07 - zagba
07 - zagba
A WING SPAN THAT EXTENDS fr om C r e a t i v e D e s i g n t o Print Production Capabilities A WING SPAN THAT Print Aspects is a full service agency that serves asEXTENDS a One Stop fro m C r e a t i v e D e s i g n t o Solution for most Small to Medium size companies. Offering a wide spectrum of services: GET 20% OFF FULL COLOR DIGITAL COLOR OUTPUTS ........................................................................................................................................ Z AG B A N ew s l e t t e r A p r i l 2 0 0 7 apply. Offer Valid withDIGITAL coupon only COLOR OUTPUTS GET 20%restrictions OFF FULL COLOR ........................................................................................................................................ Print Production Capabilities • Brand and Logo Development • Marketing Collateral, Mailers, Print Aspects is a Brochures, full service agency thatFlyers, servesetc. as a One Stop • Print Solution Advertising for most Small to Medium size companies. Offering • Website Design a wide spectrum of services: • Tradeshow and Support • BrandBooths and Logo Development Full color Digital Printing • 1-6 Color Offset and • Marketing Collateral, Brochures, Mailers, Flyers, etc. • Bindery, Mailing and Fulfillment • Print Advertising Z AG B A N ew s l e t t e r A p r i l 2 0 0 7 restrictions apply. Offer Valid with coupon only all under one roof.Design We make the process as seamless and • Website hassle-free as possible. Dealing with only one vendor from • Tradeshow Booths and Support start to• finish, not Offset only makes it cost effective assures and Full color Digital but Printing 1-6 Color quality •and a goodMailing return on investment. Bindery, andyour Fulfillment all under one roof. We make the process as seamless and hassle-free as possible. Dealing with only one vendor from start to finish, not only makes it cost effective but assures quality and a good return on your investment. design | print | web | advertising 9 1 M y s t i c S t r e e t, A r l i n g t o n , M A 0 2 4 7 4 | T 7 8 1 . 6 4 1 . 4 1 8 0 | F 7 8 1 . 6 4 1 . 2 4 1 5 | s e r v i c e @ p r i n t a s p e c t s . c o m | w w w. p r i n t a s p e c t s . c o m d e s i g n | p r i n t | w e b | a dThis v e redition t i s i n g was designed & printed by PRINTASPECTS edited by PARASTU DUBASH 9 1 M y s t i c S t r e e t, A r l i n g t o n , M A 0 2 4 7 4 | T 7 8 1 . 6 4 1 . 4 1 8 0 | F 7 8 1 . 6 4 1 . 2 4 1 5 | s e r v i c e @ p r i n t a s p e c t s . c o m | w w w. p r i n t a s p e c t s . c o m This edition was designed & printed by PRINTASPECTS edited by PARASTU DUBASH ZAGBA 120 Sutherland Road, Apt. #12, Brighton, MA 02135 ZAGBA 120 Sutherland Road, Apt. #12, Brighton, MA 02135 AGBA AGBA Zoroastrian Association of The Greater Boston Area Zoroastrian Association of The Greater Boston Area Norouz Celebration Saturday, March 24th, 2007 Byblos Restaurant in Norwood. o r Sotuuzd C G a tN ha y eGl e r obur a ption S a t u r d a y , M a r c S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 7 t h ,h 22040t7h , 2 0 0 7 s sR e ta o rovda.r d Ya r d . T h e BPyhbi l o lip B rso ouk rs aHnot ui n s eNi o nr w Ha d yo vGi e r oN u ipg h t F a mGi la yt h Pa i z zSat u /M uy r d, aAyp, r A 27 007 S a t uS radt a i l p2r7i lt h7,t h2 ,0 0 T h e P h i l l i p s B r o o k s H o u sues ei ni nH B aur vr lai nr d Stone Brook Farms Clubho g tYa o nr.d . atm i gl y hm t pics Vo l uF n e iel y r i nPgi z zaat /SM po evciiea lNO uy r d, aJ y A p1r6i lt h2 7- t h , n2d 0a 0 7y , J u n e 1 7 t h , 2 0 0 7 S a t uS radt a u ,n e Su t oenr eGBarm oo S u mSm e ks Faat rHmasr vCal u r db,h BoUu,s eM iI n T. B u r l i n g t o n . C a nVo o el iunngt eEevrei n g t at Special Olympics uy r d, aJ y J u2n3er d1,6 2 t h0 0- 7S u n d a y , J u n e 1 7 t h , 2 0 0 7 S a t uS radt a u ,n e ub mr m ao r dn,c BoUr d , M S o u St h i degreGBaom ae t hs oauts eH ai nr vC f oI T. llowed by lunch. on en i nuga lE v Z A GCBa An A Pe i cnnt i c E v e n t uy r d, aJ y S a t uS radt a u ,l yJ u 1n 4 teh ,2 32r0d0,7 2 0 0 7 Southbridge Boathouse in Concord followed by lunch. Papeti Navroze Celebration S a t uZ rAdGaByA , AAungnuusat l 2P5i tchn, i c 2 0E0v7e n t Saturday, July 14th, 2007 Biking Event z eb eCre8l e S a t uPradpaeyt,i SNeapvtreom t hb,r a2 t0i 0o7n Sa r db ayy ,l uAnucghu. s t 2 5 t h , 2 0 0 7 Follo wteud B o s tBoi k n i nMga rEav tehnot n J i m m y F u n d W a l k uy r d, aS ye,p St e m p tbeemr b1e6rt h8,t h2 ,0 0 27 007 S a t uS radt a Followed by lunch. ( These are proposed dates, subject to change based on availability of locations. ) B o s t o n M a r a t h o n J i m m y F u n d Wa l k Saturday, September 16th, 2007 2007 ( These are proposed dates, subject to change based on availability of locations. ) 20 ZAGBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 07 Message from the President Contents Navroze, Nawruz, Nowroz, Norouz... however you wish to say it, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our ZAGBA members and friends a wonderful beginning of Spring and a happy and healthy new year. Zoroastrian Youth of North During this past year, we have had an incredible team lead ZAGBA America toward our collective(ZYNA) vision for Community Building, Community Education, Community Service and Community Center. It has been a laurels. Based on feedback from the community, we will focus on having 2) Joinevents Jimmy ZYNA is committed to twoCome ‘high end’ eachand yearMe… that are fully-catered and formal basic human social all.events Please in/around Marchrights 21st andand August 21st.justice The restfor of the will come be run and managed our teams will befor more cost-sensitive. For example, join Jimmy by Carter andand myself a week of camaraderie as in April we are planning movie night for the community; later in build houses fora family low-income families in Los Angeles, we the summer we have a event picnic,will a canoeing trip and another biking trip. CA. This five-day not only provide housing for Please take a look at the new ZAGBA website www.ZAGBA.org the families who only dreamt of owning a home, butforwill most recent schedule of events. With your input, an updated 2007 increase awareness of a very real American housing crisis Community Directory will be completed shortly and will allow us greater and a long-term commitment for action from community opportunities to connect with each other. leaders and individuals to resolve it. Details: Los Angeles, The Community Education events seem to get stronger all the time. CA; Oct. 28-Nov. 2, 2007; Sponsorship for Food and Both the Adult and the Children’s classes are flourishing and sincere Housing will be available. thanks to Nasswan Dossabhoy for engaging the youth and some adult peers to get excitement back into this group. The teachers of the Children’s classes – Hufrish Sirohi, Kaizad Patel, Yezad Nalladaru, and their leader Farhad Panthaki deserve to be recognized and applauded for their hard work and dedication. 4th WORLD ZOROASTRIAN YOUTH CONGRESS, AUSTRALIA 2007 The Community Center – The Zarathushti Center of Boston is moving forward withmore continued zealthe under the leadership team of the Bhathena To learn about next World Zoroastrian Youth and Kheradiand families and looks to the community You will of Congress be part of “the greatest eventforinsupport. the history hear much more about developments in this effort in the coming weeks. Zoroastrianism in Australia,” visit: www.4wzyc.org If you The Community Service group ledfinancial by Yezad Nalladaru has toward been active are intersted in providing assistance a and many thanks to alltooffund you for your support the recent scholarship project Iranian youth in speakers to clothing attend collection (I firstinhand saw the gratitude from twoMeher of the locations in the congress Australia, please contact Amalsad Mumbai when the clothes were donated) and the Food Bank volunteering. who is coordinating a global fundraising effort: Coming up soon are more volunteering opportunities at the upcoming www.babameher@prodigy.net Special Olympics Games and other events. We thank you all for your continued participation in and volunteering at 9th WORLD ZOROASTRIAN activities. We encourage you to renew or become new members of CONGRESS, DUBAI ZAGBA this month as it is the start of our 2009 ZAGBA membership year. Your input is essential as we plan and implement events that are of The next World Zoroastrian Congress will be held in interest to you and your family, so the ZAGBA Board welcomes your UAE from Dec. 28th-31st, 2009. Look for more Dubai, suggestions and your offers to help out. Please send an email to information soon. or feel free to call me with inputs. jhdubash@gmail.com 10 Best Wishes, Ushta Te, Jamshed Dubash, President, ZAGBA 01 ZAGBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 02 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Please contact ZYNA Chairman, Nikan Khatibi at pleasure working with the current board of Firoza Panthaki, Edul Nakra, nikan2@aol.com for more information: Hufrish Sirohi, and Anaheeta Nanavaty. Please join me in recognizing theirATTENTION: hard work and alsoMedical, the dedication of individuals who have led the 1) Pharmacy, Dental, OptomChildren’s and Adult Religious Education, Youth/Sports activities, etry, and Nursing STUDENTS. Come join ZYNA and Zarathushti Center mankind of Boston (ZCB), and of those free who Service Activities, dedicate yourself to serving by providing work with them to plan and execute their activities. In the past year, we health care to people in remote areas of the United States. have had a number of very successful ZAGBA Community Building are looking for 15 students and 3-4 licensed professionWe events including a well-attended formal Papeti-Navroze event in Natick, als to travel to Tennessee to over provide healthcare to the undera Jashan Gahambar event with 17 families cooking a traditional served. This will be a wonderful learning experience all Dhansak meal, and a Holiday Dinner Costume Party with fun for for the students and what better way to learn than to be part of a kids and young at heart. In addition, we have a fantastic newsletter group youth who will beever providing written of andZoroastrian published quarterly, a first-time ZAGBA outstandcommunity calendar, and a new service! ZAGBA website. to Anaheeta ing community Details:Congrats Crossville, TN, Mody, April Rita Kapadia delivering to the ZAGBA Parastu Dubash 14-15, 2007,and Housing and forFood will these be provided by community. Having said that, the team has no intention of resting on its ZYNA Z A G B A K E Y D AT E S ZAGBA COMMUNITY EVENTS 02 04 Z A G B A N O R O U Z C E L E B R AT I O N ZAGBA MEMBERSHIP ZAGBA CALENDAR Z A G B A YA H O O G R O U P S ZAGBA WEBSITE President - Jamshed Dubash (jhdubash@gmail.com) Vice President - Firoza Panthaki (fpanthaki@jhancock.com) Secretary - Hufrish Sirohi (Hufrish_Sirohi@Millipore.com) Asst. Secretary - Anaheeta Mody (ananavaty@printaspects.com) Treasurer - Edul Nakra (edul.nakra@gmail.com) Official email contact: ZAGBA@hotmail.com Farhad Panthaki - Children’s Education, Religious Services fpanthaki@yahoo.com Nasswan Dossabhoy - Adult Education ndossabh@endicott.edu Z A G B A PA S T 05 H O L I D AY D I N N E R PA R T Y Z A G B A C O M M I T T E E U P D AT E S Z A R AT H U S H T I C E N T E R O F B O S T O N 05 CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS CLASSES 05 A D U L T E D U C AT I O N 06 YOUTH GROUP 06 C O M M U N I T Y S E RV I C E 07 ZAGBA COMMUNITY NEWS 07 WEDDINGS 07 Daryush Mehta - Youth Liaison dmehta@mit.edu BABIES 08 Bijan KHosraviani - Sports bijanstanford@gmail.com N AV J O T E S 08 CONDOLENCES 08 ACHIEVEMENTS 08 Yezad Nalladaru - Service Projects yezad@hotmail.com Firdaus Bhathena - Zarathushti Center of Boston firdaus@alum.mit.edu Jerry Kheradi - Zarathushti Center of Boston JerryKheradi@aol.com Parastu Dubash - FEZANA liaison, Newsletter parastu@townisp.com Official email contact with the ZAGBA Board: zagba@hotmail.com Newsgroup Communications within the community: zagba@yahoogroups.com New Official Website www.zagba.org F E Z A N A U P D AT E S 09 THE ZOROASTRIAN CONGRESS 09 THE ZOROASTRIAN SPORTS COMMITTEE 09 T H E Z A R AT H U S H T I O R A L H I S T O R Y 09 PROJECT PA R S E E G E N E R A L H O S P I TA L A N N U A L 09 FUNDRAISER 09 SCHOLARSHIPS Z N YA A N D U P C O M I N G W O R L D 10 CONGRESS Posters made by the Children's Religious Classes, ZAGBA CHILDREN 'S CLASS POSTERS 11 on Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. Place an ad in the newsletter: Full Page $ 100 • Half Page $ 75 • Quater Page $ 50 0131 20 ZAGBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 07 Message from the President Contents Navroze, Nawruz, Nowroz, Norouz... however you wish to say it, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our ZAGBA members and friends a wonderful beginning of Spring and a happy and healthy new year. Zoroastrian Youth of North During this past year, we have had an incredible team lead ZAGBA America (ZYNA) toward our collective vision for Community Building, Community Education, Community Service and Community Center. It has been a Please contact ZYNA Chairman, Nikan Khatibi at pleasure working with the current board of Firoza Panthaki, Edul Nakra, nikan2@aol.com for more information: Hufrish Sirohi, and Anaheeta Nanavaty. Please join me in recognizing their hard work and also the dedication of individuals who have led the 1) ATTENTION: Medical, Pharmacy, Dental, OptomChildren’s and Adult Religious Education, Youth/Sports activities, etry, and Nursing STUDENTS. Come join ZYNA and Service Activities, Zarathushti Center of Boston (ZCB), and of those who dedicate yourself to serving mankind by providing free work with them to plan and execute their activities. In the past year, we health care to people in remote areas of the United States. have had a number of very successful ZAGBA Community Building are looking for 15 students and 3-4 licensed professionWe events including a well-attended formal Papeti-Navroze event in Natick, als to travel to Tennessee to provide healthcare to the undera Jashan Gahambar event with over 17 families cooking a traditional served. a wonderful learningParty experience DhansakThis meal,will and be a Holiday Dinner Costume with funfor for all the students and what better to learn than to be part of a kids and young at heart. In way addition, we have a fantastic newsletter writtenof and published quarterly, a first-time ZAGBA outstandcommunity group Zoroastrian youth who will beever providing calendar, and a newservice! ZAGBA website. to Anaheeta Mody, ing community Details:Congrats Crossville, TN, April Dubash and Rita Kapadia for delivering these to the ZAGBA Parastu 14-15, 2007, Housing and Food will be provided by community. Having said that, the team has no intention of resting on its ZYNA laurels. Based on feedback from the community, we will focus on having 2) Join events Jimmy and ZYNA is committed to twoCome ‘high end’ each yearMe… that are fully-catered and formal in/around Marchrights 21st and August 21st.justice The restfor of the willcome be run basic human and social all.events Please and managed our teams will befor more cost-sensitive. For example, join Jimmy by Carter andand myself a week of camaraderie as in April we are planning a family movie night for the community; later we build houses for low-income families in Los Angeles,in the summer we have aevent picnic,will a canoeing trip provide and another biking trip. CA. This five-day not only housing for Please take a look at the new ZAGBA website www.ZAGBA.org for the families who only dreamt of owning a home, but will most recent schedule of events. With your input, an updated 2007 increase awareness of a very real American housing crisis Community Directory will be completed shortly and will allow us greater and a long-term commitment for action from community opportunities to connect with each other. leaders and individuals to resolve it. Details: Los Angeles, The Community Education events seem to get stronger all the time. CA; Oct. 28-Nov. 2, 2007; Sponsorship for Food and Both the Adult and the Children’s classes are flourishing and sincere Housing will be available. thanks to Nasswan Dossabhoy for engaging the youth and some adult peers to get excitement back into this group. The teachers of the Children’s classes – Hufrish Sirohi, Kaizad Patel, Yezad Nalladaru, and their leader Farhad Panthaki deserve to be recognized and applauded for their hard work and dedication. 