Aleph 21 Staff User`s Guide
Aleph 21 Staff User`s Guide
Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions Version 21 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION The information herein is the property of Ex Libris Ltd. or its affiliates and any misuse or abuse will result in economic loss. DO NOT COPY UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN SPECIFIC WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION FROM EX LIBRIS LTD. This document is provided for limited and restricted purposes in accordance with a binding contract with Ex Libris Ltd. or an affiliate. The information herein includes trade secrets and is confidential. DISCLAIMER The information in this document will be subject to periodic change and updating. Please confirm that you have the most current documentation. There are no warranties of any kind, express or implied, provided in this documentation, other than those expressly agreed upon in the applicable Ex Libris contract. This information is provided AS IS. 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Document released: January 1, 2013 Web address: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 2 Table of Contents 1 ACQUISITIONS OVERVIEW ........................................................................... 7 1.1 The Acquisitions/Serials GUI ........................................................................ 7 1.1.1 Toolbars .................................................................................................................. 8 1.2 Panes .............................................................................................................. 9 1.3 Working Without a Mouse............................................................................. 9 1.4 The Acquisitions Process ............................................................................. 10 1.5 Order Types ................................................................................................. 11 1.6 Acquisitions Systems ................................................................................... 11 1.7 Prerequisites ................................................................................................. 12 1.8 Passwords ..................................................................................................... 12 2 CURRENCIES .................................................................................................... 12 2.1 Local Currency............................................................................................. 12 2.2 Currency List ............................................................................................... 13 2.3 Add Ratio ..................................................................................................... 14 2.4 Add Currency ............................................................................................... 15 3 VENDORS ........................................................................................................... 15 3.1 Vendors List ................................................................................................. 16 3.2 Vendor Form ................................................................................................ 20 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 Vendor Info 1 Tab ................................................................................................. 20 Vendor Info 2 Tab ................................................................................................. 22 Vendor Info 3 Tab ................................................................................................. 24 3.3 Order Units................................................................................................... 25 3.4 Two-level Vendor ........................................................................................ 25 3.5 Vendor Sublevel List ................................................................................... 27 3.6 Vendor Sublevel Information Form ............................................................. 28 4 BUDGETS ........................................................................................................... 29 4.1 Budgets List ................................................................................................. 29 4.1.1 Buttons on the Budgets List .................................................................................. 31 Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 3 4.2 Budget Form ................................................................................................ 32 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 Budget Info 1 Tab 1 .............................................................................................. 32 Budget Info 2 Tab ................................................................................................. 34 Balance Tab........................................................................................................... 36 Transactions Tab ................................................................................................... 37 Sublibraries Tab .................................................................................................... 40 4.3 Budget Hierarchy ......................................................................................... 41 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 Budget Parent ........................................................................................................ 41 Use Budget Parent for Invoice Report .................................................................. 41 Budget Hierarchy in Reports ................................................................................. 42 4.4 User's Budget Permissions ........................................................................... 43 5 ORDERS .............................................................................................................. 43 5.1 Order Search ................................................................................................ 44 5.2 Order List ..................................................................................................... 47 5.2.1 Quick Cataloging in Acquisitions ......................................................................... 49 5.3 Order Form................................................................................................... 50 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 Order Display Tab ................................................................................................. 51 General Tab ........................................................................................................... 51 Vendor Tab ........................................................................................................... 57 Quantity and Price Tab.......................................................................................... 61 5.4 Sending Orders to Vendors .......................................................................... 62 5.4.1 Send Button ........................................................................................................... 63 5.5 Encumbrances for Order .............................................................................. 63 5.5.1 5.5.2 Buttons .................................................................................................................. 64 Fields ..................................................................................................................... 65 5.6 Items/Subscription ....................................................................................... 65 5.7 Canceling Orders ......................................................................................... 65 5.8 Deleting Orders ............................................................................................ 66 5.8.1 Delete an Order Via the Order List ....................................................................... 66 5.9 Order Log ..................................................................................................... 66 5.9.1 5.9.2 5.9.3 5.10 ACQ Request from Web OPAC .............................................................. 69 5.10.1 5.10.2 5.10.3 5.10.4 5.11 5.12 Order Log List ....................................................................................................... 67 Order/Subscription Log ......................................................................................... 67 Action Log Messages ............................................................................................ 68 Prerequisites for Patron Record............................................................................. 69 Submitting an ACQ Request ................................................................................. 70 Local Own Check Procedure................................................................................. 71 Web OPAC – Patron's Library Card ..................................................................... 72 OPAC Request List .................................................................................. 72 Bulk Ordering .......................................................................................... 75 5.12.1 Bulk Ordering List ................................................................................................ 75 Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 4 5.12.2 5.13 6 The Multi Order Form........................................................................................... 77 The Multi Item Form ............................................................................... 79 EDI ....................................................................................................................... 79 6.1 EDI Setup ..................................................................................................... 81 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 Editing tab35 for EDI ............................................................................................ 81 Vendor Record for EDI ......................................................................................... 82 Vendor Address..................................................................................................... 85 Incoming Files Location ....................................................................................... 86 Edit edi_out_attr .................................................................................................... 86 Editing edi_in_attr................................................................................................. 87 EDI Counters in UTIL G/2 ................................................................................... 88 6.2 EDI Order Record ........................................................................................ 88 6.3 Claim Record via EDI.................................................................................. 91 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 Online Claims for Orders ...................................................................................... 91 Batch Claims for Orders........................................................................................ 91 Online Claims for Serials ...................................................................................... 91 Batch Claims for Serials........................................................................................ 92 Cancellation Letters .............................................................................................. 93 6.4 Send Outgoing EDI Message (edi-11) ......................................................... 93 6.5 Load EDI Messages ..................................................................................... 94 6.6 EDI Load Log .............................................................................................. 96 6.6.1 6.6.2 6.6.3 Loading an Incoming EDI Invoice into ALEPH ................................................... 97 Loading Incoming EDI Order Responses into ALEPH ........................................ 97 Registering Serial Issue Arrival ............................................................................ 98 6.7 Specifications of ALEPH Requirements for EDI ........................................ 98 6.7.1 6.7.2 7 Mapping of EDItEUR messages sent by ALEPH ................................................. 98 Requirements for EDI messages sent to ALEPH ................................................ 100 INVOICES......................................................................................................... 102 7.1 Order Path .................................................................................................. 102 7.2 Invoice Path ............................................................................................... 103 7.2.1 General Invoice Form ......................................................................................... 104 7.3 General Invoice Payment Log ................................................................... 115 7.3.1 7.3.2 8 The Invoice Log List ........................................................................................... 115 The Invoice Log .................................................................................................. 116 ARRIVALS ....................................................................................................... 117 8.1 Arrival List of Orders................................................................................. 117 8.2 Arrival Form .............................................................................................. 118 Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 5 8.3 Bulk Arrival ............................................................................................... 119 8.3.1 8.3.2 8.3.3 8.3.4 9 The Bulk Arrival List .......................................................................................... 119 Multi Arrival Form.............................................................................................. 121 The Aleph Data Update ....................................................................................... 122 The Bulk Arrival Report Window....................................................................... 124 CLAIMS ............................................................................................................ 125 9.1 Batch Claiming .......................................................................................... 126 9.2 Manual Claiming ....................................................................................... 127 10 PAYMENTS ............................................................................................... 129 10.1 General Invoice Payment Status ............................................................ 129 10.2 User Authorizations ............................................................................... 129 10.3 Invoice Report ........................................................................................ 130 11 REPORTS .................................................................................................. 130 11.1 Types of Reports .................................................................................... 130 11.2 Example for Using the General Retrieval Form (acq-02-01) ................ 131 12 ACQUISITIONS SERVICES................................................................... 132 12.1 Manage Database Tables ....................................................................... 134 12.2 Orders and Claims.................................................................................. 134 12.3 Retrieve and Print Acquisitions Records ............................................... 135 12.4 Budget Management .............................................................................. 136 12.5 Currency................................................................................................. 138 12.6 EDI ......................................................................................................... 138 12.7 Other ...................................................................................................... 139 12.8 Statistics ................................................................................................. 144 12.9 General ................................................................................................... 144 Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 6 1 Acquisitions Overview The Acquisitions/Serials module enables you to manage vendor, budget, order and invoice records. This module runs under ADM type libraries only. This overview includes the following sections, in order of appearance: • The Acquisitions/Serials GUI • Working Without a Mouse • Acquisitions Process • Order Types • Acquisitions Systems • Prerequisites • Passwords 1.1 The Acquisitions/Serials GUI The Acquisitions/Serials GUI has been designed with an emphasis on usability and ease of access to acquisitions functions. Vendor, budget, item, order and invoice information are interlinked and can be accessed with a minimum of cursor movement. Multiple panes containing relevant information for each function can be displayed simultaneously. Here is an example of an Acquisitions/Serials GUI screen displaying order information: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 7 The various screen elements in the Acquisitions/Serials GUI (as shown above) are explained in the following sections. 1.1.1 Toolbars Title Bar The Title Bar shows the name of the program. It also displays status messages relating to the program and to user commands: Menu Bar The Menu Bar is laid out conventionally: Place the cursor over the menu name (for example, Orders) to reveal the related menu commands. Serial Bar The Serial Bar contains brief information about a selected record, such as the journal's title. To display a serial record, select a search parameter from the drop-down menu on the left. For example, Title. Type the appropriate value in the adjacent field. For example, Journal of Ecology. Click , or press Enter. Order Bar The Order Bar contains brief information about a selected record, such as the journal's title. To display an order record, select a search parameter from the drop-down menu on the left. For example, Order number. Type the appropriate number in the adjacent field, and click , or press Enter. Invoice Bar The Invoice Bar allows you to retrieve a General Invoice and its line items and to create a new invoice. Enter a Vendor code or click and select a Vendor from the Vendor List. In the adjacent field, select the appropriate invoice number or type it in. To add a new invoice for the selected vendor, type in the new general invoice number, and click , or press Enter. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 8 1.2 Panes Navigation Pane The navigation pane contains the following: • Main Tab • Navigation Tree Main Tab The Acquisitions/Serials module is comprised of six activities: • Order • Invoice • Administration • Order Search • Serial • Search The above activities are accessed from the Main Tab in the left pane, which consists of a row of icons that correspond to the major activities in Acquisitions. Clicking an icon invokes the interface associated with that icon. For example, clicking the Order icon invokes an interface for conducting Order activities. Name Order Invoice Administration Order Search Serial Search 1.3 Working Without a Mouse You can advance from one pane to another by using the following shortcut keys: Shortcut Keys TAB Shift+TAB Ctrl+TAB Ctrl+Alt+TAB Ctrl+1 Ctrl+2 Ctrl+3 Ctrl+4 Lets you do this: move to the next control in the dialog box. move to the previous control in the dialog box. move from the first control in the top toolbar to the lower pane. move from the lower pane to the first control in the top toolbar. move to the left pane, containing a tree. move to the right upper pane. move to the right lower pane. move to the navigation tree (left lower pane) in Cataloging. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 9 Ctrl+5 Ctrl+6 Ctrl+7 Move to the first edit or combo field in the first line of the top toolbar.. Move to the first edit or combo field in the second line of the top toolbar. Move to the first edit or combo field in the third line of the top toolbar. Note that a frame appears around the active pane. Shortcut Keys Available in the Acquisitions/Serials GUI The following table shows the default shortcut keys. These shortcut keys can be customized. Function Switch to Admin Tab Switch to Order Search Tab Switch to Invoice Tab Switch to Order Tab Switch to Search Tab Switch to Serial Tab Ctrl+B F7 F5 F2 F9 F8 The following shortcut keys are hard coded and cannot be customized: Function All Lists - Print List Date Edit and Time Edit - Reset Dates Help F11 F12 F1 1.4 The Acquisitions Process The Acquisitions process includes the following steps: 1. Create a Bibliographic Record in the Cataloging module. This record can be updated later. 2. Initiate an Order by filling in the Order Form in the Acquisitions/Serials module. The order will be sent to the vendor and if you have budget control, the budget will be debited for the encumbrance. 3. Register the Invoice. ALEPH distinguishes between a General Invoice and an Item Debit. A General Invoice includes several orders; an Item Debit is for an individual order (and is usually a line in the General Invoice). When the invoice is registered, the budgets linked to the order(s) are debited. 4. Register the arrival of material as partial or complete. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 10 1.5 Order Types The Acquisitions/Serials module handles three order types: Monograph, Serial and Standing Order. A monograph order is for a single item, such as an individual book, or for a complete multi-volume work, such as a 20-volume encyclopedia. However, you can also place a monograph order for an individual issue of a serial publication; for example, this would apply if the issue has been lost and you wish to replace it. A serial order is for a publication that is issued as a consecutively numbered and indefinitely continuing series. Examples include newspapers and journals. With a serial order, the number of issues to be received during the course of the subscription and the price of the subscription are both known in advance, although they might change during the course of a subscription period. A standing order is usually for monographs in series (for example, "Great Artists of the World") or for monographs of a particular subject matter. In either case, the order is usually for volumes that are due to be published in the future. A standing order is an open-ended order that remains in effect until it is canceled. It is usually not known in advance the number of volumes that will be received, nor the price of each volume. 1.6 Acquisitions Systems The control (that is, limitations on activities) of the Acquisitions system and its records can be managed at a sublevel. The sublevel that is used at a particular site can be based on sublibraries (individually or in groups), or it can be based on a special entity called "order units". The choice (order unit or sublibrary) is decided upon and preset using the site's system table setup. These controls are optional. Examples of possible control setup: • Update Authorization o • Order Record - only a user who has authorization for the sublibrary/order unit can update the order record. User Authorization o Budget - if the budget is assigned to particular sublibraries/order units (or a single sublibrary or order unit), then allocations, invoicing and transfers can be made only by a user who has authorization for those sublibraries/order units. o Vendor - if the vendor is assigned to particular sublibraries/order units (or a single sublibrary or order unit), then the vendor can be assigned to an order only if the order record is assigned the same sublibraries/order units. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 11 1.7 Prerequisites Before initiating any orders, you must first make sure that: • a list of currencies has been created and the exchange rates defined. • a list of vendors has been created and includes the vendor from which you want to order. • a list of budgets has been created and includes the budget you want to debit. This step is optional and is only for users who want budget control. 1.8 Passwords Most update functions within the Acquisitions/Serials module require password authorization, including adding, updating and deleting orders, and working with budgets and vendors. Password authorization can be given per function or globally for all functions, and for specific sublibraries/order units or all sublibraries/order units. 2 Currencies The Currencies function enables you to define values for the currencies used by your vendors and ILL suppliers. This chapter includes the following sections: • Local Currency • Currency List • Add Ratio • Add Currency 2.1 Local Currency The local currency code is defined in aleph_start. For example: setenv local_currency USD For the local currency defined, the ratio is always 1.000 (the currency table is never consulted). The system does not allow you to add, replace or delete a ratio for the defined local currency. There is an option to load the currency ratios from an outside source, (for example, Bank of America) using the Upload Currency Ratios (acq-20) service. This means that there is no need to update every ratio manually; the system can load the updated currency from the outside source into the currency list. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 12 To use Upload Currency Ratios (acq-20), you must have a valid data file in the library's file directory named currency.dat. The file must be in the format: NNN DDDDDDDD R.R For example: USD 20002804 4.035 2.2 Currency List Select the Currency node from the Administration tab. The Currency List will be displayed in the upper pane: This window shows the currency ratios that were in effect on the date given in the Currency List line. If a ratio has been defined for a particular currency on a date later than the date in the title, the ratio will be displayed as 0.000000. To see the currency ratios that were in effect on another date, click the arrow to the right of the Enter Previous Date field and click Go. Add Ratio To add a new ratio for a currency that has already been defined, highlight the desired currency and click Add Ratio. Enter the new ratio in the Currency Ratio field in the lower pane's Ratio tab and click Add. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 13 To add a ratio for a currency that has not yet been defined, first define it by clicking Add Currency. The currency will be added to the list and you can then highlight it and click Add Ratio. Delete Ratio To delete a ratio for a particular currency, on a particular date, highlight the entry and click Delete Ratio. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Add Currency To define a new currency (but not its ratio), click Add Currency and fill in the details in the lower pane. (After you have defined a new currency, you can define a ratio for it by highlighting it and clicking Add Ratio.) Delete Currency To delete the currency from the system, highlight the currency and click Delete Currency. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. If you click Yes, all ratios for the currency will be deleted. Be careful not to delete a currency that has already been used for orders. If the currency selected to delete is used in budget transactions you will not be allowed to delete the currency. You will be prompted with a message stating "Currency is used in budget transactions. Unable to delete currency". 2.3 Add Ratio When you click Add Ratio on the Currency List, the focus will move to the Ratio tab on the lower pane: Enter the new Currency Ratio, change the date if necessary, and click Add. Currency Code The currency code is automatically filled in for you. You cannot change the information. Description The description is automatically filled in for you. No. Units Per Ratio This information is automatically filled in for you. Currency Ratio Date Enter the date on which the ratio takes effect. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 14 Currency Ratio In most cases, your local currency will have the ratio 1.000000. All other currencies are then measured against this standard. 2.4 Add Currency When you click Add Currency on the Currency List, the focus will move to the Currency tab on the lower pane: Fill in the details and click Add. Currency Code This is the three-character code that uniquely identifies the currency. Be careful when you enter this code because after you click OK, you will not be able to change it. Upto-date and extensive lists of currencies and their codes are available on the Web. Note Systems that work with EDI must make sure that their currency code list matches the ISO 4217 list. Description Use this field to enter a description of the currency. For example, enter French Franc to describe the code FRF. No. Units Per Ratio Most frequently, you will want to specify one foreign unit per ratio of local currency. However, there are instances when you will want to specify more than one foreign unit per ratio of local currency. (For example, if your local currency is the Israeli Shekel, you could specify 1000 Italian Lira to 2.4870 Israeli Shekels. To do this, enter 1000 in this field, and enter 2.4870 in the Currency Ratio field of the Add/Modify Ratio window.) 