October 31 - Kings Local


October 31 - Kings Local
Electronic Blackboard News
October 31, 2014
kingslocal net
Upcoming Events
Nov. 1 —Kings Marching Band, Centerville Invitational, Nov. 6— Community Common Core Presentation, 6:30
6:30 p.m., Centerville High School.
p.m., KJH Multipurpose Room.
Nov. 1 —Kings Kloset, 9:00-11:00 a.m., KEC.
Nov. 11— SLE PTO Meeting, 6:30 p.m., SLE.
Nov. 4 —NO SCHOOL, District In-Service Day.
More event information can be found at: http://www.kingslocal.net/Calendar/Pages/default.aspx
Take a look at this
great pumpkin
carving job done
by Shawn Stephens, husband
of 5th grade CIS
teacher, Laurie
Stephens. Mr.
Stephens carves a
pumpkin to be
raffled off in Mrs.
Stephens’ classroom every year.
Kings Preschool
This past summer, the Kings Education Center
(KEC) underwent some major renovations. It
now is the home of all fourteen preschool classes in the Kings Local School District with a
total of over 180 children. Since the KEC is a former elementary school building, all of
these children share a gymnasium, and the old cafeteria has been turned into a playroom.
Last summer the old chorus/band room and locker room were transformed into three new
integrated classrooms which can accommodate preschoolers with special needs.
Previously, the integrated classrooms were spread out in different elementary buildings
and operated separately under Kings Local School District and Warren County Educational
Service Center. This move opened up classroom space in two of the district’s elementary
buildings and made more efficient use of the KEC building. It now brings all Kings preschool classrooms together under one roof and one licensing.
The three integrated preschool classrooms that moved
to the KEC joined the established Kings Kids Preschool
and Childcare program creating an early childhood
campus for the Kings Local School District. The following preschool classes are offered at the KEC
2 & 3 day classes for three year olds
2 & 3 day classes for four year olds
5 day class for four/five year olds
4 day classes for three-five year olds in an integrated classroom
The Kings Preschool program has been very popular and many classes are filled this school
year with waiting lists, as is the Kings Kids preschool childcare. Preschool registration for
the 2015-2016 school year will begin in January.
For more information, call Susan Guckert at (513) 398-8050 ext. 10043.
Kings Common Core Presentation
You’ve heard about Common Core in the news but do you really know what it
means for your child? The Kings Local School District’s Curriculum Coordinators will be presenting on the Common Core on Thursday, November 6th at
6:30 p.m. in the Kings Junior High Multipurpose Room. You will receive information about what the Common Core is and what it is not, how the Common
Core is assessed, and how you can help your child to be college and career ready.
There has been so much talk about Common Core and its standards. This will give parents an opportunity to ask
questions and better understand Common Core. Hope to see you there!
Swagger into School Safety
The kindergarten classes at J.F. Burns Elementary had a surprise visit from the
Ben-gal Cheerleaders and WhoDey, the Bengals mascot. It was all part of a
safety program sponsored by HTH Safety and Construction Solutions, LLC and
HTH Education Solutions, LLC. They learned about stranger danger, vehicle
safety, candy safety, and school bus safety, all in a fun music filled assembly.
Special guest, Danny Scott from Kiss 107.1 FM provided the music for the program. The students were also given goodie bags with fluorescent stickers to put
on their clothes to help keep them safe while they trick or treat.
Bobbing for Apples in the MDH Classroom
During the testing schedule days last week, Angie Zlatic’s students with
multiple disabilities classroom took advantage to do some fun fall/
Halloween activities . The students didn't know what bobbing for apples was
so Ms. Zlatic and her student teacher, Zachary Wilson explained and showed
the students a video. Then, they demonstrated for the students and had an
Apple Bobbing contest during 7th bell. Ms. Zlatic won, but some say she
“may” have had a shallower bowl!