4th WORLD ZOROASTRIAN YOUTH CONGRESS, AUSTRALIA 2007 The Community Center – The Zarathushti Center of Boston is moving forward continued under the World leadershipZoroastrian team of the Bhathena To learnwithmore aboutzealthe next Youth and Kheradi families and looks to the community You will of Congress and be part of “the greatest eventforinsupport. the history hear much more about developmentsvisit: in thiswww.4wzyc.org effort in the comingIfweeks. in Australia,” you Zoroastrianism The intersted Communityin Service group ledfinancial by Yezad Nalladaru been active are providing assistancehastoward a and many thanks to all of you for your support in the recent clothing scholarship project to fund Iranian youth speakers to attend collection (I firstinhand saw the gratitude from twoMeher of the locations the congress Australia, please contact Amalsadin Mumbai when the clothes were donated) and the Food Bank volunteering. who is coordinating a global fundraising effort: Coming up soon are more volunteering opportunities at the upcoming www.babameher@prodigy.net Special Olympics Games and other events. We thank you all for your continued participation in and volunteering at 9th WORLD ZOROASTRIAN activities. We encourage you to renew or become new members of CONGRESS, ZAGBA this month as it is DUBAI the start of our2009 ZAGBA membership year. Your input is essential as we plan and implement events that are of The next World Zoroastrian Congress will be held in interest to you and your family, so the ZAGBA Board welcomes your UAE from Dec. 28th-31st, 2009. Look for more Dubai, suggestions and your offers to help out. Please send an email to information soon. or feel free to call me with inputs. jhdubash@gmail.com 10 Best Wishes, Ushta Te, Jamshed Dubash, President, ZAGBA Z A G B A K E Y D AT E S 01 ZAGBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 02 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE ZAGBA COMMUNITY EVENTS 02 04 Z A G B A N O R O U Z C E L E B R AT I O N ZAGBA MEMBERSHIP ZAGBA CALENDAR Z A G B A YA H O O G R O U P S ZAGBA WEBSITE President - Jamshed Dubash (jhdubash@gmail.com) Vice President - Firoza Panthaki (fpanthaki@jhancock.com) Secretary - Hufrish Sirohi (Hufrish_Sirohi@Millipore.com) Asst. Secretary - Anaheeta Mody (ananavaty@printaspects.com) Treasurer - Edul Nakra (edul.nakra@gmail.com) Official email contact: ZAGBA@hotmail.com Farhad Panthaki - Children’s Education, Religious Services fpanthaki@yahoo.com Nasswan Dossabhoy - Adult Education ndossabh@endicott.edu Z A G B A PA S T 05 H O L I D AY D I N N E R PA R T Y Z A G B A C O M M I T T E E U P D AT E S Z A R AT H U S H T I C E N T E R O F B O S T O N 05 CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS CLASSES 05 A D U L T E D U C AT I O N 06 YOUTH GROUP 06 C O M M U N I T Y S E RV I C E 07 ZAGBA COMMUNITY NEWS 07 WEDDINGS 07 Daryush Mehta - Youth Liaison dmehta@mit.edu BABIES 08 Bijan KHosraviani - Sports bijanstanford@gmail.com N AV J O T E S 08 CONDOLENCES 08 ACHIEVEMENTS 08 Yezad Nalladaru - Service Projects yezad@hotmail.com Firdaus Bhathena - Zarathushti Center of Boston firdaus@alum.mit.edu Jerry Kheradi - Zarathushti Center of Boston JerryKheradi@aol.com Parastu Dubash - FEZANA liaison, Newsletter parastu@townisp.com Official email contact with the ZAGBA Board: zagba@hotmail.com Newsgroup Communications within the community: zagba@yahoogroups.com New Official Website www.zagba.org F E Z A N A U P D AT E S 09 THE ZOROASTRIAN CONGRESS 09 THE ZOROASTRIAN SPORTS COMMITTEE 09 T H E Z A R AT H U S H T I O R A L H I S T O R Y 09 PROJECT PA R S E E G E N E R A L H O S P I TA L A N N U A L 09 FUNDRAISER 09 SCHOLARSHIPS Z N YA A N D U P C O M I N G W O R L D 10 CONGRESS Posters made by the Children's Religious Classes, ZAGBA CHILDREN 'S CLASS POSTERS 11 on Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. Place an ad in the newsletter: Full Page $ 100 • Half Page $ 75 • Quater Page $ 50 01 3 1 07 2020 0707 Babies Current ZAGBA Community Events Congratulations on on your your new new addition! addition! Congratulations Nicole and Zubin Talavia of Arlington became proud proud parents parents Nicole and Zubin Talavia of Arlington became of Kaiyan Kaiyan Zubin Zubin Talavia Talavia on on March March 4, 4, 2007 2007 at at 12:18 12:18 am. am. He He of was 88 pounds pounds 33 ounces ounces and and 19.5 19.5 inches inches long. long. He He joins joins big big was Norouz Celebration sisterZAGBA Julia in in the the Talavia Talavia family. sister Julia family. Date: Saturday, March 24th, 2007 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 11 p.m Place: Byblos Restaurant and Function Hall in Norwood, MA Activities: Socializing and celebrating the new year, children’s presentation of the Norouz Haft Seen table and singing of the “21st March” song, board update, group prayer, Middle Eastern dance and music, dancing to the latest music, and Middle Eastern cuisine with dessert. Navjotes 2007 ZAGBA Annual Congratulations! Congratulations! Membership Dues. Darius Chikliwala’s Navjote Darius Navjote TheChikliwala’s ZAGBA fiscal year is from March 21, 2007 to Saturday, ceremony was held on Saturday, ceremony was held on March 20, 2008. We encourage you to become a 30, 2006 2006 or (Mah December 30, (Mah –– your membership for the December new member renew 2007-2008 Family Memberships (includes Amardad, Roj- Tir Tiryear. 1376 YZ) YZ) Amardad, Roj1376 couplesBaug, and all children under 18) are $60; Indiin Cama Cama Baug, Mumbai, in Mumbai, Memberships India.vidual Around 300 guests guestsare $30; Full-time Student India. Around 300 Memberships for those over 18 yrs. are $15. We will attended the function. attended the function. be compiling a new ZAGBA Directory for 2007 and the son son of of Mahbi Mahbi and and Darius isis the Darius will be asking for your updated information shortly. Chikliwala and and brother brother Shazad Chikliwala Shazad You can complete your membership at of www.ZAGBA.org. Zubin Chikliwala of Zubin Chikliwala If you already paid your memof Attleboro, Attleboro, MA. We We thankMarch event, please use the of dues at thank the bership MA. Pak Dadaar Dadaar Ahura Mazda for your information. If you are Pak Ahura Mazda for 'update' link to update making our small small function great success. (We also thank use(We the also 'new' form to our pay your function 2007-2008 dues, making aa great success. thank follow the directions enterfor print link members, and our family family members, our relatives relatives and all all our ourtofriends friends forand helping our our and helping your membership form and mail it in with your us and and joining us in in all all our our celebrations.) celebrations.) us joining us membership dues. You can pay your membership a Luczkow's check payable to was ZAGBA sent to dues Cyrus andwith Arman Luczkow's Navjote was held in inand Bombay, Cyrus and Arman Navjote held Bombay, Edul Nakra, 120 Sutherland Rd., Apt. #12, Brighton, on Jan Jan 6, 6, 2007 2007 at at Gallops, Gallops, Turf Turf Club. Club. This This was was aa combined combined on MA 02135. navjote of of all all four four cousins: cousins: Cyrus Cyrus and and Arman Arman live live in in the the navjote Boston area, and Sam and Maya live in Seattle. Boston area, and Sam and Maya live in Seattle. 2007-08 ZAGBA Calendar A dedicated team has worked energetically to put together our first official ZAGBA calendar. The response has been overwhelming and we are very pleased to be creating a truly unique calendar celebrating our community. As a community building tool, we hope this helps us think of each other throughout the year and remember our special days: birthdays, wedding anniversaries and death anniversaries of loved ones. As a fundraising tool for ZAGBA, the community gave generously with $25 donations for each reserved date. And many families took advantage of the “buy 4 dates, get 1 free” offer 0088 0 4 The four four children children prayed prayed extremely extremely well. well. The The dasturji's dasturji's and and The Parsi family members in Bombay were most impressed. the the Parsi family members in Bombay were most impressed. (We truly truly have have to to thank thank Farhad Farhad Panthaki Panthaki for for spending spending aa lot lot of of (We prayers. time with with Cyrus and Arman, teaching them their kusti prayers. time Cyrus and Arman, teaching them their kusti which was suggested by one of our members as an wasincentive. great evening evening with 200 guests guests and aa lot lotregular of good good food! food! )) ItIt was aa great with 200 and of This calendar includes holidays, from April 2007 to March 2008. To purchase a Achievements calendar or give feedback, please send email to parastu@townisp.com Congratulations! Congratulations! New ZAGBA Website Mahbi Chikliwala joined Cabot Cabot Corporationisas as aa Sr. Sr. Mahbi Chikliwala joined Corporation on February 20, 2007. The ComCorporate Accountant on February 20, 2007. The ComCorporate Accountant launched! pany isis located located at at Seaport Seaport Boulevard, Boulevard, Boston, Boston, MA. MA. Cabot Cabot pany For many years now ZAGBA has not had an active global specialty specialty chemicals chemicals and and perforperforCorporation isis aa global Corporation website. That changed this past month with the mance material material company headquartered headquartered in in Boston. Boston. mance effort of company our new Webmaster Rita Kapadia. She is working with the ZAGBA Board to design and Condolences create a website for ZAGBA. We hope that we can continue towith update Our thoughts are are with you.and improve the site, enhancing Our thoughts you. features and content regularly. Please visit the site Navroz and Hanoz Hanoz Gandhi's Gandhi's grandmother, Nargis Mehta, Navroz and grandmother, Nargis Mehta, www.zagba.org and we welcome your comments. in December December from from complications complications with with bypass bypass passed away away in passed enjoyed aa full full life life of of 86 86 years years and and was was the the reignreignsurgery. She She enjoyed surgery. ZAGBA Yahoo Group ing matriarch matriarch of of aa large large family. family. Her Her humility, humility, warmth, warmth, sense sense ing (zagba@yahoogroups.com) service and rummy addiction are things she will be of of service and rummy addiction are things she will be She isis survived survived by by her her husband husband Pesi, Pesi, three three remembered for. for. She remembered The ZAGBA Group is and for group children, seven Yahoo! grandchildren, two members great- to children, seven grandchildren, and two greatcommunicate with each other circulating grandchildren. grandchildren. Zarathushti-related news, and other Boston com- munity information. Examples might be informing Bahram KHosraviani passed away on December December 19, 2006 2006or a Bahram on 19, information the KHosraviani community passed aboutaway FEZANA in San San Jose, California. Child of Shireen and Foroud, he was in Jose, California. Child of Shireen and Foroud, he forward talk at Harvard or MIT, etc. Please do not was in 1925, 1925,letters in Rahmad Rahmad Abad Yazd. At the age of 14, he can born chain in in Abad Yazd. At the age of 14, he born or emails of that nature. You inemail Bombay, to ZAGBAhelp migrated to India India and and began working Bombay, help migrated to working subscribe by began sending an in to: to By 24 years of age, he. returned returned to Iran support his family. No t e : s u bhis s c rfamily. i b e @ yBy a h24 o oyears g r o uof p sage, .com P l e a sto e Iran he support e official A @ h omarry t m a i lhis .com s 56 s t i lyears, l t hPouran whereZ A heG B would marry his wife iof of 56 years, Pouran where he would wife ZAGBA Board address, please Behrooz, continue to They had 44email children, Homa,soNaheed, Naheed, Behrooz, Hormozi. They had children, Homa, Hormozi. use ZAGBA@hotmail.com to send email directly to (Bijan and and his his wife wife Negeen Negeen live live in in Arlington, Arlington, and Bijan. Bijan. (Bijan and the ZAGBA Board and expect to get Official Mr. KHosraviani KHosraviani and and his his older older brothers, brothers, the the late late MA.) Mr. MA.) ZAGBA correspondence from the Board from this Keikhosrow and Jamsheed founded the Rasti Printing Press Keikhosrow and Jamsheed founded the Rasti Printing Press hotmail email address. the pioneer pioneer and and prominent prominent Zoroastrian Zoroastrian printing printing shop shop in in -- the Iran. The The majority majority of of our our Zoroastrian Zoroastrian religious religious books books were were Iran. ZAGBA Newsletter famous Rasti Rasti Calendar Calendar has has been been published by this this firm. firm. Its famous published by Its Norooz item in every every Zoroastrian Zoroastrian household in Iran Iran and andwere Thisitem pastin year regular ZAGBA newsletters aa Norooz household in once WeBahram hope was that you have overseas foragain almostinitiated. half aa century. century. Bahram was aa lover lover of of life. life.been overseas for almost half thedifficult newsletters andhe wecontinued welcometo enjoying Through the most most difficult of times, times, he continued toyour greetfeedThrough the of greet back in an effort to improve them. The the world with his smile and warmth. He was a model by next the world with his smile and warmth. He was a model by completed in June/July ZAGBA newsletter will be Until his his very very last last years, years, he he his actions, actions, not not by by his his words. words. Until his Please to send your information was aa2007. physically activecontinue and involved involved human being. Despite to was physically active and human being. Despite parastu@townisp.com including address changes, his most most recent severe illnesses, heor maintained his strong his severe maintained new recent people in illnesses, the areahe new to his thestrong ZAGBA will and and continued to to fight fightmilestones, for each each day. day.achievements/awards, With his his positive positive will continued for With family/community, on life, life, in in spite spite of of all all difficulties, difficulties, he served served as aainterested great view community-relevant on he as great view information. People example of the Zoroastrian we all strive to become. example of the Zoroastrian we all strive to become. in placing ads in the newsletter for your business or nomessage, longer among among us, and and we miss miss him him dearly, for Although he isis no personal please contact Anaheeta longer us, we dearly, Although he details: ananavaty@printaspects.com his sweet sweet memories, smile, optimism optimism towards towards life, life, tolerance tolerance his memories, smile, and honesty honesty will will and patience patience with with difficulties, difficulties, his his purity, purity, and and always remain in our hearts. May his soul be joyous and always remain in our hearts. May his soul be joyous and strong in in the the warmth warmth of of heaven. heaven. strong FEZANA Updates submitted by by Parastu Parastu Dubash Dubash –– submitted The Zoroastrian Congress The Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Society Society of of Ontario Ontario (ZSO) (ZSO) isis hosting hosting the the The XIV North American Zoroastrian Congress “IMPACT XIV North American Zoroastrian Congress “IMPACT –– Unleash the the Spark Spark Within!” Within!” An An innovative innovative look look at at how how Unleash June Zoroastrianism has has impacted impacted our our world world from from Friday, Friday, June Zoroastrianism July 2nd, 2nd, 2007. 2007. 29th through through Monday, Monday, July 29th ZAGBA Holiday Dinner far, over over 350 350 individuals individuals from from all all over overParty the world world have have So far, the So registered for IMPACT! For information, please visit: registered for IMPACT! For information, please visit: The ZAGBA community celebrated the Holiday Dinner www.zoro-impact.com. www.zoro-impact.com. Party at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Arlington on DecemTitans of Our Our Community Community with innovative high-end Hear ber Titans of innovative Hear 2006. The event with included board high-end / committees 2nd, Mr. Ratan Tata, Lord Karan Bilimoria, Mr. Fali technology: Mr. Ratan Tata, Lord Karan Bilimoria, technology: updates and a community prayer led by all of Mr. our Fali children. Nariman, Mr. Behram Avari, and Mr. Nadir Godrej. Nariman, Mr. Behram Avari, and Mr. Nadir Godrej. A number of adults joined the children in costume and the mentor, and of Placefashion an ad, ad, donate donate used eyeglasses, eyeglasses, become aa mentor, and Place an used show/parade emceed bybecome Hufrish. To the delight play in in the World Zoroastrian Symphony Orchestra! play Zoroastrian Symphony Orchestra! allthe theWorld children (except one who was in tears!) a festive Santa ZAGBA Past ZAGBA, made an appearance and gave out presents. Yalda Two young festival, its origins and how it is celebrated. The 5th 5th Zarathushti Zarathushti Unity Unity Cup Cup Soccer Soccer Tournament Tournament The children from the Committee community (ZSC) made donations of several Sports invites athletes, The Zoroastrian The Zoroastrian Sports Committee (ZSC) invites athletes, the ZAGBA center from hundred dollars towards spectators, fans fans and and friends friends to to participate participate in in the the 5th 5th ZaraZara- their spectators, “birthday gift”Soccer requests for funds toward the Center Tournament at Aviation Aviation Park in inrather thushti Unity Cup Cup Soccer Tournament at Park thushti Unity than presents. Children’s creative and colorful posters Redondo Beach, Beach, California, California, September September 1-2, 1-2, 2007. 