MenA Gri
MenA Gri
REAL ESTATE INVESTORS & DEVELOPERS IN MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA MENA GRI2010 SHARM EL SHEIKH 4 NOVEMBER LEAD PARTNER TOTAL REAL ESTATE ThE Big PicTuRE Crisis in the UAe And GCC - who will benefit? debt FinAnCinG - fuelling boom or bubble? investinG in eGypt - challenges and opportunities invESTmEnT & DEvELOPmEnT investors in MenA - who's looking and what for? AFFordAble & WorkForCe hoUsinG - social and market forces dictate success? Middle eAstern investors AbroAd - what does it take to attract them? REgiOnS north AFriCAn reAl estAte - a new global hub for investors? levAnt reAl estAte - "new frontier" or too late? sAUdi ArAbiA - organic growth or next bonanza? SEcTORS residentiAl & seCond hoMes - next investment wave? resort hotel developMents in AFriCA - it's just the beginning? MoroCCo toUrisM - investors' favourite? The GRI invites senior industry leaders that might find it useful to (co-)Chair a discussion at a GRI event to contact: Emrah Senel, Director, GRI KhALED AL ABOODi ICD SALAh AL ATTAR GENERAL INVESTMENT AuTHORITy SERAj S. AL BAKER MAzAyA QATAR RE DEVELOPMENT mOhAmmAD h. AL-ALi AL-AMAN INVESTMENT COMPANy LAmBROS AnAgnOSTOPOuLOS SECuRE MANAGEMENT AhmAD ARmOuSh MADAEN AL NOuR STEPhEn ATKinSOn AREIT MANAGEMENT KhALED Aziz TRIPLE-E PARTNERS hAzEm BARAKAT BELTONE PRIVATE EQuITy MENA WELcOmE The job of Discussion Chairs at the GRI is not to talk. It is to make others talk, engage and connect. On 4 November 2010 in Sharm El Sheikh the GRI will bring together international investors and the leading Middle East & North African developers and decision makers, which together are driving the real estate business in MENA today for a series of small and informal discussions. Like with all GRI meetings, these discussions - each masterminded by leading industry players - encourage you and everybody to join in, to talk and to share. Emrah Senel It is a place where senior players meet each other and build friendships in a setting devoid of selling pressure. Discussion chairs are not speakers. The job of discussion chairs is to make others talk, engage and connect. If connecting with industry peers on topics of mutual interest is useful to you, we would be delighted to welcome you to the MENA GRI. See you in Sharm El Sheikh. henri Alster Emrah Senel Director, MENA & Turkey GRI GRI – Global Real Estate Institute OmAR BEnnAni SMIT PETER BERg TISHMAN SPEyER jOSEPh BOnnER PRuDENTIAL REAL ESTATE INVESTORS ShAhzAAD DALAL IL&FS INVESTMENT MANAGERS PAuL S DEvOnShiRE PRAMERICA REAL ESTATE INVESTORS henri Alster Chairman, GRI – Global Real Estate Institute PiETRO DORAn DORAN CAPITAL PARTNERS (KOREA) PETER DOvE CORDING CAPITAL hAKAn FERhATOgLu ATA INVEST DuBAI DEiRDRE FOLEy D2 PRIVATE MEETING PLACES PALm hiLLS DEvELOPmEnTS cAFE ... For those who think the opportunity to schedule personal meetings with so many of the industry’s best and brightest is too good to pass up... Schedule your appointments early... AKRAm ABu hAmDAn MAwARED INTERNATIONAL ABBAS hiLmi CONCORD INT’L. INVESTMENTS mAzEn jARRAR JARIEH DEVELOPERS & INVESTORS FAiSAL KhAn ABRAAJ CAPITAL cARLOS KhnEiSSER HILTON wORLDwIDE hAni LAShin AL JAwHARA GROuP jASOn LucAS AMSTAR GLOBAL DR. SALEh j. mALAiKAh RuSD GROuP DiRK mOSiS uSAA REAL ESTATE COMPANy TimETABLE board dinner & lunch