SLE Fall Family Fun Night
There was a huge turn out of families at South Lebanon Elementary
on Wednesday, October 29th for
the PTO sponsored Fall Family Fun
Night. Students had the opportunity to carve pumpkins, do crafts,
enjoy the Mini Kona Ice truck, and
appear on stage to show off their
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Bat, Bats Everywhere!
The Cincinnati Museum Center brought their Bat Program to the third
graders at J.F. Burns Elementary this week. The students learned about
echolocation, which is the use of sound to locate objects. They had the
opportunity to meet a native Big Brown Bat and learn about these truly
amazing, yet misunderstood animals though a slide presentation, game,
and artifacts. The Bat Program was sponsored by the JFB PTO.
CIS Class Skype Session
On Monday, October 27th, 6th graders at Columbia Intermediate
School Skyped Lynn Malooly and Marie Cinti from the Water for South
Sudan office in New York. Lynn and Marie talked about the book A
Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park, which all 6th graders read together in September. One of the main characters, Salva Dut, is a real
person and was a Lost Boy of Sudan who was able to come to America
after leading a group of boys to safety and living in a refugee camp.
When he became an adult, his dream was to help his native country by
building wells there so villagers could drink clean water. Clean water in
a village also means being able to build clinics and schools. Salva started the Water for South Sudan, Inc. and has
since built over 200 wells in South Sudan. Lynn and Marie challenged Columbia Intermediate to not only beat last
year's 6th graders' fundraising total ($5,000) but to raise an additional $1,000 to help buy a "Iron Giraffe," or drilling rig
for digging wells. The CIS 6th graders will be walking at 2:15 p.m. on November 7th with gallon jugs of water to help
raise awareness and funds for this worthwhile cause. The water will be donated to a local chapter of Matthew 25 Ministries after the walk. Please consider helping by cheering on the 6th graders and by donating. Checks can be made
out to Water for South Sudan, Inc. with Columbia Intermediate School written in the “For” space, and dropped off to
the CIS Office. Click here to read more about Water for South Sudan.
Mystery Café at KME
Today, the 3rd grade students in Caitlin Smith’s Resource Room Class
at King Mills Elementary held a Mystery-Themed Cafe to practice
reading out loud to guests and using social skills to interact with people who visited. Each student worked on writing a mystery-themed
narrative in class for the past few weeks. These stories included descriptive adjectives, dialogue, and a beginning, middle, and end. Students were able to invite a guest of their choice. These guests included grandparents, parents, office staff,
homeroom teachers, and Mrs. Phillips. Mrs. Legault, KME Speech and Language Pathologist, brought one
of her groups of students to visit, as well. Mrs. Smith said, “My third graders did a wonderful job preparing
snacks and preparing the room for our event!”
Pictured is Ben Harris going over a menu with his special guest.
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KHS United for Uganda
KHS students Carly Sells and Sarah Sovinsky helped create and implement
the United for Uganda (U4U) club at Kings High School. U4U welcomed a
guest speaker on Monday, October 27. Scovia, who is currently visiting the
U.S., spoke with KHS students about the history of Uganda, the adversities
she faced growing up, and the lessons she has learned from her struggles.
The mission of United for Uganda is to emotionally and financially support
the education of destitute children in northern Uganda. The group will hold
fundraisers throughout the year to support children so they can obtain a quality education. A $300 sponsorship will provide tuition, school uniforms, shoes, sweaters, malaria medications, and daily lunches for one
student for an entire year. If you are interested in supporting the club or have any questions please contact
Brittany Selhorst at bselhorst@kingslocal.net.
Exploring in the Fall
First grade speech students in Mrs. Legault and Mrs. Wallace's class at Kings Mills Elementary have been studying fall. After reading "We're Going on a Leaf Hunt,” they
went on a fall hike. They used their "I Spy" maps to remind them to look for items that
were orange, red and yellow, as well as squirrels, and acorns. They collected their favorite leaves along the way. When they returned they completed worksheets that had
them describing their best leaf! They compared and contrasted their leaf's size, shape,
and color with their peers. Mrs. Legault said, “It was a wonderful day!”