2007. This This on Redondo and Good Deeds” “Good Thoughts, Good Words be the the biggest biggest and and best best yet! yet! For For were tournament promises promises to to be tournament throughout thewww.zathletics.com evening. The clothing drive for moredisplayed information, please visit visit and help help more information, please www.zathletics.com and institutions in India and the canned food drive for the spread the the word. word. For For questions, questions, please please e-mail e-mail zsc@fezana.org. zsc@fezana.org. spread Greater Boston food bank organized by the Community Service group were both extremely successful and we thank for donating toward theseHistory good causes.Project Thanks to those TheyouZarathushti Oral who helped out in the kitchen, and to set up and clean up. In an an effort effort to to document document our our heritage heritage as as Zarathushtis Zarathushtis and and In Your efforts are greatly appreciated. The Thai-food dinner stimulate youth interest in their heritage and culture, the stimulate youth interest in their heritage and culture, the and the opportunity to socialize / dance were enjoyed by the aim of of the the project isis for for youth youth to to interview interview Zarathushtis, Zarathushtis, aim a journalist from guests.project Earlier in the evening, Rich Barlow, especially seniors, seniors, and and record record their their oral oral histories histories for for posterposterespecially the Boston Globe attended our event and spoke with a ity. Excerpts of the interviews will appear in Fall 2007 issue ity. Excerpts of the interviews will appear in Fall 2007 issue number of our members/friends. His article, “Ancient you are are willing willing to to help of the the FEZANA FEZANA JOURNAL. JOURNAL. IfIf you of Religion May Face Extinction” appeared in thehelp Boston coordinate interviews interviews in in your your area, area, share share your your recollections recollections coordinate Globe, Spiritual Life section on January 6, 2007 and of personal personal and and historic historic events, events, as well well as as migration migration stories, stories, or of of our included quotes by manyas members and a photo or participate as as an interviewer, interviewer, especially especially ifif you you are are aa youth youth participate class coordinator Ervad mobed an and children’s (Youth participation participation can foster foster interest in in family and and (Youth Farhad Pa n t h a kcan i . Yo u cinterest a n r e a d tfamily he article at community heritage, heritage, be be integrated integrated into into religious religious classes classes community http://tinyurl.com/ypyllj may fulfill community offered within associations, and offered within associations, and may fulfill community service requirements requirements in in some some schools.), schools.), please please reply reply directly directly service to: Dinyar Dinyar Patel Patel (ZAMWI), (ZAMWI), dinyar.patel@gmail.com; dinyar.patel@gmail.com; to: Nawaz Merchant Merchant (ZAGNY), (ZAGNY), nawazmerchant@yahoo.com; nawazmerchant@yahoo.com; Nawaz hkatki@gmail.com Project Project Hormuzd Katki Katki (ZAMWI), (ZAMWI), hkatki@gmail.com Hormuzd contacts will will mail mail interviewers interviewers suggested suggested topics topics and and quesquescontacts tions and and notes notes about about how how to to take take oral oral histories. histories. tions TheSpecial Zoroastrian Sports Committee thanks to Ali Salimi who described the Parsee General Hospital Annual Fundraiser ZAGBA Committee Updates For the the last last 21 21 years, years, Yasmin Yasmin and and Jamshed Jamshed Ghadiali Ghadiali of of For Baldwin, NY NY have have been been hosting hosting fundraisers fundraisers for for the the B.D. B.D. Baldwin, Petit Parsee Parsee General General Hospital. Hospital. Last Last year year they they collected collected and and Petit sent $27,600 $27,600 to to be be used used specifically specifically for for distributing distributing free free sent $400 to to medications to to poor poor and and needy needy Zoroastrians Zoroastrians and and $400 medications Zarathushti Center of Boston Parsi Ambulance Division to be utilized for making the the Parsi Ambulance Division to be utilized for making improvements the ambulance ambulance and and its its equipment. equipment. Since Since improvements (ZCB)toto the Update 1986,–they they have sent $310,046. They sincerely thank those 1986, have sent $310,046. They sincerely thank those submitted by Firdaus Bhathena This year year the the who have have supported supported and and donated donated generously. generously. This who After a brief lull during the winter holidays, the ZCB June 30, 30, 2007 2007effort fundraiser will will be be at at their their home home on on Saturday, Saturday, June fundraiser We are reaching out is picking up steam again. pm onwards onwards starting starting with with aa "Jasan" "Jasan" followed followed by byto the from 66 pm from community to step up to the $500,000 matchPlease and callbeyond (516) 3738-4516 or email email dinner. Please call (516) 3738-4516 or dinner. Fall. Please ing challenge that was announced last ghad@optonline.net ifif you you are are interested interested in in attending. attending. To To start ghad@optonline.net thinking about the level of contribution you and support the the fundraiser, fundraiser, please please make make your your check check payable payable to to your support familyand canmention make towards realization our collective 'ZAGNY' and mention in the thethe memo, CriticalofAssitance Assitance 'ZAGNY' in memo, Critical a Zarathusti Center of Boston that would serve vision for Fund Parsee General and mail it to Yasmin and Jamshed Fund - Parsee General and mail it to Yasmin and Jamshed the needs of our community for generations to Baldwin, NY NY 11510-3937 11510-3937 come. As Ghadiali 2686 2686 Belcher Belcher St. St. Baldwin, Ghadiali always, we welcome any help or suggestions from the community so please step forward if you feel you have Scholarships something to contribute towards our goal. Please contact Firdaus Bhathena (firdaus@alum.mit.edu) or Jerry Kheradi The FEZANA FEZANA 2006-2007 Annual Academic Academic Scholarship Scholarship The 2006-2007 Annual ( JerryKheradi@aol.com) regarding the ZCB. Program includes: Program includes: & Morvorid Morvorid Kheradi Kheradi Endowment Endowment 1) The The Mehraban Mehraban & 1) Zarathushti Children’s Religious Scholarship--The FEZANA FEZANA Scholar. Scholar. Scholarship--The Education Update 2) Banoobai Banoobai and and Maneckshaw Maneckshaw Kapadia Kapadia Endowment Endowment 2) – submitted by Farhad Panthaki Scholarship. Scholarship. 3) FEZANA FEZANA Scholarships. The FEZANA Scholarship 3) Scholarships. FEZANA Scholarship In the three months sinceThe the update in Dec ‘06 newsletter, Program was started in 1998 to recognize academic excellence Program was started in 1998 to recognize academic excellence the three groups of children have continued to expand on and provide provide Zarathushti Students in University University Programs and Zarathushti in Recently, the what they learned inStudents the first part of the year.Programs & and Financial Assistance to study study at Institutions Institutions inplanning the U.S. U.S. & Financial Assistance to at in the teachers have had an increased focus on for Judging and Selection Criteria along Canada. Eligibility, Judging and Selection Criteria along Canada. Eligibility, organizing activities for all the children to experience with together application procedures and forms forms are available available from with application and are as aprocedures single group. As a result, the last from couple of www.fezana.org Deadline Augusttowards 1, 2007. 2007.practicing the two www.fezana.org Deadline isis August 1, months have been devoted group activities performed by the children at the ZAGBA Norouz Celebration on March 24th: the 21st March song (sung to the tune of Clementine) and the Haft Seen Table Presentation. The kids have had a lot of fun practicing these activities. 0099 0 5 07 07 20 2020 07 07 07 Babies Babies Congratulations on your new addition! Current ZAGBA Community Events Congratulations your new addition!became proud parents Nicole and ZubinonTalavia of Arlington of Kaiyan March 4, 2007 at proud 12:18 am. He Nicole andZubin ZubinTalavia Talavia on of Arlington became parents wasKaiyan 8 pounds 3 ounces 19.5 inches long. He joins of Zubin Talaviaand on March 4, 2007 at 12:18 am. big He sister8Julia in the Talavia and family. was pounds 3 ounces 19.5 inches long. He joins big ZAGBA Norouz Celebration sister Julia in the Talavia family. Date: Saturday, March 24th, 2007 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 11 p.m Place: Byblos Restaurant and Function Hall in Norwood, MA Activities: Socializing and celebrating the new year, children’s presentation of the Norouz Haft Seen table and singing of the “21st March” song, board update, group prayer, Middle Eastern dance and music, dancing to the latest music, and Middle Eastern cuisine with dessert. Navjotes Navjotes 2007 ZAGBA Annual Congratulations! Congratulations! Membership Dues. Darius Chikliwala’s Navjote Saturday, ceremony wasfiscal held on Darius Chikliwala’s Navjote The ZAGBA year is from March 21, 2007 to 30,held 2006 (Mah – December ceremony on Saturday, March 20, was 2008. We encourage you to become a new member or renew your membership for the Amardad, RojTir 1376 YZ) December 30, 2006 (Mah – 2007-2008 year. Family Memberships (includes in Cama RojBaug, Mumbai, Amardad, Tir 1376 YZ) couples and all children under 18) are $60; IndiIndia.Cama Around 300Mumbai, guests in Baug, $30; Full-time Student vidual Memberships are attendedAround the 300function. India. guests Memberships for those over 18 yrs. are $15. We will and Darius is the son attended the of Mahbi function. be compiling a new ZAGBA Directory for 2007 and and brother Shazad isChikliwala the son Mahbi and information shortly. willDarius be asking for of your updated of Zubin Chikliwala Chikliwala and brother Shazad You can complete your membership at Weyou thank of Attleboro, Zubin MA. If Chikliwala already paid your memwww.ZAGBA.org. PakAttleboro, Dadaar for event, please use the of We thank dues Ahura atMA. theMazda March bership Pak Dadaar Ahura Mazda update yourfor 'update' link making our to small function ainformation. great success. If (Weyou alsoarethank use the 'new' form to making pay your 2007-2008 dues, our family our relatives and all our friends for helping ourmembers, small function a great success. (We also thank follow the directions to enter and print linkour and us and joining us in all celebrations.) family members, ourour relatives and all our friends for helping your membership mail it in with your us and joining us inform all ourand celebrations.) membership dues. You can pay yourwas membership Cyrus and Arman Luczkow's Navjote held in Bombay, dues with a check payable to ZAGBA and to on Jan and 6, 2007 at Gallops, TurfNavjote Club. This wassent aincombined Cyrus Arman Luczkow's was held Bombay, Edul Nakra, 120 Sutherland Rd., Apt. #12, Brighton, navjote all four cousins:Turf Cyrus andThis Arman in the Jan 6,of2007 at Gallops, Club. was alive combined MAon02135. Boston area, Samcousins: and Maya live and in Seattle. navjote of alland four Cyrus Arman live in the Boston area, and Sam and Maya live in Seattle. 2007-08 ZAGBA Calendar A dedicated team has worked energetically to put together our first official ZAGBA calendar. The response has been overwhelming and we are very pleased to be creating a truly unique calendar celebrating our community. As a community building tool, we hope this helps us think of each other throughout the year and remember our special days: birthdays, wedding anniversaries and death anniversaries of loved ones. As a fundraising tool for ZAGBA, the community gave generously with $25 donations for each reserved date. And many families took advantage of the “buy 4 dates, get 1 free” offer 08 04 08 The four children prayed extremely well. The dasturji's and members in Bombaywell. wereThe most impressed. the Parsi The four family children prayed extremely dasturji's and (WeParsi truly family have tomembers thank Farhad Panthaki formost spending a lot of in Bombay were impressed. the time truly with have Cyrustoand Arman, teaching themfortheir kusti prayers. (We thank Farhad Panthaki spending a lot of It waswith a great evening with 200 guests and atheir lot ofkusti good food! time Cyrus and Arman, teaching them which was suggested by one of our members asprayers. an ) incentive. Thisevening calendar regular It was a great with includes 200 guests and a lot holidays, of good food! ) Achievements from April 2007 to March 2008. To purchase a Achievements calendar or give feedback, please send email to Congratulations! parastu@townisp.com Congratulations! Mahbi Chikliwala joined Cabot Corporation as a Sr. New ZAGBA Website on February 20, is 2007. The Corporate Accountant Mahbi Chikliwala joined Cabot Corporation as Coma Sr. pany is located at Seaport Boston, Corporate Accountant on Boulevard, February 20, 2007. MA. The Cabot Comlaunched! is ata Seaport global specialty chemicals Corporation pany is located Boulevard, Boston, and MA. perforCabot For many years now ZAGBA has not had an active mance material company headquartered in Boston. a global this specialty and perforCorporation website. That ischanged past chemicals month with the mance material company headquartered in Boston. effort of our new Webmaster Rita Kapadia. She is Condolences working with the ZAGBA Board to design and Condolences create websitearefor ZAGBA. We hope that we can Our athoughts with you. improve the site, enhancing continue to update and Our thoughts are with you. Navrozand and content Hanoz Gandhi's grandmother, Nargis regularly. Please visit the Mehta, site features passed away in December from complications with bypass Navroz and Hanoz Gandhi's grandmother, Nargis Mehta, www.zagba.org and we welcome your comments. a full life of complications 86 years and was thebypass reignsurgery.away She enjoyed in December from with passed ing matriarch of a large family. Her humility, warmth, sense enjoyed a full life of 86 years and was the reignsurgery. She ZAGBA Yahooaddiction Group andof rummy are thingswarmth, she will be of service ing matriarch a large family. Her humility, sense (zagba@yahoogroups.com) She is survived by her husband Pesi, three remembered for. of service and rummy addiction are things she will be children, seven twoPesi,greatis survived by herand husband three remembered for. Shegrandchildren, The ZAGBA Yahoo! Group is for group members to grandchildren. children, seven grandchildren, and two greatcommunicate with each other circulating grandchildren. Zarathushti-related news, and other Boston comBahram KHosravianiExamples passed away on December 19, 2006 munity information. might be informing incommunity San Jose, California. ofaway Shireen and Foroud, KHosraviani passed on December 19, information orhe2006 awas theBahram about Child FEZANA in 1925, in Rahmad Abad Yazd. At the age of 14, he born in San Jose, California. Child of Shireen and Foroud, he talk at Harvard or MIT, etc. Please do not forwardwas in Bombay, to help migrated to India and began working in 1925, in Rahmad Abad Yazd. At the age of 14, he born chain letters or emails of that nature. You can subscribe an working email to:Bombay, ZAGBABy 24 years of age, in he returned to help Iran support his family. to migrated toby Indiasending and began : s u bsupport s c r i b ehe @ ywould a h o o gmarry r o u24 p syears .com e56 areturned s eyears,NoPouran where his wife ofP lhe By of. age, tot eIran his family. t h eyears, official Z Awhere GBA@ t m a ihad l .marry c o4mchildren, i s wife sHoma, t i lof l 56 Naheed, Behrooz, Hormozi. heh oThey would his Pouran ZAGBA Board email pleaseNaheed, continue to (Bijan and4address, his wife soNegeen live in Arlington, and Bijan. They had children, Homa, Behrooz, Hormozi. useand ZAGBA@hotmail.com to send email directly to Mr. KHosraviani older brothers, the late MA.)Bijan. (Bijan and hisand wifehisNegeen live in Arlington, the ZAGBA Board and expect to get Official Keikhosrow and Jamsheedand founded the Rasti Printing Mr. KHosraviani his older brothers, thePress late MA.) ZAGBA correspondence from the Board from this the pioneer and prominent Zoroastrian printing shop in Keikhosrow and Jamsheed founded the Rasti Printing Press hotmail email address. majority of our Zoroastrian religious books were -Iran. the The pioneer and prominent Zoroastrian printing shop in famous Rastireligious Calendar has been published by this firm. Its Zoroastrian Iran. The majority of our books were ZAGBA Newsletter a Norooz item in firm. every Its Zoroastrian household in has Iranbeen and famous Rasti Calendar published by this This past year regular ZAGBA newsletters were almost half aZoroastrian century. Bahram was a lover of and life. aoverseas Noroozforitem in every household in Iran once againfor initiated. We hope thatheyou been Through the most half difficult of times, continued toofgreet overseas almost a century. Bahram washave a lover life. thethe newsletters and we welcome your feedenjoying the world with his difficult smile and was a model by Through most ofwarmth. times, heHe continued to greet back in an effort to improve them. The next Until his very last years, he his actions, not by his words. the world with his smile and warmth. He was a model by ZAGBA newsletter will be completed in June/July wasactions, a physically active involved being. Despite Untilhuman his very last years, he his not by his and words. 2007. Please continue to send your information to his most recent severe illnesses, he maintained his strong was a physically active and involved human being. Despite parastu@townisp.com including address changes, willpeople and continued toarea fight for new each day. his his most recent severe illnesses, he maintained hispositive strong new in the or to With the ZAGBA on life, in spite all difficulties, heWith servedhisaspositive a great viewand will continued tooffight for each day. milestones, achievements/awards, family/community, example of in thespite Zoroastrian we all strive to asbecome. on life, of all difficulties, he served a great view community-relevant information. People interested nothe longer amongwe us, we miss dearly, Although he isin of the Zoroastrian allyour strive tohim become. newsletter forand business or in example placing ads personal message, please contact Anaheeta for his sweet memories, smile, optimism towards life, tolerance among us, and we miss him dearly, Although he is no longer details: ananavaty@printaspects.com andlife, honesty will andsweet patience with difficulties, his purity, his memories, smile, optimism towards tolerance always remainwith in our hearts. his Maypurity, his soul joyous and andbehonesty will and patience difficulties, strong in the warmth heaven.May his soul be joyous and always remain in our of hearts. strong in the warmth of heaven. FEZANA Updates FEZANA Updates – submitted by Parastu Dubash – submitted by Parastu Dubash The Zoroastrian Congress The Zoroastrian Congress The Zoroastrian Society of Ontario (ZSO) is hosting the XIV Zoroastrian North American Zoroastrian The Society of OntarioCongress (ZSO) is“IMPACT hosting the– Unleash the Spark Within!” An innovative look at how – XIV North American Zoroastrian Congress “IMPACT Zoroastrianism has impacted from look Friday, Unleash the Spark Within!” our An world innovative at June how July 2nd, 29th through Monday, Zoroastrianism has impacted our2007. world from Friday, June over 350 individuals from2007. all over the world have So far,through July 2nd, 29th Monday, ZAGBA Holiday Dinner Party registered information, far, overfor 350IMPACT! individualsFor from all over theplease world visit: have So www.zoro-impact.com. registered for IMPACT! For information, please visit: The ZAGBA community celebrated the Holiday Dinner Titans Our Community innovative high-end Hear www.zoro-impact.com. Party at St. Paul’sofLutheran Church inwith Arlington on DecemRatan Tata, Lord with Karan Bilimoria, Mr. Fali technology: ofThe Our Community innovative high-end 2006.Mr. event included board / committees berHear 2nd,Titans Nariman, Mr. Behram Avari, and Mr. Nadir Godrej. Mr. Ratan Tata, Lord Karan Bilimoria, Mr. technology: updates and a community prayer led by all of our children.Fali a mentor, Place anofad, donate used eyeglasses, Nariman, Mr. Behram Avari, and Mr.become Godrej. A number adults joined the children inNadir costume and theand play in the World Zoroastrian Symphony Orchestra! mentor,ofand Placeshow/parade an ad, donateemceed used