hosted by Opening Talk Show OUTLOOK AND OPPORTUNITIES wHAT TODAy, wHERE TOMORROw? wEDNESDAy 3 nOvEmBER 19h00 onwards Private Board Dinner (by invitation only - reserved for Gri Members, sponsors and MenA Gri discussion (co-)Chairs.) THuRSDAy 4 nOvEmBER 08.00 09.00 - 10.00 10.00 - 16.30 13.00 - 14.00 Check-in Opening Talk Show Discussions Lunch 16.30 - 17.30 Closing Drinks SERAj AL BAKER ceo mAzAyA QATAR REAL ESTATE DEvELOPmEnT qatar PAuL DEvOnShiRE director PRAmERicA REAL ESTATE invESTORS germany DR. KhALED SEDKy chief portfolio officer PALm hiLLS DEvELOPmEnTS egypt hEShAm ShOuKRi ceo & executive president ROOyA gROuP egypt dress code: business Casual, no tie required mARRiOTT ShARm EL ShEiKh red seA resorts nAAMA bAy, p.o.boX 27 shArM el sheikh eGypt AminE mOuKARzEL GOLDEN TuLIP HOTELS RESORTS FADi mOuSSALLi JONES LANG LASALLE, MENA KEiTh PARKER THE FIRST INVESTOR DR. LOBnA REDA IGI REAL ESTATE DR. BADER SAEDAn AL SAEDAN REAL ESTATE COMPANy mARWAn ShEhADEh AL FuTTAIM CAPITAL PARRy Singh RED FORT CAPITAL AmR SuLTAn AL AHLy REAL ESTATE AzhAR TASADDuQ SHARJAH ISLAMIC BANK DiScuSSiOnS 2010 DiScuSSiOnS miDDLE EASTERn invESTORS ABROAD what does it take to attract them? SALAh AL ATTAR director gEnERAL invESTmEnT AuThORiTy yemen PETER BERg managing director TiShmAn SPEyER usa who’s looking and what for? michAEL ATWELL head of middle east operations cuShmAn & WAKEFiELD uae jOSEPh BOnnER managing director PRuDEnTiAL REAL ESTATE invESTORS usa invESTing in EgyPT challenges and opportunities Ongoing updates at: PETER DOvE ceo cORDing cAPiTAL uk DiRK mOSiS executive managing director uSAA REAL ESTATE cOmPAny usa Salah Al Attar Peter Berg Peter Dove Dirk Mosis Fadi Moussalli Keith Parker Michael Atwell Joseph Bonner Faisal Khan Khaled Sedky Marwan Shehadeh Toufik Souli Khaled Aziz Martin Cooper Mohamed El Garhy Omar Radwan Hussein Tahleh FADi mOuSSALLi regional director international capital group jOnES LAng LASALLE, miDDLE EAST & nORTh AFRicA uae invESTORS in mEnA All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. ALEEm DhAnAni BRi-mOR DEvELOPmEnTS canada KhALED Aziz managing director TRiPLE-E PARTnERS luxemburg mARTin cOOPER director, middle east DTz uae KEiTh PARKER head of real estate ThE FiRST invESTOR qatar OSAmA SuLiEmAn senior researcher ExEcuTivE PRivATizATiOn cOmmiSSiOn jordan FAiSAL KhAn principle ABRAAj cAPiTAL uae KhALED SEDKy chief portfolio officer PALm hiLLS DEvELOPmEnTS egypt mARWAn ShEhADEh managing director AL FuTTAim cAPiTAL uae TOuFiK SOuLi board member, investment director SOciéTé mAROcAinE D’ingéniERiE TOuRiSTiQuE morocco mOhAmED EL gARhy vp development & engineering PALm hiLLS DEvELOPmEnTS egypt OmAR RADWAn chief operating officer, asset management hc SEcuRiTiES & invESTmEnT egypt jASminE SmiTh general manager QATAR SOThEBy’S inTERnATiOnAL REALTy qatar huSSEin TAhLEh director, investments & business development division BuROOj PROPERTiES uae 2010 DiScuSSiOnS The mission of the AFFORDABLE & WORKFORcE hOuSing social and market forces dictate success? KhALED AL ABOODi ceo & general manager iSLAmic cORPORATiOn FOR ThE DEvELOPmEnT OF ThE PRivATE SEcTOR (icD) saudi arabia RAEyD AL DAKhEEL vp, central & eastern region KinAn inTERnATiOnAL REAL ESTATE saudi arabia Imad Abulaban Khaled Al Aboodi Greg Baer Paul S Devonshire Murat Mertoglu Dr. Lobna Reda Maged M. Salah