Great Day on the Farm
The students in Angela Zlatic and Junior Ili’s MDH classes couldn't have asked for a better day this week to visit Iron’s
Fruit Farm. The farm has a new wheelchair accessible ramp that made it so easy to load the students into the hayride.
The staff at Iron’s were so helpful and stopped the hayride along the way for demonstrations and explanations of
different things they grow at the farm. The
students had their lunch there and then enjoyed apple donuts and cider. Ms. Zlatic
said, “The staff was so friendly. Even a few
of them came on our ride with us.” Iron’s
Farm is looking to offer another handicap
accessible hayride next year and are currently looking for donations to fund it.
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Fixing Up the Garden at SLE
Last weekend, four new large garden beds were built back by the playground at South Lebanon Elementary. Several families gathered at SLE
and took advantage of a beautiful fall day to winterize and build the new
garden beds. The SLE E-Club was looking to promote a truly green feeling
in their garden by using reclaimed wood for the beds. Materials for the
new beds were donated by Dayton Reclamation and Restoration, LLC.
Pictured are the Allan-Harmon and Weisbrod families, both parents employed by Kings with students at SLE. The students were winners of the
Castle Raffle where students completed raffle tickets in order to be a part of the garden prep for winter.
Kings Kloset is Open This Saturday
Kings Kloset is our attempt to serve those in our Kings community that are in need! It is simple, people need
clothes, and we collect them and then give them away! We offer free Men’s, Women’s and Children’s
clothes. The Kings Kloset will be open for shopping and to accept donations tomorrow, Saturday, November 1st from 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Currently, there is a need for denim and cold weather clothing. Due to limited space, donations will only be
accepted during store hours or to make an appointment to drop off by contacting Tracy Porcelli at 513-3834197.
Kings Alumni Update
It’s always nice to hear about the successes of our Kings graduates. Class of 2008 graduate, Heath Saunders moved
to Los Angeles, California after graduating from the DAAP Program at the University of Cincinnati. He is Director of
Photography for a film called, “Maestro,” about the life of Grammy Award-winning conductor Parvo Jarvi. To see his
work click here.
Another Kings graduate, Emily Lerer from the class of 2009 is now directing her own play in New York City called “R
Culture,” which is scheduled to open next week. She graduated from Ohio University where she studied acting and
found her passion for directing.
Two other Kings Alumni, Drew Schueler and Garrett Householder formed a band called
“The Civics.” Their EP “Through the Noise” is due out next week on iTunes and Spotify.
To check out their website click here.
Lastly, five of our six Kings grads who are studying at West Point Military Academy took
the opportunity to get a picture together after they participated in the Tunnel to Towers
5k run where 2,500 cadets joined people from around the world to celebrate the lives of
those who died on 9/11. 2014 grad Matthew Sannella wasn’t able to participate in the run,
but he was representing the Army on the football field!
Pictured from L-R:Louis Kappner, Alaina Kappner, Taylor England, Logan Leahy, and
Daniel Kurtzahn.
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KME 3rd Grade Music Program
The 3rd grade classrooms of Kings Mills Elementary presented a
music program yesterday evening, Thursday, October 30th. The
program featured a procession of the 3rd graders to the stage to
the music of brass and percussion instrumentalists from Kings
High School. Members of the brass quartet were Jillian Hestle
and Trevor Zolotas - trumpet, Isaac Slavens - trombone, and Stephen Taylor - tuba. Percussionists were Kieran Jenkins - timpani
and Lindsey Kaesemeyer on orchestra bells. The evening concert also featured the 3rd graders singing and each
classroom playing a musical selection on xylophones, metallophones and glockenspiels.
Trick or Treat!
The preschoolers at Kings Kids were all dressed up and
went trick-or-treating in the Kings Education Center today! There were lots of superheroes, princesses, an
oompa loompa, and even a witch or two!
Science With Pumpkins
The 5th grade students in Miss Acus and
Mrs. Stephens’ classes had a science lesson today called, “Puking Pumpkin Experiment.” Using a carved pumpkin, Miss
Acus mixed dry ice with warm water and
then added dish soap. The result? A puking pumpkin!
