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J• ,. . ,i I .;:' . ,., ;' , .t Co. lU01l - BorradafJee 4: Co 10\ Co. co. . ce. DiIeOn .t .\ co. OQ '" co. fi'ryer. . It'" Co. ; '" CO. lbillipa AA. WY•• O" ••• :e. lO Co. 4: '" ldaiJe. BENOODIGD omtrent ~n Honderd Legprs goede "itte W 1n~ nn den oogst co. ~o. '. Co. J. Tru&er. Baaaria.-ao. 0\ Co ex T,.,., Brit01a en akw. ftD Loaadon. Zorner-k leed-n Kanten en Iv'!en sehoenen • Orientals A gereII. I.-(Flar Sbip.) ~. - Eogt.Dd. Hand Fraaije 8ebOl!ol'n ill S.,..necb redenn. I.. ling fin Pat.eDt .-G",nret' '" Co. · To .. n.bortwlulea '" Co. lederen, 7.omerl"k~ Pranlehe en andere Ko,.rttl'o Krip III ZonMr Bawlenroed Beddl'ty\ Blth .. f'n Loll~,.latha Vlaamschillloen Na.iz;ydf', ens. ens. AJ~mede, Knopje!! Thee, Kaudysuiker, .Zeep, enl, enz. ens. O... ren, Cegaun, .-A . .I&n'is. ISdent.~~n. ~zil~ aynard. 4: Co. s..uUa. · Z Il rt , l~14 o - 56 it lt - II ltd 13 SI. 0-2°1 3 - 6J It I '" ... ~ 48 17. - 6t 191 0 .... ó 18 - M St. 181 _l~Rd. ... t - Il ~o•• 3 - 5 I - II g j -"I .. l. . ... ti =:' 4\S -- at sf I - Il ,- f o - 83fit. 0 - 12 h.. lu.n 2t - 3 Rd. 86 - 6) 1(,1. 0 - 0 0 - J.. J"I. 110 o o o - IOlh r). 1.lh 0 I fa S2fr4d. 7t ~ 6' - 7 SL 0_84St. 0-9 SI. 3 6 o - 0 6 '11 Rdit 3-61S&. 0- 6 SI ".. 0_2JI" u.· 7 - 9~ - 19 BJ Iq C) - 5 - 6 f o - .Ib. y p. lbo ) II - .f' - J, .. 21 - ,lUB 0 - aide 0 - 16 - Mtll141 H01I(: en Noorn1UglC~ Vier en Hout Palthlaiaea, Duu". PleIDI".at. pA.S ontVRl'lgerf per WILLIAM BAYLEY, uit8'Htrekt uaorteDleDt oieu .. e modiaehe nie en t"arte Ka'loorboedeo~d eeue uitmuntenda k .. aliteit, n.ar ard,r .e"lIardlgd-e'prenrIJIt yoor ht't &Omer w&oea; flawelen hoor ~bolde .. en I,.~n Hoeden, nam" Ryhoeden, Httreo eD JOllfl'n. Prtten in groote .rraehl'idenlteid, l'n ~a alle pry&en, KMêbl. Linry ~Of'den ,." BandeD, Hand· 'CbOf'nen, ryke lalyne. StropduNn, :ydeD R.gen eo ZODneet'1I taL IDZ. : llKd A. STEEOMAS Rd. '" Co. 12 lk PLA.ISIEB.W AGEN A PAARDEN gl OP o - 55 ada o - Q o - t9' Sc. 36 0- ... Sikltel., POit. .n Kruidenierl Kofty ~.·b.'p"'.~h,,~!I, Mohma, (;elluar •• ,deerde No. 4 Gr.ven Vysel. eo Stampe ... Il.to Gruil.aehopl"'f" Koperen Bull Heng.fOll, PJm.gaeh.ren eo TllinschraYzeren (crou) Garnet en pers, , H.. k bf'I),s«'I., ...zeren Therketela en Saal- Staal eo Ifq!'oten }"Ureo Bute p.nDto. Henglei .. Y&eren Kilthen,sel", OoreD Timmerm.nl en Metlel.arl eo Sloten," Gereedaeh"ppen, Yz... rimb eo' Deunllealela, Keukeo-yzert eD Vllurpl.len, PateOIe Sloten, . , Regiltl'r eD Romford K.,BufFetoo, Han,., Kc'lfFer- eo cbela, andere Sloten," Ff'ndera en H...rdYlenl, Ebheo. eD ruahOfjybooteD Vertinde Lepelt eo Vleacb· Knoppen, . t'Orken, \'uUrll.gWetleD, ~cbuillUlpllllnetl en Rnoeter&, Mn_arm NIl ali# _tm, B"kpanneD en Viacbkete1." Metlel .. r. en Timl1ler'taaDI- Fornui. en O"odeuren, gereecllcltappeD, Vylen en R .. pen, ftncheidl'ae KuiperI en' GrI)famjdla ~ IOOrten. Ho.-.&eJa....n alle lO(U'ten, Kop"tlrtltJd. HtI tdkl_ta, Roitel dre .. iDg 80''111'1. en Sehoeom.ltertGaren en Bo,.· Draad, . lela, K oper en Ylerdr .. d. Vi.cbbOl'ken en Lynen, Koper en Yarrdr.ad Ziften, Paleate Hapl, ,aa .Ue IOOrL~trtou.efl en Lool(ert GeleD, rerdscll"ppen. Patente Lood Pypen, HoedenlItaken K.. rt~." BI.dlood, Tuig rapen en Ringtto, SIYP!lteen.n, met toehehoont1l, Patente W.ten:loaell. WP( b.lDe ...., Verbrterde Zeeppo&te:oIl, We,m.ke,. Pikkpn, met fASten keUen patente Z~k yoor aebenboulen ltelell. Plaapa DM' draad, ' SPtkera Yal .lle .oorten, Purdf'\"ellen, ~;b4'idene Verwen in kleur • ." klrureD. ., Ruu ... en gekooJ.te LYDolie Pleilter Paria ea Ro •• n Cein ".h'n, lIJent, " • V1'T1D.liorn eo Broase, 1\001'11 Molenl, ~' Good Blad. ,cbermea, 'I - 21 .... de volgende artikelen te lan- II \' 1 liJ "ufo" 8&elleDboteb... poa1 8_1Jftdam.. • V ...."ha"e 41 4tllda sf e 6l - MORGEN~ zollen door den Heer J. O. ST&TTLI:R,op d, Parade, .. orden 'erkocbt, EeD fraa,.e Plailientqeo op Veren, dOOf eeD der bette M.ken, zoo goed .11 Ilieu.. , JMt TUigeD compleet. , ALSMEDE, T". fra~ye Koellpt.rdeD nn gOM! raa. De Eigenaar . ~erl.ngt zich "AD bO....mgem. le Or.tdOt!D.lleehi. omd.t y ".n gern Koetlier .:'n worden 'l'oor£ieo. .7' ~, d, .o.d Printed .· Smu&a, !Ii, Wal.. BENOODIGD', t~en Conta~te betaling, eeD R paar Iterkl' TREKPAARDEN, een of bride ook }'paardeo 'ynde, lUllen de fOOrkeur h.bbea.-Mell Yer'Otre lic:h te No. 67, SU'aDdltrut • • = SPUY. Paait.. .. . . . . . T.'...,.... ~cIe:r. .. R. 'sotrrHEY. "' " S. J .•. "D. J. W. MOOIUtSP. .... J; 8~CKER. 'P. G •• AN Dn BYL. P. JtORB'r.&N, : R. M NBFDT, u LANGE VQS. P. eLEMANK. . J. DDET. J. A. MUNNIK. .. . a.fiL. -- nE VAN HE1' VERKOOPING NO~RD· .. ":';' METhebbea de "tJMOR" uniebra~t, op DOND~OAG " Morgenl te 11 URE, op d;e PARADE. DECEMBER, w.. H_et V.. il in M~ te lIen op .. n""'l 'I. zar plaat. den Ide C~ .&Ial ... ~ br JD middel. ...... ! O. J. TRVTER. ! a'. V RKOOPING V A rt EEN PAKHU 8, O.NDER'DRli VER" , DIEP NCEN, a,. ES:' HUIS. Curatoren in deu Boe. DE Onde~etee'kenden, U,. ".q. .OP \MAAN DAG,' .Jd ".n dto .. • D"" 0 nuerge teeke ..den _J ~ { t. genegen voor· of andere Pro. • ~~ sohouen te geven. op ~.,l r. TEN Il Prn&.& fRi· SAHV •• Dllao•• -.lieD wrltoopn:- PRBOIR8,' ti_...,........... ... a.. .Mrt'1Iltnt.; . '£too. ---w ..,t_·_~---- -'1 .soa ..a.~ •0"""'. ~lJlf, van i I 000 1 I 1'-1 .II:J~. I o. .' Deaa ale Deoem.be1', ...... ""rdeyt. I , M'11. HOLLANDSCHE H',OO,RN~VEE , ni· Zrk"r HUI~ ~n. rAKlIUl8; tdqeu .. we 'l'aIeI,..Jlei, We'bGpa iD Blok I., ell..id.« ~.'t, thw ~t ft. ",·"arptraat. a.boa ... <Ir1IIárl" """"Iyb aeriqeo ,edre,,"" zoo i \Voreea1er.. •• en J8 dito .etete .., bl,kenl \nOIport op .1. GroIIlDicIa. Tim_m""., &libi", .."" Hoe(amldl. K,: a.n, ~uuaf' ,ne"dea ia Loadon 0( ,root 2.1 k... r~eu . F. SnOIIA.Jf!f tredJUln., bi Kai""..... O.klt. (II, ~pail'';"",, ' .... .,..,...". Q«oe ~",n.,~WU8 albtol, "._.n of Reaten op ..ylen tltln nHr lJ Heer ""III . 11 ' ó.- '-. sit. per 'LiDO. N""""..aeb .. t.." ,.Id.-Adrea l. é~a . ~ deo Hee, J. ., ..... 1.-U . II:DH"II#., I SCHAA.L'VAN PREMIJN PEa POL'" b:M'.Ueed+ 2 bloeMIt n' .. Ipm 1:mrM .. ;. KAiO . W. AiNDKR...IIDN .. Co. ------c W~ri. p. Ac .. terpl..... " "-. Kllrchlabmera .... ; . L.VIUV'S TAK. ~ , Reae Modl''''' r!rf il .Id.ar "le j"ren IK!btenMlI-" f'éot I Ileh aecine Ol'y .. rJyb Yilart,.1te au_ pln!~l'n orden; ~et" eiep d R.u. ea MET het doel -om de bezigheden der MaatV'ERKOOPINO . i p..... 'I~b 00eMren I NerlDpn ia hl't midden d Stad •• bJ Mt Swai de M.nt. '\ Goede,... be•• tteDde.! Jedteftft teb.ppy lo 1N-!"olfelDeJdeo t.1t uittfolHelcl,a. en 4e V A.N VST'l'1lt Jl --Z •. AI",",,,lie YlO Leua b, CJtO~ MlUltleb~ppy _t ..ntemoe Perceel Palth •• oalle' drie Yel'diepiDp8, ,. ........ be"ind.o. . werden. de n_... H4U .. CAk1R-r,,", alt, eo ..... peW\1 dlr" eli' _dftoli,lf te ", ..Itfon YnO! lif't PAlblie1l:, I~'n de P nl 'GSDAG den 3de £eoember UDit., door .001 een Unde bal •• lIIodiflc..a.o, ~.,.-ooJ op het .eral.g "a".en Snb· £~L£~~I£~L-I Dae is elM hooae _""'ddtot bet......".. \'IItI trapt. Commilte, pdafw.k .. d dltn 8 Mei II, door d", R...d no zullen ter pl .. ~ en Ileer P. H. I. Oebouwen "All, ge' boa.eo altona ped "erlI .. rd. De "'","n Direc~!Jren ."jlaO_, lullende de.. l..e un en na deo B, Stellenbolch, wnnten Yl'rkOC!lIt, SOO Scbapen, be- taal, synde die baltken o( phnllwen \ en A....... datom ~ in ... tk'n, worden ~br.lft. Hnltre OMeD en Paard~IlJ. Iq den beeteil Itaat, suUe. eenl afaolkleriJk wotdea nnocllt b" StI'IIen, met PI.ttl'n ilO' 0 0 0 8 " aacIerIaaad in _I br de. ~raI• I. 0; .Ile p",CDI~", bl'tll..ll,ur "II Le"enl P"Jiaen (lidi H'"',h......' "au de BIDneo~ .door J. V... ·n•. 