Kingsclere Chronicle No 12 (06/03/2015)
Kingsclere Chronicle No 12 (06/03/2015)
Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning Welcome to the Kingsclere Chronicle Thank you to all parents and carers who help us save money and the environment by signing up for email newsletters - If you have not yet signed up, please see the office with your email address. More information can be found on our website at We www ’re on the .king sclere web at prima m 13 February 2015 Issue: 11 Dear Parents/Carers We now have three furry additions to our school. As a ‘thank you’ to the children for their ‘outstanding’ behaviour, two guinea pigs and a rabbit have joined the team (they will also support the children’s understanding of nurture and SMSC). We have asked the children to think of names to call our furry friends and we will pick names from a hat next Friday. The children, and teachers, were very excited in assembly this morning when they were introduced and we talked about how to look after and care for them. When they have become more familiar with being held, children, (if they choose,) will have the opportunity for a hold and stroke! Thank you to FKS for supporting the funding of our new celebrities. I must also thank Richard Croft who came into school on Thursday to talk to our Year 1 and 2 children about the history of Kingsclere as part of their ‘Street Detective’ topic. He was extremely complementary about the children’s behaviour and the questions they asked. Congratulations to Mrs Spencer-Healey for coming second in a horse dressage competition over half term—she was even in Horse and Hound! Over the next term and a half Mrs Spencer-Healey will be working in Year 6 to support the children in their run up to SATs. Best Regards Mr Steve Wells Headteacher Dates for your Diary Thanks to Pets At Home and especially Brad for the brilliant advice! 9.3.15 Parent Evening booking goes live 9.3.15 Red Noses & Gunging votes on Sale 10.3.15 Y5/6 High Five Netball Coaching 12.3.15 The Clere School Spring Disco Y5/6 13.3.15 Red Nose Day - Non uniform 16.3.15 FKS First Aid Course 5.30 8.30pm 17.3.15 Messy Church 3.20pm - 5.30pm 17.3.15 FKS First Aid Course 6.00pm 8.00pm 18.3.15 Y5 Parents Osmington Bay meeting at 3.30pm 20.3.15 Last Judo session this term 25.3.15 Parents Evening 3.45pm to 6pm Friends of Kingsclere CE Primary School (FKS) The school would like to thank the FKS team and the parent/carers of our school for our new Hi Vis jackets. The infant children wore them for the first time this week for their village walks and looked very smart and visible around our village. 26.3.15 Parents Evening 5pm to 7.30pm 27.3.15 School Film Night 3.30 - 5.30pm 1.4.15 Y6 Parents SATs / Skern Lodge meeting at 3.30pm 1.4.15 Y4 Parents Stubbington meeting at 3.00pm 2.4.15 School Easter Church service 10.30am 2.4.15 Last day of Spring 2 term 4.4.15 FKS Easter Egg Hunt 3.4.15 - 19.4.15 Easter Holiday Address: Ash Grove, Kingsclere, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 5RE. Tel:01635 298583, Email: Red Nose Day Friday 13th March Bag yourself one of the nine new Red Noses for £1 each, our school council will be selling them during break and lunchtime and we will also be selling them from the school office. They will go on sell from Monday 9th to Thursday 12th March. On 13th March 2015 we will be holding a day to go undercover for a donation. Children can come into school dressed up as one of the fabulous nine noses (good luck with snorbit, the alien nose) or paint their face like one of the nine comic relief noses (Supernose, Stripey, Snotty Professor, Snorbit, Astrosnort, Nosebot, Snortel or Karate Konk). Children can wear non uniform if they are just painting their faces. Also on 13th March we will ‘Gunging one of our members of staff and one of our school leaders”. This will now take place during school time but we will have pictures for our website and the next Chronicle. From Monday 9th March to 12th March our pupils, parents, carers and staff will be able to buy a vote from our school council members or the school office for 20p each for the person they would like to see gunged! The lucky volunteers for the gunging are: Mr Wells - Headteacher Mrs Spencer-Healey - Deputy Head Miss King - Y6 teacher Miss Wallace - Y3/4 teacher Miss Davis - Y6 teaching Assistant Miss Tice - Y1 teacher Miss Beeden - YR/1 teacher Harry - Y6 School Leader Daisy - Y6 School Leader Owen - Y6 School Leader Chelsie - Y6 School Leader The more votes you buy, the better chance you have to see your favourite person gunged. We will be keeping a totaliser in the school during the week. Page 2 Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning PE Kit Please can we ask parent/carers to make sure that their children come to school on a Monday morning with their PE kit, which should include green shorts, yellow t-shirt, black/blue track suit, PE socks and outdoor trainers. We have had a increasing number of children who have been without training shoes or the trainer have been too small. Due to safety reasons wearing their school shoes is not suitable for PE lessons and could lead to injures. Many thank for your support to make sure every child can take part in our PE curriculum Read for My School How many books have you read? Currently our KS2 children have read 232 books since the launch of the competition. This is a very impressive amount for 6 weeks but we can do better. The competition is closing on 20th March, so only a few weeks left. Don’t forget that all books that you read can be registered on the website. Sainsbury’s Active Vouchers We are still collecting Sainsbury’s Active vouchers. Please bring them into the school reception and leave them in the Sainsbury’s box. They can be found at all Sainsbury’s stores, petrol stations and when ordering groceries online until 5th May 2015. We are hoping that this year we can collect even more. Messy Church Our first Messy Church for 2015 will be on Tuesday, March 17th from 3.20pm - 5.30pm at school. The theme is “I am the good shepherd” and “I am the light” Come and enjoy various activities, hear more about the bible story and then tuck into a home cooked hot meal. All are invited… adults, teenagers, children, carers, families, partners, g r a n d p a r e n t s …… Everyone is welcome! Future Messy Church dates for 2015 are: Tuesday 16th June Tuesday 22nd September Tuesday 24th November This term, the school council have decided to enter the Potato Council’s "Grow Your Own Potatoes" competition. Entrants will have the chance learn about how to grow potatoes, healthy eating and have a chance to win a prize, including fantastic Marmax furniture for the playground. Our Pack arrived last week so our team leaders, Sean and Elena have been busy preparing the potatoes for planting. Page 3 Sparkling Rugby Competition Well done to our Year 6 rugby team who took part in a inter-school sparkling rugby competition this week at Ecchinswell School. Even though they did not win the competition, they did demonstrate our school values of resilience and thinking. They listened to the coach and kept on trying to break through. They won one match but unfortunately lost two. Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning World Book Day The day began with the teachers sharing their favourite books with the children in a whole school assembly- we even discovered which was Wayne Rooney’s and Barack Obama’s! Classes then joined up to share their favourite books with each other. Ash class began a roll on story which travelled its way up to Oak class and featured Princesses and Pirates! Whilst Chestnut class began a story for KS2 based upon magical adventures. World Book day was also celebrated by Rowan class going on a bear hunt, year 6 designing a treasure hunt, designing of books covers and much more! Page 4 Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning Year 6 Topic - Blood Heart This term our year 6 children will be learning about the parts of the circulatory system and last week they had an opportunity to have a “hands on” experience of an animal’s heart. We did have a few children who were reluctant to take part at the start of the lesson, but all managed to investigate the workings of the heart in the end. The whole class then wrote their own assembly that they gave on Wednesday morning to the whole school to explain about healthy eating and exercise. Mr Wells’ THUNK of the Fortnight! THUNKS are questions that make you stop and think. It does not necessarily have a right answer and people may have different views. This fortnight’s THUNK is: If you were an animal, what would you be? Page 5 Celebrating Good Attendance As good attendance at school is vital for successful learning we are always keen to celebrate good attendance at our school. The class that has the best attendance the previous fortnight will be celebrated in assembly. The winners for the last fortnight were: Oak Class - 99.3% Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning Over the last fortnight we have been learning to: Early Years KS2 - Juniors Year R Year 3/4 English - write instructions English - write recounts about Edmund Hillary (First man to conquer Mount Everest) Maths - add Maths - Miss Hoar & Mrs Wallace: identify, add and subtract fractions KS1 - Infants Maths - Mrs Criggie: identify, add and subtract fractions Year 1 English - Rowan: write instructions Willow : write instructions Maths - Rowan: add Year 5 English - write adventure/quest stories about ancient Egypt Willow: add Maths - add and subtract fractions Year 2 Year 6 English - write instructions English - write an explanation Maths - understand 2D & 3D Shapes Maths - Mrs Neville: add and subtract fractions Maths - Miss King: understand and use algebra All class topic newsletters have either been emailed or sent home in book bags but if you have not seen a copy, please visit our website at Our walk around Kingsclere This week Early years and Key Stage one enjoyed a historical walk through our village, where we explored the buildings and looked at changes through time. The gates to the old school! On Thursday Willow and Oak were joined by Mr Croft who is writing a book about the history of Kingsclere and led our tour! One our walk we learn all about past and present buildings and important people in our village. The oldest house in the village! Outside the library. Old cottages on North Street. Page 6 Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning Registered Charity Number: 1099453 The Parent Teacher Association of Kingsclere C of E Primary School News from FKS FKS have lots of exciting fundraising events planned for 2015 so please support us. This year we are working on improving the school playground as well as continuing to provide sporting and educational equipment, support and extra curricular activities for our school. Forthcoming events include our annual Easter Egg Hunt, Mothers Day gift making, First Aid courses and please note the film night will now be held on Friday 27th March for YR to 6 and we will be showing Paddington. Future Dates for your Diary - all welcome Friday 13th March - Mothers Day Gifts £1.50 Monday 16th March - FKS First Aid Course 6.00pm - 8.00pm Tuesday 17th March - FKS First Aid Course 6.00pm - 8.00pm New Date - Friday 27th March - R to Y6 - School Film night 3.20pm Wednesday 1st April - FKS First Aid Course 7.00pm - 9.00pm Saturday 4th April - Easter Egg hunt around the village Saturday 27th June - School Summer Fair Community Notices Reading Half Marathon Kingsclere Library I'm Nik, mum to Zak and Phoebe. On the 22nd March, I'm going to be running the Reading Half Marathon in aid of The National Autistic Society. In March's edition of the Tower, the Parish Council reported the news that the village library will not be closing, merely changing hands; from 7th April this year, we will have a community-run library rather than a council-operated one. This does mean that the current library staff will be leaving us. It's a charity that means a lot to my sisters and others who live challenging and often isolating lives affected by Autism. This challenge has been over 5 years in the making, overcoming various hurdles on the way. So, any donations would be greatly received by myself on behalf of The National Autistic Society. If you would like to donate, either just check out my Just giving page (or via facebook) or text TNAS95 followed by amount either £10, £5, £4, £3, £2 or even just £1 to 70070. eg TNAS95 £2 Thank you for your support, Nicola Dymond x Page 7 The Council notice concludes, "We would like to say a proper than you to the Staff, particularly Rowena who has worked tirelessly for our Library for many years. There will be a collection for some of the staff and we would be happy to receive your contributions via The Clerk at the Parish Office which is open on Monday and Wednesday mornings between the hours of 9:30 & 11:30." Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning Address: Ash Grove, Kingsclere, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 5RE. Tel:01635 298583, Email: Page 8 Happy, confident, successful, responsible children with a lifelong love of learning Address: Ash Grove, Kingsclere, Newbury, Berkshire, RG20 5RE. Tel:01635 298583, Email:
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