eyeglasses, become fashion by Hufrish. To thea delight play in the World Zoroastrian Symphony Orchestra! all the children (except one who was in tears!) a festive Santa ZAGBA, made an appearance and gave out presents. The Zoroastrian Sports Committee Special thanks to Ali Salimi who described the Yalda The Zoroastrian Sports Committee The 5th Zarathushti Unity Cup Soccer Tournament festival, its origins and how it is celebrated. Two young Sports Unity Committee athletes, The Zoroastrian The 5th Zarathushti Cup (ZSC) Soccerinvites Tournament children from the community made donations of several spectators, fans and friends to participate in the 5th ZaraThe Zoroastrian Sports Committee (ZSC) invites athletes, hundred dollars towards the ZAGBA center from their at in Aviation in thushti Unity spectators, fansCup andSoccer friendsTournament to participate the 5thPark Zara“birthday gift” requests for funds toward the Center rather Redondo Beach, Septemberat1-2, 2007.Park This Soccer Tournament Aviation in thushti Unity CupCalifornia, than presents. Children’s creative and colorful posters on biggest and For tournament promises to be the Redondo Beach, California, September 1-2, best 2007.yet!This “Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds” were more information, please www.zathletics.com be the biggest and best and yet! help For tournament promises to visit displayed throughout the evening. The clothing drive for spreadinformation, the word. Forplease questions, please e-mail zsc@fezana.org. more visit www.zathletics.com and help institutions in India and the canned food drive for the spread the word. For questions, please e-mail zsc@fezana.org. Greater Boston food bank organized by the Community Service were both extremely and Project we thank Thegroup Zarathushti Oralsuccessful History youThe for donating toward theseOral good causes. Thanks to those Zarathushti History Project an effort ourand heritage whoInhelped outtoindocument the kitchen, to set as upZarathushtis and clean up.and stimulate youth interest in heritage and culture, the In an effort togreatly document ourtheir heritage as Zarathushtis Your efforts are appreciated. The Thai-food dinnerand aim of the project is for youth to interview Zarathushtis, youth interest in their heritage and culture, andstimulate the opportunity to socialize / dance were enjoyed by thethe especially seniors, and record their oral histories for posteraim of the project is for youth to interview Zarathushtis, guests. Earlier in the evening, Rich Barlow, a journalist from ity. Excerpts of the interviews will appear in Fall 2007 especially seniors, and record their oral histories for postera the Boston Globe attended our event and spoke with issue you article, arein willing to issue help of the ity. Excerpts theJOURNAL. interviews willIfHis appear Fall“Ancient 2007 number ofFEZANA ourof members/friends. coordinate interviews in your area, shareare your If you willing to help of the May FEZANA Religion Face JOURNAL. Extinction” appeared in therecollections Boston of personal and historic events, as well as migration stories, coordinate interviews in your area, share your recollections Globe, Spiritual Life section on January 6, 2007 and or participate as an interviewer, especially ifphoto you areofstories, a our youth of personal and as well or included quotes byhistoric many events, members andas amigration (Youthand participation canclass foster interest in family and participate aschildren’s an interviewer, especially if you areErvad a youth coordinator mobed community heritage, be integrated into religious classes (Youth participation can foster interest in family and Farhad Pa n t h a k i . Yo u c a n r e a d t h e a r t i c l e a t community offered within associations, and may community heritage, be integrated intofulfill religious classes http://tinyurl.com/ypyllj service requirements in some schools.), please reply directly offered within associations, and may fulfill community to: Dinyar Patel (ZAMWI), dinyar.patel@gmail.com; service requirements in some schools.), please reply directly Nawaz Merchant nawazmerchant@yahoo.com; to: Dinyar Patel(ZAGNY), (ZAMWI), dinyar.patel@gmail.com; hkatki@gmail.com Project Hormuzd Katki (ZAMWI), Nawaz Merchant (ZAGNY), nawazmerchant@yahoo.com; contacts will mail(ZAMWI), interviewers suggested topics andProject queshkatki@gmail.com Hormuzd Katki tions andwill notes about how to take oral histories. contacts mail interviewers suggested topics and questions and notes about how to take oral histories. ZAGBA Past Parsee General Hospital Parsee Hospital Annual General Fundraiser Annual Fundraiser For the last 21 years, Yasmin and Jamshed Ghadiali of ZAGBA Committee Updates Baldwin, NY21have been hostingand fundraisers the B.D. For the last years, Yasmin Jamshed for Ghadiali of Petit Parsee Hospital. Lastfundraisers year they collected and Baldwin, NYGeneral have been hosting for the B.D. sent $27,600 to be Hospital. used specifically distributing free Petit Parsee General Last yearforthey collected and to medications and needy Zoroastrians and $400free sent $27,600totopoor be used specifically for distributing Division be utilizedand for $400 making the Parsi Ambulance to medications to poor and needy to Zoroastrians Zarathushti Boston improvements to the Center ambulance its equipment. Since Parsi Ambulance Division toand beof utilized for making the 1986, theyUpdate havetosent thank those improvements the$310,046. ambulanceThey and sincerely its equipment. Since (ZCB) This year the who have supported and donated generously. 1986, they have sent $310,046. They sincerely thank those – submitted by Firdaus Bhathena 2007 fundraiser will be at their home ongenerously. Saturday, June This30, year the who have supported and donated After a brief lull during the winter holidays, the June ZCB effort 6 pm onwards starting a "Jasan" followed by from 30, 2007 fundraiser will be at their homewith on Saturday, We are reaching out to is picking up steam again. Please callstarting (516)with3738-4516 or the email dinner.6 pm onwards a "Jasan" followed by from community and beyond step upinterested to3738-4516 the $500,000 ghad@optonline.net iftoyou are in attending. To Please call (516) ormatchemail dinner. Fall. Please start ingghad@optonline.net challenge that was announced last support the fundraiser, please your check payable To to if you aremake interested in attending. thinking about the level please ofincontribution you your to 'ZAGNY' mention the memo, Assitance support theand fundraiser, make yourCritical checkand payable family make towards the realization ofCritical our and collective Fundcan - Parsee to Yasmin Jamshed 'ZAGNY' andGeneral mentionand in mail the it memo, Assitance a Zarathusti Center of Boston that would serve vision for Baldwin, NY 11510-3937 Ghadiali 2686 Belcher St. Fund - Parsee General and mail it to Yasmin and Jamshed theGhadiali needs of2686 our community for generations to come. Belcher St. Baldwin, NY 11510-3937 As always, we welcome any help or suggestions from the Scholarships community so please step forward if you feel you have Scholarships something to contribute towards our goal. Please contact The FEZANA 2006-2007 Annual Academic Scholarship Kheradi Firdaus Bhathena (firdaus@alum.mit.edu) or Jerry Program includes: The FEZANA 2006-2007 Annual Academic Scholarship ( JerryKheradi@aol.com) regarding the ZCB. Program includes: 1) The Mehraban & Morvorid Kheradi Endowment Scholarship--The FEZANA Scholar. Kheradi Endowment & Morvorid 1) The Mehraban Zarathushti Children’s Religious Scholarship--The FEZANA Scholar. Banoobai and Maneckshaw Kapadia Endowment 2) Education Update Scholarship. Banoobai and Maneckshaw Kapadia Endowment 2) – submitted by Farhad Panthaki The FEZANA Scholarship 3) FEZANA Scholarships. Scholarship. Program was started in 1998 toThe recognize excellence FEZANA Scholarships. Scholarship In 3) the three months since the update inFEZANA Decacademic ‘06 newsletter, and provide Zarathushti Students in University Programs was started in 1998 to recognize academic excellence theProgram three groups of children have continued to expand on Financial Assistance study in thePrograms U.S. and provide Zarathushti Students in year. University Recently, the & what they learned in thetofirst partatofInstitutions the Judging and Selection Criteria along Canada. & Financial Assistance to study focus at Institutions in the teachers haveEligibility, had an increased on planning forU.S. and with application procedures and forms are from Judging andchildren Selection Criteria along Canada. Eligibility, organizing activities for all the to available experience www.fezana.org is August 1,the 2007. with application procedures and forms arelastavailable as a single Deadline group. As a result, couple from of together www.fezana.org August 1, 2007. the two months have been Deadline devoted istowards practicing group activities performed by the children at the ZAGBA Norouz Celebration on March 24th: the 21st March song (sung to the tune of Clementine) and the Haft Seen Table Presentation. The kids have had a lot of fun practicing these activities. 09 0 50 9 20 07 Our Maydefinitely 6th class do willit be heldnext at the Associawould again yearZoroastrian and encourage more tion of Greater New York (ZAGNY) Darbe Mehr in friends to join the biking. Pomona, NY, as part of an overnight family field trip organized to coordinate ZAGNY’s Children’s Class. Jashan andwithGhambhar The children from both associations will participate in a ZAGBA class. celebrated Annualfrom Ghambhar combined The its children ZAGBA and will Jashan have anon 14th at Edwards Church Framingham. Saturday, Oct. opportunity to experience the Darbe Mehrinand have fun Our priests Ervads Farhad Panthaki and Yezad Nalladaru bonding with each other. More details on this “field trip” performed a beautiful Jashan ceremony, led the community will be coming shortly. Please note the dates of the next 3 Jashan and the significance in a group prayer, and explained classes – there are some changes the from the original schedule. the Ayathrem Ghambhar. The congregation also of The most up-to-date schedule can always be foundappreciated on the their handout describing the ‘Jashan ceremony.’ The ZAGBA website www.zagba.org. Ghambhar dinner was prepared by seventeen different ZAGBA families! The dinner included kababs, lagan stew, Spring 2007 Class Dates rice, dhansak dal, and 1:45 pm – 3:00 pm; katchumbar. Shuman Center, Apologies in advance if we left out your name - a special 675 Sawmill Newton, MA. Bhaghat, Aban thanks goes Brook out to Parkway, Viloo Banerjee, Zarine Kayo Dotiwala, Jamshed Dubash, Aspi Dhondy, April 8, 2007 (1stand Sunday) Engineer, Nazneen Engineer, Anaheet Gazder, Rita Kapadia, May 6, 2007 Sunday) Rashna Lam,(1st Jayanti Mistry, Beroz Mody, Roxanne Mody, will be held in Pomona, NY at ZAGNY Darbe Mehr Firoza Panthaki, Kashmira Patel, Dilnavaz Shroff, Binaita Sidhwa, Hufrish Sirohi, Perinaaz Wadia, and Tanaz Yadav June 3, 2007 (1st Sunday) for cooking delicious food for the event and to those helped Please note this date change! with the set up, warming and serving of the food, and clean There are no classes in July and August. up. Thanks also to Firoza and Hufrish for organizing the Regular classes will begin in Sept 2007. event, Edul N. for his treasurer duties, Yezad N. and ArmeenInformation N. for great dance music. Other activities of the Contact evening a ZAGBA updatefor bythe President more included information or to register classes, Jamshed please For a fewPanthaki spiritedorgames bingo, icebreaker Dubash, contact Farhad any ofofthe otheran teachers listedto meet new friends, and of course, socializing and dancing. below. Many in attendance including kids were wearing ethnic Hufrish Sirohi attire270-5428, including Hufrish_Sirohi@Millipore.com sarees, shalvar kemise, duglees, shervanis, (781) and kurtas adding to the sense of Ghambhar. Yezad Nalladaru At the event, Kristen Greico, a journalism graduate student (617) 834-5989,yezad@hotmail.com at BU spoke with a number of our members/friends. She is Farhad Panthaki working on a feature story for the BU Comment, a Boston (781) 769-5309, fpanthaki@yahoo.com University magazine. The theme of the issue is ‘Heritage.’ Kaizad Patel an article in the NY Times about the ZoroasAfter seeing (508) 845-9897, trian populationkaizad@townisp.com decline she wanted to examine if/how the “decline” was affecting Zoroastrians and their views regarding intermarriage. Her article will also be educational and describe how traditions are passed down and perpetuated in the U.S. She was joined by Chad Stuart a professional photographer and a BU graduate student in photojournal- 06 Adult Education Update: ZAGBA’s Gatha Studies Group at Harvard – submitted by Nasswan Dossabhoy The Gatha Studies group has been meeting every month regularly and for those interested mark your calendars for Sat. April 7 at the Phillips Brooks House in the heart of Harvard Yard (not Square). It is a pleasure to report that our group has been reenergized by enquiring younger minds who juggle their hectic social lives to attend and even drive all the way from Brown U (RI) and Yale U (CT). For those of you even minimally involved in keeping up with current cultural trends, God is back in business. There are a bunch of good books out by scientists and non-scientists, and The NY Times Sunday magazine had a cover story last week on Why Do We Believe?: How evolutionary science explains faith in God. If anyone wants to experience firsthand how such a faith began you are welcome to join us as we probe into Zarathustra’s mind—word by word. We may only grasp, and that too dimly, at most three ideas over two hours, but in the process it energizes all our minds. So if you want to beat A (Alzheimer’s or Anxiety or Apathy) with Z, come on over! Youth Group Update – submitted by Daryush Mehta The Zoroastrian Students of Boston has had a great start to the New Year, slowly bridging that gap to the 21st century (or are we already there yet?). Our members have actively participated in the monthly meetings of the Gatha Study Group, which has been rejuvenated the past couple of years. Farokh, Roshni, Nazneen, Parendi, Shireen, and I meet with the "founding fathers:" Cyrus Mehta, Firoze Jungalwala, and Nasswan Dossabhoy. Analyzing and translating the Gathas word-by-word is not just a mere academic endeavor, but a quest to reach the answers to life's most basic questions. These hymns of praise and questioning are not esoteric lines of poetry, but pertinent axioms that apply to any time, situation, and being. If you are intrigued and would simply like to sit in, please contact Cyrus Mehta at mehta@cytel.com. On February 18, we took advantage of some of the cold offered by the New England weather angels and traveled west to Wachusett Mountain for a fun-filled (and sunfilled!) day of skiing. Mother Nature was having a good day so the snow was perfect for learning and practicing our snow plow. Wachusett is close by, offers good rates, and is very family-friendly, making it an attractive location. Neville, Roshni, Perinaaz, and I hopefully can attest to that! Roshni, who is a natural, and I stuck to the bunny slopes, while Neville and Perinaaz braved the blues and double-black diamonds of the mountain. Let us know if you would like to join a future ski trip with us. Future events are oriented around social gatherings so students may network with each other and discussions about Zoroastrianism in society with prominent scholars. Planned invitees include Bijan KHosraviani, Dr. Nadjmi from Rhode Island, and Professor Irani from New York. Upcoming international events are the Zoroastrian National Congress in Toronto www.zoro-impact.com in June/July and the World Zoroastrian Youth Congress in Victoria, Australia in December www.4wzyc.org/ You may be interested in the scholarships and ZYNA section listed in this newsletter. Community Service Update – submitted by Yezad Nalladaru February 2007 - A group of 14 members from ZAGBA volunteered for our Winter Community Service project at the Greater Boston Food Bank on Sat, Feb 24, 2007. Along with 60 other volunteers for the 4-hour shift, we helped GBFB Operations at their central warehouse facility in Boston. Volunteers went through a quick training on various jobs. Our volunteers did an impressive job, as a team they inspected, sorted, repacked 11,000 pounds of food items on the assembly line and lastly they did quality control and scanned the arranged boxes. These boxes will be distributed to local hunger relief agencies from GBFB. Volunteers included Adi and Rutty Guzdar, Jamshed and Rita Kapadia, Farhad and Firoza Panthaki, Jamshed and Parastu Dubash, Armeen Nanavaty, Ferzin Engineer, Tara Raman, Malcolm Kavarana, Minoee Mody, Sanober Langrana, and Yezad Nalladaru. Those who participated wanted to know when the next GBFB event would be held since it was definitely a very satisfying volunteering experience and all walked away with a greater awareness of food and hunger issues facing the greater Boston area. December 2006 - The ZAGBA Community Canned Food and Clothing Drive during 2006 Holiday season was a great success. ZAGBA delivered two large crates of canned food and other supplies to the Greater Boston Food Bank. We have received acknowledgements for the generosity of ZAGBA members and friends for sending gently-used clothes to: Dadar Athornan Boy's Boarding School, Bai Avabai F. Petit Girl's Boarding School, and Happy Home and School for the Blind all in Mumbai. Special thanks to the Bhathenas, Dubash’s and Yadavs who carried suitcases to India for this Clothing Drive. The next scheduled ZAGBA service activities include volunteering at the Special Olympics Summer Games in June and walking again for the Jimmy Fund Walk in September. If you have any ideas for future service activities, please send an email to Yezad at yezad@hotmail.com. ZAGBA Community News Thank you for submitting your family’s milestones to ZAGBA, we have tried to include them as you have submitted them to us. Remember to also send them to the FEZANA Journal to Mahrukh Motafram: mmotafram@msn.com Weddings Adil Shroff and Nazneen Talati were married on December 1, 2006 in Mumbai, India. Nazneen is the daughter of Arnavaz and Rohin Talati of Los Angeles. Adil is the son of Dilnavaz and Hoshang Shroff of Massachusetts. Adil and his brother Mehernush were born and grew up in Massachusetts and were the original members of the children's group when it was started in ZAGBA. As a young adult, Adil participated in youth activities and has fond memories of his connection with the local community. Currently he is located in Minneapolis, MN, but has maintained ties with his friends in Massachusetts. We wish the bride and groom ‘All the Best’ in their married life. 07 20 07 Our Maydefinitely 6th class do willit be heldnext at the Associawould again yearZoroastrian and encourage more tion of Greater New York (ZAGNY) Darbe Mehr in friends to join the biking. Pomona, NY, as part of an overnight family field trip organized to coordinate ZAGNY’s Children’s Class. Jashan andwithGhambhar The children from both associations will participate in a ZAGBA class. celebrated Annualfrom Ghambhar combined The its children ZAGBA and will Jashan have anon 14th at Edwards Church Framingham. Saturday, Oct. opportunity to experience the Darbe Mehrinand have fun Our priests Ervads Farhad Panthaki and Yezad Nalladaru bonding with each other. More details on this “field trip” performed a beautiful Jashan ceremony, led the community will be coming shortly. Please note the dates of the next 3 Jashan and the significance in a group prayer, and explained classes – there are some changes the from the original schedule. the Ayathrem Ghambhar. The congregation also of The most up-to-date schedule can always be foundappreciated on the their handout describing the ‘Jashan ceremony.’ The ZAGBA website www.zagba.org. Ghambhar dinner was prepared by seventeen different ZAGBA families! The dinner included kababs, lagan stew, Spring 2007 Class Dates rice, dhansak dal, and 1:45 pm – 3:00 pm; katchumbar. Shuman Center, Apologies in advance if we left out your name - a special 675 Sawmill Newton, MA. Bhaghat, Aban thanks goes Brook out to Parkway, Viloo Banerjee, Zarine Kayo Dotiwala, Jamshed Dubash, Aspi Dhondy, April 8, 2007 (1stand Sunday) Engineer, Nazneen Engineer, Anaheet Gazder, Rita Kapadia, May 6, 2007 Sunday) Rashna Lam,(1st Jayanti Mistry, Beroz Mody, Roxanne Mody, will be held in Pomona, NY at ZAGNY Darbe Mehr Firoza Panthaki, Kashmira Patel, Dilnavaz Shroff, Binaita Sidhwa, Hufrish Sirohi, Perinaaz Wadia, and Tanaz Yadav June 3, 2007 (1st Sunday) for cooking delicious food for the event and to those helped Please note this date change! with the set up, warming and serving of the food, and clean There are no classes in July and August. up. Thanks also to Firoza and Hufrish for organizing the Regular classes will begin in Sept 2007. event, Edul N. for his treasurer duties, Yezad N. and ArmeenInformation N. for great dance music. Other activities of the Contact evening a ZAGBA updatefor bythe President more included information or to register classes, Jamshed please For a fewPanthaki spiritedorgames bingo, icebreaker Dubash, contact Farhad any ofofthe otheran teachers listedto meet new friends, and of course, socializing and dancing. below. Many in attendance including kids were wearing ethnic Hufrish Sirohi attire270-5428, including Hufrish_Sirohi@Millipore.com sarees, shalvar kemise, duglees, shervanis, (781) and kurtas adding to the sense of Ghambhar. Yezad Nalladaru At the event, Kristen Greico, a journalism graduate student (617) 834-5989,yezad@hotmail.com at BU spoke with a number of our members/friends. She is Farhad Panthaki working on a feature story for the BU Comment, a Boston (781) 769-5309, fpanthaki@yahoo.com University magazine. The theme of the issue is ‘Heritage.’ Kaizad Patel an article in the NY Times about the ZoroasAfter seeing (508) 845-9897, trian populationkaizad@townisp.com decline she wanted to examine if/how the “decline” was affecting Zoroastrians and their views regarding intermarriage. Her article will also be educational and describe how traditions are passed down and perpetuated in the U.S. She was joined by Chad Stuart a professional photographer and a BU graduate student in photojournal- 06 Adult Education Update: ZAGBA’s Gatha Studies Group at Harvard – submitted by Nasswan Dossabhoy The Gatha Studies group has been meeting every month regularly and for those interested mark your calendars for Sat. April 7 at the Phillips Brooks House in the heart of Harvard Yard (not Square). It is a pleasure to report that our group has been reenergized by enquiring younger minds who juggle their hectic social lives to attend and even drive all the way from Brown U (RI) and Yale U (CT). For those of you even minimally involved in keeping up with current cultural trends, God is back in business. There are a bunch of good books out by scientists and non-scientists, and The NY Times Sunday magazine had a cover story last week on Why Do We Believe?: How evolutionary science explains faith in God. If anyone wants to experience firsthand how such a faith began you are welcome to join us as we probe into Zarathustra’s mind—word by word. We may only grasp, and that too dimly, at most three ideas over two hours, but in the process it energizes all our minds. So if you want to beat A (Alzheimer’s or Anxiety or Apathy) with Z, come on over! Youth Group Update – submitted by Daryush Mehta The Zoroastrian Students of Boston has had a great start to the New Year, slowly bridging that gap to the 21st century (or are we already there yet?). Our members have actively participated in the monthly meetings of the Gatha Study Group, which has been rejuvenated the past couple of years. Farokh, Roshni, Nazneen, Parendi, Shireen, and I meet with the "founding fathers:" Cyrus Mehta, Firoze Jungalwala, and Nasswan Dossabhoy. Analyzing and translating the Gathas word-by-word is not just a mere academic endeavor, but a quest to reach the answers to life's most basic questions. These hymns of praise and questioning are not esoteric lines of poetry, but pertinent axioms that apply to any time, situation, and being. If you are intrigued and would simply like to sit in, please contact Cyrus Mehta at mehta@cytel.com. On February 18, we took advantage of some of the cold offered by the New England weather angels and traveled west to Wachusett Mountain for a fun-filled (and sunfilled!) day of skiing. Mother Nature was having a good day so the snow was perfect for learning and practicing our snow plow. Wachusett is close by, offers good rates, and is very family-friendly, making it an attractive location. Neville, Roshni, Perinaaz, and I hopefully can attest to that! Roshni, who is a natural, and I stuck to the bunny slopes, while Neville and Perinaaz braved the blues and double-black diamonds of the mountain. Let us know if you would like to join a future ski trip with us. Future events are oriented around social gatherings so students may network with each other and discussions about Zoroastrianism in society with prominent scholars. Planned invitees include Bijan KHosraviani, Dr. Nadjmi from Rhode Island, and Professor Irani from New York. Upcoming international events are the Zoroastrian National Congress in Toronto www.zoro-impact.com in June/July and the World Zoroastrian Youth Congress in Victoria, Australia in December www.4wzyc.org/ You may be interested in the scholarships and ZYNA section listed in this newsletter. Community Service Update – submitted by Yezad Nalladaru February 2007 - A group of 14 members from ZAGBA volunteered for our Winter Community Service project at the Greater Boston Food Bank on Sat, Feb 24, 2007. Along with 60 other volunteers for the 4-hour shift, we helped GBFB Operations at their central warehouse facility in Boston. Volunteers went through a quick training on various jobs. Our volunteers did an impressive job, as a team they inspected, sorted, repacked 11,000 pounds of food items on the assembly line and lastly they did quality control and scanned the arranged boxes. These boxes will be distributed to local hunger relief agencies from GBFB. Volunteers included Adi and Rutty Guzdar, Jamshed and Rita Kapadia, Farhad and Firoza Panthaki, Jamshed and Parastu Dubash, Armeen Nanavaty, Ferzin Engineer, Tara Raman, Malcolm Kavarana, Minoee Mody, Sanober Langrana, and Yezad Nalladaru. Those who participated wanted to know when the next GBFB event would be held since it was definitely a very satisfying volunteering experience and all walked away with a greater awareness of food and hunger issues facing the greater Boston area. December 2006 - The ZAGBA Community Canned Food and Clothing Drive during 2006 Holiday season was a great success. ZAGBA delivered two large crates of canned food and other supplies to the Greater Boston Food Bank. We have received acknowledgements for the generosity of ZAGBA members and friends for sending gently-used clothes to: Dadar Athornan Boy's Boarding School, Bai Avabai F. Petit Girl's Boarding School, and Happy Home and School for the Blind all in Mumbai. Special thanks to the Bhathenas, Dubash’s and Yadavs who carried suitcases to India for this Clothing Drive. The next scheduled ZAGBA service activities include volunteering at the Special Olympics Summer Games in June and walking again for the Jimmy Fund Walk in September. If you have any ideas for future service activities, please send an email to Yezad at yezad@hotmail.com. ZAGBA Community News Thank you for submitting your family’s milestones to ZAGBA, we have tried to include them as you have submitted them to us. Remember to also send them to the FEZANA Journal to Mahrukh Motafram: mmotafram@msn.com Weddings Adil Shroff and Nazneen Talati were married on December 1, 2006 in Mumbai, India. Nazneen is the daughter of Arnavaz and Rohin Talati of Los Angeles. Adil is the son of Dilnavaz and Hoshang Shroff of Massachusetts. Adil and his brother Mehernush were born and grew up in Massachusetts and were the original members of the children's group when it was started in ZAGBA. As a young adult, Adil participated in youth activities and has fond memories of his connection with the local community. Currently he is located in Minneapolis, MN, but has maintained ties with his friends in Massachusetts. We wish the bride and groom ‘All the Best’ in their married life. 07 07 07 20 2020 07 07 07 Babies Babies Congratulations on your new addition! Current ZAGBA Community Events Congratulations your new addition!became proud parents Nicole and ZubinonTalavia of Arlington of Kaiyan March 4, 2007 at proud 12:18 am. He Nicole andZubin ZubinTalavia Talavia on of Arlington became parents wasKaiyan 8 pounds 3 ounces 19.5 inches long. He joins of Zubin Talaviaand on March 4, 2007 at 12:18 am. big He sister8Julia in the Talavia and family. was pounds 3 ounces 19.5 inches long. He joins big ZAGBA Norouz Celebration sister Julia in the Talavia family. Date: Saturday, March 24th, 2007 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 11 p.m Place: Byblos Restaurant and Function Hall in Norwood, MA Activities: Socializing and celebrating the new year, children’s presentation of the Norouz Haft Seen table and singing of the “21st March” song, board update, group prayer, Middle Eastern dance and music, dancing to the latest music, and Middle Eastern cuisine with dessert. Navjotes Navjotes 2007 ZAGBA Annual Congratulations! Congratulations! Membership Dues. Darius Chikliwala’s Navjote Saturday, ceremony wasfiscal held on Darius Chikliwala’s Navjote The ZAGBA year is from March 21, 2007 to 30,held 2006 (Mah – December ceremony on Saturday, March 20, was 2008. We encourage you to become a new member or renew your membership for the Amardad, RojTir 1376 YZ) December 30, 2006 (Mah – 2007-2008 year. Family Memberships (includes in Cama RojBaug, Mumbai, Amardad, Tir 1376 YZ) couples and all children under 18) are $60; IndiIndia.Cama Around 300Mumbai, guests in Baug, $30; Full-time Student vidual Memberships are attendedAround the 300function. India. guests Memberships for those over 18 yrs. are $15. We will and Darius is the son attended the of Mahbi function. be compiling a new ZAGBA Directory for 2007 and and brother Shazad isChikliwala the son Mahbi and information shortly. willDarius be asking for of your updated of Zubin Chikliwala Chikliwala and brother Shazad You can complete your membership at Weyou thank of Attleboro, Zubin MA. If Chikliwala already paid your memwww.ZAGBA.org. PakAttleboro, Dadaar for event, please use the of We thank dues Ahura atMA. theMazda March bership Pak Dadaar Ahura Mazda update yourfor 'update' link making our to small function ainformation. great success. If (Weyou alsoarethank use the 'new' form to making pay your 2007-2008 dues, our family our relatives and all our friends for helping ourmembers, small function a great success. (We also thank follow the directions to enter and print linkour and us and joining us in all celebrations.) family members, ourour relatives and all our friends for helping your membership mail it in with your us and joining us inform all ourand celebrations.) membership dues. You can pay yourwas membership Cyrus and Arman Luczkow's Navjote held in Bombay, dues with a check payable to ZAGBA and to on Jan and 6, 2007 at Gallops, TurfNavjote Club. This wassent aincombined Cyrus Arman Luczkow's was held Bombay, Edul Nakra, 120 Sutherland Rd., Apt. #12, Brighton, navjote all four cousins:Turf Cyrus andThis Arman in the Jan 6,of2007 at Gallops, Club. was alive combined MAon02135. Boston area, Samcousins: and Maya live and in Seattle. navjote of alland four Cyrus Arman live in the Boston area, and Sam and Maya live in Seattle. 2007-08 ZAGBA Calendar A dedicated team has worked energetically to put together our first official ZAGBA calendar. The response has been overwhelming and we are very pleased to be creating a truly unique calendar celebrating our community. As a community building tool, we hope this helps us think of each other throughout the year and remember our special days: birthdays, wedding anniversaries and death anniversaries of loved ones. As a fundraising tool for ZAGBA, the community gave generously with $25 donations for each reserved date. And many families took advantage of the “buy 4 dates, get 1 free” offer 08 04 08 The four children prayed extremely well. The dasturji's and members in Bombaywell. wereThe most impressed. the Parsi The four family children prayed extremely dasturji's and (WeParsi truly family have tomembers thank Farhad Panthaki formost spending a lot of in Bombay were impressed. the time truly with have Cyrustoand Arman, teaching themfortheir kusti prayers. (We thank Farhad Panthaki spending a lot of It waswith a great evening with 200 guests and atheir lot ofkusti good food! time Cyrus and Arman, teaching them which was suggested by one of our members asprayers. an ) incentive. Thisevening calendar regular It was a great with includes 200 guests and a lot holidays, of good food! ) Achievements from April 2007 to March 2008. To purchase a Achievements calendar or give feedback, please send email to Congratulations! parastu@townisp.com Congratulations! Mahbi Chikliwala joined Cabot Corporation as a Sr. New ZAGBA Website on February 20, is 2007. The Corporate Accountant Mahbi Chikliwala joined Cabot Corporation as Coma Sr. pany is located at Seaport Boston, Corporate Accountant on Boulevard, February 20, 2007. MA. The Cabot Comlaunched! is ata Seaport global specialty chemicals Corporation pany is located Boulevard, Boston, and MA. perforCabot For many years now ZAGBA has not had an active mance material company headquartered in Boston. a global this specialty and perforCorporation website. That ischanged past chemicals month with the mance material company headquartered in Boston. effort of our new Webmaster Rita Kapadia. She is Condolences working with the ZAGBA Board to design and Condolences create websitearefor ZAGBA. We hope that we can Our athoughts with you. improve the site, enhancing continue to update and Our thoughts are with you. Navrozand and content Hanoz Gandhi's grandmother, Nargis regularly. Please visit the Mehta, site features passed away in December from complications with bypass Navroz and Hanoz Gandhi's grandmother, Nargis Mehta, www.zagba.org and we welcome your comments. a full life of complications 86 years and was thebypass reignsurgery.away She enjoyed in December from with passed ing matriarch of a large family. Her humility, warmth, sense enjoyed a full life of 86 years and was the reignsurgery. She ZAGBA Yahooaddiction Group andof rummy are thingswarmth, she will be of service ing matriarch a large family. Her humility, sense (zagba@yahoogroups.com) She is survived by her husband Pesi, three remembered for. of service and rummy addiction are things she will be children, seven twoPesi,greatis survived by herand husband three remembered for. Shegrandchildren, The ZAGBA Yahoo! Group is for group members to grandchildren. children, seven grandchildren, and two greatcommunicate with each other circulating grandchildren. Zarathushti-related news, and other Boston comBahram KHosravianiExamples passed away on December 19, 2006 munity information. might be informing incommunity San Jose, California. ofaway Shireen and Foroud, KHosraviani passed on December 19, information orhe2006 awas theBahram about Child FEZANA in 1925, in Rahmad Abad Yazd. At the age of 14, he born in San Jose, California. Child of Shireen and Foroud, he talk at Harvard or MIT, etc. Please do not forwardwas in Bombay, to help migrated to India and began working in 1925, in Rahmad Abad Yazd. At the age of 14, he born chain letters or emails of that nature. You can subscribe an working email to:Bombay, ZAGBABy 24 years of age, in he returned to help Iran support his family. to migrated toby Indiasending and began : s u bsupport s c r i b ehe @ ywould a h o o gmarry r o u24 p syears .com e56 areturned s eyears,NoPouran where his wife ofP lhe By of. age, tot eIran his family. t h eyears, official Z Awhere GBA@ t m a ihad l .marry c o4mchildren, i s wife sHoma, t i lof l 56 Naheed, Behrooz, Hormozi. heh oThey would his Pouran ZAGBA Board email pleaseNaheed, continue to (Bijan and4address, his wife soNegeen live in Arlington, and Bijan. They had children, Homa, Behrooz, Hormozi. useand ZAGBA@hotmail.com to send email directly to Mr. KHosraviani older brothers, the late MA.)Bijan. (Bijan and hisand wifehisNegeen live in Arlington, the ZAGBA Board and expect to get Official Keikhosrow and Jamsheedand founded the Rasti Printing Mr. KHosraviani his older brothers, thePress late MA.) ZAGBA correspondence from the Board from this the pioneer and prominent Zoroastrian printing shop in Keikhosrow and Jamsheed founded the Rasti Printing Press hotmail email address. majority of our Zoroastrian religious books were -Iran. the The pioneer and prominent Zoroastrian printing shop in famous Rastireligious Calendar has been published by this firm. Its Zoroastrian Iran. The majority of our books were ZAGBA Newsletter a Norooz item in firm. every Its Zoroastrian household in has Iranbeen and famous Rasti Calendar published by this This past year regular ZAGBA newsletters were almost half aZoroastrian century. Bahram was a lover of and life. aoverseas Noroozforitem in every household in Iran once againfor initiated. We hope thatheyou been Through the most half difficult of times, continued toofgreet overseas almost a century. Bahram washave a lover life. thethe newsletters and we welcome your feedenjoying the world with his difficult smile and was a model by Through most ofwarmth. times, heHe continued to greet back in an effort to improve them. The next Until his very last years, he his actions, not by his words. the world with his smile and warmth. He was a model by ZAGBA newsletter will be completed in June/July wasactions, a physically active involved being. Despite Untilhuman his very last years, he his not by his and words. 