Iliiwnj-IliriL` Tims - Ninety
Iliiwnj-IliriL` Tims - Ninety
D E C E M B E R , 1966 Iliiwnj-IliriL’ Tims 0T(i6 Jifmefrj-cAfmegite. (C o lu m n ,-K.. I a m hom e from the F a ll Sections, One w eek later, I w as in W ashing bu t m ust con fess, still not settled! As ton, D.C. representing the N inety Nines alw ays, it w as such a pleasure to see all th e Ninety Nines. I rea lly do en joy at the A m erica n Congress o f W om en L eaders. This is a grou p of w om en, all of w hom being with each of them . I left Phoenix and flew to W ichita, DECEMBER, 1966 O fficial Publication of TH E N IN ETY-N IN ES, Inc. H eadquarters, T erm in al Bldg. W ill R o g e rs W orld A irport P. O. B ox 99 O klahom a City, O klahom a 73101 H eadquarters S ecreta ry D A R L A BU L LA R D Editor P E G ONG 2900 R o ck b rook D rive Plano, T ex a s 75074 INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS President A LIC E R O B E R T S 719 O rchid Lane Phoenix, A rizona 85021 where I w as m et b y G E N E NORA JESSEN . N ext m orning, w e left for M ilwaukee and rhe North Central S ec Vice-President Secretary G E N E N O R A JESSEN 741 E a strid ge D rive W ichita, K ansas 67207 2037 R iv era Street San F ra n cisco, Calif. 94116 h er apartm ent. It w as such a surprise v e ry n icely and w anted m e to thank all the girls who had w ritten to her. to see M A Y E T T A B E R IN G E R there. and visited B E T T Y W. M cN A B B 926 Third Avenue Albany, G eorgia D O RIS R E N N IN G E R 10-01 162nd Street Beechhurst, N. Y . 11357 D E A D L IN E F O R NEW S — T he 20th of the M onth Send C opy to: P E G ONG 2900 R o ck b rook D rive Plano, T e x a s 75074 The last tim e I h eard from her, she A lso to explain, a s m u ch as she w ould w a s in South A m erica ! love to answ er each note, it is such a N ines rea lly get around! These N inety ch o re fo r her to w rite, it is im possible Then on to N ew Y o rk w here DORIS for h er to do so. H ow ever, she a s sures m e she would love to h ea r from R E N N IN G E R ’ s apartm ent w as ‘h om e’ . ea ch o f you. A s you reca ll, the E xecu tive B oard, under RUTH D E E R M A N , voted to give ea ch past P resident a jew elled ga vel to g o with h er P resid en t’ s pin. So I had the pleasure o f givin g B E L L E ’ S to her. She seem ed so pleased. O m aha, of the A M E L IA EARHART dam . I got to ride to the cerem on y in A M E L IA ’ S Y ellow K issell. A 1921 Sports ca r. W hat a ride! LOIS AU CH TER LO N IE and F R A N P O R T E R m et m e and saw to it I en joyed to the fullest the lovely fall co lo rs of N ew E ngland. w aukee fo r the m eetin g. Congratula tions to D R . ANN R O E T H K E for b e in g the newly elected G overn or of Y ou h a v e to see the colors to b elieve it . . . on the desert, w e h a v e nothing the N orth Central Section. bea u ty in the m ountains and valleys, R eturned to W ichita w here P A T M cE W E N entertained m e at a lovely buf and w ho is to say one or the other is the p rettier? fet The last business on m y agenda w ?s the N ew Y o rk N ew J ersey Section E n joyed flew D uring m y w eek there, I flew on to B oston fo r the dedication cerem onies on to M il dinner. we seeing all the K ansas m em bers. like that. Of cou rse, w e have ou r own m eeting. KAY H ILB R A N D T to OKC and w ork ed at H eadquarters fo r a few days. SUSIE SEW ELL, g ra n ew ly ciou s as alw ays, w a s m y hostess. grow th and action. If in and m eet D A R L A B U L LA R D , you r L Y D IE L L E N “ L Y G IE ” HAGAN South 1907 Oneida P la ce Spokane, W ashington 99203 a m ost profit able tim e. While not at the hotel fo r the Congress, V IR G IN IA THOMPSON B E L L E H E T Z E L . Sh e is com in g along N ebraska, you a re in the vicin ity o f OKC, do drop Executive Board O rganizations. It w as w as m y 'hostess. JE A N ROSS HOW A R D honored m e with a reception at O m aha, Next, I bussed (you better believe i t ! ) Treasurer RUTH R U E C K E R T o r V ice with tion M eeting. E n route, w e stopped in F ro m DONNA T . M Y E R S 11603 E . 6th P la ce D enver, C olorado 80010 are Presidents Presidents o f National o r International H eadquarters S ecretary, The follow ing w eek - end, and the South Central Section. T h ey m ust not have rea lly w anted us, becau se the w eath er w as m ost is the G overn or o f that se c tion and has a lot of plans fo r their V isited w ith KAY F A IR B A N K , M A R IA N AW TAR GENE N O RA flew into OKC, picked m e up and w e w ere on ou r w a y to Shreve port elected board. T h ey B RICK , LOIS L O P E Z of the w ere m o s < p leased with the film in g o f the T A R . . . I have not seen the, film yet . . . so ca n ’t m ake any personal o b serva tions. A m looking forw a rd to the tim e it w ill be shown in PH X . un coop era tive. But Saturday m ornin g w a s beautiful and w e had a w onderful tim e. T w o m ore P resid en ts’ ga vels w ere given , one to E D N A G A R D N E R I realize this has been a ram bling epistle . . . hope it hasn’ t bored you. H ave tried to hit the highlights o f the trip and am sure I have probably fo r W H Y TE and one to RU TH D E E R M A N . gotten Both w ere surprised, but grateful. w ill put it in the next letter. som e im portant item . If so, D ecid ed I should see h ow things w ere on the hom e front, so from Shreve STREN G TH port, G E N E N O RA flew m e to Dallas TION. H ave you ev er w atch ed a grou p . . . and I flew airlines hom e. of ants . . . th ey seem to be w alking Now, for a m om ent, let us con sider TH RU COMMUNICA A TRIBUTE . . . To JEANETTE of our current due to the ill In a letter to - W ANTED - another trustee she w rote at this tim e: I.EMPKE SOVEREIGN M any it n ecessa ry to resign health o f h er husband. N inety-Nines w ere denied the privilege o f know ing JE A N N E T T E L E M P K E SO V E R E IG N the “ T o resign fro m that o ffice w as one of the hardest decisions that I h ave had Most Beautiful to m ake in m y life. I a m not fre e to g o aw a y fo r an overn igh t sta y; and I feel that the Scholarship Chairman A E R IA L T h ey are, th erefore, unaw are o f her trem endous contribution t'o the Ninety- should be present at the Annual M eet PHO TO GRAPHS Nines. Jeannette served a s Internation b ers and the a ctivities o f the NinetyN in es.” w ho took her last flight July 14th, 1966. al President from 1945-47. P rior to this ing to keep acquainted with the m e m tim e she flew thousands of m iles and That she continued h er a ctive inter m any m an y hours in h er little Stinson est in the Fund is attested to b y her V oya ger, and w as la rg ely responsible generous gifl fo r holding the organization together and bringing the Chapters b a ck to life com panied b y a note requesting that there be no publicity. after the restrictions fo flyin g and or Jeannette w as alw ays m ost gen erous ganizational activity W orld W ar II. engendered by Chaterton D erb y for m en and w om en, and com peted p la ced in m a n y others events. and While gaining laurels in com petition w a s fun, her abiding interest w as in M em orial Schol arship. About 1949 she w as elected as one of the Trustees o f the Fund, and in 1951 w as appointed b y the E xecu tive to serve as a P erm anen t Trustee. The other four Trustees elect ed her as their Chairm an and she held these posts until 1958 when she found around with no particu lar p ro je ct in m ind, when all of a sudden, th ey line up, follow each other to a certain a rea, grou p together, and a ccom plish that which th ey set out to do. What m ade them ‘get-togeth er’ ? T h ey COM M U N ICATED ! W here ONE ant could ly in U N ITY Consider the ant and w e could ea si apply that o b je ct lesson to our E u genia H eise — o— PATTER . . . by Peg M y second attempf at com pilin g the NEW S is p rogressin g a b it faster than the first . . . the 'ole ex p erien ced ’ ed know w e h ave an idea and w ould like to h ave help with i t ? ? ? ? C O M M U N IC A TE !! See you n ext month, A lice R oberts inviting citizens all ov e r the in particu lar. A 99 w ill be selected from each state of m ulti-colored m arking pens, sticky 1o fly the pictures and invitations to tape o f various sizes, stapler, and a heaped high desk . . . all o f w hich the convention, w here they w ill be a s sem b led in the handsom e USA folios. change At the International Night banquet, student June 30, these folios w ill be presented Most to the oversea s 99s to take b a ck hom e of tv e contributors ob viou sly rea d and and present to the heads o f their g o v m ust in certa in ly rating indicate from a the beginning to at least one w ho has soloed! on ernm ents w ith the com plim ents o f the Preparation o f Copy. Y o u ’ ll n ever know 99s, on b ehalf o f all A m erica . A rran gem en ts are being m ade fo r an a re just follow ing how D O T T IE ’ S m uch that M em o ‘prepa ra tion ’ m ean s in tim e and en ergy to this gal! exhibit’ o f the outstanding pictures at A nyone needing a cop y, just w histle and it w ill be on the w ay to you . . . the convention, and then to send them ulterior m otives, y a These SE E THE USA folios put us squarely in the w orld spotlight, so they know! Is you r Chapter report m i s s in g ? ? ? ? on a tou r abroad. P erh a ps you r rep orter didn’ t believe “ the P on y E xp ress to P la n o” bit! B e must’ be truly excitin g exa m ples o f 99 cau se and the h oliday m a il rush, it w as im L e t’ s m ake these the m ost beauti ful aeria l folios ev er m ad e o f A m erica , portant to subm it all co p y to the print er a fter m y m ail d eliv ery on the 21st view s o f the USA and its T erritories. cf extra help at the printers (the 20th w as H ow do w e let the others ernor, w orld to visit the USA, and his State itor is now equipped with a profusion hope the New s is in you r hands prom pt - of us could. SEE THE USA These folios w ill contain the outstand com plish a group to ing aerial pictures selected from each state, plus an invitation from each g o v selves. One of us cannot hope to a c what FOLIOS W e have lost' a v e ry special NinetyNine. national T reasu rer o f the N inety-Nines; not m ov e the o b je ct . . . . . . there w as strength! IN V IT A T IO N organization although entitled to it as a past president b eca u se “ the NinetyNines need m y d u es.” 1943-1945 International V ice President. C om m ittee N IN E T Y - N IN E S of her tim e, thoughtful and unselfish, 1935-1937 she w as G overn or o f the North Central Section; 1940-1942 Inter E arhart for the n ever a ccep ted Life M em bersh ip in our In 1934, Jeannette won fhe 100-mile the A m elia & TERRITO RIES of $1125.00 in 1965, a c ful, esp ecia lly t'o the N inety-Nines. She closed course ra ce at D ayton, Ohio, placed second in the 1936 T ran scon Ruth THE FIFTY STATES and w ent out of her w a y to be help Let us g o b a ck a bit — tinental of Sunday). I sincerely ly in spite o f the holiday m a il load! R em e m b e r . . . n ext NEW S deadline is D e ce m b e r 20th. H a p p y holidays, PEG. enterprise, endeavor, and ingenuity. so the w orld can share our fabulous W e are equal to the challenge! E a ch Chapter Chairm an a lready has receiv ed details about the photographs, invitations, and the Capital Fly-In. So— to w ork! F a y Gillis W ells Chairm an b ers in a v e ry unusual and trem en d ou sly excitin g adventure com bin in g opportunities fo r learn ing and playing INTERNATIONAL AEROSPACE EDUCATION WORKSHOP — fo r there w ill b e plenty o f free tim e fo r person al sight - seeing and fun! The opportunity to study a erospa ce activities in a m ost fascinatin g and un usual m anner, w ill present itself next sum m er in the fo rm o f an Internation al A erospa ce W orkshop, sponsored b y the Civil A ir P a trol’ s A erosp a ce E du cation Association. This is to be a five w eek tour, from July 10, 1966 to August 12, 1966, and w ill co v e r parts o f E u rope not u sually included on a tou rist’ s agenda. The w orkshop w ill c a rry four sem ester hours o f graduax'e cred it from either o f tw o sponsoring schools, W eber State C ollege, Ogden, U tah and M iddle Ten nessee State U niversity, M u rfreesboro, Tennessee. C o-directors are M R . JOHN This w hole delightful exp erien ce National H eadquarters, Civil A ir P atrol; D R . B E A L E R SM O TH ERMAN, D irector of the fam ous A ero space E ducation W orkshops at M iddle T ennessee; and D R. MOTT, W eber State EVAN M EM - College, Ogden, Utah. Interesting a ctivities such a s the fol low ing “ sa m p les” w ill be included in of $1250.00 for the five-w eek w ork shop, N ew Y ork City to N ew Y ork City; with an option o f extending the E u ropean stay at a cost o f $20.00 per d a y fo r 1 to 5 days, with August’ 17, 1938 being the final return date. If you are interested in obtaining m ore inform ation and details con cern ing the tour, please writ’e: and actual retra cin g CH ARLES L IN D B E R G H ’S of thrill of participating the celebration of Bastille D a y in P a ris. Ninety-Nines, Inc. Southern Station, P . O. B ox 141 H attiesburg, M ississippi 39401 A ero- nautique International. * The opportunity to m eet m em b ers o f W ANTED and o f the F o rce , and pilots of the G erm an * A first hand observation of the B er lin " a ir - co rrid o r” and a possible it later had on aviation — in R o m e . * An opportunity to ob serve the role land. This is a w onderful ch an ce fo r all persons interested in aviation and A ero sp a ce E ducation to join a highly select Past recipients of OX5 Club w om a n ’ s aw ards are: 1962—BLAN CH E NOYES. 1963—M E L B A B E A R D . P resen t at the banquet w ere the A m b a ssa d or from B razil, D R VASCO L E IT A O D E CUNHA, a m ost en gaging MISS MACHADO; and a large table o f Sf. Louis 99 m em b ers. ing that overtook m e as a you n g girl E xcerp ts from A N E SIA ’ S address upon receiv in g the above aw ard . . . when I fle w fo r the first tim e. I w as C o m in g Events South Central Sectional C am elot Inn Tulsa, O klahom a a pa ssen g er with an A m erica n pilot w ho w as barnstorm in g and showed up at the sm all town w here I lived in the in terior o f m y hom e State. ORTON H O OV ER, w ho w as flyin g a Curtiss Oriole, b eca m e a v e ry dea r friend. It w a s then that’ I b eca m e acquainted with the OX5. April 7, 8, 9 Australian Annual Convention Brisbane, Queensland I gues that it w as then that I w as bitten b y the bug, the a erococcu s, and n ever got or w anted to get rid o f it. Shortly after, in D ec. 1921, I w as in the City o f Sao Paulo, Capital o f m y State, taking lessons in flying. M y June 28-July 2, 1967 International Convention W ashington, D .C. solo w as on M arch 17, 1922, and on A pril 9 I receiv ed m y flying license, n um ber 77, in Brazil. The plane I w as flyin g w as an old crate, a Caudron G3 with a rotary engine. July 8, 1967 AW TAR A tlantic City, N . J. to T orra n ce, Calif. o f UNESCO in the m oldin g o f co m m e rcia l aviation into a cultural fo rce , during the stay in G eneva, Switzer St. Louis, M issouri, Sept. 30, 1966. Plano, Texas 75074 visit into E a st Berlin. * A study of LEO N A R D O 'D A VINCI and his work, and the influence that B L A N C H E “ G oing b a ck into the y ea rs past I r e ca ll viv id ly the overw h elm in g feel R oy a l Danish A ir Luftw affe. M ACHADO. N O Y ES introduced h er at a banquet in M ore reports, pictures, ar ticles of special in te re st! S E N D to P E G O NG, 2900 Rockbrook Dr., the R o y a l A ir F o r ce o f G reat Brit ain, AN ESIA speaker; the B razilian A ir M arshal, ANTHO NY A P P E L NETO, husband o f quarters and a sem in ar with rep re F ederation is from R io de Janeiro, Brazil, MISS 19S4—LOUISE TH AD EN * Visits fo NATO and SH APE H ead sentatives o f the The 1966 ch dice has m a d e it truly an international a w a rd since the recipient 1965—VIO LA G E N T R Y . April 14-16 in the advan cem en t o f w om en in aviation. International A erosp a ce C om m ittee flight from N ew Y o rk to P a ris. * The E a ch y e a r this a w a rd is given to an 0 X 5 m e m b e r w ho has contributed to M RS. JE SSIE B. M IL L E R . Chairm an the tour: * Study is bein g m a d e available fo r the total sum SORENSON, D eputy for A erosp a ce E d ucation, 99 Member-at-Large Receives OX5 - "Tiny Broadwick" Award grou p o f participants and staff m e m O P P O R T U N IT Y K N O C K S ___ Y ou can w ell im agine the thrills that engulfed m e during that short per iod from the tim e I first flew as a p assen ger til I soloed and receiv ed m y license. I w as v e ry young and I had to fight October 21, 1967 F a h ia d ie s Annual Indiana R a ce Bloom ington, Indiana hard. The m ost generous criticism I receiv ed — and it actually ca m e out in the newspapers — w as that I w a s a screw ball. But I had the stam ina and the deterrriination to fa ce all sorts o f p reju d ice and criticism and W ANTED: fight m y w as through. A ir R a ces, had n ever com peted in py lon ra ces before. They found it e x hilarating and fun. A s a m atter of fact, STOCK PLANE RACE PILOTS (FEM ALE) . . . . M y v ery first dream ca m e true. I w anted so b a d ly to be the first w o m an to soar through the skies o f m y na it w as The W ashington N ational A ir R a ces only m y W A G N E R ’S second tim e, JU D Y fourth, D O ROTH Y JUL- held o v e r L a b or D ay at F red erick , Md. ICH ’ S second, and o f cou rse, ED N A G A R D N E R W H Y TE has m an y pylon the G overnm ent o f m y State g a v e m e drew huge crow d s. The three day event ra ce s to her credit. an airplane, a JN4 — m y beautiful Jenny and with it I did m y first lo ~s brought 30,000 spectators each da y and tive land — and I did. One y e a r after I receiv ed m y license, and spins. I w a^ so happy! at $2.00 a specta cu la r. But I must sa y that ev er since m y first flights I had an obsession: that som e day I w ould fly th e skies o f this w onderful cou ntry of yours, and that head it w as a profitable The L ad ies Stock Plane P y lon event w as so popular it drew ton billing and w a s given prim e tim e on the final day. som e da y I w ould fly the skies of our In 1967, the N ational A ir R a c e s are A m erica , uniting North, Central, and South A m e rica on a g ood w ill flight. planned in C h icago, Illinois; Houston, T ex as; and again in W ashington, D.C. Pu rse m on ey for the L ad ies Stock A ll this ca m e about. In 1943, I set foot on this b lessed soil fo r the first tim e. I ca m e at the invitation o f you r governm ent fo r a d P lan e P ylon event w ill b e a m inim um of $5,000 and possibly as high as It is ea sy to learn the A R a ce o fficia l ch eck s Fran kly, w e la ck contestants. In the W ashington National A ir R a ce s w e had difficu lty rounding up six gals. What w e need is a hard c o r e group of about 10-12 w om en to form a N ational Pylon R a cin g T eam . It w ill be profit able both fin a n cia lly and ca re e r wise. Y ou n eed not be a professional pilot to qu alify fo r the team . The follow ing h aving then already receiv ed m y co m m ercia l license. I w as the la d ies’ hotel accom m od a tion s and here under the sponsorship o f the Inter- there w ill b e allow an ces fo r tra v el e x A m erican A ffairs A g en cy and supervis ion o f the CAA. I took the cou rses penses. share in the purse. In other w ords, no E dna G ardn er W hyte fo r CAA In spector at the CAA Stand ardization Center in H ouston, T exas. m a tter w hat the finishing posilions, fina n cia lly a contestant w ill co m e out Ft. W orth, T exas There I receiv ed m y license to fly in this country with C om m ercia l, Flight Instructor, and Instrum ent R atings. green b a ck s ahead. (817-AT4-8428) w orld w ide TV, radio, and press co v training, A fter that I had tw o m ore m onths of instrument' flyin g with P a n -A m erica , at LaGuardia. . . . . Upon m y a rrival in R 'o I w as aopointed by the A ir S ecreta ry as Link Instructor fo r the Brazilian A ir F orce and w as also Link Instructor for Panair airline. do B razil, a co m m e rcia l One of m y first cherished dream s A ll fem a le contestants w ill The national and era ge is fabulous. As a contestant, you are a celeb rity and receiv e R ed Carpet treatm ent through the ra ce m eet. contest ant’ s technique prior to the ra ce s and sharpens you up if n ecessary. $20,000, plus huge trophies. The R a ce C om m ittee w ill pick up the tab fo r van ced procedure. each gals w ill b e happy and anxious to ans w er all you r inquiries and 1o ch eck you out in the art o f pylon flying. Con ta ct the one n earest you. 3155 W illow P ark Judy W agner 2516 V ia L a Selva P a los V erdes, Calif. 90066 (213 F R 8-2185) P y lon ra cin g is not n ecessa rily dan gerou s. T he m an ner in w hich you fly P a t A rnold a pylon cou rse P. O. B ox 294 E lm w ood, Conn. 06111 is en tirely up to the contestant. The Course is a 4 % m ile ova l with 3 pylons at each end m arking the boun dary o f the cou rse. The pylons (203 666-3600) P ylon ra cin g is just getting a foot are 75 feet high. Y ou can fly above hold again in this country. The unpre o r b elow them ; the o b je ct bein g not cedented crow d s a t the W ashington N a 1951 to cut inside of a pylon th ereby get ting disqualified. U sually, six to ten tional A ir R a ce s proved it has greal pu blic appeal, so w h y not get in on m arked the fulfillm ent of yet another great dream : that' of flying o v e r the A m erica s on a g ood w ill tour. laps of the 414 m ile cou rse com p rise a pylon ra ce. It requ ires about 10 m in the ground floor b y joinin g the Nation al W om an ’s P ylon R a cin g T eam . Let utes flyin g us h ear from you. had com e true: this great to fly here, to know country, its people. Such has been m y life: alw ays pu r suing a dream to m a ke it com e true. . . . . T od ay I feel h appy in bein g able to continue to fly even though in a sm all single-engine plane. A dverse tim e. P retty sim ple and quick w ay to share in $5000 or m ore B y P a t Arnold and the plaudits o f 30,000 peop le! E xecu tive Secretary N ational W om an ’ s JA N E RALSTO N and JA N E LA M A R who ra ced in the W ashington National P ylon R a cin g T eam circum stances did not permit' m e to have the satisfaction of flyin g b ig g er aircraft, winning record s, or being It seem s that I started A L L CAN D ID ATES FOR THE AM E LIA EARH ART SCHOL too early. But I had the privilege of flying at the tim e That aviation w as ARSHIPS — BE SURE T H A T Y O U R APPLICATIONS ARE a test pilot. just in its beginning. And now w e can see that the lessons w e learned, you and I, in these ea rly da ys o f flight, will ca rry a new generation moon and to the sta rs.” to the IN THE H A N D S OF 15 J A N U A R Y , 1967. YOUR SECTION CH AIRM AN BY AW T A R — the quantity discount w hich applies Fund Raising plies to their purchases with the Chap to F B O s and flyin g clu bs m a y b e a p ter Thanks to H elen G reinke — the fol lowing: A W T A R is gran ted a 25% sion on the sale of com m is all books m a d e 99s o r 99-instigated orders if an appropriate notation is m a d e on the i 'o ord er. This applies to quantity pur ch ases b y FB O s a s w ell as to individ uals. The com m ission is based upon the N E T Am ount of the order. An additional plan is a lso a v a ila b le, w hereby the Chapters m a y benefit lo ca lly, as w ell as A W T A R . If m em b ers wish to “ p o o l” their orders— o r pur ch ase quantities to sell to lo ca l pilots retaining the differen ce betw een Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Eugenia Heise, Chairman The Annual R eport of the Scholar the List P rice and the Net’ Am ount and ship C om m ittee Fund fo r fisca l 1965- AW TAR 66 is b ein g published for you r inform a tion. It is through you r donations that’ rceiv in g 25% of the Am ount. Gnapt'er should w rite fo r details. Net direct the Fund has grow n from the original H elen Greinke A w ards P . O. B ox 394 B loom ington, Illinois to the present three aw ards of $700.00 each . A ctu ally t'he interest from the of $150.00 in 1941 and 1942 Trust w a s so sm all that it w a s on ly through the gen erosity of A lm a H ar W ANTED M o re reports, pictures, ar ticles of special interest ! S E N D to P E G O N G , 2900 Rockbrook Dr., Plano, Texas 75074 w ood, B etty G illies and Jacqueline C ochran that the $150.00 w a s presented in those tw o ea rly years. Established as a “ L iving M em oria l” it has con tinued to grow through the y ea rs and w e now have thirty N inefy-N ines en rolled on the R oster o f W inners. AMELIA EARHART MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND ANNUAL REPORT — September J, 1965 to August 31, 1966 Powder Puff Derby Marion Andrews Lopez, Reporter We are all v ery proud o f a specia l “ C ertificate o f C om m en dation ” from the F ed era l A viation A g en cy receiv ed by K A Y BRICK , Chairm an o f the AW TA R B oard of D irectors, “ In recog n i RECEIPTS: CONTRIBUTIONS: Award Fund Sect. Total $ 25.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 33.00 33.00 66.00 Central P en nsylvania Chapter 25.00 25.00 50.00 Trust F en I New England Section E astern New E ngland Chapter tion of her exception al leadership of the All W om an Transcontinental Air New York-New Jersey Section R a ce, a com petition w hich n :t only has G reater N ew Y ork Chapter dem onstrated the safety and utility of general aviation, but w hich further has reflected the m a jo r contributions of w om en to the p rogress of A m erica n civil A viation.” This w as a ccom p a n ied by a letter w hich rea d in part: “ Y our leadership of the All-W om an T ran scon tinental A ir R a c e has m ad e the annual com petition both efficient and e x em plary. The P ow d er P u ff D erb y long has reflected achievem ent the of p roficien cy w om en Middle East Section in and avia tion .” South East Section 25.00 Carolinas Chapter 12.50 F lorid a G oldcoast Chapter 12.50 F lorid a Suncoast Chapter 10.00* * G eorgia Chapter M em phis Chapter 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 5.00 5.00 Tennessee Chapter 25.00 10.00* 12.50 12.50 180.00 K A Y regard s this aw ard as a tribute to all Ninety-Nines who, through their North Central Section participation in and support of the AW TAR, have contributed substantially in the progress o f A m erica n civil a via All-Ohio Chapter 20.00 20.00 Cape G irardeau Chapter 55.84 55.84 C h icago A rea Chapter 12.50 12.50 tion. As o f this w riting, K A Y is w in g Indiana Chapter M ichigan Chapter 50.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 37.50 25.00 37.50 25.00 D allas Chapter 25.00 25.00 G reater St. Louis Chapter 25.00 25.00 High Sky Chapter H ouston Chapter 2.50 25.00 2.50 25.00 San Antonio Chapter 5.00 5.00 Tulsa Chapter 7.50 7.50 13.50 13.50 ing h er w a y to Australia as co-pilot in the M innesota Chapter Beech line in W ichifa, w ill b e used as W isconsin Chapter a hospital ship in the land down under. NANCY B IR D W ALTON has schedul South Central Section a Queen Air. The ship, just o ff ed K A Y fo r ra dio and T V app ea ra n ces throughout Australia. East' coast boa rd m em b ers srem to be boxing the com p a ss these days w hat with K A Y o ff to Australia, B A R B A R A EVANS just b a ck from E u rope, LOIS FA IR B A N K now in the B aham as and Y ours T ruly o ff to the W est Indies com e D ecem ber. Those in the N ew Y o rk a rea saw the WCBS P ow d er P u ff D erb y D ocu m entary F ilm on T V in tw o 25 m in ute shows shown one w eek apart. Our girls did us proud as it w as v e ry w ell received b y the gen eral public. We 451.68 180.00 Northwest Section Alaska Chapter E astern Idaho Chapter E astern W ashington Chapter 4.50 4.50 5.00 5.00 7.50 7.50 South D akota Chapter 12.50 12.50 Southern Oregon Chapter 12.00 12.00 M ontana Chapter have heard m a n y fav ora b le com m en ts and enthusiastic interest in the P P D Southwest Section from ground lubbers. F o r scheduling of B a y Cities Chapter E l Cajon V a lley Chapter 110.00 7.50 7.50 12.50 12.50 Los A.igf les Chapter M on terey B a y Chapter 12.50 12.50 7.50 7.50 included in the P P D S crapbooks w hich P h oenix Chapter 12.50 12.50 will be on display at A tlantic City in Sacram ento V a lley Chapter July. E ntry kits fo r the 21st P P D , containing R u les and R egu lation s and nertinent info, w ill b e rea d y F eb . 1st. San D iego Chapter 25.00 12.50 25.00 12.50 San F ernand o V a lley Chapter 10.00 San G a b riel V a lley Chapter San Joaquin V a lley Chapter 31.50 5.00 5.00 Santa Clara V a lley Chapter 50.00 50.00 398.00 765.34 720.34 1485.68 fhe film in you r area, w rite to WCBS D ocu m en tary Division. Send in you r clippings in tim e to be Send 50c for sam e to A W T A R H ead quarters, T e lerb oro Airport, T eterboro, N ew J ersey. forw ard 10.00 25.00t 31.50 British Section TO TAL SECTION AND C H A P T E R C O NTRIBUTIO NS: 25.00 25.00 790.34 745.3.4 C O M M IT T E E REPORTS 50.00 = $1535.68 Contributions in m em . AIR MARKING Jeanette L. S overeign 40.00 H ow does one crea te Contribution in m em . Joan M erriam Sm ith 5.00 Contribution in m em . E lizabeth Jane R e e v e s A ir M uriel M orrissey — 21.00 P erson al contribution — E u genia H eise Anonym ous 25.00 1.00 of in g ? That is the task w hich you r new 15.00 % p roceed s sale o f book P erson al contribution — Ruth R u e ck e rf a clim a te interest and enthusiasm for one o f The N inety-Nines oldest p rojects, A ir M ark M arking Com m ittee has agreed to undertake. We cou ld start b y telling you how 10.56 this p rogra m h as given ou r ch apters a sense o f purpose, a feelin g o f a cco m Colum bia B roa d castin g System 500.00 plishm ent and a unity a m on g the m em P roce e d s fro m sale o f 1st D a y C overs 209.00 bers. All o f w hich m a k es fo r a strong Interest — V irginia E le ctric & P o w e r B on ds 27.50 Interest? — A m erica n T el & T el B onds 55.00 and grow in g chapter. The ch apter as a whole benefits while possibly help D ividend — 25 shrs. G eneral M otors 33.75 in g a m isp la ced pilot. D ividend — 35 shrs. Standard Oil o f Calif. 21.88 Dividend — 100 shrs. Lone Star G as 28.00 that ea ch Section A ir M arkin g Chair D ividend — 40 shrs. Signal G as & Oil 24.00 D ividend — 74 shrs. P a c ific G as & E le c tr ic 24.38 m an con ta ct the state aeronautical com m ission s in her area to determ ine Interest on Savings A ccou nts TO TAL R E C E IP T S Now, to the next step, w e 1170.47 2140.88 1606.34 suggest if an a ctive p rogra m exists. If a state = $3747.22 is a ctively en ga ged in A ir M arking, perhaps, The N inety-Nines could as sist b y locating spots that need m arks. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT Note 1. Section and Chapter contributions m ade in m em oria m are listed under ch a p ter contributions and are identified as follow s: Such an inquiry m ight stim ulate som e interest on the part o f y ou r state of ficials. * in m e m o ry o f M r. J. L. H am ilton, Charlotte, N.C. Now, should you r ** in m e m o ry o f M r. D on G rady, C learw ater, F lorid a state show little or no interest, th ere are severa l w a ys to p roceed. The Ohio Ninety - Nines t in m e m o ry o f Joan M erriam Smith Note. 2. City Savings Association is in liquidation. The original investm ent o f $1125.00 have w orked su ccessfu lly w ith the Jun ior C ham ber o f C om m erce in a join t w as re co v e re d in M arch 1965 b y donation in this am ount m a d e b y Jeanette L. Sovereign. Fu rther r e co v e r y is questionable so a ccru ed interest w a s w ritten down effort. Certainly, if is recom m en ded that you solicit help from oth er c iv ic to $1.00 in 1965. organizations w hen ever possible. Other Note 3. ch apters have w orked inde In ventory is ca rried at a n om inal value o f $10.00 fo r record purposes. D uring pendently with grea t enthusiasm g e t the period fro m 9-1-65 to 8-31-66 $209.00 w as receiv ed from the sale o f A m elia E a r ting donations fo r paint, lining up lo cations and, at tim es, underw riting the hart Stam p First D ay C overs. B etty H. G illies, T reasu rer cost of m aterials a s a worthw hile ch ap ter project. There is a grea t need fo r towns with A IR M A R K IN G R E P O R T ___________________________ Chapter______________ Section A Location of A ir M a r k __________________________ City __ Airport □ City or Town □ New Location □ Repaint Old Marking Date Air Mark Completed: sectional chart o f you r area will give you som e hint's on locations. Then State _ □ out airport facilities to have an A ir M ark on som e con spicu ous building. follow up with a visit o r letter to the tow n officials. Most airports and tow ns □ Hangar □ Runway □ Building Our first request o f you w ill requ ire a few m inutes tim e o f each Chapter □ Highway Chairm an. W e w ould like an accu ra te are h appy to p a y fo r the paint. count of the A ir M arkings w hich w ere com pleted in the September 1985 to _____________________ M a il to : M a r y N. Able, Rt. 4, Box 52 Houston. Texas 77036 September 1968 fiscal year. form ation that w e The wish to obtain in is contained on the form below . P le a se co m p ly with this requ est im m ediately a s w e w ant e v e ry ch a pter’ s efforts, regard less of how sm all, to b e r e c o g deadline of F eb ru a ry 5t.h fo r proposed nized! In the future, upon com pletion o f an R esolutions. A ir M ark, this sam e form m ay reproduced on a postca rd and m ailed E R T S m entioned in the O ctober N ew s letter, our COMMUNICATIONS could stand m uch im provem ent and this co l umn will be devoted to recogn izing chapters that are w orkin g tow ard the MEMBERS Procedure Out-line for submitting Resolutions: be t'o the A ir M arking Chairm an, M A R Y ABLE. A s our president A LIC E R O B B ylaw s in the 1966-67 R oster 2. S p ecify A rticle, Section, page, and to the P a cific law s to be am ended it 3. G ive a full explanation and reasons for sum e under 200 w ords the proposed 4. Submit a co p y ch ange— keep of you r re suggested New sletter will print as m any as p os Resolution to all three m em b ers of sible. E ach of you has in her pow er the the R esolutions Com m ittee to m ake of us how ling su c ing Com m itteew om en. We h e lp !! Our thanks to BLANCHE o f the F ederal A viation to FRAN CES to our NOYES A gen cy PEA CO CK prom pt replies need you r fo r pleas and their for as This com m ittee will review and edit M A R Y A B L E , Chairm an A U T R IE LEH R their critique m eeting. Now is from at their Spring B oard in agreem ent' with the 3. D o you h ave an idea or suggestion that you feel will m ake this a bet ter organization for us a ll? The d oor is now open to all 99 M em bers, Chapters, and Sections to voice their opinions. Y ou r Resolutions C om m ittee is ready to handle this job for H IT T with a beautiful white lei tied with a 99 blue ribbon. As P R E S I JA N E T No 99s in P a g o P a go. In Wellington 1 got a telegram from RH ONA F R A S you, Febru ary 5th is the dead E R asking m e to ca ll her but a press ch ance, let us Y ou r Resolutions Com m ittee forw a rd to servin g you. looks aide ca rried it around in his pocket and didn’ t deliver it to m e until I was enroute W ellington. to the airport leaving (All-Ohio Chapter) BETTY FAU X But I had terrific luck in A u stra ln . Had a ch ance to talk on the phone with (Long B ea ch Chapter) LADY B A R B A R A TH ISTED ca b led her I w as com in g and NANCY C ASEY . JIM M Y K OLP had Eastern W ashington Chapter B IR D W ALTON had written her about m e. L A D Y CASEY doubted if she w ould be able to com e to the conven MEMBERSHIP tion because of her officia l duties as w ife o f the G overn or G eneral but she A hearty thanks to all M em bership Chairm en and m em b ers w orkin g for w as m ost interested in our plans. In Sydney the 99s w ere at the airport practices and policies o f the orga n ization ? The first slop was Honolulu and at the airport’ to greet m e w as JA N E T hear you r — o — you castin g Com pany. is hoping to be b a ck here fo r the Con vention. law s? 2. Are to m eet’ 99s, did t’alk on the phone later. 