August 03, 2000 - Greenbelt News Review
August 03, 2000 - Greenbelt News Review
·'!''·'. '.":u:' ,_.,,_.Oil "-'b fiD ~'I Who a-.11 On Tuailoy, May 16: Ill)' boloved illdDor . . Lldy be lhrouih a broten oaeen escaped from our second-stAJry bedroom window. I ca1110 home l'rom -'< diM day 10 diaawer lhll sbc wa gone, and I wa abaoluldy diJlnll&hL I - 10..,.. 1 bdiiDd, ,.. - - . ...,. youiD lhe dorful noipbon who for her IIIII who lllqftiiCII or limply fdt _ , - . . -~~~~~ 10 ..y IIIII ..., found lMr - . 1 days aftlr ollc ~ My lllllllllld .. up 1 C1CJ0 wllll a cnp door ill - boctyri - ' he -.o n up lllc Soluodo)r sbc hid diuppoRd., ldl • . . oor Lldy w• ill lilt 111p ...t ~ unlllppy widt ller pll...... 'IJie . . - we lolllor ou1 of ...... · . =Sia.:c ntnro ==::t:",.;:i a;.. ID ,._ ....,..,_ ~-u Olala we also lbal_..... from 11111w1>an yardf are lllriOII for ,.. u pactia: arumob for viciauo fi(lhlina dogs. So whal is lhe Fa pq 10 do 10. oddrea lhcle iiiUel? We are wortiaa on 1 choddisl lilac we will - u we visit a oourt alta ~vial 1 complain!. We uice the cbocldisl 10 identify ailucolic8 in lhe en1ino court deal Yiollle OHI's n:pclllions. In lbe ewlillbll a lilllllion iJ obleMd IIIII illicaaea m animal is iD dalbe Prince <Aorp's c-.y Anim•l Manaaealenl Divbiooo (301-499-8300) or lhe Allialal Conuol CQ~Dmiuloa (301-1836009) "''" be ""'ifoed. (GHI 111e111bcn are freeiiDcalldlele ........_) Far 1111......,..._ 1 ....... will be dllilod ID 1118 Clllft =• ..._ 1>..... ,,.i. ~- _,:,, "-· I .._...,_ illllliiiKt widt ... ~• .Malllf'~ onl. - ~ ~..... liallll cape111, . . . . .. . _ shecluft&ID-.Indsbc~ o f - . . . . . . . . l'llllitCD>10 follow me lftiUIId Ill c1aJ • if - • for • - - . • u CD say, "fix ... .,._,! llonllol l"* - . meocuqaill!" Weheveliace Ia~--clan.s her up llllllllriOII llcriD lila 23niiMI!t .......... _....., for a chock-<cp IIIII 111tc hu been fonc lnd heallhy e•er since ,._ _ ·• ._....._ I know 10 low o/111)'......... WWMI. . belft bc'e . , . _ l U I ne GHI ... · ! lee .,Jaed 10 IIIIIIY .................'• -lei...r.t tii'W'Iicl .,.,...a It- . ICrl • .,. ~~ ~· 0111 .......,...... . . ....... 1& .U ~ l i ...... • I bMIIOt~ lllclrmodofloir ,,.....of<ml,,......,...polmum ID cJ, 111111: you 10 met!~ .............. Aa . . . . . . m fory<Nir_ ....... ~ . . ,._.ill~- court~lll]l~lhll were identified .$ well • ..,_ ..=:: tnowlocllinl ~of pet .......,...,_. ...... . . . . , . . _ . . . . _ ......... G.-.IicltPoolla free Guide AI; 1lahle On ·--I'~ --- "Al·v- ~ ... lbe 2000 Ouido for lkaaa c.c- l"'lliae in 1118 Nllianal Cspitll Ateo." iJ ..,.. lible .,;..,.,.,rup lhll senecL Educ:olionll - . . o r ......._ kia...a.IJieby~ referrals IIIII miBhl laelp lbe Y-ME • 6000 S.......... Avenue OWJW unda-.1 and OOfn!Ctlhe l2lD. All:undria, VA~. ·pbone problom also wUIIje .includod. If ~I-959S, ru 70l-46I-7S47"' die pmblems ClOIIIWiue. " - are ..,.. sqr. lhll- be 11111en by capiea..., 110111 • no clwF- Far die ~ s.D:onmi-. lllullipiB oapiel Ilion is ._ sbippillc Our ... 