Making Moulmein `a better place to live`
Making Moulmein `a better place to live`
February 2011 Moulmein UPDATE Tanjong Pagar Town Council Making Moulmein ‘a better place to live’ In his office in the MICA Building, RADM(NS) Lui Tuck Yew talked about past and future projects in his constituency ... and the importance of neighbourliness. O ver the past five years, almost all the HDB blocks in Moulmein that did not have lifts that stop on every floor, got them. “Many of the precincts actually hit above 90% in terms of the total responses for the lift upgrading programme. I think that goes to show how much this programme is welcomed by the people,” Mr Lui said. Residents also welcomed the upgrading of the Tekka Centre. Even getting into the car park is easier with congestion on Buffalo Road reduced. And it’s easier to find a space with differentiated pricing. Now you pay $1 for a half- hour’s parking during the day, but that goes down to 50 cents in the evening. “It helps to turn over traffic more quickly during the day, while people are not affected who come for dinner or visit parents after work,” he said. He thought the stall-holders and the NEA deserved a big thank-you for the part they played in bringing about all the changes. Although many improvements have been made in all the estates, Mr Lui feels that there will always be scope for more linkways, drop-off porches, fitness corners and improvement for barrier-free access. Upgrading private estates RADM(NS) Lui Tuck Yew, Minister for Information, Communications & the Arts, MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC (Moulmein) Private estates won’t be left out of the upgrading. Apart from nominating four to five neighbourhoods for the Estate Upgrading Programme (EUP), he has, for example, put in proposals to make improvements to the playgrounds in private estates. “Because that is outside the scope of even the new Interim EUP, we approached the National Parks and they have agreed to improve five of the Adding buzz to Balestier’s heritage-rich district playgrounds in our private estates,” he said. Working with different agencies for the maintenance and improvement of private property can be a problem. “So we started the Hotline for Private Estates, or HOPE. Now, instead of having to call different agencies – the NEA, PUB, LTA and so on – a resident can call just one number,” he said. It cuts out the hassle of trying to find the right person to talk to. HOPE has been under trial for over a year with funding from the Ministry of Finance. Community bonding “But it is not just the physical infrastructure that we need to be concerned with,” he said. “It’s not just the amenities and social hygiene. We need to encourage a deeper sense of community, a greater sense of bonding.” He wants more programmes that complement the CDC’s activities and help the needy, the out-ofwork and the elderly who lack family support. “About two years ago we introduced a programme for them in the Pek Kio area. We give them a number of vouchers each month that they can use at the Pek Kio market. For $2 they can get a good meal,” he said. The hawkers in turn can redeem the vouchers from the CCC. “Eighty percent of the hawker stalls in the market have come on board this scheme!” Talking about events organized by the NCs, he said he was pleased the way the RCs and NCs were working together. Trips to the Universal Studios here, the Flyer, the Helix bridge and the Marina Barrage have been organised so that residents from – continued on page 5 Sun Yat Sen villa Z The old Sun Yat Sen villa. The park will lead to it, between the new high-rise hotels. hongshan Park is a common name for Chinese parks in honour of the “Father of modern China”, Sun Yat-sen, known in Chinese as Sun Zhongshan. Now Singapore will have such a park, between Balestier and the Sun Yat Sen villa on Ah Hood Road. The park will be built and maintained by niche property developer Hiap Hoe and SuperBowl Holdings as part of their development of two hotels and an office block on the site shown to the right. 