Al Din Dominique Bourdais Paul Diab Sharif El Akhdar Ashraf Ghazaly Carlos Khneisser Azhar Tasadduq DR. ABDuLgADER OThmAn AmiR vp, strategic planning & management of land & property jEDDAh DEvELOPmEnT & uRBAn REgEnERATiOn cOmPAny saudi arabia Discussion Chairs is to make gREg BAER senior urban planner PARSOnS uae everybody talk... PAuL S DEvOnShiRE director PRAmERicA REAL ESTATE invESTORS germany muRAT mERTOgLu deputy chairman TuLiP REAL ESTATE turkey imAD ABuLABAn president & ceo cAPiTALSTOnE hOLDing uae DR. LOBnA REDA managing director igi REAL ESTATE egypt hOTELS DEvELOPmEnTS in miDDLE EAST DOminiQuE BOuRDAiS director cOLLiERS inTERnATiOnAL uk & uae are supply and demand matched? PAuL DiAB director of operations gOLDEn TuLiP tunisia ShARiF EL AKhDAR partner BELTOnE PRivATE EQuiTy egypt AShRAF ghAzALy vp, strategic planning and business development PALm hiLLS DEvELOPmEnTS egypt cARLOS KhnEiSSER senior director of development middle east hiLTOn WORLDWiDE uk AzhAR TASADDuQ head of corporate banking dubai & abu dhabi region ShARjAh iSLAmic BAnK uae mAgED m. SALAh AL Din team leader, international development QATARi DiAR egypt ELiE yOunES vp, business development middle east & africa ThE REziDOR hOTEL gROuP saudi arabia DiScuSSiOnS 2010 SAuDi ARABiA DiScuSSiOnS organic growth or next bonanza? mOhAmmAD h. AL-ALi vp – investment advisory AL-AmAn invESTmEnT cOmPAny kuwait mAjED AL-hOgAiL RAFAL REAL ESTATE DEvELOPmEnT saudi arabia niDAL A. ALi business development manager SuKOOn inTERnATiOnAL saudi arabia mEnA REAL ESTATE today’s investment hotspot? DEiRDRE FOLEy ceo and founder D2 PRivATE ireland STEvEn KOiniS managing director huROn cOnSuLTing gROuP uk mARWAn jAmiL mAhmOuD mARSA AL nEjOum REAL ESTATE uae LEvAnT REAL ESTATE “new frontier” or too late? Ongoing updates at: Nidal A. Ali Deirdre Foley Steven Koinis Dr. Saleh J. Malaikah Thamer Aidi Lambros G. Anagnostopoulos Stephen J. Atkinson John D. Davis Karim Esmail Nick Judd Ahmad Armoush Akram Abu Hamdan Mazen Jarrar Ennis Rimawi LAmBROS g. AnAgnOSTOPOuLOS ceo SEcuRE mAnAgEmEnT greece STEPhEn j. ATKinSOn ceo AREiT mAnAgEmEnT uae mR. KARim ESmAiL avp- business development mAzAyA QATAR REAL ESTATE DEvELOPmEnT Q.S.c. qatar nicK juDD unicORn invESTmEnT BAnK bahrain AhmAD ARmOuSh chairman mADAEn AL nOuR jordan AKRAm ABu hAmDAn chairman mAWARED inTERnATiOnAL jordan mAzEn jARRAR general manager jARiEh DEvELOPERS & invESTORS jordan All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Majed Al-Hogail ziyAD zAiDAn presedent and chief executive officer iDEA DEvELOPmEnT saudi arabia jOhn D. DAviS chief executive officer | middle east cOLLiERS inTERnATiOnAL uae ThAmER AiDi general manager, investments & acquisitions AL FuTTAim cAPiTAL uae Mohammad H. Al-Ali DR. SALEh j. mALAiKAh chairman RuSD gROuP saudi arabia EnniS RimAWi managing partner cATALyST PRivATE EQuiTy jordan 2010 DiScuSSiOnS ... getting everybody cRiSiS in ThE uAE AnD gcc who will benefit? SERAj S. AL BAKER ceo mAzAyA QATAR REAL ESTATE DEvELOPmEnT qatar iAn ALBERT regional director cOLLiERS inTERnATiOnAL uae to share, PROBiR chATTERjEE director inFiniTy inFOTEch PARKS uae connect nEjOuD nASR ceo mEEDAR REAL ESTATE uae and make Seraj S. Al Baker Probir Chatterjee Nejoud Nasr Mazen A. Skaf waleed Abdelfattah Dr. Tamer Erfan Khaled Sedky Hesham Shoukri Hazem Barakat Mohamed