2. Gebouwen . YIn uitltrekJleode.o"_ detI ~bnleo ItIf'C'yd.} sullen de YO~nde c; FAURE .\ Co.~ Vendu-AtaJapn. Stry1cge m BOft."". f11(Jrda g~lIM&. baltIten 0( gehon .. en "oonJofp~ode nrmindl'dnpu .. ordf'D tOl'jtetlt"'D:. 'Kaapltad, !3 Noyember 1844. Stenen, bedekt met De VeiJlr.eadit' bulJYena de Eiae1tdomabrin ..n ~n TraDIN. ~Ioo!, YIn "yJ j..... n. (5 j ,ren,) "yf pCt. op hel beo. ----..;_-----LeiJen, Phnen of porte •• Iyft Il' si op aauoek by ilen 1",,&ateDU.,I\I''P .... dragen ran Jaartybehe premie. N. nrIoop YlO tien j..~n) ~ SCHAPK"iJ 200 KAP A keude, ten 1)'''eDj táa&OOre lo de W .. lwH". Ketaal. . • • • • • • • . • • 0 t 6. t 0 4 6 O. 7 6 j (IOj.~n~) ~ieft pCt, . N. "rIoop nn ",frien }llrtll (15 .ren,., TKRBOKKÊN.De Onder: S. OfObou"en YIn geJ. H. HOFMF.YR. ."tien~ ; l!1l 10ft "er9olpnll. in plyklls trap, 1nl d.t Hflt b.kktn of gehoowen .I. G. ~TEVTLEIl. 0. reapectJ bed,.,eo yer_ureef'4. betaalPav wordl ctoof14ea feteekende, aal op . VRYDAG MORG BH, den 29t&e dezer, T. SUfHE({LA'W dr. t'l'''_urMrde p.artyen. , . "'n 10 nre precle., ~r plaalle .. n dl'IJ' Heer J. H. BSYBB8, ~~::' .. ~~ .. ~~ 017 6 I I OOi I' 6 dQOd" PAUL .IOHS. RUUX. P•• 2.e M.. &aclaappys..1 beleeDinrn .oortchiden, 0>( .. i.$tikland, per publieke 'felllllfl', zonal'!! Rue"e doen "er· VermiraUertU Pf"e11tU op mjJitJant, BrandzOltUr., eels d' nte'", 'le!feft den pwonl'n koe'" nil 1'f!ntl'n, "oor ~oopen, het boyengem. getal Schapen \en Bokken, allen in _a I,d Did •• -... ,.... t.... lf .m_BOdu. ("rIIleu .. ' &!enenseer goed eo It .. t. \ aU U ~ore,.. . ' baar ..... r .oecIduakM qa ct. MaatllCtlltppy,) op de ,Anle I ' \ H. SCHRADER. D" Speciale Auurutlea yolpnl den aard df'r ré.icoa. peraoD.le Ohliplien of Acetpt.tiea ,an de ..en~.u~rde p.r· \ Dl' Heeren BLORIl " B.lltTJl.ur, "_du-Alalagert. lyen. o(l ... a de _eni!l'e !loadl'rt ... n zood.nip Leftn. Polilen : (f.r Ter gely"er t,d zu.lIen te koo~ :worden aangeboden, '-~- I. • ~.. ~. der M•• ueb·PP1. enll.t,. .....1 'Nf'Mketd door de .erbiatenil ..J I d Ra I ~ N•B ..Ia1L#'en ge I'~ t'KUICfttl!! ~e ,t w '" a8 ... 0 ~aaip "~a """nl~ PoliHa, "aarop de jaarlrk• i nge,oer e Merino mmen 'faU ,Lord l" KSTIlRI'I'1 teelt. a den Boedr.J CmtIer en Deknet.,.1J CHaio Bon"PUIII, fir. leeod ... den R ... P. 'J. SAUln, ... oM. Acts !'a" O"""tlmlumut vO()nunmg ti. ~kt, lChe premie ,oor"" (t.) acbcereenyoipllde d •• rbo· dat, nadat ~t opHtaald Kapitaal tot £, 20,000 Ilal na, aa! S}'DbIot.. ld. He' beclrRpn dé, t'OOf'teIc:ltieteo Be- : PUBLI~KR VRRKOOP~NG VAN ryn ~thrd, ""' uiter bepaald gtKlulte "aft tU leenialf~ zal s~n ter uilplfrekthrld Yan rin "yfden (4-5) E Onderteteekeuden, Cllratoren, hehoorlyk • • L__ 7u ' ~_ ~r of ,,,,,,,"1}'1Ie .... rde der Let'enl Polist. !!,,,","bori&eerd om .1 het V.st,roed 1"1 df'n (f'DMlde" Z'Ulvwe ~MU1' ~ JU.ao.t,!,40 ttif' %!I'''fI gezlt reapecti~yk. helpw ftmnmn ua "o"a op aaon .. , Boedel bl'boorf'nde, YIn de band tt I~tt",n, .ullf'O atellll •• a ". ~ld zal ft'orden Qnd6r tU a8auu:r~rtUtu, .... bet Bureau '.n de M.. taeb.pp,. HeI'r V. A. SeBoN"I~.O. aal op MUNDAG df'n 9dell den h~att', Bi~ ftl'koopell . MId8r UMN bqJalillglJfl. ' Op laat ....a DirecleU ... n. dag d~r onal. m•• nd J>l'cemher, op eie pl.II y•• M";lIffrOUW F. S. WATERM-EYP!R, See. •.., Wf'II. H Ul.Y CaOWCHla, aan Ol'Ol'lIiekloof,II,/lig "nad" Bureau no de Z. A. Brand en lAYeDI A.oraatie Je ·".iule bo"enltundft _getal ne doea "er"oopeD, ilaatacb'FP1, K.aapatad, 16 Oct. J844. e~ dUI eeDe geachikte ,ele~nbrid Alln~ leder Mnbied,.nde, DEN ,aDB DECEM REil 18«. Voor bet ANUreer8D 'ftD eene 1lOIII na 100 Poaden 8terlblg &i. lieh "aD ,oede It,.rke "l'rlt __ n W""tebt te "oorden. op h~ Lenn YBD eenlg gesond ppl.ooa, YIn den ouderdom VERKOOPING VAN Ook .. I mede .. ordl'n' nrkocbt, Bebreld. 0"'0, Koedoe., faD 15 tot 60 Ja1"eD,binDen de IinlleteD daer KoioDie. TEN 11 VBB paBOI.,S Bokken en or-dere Vellen. dito Riemen, gebreide K".puk. lCen, Vellen l;omlt ...... n, Cllroeaeo, en ,eie anelve artikeleo Een IJ uil ('0 ÊrI, plegen op den hoek ,an Boomt&raat ea DIrer, te yeel om afzoDdellylt le .. orden ~keod ge.teld. Voor Ruitenkant, No. ~, beyattende et'n Voorl!.ampr,"" rui.. I J. W. MOORRKES, Veodu·.Aclm. Bm Ja4r. Voorhui., een groote Betltamer, KlijftPraboYf'II, Komhui, Malm,..bul)", lG No'elDber en Zolder, eo eeu poo&e 8ta1, hcef\ em. pri1'Ate Wa~"'. B He., ROBEI\T ARCHIBALD'roorneml'D' synd. _ ding. O_root ti ILwadtut roeden, 111 dltn yQele1l, en 96 .yn F..abli.aenteoC. op de Pt •• tt gen .. md ~ .£ lo d. £ I. d. £ I. CL dlt<l duimen, bl, __ TraDIport dd. I JUIl' 1811 16 o 16 6 o 18 li I 15 Il VAN DER MERWE's PONT HONIGBERG EXTRA vette SCHAPRN.-Op Dit eiltl!odom la pelt .muw, en .tert ,ebo1lri. 16 o 16 7 o 19 • 1 16 10 ..' . MAANDAG, den 16 December Y- De VeilkOodUiell beDnena de .Eigr~_ ell 17 o 17 t 1 17 I ' O' [) 8 In Mt DUt""t Malmubur!J, etrttkomendl'. z..1 de Ondl't'fetPeklflde. ~ .Plattte .. n den Tran.portoPu en 8enitut.eD .,.-D &r Ilea .. 0 W BIlft!U , .. 18 o 18 1 1 18 7 op~"en, I ' I 7 aalt den OItdefrteekMde inltruclien «"P' Heer J.ACOBU' MTBUIlGH .. Eellu.mheid," per publl,ke deo laallteu Oo~ltende In de Waleltraat, al...... 1 . II 8 19 o J9 1 1 19 7 ,eD. OlDop pinl'lde Vendutte 1.len ~erkooPf'n, bO'l'ogem. r~~ui'. Yeu. Seba· Yetdere b~aderbed .. te nrnemen I)'D. 20 I 1 0 I II 9 t (} 7 Dg ptn"welltellelhgopdrll d..gder ..... prl'Mftl &OlMa Kupata4. No, __ 18.£4. ,. il t 1 I 0 " ~ ay", , C. P. ROOS. J " 5 7 I. H. HO'MBYR. I' 3 1 2"2 1 6 t t 10 25 ~o"l'mUer 18H. . I. O. 8TEYTLBR, 0•. lOt 23 6 3 I t I . DR lIdi D,~m1Mr 1844, : D. lleereD DI: VILLIlta-I. POaD .\ C"., V.nl{u·Ad .... T SUTHERLAND, 24 t 6 1 6 Il 1 "ti PAUL "OH. ROUX, Ps. i.S 1 6 7 1 7 tt t 9 TiN 9 URB PRECIKS.-l'E VERKOOPEN: 26 I 6 4 I 8 4 2 8 De ~ H\"dellYoorrud. bf'Htullde in Linnen, brt.ine 10' 1 7 J 1 8 lt <n I Ondergeteekende Yoor~6D1 ZI~" t8 1 7 10 I 11 3 eo wit~ ~.f\al, P1mjotml, RJPrPf'n Voerchit., Chili, FurnlZich te ontdoen van bare geb_le amure 0 1 8 7 2sl i 12 1 'i... 9 " 9 ture C~ItI, I,..,.ltenaoed, PI.nul'll, l)ulf,·I~. n,I"n ,." ""101'"'cboe,,~n. u! op DJNGSD.'O l'J1 WOB"8DAG dén S .. 4 1 9 Ó I lO' 4 30 t I ."" Z.k+te~ea, Tj.a!a. Hoedjf'I, I\hn. "n Vr'III'';'" KOtlll'n, .JZeildoek. 1Mr .. erk, Gueed.cb ..p, ""rweu. 0.1", • "M',S t ., .l er b arer -noonp Iaa"'_" __ ~", __ _'.a_ ...., IUUI .... 1 ·10 9 31 I 9 8 2 16 7 T err, en..,.• nl. ell.a. . B_,..,tte Ririer, DiltrIltt W.,I'eeIItIer, pu"rut lat.ea yerli;oopea. In deo Boe.IaI "all .,.,teil den Hr ..r LA.u_u .I Acoeua . I 10 1 32 1 ell 2 17 0 Thee, 5:oilfy. SUlk.., en Rylt. Hn urt!ff'J!ocht ft!l •• t~t~'''~nt IJ D ..Jd It" Plaiaan "nude i Erfi b' TAIII Nuutult. I 10 lj 2 18 I 'lI 9 8 Medicyaeit. ~ (thlilaebe,) een grOl,t. T .. onh .. "k, "'"t h" ... n, eaI·· ebtOJll!'b pm.. e p Dd Sb bbead ~!.:!....... _~ ..... pac I :12 9 34 1 10 10 lt 0 ~ de ! W' kei ",ac ... ·r JR (CJ'OD, e e .... _... ft' -... YOOt' ton.n re. ID jfe~aeb,.ppe", ..rtl e ..,.. . eenit?:1l0000tYIUl Ve;! en le wel bekaAd OIQ daarftIIl eene 'ft!'I 11 2 1 14 0 S 2 35 4 EeD J1If'dI' rUG rWAOEN, bynl\ rilt""', en dna CieJ'e bfIocbryriag &e 1 Il 6 I :15 5 56 3 4 3 'pannell ?-D, iD eell!n zeer ,Of'den ItMl, 2. De 0Jnll' .taaode op de LeeubigapIMIiI ~d I il 11 li 1 16 9 37 6 I 12 4 I 18 5 3 8 1 ALSMEDE, "~i1.~t," lfl'........ ".iIIua .. 