1 Moulmein Update Menjadikan Moulmein ‘tempat yang lebih baik untuk didiami’ Di pejabat beliau di Bangunan MICA, Laksamana Pertama (Kerahan) Lui Tuck Yew bercakap mengenai projek-projek pada masa lalu dan masa depan di kawasan undi beliau… dan peri pentingnya semangat kejiranan. D alam masa lima tahun yang lalu, hampir semua blok HDB di Moulmein yang tidak mempunyai lif yang berhenti di setiap tingkat, telah mendapat kemudahan ini. “Banyak keputusan pengundian mencapai paras sokongan yang lebih daripada 90%. Saya fikir itu menunjukkan betapa program ini mendapat sambutan baik penduduk,” kata Encik Lui. Penduduk juga mengalu-alukan peningkatan Pusat Tekka. Para pemandu kereta kini mendapati lebih mudah untuk memasuki tempat letak kereta kerana kesesakan di Buffalo Road telah menjadi kurang. Walaupun banyak pembaikan telah dibuat di semua estet, Encik Lui berasa akan sentiasa ada skop untuk membina lebih banyak laluan penghubung, anjung untuk menurunkan penumpang, sudut senaman dan akses bebas halangan yang lebih baik. Peningkatan estet privet Estet-estet privet tidak akan diabaikan. Beliau telah menamakan empat atau lima kejiranan untuk Program Peningkatan Estet dan NParks telah bersetuju untuk memperbaiki lima taman permainan kanak-kanak di estet-estet privet. Bekerja dengan agensi-agensi yang berlainan untuk penyenggaraan dan pembaikan hartanah privet boleh menimbulkan masalah. “Oleh itu kami telah mulakan Hotline untuk Estet-estet Privet, atau HOPE. Sekarang, seorang penduduk tidak perlu menghubungi agensi-agensi yang berlainan – NEA, PUB, LTA dan sebagainya – dia boleh memanggil satu nombor sahaja,” kata beliau. “Tetapi kita tidak setakat memberi perhatian kepada infrastruktur fizikal sahaja,” kata beliau. “Kita perlu menggalakkan semangat masyarakat yang lebih tebal.” Beliau berkata beliau gembira dengan cara Jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa Penduduk dan Jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa Kejiranan bekerjasama. Lawatan ke tempat-tempat menarik telah dianjurkan agar penduduk dari kawasan perumahan awam dan estet privet dapat berseronok bersama. Banyak projek baru Berita besar untuk Moulmein adalah Balai Rakyat Pek Kio yang baru. Dan menurut Encik Lui, ia akan dibina dengan kemudahan yang lebih banyak daripada biasa. Ia akan berkongsi dewan sukan dalam bangunan dengan Sekolah Rendah Farrer Park. “Pada siang hari, sekolah tersebut akan mendapat keutamaan menggunakan dewan sukan, dan pada waktu malam, penduduk akan dapat menggunakannya!” kata Encik Lui. Satu lagi perkara yang akan membawa perbezaan besar adalah pembinaan MRT yang sedang dijalankan. Dengan siapnya laluan Downtown Line Two dan laluan Circle, penduduk Moulmein akan mempunyai empat laluan MRT yang berkhidmat kepada mereka. Encik Lui berkata bahawa satu lagi projek yang beliau nantikan adalah pembangunan Zhongshan Park di sebelah villa Sun Yat Sen. Sebagai sebuah kemudahan tambahan yang dialu-alukan di kawasan Balestier, taman ini akan menarik perhatian orang ramai kepada villa tersebut – dan villa itu sendiri akan dilengkapi dengan bahan-bahan pameran baru. Jiran baik Beliau berceritakan tentang masa beliau dibesarkan di Tiong Bahru dalam zaman di mana pintu rumah sentiasa terbuka, pesta-pesta disambut bersama, jiran tetangga mengawasi anak satu sama lain, dan seorang jiran tidak berasa keberatan meminjam secawan gula pasir daripada jiran sebelah. “Terdapat banyak semangat tolong menolong,” kata beliau. Oleh itu, apakah yang dapat dilakukan untuk menjadikan Moulmein seperti itu? “Yang penting adalah anda perlu tahu jiran tetangga anda, berkenalan dengan mereka dan tolong-menolong antara satu sama lain,” kata beliau. Oleh kerana sukar bagi para pemimpin akar umbi menjejak setiap orang, beliau fikir bahawa jiran tetangga harus mengambil tahu keadaan satu sama lain. “Kadang kala orang malu untuk meminta tolong. Oleh itu, jika anda perhatikan satu perubahan dalam keadaan jiran anda – misalnya, apabila si pencari nafkah kehilangan pekerjaan atau menemui kemalangan – anda harus memberitahu kami, bercakap dengan pemimpin akar umbi anda, agar kami dapat datang melawat dan membantu jika boleh. “Mengambil berat. Bersedia menolong. Apabila kita sampai ke peringkat suasana demikian, Moulmein akan menjadi sebuah tempat yang lebih baik untuk didiami,” kata beliau. RESIDENTS’ REPORTS Mr George Yeo lives on the ninth floor in Block 10 Gloucester Road.”I did not stay on a lift level so it was quite inconvenient for me. If I was carrying something heavy, it was hard work,” he said. He thought everyone in his block, especially the elderly, were very happy when the LUP took place. “Before, when you bought something and arranged for it to be delivered, they would say, ‘Are you staying at a lift floor?’ and if you said, ‘No,’ then there would quote higher, something like $5 per floor extra. Lifts that stop on every floor are a great convenience for everyone.” Mr Leo Nyam has been living in the Ah Hood Gardens for over 20 years. He thinks the sheltered linkways are very good. “When it’s rainy, it’s very convenient. I can walk all the way to the bus stop under cover.” He likes his estate. “It’s peaceful.. and you don’t feel crowded here.” He’s 27, but his uncle, who lives in the next block, is 71. He showed us the pavilion where his uncle comes to sit and watch the world go by. “He has trouble with his knees,” he said. Making the estate barrier free had been a tremendous help for his uncle. Mr Richard Wong and his dog live in Block 104 Jalan Dusun. He thinks the covered linkways are the greatest improvement the Town Council has made to the estate.He said he found the drop-off porch at Block 106 very handy. “I don’t use it very often, but when it’s raining, yes. Before, if I didn’t have an umbrella, I’d just have to run for it. Very difficult after you’ve been marketing with your wife!” Growing together More than plants are growing in this community garden. Tended with care and hard work, the bonds between resident gardeners are growing as fast as their flowers and vegetables. B efore their community garden became official, residents were already cultivating land to the west of their houses. So, as soon as the Moulmein Goldhill NC was formed, the Goldhill Gardening Club was founded. With the help of NParks and the SLA, their garden became official... and started winning prizes! It has attracted over sixty members, but only 2 about 20 are active in the garden. As you can see from our photos, it’s hard work! Club members grow herbs, flowers, vegetables and fruit. A project taking a lot of effort at the moment is building a Japanese rock garden. There are many great things about gardening. Choosing what you want to grow is one. Watching it grow is even better. Sharing what you’ve grown with friends – that’s an amazing pleasure. REPORT CARD for Moulmein Division HDB Programmes Lift Upgrading at Blks 661-664 Buffalo Road Lift Upgrading at Blks 41-43 Cambridge Road Lift Upgrading at Blk 9 Gloucester Road Lift Upgrading at Blks 44 and 46 Owen Road Lift Upgrading at Blk 50 Dorset Road Lift Upgrading at Blks 51-53 Kent Road Town Council Improvement Works Lift Upgrading at Blks 668 Chander Road, 49 Dorset Road, 54 Kent Road and 10 Gloucester Road, Barrier Free Access at Blks 101-106 Ah Hood Gardens Barrier Free Access at Blk 48 and 48A Dorset Road Barrier Free Access at Blks 681-685 Race Course Road/Tessensohn Road Barrier Free Access at Blks 101-108 Jln Rajah Barrier Free Access at Blks 41- 47 Cambridge Road Barrier Free Access at Blks 671A/B and 672A/B Klang Lane Barrier Free Access at Blks 11-15 Farrer Park Road Barrier Free Access at Blks 51-54 Kent Road Covered Linkway from Blk 9 Gloucester Road to Farrer Park MRT Covered Linkway from Blk 37A to 38 Cambridge Road Covered Linkway from Blk 14A Farrer Park Road to Farrer Park MRT Covered Linkway from Blk 681 Race Course Road to Farrer Park MRT Covered Linkway from Blk 52 Kent Road to Kent Road Covered Linkway from Blk 1 Thomson Road to Blk 2 Balestier Road Drop-off Porch at Blk 106 Jalan Dusun Drop-off Porch at Blk 668 Chander Road Drop-off Porch at Blk 38 Cambridge Road Fitness corner at Blk 672 Klang Lane Fitness corner at 12 Farrer Park Road Fitness corner at Blk 69 Moulmein Road Fitness corner at Blk 47 Owen Road Fitness corner at Blk 51 Kent Road Playground Upgrading at Blk 10 Gloucester Road Playground Upgrading at Blks 41/44 Cambridge Road Jogging track at Blk 51 Kent Road Amenities improved by other branches of Govt Hawker Upgrading at Blk 665 Buffalo Road Hawker Upgrading at Blk 41A Cambridge Road 3 