2007. Please continue to send your information to his most recent severe illnesses, he maintained his strong was a physically active and involved human being. Despite parastu@townisp.com including address changes, willpeople and continued toarea fight for new each day. his his most recent severe illnesses, he maintained hispositive strong new in the or to With the ZAGBA on life, in spite all difficulties, heWith servedhisaspositive a great viewand will continued tooffight for each day. milestones, achievements/awards, family/community, example of in thespite Zoroastrian we all strive to asbecome. on life, of all difficulties, he served a great view community-relevant information. People interested nothe longer amongwe us, we miss dearly, Although he isin of the Zoroastrian allyour strive tohim become. newsletter forand business or in example placing ads personal message, please contact Anaheeta for his sweet memories, smile, optimism towards life, tolerance among us, and we miss him dearly, Although he is no longer details: ananavaty@printaspects.com andlife, honesty will andsweet patience with difficulties, his purity, his memories, smile, optimism towards tolerance always remainwith in our hearts. his Maypurity, his soul joyous and andbehonesty will and patience difficulties, strong in the warmth heaven.May his soul be joyous and always remain in our of hearts. strong in the warmth of heaven. FEZANA Updates FEZANA Updates – submitted by Parastu Dubash – submitted by Parastu Dubash The Zoroastrian Congress The Zoroastrian Congress The Zoroastrian Society of Ontario (ZSO) is hosting the XIV Zoroastrian North American Zoroastrian The Society of OntarioCongress (ZSO) is“IMPACT hosting the– Unleash the Spark Within!” An innovative look at how – XIV North American Zoroastrian Congress “IMPACT Zoroastrianism has impacted from look Friday, Unleash the Spark Within!” our An world innovative at June how July 2nd, 29th through Monday, Zoroastrianism has impacted our2007. world from Friday, June over 350 individuals from2007. all over the world have So far,through July 2nd, 29th Monday, ZAGBA Holiday Dinner Party registered information, far, overfor 350IMPACT! individualsFor from all over theplease world visit: have So www.zoro-impact.com. registered for IMPACT! For information, please visit: The ZAGBA community celebrated the Holiday Dinner Titans Our Community innovative high-end Hear www.zoro-impact.com. Party at St. Paul’sofLutheran Church inwith Arlington on DecemRatan Tata, Lord with Karan Bilimoria, Mr. Fali technology: ofThe Our Community innovative high-end 2006.Mr. event included board / committees berHear 2nd,Titans Nariman, Mr. Behram Avari, and Mr. Nadir Godrej. Mr. Ratan Tata, Lord Karan Bilimoria, Mr. technology: updates and a community prayer led by all of our children.Fali a mentor, Place anofad, donate used eyeglasses, Nariman, Mr. Behram Avari, and Mr.become Godrej. A number adults joined the children inNadir costume and theand play in the World Zoroastrian Symphony Orchestra! mentor,ofand Placeshow/parade an ad, donateemceed used eyeglasses, become fashion by Hufrish. To thea delight play in the World Zoroastrian Symphony Orchestra! all the children (except one who was in tears!) a festive Santa ZAGBA, made an appearance and gave out presents. The Zoroastrian Sports Committee Special thanks to Ali Salimi who described the Yalda The Zoroastrian Sports Committee The 5th Zarathushti Unity Cup Soccer Tournament festival, its origins and how it is celebrated. Two young Sports Unity Committee athletes, The Zoroastrian The 5th Zarathushti Cup (ZSC) Soccerinvites Tournament children from the community made donations of several spectators, fans and friends to participate in the 5th ZaraThe Zoroastrian Sports Committee (ZSC) invites athletes, hundred dollars towards the ZAGBA center from their at in Aviation in thushti Unity spectators, fansCup andSoccer friendsTournament to participate the 5thPark Zara“birthday gift” requests for funds toward the Center rather Redondo Beach, Septemberat1-2, 2007.Park This Soccer Tournament Aviation in thushti Unity CupCalifornia, than presents. Children’s creative and colorful posters on biggest and For tournament promises to be the Redondo Beach, California, September 1-2, best 2007.yet!This “Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds” were more information, please www.zathletics.com be the biggest and best and yet! help For tournament promises to visit displayed throughout the evening. The clothing drive for spreadinformation, the word. Forplease questions, please e-mail zsc@fezana.org. more visit www.zathletics.com and help institutions in India and the canned food drive for the spread the word. For questions, please e-mail zsc@fezana.org. Greater Boston food bank organized by the Community Service were both extremely and Project we thank Thegroup Zarathushti Oralsuccessful History youThe for donating toward theseOral good causes. Thanks to those Zarathushti History Project an effort ourand heritage whoInhelped outtoindocument the kitchen, to set as upZarathushtis and clean up.and stimulate youth interest in heritage and culture, the In an effort togreatly document ourtheir heritage as Zarathushtis Your efforts are appreciated. The Thai-food dinnerand aim of the project is for youth to interview Zarathushtis, youth interest in their heritage and culture, andstimulate the opportunity to socialize / dance were enjoyed by thethe especially seniors, and record their oral histories for posteraim of the project is for youth to interview Zarathushtis, guests. Earlier in the evening, Rich Barlow, a journalist from ity. Excerpts of the interviews will appear in Fall 2007 especially seniors, and record their oral histories for postera the Boston Globe attended our event and spoke with issue you article, arein willing to issue help of the ity. Excerpts theJOURNAL. interviews willIfHis appear Fall“Ancient 2007 number ofFEZANA ourof members/friends. coordinate interviews in your area, shareare your If you willing to help of the May FEZANA Religion Face JOURNAL. Extinction” appeared in therecollections Boston of personal and historic events, as well as migration stories, coordinate interviews in your area, share your recollections Globe, Spiritual Life section on January 6, 2007 and or participate as an interviewer, especially ifphoto you areofstories, a our youth of personal and as well or included quotes byhistoric many events, members andas amigration (Youthand participation canclass foster interest in family and participate aschildren’s an interviewer, especially if you areErvad a youth coordinator mobed community heritage, be integrated into religious classes (Youth participation can foster interest in family and Farhad Pa n t h a k i . Yo u c a n r e a d t h e a r t i c l e a t community offered within associations, and may community heritage, be integrated intofulfill religious classes http://tinyurl.com/ypyllj service requirements in some schools.), please reply directly offered within associations, and may fulfill community to: Dinyar Patel (ZAMWI), dinyar.patel@gmail.com; service requirements in some schools.), please reply directly Nawaz Merchant nawazmerchant@yahoo.com; to: Dinyar Patel(ZAGNY), (ZAMWI), dinyar.patel@gmail.com; hkatki@gmail.com Project Hormuzd Katki (ZAMWI), Nawaz Merchant (ZAGNY), nawazmerchant@yahoo.com; contacts will mail(ZAMWI), interviewers suggested topics andProject queshkatki@gmail.com Hormuzd Katki tions andwill notes about how to take oral histories. contacts mail interviewers suggested topics and questions and notes about how to take oral histories. ZAGBA Past Parsee General Hospital Parsee Hospital Annual General Fundraiser Annual Fundraiser For the last 21 years, Yasmin and Jamshed Ghadiali of ZAGBA Committee Updates Baldwin, NY21have been hostingand fundraisers the B.D. For the last years, Yasmin Jamshed for Ghadiali of Petit Parsee Hospital. Lastfundraisers year they collected and Baldwin, NYGeneral have been hosting for the B.D. sent $27,600 to be Hospital. used specifically distributing free Petit Parsee General Last yearforthey collected and to medications and needy Zoroastrians and $400free sent $27,600totopoor be used specifically for distributing Division be utilizedand for $400 making the Parsi Ambulance to medications to poor and needy to Zoroastrians Zarathushti Boston improvements to the Center ambulance its equipment. Since Parsi Ambulance Division toand beof utilized for making the 1986, theyUpdate havetosent thank those improvements the$310,046. ambulanceThey and sincerely its equipment. Since (ZCB) This year the who have supported and donated generously. 1986, they have sent $310,046. They sincerely thank those – submitted by Firdaus Bhathena 2007 fundraiser will be at their home ongenerously. Saturday, June This30, year the who have supported and donated After a brief lull during the winter holidays, the June ZCB effort 6 pm onwards starting a "Jasan" followed by from 30, 2007 fundraiser will be at their homewith on Saturday, We are reaching out to is picking up steam again. Please callstarting (516)with3738-4516 or the email dinner.6 pm onwards a "Jasan" followed by from community and beyond step upinterested to3738-4516 the $500,000 ghad@optonline.net iftoyou are in attending. To Please call (516) ormatchemail dinner. Fall. Please start ingghad@optonline.net challenge that was announced last support the fundraiser, please your check payable To to if you aremake interested in attending. thinking about the level please ofincontribution you your to 'ZAGNY' mention the memo, Assitance support theand fundraiser, make yourCritical checkand payable family make towards the realization ofCritical our and collective Fundcan - Parsee to Yasmin Jamshed 'ZAGNY' andGeneral mentionand in mail the it memo, Assitance a Zarathusti Center of Boston that would serve vision for Baldwin, NY 11510-3937 Ghadiali 2686 Belcher St. Fund - Parsee General and mail it to Yasmin and Jamshed theGhadiali needs of2686 our community for generations to come. Belcher St. Baldwin, NY 11510-3937 As always, we welcome any help or suggestions from the Scholarships community so please step forward if you feel you have Scholarships something to contribute towards our goal. Please contact The FEZANA 2006-2007 Annual Academic Scholarship Kheradi Firdaus Bhathena (firdaus@alum.mit.edu) or Jerry Program includes: The FEZANA 2006-2007 Annual Academic Scholarship ( JerryKheradi@aol.com) regarding the ZCB. Program includes: 1) The Mehraban & Morvorid Kheradi Endowment Scholarship--The FEZANA Scholar. Kheradi Endowment & Morvorid 1) The Mehraban Zarathushti Children’s Religious Scholarship--The FEZANA Scholar. Banoobai and Maneckshaw Kapadia Endowment 2) Education Update Scholarship. Banoobai and Maneckshaw Kapadia Endowment 2) – submitted by Farhad Panthaki The FEZANA Scholarship 3) FEZANA Scholarships. Scholarship. Program was started in 1998 toThe recognize excellence FEZANA Scholarships. Scholarship In 3) the three months since the update inFEZANA Decacademic ‘06 newsletter, and provide Zarathushti Students in University Programs was started in 1998 to recognize academic excellence theProgram three groups of children have continued to expand on Financial Assistance study in thePrograms U.S. and provide Zarathushti Students in year. University Recently, the & what they learned in thetofirst partatofInstitutions the Judging and Selection Criteria along Canada. & Financial Assistance to study focus at Institutions in the teachers haveEligibility, had an increased on planning forU.S. and with application procedures and forms are from Judging andchildren Selection Criteria along Canada. Eligibility, organizing activities for all the to available experience www.fezana.org is August 1,the 2007. with application procedures and forms arelastavailable as a single Deadline group. As a result, couple from of together www.fezana.org August 1, 2007. the two months have been Deadline devoted istowards practicing group activities performed by the children at the ZAGBA Norouz Celebration on March 24th: the 21st March song (sung to the tune of Clementine) and the Haft Seen Table Presentation. The kids have had a lot of fun practicing these activities. 09 0 50 9 07 2020 0707 Babies Current ZAGBA Community Events Congratulations on on your your new new addition! addition! Congratulations Nicole and Zubin Talavia of Arlington became proud proud parents parents Nicole and Zubin Talavia of Arlington became of Kaiyan Kaiyan Zubin Zubin Talavia Talavia on on March March 4, 4, 2007 2007 at at 12:18 12:18 am. am. He He of was 88 pounds pounds 33 ounces ounces and and 19.5 19.5 inches inches long. long. He He joins joins big big was Norouz Celebration sisterZAGBA Julia in in the the Talavia Talavia family. sister Julia family. Date: Saturday, March 24th, 2007 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 11 p.m Place: Byblos Restaurant and Function Hall in Norwood, MA Activities: Socializing and celebrating the new year, children’s presentation of the Norouz Haft Seen table and singing of the “21st March” song, board update, group prayer, Middle Eastern dance and music, dancing to the latest music, and Middle Eastern cuisine with dessert. Navjotes 2007 ZAGBA Annual Congratulations! Congratulations! Membership Dues. Darius Chikliwala’s Navjote Darius Navjote TheChikliwala’s ZAGBA fiscal year is from March 21, 2007 to Saturday, ceremony was held on Saturday, ceremony was held on March 20, 2008. We encourage you to become a 30, 2006 2006 or (Mah December 30, (Mah –– your membership for the December new member renew 2007-2008 Family Memberships (includes Amardad, Roj- Tir Tiryear. 1376 YZ) YZ) Amardad, Roj1376 couplesBaug, and all children under 18) are $60; Indiin Cama Cama Baug, Mumbai, in Mumbai, Memberships India.vidual Around 300 guests guestsare $30; Full-time Student India. Around 300 Memberships for those over 18 yrs. are $15. We will attended the function. attended the function. be compiling a new ZAGBA Directory for 2007 and the son son of of Mahbi Mahbi and and Darius isis the Darius will be asking for your updated information shortly. Chikliwala and and brother brother Shazad Chikliwala Shazad You can complete your membership at of www.ZAGBA.org. Zubin Chikliwala of Zubin Chikliwala If you already paid your memof Attleboro, Attleboro, MA. We We thankMarch event, please use the of dues at thank the bership MA. Pak Dadaar Dadaar Ahura Mazda for your information. If you are Pak Ahura Mazda for 'update' link to update making our small small function great success. (We also thank use(We the also 'new' form to our pay your function 2007-2008 dues, making aa great success. thank follow the directions enterfor print link members, and our family family members, our relatives relatives and all all our ourtofriends friends forand helping our our and helping your membership form and mail it in with your us and and joining us in in all all our our celebrations.) celebrations.) us joining us membership dues. You can pay your membership a Luczkow's check payable to was ZAGBA sent to dues Cyrus andwith Arman Luczkow's Navjote was held in inand Bombay, Cyrus and Arman Navjote held Bombay, Edul Nakra, 120 Sutherland Rd., Apt. #12, Brighton, on Jan Jan 6, 6, 2007 2007 at at Gallops, Gallops, Turf Turf Club. Club. This This was was aa combined combined on MA 02135. navjote of of all all four four cousins: cousins: Cyrus Cyrus and and Arman Arman live live in in the the navjote Boston area, and Sam and Maya live in Seattle. Boston area, and Sam and Maya live in Seattle. 