October 31, 2014
Learning About Pumpkins at JFB
The students in Jessica Contratto’s first grade class performed a
pumpkin exploration science activity. The students made a
book to record all of the observations they made of the pumpkin like its size, how many lines it has, does it sink or float, how
it looks, feels, sounds, and smells, and how many seeds it has.
Miss Contratto carved a pumpkin and the students dried the
seeds and glued the seeds on ten squares to find out how many
seeds the
had. After
they found
that their
578 seeds!
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Sugar Cube Weathering
The students in Jenny Bowman’s 4th grade class at J.F. Burns Elementary did a fun
science lab this week. The students had two containers, one with sugar cubes and
sand and another with sugar cubes and rocks. They each took turns shaking the
containers, periodically checking them to see how the sugar cubes were changing
over the course of the experiment. At the end they compared the sugar cubes to
what they looked like in the beginning. They then related what happened in the
experiment to what they might see on Earth. Hannah Prater wrote, "In rivers when
the water is rubbing sand against rocks, the rocks get smaller and smoother."
Pictured from L-R: Nick Grothaus, Hannah Drees, and Matias Parlov.
KJH Yearbook Early Order Special
Order your KJH yearbook by December 1st so your student doesn't miss out on this $30
price! It's easy to order your copy of this year's book. You can order online, by phone or by
mail. This year's book is a hardcover book with over 72 pages of your student and their
friends. So order yours today because after December 1st, the price will go up to $40!
To order online go to www.smart-pay.com and type in Kings Mills and follow the instructions. If you would like to order by phone, call 1-800-853-1337. Finally, if you would like to order by mail, send your form with the bottom portion
filled out and mail payment to Balfour, P.O. Box 150069, Austin, TX 78715-0069.
JFB Candy Drive for the Troops
For the fourth year, J.F. Burns Elementary School will collect Halloween candy to send to the troops overseas. The candy drive
starts Monday, November 3rd and ends Tuesday, November 11th.
Candy donations can be brought to the school. Chocolate will be
accepted, but no candy in the shape of body parts or weapons can
be donated. The school’s goal is to exceed the 927 pounds of candy (pictured) that was donated last year with the help of our
neighbors, local friends, businesses, and the rest of the Kings Local School District. This year, we will be partnering with The Yellow Ribbon Support Center located in Batavia, Ohio. The Yellow Ribbon Support
Center was founded by the parents of SSG Keith “Matt” Maupin after he was captured by insurgents in Iraq on April 9, 2004. The Yellow Ribbon Support Center
sends care packages to deployed troops to bring them a little comfort from
home. We are also accepting monetary donations to help cover the cost of shipping the care packages. You may
send a check payable to “The Yellow Ribbon Support Foundation” or make your donations via PayPal through the
Yellow Ribbon Support Center Website. All donations are tax deductible. For questions please contact PTO “Support
Our Troops” Chairperson, Hope Cantrall at hopecantrall@gmail.com.
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Good luck to our Kings Marching Band as they perform at Centerville High
School tomorrow, November 1st at 6:30 p.m. Next week, they host several bands
at their annual Kings Invitational, and on November 9th, they travel to Welcome Stadium at the University of Dayton for the OMEA Marching Band State Finals. They qualified for the finals at their competition in Sandusky on October 4th. GO BAND!
CIS Switch It Up Day
Students at Columbia Intermediate School were in for a big surprise this week when they arrived at the cafeteria and
were assigned to a different lunch table, with different friends. They call it “Switch It Up Day,” a day to ask students
to move out of their comfort zones and connect with someone
new over lunch. This activity encourages students to identify,
question, and cross social boundaries. To help break the ice,
students from Kings High School were invited over to CIS to
help facilitate the conversations at the lunch tables.
Shelley Detmer-Bogaert said, “This type of activity is used to
teach tolerance.” She also said that they plan to “switch it up”
two more times before the year is over.