Sultan mAzEn A. SKAF managing director STRATEgic DEciSiOnS gROuP usa friends nORTh AFRicAn REAL ESTATE a new global hub for investors? nAhLA EL EBiARy vp development & projects controls PALm hiLLS DEvELOPmEnTS egypt DR. TAmER ERFAn investment and finance director AL AhLy REAL ESTATE egypt PATRicK Finn senior director of development for africa and indian ocean STARWOOD AFiO & BRuSSELS gSO BvBA belgium WALEED ABDELFATTAh vice president hiLL inTERnATiOnAL, nORTh AFRicA egypt RESORT hOTEL DEvELOPmEnTS in AFRicA it’s just the beginning? hASSAn AhDAB vice president, regional director of operations africa & indian ocean STARWOOD AFiO & BRuSSELS gSO BvBA belgium KhALED SEDKy chief portfolio officer PALm hiLLS DEvELOPmEnTS egypt hEShAm ShOuKRi ceo & executive president ROOyA gROuP egypt hAzEm BARAKAT chairman BELTOnE PRivATE EQuiTy egypt iKRAm BOucETTA head of promotion & communication department SOciéTé mAROcAinE D’ingéniERiE TOuRiSTiQuE morocco mOhAmED SuLTAn vp development PALm hiLLS DEvELOPmEnTS egypt jEFF TiSDALL managing director rci, middle east and north africa WynDhAm ExchAngE & REnTALS uae DiScuSSiOnS 2010 DiScuSSiOnS RESiDEnTiAL & SEcOnD hOmES next investment wave? hiShAm hALALDEEn senior investment analyst nAEEm BROKERAgE - EgyPT egypt DR. BADER SAEDAn general manager AL SAEDAn REAL ESTATE cOmPAny saudi arabia nihAD SOuSSA head of customer care PALm hiLLS DEvELOPmEnTS egypt yASSER zOhDi business development manager QATAR SOThEBy’S inTERnATiOnAL REALTy qatar inDiAn REAL ESTATE Nihad Soussa Amr Sultan Shahzaad Dalal Arshdeep Singh Sethi Parry Singh Murat Ergin Hakan Ferhatoglu Abbas Hilmi ShAhzAAD DALAL vice chairman iL&FS invESTmEnT mAnAgERS india ARShDEEP Singh SEThi director, investment & alliances Rmz cORP india PARRy Singh managing director RED FORT cAPiTAL india miDDLE EASTERn invESTORS in TuRKEy what’s the attraction? Ongoing updates at: Dr. Bader Saedan AmR SuLTAn deputy managing director AL AhLy REAL ESTATE egypt perfect timing or “give it a miss”? All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Hisham Halaldeen muRAT ERgin managing director KuzEyBATi turkey hAKAn FERhATOgLu chairman ATA invEST DuBAi turkey ABBAS hiLmi senior managing director cOncORD inTERnATiOnAL invESTmEnTS egypt 2010 DiScuSSiOnS ... as if an after-dinner conversation DEvELOPmEnT OF hOSPiTALiTy mAnAgEmEnT in mEnA opportunities and challenges in one’s own ELiE ARmALy director of business development ROyA inTERnATiOnAL uae RAShA’ ELgAnzOuRi senior lawyer TROWERS & hAmLinS egypt hAni LAShin group general manager AL jAWhARA gROuP OF hOTELS & APARTmEnTS uae Rasha’ Elganzouri Hani Lashin Amine Moukarzel Omar Bennani Pierre Collowald Abdesalaam Damousi Pietro A. Doran Burak Erten Jason Lucas AminE mOuKARzEL senior vice president & managing director - mea gOLDEn TuLiP hOTELS, innS & RESORTS - mEnA uae living room. mOROccO TOuRiSm investors’ favourite? OmAR BEnnAni ceo SOciéTé mAROcAinE D’ingéniERiE TOuRiSTiQuE morocco PiERRE cOLLOWALD president EuROnA FunD belgium ABDESALAAm DAmOuSi owner KASBAh AgAFAy morocco DiDiER EScARTin general manager hOTEL ATLAnTic PALAcE morocco DEBT FinAncing fuelling boom or bubble? PiETRO A. DORAn chairman & principal partner DORAn cAPiTAL PARTnERS (KOREA) south korea BuRAK ERTEn president of executive committee TuLiP REAL ESTATE turkey jASOn LucAS senior vice