38 7 DIiN 19DKN DECJ":MBKR 1844, o 4 Een k.j.otiteit Kooro eo Ro,. ongetrapl, en "at meer ter en: •• &,;.ao.kloolt GeberJtell," IlJIIde!'" ta ..... _ 2 3 10 10 39 I 14 " TIlK 11 PRBOlEL j • dairend E1'fpaeht oppmeteft. ps. PIata liIeeft edta Wél.,. I 16 Il 2 40 S 13 Il .. rkoop ~ .. orden .. npbo.dea. I J9 3 2 • 3 10 41 S 16 6 ttn:wdbtn....Z'J_" g.n"'or~--. \"Obr eenitr .oort Yall troot Vee. ! E Ou,fl'l'geteebade in %yae betretddag al. l1IS r' -.,"" ,""" lG. ,,;; ..... el& ", f.Wm IJ. De Brfpachtplaata Iftlaamd " Alle ,lIorpn Fontein," .') 1 2 '1 0 2 42 3 17 10 Dadn EueuWur la bo.... p ~ 1nl per G. SrE1 TLER, GI., q.q. geiegen ala yoonneld, f'II.ehterde HeuMer BerpD. 2 1 7 t 6 9 4 43 0 3 ..,.,., ... , 2 , 11 De ~eer J.... DI VILLI"', AlII.ger. Woort allerlei BaJInad._,q ete _te k,aUteii, beYa1IeD4e, Publil'tt. Vend.tie. aten., ... ein t ,8 IJ « t 9 lifter ,i 11 I 2 6 0 . eert Huisklok, JOeederituten, LedlbDteDl;Bed~ Tafelt, l'n ~oozderlÏfe "oorwaardee nnoopea, 4S 6 6 .13 1 2 ~ 0 46 8 St4elen, Zltm·, Glu en Audewerk, l[~peII ; 6 t 1li 3 2 8 11 47 11 .. . "-p'!en BoU"', Smidl- en Kelclerpreedaehappeo, Vaten, 7 .~ AL Koeljen dekken a .£1 10 per Koe, ter K~lpea, Leggel'll, tweeBraadewyntketela,allea lapedeorde. '.7 9 2 9 10 48 16 ~ gelefftt i.1k K............ w.,_kca&na&. NOoIt, (nap2 12 lO J plaatae.an den Eigenaar IUUI de Versehl'drift. Een gTOOt aantal Paarden, Trelr.- en Jo.oge~, Aaat.eel- oaerlu,No. 54.) VCJ!H t k•• l'DecIen flI 43 tli&o...ce~ 3 0' 6 49 19 2 .') !8 Noyember 18«. P. VAN BREDA. ~.ten, Bamell en Ailntet'llehapR; ~ "at meer 14) .2 ló 10 I 3 ;3 4 S 50 7 Verdere ItvE9~ ..rl..dea ea Koopko..ti&ietl ..,. le cie. &811 NB. Aalt "Malclan" iJl door de Royal .\grleultUrai wal worden aangelwagt. Kao~ den tJeer .I. G. STItTTL." Ol, Ora_ru&, Kaapstad, 9 October 1M.l. " 8oe1e,l1IniEnpland, de eer.te prr-Ioe(ewezeu op de ver1ooBrt>ede Rh'ler, Dislrikt \l'on:eat.er, den 7 Noy. llU4. No, Jil. ; P. IS. ORCHERDS, SERVAAS DI: KOCK, Seo. Secretaris. nini IHjrby. De Wed. PIlS •. DU PLESSI ES. ~ati".Faeeutnr. ge-I 14: Co. ... . Caledoa'l Pleio. I Per" WILLIA ~I B,AYLEY." u - c. ~. LIJU) ... ,.". J. ,. S~& .. M&a. . .... ~... Katoenen uk, fancy Doelteo eo Sh.... Zyden Shawls Gerelde Voerlnglianetl Nanltlns Doeakin5 'lomer-chiwn 8W'&Udow" SUedaa en Hollend " h.re a. YOOr de BWaea-Dlacriktelt. De Beer P. A. KEULRR; J. il. TISHLAIt R•. c.wcto........ - C1anuu.-.. . K........ ZYN ..,~ •. ." RW 0........... . . &IR811( K~S; " . . F.. ~Reai." In KaapaUd, of ~abylieid, r· la DUllld peDe N.tfa. "eilreyen wontt. ea rirr ... • "!Afl,kt ,.tertn .. "'", .}'a;.. II. 6d. per£100 TWEeDE ~LAS. B~, "la Loriahn- gehnftd, dl be .. oondl! fCf'ldert o.dente .erdlqln(; alamede Hui.utt '"' Ja ...... of p.kbuiun, ,,~in ,,.n. e pr ... rl,.ke , .... """ &,111. WYOP""UUI4D weene meerdil boe nel Spitltal bey.~de dan 1IOOI1g.1s tol he' pwop•• ftreIn WY" :. .. •• per ;eIOQ. DERDE KLAS. fHbouwen Wáarln ...... r'fke r-' "~., z,.n. mur __ r la ..... ,......Iyke neftn«"ft ' nu .ordea. 41. per JtHIO .. VlEJlDE KUS. . ~AJ"'" 1Jea1a1oft ...... ~.keinet. yoorraad U.nJaetunnt. »rin . ~~~D Chr,."'" 8eAtMI Ii.;~ 0-... ...'.... ar"'" ... Groa de N.pcl. .~Ip.eea!l Orl ... ns Laken B:trPjl't'en B ,Izarinit ~11I.linl!!l HAY. 'Ill, 1!"1d Landen WAARONDER Co. lDtOo .\ Nieuwe Goederen. renning, BusktCe. Tot bunDen _I uUplOCbten ba! .. itser. Ill{.. .leb I:y 18". No" Vltp'brelc1e ~oegtJaC8ll 0_ 4:Co. -A. AquUODe. .. .1 W'eFYoep TIJ OS. SUTHERLAND, Borrad.ilea & CO. I.-Greig 0\ Co. Sm_belief. UOO dhj ...... -Meo Gele,reu In de Kaapeebe Vlaktej ,....>ot 17 1D0r.!f'n I'll 130 k.. a4raat roed~; tea ZtddeIl ri.a lIaat-nlwrtr'l Plaall, ten Noorden .... plaata, ten Ooriteu WIIn de pl .. "'0 C. J. N. a"nJlta , &rIJ ZIIId 00IteD Uil lf. Tal:t'l'ht, en ten Weaten Yau. e Vadcri.adacb RIet ValWj IOOIlla de !taart zal ... t.ooIlen. I ' Verdere hyz;o$t1erbedeo en Koopkondltll'n,.)'li te }lekomeo ~1 deo Tow ••• wD. . • W • .B. A. STUCKRa", ~ THt • . P. DBJlfEYS, , Execllteurea. u- .u.... _a... t en or PUBLI$KE EN STELLIGE VERKOOP. NC. ~y"',~ j"""" 1'. ~wonrd,.. m, 3()O oe O K~~..!N.:: T:rp~OAS:~~N.~ oP R,_. [) IN G S I) A G, K.oopm.answaren, en% D .,• " ,, " , OP' WOENQDAG I ' DR. ""!D. " I ••" "• " . '.....w- .......... .1' ••····~:a.a..1 tT.. n •• I ng.evoerde- Bul MUSIel A. N. HUIS Eli ERF,' Z ft s. Decem"': VAN 1" elf". :2 I. koor .,; Publieke Verkooping. ~ • , 1600 "nR PI..... '0 "yr 18.... . l ra" ,j I \ I I 1 M . _· 7 .;.: ffIl ,Ni S. Cllln"1r~fJo fti1_rd .... ft. en I fM&rO.. 1lek0tDell' .,. op .... eeu bwte ",bie. !»éPiIiD... la .... TeUer YeI'I •• ti Mr, Drew-' c-t~~lea ----- z( A retpec&al T:r~ ........ ...... U( iI.~1 ~'M MA"', ~!I W and , u I thewapr' reIeUeI the anclgoea'. ja tIl...... e ......... il l......,·~ lUlW401 .~ ,heM tr&IDpled ol Nuen, • Ir .. bieb migt AA.. bed oot'par taIc.place " belt biftJ, attempt i. r {_, brougl over ~ tbe Tbe part i Court, and "ith bllTÏD@ preteoded il aw-,y tue ta nrst .agon, wld die rau ~ éf rhn their hold. lluired intn., "_ ..It, Wal in 8f'ttd,,f.·n ('l)m 1)lltiltjl1~ aJNret.,.u,... rn~",,' .,. tnd 60sllv c Tb ut ~1al anel tbe pub report glVefi nl1lJJber. tb Police COUI brutal, !Inju. committed 0 Aud JM, found lo "cr Mr,,! The the overseer not being ft prison, but cognizance. conllidf'ratiol tOi find barl, I ~f'1to wllr-cry of b .. the h1ackt I BAARD shen blacke,' .at.ering -Wl intel _releasID~ by tlHd, 1 wickedly dec La". ) la deo ~eeoscbappe1ykea BOeCIel nil den Heer Faux OaJ.AIIDU., en ~b~(rl'Oll" AllIlA EUI.A,.aTB WIB.t.N, SteUenboac:h, B Oodel'JftHkenJe el, daartoe beboorlyk reeutboriaeerd, ui op MA,A:"lDAG den 9de December .. n.t" .... Publieke Verkoo~g doen bowleu io bofengemeldn aoea. I, 'en Vute eo u"... Goederea, bettunde in :- "Il .dF1JEELING r-r,.remI. D VAST~ GOEDEREN, YA,N flBAUFORT. JOHANNES VAN ECK ,er.UI , JO~EPR WM. HCODS. B~U(I)E~HOU1' . Op Vryd~ den 20 December 18t4" roor bet Kaatoor 'rAn dell Adjunkl 8~ljuw te 8eau(ort. 'u 12 Ollen, eene Koe en KalI, eeD Zadel en Toom. ----I Een Huil.n Erf. (NC1'~,) re~ ia lie Birdstn.t, in hf't midden ru de Stad, naby dtl Publ~ke Markt, Iftr ,ac:hikt ÁPDEBLING VAN lI0MBRSE1'. .eo' elle ~eft "'0 I."n<lel, ea .... rin dlul de Bekker. I, GEORGE EDWARD JOSEP!f nnul ABRAIIAM Nerin, ft eft Negotie Winltel met ~ 11Iteei "ordt , BOTHA, Az. Tw .. HuurhuiZf'n A"'1.gf'n in de ~rbt,..t, NOl. 11 12, H. SAMUEJ,. JACOBl:S Da REER ,erlllS de rezrgde beideD IbaDI voor Hnell<,,oederi JWY- ftrlulurd, ea ultlltoofde ABRAHAM BO·rUA. Uil derael.., 1.. IId, mede r-cllikt tot het drpen Yan eeaeu Op DODdenl.g den ]:l December ••18."', ter Woning nn kleiaeu haDeleI. , delf gedaagdf'. Duornkloo(, MftflkH'IIIU, Afdeelin( SoUlenel. LOSSE GOEDEREN. nn eeue kleine bOt'veelbeid Huilr_d. 24 'luks Vee, een Paard, 404 SCIUlpeU ea 80kkt1l. ' Itf'D re.tut Negotie Goedereu, Suilt .... Ryat, Tbee, Zeep, J. STUART. Balju';. Z ... rteel, H."er, Gatlt~ Koot&; Mée4, Bakkengert'edscbllp, N~ltlmr; ea rindtlfk .. t HaiHUII. eu en k .. lnlheh __ .......... IWIIIIII .. _ .......... .n . AAN Zi~ VU:~:' :'lÁ«se Goederen ui preciet ten 10 uren Náhe8faaooeo, Familie en Vrienden wordt '1 Vooralddllp beti•• eti. rn in ~ N.mlddetr worden geconbekod ,emaakt, dae op deu 20 d.ur, il komen te tineer.l, IIlJltl4le de Vute Goedmo predet te 11 uren A.W. 0 rI1-. IDjn dierb"n Eeltlf{enoot, .J.~co. PI.na SwawW'OrCIeft oPr'ftild. ' w ill de. ,ouderdom ~O jaren, 8, maanden eu 3 degen; Veilkoe6lliee sya te ,.rn ..m••. by den OnderjfPIf'f'kl'nde, en "\.:' g Ir1ndert'n ualaaehde. OIO 'Iyll '.rliet met .