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Miss Turjanica's Tuesday/Thursday preschool class engaged in a Native
Americans Program put on by Mother’s Nature. The children learned
what Native Americans used to dress in and how it's different than what
they dress in today. They learned that the Native Americans used the land
to make clothes, musical instruments, and utensils. The children even got
to play a song with the instruments! The preschoolers are looking forward
to learning more about Native Americans the closer they get to Thanksgiving time!
Senior Picture Guidelines
Seniors have until November 25, 2014 to submit a picture for the yearbook. Photos must be in color and in
jpg form. They can be submitted by attaching the picture to an email to Mrs. Shields, or submitting the image on a CD. Click here for more detailed information.
The Kings Local School District is looking for Substitute
Teachers and aides for this
school year. Application and
information can be found
online by clicking here.
The Kings/Hoxworth Blood Drive for November will take place on Monday, November 24th in the KJH Multipurpose
Room from 10:15 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. and 1:30-4:15 p.m. Donors
must be at least 17 years old. 16 year olds may donate with parental consent. To schedule an appointment click here.
Cub Scouts at Kings
Your son can be part
of a worldwide
movement that allows him to try new
things, provide service to others, build
self-confidence, and
have fun! There are 3 Cub Scouts Packs
that serve the Kings Local School District,
including KME, J.F. Burns, South Lebanon,
and Columbia! If you are interested in getting involved or learning more about scouting, contact Adam Blanchard at 513-8857939 or adam.blanchard@scouting.org.
Kings Transportation
is hiring Bus Drivers
and Bus Monitors.
Please contact Sharon Earnhart at 513-398-8050, ext.
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All About Kings Athletics
Did you know that Kings Athletics has its own website? You can find out schedule
information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to
away venues. Click here to get to the Kings Athletics Webpage.
Our football team is looking to finish their regular season 10-0 for the third time in the
50 year history of Kings Football. The Knights have secured their 11th playoff berth. A
win tonight would also be Coach Olds 145th win in his 17th year as head coach.
If Trick or Treating will keep you away from the game tonight, don’t miss a play! You
can watch Kings vs. Anderson on The Cube at http://www.highschoolcube.com/
College Lacrosse at Kings Stadium
Lacrosse has been called the “fastest game on two feet”. Come watch
as two of our local college teams battle it out at Kings High School Stadium tomorrow, Saturday, November 1st. Game-time is 7:00 pm.
There will be a $5.00 admission for all adults, and concessions will be
available. There will be a high school 7v7 tournament at the stadium from 12:00 - 6:00 p.m. During that time, try your
hand at a fastest shot speed shot competition. Entries will be taken from 12:00 - 7:00 p.m. The fastest shot in the 3-4
grade, 5-6 grade, 7-8 grade, and high school age groups will win prizes and will be recognized during half time of the
college game. A free youth clinic taught by our high school players will be held from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Bring your stick
and your helmet. Don’t have equipment? Don’t worry, we will lend you a stick. Those in attendance will have an opportunity to meet the UC and Miami lacrosse players after the game!
Spend the day at Kings Stadium and see why Lacrosse is “the fastest game on two feet!” We look forward to seeing
you at an exciting day of men’s lacrosse at Kings Stadium!
Christmas Trees and Kings Men’s Lacrosse-Your NEW Family Tradition
There is still time to order your beautiful fresh cut Christmas tree and support
Kings Men’s Lacrosse. Student athletes in grades 7-12 will benefit from your
generosity. And you will select your family’s Christmas tree from a large selection of the finest Balsam and Fraser firs in the area. Prices for our trees are
comparable to trees you’ll find in local tree lots, but if you buy from Kings Lacrosse, 30-50%
of your purchase will come back to our program! These funds allow Kings Lacrosse to keep
participation fees low giving more of our students an opportunity to play.
Start your family’s New Tradition this year and support our student athletes.
Contact a player, scan the QR code with your smart device, or visit here to purchase your tree, wreaths
or greenery today. You will receive an email receipt and voucher to print and bring to The Green Corner where you
will find the perfect tree and trimmings for your holidays.