president AmSTAR gLOBAL usa REAL ESTAT E I NVEST M ENT ACROSS THE WORLD 2010/2011 EVENTS GRI EUROPE SUMMIT 2010 gRi EuROPE SummiT 2010 paris, 13-14 september At GRI meetings there are no speakers or panellists, just informal discussions in small groups, where everyone participates equally. MENA GRI 2010 GRI2010 RuSSiA gRi 2010 Moscow, 21 september inDiA gRi 2010 Mumbai, 6 october New Europe GRI2010 mEnA gRi 2010 sharm el sheikh, 4 november Turkey GRI2011 2010 BRAziL gRi 2010 sao paulo, 10 november ASIA 2011 GRI gRi EuROPE chAiRmEn’S RETREAT 2011 st Moritz, 20-23 January nEW EuROPE gRi 2010 prague, 23 november ASIA GRI 2011 ASiA gRi 2011 singapore, 16 February TuRKEy gRi 2011 istanbul, 18 January USAGRI 2011 uSA gRi 2011 new york, 2 March DEUTSCHE GRI 2011 Tel: +44 20 8492 2634 Fax: +44 20 8445 6633 CHINA 2011 DEuTSchE gRi 2011 Frankfurt, 3-4 May chinA gRi 2011 shanghai, 2 June BRITISH GRI2011 BRiTiSh gRi 2011 london, June All information herein is subject to change without notice. If building close relationships with the driving elite of the real estate industry at the most senior levels can be useful, we welcome you to join us. INDIA 2010 GRI Türkiye The GRI is a global club of senior real estate investors, developers and lenders that runs its activities through a collection of annual meetings focussed on different regions of the world. LEAD PARTnER LEAD PARTnER palm hills developments (phd) is a leading real estate company in the egyptian market, primarily developing integrated residential, commercial real estate and resort projects. Founded in 2005 by Mansour and Maghraby investment and development (MMid), the company, which is listed on the Cairo-Alexandria stock exchange (CAse) and the london stock exchange (lse), was the result of a vision to create selfsufficient communities through the utilization of integrated tools. presently phd posses one of the largest land banks in the country and is rapidly growing into a regional player, thanks to a geographically diversified land bank suitable for the development of a broad range of real estate products all fashioned to reflect the country’s culture as well as the clients’ lifestyle and prerequisites. Dr. Khaled Sedky Chief Portfolio Officer Palm Hills Developments (PHD) Tel +20.2.35351200 Dir +20.2.35351218 REGISTRATION FORM MENA GRI 2010 fax to: +44.20 8445 6633 or email to: Mr/Mrs/Dr First (III/Jr/...) NickNAME Initials Last position/job title MENA GRI 2010 Sharm El Sheikh, 4 Nov Single Non Member Group rate (per person) Non Member Discussion Chair or GRI Member Until 8 Oct US$ 1,675 US$ 1,575 US$ 1,475 After 8 Oct US$ 1,775 US$ 1,675 US$ 1,575 US$ 75 US$ 175 Fee for payment methods other than credit card Fee for onsite payment (credit card or cash only): Direct tel Email n PAYMENT DETAILS A receipt will be returned. Please tick company q Visa q Mastercard q AmEx q check (+us$ 75)(1) Card Number assistant ASSISTANT Tel Name on Card ASSISTANT email Expiry *CSC/CVV (MANDATORY) Address Signature City State/province/county Credit Card Billing address, if different from above (important, please provide) Postcode Country Street Address City State/County/province Postcode Division’s web address (ex: *The CSC is the final three digit number printed on the reverse of your card along the signature strip. for american express