~ hy .. ieu de Huben inmjddela kllD- le urea. ' ~, C. SWEMMER. pb YVloLn. Geo",lt.cI, dea 20 Noy. 1844. l : :: !,:::~~:'.!'i u- 8try"d.fitl sal gegnJnI ~(Jrde". C., P. 1.lNPSNRERG, Vendu-AdlD. Veaclu· Kaatoor; Dorj.tn.i, ~o, 21, S~ dee , NOW'.18«. -MITCHELLS VILLAGE. OV1UlLf:PEN EMonÁ ~hau. Zorrry, . G~ae ,tl? ,~rgvr1Ji.oP deo 26 dezer, K.\aNI.alt, ,.Iiefde Ichtpn_t ..a" R. J. VAN Da. RIE'f. PUDt. 28 N.ncjMr Itw •• I( tba' " inquiry, be "ooLier fti( heatd the e ceHioga of . tbf leut bCi be Would ha occ.orrente l " upeet the t or eomplaina sense aud. jl "beu tbe in< pIlinlog w. 'OOaamit the tual UDIllae 6... to eenDJ of. di,*"c in lhe eyee ( thil hange upa all prm<'4pll exAlted bi. crim~, coon, .Weal hi" co from that 01 w.. 8am~ prineil We regret ti aame oyerse beea commi high roadand work Ol the paWie? the eueha( they .laoo.ld ~ l'e( public 1eCa.r HowéYU, Will tbeYIlJ WiJ1~ .. ing their 0 mote MCQht 7'he]ut'. is thé liiOIt tbetn..t ~ct.:f. " c po. TillS a-tbft, unit :ni. coo.,....,.· DIn-arC,.. ,. JIeI..!InI. ~.ltrill A- ' '. I.~•.•• r.I.I •........ r. ()e)edoo, . CIao- William, •• n Jlr. Jl. '.J. !JDd, ... _; ..... ~••• • c...... ,.•.••••.',r" ~. ~.Mr. ~W t c CloOIf'It'••• -1JIeIDet, •••• _~;••• , iII Kr.,,1I. ~ ••••• ~••••• iJ. D.1. ~t :lf*' "':-'I!" ••,••• IK a.. pt. .,; :Mt ~, ~."."_..c..oUe" purl••••••••, Pori ]8um~ A.·a~~th. ~. \ Or ...... ~,.. . •• -:•• " ••• ~•••• 8~ . J. :tir· •• P" ..... .)(r. ,. > f tt..... 8w~······'S.t·,.·~·_1(r,.tob.~.· ~ "':' y...••• ft. F. • banie ~. "r. + r.l. A1I~, WefHbJtmI· ••• • ... ~•• ; W ol'Celter•••• ._•••• '!::- : t' ,~~._•••• lIr. P. UJ" _. it •••••• 111:'.J. Btehm •. 'ryprbert, UiwDhage ••••••• , ; 1 =-1 )I r, , I. lfflrlrc. CUPllTUWW·t~~IÁ~ 'ai· ... ~ prob~bla, ... Mr.. .to.Lt.48011, A retpectahle PUINP,i ==-~T~~~=·:..:-D::u~ of "". a.... ...... , apon: whWaa ,... Mal. J Il ry "o.w ba.,•. fotlnd a tnle BiJl! N... WJaat-. ea -dae eyer. A'd. .... ero... ·Proeecut«).t, bei ... iD' th .. DeW rIaL J(~ li. éaDia hls wapn aad ee4d. Il W pn4UOe '1ooM ~ ~, t ,...., to "'411," "bIcIa be refáIed, wbereTown M"dr~he!.. 'Imf!'( •~tuh'~ ,,~ haJt. e~, eueps ~ &hId ~~trateh.' s0raad J.-rr t.~ ::-tp,,*~~ld;ret~, "&gont lUl ... mooe I III., lit pocam, o...e ro~t CC)q Dot UI .s flit capaeu.,. JIIIII'" t.o .... d,..;'Q ~ lbe m'" "a.a. &be .ame man IIJnw llotul which la. I-""'_' in the momiog, 'onnd u'. IJ'Otl1u:ll .. bate., ... for; a PfC*C-- 0{ w.. &blo bG~~~tbe !~~tm~.t.... ,Jn"leI: bIi.d DO' j.. toppedb1"~i ~ without"""g Mr. Lo~.d»~ , ext~t1bl~", UiI.,*iItDpcl tbe,~ apin, an .u- 1ut!it hotel tit' kh ' launft~ hOrSCe tie Whlllt bu'~ ~ efFect 0( tblt eeaond trial" aceldëaf :mUIt; ~. ~ Jl, muter could 110' ...."el __..J ..... • r .. Tb d' L.__ ,_-to .1....: .L..__ . j d,lte oa to tbë Dê" roacl die" ... a dkeb bet1r.... tIM ~n, ~ ... t.D, ,oe ~Cl" •tll,l'UlDI them rov,od, e. VI "'"' -u .,~ """'I!'B~~J 014 Ud,ibulII!tI...s. lW aot hear le)' .,.1'IOIl dali oot 0 "blcb, if Dot pra"~"'~wou.ld haye opeel bn~ •• the~""_cue, nay,~1S paWIO jUUOe t.olD' ........ ~OD~ De'''oa.d-; wbeo turAe4 06 the OI"!:WO_ .. ~t .laait_A"» .~ ..... ,tile eWdeoce w~ch th. ta~ to dae old ro8d. Jlore ftIOD' were .on &be ~ In the, releases the bol'letl ftoorta ~ .... ot ~ .laborer pye, eo~ at therare by t~e otbfr ~ilD~. came IDto to..... No person Interrered d goeU"Yi huttbe,.,. _lu.slfOOOnd ".,on tIltop;:' m tbe na,t.. CIIte..' A_what b.~ the ~ .,W After. ,.. .•1'8tDa. rU trom &he worth, Magistrate, Mr. e same .. ,; be !iJle..... theta h01'8e8 a~~ of the IeCODd cue, placed them lo the dangero~ Lombunl ... ~-. ' wllea in the _ Qf~~u..g bia .. pm.. !le i. situation qf giViDg thëir ]l,.o" recorded, , laid bold ot, ~ on!thegponttd " hMf • dM.tn 1 d.,' ..• tT BIl "I~;' M. RUY:SCR Nr"" M. MELCK. Senior Di_riet; n1esbury O~ O~,.~;n~d ,::~ Ir:a, 1alod.... nr ar. t..'. e.m_.I T_ '. , II "ru Ax=r~;th8. we =::=:we 8ilk 8ol1ec1 ....u'..._,.11 BaJil&r~Bf N&Jl)teen., Dritls .t Summer Tt01lIICrlng, ~Tlck. ' br spot, he.ded 0" trampled npon ... ~en beaten, a bin'" .eta & whicb might have kill.AH him, jf )(". LoKBAAaD '_.I' DI.' '1-... b' :L d d Il hi had Dot parlc:u It Ou ~tu " IS ":,n , an a t ts takes pl~ whilst .theJ.ov~r lustily calls out, t¥ .. "MA.mSTU'" ~ESlI)BNl! CAPE TOWN';. " PluIM". a,D NÓV£MSJtR 184.. C/wi,tA#. iLombalml 11....- vagabond, , ' . ., F~ T:!';:bï~;~~r:, .,..., d.... !. ,deD, daar er~" .... b .. · I __ 11_~.i •• II.rIOUI tr...,.q-, ~ to..., since receiY8~ a d......cl Q'40. le~r b, the .. ..pva .. , h' k i.~. .' .. )l'lson but .ub ...... oeotfv releasl"<1 .' It th"l thd' L__ d 1 [ooge Oeregtslen Hr. Melck n publiek ma)()Tende "oor.ing tot my i en ~,door den Hr. ,kurenr gerigt, trekkend~ , wegged~, >men oOl aUe ¥ '11 I ea.se ~ .. J .~ I , rmp0rte4 M. ot ttrvrfftr ".1' ' W ILL COVER Uie PIáce of the Non.ber za, 184t. N.8.-Tbe ant prise &he Royal Africolturaf ol Derbf. tr Ira" f." l III.,.. of) t~lr own re-1.truclL biOI another blo .... !thu.t •.,..aklll ••• ord. S.... , feU . 8 •• .a. 1 0(1 wel boder de aan~, len; en onder , daarvan ~ S"_--_ ·s O. oe. r ...... noodig mogte rief welke ik en in het Bol- bee. '~.e'II rae buw ttoa. ~, CO'lon' "al· Ba.! .nk cpa" ~ on . 1Ii_ lire WANTED "1QI b,.~. .y u..;.. w. not'.;rn , ; fil"" r"" HoGle, tbe D.~ling • a _._ will sell by puhHc .A.llction, Undersigned 811.', ; of will Atth~ umethne ot LoI'tt,WBSTEKN'S Auctló'een. lold -I Itnpnrted BE.INO RAMS lie cell!brated breed. BOMas• a .I.aCO.OI TAl( 1844, in his capacit, as Bxecutor U ndemped DMive, ID &he~'.&ata&e, .ur.al Public Auction. poatUYeI)' to the HIgIIeat Biddc!f, un {.vorable tc-muf b1 "err , CEaTAIN' BOUIB A"D 7a pa•• 'SIi!i. _I 110. 19" GO" aiarlced toodt. a1l413 do. Furtber particulaA . ,con41&4on!l 101 8ale may be .... t the e)ftice ur Mr, J. O. S ."TL.Jl. al" OnYHtreet .. No. 19. P. B. 'BORCHBRtJs, Bieeut')J,Datlre, in Cape ó' situated )(n. ; . _At 11 o'OLOOE. ,I'H E & BAltTJ{i\N, BLOJlIl 1" lite 'fitle D....... li. opea. ,to ~ Sale •• lite alice of ' WB:r~ 8ec No. 5; ... tJ. • • TEtE 19l1 oF, DECEMBER, H. SQHRADBR. ~_n. tt.o_, V.rd,~!4 o..c. ON TUUBS;DAY, 20001 Sheep and_200Kapate~ Bucks. W~thOllt ReII!r"f', TH 19 MORNIN_O, FSIlU, Y the i9tb instant. iat 10 o'clock preeilely, at tbe Plaee bf Mr. J. H. Bn Stikland, the abo,e number ol Sheep and Bucks, all in a fer, good condition. ! a4j~"'SOle, .IU ...... "ud. of tU lata Kr. LutllBI'S !flu.aL " Eitate III the Jlo........ one or boLhbeiog Saddle Iltltsea alto, will be preletred.-App1l W No. 67, Stnuad ...treet.! .._--_.. ._. -..__--- 'I'Ht a.~ 'nt• .,.,.. .. tUI .. 3 .. so ....ildu.,.'. aDa the ~ ued .. a 8I1Jitla'. Slaop. CA'SH, a pair ~( Draught POR YA. Directors ~tdtf ol ,... DIrectorI, ' at ..' tion for tbe Admi'ill\ratioe and SettletuHt ol ill e.paehy ., T""'u"'l1~ Euca&n... Af tlae I.te Mr. WII.~ LaY J.a:CO"Z G. lOll, a"dlllmnlll Wido .. Mn. CRa'ft'UlA CATHAaflU vur 81•• ~. uda, de rato for. tam \Y146 ... Md Ca-I!:UflUtrilf. will WIM &0 be IOU .. 'BlO'" _ Deceaabet orlC'. at lt o'pJGck PNCi" i. llae i".. aC the H..... ol oe , "NUl bl :IJ~ .N. ~ 10 the HigMit lJidde!l.tbei .. 1toIe ar.ta&e, --ia&iIIJ i. T..... C..... &tirm .... ward Cu S..... d. _ &edI, cb. Alsq Plate, Croc • Steel, G aH ~, KilCbeo UteDIiI" aad.., LuID_ •. LikatriMlfil) _ aOId ó.. tbe .. rue d., at lt,o'C'_ pndill1,.. Oil tIM .• pot..!. ~ Ho.oae and Prem_ ti.- ~ 1iWac.j I. "' .... .