1. Are you fully satisfied with y ou r o r B y ch ance w hile coverin g his trip as White House correspondent for the Storer B roa d subm itted to the E xecu tive B oard for JOAN H RU BEC, Chairm an and and the F a r E ast for a opinions will be sum m arized and then “ SPECIAL ATTENTION All Ninety-Nine M em bers” Constitution me D E N T JOHNSON m oves fast, w e only had a m inute at the airport but we JE R R Y ROBERTS ganization’ s ga ve all resolutions, our collected view s and line. sistance. I w ill alw ays be grateful to P R E S I D E N T JOHNSON fo r m aking his trip w ording of the Constitution or B y general. B e counted! C om m unicate! If you have pictures, send them and the ability From Our Charter Member, FA Y GILLIS WELLS 1. R ev iew the revised Constitution and sa fety and betterm ent of aviation in cesses o r dism al failures as A ir M ark OUR CH AR T ER new m em b ers. You are doing a terri com p lete with signs to g reet m e but, fic job . R em e m b e r w e h ave only ap beca u se o f the m ob and p olice security p roxim ately 10% of the w om en pilots w e could only w ave a cross the barriers. registered with F A A , in the 99s. L e t’ s w ork for a m em bership of 3000 for D rivin g into town the m otorca de stop ped and I looked out the w indow to F lyin g is b oom in g and especia lly see this cou ple frantically w aving at m e. I w as astonished to find it was one o f you will give this opportunity a m on g w om en so I know w e can d o it. An in crease of 25% in each ch apter a good deal o f consideration and d e will do it. caught in the m ob. They had tried to get to the airport but cou ldn ’t get thru the tra ffic ja m . I had m et them you and we trust that each and ev ery liberation. This organization o f ours is only as good as w e its m em b ers m ake it. A 1967. Special Request: If the nam e of the M em bersh ip Chairm an is not list ed in the new D irectory, will the current L Y N E T T E B U T L E R and her husband in W ashington only a cou ple o f months C hairm an be sure that the Section and b efore. dation on w hich w e can base our poli International M em bership Chairman has you r n am e and address as soon as cies, possible. Thank you so much. M y ad Art G allery for P R E SID E N T JOHN SON’ S speech, there w as NANCY B IR D W ALTON, one o f the invited guests. dress is: And later when I w as w orking in the Constitution that is m odern, con cise, and flexible gives us a w orkable foun practices, and decisions. Up-to- date B ylaw s, arm us with interpretive guide-posts b y w hich w e all can ca rry on our A ctive M em bership. Convention is ea rly again this year, and for this reason y ou r Resolutions Com m ittee is goin g to post an ea rly Alberta Nicholson. International M em bersh ip Chairm an 3450 C leveland C ircle Salt Lake City, Utah When we got tem pora ry press room to the Sydney set up fo r the correspondents, who should walk in but M ARGARET KENTLEY, w ho had som ehow m ad e her w ay in from the airport and past the security guards ed on the telephone. 1 do hope they can all co m e to the convention so I can thank them in person fo r the w on derful reception I had in Australia. The last persons I saw in Tow nsville Queensland w ere our dy n a m ic AMB A S S A D O R C L A R K and M RS. CLA RK . The AM BASSAD O R said he would do every th in g he could to m ake ou r Convention a success. So with such enthusiasm throughout the Island continent, I feel the Australian phase o f the 1957 convention w ill be out standing. In M anilla, I had the good fortune to m eet the P resident of the Philip pine Airlines, has the D EN IG N O only private TODA, w ho subm arine in the w orld. Through his graciou s P u b lic Relations V ice President, I m et ED ITH DIZO N a pilot w ho has alw ays wanted to be a 99. She is a con cert organ ist and is pla yin g in Los A ngeles next June so she is com in g to the con vention. I have a lrea d y sent her an application blank so she w ill be a fullfledged 99 b y then. ED ITH is a w idow with six children and is a free lan ce w riter, so if she can find tim e to fly and sky dive and teach m u sic etc., I guess w e can find tim e The 99s in Sydney, Australia, w elcom e FA Y GILLIS WELLS as she accom pan ied PRESIDENT JOHNSON on his recent Pacific trip. This sign was seen on the TV coverage of the reception by VIRGINIA THOMPSON, Washington, 1). C. to do w hat w e h ave to do. There are no 99s in Thailand o r M a laysia. I tried to find KYO UN G KIM LEE in Seoul K orea—we w ere only at' the door. W e talked fo r alm ost an hour and M A R G A R E T told m e that W A L L E R w hom I a lrea d y knew. about the there one day, the second day w e w ere flyin g up near the 38th parallel S H IR L E Y Convention. The AM BASSAD O R spoke at our W orld Salute to F lyin g F riend Johnson H ill. When I got back home ship cerem on y in 1965. I found a letter from her saying she A N D E RSO N had been in the control tow er in Sydney and had the honor of talking A ir F o r ce One down. The oth er girls n ever did show are both v e ry enthusiastic They and dow n south o f town to dedicate ca lled m e at the W alker Hill several When I got to m y hotel in B risbane tim es, but I n ever got a m essa ge. A ny w ay, am hoping she and her sister up but it sure w as w onderful o f (hem I found a beautiful orch id and a note to b ra ve the m ob s to try to say a friendly 99 hello. V IR G IN IA TH O M P SON said she saw the 99 sign on her from P E G G Y K E L M A N w elcom in g m e television in W ashington so it w as not (old m e that OLGA TA R LIN G w a s on ka, there w as RUTH H URST w aiting in vain. M A R G A R E T said there w ere duty the fo r m e, even though the Presidential five 99s already w ho are definitely planning on co m in g to the convention. P R E S ID E N T ’S a rriva l in B risbane — so that m a d e tw o 99s w ho helped P R E S ID E N T JOHNSON on his w ay. I m otorca d e did n 't get to the hotel un didn’ t get to see P E G G Y but' w e talk- while I w rote m y broa dca sts and tele So if th ey can m ake it, w e hope a lot o f others clo se r to W ashington ca n be on b ehalf o f the 99s and the Austra lian W om en P ilots’ A ssociation. She in there too. N A N C Y also has som e ideas for getting the Australian girls to the convention. with P R E S ID E N T JOHNSON, so I got to m eet in form a lly with P R IM E M IN I S T E R and M RS. H OLT and the A us tralian A m ba ssa dor States, K E ITH to W ALLER the and United M RS. radar room during And at our last stop A n chorage A las til alm ost one in the m orning. RUTH and her brother-in-law w aited fo r m e phoned them to N ew Y ork ; W ANTED F ro m Sydney to B risbane I w a s one o f the pool rep orters in A ir F orce One the can com e to the convention. M ore ticles reports, pictures, ar of special in te re st! S E N D to P E G O N G , 2900 Rockbrook Dr., Plano Texas 75074 then w e talked until after 3 o ’ clock . I felt very guilty about k eepin g h er up. I highly recom m en d seeing the w orld, the 99 w ay, even if if has to be sandw iched in betw een such a m ad assignm ent as cov erin g P R E SID E N T JOHNSON on a p ea ce cru sade, with a side trip to V iet N am . F a y G illis W ells Announce TOP FIVE! Michigan, October 1. ond, MRS. MARETTA ANN NOAH, Mission, These lucky five pilots copped trophies in the 11th Michigan Small Race at Collins Field, Alpena, From left to right: First, seventeen-year-old LINDA MARKHAM, Battle Creek, Michigan; sec SIMPSON, Flint, Michigan; third, MRS. CAROLINE JONES, Plainesville, Ohio; fourth, M ARY Kansas; and MRS. SOPHIA PAYTON, fifth, Indianapolis, Indiana. A IR MEETS airport early for a hangar breakfast. rain showers. The sm all ones could be SMALL RACE A p ow er failu re ca u sed quite a dela y in flow n directly through, but there w ere Mary Pelto, Reporter the feedin g of the crow d and the sched ule to be thrown o ff quite a bit. The 1986 SM ALL ra ce is but a m e m o ry. CAROL W ELCH , her ra ce board, R a c e No. 1, M A R IL Y N CO LL E TT E , Ohio, took o ff at t i l l , and the ra ce w as on. Impound and registration w ere on F rida y, Septem ber 30. F o r those able w as to arrive ea rly enough, sightseeing tour of the there w as a A lpena area little hill ob scu red the little grass strip until the last possible m om ent. Pity the poor tem perature w as in the low 40’ s. low er a lm ost d irectly w est peninsula to E ast a cross Jordan. the A The m a jo rity of Several girls lost va lu a ble tim e sea rch ing for the field. A sharp left turn to a heading of 153 degrees put us on w here the pre - ra ce b riefing banquet cou rse to R oscom m on . B y the tim e the w as held. ra ce December, 1966 airport. The first leg of the 168.2 nm course racers w ere lodged in the F letch er M otel, right next door to The G rove, Saturday m orning, w e a rrived at the R oscom m on spotters, for (he and the city of A lpena are to be c o m m en ded fo r a big jo b w ell done. w ith lunch in town. a few big, b la ck ones, w hich had to be circum navigated. S o m e ra cers found a show er in progress ov e r the got started, our n early perfect w eather had developed som e scattered A heading of 042 degrees took us b a ck to Alpena with everyone w atching ea g erly far a sm all body of w ater. B ea v er Lake w as the reporting point for landing instructions. M any ponds and lakes in the area w ere m isnam ed as the gals vied fo r position to cro s s the finish line. Box lunches handed out at the air port w ere q uickly consum ed as the ra cers w aited fo r the fin a l refueling. With loud groa n s the pilots signed the a ccep ta n ce slips fo r w hat developed to be either too m uch o r too little fuel. AS Spark P lu g sponsored a recep tion b efore the A w ards Banquet in the A l pena C ivic Center. The B esser M ale Chorus entertained the crow d w ith sev e ral beautiful n um bers b e fo r e the food w as served. in g aircra ft and for the first tim e, to the first six Cessnas. T h ey w ent to LIN D A, M A R E T T A SIMPSON, F A Y E K IR K , M A R Y SH UM W AY from Illi m a le co-pilots w ere allow ed. Co-Chair nois, JOANN S T Y P E , O hio and M A R W A R R E N said the only m istake th ey m en, M A R G E BUNCH and D O R O T H Y m ad e w as not h aving a tape re co rd e r G ARET RADKA. D ancing ’ til 1:00 am at The G rove com pleted the even in g’ s activities. F ollow in g b reakfast and the M ichi gan 99s O ctober m eetin g the fifty-tw o contestants loaded up their g e a r and t'o get the com m en ts from the harried, w ild-eyed, sw eaty, m ales, when they returned fro m the 347-mile round robin ra ce. This w a s a ra lly type ra ce with you r list o f 150 clu es handed to you A fter dinner, M R. F R E D W A IT E o f h eaded hom e. 9 to Ohio, 4 to Illinois, just Ihe M ichigan A eron autics Com m ission 3 t'o Indiana, 2 to N ew Y ork , and one own handicap fo r speed and gas, but ea ch F lorida , penalty points w ere assessed fo r each Pennsylvania, and W isconsin. And now it’ s b a ck to w ork on next m inute o v e r o r under you r estim ate g a ve out the trophies and prize m on ey to the first five p la ce w inners. 5th pla ce — $50.00 and trophies — SOPHIA PA Y TO N , Indiana — M ooney M20C; A D E L L A N E F F , Indiana 4th pla ce — $75.00 and trophies — M A R Y ANN N O AH , K ansas — P ip er 2nd pla ce — 150.00 and trophies — M A R E T T A SIMPSON, M ichigan— Cess na 175; C A RL SIM PSON, M ichigan K ansas, M issouri, y e a r ’ s ra ce plans. W e’ll be w atch in g 1967. a —o— DALLAS DOLL DERBY Hazel McKendrick, Reporter The 8th annual D allas Doll D erby, sponsored by the D allas A ero Sorority, w as fla gged o ff ax' Addison A irport on O ctober 22nd. T h ere w ere 24 co m p e t take-off. Y ou set you r and for ea ch .1 o f a gal. o f g a s used o v e r or under you r estim ate. for you the first w eek-end o f O ctober, PA-28 3rd pla ce — 125.00 and trophies — CARO LIN E JONES, Ohio — P ip er P A 22-150; B A R B A R A K N A P P , Ohio to prior to M A R Y JA N E N O R R IS also receiv ed trophy for bein g the high scorin g Ninety-Nine. JAN and HANK G A M M E L L fo r com in g the fu rth eresf dis tance. W ISE Last, but not least receiv ed the coveted NANCY Tail-E nd- Tony. F o r all o f us also rans, just “ w ait until n ex t y e a r” . 1st pla ce — 200.00 and trophies — LIND A M AR K H A M , M ichigan— Cessna 150F; R O B E R T VO LL M A R , M ichigan DALLAS DOLL DERBY - 1966 6th pla ce — trophy — F A Y E K IR K and H ELE N W E T H E R IL L , M ichigan— O F F IC IA L R E S U L T S Cessna 172 11th place in the 11th ra ce — trophy Pilot Co-Pilot M a ry Jane N orris Questions Correct Penalty Time Fuel Penalty Score M A R G A R E T and E L M E R R A D K A — B ob N orris 132 ( 3) ( 3) 126 Tail End Tony — PA U LIN E M A L LO R Y , F lorida — Cessna 140; M A R I E dn a W hyte Steve P rice 124 ( 0) (10) 114 M aybelle F letch er L a rry F letch er 126 (13) ( 2) 111 AN N E BAARS, M ichigan Louise B ick ford M yrl B ickford 129 (11) ( 8) no P e g Ong Charlotte B ranum 124 ( 5) (14) 105 101 Cessna 182; M ichigan. P ip e r aw ards: M ulti-engine — JE A N RE Y N O LD S and M A R Y CLA RK , M ich igan—A pach e; F ix e d g e a r — C A R O L INE JONES and B A R B A R A K N A P P , Ohio — PA-22; R etra cta b le — D O RO Cindy M orris Jim R yan 122 ( 4) (17) H azel M cK en drick H en ry G able 124 (17) (15) 92 Lillian T afel Virginia H andley 118 (16) (12) 90 TH Y JULICH, N ew Y ork —C om anche M arilyn Stoneberg Ruth H ildebrand 127 ( 0) (38) 89 The Cessna best p erform a n ce tro phy, the CH A R LO T TE CO N N ELLY Sue Andrew s G eorge A ndrew s 133 (17) (33) 83 Jan G am m ell Hank G am m ell 105 (20) ( 3) 82 pilot with the best score, a special aw ard (a P orta -C ycle), and the Paul Helen Wilke Kathy* Long 127 (21) (27) 79 E lin or Johnson Hazel C orry 120 (11) (35) 74 Bunyan rotating troph y w ere all ca p LuCille W olfe P e g g y M cK ie 112 (31) (12) 69 tured by LIND A M A R K H A M little Cessna 150F. Arl'ine M atheis M ary Jane M cK illip 124 (29) (31) 64 M a ry A ble C on over A ble 129 (31) (43) 55 45 TROPHY, w hich goes to the private in h er LINDA got her private pilot rating just' in tim e to com pete as co-pilot for her m other, JA C K IE , in the 1966 AW TAR. No lon ger a ‘66’ , LINDA hasn’ t b e co m e a 99 yet. The M ichigan M arguerite N ielson John Nielson 107 (17) (45) Phyllis E m m ertt F red E m m ertt 120 (39) (44) 37 D orothy M cLaurin Jean W illiam s 106 ( 9) (68) 29 M ary Kitchens Lee K itchens 130 (52) (83) — 5 Chapter is trem endously proud o f her ach ievem en t. We know w e can exp ect Pauline Gibson John Gibson 114 (68) (70) — 24 great N ancy Wise A. G. Wise 119 (27) (161) — 69 E lizabeth H undley P osie H undley, J r. D id not com plete Susan G rossm an R e n e ’ G rossm an Did not com plete things of this dy n a m ic seven teen y e a r old senior in high school. Cessna ga ve a set' o f spark plugs and M issouri w ere rea d y to v ie the trophies and cash. for Of special interest in the ra ce was E va n sv ille’s volatile TV weather girl, M ARCIA Y O C K E Y , flying a 1942 Fleet 16-43 biplane. A special antique cate g ory w as added to the ra ce rules ond should m ake an excitin g addition to all future ra ce s spectators. for both pilots and R a ce chairm an, JILL M cCORM ICK, kept things rollin g sm oothly throughout the w eek-end aided by 99s, 49% ers and officials from the In la n a A e r o nautical Com m ission, the Evansville C h am ber o f C om m erce, and the E van s ville Sports Car Club (w ''o were of trem endous help in the tim ing). Plane No. 13 proved to be the lucky n um ber for winner, M U R IE L D Y KEMA, flying a Cessna 175, taking F irst P la ce T rophy, the Indiana Chapter’ s T rav elin g T rophy and $200 first pla ce m oney. H er co-pilot, NOLA K E IL, w as a first tim e ra cer and was ju st as excited as M U R IE L at the win. Second place went to SOPH P A Y TON and Co-pilot A D E L L A N E F F , fly ing a M oon ey M ark 20C. SOPH also won the Indiana Aviation C om pany’ s T roph y for the best M ooney p erform ance. JO ANN S T Y P E , W ooster, Ohio, finished third. M ARSH A RIN G EN B E R G , G rabill, Indiana, w as fourth and H A ZE L JACOBS, T ecum seh , M ich Indiana Ninety-Nines, MURIEL DYKEM A and NOLA KEIL, are all smiles as they receive the First Place Trophies for pilot and co-pilot. A IR RACES FAI READIES ANNUAL INDIANA RACE sented a 50-star fla g V anderburg Aviation N Y K E N T , ch airm an from M A R Y ANN A irlines ground Billie Anderson, Reporter Indiana 99s added their touch of color to southern Indiana’ s fall blaze o f color by staging their first inter national air ra ce on O ctober 15, at Evansville, Indiana. The ra ce w as staged in conjunction with the Indiana Sesquicentennial Celebration and an open house at E van sville D ress M e m orial A irport, and attracted m ore than 300 spectators. Activities at the airport began at to the EvansvilleAuthority. K E N accep ted the fla g CLARK, Eastern hostess. W E R N E R JOHN GEN OT, first m an a g er o f w hat is D ress M em oria l A irport w as H onorary Chief Starter for the ra ce. GENOT, the grand old m an of Tri-State A viation, also w as the special speaker at the aw ards banquet Sat u rday night. Airport m an ager JAM ES G E Y E R , w as the G rand M arshall for the ra ce. A ll but three entrants w ere able to igan, w as fifth. The new Antique T roph y w as aw arded to M A R C IA YO C K E Y , E van sville, Indiana. The Rookie T roph y w as aw arded to E LA IN E B E Y E R S T E D T , E van sville, Indiana, w ho at the tim e had possessed her private pilot’s license only ten days. The ra ce cou rse w as 192 nautical m iles and took the ra cers from E van s ville to F ren ch Lick, Indiana, to B eckerm an F ield at Mount Carm el, Illinois, b a ck to Evansville, to P ierce Field at Carm i, Illinois, to Mount Vernon, Indiana, and then back to E vansville for the finish. T h e Indiana 99s have already start ed w orking on next years ra ce with M U R IE L D Y K E M A as Chairman. The ra ce will be held O ctober 21, 1967, and w ill start from B loom ington, Indiana’ s n ew ly expanded airport. Indiana 99s and the Indiana A eronautical C om m is sion a re m aking big plans fo r you. “ o u tfo x ” old m an w eath er and a rrive We hope that all of you throughout the in tim e fo r the p re-ra ce requirem ents. nation 12:30 PM Saturday with a flag-raisin g At start m akin g plans to enter. SEE YOU cerem ony when E astern A irlines pre- girls from December, 1966 flag-drop, 15 Indiana, planes, flow n by Illinois, M ichigan —13— and THERE! w here e v e r 99s are will FOR SALE 99 Medallion ROSE BANKS looks on as HAZEL JACOBS checks over their credentials with MR. ROBERT WINTER, of the Indiana Aeronautics Commission, in prepara tion for the F .A .I.R . Both women fly out of Adrian, Michigan. F A, L R 1966 (Evansville. Ind.) R ace Finish R a ce No. Pilot A ircra ft T y p e Score D yk em a Cessna 175 98.9692 Soph Payton M ooney M ark 20C 97.7834 15 JoAnn Stype C essna 172 E 97.3054 16 M arsha R in genberg Cherokee 160 97.1537 H azel J a cob s Cherokee 96.2999 M argaret Cherokee 160 95.7558 Cessna 210 95.1647 1. 13 2. 4 3. 4. M uriel 180 5. 9 6. 14 7. 3 Sam m y M cK a y 8.. 8 P a tricia Gillett M ooney M ark 20C 93.9566 9. 11 M a ry E ld ers Cessna 172 C 91.6745 10. 12 K atie Sage Cherokee 140 91.4711 11. 1 G oldie P yle Tw in C om an c :e B 91.0261 G eradline Bonanza 35 90.7685 Cessna 150 86.8536 M yers 200 C om m and er 86.2025 12. 7 13. 17 14. 2 R in genberg K rause E lain e B eyerstedt E sth er B ern er Special C ategory 15. 19 M a rcia Y o ck e y F leet 16 B 85.3191 MEMBERS - A T - LARGE In August, MISS AN ESIA M ACH A on hand to w itness the presented the aeron au tical w orld. Sm ithsonian Institute aeronaut. M any W ashington 99s w ere M edallions — El C ajon Chapter G arm ent B a gs — D allas Chapter — o— It’ s still not too late to ord er the 99 gu m m ed stam ps for you r holiday m ailing. T he proceed s tfrom these stam ps a re goin g tow ard the sup port o f you r P O W E R P U F F D E R B Y . These stam ps a re not lim ited to m em b ers only. T he girls in K ansas City are selling them to friends and to their b osses fo r com p a n y m ailing. M ail $1.00 to Aleah C om bs, 4726 E D N ote: A rticle con cern in g AN ES IA ’ s OX5 aw ard a pp ea rs elsew here in the N ew s. ^ n in e ty -n in e s 'v w ill send you a sheet Skyline o f gu m m ed D rive, M is- # * * "g, stam ps fo r lJ Uj __ f- Z sion, K an- £ a .1 i , 3 0 y o u r Christ- presentation as w ere other elite o f W ashington and the NOT AMS NEW ARTICLES FOR SALE sas, 66205 and she DO, our m em b er from R io de Janeiro, h istorical m aterials from the people o f B razil on A lbert D um as, the great By El Cajon Valley Chapter Gold metal with blue and white enam el, Official Compass Rose Insignia. Prices: 1 to 5, $2.00 each; 6 to 12, $1.75 each; 13 to 24, $1.50 each; and 25 or m ore $1.25 each, prepaid. Ideal for charms, necklaces, ear rings, or for embedding in plastic fo r paper weights, pen holders, etc. Give them to your Ninety-Nines friends for Christ mas. Order from DOTTIE CAMP BELL, 1751 El P ico Dr., El Cajon, California, 92020 and make checks payable to El Cajon Valley Chapter, The Ninety-Nines, Inc. Proceeds to Amelia Earhart Scholarship Fund. ~i I POWDER PUFF DERBY ENDORSER m a s m ailing. — o— WANTED TH E SMITHSONIAN IN STITU TE WANTS Y O U R P IC T U R E in the Nine ty-Nine annual yea rb ook w hich is p la ced in the. N ational A ir M useum . SOPHIA PAYTON receives her race number “ 4” from VERD A BRITTINGHAM, Indiana Chapter Treasurer, not knowing that in a short while she would also receive the award for piloting the best Mooney. H ave you set any record s, w on any races, a ccom plish ed any first's fo r w o m en— or anybody— in the field o f avia tion or are you a grou p of ch arter m em bers o f a ch apter If your ch apter’ s Student pilot MISS “ PEACHES” PORT telling of her latest (and perhaps last) multi-engine cross-country flight. history - m aking events in prior ye a rs w ere not r e co rd ed—let’ s am end that situation. There is room for im portant pa ges in the Section Meeting Reports annuals o f earlier years. Send those old photos, clippings, etc., along with the new er ones fo r 1965, 1966 and fo r the com ing 1967 as they W irtschafter, B - occu r 1209 to SOUTH CENTRAL SECTIONAL MEETING (FALL) Irene Hazel 11. MeKendrick Presidential Apartm ents, Philadelphia 19131. T o paraphrase the P ostm a n ’ s Creed-. N either rain, nor fronts, n or low ce il ings, Know A n d Abide By Your FOR SALE FLIGHT VALET—White ment travel bag, 50” plastic Your Equipment shall stay gar w ould rival the M arines, the staunch, devoted, dedicated, and som etim es wet and gold compass Rose and “ Ninety- m em b ers of the South Central Section b ra v ed all the a b ove elem ents and post m ore, used variou s m ethods of trans portation and straggled into Shreveport Wilke, on S eptem ber 30fh for the fall m eeting. 507 S. Manus Dr., Dallas, Texas. 75224. Several who w ere forced b a ck on F ri ED NOTE — Matches day, got up ea rly enough Saturday to Nines” A n d Those Of thunderstorm s, in length with full zipper opening. Imprinted in blue Limitations n or the South Central Ninety Nines from th eir appointed Sectional M eeting in Shreveport. With E spirit de Corp that paid. written beneath. Dallas Chapter. $3.00 Helen Iowa Chapter’s Flight Bag to make a keen travel pair! arrive on tim e fo r the business m eet ing. W hat a tfe m e M o u s tribute to the Enthusiastic guests of the Shreveport Chapter during the South Central Section’ s fall meeting, September 30, October 1, and 2. great and stout hearted gals in ou r section w ho defied all to get there. F o r those o f you who “ threw in the tow el” , you m issed a w hale o f a m eet ing, and we m issed you . . . tional a ccou nt and put it in the pitality suite w as us punch. Our hostesses w ere dressed ante-bellum fo r the even in g and had a fund to be fountain fo r ternational Convention a rea d y com p lete held in 1971. with all special savings a ccou nt fo r the In spew in g beautifully ca tered a ffa ir including 100 The follow ing item s w ere discussed 4. E lected a N om inating Com m ittee ch a ired by B R O N E T A EVAN S and pounds o f shrim p, sandw iches, stuffed and acted upon during the short busi including M A R Y A B L E and M A R I ness m eeting on Saturday m orning: LY N CO PELAN D . eggs, etc. Due to the lou sy w eath er it w as a sm a ller than anticipated 1. The Soring Sectional will be in Tul sa, Okla., at the Cam elot M otor H otel on A pril 16-18, 19S7. The Tul sa Chapter c m 5 as ladies-in-w ait ing from K ing A rthur's Court and invited the South Central Section and the Southeast Section to hold a joint Tulsa. m eetin g A nother at the invitation castle in w as ex tended from N atchez, M ississippi for a joint m eeting, but the vote w as to go to Tulsa. 5. D ecided to table for further study the advisability o f electin g an “ Out standing 99 o f the Section ” aw ard. 6. R ea d the ch apter reports. There w ere 11 ch apters represented at the m eetin g o r about 57% of the sec tion. Sham e on the ch apters w ho did not send in a report. W e sure would like to know w hat you a re doing. 7. H eard reports from the o ffice rs of the section on their activities. The fun-an d-gam es-parf of the m e e t 2. The new and a ctive South Louisiana Chapter w on the G overn or’ s A w ard in g w as just great. A ll day lcn g m e m bers of the Shreveport Chapter w aited for the highest percen tage of at tendance. Chapter Chairm an P A T W AR D prom ptly ca lled a cau cus at the airport for a w arm b ody. Th ey and then announced that their Chap had pralines and cajun coffe e all re a dy plus a T V ca m eram a n . N ever h ave w e been so w a rm ly receiv ed as when ter w as donating the ch eck to the A m elia E arh art Scholarship Fund. w e arrived in 105PEG, a red M ustang. The gals fin a lly g a ve up and went to 3. V oted to take $100.00 out o f the S ec the hotel fo r the socia l hour. The hos crow d , but what w e lacked in n um ber w e m ad e up in enthusiasm. A s each new arrival appeared, th ey w ere greet ed with ch eers and questions on th eir own particu lar “ w a r story” on how they m a d e it. Later our own beloved “ G U V ” held open house, w here she served cook ies, nuts, coffee, and things while w e sat around and told lies to each other. The D allas Chapter held a ca u cu s to re hearse fo r a song th ey sang a< the business m eeting, but from the w a y it sounded they didn’ t get much, done. Saturday b a ck m orning the w eather got on the right side and the g a ls flock ed in from all direction s to at tend the business m eeting. A bus took us to the C ross Lake Inn fo r lunch. L ots of d oor prizes, and the Decem ber 1966 big event was President' A LIC E R O B E R T S presenting a jew eled g a vel pin to fo rm e r ED N A International GARDNER P resident W H Y TE . Lots of good food later, w e w ere entertained by som e original songs and a ja zzy “ sing - along with JO A N ’ ’ session. “ PEA CH E S” PO RTS told us about’ a student cross-eountry that w a s “ som e th in ’ else” . Lunch w as follow ed b y a trip to the Planetarium . D on ’ t know w here I ’ ve been, but’ this w as m y first visit and I was enchanted b y it. Som etim e du r ing our tour through the stars, fo rm e r International President R U T H D E E R M A N arrived with h er own story o f tw o nights in M ineral Wells. B ack to the hotel for som e rest and re a d y for dinner at the P etroleu m Club. They had tw o tables m arked 80 and 100 oct'ane. D o n ’t know the dif ference, but obviously our Section is all high perform ance b eca u se the 100 octane got the biggest play. RUTH D EER M A N w as presented h er jew eled g a v e l pin at dinner. The speaker w as M ARION COLE of Cole B rothers A ero b a tics group. He is a grea t speaker and is sort'a the H erb Shriner or Will R o g e rs type speaker. He had d ia gram s on ba sic aerobatics and also brought along tw o film s on a erobatics. Sunday m orning w as “ go h om e” PRESIDENT ALICE ROBERTS shown presenting immediate Past Presi dent RUTH DEERMAN her jeweled gavel pin. Looking on is South Central Governor, ARLENE WALKUP. Not present for this picture was EDNA GARD NER WHYTE, International President 1955-57, whose gavel pin was awarded earlier in the day by Alice. tim e and b y noon m ost every on e had departed and brought to a Teal great sw inging w eekend. close a To the girls in fhe Shreveport Chap te r who w orked so hard, w e salute you and say “ Thanks-Thanks-Thanks.” These gals are just great! T h ey sm iled with tears in their eyes as the ceilin g lowered on F rida y and with great heart ca rried on when fhe crow d w as sm aller than expected. I ’m sure they w ill be eating shrim p fo r breakfast fo r m a n y moons. This w as a w ell-planned and well-organized w eekend. The activities, the original “ P ea ch es P o r t” script, the original songs, costum es, d oor prizes, and points everything to a con nected talented bunch w ith of it, gals, w h o ga ve their all fo r this Sectional M eeting. F o r those o f us lu cky enough to be there w e know th ey ca m e through like “ gang busters.” AE S C H O L A R S H IP C A N D ID A T E S D E A D L IN E Jan. 15th December, 1966 The new officers of the New York-New Jersey Section who were installed at the Fall Sectional, LaGuardia Airport. L to R: PEG WAHL, Vice-Governor; KAY HILBRANDT, Governor; ALICE ROBERTS, International President; DOTTIE BOCK, Secretary; and MINA ELSIINER, Treasurer. —17— Attending the N.Y.-N.J. Fall Sectional meeting were 9 past Governors of the Section, and the newly installed Gov. They are L. to K. MARION LOPEZ, SELMA CRONAN, PEG NORRIS, DORIS RENNINGER, the retiring Gov ernor ALICE ROBERTS, International President, KAY HII,BRANDT, KAY BRICK, JEANNA SPIELBERG, MARJORIE GRAY, LOIS FAIRBANK, and IRENE KEITH. N.Y. N.J. FALL SECTION MEETING October 15, 1966 Sheraton Tenney Hotel — La Guardia Airport Betty Patten, Reporter O ctober found alm ost one hundred Ninety-Nines o f the N .Y .-N .J. Section gathered together on the edges o f L a Guardia A irport fo r our b ig “ F a ll Sec tional.” An Omni Clinic, an installa tion luncheon, and a business m eetin g m ade it a real flyin g day. W e w ere so honored b y the presen ce o f ou r In ternational President ALICE R O B ER T S, which added such a v e ry special touch to the day. The p rogra m w as one of GOVER * The “ O m ni C lin ic" presented b y M R . J. P A T R IC K M U R P H Y of Airw ork, CRONAN, PEGGY Inc. m ad e it seem that, with good ra dio equipm ent and the “ know -how ” K A Y BRICK , JE A N N E SP IE L B E R G , M A R JO R IE G R A Y , LOIS F A IR B A N K R E N N IN G E R , NO RRIS, KAY D O R IS H ILBRAN D T, o f using it properly, flitting around the and IR E N E K E IT H . That sure adds M etropolitan a rea is pu rely a snap — up to a n um ber o f yea rs o f se rv ice in the air (hat is! and devotion to the Ninety-Nines. At the luncheon, w e found that all The installation ce re m o n y found fou r o f our Chapters w ere w ell rep re D ORIS R E N N IN G E R stepping out to sented, do b ig things on the E xecu tive B oa rd and K A Y H ILB R A N D T m ovin g into and our w ere with us too. C onnecticut visitors Chapter Chairm en M eCUL- the G overn or’ s seat. T eleg ra m s o f con LOUGH, and G A Y M A H E R had e x ce l gratulation to both DORIS and to KAY w ere sent b y a cou ple of other G ov .TUI IE VON SAAL, E L L IE lent follow ings. P E G W AH L represen t ed the folks “ w a y out W est” in N ew Y ork State and p rom ised that w e ernors b y the nam es o f R O C K E F E L shall be h earing m ore fro m them . a ll o f us, w ish ou r new G overn or suc E xcitin g, too, w as the presen ce o f L E R and HUGHES. They, along with cess^ NOR D O RIS R E N N IN G E R ’s excellent presentations that I fe a r w e have ten G overn ors of the N .Y .