The Green Corner - 6524 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, OH, 45213 (~2 miles south of Kenwood Mall) Nov. 22 – Dec. 20, Weekdays: 5pm - 9pm,
Saturdays: 9am – 9pm, Sundays: 9am – 7pm
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Don’t forget to use the #KINGSSTRONG when
you post pictures from Kings events!
The Women’s Soccer Program
would like to thank all who
supported the team through
the Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser. It is truly appreciated.
Boys Youth Lacrosse
Boys Youth Lacrosse
registration is now
open. Boys in grades
3-6 of all experience
levels are welcome.
Equipment will be
provided by Cory’s
Closet. Practices will begin in mid-February
with games from March-May. Players are required to have a U.S. Lacrosse Membership
and can be purchased at
www.USLacrosse.org. Register at
www.KingsYouthLax.com. For more information contact Erin Deutsch at
Support Women’s Basketball
When you eat at Buffalo Wild Wings at Harpers
Station, 11363 Montgomery Road, from November 1st through February 28th, you can
have a great meal AND support Kings Women’s High School Basketball Program at the
same time. Just show the teammate card on
your mobile device and 10% of your entire bill
will be donated to the team!
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Girls Youth Lacrosse
Kings Junior High’s 8th grade football team went undefeated (8-0) this year! This is the second year in a row that they
have been undefeated so they are actually 16-0. Congratulations to the team and coach Mike Stylski.
Sign-ups are now open for Kings Girls
Youth Lacrosse. Registration is open to
girls in grades 3- 6. Cost is $130 per player
plus US Lacrosse membership which is
Practices will start in late February to early March on
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Each player will receive a jersey. Sweatshirt, and
skort. Player sill need to supply their own stick, mouth
guard, and mask.
Registration is open now until December 1st. For
more information go to www.kingslax.info.
6th Grade CYO Football teams WIN the “Super Bowl”
Both 6th Grade youth football teams won their Championship
games last weekend in the Cincinnati Youth Football League (CYFL).
6th Grade team Henderson (coached by Brian Henderson) are the
CYFL Champs in the American Division and 6th Grade team Kwasniewski (coached by Lance Kwasniewski) are the CYFL Champs in
the National Division. Congratulations to all the players and families. Big appreciation to the cheerleaders and fans who have supported them all season.
Pictured is Team Henderson
U8 Soccer Heading to STATE
Kings boys Say Soccer, U8
team, "Kings United," took
second place last Saturday
at the regional championship for the Say North Soccer league. They will be
one of two teams representing the Say North
league at the State Tournament in two weeks, November 8-9th.The team is
made up of several boys from all three Kings Elementary Schools.
October 31, 2014
Save the Date for Kings Baseball’s Annual Breakfast With
Santa! It will take place on
Saturday, December 6th at
Kings High School from 8:0011:00 a.m. Breakfast will include pancakes, sausage,
juice, milk, and coffee for only $7/person or $25/family.
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Kings Local School District
1797 King Ave.
PO Box 910
Kings Mills , Ohio 45034
Dawn Gould
Community Relations Coordinator
Phone: 513.398.8050 ext. 10014
Fax: 513.229.7590
E-mail: dgould@kingslocal.net
Kings is on Facebook!
Find us at: http://
Find us on Twitter:
Follow Us on Social Media
Last spring, deadly twisters hit Oklahoma. For many, there
was no power but people still had cell service. Social media
helped victims and responders alike to share information and
offer assistance. In the event that something like that would
happen in our area, we will use social media to pass along information.
You can keep up-to-date on what’s going on around the Kings
School District by “liking” us on our Facebook page and following us on Twitter. We also have a new hashtag for the district. If you are tweeting positive stuff about the district,
don’t forget to add #KINGSSTRONG!
Did you know that Kings Superintendent Tim Spinner and
Kings High School Principal Doug Leist have a Twitter Account? Follow Mr. Spinner @EducationSpin and Mr.Leist
COMING SOON-Kings’ Mobile App! More details later.
Find KJH on
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