~&. DO" ... ~o.' • T_ ~ d ~t4n.rdI w,dlier ID . Lot. ne'Stll Lot tO :cóll6& ol .: J. J, L. SMU·rs.! Ch.tr.aD Cape lJ'o"iI, 24t~ SepWlDber, 184.. V~ I P. 8iKf)~. aftl'Cled tG .. Ml1SICIA'tIf," b,. Society la En,,'."'. at lb. _bibitioa da,. ,rac:h&. ; lt .... is hereby given to 8~áreholdel'8, 'Cbe Condltioo. of ... d aecording to tbe 9th CI.aM of thei 'fruIt Deed, lor ip.JIItIétIon.t.o .. ,. the Io,t.I'nllnt ef ~ ~ per SMr., becOmft due aod i. Mid AIaoêi.tloo. .,.ya~ :oa tb. 2Slb No_bet. I'''. Tlae J1eorda I .. talC.-TO"D, Cbll.6-t:UQI, meat ol,£ 5 per Share.oo the 28&b Dtcembft 11ft&, oa Or rbelore .. bieb rupec:t.i"e the dll'eletlt ~taI ... nta .... 14th Nuft8lber la. . requi~ to be paid at &lae BaaW. 110"', No.: 12. Beerea- ~ri.GJ J TowD, IJ LoDg"atree~ j'[easure Wa.qon and Horse,. 'rO~MonRow wiTI be soM by Mr. J. G. ------ SfKYTL I(a, on tbe Parade. _( bMJILirul PleAsure ,WIlgOD 00 Springt, by orte M"kers,oeulr new, wilh Hllrnl!lll cl~. co .. plel~. of 1,600 Excellent Fat Sheep. tbe be.t N MONDAY, the 16th December IS«, tbe () . Unde........ecJ wl11 'JIIa. to be pnblidy'lóId, .t Ihe PIAC'A ALSó, ' Two .....xrelJ~nt CARRIAO& HORSES of !fOod breed. of Mr. JA O&B" MII'YRlUJJI, JtIlUCII_ltitl, tbe .b"re nIlID' The Ownf'f dl!sirplIto part wilh the .bove m.,.ly hecaulle ber of e&celleut PAT Stt BE P, "bid! win be iXJtitiYrly be is ul,ftble It) procure II good Co.ch .. ,.. I pl'8lellt ... the'" fil ~ , , No_ber 25, 1844. C. P. ROOS. E 'rem.indl'r of tbe DUTOll GGODS ex M~J'L D. ~·ILJ.l'"Po... , at Co., VHUe Ad_ , tilDor: will be .old Mealn. RLoaa" RAaTItAN. ; i 'I"" IJ, To-lI[orrow, ON THE SDO e.oeUe.t &t 81leep and aG .... oIGMtle. N TU ES DA Y the 8CI DdCtIDber Ddt; Will 8&tur4&V. 30lh loataat, w: !'M , ,U~ned., OTICE t"-, NThird -_--- aUySCH. , Bull ".lIslolaa," COWS, al .£ 1 10.-ell, ADViRTISElfEN'r. ot the Soulb" ';"rrican ~~ 'HE ."0, .. '-I <: ".lck 111.ea 8r. D sekel1l-bl.-rcJe 'p sekere plaa;S: ge GetflUho• n Heet Melek. Cipra, MeIek .. sigo~)(r. - t f on lbe r:rOllod. Mr. L, tbeo callt!d III D,unet •• ucb u "ac:helm J. C. R"",,,n,e. E~ .• Attorney ; ~n. ODe as a me;e a~ .0 eD die(!" . ... tor Nr. M. R"J~, Cape TOWD. ('l)nl'Hif'ratloD of tbeu <lestltutlon and ntter mablhty B, lA. Oowl.-Wbo aDthorised yOt! to .top Mr. L'I _:"'--,'-I.. find bail, Done would perha,,- hue thought it bo,..., 1 . ' • Thh "C1118 het .. ~n Mr. Melck alld Mr• .lo"'''¥4 )lf~~r, to reftoot upon it. But the diegreceful Wilnen :-The o~~ H.rbrr& &n{,1'oe IInd SIII.. t, tb., I HerlD.nna Kot~.e. ""_rdi,,, certain a!lewed riJ.... "f outaJ,an-: . of hla k d' b'· " j . UrM moroJDg th.t ... abo.14 ltop "ny 1:0 1)'th"t rflde oe tbat DI.Ir, od ..at,rillJ CIIltle at Cf'rlalD plllCeeol Mr. M!!lck. \\ ar-cry C an (W ..• lte, was ~am I1llse( ro.d. Tbere .... bo pole or board, O.r lIoliee, prohihiU., IDy trted in lb. SIlPNlDf! «oun, .Dd decided ODcb. 29t1l No~. .. the blacks baye had Dë) JWlhce doue tbem,-Lovman panillf there, IIlDck lip thac d.,. H.. "be1't. dill DO' telt 1842, &plnec Mr. Melck. BAARD should have be4!l1Imprisoned instead of tbe , me bo. lO ~t. j( tbe peoplë .. ould not liateo to UI '1 laid ' blacks "-was tbe ho,."ing cry and the idea bold of tbe re!n, of &he IaOrlel on my ("'11 lICCOnt.. \ , .'. • fry' , • Croaes_mIDe4byMr.s.w •• gl!.- dftnot\nnlO'.fMr.L. DI ....... f'D&e.rlng I~to an IDqu of UAJllt agalllat them" bt!llrd ..b.~ I .. id, I,na aboot 15 yardl pff from bil ..,00. ._._ ........ aad rel~stn~ LO.BAARD, wl~en he Wall cbarged My Deck.,.. •• otleo,ID co-.ueac:e 0' ti>' PUfb I B*& frpm • n.a, NtIfI. 28, 184.(. by tberii, and thlls 'up8ettmg tbe tablef'; was Mr. L. , WN Enettlif:ttl or the J"tfpenl 0' tb" Sllpreme • "'edr. d 'ed C"'I . I L b t tE'" h Th. Ol'~ wito ... .,., WlC.. ly een al ~ oma aw, Il no Dg IS &1u1 ....:..I•• a ..... ",ployed lit the bard toad. I I i:óurt I. ta. Ihlder ... nCiofted Caaea. lbe followi"l Sl&Ie. Law. • " . koo.. Mr. L I ,..,Uéct bia eolllillr fralD 10.. 0 oa tIM 81h ot triO tab PI~ ~ •• : J( tbat "cner had preferred attf!Ddtng' at the ~ preeeDt lDoath. orkinlf at tblj time OD ne" PfVl8IO.V OF WORCBSTBB. inquiry, he would haYe n spared the retort, r'*CI.bo.t 30 yard. froru old Frail', I lA'" '~e t.. o "'J.NRr nnll4 JOHN CAMl:;RON. On Mond"y, ,he Jd of [Jeee,uber UH4, at 9 o'Clock A. "., "coLleI' niak to your last .If -he "ould haYe ...,.,111"" &be ,-leI' cart .od sel on tbe !Jld ~d. 'cried • •••• OqC .. Stop lbe .. IIop cbe .. .",., l do$'t fide on t.. but at &be Defendant', Hoole, .it._ated iD the Village of Worcester, heard the eVIdence "lJtch fully Jll8tlUed tb. pro- 04 aot",~aad da•• ~Q rode uJi. I 'uu OQt lan of Houehold Pona"",. of tano.. descriptio"', Ol... .nd ceedinga 0{ the Police Court, and if be had bat if Mr. L ... or DoL F!lH tbtn ..."ped Lhe liOnel EArtben"",., Kitchen Uwnail., lO. Sbeep, S OOdl, all Ox, the least knowledge of the law of bis own cóttot'1, br lari.g Id ~ .lb. rriDt of tlte two I~. When lae ~Id a Calf, .nd ,uD4ry other Articlea.. he would have kno"n that it is a case o( daihy bOld of .... mD" the hOnel took trilit aDd pua~ blm , 'p . . .gtIlnllt &be/baDk. i\tr. L. thea cal'" ollt from lbt -.,0" DIVISION OF SWEI"LEND..4M. occurrenee before ,~e ohce ~01lr1a ID Engla~, to "'\V1fU art you about .. itIt t~ bo,.,.?" .nd Ijlortl1 alt.rROS£IlT CARDINAL H u~' lh~ tabl_, U "a .... d, anti pRt thewltne81 .ard ... id;" D a CODY'Ct! what dn you ,do ,.ftb the Yf!nU. or oomplainant iD the prisoners box. This is common ben8" W tbeD~' oil from the _apn :'Bd trie~ho.ptlll tbe Tbe WidG.. HERMS. STEYN, s,> se aud J'ustice or is it to be maintained th-. rei~. oot iJl Pra •• liand. aDd pushete b~," on olle .. ae, and ThDrad.y; tb" ~tb l>eee1Dbt!r 1844, III the DefeDwt'. n •• .' .' b. ' ...., .pIO rot.!lo bil .agon. fie had proetle~ "boot 2'0 yarde or Hooaebl)ld when tbe mqulMng Judge unds that tbe party coua- .beo Mr. ,.... u. taa' "lUI IUMI_Id ag.io of lIIe reia. of Place, c:aJted U!eu., Rlyer, Ilear S"ellelldalo, pl.inlog Was the _uiter, be shall neyerthelets tbe lUule.. FraDl went frolJl the liRe 1-.on tb lbe o"'er. Furniture of ....rioa. d1l!'lCriptionl, Glu •• nd Eartbeow.re, • Wagoll, 14 Ox~n , .tc. &C. &c.. commit the innocent party merely because the ac- Mr. L. ,beo came from the troal W'agno !Jp to ...."ere Pront Klteben U,".it~ . I .. I bad th ft ., 'I.. • - .I( Lh ... l..Mier, lteUier ,In rei.... eM ott eótm", "'_.WiIt to lua aMawter e oesse, to present nlm.w eF" Wbltc .... JO" aoW' .1", Iri'~ tlte .,ain ~ DIVISION OP GBOBGE. 61"1tto complain 1 Thd ou&cry tbe1"efor. raised wa. C~':..":,1ft looK,'. t.tI. F'hlllleplifCI- f _"o·t, ~,1OQ on tbe FIUNS ~URlAAN SWEMMER, of a diAiTRcefnl natureJ and must be contemptible .... road." 114".L. s»q ..... k Fr ..... ;&11hie,flIt .;MI .. Id . ,erana· in the eyes of eve1?on~ who has read the triaL "lr.t~" Fran. "r"ill rtfu .... aQC) ".id" pt;.., lhe oew .JrJHANNKS PETRUS WEYERS, b . ro.'I/· Mr, L. ,beo ,tetlDpted .nother~blo" ... ~a F"IID1 On Tufl!llay" lb. 10th· December, 18H, III IOlo'Clock W fiS t h·kJ a.11' , 0, te. very next st~p, ~8i an ~ o-r.."- .t II be!Jl!" I 'bOIIf'" Mr,:L ... RIlaM to Itrib A .... , ID trunt of the late Deput, Sherilf'. OffiCd, No, 3, nfltrage upoo com. jOflhee, and a YlolatlOllu( lIim _fttdH. whip. I r.o Ia'lrdto.ardl t~1! .pot a~ W.. ~ Coor&Dt)' w-t; iD &b. TU"II ol GlOrge, ol a &1Iuc:k W,,1111 pr'nl'iples of gOOd 'Order. If a mln, ho ....eyer ol Mr. L.'