Tourist guide - La francovélosuisse
Tourist guide - La francovélosuisse
Territoire deBelfort Beautiful get away in the territory of the lion TOURIST GUIDE 2014 TERRITOIRE DE BELFORT Contents STEP BACK IN TIME .................................................................... P. 4 The History of Belfort and its territory. . ........................................ p. 5 The impregnable citadel and the Cité du Lion. . .............................. p. 6 Castles and forts. . ........................................................................... p. 8 First World War Centenary. . ......................................................... p. 9 STAGE DOOR.. ............................................................................ P. 10 Art museums and contemporary works....................................... p. 11 On stage!. . ...................................................................................... p. 12 Theatres........................................................................................ p. 13 OUTDOOR FUN .......................................................................... P. 14 The Ballon d’Alsace through the year........................................... p. 15 Dive into the Malsaucy and a thousand other lakes.....................p. 18 Town and village heritage............................................................ p. 20 Walking and hiking.. .................................................................... p. 22 Explore on two wheels................................................................. p. 24 In the air, by the river, on horseback or on the green.................. p. 25 EXPERTISE . . ................................................................................ P. 26 Industrial technology and heritage.............................................. p. 27 Local produce, crafts and gastronomy.. ........................................ p. 28 GETTING HERE: — PLAN YOUR STAY ...................................................................... P. 30 By car: A36 motorway Stuttgart/Lyon direction By train: Belfort-Montbéliard TGV station or Belfort SNCF station ( 45 min from Basel, 1h 15 min from Strasbourg, 1h 45min from Zurich or Bern, 2h 10min from Lyon, 2h 20 min from Paris, 3h 30 min from Stuttgart, 4h from Marseille) By air: Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg international airport (Euroairport) 45 minutes away. By bicycle: Eurovéloroute 6 or Francovélosuisse (junction at Bourogne), " Suisse Mobile" network (route 64) On foot: E2 and E5 European long distance paths, GR5, GR 7 and GR 59 national long distance paths, on the Way of St James pilgrimage route to Compostella. By boat: Rhone-Rhine canal, mooring point at Montreux-Château And to get around: bus, bicycle and car sharing through the Optymo network; taxi, VTC (hybrid bike) and car hire. 2 bis rue Clemenceau - 90 000 BELFORT Tél : +33 3 84 55 90 90 - Annual events diary.. ................................................................... p. 30 Going out: leisure and evening entertainment............................ p. 32 Here to help you. . ......................................................................... p. 34 The tourist guide of the Territoire de Belfort is a release of Belfort Tourisme Publication director: Guy Miclo, president - Chief editor: Véronique David, director Editorial: Agence Thuria (le Mag 1 à 4), Belfort Tourisme : Sébastien Cornu, Carole Millot, Auriane Steiner, Aurélie Nétillard, Audrey Delattre, Laurent Ligier, Ariane Schmidt. Graphic design: Dominique Schoenig - Photographs: Belfort Tourisme, The Glint, Jean Becker, Jean-François Lami, Thuria-Thiébaut, Musées de Belfort,, Smiba, Sébastien Cornu, François Géhant, Régis Antoine, Novotel Atria, Rosa Mundi, Amicale du fort des Basses Perches, Association du fort de Sénarmont de Bessoncourt, Philippe Blanco, Fotolia, Samuel Carnovali, Jérôme Tournier, Alstom, Musée de Botans, Mairie de Delle, Bruno Geyer, Vincent Courtois, HMV, compagnie Leda, théâtre de la Marionnette, Théâtre du Pilier - Crédits cartographiques : Latitude 90 - Belfort tourisme Print: Realgraphic - year of release : 2014 Non contractual document – the information of this document are valid at the time there are edited. We do not engage to be exhaustive and mistakes or omissions can be possible. Please inform us if you find any mistakes, we will change them in the next edition. Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 3 TERRITOIRE DE BELFORT STEP BACK IN TIME The history of Belfort and its territory Step back in time The Territoire de Belfort has a unique and remarkable identity, shaped by its distinctive geography and eventful past. The town of Belfort has seen different populations, conflict and conquest in its time and stands out today as a symbol of heroic resistance. At every turn, the Territoire shows a different face. This is where the peaks of the Vosges meet with the mountains of the Jura; and the plain of Alsace stretches to the region of Franche-Comté. This is where the food specialities, architecture, people and traditions of these regions come together. And with Switzerland and Germany and its Black Forest only a stone's throw away, this is also a gateway into Europe. The Territoire de Belfort, an extraordinary melting pot at the crossroads of Germanic and Latin civilisation, is a rich source of culture. 1813-1814 — 1815 — 1870-1871 — the first siege of Belfort after Vauban’s fortifications were built saw Commandant Legrand face the joint forces of the Austrians, Bavarians, Cossacks and Hungarians). General Lecourbe and 8000 men held out victoriously during a three-month siege led by 40,000 Austrian soldiers. After this event, General Haxo built an entrenched camp to extend the town's defensive perimeter. this siege led by the Prussian army plunged Belfort into 103 days of shellfire. DenfertRochereau, governor of the town, only left Belfort on the orders of the French government. DID YOU KNOW? — It was not until 1960 that the département was affiliated to an administrative region Franche-Comté. Monument ‘Les Trois Sièges’ Colonel Denfert-Rochereau Nord front FRENCH PRESIDENT ADOLPHE THIERS defended Belfort’s cause relentlessly when the Haut-Rhin fell to Prussia. As a result, Chancellor Bismarck allowed the town and 106 neighbouring districts to remain under French control. The newborn "Territoire de Belfort" officially became France's 90th département in 1922, when its administrator was appointed Prefect. Porte de Brisach 4 POPULATED SINCE NEOLITHIC TIMES, the plain of Belfort once passed successively from Austrian to French to Monacan rule. At the time of the French Revolution, Belfort was attached to and became the district administrative centre of the Haut-Rhin département. Three sieges at the end of the Napoleonic period forged the reputation of the town and its protectors: Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 5 STEP BACK IN TIME The Impregnable Citadel and the Cité du Lion Recommended: LIVING HISTORY AT THE CITADEL Historical re-enactments: July 12th, 13th 14th (18th Century and Revolutionary Period), July 26th and 27th (Third Republic and First World War), August 23rd and 24th (Second World War). La Ronde de Nuit III: enjoy a unique experience on a night-time tour of part of the fortifications. August 9th 12th, 14th, and 16th. — > Information: Musées de Belfort on +33 3 84 54 25 51. A guide to summer events at the Citadel and museums is available from May. Museum of History TO FIND OUT ABOUT EVERYDAY LIFE alive by signage, an audio guide and video projections. The experience combines modern technology and history in a theatrical display of panoramic shots and light and sound. There is also a trail and quiz for younger visitors (8-12 years) featuring Max the Falcon as guide. A SYMBOL OF THE TOWN'S heroic resistance during the attack of 1870-1871, the Lion of Belfort was created by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, the famous sculptor behind the Statue of Liberty. Built against the cliffs of the Citadel in blocks of pink sandstone, today the lion is an integral part of the town's identity. Standing 11 m high and 22 m long, its proportions are gigantic. When night falls, the Lion is illuminated to protect and light up the town and creating a magical scene in the Belfort sky. — — THE "GRAND SOUTERRAIN" is brought Main courtyard of the Citadel 6 — Lion of Belfort > Open daily in July and August, closed Tuesdays April-June and September–ticket included in the pass’multisites. > Open daily. Admission: € 1 (out of season) or pass’multisites. Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 >Open daily July-August, closed Tuesdays the rest of the year–ticket included in the pass’multisites. EXPLORE BELFORT on the tourist train Climb on board for an audio-guided tour of the town of Belfort and an awe-inspiring journey up to the Citadel — > Every day from April to the end of September: departs hourly from 9:30 to 12:30 and 14:00 to 17:00. Adults: €3, Concessions €2, Children under 6: free. Departure point: parking de l’Arsenal, tickets available from the driver. URBAN SAFARI "TRACKING DOWN THE LIONS"! — Bartholdi’s Lion has lots of cubs. Can you hunt down the 150 lion figures hidden around the town? Antique dealers in Belfort’s old town also open their shops on market days. in the region from prehistoric times to the period of invasions, visit the History Museum. Housed in the centre of the Citadel overlooking Belfort, the museum has something for everyone with its historical, archaeological, and ethnographical collections. The museum is also home to the Espace Bartholdi, six rooms of museum space dedicated in permanent recognition of Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi by the town of Belfort. This area displays a collection of sculptures, drawings, engravings and old photographs. THE CITADEL was built in successive Underground passage WHEN THE SHOPPING BUG BITES! On the first Sunday of the month from March to December, the largest flea market in Eastern France displays its wares to antique hunters and second-hand fanatics in the streets of the old town. Les Puces