3 Vendors Before initiating any orders, you must first make sure that a list of vendors has been created and includes the vendor from whom you want to order. This chapter includes the following sections: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 15 • Vendors List • Vendor Form • Two-level Vendor 3.1 Vendors List Select the Vendors node from the Administration tab. The Vendors list will be displayed in the upper pane: The Vendors list in the Vendor tab of the upper pane enables you to add/duplicate and delete vendors. To modify an existing vendor, highlight the desired vendor and update the fields in the lower pane. Note The sublevel Vendors list in the upper pane under the Vendors list is displayed only when your system is set to use a Two-level Vendor. You can use search filters to speed up your search for a particular vendor: The following search modes are available: Name Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 16 You can jump to a particular point in the list by typing in a partial vendor name in the space provided and clicking Go. Code You can browse the Vendors list and jump to a particular point in the list by typing in a partial vendor code in the space provided and clicking Go. Exact To retrieve a specific budget, type in the exact budget code and click Go. Keywords You can retrieve vendors by the keyword you designate. You can truncate words by entering the first few letters of your search term (for example, Hog will retrieve Hogwarts). The following fields will be searched for the keywords. • Additional code • Vendor name • Contact • Country • Material type • Vendor addresses When you search the Vendors list by Name or by Code you can also use the filters: Sublibrary and Currency. Note If the vendor was not defined as being associated with a particular sublibrary/order unit, the vendor will appear in the Vendors list, no matter which sublibrary/order unit you choose to filter by. Use an asterisk (*) as a suffix in the sublibrary/order unit filter to filter the Vendors list by vendors whose sublibrary/order unit code begins with a specific string. Buttons on the Vendors List The following buttons are available on the Vendors List pane: New To add a new vendor to the list, click New. The lower pane will become active and the Vendor Form will be displayed for you to fill in. Duplicate You can add a new vendor by copying an existing vendor's details and then editing the vendor information. To do this, highlight the vendor whose information you want to copy, then click Duplicate. The Vendor Form is displayed in the lower pane, Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 17 already filled in with information copied from the highlighted vendor. You can then edit the form so that the information is appropriate for the new vendor. Delete To delete a vendor from the list, highlight the vendor and click Delete. Notes 1. If there is an order or a general invoice connected to the vendor, the system will not allow you to delete the vendor. 2. In a multi-ADM environment, depending to system setup, the system may check the following before deleting a Global vendor record - does the Global vendor record have linked sublevels, or orders or invoices or ILL records in any ADM in the system? If orders or invoices or ILL records are found in any ADM (including the connected ADM unit), the deletion of the Global vendor record is blocked. If linked sublevels are found in other ADM units (excluding the connected ADM unit), the deletion of the Global vendor record is blocked. If the above checks have passed and sublevels exist only in the connected ADM unit the Global vendor record is deleted. Address When you click Address, the Vendor Addresses form is displayed. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 18 This form is used for registering the vendor addresses to be used for orders, claims, payments, returns and EDI. Enter the Vendor Addresses to be used for orders, claims, payments, returns and EDI. Note You must enter an address for Orders, but you can leave the other addresses blank. If you leave the other addresses blank, the Order address is used. If the Payment Address is filled in, it will be displayed in the printout of the Invoice Report (acq-10) service. If the Payment Address is not filled in, Order Address will be used in the Invoice Report printout. Additionally, if you leave the Vendor Name blank in these screens, the vendor name from the Vendor Information form will be filled in here. Next to the E-mail field there is an envelope icon. When you click it, an e-mail message form pops up, enabling you to send an e-mail message to the vendor. See the Vendor Address section in the EDI chapter on page 85 for information about EDI vendors and the EDI Address. Add This button appears only when your system is set to use a Two-level Vendor mode. Click Add to assign a secondary level of sublibraries/order units to a vendor. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 19 Delete This button appears only when your system is set to use a Two-level Vendor mode. To delete a sublevel vendor, highlight the sublevel (order unit or sublibrary) and click Delete. 3.2 Vendor Form The Vendor Form enables you to register administrative information about a vendor. Important note for systems using two-level vendor: The same form is used for generic vendor and for sublevel vendor. When you modify/add a sublevel record, some of the fields in the Vendor Information form might be read-only. Your system setup determines which fields can be specifically set for the sublevel record and which will be set as read-only fields taken from the generic vendor record. The Vendor Form has four parts, accessible by clicking the tab for each part. When you are finished filling in all four parts, click Update. Note Vendor Addresses are available by clicking the Address button on the Vendors list. 3.2.1 Vendor Info 1 Tab When you click the Vendor Info 1 tab, the following form will be displayed: Open Date This is the date the record was opened. It is filled in automatically by the system. Update Date This is the date the record was updated. It is filled in automatically by the system. Cataloger This is a read-only field. The login name of the current staff user is automatically inserted in this field. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 20 Vendor Code This field is mandatory. The Vendor Code is the unique alphanumeric code by which the system identifies the vendor. You can enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters. System Librarians only You can set your system to perform a check on the prefix of the Vendor Code. For setup instructions see the Systems Librarian chapter. EDI For Order Only This option is relevant for EDI. If an order has been sent via EDI, this field is consulted regarding the send method for a claim record. Select this option to send the claim to the vendor by a method different than EDI. Vendor EDI Code This field is relevant for EDI. To ensure that an order can be sent by EDI to a vendor, you must enter the Vendor's EDI code. The Vendor's EDI code can be up to 35 characters. Note This is not the same as the Customer's EDI code that was entered in column 2 of tab35. Vendor EDI Type This field is relevant for EDI. In order to send an order by EDI to a vendor, you also have to enter the EDI code type. These types must be supported by EDItEUR: 31B 014 091 092 for for for for US SAN EAN-13 ID assigned by supplier ID assigned by customer Additional Code This field is optional. Enter a supplementary vendor code here, if one is used by your library system. Depending on your system setup, this field can be dedicated to ABN (Australian Business Number). System Librarians only For setup instructions, see the System Librarian chapter Vendor Name Mandatory field. This is the name, as it will appear on the List of Vendors. The name you enter here can be different from the name you enter for the Order, Claim, Payment, or Return Addresses. In this Vendor Name field, enter only the name (up to 150 characters), and not the address, of the vendor. Vendor Status This field is optional. You can enter a two-character code defined by your library in order to differentiate between vendors. A vendor with status NA (not active) cannot be assigned to an order. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 21 Vendor Language Mandatory field. This is the language of the forms (order slips, claims) that will be sent to the vendor. Country This field is optional. The information is for reference only. Material Type This field is optional. Use it to describe the type of material you usually order from this vendor. You can enter up to 20 characters. Note You can enter a note up to 200 characters in length. 3.2.2 Vendor Info 2 Tab When you click the Vendor Info 2 tab, the following form is displayed: Account No. (M) This is your account number for monographs, as registered by the vendor. This field is optional. Account No. (S) This is your account number for serials, as registered by the vendor. This field is optional. Vendor's Bank Acct Optional. You can want to enter the bank name and account number used by the vendor. Currency 1-4 These are the currencies used by the vendor and the currencies in which you are most likely to receive invoices. You can enter up to four currencies. Currency 1 will be copied to each order from this vendor as the default currency. System Librarians only If the variable CHECK-INVOICE-CURRENCY is YES, at least one currency must be entered in the Account tab on the Vendor form; when you assign a general invoice to an order, the system will only allow you to pick one of the four defined currencies. Currency 1 is the default. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 22 If the variable CHECK-INVOICE-CURRENCY is NO, the currency field in the Account tab on the Vendor form is not mandatory; when you assign a general invoice to an order, the system will allow you to choose a currency that is not defined in the Vendor form. Up-to-date and extensive lists of currencies and their codes are available on the Web. Terms Sign Enter a plus (+) or a minus (-) sign to indicate whether there is an added charge or a discount for orders from this vendor. This relates to the estimated price, that is, the encumbrance, only. You can leave this field blank, but if you fill it in, be sure to fill in Terms Percent as well. If the Term Sign is "-" (minus), an error is reported if the Terms Percent is greater than 100.00%. Terms Percent Enter the percentage of the added charge or discount. Order Delivery This is the manner in which your library sends the order to the vendor. Letter Format This is the default order slip that will be generated for the vendor, unless otherwise defined in the Acquisitions Order Form. This slip will be generated when you click the Send button on the Order List screen. Letter Send Method You can choose to print the order slip and send it by conventional mail, or you can send the slip by e-mail. Note that in order to send the slip by e-mail, the e-mail address must be given in the Vendor Addresses screen and the correct definition must be set in the print.ini file by the System Librarian. List Format This is the format that the system uses when generating a list of orders for a vendor when you run the Send List of Orders to a Vendor (acq-14) service. List Send Method You can choose to print the order list and send it by conventional mail, or you can send the list by e-mail. Note that in order to send the list by e-mail, the e-mail address must be given in the Vendor Addresses screen and the correct definition must be set in the print.ini file. by the System Librarian. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 23 3.2.3 Vendor Info 3 Tab Contact 1-5 These fields are optional. Up to 5 vendor contact persons can be entered in these 5 fields. Each contact field contains up to 200 characters. When assigning a vendor to an order, the first name (from the Contact 1 field) will be used as the default in the Vendor Contact field of the Acquisitions Order Form. All the contact names listed in the 5 contact fields will be listed in the pull-down menu of the Vendor Contact field of the Order Form. Delivery Type 1-5 & Delivery Delay 1-5 For each material delivery type (Delivery 1-5), also enter the delivery delay (Delivery Delay 1-5). When determining the delivery delay, take into account the time it generally takes to receive the material from the day the order is sent to the vendor. The information in these fields is used by the system to calculate the E.D.A. (estimated date of arrival) for an order. The Delivery 1-3 fields are used for Acquisitions records; the Delivery 4-5 fields are used for Serials records. It is mandatory to select either Delivery 1 (Monograph) or Delivery 4 (Serials) in the Delivery type field when adding or updating a Vendor Record. If no delivery type is selected, the order record cannot be filled. Mail Attachment This field defines how the vendor receives letters in e-mail messages. The options are to receive only HTML attachments, only plain text within the e-mail body, or to receive both. The default is to receive both. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 24 3.3 Order Units Sublibraries/Order Units This tab can be named either Sublibraries or Order Units. This depends on whether your Acquisitions system is set to work with sublibraries or with order units. Click the Sublibraries/Order Units tab to assign one or more sublibraries/order units to the vendor. Note If your system is not set up to work with a two-level vendor, use the Sublibraries/Order Units tab to assign permitted sublibraries/order units to the vendor. The system will allow you to assign a vendor to an order only if the vendor sublibraries/order units match the order sublibraries/order unit. If you do not select any sublibrary/order unit, all sublibraries/order units will be assigned to the vendor. However, if your system is set up to work with a two-level vendor, you do not have to use the Sublibraries/Order Units tab to define permitted sublibraries/order units for the vendor. As soon as a sublevel vendor record is created for a specific sublibrary/order unit, you can assign this sublevel vendor to orders whose sublibrary/order unit matches the sublevel vendor sublibrary/order unit. 3.4 Two-level Vendor This section is relevant only for systems set to work with two-level vendors. The Two-level Vendor option allows for maintenance of the same generic vendor record or separated sublevel records for different sublibrary/order units. The Two-level Vendor is an optional feature. System Librarians only This feature depends on the following variable in tab100: TWO-LEVEL-VENDOR Y/N When TWO-LEVEL-VENDOR is set to Y, the system manages a two-level vendor. When it is set to N, the system uses only one level of generic vendor. When your system is set to work with the Two-level Vendor option, each vendor can have two different types of records: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 25 • First-level record: the generic vendor record, which is the default record. • Sublevel record: Order unit or sublibrary specific record with the same vendor code (as its generic record) and a unique sublevel vendor record. Each sublevel vendor record can have different information for the same generic vendor record. Depending on your system setup, the sublevel can be Sublibrary or Order Unit. Systems Librarians. only This depends on the following variable in tab100: USE-ORDER-UNIT Y/N When the variable is set to Y, the Acquisitions system works with order units and the sublevel will be Order Unit. When the variable is set to N, the system uses sublibrary and the sublevel is Sublibrary. If you work in a multi-ADM environment, your system may be configured to prevent you from seeing sublevels associated with sublibraries or Order Units of ADM units different from the ADM unit to which you are currently connected. This means that if you are a staff user of a specific ADM unit, you may be prevented from viewing, changing, or deleting sublevels associated with sublibraries or Order Units of other ADM units. For example, in the following List of Vendors, a staff user is connected to USM50. The vendor code ANAT with its associated sublevels in USM50 is shown: Here, a staff user is connected to USM51. The vendor code ANAT with its associated sublevels in USM51 is shown: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 26 However, a staff user of USM50 will only see the following sublevels: Following is an example of how the two-level vendor is used. In this example, the system is set to work with sublibrary sublevel vendor (not order unit). A.V is a generic vendor which gives different discount percentages to two different sublibraries: UARCV and ULINC. Each sublibrary can have its own sublevel vendor record for A.V: one sublevel A.V vendor record for UARCV and another sublevel A.V vendor record for ULINC. The discount percentage field will be different in each sublevel vendor record. When vendor A.V is assigned to the UARCV order, the default discount percentage will be taken from the UARCV sublevel A.V vendor record. When vendor A.V is assigned to ULINC order, then the default discount percentage will be taken from the ULINC sublevel A.V vendor record. Basically, this represents one generic vendor with two sublevel records per sublibrary. If your system is set to work with order units (rather than with sublibrary), there will be one generic vendor with two (or more) sublevel records per order unit. 3.5 Vendor Sublevel List When your system is set to work with a two-level vendor, the sublevel Vendors list is displayed under the Vendors list in the upper pane. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 27 To change or view information of the generic (USM50) record or one of the sublevel records, highlight the appropriate record. The details will be displayed for you to edit in the Vendor Form of the lower pane. When you modify the sublevel vendor form, some fields will be read-only and some can be changed for the sublevel record. Systems Librarians. only defines which group of the vendor record fields will be taken from the generic vendor record and will be read-only for the sublevel record and which group of fields can be set specifically for the sublevel vendor record. tab_vendor_sub_lib Add Click Add to add a new sublevel vendor to the generic vendor. This will open the Add Sublevel window, which allows you to choose the sublibrary/order unit to which you want to add a sublevel vendor record. After you select the sublevel, the Vendor form of a sublibrary/order unit will be activated in the lower pane for you to fill in. Delete Use the Delete button to delete the highlighted sublevel vendor record. To delete the generic vendor record, use the Delete button in the main Vendors list. This will delete the generic vendor and all its sublevel records. 3.6 Vendor Sublevel Information Form The sublevel vendor record has the same structure as the generic vendor record. When you add a new sublevel vendor record, the fields will be initially filled with the generic record information. This depends on your system setup. Part of the fields can be set specifically for the sublevel record, and part of the fields are read-only and their information is taken from the generic record. Systems Librarians. only (This depends on the setup of tab_vendor_sub_lib). Following is an example of a UARCV sublibrary sublevel record for vendor A.V Vendor Info 2 tab: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 28 As you can see in the above example, most of the fields are read-only. Their information is based on the generic vendor record and the user cannot change this information. Only the Account Numbers, Terms Sign and Percent fields can be set specifically to the UARCV sublevel vendor record. Your system librarian can determine which fields are read-only and which can be set specifically for the sublevel vendor. When you assign vendor A.V. to an URLEC order record, the default information from the vendor record will be taken from the UARCV sublevel vendor record. If there is no sublevel vendor record that matches the order's sublibrary/order unit, the system uses the generic vendor information. 4 Budgets Budgets are an optional feature and are only for users who want budget control. Before initiating any orders, you must first create a list of budgets. After a budget has been created, it can be assigned to an order (see the chapter on Orders on page 43). This chapter includes the following sections: • Budgets List • Budget Form • Budget Hierarchy • User's Budget Permissions 4.1 Budgets List Select the Budgets node from the Administration tab. The Budgets list will be displayed in the Budgets tab in the upper pane. You can add, modify and delete budgets. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 29 Use the Budget Filter area to search for the appropriate budget. You can search the list of budgets in the following ways: Browse You can browse the Budget list and jump to a particular point in the list by typing in a partial budget code in the space provided and clicking Go. The Browse option allows you to filter the list only by those budgets used by a particular sublibrary/order unit, budgets having a particular status, and/or budgets of a particular year. Note If the budget was not defined as being associated with a particular sublibrary/order unit, the budget will appear in the Budget List, no matter which sublibrary/order unit you choose to Filter by. Check the View Authorized Budgets check box to display only budgets for which the user has at least one kind of permission. (The user's budget authorizations are set via the Budgets window, invoked via the Staff Privileges window. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 30 Keywords The Keywords Search retrieves budgets by keyword(s) you have entered. You can truncate words by entering the first few letters of your search term. The following three fields will be searched for keywords: Name, External Budget and Department. Exact To retrieve a specific budget, type in the exact budget code and click Go. Wildcard The Wildcard Search allows you to select a group of budgets by entering a partial Budget Code and an asterisk (*). For example, B*-2003 will retrieve all budgets that start with the letter B and end with -2003. Group Type in a Budget Group and click Go. For example, MON will retrieve all budgets that have MON (Monographs) in the Budget Group field in the Budget Information Screen 1 tab of the Budget Form window in the lower pane. It is possible to filter the search by Group using the status and the year of the budget (for annual budgets with suffix "-YEAR" or non-annual budgets which by convention belong to any year). Select the "Group" search type, enter the search term as one string in the field below, for example, MON 2003 AC in order to indicate an active budget with group MON for the year 2003, or alternately type the group MON as search string and fill in the status AC and the year 2003 in the corresponding fields for filtering. Important Note Depending on how your system librarian has set up the system, the budget list can contain only those budgets with assigned Order Units/Sublibraries which match the user's assigned Order Unit/Sublibrary. 4.1.1 Buttons on the Budgets List The following buttons are available on this screen: New To add a new budget to the list, click New. The Budget Form in the lower pane will be displayed for you to fill in. Duplicate You can add a new budget by copying an existing budget's details and then editing the Budget Form in the lower pane. To do this, highlight the budget whose information you wish to copy, then click Duplicate. The Budget Form will be displayed for the new budget, which will already be filled in with information copied from the highlighted budget. You can then edit the form so that the information will be appropriate for the new budget. Delete To delete a budget from the list, highlight the budget and click Delete. If a budget is linked to an order it cannot be deleted. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 31 4.2 Budget Form When you click New or Duplicate on the Budgets List (upper pane), the lower pane is activated and the Budget Form is displayed, enabling you to register administrative information about a budget. The Budget Form also allows you to update details of an existing budget highlighted in the Budgets List in the upper pane. The Budget Form has five parts, accessible by clicking the tab for each part. When you are finished filling in the tabs: Budget Info 1 and Budget Info 2, click Add or Update. 4.2.1 Budget Info 1 Tab 1 When the user clicks the Budget Info 1 tab, the following form is displayed: Open Date This is the date the record was opened. It is filled in automatically by the system. Department Enter the department within the institution to which the budget is attached. External Name If this budget is part of a larger administrative authority, enter the budget code for that authority here. Budget Code The Budget Code is the unique code by which the system identifies the budget. You can enter up to 50 alphanumeric characters. The recommended format is code-year, for example, HISTORY-1998. This format is not required, but if your budgets are annual, it will enable you to use various features that require the code-year format. Budget Parent Optional. If there is a budget parent, enter its code here. Use Parent Budget for Invoice Report. If the box is checked, then the parent budget is reported in the invoice report (service: acq-10) instead of in the budget itself. If there is a grandparent, the final reported budget is the first parent/grandparent where the Use Parent Budget for Invoice Report field is not checked. If the check box is not checked, the budget itself will be reported in the Invoice Report. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 32 Use Parent Budget for Invoice Report If this box is checked, then the parent budget instead of the budget itself is reported in the Invoice Report (acq-10). If there is a grandparent budget, the final reported budget is the first parent/grandparent where the Use Parent Budget for Invoice Report field is not checked. If the check box is not checked, the budget itself will be reported in the Invoice Report (acq-10). Budget Type The Budget Type is for information only. If you do not choose a budget type, the system chooses the first one in the list as the default. The various types are set by the System Librarian. Some examples of budget types are: • REG - Regular • INB - Internal • SPE - Special • RES - Research • CLS - Balanced budget Name This is the name of the budget. This information is optional. You can enter up to 60 characters. Valid from/Valid to Enter the dates between which orders can be placed against the budget. An order will be trapped if it is placed outside the valid period. Budget Group Budget Groups are used to combine several budgets into a group in order to produce a report on the budgets. Select a group from the pull-down menu. For example, you may want to have separate groups for material type, department and faculty. In this case, a particular budget, called Biologyserials-1998, may belong to a Serials Group, Biology Department. Budget Status The Budget Status can be active (AC) or non-active (NA). An order that is placed against an inactive budget will be trapped. If you do not choose a budget status, it defaults to active (AC). Note 1-4 Each note can be up to 100 characters in length. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 33 4.2.2 Budget Info 2 Tab When the user clicks the Budget Info 2 tab, the following form is displayed: Object Code Select the appropriate object codes for the budget. Up to 20 object codes can be assigned to the budget. Object codes can be used to create a hierarchy within a budget and to classify expenditures. If the use of an object code is mandatory (depending on your system setup), then an object code must also be assigned to a line item invoice and must match the assigned budget's object codes. If you don't select any object code, All is automatically checked. The list of available object codes can be set by your system librarian. Max. Over/Under Encumbrance This is the maximum amount by which the budget can be encumbered, over or under the estimated budget balance. This field also depends on the check boxes: Expressed as Percentage and Limit to Under Enc./Exp. For example, when the estimated balance is $100, if the Max. Over/Under Encumbrance is $20, then the Limit to Under Enc./Exp. is not checked (i.e., this field is actually Maximum Over Encumbrance), then encumbrances up to $120 can be made. This can be expressed as a percentage (depending on whether you select the Expressed as Percentage check box). In the other case, if the Limit to Under Enc./Exp. is checked (that is, this field is actually Maximum Under Encumbrance), then encumbrances up to $80 can be made. This can be expressed as a percentage (depending on whether you select the Expressed as Percentage check box). Max. Over/Under Expenditure This is the maximum amount by which the budget can be debited (that is, invoices paid), over and above the estimated budget balance. This field also depends on the check boxes: Expressed as Percentage and Limit to Under Enc./Exp. For example, when the estimated balance is $100, if the max. over/under expenditure is $20, then the Limit to Under Enc./Exp. is not checked (i.e., this field is actually Maximum Over Expenditure), then expenditure up to $120 can be made. This can be expressed as a percentage (depending on whether you check the Expressed as Percentage check box). Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 34 In the other case, if the Limit to Under Enc./Exp. is checked, (i.e., this field is actually Maximum Under Expenditure), then expenditure up to $80 can be made. This can be expressed as a percentage (depending on the Expressed as Percentage check box). Expressed as Percentage The Expressed as Percentage check box works together with the Max. Over/Under Encumbrance and Max. Over/Under Expenditure fields that appear in the window above the check box. If you place a checkmark in the box, this means that the amount written in the Max. Over/Under Encumbrance and Max. Over/Under Expenditure fields will be taken as a percentage of the allocation. For example, if the Max. Over/Under Encumbrance field value is 20 and the allocation is 1000, and the user places a checkmark in the Expressed as Percentage box (for percent) and does not place a checkmark in the Limit to Under Enc./Exp. box, then the maximum over-encumbrance will be 20 percent, or 200, to be added to the allocation of 1000 for a total of 1200. If, on the other hand, you do not place a checkmark in the box, then the value for the Maximum Over Encumbrance field will be taken as is (not as a percentage) and added to the allocation. In the example given above, 20 plus 1000 equals 1020. Limit to Under Enc./Exp. This check box allows you to define whether the amount (or percentage) registered in the fields Max. Over/Under Encumbrance and Max. Over/Under expenditure is an amount OVER or an amount UNDER. If the Limit to Under Enc./Exp. is checked (set as "Under";) this means that the amount/percent registered in Max. Over/Under Encumbrance and Max. Over/Under Expenditure is to be subtracted from the budget balance amount and the user will be "stopped" from registering an order encumbrance or invoice amount when the budget is close to being fully spent. If the Limit to Under Enc./Exp. is not checked (set as "Over"), the amount/percent registered in Max Over/Under Encumbrance and Max Over/Under Expenditure is to be added to the budget balance amount. Example: Budget ART-2003 has a balance of 100 USD. Max. Over/Under Expenditure is 20%. The Limit to Under Exp./Enc. check box is checked. The system will allow the user to spend only 80 USD. So that 20 USD (20%) are left untouched. If the Limit to Under Exp./Enc. check box is NOT checked, then the system will allow the user to spend 120 USD (over-exp. of 20%). Annual Budget Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 35 If you have used the Budget Code format code-year (see Information Screen 1), and you indicate that this is an annual budget, then at the end of the budget year, the budget remaining can be carried over automatically to the budget for the new year. Note Any encumbrances and unpaid invoices will be carried over as well. 4.2.3 Balance Tab This tab consists of the Budget Info tab and the Object Codes tab (depending on system setup), providing details of the selected budget. When you click the Budget Info tab, the screen below is displayed: Initial Allocation This is the amount that was originally allocated to the budget. Allocated This is the total amount of "Regular Allocations (ALC)" that have been made to this budget. Carryover This is the amount that was left over from last year's budget and is credited to this year's budget. Transferred This is the sum of all transfers-in minus all transfers-out. Encumbrance Price These are orders that have not yet been fully invoiced. Invoice Price These are invoices that you have received but have not yet been paid. Payment Price These are invoices that have already been paid. Invoice VAT Price These are the VAT amount of invoices, which you have received but have not yet been paid. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 36 Payment VAT Price These represent the VAT amount of invoices, which have already been paid. Total Allocated Balance This is the sum of the above amounts. Actual Balance When the actual balance is calculated, the encumbrances are not subtracted. The equation is: Actual balance = total allocations - (paid + unpaid invoice). Free Balance When the free balance is calculated, the encumbrances are subtracted. The equation is: Free balance = total allocations - (paid + unpaid invoices + encumbrances). When you click the Object Codes tab, the screen below is displayed This screen displays the object code subdivisions of the budget. It contains information regarding the paid and unpaid amount for each object code. 4.2.4 Transactions Tab In the Budget Form, when you click the Transactions tab, the following screen is displayed. The Transaction List lists all transactions for the selected budget, indicating whether they are Credits (C) or Debits (D). The transactions list can be filtered by transaction type. To display only selected types of transactions, select the appropriate transaction types. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 37 There are six types of transactions that can appear in the list: • Initial Allocations (ILC) • Regular Allocations (ALC) • Carry-overs (CRO) • Transfers (TRN) • Encumbrances (ENC) • Invoices (INV) Following are the buttons on the Transactions tab: Filter To display only transactions of specific type/s, select the appropriate transaction type/s and click Filter. Allocate To allocate funds to the selected budget, click Allocate. For more information, see also Allocate Transaction. Print To print a list of transactions, click Print. Transfer To transfer funds from one budget to another, click Transfer. For more information, see also Budget Transfer. Allocate Transaction When you click Allocate on the Transactions tab the following window is displayed: This window enables you to allocate funds to a budget. When you finish filling in the fields, click OK. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 38 Fields: Date The system automatically fills in the current date; but you can change the date. Initial/Regular If the allocated amount is the initial allocation (transaction type ILC), select Initial. If the allocated amount is an additional or a regular allocation (transaction type ALC), select Regular. The system default value is Regular. Currency This is the currency of the allocation. Currency Date This is the date of the exchange rate of the currency. The system automatically fills in the current date, but you can change the date. Sum This is the amount by which the budget is being debited or credited. Debit/Credit This indicates if the amount will be deducted from or added to the budget balance. Note You can add a note for the Allocate transaction (up to 200 characters). Budget Transfer When you click Transfer on the Transactions tab the following window is displayed: This window enables you to transfer amounts from one budget to another. To perform Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 39 a transfer transaction from one budget to another enter the budget code for both budgets (the one from which the amount is transferred and the one to which the amount is transferred) in the Budget field. The Budget Code can be entered either by selecting a budget code from the list or by typing it in and pressing Enter. Only if the budget code is valid are its details shown. Otherwise, an error message is displayed. Use the transfer arrows to transfer an amount from one budget to another. The two transfer arrow buttons are enabled only when both budgets are valid (their information is displayed) and the sum to transfer is greater than zero. Clicking the right arrow transfers money from the left-hand budget to the right-hand budget, and vice versa for the left arrow. You can add a note for the transfer transaction by typing text in the Note field (up to 200 characters). You can also access the Budget Transfer window by selecting the Budget Transfer node of the Administration tab. To transfer amounts from one budget to another, the user must be allowed to perform transfers in both budgets: the one you transfer from and the one you transfer to. To transfer funds from one budget to another, fill in the form and click OK. 4.2.5 Sublibraries Tab This tab is labeled Sublibraries or Order Units, depending on whether your acquisitions system is set to work with sublibraries or with order units. This tab is used for assigning sublibraries/order units to a budget. The list on the left side of the screen shows all available sublibraries/order units. If a sublibrary/order unit is selected, only orders for this sublibrary/order unit can be charged to this budget. If you do not select any sublibrary/order unit, orders for all sublibraries/order units can be charged to this budget. Note that users with sublibrary/order unit level passwords can place orders only for budgets belonging to their sublibrary/order unit. Users with global level authorization can enter any budget. (This is to enable registration of an order to budgets belonging to different sublibraries/order units in case of a shared order. Note that if an order is placed against two or three budgets of different sublibraries/order units, a sublibrary/order unit level user will not be able to update the order). Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 40 4.3 Budget Hierarchy Budgets can be defined in a hierarchical structure. This structure can be utilized in different services and GUI online reports. 4.3.1 Budget Parent The Budget Parent field appears in the Budget Form - Budget Info 1 Tab. When a budget has a higher hierarchy (a parent), type in or select the Parent Budget Code from the list. The system also supports "budget grandparents", as explained in the following example: Budget BERG-2003 has a "child" budget: ART-2003. ART-2003 is a parent of ART2003-B. In this example, BERG-2003 has a child (ART-2003) and a grandchild (ART-2003B). The setup should be as follows: In ART-2003-B, enter ART-2003 in the Budget Parent field. In ART-2003, enter BERG-2003 in the Budget Parent field. In BERG-2003, which is the grandparent budget, leave the Budget Parent field empty. 4.3.2 Use Budget Parent for Invoice Report The Use parent budget for invoice report option appears in the Budget Info. 1 tab. If the budget parent is reported in the Budget Parent field and this option is selected, then the parent budget is reported in the Invoice Report (acq-10) instead of in the budget itself. If there is a grandparent, the final reported budget is the first parent/grandparent where the Use Parent Budget for Invoice Report option is not selected. If the option is not selected, the budget itself is reported in the Invoice Report and not its parent. Example: Budget HIST-COUNCIL is a parent budget of 2 budgets: HIST-A and HIST-B. The invoice transactions for the budgets are: • HIST-A - $5.00 • HIST-B - $10.00 If in both budgets, HIST-A and HIST-B, the Use Parent Budget for Invoice Report is set to Yes (checked), then the Invoice Report will show: $15 expenditure in HIST- Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 41 COUNCIL. If in both budgets, HIST-A and HIST-B, the Use Parent Budget for Invoice Report is set to No (not checked), then the Invoice Report will show: $5 expenditure in HIST-A $10 expenditure in HIST-B. If HIST-A is set to No in Use Parent Budget for Invoice Report and HIST-B is set to Yes, the report will show HIST-COUNCIL $10 and HIST-A $5. 4.3.3 Budget Hierarchy in Reports Besides the option of reporting the parent budget in the Invoice Report, you can also choose to use the hierarchy budget in the following reports. • General Retrieval Form (acq-02-01) • Budget Summary (acq-16) • List of Orders per Budget (acq-17) Use Hierarchy Budget - Yes/No. This selection is available in these three services. Budget Hierarchy in General Retrieval Form (acq-02-01) When retrieving orders by their budgets, the user can specify either to use a specific order budget (Use Hierarchy Budget=No) or any of the budget's parents/grandparents (Use Hierarchy Budget=Yes). Budget Hierarchy in Budget Summary (acq-16) The Budget Summary Report supports hierarchy by means of the following two fields: • Balance by Hierarchy • The Balance by Hierarchy field is a Yes/No flag. If Yes is selected, this determines that all budget sums are calculated, not on a single budget, but rather on the budget and all its descendants. In addition, a list of its descendants is displayed at the bottom of the section. • Expand Budgets in Hierarchy The Expand Budgets in Hierarchy field is a Yes/No flag. If Yes is selected, all descendants are displayed right after the parent budgets. The descendants' budgets are displayed with leading plus signs ("+"), which indent their hierarchy based on its depth. In order to get a full hierarchy report of a specific budget: Select a single budget code in the Budget Code field. Select Yes in both fields: Balance by Hierarchy and Expand Budgets in Hierarchy. Budget Hierarchy in List of Orders per Budget (acq-17) The user can choose to run this service in Hierarchy mode (Use Hierarchy Budget=Yes) so that the report will also include the budget's parents/grandparents. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 42 4.4 User's Budget Permissions The user's authorizations for a budget are assigned through the Staff Privileges function available from all GUI modules. To access the Staff Privileges functionality right-click the key icon on the Operations bar (at the bottom right of the screen) and select Staff Privileges. The Budgets button in the Staff Privileges window is used to assign budget permissions for the user. 5 Orders This section explains the Order function. In addition to simply ordering materials, this function enables you to encumber budgets for an order, produce a claim, register the arrival of material and register invoices. The Order function is accessed from the Order tab in the Navigation pane and from the Order Bar. The Orders chapter contains the following topics: • Order Search • Order List • Order Form • Sending Orders to Vendors • Encumbrances for Order • Items/Subscriptions • Canceling Orders • Deleting Orders Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 43 • Order Log • Action Log Messages • Multi Order Process (for Monographs) To initiate a new order or to modify an existing order, use the Order bar and the Order Tab. Each selection enables you to retrieve the Order List. 5.1 Order Search To retrieve an order record, you can use either the Order Bar or the Order Search tab . Order Bar The Order Bar allows you to retrieve an order record matching the search parameter selected in the Order Index Type drop-down menu on the far left. Search parameters can be Bibliographic (for example, Order Title, Order Author) or Administrative (for example, Vendor Code, Order Number). Select the required search parameter and type in the search value. For example: select as a search parameter: Order Number and type in: 810-1. As soon as you click you will get one of the following results: • Single - A single match has been found. The Order List is opened. • None - No matching entries. The message: "Cannot find a single match. View index list?" is displayed. If you choose Yes, the Index List window will be opened with all filters cleared. The Index Type and the Starting Point are automatically filled in. The Exact Match check box is not checked. • Multi - Multiple matching entries in index. The message: "Cannot find a single match. View index list?" is displayed. If you choose Yes, the Index List window is opened with all filters cleared. The Index Type and the Starting Point are automatically filled in. The Exact Match check box is checked. Order Search Tab This tab is comprised of two nodes: • Index List • New and Canceled Order Index This screen enables you to search for orders whose status is New, LC (library canceled), VC (vendor canceled) and CNB (canceled, no budget). It allows you to delete order/s if you have permission to do so. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 44 Index List When you activate the Index List node, the Index List is displayed in the upper pane. Filters You can choose to have the list filtered by one of a number of different indexes, such as Order Number or Vendor Code. The Exact Match check box determines whether only entries that are exactly like the starting point will be displayed in the Index List. In addition, you can display only those orders that relate to a particular sublibrary, order status, order type, and so on. You can also display orders that were sent to a vendor within a specific period of time (defined by the "From" Order Date and "To" Order Date). If you leave the "To" Date blank, all dates will be displayed. Sublibrary Filter: You can use an asterisk (*) as a suffix to filter the index list by orders whose sublibrary code begins with a specific string. For example: UE* will filter the list by orders of sublibraries: UEDUC, UEGOV and UEARC. Vendor Status Filter: In order to ensure that the Vendor Status filter works properly after updating the vendor status in the Vendor record, run the Rebuild Order Index (acq-04) service. Enter Starting Point You can jump to a particular point in the list by typing in the beginning of the index text in the space provided and pressing Enter or clicking the Refresh Filter button. Buttons on the Index List The following buttons are available on this screen: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 45 Refresh Filter If you have typed text in a field (rather than choosing from a menu), you must click the Refresh Filter button in order to activate the filter. The relevant entries are then displayed. Clear Filter To clear all index filters, click Clear Filter. Print Order To print the order for the highlighted entry, click Print Order. Select To see the list of orders for the highlighted item and to perform a number of different functions related to an order, click Select. New and Canceled Order Index When you activate the New and Canceled Order Index node under the Order Search tab, the New and Canceled Order Index screen is displayed in the upper pane. The New and Canceled Order Index enables the user to search for orders that have the status New, LC (library canceled), VC (vendor canceled) and CNB (canceled, no budget), and allows you to delete order/s if you are permitted to do so. Orders in the index are sorted by status date in descending order. Filters You can choose to have the list filtered by Order Type, Order Group, Vendor Code, Material Type. You can also display orders that were created within a specific time period (defined by the "From" Order Date and the "To" Order Date). New and Canceled Order Index Pane: Buttons The following buttons are available on this screen: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 46 Search Now To activate the search, click the Search Now button. The relevant entries will then be displayed. Clear Filter This button clears the filters. Print Order To print the order information for the highlighted entry, click Print Order. Select To see the list of orders for the highlighted item and to perform a number of different functions related to an order, click Select. Delete To delete order/s, highlight the order/s you want to delete, and then click Delete. For multiple select deletes, click Ctrl/Shift. For a single select delete use the same routine as you would for a standard delete. This means that you will be blocked if you lack permission to delete an order. If there are attached Items/Claims/Arrivals/Invoices, the system will ask you to re-confirm the deletion. For multiple select deletes, you will be notified at the end of the operation how many successful deletions were made. If there was a Hold Request on the deleted order, a Delete Hold Request printout will be produced by the system. Delete All To delete all the listed orders, click Delete All. The system will delete only orders you are authorized to delete. You will be notified at the end of the operation how many successful deletions were made. If there was only one entry listed and Items/Claims/Arrivals/Invoices was attached, the system will ask you to re-confirm the deletion. 5.2 Order List When the user selects an order record from the Index List, the Order List is displayed in the upper pane, listing the orders related to a particular administrative record. Use the Order List to add/duplicate and delete orders. To modify an existing order, Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 47 highlight the desired order and update the fields in the Order Form in the lower pane. If your System Librarian has determined that the "Enc/Active Amt" column should be displayed, it will display the Encumbrance Sum, broken down into three parts: • The first part is the original encumbrance amount that is based on the estimated price on the Order Form. • The second part is the difference between the original encumbrance amount and the amount on the invoice. This difference is referred to as the Active Amount. (The Active Amount automatically becomes zero when the invoice is registered as "complete".) • The third part is the Currency. Order List Buttons The following buttons are available on this screen: Add To add a new order, click Add. You will be able to choose the order type: monograph, standing order or serial. In addition, depending on how your System Librarian has set up the Acquisitions/Serials module, you will be able to activate a specific counter for assigning the order number. See the Error! Reference source not found. section in the System Librarian chapter on page Error! Bookmark not defined. for information about setting up order number counters. The Order Form will be displayed in the lower pane. Duplicate You can add a new order by copying an existing order's details and then editing the form that pops up. To do this, highlight the order whose information you wish to copy, then click Duplicate. A form will be displayed for the new order, which will already be filled in with information copied from the highlighted order. You can then edit the form so that the information will be appropriate for the new order. Delete To delete an order from the list, highlight the order and click Delete. When deleting an order from the Orders List for orders of type M (Monographs), a warning about the Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 48 existence of items appears. Overriding this warning will delete all attached items with the deletion of the order itself. A warning for deletion of attached claims will appear when you try to delete an order with attached claims. Overriding this warning will delete all attached claims. A warning for deletion of the order's arrivals will appear when trying to delete an order with arrivals. Overriding this warning will delete all attached arrivals. A warning for deletion of attached invoices will appear when trying to delete an order with assigned invoices. Overriding this warning will delete all attached line items. Print/Cancel Click this button to determine which print procedure will be used: Select one of the options and click OK. Send To produce an order slip for the vendor or to send it by e-mail, click Send. The default letter format that will be printed or sent by e-mail is defined in the Vendor tab in the lower pane. This letter format can be changed for a specific order by modifying the Send Letter by field in the Vendor tab in the lower pane. An order can be sent as a single letter (order delivery type LE) or as part of an order list from a vendor (order delivery type LI). For a letter, when clicking the Send option, the order status is changed to SV (sent to vendor). For a list of orders, the order status is changed to RSV (ready to be sent to vendor). 5.2.1 Quick Cataloging in Acquisitions Another way to reach the Order List is through the Quick Cataloging option of the Acquisitions/Serials GUI. Select Orders/Catalog Order from the main menu. Select a bibliographic library from the dialog box. The Catalog Record window is displayed. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 49 This window is used to briefly catalog a record with minimum information. Once you fill in this form and click OK, the Order List will be displayed. At this stage, you can add a new order for this record. The fields available in this window are defined by your System Librarian. Note for the System Librarian The fields in the Catalog Record window are determined by the setup in pc_tab_acq_fast_cat.lng. This table has to be edited in the bibliographic library (for the creation of the bibliographic record) and in the administrative library (for the creation of the administrative record). Fast cataloging defaults to FMT BK, using relevant LDR and 008 templates. However, a different FMT can be set, in which case the default values set in tab_tag_text are used to set the appropriate LDR and 008 fields. The record does not undergo cataloging checks. You can determine the bibliographic fields in the pc_tab_circ_fast_cat.lng table located in the administrative library by using column 5 of the table to specify that the tag is a BIB tag. If the pc_tab_circ_fast_cat.lng table located in the administrative library includes at least one line with a tag that is specified as a BIB tag, the pc_tab_circ_fast_cat.lng table in the Bibliographic library will be ignored. This option can be used by a Multi-ADM environment as well by a single-ADM environment. 5.3 Order Form When you click Add (and then select an order type) or Duplicate on the Order List, the Order Form is activated in the lower pane. This screen enables you to initiate a new order or to modify an existing order. The Order Form is comprised of four tabs, accessible by clicking each tab. The four tabs are: Order Display, General, Vendor, and Quantity and Price. Note Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 50 The Vendor Information in the Vendor tab can vary, depending on whether the order type is Monograph, Serial or Standing Order. 5.3.1 Order Display Tab The Order Display tab on the lower pane is divided into parts that supply information regarding the order. You can read, but not change the information. The available tabs are: Order Info, Invoice, Expenditure, Encumbrance, and Patron. 5.3.2 General Tab When you select the General tab, the following screen is displayed. The following buttons are available on this screen: Add / Update When you finish filling in or updating the form, click Add or Update. When an order is first created, an Add button is present on this screen. When an existing order has been retrieved and modified, an Update button appears. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 51 Save Def (Save Defaults) If you wish to save the values you have entered for the fields listed below and copy them to each new order form you open, click Save Def. Defaults are saved per workstation. • Additional Order Number 1 • Additional Order Number 2 • Order Group • Order Status • Sublibrary • Acquisition Method • Material Type • Vendor Code • Vendor Reference • Vendor Note • Rush • Initiator ID • Action • Library Note • Approver ID • No. of Units • Max. Arrival Days • Batch Claiming • Item Collection (For Monograph orders) • Encumber Budget • Material Format For the fields Order Status, Item Collection and Encumber Budget, an additional confirmation message will be displayed if the fields are not empty when saving the defaults. In addition, these fields can be saved to the defaults only in New or Duplicate mode. All other fields can be saved in Modify mode as well. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 52 Note that when you click the Save Def(aults) button, much of the information you entered about the vendor (the specific fields are listed below) will not be copied when you Add or Duplicate a record. Instead, the information that will be entered in these fields will be taken from the Vendor Record. The following are the fields whose values are copied from the Vendor Record: • Letter Type • Order Delivery Type • Delivery Type • Send Letter by • Currency • Terms Sign • Terms Percent Refresh Click Refresh to have the system calculate and display the local cost based on the effective currency exchange rates. The following fields are available on this screen: Order Number The system will automatically assign an order number but you are free to change the number, as long as the number you are entering is not already in use. Additional Order Number 1 This field is optional. It can be used to provide a supplementary order number. Additional Order Number 2 This field is optional. It can be used to provide a supplementary order number. Order Status The following statuses are available: • NEW - Request to order. Not yet processed. • WP - Waiting for processing. This is an interim status between NEW and PS. • PS - Processing started. This status can be used to indicate to the central ordering agency that the order is ready to be processed. • WB - Waiting for budget confirmation. • QSV - Query before sending order. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 53 • CNB - Canceled, no budget. This status cancels the budget encumbrance. If the status is changed to a status that indicates that the order can be sent (for example, RSV - ready to send to vendor), the budget encumbrance is re-activated. • DNB - Delayed, no budget. This status cancels the budget encumbrance. If the status is changed to a status that indicates that the order can be sent (for example, RSV - ready to send to vendor), the budget encumbrance is re-activated. • RSV - ready to send to vendor. • SV - Order sent to vendor. When an order slip is printed, the order status is automatically updated to SV. • VC - Vendor canceled order. This status cancels the budget encumbrance. If the status is changed to a status that indicates that the order can be sent (for example, RSV - ready to send to vendor), the budget encumbrance is re-activated. • LC - Library canceled order. This status cancels the budget encumbrance. If the status is changed to a status that indicates that the order can be sent (for example, RSV - ready to send to vendor), the budget encumbrance is re-activated. • CLS - Order is closed. If the material arrival status is complete and the invoice has been paid (payment status is Paid), the system updates the order status automatically to CLS. Note Your System Librarian can enrich the list of available order statuses. These additional statuses will not be system driven. The user will have to update the order status manually. Order ISBN/ISSN This field is optional. If the ISBN/ISSN is available in the bibliographic record (USMARC 020/022 field, MAB 540/542 fields and DANMARC 021/022), the system automatically enters the ISBN/ISSN in the Order Form (if you have reached the Order Form by clicking New or Duplicate on the Order List). If the system has not filled in the ISBN/ISSN, you can do so. ALEPH supports a 13-digit ISBN, which always begins with "978", followed by the core 9-digit number and a recalculated check digit. Example: 10-digit ISBN: 091661736X 13-digit ISBN: 9780916617363 Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 54 When there is more than one ISBN/ISSN field in the bibliographic record, you can select the relevant value from a drop-down menu in the Order ISBN/ISSN field. Note Your system librarian can define any bibliographic field to populate an order's ISBN/ISSN in addition to the standard MARC fields that are used for this purpose. ERM ID This field is used to support acquisitions processing for electronic resources in Verde, which will interact with ALEPH. Open Date This is the date that the order was initiated. The date is filled in automatically by the system. Order Group This field is optional. The Order Group is a library-defined category. For example, your System Librarian may decide to use this field to categorize orders by the workgroup of librarians who are ordering item, or by the department for which the items are being ordered. To save the value you have entered for Order Group and copy it to each new order form that you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. Status Date This is the date that the status was last changed. It is filled in automatically by the system. Order Date This is the date that the order was sent to the vendor. It is filled in automatically by the system and the order status is changed automatically to SV. Invoice Status "Complete" This field only appears when an invoice line item for this order has been registered. If the invoice is complete (Invoice Status is CMP - Complete), the check box is selected. If you expect to receive additional invoices for this order (Invoice Status is PTL Partial), the check box is left blank. For incomplete invoices, the system continues to debit the remaining encumbrance from the budget until the invoice is complete. When the invoice is complete, if the invoiced amount is different from the encumbrance, the budget is debited according to the invoiced amount. For standing orders and serial orders, the invoice status is always "non-complete". Use this check box to change an existing invoice's status. Arrival Status "Complete" This field only appears when an arrival has been registered. If all units for this order have arrived (Arrival Status is CMP - Complete), the check box is marked. If more units are expected (Arrival Status is PTL - Partial), the check box is left blank. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 55 For standing orders, the arrival status is always "non-complete". Use this check box to change an existing arrival's status. Material Type Select the material type of the item ordered. To save the value you have entered for Material Type and copy it to each new order form that you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. Material Format This field is used to support acquisitions processing for electronic resources in Verde, which will interact with ALEPH. Sublibrary Select the sublibrary to which the order belongs. To save the value you have entered for the sublibrary and to copy it to each new order form that you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. Order Unit (for systems that work with order units) This is a mandatory field for systems set to work with order units. Select the order unit to which the order belongs. To save the value you have entered for order unit and copy it to each new order form you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. Acquisition Method Select the method by which the item is acquired. To save the value you have entered and to copy it to each new order form that you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. Some examples of acquisition methods are: • P - Purchase • A - Approval • G - Gift • E - Exchange • D - Deposit • O - Other • PF - Purchase Free (allows a reduction in price of up to 100.00 percent) Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 56 Initiator ID If the order is for a specific initiator, enter his ID here. You can select from a list of patrons by clicking the button to the right of the field. To save the value you entered for Initiator ID and to copy it to each new order form that you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. To limit the list to local patrons of the library to which you are currently connected, select the check box. Initiator Name If you entered an Initiator ID, the system will automatically fill in the Initiator Name. Action This field is enabled only when the Initiator ID has been entered. In this field, you can select the target action for this order. The possible actions are: • None - no special action • Send Directly - choose this option if you want the order to be sent directly to the initiator. The system will then print the initiator's address on the order slip. • Create Hold - choose this option if you want the order to be sent to the library's address and you want to create a hold request for the item on behalf of the initiator. • Send Mail - choose this option if you want a message to be sent by email or by means of a printed letter upon the FIRST arrival of an order. The message, announcing that the order has arrived in the library, is sent to the initiator of the order. To save the value you entered for this field and to copy it to each new order form that you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. Approver ID If there is an approver for this order for the initiator, enter his ID in this field. You can select from a list of patrons by clicking the button to the right of the field. To save the value you entered for Approver ID and to copy it to each new order form you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. Library Note You can enter a note of up to 200 characters. Depending on your GUI client setup, the Library Note text will pop up when Material Arrival is performed. 5.3.3 Vendor Tab When you select the Vendor tab, the following screen is displayed. Note that the Vendor Information part varies, depending on whether the order type is Monograph, Serial or Standing Order. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 57 Vendor Code Click and select a vendor from the Vendor List. Alternatively, type in a vendor code and press Enter. The information about the vendor contact, order delivery type, delivery type and letter type will be taken from the Vendor record and entered in the Vendor tab. As soon as the order is sent, the Claim Date will be filled in and calculated on the basis of the delivery type. Note: If your system is set to use a two-level vendor, the fields which take their defaults from the vendor record will use the relevant sublibrary/order unit sublevel vendor record, if one exists. If a sublevel vendor record does not exist, the system will use the generic record information. The sublevel can be sublibrary or order unit (depending on your system setup). To save the Vendor Code and copy it to each new order form that you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. Note that only the Vendor Code will be copied and not other information about the Vendor, such as order delivery type, delivery type and letter type. (Information for these fields will be taken from the Vendor record, as explained above.) Vendor Name After you select a vendor code, the system will automatically fill in the vendor name. Vendor Reference The vendor may have assigned a special reference number for the material. This is especially likely for serials. When the order is a serial order and you create the subscriptions in the Items/Subscriptions branch of the order tree, the vendor reference is copied to the Vendor Order No. field in the subscription form. Vendor Note You can enter a note of up to 200 characters. Vendor Contact This is the name of the vendor contact person. The system will automatically fill in the Contact 1 field that appears in the vendor record, although you can change it. You Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 58 can also choose Vendor Contact from the pull-down menu (which lists all five contact names that appear in the vendor record). Order Delivery Type This is the format in which the order is sent to the vendor. For example, the format can be a list of orders or a letter for an individual order. The system will automatically fill in the Order Delivery Type that appears in the vendor record, although you can change it. If you select LI (for List) then the Letter Type and Send Letter by fields will not appear in the window because they are no longer relevant. Letter Type This field is active if you select LE (for Letter) for the Order Delivery Type. For Letter Type, select the order slip that should be printed. Note that the letter type must be compatible with the option selected for the Send Letter by field because, for example, the letter type may have a command in its template to send the letter by email. Send Letter by Select the manner in which you want the order slip sent to the vendor. Note that your choice must be compatible with the option selected for the "Letter type" field. For example, if you choose an order slip whose template includes the command to send the slip by e-mail, make sure that the Send Letter by option is E-mail, too. Delivery Type This is the way in which the material is sent from the vendor to your library. Claim Date (for Monographs) Unless you enter your own date, the system will calculate the claim date when the order is sent, according to the following algorithm: Monograph orders: Z68-ORDER-DATE + Z70- DELIVERY-DELAY (according to the material delivery type). Standing orders: Z68-ORDER-DATE + Z68-MMAX-NO-ARRIVAL-DAYS Serial orders: Z68-ORDER-DATE + Z70-DELIVERY-DELAY (according to the material delivery type). Thereafter, the system will continue to update the claim date automatically if the order's claims are being handled by batch claiming through the Claim Report and Letters for Monograph Orders (acq-12) service. Note that for Serial and Standing orders, the claims are sent manually for each separate issue. When the order's claims are being handled manually, (by clicking the New Claim button on the Order Claim List), then the claim date will be updated only if the Expected Arrival Date field on the Claim Form is changed. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 59 Batch Claiming (for Monographs) If you select this option, the system will send claims for this order when the Claim Report and Letters for Monograph Orders (acq-12) service is run. If you do not select this option, then the only way to send a claim for this order is to manually send one by clicking the New Claim button on the Order Claim List window. To save the value you have entered for this Batch Claiming field and to copy it to each new order form that you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. Rush If this is a rush order, select this option. To save the Rush indicator and copy it to each new Order form that you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. Depending on your GUI client setup, if the Rush box is checked, a notification will be displayed when Material Arrival is performed. Subscription Start/End (for Serials and Standing Orders) Enter the dates between which the library will be receiving the serial. Max. Arrival Days (for Standing Order) This is the maximum number of days that can elapse from the time you received the last volume. If you have not yet received any volumes, then this is the maximum number of days that can elapse from the time you sent the order to the vendor. A report of Standing Orders that need claims sent to the supplier can be printed. This report can be printed using the Standing Orders to Claim service in the Acquisitions Services menu. To save the value you have entered for this field and to copy it to each new order form that you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. Budget Cycle (for Serials and Standing Orders) This defines the cycle of annual budgets that will be encumbered for the subscription in the following way: If you enter "1", then each annual budget will be encumbered in turn, as the new budgets are opened. If you enter "2", then every other annual budget will be encumbered; enter "3" to encumber every third annual budget, and so on. For example, if the selected budget is BIOLOGY-2000 and the Budget Period is "2", then the BIOLOGY-2000 budget will be encumbered for the subscription, and the annual budget BIOLOGY-2001 will not be encumbered at all. (BIOLOGY-2000 in effect covers two years.) The next budget that will be encumbered for the subscription is BIOLOGY-2002 (after running the Renew Order Encumbrances service). Renewal Date (for Serials and Standing Orders) This is the date by which the subscription should be renewed or canceled. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 60 5.3.4 Quantity and Price Tab When you select the Quantity and Price tab, the following screen is displayed. Order Quantity Information: Order Quantity Information: Number of Units Enter the number of units ordered. This will be printed on the order slip. To save the value you have entered for this field and to copy it to each new order form that you open, click the Save Def(aults) button. Unit Price Enter the price per unit. Total Price If the unit price was entered, the system will automatically calculate the total price by multiplying the number of units by the unit price. Quantity Note This note will be printed on the order slip. You can use the note to add remarks regarding the copies or volumes you are ordering. You can enter up to 200 characters. Create Item Records This check box is only visible for monograph orders. If you want the system to automatically create item records for each copy ordered of a monograph, make sure there is a check mark in the box. If you do not want item records created automatically, clear the check mark. Item Collection This field is only visible for monograph orders. When a new item is created and the Create Item Records check box is selected, you can determine the Item Collection using this menu. Estimated Price Information: Currency Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 61 Select the currency in which you will be invoiced by the vendor. The first currency defined in the vendor record will be entered as the default. Click the arrow to select one of the vendor currencies that was defined in the Vendor Information form. Up-to-date and extensive lists of currencies and their codes are available on the Web. List Price Enter an estimate of what the order will cost so that an encumbrance for the item can be debited from the budget. The price entered should be in the vendor's currency. The Total Price is automatically copied if this field is left blank. Terms Sign and Terms Percent The Term Percent fields of the Vendor form and the Term Percent fields of the Order form allow values of 3 digits plus two decimal places [nnn.nn]. This allows percentages to be expressed of up to 100.00%. The following error is reported if the terms sign is "-" and TERMS-PERCENT is greater than 100: "Terms Percent must not be greater than 100.00 for reduction". If your system is set not to allow you to work with final price zero, then you cannot assign a 100% reduction for the Acquisition method "P - Purchase" because the final price is zero. In the event that an order's Acquisition Method is PF, the system allows you to bypass this check. For example, when the Term sign is "-" and the Terms Percent is 100, an error message is not reported. Final Price Final price = list price +/- terms If the budget(s) associated with this order already have encumbrances, then if the final price is changed later, the system will automatically change the encumbrances accordingly. Local Price The local price will be calculated by the system as follows: Price in vendor currency X Terms X Currency exchange rate = Price in local currency Price Note You can enter up to 200 characters. Encumber Budget This field is only visible when adding a new order. If you want to encumber a single budget for this order, enter the budget code here. To choose from a list, click the button to the right of the field. If you want to encumber more than one budget, do not fill in this field. Instead, use the Order Budget tab (select the Encumber node from the Order tab). 5.4 Sending Orders to Vendors There are two ways in which an order can be sent to a Vendor: • By clicking the Send button on the Order List. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 62 • By using the service Send List of Orders to a Vendor (acq-14). 5.4.1 Send Button When you click the Send button on the Order List, one of the following actions can occur, depending on definitions set in various records of the system: • The order can be printed out and then manually sent to the vendor. This will happen if the Order Delivery Type is LE (Letter). The system will print/e-mail the order and change the status to SV (sent to vendor). • If you are sending the letter by e-mail, make sure that: o The print.ini file is properly defined. o There is an e-mail address in the vendor's record. Otherwise, the letter will be written in a print file. • The order will be included in a list of orders if the Order Delivery Type is LI (List). Clicking the Send button will change the order status to RSV (ready to send to vendor). The list of orders is sent later when you run the Send List of Orders to Vendor service. After running this service, the order status will become SV (sent to vendor). • The order can be sent by EDI to the vendor. This will happen if the vendor has been defined as an EDI vendor, the Order Delivery Type has been set to LE, and Send Letter by EDI has been entered on the Vendor tab of the Order form. See the Bulk Ordering chapter on page 75 for help on how to define an EDI vendor. • If the Order Delivery Type is ED (for EDI), clicking the Send button will change the order status to RSV (ready to send to vendor). The order can be included in a file in the EDItEUR format and sent to the vendor by EDI when you run the "Send EDI Orders" service. After running this service, the order status will become SV (sent to vendor). 5.5 Encumbrances for Order There are two ways in which a budget may be encumbered. • Via the Quantity and Price tab of the order form, present when first creating the order, as described above. • Via the Encumber node in the navigation pane. To encumber a budget for a specific order, select the Encumber node under the Order tab. The Order Budget screen will be displayed in the right pane. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 63 This screen shows in green text the budgets that will be encumbered for this order. You can assign one or more budgets to this order. In this way, several budgets can encumber various amounts toward the total sum of the order. Budgets that were encumbered in previous years are shown in red. The Enc/Active Amount column displays the Encumbrance Sum, broken down into two parts: • The first part is the original encumbrance amount that is based on the estimated price on the Order Form. • The second part is the difference between the original encumbrance amount and the amount on the invoice. This difference is referred to as the Active Amount. (The Active Amount automatically becomes zero when the invoice is registered as "complete".) 5.5.1 Buttons The buttons available on this screen are: Add Budget To assign a new budget for this order, fill in the Budget Code to Add field and click the Add Budget button. Encumber Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 64 To indicate the amount for which a particular budget will be encumbered, highlight the budget, then enter the amount in the field called "Encumbrance" and click the Encumber button. Delete Budget To delete a budget from the list, highlight the budget and click Delete. Balance To view the balance of the selected budget, click Balance. Close After you have made all desired changes to the screen, click Close. 5.5.2 Fields Budget Code to Add This is the unique code identifying the budget. Click the arrow to the right of the field to choose from a list of budgets. Encumbrance This is the amount for which the highlighted budget will be encumbered. You can fill in the actual amount in this field or leave this field blank and enter a percentage of the estimated price in the Encumbrance Percent field. Encumbrance Percent This is the percentage of the estimated price for which the selected budget will be encumbered. If you fill in this field, then leave the Encumbrance field blank. Estimated Cost, Local Cost and Currency This information is for reference only; it cannot be changed on this screen. Total Encumbrance If one or more budgets have been assigned to pay for the order, this field shows the total amount that has so far been encumbered by the budget(s). 5.6 Items/Subscription You can add items to an order, in this case, a link from the item record to the order is automatically created. To add items to specific order, select the Items/Subscription node under the Order tab. The Items List screen will be displayed in the right upper pane for monograph orders. The Subscription List screen will be displayed in the right upper pane for serials orders. 5.7 Canceling Orders You can cancel an order by clicking the Print/Cancel button in the Order List and selecting the "Print Cancellation Letter to Vendor" option. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 65 The order status will change to "LC". The cancellation letter will always be printed as an individual hard-copy letter. You can also cancel an order by opening the Order Form and editing the Order Status field. Select one of the following statuses: • VC (Vendor canceled) • LC (Library canceled) • CNB (Canceled - no budget) These statuses automatically cancel the budget encumbrance. If the status is changed back to a status that indicates that an order can be sent, the budget encumbrance is reactivated. 5.8 Deleting Orders There are two methods for deleting orders from the system: 1. Via the Order List 2. Via the New and Canceled Order Search List This option allows deletion only for orders with statuses of: New; LC (Library Canceled); VC (Vendor Canceled) and CNB (Canceled, No Budget). 5.8.1 Delete an Order Via the Order List You can delete an order by selecting that order in the Order List Record form and clicking the Delete button. If there are Items/Arrivals/Claims/Invoices attached to the order, the system asks you to re-confirm the deletion. 5.9 Order Log The Order Log keeps track of various order-related activities that have occurred, such as a change in the Order Status or the Next Claim Date. The Order Log List is accessible by selecting the Order Log node from the Order Tab. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 66 5.9.1 Order Log List The following buttons are available on the Order Log List screen: Filter You can filter the transactions in the list by means of the check boxes above the list of log transactions. It is possible to check more than one filter. Checking the All box overrides any other filter selected previously. On the other hand, checking any filter other than All overrides the selection of the All filter. Add You can manually add a transaction to the Subscription Log. When you click Add, the lower pane Order/Subscription Log will be displayed and you can enter the details of the new transaction. Remove Action Date You can remove a previously entered Action Date by selecting the relevant log transaction and clicking this button. 5.9.2 Order/Subscription Log The Order/Subscription Log pane displays details relating to a transaction log highlighted in the Order/Subscription Log List in the upper pane. You can manually add a new transaction log or update details of the highlighted log. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 67 Action Date If you manually add a log, you can select the date for this action. An Order Log transaction with an Action Date can be retrieved by the Acquisitions service, Order Log Report (acq-22). Transaction Type To manually add a transaction to the Order Log, select the desired type from the expand list. There are 4 types of Serial orders and subscriptions that will never be automatically generated by the system: • Transaction No. 00 - General note that will appear in the Order Log and nowhere else. • Transaction No. 95 - Subscription History note. • Transaction No. 98 - Response from vendor, allows you to manually assign a response from the vendor (up to 2000 characters). • Transaction No. 99 - Note to vendor (up to 2000 characters) that will be printed out on an Order Slip and an Order List. This is in addition to the Note to Vendor (up to 100 characters) that can be entered on the Order Form. Note: The Acquisitions Order Log will include Subscription Log information only if the order number is entered in the Subscription Record. Otherwise, the Subscription transaction will be written only in the Subscription Log. Log Text When you type an entry, you can create a line break at any time by pressing Ctrl+Enter. System Librarians only The transactions displayed in the expand list can be entered manually and are determined in tab45.lng Column 3. You can also determine, in tab45.lng Column 2, which log transactions will be active/inactive. Note When an order record is moved from one ADM record to another (using the SEARCH Nav. Map), all its related order-log records are also moved and a new order-log record is created under the new ADM record to indicate the action date and the old ordernumber/ADM-number from which the logs were taken. 5.9.3 Action Log Messages The Action Log Messages can be accessed via the Administration tab. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 68 The Action Log Messages window displays all log transactions that match the following condition: The Action Date is later than the Open Date but is not later than the Current Date, that is, the Action date is before or the same as the date on which the Log Message window is opened. Use this screen to display all transactions for the current date and earlier. The Order button allows you to jump from a log message to its related order. Note This window can also be used to display all responses from a vendor received via EDI. When an EDI response from a vendor is loaded into your system, a transaction of type 94 (EDI response from vendor) is automatically created and its Action Date is set to zero. The EDI Log transactions will be displayed in the Action Log Messages. The sort routine for the list is the same as the sort routine for the Order Log list. 5.10 ACQ Request from Web OPAC The Web OPAC allows the submitting of an acquisition request from the library Web OPAC interface. 5.10.1 Prerequisites for Patron Record In order to allow a patron to submit an ACQ request via the OPAC, the patron must have the followings settings in the patron record: • Acquisition Request permission in the patron's profile record (see figure below). • Patron Home Library must be populated with a valid sublibrary code. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 69 5.10.2 Submitting an ACQ Request An ACQ Request can be submitted by a patron who is signed in by using one of the ACQ Request links available in the Web OPAC: : • ACQ Request link from the upper bar menu – Opens a blank ACQ Request form. This link should be used when the patron wishes to request a nonperiodical item that was not found in the online catalog or is missing from the shelf. The patron must provide as much information as possible, including the item's BIB information and the reason for requesting this material. • ACQ Request link at the lower pane menu – Available in the Full View of a document. This feature is used by a patron who has performed a search in the local or external database, found the material in question, and decides to submit an acquisition request for the found title. An ACQ Request form is opened with the BIB information already displayed on the page and cannot be modified. The patron then fills in the reason for requesting the material. Notes: 1) An ACQ Request can also be submitted through MetaLib and use SFX to connect directly to the services of the Aleph Web OPAC using PDS (SSO - Single Sign On). 2) For libraries that have more than one BIB library, there is an option to configure the OPAC ACQ Confirmation page so that the patron can select the BIB library in Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 70 which the BIB record is created. The locate procedure activated at the selected BIB library. For set up details, refers to Aleph 20.1 System Librarian’s Guide – Web OPAC. 5.10.3 Local Own Check Procedure Once the ACQ request form is submitted, the system activates the “locate similar record in local database” function for blank ACQ requests and for titles found in an external base. This function is inactive for titles found in a local base. The base that is used for this locate action is the BIB library where the ACQ request's BIB document is about to be created. The ACQ request BIB document is created in the BIB library to which the patron’s ADM library is attached. For a library with more than a single BIB library, there is an option to adjust the OPAC HTML ACQ requests page so that the patron picks the desired BIB library in which the ACQ request and locate action are placed. For more information, refer to the ACQ Request for Library with more than One BIB Library section of the System Librarian’s Guide – Web OPAC. The ‘locate similar title’ function that is activated for blank ACQ requests and requests made for titles found in an external base, can result in one of the following: • • • If the title is not found in the local base – A confirmation message is displayed, “ACQ Request was submitted successfully”. If the title is found in the local base – A message is pop-up informing the patron that a match title has been found in the local database. The patron is required to click Go or Cancel. If Cancel is clicked, the ACQ Request is not registered and the action is aborted. If Go is clicked, a confirmation message is displayed, “ACQ Request was submitted successfully”. If multiple matching records are found for the requested title – All found titles are listed and the following message is displayed, “Multiple matching records were found for your query. Select desired record and submit ACQ request”. The ACQ request is not registered. The patron is expected to select a specific title and re-submit the ACQ request. Once an ACQ Request is successfully submitted, the system creates a new order record for the requested title. If there are existing BIB and ADM records for the title, the system will append their order record. If there are no BIB or ADM records for the title, the system creates new BIB/ADM record. For more information, refer to the Applying ADM Filter in OPAC-ACQ Request section of the System Librarian’s Guide – Web OPAC. The newly created order is populated with the followings information: • Order status – OPAC New Order (ONW) • The patron's home library is set in the order's sublibrary field. • Order note – The "Reason" entered in the Acquisition Request Form is registered in the order's "Note" field. • Order Group – If the user selected "Order Group" in the Acquisition Request Form, it is entered in the order's "Order Group" field. • The patron that submitted the ACQ Request is registered in the order's Initiator ID field. • The order type is always set to Monograph. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 71 • If anew BIB record is created as part of the ACQ request summation, it is assigned with STA$$aSUPPRESSED so that it is not displayed in the general Web OPAC Catalog. The GUI-ACQ- Order Index and the OPAC Request List enable the retrieving and handling of ACQ requests (orders with ONW status). The ONW orders are initially created with minimum information. The orders lack information such as Vendor details. Staff users are expected to review those orders, verify them, and process the order. For more information, see section the OPAC Request List and Bulk Ordering sections. 5.10.4 Web OPAC – Patron's Library Card The Web OPAC library card reports the patron ACQ Requests. It includes orders initiated by the patron via WEB OPAC and orders initiated by staff via the GUI on behalf of the patron (the patron ID is populated in the order's Initiator ID). There are four relevant entries for ACQ Requests in Web OPAC library card: • • • • Total ACQ Requests – Number of all orders initiated by/for the patron. Active ACQ Requests – Number of orders initiated by/for the patron whose status is not “Closed” or "Library Cancelled". Cancelled ACQ Requests – Orders initiated by/for the patron with “Library Cancelled” status (rejected requests). Recently Closed ACQ Requests – Orders initiated by/for the patron with “Closed” status. This section is divided by the number of days in which the orders are already closed. Each of the above entries links to the list of orders. Each line in the list enables the viewing of the details of each order. 5.11 OPAC Request List The OPAC Request List enables the user to start handling the OPAC ACQ requests. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 72 OPAC acquisitions requests are requests for purchasing library material which are initiated by the patrons via the OPAC acquisitions Request service. Staff users are expected to review OPAC acquisitions requests, verify them, and process the order. This includes the options to "Reject "or "Approve" OPAC acquisitions requests, and fill in missing information. The OPAC Request List is accessed via the OPAC Request List node of ACQ-GUIOrder Search tab of the Acquisitions module.. The OPAC Request List groups all orders with OPAC New Request status (ONW status) in one list and enables the user to approve or reject them. The OPAC Request list is avail for authorized users that are assigned with the Acquisitions/Order index: OPAC Request List user's access right. The staff user can browse the index by: • BIB indexes (e.g. title, Author, ISBN and any other BIB information defined in acquisitions BIB indexes) • Order Number • Requester ID – Patron ID of the one who initiated the request • Requester Name- Patron name of the one who initiated the request In addition, there is an option to filter the OPAC Request list by Sub-library, Order Group, and order's "From-To Open Dates". Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 73 The lower pane of the "OPAC Request" index contains read-only order details. This includes information regarding the patron who initiated the request (patron's global and local information and address information). Available Actions The following buttons are available: • Print Order • Select • Approve Order • Reject Order Print Order Information Slip This action is valid only for a single line selection. It prints the order information slip for the highlighted entry. Select Action This action is valid only for a single line selection. The action transfers the user to the Order Tab and displays the order of the selected entry. The user can then perform the different functions related to a single order. For example, the user may select a single OPAC acquisitions request and update order information (such as vendor, price information, and assign "Additional Order No. 1"). Approve Order/s Action Authorized staff user have the option to select one or more entries in the list (the SHIFT and CTRL keys can be used for selecting more than one order) and click the Approve Order button. This action marks the patron's acquisitions request as "approved", after which the request is individually handled by the staff user or processed in a bulk mode. Upon clicking the Approve button, the order status is changed from OPAC New Request (ONW) to NEW and the code "OPAC" is set in the order's "Additional order number 1" field. No additional updates or checks are made in the order record. The "Approve" action is permitted only for staff users that are assigned with the “Acquisitions/Ordering: Approve or Cancel OPAC Request” user's access right. Reject Order/s Action Authorized staff has the option to select one or more entries in the list (the SHIFT and CTRL keys can be used for selecting more than one order) and click the Reject Order button. This button is used to reject the patron's acquisitions request. The "Reject Order" action is permitted only to staff users that are assigned with the “Acquisitions/Ordering: Approve or Cancel OPAC Request” user's access right. Upon clicking the Reject Order button, a dialog box is displayed showing the reason for this request (the current Order Note field). The user is capable of adding a free text note detailing the reason for rejecting the acquisitions request. There is also an option to select a typical reason from a drop-down menu. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 74 When the Continue button is clicked at the "Add Note" form the following actions occur: • The order status is changed from OPAC New Request (ONW) to Library Cancelled (LC). • The "Reject Note" (if it exists) is populated in the order's note field. If the Reject Note text is selected from the drop-down list (and not typed in by the user), it overrides the data which is currently populated in the order's note field. The text registered in the order's note can be viewed by the patron via the OPAC Library Card – "Cancelled ACQ Requests". • No additional updates or checks are made on the order record. Note: The above suggested flow of handling OPAC acquisitions requests can be the fist step in handling orders in a bulk mode. An approved OPAC acquisitions request might lack order mandatory information (like vendor and quantity information). Such information can be filled in either by individually handling each order or in a bulk mode. For more information on the order bulk handling process, refer to the Bulk Ordering and Bulk Arrival sections. 5.12 Bulk Ordering The Bulk Ordering List enables the user to retrieve new orders which need to be validated, complete missing order data, and send them in a bulk mode to a vendor. 5.12.1 Bulk Ordering List The Bulk Ordering List enables the user to retrieve new acquisitions orders, handle them in a bulk mode, and send them to the vendor with a common order number (Additional Order Number 1 field) assigned to all grouped orders. The Bulk Ordering enables retrieving and handling new orders created via acquisitions loaders (e.g. the batch service: General ADM and Orders Creation acq24) and approved OPAC requests. If the data of such orders is not complete, the Bulk Ordering process can be used for filling in missing data and sending the orders as a bulk to the vendor. The "Bulk Ordering" list is accessed via the "Bulk Ordering" node of Order Search tab in the Acquisitions module.. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 75 The Bulk Ordering list is avail for authorized users that are assigned with the Acquisitions/Order index: Bulk Ordering List user's access right. The "Index" field enables the user to retrieve new orders by: • ADD-ORDER-NUM – Retrieve orders with NEW status which have a common "Additional order number 1". The "Additional order number 1" should be specified in the Index Text field. This retrieval can be used, for example, to gather new orders created by the General ADM and Orders Creation- acq-24 batch service. (All orders created by acq-24 are assigned with a common "Additional Order Number 1".) • OPAC-REQUEST – Retrieve orders with NEW status which were initiated via OPAC and have been approved by staff (Z68-STATUS=NEW and Z68ORDER-NUMBER-1=OPAC). The index text field should be left empty. In addition, there is an option to filter the search by Order Group, Sub-library and order's "From-To Open Dates". The lower pane of the Bulk Ordering List contains read-only order details. This includes information regarding the patron initiated the request (patron's global, local, and address information). Available Actions The following buttons are avail: • Print Order Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 76 • Select • Order • Order All Print Order Information Slip This action is valid only for a single line selection. It prints the order information slip for the highlighted entry. Select Action This action is valid only for a single line selection. The action transfers the user to the Order Tab and displays the order for the highlighted entry. The user can then perform the different functions related to a single order. Order and 'Order All' Actions The Order and Order All buttons enables activating the bulk ordering process. When clicking Order, the user has the option to select multi-lines. (The SHIFT and CTRL keys can be used for selecting more than one entry.) When clicking Order All, the system activates the bulk ordering process for all displayed orders. Once the Order or Order All button is clicked, the Multi Order Form is opened. 5.12.2 The Multi Order Form The Multi-Order Form is a single order form for all the selected orders of the previous Bulk Ordering list window. It enables handling large amounts of orders as if they were one order without having to register separate order form for each of them. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 77 The user is expected to populate the Multi-Order Form fields. The data you enter in this form's fields are assigned to the related orders; overriding any other data which might already populate these fields. If you leave one of the nonmandatory fields empty and the order already contain data for this field, the original order data remains. The Multi Order Form can be activated in two modes. The mode is selected in the Handle Orders As field. The possible modes are: • Send Orders to Vendor – Upon selecting this mode, in the next step of processing the Multi Order, the Multi Order List is produced to be sent to the vendor. The orders status is set to “Sent to Vendor”. • Ready Send to Vendor – Upon selecting this mode, the Multi Order List is not sent out to the vendor when the Multi Order Process is completed. The orders status is set to “Ready Send to Vendor”. The dispatch of orders should be carried out by the Send List of Order to Vendor (acq-14) acquisitions batch service. NOTE: If the Multi Order Form is displayed as a result of retrieving orders by “Additional Order Number 1” (ADD-ORDER-NUM), the “Additional Order Number 1” of the Multi Order Form is read-only, containing “Additional Order Number 1” which is already assigned to the group of orders. If the Multi Order Form is displayed as a result of retrieving OPAC Request (OPACREQUEST), the Additional Order Number 1 field is enabled and mandatory. The purpose of this field is to assign a common order number ("Additional Order Number 1") to a group of orders which do not yet have a common order number and are about to be handled in bulk mode. The "Additional Order Number 2" field is disabled for libraries which are set to work with a unique “Additional Order Number 2” field. (unique_order_number_2 of aleph_start is set to Y). Note that the currency for all orders is taken from Vendor's Currency 1 field. In the Multi Order form there is also a check box for Create Item Records which is mostly relevant for Monograph orders. If you want the system to automatically create item records for each copy of, put a check mark in the box. When the OK button is clicked, all related orders are updated. The total price of the Multi Order is calculated based on price info entered in each order. A message with the cumulative price is issued and you can choose to stop or to continue. If the 'Handle Order As' field is set as 'Send to Vendor', a Multi Order List is printed (template file name: acq-multi-order-slip.xsl) to be sent to the vendor, and the orders status is changed from NEW to SV (sent to Vendor). If the 'Handle Order As' field is set as 'Ready Send to Vendor' the orders are set as 'Ready Send to Vendor' (order status RSV) without sending them out to the vendor. The 'Multi Order List' for vendor is not produced. The orders Delivery Type field will set to 'List'. The dispatch of orders to the vendor should be carried out by the ACQ batch service, Send List of Order to Vendor (acq-14). Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 78 Note: All orders that were created and sent by the multi order process are checked in the Batch Claiming check box. Also, the Delivery Type is taken from the Delivery 1 field of the vendor record and the Claim Date is calculated according to the Delivery Delay 1 field of the vendor record. If the "Create Items" checkbox is selected, then the Multi Item Form is opened and the process continues. If the "Create Items" checkbox is not selected, then the 'Acquisition Multi Order Information' slip is printed (template file name: acq-multi-order-info.xsl) and the multi order process ends The 'Acquisition Multi Order Information' slip lists all the orders accumulated during the multi order process. 5.13 The Multi Item Form Use the Multi Item Form to split the copies between sublibraries and collections. For example, if you entered five at the Number of Units field of the Multi Order form (that is, 5 copies are expected for each order), use the Multi Item Form to distribute the copies between sublibraies and collections. For example, 2 copies to sublibrary LAW collection General and 3 copies to sublibrary MED collection Reference. As soon as you click OK, items are created and the 'Acquisition Multi Order Information' slip is printed (template file name: acq-multi-order-info.xsl). This information slip lists all order commutated within the multi order process. Note: Bulk ordering ends at this stage. There is an option to register Monograph and Standing orders arrivals in bulk mode. For more information regarding Bulk Arrival, refer to section Bulk Arrival. 6 EDI This chapter includes the following sections: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 79 • EDI Setup • EDI Order Record • Claim Record via EDI • Order Cancellation • Send Outgoing EDI Message (edi-11) • Load EDI Messages • Specifications of ALEPH Requirements for EDI EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange, which is a standard for the electronic exchange between computer systems of business documents, such as invoices and purchase orders. EDI is a component of the Acquisitions/Serials module in ALEPH. Several standards exist for producing and sending EDI messages. ALEPH 500 works with the UN/EDIFACT (D96.A) EANCOM standard. UN/EDIFACT (United Nations Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport) comprises a set of internationally agreed standards, directories and guidelines for the electronic interchange of data (ISO 9735). EANCOM® is a detailed implementation guideline of the UN/EDIFACT standard messages. For more information, see EDItEUR is a subset of UN/EDIFACT, selected and accommodated for the commerce in books and serials by the international group that coordinates the development of the standards infrastructure for electronic commerce in the book and serials industries. EDItEUR is sponsored by the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations, the Federation of European Publishers, and the European Booksellers Federation. EDItEUR has members in USA, Japan, South Africa and Israel. It co-ordinates EDI message development and implementation usage as well as projects on bibliographic data and electronic publishing standards. Its Web site is ALEPH supports the following EDI message types. Outgoing Messages from the library to vendors: • Purchase order (online and batch) - EDI message type: ORDERS. • Order cancellation (online) - EDI message type: ORDCHG. • Order claims for various order types: monographs (online and batch), serials (online) and standing orders (online) - EDI message type: OSTENQ. • Serial issues claims (online and batch) - EDI message type: OSTENQ. Incoming messages from vendors to the library: • Serials and monographs invoice - EDI message type: INVOIC. • Orders/claims response for serials and monographs - EDI message type: ORDRSP. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 80 • Serial Issues Arrival Registration - EDI message type: DESADV 6.1 EDI Setup This setup is a prerequisite for sending or receiving EDI messages. The EDI application is available when both the library and the vendor are defined in the system as EDI-enabled. This means that: • The EDI-enabled library is defined in tab35 of the ADM library (XXX50). • The vendor EDI definitions are recorded in the vendor file (Z70), using the Vendor form of the Acquisitions/Serials GUI. • The EDI Vendor FTP details are recorded in the vendor address file (Z72) using the EDI Address tab of the Vendor Addresses form of the Acquisitions/Serials GUI. • To enable the processing of incoming EDI files, the files are located in ./xxx50/edi/in/edi_incoming. • Special attributes that are needed by a specific EDI vendor for the outgoing processing of EDI messages are set in the ADM library table: edi_out_attr. • For incoming messages, the special attributes are defined in the ADM library table: edi_in_attr. • EDI orders, message and log counters are defined in UTIL G/2 (database definitions - Display/Update library parameters) of the ADM library (XXX50). 6.1.1 Editing tab35 for EDI When an outgoing EDI process is activated, every sublibrary can have different EDI ID numbers for different vendors. In the event that a number of different sublibraries share the same EDI ID numbers, you create a separate line for each sublibrary The parameters for each branch library are defined in tab35 of the ADM library and each sublibrary's VAT number registered therein. In the event that your Acquisitions library system is set to work with Order Units, note that every order unit can have different EDI ID numbers. Edit tab35 to define customer information related to EDI. An abbreviated example from tab35 is shown below: ! 1 2 3 4 6 ! 7 8 !!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!> WID AACU IOWA-SER 091 IL 111 222 331 USM50 INGRAM USM50-EDI 091 IL 111 222 331 Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 5 81 • Column 1: Sublibrary or Order Unit code. Enter up to five characters. • Column 2: Vendor code. Enter up to 20 characters • Column 3: Customer's EDI code. Enter up to 20 characters. The EDI code type is defined in column 4. • Column 4: Customer's EDI code type. Enter one of the three-character options listed below: o 31B for US-SAN o 014 for EAN-13 o 091 for ID assigned by supplier o 092 for ID assigned by customer • Column 5: Not in use. • Column 6: Not in use. • Column 7: Optional. Library Value Added Tax (VAT) number for taxation handling. Enter up to 30 characters. • Column 8: E-mail address of the person or department that should receive messages about errors in processing outgoing messages. Enter up to 50 characters. Note When you run the Send List of Orders to a Vendor (acq-14) service, in the Sublibrary field, if you choose All or more than one sublibrary, check that tab35 includes a line set up for the active ADM library, as shown in the second line of the above example. 6.1.2 Vendor Record for EDI This section explains how to customize a vendor record for EDI messaging and shows the relevant fields in the Vendor Information Form. To change a vendor record for EDI, follow these steps: 1. In the Acquisitions/Serials GUI, select the Navigation Tree of the Administration Tab and click the Vendors root. 2. Highlight the desired vendor and update the fields of the Vendor Information form in the bottom pane. If the vendor you want is not on the list, click New. The Vendor Information form appears: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 82 3. On the Vendor Information form, click the Vendor Information Tab 1 and fill in the relevant fields (see Vendor Information form, Vendor Information Tab 1 below). 4. On the Vendor Information form, click the Vendor Information Tab 2 and fill in the relevant fields (see Vendor Information form, Vendor Information Tab 2 below). 5. When you have finished filling in the Vendor Information form, click Update/Add. Vendor Information Form, Vendor Information Tab 1 Vendor EDI Code Enter the Vendor's EDI code. The Vendor's EDI code can be up to 35 characters in length. Note This is not the same as the Customer's EDI code entered in column 3 of tab35. EDI for Order Only This checkbox denotes whether claims or order cancellations are sent in a format other than EDI. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 83 When the check box is marked the claims or order cancellations are sent in a format other than EDI. When the check box is cleared, claims or order cancellation are sent in EDI format. Vendor EDI Type Enter the vendor's EDI code type. These types must be supported by EDItEUR. Enter one of the three-character options listed below. • 31B for US SAN • 014 for EAN-13 • 091 for ID assigned by supplier • 092 for ID assigned by customer Note Help for other fields of the Vendor Information form, Vendor Information Tab 1 is provided in the Vendors chapter. Vendor Information Form, Vendor Information Tab 2 Currency 1-4 This is a three-character code that identifies the currency in a unique manner. The EDI vendor's currency code must match the ISO 4217 list. Order Delivery The way in which your library produces an order letter to the vendor. The options are: • LE - single letter • LI - List of orders Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 84 Letter Send Method The method your library uses to send order slips to vendors. Select EDI if you want both orders and claims to be sent by EDI. List Send Method The method your library uses to send order lists to vendors. Select EDI if you want both orders and claims to be sent by EDI If you want orders and claims sent by EDI to be printed, then set the Letter and List Send Method to print/email, and select the EDI for Order Only check box. Note Help for the other fields of the Account tab is provided in the Vendors chapter. 6.1.3 Vendor Address The vendor's EDI address is the vendor's FTP address for EDI use. Highlight the Vendor you want and click Address. Then click the fifth tab: EDI Address: • Address field - line 1: IP address or its alias. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 85 • Address field - line 2: User name. • Address field - line 3: Password • Address field - line 4: Directory name in the ftp server. 6.1.4 Incoming Files Location As well as defining the vendor's EDI address, you must define (in agreement with the vendors) a directory to which the vendors send, via FTP, EDI files for your library. The recommended directory is ./xxx50/edi/in/edi_incoming. However, if you decide on a different location, you must move the files as soon as possible to ./xxx50/edi/in/edi_incoming. 6.1.5 Edit edi_out_attr edi_out_attr is an ADM library table for defining special features of outgoing EDI messages as needed for specific vendors. • Column 1: Vendor code (not the vendor EDI code). • Column 2: Switches. Each switch is one character long. Up to 100 of possible switches. o 1st position: EDI-OUT-REMOTE-FILE-NAME. Defines the structure of the name of the remote file the vendor receives as EDI messages. Possible values are: 0 =(default) ALEPH's file name. 1 = The vendor (typical to BLACKWELL) asks to receive EDI messages in files named according to the following format: EPInn.XXXXXX.DDDMMMYY.R where DDMMYY is the date, nn is the sequence number of the file sent during the same day, and XXXXXX is the first 6 characters of Account No. M (Z70ACCOUNT-M), while all the rest of the characters are constant. 2=EBSCO format. CLAIMS.FIL 3=Ingram format. 8.3 format. 8 numeric characters (taken from the clock) and the 3 constant characters "epo" for ORDERS. Additional values for this switch (2-9) can be added easily. Each value corresponds to a different program. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 86 o o o 2nd position: EDI-OUT-FTP-MODE. Possible values are: A = (default) ASCII mode will be used for sending the outgoing messages. B = Binary mode will be used for sending the outgoing messages. 3rd position: EDI-OUT-ORDER-NUMBER-1. Possible values are: 0 = (default) Z68-ORDER-NUMBER-1 is not added to the EDI ORDERS message as a second order number. 1 = Z68-ORDER-NUMBER-1 is added to the EDI ORDERS message as a second order number. 4th position : EDI-OUT-ORDER-NUMBER-2. Possible values are: 0 = (default) Z68-ORDER-NUMBER-2 is not added to the EDI ORDERS message as a third order number. 1 = Z68-ORDER-NUMBER-2 is added to the EDI ORDERS message as a third order number. In the event that default values are being used for the outgoing file of a specific vendor; there is no need to add a line in this table for this vendor. • Column 3: Character conversion identifier. Here, a label from tab_character_conversion_line must be inserted. The label determines the program and the tables for the necessary character conversion (if a vendor supports UTF, leave this column empty). Example of setup: 1 2 333 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLACKWELL 1A11 UTF_TO_8859_1 6.1.6 Editing edi_in_attr edi_in_attr is an ADM library table for defining special attributes of incoming EDI messages. The structure is the same as edi_out_attr but no switches are in use yet. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 87 6.1.7 EDI Counters in UTIL G/2 The following EDI counters must be set in UTIL G/2 (database definitions Display/Update library parameters) of the ADM library (XXX50): 1. last-edi-order - keeps track of the number of orders (EDI outgoing message type: ORDERS) that have been sent from the library to any of the vendors by EDI. 2. last-edi-claim - keeps track of the number of claims (EDI outgoing message type: OSTENQ) that have been sent from the library to any of the vendors by EDI. 3. last-edi-order-change - keeps track of the number of order changes (EDI outgoing message type: ORDCHG) that have been sent from the library to any of the vendors by EDI. 4. last-edi-message - keeps track of the number of outgoing EDI messages that have been sent from the library. 5. last-edi-log-no - keeps track of logs that have been created due to the loading of incoming EDI messages. Following are two examples: o Loading of serials invoice (EDI message type INVOIC) into ALEPH. o Loading of claims response or order status reports (EDI message type ORDRSP). last-edi-log-no can be used to retrieve the EDI error messages that have been recorded during the loading of the data into ALEPH. To access the EDI Load Log, in the Acquisitions/Serials GUI, from the Navigation Tree of the Administration Tab, select the EDI Log Load root. Note that no prefix should be defined for this counter. 6.2 EDI Order Record After you have performed the prerequisite setup (as described in EDI Setup), you can dispatch orders by EDI. To edit the order record so that it contains the information needed for sending by EDI, follow these steps: 1. Retrieve the Order List. Highlight an order and click Modify. To create a new order, click Add. In either case, the Order Form is displayed. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 88 2. In the Order Form, click the Order Information tab and fill in the relevant fields as usual (the unit price value in orders sent by EDI must be numeric only). 3. In the Order Form, click the Vendor tab and fill in the relevant fields. When you have finished, click OK. The order is now ready to be sent by EDI. 4. Click Send. There are two possible outcomes: o If the Order Delivery Type is set to LE (letter), you receive a pop-up message informing you that the order (in ALEPH XML format) has been placed in ./XXX50/print/edi: The order status is changed to SV (sent to vendor). o If the Order Delivery Type is set to LI (list), you receive a pop-up message informing you that the EDI messages will be produced when the batch service has been run: The order status is changed to RSV (Ready Sent to Vendor). 5. Next, from the Services menu, point to Orders and Claims and select Send List of Orders to a Vendor (acq-14). 6. Select one sublibrary only (which is sending the list of orders). Set a time for the service to run and click Submit. acq-14 produces a file with a list of orders in ALEPH XML format which is placed in the ./XXX50/print/edi directory. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 89 Note When choosing All to include orders of all sublibraries, or orders of more than one sublibrary sent by EDI, check that tab35 has a line set up for the active ADM library (see tab35 on page 81). 7. Send all the EDI orders (LI or LE) by submitting the Send Outgoing EDI messages (edi-11) service. From the Services menu, point to EDI and click Send Outgoing EDI messages (edi-11). edi-11 produces EDI files from the ALEPH XML format files and sends them to the EDI vendor. Order Form, Vendor Tab The following fields are relevant for EDI: Vendor Code Select a vendor that is defined as an EDI vendor. Order Delivery Type The manner in which your library produces an order letter to the vendor. The options are: • LE - Single order • LI - List of orders Both delivery types, letters and lists, can be sent to the vendor in an EDI format, provided EDI is set in the Send Letter by field. Send Letter by Select EDI. This field is available only when LE is selected in the Order Delivery Type field. The content of this field is taken by default from the Letter Send Method field of the relevant Vendor record. However, you can change the value of the field, meaning even if the vendor is defined as an EDI vendor you can still send him letters or e-mail messages if you wish. If LI (list) is selected in the Order Delivery Type field, then the Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 90 Send Letter by field does not appear and the list is sent to the vendor as specified in the List Send Method field of the relevant Vendor record. Note For help on other options, see the Orders chapter on page 43. 6.3 Claim Record via EDI Claims for orders and issues can be sent out by EDI via the Acquisitions/Serials GUI online or through batch procedures. Note A claim can only be sent by EDI if the corresponding order has been sent by EDI. 6.3.1 Online Claims for Orders Before making an online claim, make sure that in the Vendor's record, the EDI For Order Only option is not selected. To send a claim letter by EDI, follow these steps: 1. In the Order List window click Claims. 2. After you have finished writing the claim, click Send. You receive a pop-up message telling you that the claim letter (in ALEPH XML format) has been placed in ./XXX50/print/edi. 3. From the Services menu, point to EDI and select the Send Outgoing EDI messages (edi-11) service to open it. Enter the time you want the service to run and click Submit. This service produces the EDI file out of the XML file and sends it to the EDI vendor. 6.3.2 Batch Claims for Orders You can use the Claim Report and Letters for Monograph Orders (acq-12) to produce claims. When the Send Outgoing EDI Messages (edi-11) service is run, if the order has been sent by EDI, the system consults the EDI For Order Only field in the Vendor's record. • If EDI For Order Only is not selected, an EDI CLAIM file will be sent to the vendor • If EDI For Order Only is selected, the claim will not be sent by an EDI CLAIM file. 6.3.3 Online Claims for Serials To set up an online claim for a serial, follow these steps: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 91 Note Before making an online claim, make sure that in the Vendor's record, the EDI For Order Only option is not selected. 1. From the Items List window of the Serials module, click Claims. 2. In the Format field select one of the EDI options: o Option 90- missing issue o Option 91- wrong issue supplied o Option 92- damaged copy o Option 93 - too many copies received o Option 94 - insufficient copies received o Option 95 - other reason If one or more options are not available in the Format field, add the option/s to the SERIAL-CLAIM-FORMAT section of the pc_tab_exp_field.lng table in the ADM library. For example: SERIAL-CLAIM-FORMAT L EDI claim - missing issue 90 Note The serial claim formats 90 to 95 (inclusive) are saved for EDI and cannot be used for other purposes. 3. After you have finished writing the claim, click Send. You receive a pop-up message telling you that the claim letter (in ALEPH XML format) has been placed in the ./XXX50/print/edi directory. 4. From the Services menu, point to EDI and select the Send Outgoing EDI Messages (edi-11) service to open it. Enter the time you want the service to run and click Submit. This service produces the EDI file out of the XML file and sends it to the EDI vendor. 