•• rm and ,.id to bllD "doD't !Je.UG,_IO '114 ".k goll • .od 26 0aJL. exalted bis station in is cba1"P'ed - with any to the oreneer." Mr L .•• 14 to CDe lO )'OU r.IICilU ,.oa con~ . . l·'.Ill ·e I' h I ..ietlde,ou ...l1ttoo?" .. a atrllc:k meOt'ie blo. On th. lIeck FRANS AORI.\AN SWEMMER, crIme, ~onDected WIth Uil ?WCf', or nc wou d lIod .nother OD,be left tempie. I feil Q~ tbe I~UDd. The ftftUI affect hIS competency for hlS offiCf', be 18 .U!lpeodf!d del'endanc did nothing more to lDe. ROELOF CAMPHER, Corn8. St)o. , from that offict>, until be isproperly tried. Hu tbe Bil t~, C..,.t.-Did tbe OYenee!' teil ;)'011 wbat to do, lt 00. Wed~. tbe Ihb De(:I'mber, ISH, Rt 10 ij'Clnck same principle been followed in the present case? the ~p~'would not nSlen!. A. III... t'the Df.rend.nt'. Re.idence .. Mg"".!' I::'·,-r," helure W t l. W'II . L- bel' ed -h th Witneu.-No, hl! uuly aaid "lllhouh}Qot ailow aay wagon Lupkloof, Di,Yilion of George. ol a lJull"ck \\".gon, ~J e regrc to say no. It It.e lev, tate to pa .. that roed. . Ollen. and 800 Merino EWH. same overseer and the Bame laho"erll, who bad The PIIOIeCQtorclOiod hil cate. . ,--been committed fnr a88aufting, a pagsenger on the Afr. Derrange contended tbltt the two ~t .ituesaee bad DIVISION OF BEAUFORT. IJigh road -were again emploved to superintend ludieienlI, prom that .hey glHI! OCc&!I&Otl lor the bloWS . JUlIANl>\ES VAS ECK. • h" ,,!lieb w~ Btruck by Hr. L. yenul and Wor'k on t Ile same rood!! Was t at )osboe to He eaUed t.r dt!CI!_. JOSEPII WM. J \COBS. REZUmENilOUT. the public? During tbe commitm~nt, and nntil W... Bead, Iw01o,-1 am a mlll-wript, Ind l'eIide at On Frlda" tbe 20tb Decelobel', IS44, in frODI of tbe the case had after due trial been finally decided, Kliptonteia, .~ Mr. Loll1baan1", Distric' Jlalm1l!'lbut)'. J Depaty Sberir. Oftiee.l o.au(ort, of 12 OUD, a Cow aDd they should not ba ve been a,in em piOHU; public leeol~t plni ~tlt 08 cbe 8th {lt NuY~. lo Mr. Lom- Call. a 81111d.1e .ad llri.le, "'c. &e. cl "bl'·' . \ d' a.M_ ..,00. I TIMft were tw. "ecou PlOf out thal daJ. ece?cy re<Julres lt, pu IC JustIce ueman s lt, lt ....la dae mMDiDg a' laalf pal 80'l)!lock, wb..... left lJIV18ION OF SOJlKRSET. pubhc security orders it. &owO. io the mule ..... The Jlm WpD 1rU I. OBOaoB EDWARD 10SEPH, ~owever, tbey. have now been found guilty. 4...". We fullowedCbe old l'Ol'd, in tllfninl down ,erlo. WIll they again be- employed on the high road? by the Salt River., Tb. troot _gOll &boat 160 ranIa ABRAHAM BOTHA, ,\ Son. W'U the . be I . . . f beIOre tba lG wbkh luL 1 laW • mali ot coIor NU II. SAMUEL JACOBUS D. BEER, . I &galn p actd In a.Sltuatlon, 0 repeat- lip '" aad lay hold ol the rf-lne ol the JeadiDg YerlOJ Ing theIr outrageous conduct, but in a manner horsetl. Br. L FIt off hie wagon aDd tOld the man &0 let Tb~ S.'d ABR:\BA)( BOTHA, A. Son. more ieCure to tJiemselves ? 'V c shall see. l<*e llle Itol'!ltl. bol be would wbich Mr. L. on Thorsda,., the 12th December, IS«, at the DefenThe lut act ho\Vever in this extraordinary caile, pa.bed him frum tbe bonee and -pI. . the ~ aHl!ht d.Bt', Rftldeneê, called" Doornkloof," M.nkazaaa, DIt'itioD is tb t rd' ~ __ _]:_.I ed li agllin ~ .. me lIlan then ellme up to -&be wagon 111wbieb oC 8omenet, of_ a few articles of Hooseht)ld Forolture, . tb ~. mos ~xtrao 1U8ry p~g 8uopt , a ter I .. , ~mllaitl Iwl • .,f tile 111:.11."5 IInd turned four of them e tnal &gallllt the overseer and Uie lahoreMl had rou.. and said ., Ibe coa~n, you mu.t go upon the new hftd of Cattle, I Horse, 4{)4 Sheep and Goat., kc. &e. b. J. STE(,JART, High Sheriff .. ~n closed. From the evidence which had been road. Mr. L" seeing the mules thus e.. ta"G1ed, returned from cogn,lwn~. 'ur ------ .Padel, e ,. unl\ NOf. 184 .. eer, Candy; certain uofonnded anel • d CODOtennug lIIe; an ro~ an "I,b ~, Sr. ame DieDaar, I, MELCK, St. .te. ;_ Atle .....,., . the 8aJDe ID. latillac&Qr! manner ,,~i~h le:uer have ~ toi, acce_pt, abd to fQrthnp1'OOeedings at I..",' 'n I· "erd de Hr. I, ~. mt. Dan_ft ..... .. idea. Deasel(· I .... rea er andere I phioder d r... ; t spoken and ~1i.b«J Pocket; Silk .t Fancy caper Tea; . Rice, 8apr . t I Ring BlYJl Heer Ik ,,.0 kJ . ",nora, r del m1n Hr larm "n wede, nlll >etea .,.JL. YYII aeo lI.bl. t~~dence ot cbe parl "ti L d ong, eo IDJ'" ' ... _Cape Town, Nov.26, 18448~-B.i.., comaumced an action in . tb.: SllJ!reme,Court, against Mr: Lu.e'lC"f!' :. Sen., ol Be. Ri.e,., 111cooeequence o( hiS ha br. 'ace" Bet .... ...dn-.ageo I'ftd a over deo noden .. ,. ...., D~ ~8i1ka, lee. . tbat JM( I_id not do 10 lor &b, __POll ,b~ ... propaMd by Hr, M~lok, of PS1i~: COWIYiettjlcl,. bat I. om8l' tba$ all costs.incurred. and llft<Jllcondition that ,.boul'); oe bo~ .t.... h!Yetdr·&4II1. bt.t Mert)":to make such nse the~f. 81 {!shonld 118 .. ot b, eleo dJ,. -Pil nn ,m ea laie&d "II , W «rypea,. _el ke r.. ide. D. H.r ei.te, .. I..t III)'" weipfd •• \'-"P AlII" '-.; l'raI Clpido,_"'worn.-I .111 a lllboter.. • [wor\' at tb. t I~ proper., yon.W1 p, Insert 88~ etter., ro.d. J kno .. Mr. L. I n'C"H et ••• f'ek ap Mr. Lj whieb I eacl in your paper, both In th Eng", away the raborer. ":00 ijdJ tbe leading hol'8Ct the comin, fmm to.D .. Itlt two "acon.. ~ 8 d.,. ~0.1 Ulh and Dotch langu~ea. , ' I • : first "Agon anel "Iv_ra blo" to the laborer "bo I .... worki., ac &b road .ben ~m. lbe .Dd I rem!dn Ste. . RtrY'8CH. ' , .. : tbe old"'" a wu placed. w"_o ,",came el.. ,~ . , h~ld the muletI ef the ~ond wagon, for the pu .... ,be ... tei' eart, l ca.1ffil 011& .. Ba.. I rid'e 00 tb. De .. road'~ --I i POge fhn~ relen;;ing thoi'C harses anJ mules (tom ._aillO lNoekaaed to bim. He an ..... re,f np" b.c r~. on t.o.! <'!.pe Tu"n, 18tb NoYem~ri 18H their bold. Whilat Lhts alleged assault was in. ".rdl tbe old road. I ,hen weol frflm tbi! be.. roaa aQd laid 81•• -1 baYff~recelW'f'4 ,.OI!r letter of the :lOlh S!W~mbJr' . I" 'ed he •__..l_.J bold of the l-.dr.rI by nins. ._. two frQlllt!to ..... tut, !ft8 wllh haYln«, al the pl.ce of Mr. VI...,. qUIJ'e' 1010. It IIOOD ePc!>ear tlAlt t preumuGU &hen pulbed ...... ion the _nk. Mr.' Li Uaeo cam. o( lrolll 8rakkuil. I.... aDCImalicinu.l, .pokt;" aDd pohli!lII"Ó cer~,sauh, was 811 act on ~e p''lrt of Mr. LO.AAARD tbe .apo alld !liked aM .. b., thallOeapl, 1I0d I qicl, rOIl tafa iaJuriou. ,wo" of •• d eo.ce,rolog Mr. ~~pb.,lh. III ~df.,JI.ft'nc ... against '110 dlf'gal Hct, and that tbe •• ,. not riM on lIliamIId. Mr. L. Ib..,. PlaIled t\" bo..... out Rayteb, Lend sanor la Cape Towo, and In repI!;, I; (,()IllI'I~ j"ill'l' luhorers them! .. 1ves bet'n the ol .. , hll.ds. and _id, .. joa awarte r •• ba, .. Ia.. hr _,etfae'! an fêean lI)togetber .bat,.v_rr npr .... on. TLti I __ ..J • diec," left .... wept OD bia ....... tllf.~."''' rode on. • lben beeo QUetéd ~ me IOC the place of M~, VISier, _t 8rllkallllre":,t"';'. tKY went elln8t!CJuen y.p aCI:U.1A the .eDt tn tbé'IDDle Wlll10n .. Ilieb fbllO'lretf ~e Iral, _e&OPPeCI ton, ID the p_nee .nd bearioll' of Mr. VI•• e~, Mr. V.II deo JlnsoneM4 hor, (~r. UoMIUA RD hf'ln~ released,) that 111l1li, 'b,. "yinr bold of tbe rein. óf tbl'! muti!t. A 'coeclt. Herr •• Dd oabt!,.., rl Ind """Cffllin, the ""I<t, M. Ruy.cb; and 6nally comulltted tbr ttlal (or a!t~aul~. m.." aal 00 die '1""', eo .b_. aid t.1...... t Qat ride 00 deel~, tbe MJDe to br. IInloolldl'!d, a.tI exfl'HI~I'~ lilYI'I!«ret That f.l'ial bal taken pl~ _fore tbe l\h~stratp. tbe old but on llie nf!Wrnad. he replilid .. no, tmll'~ for adt! aH O(~ .. ""'. And f b..."r f\lrth~,~ ""te~ ,. , '. ' m,· m"" ..r'· aD,1oried to Mr. L., .. R... " they· .. lUI"" ._, ................. tit .