de Belfort has been running since 1966 and attracts almost 200 stallholders, to the delight of collectors and the curious who come to hunt out hidden treasures. With its colourful facades, Vauban’s fortifications and its lively streets, Belfort's old town holds many historical treasures. Overlooked by the Citadel and Bartholdi’s famous Lion, the old town is perfect for a stroll with family or friends. stages between the Middle Ages and the end of the 19th Century. During the 1870 Franco-Prussian war it served as an "entrenched camp" for the people of Belfort. The Citadel enabled the brave defenders of the city to contain the siege and hold out their resistance. The Citadel is rich in history and cannot fail to impress. Come quickly and see for yourself. Vauban Quay Suggestion: 7 SITES FOR €7 Flea market at Place d’Armes TOWN WALKING Belfort has always basked in diversity. The variety of architectural styles you will see here is proof of this. Behind the deep fortifications of pink sandstone, a 15th Century fountain (place de la Grande Fontaine) rubs shoulders with French art from the second half of the 18th Century (Salle Kléber in the basement of the Hôtel de Ville) and Haussmann-era residences. Belle Epoque facades and the Fréry covered market (1905) reply in unison to Bartholdi’s Monument to the Three Sieges. And a little further away, a theatre redesigned by Jean Nouvel stands proud on the banks of the River Savoureuse. — with a Pass’ Multisites Here is an excellent value way to discover Belfort and its unmissable sites. The pass includes admission to: the Citadel and the Grand Souterrain, the Lion, the History Museum and the Espace Bartholdi, the Musée des Beaux-arts, the Musée d’Art Moderne and Bastion Tower 46. — > Pass available from Belfort Tourisme and at all 7 sites. €7 from April-Sept; €5 from October-March (Grand Souterrain closed) > Explore Belfort with the "Belfort Tourist Trails" guide available free of charge from Belfort Tourisme. Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 7 STEP BACK IN TIME STEP BACK IN TIME First World War Centenary Castles and Forts The Territoire de Belfort is scattered with castles, ramparts and hilltop forts. Facing long periods of war and frequent sieges, Belfort and the whole of its territory was quick to protect itself behind a ring of fortifications. The first defensive structures were built in the 17th Century and from then onwards, an impenetrable "iron belt" was successively developed by Vauban, General Haxo and Séré de Rivières. When the Treaty of Frankfurt was signed in 1871, Belfort's position on France's border with Germany became both strategic and symbolic of the conflict between the two countries. On August 2, 1914, a number of incidents on the border heralded the outbreak of war, attacks on the Territory, the evacuation of civilians and the first battles on the border with Alsace. Dorsner fort Le drapeau passe, Jules Adler, 1914 Belfort's ring of fortifications includes 14 forts and 30 other structures. Here are some of them: To commemorate the Great War, here are a few "must see" recommendations: tip of the Haute-Moselle defensive curtain and links the entrenched camps of Belfort and Épinal. It was built to watch over the strategic Giromagny crossroads on the road leading from the Ballon d’Alsace to Belfort. — > Access via the Chemin du Fort in GIROMAGNY - +33 6 22 48 82 46 - Open Sundays and public holidays from 6th July to 21st September, 14:00- 18:00 -Admission: €3, under 12s- free. FORT DES BASSES PERCHES, designed to protect Belfort Citadel, this fort is typical of a "cavalier" structure (with a platform designed to take artillery, built at height above another fortification, thus doubling the volume of fire possible). This is the site where the Franco-Prussian war reached its conclusion in 1871. — > Access from rue des Perches in BELFORT +33 3 84 28 24 21 Open on Thursday afternoon in July and August. Admission: €2.50, under 12s- free. 8 FIRST WORLD WAR THEMED BANQUETS sur on 28th June and July 10th 2014 at the Citadel — > For more information: Musées de Belfort +33 3 84 54 25 51 Fernand Léger, Le sapeur, detail New in France FORT DORSNER stands at the southern Recommended: Basses Perches fort FORT ORDENER was built primarily to protect the Fort de Bessoncourt and watch over roads from Switzerland and the Mulhouse railway. — > Access: Fort Ordener in VEZELOIS +33 3 84 56 02 13 - Open on Wednesdays in July and August at 14:00. Admission: €4, under 16s: €2.50, under 6s: free. FORT SÉNARMONT is a large pentagonal shaped, limestone brickwork fort. It is one of the rare forts to have been maintained constantly and to have kept up with technical progress. In 1888, a concrete shelter was added to cover a third of the central barracks. — > Access rue du fort Sénarmont in BESSONCOURT - +33 6 25 41 55 51 Openings planned for European Heritage Days 2014 (by reservation). Sénarmont Fort OUVRAGE DE LA CÔTE D’ESSERT is the only underground fortification in France. The fort served as a lookout post over the road from Vesoul to Belfort via Ronchamp. — > Access rue du Fort à BAVILLIERS +33 3 84 21 74 85 - Openings planned for European Heritage Days 2014 (by reservation). THE LITTLE MEDIAEVAL CASTLE OF ROUGEMONT-LE-CHÂTEAU, which was built towards the end of the 12th Century and renovated with passion, was occupied for 200 years. Climb to the top of the 736 m summit the ruin stands on and take in the breathtaking panorama. This exhibition considers everyday life for the Poilus (French WW1 soldiers) through 200 improbable objects invented to improve living conditions or for survival. Take a look beyond the usual heroic images, and find out about the day to day reality for a soldier on the Western Front. This exhibition takes a poetic and meticulous look at how soldiers coped by comparing makeshift objects from Germany, France and Britain made with whatever materials were at hand. — > From 28th June to 17th November 2014, at Tour 46, rue de l’ancien théâtre, BELFORT. Tel: +33 3 84 54 25 46. — > From August 2nd -November 17th 2014, at the Musée d’Art Moderne, 8 rue de Mulhouse in BELFORT. Tel: +33 3 84 22 16 73 "THE WAR IS NOT CHILD’S PLAY" Popular images from Belfort's museums are displayed with 100 or so engravings of Belfort from the time of the Great War held by Epinal’s Musée de l’Image Imprimée (printmaking museum). They are set in context with Parisian propaganda from the time and children's toys. — > From June 28th-November 17th 2014 at the Musée d’Histoire (Citadelle de Belfort). Tel: +33 3 84 54 25 51 Jean-Louis Forain (1852-1931) et Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen (1859-1923) 74 lithographic prints by the famous illustrator and caricaturist Jean-Louis Forain are juxtaposed against 20 pieces portraying Steinlen’s opposing point of view. > Access from the centre of the village of Rougemont - Montagne des Boulles walkers’ leaflet n°21 (le Baerenkopf). Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 "MORE MODERN THAN THE WAR, FERNAND LÉGER (1881 - 1955)" A presentation of two of Maurice Jardot’s favourite works: Blaise Cendrars’ film script for La fin du monde filmée par l’ange Notre-Dame [The End of the World Filmed by the Angel of Notre Dame] transforms three years of carnage into an amusing but absurd dream. Fernand Léger’s work Carnets de guerre [Notes from the War] describes life at the front from machine-gun attack to the boredom of waiting around. Two contrasting but complementary views of the Great War. THE STROKE OF A PENCIL! — "LA CAPONNIÈRE" campaigns to protect, restore and develop Belfort's fortified military heritage. For more information go to Exhibitions " SYSTEM D: MAKING DO IN A TIME OF WAR" — > From August 2nd- November 11th 2014 at the Musée des Beaux Arts rue Georges Pompidou in BELFORT. Tel. +33 3 84 22 16 73 Lithography of Jean-Louis Forain To See: THE MILITARY CEMETERY IN MORVILLARS holds the graves of 156 soldiers who fell during the First World War (155 French and one Englishman). > Commune de Morvillars: - +33 3 84 27 80 36 Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 9 TERRITOIRE DE BELFORT STAGE DOOR Art museums and contemporary works Eurockéennes de Belfort Stage Door As you walk around one of the most colourful towns in France, make sure you look upwards! The building facades in Belfort's old town are painted in a harmonious palette of colours with vibrant blue, Sologne pink, Celtic grey, Chartreuse green, rosewood and Albi ochre. Wherever you go, the arts bring life to the city. With its museums, galleries, statues, murals, mosaics, fountains and floral parks and gardens, Belfort is an artwork in itself. For a list of art galleries and workshops visit UNMISSABLE! MUSÉE D’ART MODERNE - DONATION MAURICE JARDOT This modern art museum in a former 19th Century townhouse (once the family residence of the "accursed" poet Léon Deubel) boasts more than one hundred works from artists including Picasso, Léger, Braque, Le Corbusier, Manolo and many others. Maurice Jardot, a colleague of the German art dealer DanielHenry Kahnweiler (Galerie Kahnweiler/Leiris), collected these works over the course of his life and left them to the town he loved. Whether you are a Modern Art buff or a novice, this incredible collection is a must. — > Musée d’Art Moderne - 8 rue de Mulhouse 90 000 BELFORT - +33 3 84 22 16 73 Open daily in July and August, closed Tuesdays the rest of year. Ticket included in the pass’multisites (see p. 6) - Audio-guide available. TOUR 46, this bastion tower, a listed As you explore the narrow lanes, make sure you go through the doors of the many antique shops and lose yourselves in their treasure troves. Enjoy a close-up experience with artworks of all kinds in a former brewery (Galerie Cheloudiakoff), in the centre of the old town (Galerie du Vieux Belfort) or an art space created by Jean Nouvel (Galerie du Granit). Look out the artisans in their workshops where every item bears the mark of originality, passion and craftsmanship. historic monument since 1971, was a key structure in the town's defensive system. Today it houses temporary exhibitions from the museums of Belfort. 