2007-08 ZAGBA Calendar A dedicated team has worked energetically to put together our first official ZAGBA calendar. The response has been overwhelming and we are very pleased to be creating a truly unique calendar celebrating our community. As a community building tool, we hope this helps us think of each other throughout the year and remember our special days: birthdays, wedding anniversaries and death anniversaries of loved ones. As a fundraising tool for ZAGBA, the community gave generously with $25 donations for each reserved date. And many families took advantage of the “buy 4 dates, get 1 free” offer 0088 0 4 The four four children children prayed prayed extremely extremely well. well. The The dasturji's dasturji's and and The Parsi family members in Bombay were most impressed. the the Parsi family members in Bombay were most impressed. (We truly truly have have to to thank thank Farhad Farhad Panthaki Panthaki for for spending spending aa lot lot of of (We prayers. time with with Cyrus and Arman, teaching them their kusti prayers. time Cyrus and Arman, teaching them their kusti which was suggested by one of our members as an wasincentive. great evening evening with 200 guests guests and aa lot lotregular of good good food! food! )) ItIt was aa great with 200 and of This calendar includes holidays, from April 2007 to March 2008. To purchase a Achievements calendar or give feedback, please send email to parastu@townisp.com Congratulations! Congratulations! New ZAGBA Website Mahbi Chikliwala joined Cabot Cabot Corporationisas as aa Sr. Sr. Mahbi Chikliwala joined Corporation on February 20, 2007. The ComCorporate Accountant on February 20, 2007. The ComCorporate Accountant launched! pany isis located located at at Seaport Seaport Boulevard, Boulevard, Boston, Boston, MA. MA. Cabot Cabot pany For many years now ZAGBA has not had an active global specialty specialty chemicals chemicals and and perforperforCorporation isis aa global Corporation website. That changed this past month with the mance material material company headquartered headquartered in in Boston. Boston. mance effort of company our new Webmaster Rita Kapadia. She is working with the ZAGBA Board to design and Condolences create a website for ZAGBA. We hope that we can continue towith update Our thoughts are are with you.and improve the site, enhancing Our thoughts you. features and content regularly. Please visit the site Navroz and Hanoz Hanoz Gandhi's Gandhi's grandmother, Nargis Mehta, Navroz and grandmother, Nargis Mehta, www.zagba.org and we welcome your comments. in December December from from complications complications with with bypass bypass passed away away in passed enjoyed aa full full life life of of 86 86 years years and and was was the the reignreignsurgery. She She enjoyed surgery. ZAGBA Yahoo Group ing matriarch matriarch of of aa large large family. family. Her Her humility, humility, warmth, warmth, sense sense ing (zagba@yahoogroups.com) service and rummy addiction are things she will be of of service and rummy addiction are things she will be She isis survived survived by by her her husband husband Pesi, Pesi, three three remembered for. for. She remembered The ZAGBA Group is and for group children, seven Yahoo! grandchildren, two members great- to children, seven grandchildren, and two greatcommunicate with each other circulating grandchildren. grandchildren. Zarathushti-related news, and other Boston com- munity information. Examples might be informing Bahram KHosraviani passed away on December December 19, 2006 2006or a Bahram on 19, information the KHosraviani community passed aboutaway FEZANA in San San Jose, California. Child of Shireen and Foroud, he was in Jose, California. Child of Shireen and Foroud, he forward talk at Harvard or MIT, etc. Please do not was in 1925, 1925,letters in Rahmad Rahmad Abad Yazd. At the age of 14, he can born chain in in Abad Yazd. At the age of 14, he born or emails of that nature. You inemail Bombay, to ZAGBAhelp migrated to India India and and began working Bombay, help migrated to working subscribe by began sending an in to: to By 24 years of age, he. returned returned to Iran support his family. No t e : s u bhis s c rfamily. i b e @ yBy a h24 o oyears g r o uof p sage, .com P l e a sto e Iran he support e official A @ h omarry t m a i lhis .com s 56 s t i lyears, l t hPouran whereZ A heG B would marry his wife iof of 56 years, Pouran where he would wife ZAGBA Board address, please Behrooz, continue to They had 44email children, Homa,soNaheed, Naheed, Behrooz, Hormozi. They had children, Homa, Hormozi. use ZAGBA@hotmail.com to send email directly to (Bijan and and his his wife wife Negeen Negeen live live in in Arlington, Arlington, and Bijan. Bijan. (Bijan and the ZAGBA Board and expect to get Official Mr. KHosraviani KHosraviani and and his his older older brothers, brothers, the the late late MA.) Mr. MA.) ZAGBA correspondence from the Board from this Keikhosrow and Jamsheed founded the Rasti Printing Press Keikhosrow and Jamsheed founded the Rasti Printing Press hotmail email address. the pioneer pioneer and and prominent prominent Zoroastrian Zoroastrian printing printing shop shop in in -- the Iran. The The majority majority of of our our Zoroastrian Zoroastrian religious religious books books were were Iran. ZAGBA Newsletter famous Rasti Rasti Calendar Calendar has has been been published by this this firm. firm. Its famous published by Its Norooz item in every every Zoroastrian Zoroastrian household in Iran Iran and andwere Thisitem pastin year regular ZAGBA newsletters aa Norooz household in once WeBahram hope was that you have overseas foragain almostinitiated. half aa century. century. Bahram was aa lover lover of of life. life.been overseas for almost half thedifficult newsletters andhe wecontinued welcometo enjoying Through the most most difficult of times, times, he continued toyour greetfeedThrough the of greet back in an effort to improve them. The the world with his smile and warmth. He was a model by next the world with his smile and warmth. He was a model by completed in June/July ZAGBA newsletter will be Until his his very very last last years, years, he he his actions, actions, not not by by his his words. words. Until his Please to send your information was aa2007. physically activecontinue and involved involved human being. Despite to was physically active and human being. Despite parastu@townisp.com including address changes, his most most recent severe illnesses, heor maintained his strong his severe maintained new recent people in illnesses, the areahe new to his thestrong ZAGBA will and and continued to to fight fightmilestones, for each each day. day.achievements/awards, With his his positive positive will continued for With family/community, on life, life, in in spite spite of of all all difficulties, difficulties, he served served as aainterested great view community-relevant on he as great view information. People example of the Zoroastrian we all strive to become. example of the Zoroastrian we all strive to become. in placing ads in the newsletter for your business or nomessage, longer among among us, and and we miss miss him him dearly, for Although he isis no personal please contact Anaheeta longer us, we dearly, Although he details: ananavaty@printaspects.com his sweet sweet memories, smile, optimism optimism towards towards life, life, tolerance tolerance his memories, smile, and honesty honesty will will and patience patience with with difficulties, difficulties, his his purity, purity, and and always remain in our hearts. May his soul be joyous and always remain in our hearts. May his soul be joyous and strong in in the the warmth warmth of of heaven. heaven. strong FEZANA Updates submitted by by Parastu Parastu Dubash Dubash –– submitted The Zoroastrian Congress The Zoroastrian Zoroastrian Society Society of of Ontario Ontario (ZSO) (ZSO) isis hosting hosting the the The XIV North American Zoroastrian Congress “IMPACT XIV North American Zoroastrian Congress “IMPACT –– Unleash the the Spark Spark Within!” Within!” An An innovative innovative look look at at how how Unleash June Zoroastrianism has has impacted impacted our our world world from from Friday, Friday, June Zoroastrianism July 2nd, 2nd, 2007. 2007. 29th through through Monday, Monday, July 29th ZAGBA Holiday Dinner far, over over 350 350 individuals individuals from from all all over overParty the world world have have So far, the So registered for IMPACT! For information, please visit: registered for IMPACT! For information, please visit: The ZAGBA community celebrated the Holiday Dinner www.zoro-impact.com. www.zoro-impact.com. Party at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Arlington on DecemTitans of Our Our Community Community with innovative high-end Hear ber Titans of innovative Hear 2006. The event with included board high-end / committees 2nd, Mr. Ratan Tata, Lord Karan Bilimoria, Mr. Fali technology: Mr. Ratan Tata, Lord Karan Bilimoria, technology: updates and a community prayer led by all of Mr. our Fali children. Nariman, Mr. Behram Avari, and Mr. Nadir Godrej. Nariman, Mr. Behram Avari, and Mr. Nadir Godrej. A number of adults joined the children in costume and the mentor, and of Placefashion an ad, ad, donate donate used eyeglasses, eyeglasses, become aa mentor, and Place an used show/parade emceed bybecome Hufrish. To the delight play in in the World Zoroastrian Symphony Orchestra! play Zoroastrian Symphony Orchestra! allthe theWorld children (except one who was in tears!) a festive Santa ZAGBA Past ZAGBA, made an appearance and gave out presents. Yalda Two young festival, its origins and how it is celebrated. The 5th 5th Zarathushti Zarathushti Unity Unity Cup Cup Soccer Soccer Tournament Tournament The children from the Committee community (ZSC) made donations of several Sports invites athletes, The Zoroastrian The Zoroastrian Sports Committee (ZSC) invites athletes, the ZAGBA center from hundred dollars towards spectators, fans fans and and friends friends to to participate participate in in the the 5th 5th ZaraZara- their spectators, “birthday gift”Soccer requests for funds toward the Center Tournament at Aviation Aviation Park in inrather thushti Unity Cup Cup Soccer Tournament at Park thushti Unity than presents. Children’s creative and colorful posters Redondo Beach, Beach, California, California, September September 1-2, 1-2, 2007. 2007. This This on Redondo and Good Deeds” “Good Thoughts, Good Words be the the biggest biggest and and best best yet! yet! For For were tournament promises promises to to be tournament throughout thewww.zathletics.com evening. The clothing drive for moredisplayed information, please visit visit and help help more information, please www.zathletics.com and institutions in India and the canned food drive for the spread the the word. word. For For questions, questions, please please e-mail e-mail zsc@fezana.org. zsc@fezana.org. spread Greater Boston food bank organized by the Community Service group were both extremely successful and we thank for donating toward theseHistory good causes.Project Thanks to those TheyouZarathushti Oral who helped out in the kitchen, and to set up and clean up. In an an effort effort to to document document our our heritage heritage as as Zarathushtis Zarathushtis and and In Your efforts are greatly appreciated. The Thai-food dinner stimulate youth interest in their heritage and culture, the stimulate youth interest in their heritage and culture, the and the opportunity to socialize / dance were enjoyed by the aim of of the the project isis for for youth youth to to interview interview Zarathushtis, Zarathushtis, aim a journalist from guests.project Earlier in the evening, Rich Barlow, especially seniors, seniors, and and record record their their oral oral histories histories for for posterposterespecially the Boston Globe attended our event and spoke with a ity. Excerpts of the interviews will appear in Fall 2007 issue ity. Excerpts of the interviews will appear in Fall 2007 issue number of our members/friends. His article, “Ancient you are are willing willing to to help of the the FEZANA FEZANA JOURNAL. JOURNAL. IfIf you of Religion May Face Extinction” appeared in thehelp Boston coordinate interviews interviews in in your your area, area, share share your your recollections recollections coordinate Globe, Spiritual Life section on January 6, 2007 and of personal personal and and historic historic events, events, as well well as as migration migration stories, stories, or of of our included quotes by manyas members and a photo or participate as as an interviewer, interviewer, especially especially ifif you you are are aa youth youth participate class coordinator Ervad mobed an and children’s (Youth participation participation can foster foster interest in in family and and (Youth Farhad Pa n t h a kcan i . Yo u cinterest a n r e a d tfamily he article at community heritage, heritage, be be integrated integrated into into religious religious classes classes community http://tinyurl.com/ypyllj may fulfill community offered within associations, and offered within associations, and may fulfill community service requirements requirements in in some some schools.), schools.), please please reply reply directly directly service to: Dinyar Dinyar Patel Patel (ZAMWI), (ZAMWI), dinyar.patel@gmail.com; dinyar.patel@gmail.com; to: Nawaz Merchant Merchant (ZAGNY), (ZAGNY), nawazmerchant@yahoo.com; nawazmerchant@yahoo.com; Nawaz hkatki@gmail.com Project Project Hormuzd Katki Katki (ZAMWI), (ZAMWI), hkatki@gmail.com Hormuzd contacts will will mail mail interviewers interviewers suggested suggested topics topics and and quesquescontacts tions and and notes notes about about how how to to take take oral oral histories. histories. tions TheSpecial Zoroastrian Sports Committee thanks to Ali Salimi who described the Parsee General Hospital Annual Fundraiser ZAGBA Committee Updates For the the last last 21 21 years, years, Yasmin Yasmin and and Jamshed Jamshed Ghadiali Ghadiali of of For Baldwin, NY NY have have been been hosting hosting fundraisers fundraisers for for the the B.D. B.D. Baldwin, Petit Parsee Parsee General General Hospital. Hospital. Last Last year year they they collected collected and and Petit sent $27,600 $27,600 to to be be used used specifically specifically for for distributing distributing free free sent $400 to to medications to to poor poor and and needy needy Zoroastrians Zoroastrians and and $400 medications Zarathushti Center of Boston Parsi Ambulance Division to be utilized for making the the Parsi Ambulance Division to be utilized for making improvements the ambulance ambulance and and its its equipment. equipment. Since Since improvements (ZCB)toto the Update 1986,–they they have sent $310,046. They sincerely thank those 1986, have sent $310,046. They sincerely thank those submitted by Firdaus Bhathena This year year the the who have have supported supported and and donated donated generously. generously. This who After a brief lull during the winter holidays, the ZCB June 30, 30, 2007 2007effort fundraiser will will be be at at their their home home on on Saturday, Saturday, June fundraiser We are reaching out is picking up steam again. pm onwards onwards starting starting with with aa "Jasan" "Jasan" followed followed by byto the from 66 pm from community to step up to the $500,000 matchPlease and callbeyond (516) 3738-4516 or email email dinner. Please call (516) 3738-4516 or dinner. Fall. Please ing challenge that was announced last ghad@optonline.net ifif you you are are interested interested in in attending. attending. To To start ghad@optonline.net thinking about the level of contribution you and support the the fundraiser, fundraiser, please please make make your your check check payable payable to to your support familyand canmention make towards realization our collective 'ZAGNY' and mention in the thethe memo, CriticalofAssitance Assitance 'ZAGNY' in memo, Critical a Zarathusti Center of Boston that would serve vision for Fund Parsee General and mail it to Yasmin and Jamshed Fund - Parsee General and mail it to Yasmin and Jamshed the needs of our community for generations to Baldwin, NY NY 11510-3937 11510-3937 come. As Ghadiali 2686 2686 Belcher Belcher St. St. Baldwin, Ghadiali always, we welcome any help or suggestions from the community so please step forward if you feel you have Scholarships something to contribute towards our goal. Please contact Firdaus Bhathena (firdaus@alum.mit.edu) or Jerry Kheradi The FEZANA FEZANA 2006-2007 Annual Academic Academic Scholarship Scholarship The 2006-2007 Annual ( JerryKheradi@aol.com) regarding the ZCB. Program includes: Program includes: & Morvorid Morvorid Kheradi Kheradi Endowment Endowment 1) The The Mehraban Mehraban & 1) Zarathushti Children’s Religious Scholarship--The FEZANA FEZANA Scholar. Scholar. Scholarship--The Education Update 2) Banoobai Banoobai and and Maneckshaw Maneckshaw Kapadia Kapadia Endowment Endowment 2) – submitted by Farhad Panthaki Scholarship. Scholarship. 3) FEZANA FEZANA Scholarships. The FEZANA Scholarship 3) Scholarships. FEZANA Scholarship In the three months sinceThe the update in Dec ‘06 newsletter, Program was started in 1998 to recognize academic excellence Program was started in 1998 to recognize academic excellence the three groups of children have continued to expand on and provide provide Zarathushti Students in University University Programs and Zarathushti in Recently, the what they learned inStudents the first part of the year.Programs & and Financial Assistance to study study at Institutions Institutions inplanning the U.S. U.S. & Financial Assistance to at in the teachers have had an increased focus on for Judging and Selection Criteria along Canada. Eligibility, Judging and Selection Criteria along Canada. Eligibility, organizing activities for all the children to experience with together application procedures and forms forms are available available from with application and are as aprocedures single group. As a result, the last from couple of www.fezana.org Deadline Augusttowards 1, 2007. 2007.practicing the two www.fezana.org Deadline isis August 1, months have been devoted group activities performed by the children at the ZAGBA Norouz Celebration on March 24th: the 21st March song (sung to the tune of Clementine) and the Haft Seen Table Presentation. The kids have had a lot of fun practicing these activities. 