-N .J. Section. P E G W AH L b ecom es the V ice G ov grow n used to and now exp ect. T h ey w ere M ARIO N L O P E Z, SE L M A ernor, D O TTIE BOCK will handle the Decem ber 1966 S ecretary’ s job and M IN A E LS H N E R m oves ov e r into the T rea su rer’ s spot. ALICE RO B E R T S gra ciou sly installed the new officers. The next big treat w as the NinetyNines’ film “ The Stam p of F riend sh ip’ ’ which w e felt w as beautifully done. The New Y ork Chapter hopes to buy it so perhaps we shall see it again. To wind up the busy day, DORIS R E N N IN G ER conducted her final busi ness m eeting and BR AN D T with a few left KAY HIL- little tidbits to be concerned about—such as p rep a ra tions for the International Convention in ’69 and perhaps a ra ce term inus. It's all right, K A Y —w e'll all help. Annual F ly in g P etticoat P roficien cy D erby. W e w ere honored to have B E T T Y MicNABB r a c e with us. T w o n ew m em b ers joined us from Huntsville. They a re P E N N Y DICK ERSO N and E L A IN E BRO'WER. We NANCY B E E L A N D held her first m eeting, a s Chairm an, in Oct. in G reenville. F ou r 99’ s, from H untsville, had tw o gueSts; M A R T H A TO B Y , our Southeast Section G overn or flew in to visit with us and w e w ere delighted to see her. She brought PO LLY DUN CAN with her! A lso from HUNTS V IL L E , ca m e another prospective m em b er, L Y D IA PIC K U P . W e are all w aiting fo r L Y D IA to gelt 'her license. clim b ed aboard K A T H L E E N V A U G H N ’S new 172, determ ined to win the E T A T roph y for K A TH LE E N . The con versation in the plane went som ething like this. “ K A TH LE E N , w e ’re too ea rly ov er this checkpoint, slow d o w n !” Ten minutes later. “ K A TH LE E N , w e ’re goin g too slow, speed u p !” This wenit on all the w ay. The n av iga tor was so busy w atching the clo ck that she forgot to w atch w here w e w ere going. We landed just 5 second s o ff the ETA , but ou r ga s consum ption w as w ay off. H m nim , could it have been all o f those different throttle settings? Who won the trop h y ? K A TH LE E N . ALABAMA CHAPTER DONNA WILLARD, Reporter SUE W ITT invited us to have our m eeting at her farm in August. S U E ’ S farm , in G reensboro, turned out to be 2,000 acres of beautiful cattle and fa rm land, com plete with sw im m in g pool ,and ra ce horses. The whole fam ily w as invited. T w en ty four attended with six airplanes flying in. This w as our idea of a meeting! E a ch o f us brought a picnic lunch, spread it out on a p icn ic table and ate S m orgasbord style. H om e grown w aterm elon w ere stacked up like cannon balls in the front yard and were yu m m y eating. W e all d ecid ed that “ this w as the p la ce w e ’d most like to get w eathered in .” The A labam a Chapter h as a rev olv ing E T A plus gas consum ption trophy. NANCY B E E L A N D won it fo r the third time. She w as one m inute o ff on her E TA. W e also h ave a M erit Aw ard Trophy that will be won b y the pilot who up-grades her licen se the m ost and who gives the m ost service to her chapter. Our new o fficers w ere announced and are as follow s — Chairm an, NANCY B E E L A N D ; Vice-C hairm an, B ETTY F E R R E L L ; S ecretary, J E R R Y CHASE; Treasurer, SUE W ITT. H ers w as the on ly plane that flew in! N AN CY arran ged for a w eather m an, from M ontgom ery, to speak to us. He g a v e us a v e ry educational talk, and then asked us w hat s e rv ices w e w anted better b riefing on. W e wanted Is your Chapter sponsoring an A E Scholarship Candidate? N o one w ins without try in g ! m ore a ccu ra te in form ation on winds aloft. He advised us to a sk fo r actual winds. If w e don ’t ask for a ctu al winds the b riefer will give us com puted winds, w hich a re not alw ays accu rate. W e a ls o asked w hy the w eatherm en did n ’t give us the tops of clouds, and w ere in form ed that this problem is be ing w orked on. BE N N IE P E T E R S was ou r host for the N ovem b er 6th m eeting at the Tus ca loosa Airport. M R . M EADOW S, from the lo ca l F A A Station w as on hand to show us a film about the F ly in g F a rm ers. As w e all sat w atch in g the F ly ing through South A m erica , a plan form ed in m an y m inds. A fter the m ovie we discu ssed the possibilities of our Section planning a flyin g vacation together. Y ou w ill be hearing m ore about this later. NAN CY B E E L A N D w on the E TA Our Septem ber m eetin g w as in cluded with the Sectional m eetin g in Atlanta. T roph y fo r the fourth tim e. She at tributed her win as the result of ask ing the w eath er bureau for the adtual winds aloft instead o f the com puted winds. W e learned that lesson last In Septem ber, The F ly in g Petti coats of Huntsville, held their Second m eeting. G ood for you NANCY, y ou ’re the on ly one who rem em b ered ! F iv e planes flew in loaded with 13 m em b ers, tw o guests, a reporter fr o m the T u sca loosa News, and two 49% ers. A grea t m eeting! O ur Christm as party w ill be held in M on tgom ery. W e a re bringing our 4 9 % ers and gifts. D uring the party w e a re planning to have a cerem ony a n d initiate a ll the 49% ers. A la b a m a has grea t plans for the future, follow ing is a list o f ou r new ch airm en . A ir S pace E ducation — B E N N IE P E T E R S , A ir M arking — D IC E Y M IL L E R , Airport B eautifica tion — DONNA W ILLARD , F lying A cti vities — L A V IN IA SPILM AN . It’ s a start anyw ay. R ea d about ou r pro gress! P E R SO N A L P A T T E R : NANCY and 4 9 % er J E F F B E E L A N D have been flyin g to the football g a m es in T u sca loosa and Birm ingham . GERRY CHASE flew up to K noxville, Tennessee in 1:20 and then hiked 5 m iles to Mt. Le Cante in 3:15 and then hiked up to Charlies Bunion. B E T T Y F E R R E L L flew com m ercia lly to San Juan, Puerto R ico and St. Thom as. She re ports that private flying abounds in that region. D IC E Y M IL L E R is con centrating on her Instrum ent rating, about 30 hours last month. The rest o f the hours she flies com m ercia l to such p la ces as Orlando, F la., M ariette, G a., and M em phis, Tenn. K ATH L E E N VAUGH N is on her w ay to Nassau for Thanksgiving. MARION M A Y is stayin g hom e three days study ing for her C om m ercial. LAVINIA SP ILM A N is studying for her Corm m ercia l. Instrum ent and going to ground school. Our new est m em ber, E L A IN E B R O W E R recen tly flew to Atlanta fo r the Society of Wom en E n gin eers Section m eeting. LY D IA PIC K U P , also a m em b er of the SWE a ccom p a n ied her. CAROLINAS CHAPTER KAY NISBET, Reporter The Carolinas Chapter has voted to pu rch ase a cop y of the film about the fly a w a y of the A m elia Earhart First D ay Cover. The film w ill be rented to any interested grou p trrough Chairm an B E B E R A G A Z. Carolinians LOUISE SM ITH, PA G E SH A M B U R G E R, V IR G IN IA R IL E Y , E M IL Y K E L L E Y , and B E B E R A G AS flew to the Southeast Section m eeting in Atlanta, Septem ber 10-11. In O ctober, the Carolinas Chapter had a joint m eeting with the P etti coa t Pilots in R aleigh . E v ery on e w as greatly im pressed with th eir organ i zation and enthusiasm fo r flying. [SARA SHONK, still with the U. S. State D ept., is now in Saigon. B E B E R A G A Z and K A Y NISBET, along with A U T R IE LEH R and CLA RA TH ARPE o f the All-Ohio Chapter, ferried four C herokees from V e ro B each to Santa M onica. In spite o f bad weather, head winds, sm oke and haze, they had a great tim e a ll the w ay! A new book on M onoplanes b y the Carolinas’ fav orite author, PAGE SH AM B U R G ER, w a s released in O ct ober. N ew ratings; H elicopter — LOUISE SMITH (also grandm other) C om m ercia l — K A Y N ISBET. FLORIDA SPACE PORT CHAPTER DOT MACNAMARA, Reporter The b ig news this m onth is our A ir M arking program . And when I sa y big, I m ean it! CY B E E R S , ANN CONWA Y , B E T T Y SH ERM AN, OLGA WILKINSON, K . R IL E Y , CH ARLOTT CORBIN, and D O T M ACN A M ARA, as sisted b y 4 9 % ers DON B E E R S , R O G E R M ACN AM ARA, and tw o C A P Cadets, gathered Saturday, N ovem b er 12 to m ark a taxiw ay at O rm ond B each. T he city o fficia ls w ho furnished the paint, didn’t know the 99s so they didn’t finish layin g out the letters b e cau se they w ere so sure none would c o m e to paint; and they thought if w e did cvom e, w e w ouldn’t get past the M in Orm and. Not only did w e get past the M, w e finished O rm and b y shortly after noon. Sixty gallons of pairit w ere put on 60 ft. high letters (a sm all por tion was in advertantly put on other 99s). When I sa y “ w e ” painted, I use “ w e ” loosely because it w as late when w e got to O rm ond. O rlando H ern don A irport w as so busy Saturday m ornin g it took twenty m inutes to get airborne. Som eone pointed out we could have driven faster. H ow ever, w e got hom e and faster and besides flyin g is safer than driving! M y 4912 e r exonerated m y lateness by cleaning the rollers after the job GEORGIA CHAPTER BETTY W. McNABB, Reporter w as ov er. P ardon m e while I praise him a bit. W asn’t he w onderful to do that m essy jo b for u s? O ur N ovem b er m eetin g w a s at C raig A irport in J acksonville. W e had v e ry good attendance as usual. CY BEERS, BETTY SH ERM AN , ANN CONW AY, BARBARA and guest grounded every bod y, but LOIS and G E O R G E LAC Y a n d daughter LOU, M Y R T L E and W ALT CAG LE , CAROL and A L H A R P E , M A R Y L E E N IX, E S T H E R G R U P E N H A G E N (w hom we LOUISA TA M M from the Orm ondD eytona area ; M A R Y BLA C K W E LL and guest B O B B Y ST E E N and DOT M A C N A M A R A fro m O rlando; JOAN D AVIS and B E T T Y T R A C Y from V ero stole recen tly from F lorida Space Porlt), and JE A N V O Y LE S drove down to Griffin, to be guests of brand-new m em b ers E L L E N CASW ELL and B E T T Y JO ALLISON for luncheon at E L B each and M elbourne; hostesses K. R IL E Y and C H ARLO TTE CORBIN w ere from Jacksonville. M A R Y B LA C K W E LL g a v e us an other Instrum ent lesson, this tim e principally on holding patterns. She m akes it sound m uch easier than the L E N ’S hom e. Then to H am pton, G a., to tour At lanta Center, a lw a ys an eye-opening experience. P E R SO N A LIT IE S: D 0 L O R E N E LOW E has m ov ed to D allas. G rab her, D allas Chapter, you have a w orker here— CFI— CAP— good gal and LIK ES to work. B E T T Y M cN A B B flew to Clinton Io A IM does! Gotta g et out there and practice. The D ecem b er m eeting w ill b e a joint m eeting with the Sun Coast and G old Coast Chapters of the 99s together with the G rasshoppers at G rasshopper F A Y BLACKSTONE ’S ranch northeast o f Sarasota. She prom ises us a w einer roast, hay ride, h orseback riding and all the fun of a day in the country. T h e O ctober m eeting w a s held at the hom e of JO AN DAVIS in V ero B each. JOAN just recen tly m oved from O rlando to V ero B each. Nine m em bers, ANN CONW AY, C Y B E E R S , JOAN DAVIS, O LG A WILKINSON, B E T T Y T R A C Y , R IC K Y CUNNING H AM , B A R B A R A H A ZA R D , B E T T Y SH ERM AN , M A R Y B LA C K W E LL , DOT M A CN A M ARA with guests JO SELY N BRONSON, LOUISA TA M M , E V E L Y N ED SON and one p rosp ective m em ber, M A R D A SA L ISB U R Y , w hom w e voted into ou r Chapter at that m eeting, w ere in attendance. M A R Y B LA C K W E LL ga ve us a les son on w eather. JOAN didn’ t need to attend becau se she had ju s t gotten her A d v a n ce G round School rating. Con gratulations to JOAN. M A R Y assures us that all the M E A s, MOCAs, Cumu lus, C irriform , etc. will straighten out in our m inds. I surely h ope she is right! O LGA W ILKINSON, M A R G A R E T STANNAH, M A R D A SALISBU RY , and D OT M A C N A M A R A flew to the G ra ss h opper m eeting in Leesburg. Just in ca se you h av en ’t heard our new o ffice rs are: Chairm an, CY B E E R S ; V ice-ch airm a n , ANN CON W AY; R ecord in g Secretary, JOAN DAVTS; BETTY BETTY Corresponding SH E R M A N and TRACY. S ecretary, T reasu rer, O CTO BER : D rive-in! W eather w a, M ilw aukee, W isconsin (dined with D E E D O H E ISE , FL O R E N C E TO N Y, RAM O N A H U E B N E R , AND — and — another W isconsin Ninety-Nine) (M y head is bow ed in sh a m e). Then hom e v ia Edw in, Tenn., collectin g a nonb irdm an passenger n am ed H ARO LD M cN A B B . B E T T Y and HOLLY SMITH flew in the annual F lyin g Petticoat D erby in H untsville, A labam a, w on third pla ce — it’ s a rea l tun-race m ost o f the participan ts Ninety-Nines. Copilots, delightfully, get duplicate trophies. The ra ce w as about 180 m iles overall, 4 stops and a spotlanding, tim e enroute a n d fuel consum ption the decidin g factors. N O V E M B E R : Fly-in for luncheon at the excellent T erm in al restaurant on M a co n ’ s m unicipal Airport. M Y R T L E and W ALT CA G LE , CARO LYN and B IF F K E N N E D Y (bringing CAROL L O W E R Y and son JO D Y from A lb a n y), LOIS, G E O R G E , and LOU LAC Y, JE A N V O Y LE S, M A R Y LOU N IX , and prospective JO YC E FO X . JEAN is having fun with the V O Y L E S ’ Cub, the C essna reserved fo r business and try. CARO LYN ran out of pum p enroute hom e, had A m ericu s and leave the 210 being cross-coun a vacuum to stop in C om anche, continuing in a Sky Hawk. F ou r N inety Nines participated ias instructors in the A O PA flight clin ic at C allaw ay G ardens, G eorgia — 90 students, 80 airplanes, 30 instructors (half a dozen fem a le types) ONE R U N W A Y AND NO T A X I STRIPS. But a sharp F A A tem porary-tow er control cf(?W and a sm art organizer who had us all funnel in at a given speed and altitude from a point six m iles south of the field kept e v e ry thing under p erfect control. Ninety-Nines w ho instructed in the clinic w ere N O RM A W O RLAN D , K en tucky Chapter Chairm an, VELTA BENN, veteran A O PA clin ic partici pant, CHRIS W IN ZE R , AE Sch olar ship winner, and B E T T Y M cN AB B. Then B E T T Y departed on a fourday CAP search for a Sky-R aider down in the North F lorida sw am ps or the Gulf, and hopefully reports that several girls in that area are interest ed in form ing a new chapter. Now, says BE T TY , to w hom do I report this inform ation? Gold C oast? Sun C oast? Sky P o r t? M aybe I ’ d better just tell A LB E R T A . D E C E M B E R m eeting: Joint with Alabam a, Huntsville. Y ’all com e, if you 're in our neighborhood! New G eorgia T reasu rer: LOIS LACY. Anybody fo r RON kits? MEMPHIS CHAPTER ANN HATTEN, Reporter There w ere thunderstorm s in the M emphis M etro Passport R oom O cto ber 15 or a t least that w as the topic of the slide talk given b y M R . JOE W ALK ER of the W eather Bureau at the Annual Dutch T reat luncheon given in honor o f p rosp ective m em b ers. M ARY STAN LEY kept our end of the table wide-eyed with a m ost d escrip tive narrative on the Stanley trip to Guthrie, Oklahom a where h er 4 9 % er acquired a C om m ercia l G lider license. (A winch tow must be second best only to a G em ini blast-off). M A R Y STAN LEY F IE L D in Augusta, A rk ansas is now the hom e base for a 4-place Schw eitzer 232 glider. B efore departing for a two m onth stay in Philadelphia w here she will be busy in research a tthe U niversity o f Penn sylvania M edical Center, D R. CHRIS BROWN took a hop in the Schw eitzer 232 and brought back m ost enthusias tic com m ents to back up M A R Y ’S stories o f silent flight. BILL and G E R R Y B A K E R now have a Skyhawk a nd are busy getting acquainted with it. INA W A L K E R and LOIS O ’ N EAL flew to an air show in D yersburg, Tennessee. INA flew a M ooney E x e cutive and LOIS a Super M ooney. We understand the turnout of the local populus far exceed ed expectations. A hearty w e lco m e to new m em b ers JUNE PE N TECO ST, Linda Arnold and T ris Buchanan. T R IS flew a Cherokee 160 to Jacksonville, F lorid a for a surprise visit with her husband who is stationed there with the N avy. Sur prise it w as! He didn’t even know she w as taking flyin g lessons. On the w ay dow n bad w eather forced T R IS to spend the night on a duster strip in the m iddle of now here. H er husband b ra vely a ccom p a n ied her back to M em phis, how ever, departing J ackson ville at 1500 feet on clim b-out, he ner vously inform ed her thal was high enough. DR. BEN and JUNE PEN TECO ST m ad e a w eek-end flying jaunt in their Skyhawk to the Stockholm S m orgas bord restaurant located on the air port at H eber Springs, Arkansas and highly recom m en d the flighl and the food. M ARTH A and FR A N K TO B E Y m ade a trip to Philadelphia to visit relatives. It seem s headwinds w ere so stiff they had to g o around the mountains in stead of over. JOANN H ALL is now the proud possessor of a M ulti-Engine rating. IF R w eather forced us to the high w ays instead of the a irw a ys for ou r N ovem b er m eeting in Wynne, Arkan sas. Our hostesses planned a most en joya b le luncheon m eeting a t the W ynne Country Club. Guest Speaker, R E V E R E N D E . E . BOONE, form er SAC pilot, presented a m ost in form a tive presentation on A ir R escu e and included som e hum orous tips on how to m ake a safe and g ra cefu l em er g en cy landing in the top of a forest full of trees . . . w ell the b ird s to it! TENNESSEE CHAPTER EDNA DAVIS, Reporter The Tennessee Chapter m et in K nox ville at M cG h ee T yson A irport for lunch end a v e ry pleasant business session. T h ose present w ere LA D Y M cR E Y NOLDS, RUTH THOMAS, G E N IE R A E O ’K E L L E Y , E V E L Y N B Y R O N JOHN SON, G LO R IA CAROW AN, MARY JA N E Q U A R R E L S and IR E N E F L E W EL LE N . O u r visitors w ere LON M E R C ER from Chattanooga, B E T T Y M c NABB, Albany, G a., who w as on her w ay hom e from M ilw aukee, and JAN E W EIN SLO G E L from Cincinnati, who was on her w ay to Ashville, North Carolina. Now for som e things w e did and will be doin g soon. N ew officers w ere elected: L A D Y M cR E Y N O L D S , Chair m an; RLTTH THOM AS, V ice Chairm an; B E E R E E D , S ecreta ry; IR E N E F L E W EL LE N , T reasu rer; and ED N A DAVIS, R eporter. Our Chapter would like to be hos tess to a 99 from one of our foreign chapters a fter the convention at Wash ington D. C. The old Island A irport in Knoxville has a new term in al and a new name, “ Downtown A irp ort.” T h ere will be a three-day progra m to ded icate the airport. About six hundred pilots are invited as guests o f the airport. Our Chapter will be hostess .at the ded ica tion and have an exhibit there. We will include som e clippings of past P ow d er Pu ff D erby races. G ENIE R A E O ’K E L L E Y is in charge. W e are happy to report that B EE R E E D has her Instrument rating. Th ree df our m em b ers attended the Southeast section m eeting in Atlanta; LA D Y M cR E Y N O LD S , RUTH TH OM AS and E D N A DAVIS. In N ovem ber, w e will be hostess for the dedication o f a new pilots’ lounge in the Chattanooga airport. E ighteen thousand dollars ($18,000) is being spent on this lounge. It is to be used by pilots of private airplanes. E V E L Y N B R Y O N JOHNSON is now teaching ground school at M orristown air-port to app roxim ately thirty stud ents. E V E L Y N , with her thousands of hours in the air, had a new flying thrill recently. She w as invited to ride in K n ox ville’ s first 727 jet, ow ned by United A ir Limes. In all o f her licenses, there is not o r e for hunting, so she broke the hunting law and caught a buzzard in the front-end of her Bonanza. The buzzard w as of no value, but the d a m a ge to the front of her plane was expensive. B eing the pilot she is, she had no trouble bringing the buzzard and the airplane in for a safe landing. NO. CENTRAL SECTION ALL-OHIO CHAPTER EDY MAXIM, Reporter A ll-O hio’s 1966-67 o fficers are: Chair m an — M ARION B E T Z L E R , V iceChairm an — CLA R A T H A R P E , S e cre ta ry — M A R IL Y N N M IL L E R , and T reasu rer — JOHN ST Y P E . A U T R IE L E H R is servin g on the International A ir M arking Com m ittee. In the North Ceneral Section, E D Y occa sion a lly does a lon ger trip to F lorid a t o fe rry b a ck a P ip er fro m the fa c to ry .) J O A N /E D Y continued to Cleveland L akefront A irport, from w here JOAN took a ca b to her office. EDY flew “ P ee-W ee” to C leve land. H opkins (7 m inules) to her o ffice . A t 5 o ’clock , b a ck into the T ri-P a ce r and dow n to L akefront to m eet JOAN again. A irborn e again and o ff to Strongsville (1-2 m inutes) to hom e port. A different w ay to co m 1966 All-Ohio Chapter Achievement Awards. CONNIE JONES (left) 1st place winner in 1965 presents 1st place rotating trophy to EDY MAXIM. 2nd place award was presented to AUTRIE LEHR, Srd MARILYN COLLETTE- 4thCONNIE JONES, 5th-CLARA THARPE. The 49</2er trophy was awarded to ROY STYPE. M A X IM — V ice G overn or, JAN ICE K U E C H E N M E IST E R — T reasu rer, and CONNIE JONES is on the N om inating Com m ittee. D espite the lim ited “ v iz ” , due to those typica l fall h aze con ditions, good attendance at the annual m eeting in Septem ber at Cuyahoga County (C leve land). Thanks to M ARIO N STACKS a nd V IR G IN IA B L A K E L Y for the nice arrangem ents. All w ere sorry that the tour of the B ede A viation plant was ca n celled, but the invitation is ex tended fo r a future date, when B ede is better set up with m ore fo r us to see. 4 9 % er IVAN T R O F IM O V bought a 1936 W a co bi-plane ov er the protest of K A R E N , w ho said that a fte r it is restored, she w ould h av e to w alk the wing, just to uphold the tradition of such a craft. CONNIE JONES flew a Cessna 182 to D enver in August to attend a onew eek cou rse at C olorado W om an ’ s College. In August and Septem ber, CONNIE g a v e “ Flighty L a d ies” talks to the P air.esville E xch a n g e Club, P a in esville O rder o f the E astern Star, and the A m herst R ota ry Club. M ore about CONNIE: A ll h av e en joyed the splendid a rticle about her in the Sept e m b er issue o f A O PA PIL O T. H ave heard a lot o f n ice com m en ts e v e r since. P E T E and JE A N B O N A R a re o ff to the Orient for 6 weeks. P A T and M Y R O N C O L L IE R view ed Cape Cod, P lym outh R o ck b y A ero C om m ander (b ird ’ s e y e v iew ). A B os ton w eek-end w as included. G o o d show at Sectional from AllOhio. M A R IL Y N C O L L E T T E /M A R Y SC H E A F E R in an “ M ” Bonanza, JA N ICE K U E C H E N M E IS T E R /A U T R IE L E H R — “ 182” , JIM and L E E ROCK and C LA R A T H A R P E on top the “ cu e s ” doin g 103K in their M ooney. In a new Queen A ir, M A R G E and JIM GO RM AN , G A Y L E and J E F F , and P A T and M Y R O N CO LL IE R . In C L IF F CRABS “ 195” , C L IF F . CONNIE JONES and JOANN S T Y P E ; JOAN H RU BEC E D Y M A X IM in “ P ee-W ee” . A fine full-scheduled jo y e d it. Sectional. We all en On Sunday, M A R IL Y N /M A R Y and J O A N /E D Y w ere “ w eathered ou t” of Ohio, and so it w as indeed a pleasure to rem ain in Illin ois’ good w eather, land at the private strip at N aperville, and taxi the Bonanza and the T ri-P a ce r to E V A and H ARO LD W H IT E ’S front (b a c k ? ) ya rd and tie-dow n fo r the night. A w onderful RO N ! M on day, af ter the ground fo g dissipated, dff for points east. J O A N /E D Y had a brief f ’ el and food stop at Sandusky. (G ood to see SUE G R IF F IN G , w ho continues to do a lot o f island hopping and an m ute around town,, but it w as a tim esaver! Lots o f O hio tea m s at the SM ALL R A C E . C ongrats to CONNIE JO N E S / B A R B A R A K N A P P , who flew a “ tired” T ri-P a ce r and p la ced 3rd. CONNIE also receiv ed the P ip er trophy fo r the best fix ed -g ea r score. D O TTIE AN D E R S O N /N E V A P A IN T E R placed 7th. JOANN and R O Y S T Y P E placed 10th and receiv ed a set of spark plugs. Also flyin g the interesting “ occa sion al show e re d ” cou rse w ere M A R IL Y N COL L E T T E and M A R K SAVAG E (w ho w as getting a m a n ’s view o f the R a ce for the F L Y E R m a g azin e), JANICE K U E C H E N M E IS T E R /L E H R , JOAN K U E C H E N M E IS T E R /A U T R IE LEH R. JOAN H R U B E C /E D IT H PH ILLIPS, M ARION S T A C K S /V IR G IN IA B L A K E LEY and IONE S H E L T O N /E D Y M AX IM . MUGS, A N Y O N E ? L A S T F L I G H T JAN E BR AN TL EY Nov. 5, 1966 CENTRAL ILLINOIS CHAPTER LEAH WARREN, Reporter P retty fall w eather so w e h a v e had two g ood m eetings. Both at Mattoon, Illinois — Coles County Airport. Any one on cross-coun try, b e sure to m ark this as a good stop. S erv ice and new pilot lounge is tops and a v e r y nice restaurant in the new term in al build ing. A nother fa v orite spot fo r a food stop with our m em b ers is the R edw ood Inn - southeast ed g e o f D anville—a l m ost on the Indiana - Illinois state line. T h ey have developed a v ery n ice sod Strip on the east side of the Inn. B rin g you r own tie-dow ns if you feel you need them and th ere is no service, just good food served buf fet style. O ctober m eeting w e had sixteen m em bers, 6 prospects, and 5 other guests. N ovem b er had low er ceilings so one plane used som e instrument tim e; JE A N R E A D , our Treasurer, and G LO RIA F A R R , our Sectional Chairman and tw o guests from P eoria. This m ade 9 m em bers, 7 prospects, and 3 other guests, G ood food and plans fo r the Sectional d o bring the grou p out. B y next m eeting w e hope to have severa l o f those prospects on the m em b er side. W e have been ca rry in g on a pro gram of orientation for all. Introduc tions, flying tim e, and planes w e use have served as a form o f roll-call. B A R B A R A JENISON had film s o f som e o f AW TAR. A W T A R p rogra m s have been passed around with Ninety Nine News copies. N ow w e are ordering nam e badges to com plete ones we have had for awhile. W atch for us. E specially at Spring Sectional at P eoria the first Sunday in M ay. Spring com e early! LIB B Y ANN DUNSETH is busy checking out. in new m odels—a M ooney Super 21 and a B eech B onanza to her grow ing list. D E E D HOLCOMB found out about this E ast-W est business on a trip to N ew E ngland in th e Cessna. 6 hours out and 9 to co m e b a ck . She had M AX along on the trip out but sent him hom e on C arvelle. M ARTH A McMAHON set up a com pa rison too. Flew collegia girls fr o m M a co m b to Mattoon in 56 minutes and they took 6 hours to return by bus. SH IR LE Y FULK got a trip to Jackson, M ich. M et M ichigan 99 and en joyed a short visit. H er hubby w as up there to s e e the big snow. JEAN R E A D busy on that Instrument Instructor rating. W as sch e duled this w eek but got delayed so now is set fo r D e cem b er 7. Is p ra c ticing on two local pilots and flying several charters—su ch as one to A rk ansas to pick up am bu lances. B A R BA RA JENISON had a period of turn around; started for Stowe, V erm ontbad weather, started for M eigs-bad weather; drove to M ichigan to help her m other m ov e to Illinois. M A R JORIE K E L L Y is so thrilled o v e r her grand-daughter soloing that she doesn’t w orry about when she flys. She gave h er gran dm oth er the shirt tail piece at the M ilw aukee Sectional. She and her father w ere there as M A R JO R IE ’S guests to h ear J E R R IE MOCK w ho autographed her progra m then. W e are stunned b y the loss o f JAN E a n d E D B R A N T L E Y . T h ey cra sh ed in K entucky while on th eir w a y to Tus ca loosa , A labam a for the football gam e. The B R A N T L E Y S h ad spent several days with D R and BO N N IE F E R R E L L in P a lm Springs in O ctober when the F E R R E L L ’S w ere vaca tion in g there. M em ories help som e. CHICAGO AREA CHAPTER M ARY R. SHUMWAY, Reporter Just b a ck from a grea t m eeting held at A u rora M unicipal A irp or., A urora, 111., ch airm an ed b y B A R A B R A PE N C E and her com m itteie. They even g a v e us tw o tries at the “ spot landing’ ’ contest and you rs truly ca m e in first (best one counited, thank g ood n e s s !) Then to the co ffe e and rolls, hangar talk, business m eeting, and gettin g a cquain ted with n ew prosp ectives. Incidentally ou r Chapiter v ot ed in ov er tw enty new m em b ers last year, yeah! G E R R Y K R A U SE and I showed our “ PO W D E R P U F F " m ovies lo wind things up in spite Of too m uch h anger light. G reat to hear from R IC K COO LEY, our gla m orou s H iawatha, w ho reports she a nd DICK w ere in A labam a from August 15th to Septem ber 15th on “ bow and a rro w ’ ’ hunting expedition into the interior. T h ey flew the S kym aster up, then the outfitters c a m e and picked R a ce in Alpena, M ich., on a business trip. T he follow ing w eek they flew on to Southbridge, M ass., to visit Old Sturbridge V illage and en joy the m agni ficent autum n coloring. A fter tw o days visit with son JOHN and his wife NANCY in W altham , M ass., they join ed the Sportsm an P ilots’ A ssociation 's F a ll Cruise at Basin H arbor Club, V ergennes, V erm ont. (I think we should m a k e A LIC E our traveling a m bassad or o r s o m e th in g !) G ood to see LOUISE KOKESH back flyin g again after a short stay in the hospital but you ca n ’t keep a good g a l down! SUE and G ARTH ROSCOE flew to D enver last w eek a n d raved about the beautiful aspen trees. SUE w as sorry she m issed the 99’s at Jefferson Coun ty, A irport Colorado, but had n ice trip. At Moline, Illinois they saw the M ay flow er W4A B lim p pre-fligitin g, w hich w as quite an experience. O ctober 1st, JOAN SCH OGER flew h er 172 up to northern W isconsin to view the beautiful and colorfu l scenery below . Sez it was as pretty a s a p ic ture! H ARO LD and E V A W H ITE flew to Springfield Septem ber 29th to attend the Illinois P ress Convention. They look o ff in treir D ebonair in the after noon from N aper A ero and an hour g la ciers, Alaskan Penn, and even look ed into a volca n o, im agine! W eather w as great, hunting w as great, and the flying was w onderful. And this gal can cook too! later landed at Capitol Airport. When they stepped out o f the plane, R A Y KOKESH (LO U ISE ’S 49y2 ’ er) walked up to them . He w as down there to re-licen se his Bonaza. They returned Saturday noon. G E R R Y K RAU SE and R A L PH have been busy participating in a ir races. First, M ichigan Sm all R a ce and In d ia n a ’s F a ir L ady R a ce. Said they d id n ’t win, but had lo ’ s of fun. K A T IE BO Y D and BO BBIE JOHAN SEN flew in the M ich igan Sm all R a ce , and had a w hee of a tim e. Also learn ed a bit about ra ce techniques. K ATIE stopped in D etroit on w a y hom e to spend Sunday with friends and BO BB IE returned to C .iica g o with her 4 9 % er JOE. B E T T Y R ID D L E and 4 9 /e r HO W AR D just returned from National Business A ircrh ft Convention in St. Louis and w ere glow in g about w onder ful hospitality they receiv ed from 99 L O R E T T A SLA V IC K while there. LO R E T T A really show ed them around and they w ere m ost a p p recia tiv e. (T h at’ s w hat w e like to hear a bout ou r 99’ s !) A LIC E and JOHN H AM M O ND and their M oon ey “ Susie Q ” , flew to P hiladelphia from the M icigan Sm all Y O U RS T R U L Y and JOHN also have been busy flying. E n joyed the Section al at M ilw aukee, flew in the M ich i gan Sm all R a c e and then went on to a fa m ily w edding in Philadelphia, Pa. G ot w eathered in one night in M ans field, Ohio, but when tops are 20,000 with em bed ded thunderstrom s and freezin g level is 9,000, the SHUMW AYS no go! H A PPIN ESS is getting w eathered in on ce in a while and en jo y in g it! them up in Super Cubs for the flight to the base ca m p . R IC K b a gged a m oose and a caribou with the bow and arrow , while DICK took m ov ies with his B'olex of the hunt, n ow h ow ’s that for som eth in g? She said she w as goin g to take m ovies in W isconsin in Septem ber, so DICK could hunt for a change! They also did a lot of sightseeing from the air in the Skym aster, seeing the GREATER KANSAS CITY CHAPTER Joy Morrison, Reporter R esponse has been grea t to the 99 POW DER P U F F D E R B Y gu m m ed stam ps. F r o m you r support, w e have been able to send A W T A R $500 since July tow ard the 1968 PO W D E R P U F F D E R B Y . Send you r m on ey in anytim e to A LE A H COMBS, 4726 Skyline D rive, M ission, K ansas, 66205. Y ou can use these stam ps on all form s o f com m u ni cations, not just you r personal m ail. O rder all you want, w e have plenty. T he G reater K ansas City Chapter initiated B IL L K IN G ’S new hangar at the Olathe City A irport on O ctober 1. The hangar took on the a pp earance o f a nightclub, com plete with a floorshow and com bo. The Chapter sold a pproxi m ately 400 tickets; p roceeds went to A W T A R and air m arking. In appreciation fo r the cooperation of the C A P during the last year, M A R Y ANN NOAH, SARAH G O RELICK , RUTH ST A F F O R D and CO LEEN G O R DON flew 28 cadets on orientation rides from the Olathe City Airport. F o r the m a jority, it was their first airplane ride. T he pilots g a ve th em a briefing along with the ride. SARAH G O RELOCK, outgoing g ov ernor o f the North Central Section, was presented a K ansas City Skyline charm from the m em b ers o f the K ansas City chapter. C O LEE N G ORDON w as elected to the B oard of D irectors o f K ansas City A ero Club. She and M A R Y ANN NOAH, V ice President, a re the only w om en on the board. T h eir over-all goal is to maintain M unicipal A irport as a field fo r light a ircraft, if and when MCI is developed fo r co m m e rcia l travel. She recently re ceiv ed her H elicopter rating, b ecom in g No. 107 in the W hirley G irls and is, at press tim e, M issouri’ s only fem a le h elicopter pilot. M A R Y ANN NOAH and ST E LLA LEH M AN entered the M i c h i g a n SM ALL R a c e and placed fourth in the field o f 52 participants. T he G reater K ansas City Chapter brought hom e the silver attendance bowl from M IK E , winning it from (he G reater St. Louis Chapter and b y the w ay, St. Louis, you can exp ect an en gravin g bill fro m us soon. The d om estic engineers took tim e o ff from their household duties to fly to OMA fo r their O ctober fly-out. M A R G A R E T W RIG H T and N ITA IR WIN w ere alm ost scratch ed from lunch but due to their sw iftness of Silver Anniversary Banquet of the Greater St. Louis Chapter held Sept. 17, 1966 at Executive International Inn, St. Louis, Mo. From I. to r. REV. FATHER RAYMOND M cKEE of the Redemptorist Order, originator of “ Dial-A-Saint” program and mem ber of the National Association of Flying Fathers; MRS A. J. CERVANTES, and the IION. A. J. CERVANTES, Mayor of St. Louis; JERRIE MOCK, guest speaker; ROCK ROGERS, M.C.; IRENE RAWLINGS, Chapter Chairman, and her 49'/2er, ERWIN RAWLINGS; and DONNA MYERS, International Vice-President. foot w ere able to ca tch a ride with R U TH S T A F F O R D in her A pache. K A Y CAIN brought a guest who was delighted with the idea o f flyin g to O M A fo r lunch. If the ra ces had been on, the la dies would still be there. D on ’ t forget to send you r m on ey for the stam ps. T he G rea ter K ansas City Chapter w ishes you a happy holiday and h ere’ s hoping for good flying w eath er in the w inter m onths. GREATER ST. LOUIS CHAPTER Am y Laws, Reporter St. Louis had its ow n ‘ aviation w eek ’ as S eptem ber slid into O ctober. F o r the N B A A convention, airplanes by the dozen flew into L am bert Field fro m all o v e r the w orld, for an ex citing statis display. At the sa m e tim e the OX-5 held its convention with m an y fa m ou s n am es attending. Seen at the banquet F rid a y night w ere som e Well-known 99’s — AN ESIA P IN IE R O MACH ADO (Shorty) from B razil w ho w as the honored guest a c cla im ed a s “ D ean of W om en P ilots of the W orld ,’ ’ BLANCH E N O YES, Char ter m em b er of the 99’ s and F F A ’ s H ead of A ir M arking; VIO LA G E N T R Y and M E L B A G O R B Y B R E A D , a l so 99 Charter m em b ers; and JIM M IE K O LP, Ft. W orth Chapter, and m e m ber of the P resid en t's W om en ’s v isory B oa rd on Aviation. A d SH ORTY M ACH ADO was a ccom p a n ied to St. Louis by her husband, A IR M AR SH A L L A. A P P E L NETO, o f B razil, and SEN O R VA SIL D E CUNHAO, Brazilian A m ba ssa dor to the U. S. The OX-5 Club aw arded her the T in y B roa d w ick A w ard. While not a 99 TIN Y B R O AD W IC K was, neverthe less, on e o f ea rly aviation ’s outstand in g w om en, since she w as the first w om an to m a k e a parachute ju m p and h er ca re e r included daring stunts like wing-w alking. N ow w hite-haired but still sparkling-eyed, T IN Y is the livin g exa m ple o f the dauntless spirit that Is in all these p ion eer pilots o f the O X-5 Club— all o f them truly ‘for ev er y ou n g .’ Our Installation of O fficers w as held ait the Sunset Hills Country Club at a joint luncheon given by the National P ilots A ssociation and St. Louis Chap ter 99’s. L O R E T T A SLAVICK w as hos tess, BLANCH E N O Y ES and PA U L V AN C E , M onsanto’s pilot - salesm an w ere guest speakers, B L A N C H E ’S talk covered su bjects like air-m arking, w hich is d ea r to her heart, and air port beautification finishing with an in spiring prayer. She then installed our 1966-67 officers: V A L JOHNSON, Chair m an; RU TH TA K S E L, V ice-C h airm an ; and B E T T Y W ILLISTON, T reasu rer; (K IT HE ACOCK, S ecreta ry, w as ab sent due to illness.) IR E N E R A W L INGS, retirin g Chairm an, handed the ga vel o v e r to VA L , and presented each o f her outgoing o ffice rs with a long stem m ed rose. BLA N CH E a lso pinned our newest m em b er, NORM A BRAUCH. Attending the North Central Section m eeting at M ilw aukee, W ise, this fall w ere ROSE JO LY , JON POCOCK, and IR E N E RA W LIN G S in R O S E ’S Cessna 172; and V A L JOHNSON. RUTH T A K SEL and A M Y LAW S in V A L ’ S Bon anza. Com plim ents to the girls o f the W isconsin Chapter who did such a fine job, especia lly in the attendance prize departm ent. P r a c tica lly every girl receiv ed one. This rep orter got lucky and went hom e with a beautiful tweed suit b y Junior House. W e w ere also duly im pressed by the w onderful hospitality of the P ip er D ealers of Tufts-E dgecum be, Inc. w ho not only chauffered us around town to find a place to eat (an enchanting restaurant with the unlikely nam e o f ‘ D utch ’ s Sukiyaki H ouse’ ) but who also g a ve us a dem onstration ride in a Tw inCom m anche. It was com in g b a ck from this ride that w e w itnessed one lady pilot cau se an airliner to m ake a go-round rather than chew her up on final, w hile at the sam e tim e another fem ale-type pilot (w ho shall rem ain n am eless) landed in disgust on a taxiw ay after giving up trying to get the tow er’ s attention when she couldn’t see the rather sm a ll black top runw ay to w hich she had been cleared. E ven m ore hil arious was the offen ded grow l o f the airliner’s Captain, “ I thought the Air Show w as last w e e k .” O rchids to the Unshakeable tow er m an w ho after seeing they w e re all hom e-safe, did the only thing he could — he ignored them and clea red us to land. (Note to 99’s: better bone upon controlled-field E D IT H and A L OLOVITCH w ere hurt seriou sly in an autom obile a c c i dent. A t last rep ort they w ere hom e from the hospital and 'on the m en d .’ V A L JOHNSON held a breakfast B oa rd m eetin g with her o ffice rs re cen tly and had to fly in winds gusting to 40 knots. LOIS S H A F E R braved s a m e winds in her C herokee. LOIS is flyin g ch a rter for the P oh lm an Corp. out o f F osta ire F ield w here h er 49% ’ er is teaching ground school and flight i n s - t r u c t i ng. A lso teach in g ground sch ool o v e r at Interstate A irm otive at Lam bert Field is SUE H ARRIS, a potential m em ber. M A R Y M C K IL LIP and SUE M ATH IAS flew to Dallas, T ex a s a n d entered the D allas Doll D erby. W hile they didn’ t win, they rep orted th ey had a w onderful tim e. SUE and JOAN LAM B have started their own w eekly fly-ins to various towns in a hundred m ile radius— lunch and cross-coun try exp er ience. G O LLY M IN E R flew to Ft. W ayne, T oledo, .and M onroe to visit her gran d children. She plans to g o to San F ran cis co to a convention soon by plane ami then d riv e to C arm el and L os Angeles. JAN POCOCK w as pleased to enter tain B E T T Y R ID D L E o f the C hicago Chapter w ho w as in ST L at the NBAA convention with her husband w ho is Chief Pilot for Sundstrand Corp. JAN w orks for the L a m b ert Field o ffice of M onsanto C h em ical Corp. and is busy helping them plan their proposed m ov e to Spirit o f St. Louis A irpark. Also in the m a k in g a re plans fo r a Flying Club there, utilizing up to date air cra ft— anyone interested ca ll JAN. A lso m aking the sw itch to ‘S p irit’ is ROSE JO LY who has accep ted a position o f secretary at the M ark A ero Corp. w ho w ill base their execu tive planes there. “ It’ s a G irl’ painted on the runw ay landings. These incidents m ake funny hanger-flying talk, but they d on ’ t help our reputation any a s fe m m e fliers.) at St. Charles A irport announced to the w orld that F R A N and AU G G IE H EN K E are the proud parents of a b a b y daughter, born O ct. 31, 1966. Con gratulations to them ! It’s a cinch that bein g b o m into a flyin g fa m ily such FLYING ACTIVITIES as the H EN K ES insures her future a s a 99’ er som eday. K IT HEACOCK, h om e fro m the hos pital after an operation, rep orts her D octor has grounded her from a ero batics until Spring. M eanwhile she is working at Collinsville A irport and plans to teach aerobastios as soon as she gets the m ed ica l okay. GRACE CO VY EAU flew her non- pildt husband to C h icago fo r a H allo w een pa rty recen tly and plans to m ake it N ew Orleans fo r N ew Y e a r ’s. Jet-set yet! — M ERLE FRAM E (w ho w as hostess at Oct. m eetin g) and B E T T Y W ILLISTON and th eir 4 9 % ’ers flew to F lorida in a Sabre-liner to pick up P ea b od y Coal Co. exec. G irls got to bask in sunshine a few hours and home in tim e to cook their youngsters sup per that night. It w as M E R L E ’S s e c ond trip in one weekend. H ave to m ention how proud I am of ‘ w hat’s happen ing’ in ou r fam ily! Num b er One daughter, BONNIE, who has been with Ozark Airline as a Hostess sin ce July, is now engaged. N um ber One m an-of-the-house, 4 9 % ’e r JACK, has been appointed to the M unicipal A irport Com m ission of the City o f St. Louis. R eceiv ed a phone ca ll fro m E L E A N O R B A IL E Y o f th e M ontana Chapter w ho w as in town fo r a week-end. I was happy to find her a baby-sitter for tw o-year old nephew in the person of N u m b er T w o daughter, D EN ISE, so E L E A N O R and husband, and sister and brother-in-law , could g o out to din ner a t our fam ous G aslight Square. Next d a y we had a grand chat and I learned that E L E A N O R lives in Cal gary, Ontario and is helping organize the renow ned C algary Stam pede to be held there this sum m er. P roof again that to be a 99 m eans to belong to a sisterhood of som e of the w o rld ’s m ost interesting wom en. H eard that LA U R A SE L L IN G E R has receiv ed a n ice prom otion at Pet Milk Corp. H er jo b in volves handling trans action s and stock tran sfers in con nection with all new com panies being purch ased by her com pan y. Del SCH ARR w ho flew a lot in August is too busy now teaching forty-five 8th g ra d ers at Low ell School, and taking additional cou rses at H arris T each ers C ollege and W ashington U niversity, to get behind the w heel fo r awhile. M issing at the N ovem b er m eeting held at JE A N L E N N E R TSO N ’S hom e w ere RUTH T A K S E L and V A L JOHNson w ho w ith th eir husbands have gone o ff to the B aham as to participate in the annual T reasu re Hunt. Also goin g to island-hop are the LE N N E R TSONS. T h ey plan to b e there for Thanksgiving, and to celebrate a w ed ding anniversary. JE A N says she is celeb ra tin g becau se she h as been m a r ried as m a n y y e a rs a s she has been single, o r half her life a w ife. She w ouldn’t say how long she has been m arried though. RUTH T A K S E L attended the Beech C om pany’ s “ Sales S p ectacu lar” of their new B eech a ircra ft m odels at W ichita, Kansas. She ca m e b a ck ravin g about the w onderful hospitality there. A lso the cou rtesy she receiv ed a s a m em b er of the A viation P ress in being invited to w itness B oein g ’ s B & W , a rep lica o f the first plane built b y the com pa n y fifty yea rs ago, fly at M c W e hope to soon be able to offer our story for the use o f the oth er chapters in our section for the cost of postage and shipping. Also, on the w eekend o f Nov. 5, the Des M oines 99s are gen erously inviting the Iow a Chapter to com e to Des M oines fo r a cock ta il party and buffet N ovem b er — o ff to B luegrass Field in Lexington for som e edification and edu cation on “ W inter F ly in g H azards,” cou rtesy MR. CH ARLES H A R D Y, Chief M eteorologist of the Lexington supper. Plans ca ll for us to stay o v e r night and hold ou r N ovem b er m eetin g W eather B ureau. W e’ ll take in new m em b ers, BARBARA H EALY and M A R Y H ILLIA R D , both of Lexington, at that m eeting. D on ’t know how m e m bership Chairm an P A T HUDGENS NINGS. W elcom e girls! Potential m e m bers and recen t guests at ou r m eet ings are LO RN A JAM ES, JE A N N E RE U SSEAU o f Colum bia, 111., and M A R Y LOW E of G reenville, 111. all the next d a y. This prom ises to be a w onderful w eekend, to say the least! Our congratulations and best w ishes finds the tim e, but she keeps produc ing such w onderful prospective 90s. W e’re grow ing! go to C A R M A M O H LE R w ho recen tly b eca m e M rs. E. E . AU G U STIN E and P riva te R o t s . now lives in Ankeny Iow a! Chairm an N O RM A W ORLAND and BO BBIE KLETTER (W ays anil M ean s), a ccom p a n ied b y 49% ers, flew Connell A ir F o r ce Base. Hurrah! F iv e new m em b ers voted in this m onth: JOAN LAM B, G R A C E OOVYEAU, G E O R G IA KNOW LTON, GUSSIE PA T R IC K and FA N N IE JE N Due to the length of this new sletter w hich started a ctu ally in Septem ber, I find it is lim e now to wish you all a M erry Christm as and a H appy New Y ear. W ould you believe . . .? H appy H olidays! IOWA CHAPTER Mary Lou Ballensky, Reporter Iow a was showing o ff her loveliest fall co lo rs as w e gathered in Ottum wa, O ctober 9th, fo r our regu lar m eeting. One w ould have been tem pted to ask fo r an adjournm ent in fa v or o f a trip along the tage o f the est hues, through on M ississippi to take trees dressed in their but a co o l front strong n orthw esterly advan bright m oved winds, and pleasure turned to w ork fo r any one who' had to be a irborn e for v ery long. B EA JOBE and LEN ELLE HUNT hosted a lo ve ly dinner at the Ottum wa Country Club fo r ten 99s, six 49% ers, and fou r guests. While the m en w atch ed the last gam e of the World Series, LOIS G R A N G E took up her new duties a s Chairman to preside o v e r our m eeting. SH IR LE Y H AR TM AN o f B loom field was invited to b e co m e our newest m em ber, and it w as announced w e are gaining a tran sfer from the Phoenix Chapter, G E R A L D IN E W A L K E R , now at W aterloo, Iow a. A s the final touches are being m ade to our “ slide sto ry ’ ’ of the 99s, w e dis cussed plans to show the story to w om en attending the annual P ilo t’s Sem inar at A m es on N ov. 5th. The Iow a Aeronautics Com m ission is anx ious for us to be hostesses to the w om en w ho a cco m p a n y their husbands to the Sem inar, and o f cou rse, we couldn't pass up the ch an ce to tell them about the 99s and the satisfaction of being pilots fo r them selves. KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS CHAPTER Nancy Craig, Reporter Except: for a 13” (count ’e m ) snow in ea rly N ovem b er and a fe w deluges now and then, just to keep the FAA w eatherm an honest, it’ s been bright blue flying w eather this fall for us 99s of K entucky B lu egrass. W e’re new and slow , so w e opened our ballots for 1966-67 o ffice r s just after the deadline for the last News, but here they are: NORM A W O RLAN D , Chairm an; D O R IS SH AKE, V ice-C h airm an ; M A R IE REISS, T reasu rer; NANCY CRAIG, S ecretary. “ Y ou a ll” don ’t 'know what y o u ’ re m issing if you h av en ’t been to one of ou r Fly-Ins. In O ctober we flew-in to F ort K nox as the guests of M AJO R M A R Y ARM STRO N G (P h oenix Chap ter), COL. JAM ES CH ILDERS, A ir field C om m ander, COL. DAN BRIGGS, Chief o f Airport Operations, and the Fori K nox A ero Club. It sounds im pressive, and it w as as w e branched at the O ffice r’s Club and then split up either to tour the Patton M useum (a cre s of tanks, etc) or M A R Y ’S d e partm ent at Ireland A rm y H ospital. D espite om inou s n otices re: “ firing in p r og ress” and “ keep west of the Retricted A re a ,” we all m ade it in and out o f G odm an Field without giving the m ilitary con trollers anything m ore excitin g than the pleasure o f our fe m inine v oices on their tow er frequen cy — and I think all m ilitary personnel con cern ed w ere im pressed a s JU D Y SH ORT and M A R Y H IL L IA R D arrived fro m L exington in J U D Y ’S Hughes 300 h elicopter. (F o r those of you who knew and adm ired JU D Y as we did, she w as killed, trag ica lly, in a heli cop ter accid en t several w eeks ago.) to M ilw aukee in the Aztec for Fall Sectional. They ca m e b a ck fired up with enough enthusiasm to b e 198s, so m ore of u s will see you at the next Sectional. The K L E T T E R ’S A ztec is one plane that m akes all the Fly-Ins, and B O B B IE ’S usually in the left-hand front seat nowadays. M AJ. M A R Y ARM STRON G , whom w e ’ve adopted, had a busy fall in her Cherokee 160, ferryin g three Fort Knox A ero Club m em b ers to V ero B each, F lorida to pick up their new Cherokee 180, and then o ff to Janesville, W iscon sin to com bine business and pleasure. NO RM A W ORLAN D , in early N ovem ber, left us and our snow y taxi-w ays (runw ays, (fortunately, w ere scra p ed ), traveling to Pine M ountain G eorgia to instruct in a A O PA clin ic there — two 360’s and a Pinchhitter course. Best of all, h er surprise room -m ate at the m otel there w as B E T T Y M CNABB, form er International S ecretary, w hose typewriter1 produced our new charter this past sum m er. M A R IE REISS is im provin g her fly ing skills, sam e instructor but b igger and faster airplanes — co-piloting to M ansfield and Zanesville, Ohio recen t ly. Skill-building for RUTH SE L L E Y , too, w h o’ s being ch eck ed out in a Comatnche 180. She and 4 9 % e r DOUG flew dow n to Lexington for H om ecom ing, U. K. vs. Houston. When JEN N IE LEE ping take is a V A N D E R T O L L ’S not goin g shop via airplane, she and 49x/2er JA Y in the football g a m es; the latest j.aunt to K noxville, Tenn. for the U K -Tennessee gam e. Our bu sy P rog ra m Chairm an, SKIP GUM BERT and R IT A LENEAVE, JOANN KINNISON is w orking aw ay at Instrum ent ground school, and fly ing 172’s again, too, often with DORIS SHAKE, ou r early-bird breakfast flier. What is it about coffe e and doughnuts os “ Sunken Lunken” (C in cy) that DORIS likes th em b etter than those have planned another fine F ly-In for in L ou isville? 49% e r G E O R G E G U M B E R T is P r e s ident-E lect of the Flyiing Ph ysician s— s o SK IP will be busy next year. Busy right now is our B eaum ont, T exas m em ber, V IVI AN DERSO N . It's hard to keep track o f just what all she is doing, but sh e ’ steach in g private ground school and recov erin g from an energetic All-Texas A ir T ou r taken with 4 9 % er DON in O ctober. Check with her about, a unique 'traffic pattern used on the T ou r; it gets lots o f dif ferent type a ircra ft into practica lly any field quickly, expeditiously, and safely. NANCY CRAIG and 4 9 % er R A Y flew to St. Louis to M cD onnell A ircraft for a National C om puter S erv ices Sem inar —lots of w ork and not n early enough flying. N A N C Y ’S standing in line fo r a helicopter ride when R A Y gets his c o m m ercial. H om e fro m the hospital and convalescent is V IR G IN IA CH A M B E R LAIN; we hope sh e’ ll be airborne aga'n v e ry soon. Would you believe what ca m e out of a Cessna 150 the Other da y at B ow man F ie ld ? W igs — the latest item 'in air ca rg o , property of our own 99 stylist, M A R Y ANNE B R A N G E R S; she keeps us lovely and coifed, despite wind and weather. Speaking Of weath er, R ITA and DOUG L E N E A V E have tem porarily left ou r som etim e IR F type fo r the sunny skies o f St. P eters burg, said trip in on A pa ch e th ey’re thinking about adding to their fam ily. of If you all are still with us, w e 99s Kentucky B lu egrass wish all ou r friends a M erry F ly in g Christm as and a Happy Landing N ew Y ea r! MICHIGAN CHAPTER MARY PELTO, Reporter The O ctober m eetin g of the M ichi gan Chapter w as held in Alpena in conjunction with the SM ALL ra ce. F o l lowing breakfast at The G rove, A LIC E DAVIS called the m eeting to order. Prospective 99, E V E L Y N BORST, from K alam azoo w as introduced by ELOISE SMITH and 66 B A R B A R A FIS H E R w as presented b y M A R G E H A TFIE LD . B A R B A R A is from D e troit. JULIA M EEK S w as “ pinned” and w elcom ed. Incidentally, JU LIA just passed her Instrum ent flight test on Sept. 26. Other recent su ccesses are M AISIE STEARS, Instrum ent written, and M A R IL Y N SIDW E LL, B a sic G round In structor. In close you happenfed to b e w atching “ T o TeU the T ruth ” on CBS-TV on O ctober 4th, that was ou r B E R N IC E STEAD M AN eluding the panel. L IB B Y SCH UCKER, 49% er JIM , and their th ree ch ildren flew W est to P ik e ’ s Peak, R o ck y Mountain National Park, Jackson, W yo., tand Y ellow stone N a tional P ark. A ll that in one week, thanks to flyin g. Say, isn’t that great! D uring the airline strike, M A R IL Y N SID W E LL flew “ P la y m a te of the Y e a r ,” ALLISON PAR K S, to St. Louis. ALLISON is a student pilot in Arizona. DO RO TH Y B R E W E R a nd fam ily flew to Abilene for a w eek to v isit her m other. Then she and GAL flew 66, H ELEN SOULE and her husband JIM to M adison, N. C. to p ick up their brand new Cherokee 140. DOROTHY with CAL and JIM piloting the 140 back. D O RO TH Y w asn ’t rea lly keen on m ountain flyin g with 3 to 4 m iles visi bility due to haze. M A R Y CREASON reports fou r w om en students with one recen t H er Co-pilot in the SM ALL ra ce JE A N W A R D E N , of N ew E ra, three hours dual, so far. new solo. was with The M ichigan Airport M an agers A s sociation aw arded WGHN, Grand H aven, this y e a r ’s a w ard fo r broa d castin g m ost beneficial to avialion. W om en ’s D irector, G IN N Y G RO AT, presented a w eekly series on flying lessons featuring the v o ice of M A R Y CREASON . Since the progra m s w ere subm itted for the aw ard, G IN N Y has soloed under the expert guidance of M ARY. JU LIE AU ERB ACH had her first e x p erien ce with weather. H er plans 1o travel through the South visiting friends and relatives w ere stym ied on all sides b y w eather. She w as delayed four days on this end due to a pocket o f bad w eather in Tenn. When she finally got there and on to M on tgom ery, she was held on the ground so long, she had to ca n cel plans to fly to T u scaloosa, Sarasota, and Dothan. She did m ake it to Atlanta, which she found exquisite in the afternoon sun, and back to Nashville. But there she sat behind a stationary front until the Instrument rated ow ner of the plane ca m e down and got her b a ck to Detroit. Just in tim e fo r JU LIE to change her clothes and lea ve for the SM ALL ra ce, R u m or h as it that she c a n be found studying a volu m e on instrum ent flying. P A T CLA R K and M A R Y P E L T O along with th eir husbands and four o f their children clim bed a b oa rd a Cherokee Six and flew to M a ck in oc Is land to the m eeting. It both w ays, ton. B y the gross! N ational Pilots Association w as an 'instrument flight with a side trip to H ough w ay, th ey w ere still under The N ovem b er m eeting o f the M ichi gan Chapter w as held in Jockson, with M A R Y CLA RK our gra ciou s hostess. T he attendance w a s w ell in e x cess of 75, with m an y m em b ers bringing guests. We w ere treated to a view ing of the m o v ie on the Stam p o f F riend ship, about the Stamp com m em oratin g A m elia E arh art. Our- Chapter owns this co p y o f the film and we are willing to rent it out to interested groups. If in terested, w rite M A R Y CLARK . W ILL CON N ELLY presented LINDA M ARK H AM , the CH ARLO TTE CON N E L L Y trophy which she won by co m ing in first in the SM ALL ra ce. E ach year, M R. CO N N ELLY aw ards the private pilot with the best score a trophy in m em ory o f his w ife CH AR LOTTE. New 99s accep ted at this m eeting w ere LIN D A M ARK H AM , B attle Creek, and E V E L Y N BORST, K alam azoo, and P A T COM AR, Adrian. W e’re proud to h ave you all. On prosp ective 99, DOROTH Y DOU CE T TE of H owell, receiv ed her private pilot rating on 9-9-66. Significant? CLA IR E .and K EITH OJALA spent three w eeks in Septem ber touring G er m any, Austria, Switzerland and Italy in a Volksw agon. They met som e peo ple at a flying club in H off an, Austria and did som e flying around the Aus trian Alps in a French M orrone Co m anche. H A ZE L JACOBS and RO SE BANKS c a m e in 5th in the F a ir Lady-Indiana R a ce. They w ere aw arded a trophy and check. SH IR LE Y G RAD O LPH w ent along to keep the girls in line. DICK JACOBS had to go down with the girls, due to instrument condi tions, and BOB G R A D O LP H arrived in plenty of tim e fo r the banquet. P A T and F R A N Clark flew 2,600 m iles on the T ex as A ir Tour, making 26 stops. Lost the paint on the landing ed g e o f the w ings in w eather and w ere presented a can of paint for having the w orst looking plane on the tour. K A R N A CLA RK attended the m eet ing with h er parents. She’ s hom e en route betw een her y e a r’ s turn of duty with V IST A a Durango, C olorado and a n ew assignm ent in W ashington, D. C. I ’ m m u ch relieved to be able to say I ’ve finally got Flight Instructor rating I ’ve w orked so hard for all sum m er. F ro m m y n on-flying days o f only three and a half years ago, I ’ve m ad e a b ig step— and cou ldn ’t be gladder. The K alam ozoo County Pilots A s sociation honored E LO ISE SMITH on Septem ber 10th with a d a y of flying activities and a dinner. W e’re a ll proud o f her m an y accom plish m en ts. CARO LYN GOETCH EUS has been in 15 states in the past 3 m onths. She flew her 172 solo to the O A PA P lan tation Party, exp erien ced carbu retor ice, anoxia, .and delay due to rattle snake on the runw ay. H ow ’ s that again ? M ARIO N NEW M AN, K a la m a zoo and CAROL BOWEN b eca m e 66s. NAOMI W E ITZM A N , Lansing, pass ed her Instrument written and C om m ercial exam s. ALICE DAVIS was unable to attend this m onth’ s m eeting. She went co m m ercial to Pennsylvania. The tow er operator w as n early ov er w helm ed with ou r departure fro m Jackson. Since the w eather was a b so lutely ideal, m ost of us flew to the m eeting — must have been 25 planes taking o ff one after the other. W e need m ore o f that kind of weather! $0. CENTAL SECTm ARKANSAS CHAPTER Margie Nielsen, Reporter A rkansas is happy to report four brand new m em bers, NANCY FR IT H , transferred fro m O klahom a Chapter, teaches P h ysica l E du cation at Little R ock U niversity, and placed third in Skylady D erby, M ena, Arkansas. First lesson August, 1966. Solo flight 1,378 m iles in Septem ber. P riva te .and Ninety Nine in O ctober. W hooo P ig Sooie! JAN E B E R R Y , Pine Bluff, Arkansas Cessna dealer. D E LO R E S M ITCH ELL, Sallisaw, O klahom a v e ry a ctive Girl Scout leader. W elcom e A board! C oach man Inn Little R ock . N ew o fficers in stalled. DONNA H ALE, Chairm on; B E T T Y E BO LLEN , V ice Chairm an; NAN CY FR IT H , S ecreta ry; MARY DU K ETT, T reasu rer; A LIN E NEUTH, and RUTH M cAD AM S, M em bership; M A R G IE N IELSEN , R eporter. M A R Y DU K E TT , 49V2 , and two sm all daughters flew their Skyline to New Y ork and M assachusetts, resp ec Attending the Pine Bluff meeting were Arkansas Chapter mem bers left to right; Nancy FRITH, MARY DUKETT, DONNA HALE, BETTYE BOLLEN, ALINE NEUTH and JANE BERRY. tive hom e states, with a stop in Phila delphia. Th ey brought hom e v e ry good m ovies, including shots o f N iagara F alls and M artha’s V ineyard. T h ey had a la y-over in P aducoh due to w eather. D ELORES M IT C H E L L and 49% flew their D ebonair to T e x a s fo r the football ga m e. B E T T Y E BO LLEN and 49% flew their 182 to F ayetteville for the football g a m e at R a zorb a ck Stadi um. They also took a vacation in the 182 to F lorida. RUTH M cA D A M S stays busy flyin g her C om m ander to all points North, East, South and West. W e have been m issin g P A T LACY at the m eetings but hope she will m ake the next one. A LIN E NEUTH has been flying c o m m e rcia l lately. N ew Y ork on business. L os A ngeles fishing in Salton Sea and P a cific. A LIN E flew to Cape K ennedy in A ir F o r ce C-124 with Civil A ir Patrol and tea ch ers o f A erosp a ce E ducation fo r b riefin g on the G em ini flight and tou r of Cape K ennedy, D allas, T exas for a w eek of w ork in D allas A pparel M arket. D allas, again fo r a national board m eeting and Skylady D erby m eetin g in F ort Worth. SALLIE SIMMONS flew to Canada to visit friends. W e reg ret SALLIE has m oved to K ansas City, but, w e are happy she is still a m em b er o f our chapter, as is CIN DY M O RRIS o f D al las, CIN D Y participated in the D allas Doll D erby. M A R G E N IELSEN , 49% , and chil dren flew their A pach e to N ew Y o rk to visit relatives. M A R G E w as A rkan sas d eleg a te to the convention in Seat tle, participated in A W T A R and the D allas D oll D erb y. The Dallas r a c e was v e ry well organ ized and v ery suc cessfu l, thanks to DO RO TH Y W A R R E N and M A R G E BUNCH, who really did a jo b superb. The banquet w as te rrific with H ILARIOU S H A ZE L M cK E N D R IC K stealing the show with her in terpretation of the ra ce. M A R G E a lso appeared on K FSA -T V Noon On F iv e show for an interview about The P ow d er Pu ff D erby and the D allas D oll D erby. AUSTIN CHAPTER S. I’ . Tapley, Reporter One of o u r m em bers, M A R Y SMITH, w as invited to a ccom p a n y the party of form er T exas G overn or ALL E N SH IVERS to W oodville, T ex a s fo r the dedication o f a plaque, a historic m a rk er honoring M R. SH IVERS for his part in T exas history. M A R Y has helped m ake som e history as w ell as w atching it m ade. ily H A R R IE T T M ATLOCK and her fa m have purch ased .a Com anche 250 and have shown h er som e T exas- L ouisiana thin a ir . . . som e soupy air too, w e hear, including a one-sided argum ent with a line o f Texas-size thundershowers. P atience is a virtue reserved sp e cifica lly fo r N inety-Nines. B E V E R L Y G R E G G h as m et an A b i lene Ninety-Nine; this while the one w as loggin g hours, the oth er flyin g in fo r an Austin lunch. B E V E R L Y herself buzzed o ff to Pont Aransas, had lunch, m otored round the island and returned on another day. At ou r first m eeting, IR E N E B1LBROUGH ga ve us a lou r o f C am bridge T ow er A partm ents fro m ground-level sw im m ing pool to rooftop garden. O f fice rs selected by v ote and appointm ent are: Chairm an, P E G G Y D O U G AL; Vice-Chairm an, IR E N E BILB ROU KH ; Secretary-Treasurer, H A R R IE T T M A T LOCK. IM IE P R ID D Y logged 23 sunny hours to B reezy Point, Minn, with a pal. Sounds like a dandy w ay to while aw ay sum m er days. R em ind you r earth-bound com ra d es what a soaring gcod tim e one can h av e on just such days. Children love it, b abies sleep through it . . . lo t’s g o flying! COLORADO CHAPTER Some of the Colorado Chapter Ninetv-Nines beaming over a job well done, late October, when they airmarked JEFFCO Airport (Jefferson County Airport, at Broomfield, Colorado, northwest of Denver. Standing left to right 24 3/4 er LEIGH ANN BLUE, HELEN CHOUN, MARGE BLUE, CAROL TILFORD, BARBARA MARIAN; Front Row, AL H ARRY of Jeffco Airport and chief paint pourer, DONNA MYERS, GAIL MITCHELL (she and BARBARA are fin- Colo. Airmarking Committee, and made all the templates) and GWEN CRAVEN. Paint, courtesy of MR. BILL HUNTSBARGER, Mgr. of Jeffco Airport. Helping celeb ra te the C olorado Chap te r ’s “ T w en ty-F ive Sky Blue Y e a r s ” at luncheon O ctober 22nd at Crossroads West, Stapleton International A irport w ere three ch a rter m em b ers, DONNA M Y E R S, JAN E N E T T L E B L A D and RUTH WOODWORTH W E B E R (the lat ter only recen tly returned to D enver.) M R. R A Y WILSON, ea rly-d a y aviation pioneer, airfield and flight sch ool op er ator, founder and fo rm e r president of M onarch Airlines (now F ron tier) w as our guest speaker. He spoke growth o f aviation in our R ock y tain R egion and of the excitin g in store for us in the future. o f the Moun things There w ere 33 m em bers and guesits present to help blow out the can dles and cut: the cake. N ice to have V IP ILLO VEN E PO TTER, G overn or of NW Section with us. Thanks to all oth er Ninety-Nines and form er C olorado sent greetings. “ The Search w as review ed fo r by m em b ers who A m elia E a rh a rt” Author F R A N K G O ER N E R O ctober 19th at the D enver W om en’s P ress Club. F R A N K IE WAITS (D allas Chapter now residing in D enver) invited the Chapter to re view. Our M A R G E B LU E introduced M R. G O E R N E R , w hat a fin e speaker this gentlem an is and w hat an excitin g story he told in his b ook o f his search for A E. DONNA M Y E R S , H ELEN 1966 N.I.F.A. Meet, Boulder, Colorado. DORIS LANGHER- Colo. Chapter, pre sents the Arlene Davis Memorial Trophy, sponsored by the All-Ohio Chapter, to NANCY FRITH, Oklahoma State University and Okla. Chapter. CHOUN, JO DENNIS, and M A R IL Y N NO RD STRO M :are still talking about the M ARIO N and G A IL M IT C H E L L got us o ff on our A ir M arking this fall with a book and M R . G O E R N E R ’S review . Our new A irm a rk in g Chairm an B A R B big splash O ctober 27th at Jefferson County Airport. A s the accom pa n yin g and SUE GROSSM AN. SUE AN D R EW S reported on the A ll T exas A ir T ou r and ga v e all kinds of a dvice about flyin g an A ir T ou r with a b aby. W hew! ! ! ! P A T JE TT O N announced that M ARIO N and BOB AUEURN would show m ov ies on their Trip to M exico, at A ir H aven on Sept. 26th and everyon e was invited. It w as voted to rea ctiv e the tele phone com m ittee in hopes of getting better attendance. T h e next m eeting lo b e held at H E LE N W IL K E ’S. S o-o-oo-o-o! T he O ctober m eeting w as held at H E L E N W IL K E ’S house and the fol low ing com m ittee ch airm an w ere ap pointed: M em bersh ip, Pat Jetton; S crapbook, Lit T a ffell; A erosp a ce E d., E lin or Johnson; Fund R aising, Helen W ilke; H ostess, B illie Scott; P rogra m , M a ry K itchen s; F ly in g A ctivities, Su san G rossm an ; A ir M arking, B etty H undley; Pu blic R elations, Charlotte Bbanum ; Telephone, H azel Corry. The O F F IC IA L 99 G A R M E N T BAG is goin g grea t guns. T h ey are white with a blue and gold 99 em blem on them and a re $3.00. W rite Helen Wilke 507 S. M anus, D allas, T ex a s 75224 and send her $3.00. She will forw ard the b a g and pay the postage! Y ou just ca n ’ t beat a dea l like that. Our 49 % ers have a lrea d y said they w anted one als.o so w e are ch eck in g on that and will let you know m ore later. E L IN O R JOHNSON and H A ZE L M cK E N D R IC K w ere nom inated fo r the A m elia E arh art Scholarship funds. 1960 N.I.F.A. Meet, Boukler, Colorado. FREDDA TURRILL, Colo. Chapter, presents the Achievement Award, sponsored by The Ninety-Nines, Inc., to JEAN DISTIN, University of Colorado. photo attests — they did a beautiful jo b and as you can see they a re a neat looking crew . Well done, gals. Thanks to M A R IE E N G LE M A N fo r publicity and pictures in the F r e e D ispatch on this. Had tw o su ccessfu l finan cial adven tures this last month. Our stars o r ga la xies o r w hatever must be right. F irst our annual ru m m a g e sale O c tob er 7th — n ice profit and N ovem ber 10th b ox supper auction at DONNA M Y E R S h om e. M any, m an y clev er boxes and lots o f good food and an other n ice profit. P ip er A ircraft Convention brought N inety-Nines SHELIA SCOTT, G over nor British Section; CH ARLO TTE DODSON, Portland, O regon; E E R R A , Long B ea ch ; T O N Y FR A N PAGE, Ft. W orth; and E L IZ A B E T H SE W E LL, O klahom a City, to M ile Hi D enver. All lunched w ith Colorado Ninety-Nines O ctober 10th at T op o f The R ock ies. D ecem b er 3rd the Colorado NinetyNines, 49% ers, and guests will gather at W oolhurst Country Club for ou r an n ual Christm as dinner party. So to e a ch o f you our v e r y best H oliday G reeting from all the C olora d o Chapter. DALLAS CHAPTER Hazel H. McKendrick, Reporter The D allas Doll D erb y w as a real blast. See Sp ecia l R eport. This is a joint report fo r the Septem b e r and O ctober m eetings, so w e will deal w ith a bit of past business and present business. Septem ber m eetin g held at PH Y LLIS E M M E R T S house and w e w elcom ed tw o new m em b ers, B E T T Y H U N D LEY E L IN O R wants her Instrum ent, Instru ment Instructor, and I n s t r u m e n t Ground In spector ratings. H A ZE L wants h er M ulti-Engine, a nd all Ground In structor ratings. We wish these gals lots of luck! It w as d ecid ed that the N ovem ber m eetin g w ould be a fly-in to Lake W ay Inn on Lake T ra v is (ju st outside of Austin). CH ARLO TTE BRAN U N has volun teered the con feren ce ro o m o f South western T ypographies for use as a m eeting pla ce instead o f m eeting in hom es. This is .a cen tra lly located site and would b e easily a ccessib le to all. The suggestion w as tabled for further study and w ill be voted on at the next m eeting. T o stim ulate attendance, the Dallas Chapter :has d ecid ed on a m onthly news letter to a ll o u r m em b ers announcing the com in g events and rem inding them to com e. P A T JETTO N will w rite this and if a^y of you have an y ideas to fr o m A rlington State U niversity and LT V w as ca m p in g at h er doorstep. She is now their new E ditor o f T echn ical W riting Division. W e w elcom ed tw o prosp ective new m em b ers SUSIE CH ARLTO N 1and B E V E R L Y T A Y L O R . B E V E H L Y is rather unique in that she flies an airplane, out does not drive a ca r. H er husbano d rives a ca r, but does not fly an air plane, so they m ake quite a sw ingin ’ team . W e also w elcom ed a transfer m em b er, N O RM A K U D R E S Y from the E l B a so Chapter, w ho has transferred her m em bership to D allas w hile she is in school in Denlon. P lw an s a re underw ay to airm ark the ELINOR JOHNSON, Dallas Chapter AE Scholarship ‘ co-candidate.’ airport at H illsboro and for the pilots w ho w ere flyin g around last Saturday during the D oll D erb y this w ill b e a b ig w elcom ed thing. Just w ish they had done it b efore! E L PASO CHAPTER Mary Olmstead, Reporter W e cord ia lly w elcom e Ihe follow ing new m em b ers: V IR G IN IA K A Y BOND o f L a s Cruces, w ho tran sferred from A lbu qu erque Chapter, D O R O T H Y BLACK , CORINNE B R A C K E T T o f A la m og ordo, W AN DA GARSO N, M ARTH A M O O RE, ond V IR G IN IA PETERSO N . K A Y BOND (M RS. CALVIN ) is a native of St. Louis, M o. She soloed at A lbuquerque, N ew M exico, w here she w a s a m em b er o f the Sandia B ase M ilitary F ly in g Club a lon g with her pilot husband, a native o f H am lin, T exas. He is a retired Lieut. Com dr. USN, w ho is now w orking for Zio Corp. on the A pollo p roject. T he BONDS have three sons — ages 17, 15, and 6 and a 9 y e a r old daughter. Only the oldest son seem s interested in follow ing his paren ts’ hobby. K A Y and CALVIN are now m em b ers of the White Sands Test F a cility F ly in g A ssociation at Las- One of the 2 Dallas Chapter AE Schol arship candidates, HAZEL McKENDRICK. help stim ulate attendance, her know. please let Our beloved editor w a s out flying recently and landed at M a jors Field, Greenville, T ex as a n d ran into a couple o f gal pilots, B etty E nglish, and Mrs. R o ge r White. T h ey eiter went to join our Chapter or fo rm a chapter of their own. T he D allas Chapter is going to assist them in trying to form their own chapter. This will be one of our projects fo r the com in g year. ROWENA BURNS recen tly graduated C ruces M unicipal Airport. CORINNE B R A C K E T T , a native of N ew E ngland, has lived in Boston and N ew Y ork, soloed at G ulfport, M iss., and lived severa l y ea rs in Lubbock, T e x a s b efore m ovin g to A la m ogordo, N ew M ex. CO R R IN E is Flight Instruc tor for D esert A irw ays at A la m ogorda M unicipal A irport, and, being current in a ll single-engine planes, is m ighty busy w hile h er husband is in Viet Nam servin g with A irborne Communication®. M A R T H A M O ORE (M RS. CH ARLES) a native of D allas, T exas, lived in A l buqu erque w here she graduated from the U niversity. The flyin g bug bit her when V IR G IN IA CU TTERS husband, BILL, ga v e h er h er first plane ride. Shortly afterw ard th ey m ov ed to E l P a so where her husband w as appointed A irport M an ager in 1949. It w asn ’t un til tw o sons, tw o grandchildren, and fifteen y ea rs later that M A R T H A got a ch a n ce to “ scra tch that flyin g bug itch .” She is now h alf-ow ner o f a 172. Son CH ARLES, JR . lives with his w ife and tw o children in F ort W orth where he attends. The Baptist Sem inary, 16 y e a r old RIC H A R D attends high school. B esides ca rryin g on the fam ily busi ness, M A R T H A is learning to tran s crib e B raille. W e a re s orrj to dela y until next month, biographies o f new m em bers D O RO TH Y BLACK, W ANDA GARSON, and V IR G IN IA PETERSO N . International F ly in g F a rm e r Queen, E l P a so C hapter’ s E L L E N JAN E AN D ERSO N in a new plane (Centurian) has covered m an y a ir m iles ca rrying out her duties. F rom Y orkton, Sas katchew an, w here she w as speaker and helped with the crow ning o f their new Queen, M IL D R E D BEAM ISH, a piolt w ho is n ow w orking for re r IR ; on to B akersfield, Cal., with their Queen, LIL LIE RUSSELL, a student pilot, who with E L L E N JAN E, had a helicopter ride to their m otel. Then on to N iagara F alls, Ontario, Where E L L E N JAN E spoke at the Ladies Luncheon, to the N ovem b er workshop at W ichita, where she w as O fficial H ostess assisted by International D uchess TR IC IA SMITH. One of the speakers on this program w as G E N E N O RA JESSEN , our Inter national S ecretary. T h ere w ere also trips to the A nderson C olorado ranch and to their w inter E l P a so hom e. A m ong the m a n y guests at South West A ir R a n g ers’ 25th Anniversary Open H ouse w ere Albuquerque Chapter Ninety Nines; Chairm an, ELIZA B E T H H AW ES; Secretary, N AD A B O R D E R and A ir-M arking Chairman, M EG GUGGLOS. F r o m Long B each Chapter, B E T T Y M IL L E R , w ho flew the P a cific in a P iper, ca m e for a Reunion with Mr. P iper, Senior. E D N A G A R D N E R W H YTE and JIM M IE KO LP, both m em b ers o f Fort W orth Chapter recen tly R O N ’d with past International President, RUTH D E E R M A N , RUTH has been b u sy hav ing han gar sessions with 66’ s at her hom e and taking them on tours of RAPCO N and the Control T ow er. She reports that there are thirty-five 66’ s in our area — and 14 of them are prosp ective 99’s. N ext month there will be m ore news about ou r 66’s. BETTY R O G E R S flew a Cherokee to B row nsville with R U B Y TATM AN relaxin g in the co-pilot seat and the re a r seat occu p ied b y tw o non-pilot passengers, fo r one it w a s h er v e ry first plane ride. T h ey attended an In surance Convention. R U B Y w ill b e in H allendale, F lo rid a when she rea ds this. H opes she sa ys “ T hanks” to RUTH F'LEISH ER fo r those kind w ords she had in her letter to RU TH D E E R MAN. K now how anxious RUTH F L E IS H E R m ust be fo r the d a y her husband returns fro m V iet N am . Wish space allow ed fo r C A T H ERIN E M AG R U D E R ’S Skymjaster trip to Lake Tahoe, Reno, L a s V eg a s and P a lm Springs and fo r listing all the 99’ s and 66’s w h o attended the A la m org ord a A ir show . HIGH SKY CHAPTER Evelyn Hershey, Reporter The slate o f o ffice rs fo r 1966-67 are the sam e as last y e a r and sin ce you h ave just receiv ed y ou r new roster I ’ll not go inlto detail on this m atter. On to the n ew s of o u r Chapter, som e good, som e bad and som e on the thrill ing side. M IL D R E D GOODSON, T reas urer o f South Central Section, father passed aw ay. W e w ere so s orry to hear about that but M IL D R E D is doing well. Also her broken rib s have healed and she is looking fo r another air plane. The H igh Sky C rapter did not have any m em bers represented a t South Central Section m eetin g in Shreveport; but, RUTH D E E R M A N , the past In ternational President o f th e 99’ s, and WIN G R IF F IN R O N ’d in M idland on their w ay hom e from E l P a so and ga ve our Chairm an, V E L M A L E E C O PE LAND, pa rticu lars o f the m eeting, sounds like w e rea lly m issed a good thing! P a t Petosky, ou r Sec.