11 for die c:JRoenbal ._.t ...... lioo. ~pet:.:~=.!!· 111e . ·- • b u- unr...... -*lliloe"'.......,.. llilf!l! *"' --·-·.-Of of*'....,.... oflhciae - ""'-rr-- --·- :!!""""* .... Golden A - Club ..,..., ...._... AI tbe Ju11 26 meeting, Arlene Sauser of Ihe Membersbip Commiuee welcomed suesll Lucy Cruz and Elsie Forbea. Joe Wilkinson announced 1h11 lhe Gaicor Walkins Club me1 01 Beltway Pl•za Cen1er Coun. Lighc refreshmenll were served, and • prosr•m was held on cap danccna. . on!ohn Taylor, Tr.•vel chaora, ~9¥!1.~.JI!~ ~ ... u~ ~eii.c2 :.~=at:·· ~--.+a= EO=..#~ " ldl-~·•' .,L\, .. .:-~ _ ,._., ,... .,!._,...j!l._l_·:-,- ·s;:-,. J pet w1l -.1: I> . . " . I ,...,. ..._ *' ...,.lAIIIr. .......,... ,, .~~ pet -..m ...,....._ I ............ we il'l ill ... - riat. ~ .... dog fishtJng II 'I tJ~~Db!oa' Many of lhe dogs 1991. tile IIIII the Oeoleral ~ .... i,.. cludool dilect -......,.... lid 10 Prince Goarp'a C.-y 11r 27.1-. for a IOial of $421217,115 and school eonatrUCiioD ,..... of $123,800,000 . . . . ....,..,.._ We allo- e.loW .....,._. en IIIII prillcipall 10 - Nllirecl witboal looilll pouioa ·~UFar .,. . . • ...,. .......... • ......... . . ...... in ... llelp - a1 ---- iwnu--.. · Po<eefcllljjt;IMII>IolliW:..W-. •. 1 Host~~ -. · __ ...,......., ...... For~ eL.....L....a... ,_.....,.,World lferiuse, 1 ,__,..,a.. public benefil or~ II seel<ifta familieo; "-icc to holl high sch<»ol boyo ud 1 con 1101 ICXepl yoar mira ....,. _..,.... ..._ ....... by ponoillld 10 ,_ lcooat • comdoe COIIIIIy Couooc:il uc1 ·couacy plco~Moo ...,.. .... A Exeaotive iii ,_-~~a~~pc is die prm.y- for._........_ . oaumly - . o dop ..S· procuts ilo sclooGI ' - ...t CSI ,..._ .- - . . . bartioi.......,. - .....,.nie lhal 1 $60 millilloi COil 1 -AO olf...._ IIIIJIII',..........._._aom- doe HiP ltlllill iD of I~ prindpcl ~ ICpplllllli.-Jy ........._ '111e."*"'-i-oe'a ...a; ClllllficleNW • of , _ =- trod.uced our apeaker, 1he Gretabelt Police Dop1rtmea1's School tl.esoarce offleer; Oeorae Mathews. He spoke on crillie prcvecolion, lhe DARE proaram, lhe Cilizena Police in1 Ill~-~~~. ~~ ...~--::.:!; former ~~r;:; 1 ~i:: ~·::; :\~..!:' ae::~ :.~~:"::J;.!"~o!~: :c:~•:;d ~~~· -i;&aie:::J~ Soviel Uolion c~ a..y acboolo .........._ On Ao1a11 9, Joe Aulisio, ~-Iiebe _..; *' ....... W. - . 1 ~~ .... oflbe ,_, ia 14 · tl . a..n .,_ ........ wiD wae and ....,...,.... in-..,.._ ..,. lipid ocboac ... ...., and Slancea. It will do irreperlble hecolllo of pell •. doeir ...._ Far hlmo 10 llldlela. ldlool lllllfiDt, .......,.., ...... peta boen . and ltlillonb. i ._.,.ly ilot- ccpa,...r or o-.1 IIIII . . . laavp1ore ,a. 10 ....., . _ coa 'aJt in& Iiiia' afto:r ..._ Aollllclr eo... or find ......... 1\ondiooc m co11e- ...... WU pell . . c:IIIIIJ D:ll 10 lhe ......................., ......... 