10 MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS. The Fine Art museum is housed in Vauban’s bastion tower 41 and holds a rich collection of sculptures (Rodin), paintings (Courbet), low-reliefs and engravings (Dürer) displayed around the tower’s five sections in five themed spaces: allegory, religious inspiration, landscapes, portraits, and Camille Lefèvre, the sculptor who donated many works to the town. > Musée des Beaux-Arts – rue Georges Pompidou 90 000 BELFORT +33 3 84 22 16 73 Open daily in July and August, closed Tuesdays the rest of the year. Ticket included in the pass’multisites (see p 6). Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 This chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary, 20 km outside Belfort, has been a place of pilgrimage since the Middle Ages. It was destroyed during the Second World War but in 1955, the sanctuary was rebuilt by Le Corbusier in the form of a great white ship. A new convent, home to a community of Poor Clares nuns and designed by the architect Renzo Piano, was built next to the chapel in 2011. — > Open daily – Information: +33 3 84 20 65 13 — — The theatre, rethought by Jean Nouvel COLLINE NOTRE DAME DU HAUT CHAPELLE DE RONCHAMP > Tour 46 - rue de l'ancien Théâtre 90 000 BELFORT - +33 3 84 54 25 46 Open daily in July and August, closed Tuesdays the rest of the year. Ticket included in the pass’multisites (see p. 6). ESPACE MULTIMÉDIA GANTNER is a space dedicated to multimedia and digital arts and to showcasing contemporary art. Its programme includes exhibitions, video projections, concerts and sound installations, talks and interactive performances. — > Espace Gantner - 1 rue de la Varonne 90 140 BOUROGNE - +33 3 84 23 59 72 open Tuesday to Saturday. Programme available from Belfort Tourisme. Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 FONDATION BEYELER Not far from Basel (Switzerland), in a building designed by Renzo Piano, the Fondation Beyeler exhibits more than 200 works from the classical and modern eras (including Cézanne, Picasso, Rousseau, Mondrian, Klee, Ernst, Matisse, Newman, Bacon, Dubuffet, Monet, Warhol and Baselitz). There is also a small collection of tribal art works and a programme of major temporary exhibitions. — > Baselstrasse 101 à RIEHEN +41 61 645 97 00 - Open daily except for Sundays and public holidays- admission accepted with a pass musées from Belfort Tourisme. 11 STAGE DOOR STAGE DOOR On Stage! Theatres Every year, thousands of visitors flock to the Territoire de Belfort to move to the rhythms of its international festivals. This is a stomping ground for performers, a springboard for young writers and a major venue for rock concerts, so come and have a ball! LE GRANIT, NATIONAL THEATRE Restored by Jean Nouvel in 1983, Théâtre Le Granit has more than 45 theatre, musical, dance, comedy and circus performances every season. — > 1 faubourg de Montbéliard - 90 000 BELFORT - +33 3 84 58 67 67 - CENTRE CHORÉGRAPHIQUE NATIONAL DE FRANCHE-COMTÉ The CCN national choreography centre is a creative space and also has an in-residence scheme for French and overseas companies. Its programme includes shows, dance workshops, public rehearsals, and introductory workshops. — LES EUROCKÉENNES DE BELFORT, AN UNMISSABLE GIG! Every year, the first weekend in July Les Eurockéennes de Belfort is one of France's best-known outdoor festivals and has been a haven of rock music for the last 26 years. Thousands of people make the journey every year to see artistes from all over the world perform on the peninsula of Malsaucy. Music, partying and rock'n'roll are the headline acts on this out of the ordinary weekend! — > July 4th-6th 2014 www.eurocké Tickets on sale at Belfort Tourisme FIMU, INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF UNIVERSITY MUSIC Three days over the weekend of Pentecost The town of Belfort and its students have been running the International Festival of University Music for the past 20 years. Over three days, almost 2500 amateur musicians and singers from 27 different countries come to perform. All genres of music are represented: classical music, new music, jazz, contemporary music, fanfares, choral recitals and opera. This musical kaleidoscope of 230 free concerts performed on 15 stages takes place in the superb setting of Belfort's old town. ENTREVUES, INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL Every year, end of beginning of December November/ Dedicated to the art of cinematography, Entrevues showcases the work of filmmakers from around the world who are not yet known by the general public. The festival is also an opportunity to rediscover legendary films. For more than 20 years, Entrevues has stood out as the meeting place for innovative filmmakers, past and present. — > 3 avenue de l’espérance - 90 000 BELFORT - +33 3 84 58 44 88 - > 22nd-30th November 2014 tickets available from the Cinéma des Quais. THÉÂTRE DE MARIONNETTES France's largest permanent puppet theatre hosts more than one hundred performances every year. The international puppet Festival "Le Solstice de la Marionnette" should not be missed. — > 30 rue Jean de la Fontaine - 90 000 BELFORT - +33 3 84 28 99 65 L’ESPACE LOUIS JOUVET The performances at this municipal cultural space are put on by the Théâtre du Pilier and the Compagnie Cafarnäum. — > Place du Forum - 90 000 BELFORT Théâtre du Pilier Programme (+33 3 84 28 39 42 - Cafarnaüm Programme (+33 3 84 22 04 38 - — > From 7th - 9th June 2014 - Free concerts, programme available from Belfort Tourisme. THÉÂTRE MICHEL DÈQUE This theatre hosts very eclectic performances from the amateur company Tréteaux 90. To find out about the Territoire’s main events see the Annual Events Diary (p. 31) 12 Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 — > 2 rue James Long - 90 000 BELFORT - +33 3 84 22 66 76 - Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 13 TERRITOIRE DE BELFORT OUTDOOR FUN The Ballon d’Alsace through the year The Ballon d’Alsace, just like the Territoire de Belfort, enjoys four distinctive seasons. After the tender and more vibrant greens of spring and summer, the warm hues of autumn create exceptionally colourful natural landscapes. This richly colourful palette is completed by the dazzling white of the winter. Outdoor fun DID YOU KNOW? In the untamed north of the Territoire, the chalets, pine forests, lakes and waterfalls of the southern Vosges make the perfect get-away, offering a complete change of scene. From the summit of the Ballon d'Alsace to the stunning lake at Malsaucy, a diverse, unspoiled and abundant natural beauty lies before you. In the picture postcard south, nestled into the foothills of the Jura, the Sundgau Belfortain boasts rivers, limpid waters and the best viewing points in the region. From the Croix plateau, the panorama extends to the mountains of the Ajoie in Switzerland, the Jura, the Black Forest, the Plain of Alsace and of course the Vosges. In springtime, the whole of the Territoire de Belfort is carpeted in flowers. The village of Rougegoutte and Belfort town have both been awarded "Four Flowers" in the Villes et Villages Fleuris scheme. This strong horticultural heritage, where every last detail is important, won the Territoire a prestigious département fleuri national award from 1998 to 2008 and the quest is currently on to win this label again. Everywhere you go villages in the Territoire show off their heritage, from half timbered houses, to mills to old forges. Small towns also have their personal stories to tell from Delle and the Cité des Cariatides, to Beaucourt and the Japy saga, to Giromagny with its mining heritage. So, set off to discover this richly diverse area - on foot or by bike, on horseback or in the air! 14 Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 — The Ballon d’Alsace stands in 4 départements: Vosges, Haute-Saône, Haut-Rhin and of course the Territoire de Belfort, and in 3 administrative regions: Lorraine, Alsace and Franche-Comté. THE BALLON D’ALSACE, AN IMPORTANT NATURAL SITE — Situated in the Parc Naturel Régional des Ballons des Vosges, the Ballon d’Alsace is a protected site in its own right. Its flora and fauna and areas of special ecological interest are also protected by the Réserve Naturelle des Ballons Comtois and the area’s Natura 2 000 status. If you are lucky, you may spot a chamois in the beech groves or even a wood grouse attracted by the plentiful blueberries. AN EVENTFUL PAST — Louis XV commissioned the first roads across the Ballon and since then, humans have continued to mark the places they have passed through. One statue of the Virgin Mary dates from 1860, and another, of Joan of Arc from 1909, symbolises France’s attachment to Alsace. The trenches of the First World War are still in evidence and boundary stones mark out what was once the border between France and Germany. There is also a monument from 1952, built to honour the 600 bomb disposal experts who died for France. Such visible and palpable traces of history add another dimension to this wild natural site. TRADITIONAL FOOD SPECIALITIES FROM THE HAUTES-VOSGES — Make sure you try a repas marcaire. This generally includes soup or a meat pâté pie, a main dish known as tofaille in the Vosges or roigebrageldi in Alsace (alternate layers of bacon, potatoes and onions cooked slowly for a long time) a local cheese and a blueberry tart. What more could you want? Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 Joan of Arc statue 15 OUTDOOR FUN OUTDOOR FUN The Ballon for tourists The Ballon in the snow DID YOU KNOW? DID YOU KNOW ? — The Ballon d’Alsace was the first mountain stage taken by the Tour de France in 1905. Over the years, many stages of the Tour have finished on its summit. ON FOOT — The summit of the Ballon d’Alsace is at the crossroads of a number of long distance footpaths. The GR7 to Andorra and the GR59 to Chambery both start from its highest point and the GR5 - E2, between the Netherlands and Nice, and the E5, between Venice and the Pointe du Raz in Brittany also cross here. An extensive network of waymarked paths, of all levels, leads to breathtaking views over the nearby valleys and many lakes, waterfalls, ponds and rivers. The discovery trail at the summit is perfect for families and also explains the history of this listed site. For more out of the ordinary walking, off the beaten track, why not book a hike with one of our mountain guides? ON TWO WHEELS: FROM THE BALLON D’ALSACE TO THE PLANCHE DES BELLES FILLES — NOT TO BE MISSED: >T ranshumance 18th May > Bicycle ascent of the Ballon 15th August > Fête artisanale du Ballon 17th August > Hike to the top of the Ballon 12th October 16 A bicycle ascent of the Ballon is guaranteed to live up to your wildest dreams. Experience the pleasure of cycling up one of the most famous passes in the Tour de France. In fact, the Tour has cycled over the Ballon d’Alsace more than 25 times! If you can still feel your legs after this, why not try the neighbouring peak and its now famous slope, the Planche des Belles Filles! Practical Information Summer For practical information about summer activities, mountain guides, accommodation and restaurants visit — BALLON D'ALSACE TOURIST INFORMATION POINT: At the Col du Ballon d'Alsace Open daily July/August and weekends in May, June and September +33 3 29 25 20 38 — SYNDICAT MIXTE INTERDÉPARTEMENTAL DU BALLON D’ALSACE (SMIBA) 2 bis rue Clemenceau 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 28 12 01 — WALKS AND HIKES: Free information sheets, IGN maps and Topoguides available from Belfort Tourisme — IN THE AIR — Thrill seekers may prefer to take to the air with an introductory paragliding flight (see p. 25) or a treetop adventure at Acropark! (See p.33) NAVETTE DES CRÊTES SHUTTLE SERVICE Take advantage of the shuttle bus to explore almost 80 km of peaks across the Vosges More information at Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 — From the 1247m summit of the Ballon d’Alsace, you might be lucky enough to see the Alps on a clear day. FULL SPEED AHEAD: SKIING AND NEW SNOW SPORTS — In the winter, the Ballon d’Alsace is especially appealing and enchanting. Its unique atmosphere never fails to delight and when its open spaces are blanketed in snow they make a wonderful adventure playground for all the family. Recently revamped and updated, the Ballon’s 10 downhill ski slopes attract snow sports fanatics every year. There is something for everyone, with green runs through to black runs, and for the Winter 2014/2015 season there will be a new, artificial snow facility! The Ballon also provides excellent skiing for cross-country fans. There are six runs suitable for all abilities and 40 km of groomed tracks for diagonal strides and skating. Snowpark is a paradise for snowboarders and fans of other new snow sports. With eleven modules and two tabletop jumps, thrills are guaranteed! The Ballon’s wide and safe runs with sumptuous scenery at every turn are also ideal for a dog sled ride. Hold on tight and lose yourself in the wind, snow and hypnotic panting of a pack of magnificent wolf-dogs. FOR CONTEMPLATIVE TYPES… — Take in the views, race down the slopes with the children on a toboggan, put on your snow shoes and explore the Ballon on a walk, route-finding trek or night-time hike with a fully qualified guide. Join in the fun of a snowball fight with the youngest or build an igloo. Here, the only limit to the enjoyment is your imagination! The Ballon has 3 well signed and ungroomed snowshoe trails (3 and 9 km) for you to explore at your own pace, as the fancy takes you. Practical information Winter For practical information about winter sports visit Timetables, prices, access, maps of ski runs, accommodation, restaurants, webcams, etc — BALLON D'ALSACE TOURIST INFORMATION POINT: At the Col du Ballon d'Alsace: +33 3 29 25 20 38 — EQUIPMENT HIRE: At the foot of the runs in la Gentiane - +33 3 84 29 36 76 At the foot of the runs in Langenberg - +33 3 89 48 96 37 At the bar des Démineurs (Ballon summit) - +33 3 29 25 12 26 At the poterie (Ballon summit) +33 3 84 29 38 16 SYNDICAT MIXTE INTERDÉPARTEMENTAL DU BALLON D’ALSACE (SMIBA) 2 bis rue Clemenceau 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 28 12 01 — — SNOWSHOE HIKES: Independent hikes on waymarked tracks or accompanied hikes with a qualified guide DOWNHILL SKI-ING 10 runs, 9 ski-tows and 1 rope tow (green, blue, red and black runs) Reception: bâtiment de la Gentiane — SNOWPARK 11 modules in 2 lines, 2 tabletop jumps - Reception: bâtiment de la Gentiane — — CROSS COUNTRY SKI-ING 6 runs over 40 km - Reception: Ballon d’Alsace summit SLED DOGS Guillaume Reffay +33 6 08 17 56 85 www. — — ESF BALLON D’ALSACE : Kid’s club, introduction to freeride and biathlon for teenagers, individual and group lessons for all abilities . Downhill Ski-ing Reception: meet at the bâtiment de la Gentiane Cross Country Ski-ing Reception: meet at the summit at the start of the run +33 3 84 29 06 65 Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 BUS DES NEIGES- SHUTTLE SERVICE Take the Bus des Neiges and forget the hassle of finding a parking space and icy roads. The shuttle operates between Belfort and the ski slopes from December to March and can also carry your equipment. Tickets from Belfort Tourisme. For timetable and fare information: and 17 OUTDOOR FUN OUTDOOR FUN Dive into the Malsaucy One thousand other lakes… Etang des Forges DID YOU KNOW? — To date, more than 150 species of bird has been recorded at this exceptional natural site. SWIMMING, WATER SPORTS AND LEISURE The protected natural surroundings of the Presqu’île du Malsaucy have something for all ages and interests. There is a play area and leisure complex for fun, a watersports centre for thrills and a discovery trail and bird-watching hide for finding out more about the environment. Facilities include a maze, giant swing and slide, minigolf, snack bar and terrace, petanque, pedalos, dinghies, canoes, windsurfing, rowing boats, archery, a fine sand beach with lifeguard and restaurant, and an outdoor cinema. There really is something for everyone - small children, teenagers and parents! — > Base nautique du Malsaucy - Open from 19th April to 28th September 2014 - +33 3 84 90 90 10 DID YOU KNOW? — The Malsaucy, the largest lake in the Territoire de Belfort (64 ha), and its peninsula or presqu’île, are the venue for the Eurockéennes annual international rock festival. FISHING PARTIES Next to the Malsaucy, the Étang de la Véronne is a vast lake exclusively for fishing. From its unspoiled banks, anglers can enjoy peace and beautiful surroundings. — > Daily fishing permits available at the maison des pêcheurs, in the car park at the entrance to the Malsaucy site. THE ENVIRONMENT HAS ITS OWN VISITOR CENTRE… The Maison Départementale de l’Environnement environmental centre stands on the banks of the Malsaucy. As a recognised Espace Naturel Sensible and bird sanctuary, the site is an important nesting area and migratory stopover for a number of species. Throughout the year there are opportunities to observe rare species and take part in talks, discussions and workshops. Not to be missed in 2014 is the "manger local” or "eat local" programme of events to celebrate our local specialities. The programme includes exhibitions, tastings, gourmet conferences, cookery workshops and even scientific experiments. — > Maison Départementale de l’Environnement - Site du Malsaucy 90300 SERMAMAGNY - +33 3 84 29 18 12 - Program available from Belfort Tourisme. 18 Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 On the path of the Veronne Etang of Amont JUST A FEW MINUTES’ WALK FROM THE CENTRE OF BELFORT, at the foot of the Tour de la Miotte, lies the Etang des Forges. The site dates back to mediaeval times when it was used for industry and fish farming. This vast 33 hectare lake is now a protected environmental site, LPO bird sanctuary and recognised site of ecological interest (ZNIEFF). The Sentier de la Roselière runs the length of the lake crossing areas of woodland and reeds. In the very centre of this watery habitat, a long walkway cuts through a flood- prone forest where you could almost imagine yourself in the bayous of Louisiana! A recently updated 4 km area provides information about typical plants, the geology, wildlife and history of this fascinating site. The Étang des Forges is also a site for canoeing and rowing boats, cycling and hiking, and fly, line and "no kill" fishing. Pleasure is guaranteed! — > Base nautique de l’Etang des Forges (Canoe-kayak, windsurfing, sailing) Rue Auguste Bussière à BELFORT - +33 3 84 21 44 01. Recommended: LES MILLE ÉTANGS 12,000 years ago, in the north west of the Territoire in the Vosges Saônoises, the glacier melts carved out a unique landscape with hundreds of ponds and peat bogs scattered amongst patches of moorland, meadow and forest. Explore this exceptional area by foot, horseback, bicycle or car; or if you are feeling more adventurous, by aeroplane or hot air balloon. — > For more information: Office de tourisme des mille étangs in Faucogney et La Mer (Haute-Saône) - +33 3 84 49 32 97 WE ALSO LIKE: LE PARC DE LA DOUCE The Parc de la Douce is a vast 20 hectare green space offering peace and relaxation. The park boasts trails, gardens, a demonstration organic vegetable plot and varied surroundings with lakesides and aquatic plants, meadows and woodland. There is a wide range of sporting facilities and play areas for children including a skate park, basketball and tennis courts, a football pitch and an athletics track. Best of all is the municipal swimming pool and ice rink. (See p 32). — > Access: quartier des Résidences in Belfort, parc des loisirs de Bavilliers. Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 19 OUTDOOR FUN ECHAPPÉES BELLES Town and Village Heritage Town and Village Heritage Floodgate, Montreux-Château In the Southern Vosges GIROMAGNY : Mining heritage has an important place in the history and culture of the Southern Vosges. In the 16th Century, a mining specific court was created in Giromagny in the building known today as the Maison de la Justice or the Maison Mazarin. The miners’ trail follows in the footprints of this former industry. The fountains and wash houses on the circuit help illustrate how different districts in the town developed. Giromany, Miners place ideal stopping place for pleasure boats. Since 2005, the site has had an attractive flower bedecked stopover facility and a restaurant on the water. — church of Saints-Pierre et Paul, originally a 12th Century priory occupied by monks from Cluny is well worth a visit. > Walkers’ leaflet n° 9 (in le Salbert). — LEPUIX : Built-in 1878, the haut-fer FOUSSEMAGNE : The only village in sawmill is powered by a water wheel fed from a wooden overhead channel. — > Lieu-dit Chauveroche - 90200 LEPUIX 03 84 29 00 55 -open visiting throughout the year and on European Heritage Days. France where there is a synagogue but no church. This historical monument, currently under renovation, will become a museum dedicated to Foussemagne’s and the Territoire de Belfort’s Jewish community. — ROUGEMONT-LE-CHÂTEAU : Step into the wonderful world of the watering can. Built into the hills, the walls and gardens of this house display a collection of 620 tin watering cans in and among the flowers — > 1 rue Leval - 90110 ROUGEMONT-LE-CHATEAU +33 3 84 27 61 40. > BERMONT : The pointed spire of the Church of Saint-Laurent, pays testimony to the influence of the Rhineland. This remarkable building and its rich history have earned the town the status of Petite Citée Comtoise de Caractère. — On the Plain of Belfort Cariatide, Delle GROTTE DE CRAVANCHE AND SALBERT VIEWING POINT: The natural cave discovered by accident during construction of the Fort du Salbert is in fact a Neolithic 20 City hall, Delle necropolis and protected bat sanctuary. At the summit of the Colline du Salbert, three orientation tables point out the main landmarks. On a clear day the views from here extend as far as the Alps and MontBlanc. PHAFFANS : The Church of Notre-Damede-l’Assomption is one of the finest examples of the baroque style in the region. The church has become a tourist and historical stopover on major long-distance hiking routes, including the Way of St James. > Walk around Giromagny, see page 23. Cave of Cravanche > Tourist map and guide to the history of Bermont available from Belfort Tourisme. MONTREUX-CHÂTEAU : The Rhone-Rhine Canal joins the Atlantic Ocean to the Black Sea by Europe's major waterways. The mooring at Montreux-Château and its tranquil green surroundings make an Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 FROIDEFONTAINE : The Romanesque — > Walkers’ leaflet n° 13 (on the trail of Cluny’s monks) In the Belfortan Sundgau LA PETITE SOLOGNE : Nestling into the foothills of the Jura, the south of the Territoire de Belfort has an abundance of ponds and rivers and some of the most scenic viewing points in the region. The tranquil beauty of the countryside here is enhanced by hundreds of watery spots, from canals to ponds, as the Petite Sologne shows. The existence of so much water explains why it was necessary to drain the marshes in the past to develop agriculture. Fish farming enabled the population to feed themselves or to earn an income from sales at markets. DELLE : A treasure can be found on the corner of every street in the former ecclesiastical estate of Delle. The town was fortified in the 13th Century and since then, its castle, ramparts, towers and turrets have been its greatest asset. Delle's narrow stone streets are perfect for meandering and losing yourself in. The 18th Century corn exchange, the remains of the ramparts and the organ with horizontal pipes in the church of SaintLéger add even more unique charm to the Territoire de Belfort's second town. — > Office de Tourisme de Delle - Halle des cinq fontaines - 90100 DELLE - +33 3 84 36 03 06. The foothills of the Jura BEAUCOURT : Birthplace of the Japy saga, the colourful industrial and cultural heritage in this area contrasts with its picturesque little towns. — > More information about the Japy family on p. 26 and 27. SAINT-DIZIER-L’EVÊQUE : The crypt in the church here houses the sarcophagus of Saint-Dizier (7th Century ) and the sacristy holds the tombstone known as the "stone of fools", reputed to cure mental illnesses. In the Swiss Jura PORRENTRUY : In the ancient city of the Watering can, Rougement-le-Château DID YOU KNOW ? — A legend remains from the time of Saint-Dizier. In the woods near Villarsle-Sec a rock, known as the "Devil's Footprints" can still be seen. This rock carries the deep footprints of the devil and the light imprint of Saint-Dizier’s sandals; evidence of a fight between the devil and the saint. Prince Bishops of Basel, make sure you visit the 13th Century castle and the 18th Century Hotel-Dieu with its 19th Century pharmacy, now a museum. A visit to Jurassica (museum and botanical Gardens) is also a must. — > More information available from Jura tourisme - Grand Rue 5 - 2900 PORRENTRUY (SWITZERLAND) - +41 (0)32 420 47 72 Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 21 OUTDOOR FUN OUTDOOR FUN A few suggestions for walks Walking and Hiking La Miotte Château de Rougemont Suarce Giromany With its mountain lakes and cascades, pine trees and pastures in the north and its leafy forests and half timbered houses in the south, the Territoire de Belfort and its richly diverse landscapes are perfect for walks of all kinds. More than 700 km of footpaths criss-cross the whole of the département ! Waterfall Between the Vosges and the Jura, four long-distance European footpaths pass through the Territoire: the GR5 - E2 links the Netherlands to Nice and the E5 leads across France to the Pointe du Raz in Brittany; two other paths start from the summit of the Ballon d’Alsace leading to Andorra (GR7) and Chambery (GR59). FROM THE SENTIER DE LA ROSELIÈRE TO THE HAUTS DE BELFORT A NEW ROUTE FOR THE GR5 IN THE TERRITOIRE DE BELFORT The GR5 is one of the most popular long-distance footpaths in Europe. In France, its route crosses the ranges of the Vosges and the Jura. The Territoire de Belfort forms an attractive link between these two mountain ranges with four major sites of interest: the Ballon d’Alsace (listed national site), the Malsaucy (outstanding natural site and venue for Eurockéennes de Belfort), the Salbert (the last hill in the Vosges and first in the Jura with a fort and panoramic view) and the town of Belfort (Old town, Bartholdi’s lion and the Citadel). It is also a convenient place to stay with direct access to Belfort/Montbéliard TGV station. FORTS HIKING ROUTE Follow the tracks of the Territoire’s glorious past and discover the ring of fortifications, with its works dating from the Middle Ages to the end of the 19th Century. 75 kilometres of footpaths, accessible to all, cross mountains, plains and lakes to create an original and cultural hiking experience. The route leads from Belfort to Giromagny and Fort Dorsner, passes by Bessoncourt and Fort Sénarmont, and reaches Andelnans and Fort Ordener in Vézelois. Make an appointment with history! — > For more information: Belfort Tourisme on +33 3 84 55 90 90. RAILWAY LINKS IN BELFORT: IDEAL ACCESS The station in Belfort town and the new Belfort-Montbéliard TGV station are ideal departure points for accessing the Vosges and Jura either as part of a travel itinerary or for making some enjoyable circular day trips. Within a few minutes of opening the train door, you can be on the Territoire’s hiking routes! One alternate path on the GR5 passes directly in front of Belfort's two stations! Find out more about Belfort's fortified system and see how it fits into its green surroundings. Follow the Roselière discovery trail around the Étang des Forges to reach the fortified sites of la Justice and la Miotte. The view from here over the town and lake is spectacular. The walk leads across the ditches of the Citadel to finish. — >Walkers’ leaflet n°5, distance 9 km, 3 hours, height variation 178 metres uphill (moderately easy). > Walkers’ leaflet n°14, distance 6 km, 2 hours height variation, 423 metres uphill (moderately easy). Discover woodland and ponds on this pleasant little rustic trail. Take the footbridges that cross back and forth over the river Madeleine and look out for the remains of the canal and an old mill. This scenic walk is suitable for families! Discover the many treasures in this village, especially the arboretum, petrifying well, wash houses and Merovingian cemetery. This trail is suitable for families and there are 12 interpretation boards along the route to guide you! SENTIER DES PASSEURS IN MONTBOUTON GIROMAGNY MINING TRAIL Follow this trail and relive the mining history of a small town which was first mentioned in 1547. This region was once rich in copper, silver and lead and its golden age for mining was between the 16th and 18th Centuries. In the forest above IGN maps and topoguides for the region available from Belfort Tourisme. TOUR DU HAUT-BOIS, BESSONCOURT BOUROGNE DISCOVERY TRAIL > Distance 6 km, 2 hours (easy) more information at: — All walkers’ leaflets are available from Belfort Tourisme and you can download more than 20 others for free at — — — SUGGESTION Giromagny, see if you can find the former extraction sites! > Walkers’ leaflet n°7, distance 9 km, 3 hours, height variation 95 metres uphill (moderately easy). This trail takes the route used by the Second World War passeurs, who helped people across the border into Switzerland by night. As soon as you set off from the farm at Champs Houdin, the walk plunges you into a past that was both harsh and fascinating. LE BAERENKOPF IN ROUGEMONTLE-CHÂTEAU This strenuous walk takes in a number of interesting sites. First of all, explore the ruins of the former Château de Rougemont, built between 1150 and 1200. Then climb to the summit of the Baerenkopf and enjoy the many spectacular view points along the way. — > Walkers’ leaflet n°21, distance 16 km, 5 hours, height variation 723 metres uphill (moderately difficult). — > Distance 16 km, 5 hours (moderate) don't forget your passport/ID! For more information: Lowlands Le Prêtre 22 Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 23 OUTDOOR FUN OUTDOOR FUN Exploring on two wheels In the air, by the river, on horseback or on the green DID YOU KNOW? CYCLING EVENTS > L a Ronde des Loups 8th May > L a course des 3 ballons 14th June >V élo gourmand 15th June >B allon d’Alsace bicycle ascent 15th August > VTT Transterritoire (off-road cycling) 5th October — Local company VMC has been manufacturing the smallest fishing hook in the world at its factory in Morvillars for almost one century. Ecuries Bobay (livery, hacks) 12 rue du Salbert 90350 EVETTE-SALBERT +33 3 84 29 21 94 - New: THE FRANCOVÉLOSUISSE CYCLE ROUTE — Whether you are with family or friends, take your time exploring by bicycle and don't be afraid to push boundaries ... by crossing the border between France and Switzerland! 