-T reas., pa rtici pated in th e Civil A ir Patrol, Search and R escu e O peration held in Odessa, Texas. This w as a state-wide test given b y F A A to see how proficien t you are at flying within fiv e (5) m iles o f dow n ed a ircra ft. P A T is doing w ell with her flight instruction and is livin g in B ig Spring, Texas. CH ARLO TTE H U N TE R , N A N C Y ERUM LOW , and L IL LU R TIN G are all busy with m a n y projects, fam ily, flying, businesses etc. JAN (JO AN N E) B R Y A N T is still talking about flyin g the last A W T A R with B E T T Y H E N R Y . T h ey plan on flying it again next year, w hich will DOLL DERBY WINNERS from Houston Chapter. Left to right, LOUISE BICK FORD, fourth place; M ARY .JANE NORRIS, first place, Cessna Award Winner, 90 Award Winner; and M AY BEIX E FI,ETCHER, third place. m a k e it their third y e a r to participate. W e a re proud of them and wish them m uch luck. B E T T Y H E N R Y a n d husband, J. W. (SH O TG U N ), ju s t purch ased a new P ip er A ztec licen sed “ S G ” w hich rea lly confuses the tow er b oy s becau se when B E T T Y is flyin g she giv es the call num ber “ Sugar G irl” (SG) and when HOUSTON CHAPTER Martha Akins, Reporter “ P ie in the S ky” w as the heading the Houston P ost ga v e to a v e ry nice feature com p lete with pictures LOUISE B IC K F O R D and o u r publicity ch air man, SALLY COX ca m e up with the idea o f having a p ress party, a joint V E L M A L E E C O PE L A N D will have her C om m ercia l b y the tim e this is in print and then on to the In structor’s. She is starting to clim b and is goin g all the w a y to th e top. E V E L Y N H E R SH E Y is doing what all good w ives n ever do but is being effort o f 99s and P etticoat Pilots. It turned out to be quite a success. In vitations w ere sent to all new s m edia in th e a rea to attend the party on a Saturday afternoon at Houston North w est A irport. M R . and M RS. CH ARLES HOOKS, ow ners of the airport did a w onderful jo b getting things ready. T h eir cook, A M E L IA , m akes the v ery delicious pies served at the airport and co o k she did to serve plenty of pie at our press party. It just fits for co e rce d into bein g the Instructor to h er Sam . This 4 9 % er is getting ready to ca tch E V E L Y N with his C om m er som eon e with this nam e to w ork at an .airport. A n yw ay the P ost thought so and g a v e us som e of the best publicity cia l and In stru ctor’s. Then th ey a re planning on their son bein g n ext in line. At the last tw o m eetings w e have had a visitor, a fo rm e r W ASP, and if we have had. T w o la rg e tables were cov ered with all the trophies and aw ards the girls have w on and they spoke quite w ell o f the flyin g our girls ■have done. W e also had generous tele vision co v e ra g e on 6:00 P . M. and 10:00 P. M. news. F iv e planes fro m the Houston Chap iter flew the D allas Doll D erb y Oct. 22 and y o u should see the lo ve ly troph her husband is flyin g he g iv e s the call n um ber “ Shot G un ’ ! ! ! With the new A ztec she a cq u ired her M ulti-Engine rating. any ex-W A S P ’s a re around w e would like to help J E R R Y B A D G E R as she is planning on reJentering aviation. If you can help us, please h oller ! ! ! Until next tim e m y fine fellow fly ing fem a les . . . w e H igh Sky-ers are o ff and flyin nn nn nggggg........ ies g iven this year. T h ree of the top fou r places w ere won b y Houston 99s. M ARY JAN E NO RRIS, co-pilot 49y2er BOB NORRIS took first place. Second place was E D N A G A R D N E R W H Y TE, co-pilot STEVE P R IC E , both from Font Worth. M A Y B E L L E F L E T C H E R , c o pilot 3 9 % er L A R R Y F L E T C H E R w ere third. Fourth pla ce w as LOUISE B IC K FORD, co-pilot 4 9 % er C. M . BICK FORD. The other tw o entrants w ere M AR Y A BL E , co-pilot 4 9 % er CONNIE ABLE, and M A R IL Y N ST O N EBERG , co-pilot RUTH H ILD E B R A N D . The girls reported the best D oll D erb y yet and are looking forw ard to next year. The O ctober m eeting w as held in the F F A offices with V'irgie Ellison our hostess. M R. I. W. H A R P E R from the Houston F A A o ffice g a ve pointers on winter operation of aircraft which was especially interesting since Houston has such mild clim ate. We d o not often have the opportunity to fly in sub zero tem peratures. W e also view ed slides on accid en t prevention. The N ovem ber m eeting w as held in the hom e of A LIC E SEABO RN with IR A M ORTON ROSS as co-hostess. Speaker was D R . G IE SE L L, ond F A A m edical exa m in er responsibilities o f a M A RILYN and BERG along With w ho discussed 1he m ed ica l exam iner. CHUCK STON E RUTH and TOM H ILD EBRAN D flew the A ll-Texas-A irTour in which 85 airplanes participated. During their stop-over in Houston, M ARY A B L E did a fine jo b coord in ating transportation to the m otel from Houston’ s H obby Field. JOAN T H O R N B E R R Y is now 2ND LT. JOAN T H O R N B E R R Y , a nurse in the U. S. A ir F o rce. LOUISE B IC K FORD got to fly a 1935 Stinson R e liant which was quite a thrill. I am sorry to report the recen t death of JEAN ALLISON, husband 6f R H E A H URLEE ALLISON. MABLE ED ITH O LIV E R , A irm a rk ing Chairman, reports a new A ir M ark ing job at Cham bers County Airport. Next target is Jasper. Our new slate of officers have started their reign with a bang and a re looking forw ard to a v ery exciting year. NEBRASKA CHAPTER Lois B. Durham, Reporter. On hand to w e lco m e m em b ers o f the Nebraska Chapter fo r their O ctober meeting in Scottsblu ff w as DALLAS DECORY, Sioux Indian and student of Indian lore. H e presented each pilot and passenger w ith a ‘ P e a ce P ip e ’ as a mem ento of the occa sion . R egistra- Dressed in full regalia of the Sioux' tribe, Scottsbluff’ s DALLAS DECORY pre sents the “ Pipes of P eace” to Nebraska Chapter m em ber DONNA BRI MMER ami her 49!/ier MAYNARD of Lincoln.—Photo by JOY LANE, Christian Studio, tiering, Nebr. tion was held in a cov ered w agon which had been loaned for the event b y the P latte V olley Council of Cam p Fire G irls. A co ffe e w as served in the hom e o f PA U LIN E and JOHN P E R R Y and later a luncheon at B ig John ’ s BarB-Que Pit p receded tours to the Scott s B lu ff National M onum ent and other points of loca l interest. M iniature c o v ered w agons w ere table favors. Hos tesses w ere: PA U LIE P E R R Y , JOY LAN E ond D O TTIE ADCOCK. Attend ing w ere: DONNA B R U M M E R and 24V2er, SH IR LE Y AM E N , 49y2er, and 2 sons; M ARION LARM ON, JE AN N E G IV E N , M ARTH A P U R D Y , M A R Y LOU PH E LP S, BETH HOUCHIN, and guests JAN N IELSEN , M R . and M RS. BILL H EILIG , all of Scottsbluff, and P A U L IE ’ S 4 9 % er and 3 children, J O Y ’S 4 9 % e r and her son, and DOTT I E ’ S 49y2er and her daughter. N ovem b er brought out the winds and 22 b ra ve souls to the C om pass R oom in Lincoln, FL O R E N C E and M ILLIE had arran ged for a lovely lunch, and the topic o f the da y seem ed to be ‘get acq u a in ted .’ W e w elcom ed ANN A B BOTT, P E G G Y ST R O M E R , new m em bers, and B ETH HOUCHIN, a transferin fr o m W isconsin. W e also had as guests, E M IL Y F A R R E N S and H E LE N SE L LE T IN , both TO G A graduates, and FRA N C E S W RIG H TM AN . Present a't this m eetin g w ere: JE A N N E G IVEN , ANN ABBO TT, M A R Y LOU PH E LP S, SHARON M E Y E R , P E G G Y STR O M ER , JOY LAN E, E V E L Y N SE D IV Y , B E R NIE BAUER, PAU LIN E PERRY, F R A N C E S ROSE and 49% er, PAU LIN E HAWKS. M IM I H AYW ORTH and 49% er, VERDAYNE M E N ZE and 4 9 % er, B ETH HOUCHIN, M ILLIE B A R R E T T , M ARTHA P U R D Y , SH IR L E Y AM E N , F L O R E N C E BORING and LOIS DURHAM . D ecem b er will find us in ou r best bib and tucker at our Christm as party. Our party begins with canapes at MIMI H A Y W O R TH ’S and on to Eiast H ills for dinner and dancing on D e ce m b e r 3rd, and ends with a m eeting and flya w a y on the 4th. C ards and m aps will be in the m ail shortly. U pperm ost in m ost N ebraska fans through these days is the winning Cornhusker team , and alm ost all of the 99’ s here are loyal fans who follow tile team , Colorado, W isconsin, Iowa, and K ansas ga m es found the 99’ s well represented in the traffic pattern, and when JE R O M E took JE AN N E G IVEN S' plane to Kansas, she and V E R D A Y N E took M E N Z E ’S and went to Iow a for a flight sem in ar. PAU LIN E P E R R Y ferried a Super Cruiser to Montana. Johnny and she had a b rief vacation because o f it, and returned to Lincoln to have JOHN elected V P o f the R es taurant A ssociation of N ebraska. E E R NIE B A U E R has been filling all of her d a ys instructing, chartering, and keep ing the tw in-ratting current. E V E L Y N SE D IV Y is circlin g the field with thirty-som e first graders, but seem s to find the pattern fun and stim ulating. P E G G Y ST R O M E R dropped E R IC in Lincoln and paused long enougr to join us fo r lunch on her w o y to W ash ington, D. C. to speak for the TO GA program . F R A N C E S ROSE h as been flyin g betw een O m aha and K ansas City building up hours, and JE A N N E G IV E N is w orking on the Instructor rating. H E L E N N E ST LE E R L IC H and JOHN headed w est on their second honeym oon, and V E R D A Y N E and B IL L M E N ZE flew to Oklahom o to m eet the new grandson. M IM I H AYW O RTH is attending graduate school in h er spa re time, and S H IR L E Y A M E N keeps a shift at the B lood Bank. BONNIE Y O R K didn’t m ake it this tim e, but the new store is open and con su m ing all of th eir e xtra tim e. W e ’re all con cen trating on our p ro ject fo r next y ea r, so w ater out a ll you unbeautiful air ports . . . . here we com e! SAN ANTONIO CHAPTER Marion Burke, Reporter The San Antonio Chapter en joyed a luncheon m eeting at the D obbs H ouse Co*ffee Shop on N ov. 12. Plans w ere discussed fo r a ch apter Christm as party. Sounds like fun. B E T SY HOGAN has been spending a lot o f tim e ot L ake T ravis a t Austin lately. The HOGANS ju st purch ased som e a cre a g e and cabin at Lake T ravis and are having grea t fun fixin g things up fo r a w eekend rouse. W e h ave several n ew gal fly ers in the area w ho have been attending m eetings. We hope that they wifl soon have a private certifica te and ca n join ou r group. H oliday tim e alm ost here, lots to do . . . so enough new s for now. T he San Antonio Chapter w ishes e o cr and ev ery 99 a v e ry m e rry X m a s and a H appy New Y ear. Think safe . . . F ly safe and lets h ave the safest h ohday ever. SHREVEPORT CHAPTER Evelyn Snow, Reporter Our F a ll Sectional held h ere at Shreveport w as successful and well at tended . . . w e wish to com m en d ah you persevering pilots who m ade it in spite of no cooperation fro m the weath er m an on a rrival da y! W e rea lly en jo y e d the opportunity to show you our southern hospitality. At o u r O ctober m eeting, w e spent a v e ry en joya b le e v e ning reading aloud the notes of thanks From the Opelousas, Louisiana, Daily World, taken on October 15th. Chairman of the South Louisiana Chapter, PAT WARD, arriving at the Opelousas Airport and being received by mem ber JIMMIE LAFLEUR.—Photo by Daily World. w e rece iv ed fro m you lovely people w ho w ere h ere. W e app reciated hear ing from you . . . it m a d e all our effort w orth while! It w as strictly I.C .R . the night we gathered at C O R I N N E ST R IC K L A N D ’S for that m eetin g and CORINNE topped t':e even ing o ff by turning out the lights and servin g fla m in g ch erries ju b ilee . . (w e know the editor d oesn ’t want m enus, but this one w as so sp ectacular, I ju st had to try ). E d. Note (O K This T im e !) In the b u sy w eek b efore the Section al H E LE N H E W ITT receiv ed her In strum ent In structor’ s rating. H er first student w as fellow 99, H E LE N W R A Y , w h o’s a lso been bu sy tryin g n ew air planes on fo r size . . . she soloed the E rcou p e and flew to M em phis to have lunch with her daughter. je n n y M cW i l l i a m s flew co-pilot With 4 9 % er DO N to Baton R ou ge . . All the w ay on instruments. JE N N Y also buzzed dow n to the annual flyin at Tallulah, L a., w here our co n vention speaker, M ARION COLE, g a ve an exhibition of his aerob a tic skill. H earty congratulations to JU D Y and DAVID M O O RE, w ho are the proud parents of a G pound 9 ou n ce Future 99, D A R IN D A KAY! T he baby thoughtfully w aited until the sectional w as o v e r to m ake h er debut. W hile SARAH H E N L E Y ’S 4 9 % er G E O R G E took th e instrum ent instruc tion fo r his co m m e rcia l rating from H E L E N H EW ITT, SARAH has been b u sy on h er ow n . . . she soloed the 140 and flew to North Carolina. SARAH, w e h eard you m uttering about the steerable tail wheel on the 140 having a m ind o f its ow n . . . and a con trary one at that! M A R T H A CH RISTY, w h o’s been tak ing a hit o f teasing about the flying she’ s been dding fo r a loca l funeral h om e, fle w a cou ple o f livelier Cscuse the expression ) passengers recently . . on the occa sion of dau ghter BRO O K S’ birthday, M A R T H A took BROOKS and h er house guest for an aeria l view o f Shreveport. JO AN CARROLL flew with her 49t i e r D A V E to a G eologica l Conven tion in L afayette, La. While there they flew out o v e r the G ulf to view inter esting geolog ica l form ations . . par ticu la rly the salt dom es. J E R E SAU R and her 4 9 % er H E N R Y took his gran dm oth er to M ississippi recen tly. H E N R Y ’S G randm other is 84 y ea rs you ng and thinks flyin g is the greatest! E V E L Y N SNOW and 4 9 % e r DAN took son D A V ID on a flight to Lake o f the Pines and T exarkan a on his 14th birthday. D A V E Y got his first “ stick tim e ” and is fa r in ’ to go for his license. Picture appearing in the Opelousas, Louisiana, Daily World on the occasion of the fifth mem ber of LAFLEUR family receiving his Private License on his 17th birthday. Left to right: RICHARD, JOHN with his new certificate, 49'/2er DOC LAFLEUR, South Louisiana Chapter 99 JIMMIE LAFLEUR. Lower right is CLAUDE, also licensed. SOUTH LOUISIANA CHAPTER New officers fo r 1966-67: Chairm an PAT W ARD, V ice-C h airm an DEE COMEAUX, S ecretary M A R Y JEAN PR E STRID G E, T reasu rer PATSY JONES. Appointed positions: A ctivi ties NITA D E L A R O D E R IE , P u blicity FOY WEST, Statistics M O LLY STOCKWELL, M em bersh ip JAN PH ILLIPS, Scrapbook H ELEN HOOKS, A ir M a rk ing GLORIA W AR D. First o f all, let us say that this Chapter thoroughly en joyed the SC Section m eeting in SHV! Attending from our Chapter, through rain and w ater and hours of driving w ere M O L LY STOCKW ELL, MARY JEAN PRE STR ID G E , N ITA D E L A R O D E R IE , her 49’,2er, and son; P A T W AR D , JAN PHILLIPS, YVO N N E R Y D E R . We w ere especially proud to h ave won the Section Attendance A w ard — a ch eck for $25, which w e turned o v e r to the A E Sckolaship Fund — and ackn ow bers, 7—49V2ers, and 2 new 66’s. Guest speaker w as M R . J. H. PEARSO N , ledge with great pride the lovely white gfavtel, en gra ved with ou r Chapter nam e and date of ch arter, presented to us by the SHV Chapter. In a word, IT WAS G R E A T ! Our O ctober 15th m eeting, held in O pelousas w as attended b y 8 m e m bers, 2—66’ers, and 3 49 % ers. W e w ere guests of O pelousas F lyin g S erv ice for lunch at The Inn, cou rtesy of its ow n ers, JIM M IE L a F L E U R and her 49er “ D o c .” F ollow in g the luncheon we reld ou r business m eeting- at the airport and en gaged in a Com puter Contest— aviation insurance agent of the C om ay A gen cy in Lafayette, with a m ost in form a tive interesting talk and question period. W e m et in the lovely hom e of G IN N Y SMITH and enjoyed co ffe e and sweets. 10 questions. A set of Cessna cocktail glasses was won b y G LO R IA W AR D. And JIM M IE L a F L E U R bakes the RE ST CAKES! Our N ovem b er 13th m eeting, held in L aF ayette, was attended b y 12 m e m W e w elcom e three new m em bers: B A R B A R A T E E R of Baton R ou ge, IL E N E W E B E R of Lafayette and PA T CHRIST of H oum a. And three new 66’ s: LE N O R A M cW ILLIAM S of Opelousas, M A R G A R E T RUTH of Lafayette and CAL M E R E D IT H of H oum a. B A R B A R A and ILL E N E are form e r 66’s. Our D ecem b er m eeting will be held in B T R at the hom e o f FOY and PHIL W EST — a covered dish Christm as m eeting, on D ecem b er 10th. FO Y and P H IL toured E u rop e this past sum m er and 'have som e delightful slides to show us. This is a lso when w e w ill initiate 49t ie r s in their ow n solem n cerem ony. And we have been flyin g! M O LLY STOCKW ELL m ade her first ferry trip to the Cessna F a ctory in ICT on O c tob er 8th, her first flyin g in alm ost 3 years. B rought b a ck a new Skyhawk on a v e ry windy, rainy day. W e all ended up, at 11:00 that night, grounded because o f fatigue and IF R w eather in BTK, a t E sle r A irport in Alexandria, 78 knots fro m hom e. V e ry g ood start for M O LLY, but follow ed by three m ore trips to CAVU w eather! She also flew a dem onstrator to H oum a fo r a dea ler 'show and m ade the acquaint a n ce o f PAT CH RIST and CAL M E R E DITH on this trip. DEE CO M EAU X and 4 9 % er B IL L have have been ch ecking out in the A ero C om m ander 200 this fall. Then D E E and P A T SY m ade a trip to the fa cto ry in A lbany to fe rry b a ck a new A ero C om m ander 100. T h ey reported absolutely horrible w eather, even for ducks, and got w eathered in a t E v e r green, A labam a, o f all pla ces. The sil v e r lining on the dark clouds w a s the v e ry nice people in E verg reen who turned an unpleasant ex p erien ce into a nice one. D E E ca lled on h er re sources as a C AP m em b er and called the E verg reen Squad C om m ander, COL. L E E SMITH, w ho gra ciou sly pro vided them with transportation during their stay, as did the G a m e W arden, W. A. TH AM ES. A M R. B Y R O N W A R R E N , W arren F ord Co., w ho ow ns a Cessna 140 was kind enough to gather som e aviation fuel for them and a r ranged fo r them to cash a ch eck, and M A Y O R H E N R Y SESSION offered his assistance. These things have a w ay o f putting ob scu re plaices on the m ap fo r those who happen upon them . And the W AR DS have a new addi tion: a Cessna 170B— N338B— of which they are esp ecia lly proud. It is fully instrument equipped and With a crosswind g e a r w hich is proving to be a real ball, especia lly fo r P A T and G LO R IA w ho are m ostly con ventional g e a r pilots. P A T ’S first instruction was in a Cessna 140 but this is G L O R IA ’ S first exp erience with a tail wheel. No problem at all for P A T ’ S 49% er R O G E R , nor fo r D A V E H OLM ES (part ow ner and G L O R IA ’S b o y frien d ). But, of course, P A T w as the lu ck y one Who happened to be flyin g when they land ed in L afayette fo r the N ovem b er m eet ing and the tailw heel spring b rok e on touch ( ! ! ) down. It had been cra ck ed before, unknown to the new ow ners, and m a d e an aw ful noise on the runw ay— b u t not n early a s m u ch noise as the passenger-ow ners m a d e with the rib bing they g a v e P A T . She hopes they en joy ed their flight, b eca u se it w as the last tim e she w ill pilot th e airplane with the other 3 OW NERS lookin g on. The L aF L E U R S rep ort that their No. 2 son, Claude, has b ecom e a sooring enthusiast. Y ou m a y re ca ll in the O c tober News that it w as stated that the L aF L E U R S are a 100% flyin g fam ily. JIM M IE started flyin g in 1958 when her 49% er, DOC, bought a Cessno 120 and w as w orkin g on his P rivate. JIM M IE started hanging around the air port instead o f bein g left at hom e. A fter he got bis licenses, JIM M IE de cided just to learn how to land one, for safety sake, and “ got the b u g .” She was soloed in 1959, a month be fo re DOC bought a Cessna 170B (N4428B). She got h er licen se in January, 1961, and to date has flow n 450 hours. She lists her occu pation as housew ife, but is a ctive in the W om an ’ s A u xiliary 'to the A. M. A. and the Ladies A ltar S ociety and 'is a m e m b e r of A O PA DOC is an M D in gen eral p ra ctice and they a re ow ners df Opelousas F lying S erv ice (see O ctober New s. T h ey h ave 5 boys. RIC H A R D , 21, C om m ercia l Pilot, CD AU DE, 18, P rivate, JOHN, 17, P rivate, THOMAS, 15, passed h is P r i va te written and w orking tow ard solo, PH IL L IP , 11, loves to fly and is bidin g tim e until he is old enough. The three oldest b oys all soloed on their 16th birthdays and receiv ed their private licen ses on the 17th, all in N4428B. JIM M IE is organist at ch urch and plays piano, paints, loves to cook and sew, sw im , shoat and collects rocks, lim ited to precious and sem i-p reciou s stones w hich 4 9 % er en joys cutting and polishing. DOC is the F A A m ed ica l ex am in er in their a rea and they attended the sem in ar in OKC in late Septem ber, which g a ve JIM M IE an opportunity to visit 99 H eadquarters and m eet A LIC E R O B E R T S, w ho hanDened to be there at the sa m e tim e. With 5 pilots in the fam ily, they are quite aviation m inded and a ctive enthusiasts o f the 99s, a rea l asset to ou r Chapter. January m eeting is tentatively planned for H oum a, an invitation from our new m em b er, P A T CHRIST. We will discu s further ou r air m arking projects at that tim e. Y es, the D ecem b er m eetin g will b e an excellen t tim e to initiate our 49%iers! Then w e ’ll put them to w ork! G ood la dy pilots w e are, second to none — but good piaint brush operators w e a in ’t. H elp! On som e F E W things w e have to adm it, the fellow s do co m e in bandy. Til* OF TEXAS CHAPTER Eluine Needham, Reporter M E R L E D UNNAM just hasn’t stop ped all su m m er and fall . . . first, E u rope, N ew Y ork, California, and then to ‘ qu a in t’ B ig Bend, Texas. ARDAT'H M cC R E E R Y and fam ily had tw o glorious trips to C olorado and then to R uidos, N ew M ex ico v ia the Skym aster . . . A R D A T H says flying the fa m ily plane is som e different than an A ir R a ce. P A T M cN E IL and husband a re just sold on the L ea r Jet — “ just lets us do so m u ch m ore than the Baron and istill tim e for 99 a ctivities.” Their daughter Sue is being m arried Thanks givin g; SUE has been a B ran iff H os tess. N ew s o f LU C ILLE V A N T Y N E re co v e ry after being in the 'hospital two m onths is wonderful. “ . . .so they sa y . . . ” the 99 flight rides for Corpus Chrisli Aviation D ay w ere the best of all and w e are per m anently invited to participate. A R D ATH flew up from M cA llen and toted passengers all afternoon. Our new p rosp ectiv e m em b er, ALICE R O CK W ELL, m ovin g h ere recen tly from Buffalo, N. Y ., rea lly did a fine job. “ but I ’m tired ,” she says. PA U LIN E GLASSON, LEN A JACKSON and EL A IN E NEEDHAM have a lrea d y scent a portion of the intake b y A ir M arking Six towns and traveling 325 m iles in tw o days. LE N A and PA U LIN E have had two trips to Cincinnati the past month and in betw een PA U LIN E had -a visit w 'th the hospital fo r surgery. This is tim e fo r L E N A ’ S annual hunting trip . . . but by J eep rath er than the 172. E L A IN E N E E D H A M let no grass g row under h er feet-recen tly on a trip to A ustria, Switzerland and F ra n ce ; then on to California . . . now, to teach those little first graders. Our n ew est m em b er, JE A N BECK, has rea lly n eglected her Skylane fo ’’ Pistol M atches . . . the n ew spaper w ouldn't look natural without J E A N ’ S pictu re m odelin g som ething. Just you w ait, JE A N , when you start w orking on you r Instrum ent written . . . w ell . . V A D A TE N N E N T has just returned from a visit with her M otrer at Colo ra d o Springs . . . this tim e b y Jet. G eologist LOUISE CLARKSON and husband, FRA NCIS, also a G eologist, are in Aloska on a field trip, but how do you m anage goin g fro m a 90 degree tem perature to a 6 d egree b e lo w ? fly-in breakfast and a parachute drop display. A fter L a b or D ay, CATHY TULSA CHAPTER Jean Engler, Reporter earned m ore hours b y flyin g to Circle Hot Springs (30 m iles south o f the A rctic C ircle) fo r a few days of sw im Tw eedle-dum . N ot a thing to do but con ju re up a Spring Sectional. W e’re starting ou r m on ey raising p ro j ects and projects n eed people. So call ing all Chapter N inety-Nine and e v e ry one else who can com e up with ideas that add up to foldin g green. It would be nice to m a ke this a real group effort, so w hy nol give Colleen a call and roll up you r sleeves. One of our ideas, thanks to TRISH SMITH, is our post card s. All Ninety-Nines should want these. M A R Y SHADDOCK will b e m ost happy to baby-sit with your well-spent dollar. W e had a good turn out at JAN MAURITSON'S last m eeting and we are ever grateful to AN N A H LE E and JIM M Y JONES fo r letting us co m e up to the Double-J R anch at Grand Lake for the weekend. With all the eafing, riding, soiling and flyin g w e didn’t do much “ N inety-N ine-ing.” Please, P lease, P lea se let’s do our share and m ake our Spring m eeting one of the good ones. See you later. NORTHWEST SECTION ALASKA CHAPTER Kathryn Wills Wayer, Reporter Fortunately, but unusually, we h ave had a beautiful long fall, enabling our enthusiastic pilots to get into the a ir and en joy m any outings, viz. In her Super Cub on floats, RUTH O'BUCK took JESSIE DODSON and her two and one-half y e a r old daughter, M A RG U E R ITE, to Coghill Lake which is near P rin ce W illiam Sound. It was a bright beautiful da y — p erfect for a picnic! BLANCHE K R A G E R and M ARIO N ZA E G E L shot a few du cks on the Susitna duck flats, with nary a broken landing gea r or other casualty—just A irm en ’s A ssociation . A cou p le of w eeks later, th ey flew to K enai for a m ing in the heated indoor pool. LAVELLE BETZ flew to Skwentna with CATH Y for a n ostaligc visit to the F . F . A. Station where L A V E L L E , and her husband, DICK, lived nineteen y ea rs ago. This w as h er first visit Ihere in m an y years. P A T M cG E E attended a breakfast w ilh the A laska A viation Com m ittee w here plans w ere form u lated fo r the Ninety-N ines to sponsor the A ir P io neers Banquet on June 24th for the Centenial Aviation week. K eep w atch ing for m ore inform ation on ou r Cen tenial plans. CA T H E R IN E K IPP E N H A N m ad e a fall fishing trip to the W ood R iv e r area, north of D illingham (B ristol B ay area) in her Cessna 140. She didn’t ca tch a thing but her fishing parlner, ,a guest from M innesota, caught a 21% inch rain bow trout, w eighing 3% pounds. A lso caught a 24-inch A rctic Char (E astern brook trout) and an 18-inch G rayling. Just an exa m ple of what NW Section m em b ers h ave to look fo r w ard to when th ey con vene in A nchoroge for their Sectional in Septem ber of 1967. Happy Suntan to RUTH O'BUCK, w ho is spending N ovem b er in F lorida, much to the chagrin of other A nchor a g e m em b ers, who are rapidly b e co m ing snowbound as the w inter gets started. K A TH R Y N W A Y E R is waiting for a sturdy slate of ice 1o form on B ig Lake so as to go forw ard with the construction of the fam ily cabin. RUTH HURST, representing profes sional pilots, and RUTH O ’BUCK, representing flight instructors, are m em b ers of the first General Aviation Com m ittee to be organized. It con vened in A n ch orage O ctober 18th. It w as gen erally successful and m any are thankful that G eneral Avation, through this com m ittee, has the F ed era l A viation A gen cy. ear of the When P resident Jornson arrived in A n chorage N ovem b er 1 from the F a r ducks. NANCY K E S L E R and C A TH ERIN E K IPPENHAN flew to F airban ks in E ast, enroute to W ashington, one of the new s rep orters in the entourage w as 99 Charter M em b er F A Y GILLIS W ELLS (M RS. LIN TO N ). She w a s met KATH Y’S Cessna 140 to help sell raffle tickets for a Cessna 172 for the Alaska after a rrival at E lm en d orf A F Base by A laska Chapter Chairm an, RUTH H URST. Although M RS. W ELLS was extrem ely busy with telephone and typew riter, she found tim e to speak w ith RUTH about the u pcom in g Internationol Convention to be held in W ash ington, D. C. in June of 1967, and ecou raged attedance by A laska m em bers. Will close with a rem inder to start m akin g you r plans to visit us at the Sectional in Septem ber of next year. MONTANA CHAPTER Beverly Ledbetter, Reporter The M ontana su m m er lasted longer then usual this yea r and w as appre ciated b y all of us but b y this date the planes h ave all been winterized ond the snow and cold have com e to slow things down a bit. M uch o f the news this m onth co m e s from ELSIE CHILDS and others who w ere kind enough to keep their ears open and send m e news of the two m eetings I m issed. L ying in a hospital bed is nol m y idea of how to spend a 99 m eeting day. I ’ m a m on g the living again and rea d y to attend at least one m eeting a week. The Billings m eeting w as attended b y 36 m em b ers and guests. Inter national V ice President, DONNA M E Y E R S w as there along with E xecu tive B oard M em ber L Y G IE H AGEN (who brought along Mont. Charter m em b er M IL LIE SH IN N ) and our new Section G overnor, ILO VEN E P O T TE R , who is W hirly Girl No. 58. Contestants of B ig Sky No. 3 pre sented Co-Chairm an P E A R L M AGILL and m e with silver 99 pins. Many thanks to all o f you from both of us. W e will w ear them wilh pride and m a n y fond m em ories. C om m ittee appointm ents for the Chapter m ade by E LSIE for the co m ing y ea r include, K A Y W ID M E R , M em bership Chairm an; P A T JOHNSON, A ir A ge E du cation; M A R Y STEV EN SON, AE Scholorship Chairm an; and B E V . L E D B E T T E R Reporter. PUD LO V E L A C E was appointed to the In ternational N om inating Com m ittee. T h e O ctober m eeting held in B oze m an held in the Adm inistration build ing at the airport was hosted b y D O R OTH Y SABO, PUD LO VELACE , KAY W ID M E R , and P A T ECTO'N. Fourteen m em bers w ere present although they w ere all com pelled to fly low and slow b y autom obile due to snow and bad w eather that day. Com ing the greatest distance was M A R T H A GAUNCE from Williston, N. D. w ho had stopped by Jordan to pick up V I V I E N N E SCHRANK. PEARL M A G IL L and DOROTH Y CRA IG rod e dow n with B O E B Y K R A M E R , N O RM A ROW LAND and ANN H A F E R com pleted the group fro m Billings. H E L E N and E L S IE a r rived fro m H elena. There w as discus sion about next y e a r ’s ra ce and other business. A E scholarship tim e is here again and selections m u st be c o m pleted soon. BIG SKY FLYING W elcom e to three n ew m em bers, M A R Y COMBS, Billings; MADONNA SMITH, Lew istow n; and PH Y LLIS PO D M O R E , Billings. A w eek of con centrated flying by P E A R L M A G IL L at B illings resulted in her obtaining her Instrum ent and Instrum ent Instructors ratings. Congratulatios. One highlight of the w eek ’ s study period w as a cross-cou n try un d e r the hood to Pendleton, Oregon with an IR F approach at W alla W alla, Wash. Shie was flyin g a V-35 B eech cra ft Bon anza. The flight w as m a d e at 17,500 ft. and she had her first exp erien ce o f using oxygen. D O RO TH Y CRAIG and ANN H A F E R presented h er with a co rsa g e and a sm all co ffe e party to celebrate her success. P E A R L plans to conduct ground sch ool cla sses this winter and one o f her students just passed his P rivate flight check. BOB BIE K R A M E R w as lucky enough to get to go along as passenger on the trip to Pendleton with P E A R L . RO SE LLA BJORNSON, one of our Canadian m em b ers w ho w e see fa r too seldom , w a s recen tly featured in a w rite-up in the C algary H erald. R O SE LLA attends the U niversity o f Cal ga ry, w here last year, she helped o r ganize a flyin g club on ca m p u s. As fa r a s she knows, she Is the youngest w om an pilot in Alberta. T w o yea rs ago when she obtained her license at the age o f 17, she w as the youngest person in Canada to obtain that rating. She flys a C essna 170 and has built up the 200 hours required for the C om m ercial rating, after w hich she plans to w ork fo r her Instructors rating. She has taken up G lider flying just for the fun of it. The M P A F all Fly-In held at the Viking L od ge in W hitefish found DO T TLE P A Y N E , R O S E M A R Y BOW M AN and E L E A N O R G R E E N IN G in attend an ce. The P A Y N E S and BOWMANS and tw o other G reat F alls cou ples en jo y e d the R en o A ir R a ces. T h ey spent one nite in Tahoe where JIM P A Y N E “ lost his shirt” literally that is. Would you believe ? ? . . . they w ere w eather ed in a da y at R en o . . . M ontana F ly in g F a rm e rs held their convention in Shelby. LAULETTE HANSEN, retiring State Queen, V E R NA WOOD, and E L E A N O R G R E E N ING en joyed a visit with the Inter national F lyin g F a rm e r Queen, E L L E N JA N E AN D ERSO N , a m e m b e r from E l P a so Chapter. L A U L E T T E spoke at the queen ’s luncheon, and showed film s taken o f the r a c e this sum m er. GLENN CHILDS provided the film . LU E LLA and K E N N elson have traded their shiney A ircou p e fo r a M ooney. T h ey m ad e their first cross country trip in it when Ithey took their freshm an and soph om ore daughters to E ast Lansing, M ich igan w here they attend the Univ. of M ichigan. B E V E R L Y NELSON, a sophom ore, has been a ccep ted a s a m em b er of the H onors C ollege w here an A-m inus a vera ge is required fo r adm ission. K E N and LU en joyed the flight a cross Lake M ich i gan and a ppreciated the Coast Guard “ lake w a tch ” system they provide. T he A O P A Plantation P a rty in P alm Springs g a ve CARO L and JOE O R L E Y .an excu se to get aw ay in their B on anza. Such a la rge gatherin g o f flying enthusiasts and so m uch fun and sun. P E A R L and B R E N T M A G IL L v a cationed in B ou lder and D enver, C olo ra d o with fa m ily and friends. They spent tw o da ys w eathered in b efore returning hom e. C A R O L and JOE F R A S E R and fa m ily flew to R apid City in their Co m an ch e w here they added a new m e m b er to their fam ily. Th ey picked up a Collie puppy that should be the “ b o s s ” b y now. T he D ecem b er m eeting will be held in G reat Fdlls. It is close enough for m e to m ake it flyin g or driving and I hope to thank personally all o f you who sent m e ca rd s and good w ishes during m y hospital stay. WILLAMETTE CHAPTER Jane Capizzi, Reporter We have had three m eetings since t’"e last report. In Salem , M R . BOB DUNN and M R. R A L P H M cG IN N IS of the State B oard of A eronautics m et with us, to report on new airports and im provem ents to existing ones. Th ey also discussed A ir M arkings with us. W e decided to keep the sam e officers since we h ave only been a Chanter a short while. JA N AMUNDSON receiv ed her C om m ercia l licen se and recom m en d s it in o rd er to be a b etter pilot. VIO LA W A L K U P and CH ARM IAN B Y E R SJONES passed their w ritten Instru m ents. CH ARM IAN has been to New H am pshire TW ICE this past sum m er. CH ARM IAN , R O S E T T A V E N E LL, ROSE M A R IE STOLSIG, and B E T T Y G R O V E S flew to Reno. At Salem , LOU WICKS g a v e us a quiz on frequencies, m aps, and things all good pilots should know. BONNIE BRADFORD w as given a bouquet o f red rose buds and a silver vase with an inscription as first P resident of our Chapter. Our next m eetin g w as in Lebanon with the lunch served b y the ladies of a loca l church. D ORI LOH R talked about V enezuela and show ed slides of their visit there with a prom inent fam ily. B E T T Y ST A R K E R , a C orvallis C herokee pilot, w as a guest. A few days ago, w e m et n ear the A lbany airport. T E R R I SOULEK, a student pilot from Springfield, w as our guest. IM O G EN E C H AM BE RLAIN has a new A M E L rating. She ferried a new Cessna 150 from St. Louis, pick ing up a friend in K ansa City and g iv ing her 25 hours of dual instruction on the w ay back. B E T T Y GR O V ES and her 4 9 % e r flew to R en o fo r a w eekend recen tly. T h a t’ s all fo r now — this O regon rain certainly slow s down our flying time. WYOMING CHAPTER Dorothy Misner, Reporter M A B E L ANESI, Chapter Chairm an, greeted NIK I W E A V E R , V ice Chair m an and her daughter ANN when they arrived alt L an der in their Cessna 172 for the O ctober A ir M arking m eeting. W here w as everyone e ls e ? N ot in Lan der, and M A B E L and NIKI can vouch for that. H ow ever, this did not deter M A B E L and NIKI; they pilched right in and the L ander A irport is now A ir M arked. W ednesday, O ctober 26th is a da y W yom in g 99’s w ill