cards, please provide the four digit cvv located above the card number. q INVESTOR q PENSION (Investor) q PROPERTY COMPANY (Developer) q INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY q LENDER q HOTEL (Company) q INVESTMENT BANK q CORPORATE (User) q AGENT (Surveyor) q ADVISOR (Accountant/Tax) q LAWYER q A&E (Architect/Engineer) q TITLE (COMPANY) q GOVERNMENT (Officials) q ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT q ACADEMIC (Think Tank) q MEDIA q TRADE (Group/Exhibit/ Conference Organiser) q OTHER_________________ GRI Annual Individual Membership (optional) $ US rate Regular q US$ 2,400 Discussion co-Chair** q US$ 800 ** Available for fee paying Discussion (co-) Chairs of any GRI during calender year. For further menbership enquiries please contact: REgiSTRATiOn nOTES MENA GRI2010 Sharm El Sheikh 4 November group rate - 3 or more, save uS$100 each [FOR DiScuSSiOn (cO-)chAiRS AnD mEmBERS OnLy:] please email before 30th september to: mARRiOTT SHARM EL SHEIKH RED SEA RESORTS GRI CH AIR PR OFILES vEnuE MArriott shArM el sheikh red seA resorts nAAMA bAy, p.o.boX 27 shArM el sheikh, eGypt BEECH BarBar a knoFlac H BEN WEST ceo seB asset INVESTOR lodging costs are not included in conference fees. nt s ls • bulk sale office • hote cee • china germany • million us$100 - 500 lopment deve existing or ros only major met TERmS AnD cOnDiTiOnS Payment is required by return. delegate fee must be paid in full prior to conference or admission is regrettably not possible. Confirmation will be sent on receipt of payment. if you have not received confirmation within 14 days of registration, please contact us to confirm your booking. Cancellation and transfer to colleagues must be in writing. transfer to colleagues is possible at any time. 90% refund will apply if cancellation notice is received by 30th september 2010. We regret no refunds are possible for cancellations received thereafter. OnSiTE cASh REgiSTRATiOnS Fee for onsite payment (credit card or cash only) Us$175. (1) chEcK Check and methods of payment other than credit cards incur an additional Us$75 charge. pay “Gri”. Mail check and registration form to: GRI, 1379 High Road, London N20 9LP, UK (2) gROuP RATE Group rate is per person. Applies to groups of 3 or more participants. need not be from the same company. please note that registration fee reductions are not cumulative. All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Ongoing updates at MIPIM featuring MIPIM Horizons 8-11 March 2011 Palais des Festivals, Cannes, France WWW.MipiM.CoM Reside deVel oPMen t secur ItIes Plc shekar. narasim tel +44 han@be 20 7828 ekmanh elixindi 4777 olIVIer PIanI UK propert y develop Substa ment/i ntial develop complex urban nvestment ments • regene project • Current develop ration s circa £0.7 million ment ceo allIan Z real estate shekar. narasim tel +33 han@be 1 42 99 ekmanh 63 00 elixindi Chief Executive of the Board of Developm since Septemb ent Nationw Securitie Financial ide Accident er s PLC and Repair 1994. Chairman Services a member 2007. Fellow Services Listing of Aim-liste Authority PLC. Former and Wales. of the Institute Advisory memberd Developm Stock Exchang of Chartere Committ of the ent Securitie superior d ee e, has the s, listed Accountants 2004 main gains andreturns by the in England on the main London