Moulmein Update RESIDENTS’ REPORTS Mr Subramaniam lives in Block 668 Chander Road. “It’s a good place to live. But a bit crowded on Sundays! The Town Council does a good job trying to keep it clean – but the rubbish is thrown down faster than anyone can clean it up.” His lift used to stop on the seventh and eleventh floors, but for two years now it has been stopping on every floor. “It’s great. We have very long corridors in this block, but they don’t seem so long when you don’t have a flight of stairs to start or end your walk.And it makes a big difference for the elderly.” Mr Rajaraajan lives on the seventh floor of Block 49 Dorset Road. That was really the worst floor before the TC-LUP. He had to climb two flights up or down to catch the lift. And he was, and is, an avid cyclist. “If I leave my bike on the ground floor, it gets stolen. So I have to bring it up to my house and put it inside. Before, if I wanted to go cycling, I had to carry it and climb down two floors. Once I slipped and fell onto my bicycle and injured my knee.” Not many people realise that an LUP can prevent cycling accidents. “With the lift stopping on our floor, going out for a ride is much easier now. And safer!” Mr Poh Kok Heng, who runs the Hougang 209 stall selling fishball and minced meat noodles, thinks the atmosphere is very good in the new Tekka Centre and so is the standard of hygiene. “Before renovation the place was quite dirty and stuffy and used to smell, but now it is more airy,” he said. Mrs Harbans, a tour guide who works around Little India is very happy with the new Tekka Centre. “The washrooms are a lot cleaner now. Now there is a cleaner also.” She has been eating at the Anna Thosai Stall for years. She thinks that the prices are still pretty much the same, and reasonable. She always buys fruit here. “Tekka Market is an interesting place and is very old. You can shop for clothes, jewellery, everything. The shopkeepers are friendly too. I hope they keep it forever!” The New Look of Tekka Everyone is pleased. The HUP gave Singapore’s leading wet market and food centre a new edge and the LUP made all the blocks an even more convenient place to live! T he New Look Tekka has lifts that stop at every floor, new tiling in the lobbies – and a bright new coat of paint. The food centre and market are brighter, airier, cleaner and more comfortable – with wider aisles, more fans and new lighting, seating, wiring and drainage. Mr I.S. Kamal has been running the Madina Muslim Food stall in Tekka Centre for nine years. He is happy that the place is cleaner now and is hopeful that business will pick up as the economy picks up. 4 Moulmein Update ‘a better place to live’ – continued from page one both the heartlands and private estates can have a good time together. “I think this will bring a deeper sense of community.” Moving forward... The big news for Moulmein is the new Pek Kio CC. And according to Mr Lui it will be built with more facilities than usual – because it will share an indoor sports hall with Farrer Park Primary School. “During the day, the school will get priority to use the sports hall and CC facilities, and in the evening and on weekends, the residents will get it!” Mr Lui said, “Within the CC we may have facilities and after-school programmes that will be of benefit to the students.” He thinks the relationship between the school and CC can be symbiotic. “There are many exciting possibilities.” Another thing that will make a big difference for many is the current MRT construction. With Downtown Line Two and the Circle line coming up, Moulmein residents will have four lines serving them. “At first the construction might cause some inconvenience, but once completed, commuting will be a lot easier for everyone,” he said. Many projects in the pipeline Besides the MRT lines, we are also well served with hospitals in the Constituency. Apart from Kandang Kerbau, Tan Tock Seng, Ren Chi, and Thomson Medical Centre, two more private hospitals will be built at Farrer Park and Novena. Mr Lui said that another project he was looking forward to was the Zhongshan Park development beside the Sun Yat Sen villa. A welcome addition to the Balestier area, the park will draw