rem em b er. W e had a w onderful visit with ILLO V EN E P O T T E R , Seattle, new G overn or of our N orthw est D istrict. She and her hus band flew in to W orland in their P iper A ztec and spent the da y getting a c quainted. NIKI W E A V E R , M A R IE ENGEL- M AN, and B E T T Y ADAM S w ere inter view ed recently on radio station K W O R on the W om en ’ s H our program . The station has invited them to return to tell the pu blic m ore about the NinetyN ines and w om en in flying. PA U LIN E POW ERS, now checked out in a Cessna 180 and a M ooney, ar rived in W orland fo r the N ovem ber schedule this last sum m er, spending one w eek in Honolulu as consultant at the A erospa ce Education Workshop. Plus tw o w eeks in M ontgom ery, Ala b a m a to assist with the pilot high sch ool A erospoce E ducation program w rich w ill g o into effect in 23 schools this fall throughout the United States. In addition, ALT H E A also conducted an A erosp a ce W oiksh op in Ellensburg, W ashington and one da y at the A ero spa ce W orkshop in W alla Walla, W ash ington. B usy girl! A lrea d y in the prelim inary planning stage, is O regon Chapter’ s revival of their annual Petticoat D erby for sum m e r ’67. M ore about this to com e. CH ARLO TTE DODSON has just re turned from Northwest Section Governor ILOVENE POTTER, Seattle (on wing) visits Wyoming Chapter. On hand to greet her w ere I. to r. PAULINE POWERS, Greybull; DOROTHY MISNER, Worland; ELAINE MONCUR, Powell; MABEL ANESI. Cliapter Chairman from LANDER; VIRGILEA SWORTS, Thermopolis; and NIKI WEAVER, Worland. m eeting in her M ooney. M AEEL ANESI and V IR G IL E A SW ORTS flew in in M A B E L ’S C herokee 235 and w ere greeted at the airport b y B E T T Y A D AMS, M A R IE E N G E L M A N , and NIKI W EAVER. E L A IN E M ONCUR got roped into clerk in g fo r a h orse sale, NIKI had to lea ve and m ake a flying trip to Cheyenne, I w as having a bout witr the flu, so the rest o f the 99’ s went to M ARIES fo r their m eeting and then lunch at the W ashakie Hotel M atador Room . B E T T Y presented an interest ing program in the u se o f the co m puter. E veryon e jou rn eyed hom e laden with “ P oly W o g s,” (ca n d y w e hope to sell to swell our treasu ry). Since this will probably appear be fore the H olidays, from W yom ing Ninety-Nines to all Ninety-Nines, “ M er ry Christmas, H appy N ew Y ear. OREGON CHAPTER Patti English, Reporter Oregon Chapter’s O ctober m eeting held at Troutdale A irport was one of catching up on all the past su m m er’s activities. The m ain event of the sum m er season w as the chicken and ham Hanger D inner-D ance, Co-Chairm aned by G RETC H EN F R A S E R and CH AR LOTTE DODSON, held at H illsboro Aviation’ s la rge hanger in late August. Altogether, about $350.00 was raised for the benefit of the O regon M useum of Science and Industry (OM SI) to build a ram p up to the DC-3 dpnaied to O .M .S.I. by West Coast A irlines for use as an exhibit. E a rlier, on the sam e da y there w as an Antique A irplane Show with m any thrills being provided by M IR A SLOVAK with his aerobatics. Our August m eeting as a fun affair on the Oregon coast at F loren ce. E v e ry one ventured out for som e “ w ild” rides in a Dune B u ggy o v e r the Sahara-like Sand Dunes. LUCY D R U C K E R says sh e’d rather do spins any day than som e of those dives down the sand dunes. Oregon Chapter had tw o A W T A R en trants this year. LUCY D R U C K E R as pilot and R IT A GINN, a s co-pilot in one and RUTH W IK A N D E R as pilot in the other. RUTH rem arked, that af ter flyin g the A W T A R with the w eather encountered enroute and on return, if anyone Lears her com plain ing about O regon w eather, please g iv e her a good kick. R IT A GINN and LUCY D R U C K E R verify this with “ on e doesn ’t fully app recia te the ‘built-in natural air con ditioned w eath er’ here on the Oregon coast until you have a try at hot w eath er flyin g a cross the country dur a flyin g trip to Denver, C olorado as a guest o f the P ip e r A ir cra ft Corporation at the P ip er Internationol m eeting. She had a fine visit with SH ELIA SCOTT and lunched with the C olorado Chapter while there. M AX CONRAD was also present at the Piper m eeting. H ow ever, CH ARLOTTE says it seem ed m ore like a m eeting of the 99’s than a P ip er m eeting. RUTH DOLAND and her 49 tie r, F L O Y D , m ade a flying trip via Tri pa cer to M innesota and Iowa in Au gust visiting friends and relatives. RUTH W IK A N D E R , well, RUTH is alw ays flying you know, had just re cen tly returned from a flyin g jaunt to Las V ega s with D R . “ G IL L IE ” G IL L I LAN D to attend a F ly in g Physicians Convention. This sum m er, RUTH was flying passengers to V ancouver, B. C., Sonoro, California and w eekly trips to North Bend and Ocean Shores, Wash ington with vacationers. SOUTHWEST SECTION BAKERSFIELD CHAPTER Marianne Laxngue, Reporter W e are busy w orking on our A via tion E ducation project. JUN E E D W ARDS, our chairm an has been doing a g rea t jo b on this project and has B y the w ay, all the beautiful roses at the International Convention w ere furnished by the O regon Chapter and from our own M A R G A R E T T E U F E L 'S m ad e a lot o f progress. JUNE E D W ARDS, RH O D A THOMPSON, and M AR IA N N E LA X A G U E have been ap pointed to an A dvisory Council to the B akersfield C ollege along with other loca l aviation people, to determ ine the rose nursery. Also, supplied w ere the A rch w ay cook ies and Sow yer color slides for the A W T A R good ie bags. A LT H E A ADAM S really had a full type o f aviation su bjects to be added to the cu rricu lum . W e will have m ore new s on this next month. E A R L SAMS of the State D epartm ent of Education ing the sum m er. w as ou r speaker at ou r N ovem b er luncheon m eeting. We have three new m em b ers; F L O RA D ARLIN G , SUZANNE BECKH AM , and B E T Y TR E G O N IN G . SUZANNE is one of fiv e ch ief w om en P h arm acists in B akersfield. B'ETTY is w orking on h er twin-engine rating. RHODA THOMPSON has obtained her G lider rating and LAU RIN E W HITM E R 'S sons JIM and M IK E, ages 17 and 18, obtained their P rivate P ilot’s licenses. ALICE and R O Y P E M B E R T O N flew to M enache M eadow s for the closin g da ys of the fishing season and caught a n ice lim it o f trout. BAY CITIES CHAPTER Loretta Gabrielson, Reporter “ H A Y W A R D ” painted in seventyfive foot letters in b la ck and yellow now adorns the cross-w ind runw ay at H ayw ard Airport. With the layout cre w starting at 7:00 A.M . on O ctober 15, and the painters, refreshm ent crew , equipm ent chairm an, publicity, and paint crew starting around 7:45 AM — the painting w as a ccom plish ed b y 3:45 FM . We had a w onderful crew of A ir E xp lorer Scouts (13) to assist us and did they w ork! Th ey obviou sly d o not belong to the teen-age set that run around and see how m uch trouble they can cause. They w orked right along with the adults and did a trem endous iob of m ixing and hauling paint as w ell as helping with the painting. Then they asked when w e w ere goin g to do another m arking and cou ld they help again. T he m em b ers of A ir Squadron 634 o f the San F ra n cisco B ay A rea Council o f B oy Scouts of A m erica w ere: GARY CENTONI, BILL G R IF F IT H , RICK M cA N U LTY , RO Y GROSHONG, T E D GROSHONG, KEN M AYER, DENNIS LONG, CHUCK R O TH ACH ER, B IL L A D D I SON, CHUCK G ERTO N , B ILL H A R R Y , BOB JONES, G LEN N B IG LE R , and M R. CENTONI, their ad visor. T h ey are sponsored b y A ir craft Pilots bf M etropolitan Oakland. The A irport C om m ission m em bers ca m e out in suits and ties and served co ffe e to as w ell as the A ir National Guard (based at H ayw ard airport) in dress uniform . They cou ldn 't help paint but they sure could — and did — serve co ffe e to (he painters. C offee flow ed all day. M R . FR A N K WHITCOMB, A ir port M anager, secured the paint from the city of H ayw ard. He also provided a pilot to fly our photographer Beading left to right during presentation of plaque — M ARY FIELDS, ADELE CHASE, ELLY .JONES, .JOSEPH W. CHAUDET, GLENN PLYMATE, HIA LEAH BEILICH, PJITH KFECKERT. o v e r to get action pictures. The pilot w as C. W. (SK ID ) M ISE N E R , 49V2er of W R A Y M ISE N E R . The com m ittee ch a irm a n for the m arking w ere: A irm arking Chairm an, G LA D Y S COBB; Layout, H ELEN K E LT O N ; Publicity, E L L Y JONES; Equipm ent, M IRIAM BRU G H ; R e freshm ents, RUTH M A G IL L; and Painters, M A R Y F IE L D S . Assisting H E LE N KELTO N for the Layout C om m ittee w ere H IALEAH R E IL IC H , L O R E T T A RUTH RUECKERT, CLOUD, BRUCE and HARRY G A BRIELSO N , P H Y LISS M c- JU D Y DONOVAN, and BIG ELO W , Other m em b ers taking part w ere JAU N D A BIG ELO W , DO RO TH Y G A R L IE P P , FRAN G RA N T , G A IL LAN E, CARO LIN E SCHUTT, ETH EL SCH AFFER and DONI P E R E Z . P rosp ectiv e m em bers w ere NANCY W ALLIS, P A T K R O E L E R , G IN N Y PR IT C H A R D , M A R Y DU VALL, BETTY and dau ghter K A TH Y M A R Q U A R D T from APM O. Altogether, it w as a v e ry su ccessfu l d a y and the m a rkin g looks beautiful from the air. It co v e rs 20,269 sq. ft. — 10,692 ft. yellow and 9,577 ft. black, using 85 gallons of b la ck paint and 120 gallons of y ellow paint. JAU N D A B IG ELO W and M Y R T L E W RIG H T flew to N ew port B ea ch with G LA D Y S COBB for the F all Sectional. E xcep t having to take off through a hole ov er San F ra n cisco, the w eather w as beautiful. O range County 99’ s w ere wonderful hostesses and a good tim e w as had b y all. W e learned a lesson the hard w ay thuogh, w e could h ave had the trophy fo r the m ost Air M arking if w e had sent our report in soon enough. (N ot take it to Sec tional! ) Th ey did m ore m arkings than w e did but we cov ered m ore square feet. Oh well, better luck next time. Just b efore school started, H IALEAH R E IL IC H and G LA D Y S COBB took tw o student friends (hou sew ives) of H I’S to M onterey for lunch. These are w om en w ho h ave “ alw ays w anted to fly .” It was a gorgeous day— and they flew along the coastline. “ Con g ra ts” to the M onterey Chapter, that 1-a-r-g-e airm arking M ONTEREY PEN IN SU LA looks g r e a t !! JAU N D A BIG ELO W flew to Tonopah, N evada on Oct. 15 with her son, BRU CE , as pa ssen g er/n a viga tor. They flew in the exciting “ Base R a c e ” Sun day and her ch a rm in g hostess took first place, but “ ch a rm in g hostess’ or net, JAU N DA tried and ca m e home with the second pla ce trophy. D ue to recen t m odification to her “ em p en n a ge” (rem ova l of tail bone) E L L Y JONES hasn’ t piloted much late ly. H ow ever, she did m anage to get 30 min. o f dual in a glider at Skysailang, what a th rill!! B E L L E M cC R A E , and as delegates, BO O CH RISTEN SEN , B A R B A R A HILL, SAN D ERS from ou r Chapter; B E T T Y W H ARTON and E L E A N O R R IC H AR D CAROLINE SCHUTT and 4 9 % er H EN RY flew to P a lm Springs for the AOPA Convention. H E N R Y took the BARBARA SON from the San D iego Chapter on the 15th and b y BOO CHRISTENSEN, ISA B E LLE M cC R A E , DOTTIE DAVIS, DORIS R ITC H E Y and again DO TTIE C A M P B E LL , LYN N COULTHARD and D O TTIE SAN D ERS on the 16th. $852.14 w as raised and distributed a m on g the Pinch-hitter cou rse in their S-Bonanza. CAROLINE took the N o-E ngine course and went on to get her G lider rating at Tehachape. She w as w inner of one o f the daily d oor prizes; a K in g SolidState M icrophone. D uring the con vention they 'took “ tim e ou t” to fly to Blythe and see “ D E E ” SOUTHARD who transferred fro m San F ra n cisco International Flight S erv ice Station to TUCKER and DO TTIE SAN D ERS. It w as gra tify in g that our new m em b er, LYNN, w a s the recip i ent o f a w onderful d oor prize of a VH F ra d io to be installed in her ca r to receiv e a ircra ft frequen cies through her ca r radio. N ow she says that she can pretend she is flyin g when it is n ecessa ry County fession to drive in connection as a dental to Im perail with her pro hygenist. BOO C H RISTEN SEN and D O TIE SAN D ERS w ere appointed to join M AD IN E PA R - the Blythe FSS the firslt of Sept. They w ere her first visitors and w ere m ade most w elcom e. The SCHUTTS, on another weekend, took 3 E xp lorer Scouts to B oonville on Sat., w here they visited the M endocino County F a ir and S E L of O range County Chapter to read and a pprove the m inutes of the Section Apple Festival. The next day, they flew again to B oon ville to pick up the Scouts and return them to Oak land after their cam p-out. Another IDA G A Y hopes to h ave a “ sw ing in g” y e a r for our Chapter and has appointed the follow ing Com m ittee Chairm en: AE Scholarship, B A R B A R A T U C K E R ; Publicity, BOO CH RISTE N SEN; A ir M arking, LYN N COUL T H A R D ; Scrap Book and Newsletter, D OTTIE SAN D ERS; W ays and M eans, A IL E E N SAU N D ER S; T ele phone, D O TTIE DAVIS; M em bership, B A R B A R A H ILL; F ly in g A ctivities, ISA B E LLE M cC R A E ; A erosp a ce E d u cation, BARBARA ALM A N D ; and N om inating Com m ittee, LEAH LIERSCH . LYN N COULTHARD is a l rea d y selecting possible sites for air m arking places in the back country as well as pla ces in the Im perial V alley to w ork with m em bers df C oachella V alley Chapter. So with a spark plug such as she, we hope to b ecom e a ctive in A ir M arking this year. flight w as m ade to U sibelli for lunch with the APM O. T h ey also flew to Tetoachapi to CAROLIN E cou ld get her glider rating— but it w as too turb ulent so they returned the follow ing Saturday, stayed all night and bright and early Sunday, she began soaring and com pleted the requ irem en ts and flight test the sam e day. Lots o f fun! An unofficial presentation of the JOAN M E R R IM A M SMITH plaque to the Oakland A irport wias m ad e to JOSEPH W. CH AU DET, President of the Board of C om issioners of the Port df Oakland, and to G LEN N P L Y M A T E , Assistant M a n ager of the Oakland A ir port of G eneral Aviation, by ViceChairman H IALEAH REILIG H on Sept. 21st. Those attending the pre sentation w ere MARY FIE L D S, AD ELE CHASE, E L L Y JONES, RUTH R U E CK ER T and H IALEAH R E IL ICH. The plaque will not be hung un til the JOAN M E R R IM A M SMITH LOUNGE is com pleted at the airport. The lounge will b e for the use of gen eral aviation pilots only. T he plaque w as designed and crea ted by A D E L E CHASE, a cera m ist and fo rm e r 99. EL CAJON VALLEY CHAPTER Dottie Sanders, Reporter Ten of our m em b ers attended the m ost su ccessfu l F all Sectional M eet ing sponsored b y the Orange County Chapter at the N ew porter Inn at N ew port B each, California, Septem ber 2325: DOTTIE DAVIS, A IL E E N SAUN DERS, BARBARA ALM AN D , ISA al Business M eeting. Thanks to Orange County Chapter for a w onderful tim e and for their perfect ch oice of N ew porter Inn for the m eeting! the H olding a m em bership in the El Cajon C ham ber of C om m erce, and servin g on the Aviation Com m ittee, our Chapter aided in the first Annual AirCade at G illespie Field O ctober 15-16. It w as a display of 1967 m odels of a ircraft, as well as antique and ex perim ental m odels, and 1967 m odels of autom obiles. T o rep ay the operators for their coop eration when raising funds for the 1965 P ow d er P u ff D erby Start, w e con du cted the 2c-per-pound flights, the operators furnishing the airplanes and pilots and receiv in g all p roceed s fro m the flights. IDA G A Y w as Chairm an of Ithis portion of the activities and w as assisted by DOTTIE C A M P B E LL , LYNN COULTHARD, BARBARA HILL, A IL E E N SAUN D E R S, our prospective m em b er F L O R E N C E F R A S E R , and DOTTIE operators in a ccord a n ce to the num b er of pounds flown b y each one. At 3:30 PM on Sunday, O ctober 16th, the D isplay and T roph y Case was o fficia lly presented to the County of San D iego for its w onderful support and the com plete cooperation o f all San D iego County O fficials and G il lespie Field P ersonnel by DOTTIE SAN D ERS for the Chapter. It was a ccep ted by M R. H E N R Y BONEY representing the County B oard of Su pervisors. A m essage from Kay BRICK, Chairman of AW TAR, w as also rea d by M R. J E R R Y HOLLINGS W ORTH, Chairm an o f the Aviation C om m ittee of the Cham ber of Com m erce. T rophies won by AILE EN SAU N D ERS in the past P ow d er P u ff D erb ies and by DO TTIE SANDERS, o f the P ow d er P u ff D erby Start in 1965, and our certifica te from, AW TAR of successful participation. In addi tion, A IL E E N SAUNDERS w as one of the ju dges for trophies presented to the E xperim ental A ircraft; 49% er JOHN T U C K E R received First P la ce — and ii w asn ’ t fixed either! The event w as a com plete success. C orrection: In a form er issue, your rep orter erron eously advised that MAC H UNTINGTON had started her own flight school, nam ing it Fisher A ir craft at Lindbergh F ield— it is “ MAC'S A V IA T IO N ” , with flight training at both Lindbergh Field and G illespie Field. At Lindbergh she does occu p y the space which w as form erly Fisher A ircraft. Sorry about that MAC. Our O ctober m eeting was held at the hom e df DO TTIE SAN D ERS with a program presented by Flight In stru ctor N ED PO W ERS showing slides and narrating on his exp erien ce of flying in the Sudan country, wilth em phasis on the w ay of life of f - e 'natives and the problem s involved in building an air strip and teaching the natives to fly. LCD R. DOROTH Y presented form s .and GREEN, explained USN the effort being m ade to h ave a co m m e m orative stam p SMITH issued. for JOAN M E R R IA M Guests attending w ere F R IE D A E'REISE, our prospective m em b er who kept her new license a secret since July, and m em b ers from the San D iego Chapter. LOIS BAR T LIN G , EVELYN BRIG GS, H E LE N DICK, JUNE H ICKOX and B E T T Y LA M B E R T — ’ tw as good to see everyon e again. B A R B A R A ALM AND, our C hapter’ s A erospa ce E ducation Chairm an, is Working v e ry hard in this field, The current p roject is a five-sided display boa rd at the San D iego A erospa ce M useum in B alboa P a rk coverin g W om en in A viation and T he NinetyNines. H er plans are v e ry thorough and w ell thought out, and when co m pleted will be a credit to the h istory of w om en in aviation. Charter m em bers of The Ninety-Nines, as w ell as others m aking h istory fo r w om en in aviation are being con tacted for pits tures—if anyone has any, please send them to B A R B A R A with nam e and explanation of the pa rt she has played in aviation. E a ch side of the display fftf;-: - | t IP # # #• Airport at Tonopah, Nevada, a favorite gas stop between Reno and I,as Vegas. Site of the October 16th races and holder of the nation’s record for bringing in the largest number of lost airplanes. will have a different background color — red, A M E L IA E A R H A R T and found ers of the Ninety-Nines; yellow , a history o f air ra ces; green, oversea s m em b ers; white, loca l w om en in avia tion business; Ninety-Nine blue, an .air chart and m em bership scroll. Y ou r w riter had an opportunity to visit the m useum and found that m a n y people see all o f the displays. T h ey are all v ery worthwhile, and she believes that all efforts in this direction are v ery b eneficial in acqu ain tin g the public with aviation, especia lly w om en who have had a part in its’ history. Our Chapter has a group m em bership , as well as m any individual m em b ers o f the Chapter. ISA B E L L E M cC R A E is a m em b er o f the B oard o f D irectore of the m useum . BARBARA ALM OND ch arm in g hostess at our w as our N ovem b er m eeting in San M arcos, (a little ground navigational problem to her h om e.) We w elcom ed FL O R E N C E F R A S E R as our newest m em b er and g a ve trib ute to LE A H LIERSCH in the form of a N inety-Nine pin with a g a vel in appreciation fo r her fine leadership during her term as Chairm an for the y e a r 1965-66. Our A ux Tank w as won by our new Chairm an ID A G A Y . (Maybe- it w as a bribe fo r continuing the fine jo b she is doin g as ch airm an this yea r.) A ll o f us wish all o f you the m erriest of Christm ases and a N ew Y e a r filled with lot of flying and happy landings! DE BAER and JOYCE BEAII. busily keeping up with the announcing and tim ing duties at the Tonopah, Nevada Races. FALLON CHAPTER Elaine Brown, Reporter We seem to be in volved in a last m inu te fly-in scra m b le b efore the w in ter storm s set in. And what a w on derful idea! The first one o f the fall season w as at Tonopah, N evad a on O ctober 16th, arran ged for b y our Chapter Chairm an, B E R T H A CLINE, and given p rim a rily for 99’s, their husbands, and guests. The fly-in breakfast included pylon ra ce s and flour bom bin g contests plus an added attraction o f a lost a irplan e location dem onstration. Tonopah has located and talked in m ore lost planes than a n y station in the country. One glan ce at the en closed photo o f the airport m a y give you a faint idea o f the vaStness o f the a rea and w hy Tonopah holds this dubious honor. Between real e m e r gen cies, BERTHA uses h er 175 to “ get lost’ ’ in, ju st to keep the F .A .A . b oys in practice. And speaking of practicin g, B E R T H A m ust b e doing just that as she took 1st P la ce in the flour bom bin g contest with a score of 275. 2nd P la ce wone to JACK P A R D - their little T-Craft, JO YC E is b a ck to w ork on th eir Stinson. She hopes to LARSON, Chairm an; RUTH DIBIASE, V ice-C hairm an; NANTSY M ARSE- have it all cov ered b y Christm as. She says the wings and control surfaces of the M eyers are com pleted and that NICH, Secretary; and NORM A GUN DERSO N, Treasurer. We .also w elcom ed Idaho transferee B. J. W AY N E and hope she and her fa m ily will be happy in Las Vegas. B E T T Y S L A T E R of the Phoenix Chapter w as a guest at our O ctober luncheon m eeting at the Tropicana Country Club. Plans for the com ing it should b e in the air in a few w eeks. H ow does she do it? Our last m eeting w as at the hom e of LOIS W ILLIAM S w here we m et pri m arily to lay plans for the San D iego to R en o Fun R a ce (a continuation of the Fallon Fun R a ce, only 60 m iles E a s t !) W e did, but also m anaged to con su m e a m ost deliciou s lunch and hear an interesting lecture from E D BLALOCK, (G liding Instructor) on the BEIiTHA CLINE, Chairman of the Fallon Chapter who placed first in both the flour bombing and women’s pylon race in Tonopah, Nevada on O c tober Ifitli. ICK, and 3rd w as a three w ay tie b e tween FR A N GUSTAVSON, LOIS BROWN and LOIS W ILLIAM S, all with a score of 100. The pylon ra ces w ere really excitin g with B E R T H A CLINE again in 1st P la ce , JAU N D A B IG E LOW (B ay Cities Chapter) taking 2nd, and LOIS W ILLIAM S in 3rd. The m en ’ s pylon ra ce w as a sagebrush sw eeping affair with M IK E BROW N sw ooping in 1st, RICK B L A K E M O R E (T on o pah base operator) 2nd, and GUS GUSTAVSON 3rd. A few cou ples flew down the night b efore; F R A N and GUS GUSTAVSON, LOIS and M IK E BROWN. E LA IN E .and STAN BROWN with their guests, JU D Y and D UANE COLE (E xecu tive S ecretary of the Reno National Cham pionship A ir R aces) and JAU N D A B IG E LO W and her son. A w onderful spot for a fly-in and an excitin g day, cold wind, g ra y skies and all! DOROTHY and CARROL STAU FF couldn't m ake it to Tonopah as they and their lov-a-lee new Cessna 210 took a trip to San F ra n cisco where CAR ROLL took his exa m s for the B oard of Internal M edicine. They also spent a week-end in Santa B arbara, of w hich DOROTHY says, “ L ov ely city, but fo g g y !” Must do som ething about that gals! JOYCE B E A IL sa ys she had a wonderful trip to Tonopah with DE BAER in her M usketeer. JO YC E adds, “ We did a switch. H usband, BOB, flew us down and b a c k .” A fter selling disastrous effects of the roter cloud. The sky w as a ccom oda tin g, with sev eral excellen t exam ples. A rare op portunity and som ething all mountain pilots should be aw are of. Just yesterday, Nov. 12th, w e m an aged to get ov er to Carson City, N ev ada for their fly-in breakfast, spot landing, flour bom bin g contest and parachute record seeking jum ps. It w as the only half w ay decent day w e ’ve had lately so we decided to take the scenic route— The P iper J-3 Cub! F orty-five m inutes for a norm al tw enty minute hop, and worth e v e ry long, relaxin g (minute of it. L oved m y 4 9 % e r’s co m ment as we passed ov er Waishoe Lake. “ H ey! Is this airliner equipped for oversea s flig h ts ?” While ov er in Car son, we w ere m et by O RA D E ST R E E , and saw LOIS and D AVE W ILLIAM S with student pilot son, D AVE JR ., LOIS BROW N and children in the twin C om anche and her 49y2er, M IK E , in t'-e Sea-Bee. We w ere only sorry that w e cou ldn ’ t stay to hear the results or oven wait for our' num ber to com e up in the flour b om b in g contest, but there w as that “ long trip ” to R e ’ o to con sider. W e did present a dry wash near W ashoe Lake with three strategically placed sacks of flour. Anyone know of a b om b site to fit a J -3 ? All for now. R em em b er, it’s not too ea rly to start planning to enter the San Diego-Rieno Fun R a ce. W e have som e excitin g tim es in store for you while y o u ’re staying at the Spark’ s N ugget. C ircle the date, June 10th. LAS VEGAS VALLEY CHAPTER Gerry Whitton, Reporter A v e ry M erry Christm as to each and e v e ry one of you. The L W C of 99s began its new y ea r in S eptem ber with a dinner at F on gs Cardens at which tim e w e w elcom ed our new officers. T h ey are LOIS ANN m onths including fly-ins and festivities w ere discussed. holiday W e would like to extend our thanks to the 99s of Northern A rizona fo r their efforts in regard to the N ovem ber G rand Canyon fly-in. Unfortunately only tw o of our m em bers, LOIS ANN LARSO N and N O RM A GUNDERSON w ere able to attend. H ow ever they returned with glow in g reports of the d a y ’ s activities. G lad to know DAWN O PAT G RA N G E R is back in the a rea and hope to see her at future m eetings. D on ’ t forget when y ou ’re in Las V egas to ch eck flight service. They have our loca l roster posted and w e ’d love to have a cup of coffee with you. LONG BEACH SECTION Katee Moskow, Reporter Our chapter is b ecom in g quite pro fessional on handling “ Tw o Cent a P ou n d” (form erly “ Penny a Pou nd” ) rides and freshm ents. June w as a and M A R Y selling hot dogs and re Since our first kick o ff in grea t success, L E E TIT LE P IN K N E Y saw an oppor tunity to do it again. Th ey w ere able to persuade the m an ager o f the T o r ran ce Airport to let the Lon g Beach Chapter handle the concessions for their A irport D ays in Septem ber. W eather and patrons cou ldn ’t have been m uch better, allow ing a short period Sunday afternoon, but it didn’t dam pen the spirits of pilots or passen gers. They patiently m unched hot dogs with or without buns, while waiting t'-eir turn. M any thanks to the LOS ANGELES C H A P T E R , our own 4 9 % err, and all the fixed base oper ators donating tim e, aircraft, and fuel. The Chanter presented a solo trophy to JA N E T W ITH ERSPOO N at the ban quet follow ing A irport D ays. She soloed in one day as Avion A ir Flight Schools prom otion taking 8 hours 6 minutes. CARO LE DUNN has been busy again organizing the “ 4 9 % er R a c e ” . She re ceiv ed a great deal of help from the F allon Chapter and the F resn o Chap- ter. The ra ce this y e a r began at Fallon, who gra ciou sly hosted and v e ry a ctiv e ly entertained the entrants. LOUCIEL F R E E M A N handled the inspection of aircra ft v e ry thoroughly. F resn o Chapter took ca re of tim ing those flying-by, a s w ell a s those stopping fo r a quick cu p o f coffee. And then on to O range County Airport. The results w ere as follow s: 1st BUD CH A N D LER : 2nd M ICH AEL BROW N, co-pilot E A R L BUCHANAN; 3rd R O B E R T P IN K N E Y , co-pilot JOHN NITZE N ; 4th R O B E R T CEN ICERO S; 5th GUS GUSTAVSON; 6th PA U L T. DODGSON, co-pilot CAL M ACPH ER SON; 7th JAC K W O REL. c o - p i l o t C L IF F P O R T E R F IE L D ; 8th NED CANTILLON, co-pilot G E O R G E G R IF FITH ; and 9th P H IL IP R E A M E S. O ctober m eeting w as held at EM M A M C Q U IRE S’ hom e. A fter all business was discussed, C LA IR E W A L TE R S entertained us with m ovies she had taken on her Australian ferryin g trip v ia Honolulu. She adm its better than 'fifteen hours in one ju m p is a bit rough, and that’ s a m ighty vast ocean, the P a cific. She’s b a ck to m aking quick trips to W ichita picking up Cessna 150’s to stock her school flightline with new aircraft. CAROLE DUNN flew an A erobatic Exhibition at D aggett A irport in her Citabria. JO YCE FA IL IN G of LVS Chapter was one of the hostesses for B arstow C ham ber o f C om m erce for the Buffalo B arbecu e Dinner and A ir show Annual W eekend. JOAN D IL L E Y and 4 9 % er w ere called b a ck to N. D akota on a 2-hour notice, due to fam ily illness. D ecided the could beat airlin er tim e in their Cessna 172. Not quite the vaca tion they intended. RUTH N ITZEN and JOHN had a nice flyin g vaca tion to K am aloops, B.C. Canada and spent a w eek fish ing at R ain bow Chain Lakes. On w eek ends you can find th em flyin g to Lake H avasu for boating and fishing. D O RIS M IN T E R , 49y2e r , and three children spent the su m m er flyin g from Santa M onica, D allas, N ew Orleans, M em phis, St. Joe, R apid City, Jackson Hole, Salt Lake City, Las V egas and hom e in their Cessna 210. T h ey flew 4600 m iles in a pp roxim ately 29 hours. LOS ANGELES CHAPTER Rachel Bonzon, Reporter Seven m em b ers of our Chapter at tended the Southwest Sectional M eet ing at the N ew porter Inn: BEU LAH K E E , M A R Y ANN KASLOW , T IL L IE E LE M E N T S, R E B E C C A H ELD , ANN LODW IG, RACHEL BONZON, and A IL E E N P IC K E R IN G . The weekend w as well organized, and w e had a grea t tim e. Thank you, O range County girls. Som e o f our girls a ssisted the Long B each Chapter with their hot dog stands and 2c a pound airplane rides at T orra n ce Airport D ay, and som e a lso assisted with the San F ernando V a lley C hapter’s rides at Burbank. At ou r O ctober business m eeting, held at the K itty H awk Restaurant on Santa M on ica Airport, it w as decided to ch ange the location of our gala D ecem b er 3 dinner. M A R Y D O R R has m ost gra ciou sly invited us to hold this event at her h om e, 24840 P a cific Coast H ighw ay, M alibu. D etailed new s will rea ch neighboring Chapters and other friends directly, and w e hope that m any of you will be able to join us on this occasion . It w as our pleasure on O ctober 14 to m eet and entertain at dinner a m e m b er of the A ustralian Section of NinetyN ines, RH ONDA STEW A R T . Sixteen m e m b e rs and 4 9 % ers of the L. A. Chapter greeted RH ONDA, who spent a little tim e here on her extended trip around the world, and brought us greetings and inform ation from Down Under. LIN A B LA C K M O R E has recently b ecom e M RS. STRO U P. W e all send congratulations and best wishes to M R . and M RS. STROUP. LYN N O P P E R has recently b ecom e G randm a, and BOB the proud G randpa o f little DION. F R IT Z I (H E A N E Y ) OLSON is G randm a to little F R A N C E S. C ARO L and B E R N IE LEW IS have outfitted a trailer to keep over at the Colorado R iver, w here then en joy frequent fishing trips. We a re happy to w elcom e new m e m bers ELO ISE B R E E S E , M A R Y D O RR. BETH K A ISE R , and SUSAN O LIV E R . JE A N IV A N O F F flew to t' e R eno A ir R a ces, and reported a v ery good tim e. One o f thie highlights was the photo finish of the A ero C om m ander 200 ra ce, in which one of our m e m bers, SUSAN O L IV E R , placed a v ery close second, som e ten seconds, behind JA M E S FRANCISCUS. SUSAN also receiv ed h er Instrum ent rating in O c tober. Congratulations, SUSAN! L A R R Y and R A C H E L BONZON flew to C abo San Lucas, B a ja C alifornia, on N ovem b er 11, and tried out the deep sea fishing. MONTEREY BAY ,S IXTION Dorothy M. Ban/.haf, Reporter Most of ou r m em b ers m ake a “ good sh ow ’ ’ at the business m eetings. Chairm an H E LE N SH RO PSH IRE has m anaged to arran ge interesting social gatherings, interspersed with in form a tive and know ledgeable knack of selec tion for both speakers and cen tral lo cations for the m eetings. M eetings h ave been filled with su bjects that in terest m em b ers: E ngine E m e rg e n cy P rocedu re, Trouble Shooting, to w ays and m eans of raising m on ey. Outside ch a pter ch allenge from brought’ all M onterey pilots into battle fo rm Santa Chapter Clara sharp when JA CK IE P E T T Y offered to com p ete in a spotlanding contest. SAND RA F O R R E ST and JACK IE m ust be com m en ded fo r their helpful hands during our toil with paint and brush during sw abbing o f M onterey and Salinas A irport M arking. Chairm an SH RO PSH IRE spreads the good w ord at Shriners m eetings where aviation enthusiasts con tacts a re filed aw ay for prom otion Of the location, for raising m on ey and cem enting relations in sofar as a base for possible NinetyNine, Inc. Sectional in fall o f ’67. SA L L Y PL U M M E R has earned a M ulti-Engine rating this month. D E L L HINN has covered m any air m iles recen tly. A flight to M ex ico to attend a m ed ical convention with 49% er G E O R G E and a flight to San D iego to attend a graduation at the M arine base. T w o aspiring Ninety-Nine m em bers, JOAN H USTED, a new pilot, and SUE JOHNSON from H ollister will be w elcom e within the ranks soon. M ARY ELLEN EISEM A N N has been hostess in her love ly Colonial hom e in Salinas on occasion o f general m eetings but w ill be hom e to all m em bers fo r a ga la Christm as fest this year. On the agenda will be initiation rites for our 49% ers. M ystery cloaks the scene b u t happy co-pilots will em erge. A bid for F a ll Sectional and plans to sponsor a M em ber At L a rg e elect next y e a r are interest spaw ning grounds of the future. This y ea r sponsors o f the Cam p F ire Girls, the busy m em b ers have on the agenda, a Penny-a-Pound even t and participation in the third annual antique fly-in at the W atsonville A irport in M ay of 1967. ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER Ann Cantillon, Re[H>rter P a lm Springs, the land o f the sun w orshippers will be the haven fo r O range County’s annual Christm as Party. This y e a r w e decided to m ake it a real a ffa ir by inviting four other chapters to join us in a “ fly-in ” to the Desert A ire Hotel. Shame departm ent for old “ B u ffs". E LLY A YO U B, one of our newest m em bers with a brand new pilot’ s certificate and total hours o f 45 recen t ly took the Instrum ent written and passed. B oy, how does that gra b y a ? Some of us h ave been trying fo r ages just to w ade through the books. No1 to put GIN NY C H A N D LE R in second place, she took the written and passed, but sorry GIN N Y you fall into the Buff category. At long last we get to m ark our air port. K A Y M A LICK w orked like a beaver, not only with our A irport Com mission, but con tacting other ch a p ters that have had the exp erien ce of air m arking. Through all of this, we did decide one thing: W e w ish Orange County A irport had a nam e like TA F T o r SUN. I ’ve n ever seen so m any let ters. I have just had the opportunity to write an article on A LIC E RO B E R T S for the A ir-A ge News. It w as real fun to write about such an a ctive and in teresting person. M Y RN A SH A N FIELD and M AD INE thank E D N A for the quick work she did gathering our flight tim e so we could win the “ Sectional Flight Tim e T rop h y ” this year. Lest I forget, the second annual 49% er r a c e (now labeled the R og u es’ R a ce ) held at F all Section tim e was won by our ow n BUD CH AN D LER flying his Skym aster. There was a little m ixup in the scoring, but BUD finally ca m e out on top. Then at the oth er end we had G E O R G E G R IF FIT H and N ED CANTILLON placing last in N E D ’S (not m ine) 235 C hero kee. All in all, the fellow s rea lly had a fun time, and surely can tell belter stories than any of us. N ANCY CREW S has been sw earing fo r yea rs that som e da y she was goin g to build an airplane. H er ga ra ge is now the b ase of operations with two strapping sons and one willing hus band helping her. F r o m w hat I can gather, she has purchased an old T a ylor Craft, stripped it, and is now in the long process of dolling it up. K now ing NANCY, she will do the lest flying too. Until next month, a H appy Thanks givin g to all. PHOENIX CHAPTER M arjy Crowl, Reporter m eeting The C actus R oom a t the R am a d a Inn w as the scen e of the Installation L uncheon arranged by JU AN ITA N E W E L L in honor of our outgoing P resi dent, TRU DY M URPHY. DOTTT P E T E R SO N from Eugene, Oregon, T R U D Y ’S sister, was present and the w as held at the hom e of ANN CANTILLON, w here 20 m em b ers and guests had the opportunity to m eet and listen to JU D Y W ILLIS w ho had just returned fo r a y e a r in K orea. JU D Y w as hostess for F ly in g T ig er Airlines and had visited the Orient which she found quite exciting so d e cided to return to w ork in K orea with a Special S erv ice O rganization. Not only did JU D Y have excitin g tales to tell, but brought slides along to illu strate her story. M ARY BERTHA, a prospective C h a p ter’s gratitude w,as aptly e x pressed by M A R Y V IA L . A 99 co m pa ct had been selected a s the “ som e thing to rem em b er us b y .” N o reason to elucidate, in the publication anyw ay, why we w ere esp ecia lly happy to h ave our own ALICE R O B E R T S, Inter national President, b a ck h om e to in stall our Chapter O fficers for’ the com in g year. Conducting an im pres sive, solem n, and pleasant cerom on y, ALICE im pressed M A R Y V IA L , as Chairm an: JE AN N E M ORRIS, as V iceChairm an; SUSAN STORM , Secretary; m em ber has just returned from tre Piper fa cto ry in V ero B each, F lorida whee she picked up a Cherokee for Martin Aviation. M A R Y w ill be taking her check-ride N ovem b er 17, it will be a pleasure to w elcom e her into our Chapter. EDNA STEN N E TT sold her TriP acer. E D N A just w on ’t seem like and M A R JY CROW L, reporter with th eir responsibilities to the Chapter in particular and the 99s in general, BEV PE R IM A N , Treasurer, was unable 1o be present. M A R Y B R A D L E Y , nation PA R SE L have been m akin g regu lar trips into M ex ico flyin g doctors and m edical supplies into the villages. Plans are now in the m ill for our Chapter to m ake our annual trip in F ebru ary. Our N ovem b er luncheon EDNA without her little bug. Also I know that whole Chapter Wants to a lly known a s a d og handler and judge, in addition to con du ctin g the D e V alley O bedience D og Training Classes, dem onstrated her adroitness b y presenting seven dogs and their handlers from her classes. W elcom ed b a ck follow ing a long absence partly due to illness was M A R Y W E A V ER , who related how long it took to ob tain a new engine for their D ebonair. JESSIE W IM M ERS had just return ed from a three week cruise to H aw aii. NOLA EARL, prospective m em ber, and her husband JOE; 49% ers JO E STORM and ELG IN N E W E LL; and M IRIAM G E B B IE were th ere in addition to Chapter m em bers. Our N ovem ber business m eeting was held at the breathtakingly beautiful hom e of M A R Y R A T T L E Y in Paradise V alley. The program , arranged by JE A N N E M ORRIS, w as both enter taining a nd educational thanks to CARL SWANSON JR. of F F A Tow er, ad IKE ELLIS, o f F A A TRACON. Other guests w ere JO D Y VOLL, JO SCHUSTE, GEORGE VIAL, STAN VIAL, (M A R Y ’S son, who has since passed his test for private licen se), A R T B A T T Y and K EITH SASSER. New m em b ers present w ere E V E L Y N SAS SER, SUE H A R P E R (w ho is taking an aerob a tic course in a Citabria), and M AY DAVIS (w ho just purchased a Sky lane 182). JU AN ITA N E W E L L invited MELE'A B E A R D and W ILM A BLAND to fly to Grand Canyon for the flight to meet the LAS V E G AS and Northern Arizona Chapters. ELG IN N E W E LL was a guest (bu sm a n ’s h olid a y!) MARY V IA L flew up solo. Sam e weekend JUNE K A ISE R and M A R JY CROWL w ere in Y um a attending the State Aviation C onference. JUNE bad flown dow n with RUTH REIN H O LD on F r i day in the E x ca lib u r w hich RU TH IE flies for and with B A R R Y GOLDW A T E R (singly and in com bination), who w as a prom inent speaker at the convention. FREDA and M ICK EY T O L IV E R flew to Los M achis, M e x ’co for a week-end o f rest on the beach, later look the children for the w eek end. M A R Y LOU BROWN flew the G eological Su rvey’ s T-34 to Hanksville, Utah. M Y LES R U G G E N B E R G of the FA A w as the highlight of the O ctober busi ness m eetin g held at hom e of JO ANN W IN T E R LIN G . His com m en ts on the subject m ade the film on “ W ake T u r bu len ce” m uch m ore valuable significant. Couldn’t catch all and the chatter but h ere’ s the gist of som e of it: BETH USH ER flew with Northern A rizona Chapter o f their Pemny-aPound A irlift. SUSAN STORM has been ferryin g husband and his fellow 49% er, VAL, have been checking pos sible ca m p in g sites fo r ch urch youth groups fro m 3000 feet (via Cessna Skyhaw k). M A R Y and A R T E ATY flew to P a lm Springs to A O PA P lan tation P arty. M A R Y BRO W N is ch eck ing out in the G eologica l Su rvey’ s D eH aviland B eaver. The W IN T E R LING fa m ily went to the Northern A rizona 99s m eetin g and fly-in break fast at H olbrook, JU A N IT A and ELG IN N E W E LL flew to their ranch in Cali fornia in their B onanza to visit JU AN IT A ’S 95-year-old m other. T h ey also flew to K A IB A B fo r the 3-day wild turkey shoot— had their turkey shortly after sunrise opening m orning. (Stan dard procedu re fo r those t w o !) South w est Sectional at O range County, Cali forn ia w a s attended b y Chairmlan M A R Y V IAL, retiring Southwest G ov ernor, P A T LAM B A R T, (R IC K and P A T R IC K ), SUE H A R P E R , M A R Y LOU BROW N, M A R JY CROWL, TRUDY M URPHY, JESSIE WIM- REDWOOD EM PIRE CHAPTER Phyllis Cantrell, Reporter Our O ctober m eeting w as held at Cam eron Park, Calif., about 35 m iles northeast of Sacram ento. This w as the airport dedication day and we en joy ed the com plete tour o f this unique subdivision. T he airport is 6000 feet long — hard su rfaced and has adjacent lots so you can taxi you r plane to you r own hom e, plus a lovely cou ntry club with an 18 hole g o lf course. M em bers present included AN ITA W O REL, BETTE SMITH, PA T ST O U FFE R , M Y R T L E W RIGH T, HILDA CASEY, and yours truly. 49% er belonging to W O REL, SMITH, CASEY and CAN T R E L L ca m e along too. E E T TE SMITH has been m ore a c tive in her flyin g lately. She flew to (he Southwest Sectional m eeting at Orange County in her Cessna 140 with ANITA W O R E L as co-pilot, and also took a trip to F resn o for a few days. ANITA and JACK W O R E L just bought a Bonanza, and are v e ry proud indeed, (w ho w ouldn't b e ? ) It’s an other step up from their Cessna 170, which they still have and would like to sell—A nyone in the m arket for a good 170? B ein g new ow ners, the W O RELS take in just about all the weekend get-to-gethers and fly-ins, one being the P la cerville fly-in breakfast tw o w eeks ago w here AN ITA won the the youngest airport m ore often now. Our N ovem b er m eeting w as held at LOUISE M O N T A R O ’ S lovely rest aurant Sonom a J o e ’s in Petalum a. It w as raining so m ost of us drove. LOUISE pick ed up tw o guests at the P eta lu m a airport and brought them ov er to the m eeting. T h ey w ere R A Y JE A N NORTON, a student pilot, and h er husband FR A N K . M em bers present w ere AN ITA M ONTARO, M Y R T L E W RIG H T, AN N A BRENNER, BECKY LIGH TFO OT, SAN DY, and P H Y LLIS C A N TRELL. H ILD A CA SE Y has a cce p te d the of fice of S ecretary for the next year. It’ s nice to have you b a ck HILDA. M eeting was adjourn ed with plans to m eet again at Sonom a J o e ’s in D ecem b er for our Christm as P arty. M erry Christm as SACRAMENTO VALLEY CHAPTER Virginia Townsend, Reporter M ERS, and JU NE K A ISE R . trophy for being grandm other. P H IL just recen tly purchased a Cher okee 235. M a yb e w e ’ll see h er at the flying Another new a ircra ft ow ner is our BE C K Y LIG ItTFOOT. She and 4 9 % er Our Septem ber m eeting, w hich was a blast, w as held in the hom e of C LA IR E R A L E Y , pot luck dinner, sw im m in g and picture taking by C L A IR E . During the m eeting ou r new o ffice r s w ere selected. Th ey a re LaR U E BROW N, Chairm an; V IJA B E R R Y , V ice ch airm an ; V IR G IN IA TOWNS END, Secretary; LILLIAN GRAY, T reasu rer; JU AN ITA B O W LER, New s Letter. We have a good crew goin g out and a good crew com in g in. G ood luck to all! This bein g va ca tion tim e and good w eather, the B rew ers, ED ITH , her 4 9 % er JIM , and their tw o girls flew to G reenville, 111. in a 250 Com anche. T w o w eeks o f fun so says ED ITH . VIJA B E R R Y and her 4 9 % er H ASK E L L flew to M ex ico for a fun-filled week. RUTH W A G N E R and her 49% er Southern C alifornia and the other is stationed in F lorida. The pilot train ing for a blim p is an eight month course. G oodyea r has ten pilots. The b lim p was here in S acram ento for the State Fair. On a L ady B ug flight to W illits a few w eeks ago, the w eather turned bad, so the girls headed for Oroville. Our new est L a d y B ug is H ELE N M O RG AN from the Ohio Chapter. She just m oved into ou r area and w e are en joyin g her good com pan y. O hio’s loss is S acram ento gain. N ice to have you with us H ELEN . I hear tell ED ITH B R E W E R is one of our best navigators. E T A s dow n to the last m inute. She n ever m isses! A nother L ady B ug flight this month w as to M odeso .and to tour through the G allo w inery. One tour w as conducted b y M RS. G ALLO and M RS. ROSSI. This w as one o f our m ore interesting days. W e saw everything from the tim e the trucks brought in the grapes from the fields, to the tim e the wine w as shipped. Space w on ’t allow me to tell you everyth ing we saw, includ ing the m aking of their ow n bottles, but for m yself, I w as certainly im pressed! E a ch and everyone of us receiv ed a bottle o f pink Cham pagne. T o top off the day, the G allo people treated the L a d y Bugs to lunch at one of M od esto’ s finest, Cot’ e D ’ O ro Restaurant— “ um g o o d .” B elieve m e, not one of u s w ere w atching ca la ries. T h e L ady B ugs on this flight w ere C LA IR E R A L E Y , D O ROTH Y H E N D E R LO N G , DONNA M ARTIN , C ARO L H AM M OND, A D E L E ING O GLIA, F L O R E N C E B R E E N , and h er sister FERN COBB, ED ITH BREW ER, M A R IL Y N JAKS, CE LE S T E SWANSON, V IR G IN IA TOW N SEND, M ARrA N RIGG S, MRS. G E R A LD H ENDERSO N, RUTH LUM MIS, H E L E N M ORGAN , V IJA B E R R Y , and A L spent severa l months in E urope. Should have som e interesting stories and pictures to tell and show. M any m ore I ’ m sure just h aven ’t heard. Last month M cC ellan F ield and the ‘ ’ Connie’ ’ . This m onth som e of w ere lu cky enough to get a ride on the G oodyea r blim p. F L O R E N C E B R E E N and her 4 9 % er JACK, LA R U E BROW N and h er 4 9 % e r N O RM and you rs truly M RS. LO W E LL SW E TZE R . F iv e air planes and one ca r m a d e this trip. Our m a n y thanks to M RS. G ALLO and MRS. ROSSI for a d a y we w ill n ever w ere som e of the lucky peop le to get a ride. Thanks to the B R E E N S, C A R OL H AM M OND and h er 4 9 % er for the flight F R E D , and E D ITH B R E W E R . This blim p, that so few o f us w ere lu cky to get a flight in, belongs to the G oodyea r Tire Co. T h ey have two. One here on the W est Coast in Our S eptem ber m eetin g included a scru m ptiou s pot luck dinner at T E R R Y V A SQ U E Z ’ lovely new Mt. Soledad forget. R ea l nice people. H ow one grou p of gals have so m uch fun I don ’ s know, but I ’ m glad w e do. SAN DIEGO CHAPTER Evelyn Briggs, Reporter 'home, and an excellent co lo r film df the 1966 San D iego-F allon Fun R a ce. Our thanks to D R. G E R A L D BANKS (M A R IA N ’ S husband), who m ad e this ve ry professional looking film with Corps O fficers’ Club— Cocktails 7:00, Dinner at 8:00. M ARIAN is down in M azatlan to fly her husband b a ck from crew ing a sailboat ra ce from Long L eech. SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY CHAPTER Helen McGee, Reporter Continuing our em phasis on the so ciability of flying, 11 m em b ers of our Chapter and three guests flew in to Colum bia for our O ctober m eeting. A fter a tou r of the state historical park, H ELEN M C G E E hosted the grou p fo r lunch and a short business m eeting at her hom e on Sonora. P ilotin g planes w ere JEAN M U R R A Y , Stockton; M A R IE M cDO W E LL, Gustine; M A R T IE GRAH AM , Antioch; and G E O R G E ANN GARM S, P alo Also. Fun Installation of new officers of the San Diego Chapter. President, RUTH EBEY, Vice President, LYNN BRIGGS. Secretary, M ARGARET MOODY, Treasurer, JUNE HIOKOX. exciting m u sical accom pan im en t, and to JOHN M U LLEN , (M A R T H A ’S hus band) w ho helped with the showing. JUNE and JIM H ICKOX had a storm chasing trip to Illinois. They kept catching it and h aving to sit down and wait a bit. R eturning, they had terrific winds out of W inslow which forced them to m ake a 180. M ARTH A and JOHN M U LLE N , M A R IA N and G ERALD BANKS, ea ch couple in their own plane, flew to H arlingen, T exas to the Confederate A irforce Airshow. It was ont of the m ost en joyable air shows they h ave seen. B E T T Y W H A R TON and her 49V2er CLAUDE flew on another breakfast hop to Catalina Island, and on V etera n ’ s D ay to Las V egas w here she m ad e her first night landing. H ard-w orking M ARGARET LANG helps regu larly at the San D iego A erospace M useum where plans are being com pleted for the building of a replica df the Spirit of St. Louis, hoping to have it done b y M ay 22 for the 40th anniversary celebration. LOIS and H A RRY BA R T LIN G . E LSIE and ED WATSON, M ARGARET and JIM MOODY all attended the A O PA P lan tation Party at P a lm Springs. E LSIE and ED also flew to the BarstowDaggett F ly In. At our O ctober dinner m eeting at the Marine Corps O ffice rs’ Club, our new officers w ere installed at a fun ce re m ony. BETTY W H ARTON, peppy M em bership Chairm an, surprised us each with w inged n ecklaces holding a ppropriate appendages for each office — on R U TH 'S wings was a w atch; on L Y N N ’ , a com p a ss; on M A R G A R E T ’S, a pencil; and on JU N E'S, a m inia Passengers w ere SH IR LE Y M IL LE R and E V E L Y N JOHNSON, Stockton; DO RO TH Y K O E B E L, Gustine; BILLIE W Y A TT , E V H E N D L E Y and LA U RA MAY CRAW FO RD , M odesto; and IR E N E NEALON, Hillsborough. IR E N E PIG ATI, a private pilot from Antioch, DORIS CONTANTZ, Portola V alley, and M A R G E SMITH, Palo A lio, w ere guests along with B E T T Y STRAND, wife of L e FBO at Colum bia, and ALICE FAR IS, a student pilot from Sonora, who helped wilh the ground transportation. W e com bin ed our N ovem b er m eet ing with a m st successful rum age sale ture ch eck book. As she presented e a ch o ffice r with her decoration, she read cle v e r and am using adm onitions w hich she had com posed. in M odesto. The M odesto gals m ade the arrangem ents with everyone try ing to work ait least one o f the days. M A R G A R E T AN DREW S, recoverin g While B E T T Y L A M B E R T w as on a fam ily vacation in Ontario, she m an a ged to get into T oronto long enough to pick up her Canadian tourist license, from a recent illness, stood by to nick up anyone flyin g in. H elping w ere JEAN , CH ARLOTE R Y A N , L A V E R N E G U D GEL, E LA IN E SMITH, M A R IE , BILL IE , JE A N E N N E THOMPSON, and so could en jo y sea-plane trips o v e r that beautiful part Of the world. M A R G A R E T and M U R R A Y GOOD RICH a re flyin g their Bonanza to B oulder, Colo, to share a turkey with relatives for Thanksgiving. RUTH E B E Y , B E T T Y GILLIES, R U B Y K E A V E N Y , B E T T Y W H AR TON, ST E LLA H ARD IN , E L E A N O R RICH ARDSON and guest, K IT T Y SCH IEDING, thoroughly en joyed at tending the Southwest Sectional at the N ew porter. They w ere full o f enthusi asm for the hostesses and the ideas gained there. T h ey happily announcd w e had won third pla ce fo r air m ark ing. H usbands and guests are invited D ec. 9 to ou r C hristm as party at the M arine LA U R A M A Y , EV, PAU LIN E CHRIS TEN SEN , DO RTH A B R ID G E F O R D , S H IR LE Y , H ELEN and J E A N ’S m oth er, MRS. GLEN N CUPP. T h ere’s noth ing like a ru m m age sale for sociability. These last m onths have been m eeting tim e for m any of our m em bers. M A R IE and her husband, ALAN, and G E O R G E ANN with R E N E , LA V E R N E and guest DOROTH Y M cA L LIST E R flew to the Southwest Sectional at the N ew porter Inn. V aluable pointers w ere picked up for the next F all Sectional w hich our Chapter will ho~t in Stock ton. Just hope we can d o as excellent a jo b a s the O range County gals. M A R IE and ALAN also attended the C alifornia F ly in g F a r m e r ’ s conven tion in B akersfield along with VI and AL LA E R U C H E R IE and PA U LIN E and B IL L CHRISTENSEN. F ly in g down to the A O P A Plantation P a rty in P a lm Springs w ere CH AR LO TTE and husband, B ILL , and V I and A L. B IL L IE ’ S been attending m eetings of the California A viation Association on legislative m atters. JE A N and h er husband, HARLEY, took part in the Stockton A eronautical A ssociation ’ s test of skill in n av iga tion and spot landings, ending with breakfast in Los Banos. D O R TH A ’S recen t flyin g exp erien ce has been confined to the tra ffic pat tern at Stockton M etropolitan, helping ch eck out cu stom er’s planes. W e ’ve w elcom ed tw o new m em b ers recently. IR E N E N EALON o f H ills borough rece iv e d h er P riva te P ilot’ s license April 27th and has m ore than 75 hours. She recen tly ch ecked out in a Bonanza and will be flyin g that from now on. R E N E is the m other of four girls, ages 12 to 20, and her husband, also a pilot, is an en gineer with B ech te l Corporation. SH IR LE Y M IL L E R , Stockton, re ceived her P riva te P ilot’s in August and has already passed h er C om m er cia l w ritten as well. T o build up hours, she takes friends on a flight regu la rly e v e ry week. She and h er con tractor husband have fou r sm all children . TUCSON CHAPTER Pat Nolen, Reporter Tucson 99s had Penny-a-Pound another A irlift on successful O ctober 23. W e ca rried 167,981 pounds o f enthusi astic hum anity. V ital statistics: 24 donated a ircra ft flow n b y 34 volunteer pilots. Tucson A irport A uthority bought* 1380 gallons of gas. Tucson T ow er reported this ninth y ea r to best organized airlift o f all. In N ew Y ork , on be the SHIRLEY MARSHALL holding the Lady Hay Drummond-Hay Trophy. Septem ber 25fh, SH IR LE Y M ARSH ALL receiv ed a sig S H E R R Y B O IC E receiv ed h er Instruc ticn com p a n y in the N ogales area. nal tor A eron autics; her C om m ercia l w ritten; and W E N D Y SY L V IA B A R T Z, S H IR L E Y M A R SHALL and P A T N OLEN from T u c the L a d y H ay D rum m ond-H ay T rophy BLA N CH A RD has put her new Instruc son, fo r 1966! Our ch apter is honored b y having SH IR L E Y join such an illus tor R a tin g to w ork in the W DC area . RE IN H O LD the 2nd International H angar Session aviation. M A R Y ARM STRO N G w as featured in a Louisville n ew spaper m agazine in H erm osillo, Sonora, M exico, N ovem m ilestone section with good pictu res and a d ia ry b er ll-13th. G O V E R N O R ENCINAS, of in the flyin g ca re e r o f D O ROTH Y J E N o f her participation in the ’66 AW T A R . Sonora, and SEN ATO R B A R R Y GOLDW A T E R open ed the C onference, which honor national trious fro m the Association grou p N ovem b er of W om en ’ s of w om en 11th in m arks a Inter KINS. It is the 30th A n n iversary o f h er C om m e rcia l/In stru ctor R ating. DOT has been a part o f the am azing prog ress that lives. We have aviation has m ad e in ou r R ating; of new ratings: CLARK passed C ARO L EW IN G has a new p rosp ec tive 99, but w as b a ck a m on g us to do a terrific jo b with the loadin g FR A N CIS has and JUNE K A ISE R from and RUTH P h oenix attended w as a im ed at solvin g border-crossin g problem s, and a rrivin g at a higher d egree of m utual understanding. cre w for Penny-a-Pound. FRAN news M IR Z A been doin g C harter and F e r ry flyin g fo r an a via - PAT G IL B E R T and h er 49y2er, C H A R LIE , h ave m ov ed into their new Decem ber 1966 jew elry store and PA T has p rom ised in San da y and also F lying in from L a s V egas w as Chair to com e t'o our next m eetin g now that visit with their b oy who is servin g a m ission and presently living in O range. m an N ORM A GUNDERSON in her 172, L Y L E BECK ST R A N D , ou r n ew Chap M A R Y V IA L flew solo from Phoenix, ter Chairm an, m ade the Saturday luncheon business also a Chapter Chairm an. F rom P hoe nix too, JU AN ITA N EW E LL, 49% er, m eeting, and M A R J and DON M A C K E Y E LG IN , M EL B A B E A R D , and WILMA and LOUISE and K E IT H ANDERSON BLAND. JU AN ITA flew a Bonanza. Our ca m e for the evening festivities itook hom e a d oor p rize). It (and w as Chairm an M A R Y LIK EN and daugh ter, LO RI in their 172 Sky hawk from The O ctober m eetin g w as held at the W A R D as co-pilot. LOIS W AR D flew a 140 from P rescott. JU N E E L Y and she has recovered from the serious injuries she rece iv e d in an autom obile accident last year. UTAH CHAPTER Alberta Nicholson, Reporter LUCILE CH RISTOPHERSON, our ap pointed R eporter, w rote to m e aboard TW A enroute fo E urope, sayin g had left P ro v o and had m ail the Utah forgotten Chapter news, she to and would I pinch-hit fo r her, so here it is. All is not pla y fo r LU C ILE fo r she is in E u rope to set up a tour fo r the Christopherson T ravel. She plans to visit the 99 M em bers-A t-L arge a s she goes through E ngland, Scotland, H ol land, G erm any, D enm ark, Sweden, and N orw ay. This is nice w ork if you can get it. I re m e m b e r the delightful tim e D iego the first it in tim e and for grea t fun. her w as LORI ANN NELSON. H olbrook. I flew our Skylane with DOT spaciou s hom e of another new Ogden m em b er, with IR E N E D eM ARS, which turned out to be an interesting p rob daughter CARO LE drove from W illiam s and took us to and from Moqui Inn, lem in navigation since if sets in a secluded a rea fa r o ff the m ain road w here w e had lunch and talked flying. in the meet' foothills surrounding the city. Due to an early snow, ch eck points such as the m iniature g olf pla ce re m ained vered closed, and bul the all a rrived girls p erse safely for fhe I had m aking the acquain tan ce o f D R . showing of M A U R E E N ’S slides of her trip to A laska in a grou p of three LUCIE W YM AN S and JAC COUSINS just a few yea rs a g o in H olland and Super Cubs, which w as both interest- Brussels, We all had nd fun. talk Chapters. it ’ s alw ays with 99s fun from to other L e t’ s do it again soon. Three Chapters w ere represented at this m eelin g with all three Chairmen present. That should be som e sort of record , I think. O ctober 9th found 99s and 491/2 ers w in ging their w a y to H olbrook for b reakfast. W e eouidn’t have picked a The gorgeous AE Indian S u m m er w ea SC H O L A R SH IP ther we h ave been h aving is the grea t est for flyin g and every on e is taking C A N D ID A T E S advantage of it. The Utah State Uni D E A D L I N E Jan. 15th b etter at Logan right when the leaves w ere M A X IN E ing and educational (w hich is a real A ir a ccom plish m en t E xp lorers since her plane w as grounded and she flew with K A Y B E E R w ho w as still air w as smooth as I flew in our plane; LOIS W AR D from NIELSON flew som e o f A L B E R T A ’ S the JUNE E L Y and R O B E R T KNOTT, 66 JE A N K N O T T ’ S son; JEAN , daughterin-law JE SSY E , m y 4 9 % er B IL L and versity sponsored a Fly-in and Sem inar so brilliant. day, could be. DOT flew a club plane with for hom e slides). The phone rang in the o ffice one da y and to m y great surprise il w as none other than ou r International T rea P rescott; JO W IN T E R LIN G and fa m ily from P h oenix; and NAID A B O R D E R and fa m ily from A lbuquerque; they w as w ere returning from a vacation in H aw aii. T h ey w ere at the Prescott airport when LOIS w as leaving so MAUREEN here with m ate, F R E D , w ho ca m e 1o she invited them to fhe breakfast. R eal RICH ARDS and tw o o f our four new deer hunt with his three brothers who nice m em bers from Ogden w ere there and although their flight w as great, they live here. We w ere lucky to have her ca m e. H olbrook airport m an ager, JIM R O A C H and his w ife JE A N N E , M A R Y at the solo stage. A fter returning fo SLC, M A X IN E flew on o v e r 1o P rice to spend the w eek-end. really thought the speakers w ere great, too. M AU R E E N , along with JOAN surer, RUTH RUECKERT. She co m e ov er for C offee Sunday m orn ing to meet the Utah m em b ers and give them an opportunity to get a c m eeting her and so glad they E LL E N , W A R R E N and LORI LIKEN, WILLIAMS and ELO ISE W ILLIAM S of quainted with one of their International and JIM T A N N E R com pleted the list of those present. Not quite, JEAN Clearfield, h ave em b a rk ed on a ven officers. W e en joyed you r visit, RU TH . D E C K drove from W inslow. ture w hich they hope will g iv e them NANCY R E U L IN G had another in teresting trip to P eoria, Illinois and I m ore flyin g and at the tim e w ill im prove their flying technique. T h ey plan to take additional instruction for in strument flying, plus training in several different types o f planes. They h ave had one session in a Cherokee 180, a Com anche 250 and several in Cubs. They will m eet tw ice m onthly to form u late plans. understand she and GINI S T R E E T O R have been doing a lot of flyin g down around the fabulous Southern Utah country. ty Chapter fo r a te rrific F all Sectional. ALBERTA and W ALT NICHOLSON flew down early, so as to attend their b o y ’ s graduation from the M arines w ent b a ck to the airport for n am ed and A ir JE A N D ECK , M arking Fund Chairm an; R aising JEAN K N O TT will w ork with JEAN on Air M arking. DOT W AR D , A ir A ge E du cation Chairm an; NORTHERN ARIZONA CHAPTER Ruth Smith, Reporter E leven 99s, l-4 9 % e r and 2 potential Congratulations to the O range Coun We our business m eeting. M A R Y ELLE N ful jo b DOT did a w onder of organizing our Pennies-A- Pound; m ore about that later. C ARO L Y N SH O EM AK ER, H istorian; Our m et at Grand Canyon S crapbook w as passed around at this on N ovem b er 5th. L as V ega s Chapter gals w ere planning a fly-in there and m eeting. JU N E E L Y did a great job 99s, w e hope, asked that w e join them , so that w a s the first y ea r and R O SE M A R Y K AH LE follow ed it up. I ’ m sure CARO LYN our m eetin g for the month. w ill do a g o o d job too. B E T H is our M em bersh ip Chairm an and I’m re G W EN CALD W ELL, w a s recen tly porter again. Be sure to look fo r item s fo r sale A m erica from M IL L E R . our Chapter in the new roster. in on a trip with her husband I m a n a ged to have a few C igarette lighters and book m atches. w ords of greetin g with B E T T Y ’ S hus D on ’t only look— O R D E R . W e think our Pennies-a-P ound was band CHUCK, on a recen t tran s-P acif- a huge success. 451 people w ere flown w e w ill see them both b a ck again one fo r a total of 46,263 pounds. 13 planes took part and the tem pora ry tow er da y soon. GW EN w a s v e ry thrilled when SARAH G O R E L IC K w as able reported a total of 348 takeoffs to and BR ITISH and w as v e ry happy to m eet B E T T Y ic delivery flight he m ade. fly B IL L and herself to K ansas note form to save plans fo r Thanksgiving Eve Party. BURY travels. SCOTT'S previous exp erien ce som e of ou r gols had when they helped the Tucson R O SE M A R Y ARN O LD m ad e a fly ing visit to B risbane recen tly to ap LY , ch apter with their P A P . W e plan to p ea r on a loca l T V p rogra m “ W hat’ s C AZA LE T , D IANA BAR N A TO W A LK h ave another one next y e a r with p os sibly a lon ger trip ov er beautiful Oak m y S e c r e t ? ” While here she also m ade ER, a flight' in a Bell H elicopter. A s you DON, ANN W ELCH , and m y self: Creek. know R O SE M A R Y is our on ly Aus tralian W hirly Girl. She and I are interested in com in g to the USA next prosp ective m em b ers D APH N E PO YN - Congratulations w hole thanks to day to H E LE N the LAW R E N C E , our newest C om m ercia l pilot. That m akes 4 C om m ercia l pilots in our ranks with 2 of them holding the rating of Instructor; B E T H and DOT. RO SE M A RIO PH ILL IPS is the other C om m ercia l Pilot. JU N E and L A R R Y E L Y year to enter in the they in encountered an Airline Strike on their The sm oothly, when report it w as in operation. C om m anche This s p ic e ! O ctober m eetin g at D IAN E B A R N A TO W A L K E R ’ S flat; subject; City v e ry h er hope landings during the nearly ten hours went' in Do SECTIO N P ow d er P u ff D erby. O nce w e solve the financial angle of this p rosp ective venture, the rest should be easy. The next m eeting o f the Australian are plan month. T h ey plan to g o down to Y u ca W e all en joy hearing E L IZ A B E T H (chairin g MARGO POPE, m eeting a b sen ce), and HUNT- YVO N N E CONES, SUE P H ILL IPS, TER in SH EILA PAM ELA M cK E L L A R , BETTY OVER GILLIAN LE M IN A D E LP H IN E GOR also G R E Y -F ISK , “ Sixty Six” B A R B A R A CANNON, and m ost w elcom e addition: CARO L KOCZON from CAROL England, Club, G arden spending has State Chapter. about 6 m onths joined cu rrently fam ous fam iliarizing in T ig er herself with T ig er Moth prior to taking T ig er Club a ccep ta n ce test. W e look forw ard ning their annual trip to M ex ico next tan this year. M em bers there; C O N S ID E R C H A N G E S TO THE to having her join in our activities while she’ s in this country. Just have C O N S T IT U T IO N & B Y -L A W S J U N E ’ S a ccou nt at ou r January m eet to m ention w onderful dinner D IANA g a ve us after the m eeting— absolutely ing. Next m eeting w ill be at F la g sta ff on delicious food and wine—m a n y thanks, D ecem b er 4th at the airport Cafe. Since this w ill be our D ecem b er N inety-Nines w ill be held in A pril next y ea r during the Annual G eneral M eet DIANA. Issue— M E R R Y ing o f the Australian W om en A ssociation . N ext y e a r Q ueensland will of m onths: M A R JO R IE DYKES' and 4 9 % er JOHN t'o Sardinia and Tunis in be the hostess State and w om en pilots from all o v e r Australia w ill gather at their the G reek island, lucky people. YVONNE CHRISTM AS! Australian ★ “ G old C oast” 60 m iles P ilots’ south of Brisbane. Section M em b ers’ journeyings in last couple Cessna. PO PE I w as v e ry sorry not to be a ble to m eet F A Y G ILL IS W ELLS during her F R E Y D IS and TIM SH ARLAN D to their villa on a rem ote to M in orca (M editerranean island) with her two sons. B E T T Y and E R N IE CONES toured the con South P a cific tour a s a m e m b e r of P R E S ID E N T JOHNSON’ S P ress Party, but I w as on duty at the R a d a r site tinent in their M orris O xford, specialty this fo r the P resid en t’ s a rrival and w a sn ’ t off-du ty ’til 3 a .m . the next day. P E G B elated congratulations to NANCY B IR D W ALTON on her O .B .E .! When part of the w orld. If is now closing on another busy y e a r and w e w ill all K ELM AN N AN CY w as in this cou ntry to rece iv e our greetings to her hotel. She m a n the honor from soon a ged to ring P E G the follow ing m orn of British Section ga ve h er a lunch eon to celeb ra te: viz, SH EILA SCOTT. E L IZ A B E T H O V E R B U R Y , F R E Y D IS Olga Tarling, Secretary I guess as S ecretary of the Austra lian Section Ninety-Nines, I had better give you som e m ore be news from planning fo r 1937 activities. and b efore the an orch id and A fter all the m id yea r R ating E xa m s ing in A ir T ra ffic Control and also having parted fo r Tow nsville, so at least w e did m a ke som e con tact. com pleted m y R a d a r Course, life seem ea rly I sent President de con verted fo r sleeping in as w ell as driving! SH ARLAN D, the Queen, m em b ers and M ARGO M cK E L L A R . W e’ re all so pleased about the until ou r fa m ily decided to buy a new W ell, I think that’ s about all m y present news. Our G overn or M A R hom e. W e are now just about settled and I am planning a Christm as and G A R E T K E N T L Y seem s to h ave c o v ered m ost of our m em b ers’ activities served. House W arm ing P a rty to put us underway. — so till next tim e— ed to subside to a m ore leisu rely p a ce in D ecem b er One of our Australian W om en Pilots. in the last issue of C heers to all from the N ew sletter honor, w hich cou ld not be G reat new s re: She’ s “ D own U n der.” passed the m ore d e B E R Y L SANDERS. w ritten exa m s for Airline Trattspdrt Pilots L icense. These are v ery tough (m u ch m ore so than U. S. A T R e x a m !) and it’ s quite ra re to pass them first tim e, as B E R Y L ’ s done. V ery m an y congratulations from us all! B E R Y L w ill h ave h er A L T P autom atically as soon as sh e’ s logged the rest' o f the required hours. GILLIAN again. down LIAN CAZALET’S G regory A ir out of Services luck closed operations at N ew castle— G IL “ redundant” along with other G regory pilots. LIAN w orked Last com p a n y G IL for in N ew castle w ent into liquidation, left her with no jo b and large chunk o f b a ck sa la ry ow ing, n ever receiv ed to this day. H ow ever, still shortage o f pilots in spite of winter season loom ing up; so w e think and hope G ILL IA N will be w orking again shortly. M ore details on illustrious new m e m ber ANN W E LC H : learned to fly 1934: ferried all m an ner o f serv ice aircraft' during w a r in A ir Transport A u xiliary; since w a r ANN has been prom inent figure in gliding w orld, job s including Chairman of British G liding A ssocia tion Instructors Panel, M a n ager of British G liding T eam for 7 years, D i rector of W orld G liding Cham pionships 1965, and D irector o f all National Championships since 1985— all these tim e-consum ing jo b s bein g on volun tary basis. A w arded M .B .E . for “ ser vices to gliding and w ork with the British T eam ; has also receiv ed R oyal A ero Club S ilver M edal and A URIEL M ILLER of Durban at the South African Flying Championships for private pilots. 0 . P. Jones Cup for her contributions to gliding. In “ spare tim e” ( ? ) w rites books! 49t i e r L O R N E also v ery w ell known in gliding world. now ou r local Ninety-Nine H eadquar ters. A party w ill be held at the F lyin g Club w hich is located betw een Welcome P re toria and Johannesburg, to m ark the and o cca sion and it is hoped that all the SOUTH A F R IC A N girls w ill be able to attend. Congratulations H ere, in her ow n w ords, is a history SECTIO N of A U R IE L M IL L E R ’ S to our newly formed flying. “ M y flyin g started o ff on a bursary South African aw arded b y the Durban b ranch of the Yvonne Lourens, Reporter W om en ’ s Aviation A ssociation — given At last South A frica has b e co m e a Section of the N inety-Nines. U nfor for w inning an essay com petition (on w hy w e w ould like to fly ), and then tunately, despite endless efforts to get bein g put' through an elem en tary flyin g to Seattle, none of our m em b ers could test. be at the 1966 Convention to receiv e flyin g up to the P riva te P ilot’ s test. the C harier personally, but it arrived safe and w ell in the post! This Charter will be handed to Grand Central F lyin g Club, This the largest and m ost a ctive club in A frica , for safe-keeping, as G ran d Central is paid I w ent solo in 6% then over b u rsa ry duly presented for all my hours and w as with a lovely bronze figu re depicting a w om an pilot, given b y C om m ercia l A ir Services for first solo. Then b efore seeing even 20 hours flying, I n early ga v e up Section flyin g tw ice. This w as becau se o f a) stalls (w hich I find m ild now) and b ) spins— they frightened the life out of m e. (H ow could I possibly ever m a n a ge them b y m y self When m y eyes w ere shut tig h t!) Then, when I had about 22 hours, I had occa sion to be ob server in an A ero-C om m ander piloted b y the P resi dent o f A ero Club of S. A .