubilate Ringers 6 Wed 6:00p Fellowship Supper & Programs 8 Fri 7:00p Youth Outreach, see p. 3 10 Sun 9:00a+ Sunday School + Worship 10:00a Safe Sanctuary Meeting, Fellowship Hall 5:00p Youth—Tube Wars, see p. 3 11 Mon 6:30p Disciple Bible Study 8-10p Upper Room Prayer Center Ministry 12 Tue 9:00a Mission—SKW, see p. 1 13 Wed 6:00p Fellowship Supper & Programs 17 Sun 9:00a+ Sunday School + Worship 3:00p Youth Outreach, see p. 3 6:00p Administrative Council Meeting 18 Mon 9:00a Mission—SKW, see p. 1 6:00p Worship Committee Meeting 6:30p Disciple Bible Study 19 Tue 9:30a Keenagers—Daytrip, see p. 2 10:00a Krafters 7:30p Jubilate Ringers 20 Wed 6:00p Fellowship Supper & Programs 24 Sun 9:00a+ Sunday School + Worship 5:00p Youth, see p. 3 25 Mon 6:30p Disciple Bible Study 26 Tue 10:00a Krafters 7:30p Jubilate Ringers 27 Wed 6:00p Fellowship Supper & Programs 6:00p Youth—Ted’s Kickin’ Chicken, see p. 3 31 Sun 9:30a Sunday School 10:30a Fifth Sunday—Combined Worship NO Youth CREATION EXPRESS DIRECTOR Local church seeks director for after-school children's ministry. Candidate must have four year college degree or appropriate experience. Individual will plan, direct, and maintain a child care staff and program which addresses the developmental needs of children in a safe, loving Christian atmosphere. Send cover letter and resume to What’s for supper? Adults $5.00; Children $3.50 1/06 1/13 1/20 1/27 Menu tba (Youth) Chili Cookoff (Honduras Mission Team) Pork Loin, Mashed Potatoes, Greenbeans (UMM) Hot Dogs and Fixin’s (CP) Interested in preparing Wednesday’s Fellowship Supper? Reserve the night by writing the menu items and name of class, group, or family on the board in the kitchen. February 6 Valentine Banquet Benefit for WUMC Youth Missions. February 19 Pancake Day Benefit the Ecclesia SS Class uses toward WUMC and community. February 21 Stop Hunger Now Meal Packaging Meal packaging event packaging food for the world’s most destitute and hungry. Wilkesboro United Methodist Church 309 W. Main Street / PO Box 197, Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Office: (336)818-0552 * Monday-Friday, 9am—3pm The Witness Monthly Newsletter—January 2016 Return Services Requested non-profit org. US postage PAID permit #2 wilkesboro nc
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