Kingsclere Chronicle No 13 (20/03/2015)


Kingsclere Chronicle No 13 (20/03/2015)
Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning
Welcome to the
Kingsclere Chronicle
Thank you to all parents and carers who help us save money and the environment by signing up for email newsletters - If you
have not yet signed up, please see the office with your email address. More information can be found on our website at
www ’re on the
sclere web at
Red Nose Day
Our pupils, parents, carers and staff
really got behind Red Nose Day in
school this year and raised an amazing
£722 for the Comic Relief charity. This will
be doubled to £1444 by the government
. This is a record amount for our school.
Children and staff on the 13th March
dressed as one of the nine noses
(Snorbit, Supernose, Astrosnot, Snotty
Professor, Nosebot, Karate Konk, Snout
Dracula, Snortel or Stripey).
Our school council members sold 300
Red Noses in just 3 days’ at lunchtimes
and after school. The children truly
showed our school values of thinking,
independence, resilience and working
together, to obtain the nose they
wanted, as this year it was a surprise
which nose they would get for their £1
The highlight of Red Nose Day was
undoubtedly the Gunging our of
Teacher and School Leader. All week
our children, parents, grandparents
and staff had been buying votes for
20p each from our school council
members for the person they wanted
to see being gunged on Red Nose
For the first few days Mrs
Wallace was looking like the lucky
teacher, but then on the last day,
Miss King and Mr Wells steamed into
the lead and with a final push by Miss
King and the school council, Mr Wells
was given the honour of winning the
gunging challenge.
Our school
leader Owen, seemed to be the
favourite from the start, and after
several generous donations from his
family, he secured his place in the
gunging chair. We would like to
thank you all for your support of our
funding raising activities this year.
20th March 2015
Issue: 13
Dates for your Diary
Last Judo session this term
Interim Reports to parents/
Y5/6 Girls football match at
Park House
Parents Evening 3.45pm to 6pm
Paralympian visit to whole
school and workshop for Y5
Parents Evening 5pm to 7.15pm
School Film Night 3.30 - 5.30pm
Club finish for this term
KS1 football match at Park
KS2 Cross Country Competition
1.00pm to 4.00pm
Newbury Showground
Y5 Trip to British Museum 8.15am
to 4.30pm - Packed Lunch
Y4 Parents Stubbington meeting
at 3.00pm
Y6 Parents SATs / Skern Lodge
meeting at 3.30pm
School Easter Church service
Last day of Spring 2 term
FKS Easter Egg Hunt 2-4
3.4.15 - 19.4.15
Easter Holiday
First day of Summer 1 term
Address: Ash Grove, Kingsclere, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 5RE. Tel:01635 298583, Email:
Feel the Beat Workshop for R/KS1
Our Year R, 1 & 2 children today enjoyed a dance workshop
from JC of Feel the BEAT. As part of their topic this term, JC
showed them how current and old styles compliment each
other and how many dance moves are reinvented over time.
School Library Bus Visit
On Thursday afternoon the Hampshire School Library Service Bus came to our
school to exchange over 200 books for our children to enjoy over the next term.
We focused on books for the summer term topics, both fiction and non fiction.
Two children from each class
had an opportunity to pick
their favourite books and they
will be able to share them with their class over the
next few weeks. Look out for the new books in our
I really enjoyed
choosing the
I love the
library van
This book is
very funny
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Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning
Messy Church
The first Messy Church for 2015 was held on Tuesday,
March 17th in the school hall. The theme was “I am
the good shepherd” and “I am the light”.
It was lovely to see new and familiar faces enjoy the
activities with the wider church community. The
next Mess Church will be held on Tuesday, 16th
Jun e .
E ver y on e
Mr & Mrs Big
Our Year R children have been
reading the story of “Mr Big goes
to the Park” in class and decided
to use their creative skills with
guidance from their teacher to
construct their very own Mr and
Mrs Big.
They have been
construction as part of their topic this term.
Future Messy Church
dates for 2015 are:
Tuesday 16th June
Tuesday 22nd September
Tuesday 24th November
Absence from School
Read for My School
How many books did we read? During the 6
week period the children read 252. This is an
impressive amount for 6 weeks and we would like
to thank our parents/carers for
their support with encouraging
our children to read. We hope
it has given them the
motivation to continue reading
new and varied books.
If your child is absent from school due to illness,
please call the school office on 01635 298583
before 9am on the morning of the first day of illness
to report the reason for absence, this will need to
be done every morning of their absence, unless
you know they will be off school for a longer period
due to the illness.
Y5 School Trip
Our Y5 children will be going on a trip to the British
Museum on Tuesday 31st March. They will be
leaving school at 8.15am. Please could they arrive
5 minutes earlier, so they can get away promptly.
They will also need a pack lunch on the day. If you
have not yet returned your permission slip, please
could you send it in next week.
Sainsbury’s Active Vouchers
This term, the school council have decided to
enter the Potato Council’s "Grow Your Own
Potatoes" competition. Our team leaders, Sean
and Elena were busy preparing the potatoes for
planting a few weeks ago and they have now
been planted and we await the results of their
hard work.
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We are still collecting Sainsbury’s Active
vouchers. Please bring them into the school
reception and leave them
in the Sainsbury’s box.
They can be found at all
Sainsbury’s stores, petrol
stations and when ordering
groceries online until 5th
May 2015. We are hoping
that this year we can collect even more.
Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning
Solar Eclipse
Our children were very enthusiastic today about the arrival of the Eclipse as they had been preparing their
pin hole camera’s for the event with the help from Mrs Philip. Unfortunately the clouds were too dense
and they were not able to see the eclipse live. Luckily we had a back up plan and the children we able
to watch the coverage in the classroom. Rowan class tried to replicate the
eclipse with a torch and their pin hole camera’s.
Mr Wells’ THUNK of the
Celebrating Good
THUNKS are questions that make you stop and
think. It does not necessarily have a right
answer and people may have different views.
As good attendance at school is vital for successful
learning we are always keen to celebrate good
attendance at our school. The class that has the best
attendance the previous fortnight will be
celebrated in assembly.
This fortnight’s THUNK is:
If I borrow a million pounds
am I a millionaire?
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The winners for the last fortnight were:
Maple - 98.9%
Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning
Over the last fortnight we have been learning to:
KS2 - Juniors
Early Years
Year R
English - recount a story
Year 3/4
Maths - add and subtract
English - write an narrative - Quest to find the yem
KS1 - Infants
Maths - interpret and draw graphs
Year 1
Year 5
English - Rowan: retell and adapt the story
We’re going on a bear hunt
English - use persuasive writing
Maths - use different measures
Willow : write a diary about The Tiger that
came for Tea
Year 6
Maths - Rowan: use and add money
English - write newspaper reports
Willow: use and add money and identify
Maths - Mrs Neville: work out area, perimeter and
Year 2
Maths - Miss King: work out percentages and angles
English - write a diary about the Jolly Postman
Maths - add money odd number line
School Library
The school library will be open every morning from 8.35am to 8.45am and 3.20pm to
3.30pm to enable parents and pupils to choose books to enjoy and share together
at home. There will be a teacher available in the library should you require any
guidance on choosing books.
Pupil Page - Y6 Newspaper report
Bean Gunged
Last Friday at Kingsclere Primary School, Mr. Wells
and Owen where gunged.
Before the event happened, all of the children
and adults voted on who they wanted to be
gunged. The voting took place at break, lunch
and after school. Mrs. Wallace was in the lead
for being gunged and the votes were 20p.
Unfortunately, Mr. Rick Lawrence put £40 on the
beloved Miss King, which turned the voting right
around. But on the last day of voting almost all
the staff put their money on Mr. Well’s, which put
him in the lead.
Just before the event, we all watched a video to
show why we are doing this. After the video, we
were told how much we raised it was £700! But
the government doubled it and we have £1400!.
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10!9!8! Then it went to 0 and piles of gunge that
was an orangey-green came pilling down on top
of Owen and Mr. Wells. To make sure nothing got
on the floor, Mrs. Andrew laid mats so they could
get to the showers.
Mr. Well’s reported that
apprehensive. When he
walked into the hall he felt
like he was going to be
executed. And he put his
hand in the bucket of
Now we’ll do this every
two years. And we raised
£1400 which is a record,
they are all so proud.
By Ben C - Y6
Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning
Registered Charity Number: 1099453
The Parent Teacher Association of Kingsclere C of E Primary School
News from FKS
FKS Film Night showing Paddington will be on 27th March from 3.30 - 5.30pm for all pupils. Letters have
gone out & permission slips and money should be returned to the school post box ASAP.
First Aid Courses - letters have been sent out & the next course will be 1st April contact
The FKS Easter Egg Hunt will be returning on Sat 4th April. It's a great family event following a map
around the village, collecting answers and winning an egg at the end. The event is open to all so tell
your friends and neighbours. This year we have a new, easy to follow 'buggy friendly' route! We hope
you can come and join in the fun from 2-4pm at St Mary's Churchyard. There will also be a raffle, cake
stall and refreshments in the Kingsmill Room within the church. Tickets are £2 in advance (from
Kingsclere Primary School Office) or £2.50 on the day. All proceeds go to FKS so please support this fun
PS - if you would like to donate cake(s) for the cake stall please bring to the Kingsmill Room from 1pm
on 4/4/15.
A Bag2School collection has been booked for 9am on Thursday 14th May, bags will be sent out and
you can fill them and any other plastic sacks with good quality items for RE-USE: They accept Men’s,
Ladies and Children’s clothing, Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around), Handbags, Hats,
Bags, Scarves and ties, Jewellery, Belts & Soft toys. They do not accept: Duvets, bedding, blankets
and household linen, Pillows and cushions, Carpets, rugs and mats (including bath, shower and toilet
mats), Curtains, Towels, Soiled, painted, ripped or wet clothing, School uniforms, Corporate clothing
and work wear, textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material. Our collection is weighed and we are paid
accordingly so the more we have the more we earn!
Recent spending has included fluorescent safety jackets for pupils to wear on trips out of school and
pupils were really excited by the arrival of the new school pets, 2 guinea pigs and a rabbit funded by
Community Notices
Ocean and Earth Day
Saturday 25th April 2015 - 10.30am to 4.00pm
National Oceanography Centre, Waterfront Campus, European Way, Southampton SO14 3ZH
Free admission
Ocean & Earth Day is a fantastic opportunity to discover how research is carried out and see some of
the amazing work undertaken at the centre.
You can have a go at driving a mini Remotely Operate Vehicle, see how we are using 3D printing, fossil
plaster cast making, panning for gold and marine animals from our research aquarium will be on show.
More information at
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Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning
Address: Ash Grove, Kingsclere, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 5RE. Tel:01635 298583, Email:
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Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning
Address: Ash Grove, Kingsclere, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 5RE. Tel:01635 298583, Email:
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Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning
Address: Ash Grove, Kingsclere, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 5RE. Tel:01635 298583, Email:

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