creationobjective to generate financial investment surpluses and recycling forward management. consisten , but always of developm funded t The Compan or financial ent y’s majorsubject to prudent risk shared to limit schemes are the downsid either e risk. Leadin g interna and asset tional real centre management estate investm of experti compa ny. Strategent se within ic Allianz Group. Olivier Capital Piani is CEO of Real Estate Allianz company Europe Real GE in 1998,and its pan-Euro where Estate. He joins he as CEO Allianz Restructu he was CEO pean real successfu from GE ring of Ecole Superieu Paribas of UIC-Sofal estate portfolio lly built up and Deputy . Prior Group. the Stanford re Universitde Commer Olivier Piani Head of to joining ce de Paris y. holds Real and a MBAa BA degree Estate from degree from dr. Fra nk Pör scHke an of the board chairm euroH yPo aG of manag ing directo shekar. narasim tel +49 han@be 69 2548 ekmanh elixindi 20040 rs rIcHard stockton emea The leading special real estate ist bank and public for comme rcial sector finance Frank Pörschke of Eurohypo is Chairman Chairman AG. Before of the Board Grundbe of the Board joining Eurohypo of Managin Grundbe sitzgesellschaftof Managin g Directors AG, sitz-Inves mbH (CGG)g Directors Frank was also Chairman tmentge of Commer Spezialfo sellschaft and its subsidiar of z ndsgeselthe Supervis mbH (CGI). ECE Projektm y ory of Commer lschaft He wasCommerz internatio anageme mbH (CGS). nal project nt Internatio Previouslz Grundbe to this developm nal and y he was sitzholds ahe was consulta responsib MD of ent activities doctorat Eurohypo e in lawnt with McKinsey of ECE le for the from the Internatio he is responsib & Compan group. Prior Universit y. Frank Markets, nal, Corporat le for Corporat y of Hamburg Business e Commun e Managem ications,and Investme . In ent and Legal, Debt nt Banking Strategic Projects. Capital head of MorG real an stanl estate bankin g ey shekar. narasim tel +44 han@be 20 7425 ekmanh elixindi 3009 Real Estate Investm Lendin ent Bankin g and Fund Manag g• ement Richard investmeis Head of EMEA Real real estatent banking advisory Estate Banking, teams and Moscow, in London, business . Along Morgan Stanley’s financing he is enaged Paris, with to real s, as well as in publicMilan, Madrid, locally based estate in all aspects companiproviding M&A and private Frankfurt, equity the advisory, of real es and investorsand restructu and debt ring .Morgan and research. equity estate with products and debt Stanley advice througho With over and is active capital 120 dedicate markets, services spanning extensive ut Europe principal reach and and a global d professio investing local knowlednetwork, nal Morgan located ge. Stanley has pleAse provide: 1. CoMpAny speCiAlty - maximum 16 words: investors/lenders: criteria (type • where • amount range • existing vs development...) :06 pm Example: 18/1/07 3:01 “office, hotels, bulk sales • Germany, CEE, China • US$100-500 1 ndd million existing or development • major metros only” ech_sam • ple.i Ben_Westbe developers: product specialty (type • where • size range • existing v development...) other: describe speciality bullet point style 2. Color portrAit photo: high RESOLuTiOn .JpG 3. LOGO: COLOR • B/W • INVERSE (.EPS FORMAT) 4. personAl bioGrAphy + division’s