~ ~ hetwtM!n my.!''' ~'l<1 Mr. Kotze und tbe publI? wdl nowl haye ascertained fro.m I~e proc.ei 00." Mr. L, tbell Cllde to the lIij,d ""1\11 anel &old, .. wide.. Mr.1lufICIt w .. employ.d to m.kt! cerl>lin CbtIn. ot report gl ven In our for~ and conclaticd 10 th", I ml' to I-t ba COIlc.mon ,Irin 011... tln~ tile wbac I hlld COdo Dnwinp.and.~ allO extlmined on ~at~ and !fll'tehi. ,!"idenee Jl1lmber, tbat tbe wbole p.·nceeding before tbe with his .",on. 1 ... ,,100, you e.o', ridel bf!re. for ,tbere is a, eoocemi", certaIn of the matten 10 d.. p"w. I d~ not me'lI Police Court W88 riO'hlt and correct, end that a; chllnc;e of IIt_Unr on the ne. mad. I eDd~aYouretllO pull thei to Impllte aD,. eIJrrupt ~ tlaproper coaducC. or 100llv1l!'lto Mr, I -·S to L I h ' mu" by their IHillth. lo.. arel, tile tlioad. and ,lte PCNIIIh~. R.y~bl or ..".,unn h,. ebehleUlr" a f• ., and boft,.C_t l,ruta ~unJusU ahleand II.odaeiolltl assau~, ad been man pulled (hem olf' to lh. other .ide, Mr:. L tb'-II raYe ID' a or ... ~a" d~ln .. fIoo,n bi. interrity nl tb .. ~D6dt'nce o~ commlfted on Mr. Lo.~A.aD. pOlb .ith hie len yio,. l4!'ro cb,~~ICI, bqe I did DOt i, tbe poblic u a ,.orn Land SOl'nyor, and that I". proeeed1' Alid ypt, wiJl it he Wdieyed, that there were men hll tlteo liaR me. blow wiUa lhe ritrh' h~lId on ,he bre .. t,' lo... In .. id Cllltle .. a Lamt Sorn~n" woerein t!very lI~"iM'C, found lo ~crene and -teet tbose brutal aO'JrI'e8- J and II.t go the. mil. I did DOl f..U do~ al aU. Sal .. t thell, 4I00"''''Dt 'be.eba,.c~er ",' an. onal ruao ; uel I bereh1; , 'f P I' ~: ~-' . d·h IC.Ule up Ibd .. Id $0 Ur L. lpe"k to lb" oyel'Mf!r. Mr. L. Daderlake to ~~ .11 &he IDeurred. ; l'or~. he 0 lee OU,t _vlnlt committe t em, replied. "Ia.t b..... 1 to do with tb.o ...."...,r. SN,,' ""ell laid; .. l, I am, Sir, ' the ov?rseer was reI . o~ hall, and the l~borers hold tlr Mr. L "., "~III ... d •• i~ .. dOli" h~",." Mr. 'L. theo 1 Your obedietlt Ser1'lDt. .. nl,.t being able to ball, where co~mltted to i struck S.~I.. , "'~ blf 6.c ~n bil 1Ighl fheek• and ."erward •. ~ !' (Siaoed) .III. InLeK, Sr •. z... rtl.nd , ... 4 aDd Juatiee )lone to both pull .. ,-Allo~ - '" WIth hllVlng Rssaulted of t.he la~rers. The pretended assault "rur,+hl' bavlDgforClbly pusbed iylie - Til ~'WMII F _,.. "'p c..u_ anq..'<lis I" I. Ilear 's a It ' ..... .. , or --DI ,.... 'er' 011 tt.. 8th iGlfaal ~ 1Iae..... iis lil&l .Preeefttoit_lwId , Ca~aDd Sa!JaU.· on the gNond lUl Mr. ~é o~ &0 tbeir eft~. eh., hmD( ~ pocket· he is bound ~prond in ebI' ~aerc:ae, to baft bteQ C•. IIeeOc8ptice1l. ~ beat hiM, kill bup! i WhlIe attempt is made to ri~ bi, fait, brought to toW1l • a and banded ~:~~D over to tbe poli~ on • iCh~ of afl8&ult. . clea, .tacio,' at the ..... ti_, The parties ".ere b~t up before the Police purpoM of ~ariDg Mr. Loat~ c.,urt and &bere Mr.l Loluu ..laD· wu cb ..... ed tin !,b~ ~f ,be ea.. m~t" « COl1lt1.', ud ~.lo&ba, ~I e . time come to the . of.the OYf:l'lleers' be i. ~ ~t kicked ~nd. :'paM 18 leVlJUed at him, 1Dt'aIl j SUIll1Aer PrilI~ 8wan'~, i 8lUciu &od HollaJld, ë.,iaence·'~ labo,.,.,.t.o, hd in ~. e j n""l, ; PARADE. O be POWidY IOW at Mr. P. GaUDLI."' •• &ei., u.........J,it111e4 ..... rof O. J. jI'RVTER. lbe .... t reIerft, laf I). A. TO J,VINE FARMBJl,S. ~,7ANTED ,boutOJe \ , lood HuodNd~ CI..... 'OiII· efllaooc 'feudae, '" Aa., JIaart. to BelaU_ ;"d of rio~ •. ! SUTH&aLAliD, CaI...... Wloi~ WiDe ol tbie,_,. ,-; No". 184.&. An~CO~DED ,'1'H~. on Monday N~h -. laat, my J~"t' .. lle Emigrant DENNES TlD 18 ,_.. old, l)torl aad .loot-<l&llt1U'e, b.-d ......k. illf. ndl .... dreaed,ilin a W~ ~ lUId. . . beaid .. ~me "lber doilie •• laicla be took wtUa ,Il_ WItO nu lodges hilD iD pr;all or witlt lite U~ W'iU lie lairly a..ardecl. GardeO Uitk,.k. Oct.'23, f-.u.,. _J 184" R. J. LQEDOLFF. I ac. , ,Sale ot Pat Sheep, N TU ESDA Y, 3rd December J1e:ft, .~U be 101datthe Place or Mr. P. H. PJ.t7.~_~botch, O . D. nWEltS, 8...,'"~ '. . 800 Sheep, ~her with. few Oxen .. 4 H~ In nceUeat coDditioll, brooght from the Interior by J. V.~ra •• PA URE • Co., .DdioIIeen Cape Towo, NOl. 23, 1844. .! NOTICE . is hereby giYen .... Frinds, tlud il .laM phutd .... ", .. ifII'W IQ &Idle uoto bi. ebi. ruoraia(. OIIr belltf1ICl ~Id hTaoUi-LA. JOBANlU, S.SANNA.. Neetblm,. ; Rof. N4w. 21. .I. H. mttruLIl'tG • .I.. A. Ar. MAI4I$. : Js.•. lhit Jife at u ZoYgv"1," I)EPARTED 26th ialll .• Kw_LA .balll KA." Wife of Zorgrry, Grenpoiat, R J. )!lo". 28, lSU. VAM OR the ....,... IUE"r, , .~., e : PUBLIC L~AN'DRnl~ <: :: .-i~toi,~~; ' • . " !.1.t THE OOm· ,I .... ERTY., 't -.~a;·1IJ •• a l ...... Op',~ r...,' 'pJ:&.""'II&:i • _ ~"'_Il"WK''F'',; v ~1:,, .t.:rJ~.nA 1i~1A!'" 111i IN , ,(~~ ~JuI.",,144U la Ihe S"tlrt.e or the late :---.....:..~iJ:-+-...-- In TUIN-STRBB'I'. t.. IPII'._p meuoring ~11lClO"" roodtJ' •Atito Cl.aT,UII L..op .tneL PER lfl"~ILTO~ ROSS" "WILLL\~1 aqua~ NOW L.J. /II])I.\'Q ARTIOLP.S B~YI 'Idest 8hllep heart, ~ No. 4 Spa"",, Do. ranI Sbovels, PIOIIJb Shun and Grubblq <_) HQOk HilllJft. Iron T_ Kettles and Sauce PaIlJl. Toy ItalWJ !rOOI. lJ'OD Ctest HiDget, Ulndln nd &eb. Iroo BJiDb Door I..oeh, ..... ,.o.d Loekt, Pad, Box. &Dd other Loek.. __ ,Dd lIahopAy Kllobt, • rIk J[nlYft, Cv-r r OP ALL .oaTS, IlUOIII1 A: Carpenten' T001l, eoopenf A: Blacuml&h' do. Bnatbeliof "ery 110rt, JlJou ~ Diubd I1Id WIn, . B,... aqd Iron WI~, B,.... Illd Tron Wire S!eVI!II, aud TaI1JMrt' Tooit, Battrrt4 CardI. Haroe., Buckles lUId Ringt Patent ~Itfr CIo.ett, leproy.jc! Soap Poti. 8tenke)~. Pateut ZIRe ror .Ith Wire for Plxi.. 8~IM, 't'Vi01II eoIers, Platter' Paris and Bomaa ea...... CttrrIeraT Hnor" "'11 II,.., c-.t. 'COnI &t1t.1A> .. nie ~ransfer ~efd8 DB.DS OP ';;pJrrolTiON'. 'the Pott and Greeers' Col'ee MIn., Pettlet and Kortard., Brua Butt HinSU, JrOO Garaet and Hoes, Irq.r .Jr\liIpeI~.l¥"a Braa, ~ntl1 PA" tb_rit. wanl. V~er"lld" JItet Purt""" plU'tiéftla,., , or or the All~tioneer Mr. Jou. TO,...~II1!,'D.. : . J. "'t.it. .;"Af'STU{!KSmIJ,}' Te.taraentary J. P. DBNE\"!., Bseeutort. PQLLOWING THB C.,._ rw.,.qf....... ,pod., .-oulbWant .. a..... tikt plau, BAYLEY." JA.S. nOBF.RTSON, III (n tJte Co. ' .ltuated ---- ...... ----------- T Wrolll(ht lUId ~ut IrOD Blltt BI.,.., , Kitchen Rangea and Bot Plates. Rerltter A: Romfbrd Stoyes, Pende .... 1UldPlre JI'ODI. Tin'd Lldlea • Meat Porfu, Skim_rt and Oritlinml. Prying PIIDt ol: Piab i:ettJM, Pllm~ and Onn Doon, PIleS and Rupt, YIlrioos, BaAS' WAR. OP .,aaT HB Undertl«n~ hereby gins "otlee to Publle, tha' by virtue or tb. Ordlaanee No. il', 18«; he I'-prepared, daring Offlct' hollrt, to prepare and' draw alt .U(!h Tran.ter Deed. and~ Deed, or Hypo&beeatlo., (Mortfilgot Doodt,) u may be rtqllired-ror the ... me ~ee a. cl!argeable U tbe Office oC ,the BqrIavar ot Deet!L r J. H. HQ-P.BVR, J'_, Adyocate . Cape Tb... , Sept. 9, IM4. ... . lmfia·lHfa.~ •. t LIFE FIRE DUCa11'7101f, 1..... , ..... _ -_._----'-----'----- -_ l4.$SUI,lA.NCE , Shoe Thread and Bri,tles, Pisb H(Joband Llnes, . .MD TRUST C9MPAJNY. Pateot Shot ol aU i. hereby gi"eo, i pU"" ....' to ptoPateot LNd Pipe. risinna of'" aeeondSeedoai ol tbe ~ ot A...,.. Milled Sheet Lead. CH TblI't1 rastallDeDt ol 'two GTlnclstoDI!II. Balldlft ud _to POUNDS per a..,. will be payable " &lac COiiapny', OtICe, 8pladl", oa lb. ha day of December' nat- i ! Road Hammen, Roadmaken' Pleb with OD .. bieb Day the . 