90 scloook hiL 10 die va ..._ ae, ..... care. Theaa..-11111 doe a.... _WeWi! ..... llllllw . . lll)' Alenbiy..,.. 1118C<MIIy - ~ clirwy " " " - 11o oelooeolilJieco 11oo1 . _ . . . _ o f .... IIIII COiiiiiWc:b ....... io • w·- · ...., • - . , . lioD, 11,lilt ~- 0w pelS ' who ore comiD& jo lhe Unileol S1a1es for lhe "'" aclllemic school yar. · These personoble 1nd ICIdemic•lly selecl •clulnp 1111- t' w .•. dentJ speolc En&l' curious IIIII .....- ,., your...--.. - .pet- ......... · Aldlor......,_a.,.....-. : - r. c.-,. ~ wayw. Clorly; ..._ 1oa • coiled - ........ for *'...., • ...., far ........... ....,.. ..... doe 01111 of die ....... -a.n... ... aftloo . . . _ .......... 10 in~- v..........................~-- ...... ladoia-...,JI'IIIIIile• iiCIIclak ......IIWiliqwl ........ .~me· ........ .._.. ..................... ,.. in:.-..... __ ..,..,. . . . . . . lhe 93 ~ ....... ....... . -~ Fl .......... , 11e briiiM. loon ocboac chis COUDiry lhroclp liYiJoa 01 pan of 1 fomily W -.eliDa hi&h school for • full ocbool yar ,. Those penons 1i.-..d ia. oblainina oure iafonulion aboul becooMia • becomina u ohould 800-785-9040 ...............rilaiiO .org. The UIIOUIICCIIICal miJ be lllldo II lhe Aupal 3 school. ..._ · m1noaer of Oreenbell Aulo & Truck Repair will speak on aulo m1in1enooce. Open HauM $unday OD Sadly, Altpll 6, Commail)' c - Allilta in ResiHdp clean up Grecnbell Park and pllo:e mile 0111rters on doe bails. . ,_.:s.::..:......S":'-. • M he R1 S 1i Ailplt 4 p.IIL Far ell· recliona or lod'onnllioa, call 301- 344-3944. .. ,.. dcace wiD beat dleir monthly ·This Sllurday, Aupal S, fJCm 4 II> 9:30 p.m., llae New Deal Co~ will . , . - lbe Millie 011 C....Palivool M .......... Catlei', 113 <=-7- The stqe will be lot 6aoot of lite.... F a r - ..........,., call lbe Clift • :!QI.....56rl.' · Open.._ a- - ID S p.m. a-. - bnllld I> IDUi' Sludios, 1118 . . . _.j 'lllilm ••hibitioa rl ... ..-ill lite Com......, c...r a..,. Altiala .......a,- Ia residence iacl. . . . . . . . Diet Brown, "·,·.~·.•F•esr•..•....·:·. . .-a.·l·~.·.,··--.·,:•1 t-if~ _,........,· .. _Iii . _Ll .............. '"......... 301..MI-MI4. 'l'llil ~·1 -- in 'hlcwt ll!e ~of ...... 11ae1r plio>- ne ClreolcbflllAbcor ~~q··.,. ..._far MUlde Mill. hm- val 'l'aleal Sllow ;, ~.far larllliu. ......... ~ .............................. pa..-,_ '1111 ..... llilllllrief .. ~ . . . PNvlow ,.. a-s.-....,.._. wrilllll---.. . . ........... --wiD be ...,....a iD lite eoodlpt _..... ~ 1i1M1, 11ae ......... ~ .,..,..__ ~ IIIOIIIDriea .....,_........_.,ape~ wiUioe ......... iD ........ ~~--Aueclilions of IH J!lewa Re¥iew. . . . trill be laeld iD DiaiDI The aecoDd of the PIIIIAI's a- ~ of lhe Comoauaity A.- 10 11111 22 • 7 fund-raiaina oc1ivftie1, 1 c1r wllh, Ia schedulec! for dlil Sow· p.m. ~ Domoie Lewil 11 d•y. from 10 ID 2 It 301-552-9mt far ~ inHoly Crou l.alheron Olooldl, lo- ..........._ Clled II Llt-1 Drive &lid ......... 