—G rahan W ulff. The trouble in the plane developed air and a s engine we w ere returning fo V irginia A irfield the en gines cut, and we w ere fo rce d to crash into the sea. B esides a few cuts, a thorough wetting, a short sw im , and som ew hat shaken w e w ere none fhe w orse fo r w ear. F r o m that ra th er un usual— exp erien ce w e b e ca m e eligible fo r m em bership o f an exclu sive inter national club—the G oldfish Club. F ive m onths after starting the flyin g, I got m y P riva te P ilot’ s licen se, and licensed to fly Cessna 150s and 172s, and Cherokee 180. The T ig er Moth will be next, I hope. The South A frican flyin g ch am pion ships w ere held in Durban o v e r fhe 9th and 10th July this y ea r, and I w as talked into entering. The w eather w as good to us, and I w as lu cky enough to be placed second in the ch a m pion ships and found three W om en ’ s A via tion trophies presented to m e. These b e in g :—B rits floating trophy fo r best S.A. w om an pilot, M arie M ills trophy fo r best fo rce d landing, and Bertha Solom on trophy fo r best under 60 hours pilots (m ine bein g 55 h ours). A s fa r as w hat I do fo r a living goes, p h a rm a cy is m y line. So study ing has kept me busy since I Left to right: Outgoing Chairman, CHRIS WINZER; new member- TRINA JARISH; and incoming Chairman, PRIL LOVERIDGE. left school. A lw ays keen on sport and out H ORTON. CHRIS W IN Z E R and guest, fo the m anagem ent of our group this door life. school in NINA H ETM AN w ere o ff to New Y ork for the G rea ter New Y ork Chapter y ea r. installation. has a full y e a r ahead. Our new Chair Although represen ting the h ockey, tennis, sw im m ing and netball team s, I now only m a n age league squash and flying o f c o u r s e !’ ’ h ockey. And Our congratulations g o to A U R IE L , w ho with com p a ra tiv ely little exp er ience in flying, ca m e second in the S. A. cham pionships w om en. SHARON arduously fo r m en and SIMMONS tow ard w orked preparin g m ost ou r own installation banquet on O ctober 22nd; and she w as fortunate in obtaining T E D W IN Z E R as gu est speaker. He presen ted highlights o f his professional ca re e r as a pilot and now, jet captain. F or the installation itself, CH RIS W IN Z E R passed along the ga vel o f ch air m an to P R IL L O V E R ID G E and nam ed E V E L Y N M U RCH as Vice-C hairm an, NEWENGLAND SECTION while CYN TH IA K E M P E R retains the office o f secretary and B E T T Y SAGAN rem ains as ou r T reasu rer. The Chapter presented CH RIS with a silver R e v e re bow l, thanking h er fo r the long hours CONNECTICUT CHAPTER Ruth P. Buckley, Reporter Along ca m e four— CHRIS W IN Z E R , P E G DAVIDSON, E V E L Y N MURCH, and P R IL L O V E R ID G E attended the N ew E ngland Sectional in L aw ren ce, M ass., gorgeou s on a fall da y and had a m arvelous tim e! And again ca m e four—RtJTH B U C K L E Y , M A R Y and lively participation she has given Is Y O U R chapter report in the N E W S ? If not, W H Y not ? ? ? ? the CHRIS A m elia recen tly E arhart w as aw arded Scholarship and m an anticipated a productive and bu sy year. RU TH B U C K L E Y pinned our new est m em b er, T R IN A JARISH , with a corsa g e o f white flow ers tied with roy a l blue ribbon, in the tradition o f the Chapter. M em bers and friends at tending the installation w ere as fol low s: CYN TH IA and BUD K E M P E R , M A R Y and K EN H ORTON, E V E L Y N and DICK M URCH, B E T T Y CHRIS and TED W IN ZE R , SAGAN. P R IL L O V E R ID G E , JERRY G A R D IN E R , RUTH B U C K L E Y , G IN N Y and DICK C A RRIC ATO , SHARON SIMMONS. P E G G Y and DON DAVIDSON, M A R I LY N and JOHN H U B B E L L , ELLEN and TOM P U R D Y , prosp ective m e m b e r K A Y LIT TE N and husband BASIL; also, three girls from the Conn. W o m en ’ s F lyin g Club: LOIS OLDS, C ARO L LABINSKI and IR E N E BA TES, as w ell as several guests. The N ovem ber m eetin g w ill b e a luncheon given b y P E G DAVIDSON P A R K E . At the end o f the cou rse ea ch and E V E L Y N M URCH at P E G ’S hom e pletion, severa l overhaul m anuals, and H elicopter ride in North H aven, a piston as a rem em b ra n ce. The girls of N ew Y ork Authority. all! bring our and D e ce m b e r will Christm as a C ertificate of Com o f L iberty donated b y H elaire Copters Lim ited, and RU TH BLISS won the donated b y the Port Lucky girls, E V 'S recom m en d ed this cou rse v ery highly to anyone w ho has the opportunity 1o been attend. M A D D E N are planning a trip to F lo r The Garden State Chapter has a c cep ted the responsibility as the H ost o f the plane being “ Bent W ing” . Must b e a story behind that one. about at receiv ed G U ILFO RD abode. F ew rep orts have relayed party girl flyin g a ctivity. Perhaps, after reading this the m e m b ers will be en cou raged to speak up. “ T o those o f you ess Chapter for the Start o f the P ow d er whom I have not seen person ally since P u ff D erb y in A tlantic City in Ju ly m y taking of o ffice —thank you for your confidence. A nd I w ould like to 1967. Chairm an’ s note: JU D Y M ELTSNER has been M INA ELSCH N E R and D O LORES ida in D O L O R E ’ S Cessna 150, the nam e BETTY PATTO N is a m em b er of appointed Chairm an o f the Start and (he P a ra m u s F lyin g Club at Teterb oro A irport, and is presently arran g say briefly that w e h ave been asked she w ill keep you in form ed of all the ing an a ssem b ly progra m on aviation by the F lorida W om en P ilot’ s A ssoc, developm ents in the m onths 1o com e. a1 to m anage a U. S. entry ra ce stop in H artford fo r the IA R next M ay, A ctivities planned for our Chapter include a Christm as P a rty on D e ce m in E nglew ood, and we b e r 17 at F ly in g W R anch. This date h ave a ccep ted. M ore about is also piloted it next month! ” the a nn iversary of the first airplane flight. On January 15, w e are having another B ox Lunch A uction at M orrisville Airport. N.Y. - N. J. SECTION The G arden other future the fall season with plans October, fo r the m an y of com in g our ST R IC K L E R her up AE In m em b ers at SC H O L A R SH IP A ir T ra ffic Control T ow er Atlantic City problem s Airport. that pilots He h ave at discussed when op keep posted for details of the A greal m an y m em b ers of ou r ch a p ter en joyed the Section m eetin g on O ctober 15th at the Sheraton Tenney Inn, La G uardia Airport. International important point he em phasized, n ever President to ask the tow er to 99s and 66s, CRONAN cop ter this Can has a new book fall, titled B e ” . Published “A H eli by Ran- dam H ouse, it’ s fo r beginning readers. Publishing dale is N ovem b er 15. 4 9 % er W A L T E R flew and their daughter instrum ents, they sat it IR E N E KEITH , a Pan A m erican D ispatcher, had a w onderful flight in Septem ber to R io de Jan eiro fo r five then on v ia B razilia to P ort o f Spain. On S eptem ber 26th the N ew Y ork area had tw o international 99 visitors a rrive on the sam e da y at Kennedy. F rom Australia, via E ngland, w as RHONDA ST EW ART o f L id com b e, who on is on a six m onth tour of three con “ say hand io bid good -b ye to out-going G ov tinents. The even ing arrival w as SHE along ern or DORIS R E N N IN G E R , and hello to in com in g G overn or KAY HIL- ILA SCOTT, G overn or of the Great Britain Section. On hand to m eet B R A N D T . B efore the installation m eet SH EILA and RH O N D A R E N N IN G E R , M I N A again ” . Several o f our SELM A appearing d ays; G REATER NEW YORK CHAPTER Charlotte M. McCollum, Reporter erating in and around a controlled airport, particu larly busy airports. One he afraid and has been exhibited hom e to R ed Bank, N. J. events. F.A .A . the ca m e to the rescu e, v ia C om m ercial and flew the fam ily Com anche 400 in Atlantic City fo r a luncheon m eet ing. Our speaker w as JOHN A. MC Ihe of around tour D E A D L I N E Jan. 15th Start of the D erb y and other com in g of painting on at G im bles in N ew Y ork and at an exhibition in Philadelphia. rent on the port. Then on N ovem b er 13, w e m et C ontroller LO PE Z’s A ngels is now country, School out fo r five days. Finally son PH ILLIP but Chief the High C A N D ID A T E S tended the N ew Y ork-N ew J e rs e y Fall Section M eeting at L aG u ardia A ir D ERM OTT, M ARIO N Blue M orrow N. J. to her colleg e in Indiana and w ere prom ptly w eathered in. Not being cu r a y ea r. D w igh t M A R G A R E T LA U D E N SLA G E R T h a i’ s all the news for this month brunch at F lyin g W R anch and m ade our FAYE tem b er and has a lrea d y had for her first airplane flight. The G arden State Chapter is v e ry busy these days. On S eptem ber 18 w e o f f" 99. o f Brigantine had a b a b y girl in Sep GARDEN STATE CHAPTER Nancy Smith, Reporter “ kicked State Chapter has an Ihe with m em b ers from the E astern Pennyslvania Chapter, attended a B asic A LIC E ROBERTS w as “ Omni C lin ic” E ngine School at AVCO L y com in g D i M R. P A T R IC K a JU LIE VOM SAAL, SELM A CRONAN vision in W illiam sport, m o s t in form ative progra m , well w orth and K A Y H ILBRAN D T. The day w as Those attending LOCH, JU D Y WHISTON, w ere Pennsylvania. MARY JU N E M E L TSN E R , ANN FL O R E N C E WALSH, J. presented b y w ere DORIS ELSCHN ER, ing, the MURPHY w as spent: seein g and hearing. P rosp ectiv e m em b ers at. tion m eetin g included DOT W arren Township, N. J.; at K ennedy including a visit S ec to the tow er fo r RH ONDA, then din K IR B Y , DORIS n er at T ra d er V ic ’ s in Ihe city for all. the ANT, and JOAN B E R T L E S. The cou rse STOLL, Chappaqua, N. Y .; and LYN N M IN A a lso ran into M A R IE D 'A LT E R IO , G overn or o f the M iddle-East dealt m ainly with the 0-320 and 0-360 tear- C H ALM ER S TW A ITE , New R och elle. B E T T Y PA T TO N w on the Channel Section, at G abby R en nin ger’ s Fly-In at Pottstow n, P a ., airport the end down and reassem bly. T h eir instructor In this five d a y cou rse w as C H A R L E S M aster R adio, G A IL BR O W N LE E won o f Septem ber. the H elicopter ride around the Statue BARBARA M AD ELIN E W ILCOX, M A R G E engines and included com p lete BRY BROTH ERTON ’S new address is R . R. 1, Lim ehouse, tario, Canada. B A R B A R A m e m b e rs of ou r Chapter, On is still a preferrin g fo r the m om ent to rem ain so, rather than b ecom in g a m em ber-at-large. Good luck in you r new hom e and new location, B A R B A R A ! And I thank those responsible for getting the news to m e this month, m ain ly M IN A ELSCH N ER, JU LIE VOM SAAL, and RU TH BLISS. With out' them this w ould have been m ighty short! LONG ISLAND CHAPTER Honey Kate Trattler, Reporter Biggest new s this fall: our highly successful Penny-A-Pound held on O c tober 29th at Long Airport. O ver three Island-M acA rfhur thousand people turned up, and w e w ere able to give rides to seven hundred and fifty. The ch apter m ad e about nine hundred d ol lars— not' bad fo r ou r first airlift! We all w orked m ighty hard, and w ere fortunate bands, and in having friends, the help from fixed b ase airport tow er and hus operators, New Lonj; Island Chapter officers at the installation luncheon. Left to right: RUTH DOBRESCU. Secretary; HONEY KATE TRATTLER, Vice-Chairman; RITA GIBSON, Chairman; and JOAN FLEISCHMANN, Treasurer. m a n a ge m ent personnel. E very on e rea lly pitch the ed in to m ak e it a m em ora b le day. M acArthur term inal building. On O ctober 22nd, ju st one w eek b e fore the Pcnny-A -Pound, our Installa tion luncheon w a s held at the M a rcpierre restaurant in F arm ingdale. Guest o f honor, G O V E R N O R KAY H ILB RAN D T, installed the new officers — Chairm an, R IT A GIBSON; V ice- Chairm an, H O N EY K A T E T R A T T L E R ; Secretary, RUTH DO BRESCU ; and Treasurer, JOAN FLEISCH M ANN. HANK B O R N E R , Transportation E d i tor of the “ Lon g Island C om m ercia l new restaurant D ouglas the M E E K E R residen ce. The trick or N ext in D e ce m b e r is the Christm as E T H E L F E D D E R S , D O RITA NORTON, party— this year to in the be Continental restaurant held in frca ters at the Syosset on F rid a y, D e ce m b e r 9th. F estivities b e gin at 8 p.m . N ew est L on g Island Ninety-Nine is H E L E N M O X IM , with a y e a r o f flyin g and 137 hours tucked aw ay. W elcom e, H E LE N . W e’ re delighted to have you with us. M ore new s: re ce iv e d the E L L IE A m elia M cCULLOUGH E arh art m ed a l present w ere N AOM I M E E K E R , PEG WAHL, and T E R R I P IR - RU N G . E T H E L and P E G flew b y jet 1o New Y ork for the F all Sectional. P E G in vited the Section to W estern N ew Y ork fo r the Spring m eetin g. This is som e thing w e have all been wanting to do for som e tim e. now. NAOM I, E TH E L , and T E R R I w ere lu cky enough to see Ihe p rogra m that P A T M U R P H Y puts on when it w as sponsored b y one of R e v ie w ” , and one of our specia l guests, fro m the “ Lon g Island E a rly F ly e rs ” rece iv e d a handsom e identification bra celet as a token o f a ppreciation for all his help to the new Chapter. Then for her A W T A R entry. The m ed a l w as presen ted b y ch a rter Ninety-Nine m e m outgoing LOUGH w as presented with a Ninety- b e ca m e a m em b er of the “ Interna tional O rder o f C h aracters,” n icknam e: Nine costu m e pin. There w ere GERO N IM O — and a M erry Christm as about flyin g fo r a cou ple o f months. and H appy N ew Y e a r to you all. W e’ re looking forw a rd to seeing her pictures taken on the trip at a m eet Chairman E L L IE M cCULsom e audible sighs o f relief as she put it on— R IT A one GIBSON pin E L L IE had selected didn’ t h ave. It ber, VIO LA GENTRY. E L L IE also the w as a lovely luncheon! Now som e D e ce m b er dates to note: The Long Island N inety-Nines and Sixty-Sixes w ill m od el clothes, suitable fo r flying, at L on g Island A irport on WESTERN NEW YORK CHAPTER Terri Pirrung, Reporter Cider, doughnuts, and som e business w as the progra m fo r our N ovem b er m eetin g held on H allow een night at the B u ffalo fixed-b a se operators. W e w ere glad to see our Chairm an, D O R ITA b a ck to her old ch ipper self a fter a bout with a bu g she picked up during her travel to R u ssia and Israel. Said she cou ldn ’t even think ing in the n ear future. PEG said the latest A irm ark ing in the Dunkirk-Fredonia area has been on the ro o f of a F redonia high school. W e w ould like to say a belated w el com e to H A R R IE T M IL L E R and Sunday, D e ce m b e r 4th at 3 p.m . This F R A N C E S M U R R A Y , our new est m e m will be b ers on the other co-ordinated with an a ircra ft exhibit set up on the ram p— and the whole show celeb ra tes the opening of C O N S ID E R C H A N G E S TO THE C O N S T IT U T IO N & B Y -L A W S -5 4 — side of the state. H ope you w ill b e able to co m e over our w a y for a m eetin g som etim e. able k J lM IO O L E EAST SECTION CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA CHAPTER Marion Dunlap, Reporter E veryone had a good tim e m eetin g ANESIA C lub.” AN ESIA MACH sented h istorical docum ents and orig inal papers to the Smithsonian Insti SK IP tute from the cou ntry o f Brazil in com m em ora tion o f A L B E R T DUMAS, by som e of including SH E P H ARD . And, how lu cky could the stunt4 9 % er B IL L JACKSON had retired from the FAA gines. fun and surprises fo r the m et nom inating h er friends— show w itnessing the show ! girls of air ning a tour w as m ad e o f A v co Corp. m anufacturer of L y com in g a ircra ft en the us ton, w here he w ere a fford ed a private ers b e ? ? this, fold MACHADO as “ W om an of the Y e a r— for the 0 X 5 just F ollow ing She ADO, 99 m em ber-at-large, recen tly pre Middle E ast Section m eetin g at W il eve the grea t whole, no m atter how sm all.” pleasant surprise and thrill to see this particu larly ax’ The F rid a y im aginable! !x0! hidden paradise so close to W ashing liam sport, Pennsylvania. p la ce —JACQ U IE SM ITH 'S private landing strip at A ccok eek , M aryland. W hat a prior to fam ous aeronaut. While in St. Louis, BLA N CH E w a s on several ra dio pro g ra m s Planning— Ideas fo r fund raisin g and and a beautiful luncheon w as given in her honor attended by the convention President of Zonta International, M is w ere (he ch ief topics for discussion. M em bers w earin g their Ihinking caps, souri V a lley Pilot’s, N AA and m em bers Party which w as a delightful affair. Saturday m orn in g brought quite a besides BLANCH E NANCY LY N A M , M A R Y A N N JESSU P, of few of the girls flyin g in IF R as the JACQ U ELIN E SMITH, B E A W IL D E R . weather w as not to o coop era tive. H E LE N the 99s and pinned their newest m e m ber. in the Susquehanna R oom of the L y com ing Acquainted H otel fo r a G et The Section business m eetin g began RUTH the new o fficers included: M U R P H Y , JA N E RALSTON, F R E C K L E T O N , HEDY at 10:00 a .m . w ith the election of the following o ffice rs: K A T E M cCAR IO, J A F F E E , LA U R A J E R E N E R , N E L L IE JACKSON, H A ZE L DW IGGINS, W E N Governor: H A ZE L BARTOLET, DY G overnor; H A ZE L DW IGGINS, T rea surer; and BARBARA V ice FAR Q U H A R - SON, Secretary. Many fine things are bein g planned for the Im’ernational Convention B LA N CH A RD , DORIS LIL VELTA should m ake this a m ust on their lists o f events. the press. A fter installed the luncheon the new the G reater St. Louis V acations— Y an kee BEA flew to her hom etow n o fficers Chapter of W ILD ER for vacation— BENN, CA P E COD— and had a m arvelous tim e, even though she took with her an a cquired southern Virginia accent. W H ITE, M IT ZIE KELLER, CH ESNES, ADELE COTTON, V IR G IN IA THOMPSON, BLANCHE NO Y ES and JE A N ROSS HOW ARD. in Washington, D. C. next y ea r. E very on e of C O N S ID E R C H A N G E S TO THE Som e of the present G IL B E R T K E L L E R , AL K EN guest’s W H ITE, SCOTT, JO H N and JOHN CH ARLES C O N S T IT U T IO N & B Y -L A W S VIRGIN IA TH O M PSON , Chairm an of 49M>ers at JACQ UIE SM ITH'S included: COMDR. DONALD LY N A M , P H IL IP JESSUP, CHESNES, JERRY KELLY, MAJOR W ILLIAM SON, M ICH AEL CAPTAIN O ’ CONNELL (M a congratulated our Chapter on 1he m any SH IR LE Y M ARSH ALL g ra ced ou r at rine P ilot) and G U N N E R Y SER G E AN T M O RRIS BEACH — the latter three from accom plishm ents during ou r first year. tendance b y com in g all the w a y from the 13th Infantry Battalion. T h ey show A fter the business m eetin g everyone Tucson, A riz. Other visitors included: D O TTIE R E E S E , JU D Y PATO N , and JE A N H OW ARD 'S M other and Aunt V iet N am , from w here they recen tly returned. If any o f you would care the Section N om inating C om m ittee enjoyed a good lunch at w hich tim e, prizes w ere presented to lucky re pictures about N ew Chapter—W e shall m iss A LIC E FUCHS and N AN CY T IE R , W ho are som e good for the M arine R eserve C A R E Fund, at 1028 Connecticut A ve Flights finale to a w onderful w eekend. MARYLAND CHAPTER ED ITO R N O TE: AD A M ITCH ELL baby of A new film ca lled Stam p o f F rien d JOAN SM ITH 'S of set ship w as shown a fter the luncheon. This is the story o f A M E L IA E A R around the W orld. This w as a grand nothing thrilling to pep up you r m eetings, contact M AJOR W ILLIAMSON and really do H A RT’ S and sa y a D AVID cipients. H A ZE L B A R T O L E T w as pre sented with a floral arran gem en t. — to ed W H ITE. tran sferring to other Chapters. R U T H F R E C K L E T O N announced her return nue, N.W ., T h ey w ill now that the M aryland Chapter is well on its w ay, and she is w orkin g to or attend you r a ffa ir to show the film s. ganize a new Chapter n ear R ich m on d, ties o f an international fla v or in W ash Virginia. ington goin g on at all tim es, that it is difficult for us to attend them all. Congratulations— G o out to FRAN W ashington, have D. som eon e C. 20036. interesting W e have so m a n y glam orous activi kidney CES N O LDE, who w as in ch a rge of JE A N operation and is recu perating. She is the W om en ’ s R a c e in the National A ir the A rm y the organizer of M aryland Chapter and Show at found tim e to have our International form erly m em b er o f W ashington. F red erick , M aryland, to our ra cer JA N E RALSTO N, and to M ITZI K E L L E R , who has receiv ed h er twin ternationa] T reasu rer RU TH R U E CK - has successfully undergone a WASHINGTON, I). C. CHAPTER Ruth Freckleton, Reporter 1967 CONVENTION C ITY Off We Go Into the high blue yon der over L a b or D ay w eek-end rating! w a ys President preparin g for (al another fabulous H OW ARD w as busy at H elicopter Convention, A LIC E ROBERTS and but In E R T in a receiv in g line at her hom e. I 0 X 5 M eeting—BLAN CH E N O Y ES ROSS arrived when m ost of the guests w ere leavin g a s m y little P U G (F reck lelon 's A ero Queen) won in the D og — and it was indeed gratifying fo r the trip F A A ), Show that day. G racin g the tea table Washington m e m b e rs to ra lly around their new o ffice rs at the m ost desir quoted som ething A M E L IA E A R H A R T said: “ Satisfaction is bein g a part o f N O YES, sw apping stories in between as an execu tive of the and pouring for JE A N w as BLANCHE D ’A L T E R IO W ELLS, Chairm an of the activities (and her co-C hairm an V IR G IN IA COTTON, Capital F ly In; JA N E R A L fro m Philadelphia. I m a n a ged to co r THOMPSON, w ho w a s u navoid ably a b STON, “ G et ner the H onorable M RS. A L B E R T THOMAS, C ongressw om en from T exas, sent from the m eetin g). NANCY L Y N H AZEL DW IG G INS; AM A w ard Luncheon; w ho is servin g her h usband’ s unex pired term . M RS. THOMAS is sold on the M iddle E ast Section to attend the Sm ithsonian; V IR G IN IA THOMPSON, W ashington Chapter m eetin g at A D E L E R eserva tion s; HEDY COTTON'S residen ce— and w hat a d e portation, “ Thank Y ou s” , Central C hapter; and F R A N C E S N OLDE will cups with E L S IE M A CAR IO and M cB R ID E , M A R IE KATE aviation and helicopters, and incidental ly I suspect JE A N w as instrum ental sparked the n earby Chapters o f other hotel a rran gem en ts; A D E LE A cquainted LIL P a rty ” ; CHESNES, BLANCHE NOYES. JAFFE, T ran s downtow n lightful hostess she is! R epresen ted w ere JO Y C E RO GG IO , R E A WELCH, W ashington this w eek. H urrah! H and IR E N E W IR T SC H A FT E R , E LS IE M c take ca re o f the Banquet, as w ell as aeria l Photos. Incidentally, all I can revea l now is that the them e will be in getting a heliport in som e G E N E N O R R IS of the AIA , w as B R ID E , chaperoned b y his w ife, JAN , w ho w as B A R A FAR QU H ARSON from the E a st an International one and you w ill be the third gal ern receiv in g all kinds of inform ation b e in C olorado to receiv e her private ticket. L et’ s get her flyin g with u s !! M aybe w e can get a new W ashington m em b er?? M AYETTA BEHRENGER (form ery from K A TE P a ., Chapter; on BAR C A RO LYN H AR- fore (with their 4 9 % e rs ), from the M ary- ington Santa hand long. Inquiry a n d /o r suggestion from any one o f you is w elcom e. W ash is live— and such an alm ost exciting as place gran d to to visit. P L A N N E X T SU M M E R ’ S T R IP NOW. W e heard that M A Y E T T A B EH Next News D E A D L I N E band, is m y n eighbor at Andrew s A ir F o rce B ase. Im p ecca b le fashion-plate LY N AM , and BOLIS from Central P a ., Chapter; LOIS B A T Y and LEA H STINCHCOMB Clara V a lley) and m ore recen tly from Peru with her N a vy C om m en der hus NANCY M ACAR IO R IN G E R December 20th (who visited our m eeting) has had a fligh t with the Blue A ngels with (on N a vy D a y ). COM DR. DONALD LY N AM , h er w a r land C h aoier; as w ell as H E D Y J A F F E , rior, greeted everyon e LA U R A Z E R E N E R , JA N E RALSTO N , Congratulations g o out to the girls w ho are w orking lo r their Instrum ent BETSY R ating, including M A R Y A N N E SH EL as if h er trip from the A O PA Plantation P a rty at P a lm Springs, California, w as just nothing at' all. She and V E L T A BEN N represented us as AO PA Clinic. instructors at the I spent a m inute saying “ h ello” to W EE KS, N AN CY LY N AM , FRA N C E S N O LD E, H A ZE L GINS, B E A T R IC E W IL D E R , DW IGM ARY- LEY JESSUP. It w a s a toss-up with the A m elia ANNE JESSU P, A D E L E COTTON, and E arh art C om m ittee t'o select tw o from RUTH F R E C K L E T O N , from the W a sh three: H A ZE L DW IGGINS, NANCY LY N A M and W E N D Y BLA N C H A R D — ington Chapter. A D E L A ID E TIN K E R , just b a ck from, F A Y , w hom you w ill reca ll did suc’t terrific jo b on the A m elia E a r and the first tw o have been selected overseas, and there w as such a furor a of friends hart C om m em ora tive Stam p program , gathering around, I gra b b ed m y c a m guided the gals up to the flight line. and National. RUTH FRECKLETON era The “ volunteered' ing a grou p o f w om en in R ich m on d, com m ittee w ork: V irginia to form their own Chapter— V IR G IN IA say and TH OM PSON ’ S left-—h aving “ w e lco m e ” to tim e only FAY to GILLIS their follow ing people assistance fo r W ELLS. II w as nice lo see ALIC E, R U T H , and all the others so happy. JO Y C E RO G G IO , International licity; RU TH FRECKLETON, The H OW ARD teas are fam ous. W ashington; LEA H STINCHCOMB and F a ce d with the p rosp ect of the 99s International Convention next y ea r, the LOIS B A T Y , area ; LER; spinning D ecorations, props around FAY in W ashington W ays and M eans— M IT ZI K E L W ashington area m em b ers h ave started their W om en P u b local JO EDDLEM AN G overn ors will handle P a rty, and for the final evaluation at Sectional is en courag and now aw aiting sanction b y Section and. H eadquarters, Charter is issued. Christm as P a rty b efore m eetin g the w ill new be D ecem b er 10 at H E D Y J A F F E 'S hom e at five fly in' o ’ c l:c k . If you are nearby, 99 MEMBERSHIP LIST New O CTOBER C AN AD IAN 1966 SECTION Charles Elizabeth (Mrs. Joseph 15 Dustan Crescent Toronto 6, Ontario, Canada GA 13088 Williams, Esther (Mrs. John) 70 Princess M argaret Blvd. Islington, Ontario, Canada 233 1832 NEW E N G LA N D R.) Canada Canada SECTION Goldsmith, Trina Jarish 316 Middletown Ave. Connecticut W ethersfield, Conn. 563-4105 Cramer, Elizabeth B. (Mrs. George F., Jr.) 425 So. Pleasant St. Eastern N ew England Amherst, Mass. 01002 (413) AL 3-7413 Crowell, Ruth E velyn (Mrs. John W.) 114 Valhalla Drive Eastern N ew England Portsmouth, R. I. 02871 683-0976 Delaney, Helen Frances 128 Fellsw ay W est Eastern N ew England Medford, Mass. 02155 Shea, M ary A. 6 Taylor Street Eastern New England Holyoke, Mass. 01040 536-0186 N. Y . - N. J. SECTION Benson, B arbara L. (Mrs. W illiam) 87-18 139 St. Garden State Jam aica, N. Y. 11435 JA 3-5751 Moxim, Helen H. (Mrs. A l) 21 W inchester Drive Long Island Linderhurst, N. Y. 11757 TU 8-0019 M ID D L E E A S T SECTION Sizemore, E velyn Lillian (Mrs. R obert) 3120 Savoy Drive Washington, D. C. Fairfax, Va. 22030 385-6481 SO U TH EAST SECTION Arnold, Linda Douglas 1375 R idgew ood Park Memphis, Tenn. 38116 398-0406 Memphis NORTH C E N T R A L SECTION Coates, Rita Joy (M rs. Arthur') 11418 M eadowbrook D rive All-Ohio Parm a Heights, Ohio 44130 VI 3-9955 Alberty, Linda Linnenkohl (Mrs. R obert C.) 735 Circle Drive, B ox 5 Iowa Carlisle, Iowa 50047 965-3337 Brown, Natalie M yrtle (Mrs. W alter R .) 5329 W aterbury Road Iowa DeMoines, Iow a 50312 Hartman Shirley B. (Mrs. Wilson) Route 8, B ox 170 Iowa Bloomfield, Iowa 52538 664-3786 Banks, Rose M arie (Mrs. R oy) 520 Pearl St. Michigan Morenci, Mich. 49256 458-6528 Greenwood, Virginia (Mrs. Alfred P.) 2IG80 Geneve, Hwy. Manitou Beach, Mich. 49253 (517) 547-5817 SOUTH CEN TR AL SECTION B erry, Eleanor Jane P. O. B ox 874 Arkansas Pine Bluff. Ark. 71601 JE 5-3460 Hughes, Eva. (Mrs. Bill) P. O. Box 455 Arkansas Mena, Ark. 71953 394-2363 Mitchell Delores O. (Mrs. B ob G., M.D. 412 South D ogwood St. Arkansas Sallisaw, Okla. 74955 SP 5-6382 Grossman, Susan T aliaferro (Mrs. Rene E .) 13410 Blossomheath Lane Dallas Dallas, Texas 75240 AD 5-6382 Hundley, Elizabeth King (Mrs. P. J.) 3311 Princess Lane Dallas Dallas, Texas 75229 F L 2-7280 Lott, Billie Jones (Mrs. L eroy) 901 Dumont Dallas Richardson, Texas 75080 AD 1-0432 Tafel, Lillian Anna (Mrs. Robert. H.) 11342 Park Central Place Dallas Dallas, T exas 75230 EM 3-7912 Br’ackett, Corinne Louise (Mrs. W illiam N .) c / o ManerJ F lying S ervice El Paso A lam ogordo Mun. Arpt.. P. O. B ox 105 Alam ogordo, N. M. 88310 F L 6-2600 Moore, Martha Jackson 3211 Altura Ave. El Paso, Texas 79930 566-0603 El Paso Chapline, Marian G. (Mrs.W m . 7931 Bnaesdale Lane Houston, Texas 77071 PR 4-0256 L.) Houston Mejlaender, Monta Mae (Mrs. G eorg Otto) 12422 Broken Bough Houston Houston, Texas 77024 HO 8-3951 SO U TH W EST SECTION Spangenber'g, Cynthia Pont (Mrs. Russell) 430 Palos V erdes Blvd. No. 3 Long Beach Redondo Beach, Calif. 90277 FR 8-3705 Dorr, M ary Wright (Mrs. John W .) 24840 P a cific Coast Hwy. Los Angeles Malibu, Calif. 90265 GL 6-6352 Oliver, Susan 8729 Wonderland Park Los Angeles, Oalif. 90046 656-2953 Los Angeles Ayoub Ellen Flaherty 26746 Calle M aria Orange County Capistrano Beach, Calif. 92624 496-2210 Darwin, E lhelm ae (Skip) Jr.) 317 G race St. Oceanside Calif. 92054 722-4720 (Mrs. Fred M. Palom ar Bradley, Brunhilde K. (Mrs. Kenneth R.) Route 1, Box 1150 Phoenix Virginia Beach, Va. 426-6791 Keeble Patricia Ann 2450 M eadow St. San Luis Obispo, Calif. (415) 544-1915 Santa Barbara 93401 Sawyer, Jacoy W hitesides (Mrs. Robert Drake) 1417 Beacon Drive Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 486-1603 ‘ ‘ R E l NSTATE M E N TS” NEW E N G LA N D SECTION Adam s, Virginia A. (Mrs. F. Dennette) 80 Craftsland Rd. Eastern New England Chestnut Hill, Mass. 02167 (516) AS 7-9122 N. Y . - N. J. SECTION Loch, M ary Jane (Mrs. W illiam J.) 214 Penn Valley Terrace Garden State Morrisville, Pa. 19067 C Y 5-9738 Brownlee, Gale W oodstock, N. Y. 12498 Greater New York (914 ) 679-9288 Kohler, Joanne 8985 W ehrle D rive Western New York Clarence, N. Y. <716) 634-2745 M ID D L E E A ST SECTION Hull, M ary M. (Mrs. Jam es W.) 27 Kinsey Street Central Pa. M ontgomery, Pa. 17752 (717) 547-5483 SOUTH EAST SECTION McClanathan, Jeannine (Mrs. Donald E.) 4700 Sunrise Dr. S Florida Suncoast St. Petersburg, Fla. 867-7383 Jones, Dorotha Rushbridge (Mrs. L eR oy) Savannah Peninsula, Rt. No. 1 Tennessee Ooltewa, Tenn. 37363 238-4557 NORTH C E N T R A L SECTION H arnsberger, Caroline T. (Mrs. Audley E.) 775 Sum ac Lane Chicago Area Winnetka, 111. 60093 (312) HI 6-3542 Johansson, R oberta W. (Mrs. Ingvar O.) 300 Greenwood Ave. Chicago Area L ake Forest, HI. 60045 (312) CE 4-9159 Kucera, Nancy E lm ira (Mrs. E lm er) 229 Oak Street Chicago Area Crystal Lake Manor, 111. 60014 (815) 459-0922 Manuel, M argaret (Mrs. M alcolm ) Stanton, Minn. 55081 Minnesota (507) 645-4030 SOUTH C EN TR AL SECTION Van Valkenburgh, LouAnn 821 Lincoln Place Boulder, Colo. 80302 (303) 442-4657 Colorado SO U TH W EST SECTION Carlson, M axine Jane (Mrs. Edwin) 2023 Belle Ave. Bay Cities San Carlos, Calif. 94070 (415) 593-9052 Olson, Frances L. (M rs. L. D.) 5927 Orlando Los Angeles Los Angeles, Oalif. 90056 291-1475 Kilbury, Fran (Mrs. Paul D.) 990 Crestw ood D rive Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, Calif. 93105 967-3316 Ellis, Sue Jones (Mrs. W. Hague) 2330 Dallin St. Utah Salt Lake City, Utah 8410.9 (801) 467-9512 NOVEMBER 1966 New SOUTH AFR IC AN SECTION Van Ginkel, Jeannette M. (Mrs. M ichael A.) 51-22nd Street, Cnaighall Park So. A frica Johannesburg, South A frica 47-1586 CAN AD IAN SECTION Dunn, Sybil D. (Mrs. Charles J.) 400 W alm er Road, Apt. No. 1204-W Toronto 10, Ontario, Canada Canada 925-7222 K orby Doris Helen (Mrs. John F. C.) 232 Delam ere Ave. Canada Stratford, Ontario, Canada 271-7722 Walker, Marie 500 E m ery Str'eet Canada London, Ontario, Canada 434-2907 N. Y. - N . J. Flaum, Donna L. 143-50 H oover Avenue Jam aica, N. Y. 11435 (212) RE 9-3479 SO U TH EAST SECTION Long Island SECTION BrJower, Elayne Marian 2407 Polk Drive N. E. Alabam a Huntsville, Ala. 35801 536-6080 Dickerson, Penny Elizabeth (Mrs. Paul) 4611 Raton Blvd. A labam a Huntsville, Ala. 35810 859-0326 Salisbury, M arda Faul (Mrs. G eorge W .) 1001 Eastern W ay Florida Spaceport Orlando, Fla. 32804 424-3721 Blackstone, Faye (Mrs. V ick ) Box 13 Florida Suncoast Parrish, Fla. 33564 776-1576 Boothe, Heidi Holt (Mrs. H arry) P. O. B ox 1148 Florida Suncoast Tallevast, Fla. 33588 355-6348 Diamond, Joyce T ector (Mrs. Chas. E .) 775-34th A ve., NE Florida Suncoast St. Petersburg, Fla. 33704 894-4370 Sox, Paula Joyce 510 Coventry Rd. 13D Georgia Decatur, Ga. 30080 377-5764 Buchanan, E. Trfsler (Mrs. Dean) Rt. 1, B ox 192 M em phis Millington, Tenn. 38053 820-3388 (H om e) 276-3361 (W ork) Kesterson, R oberta A. (Mrs. Berle D eane) 221 West K err Street Central Illinois Centralia, 111. 62801 (618) 532-2881 Vaisin, Carolyn Ann 584 H itchcook Chicago A rea Lisle, m . 60532 9169-6107 474-2801 Miller, A rden R oberts (Mrs. Wm. J.) 4012 E. 104 St. G reater Kansas City Kansas City, Mo. 64137 SO 1-9224 Meyer, Kathryn Com fort (Mrs. Andrew S.) 22 W illow Hill Road Greater St. Louis St. Louis, Mo. 63124 W Y 4-0842 Auerbach, Julietta Hart 1202B-2200 F uller R oad Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich. 48105 663-6442 Keyser, Eleanor e Elizabeth 2840 Sepulveda, Apt. 2 Los Angeles Los Angeles, Calif. 90064 478-4111 Davis, M ay P a scoe (M rs.) 2001 West Pershing Phoenix Phoenix, Arizona 85029 942-5964 Sasser, E velyn Lois (M fs. G. Keith) 13844 Canterbury Drive Phoenix Phoenix, Arizona 85023 942-1474 Anderson, Dorothy Lou 1520A M cAllister Ave. Sacramento V alley Sacramento, Calif. 95822 421-7375 R eece, Joyce Aileen P. O. B ox 301 Sacram ento V alley Orland, Calif. 95963 (916) 865-3922 SOUTH C E N TR A L SECTION Fricks, Marguerite (Mrs. Paul) 6109 Mossmtan PI., NE Albuquerque Albuquerque, N. M. 87110 299-6721 Gibson, Pauline Crabilte (Mrs. John C.) 2207 N. Masters Dallas Dallas, T exa s 75227 AT 5-1311 EV 1-3090 Black, Dorothy C. (Mrs. Gordon) 3025 Aurora Ave. E l P a so El Paso, T exas 79930 566-6117 Garson, Wanda Helen (Mrs. John) 1109 Catalina W ay, Apt. CD. El P aso El Paso, Texas 79925 772-7841 Abbott, Anne Elizabeth (Mrs.Ira R ., J r.) 510 S. 118th St . N ebraska Omaha, Neb. 68154 333-6792 Stromer, P egg y M. (M rs. M arvin E .) 613 East 26th St. Nebraska Scottsbluff, Neb. 69361 632-2241 Vaughan, Carolyn Sue (Mrs. Wendal) Route One Oklahoma Blair, Okla. 73526 (405) LO 3-2527 Christ, Patricia W urzlow (Mrs. Charles J.) 217 B irch Street So. Louisiana Houm a, La. 70360 872-2843 SO U TH W EST SECTION Beckham , Suzanne Louise (Mrs. W illiam F .) 3030 North In y o St. B akersfield Bakersfield, C alif 93305 F A 7-3154 Darling, Flora Barnhart (Mrs. L. P .) 2012 V alencia Dr. Bakersfield Bakersfield, CaTif. 93306 366-4598 NORTH C E N TR A L SECTION Jamison, M yra Smith (Mrs. R alph E .) 123 W. South St. All-Ohio Worthington, Ohio 43085885-6017 Jain, Dr. Jyoti R ani (Mrs. Saroj Kum ar) 68 - V ir Saw arkar Market El Cajon V alley Indore 2, M. P., India 25123 Breese, E loise Marie 1827 1 /2 S. B everly Glen Blvd. L os Angeles Los Angeles Calif. 90025 Fraser, Florence Elizabeth (Mrs. R obert A .) 1311 Helix St. El Cajon Valley Spring Valley, Calif; 92077 469-1772 M ID D L E EAST SECTION Sullivan, Elizabeth M cG eorge Donald) Mt. Crest Orchards Orrtanna, Pa. 17353 (717) 642-8949 SO U TH EA ST (Mrs. M aryland SECTION Ross, Martha Anne 10160 Collins Ave., F lorida Goldcoast Apt. 104 Bal Harbour, Fla. 33154 Patten, Dorothy B. (Mrs. Tarbel’l) 4830 Hillsdale Circle Tennessee Chattanooga, Tenn. 37416 (615) 344-8117 N ORTH C E N TR A L SECTION Devine, R egin a I. 633 Gunderson Ave. Chicago A rea Oak Park, III. 60304 (312) EU 3-3819 K oera, M elen Edith (Mrs. Ted Y .) 106 M ontgom ery Avenue W isconsin A rdm ore, Pa. 19003 (215) M I 2-4698 SOUTH C E N T R A L SECTION Petosky, Patricia Ann 2901 Sentinel D rive Midland, Texas 79701 (915) OX 4-0857 N O R TH W E ST High Sky SECTION Oldham, M arylee Jocelyn (Mrs. Kenneth Dean) B ox 3-127 Alaska A nchorage Alaska 99501 R ad io Phone ACS-KNX-88 Nettleship, Dorothy Jane (Mrs. Jack E .) 909 S. 30 Ave. Eastern Washington Yakim a, Washington 989(12 GL. 3-4194 <0f[iG (jMincty - lAIiugs, $ne. IN TER N ATIO N A L OR GAN IZATIO N OF W O M E N PILOTS International Headquarters — P. O. Box 99 — Oklahoma City, Oklahoma RETURN REQUESTED BU LK RATE U. S. POSTAGE PAID CMckasha, Okla. Permit No. 4