attention to the villa – and the villa itself will be fitted with new exhibits When asked what pleased him the most during his time as MP for Moulmein, Mr Lui said it was seeing people coming together to work for a cause. He gave as an example the Goldhill NC community garden, now attracting many residents and visitors. “All thanks to a small group of passionate people.” In the years ahead, he thinks we need to try and bring younger people together, especially young parents and non-citizens. “Because of the makeup of the constituency, we have many residents who are not Singaporeans, and we need to bring them out and help them integrate into our society.” Turning neighbours into friends O ur candid photos were taken one morning at the Kent Road fitness corner. They show two things: (a) that the exercise equipment installed by the Town Council is used and appreciated; and (b) that when people go down to exercise they tend to chat with each other and form the kind of friendships that build real neighbourhoods. 5 On the personal side He talked about growing up in Tiong Bahru in an era where doors were left open, festivals celebrated together, neighbours watched over each others’ kids, and no one thought twice before going next door for a cup of sugar. “There was a lot of give and take,” he said. “It’s not like that nowadays, unfortunately.” So what can be done to make Moulmein a better place? “Beyond keeping the place clean, beyond being considerate, what matters is getting to know your neighbours, befriending them and helping each other out,” he said. Because it’s hard for the grassroots leaders to keep track of everyone, all the time, he thinks that neighbours should look out for each other. “Sometimes people are shy to ask for help. So, if you notice a change in conditions at your neighbour’s – for instance, when the breadwinner loses his job or has an accident – you should come and tell us, speak to your grassroots leaders, so that we can pay a visit and help if possible. “Showing concern. Being ready to help. When we reach that kind of an environment, Moulmein will be a better place to live,” he said. Moulmein Update Moulmein is a division in Tanjong Pagar GRC The following blocks are in this division: EX AY SW ES PR Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew ) IE (P MSON RD THO Tanjong Pagar ISL AN D Minister for Information, Communications & the Arts, MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, holds a weekly Meet-the-People Session every Monday at 8.00pm (except Public Holidays) BRADDELL RD at Block 10 Gloucester Rd #01-51 Telephone 5293 0592. R PE UP PAN RADM(NS) Lui Tuck Yew 661-665 Buffalo Rd; 668 Chander Rd; 11-15 Farrer Park; 671,671A-B,672,672A-B Klang Lane; 681,682, 684,685 Race Course Rd; 683 Tessensohn Rd; 677 Rangoon Rd; 678 Perumal Rd; 69 Moulmein Rd; 51-54 Kent Rd; 37,37A,38,39,39A,40 Cambridge Rd; 48, 48A,49,50 Dorset Rd; 25,44-47 Owen Rd; 41,41A,42,43 Cambridge Rd; 9,10 Gloucester Rd; 1,1A Thomson Rd; 2,2A Balestier Rd; 101,103 Ah Hood Rd; 102,104,106 Jln Dusun, 101-108 Jln Rajah. LORNIE RD N CE D FAR RER R SE RA NG OO N RD RD SELEGIE VI NS24 ST IA VI R ST RD VALLLEY O CT A RI R WA Y AH O CH QUEEN S M E AV P ON G AM HE N ER Tanjong Pagar AYER RAJAH LLY CO Y WA EXPRESSWAY K TE LO K RD ST EA AR K ST P COA NT Mas U HR BA Tiong Bahru O NM E CANT AH RD RD TEL OK BLAN G A LT DE Radin Mas Radin RD LOWER DE RS ON Mr Sam Tan Chin Siong L RA NT (E ME RA H AY SW ES PR X E WA Y BU KIT Tiong Bahru RD Radin Mas AN BAEW17 HRU SH EN TO N JA L G BR ID G E Mas ON NE W TI CE Queenstown Radin LO WE R D ELTA RD K EE R D QUA A DELT RD S EN UE Q LENG AYER RAJAH EXPRE SSW AY NG TI RO (CTE) SSWAY PRE EX H LT EA RIV E R JALAN B UKIT MER AH PAN JA IT NT RA L M O W AY PAS IR ST CT OR QUEENS WAY CE NW Mr Baey Miss Indranee Yam Keng Thurai Rajah LA VE ND ER AH Tanglin-Cairnhill NS23 Queenstown Tanglin-Cairnhill AY SW M BU K CO M E AL ES TI Assoc Prof Koo Tsai Kee TR R XP IT R H R D K BU Tiong Bahru R RE D R FA TIMA RD R (C RD BUK IT BA LE ST IER TE RD ADAM TIM AH (P IE ) D EXPRESSWAY (PI ISLAN PAN OMSON RD TH BU KI T Moulmein AT EX PR ES SW AY RADM(NS) Lui Tuck Yew KE ISL AN D M Moulmein KI PA N BLA NGAH RD Queenstown Mr Baey Yam Keng 6