0. Craft ..., Greenbcll Ro1cl. Pleoae brina Ajlplicllialol.., ..,.. avoillble your ... IIIII lollp the lirla pul . ~ ~ lAbor l>a)' Craft Sbow on 1 arai .,...._ · 1(111 Sale 10 be laeld Sllllnl1y, -~ 2 IIIII Suildcly, SopNow iD·III . _ . edillooot. doe ....-3. s,- are limitalso 2000 ClNeabell Looloar Doy FeaD- ..._.. aden ahoulcl vol Souveoir Propam will be Oeoqio Hupea al'301-397-2208 ••lilable prior ID lbc fescival il- 6or a .........., wllldl win be self. 11111111 Fes- • • , _ _ lln&dval ~- ....... - . . . • aloowl lertlllDen lacl oilier Peativa! ~ , _. .4rJII&rl_.. ........ c-a. C.......,,__.... = -· I)'Cen- w Pouery ..-ld7 ... 1:30'1D 4:30 p.m.; eri(linol onij......_ "'IIII ~ i : = ~ . . . . . . . . . . . JY. IOCilllae far . . Yiwal ~ • 3 101114 ,..._ Allondance ~ M... II • llwiliel Ia ,._ '111ec-oii)'C-is1Do c:IMd M IS Clesceiil RolcL Air more informllion Clll 301:4748000. exL 107. Ali..,._, s--Ir....,_ a.-··wart•-· The.......,_ ........ ,._,........ Clnlllllk.... filel of lloe .... ... ............. .,.,,.._,_" ......., ,... ...... 0,.._ -~~biliary ud loacqnl..a of bJ . . . . l'llllwal . . , . _ _ . ..._.,. - { :!'fi! r." ~jew- SENIORS,. Join In the nocmt.ICie "Food & Frtendlll1p• LWlChPr~ 12:00 PM - 12:48"' Monday'\1 Pr!day, Greenbei&- CoiDDl1lJI1t;J oe.. ; Ill ... .~.all~(ud ...,!...,..)llit'atllf . .lll ..., ....._. lloe Llililf'DII, ....,~ . ~ .... icalel. All aa1iuJa . ......... ReplndoD• 9JJO ......... pronoptJy .. 10 • '-*Y. ~ 2. Far :=Jill .... call Bevcorly ' . •- JO.l-441-3114 or r-A~I II 301- 441- 'oint·'=. lfi& of 1bo lJ Wbllr~ fcltiVII ,.. o.'liwclay; ' . i',.,. ... . ~ ,- - . . ' 0.. ':.1 . ·;·' IIIJI,L . . _ . . Califaroj, (~a..l ... l). .......... faat-food •1 falher iel ~ t'Jiiilril) .Jfife Cb . . . illlll came IIKk to Dawson Spri.... Cllrisqaa died l'etlMry 1, 1999.HloM ...... "I worked for the Cadlollc sbe-. Jl.74, 8111 slacc! 1996 sho baa Rciiwd die atl'tJDIIIII ....... of dae COIIImunil)' foe loer cieoaled. J!y-viJie two weeka qo - I house and gave flllfii'J• dai111 away. It's funny, peopla waal 10 b!Jy stuff, they doa'l wut lo just take it. I elida'! WIM dae hassle of giving a ga- I told a fellow oae time that the nex.t time I saw him. I"d tell him about his put, and whee l walked in later. I kneW what to say. ln another case; l told the m1"ls1er he was lo start gjv1ng mpncy to the poor. He said he'd pray aboot it. "My camper is witness enough about Christianity,'' Bochert adds. "It says Jesus loves you cnougtl to die for you:· = 111111 ...,...... 111 10. ·OWII ~ ....... - . - ia 1996... ......,_...... &Joe,.._, Kids Can Learn 1o Make Paper Summer Fun Days at •at .............. :..