0099 0 5 20 ZAGBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 07 Message from the President Contents Navroze, Nawruz, Nowroz, Norouz... however you wish to say it, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our ZAGBA members and friends a wonderful beginning of Spring and a happy and healthy new year. Zoroastrian Youth of North During this past year, we have had an incredible team lead ZAGBA America (ZYNA) toward our collective vision for Community Building, Community Education, Community Service and Community Center. It has been a Please contact ZYNA Chairman, Nikan Khatibi at pleasure working with the current board of Firoza Panthaki, Edul Nakra, nikan2@aol.com for more information: Hufrish Sirohi, and Anaheeta Nanavaty. Please join me in recognizing their hard work and also the dedication of individuals who have led the 1) ATTENTION: Medical, Pharmacy, Dental, OptomChildren’s and Adult Religious Education, Youth/Sports activities, etry, and Nursing STUDENTS. Come join ZYNA and Service Activities, Zarathushti Center of Boston (ZCB), and of those who dedicate yourself to serving mankind by providing free work with them to plan and execute their activities. In the past year, we health care to people in remote areas of the United States. have had a number of very successful ZAGBA Community Building are looking for 15 students and 3-4 licensed professionWe events including a well-attended formal Papeti-Navroze event in Natick, als to travel to Tennessee to provide healthcare to the undera Jashan Gahambar event with over 17 families cooking a traditional served. a wonderful learningParty experience DhansakThis meal,will and be a Holiday Dinner Costume with funfor for all the students and what better to learn than to be part of a kids and young at heart. In way addition, we have a fantastic newsletter writtenof and published quarterly, a first-time ZAGBA outstandcommunity group Zoroastrian youth who will beever providing calendar, and a newservice! ZAGBA website. to Anaheeta Mody, ing community Details:Congrats Crossville, TN, April Dubash and Rita Kapadia for delivering these to the ZAGBA Parastu 14-15, 2007, Housing and Food will be provided by community. Having said that, the team has no intention of resting on its ZYNA laurels. Based on feedback from the community, we will focus on having 2) Join events Jimmy and ZYNA is committed to twoCome ‘high end’ each yearMe… that are fully-catered and formal in/around Marchrights 21st and August 21st.justice The restfor of the willcome be run basic human and social all.events Please and managed our teams will befor more cost-sensitive. For example, join Jimmy by Carter andand myself a week of camaraderie as in April we are planning a family movie night for the community; later we build houses for low-income families in Los Angeles,in the summer we have aevent picnic,will a canoeing trip provide and another biking trip. CA. This five-day not only housing for Please take a look at the new ZAGBA website www.ZAGBA.org for the families who only dreamt of owning a home, but will most recent schedule of events. With your input, an updated 2007 increase awareness of a very real American housing crisis Community Directory will be completed shortly and will allow us greater and a long-term commitment for action from community opportunities to connect with each other. leaders and individuals to resolve it. Details: Los Angeles, The Community Education events seem to get stronger all the time. CA; Oct. 28-Nov. 2, 2007; Sponsorship for Food and Both the Adult and the Children’s classes are flourishing and sincere Housing will be available. thanks to Nasswan Dossabhoy for engaging the youth and some adult peers to get excitement back into this group. The teachers of the Children’s classes – Hufrish Sirohi, Kaizad Patel, Yezad Nalladaru, and their leader Farhad Panthaki deserve to be recognized and applauded for their hard work and dedication. 4th WORLD ZOROASTRIAN YOUTH CONGRESS, AUSTRALIA 2007 The Community Center – The Zarathushti Center of Boston is moving forward continued under the World leadershipZoroastrian team of the Bhathena To learnwithmore aboutzealthe next Youth and Kheradi families and looks to the community You will of Congress and be part of “the greatest eventforinsupport. the history hear much more about developmentsvisit: in thiswww.4wzyc.org effort in the comingIfweeks. in Australia,” you Zoroastrianism The intersted Communityin Service group ledfinancial by Yezad Nalladaru been active are providing assistancehastoward a and many thanks to all of you for your support in the recent clothing scholarship project to fund Iranian youth speakers to attend collection (I firstinhand saw the gratitude from twoMeher of the locations the congress Australia, please contact Amalsadin Mumbai when the clothes were donated) and the Food Bank volunteering. who is coordinating a global fundraising effort: Coming up soon are more volunteering opportunities at the upcoming www.babameher@prodigy.net Special Olympics Games and other events. We thank you all for your continued participation in and volunteering at 9th WORLD ZOROASTRIAN activities. We encourage you to renew or become new members of CONGRESS, ZAGBA this month as it is DUBAI the start of our2009 ZAGBA membership year. Your input is essential as we plan and implement events that are of The next World Zoroastrian Congress will be held in interest to you and your family, so the ZAGBA Board welcomes your UAE from Dec. 28th-31st, 2009. Look for more Dubai, suggestions and your offers to help out. Please send an email to information soon. or feel free to call me with inputs. jhdubash@gmail.com 10 Best Wishes, Ushta Te, Jamshed Dubash, President, ZAGBA Z A G B A K E Y D AT E S 01 ZAGBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 02 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE ZAGBA COMMUNITY EVENTS 02 04 Z A G B A N O R O U Z C E L E B R AT I O N ZAGBA MEMBERSHIP ZAGBA CALENDAR Z A G B A YA H O O G R O U P S ZAGBA WEBSITE President - Jamshed Dubash (jhdubash@gmail.com) Vice President - Firoza Panthaki (fpanthaki@jhancock.com) Secretary - Hufrish Sirohi (Hufrish_Sirohi@Millipore.com) Asst. Secretary - Anaheeta Mody (ananavaty@printaspects.com) Treasurer - Edul Nakra (edul.nakra@gmail.com) Official email contact: ZAGBA@hotmail.com Farhad Panthaki - Children’s Education, Religious Services fpanthaki@yahoo.com Nasswan Dossabhoy - Adult Education ndossabh@endicott.edu Z A G B A PA S T 05 H O L I D AY D I N N E R PA R T Y Z A G B A C O M M I T T E E U P D AT E S Z A R AT H U S H T I C E N T E R O F B O S T O N 05 CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS CLASSES 05 A D U L T E D U C AT I O N 06 YOUTH GROUP 06 C O M M U N I T Y S E RV I C E 07 ZAGBA COMMUNITY NEWS 07 WEDDINGS 07 Daryush Mehta - Youth Liaison dmehta@mit.edu BABIES 08 Bijan KHosraviani - Sports bijanstanford@gmail.com N AV J O T E S 08 CONDOLENCES 08 ACHIEVEMENTS 08 Yezad Nalladaru - Service Projects yezad@hotmail.com Firdaus Bhathena - Zarathushti Center of Boston firdaus@alum.mit.edu Jerry Kheradi - Zarathushti Center of Boston JerryKheradi@aol.com Parastu Dubash - FEZANA liaison, Newsletter parastu@townisp.com Official email contact with the ZAGBA Board: zagba@hotmail.com Newsgroup Communications within the community: zagba@yahoogroups.com New Official Website www.zagba.org F E Z A N A U P D AT E S 09 THE ZOROASTRIAN CONGRESS 09 THE ZOROASTRIAN SPORTS COMMITTEE 09 T H E Z A R AT H U S H T I O R A L H I S T O R Y 09 PROJECT PA R S E E G E N E R A L H O S P I TA L A N N U A L 09 FUNDRAISER 09 SCHOLARSHIPS Z N YA A N D U P C O M I N G W O R L D 10 CONGRESS Posters made by the Children's Religious Classes, ZAGBA CHILDREN 'S CLASS POSTERS 11 on Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. Place an ad in the newsletter: Full Page $ 100 • Half Page $ 75 • Quater Page $ 50 01 3 1 20 ZAGBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 07 Message from the President Contents Navroze, Nawruz, Nowroz, Norouz... however you wish to say it, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our ZAGBA members and friends a wonderful beginning of Spring and a happy and healthy new year. Zoroastrian Youth of North During this past year, we have had an incredible team lead ZAGBA America toward our collective(ZYNA) vision for Community Building, Community Education, Community Service and Community Center. It has been a laurels. Based on feedback from the community, we will focus on having 2) Joinevents Jimmy ZYNA is committed to twoCome ‘high end’ eachand yearMe… that are fully-catered and formal basic human social all.events Please in/around Marchrights 21st andand August 21st.justice The restfor of the will come be run and managed our teams will befor more cost-sensitive. For example, join Jimmy by Carter andand myself a week of camaraderie as in April we are planning movie night for the community; later in build houses fora family low-income families in Los Angeles, we the summer we have a event picnic,will a canoeing trip and another biking trip. CA. This five-day not only provide housing for Please take a look at the new ZAGBA website www.ZAGBA.org the families who only dreamt of owning a home, butforwill most recent schedule of events. With your input, an updated 2007 increase awareness of a very real American housing crisis Community Directory will be completed shortly and will allow us greater and a long-term commitment for action from community opportunities to connect with each other. leaders and individuals to resolve it. Details: Los Angeles, The Community Education events seem to get stronger all the time. CA; Oct. 28-Nov. 2, 2007; Sponsorship for Food and Both the Adult and the Children’s classes are flourishing and sincere Housing will be available. thanks to Nasswan Dossabhoy for engaging the youth and some adult peers to get excitement back into this group. The teachers of the Children’s classes – Hufrish Sirohi, Kaizad Patel, Yezad Nalladaru, and their leader Farhad Panthaki deserve to be recognized and applauded for their hard work and dedication. 4th WORLD ZOROASTRIAN YOUTH CONGRESS, AUSTRALIA 2007 The Community Center – The Zarathushti Center of Boston is moving forward withmore continued zealthe under the leadership team of the Bhathena To learn about next World Zoroastrian Youth and Kheradiand families and looks to the community You will of Congress be part of “the greatest eventforinsupport. the history hear much more about developments in this effort in the coming weeks. Zoroastrianism in Australia,” visit: www.4wzyc.org If you The Community Service group ledfinancial by Yezad Nalladaru has toward been active are intersted in providing assistance a and many thanks to alltooffund you for your support the recent scholarship project Iranian youth in speakers to clothing attend collection (I firstinhand saw the gratitude from twoMeher of the locations in the congress Australia, please contact Amalsad Mumbai when the clothes were donated) and the Food Bank volunteering. who is coordinating a global fundraising effort: Coming up soon are more volunteering opportunities at the upcoming www.babameher@prodigy.net Special Olympics Games and other events. We thank you all for your continued participation in and volunteering at 9th WORLD ZOROASTRIAN activities. We encourage you to renew or become new members of CONGRESS, DUBAI ZAGBA this month as it is the start of our 2009 ZAGBA membership year. Your input is essential as we plan and implement events that are of The next World Zoroastrian Congress will be held in interest to you and your family, so the ZAGBA Board welcomes your UAE from Dec. 28th-31st, 2009. Look for more Dubai, suggestions and your offers to help out. Please send an email to information soon. or feel free to call me with inputs. jhdubash@gmail.com 10 Best Wishes, Ushta Te, Jamshed Dubash, President, ZAGBA 01 ZAGBA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 02 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Please contact ZYNA Chairman, Nikan Khatibi at pleasure working with the current board of Firoza Panthaki, Edul Nakra, nikan2@aol.com for more information: Hufrish Sirohi, and Anaheeta Nanavaty. Please join me in recognizing theirATTENTION: hard work and alsoMedical, the dedication of individuals who have led the 1) Pharmacy, Dental, OptomChildren’s and Adult Religious Education, Youth/Sports activities, etry, and Nursing STUDENTS. Come join ZYNA and Zarathushti Center mankind of Boston (ZCB), and of those free who Service Activities, dedicate yourself to serving by providing work with them to plan and execute their activities. In the past year, we health care to people in remote areas of the United States. have had a number of very successful ZAGBA Community Building are looking for 15 students and 3-4 licensed professionWe events including a well-attended formal Papeti-Navroze event in Natick, als to travel to Tennessee to over provide healthcare to the undera Jashan Gahambar event with 17 families cooking a traditional served. This will be a wonderful learning experience all Dhansak meal, and a Holiday Dinner Costume Party with fun for for the students and what better way to learn than to be part of a kids and young at heart. In addition, we have a fantastic newsletter group youth who will beever providing written of andZoroastrian published quarterly, a first-time ZAGBA outstandcommunity calendar, and a new service! ZAGBA website. to Anaheeta ing community Details:Congrats Crossville, TN, Mody, April Rita Kapadia delivering to the ZAGBA Parastu Dubash 14-15, 2007,and Housing and forFood will these be provided by community. Having said that, the team has no intention of resting on its ZYNA Z A G B A K E Y D AT E S ZAGBA COMMUNITY EVENTS 02 04 Z A G B A N O R O U Z C E L E B R AT I O N ZAGBA MEMBERSHIP ZAGBA CALENDAR Z A G B A YA H O O G R O U P S ZAGBA WEBSITE President - Jamshed Dubash (jhdubash@gmail.com) Vice President - Firoza Panthaki (fpanthaki@jhancock.com) Secretary - Hufrish Sirohi (Hufrish_Sirohi@Millipore.com) Asst. Secretary - Anaheeta Mody (ananavaty@printaspects.com) Treasurer - Edul Nakra (edul.nakra@gmail.com) Official email contact: ZAGBA@hotmail.com Farhad Panthaki - Children’s Education, Religious Services fpanthaki@yahoo.com Nasswan Dossabhoy - Adult Education ndossabh@endicott.edu Z A G B A PA S T 05 H O L I D AY D I N N E R PA R T Y Z A G B A C O M M I T T E E U P D AT E S Z A R AT H U S H T I C E N T E R O F B O S T O N 05 CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS CLASSES 05 A D U L T E D U C AT I O N 06 YOUTH GROUP 06 C O M M U N I T Y S E RV I C E 07 ZAGBA COMMUNITY NEWS 07 WEDDINGS 07 Daryush Mehta - Youth Liaison dmehta@mit.edu BABIES 08 Bijan KHosraviani - Sports bijanstanford@gmail.com N AV J O T E S 08 CONDOLENCES 08 ACHIEVEMENTS 08 Yezad Nalladaru - Service Projects yezad@hotmail.com Firdaus Bhathena - Zarathushti Center of Boston firdaus@alum.mit.edu Jerry Kheradi - Zarathushti Center of Boston JerryKheradi@aol.com Parastu Dubash - FEZANA liaison, Newsletter parastu@townisp.com Official email contact with the ZAGBA Board: zagba@hotmail.com Newsgroup Communications within the community: zagba@yahoogroups.com New Official Website www.zagba.org F E Z A N A U P D AT E S 09 THE ZOROASTRIAN CONGRESS 09 THE ZOROASTRIAN SPORTS COMMITTEE 09 T H E Z A R AT H U S H T I O R A L H I S T O R Y 09 PROJECT PA R S E E G E N E R A L H O S P I TA L A N N U A L 09 FUNDRAISER 09 SCHOLARSHIPS Z N YA A N D U P C O M I N G W O R L D 10 CONGRESS Posters made by the Children's Religious Classes, ZAGBA CHILDREN 'S CLASS POSTERS 11 on Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds. Place an ad in the newsletter: Full Page $ 100 • Half Page $ 75 • Quater Page $ 50 0131 A WING SPAN THAT EXTENDS fr om C r e a t i v e D e s i g n t o Print Production Capabilities A WING SPAN THAT Print Aspects is a full service agency that serves asEXTENDS a One Stop fro m C r e a t i v e D e s i g n t o Solution for most Small to Medium size companies. Offering a wide spectrum of services: GET 20% OFF FULL COLOR DIGITAL COLOR OUTPUTS ........................................................................................................................................ Z AG B A N ew s l e t t e r A p r i l 2 0 0 7 apply. Offer Valid withDIGITAL coupon only COLOR OUTPUTS GET 20%restrictions OFF FULL COLOR ........................................................................................................................................ 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We make the process as seamless and hassle-free as possible. Dealing with only one vendor from start to finish, not only makes it cost effective but assures quality and a good return on your investment. design | print | web | advertising 9 1 M y s t i c S t r e e t, A r l i n g t o n , M A 0 2 4 7 4 | T 7 8 1 . 6 4 1 . 4 1 8 0 | F 7 8 1 . 6 4 1 . 2 4 1 5 | s e r v i c e @ p r i n t a s p e c t s . c o m | w w w. p r i n t a s p e c t s . c o m d e s i g n | p r i n t | w e b | a dThis v e redition t i s i n g was designed & printed by PRINTASPECTS edited by PARASTU DUBASH 9 1 M y s t i c S t r e e t, A r l i n g t o n , M A 0 2 4 7 4 | T 7 8 1 . 6 4 1 . 4 1 8 0 | F 7 8 1 . 6 4 1 . 2 4 1 5 | s e r v i c e @ p r i n t a s p e c t s . c o m | w w w. p r i n t a s p e c t s . c o m This edition was designed & printed by PRINTASPECTS edited by PARASTU DUBASH ZAGBA 120 Sutherland Road, Apt. #12, Brighton, MA 02135 ZAGBA 120 Sutherland Road, Apt. #12, Brighton, MA 02135 AGBA AGBA Zoroastrian Association of The Greater Boston Area Zoroastrian Association of The Greater Boston Area Norouz Celebration Saturday, March 24th, 2007 Byblos Restaurant in Norwood. o r Sotuuzd C G a tN ha y eGl e r obur a ption S a t u r d a y , M a r c S a t u r d a y , A p r i l 7 t h ,h 22040t7h , 2 0 0 7 s sR e ta o rovda.r d Ya r d . T h e BPyhbi l o lip B rso ouk rs aHnot ui n s eNi o nr w Ha d yo vGi e r oN u ipg h t F a mGi la yt h Pa i z zSat u /M uy r d, aAyp, r A 27 007 S a t uS radt a i l p2r7i lt h7,t h2 ,0 0 T h e P h i l l i p s B r o o k s H o u sues ei ni nH B aur vr lai nr d Stone Brook Farms Clubho g tYa o nr.d . atm i gl y hm t pics Vo l uF n e iel y r i nPgi z zaat /SM po evciiea lNO uy r d, aJ y A p1r6i lt h2 7- t h , n2d 0a 0 7y , J u n e 1 7 t h , 2 0 0 7 S a t uS radt a u ,n e Su t oenr eGBarm oo S u mSm e ks Faat rHmasr vCal u r db,h BoUu,s eM iI n T. B u r l i n g t o n . C a nVo o el iunngt eEevrei n g t at Special Olympics uy r d, aJ y J u2n3er d1,6 2 t h0 0- 7S u n d a y , J u n e 1 7 t h , 2 0 0 7 S a t uS radt a u ,n e ub mr m ao r dn,c BoUr d , M S o u St h i degreGBaom ae t hs oauts eH ai nr vC f oI T. llowed by lunch. on en i nuga lE v Z A GCBa An A Pe i cnnt i c E v e n t uy r d, aJ y S a t uS radt a u ,l yJ u 1n 4 teh ,2 32r0d0,7 2 0 0 7 Southbridge Boathouse in Concord followed by lunch. Papeti Navroze Celebration S a t uZ rAdGaByA , AAungnuusat l 2P5i tchn, i c 2 0E0v7e n t Saturday, July 14th, 2007 Biking Event z eb eCre8l e S a t uPradpaeyt,i SNeapvtreom t hb,r a2 t0i 0o7n Sa r db ayy ,l uAnucghu. s t 2 5 t h , 2 0 0 7 Follo wteud B o s tBoi k n i nMga rEav tehnot n J i m m y F u n d W a l k uy r d, aS ye,p St e m p tbeemr b1e6rt h8,t h2 ,0 0 27 007 S a t uS radt a Followed by lunch. ( These are proposed dates, subject to change based on availability of locations. ) B o s t o n M a r a t h o n J i m m y F u n d Wa l k Saturday, September 16th, 2007 2007 ( These are proposed dates, subject to change based on availability of locations. )