6.3.4 Batch Claims for Serials You can use the Print Claim Letters (serial-44) service to generate claims for serials. When activating the Send Outgoing EDI messages (edi-11) service, if the order has been sent by EDI, the system consults the EDI For Order Only field in the Vendor's record. • If EDI For Order Only is not selected, an EDI CLAIM file will be sent to the vendor • If EDI For Order Only is selected, the claim will not be sent by an EDI CLAIM file. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 92 • Order Cancellation 6.3.5 Cancellation Letters A cancellation can only be sent by EDI if the corresponding order has been sent by EDI and if the EDI For Order Only check box in the Vendor's record is empty. Click Print/Cancel in the Order List of Admin Record form and select Print cancellation letter to vendor. The order status changes to LC (library canceled). Each time you produce a cancellation letter for an order that has been sent by EDI, you get a pop-up message telling you that the cancellation letter (in ALEPH XML format) has been placed in ./XXX50/print/edi. After that, submit the Send Outgoing EDI messages (edi-11) service to produce the EDI file out of the XML file and send it to the EDI vendor. 6.4 Send Outgoing EDI Message (edi-11) Use the Send Outgoing EDI Messages (edi-11) service to send all outgoing EDI messages to vendors: The edi-11 batch process scans all XML files that have been produced (orders, order claims, serial issues and cancellations). These files are placed by the system initially in the ./xxx50/print/edi directory. If the process determines that the file has all the information needed for an EDI communication, it produces an EDI file and copies the original file to the ./xxx50/edi/out/xml_processed directory. If the process detects a problem in the XML file, the file is copied to the /xxx50/edi/out/xml_rejected directory and the process is stopped. The EDI files that have just been created out of each of the files located in ./xxx50/edi/out/xml_processed are located in./xxx50/edi/out/edi_outgoing. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 93 edi-11 attempts to send each of the EDI files to the vendor. When the transfer of an EDI file is successful, it is moved to the ./xxx50/edi/out/edi_sent directory. If the transfer of an EDI file to the vendor fails, that EDI file is moved to the ./xxx50/edi/out/xml_rejected directory. This function can be identified in the Batch Log and Batch Queue by the procedure name p_edi_11. 6.5 Load EDI Messages ALEPH supports the following incoming EDI messages: • Serials and Monographs Invoice - EDI message type: INVOIC. • Orders/Claims response for Serials and Monographs- EDI message type: ORDRSP Note: When you load incoming data into ALEPH, the ALEPH order number (Z68ORDER-NUMBER) must be indicated. This data must be contained in the EDI segment RFF+LI. • In order to load EDI invoices into ALEPH, do the following: 1. Carry out the prerequisite EDI setup. All EDI incoming files must be located in the directory ./xxx50/edi/in/edi_incoming. 2. If the FTP directory that was defined for the vendors is not ./xxx50/edi/in/edi_incoming, move all the EDI incoming files to this directory manually. 3. Activate the Process EDI Incoming Messages (edi-09) Acquisitions/Serials GUI service. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 94 This function scans all the new incoming EDI files that are located in your server under the ./xxx50/edi/in/edi_incoming directory and converts them into ALEPH XML files. If the conversion is successful, files with the same name and an xml extension are created in ./xxx50/edi/in/xml_incoming, and the original EDI files are moved to ./xxx50/edi/in/edi_processed along with a log file (.log) that indicates any problems during the processing. If the conversion is unsuccessful, the original EDI files are moved to ./usm50/edi/in/xml_rejected along with a log file (.log). 4. Run the Load EDI Incoming Messages (edi-10) service This function scans the files in the xxx50/edi/in/xml_incoming directory and loads them into Aleph. If the load is successful, the XML file is moved to the xxx50/edi/in/xml_processed directory. The loading of each EDI file is recorded in the EDI Load Log (see below). Load EDI Incoming Messages (edi-10) service includes the option to release the encumbrance of serials and standing orders to which the EDI invoice load is performed. This feature is controlled by the Invoice Load: Release Serial Encumbrance field. The Invoice Load: Release Serial Encumbrance field is relevant only for loading invoice line items for serial and standing orders. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 95 Selecting "Yes" releases the "unused" encumbrance amount back to the budget of the fiscal year (similar to the way monograph orders are handled when an invoice is registered). The Serial/Standing order invoice status stays "incomplete" to allow the registration of invoices in coming years. Use this option when future invoices are not expected to be received for the order in the current fiscal year and redundant encumbrance amounts can be released back to the budget for other usages. Selecting "No" causes the "unused" amount to remain at the encumbrance active sum. The Serial/Standing order invoice status stays "incomplete". Note that this field is relevant only when the same budget is used for both order encumbrance and invoice line item. 6.6 EDI Load Log Every run of edi-10 is assigned a number that comes from the last-edi-log-no sequence of the ADM library counter (UTIL G/2). To view the log of each run by its log number via the EDI Load Log, in the Acquisitions/Serials GUI, from the Navigation Tree of the Administration Tab, select the EDI Log Load root. edi-10 creates at least two entries (Z74) out of the EDI Load Log (start date and end date). Additional log records can be created in various cases, such as a missing order number, duplicate general invoice, and so on. In the event that the vendor code of the loaded EDI file is not found within ALEPH, edi-10 does not carry out the loading process at all and an EDI Load Log (Z74) is not created. The EDI Load Log records each EDI file that is loaded into ALEPH and shows all transactions accrued during the load. Each transaction can be of the following types: • I = Informs that the transaction was carried out successfully. • W = The transaction was carried out successfully, but the system issued a warning that the system found a mismatch. For example ISBN is missing from the order record • E = The transaction was not carried out. For example in a situation where the invoice number appearing in the loaded file already exists in the system. Set your run number in the Batch Number field at the top of the EDI Load Log window: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 96 The highest run number is the default for this field. You can link a line to an order or an invoice, by clicking the relevant button: Order or Invoice. You can sort, for display purposes, the log records appearing in the EDI Load Log pane according to the various types, by selecting the required types from the Type box. For display purposes, you can sort the log records appearing in the EDI Load Log pane according to the various types. Select the required type from the Type box. 6.6.1 Loading an Incoming EDI Invoice into ALEPH When the p-edi-10 procedure is completed, general invoices (Z77) and line items (Z75) are created for the orders (Z68). The budget transactions (Z601) of the related orders are updated and the orders' invoice statuses (Z68-INVOICE-STATUS) are changed (if required). The new invoices can be displayed and updated via the Acquisitions/Serials GUI as well as all other manually entered invoices. Note When starting to implement this function and after installing a new service pack or upgrading to new version, it is highly recommended to back up (using p_file_03) the following records: Z77, Z75, Z68, and Z601. Once the job is running smoothly, it is not necessary to back up the data each time you run this function. 6.6.2 Loading Incoming EDI Order Responses into ALEPH The system creates an order log (Z71) of messages of type 94 (EDI response from vendor) for each order with a corresponding response loaded by the edi-10 service. In addition an EDI load log (Z74) is generated with transaction type I (info) In order to view the order log (Z71) of messages of type 94, check that you have the following setting in the ADM tab45.lng table : 94 Y N LEdi response from vendor Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 97 To view all loaded orders/claims responses, select the Navigation Tree of the Administration Tab and click Action Log Messages (see below). Action Log Message In general (not specifically for EDI), the Action Log Messages window displays all order transactions, to be handled or taken note of, for the period up to and including that day's date. For EDI purposes, the Action Log Messages window displays all responses from a vendor received via EDI. This means you do not have to search each order log in order to find the log transaction triggered by the loading of the EDI claim/order response. When an EDI response from a vendor is loaded into your system, a type 94 entry (EDI Response from Vendor) is automatically created and its Action Date is set to zero. The EDI Log entries are displayed in the Action Log Messages window. Click Order to go from each log message to its related order. The sort routine of the list is the same as the sort routine of the Order Log list (it is taken from the following pc_server_defaults environments: acq_user_z71_sort_routine AND acq_user_z71_sort_order). 6.6.3 Registering Serial Issue Arrival When the p-edi-10 procedure is completed, serial issue arrival is registered, the arrival date of the issue is updated and the issue processing status is changed to blank. In addition, a subscription log of type 34 (Issue arrived/not arrived) is registered for each issue the arrival was registered for. The Subscription log message can be displayed from the Serial functional tree, Subscription root, [G] Log node. An EDI load log is generated with transaction type I (info). 6.7 Specifications of ALEPH Requirements for EDI It is essential that the specifications listed here are stated explicitly in all EDIrelated agreements between ALEPH customers and third party vendors. 6.7.1 Mapping of EDItEUR messages sent by ALEPH This section maps EDI segments that are used by ALEPH when producing outgoing EDI messages. ORDERS books version 1.2 – 11 September 2001 Code Tag UNA UNB UNH BGM Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 98 Code DTM NAD RFF CUX LIN PIA IMD QTY FTX PRI CUX RFF LOC NAD TDT UNS CNT UNT UNZ Tag BY, SU VA, API IB 170, 110, 109, 50, 11, 10 AAB LCO, LI, BFN 7 (for target ID); 20 (for sublibrary name) ORDCHG (for cancellation only) Books version 1.2 – 11 September, 2001 Code Tag UNA UNB UNH BGM DTM NAD RFF CUX LIN PIA IMD RFF UNS CNT UNT UNZ BY, SU VA, API DE 1229 = “2”. DE 4347= “5”, CE 7143=”IB” 009, 010, 011, 050, LI, SLI, BFN OSTENQ Books Version 1.2 - 11 September 2001 Code Tag UNA UNB Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 99 Code UNH BGM DTM NAD DOC LIN PIA IMD RFF QTY FTX Tag BY, SU DE 4347= “5”, CE 7143=”IB” 009, 010, 011, 050 LI, ACT, SLI CE 6063 = “21” not in EDItEUR guidelines. The structure is as in ORDERS L-4-29 using C108 TEXT LITERAL UNS CNT UNT UNZ OSTENQ Serials version 1.3 - 20 December 2000 Code Tag UNA UNB UNH BGM DTM NAD DOC LIN PIA IMD STS RFF QTY FTX BY, SU DE 4347= “5”, CE 7143=”IS” 009, 010, 011, 050, 080 DE 9011 = “CSD”, DE 9013 = 55, 56E, 58E, 59E, 218, 239 SNA, SNL, ACT CE 6063 = “21” not in EDItEUR guidelines. The structure is as in ORDERS L-4-29 using C108 TEXT LITERAL UNS CNT UNT UNZ 6.7.2 Requirements for EDI messages sent to ALEPH This section details the specifications that are used by ALEPH when translating an incoming message from EDI format into ALEPH standard format. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 100 If not stated otherwise, ALEPH accepts all codes specified in the EDItEUR guidelines. DESADV Serials PIA – SI code for SICI number. ORDRSP Books BGM – 231 or 23C codes for quick distinction as books message. IMD – only the subset for brief description in both the numeric and alpha codes is implemented. RFF – in the line section of the message, LI code (not ON), that signifies buyer’s original order number, is a must for ALEPH 500. In addition, SLI (supplier's order number) can be sent for better future communication. However, if LI is not available, SLI code is a must, if former messages sent to the library used this SLI number so ALEPH500 already saved it. RFF – if the ORDRSP message is a response to a claim and not to an order, in the line section of the message, ACT code must appear with the buyer’s original claim number including the claim sequence number. The original claim number was sent to the vendor under ACT code in the OSTENQ message. Serials BGM – 23S code for quick distinction as serials message. IMD – both the numeric and alpha codes are acceptable. RFF – in the line part of the message, LI code (not ON), that signifies buyer’s original order number, is a must for ALEPH500. In addition, SNA (agent's subscription number) or SNP (publisher's subscription number) can be sent for better future communication. However, if LI is not available, SNA or SNP code is a must. RFF – if the ORDRSP message is a response to a claim and not to an order, in the line section of the message, ACT code must appear with the buyer’s original claim number including the claim sequence number. The original claim number was sent to the vendor under ACT code in the OSTENQ message. INVOIC Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 101 Books MOA - on line level 203 or 128 amount. MOA - on invoice level (summary section) 9 total payable amount, 124 VAT amount, 176 total tax amount (if there are other taxes beside VAT) and 8 (header section) allowance or charge amount for the invoice as a whole. RFF – in the line section of the message, LI code (not ON code), that signifies buyer’s original order number, is a must for ALEPH500. In addition, SLI (supplier's order number) can be sent for better future communication. However, if LI is not available, SLI code is a must, if former messages sent to the library used this SLI number so ALEPH500 already saved it. Serials BGM - JINV or JCRN in component data element 1000 for quick distinction as serials message. MOA - on line level 203 amount. MOA - on invoice level (summary section) 9 total payable amount, 124 amount for VAT, 176 total tax amount (if there are other taxes beside VAT) and 8 (header section) allowance or charge amount for the invoice as a whole. RFF – in the line part of the message, LI code (not ON code), that signifies buyer’s original order number, is a must for ALEPH500. In addition, SNA (agent's subscription number) can be sent for better future communication. However, if LI is not available, SNA code is a must. 7 Invoices There are two ways to register an invoice: • Order Path • Invoice Path Use the Order Path when you want to register an invoice for one specific order. Use the Invoice Path when you want to register an invoice for different orders. There is also an option to create general invoices and line items for Serials orders by loading EDI files from EDI vendors. For more information about this option, see chapter 6 EDI on page 79. The Bulk Arrival process also enables registering general invoice and line items for arrived material. For more information about this option, see section 8.3 Bulk Arrival on page 119. 7.1 Order Path Retrieve an order using the Order bar. Highlight the order on the Order List and then select the Invoice node from the Order tab; the Order Invoice Lines tab will be Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 102 displayed: This screen shows the list of invoices that have been registered for a specific order and enables you to update an invoice or create a new invoice line together with a new general invoice. To modify the details of a line item invoice, highlight the desired line and update the lower pane form. New To register the details for a new line item invoice, click New. If a General Invoice does not already exist, one will be created for you. Gen Inv To view or update the existing General Invoice and its line items, highlight a line item and click Gen Inv. You will be transferred to the Invoice Tab, which provides access to the General Invoice form and the Line Item form. 7.2 Invoice Path This section explains the Invoice Path and includes the following screens: • General Invoice Form • Invoice Line Items • Line Item Form • Budget List of Invoice To register an invoice, use the Invoice Bar, which allows you to retrieve a general Invoice and its line items or to create a new invoice. In the leftmost field, select the Vendor Code from the Vendor List or type in the desired vendor code. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 103 In the adjacent field, select the desired invoice number or type it in. To add a new invoice for the selected vendor, type in the new general invoice number, click The General Invoice Form will be displayed in the upper pane. 7.2.1 General Invoice Form This form enables you to register information about a General Invoice. The following read-only information is displayed at the head of the form: Line Items (display the number of line items that are attached to the general invoice), Total Amount of the General Invoice and Total Amount of all attached Line Items. The General Invoice Form has two panes: 1. The upper pane, which is divided into two tabs: Invoice tab and Payment tab. 2. The lower pane, which is divided into five tabs which display readonly information regarding vendor and vendor addresses. Buttons The following buttons are available on this screen: Update When you are finished filling in the form, click Update. Refresh To have the system recalculate the Total Amount and the Local Amount, reset the Total Amount to zero and click Refresh. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 104 Delete To delete a General Invoice along with all its Line Items, click Delete. You will be asked if you are sure you want to delete. Change Invoice Number This button enables the user to change the General Invoice Number. Clicking this button will open the Invoice Number window in which the new number should be entered. If one of the following records is connected to the General Invoice, the action will also update them: Budget Transaction, Line Items and Item Record. Print Lets you print the invoice information, including invoice line information and budget information. Cancel The system will cancel the transaction. Invoice Tab Vendor Code The Vendor Code will be filled in automatically by the system. Invoice Number Enter the Invoice Number as assigned by the vendor. You can enter up to 15 characters. Net Amount Enter the amount specified on the invoice for this order. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 105 Refers to Invoice If there is an original invoice to which the current invoice refers, enter its number here. Invoice Date Mandatory. This is the date on which the General Invoice was prepared by the vendor. Shipment Amount Optional. Type Select the invoice type. The type can be REG (regular), PRO (proforma), or DEP (deposit). If left blank, the invoice type defaults to REG. The list can be enriched by your system librarian. The invoice type is for information purposes only; all invoice types are handled in the same manner by the system. Received Date This is the date on which the General Invoice was received or registered by the library. If the date is left blank, the system will automatically fill in the current date. Overhead Amount Optional. Status The status can be REG (regular) or SUP (supplemental). If left blank, the status defaults to REG. Additional Invoice Status can be set by your system librarian. This status is for information purposes; both statuses are handled in the same manner by the system. Shipment Date This is the date on which the invoice was sent by the vendor to the library. If the date is left blank, the system will automatically fill in the same date as the invoice date. Insurance Amount Optional. Currency Mandatory. Choose the currency used for the invoice. The first currency defined in the vendor record will be entered as the default. VAT Recipient Choose the body that should receive the Value Added Tax. The list of VAT recipients can be set by your system librarian. Discount Amount Optional. Explicit Ratio If the vendor defines an explicit currency ratio, enter it here. The system will calculate the local price accordingly. If no ratio is entered, the system will consult the currency table. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 106 VAT Percent Optional. This field can be edited only when the VAT per Line field is set to No (unchecked). If you wish, you can enter the percent of the Total Amount that should go to the VAT Recipient and the system will automatically calculate the VAT Amount. The VAT Amount is included in the Total Amount. (For example, if the Total Amount is $117, and you enter 17% for the VAT percent, then the system will calculate the VAT Amount to be $17.) When the VAT per Line field is set to Yes (checked), the VAT Percent field becomes inactive and the VAT amount is calculated from the VAT amounts of all attached line items only. Total Amount If you leave this field blank, the system will automatically fill in the Total Amount in the vendor's currency, based on the Net Amount plus additional charges or minus discounts. Note The system takes the difference between the Net Amount and the Total Amount (the difference being the added charges and discounts) and adds it proportionally to all the orders linked to the invoice. If you do not want the charges distributed proportionally to all the orders, then you must manually enter the Total Amount, making sure that it is the same as the Net Amount. Debit/Credit Indicate whether this is a Debit Invoice or a Credit Invoice. VAT Amount Optional. This field can be edited only when the VAT per Line field is set to No (unchecked). The VAT amount is the amount that should go to the VAT recipient. The VAT Amount is included in the Total Amount. When the VAT per Line field is set to No, the VAT amount of the general invoice is the value which is indicated in this field and VAT values of all attached line items are calculated according to the VAT percent of the general invoice. When the VAT per Line field is set to Yes (checked), the VAT Amount field becomes inactive. It is calculated from the VAT amounts of all attached line items. Local Amount The system will automatically calculate this information based on the effective currency exchange rate or based on the explicit currency ratio value. This information is for display only. It cannot be changed on this screen. VAT per Line The VAT per Line field can be either Yes (checked) or No (unchecked). Its default value is No. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 107 When set to Yes, this means that the VAT values of the line items can be set individually for each line item and the VAT amount of the general invoice is calculated from the VAT amounts of all attached line items. When set to No, this means that the VAT amount of the general invoice is as indicated in the VAT Amount field and the VAT values of all attached line items are calculated according to the VAT percent of the general invoice. Add VAT to Total Amount This checkbox indicates the VAT calculation method set for the General Invoice. Add VAT to Total Amount can be either Yes (checked) or No (unchecked). Its default value is No. When set to Yes, the VAT amount is added to the Invoice Total Amount. The total amount with the VAT is reported in the field Total, Incl. VAT. When set to No, the VAT amount is not added to the Invoice Total Amount. The Total Amount field has the same value as the Total, Incl. VAT field. The VAT calculation method cannot be changed after the General Invoice is written. The Invoice Line Items inherit the VAT calculation method set for the General Invoice and cannot be different. Note You can enter a note up to 60 characters in length. Payment Tab Payment Date Enter the date on which the General Invoice was paid. (Leave zeroes if the invoice is not yet paid.) Check Number Enter the number of the check that was used to pay the General Invoice. (Leave this field blank if the invoice is not yet paid.) Amount Enter the Amount that was or will be paid. If the Amount field is left empty but the Payment Date field is filled and the Payment Status is P (paid), the Amount will be taken from the Total Amount field of the Invoice tab in the General Invoice form. Status Choose the appropriate payment status. Standard payment statuses include: • N - not ready to be paid • R - ready to be paid • Y - payment authorization given Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 108 • P - paid More payment statuses can be set by your system librarian. Your system librarian can also determine the default payment status when a general invoice is created and which payment status will freeze the invoice. This means that all operations in the General Invoice and related line items (except for changes in payment status) are not allowed. Approval Dept. From the pull-down list choose the approval department for this General Invoice. The list of approval departments can be set by your system librarian, who can also set a default approval department so that this field will be automatically filled in by the system. This field can be used as a filter when running the service: Invoice Report (acq-10). Approval Number You can either manually type in an approval number for this General Invoice or assign a system approval number by running the service Invoice Report (acq-10). This field can also be used as a filter when running the service: Invoice Report (acq-10). Invoice Line Items In order to register a new line item in the General Invoice or to update an existing line item, select the Line Items node of the Invoice Tab. The Invoice Line Items tab will be displayed in the upper pane. This screen lists all invoice line items that are attached to a specific General Invoice. The following read-only information is displayed at the head of the form: Line Items (display the number of line items that are attached to the general invoice), Total Amount of the General Invoice and Total Amount of all attached Line Items. To modify an existing line item, highlight its line and update its details in the Line Item form of the lower pane. The following buttons are available: Add To add a new line item, click Add. In the window that appears enter the order number to which you want to add a line item. Select Ignore to add a line item not connected to an order. This will activate the Line Item Form in the lower pane. Delete To remove a line item from the list, highlight the line item and click Delete. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 109 Order To jump to the order list of the order associated with a line item, highlight the line item and click Order. This button will be inactive when the highlighted line item is not connected to an order. Line Item Form The screen is divided into two main tabs: • Line Item Form • Order Info The short bibliographic information related to the linked order record is displayed at the top of the lower pane: The Order Info. tab in the lower pane also displays read-only information related to the order: Order Information, Bibliographic Information, Invoice, Expenditure and Encumbrance. The Invoice Line Item Expand tab enables you to register an entry for an individual order (Line Item) in the General Invoice. If a General Invoice does not already exist, one will be created for you, based on the information you provide in the following fields: Type, Status, Currency, Invoice Date, Received Date, Shipment Date and Approval Dept. If a General Invoice already exists, these fields will not appear on this Line Item form. Buttons on this screen include: Add/Update When you are finished filling in the form, click OK. Refresh If you wish to have the system calculate and display the added amount, total amount and local amount (based on the effective currency exchange rates), click Refresh. Budgets To view or assign the budgets that will pay for this invoice, highlight the order and click Budgets. Fields Note Part of the fields are displayed when a new line is added (this is not the case when you update an existing line item). Following is the help for each field. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 110 Vendor Code The system will automatically fill in the Vendor Code. Estimated Price Optional. Enter the Estimated Price for this Invoice Line Item. As a default, the system automatically fills in the value that has been entered in the Final Price field on the Quantity & Price tab of the Order Form. Net Amount Enter the Net Amount of the order in the vendor's currency. Added Amount The system will automatically calculate this information by taking the Added Amounts in the General Invoice and distributing them proportionally to the individual orders. The amount shown here is in the vendor's currency. Total Amount The system will automatically calculate this information by adding the Net Amount and the Added Amount. The Total Amount is in the vendor's currency. If the Total Amount is changed later, and the order has a budget assigned to it, the budget will be debited accordingly. Local Amount The system will automatically calculate this information based on the effective currency exchange rate. This information is for display only. It cannot be changed on this screen. Number of Units Enter the number of units being invoiced. As a default, the system will automatically fill in the value that was entered in the Number of Units field on the Quantity & Price tab of the Order Form. In case there are more line items for this order, the number of units is set as the remaining number of units from the order and other line items. Invoice Number The system will automatically fill in the Invoice Number. Credit/Debit Indicate whether this is a Debit invoice or a Credit line item invoice. Currency Choose the Currency used for the invoice. Object Code Select the appropriate Object Code for this line item. If the use of an object code is mandatory (depending on your system setup), an Object Code must be assigned to the Invoice and must match the assigned budget's object codes. VAT Percent Optional. If the VAT per Line check box of the General Invoice is set to NO (unchecked), this field will become inactive. If the VAT per Line check box of the Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 111 General Invoice is set to YES (checked), this field can be edited and you can calculate the VAT amount by entering a VAT percent in this field. VAT Amount Optional. If the VAT per Line check box of the General Invoice is set to NO (unchecked), this field will become inactive. If the VAT per Line check box of the General Invoice is set to YES, (checked), this field can be edited and the VAT Amount can be entered manually or calculated from the total amount by entering a VAT Percent. Note You can enter a line item note up to 200 characters in length. Check Subs. Date Overlap (Only for Serials and Standing Orders Line Items) If the check box is marked, the Subs. From/To Dates fields are mandatory and the coverage period is checked against other invoice line items of the same order to see if there is a date overlap. If the check box is not marked, you will not have to fill in the Subs. From/To Dates fields and the system will not check whether there is an overlap of dates. System Librarians only The default value (checked or non-checked) for this check box is determined in acq.ini. Subs. From/To Date (Only for Serials and Standing Orders Line Items) Enter the subs. coverage period of the invoice. These fields are mandatory only when the Check Subs.Date Overlap field is checked. Order Completely Invoiced This field is relevant only for invoice line items of monograph orders. Check this field if the invoice is complete, that is, you do not expect another invoice for the order. Mark the box by clicking it. If you expect to receive additional invoices for this order, leave the box blank. For incomplete invoices, the system continues to debit the encumbrance from the budget until the invoice is complete. When the invoice is complete, if the invoiced amount is different from the encumbrance, the budget is debited according to the invoiced amount. The option to check/uncheck this box is only available when adding a new Line Item. When modifying, the check box is not displayed. To modify an invoice status, use the Invoice Status Complete check box of the Order Information tab in the Order Form. Release Reminded Encumbrance This field is relevant only for invoice line items of serial and standing orders. Selecting this check box releases the "unused" encumbrance amount back to the budget of the fiscal year (similar to the way monograph orders are handled when invoice is registered). The Serial/Standing order invoice status stays "incomplete" to allow registration of invoices in coming years. Use this option when future invoices are not expected to be received for the order in the current fiscal year and redundant encumbrance amounts can be released back to the budget for other usages. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 112 Leaving this check box cleared causes the "unused" amount to remain at the encumbrance active sum. The Serial/Standing order invoice status stays "incomplete". Note that this field is relevant only when the same budget is used for both: order encumbrance and invoice line item. The option to select/clear this check box is only available when adding a new line item. When modifying an existing line item, the check box is not displayed. Budget List of Invoice When you click the Budgets button on the Line Item Form, the screen below is displayed. This screen lists the budgets that will pay for the invoice of this order. You can assign one or more budgets. In this way, several budgets can pay various amounts toward the total sum of the order. The Enc/Active Amount column displays the Encumbrance Sum, broken down into two parts: • The first part is the original encumbrance amount that is based on the estimated price on the Order Form. • The second part is the difference between the original encumbrance amount and the amount on the invoice. This difference is referred to as the Active Amount. (The Active Amount automatically becomes zero when the invoice is registered as "complete".) Buttons The buttons available on this screen are: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 113 Add Budget To assign a new budget for this invoice, fill in the field called Budget Code to add and then click the Add Budget button. Debit To indicate the amount that a particular budget will be debited, highlight the budget, then enter the amount in the field called Amount to Debit and click the Debit button. Delete Budget To delete a budget from the list, highlight the budget and click Delete. Balance To view the balance of the selected budget, click Balance. Create This button enables you to recreate the budget from the order's encumbrance. If budget creation from encumbrance fails, a message will be displayed giving details of all errors. For example: In a system that works with object-code: Budget creation fails when the Budget's Object Code does not match the Line Item's Object Code. A message will be displayed showing that there is no match between the object codes. Close After you have made all desired changes to the screen, click Close. Fields Budget Code to Add This is the unique code identifying the budget. Click the arrow to the right of the field to choose from a list of budgets. Amount to Debit This is the amount that will be debited from the highlighted budget. You can fill in the actual amount in this field or leave this field blank and enter a percentage of the estimated price in the Encumbrance Percent field. Percent to Debit This is a percentage of the amount that will be debited from the highlighted budget. If you fill in this field, then leave the Encumbrance field blank. Invoiced Amount, Local Amount, Currency of Invoice The information in these three fields is for reference only; it can not be changed on this screen. Total Debits If one or more budgets have been assigned to pay the invoice, this field shows the total amount that has so far been debited. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 114 7.3 General Invoice Payment Log The Invoice Payment Log keeps track of various updates made in the General Invoice Payment status. The Invoice Payment Log is accessible by selecting the Invoice Payment Log node from the Invoice tab. Invoice Payment Logs can be automatically registered when the following actions are performed: • General invoice payment status is initially set • Payment status is updated • General invoice is "Paid" In addition, the user may add a manual log containing a free-text note related to the general invoice. 7.3.1 The Invoice Log List The following buttons are available on the Invoice Log List screen: Filter You can filter the transactions in the list by selecting one or more of the check boxes above the list of log transactions and clicking Filter. Add You can manually add a General Invoice Note transaction. When you click Add, the lower pane Order/Subscription/Invoice Log is enabled; you can select Transaction Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 115 Type: General Invoice Note and type in a free-text note in the User Note field. This note is recorded as a new transaction. Remove Action Date You can remove a previously entered Action Date by selecting the relevant log transaction and clicking the Remove Action Date button. 7.3.2 The Invoice Log The Order/Subscription/Invoice Log pane displays details relating to the transaction log highlighted in the Order/Subscription/Invoice Log List in the upper pane. You can manually add a new transaction log or update details of the highlighted log. Action Date If you manually add a General Invoice Note type log, you can select the date for this action. The Action Date can be removed by using the Remove Action Date button in the upper pane. Transaction Type To manually add a transaction to the Invoice Log, click the Add button in the upper pane, select the desired transaction type from the expand list, and type in text in the User Note field.. For Invoice Logs, it is recommended to add a General Invoice Note type manual log. All other transaction types are valid only for order and subscription logs (not for invoice logs). System Note A read-only field that displays the text of system generated logs. User Note A user free-text note that can be used to create a user manual log (General Invoice Note) and for adding user notes for a system generated log. System Librarians only Note tab45.lng sets the configuration for acquisitions log. To enable the Invoice Payment Log, activate transaction 13 and 14 as in the following sample of ./xxx50/tab/tab45.lng: -1-2-3----------4-----------------------13 Y Y LGeneral Invoice Note 14 Y N LGeneral Invoice Payment Status Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 116 8 Arrivals This chapter includes the following sections: • Arrival List of Orders • Arrival Form • Bulk Arrival To register the arrival of units for Monograph orders (type M) or Standing orders (type O), select the Arrival node in the Order Tab. For the check in process of Serials orders (type S), refer to the Issue Check In section of the Serials chapter. In addition, depending on how your system librarian has set up the Acquisitions/Serials module, while generating a line item in the invoice function you will be asked whether you would like to record the material as "arrived". (See the [Invoice] section of the Arrival Form section of the Aleph 20.01 System Librarians Guide - Acquisitions8.2 for more information about setting up arrival registration.) 8.1 Arrival List of Orders When you click the Arrival node, the Arrival List is displayed in the upper pane: This screen shows the number of units ordered, the number of units that have been reported as having arrived so far, and lists the number of units that have arrived on specific dates. To change the details about units that have already arrived, highlight the appropriate line and update the arrival details in the Arrival Form of the lower pane. Buttons The following buttons are available on this screen: Add To report the arrival of units, click Add. The Arrival Form will be displayed for you to edit. Delete To remove a line from the table that shows the number of units arrived and the date on which they arrived, click Delete. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 117 Print To print an Arrival Slip, highlight an entry and click Print. 8.2 Arrival Form When you click the Add button on the Arrival List, the Arrival Form (shown below) is activated in the lower pane. This screen enables you to register a new arrival of unit/units or to modify the details of units that have already arrived. When you are finished filling in the form, click Add. If you change the details about units that have already arrived, click Update. Fields No. Units Arrived Enter the number of units that have just arrived. The system automatically enters the default value, which is taken from the Number of units field of the Order Form. Shipment Date This field is optional. Enter the date on which the vendor sent the units to your library. Arrival Date Enter the date on which the units arrived. If left blank, the current date is filled in automatically. Note You can enter a note up to 60 characters in length. Order Completely Arrived • For order type O (standing order), this option is always disabled. • For order type M (monograph): • If all units for this order have arrived, select this option. • If you expect more units to arrive, do not select this option. If one of the checked-in items has been requested and the system librarian has set up the client station that way, a message pops up indicating that a request is pending for this item. In addition, when the arrival form is printed, a message indicating that the arrived items are requested is included in the form. Auto Update Exp. Arrival Date If you want the next claim date to be calculated, then select this option. In this event, the Claim date is calculated as follows: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 118 For Monograph Orders: Current date + Z70-DELIVERY-DELAY (according to the material delivery type) For Standing Orders: Current date + Z68-MAX-NO-ARRIVAL-DAYS For Serial Orders: Current date + Z70-DELIVERY-DELAY (according to the material delivery type) If you do not select this option, then the Expected Arrival Date field is available for you to update the expected arrival date of the order manually. When a new arrival is registered, this field is selected by default when the Arrival form window is opened. It must be noted that when changing an existing arrival, the Auto Update Exp. Arrival Date check box is not selected by default, as is the case when a new arrival is registered. Expected Arrival Date If the Automatic Update of the Expected Arrival Date option is not selected, you can enter the date you expect the order to arrive. This date is used by the system when claims are processed automatically (batch). If the Automatic Update of the Expected Arrival Date option is selected, then this field will be read-only and the expected date of arrival will be calculated by the system as follows: For Monograph Orders: Current date + Z70-DELIVERY-DELAY (according to the material delivery type) For Standing Orders: Current date + Z68-MAX-NO-ARRIVAL-DAYS For Serial Orders: Current date + Z70-DELIVERY-DELAY (according to the material delivery type). 8.3 Bulk Arrival The Bulk Arrival is a process that supports registering arrival in a bulk mode for Monograph and Standing Orders. This includes the option to register an invoice for the arrived items. 8.3.1 The Bulk Arrival List The Bulk Arrival list is accessed via the Bulk Arrival node in the Order Search tab of the Acquisitions module. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 119 The Bulk Arrival list is available only for authorized users that are assigned with the Acquisitions/Order index: Bulk Arrival List user's access right. It displays Monograph and Standing Orders which have been already sent to a vendor and are not marked as "Completely Arrived". The user can use the Bulk arrival List filters in order to retrieve the orders record for arrivals that should be registered. Available filters are Additional Order Number 1, Vendor Code, Invoice Number, Sublibrary, and From-To Order Dates. For example, the "Order Additional Number 1" filter can be used to retrieve a group of orders with a common order number which were sent to the vendor as a bulk order. The Invoice Number filter works in conjunction with the Vendor filter. Activating both Vendor and Invoice Number filters provides the option to easily retrieve all invoice related orders and register arrival in bulk mode. Note that when activating the Vendor filter (without Invoice Number filter), the system applies to the vendor assigned to the order record. When activating both Vendor filter and Invoice Number filter, the system applies to the vendor assigned to the general invoice and list relevant attached orders. The lower pane of the Bulk Arrival List contains read-only order details. This includes information regarding the patron initiated the request (patron's global, local, and address information). Available Actions The following buttons are available: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 120 • Print order • Select • Arrive • Arrive All Print Order Information slip This action is valid only for a single line selection. It prints the order information for the highlighted entry. Select Action This action is valid only for a single line selection. The action transfers the user to the Order Tab and displays the order for the highlighted entry. The user can then perform the different functions related to a single order. Arrive and Arrive All Actions Clicking the Arrive and Arrive All buttons enable activating the bulk arrival process. When clicking the Arrive button, the user has the option to select multi-lines. (The SHIFT and CTRL keys can be used for selecting more than one entry). When clicking the Arrive All button, the system activates the bulk ordering process for all displayed orders. Once the Arrive or Arrive All button is clicked, the Multi Arrival Form is opened. 8.3.2 Multi Arrival Form The Multi Arrival enables registering arrival for all orders selected in the previous Bulk Arrival List. It also offers an option to create general invoice and line items for arrived items. The form fields: Shipment date: The date items were shipped (can be left zeros) Arrival date: The date on which items arrived (Default current date). Note: Arrival note that is assigned to all arrived transactions (can be left empty). Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 121 Print Arrival Slips checkbox: Indicates whether or nor arrival slips should be printed (template file name: acq-arrival-slip.xsl). Create Invoice checkbox: Indicate whether or not General Invoice and Line items should be created for the orders that are being registered as "arrived". Invoice line items are created only for orders that currently have no invoice line items. Payment Status: If "Create Invoice" is checked, the Payment Status field is enabled to allow the user to select the general invoice payment status. When the form is submitted, the relevant staff user's access rights are checked. This includes user privileges for registering material arrival, printing arrival slip, creating invoice and line items, updating invoice payment status, etc. In case when the staff user is not authorized for one or more of those actions, the user's access right block message is displayed and the arrival and invoice actions are blocked (no Aleph data is updated). If the action is submitted by an authorized user, the following actions occur: • Arrival record is created for each order in the group of orders, and other Aleph corresponding records are created or updated. • The Multi-Arrival Form is closed and the user is prompted with the Bulk Arrival Report window which reports the result of the bulk arrival action. • If the "Print Arrival Slips" checkbox is selected, the arrival slips are produced when the Bulk Arrival Report window is closed. 8.3.3 The Aleph Data Update Following are the acquisitions components that are affected/might be affected by the bulk arrival action: • • • • • • Arrivals Orders Items General invoice Line items Budget Transaction Arrival Records Arrival record (Z78) is created for each order in the group of orders. In the Arrival record, the arrival status of all related Monograph orders is marked as "Completely Arrived" (Standing Orders are not marked as "Completely Arrived"). The "Number of Units Arrived" of the Arrival record is set as the order record's Number of Units. The Arrival Shipment Date, Arrival Date and Arrival Note fields are set as defined in the Multi Arrival Form. General details regarding the newly created arrival records are included in the Bulk Arrival Results window. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 122 Orders Records The related order records (Z68) are updated as if manual arrival has been registered for the orders. This includes the following: The Arrival Status of Monograph orders is set as "Complete". The Arrival Status of Standing Order is not touched. If "Create Invoice" is called and invoice line item has been successfully created, then the Monograph Order's Invoice Status is set to "Complete". The Invoice Status of Standing Order is not touched. The Order Status might be affected depending on the actions made on the order. For example, monograph orders status is updated to "Closed" if both order Invoice Status and Arrival Status are "Complete" and General Invoice Payment status is "Paid". Items Records The Items (Z30) records which are related to the arrived orders might be affected as if manual arrival has been registered. For example, the Item Process Status value can be updated according to the library policy as defined in ./tab/xxx50/tab/tab42.lng. General Invoice, Line Items and Budget Transactions If the "Create Invoice" field of the Multi Arrival Form is checked, the system attempts to create a single General Invoice record (Z77) for all related orders. The general invoice includes line items records (Z75) for each arrived order. If the orders were already assigned to a budget transaction (Z601), then a new budget transaction of type Invoice is created. General Invoice Creation A new general invoice record (Z77) is created for all detected orders. Most of the general invoice data is populated in the same way as when an invoice is created for a single order via Invoice under the Order tab in the Acquisitions module. The following general invoice fields are handled differently: • The General Invoice Number is assigned using the ADM library counter set in g/2: last-invoice-no • The Invoice Vendor and the Invoice Currency are set as in the related orders. If the group of orders is assigned to various vendors or currencies, the vendor/currency code is assigned according to the "first" order. • The Invoice Payment status is set as defined in the Multi-Arrival Form. General details regarding the success or failure of general invoice creation are included in the Bulk Arrival Report window. Invoice Line Items Creation A new invoice line item record (Z75) is created for each order that currently has no invoice line item. The line item data is populated similar to the manner in which a line item is created for a single order via GUI-ACQ-Order tab-Invoice. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 123 If an order already has an invoice line item record, then line item is not created. General details regarding success or failure of line items creation are included in the Bulk Arrival Report window. Budget Transaction Creation A budget transaction record of type Invoice (Z601) is created for each order that has a budget transaction of Encumbrance type. The system performs checks the same as when the budget is manually assigned to cover an invoice line item (budget code, monetary coverage, dates, object codes, etc.). If the check fails, the line item is created but without creating a budget transaction of type Invoice. If the order has no related budget transaction, a new budget transaction is not created. General details regarding success or failure of budget transaction creation is included in the Bulk Arrival Report window. 8.3.4 The Bulk Arrival Report Window After the Multi Arrival Form is submitted and the above updates of Aleph data are performed, the Bulk Arrival Result window is displayed. This window includes brief information of successful and failed actions. The information is read-only and can be printed using F11 key. Successful actions are reported in green text. Failures actions are reported in red text. The Information will include details regarding: • Total number of retrieved orders • Total number of arrival records (successful and failed actions) Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 124 • General Invoice Number and line items (successful and failed actions) • Failed budget transactions When the OK button is clicked, the Bulk Arrival Result window is closed. If the Print Arrival Slips checkbox is selected, the arrival slips are produced. The Bulk arrival action is completed. 9 Claims This chapter includes the following sections: • Batch Claiming • Manual Claiming Claims are usually sent to the vendor when an ordered item does not arrive when expected. You can send claims to vendors for Monograph orders by using the "Claim Report & Letters for Monograph Orders" (acq-12) service. Claims for standing orders are sent using the "Claim Report for Standing Orders" (acq-11) service. Alternately, you can send claims manually, one at a time, by clicking the Claims node on the Order tab (also available for Serials and Standing Orders). The procedures that must be followed for claiming depend, first of all, on the information provided on the Order Form when the order was first created. Following is an example of the Vendor tab of the Order Form: The two relevant fields are Claim Date and Batch Claiming. Claim Date (for Monographs) Unless you enter your own date, the system calculates the claim date when the order is sent, according to the material delivery type and its delay as defined in the vendor record. Thereafter, the system will continue to update the claim date automatically if the order's claims are being handled by batch claiming through the "Claim Report & Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 125 Letters for Monograph Orders" (acq-12) service. If the order's claims are being handled manually (by clicking the New Claim button on the Order Claim List), then the claim date will be updated only if specifically requested by the librarian on the Claim form. In addition to the claim date that is being updated from time to time, the system stores the Original Estimated Date of Arrival (Original EDA), which is the same as the first claim date. The Original EDA can be viewed in the Order Display tab of the Order Form (shown below). Batch Claiming Option (for Monographs) If you select the Batch Claiming option on the Vendor tab of the Order Form, the system will send claims for this order when the Claim Report & Letters for Monograph Orders (acq-12) service is run. If you do not select this option, then the only way to send a claim for this order is to send it manually by clicking the New Claim button on the Order Claim List. 9.1 Batch Claiming If the Batch Claiming box is checked on the vendor Tab of the Order Form, the system will include the order in the "Claim Report & Letters for Monograph Orders" (acq-12) service. When this service is run, the system will calculate the new claim date according to either the value entered in the "Number of days until next claim" field in the "Claim Report & Letters for Monograph Orders" (acq-12) service, or, if this value is zero, by the vendor's defaults (based on delivery type and delay days). The Claim Report that is produced by the "Claim Report & Letters for Monograph Orders" (acq-12) service will produce two printouts. One printout will list all orders for which the "batch claiming" check box was checked, while the other printout will list all orders for which the "batch claiming" check box was NOT checked. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 126 The "Claim Report & Letters for Monograph Orders" (acq-12) service also produces claim letters. The templates that define these letters are located in the library's form_eng directory. In that directory, both acq-first-claim-00 and acq-additionalclaim-00 are used by the batch function. 9.2 Manual Claiming In order to send an individual claim, select the Claims node in the Order Tab. Any previously sent claims for an order will be listed on the Order Claim List in the upper pane: To send a new claim, from the Order Claim List, click New Claim. This activates the Claim form (Claim Expand) in the lower pane: This form enables you to register a claim for an order. You can also use this form to change the details for a claim that you have already registered. When you have finished filling in the form, click Add. If you are changing the details about a claim that is registered, click Update. Key to Fields Send Claim Select this option if you want to send the claim (via e-mail/EDI/print). You can use this field as well to resend a claim that was sent in the past. Do not select this option if you want to update a claim without sending it. Letter Format Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 127 Select a letter format type from the pull-down list. The format is relevant only when the claim is sent via e-mail or print (not relevant for an EDI claim). Claim Date Enter the date that is valid for the claim. The default date is the current date. Claim Text Type any comments you want to add to your claim. Reply Date If you have received a reply from the vendor, enter the reply date. Vendor Reply If you have received a reply from the vendor, type it in or select standard text from the pull-down list. Automatic Update of Expected Arrival Date This field is displayed for all order types. If you want the next claim date to be calculated, then select this option. In this case, the Claim date will be calculated as follows: For Monograph Orders: Current date + Z70-DELIVERY-DELAY (according to the material delivery type). For Standing Orders: Current date + Z68-MAX-NO-ARRIVAL-DAYS For Serial Orders: Current date + Z70-DELIVERY-DELAY (according to the material delivery type). If you do not select this option, then the Expected Arrival Date field is available for you to update the expected arrival date of the order manually. When a new claim is added, this field is selected by default when the Claim form window is opened. Expected Arrival Date This field is displayed for all order types. If the Automatic Update of the Expected Arrival Date option is not selected, you can enter the date you expect the order to arrive. This date is used by the system when claims are processed automatically (by batch). If the Automatic Update of the Expected Arrival Date option is selected, then this field will be read-only and the expected date of arrival will be calculated by the system as follows: For Monograph Orders: Current date + Z70-DELIVERY-DELAY (according to the material delivery type) For Standing Orders: Current date + Z68-MAX-NO-ARRIVAL-DAYS For Serial Orders: Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 128 Current date + Z70-DELIVERY-DELAY (according to the material delivery type). 10 Payments This chapter includes the following sections: • General Invoice Payment Status • User Authorizations • Invoice Report General Invoice payments are handled through the Payment tab of the General Invoice. 10.1 General Invoice Payment Status Standard payment statuses are: N - not ready to be paid R - ready to be paid Y - payment authorization given P - paid More payment statuses can be set by your system librarian, who also determines the default payment status when a general invoice is created and which payment statuses freeze the invoice. This means that all operations in the General Invoice and related line items (except for changes in payment status) are not allowed. When the payment status of the General Invoice is changed, the system changes all linked item debits. If all invoices of an order are paid and the material arrival status is complete, the system will change the status of the order to Closed (CLS). 10.2 User Authorizations The relevant user's authorizations (and all user authorizations) for functions in the General Invoice are set in the Access Rights window, invoked via the Staff Privileges window. Under Acquisitions access rights, there are authorizations that refer to the Invoice Payment Status. This means that the user can be denied or allowed the ability to activate functions in a General Invoice and related line items based on the Invoice Payment Status. For example: In order to update a payment status to Y (payment authorization given) and to be authorized to update an invoice with payment status Y and all its related line items, the user must have the following access right: Update "Payment Authorization Given" general invoice and/or its line items (INVOICE-HEAD-P-S-Y ). System Librarians only As soon as a new payment status is set in tab48.lng, a new access right can be also set for the new payment status. For example: If the new payment status code is "C" Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 129 (Check before Payment), add the following line to alephe table user_function.lng table: ACQ L Acquisitions INVOICE-HEAD-P-S-C L Update "Check before Payment" general invoice and/or its line items. In addition, column 4 of tab48.lng defines which user_function routines should be used in addition to the standard checks for different payment statuses. Multiple Invoice Payment Statuses can use the same authorization. If Col.4 is left blank, no additional check is made, and the user_function authorization for ACQ Update Invoice Payment Status suffices. . 