-.., wUI be able to surprise friends wolh their own handwritten lSOOs let· ter. Paper making is the fifth on a series or six Sunday activitic~ for children deaigned to help them leam 1110111 .about life in the 18001. Raetriiiom are required and daere il a amall fee per per1011 per weak.. Por iaf-ion call 301-464-52!11 or 1TY 301· ..... loow ....,.. - 699-2544. Marietta for cbildrea &fP'I 4 • 12 year& will be held from 2 10 4 p.ra. Aupsc 13, aa MaricUa Fx- M - 5Q4I Bell Sta· 00. aa.L CileM Dale. l:kb who partldpate will pay a visit 10 19ill century Mirieaa aad ........... ia the made and . liio • ..... .., :~~an. Sill - ... ill Uttl··lilY 5q1n atlll wm have 111r ·&It J1111t s.ear.y ScltoGIIIiaRockletlae Bowie. of 680 pttdtt- DaaJhbor Lyllll. a jualor II ~ PUlytechnic jn W. "'- atiDI lORIOII. J - 6. '-llftte rtpt, ..._....,..... .. die piclllreue: Kitty Moore (fndt ltllller C - [FRC) FRC Ta. M ......-), Da•lol &lr [FRCJ, J - Goldbe,...Stn.ler ( 1 - PatltllBI l•prn• [IPIJ -lbllllllaa at Rollert Moon [FRC), CouacUwoman A. ...., Scott, Kart Nelooa [IPI), aad Jady Goldberc-Strasslor (wife of IPI , . _ ........ Robert G.Wllcrt-Straoler). -ill .. '*' ....... - 1998 IIIII, •. her IWitl ...... aha doc~ ODCC apln m thla ceolellllial 'I'M· This lime 525 tictell were ""!d- out of I 011 , . . . . , , ' In..-,. ',:::.-.....-= of...,...., ~~ ~ oceotpiotlaB ... waya. of haYIDJ fua. Silo ~ nce we. to tell him. . itW ilif:c~t~~p. dllio mlip of lllilloetbro..dNiJIII-tMCI&-· ................ ebntioa tloat t...,. Jlldudl!t '!:!!!~~aiJIIe C ERHSIIIIionolfllle-llitl' . .....,._ """'6itllll.. · oold my 014-Tilller WaJIIe Bocllel't ..· Part-TilDe Loealllealdeat. · Tiel& ..... ............. i.....,...-y. die...-.· - HuU~IJI ..-- ~ - .................... Church in Evansville. ladlua. atboilleriag to ohe poor dnoatll dae .,_volenl fun4 of c.dlalic Clllritia, and I SUjyetl doono 26 yean. 1 just moved o.l of "I bought a Class C molor home. and I mmister to minis· ten. I &et an urge to SlOp and tell 1 preacher what God tell• me iD dle.dtlltnn's.clllir II the t:luarcb, later Ia tbe treble choir, IIIII llill alnp regularly Lall year was her third ·within the Prince Oeor)e•a P1moa11J tlte ..atetl for ..... ,_. in .... .._, c..,. 8elitleo 11ao 1 ........ Ia..,. a. ia tMit· 'Cllllllly syatem. ~ dao . n•sht. tho c:ba~roam~ ~plua membon ar the City 1 Ntn>&IIOD ~ tUff. lla,ediiC· 11vely enaaaed: and wben the party. wu ove;r. II 6 a.m., lhoy remaiaed 1o tidy up. lust one hour ....-. lite ......... '1l wu all cleanetl ~ You'd never kMw it ... ~ • . Stnce Hull a 1~1rd dauahter, lltC"-. m¥n ia chemiolry and ia on both tho swim ud cteW - · Katori, the ,....... at. wiD -.1 0ouc11or Collep in the fall. All three girla toot adnn..,. of dao mtllical ~ II ERHS _ tt- u vialllt, 1.¥1111 .. cellist. aad K.wi • boniat. And who worked all Katori, 11 ...., lltiMIII on 10 col1- tife the lime ...,.. ri.... fur . .___. _...., thoae yean m ·-·-:-• 10 pn>grams? Anyone who faiil 10 llcular enterpriae. But not yet dao aeaior tt- Hull .,_ 1111110 from her career. ..