'uh bandi". Oertilloate .oti S.... Nalla of e,ery dete:riptloa, , .. iJl be ittued. Paintt od Colon, . . E., THOMHSO'1' Secretary. Ra .. 'Dd BoII~ UlllII!ed OiJ, .i_. NoncE ,~l" eAIRA BN w,- tb. E o o i' J In cukt, . 6 '0 , 0 '4 a '1I".ne 1'UIICI!e • 1 •• SOUTH A.PRiCAN ! -- Vet'mWoa and Bronle. Gcld lAar. t Betree Da ..0.... .. 1 wiue Baa( Fire and Life A.ssltrance ~ompany: - .. el TImber uad .orway De&ls.. ESTABLISHED IN M.RCH "81"OP.~ 1831. .Jj. Crow I Bolletje. G Vioolaft .... ' 1roulDOntte1'1aod TlI:bber Stora, PleiD-.b'eet. IC.. relle:tl K TO WINE GROWERS, &c. STUCKV ATS credit, (Spirit.) ror Bale at or lo Barter .&~d. Rat" of P,.,.iu"" Buillliftg,; Wir,e or Brudy, 01a Fl4t Roofed I are T III 0:- Store .:0.. . .... ~... Rouse. 1)(1 eD ••• c.._ l&AWo LIFE B RA!fCH. i With' a, view of mending the Company'. PRECISELY, '''TWO LOTS9 Certain HOUSB and STORES .ltnated In tblt Table V.lley, lu Blok L, !lnd chere No. I, DO" marked 10, ID 8ullt-.tree., --.rlnr 21 'qllire rood., a*tl 18 d•• feK, .. per o-t o( !J'raaaler mlde In rlYor orG. P. STB6.A!flf, EIq., deeeued. Lot HOUSE occupied by Mr. VAlf DB. POLL, contafDlor I Rooms below, and ~ aboYe; KJtchen, a Yard Back' Premieet. SerYIDtt' Roomt.c. A .. 'tLUf Ray SBOP hat been earrl~ Oil It thete P"..I_. yftra Melt with f"!&l .oe_, Ind li a .. ell bailt 1I1l1llf', aad ia ~ entnl pan of tbe To"n, aftr thu To.. n H_ and market. Lot j,-A THRRB-STORIED STORE, occupied by M....... H,laT " CA•• T,l,", u, ud '!fell adapted (or, a MI!1'CIt ntile H OQH. lt II a good opportunity to INVEST CAPITAL; thete premltet belnjt alwlyl ... 11 Let. Tbe Loll .. m 8nt be IOld .. paratel, b, the RIle and FaU, aad s4erwardt, la OlIe Lot, bJ tbe raD (Inly. ,.-'nle ror ga CJoIIlpeUtioD .oaq & BoDU ... will b. p.D. _n CondJ&loDi 0( Sale, .. ita. the 'ntl. Deedl Ind DHdt .r TraD", I•• y be on .ppncatloa to the Iatt UnderIlped, 1& t,:,. OlJlce in Wale-Itreet. ~ -------PUBLIC la die Eatatl T laid HE .-. &0 J. B. BOPlfEYJl. J. G. ST&YTLBR. G... T•. SUTHBRLAND, PAUL JOH. ROUX, P.L AND PEREMPTORY ~ aaBPECTABLB I. the J~iM Eltatl ! &0 D.B, a' .... <HICe ~1'4JlaTR ;~ I ---------SALE. or Mr. '~Ll:" 0,&l.AlfDllfa .Dd ~ WIMAN, ot Slell ... ~, 8epvaled. . T ~= !(.opern Vl ol &Ilia . Kinder &eb ,-,,",en PUBLIC .' !AlfJfA H.. rolie, e Daittclw G ca~bl. ,,óf iD 'he Eo;Uab .. d OolCb Laaf ...,et. ..... ,rlri"lalUucdoa -Apply, '-TIetter paa' pail P~per. ~ , i PERSON HB\Undenigned PrF Keile zeer S~_ • duly authQrized tbiu'eeo~ will Nie1l eau •• a public aal. lO 'be held, OD MONDAY, tbe 9d. Deeember;.est, oa 'CCOn.t ol tbe above &tate, óf Moye~ .. -.ti liIt .. ".. W. Property. colllittia, la IMMOVEABLE retl~ PROPERTY. A HOUSE and PREMISES, ~a. ~. at~u.te i. Birdla .... 'Aam ol dal. Towa ...... tó tra. PalJUc M.iuc, weil .. ~ for an lOtie of Trade, arul .. laereia a Ba~ &lid • a.tail Sfaop are Il prtaea' carried oa ... da l'9Od .uccaaa. 'TWO .HIRE HOUSES. Iha_ "'CII, '!IfC, li-.tNec, No. U • boda .. "....a& yieldJD' a PM nai, aad ~, at , .. edapttcllor carryfDI' 0.' teWl 81itiaeu. . atreH, dJ,,, U I ,MOV:~AB~ Tot 1t1lllftt'll ' PROPERTY. A ... lIIIII& ol MercbaediH, Sapr, Rice, Tea. Soap, BIKIda, •. Qau. Bui.,., 'WIMaI, "r, .... TooII. Shop S"lns; .DII Anal". ..,.. anIea. of Houelaold FumltaN, a .... of Pt.", _. 6cl i'n.. $ale ill &lae .......... 'WW '10 o'clock ,,,"ly ia tbe Moral., .... .be ... " ift au IJ. te'Doelt, ,ud tbe IlDaacweab" Properlr .. lIPt up d U o'lcloek jJrecleely., , The CoOdllloM ol Sale IDaY be bo.,. 0Jl .,.,afoalioa lo lbe Uecleriiraecl. aod ,lae Otraer, .. bo.ut aItÓ' ëdo ... parciee &0 i!l'pecC, ~h.Pftlllitet. mi Pro,..,. m a.. 'Or . u" 8tfyigMd ,.,ill .. giMa. C. P. LINOENBERG, Veodue,08lc:e, Dorp--tt ... , No. 21, SteUeitbolcb, I "'"dae ' Act... -' No". 27, 1844. ti" Uit de NI'~!;!~ Do. Oednakte Rnli ••• "a.Je SALE. nn,l", & Writ of C\WIO B...."... pnled Mr. P. J. SAl'flIBN1Iliaoa. U ndertigned. bu.lnea I" ~. abo.e branch, an4 of m.derlDlf tb_ ban. rance 011 U'tes wil" tbl. Comp.ny' m01'8 eneonrarl"ll' and profitable- to the pabllc, tb .. rollo'!flnt modl1laatioD', baled Dil a Report ot a SDf).Commlttee, bearing date &he8th of Ha1 lut. have beea adopted bT tbe Court or Directon, to take e6et f'loomand aftn the ekte of th~ prttelltt. 1It.-On "'I Premhml payable 0~1L1r.Pollcfea' (ntenclJn, oYer tb. w~(Jte period or Ure) the (0110.. 1111PI'OI"IIIft'. deductIon. ,,111 be allo .. ed :. After &he IaPIe 0( flye learl (5 y~), ftve))fl' Cent Oft the Imouot or InDual premium; aher,! the lapte of ten yeart <lO yea ....); ten per Cent; aher tile la,.. ot Iflteu'earl (loS ,éan), f1l'teeJlpcr cent, Ind tOI on, la die aam_ ,..do, until the mpeetlye amountl lo.ured .ban ba,_ become due and payable b, tbe d .. ~h aC the pil"'es ... ur~. ld.-The Company .. lIJ adYlUlee ~a. or Dtacount BIllla' the uual rate or Irlten!tt ror a periOd DOt elqeectlng twelwe lIIOuth•• (feIIiI!... ble at the option tb. Oo,.paIl1) OR the printe penonal bond. or lceeptanetll of the pártles Utared, or or the Ia.. flll bolder. or lueh ure l'ollelet or ~he Company, eollaterall, aecared by the pledge or each alOlft.ld Life Policies, on .. hlch t.he annual prelRium ~I hate beeu paid (orfife (6) .ueee..lye ,ean and up"ardf. The amount or Loan. to be grlnled, to be to tbe extent oC tour-firth. (~thl) or the p!Went or actual nlue of the Poliei~ retpteth'rly, .. bleb caa be ucertalnecl OG appliettlon to die Company'. Office.. : By Order or the Difteto.... 1 . P. S. WAT~MEYER,I Secretary. Oftlce of cbe 800th African FIre . d LIte A... ruee Company, Cape TO"D, 16th Oil, ber 18~ 'uoy z.., WANTED, noo -----i;..,____ . The 2-d DecmWer lSU, AT 11 O'eI.OCK di T•• cWe· ell 5e1_lint, O.derbut;' 'l'1ID>dle It PI RE BRA.!fCH. TWELVE month. ror Young H(JGft,ea , , naST CLAg,s. . BUDSON DONALDSON Il DIXON. Fa .. ny Re.ldt1lcel ia C~pe TO"D, o~.it. vi~ni~, la .. hieb no , , trade .. 6It""'r I. camed oa, Ind 'la which 00 hAtarcioUI b tb rood' êon&a.iaed, t h. 6d per £100 Sal f h CATTLE b h HE e 0 t e ~ug tye . SECOND CLASS. n..... fro.. NORTH HOLLAND, ... 11 &akP pl- on Haa .. occupied u Lodi.,. or COR~ojf1, in~biled Cellart P~e, oa THURSDAY, llae 6th of December, al on &bete groand aoor. ~., H~ uted. It Shop. ot o ~k f.. II. • •• W.reh~_ ..berein no baaarclo. poelt are 'comilled, I 'nie ~.ule a~ 10 aceUe.& CODditiOD,Ind ml. be ... " OD W'~ Store. co.~aloin~ DOaaore ,~ the 111.-1quaaU&y of ~ to O. J. TRUTER.. .p!rlla tor prepann, .. I.e, ' ti. per .t'100 THIRD CLA.S. SALE OF A Bnildinp iD .. bicb baaarciOIll rood. ~ co...u..s, bul .. h..". la DO .... rdoUl tradet lire carried per £100 & POUR.TH .CLAS&. : a.i1diop .. ¥reill ~uudou. trad. 1are ea~ 00, ludi a. '8B Undersigned, Caraton in the Estate of Bltebali&lU. c.rpeolf·ra. Tln.llda., P~ Clbinet Pi..trr Jacobw S."rkrtbw,A, .. m leD Maken. Cuoper., Baken. iMNap&oilert, P1.blic Ho_, e..te. • ~ 6&.' id. per Tb.-e-StcmH GOEDE! "_elea Il e.. ...N. KáMrkIee O'.... Mal ,11"""1 T..J..... I'hMCIIe k Bnia. 0 la I til Doek.1I i. "rui.. to ea Gl"d ... kte lIoteme D.. e.... Caratc>ra,., being dllly atltbo- £udy.uil diall riled to lell aU IMMOVEABLE f»ROfERTY beloft,1I&a&e, '!fill leU ptftmp&orfl, to the hl,best Bidder, ....,.. ea... Atjan. SO ON TUESDAY, I.~ TIN SJ D~ l&U, AT 11 O'CLOCK PRECISELY, OntrJan.gt IIBIf N•• EI " -~.- ~-- ~ 1 ~-~ • -~ .. ~j~Jt;~~:-~:~~~'~\>" . I ., , ' -'-1.,,_- ... - _ f' ,.., , _ . ...-:"' "':"" ~ _ - ~ .. v "~ -, " !