2014 marks the opening of a new cycle route in the Territoire de Belfort, the Francovélosuisse, linking Belfort to Porrentruy (Switzerland) via the beautiful little town of Delle. This 40 km long cross-border route is suitable for families and takes in tourist sites, stopping points with food and drink facilities, cyclist-friendly accommodation, if you would like to break up your journey, rest and picnic areas, and facilities and services for cyclists. The Francovélosuisse also boasts 7 loops of increasing distance and difficulty. These circuits will take you on a detour off the beaten track so you can see more of the region as you cycle. — Loop 641 : City of the Lion (16 km) - Easy — Loop 642 : Three Green Ways (23 km)- Easy — Loop 643 : Foothills of the Vosges (45 km)- Easy — Loop 644 : Etangs du Sundgau (35 km) - Easy — Loop 645 : Alsace and Jura (88 km) - Moderate difficulty — Loop 646 : Ajoie (44 km) - Moderate difficulty — Loop 647 : In the footsteps of the dinosaurs (40 km) - Moderate difficulty. — > Free tourist map of the Francovélosuisse and its loops available from Belfort Tourisme. — > Interactive map, customisable travel book, accommodation deals and events diary at EUROVÉLO6 AND VOIES VERTES Equitation passion (livery) Rue Fontenelle 90340 CHEVREMONT +33 3 84 58 04 37. — L’écurie de la Palouse (livery) 2 rue Errues 90170 ANJOUTEY +33 6 60 88 69 66. Whether you fancy a gentle Sunday hack or a trek over several days, explore the Territoire and its plant and wildlife up close on 150 km of way-marked bridle paths. With the Southern Vosges, the Plain of Belfort and the Sundgau Belfortain to choose from, a complete change of scenery is guaranteed! — Groupement des randonneurs équestres du Territoire de Belfort (information and riding permits) +33 3 84 23 04 90. — Centre hippique du Territoire de Belfort (hacks -experienced riders only) Domaine du Chênois 90800 BAVILLIERS +33 3 84 21 23 07 - The Territoire de Belfort has been investing in cyclist-friendly routes for a number of years. The 7 kilometre long Promenade François Mitterrand links Belfort to Malsaucy, and the Coulée Verte, running primarily along the Haute-Saône canal, links Montbéliard to Belfort. The Eurovélo6 (Nantes/Budapest) route also runs across the Territoire de Belfort. Currently, families can enjoy at least 70 km of safe dedicated cycle paths! — — — > Brochures and information from Belfort Tourisme. Equinoxe (livery, bed and breakfast and hacks) 10 rue de Bellevue 90300 LACHAPELLE SOUS CHAUX - +33 3 84 29 12 45 Ecurie de l’Allaine (livery, hacks) 66 chemin de la brasserie 90100 THIANCOURT - +33 6 79 99 08 69 — 24 Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 — ON HORSEBACK Les prés Heyd (livery) Rue d’Auxelles 90200 GIROMAGNY +33 3 84 29 31 47 – ANGLING FOR A GOOD TIME IN THE TERRITOIRE! Whether you are a beginner or a fishing fanatic, interested in fishing for sport or relaxation, the Territoire de Belfort has something for you. Trout, carp and white fish will soon fill your nets, unless you prefer the no-kill fishing practised in the lakes of the Sundgau. Roll on the next fishing party! — > Fédération de pêche - 3A rue d’Alsace 90150 FOUSSEMAGNE - +33 9 81 60 39 49 Fishing guide available from Belfort Tourisme. ON THE GREEN Birdie, par, bogey… all strokes are allowed at Rougemont-le-Château golf club! Including mounds, bunkers, coppices and ponds, this 18-hole course is indisputably one of the most beautiful in France (ranked in Fairways Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 magazine’s Best Golf Course Awards for 2013) its restaurant and extensive high-quality facilities will delight golf lovers. — > Golf de Rougemont-le-Château - Rue de Masevaux 90110 ROUGEMONT LE CHATEAU - +33 3 84 23 74 74 UP IN THE AIR With aeroplanes, hang-gliders, paragliders or microlights to choose from, the hardest thing is making a decision! For certain though, one of the most spectacular ways to explore this region is to fly over it. As you soar above the monuments of Belfort, tree covered mountains and lake studded plains, your first flight will certainly open your eyes. Unforgettable adventures in the open sky. — > Aéro-clubs de Belfort et sa région 52 grande rue - 90300 CHAUX +33 3 84 29 21 44 - > Ballooning Adventures - 4 rue des Champs 90800 Bavilliers - +33 3 84 22 08 17 > Club aérostatique de Franche-Comté 24 rue des Vosges - 90150 FOUSSEMAGNE +33 3 84 90 20 20 - > Centre école Pent’air (Paragliding courses and introductory sessions on the Ballon d’Alsace) -open April-October +33 3 84 23 20 40. 25 TERRITOIRE DE BELFORT EXPERTISE Industrial Technology and Heritage Expertise In 1871, after Prussian defeat, many people from the Alsace region moved to Belfort. They joined companies that also wanted to remain French, such as the Société Alsacienne de Construction Mécanique (SACM), now Alstom. In the space of 20 years, the population increased from 8 000 to 25 000 people. As an outcome of the economic takeoff, a large industrial district grew with giant factories, still in operation today. Cités ouvrières (workers’ estates) with churches, schools, and streets built in the Alsace style were also developed. The industrial district has held onto its tradition of innovation. Known today as Techn’hom, two leaders of the energy industry are based here - General Electric and Alstom. Many power stations built around the world are made from parts manufactured by these two companies in Belfort. French TGVs and engine turbines are also made in Belfort. The Territoire de Belfort is the historical birthplace of the energy industry. It boasts true industrial skill (Alstom, GE and many SMEs/small industrial firms), a dynamic Research and Development sector and training and educational establishments specialising in the industry (UTBM, UFC, etc). The Vallée de l’Energie industrial association has formed a cluster of expertise, working to develop a complete and integrated network of production, management and distribution systems for electrical energy. Along similar lines, the transport and mobility industries have joined forces under the Pôle Véhicule du Futur, a state recognised competitiveness cluster since 2005. Techn'hom DID YOU KNOW? Musée Japy Alstom MUSÉE FRÉDÉRIC JAPY technology came to help with tasks such as paying wages and stock maintenance. The Territoire has been forging its reputation as a hotspot of industrialisation since 1777. This is the date when Frédéric Japy moved to Beaucourt and began producing early watches, and machine tools which were more efficient and less expensive. He went on to fully mechanise his production systems for watches, alarm clocks, and clocks. From 1806, Japy started to produce bolts and screws. Around this time he also passed on the baton to the next generation. As a true 18th Century captain of industry, Frédéric Japy still stands out as a forefather of industrialisation. In the former clock factory, the Musée Japy retraces the history of industry in Beaucourt from the end of the 18th Century to the modern day. — > 16 rue Frédéric Japy - 90500 BEAUCOURT +33 3 84 56 57 52 Open from the first Wednesday in March to the Sunday before Christmas, 14:00 to 17:00 every day except Monday and Tuesday Admission: € 3; -18 years- free. MUSÉE DE LA MÉCANOGRAPHIE The history and prehistory of the computer and automated data processing is explained at this museum with its collection of card punches, punching machines and tabulators. Find out how automated 26 Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 — > Techn’hom 2 – Bâtiment 9 - 5 rue Jacqueline Auriol 90000 BELFORT - +33 3 84 21 26 98 - Opening times: Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9:00-12:00 (closed July and August). — The Forges site in Granvillars is probably the oldest industrial site in France (dating from 1684) to still be in operation today. MUSEUMS OF TECHNOLOGY IN MULHOUSE Belfort's past is very closely linked with Mulhouse’s. Visit this town’s renowned museums of technology to find out more about our industrial past. The Cité de l’Automobile, Musée EDF-Electropolis, la Cité du Train and Musée de l’Impression sur Étoffes (printed textiles) are especially recommended. — > More information from the tourist office in Mulhouse: +33 3 89 35 48 48 MUSÉE DE L’AVENTURE PEUGEOT, SOCHAUX With 6 000m² of exhibition space, this museum transports you through the history of one of Industry’s most legendary ventures - 200 years of the saga of the famous lion trademark. From saw blades to modern and futuristic vehicles, discover the fascinating and eventful story of this extraordinarily long-lived company. AN EXTREMELY WIDE LOAD! Although wide loads travel through Belfort every day, the one that passed by on March 5, 2014 must be one of the most extreme. The 9F7 turbine, the latest product from General Electric, is 5.7 m high, 109 m long, 6.65 m wide and weighs 800 tonnes. As it travelled through the town, this atypical load drew many an admiring glance from workers and residents. — > For more information: Musée de l’Aventure Peugeot: +33 3 81 99 42 03 Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 27 EXPERTISE EXPERTISE Local Produce, Crafts and Gastronomy Local Produce, Crafts and Gastronomy PRODUCERS’ CORNER Eleven producers in the département are members of the "Bienvenue à la Ferme" network, a guarantee of quality produce and a warm welcome. — Ferme SEIDEL Le Plainot 90200 VESCEMONT Soft, flavoured and plain goats cheeses, Munster, butter +33 6 79 34 13 49 — Ferme des Echancées 1 chemin de St-Nicolas 90170 ETUEFFONT Eggs, poultry +33 3 84 54 65 31 Facettes du Territoire — In its own distinctive way, the