-aticllly ftuabd dae - . A..... WIJ eo Sene_ . '1 wouklll'l lnllc lll)'lbiDI In her .oil life Hall '1a .. a- ' · -~- !aya. or ..- n"d o f nune m-1• tn tho Priaee · ..,....,. Tntly dae IIWit of <Jeorae'a ea., tollool ~; aa Ottlallndilli CltizeiL ' ~ her - 1 0 nllre from "*•ftJllf· a.- ..,s a support dao adtool'a - . ..... aile ulhl indiviclltal ~ of . - \fta'l ... llllt tt- Hull 1111)' be • bard .... DWH, some 10 children with apecial lo follow, but Oreenbelters . - . in 1M ~ Win;·or.-:-:-tnow-._,. of otllar ...t.... C. T. Reed ~ Sdlrool ill . who in opecial ••11. t:anLanham. Tile IM!Iili!>~ entails. •· tnbule 10 the polilbc ~·IY of· makiftl 1toa1e Yililll,. ktoep!IIJ in hfe for th11 ..,.,....._ /t.lld . 'ouch ~lh IJI0!:'-1. ~ics. and one of ~ w~ll· be claM .as a.:en,,, .... .._................. .............,... .... l Daily MMa: As --=ad Sacrament of ieconcilialion: Satunlay 3:45-4:45 p.m. Rc1j. -n.o.. P. a-...,, ....... _ .. . . CAIIIOUC CIIUilCII 1001idn&...., •.pa,. . .., .•. o--..c-.a.:zooo.: ......, IIJ!lll:ltaill.... · In . . . . . sha jjit~tinea·.,. cial . , . - . ...... the 400 err so kindtlpr-- ........._lhroull!l lell ........... williii tile dillrila sunoundltli ·tltapel . . ~ ..~ l'idWJI. .-.or be will be· · ·· ......._ ~~.r: • - a «iiii' daya )'llltr • 11ft"' . . . ~ .......... u lllllllioa~ . . )4ondaJ,,.,..... 7. ··A ltDIIIiliiloti - - modo Center ID Bowie. Thia may meen by aa lndivldul or by maay. There ia a form elacwhore in working even widt inflnll 11> dothis paper, bot a aianad letter fino their noeda and lattr perbapa arran&ina for their onroll._. ia · written 10 Rollen :zupy, awr. preschool ......,.... 10 help them at 94 Ridse Rood. will do. develop moiOr Ill' Janauap akilil. This ye.'a Outatandilll Citizen The anal of auc:b inter¥enlionl ia will be announced and recoato help u IIWIY children u posnized 11 the opening ceremony sible w' be maiMoeamed into tho of tho Labor oOy Fatival. Friregular acadonllt propam. day, Sepember I. -ae II ...,I It is CS· dmalotllllil 1111 rJ tll:b in Marylllltl carry ~ Mllttalain Spotted AI.- ..S • -...wn per~ - ........ willl the cauao of L,.- .a-. A different kind of 1ict II lllwohal wilh eocb diMue. S.. liclll are about the Ilia of I.......... Both dis- ':.,; ea&el llaYI - . . found in a.-llell . ....,...... ...... - . t h e top • - tbr'itlcldlltb of Lyme ....... - - . t h e Centien tbr Diaelli a.-.1 and Prew:nlioL II .-.... 1M caught from ........... tick bites. To , . . _ M biles, avoid "-llx. 11ft ...,. -... Cov« the ea11n llady $oroughly by ,:i; 'rr: I ,•\•: ~: ·, --~clothi~t~.a hal, . . . . . . . . . ahin and lonJ p-. t1pty tlalll lt wrisu and utJ. IIIII dole ttl shoes. Ex. . - 0111'1 body tbr ticks when _ . . ia tn. lllele grassy u- ........... 'l'kks c.n.1t1y any ticks attadaed ttl tile altill by gently dolldllaa wltll' lwellenl, grasping dae ..... of tM lick until it re· I - Ill ltolll on the sktn. AYIIIII..