10.3 Invoice Report Besides the option to change the payment status for each invoice separately via the Payment tab of the General Invoice, you can also change the payment status for a group of invoices by running the Invoice Report (acq-10). One of the available Invoice Report actions is to change the payment status of a retrieved group of general invoices. The group can be retrieved by the common approval number. A report will be produced showing the invoices that were changed. For more details, see the Help section of the Invoice Report. 11 Reports This chapter includes the following sections: • Types of Reports • Example for Using the General Retrieval Form (acq-02-01) Acquisitions reports are available from the Services/Retrieve and Print Acquisitions Records menu of the Acquisitions/Serials module. Once you have logged on to the module, you must choose an administrative library. Reports are created in a two-step process: Step 1: Retrieve the record numbers of acquisitions orders that meet various criteria. An output file will be created that lists record numbers without the detailed information for each record. The output file can be found in the ALEPHE_SCRATCH directory. Step 2: To see the actual contents of the records, you must use the Print Acquisitions Records (acq-03) service. 11.1 Types of Reports Using the Acquisitions Services you can retrieve orders meeting the following criteria: • Partially-filled orders (acq-02-02) Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 130 • Monograph orders - status "New" (acq-02-03) • Orders for which there is no invoice (acq-02-04) • Orders having a particular order status (acq-02-05) • Orders that were canceled by vendor (acq-02-06) • Orders meeting any of more than 40 different criteria which you can define using the General Retrieval Form (acq-02-01). The complete list of criteria and detailed help for filling in the form are available in the General Retrieval Form (acq-02-01) service's online help. 11.2 Example for Using the General Retrieval Form (acq-02-01) This example shows how to produce a report of newly arrived orders during a specified period of time for a particular library, sublibrary, or group of sublibraries. 1. From the Main Menu, select Services. 2. From the Retrieve and Print Acquisitions Records section, select General Retrieval Form (acq-02-01). 3. Fill in the Output File field, for example, acq_arrival1. 4. In the next section, fill in the Retrieve by fields. Select the following filters with the following parameters: • Retrieve by: Sublibrary: Type up to five sublibraries in the next 1-5 fields, for example, UEDUC ULAW ULINC • Retrieve by: Arrival Date: Type range of dates (yyyymmdd) during which material has arrived, in the next 1-2 fields, for example, 20040301 20040531 • Retrieve by: Arrival Status: Up to two arrival statuses can be entered in the next 1-2 fields: o C-complete arrival. o P- partial arrival. o N-no items have arrived, For our example, enter C-complete arrival. 5. Click the Submit button. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 131 6. From the Services menu / Retrieve and Print Acquisitions Records section, select Print Acquisition Records (acq-03). 7. In the Input File field, enter the name of the output file from the previous batch, for example, acq_arrival1. Fill in the Output File field, for example, print_arrival. The output file can be found in the library's PRINT directory. 8. In the Report Format field, select the format for the printout. 9. Click the Submit button. 10. To print the report, use the Task Manager option from the ALEPH menu on the Main Menu. The above-mentioned values of example fields will provide a list of all newly arrived material by arrival status C (complete) for UEDUC, ULAW and ULINC for the time period of 1 March 2004 until 31 May 2004. 12 Acquisitions Services Each service is identified in the Batch Log and Batch Queue by its procedure name. Orders and Claims • Order Log Report (acq-22) • Claim Report and Letters for Monograph Orders (acq-12) • Claim Report for Standing Orders (acq-11) • Claim Report for Serials Orders (acq-19) • Send List of Orders to a Vendor (acq-14) Retrieve and Print Acquisitions Records • Partially-Filled Monograph Orders (acq-02-02) • Monograph Orders - Status "New" (acq-02-03) • No Invoice (acq-02-04) • Order Status (acq-02-05) • Order Canceled by Vendor (acq-02-06) • General Retrieval Form (acq-02-01) • Print Acquisitions Records (acq-03) Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 132 Budget Management • Open Annual Budget (acq-05) • Renew Order Encumbrance for Monograph (acq-06-a) • Renew Order Encumbrance for Serials and Standing Orders (acq-06-b) • Transfer Remaining Balance (acq-07) • Update Local Price of Budget Transaction (acq-08) • Deactivate Encumbrance (acq-09) • Budget Summary (acq-16) • List of Orders per Budget (acq-17) Currency • Currency Report (acq-01) • Upload Currency Ratios (acq-20) EDI • Send Outgoing EDI Messages (edi-11) • Process EDI Incoming Messages (edi-09) • Load EDI Incoming Messages (edi-10) Other • Invoice Report (acq-10) • Rebuild Acquisitions Order Index (acq-04) • Subscription Renewal Letters (acq-23) • Banner/FRS Export (acq-21) • Vendor Address Data Update Report (acq-60) • Update Vendor Code in Order and Subscription Records (acq-26) • General ADM and Orders Creation (acq-24) • Load Invoice and Line Items (acq-32) • Update Invoice from External Finance System (acq-29) Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 133 Statistics • Statistics by Dates - Material/Month (acq-25) General • Print Trigger Report (com-01) • Build Word Indexes for a Record (manage-111) • Restart Server (sys-01) • Rebuild Print Templates Package (sys-02) 12.1 Manage Database Tables The services in this section are explained in further detail in the Web Guide Services chapter of the Circulation module. 12.2 Orders and Claims Order Log Report (acq-22) This service generates a report containing information about orders. It extracts information from the order log (Z71) and places it in the output file together with additional information such as document titles and ISBN/ISSN. Claim Report and Letters for Monograph Orders (acq-12) This service generates a report listing monographs that have not yet arrived and claim letters to be sent to the vendor. The report produces two printouts: one of which lists all orders for which the Batch Claiming check box in the Order Form was chosen, while the other lists all orders for which the Batch Claiming check box was not chosen. The system automatically adds x as a suffix to the file name of the printout of orders which the Batch Claiming flag hasn't been checked. For standing orders, a claim report can be generated using the Claim Report for Standing Orders (acq-11) service. Claim letters can then be sent manually by using the Claim button in the Order List of Admin. Record window. For Serials, the Print Serials Claim Letters (serial-44) service is activated from the Serials Services menu. Claim Report for Standing Orders (acq-11) This function creates a report of standing orders for which the Expected Arrival Date is earlier than the current date and the volumes have not been received yet. This information can then be used to send claims to vendors. Claim letters can then be sent manually by clicking the Claim button in the Order List of Admin. Record window. Claim Report for Serials Orders (acq-19) This service produces a report of serial orders for which the Expected Arrival Date is earlier than the current date and the issues have not been checked in yet. The process Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 134 can be used only if no item has been checked in yet. When the first item arrives, you can also use the Serials functions Print Claim Letters (serial-44). Claim letters for serials can then be sent manually by clicking the Claim button in the Order List of Admin. Record window. For Standing Orders, you can produce a claim report by using the Claim Report for Standing Orders service (acq-11). Send List of Orders to a Vendor (acq-14) This service enables you to send a vendor a letter with a list of orders. All orders whose 'Order Delivery Type' is LI (List) and whose status is RSV (Ready Send to Vendor) will be included in this service. 12.3 Retrieve and Print Acquisitions Records Partially-Filled Monograph Orders (acq-02-02) This service retrieves the record numbers of Acquisitions monograph orders that have not been received from the vendor or have only been partially filled by the vendor and writes them to an output file. To produce a report from this file, use the Print Acquisitions Records (acq-03) service. Monograph Orders - Status "New" (acq-02-03) This service retrieves the record numbers of monograph orders whose status is NEW, and writes them to an output file. To produce a report from this file, use the Print Acquisitions Records (acq-03) service. No Invoice (acq-02-04) This service retrieves record numbers of Acquisitions orders for which an invoice either has not been received or has been partially received and writes them to an output file. To produce a report from this file, use the Print Acquisitions Records (acq-03) service. Order Status (acq-02-05) This service retrieves record numbers for orders with a given status and writes them to an output file. To produce a report from this file, use the Print Acquisitions Records (acq-03) service. Order Canceled by Vendor (acq-02-06) This service retrieves record numbers for orders that have been canceled by the vendor (order status VC) and writes them to an output file. To produce a report from this file, use the Print Acquisitions Records (acq-03) service. General Retrieval Form (acq-02-01) This service retrieves the record numbers of Acquisitions orders according to a number of different filters of your choice. An output file will be created that lists record numbers without the detailed information for each record. To produce a report from this file, use the Print Acquisitions Records (acq-03) service. Print Acquisitions Records (acq-03) Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 135 This service saves in a file or prints out Acquisitions records that have been found using one of the services that retrieve Acquisitions record numbers. 12.4 Budget Management Open Annual Budget (acq-05) This service creates new annual budgets for those budgets that are defined as "annual" and use the name format "code-YEAR" (for example, Books-2002). The new budgets will retain the same code with a new suffix for the new year (for example, Books2003). If a budget is already in the system (for the new year) it will not be opened, but it will still appear in the output report. If an annual budget has an annual parent budget, then the new budget created for the requested year will have a parent budget code ending with the new year; otherwise (if the parent budget is not annual), it will not be changed in the new budget. Note that the existence of the renewed parent budget code is NOT checked by the system. Renew Order Encumbrance for Monograph (acq-06-a) Before running this service, you must first run the service Open Annual Budgets (acq05). This service renews order encumbrances for Monograph Orders and checks for annual budgets that have been encumbered for each order. It works for orders with a status of: • RSV = Ready to send to vendor • SV = Sent to vendor • WB = Waiting for budget confirmation • WP = Waiting for processing It does not work with orders which have a status of NEW = New. If the encumbrance for the order is still active (in other words, the invoices are incomplete), the encumbrance will be assigned to the new year's budget. Renew Order Encumbrance for Serials and Standing Orders (acq-06-b) Before running this service, you must first run the service Open Annual Budgets (acq05). This service renews order encumbrances for Serials and Standing Orders and checks for annual budgets that have been encumbered for each order whose order status is SV - Sent to Vendor. If the encumbrance for the order is still active (in other words, the invoices are incomplete), the encumbrance will be assigned to the new year's budget. This service produce a report that includes a list of all renewed encumbrances. The service offers the user to select on which base the new year order's encumbrance amount should be renewed: Last year’s encumbrance or Last year’s payment amount. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 136 Transfer Remaining Balance (acq-07) Before running this service, you must first run the service Open Annual Budgets (acq05). This service transfers the funds remaining in the annual budgets at the end of the year to the new year's annual budgets. The status of the old budget is then changed to NA, non-active. The service only works with budgets that are defined as "annual" and use the name format "code-YEAR" (for example, BoOKs-2002). Negative budget balances can also be transferred. Update Local Price of Budget Transaction (acq-08) This service updates the local price of a budget transaction. The system uses the closer backward ratio date relevant to the budget transaction date. This comprises all transaction types, including ENC (encumbrance) and INV (invoice). When to run this service: Run this service if you have changed or added a currency ratio for a specific date. Also, use this service after conversion (if necessary), to create local amounts. It is recommended not to run acq-08 at sites where the budget transactions tables (Z601) have a currency ratio of zero and there are no currency exchange tables for all of the previous years. The system will not have a proper ratio to use for these past transactions. Deactivate Encumbrance (acq-09) This service examines all orders together with their invoices. For each order that has received all its invoices, the Active Sum of the Encumbrance (which shows how much of the encumbrance is still outstanding) is set to zero. This, in effect, deactivates the encumbrance. When to run this service: This service is not used in the normal, day-to-day operation of the system. However, it is used for conversions. It is recommended not to run acq-09 at sites where the budget transactions tables (Z601) have a currency ratio of zero and there are no currency exchange tables for all of the previous years. The system will not have a proper ratio to use for these past transactions. Budget Summary (acq-16) This service produces a report that summarizes the budgets that meet selected criteria. The report includes the allocations, transfers, encumbrances, invoices not paid, payments, estimated and actual balance and the maximum over-commitments and over-expenditures set for the budget. List of Orders per Budget (acq-17) This service prints a list of all orders for which the selected budget has been encumbered. Automatic Transfer of Orders from Budget to Budget (acq-31) Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 137 This service transfers orders from one budget to another, that is, it transfers the ctive and original encumbrances of the orders specified in the input file. Note that the output files created by one of the services that retrieve acquisitions records can also be used as input files for this batch process. Orders of all statuses except closed (CLS), library canceled (LC), and vendor canceled (VC) statuses can be handled by this process. Different checks are performed by the service on the budget and on the order levels. Two output files are created by this service: • A file containing orders that have not passed the checks and that have been rejected. In this case the reason for the failure is specified in the file for each order. • A file containing orders that have passed the checks and that have been transferred. You can produce a preliminary report before actually transferring the encumbrances. This can be done by selecting "No" in the Update Database field. 12.5 Currency Currency Report (acq-01) This service prints a report that shows the dates on which ratios were assigned to currencies and the actual ratios assigned. The report can include up to ten currencies. Upload Currency Ratios (acq-20) This service uploads currency ratios. It uses a file named currency.dat, which must be in the library's file directory (XXX50/files/currency.dat). The file must be in the format: CCC YYYYMMDD R.RRR For example: USD 20020526 4.614 12.6 EDI Send Outgoing EDI Messages (edi-11) This service sends EDI messages to vendors. It collects all of the XML files that have been produced (orders, order claims, serial issues, and cancellations). Process EDI Incoming Messages (edi-09) This service loads new incoming EDI files that are located in your server under ./xxx50/edi/in/incoming and converts the EDI structure format into ALEPH XML files. If the conversion into XML is successful, a file with an .xml extension is created in the ./xxx50/edi/in/xml_incoming directory. Load EDI Incoming Messages (edi-10) This service processes the XML files that have been created by the Process EDI Incoming Messages (edi-09) service. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 138 12.7 Other Invoice Report (acq-10) This service performs one of the following two actions and produces two output reports. 1. Assign approval numbers to all general invoices that are retrieved by the service and produce a report showing the invoices that were assigned. Select "Yes" in the Update Database field and "No" in the Retrieve Using Approval Number field. The service will automatically assign an approval number to all reported invoices. The payment status of the retrieved invoices will be changed according to the Change Status To field. 2. The approval number is taken from the system counter last-invoiceapp-no in the UTIL G/2 counter of the ADM library. 3. Change payment status of a retrieved group of general invoices. 4. Select Yes in the field Update Database and Yes in the field Retrieve Using Approval Number. Enter an approval number in the Approval Number field. The group of general invoices will be retrieved by the common approval number. The payment status of the retrieved invoices will be changed according to the Change Status To field. A report will be produced showing the invoices that were changed. This report can then be given to the appropriate authority to ensure that payment is made. This service produces two output files: Invoice Report and Summary Report. Invoice Report A report per invoice or per group of invoices organized by vendor and currency. This depends on your selection in the Report per Single Invoice field. The Invoice Report includes: • All general invoices reported There is a line for each invoice, stating the invoice's number, total amount and date, and whether there is a balance between the general invoice and its line items. • Division of budgets per vendor There is a line for each budget, stating the budget code, budget sum and local sum. If your acquisitions system is set to work with object codes, there will also be a breakdown per object code. • Division of budgets for each invoice There is a section for each general invoice, stating the invoice number, date, total price and local price, with a line for each budget, stating the Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 139 budget code, budget sum and local sum. If your acquisitions system is set to work with object codes, there will also be a breakdown per object code. The Invoice Report uses the XSL templates invoice-report.xsl and invoice-report05.xsl. Summary Report The summary report includes all invoices handled by acq-10 in the local currency. Note that there is one summary report that is produced together with either the invoice report per single invoice or the invoice report by vendor and currency. The output is a table organized by invoice number, including vendor code, vendor name, invoice date, amount, and so on. It also lists the budget usage per each invoice in an object code sensitive manner. The total local price for all participating invoices appears at the bottom of the summary. The summary report includes only local prices since it can be comprised of invoices that are in different currencies The summary report uses the XSL template invoice-report-summary.xsl. Rebuild ILL and Acquisitions Order Index (acq-04) This service rebuilds the following three indexes: 1. Acquisitions order index 2. ILL incoming requests index 3. ILL outgoing requests index Each index file will be deleted and recreated by reading all Acquisitions order/ILL request records. Subscription Renewal Letters (acq-23) This service sends a letter to a vendor that contains a list of serials subscriptions and/or standing orders to be renewed. The service runs on orders of type S (serials) and/or type O (standing orders) with an order status of SV (sent to vendor) and checks each order's renewal date against the dates defined in the From/To Order Renewal Date fields. If there is a match, the order is included in the letter and the order's Renewal Date field is updated in relation to the Budget Cycle field. However, if the system determines that this new renewal date is later than the date in the Subscription End field, then this specific order will not be renewed and therefore will also not be included in the renewal letter. Banner/FRS Export (acq-21) This service produces a partly specialized export format for integrating ALEPH with BANNER budget management systems or FRS. The interface between ALEPH and BANNER/FRS transfers invoice information so that the general invoice can be paid and the library accounts can be debited. This means that information from Z77 Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 140 (General Invoice) and Z75 (Line Items) must be sent as well as Z601 (Budget Transaction). The report retrieves a file of general invoices with its linked item invoices (Z77's and linked Z75's), based on the following parameters: • The date the General Invoice was received (registered) (Z77-I-RECDATE) • Invoice Status (Z77-I-STATUS): Usually, only invoice statuses REG or SUP should be retrieved. • Invoice Payment Status = Y (Z77-P-STATUS) • Order Number 3 (Z68-ORDER-NUMBER-2): All line items (Z75) linked to a general invoice (Z77) have the same order number 3 attached to their order (Z68). The system checks the first line item linked to the general invoice to see if it matches the requested order number 3. • After retrieval, the system can change the payment status to P to indicate that the invoice was retrieved. Vendor Address Data Update Report (acq-60) This service prints out all Vendor Address Data (Z72) that was changed or updated within a date range. General ADM and Orders Creation (acq-24) This service creates multi-ADM records and orders from a file. For example, this service can be used when a vendor provides you with a CD-ROM containing titles, prices and bibliographic information for possible orders. In addition, it could optionally assign a vendor to an order (depending on the parameter "Use ISBN to assign vendor" - Yes/No). If No is chosen, ADM records and orders are created with a specified sublibrary/order unit and 'Additional order number 1' that can be used for retrieving the newly created orders for further processing via the Bulk Ordering screen under the Search Tab. If Yes is chosen, a vendor is assigned to created orders, together with other relevant parameters, including Method of Acquisition, Order Status and Estimated Date of Arrival. The details of the vendor (Vendor Code and Vendor Prefix) are extracted from the Bibliographic record: Vendor code is built from the ISBN - subfield $$a of field 020 (USMARC) or subfield $$a of field 010 (UNIMARC), and Vendor prefix is built from subfield $$b of field 260 (USMARC) or subfield $$c of field 210 (UNIMARC). The system takes into account 13-digit ISBNs in order to find a matching vendor (Z70). Note For the purpose of vendor prefix extraction, valid ISBNs are currently those with country/language group 0 or 1 (first digit). Also note that the orders will be created with the material type code M. This code must therefore be defined in pc_tab_exp_field.lng as a valid order material type Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 141 Before running this service, you must load new Bibliographic records using the service: Load Catalog Records (p-manage-18). The output of p-manage-18 should be used as the input for this service. Update Vendor Code in Order and Subscription Records (acq-26) This service updates or replaces the vendor code in order records (Z68) and subscription records (Z16). The service is useful when, for example, a vendor ceases operations or is merged with another vendor. The following order records are processed by this service: • Orders that have the same sublibrary in the Sublibrary field (Z68-SUBLIBRARY) as those selected in the sublibrary filter. • Records in which the Vendor Code (Z68-VENDOR-CODE) equals the code selected in the Old Vendor Code field. • Records in which the Order Status (Z68-ORDER-STATUS) is NOT one of the following: CLS (closed), VC (vendor canceled) or LC (library canceled). The following subscription records are processed by this service: • Subscriptions that have the same sublibrary in the Sublibrary field (Z16-SUB-LIBRARY) as that selected in the sublibrary filter. • Those in which the Vendor Code field (Z16-VENDOR-CODE) equals the code selected in the Old Vendor Code field. • Records in which the To Date field (Z16-COPY-TO-DATE) is LATER than the current date. Replace Vendor - Close and Open Orders and Subscriptions (acq-27) This new service changes vendors for standing orders, serial orders, and related subscriptions that fall within the current budget year (z68_subscription_budget_period=1). The batch service closes orders and related subscriptions and opens new orders and subscriptions, by duplicating the closed orders and subscriptions, and taking new information from the parameters entered by the staff user. The input file can either include ADM numbers + order sequences + ADM library or a single ADM number + order sequence. This service produces the following output: • A file with cancellation letters to vendors, provided that the Produce Orders Cancellation Letter option is set to Yes. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 142 • A report listing the orders that were not handled and the reason. Here are the reasons: o The order does not fall within the current budget year (that is, z68_subscription_budget_period is different from 1) o The end date of the subscription order is earlier than the starting date (z68-subscription-date-to is earlier than z68-subscription-date-from). o The order does not exist o The order is for Monographs Note that this service does not check the order status. Accordingly, do not run this service on orders with the statuses: VC (Vendor Canceled); LC (Library Canceled); REJ (Rejected);CLS (Order closed). Change Order Status and EDA in Order Records (acq-28) This service updates the order status and/or EDA for a group of orders. The batch service uses an input file of ADM number + Order sequence + ADM library. The service has the following parameters: Input File, New Order Status, Update EDA? (Y,N), New EDA. Load Invoice and Line Items (acq-32) This service enables loading invoice data into Aleph and updating all corresponding records. The batch input file is a XML structured file that includes general invoice and line item information. For Monograph and Standing Orders, this batch allows updating order's arrival information. The load of the invoice information might affect the following components as if a manual creation of the General Invoice and Line Items had been done by an operator: General Invoice (z77), Invoice Line Items (Z75), Order (Z68), Monograph and Standing Orders Arrival (Z78), Budget Transactions (z601), and Items (Z30). Update Invoice from External Finance System (acq-29) This service enables the updating of ALEPH General Invoice payment information based on an input file provided in XML format. You may get financial information regarding your ALEPH General Invoices from an external system and load the payment information into the ALEPH records. The update of the invoice affects the following components as if a manual update of the General Invoice Payment tab has been done by an operator: General Invoice (z77), Budget Transactions (z601), and Orders (z68). Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 143 12.8 Statistics Statistics by Dates - Material/Month (acq-25) This service produces an Acquisitions statistics report with the following columns: Material Type, Month, Purchase Method (Purchase, Approval, Gift, etc.). 12.9 General Print Trigger Report (com-01) This service produces a printout of triggers. Build Word Indexes for a Record (manage-111) This service creates keywords from various fields of the following Oracle tables: • Vendor (Z70) • Vendor Address (Z72) • Global Patron (Z303) • Patron Address (Z304) • Reading Room (Z310) • Budget (Z76) The keyword index that is created enables the user to search for records by keywords. Restart Server (sys-01) This service stops a server and restarts it. The server that is stopped is selected by the user and can be the pc_server, the www_server or the oclc_server. When run, the service will stop the existing server running on the default port and start a new one on the same port. If a port is specified, only that port will be restarted. Rebuild Print Templates Package (sys-02) This service rebuilds the html.pck file after you edit a form or a letter in the form_eng directory. For any changes to these files to appear, run this service. Record Keys Conversion (manage-70) This service converts record keys. It takes the input file that contains record keys of one type (for example, BIB numbers) and, for each value it contains, lists the corresponding key of another type (for example, Order number). Sort Printouts (print-50) This service rearranges printouts, grouping together printouts from different files based on a common value they have in one or more XML tag of the printout file. The XML tags that will be used to check for common values are given as input parameters of this batch. The printout files that will be scanned for regrouping have a common print ID which is specified as an input parameter of the service. Staff User’s Guide – Acquisitions January 1, 2013 144