proFile - 100 words maximum total, in 1 or 2 languages [adjust pro-rata if other language takes less space (e.g. Mandarin - 2 to 1) or more]. - division’s profile: division’s specific activity (more relevant & useful than company’s overall) • • • Early registration - Save uS$100 prior to 30th September indUstry pArtner ercial And inQUiries And FUrther inForMAtion: Emrah Senel director, MenA & turkey Gri tel: +44 20 8492 2639 main Office: 511 Ave of the Americas suite 4100, new york, n.y 10011 UsA Berna Kosal event Manager tel: +44 20 8492 2638 European Office: 1379 high road 11th floor, london, n20 9lp, Uk ongoing updates at: WWW.gLOBALREALESTATE.ORg ntial Project s REAL EStAtE delegates must wear badges at all times. Admission will regrettably not be possible otherwise. Comm Hakan Kodal, Estate based since July in Istanbul, 2006, is the Investme Presiden Turkey. managed nt Committ t& He by Merrill ee of Bosphoruis also the CEO of Krea - 2007, Real Chairman Lynch he s Investme was the General GPI and KreaReal Estate Fund, of the Real jointly Manager Electroni nt Company. of Yapı Estate. Between Istanbul. cs and from Ecole Kredi Telecomm Mr. 1997 unicationKodal holds Koray Real Estate Chairman Superieure a Bsc. Degree Founder of GYODER, de Commercefrom ITU and Graduate in Global Chairman Trustee de Paris. He is degree of ULI Turkey. of Urban the founder Land Institute (ULI) and InvEStM Ent ASSEt MAnAGE & R BADgES shekar. narasim tel +90 han@be 212 353 ekmanh elixindi 11 11 MIcHael H Mar chief executi x ve bAnk elit. Sed er adipiscing , consectetu am massa. dolor sit amet e diam. Aliqu is urna Lorem ipsum pellentesqu Maur ue eleifend ere congue. ipsum. Quisq quam posu ac, arcu. in magna id ula, tincidunt squ ad Duis mi. In tempor vehic t taciti socio as feugiat, apten egest . Class naeos. eros, er elit vel risus inceptos hyme . Sed nostra, per Nullam semp per conubia purus et diam litora torquent nec elit. Fusce molestie velit nisi, placerat i. In . Vestibulum san. Nulla facilis venenatis risus id, felis. Integer accum us condimentum faucib atis et, luctus, venen i leo. nunc. Morb Nullam sed please book via hotel booking Form: Hakan kodal preside & ceo krea real estate REAL EStAtE Gri attendees benefit from a preferential rate at the Marriot (subject to availability and not available through travel agents). eMent Barbara InvestmeA. Knoflach BfG Bank nt GmbH, has been Managin Barbara AG), since a wholly-owned g Director financingA. Knoflach June 1999. After subsidiary of SEB Immobili started studying of SEB AG Deutsche at Deutsche her (formerlyenBank Group Bank AG. career in 1986 business administ mbH, where In 1991, in internatio to Deutsche ration, After joining she worked she Immobili moved within nal project in the key role SEB en Anlagege the in helpingAG in 1994, area of consultin and property Barbara sellschaft to A. Knoflachg and research. fund managem leasing expand the bank’s activities initially Asset Management compani . In 1997, closed-e played es. Since she took nd property a ent AG. over funds August 2005 sheas head of the is CEO of SEB InvEStOR AccOmmODATiOn ManaG shekar. narasim tel +49 han@be 69 27299 ekmanh elixindi 1800 director managing STORS GLOBAL INVE ben.westbeec 7421 9345 tel +44.20 LEAD PARTNER KNOWLEDGE PARTNERS EUROPE INDUSTRY PARTNER MEDIA PARTNERS