Territoire de Belfort has taken the best from the culinary traditions, wines, cheeses and dishes of its neighbours in Alsace and Franche-Comté and combined them in its own specialities. You can enjoy a traditional fondue comtoise just as much as a kouglof cake, or choose between a glass of golden Jura wine and a sparkling Crémant d’Alsace. For cheeses, the choice is between Munster, Comté and Cancoillotte while connoisseurs of cured meats can treat themselves to mouthwatering sausages from Montbéliard and Morteau. Baeckoffe, choucroute and friture de carpe can also be enjoyed freely. GAEC Tacquard 8 Grande rue 90150 REPPE Fruits, vegetables, wheat flour, snails +33 3 84 23 84 72 — Ferme Altenbach 38 rue Principale 90100 SUARCE Duck Foie Gras Pâté 03 84 19 31 62 — Ferme Babé 4 rue de l'Ecrevisse 90140 BREBOTTE Beef to order +33 3 84 23 44 23 — A few local specialities: — BRIMBUL’: The combination of a traditional local fruit (blueberry) and a dash of gin lifts the taste of a sparkling Crémant du Jura in style. > This aperitif is available from artisan restaurants and producers.. — ÉPAULE DU BALLON: this tasty but subtle local dish of boned loin of lamb and blueberries exudes the flavours of the Ballon d’Alsace. — BELFLORE: the taste of a bed of fresh raspberries under a layer of almond meringue topped with hazelnuts is only equalled by the lightness of this combination. > Belflore is a creation of the Syndicat des Boulangers-Pâtissiers du Territoire de Belfort. — FACETTES DU TERRITOIRE : these sweet treats comprise pastry, an entremet and delicious gilded chocolates depicting cultural sites and events from around the département. > Available from the Chocolaterie Barb-Terrier et Klein in Belfort, at Dal Gobbo in Eloie and Aux plaisirs gourmands in Beaucourt. — LA REBELLE : Taste artisan beer from the Brasserie Franc-Comtoise brewery. Lager, dark beer and pale ale from la Rebelle, are the perfect accompaniment to your meals. > Brasserie Franc-Comtoise, 24 fg de France - 90200 GIROMAGNY – +33 3 84 29 56 37. Ferme du Génival Rue du Fort de Senarmont 90160 BESSONCOURT Dairy produce and cow's milk cheese +33 3 84 29 99 25 — Elevage des Champs Lambert 29 rue des Roches 90200 AUXELLES-HAUT Lamb, veal, fruit and vegetables and educational farm +33 3 84 27 04 70 — Ferme des Buis 6 rue Grand Cerf 90300 VETRIGNE Poultry, Venison, Highland beef +33 3 84 29 81 67 — Lycée Agricole de Valdoie 95 rue de Turenne 90300 VALDOIE Organic flowers and vegetables +33 3 84 58 49 63 Farming museum Worth a visit MUSÉE AGRICOLE DÉPARTEMENTAL The agricultural Museum in Botans explains everything there is to know about farm machinery and 200 years of agriculture in Franche-Comté region. Visitors can also enjoy fresh air under the cherry trees in the kitchen garden, the shady orchard and the garden. — > 5 rue de Dorans - 90400 BOTANS 03 84 36 52 04 - Open from Easter to November 1, weekends and public holidays, every day except Monday 14:00 - 18:00. Admission: adults €3.50, 13 -18 years:€ 2 , -13 years -free MUSÉE DE L’ARTISANAT ET DES TRADITIONS Learn about traditional farm work and the tools used. Discover the trades of carpenter, wheelwright, clog maker, mattress maker and weaver, and see how steam powered machinery works. Enjoy a delightful and surprising journey into the past! — Handcraft museum MOULIN DE COURTELEVANT > 3 rue de la Fontaine - 90140 BREBOTTE +33 3 84 23 42 37 - Open: 1st April-30th June from 14:00 – 17:00 closed Sundays and Mondays-from 1st July – 30th September, from 14:00 – 17:00 closed Mondays and Tuesdays .Admission: Adults: €3.50, 10 - 16 years: €2, -10 years free. In the south of the Territoire, the Moulin de Courtelevant takes visitors back in time to explore the history of industrial and waterpowered technology from the 17th to the 19th Century with millstones, gears, water wheels and other milling equipment! — > 10 rue de l’Eglise - 90100 COURTELEVANT +33 6 50 12 47 69 Open: 1st May- 31st October daily 14:00- 18:00 except Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Groups by appointment . Flour milling demonstrations on the first Sunday of the month. Admission: Adults €3.50, Children €2. The Petitjean family were no ordinary blacksmiths. From the 17th Century onwards, four generations lived and worked in this great barn of a place in Etueffont at the foot of the Vosges. The family have left behind traces of their authentic skills and expertise in this living space where house and workshop were one and the same. — >2 rue Lamadeleine - 90170 ETUEFFONT +33 3 84 54 60 41 Open from 1st April- 31st October, from 14:00 - 18:00 closed Tuesdays. Also closed on 1st May and the Easter and Pentecost weekends. Admission: € 4 reductions for children and families. We like: — DID YOU KNOW ? — The village of Chèvremont was renowned for its choucroute (pickled cabbage) and mustard production. FORGE-MUSÉE — Ferme de l'étang Fourchu Ecarts de la Chapelle 90100 FLORIMONT Farm campsite, cattle and horse rearing +33 3 84 29 61 59 Forge museum DON'T MISS THE MARKETS — With their riot of colours, scents and flavours, the Territoire’s markets are ideal for discovering local produce. A full list is available from Belfort Tourisme. Artisan Franche-Comté smoked produce from "Le Goût d’Ici" in Giromagny. GAEC du Marronnier 19 rue de l'Eglise 90110 FELON Farm Gîte, milk, bull calves, cereals +33 3 84 55 90 95 Mill of Courtelevant 28 Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 29 TERRITOIRE DE BELFORT ORGANISER VOTRE SÉJOUR Agenda annuel des évènements Agenda annuel des évènements Principales manifestations dans le Territoire de Belfort : foires, festivals, rencontres sportives… Fête de la musique January-February FÊTE DU NORDIQUE Ballon d’Alsace Nordic Sports 15th - 21st April Impetus Festival Saturday 17th May Museums at Night Sunday 15th June Vélo gourmand July/August Wednesdays at the castle Aire Urbaine Belfort et Etueffont Leaves from Valdoie Indie culture and music festival Free Tour of cycle paths and local produce — Sunday 18th May Transhumance 20th and 21st April Easter celebration Botans Plant swap and family entertainment From 21st February 10th March Solstice de la marionnette Belfort International puppet festival 20th April French junior chess championships Axone - Montbéliard Belfort Belfort Belfort Showcase of skills and expertise at the Citadel Free — 30 Sunday 25th May Tour de Franche-Comté Cycling event: Belfort La Planche des Belles Filles — Saturday 28th of June and Thursday 10th July Banquet spectacle Belfort Citadel — 5th-7th July Les Eurockéennes Lac du Malsaucy Outdoor rock festival — 12th - 14th July Historical re-enactments (18th Century and Revolutionary Period) 6th - 7th September Les Ballons de Belfort Citadelle de Belfort Free jazz concerts every Wednesday Suarce Family events Hot air balloon flights over Belfort and surrounding area To win a place, take part in Belfort Officiel’s competition on Facebook — July/August Les Rigolomanies Sunday17th August Fête du Ballon Belfort Comedy showcase every Thursday — Flower market, street celebrations, local produce tastings - Free 17th-19th July Historical light and sound show Belfort Theme: The Soldier's Dream Free concerts - featured instrument: the guitar Brebotte Showcase of local skills and traditions- Free — Open-air theatre performances — — 16th-18th May Sculptures at the CitadelCitadelle de Belfort Outdoor art exhibition Freet Belfort — Citadelle de Belfort — August Nuits d’été de Milandre Delle 23rd and 24th August Historical re-enactments (Second World War) — Sunday 24th August Gourmet walk Saint Dizier l’Evêque Circuit with gourmet breaks. — From 30th August - 6th September Wine and gastronomy fair Andelnans — Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st September European Heritage Days — Belfort and district Music gigs around the town Sunday 28th September Lion half marathon Start Belfort - Finish Montbéliard — Mid-October Transhumance Ballon d’Alsace Cattle herds return to Giromagny — Sunday 5th October Transterritoire à VTT Starts from Belfort — Full details of events available at, on the "To See and Do" page. Weekly programme available at Belfort Tourisme. Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 October-November Book Fair Belfort Free — Sculpture exhibition — — 14th – 23rd November GéNériQ Festival (Third Republic and First World War) 9th, 12th, 14th and 16th of August Ronde de nuit III Sunday 19th October Belfortrail and Girotrail 2 routes - 2 departure points: Belfort and Giromagny 8th - 9th November 24 hour international archery competition Belfort Citadelle de Belfort Friday 15th August Passerelle des arts Citadelle de Belfort Ballon d’Alsace Territoire de Belfort 26th -27th July Historical re-enactments Citadelle de Belfort 7th - 9th June FIMU International Festival of University Music Semi-marathon du Lion Friday 15th August Fête de l’âne donkey festival Night time show - Free 8th-11th May Belforissimo 4th - 6th April European artistic crafts days- Belfort Cattle herds depart for the pastures of the Ballon d’Alsace 7th - 8th June Made in Belfort Contemporary dance display - Free Sunday 16th March Carnival — Giromagny — On the first Sunday of the month from March to December Flea market - Grand Marché aux Puces Theme: circus and funfair — — — Belfort — Reconstitution historique Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 22nd - 30th of November Entrevues, International Film Festival Belfort — Advent period Christmas markets in Montbéliard and Alsace — Christmas holidays Magical December, village de la glisse Belfort — 31 TERRITOIRE DE BELFORT PLAN YOUR STAY Going out: evening entertainment Going out: leisure HIGH ROPES ADVENTURE PARK GO-KARTS Acropark On the Ballon d’Alsace 12 courses and 110 obstacles > Ballon d’Alsace 90200 LEPUIX +33 3 84 23 20 40 +33 6 84 67 68 58 Open April – October. Admission starts from €13.00. — Bavilliers Adventures 5 courses for all abilities, 36 obstacles. CONCERT HALLS Poudrière - Current music > Place de l’Arsenal 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 58 11 77 — Maison pour tous > Place Salengro 90500 BEAUCOURT +33 3 84 56 96 94 — Caveau des remparts > Place de la République 90100 DELLE +33 3 84 36 88 96 THEATRES Le Granit, national theatre > 1 faubourg de Montbéliard 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 58 67 67 — Espace Louis Jouvet > Centre commercial des 4 As 90000 BELFORT Programme Théâtre du Pilier +33 3 84 28 39 42 Programme Cafarnaüm +33 3 84 22 04 38 32 Théâtre Michel Dèque > 2 rue James Long 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 22 66 76 — Théâtre de marionnettes > 30 rue Jean de la Fontaine 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 28 99 65 — Centre Chorégraphique National de FrancheComté > 3 avenue de l’espérance 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 58 44 88 — Salle de spectacle > 90600 GRANDVILLARS +33 6 26 76 17 20 — Maison du peuple > Place de la Résistance 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 55 90 90. — Halle des 5 fontaines > Rue Jules Joachim 90100 DELLE 03 84 36 88 96 > 90800 BAVILLIERS +33 3 84 57 38 88 Open April-November. Admission starts from €.5.00 SHOWS FAIRS AND SALONS Airexpos (Exhibition centre) > ZAC des prés 90400 ANDELNANS +33 9 77 61 63 42 — Salle des fêtes de Belfort > Place de la République 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 54 24 24 — Centre des congrès Atria > Avenue de l’Espérance 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 58 85 00 (Novotel Belfort). CINEMAS Cinéma Pathé > 1 boulevard Richelieu 90000 BELFORT (Pathé Belfort). DISCOTHEQUES La Bonbonnière > 96 rue du Général de Gaulle 90700 CHATENOIS-LESFORGES +33 3 84 29 41 40. — Klub La Suite > 2 rue du Mont Jean 90200 GIROMAGNY +33 3 84 29 54 35 — Coco Club > Rue de Broglie Techn'hom 90000 BELFORT +33 3 39 03 40 97 — Le Martyn's > Le Pulp 56 rue Valdoie 90350 EVETTE SALBERT +33 3 84 29 64 62 See the full list of bars, restaurants and night clubs at — Halle des 5 fontaines > Rue Jules Joachim 90100 DELLE +33 3 84 36 88 96 Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 ICE SKATING Patinoire de l’agglomération belfortaine 1 600 m² rink > Parc des Loisirs 90 800 BAVILLIERS +33 3 84 58 08 1 Open from September to May. Admission from €3.20 MINI-GOLF Mini-Golf « Le Golfheur » 16 holes designed around the theme of the evolution of man and his environment. > 90140 CHEVREMONT +33 3 84 22 53 06 +33 6 30 31 29 95 Open from July the beginning of September. Admission from €1.60. — Mini-Golf – Base de Loisirs du Malsaucy 12 holes in the outstanding natural surroundings of the Malsaucy. > Rue d’Evette 90300 SERMAMAGNY 03 84 90 90 10 Open from 19th April 28th September 2014 AQUATICS CENTRE Kart 90 700 m course with 12 latest generation 270 cm³ go-karts. Age 14 and over Piscine du Parc 25 m indoor pool and Olympic size outdoor pool, water slides. > 7 impasse des Grands Champs 90340 CHEVREMONT +33 6 61 86 88 55 Please ask for opening times. Admission from €16.00 > Parc de Loisirs des Résidences 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 21 33 05 Indoor pool open all year, outdoor pool from June to September. Admission from €1.95 JEUX DE RAQUETTES ASMB Tennis 7 courts couverts et de 9 courts extérieurs de tennis et 2 terrains de badminton couvert. > Parc des loisirs 90800 BAVILLIERS +33 3 84 21 27 05 Ouverture se renseigner au préalable auprès de prestataire, à partir de 15,00 €. CLIMBING La Roche Du Cerf Natural climbing site 65 routes. > 90200 LEPUIX (Departure point D465 Route du Ballon D’Alsace, Malvaux car park) Free access — Le Fort de la Justice. On the limestone ramparts of Belfort’s fortifications145 routes (difficulty levels 4 - 7c). > 90000 BELFORT (Depart from Porte du Vallon in BELFORT) Free Access — Full details of all climbing sites in the eastern France are listed in the Topo Guide for sale at Belfort Tourisme. > Contact: CAF Belfort 5 rue de la Mechelle 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 29 53 27 — Piscine Pannoux 25 m indoor pool and learner pool for families. > Boulevard Richelieu 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 28 32 73 Open from September to June. Admission from €1.95 — Centre Aquatique Indoors: sports and leisure pools, water slides and paddling pool. > Faubourg de Belfort 90100 DELLE +33 3 84 36 64 00 -covered pool Open all year. Admission from €2.70 — Piscine Béatrice Hess 25m indoor pool, outdoor paddling pool and sunbathing area. > Grand Rue 90170 ETUEFFONT +33 3 84 54 72 40 Open all year. Admission from €1.95 FUN Bowling des 4 As 16 bowling alleys -gamessnack/bar - pool tables meeting room - air conditioning. Neolaser Espace Jeux Laser 1 500 m² laser quest space, including an 800 m² giant maze. > 10 avenue de la République 90400 DANJOUTIN +33 3 84 22 76 49 Opening times: please ask in advance. Admission from €7.00 — Croco-Kids Slides, mini motorbikes, trampolines, ball pool and lots of other fun activities > ZAC de la Justice Rue Georges Besse 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 54 04 47 Opening times: please ask in advance. Admission from € 5.00 — Skatepark Free access for beginner and experienced BMXers, skate-boarders, scooter riders and skaters. 960 m² space. > Rue Floréal 90000 BELFORT EDUCATIONAL Planétarium Guided journey under a 5m dome depicting the night sky throughout the year, at different times and in different latitudes. > Cité des associations Rue Jean Pierre Melville 90000 - BELFORT +33 3 84 28 67 21 Open Saturday 15:00 - 18:00. Admission from €2.00 > Rue de l’As de carreau 90000 BELFORT +33 3 84 54 04 47 Open daily all year round. Admission from €3.00 Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 33 TERRITOIRE DE BELFORT PLAN YOUR STAY Here to help you TOURIST INFORMATION BREAKS AND EXCURSIONS Belfort Tourisme, official Tourist Office for the town of Belfort and Comité Départemental du Tourisme, is here to help you before, during and after your stay. Take advantage of our Weekend, Short Break and Excursion deals and enjoy a clever mix of local heritage, history, events and scenery. If your tastes are for something livey, we can tailor packages to your timings and interests, and why not enhance your stay with our events programme? If you would prefer something quieter, our artistic and well-being packages will lead you on the path to creativity and relaxation. In both summer and winter, our protected natural spaces have beautiful scenery and a wealth of activities for you to enjoy. Whether you are travelling with the family, friends or as a group, take inspiration from our packages. See "Weekends and Stays" at Set off to discover the impregnable Citadel or Belfort's old town in the company of one of our qualified guides. Looking for a fun way to explore? Try one of our orienteering trails in the countryside or town, or join a guided walk on the Ballon d’Alsace with a gourmet stop at a traditional mountain inn. Follow the guide and make the most of our suggestions… — Nos services : — Welcome and information: documentation on the area (accommodation, restaurants, events, tourist sites, etc ) — Shop, bookshop and local produce — Free Internet access — Accommodation and package tour reservations for individuals and groups — Additional services: bicycle parking, toilets and water point — > 2 bis rue Clemenceau - 90 000 BELFORT Tel: +33 3 84 55 90 90 Open year round from Monday to Saturday (closed public holidays), and daily in July and August. GROUP EXCURSIONS VISIT THE CITY OF THE LION. BELFORT + PACKAGE: > Prices from €7 /person for a guided tour during the week. 20 pax minimum. For an itemised quote and to arrange your visit, do not hesitate to call +33 3 84 55 90 97 or e-mail: BOOK YOUR ACCOMMODATION: GÎTES AND CHAMBRES D’HÔTES Visit our website for a selection of Gîtes de France, Clévacances or meublés de tourisme labelled accommodation. We have gîtes and chambres d’hôte to suit all budgets and requirements. > Use our online booking service to reserve your accommodation (, call us on +33 3 84 55 90 84 or send an e-mail to: Enjoy a weekend break in Belfort with our special package (2 days/1 night in a 3 star hotel and free admission to 7 of the town's flagship sites). — > Prices from €66 per person. BREAK ON THE BALLON D’ALSACE The listed national site of the Ballon d’Alsace (altitude 1247 m), the highest point in the southern Vosges in the heart of the Parc Régional Naturel des Ballons des Vosges is a nature lover’s paradise. At the crossroads of three characterful regions, Franche-Comté, Alsace and Lorraine, this outstanding protected environment with its beautiful views is certain to win you over. — > Tour du Ballon summer break: 2 days/1 night in a "2 corn sheaf" chambre d'hôte or a 2 star hotel: from €77.50 /person > Plaisir de la Glisse: 2 days/1 night in a 2 star hotel, from €49 / person depending on the package 34 — Terri to i re de B elf ort /// Tou ri s t Gui de 201 4 PLAN YOUR CONFERENCE OR MEETING Standing at the junction of a number of major European thoroughfares, Belfort is ideally located for business and offers an original and prestigious setting for your professional events. Whether you are planning a national conference, business convention, exhibition, meeting or something more informal such as team building or an incentive, the Conference Planning Office offers a FREE and PERSONALISED service. Working from your initial specification, the Conference Planning Office will help you come up with the most suitable solutions for your event including venues, catering, hotel reservations, transport, evening entertainment and leisure activities. The Conference Planning Office will be your unique contact throughout, from the planning stage through to completion. Our team guarantees that all services are provided by professional partners. That's right, the Conference Planning Office will SAVE YOU TIME! From now on, there is no need for you to look for information yourself; we will find it for you. We are proud to offer such all-inclusive service. — > Full details of our services can be found in our Business Tourism guide, available from Belfort Tourisme or as a download from, "Conferences in Belfort". Contact us on +33 3 84 55 90 94 or at: Terri toire de Belf ort / / / Tou ris t Gu ide 201 4 35
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