--.11. Donotusea hot tUidl err pootnJ1ewn jelly as cloiDJ doll may indllce the in· '-4 11c1t 10 11Qect the bacte· ...._ a.-dt by dao National ~ of Hallll -agest that ~ .,.. DOl ooeur until 1 llt:ltiiii·-..Wfor36to .......... ,.,.,._ . ~ . . . . . three to 32 daya Ilk-$·1rile. Most people lwlll ..... raah which otlirtl ... ,,.....,.., l"ound area wbidl -oy ...... to two or -·---'The·contt:r of .......... ...,. ..... bull't .,. .......,.,.s.,..;'*'l*will lflf I IIIah; CJdlen lrlft. Jill 1 dirr-t ktBcl ruh. Glbet. symp10tn1 ue fever. heallac... tired-. atlff neck. joint Jilin and swollea lymph nodel. Without treatment, the heart. t8YOUI •Y"""" 0< joittl> may be alllecaed weeks to moaCits later. II is poasible to &et Lyme d i - more IIIII or thin ..... once. A duclor may treat the diocese with antibiotics. There il a v.ccine avatlahle for people IS 10 70 yoars of a~e It is impollltlll lo seek medical t~ttenbon 11 ..,. u pouible. ·,' :~ .1 Public Hearing on· FY 200 I Capital ProjectS ..~ Mondlty, A.......14, 2000,118:00 p.m. •. ._.r_•_s . __. . . . . .________ . .c-•-·.r·--_. ----- - - ......... . . . . . . Jf _ _ _ _ ............... - " " .,....,_ ............ .................,.... •.••.4,............... {111Dt . . . . . . ~ __...._...,._,e:•~•AIIIIII'4~ . ~~ . ~... :.. ·, ...... ,,. .. ,•!, . , . _. . ._ I...: . _; ,.,:...r.:,., ~ '. ---... . • ,.., ~. . . . 3,21*1 -TIIiwSIPD GneaiMit Bll••••teq 81 t llr te JPia4 JIGD.. ...... . . . . . . In the lUI honor roll bhes of the 1999-2000 school year on June 15. Orecabelt Elementary children found out· how their hard work. had paid off. Carina IIICI'Chama from the Landover and Greenbelt areu donated priZ!)I. Each honor tall child received a card w~ic~ wheo prcaellled to tltae - chaall wu IODd f<W ..-Jai"' from dw -.:ham. 1011 childn:n wen:: G. . . 3 Ma. clau: A-averqe Hooot Roll, ~Uebel Bailey ud Keyonia Holland; B-averase Honor Roll, Trenna AJeatock~ Gre1ory Aaderaon, Cry alai Caraon, Yolaada Curley. MMia Harman, lackob Mllkal, lace Rathell. Marc111 Rolli-. Sarah S11ler, Sidney Thomu, Brandon Turner. and Ja_. Wilaon. , Ma. Dunn • cluo: A-a.....,. Honor Roll, Oyekemi Oyebodo; 8-averaae Honor Roll, Samantha Coneni, Lorena Eubaaka. Michelle Fuatlerllurk, Chaaae JOIICI. Aahle;p Lewia, Toarra Sboelda, Rebecca Shi.ndlcr uti Kevin Towlll&lld; CotiMMIIip, ShUia Dwell, Brit~y JohiiJOD and Deatiny Matun. . H ML LappiR ll 'aTclua: A-a~ a-·· o.,.: 0 • ,... 1 - "'!" Paul :Taylor; 8-a-a1•· Honor Roll, Hamid Bodiei-Boualoari, Kevi~ Burke. Jr.~ Cylldi Cllea. Sabrtna Ctae,· Sllallique Edmonatoll.. Devoa S.aeee, Claarina Oar.riaoa, Teodor Gcor1ocv, Davtd Oroea, lvn Hollicloy. Lindley Hoed. Toni McCay. Kenclall Moore, Vir- ,,.,........., Oeac l'lrk. !'llilif Pi•'*· ud David SJaith, W; Cnt-wup. ~annie Trice. Mo. Reed 1 clus: A-a-.,e Honor _Roll, WilliarD Foerter and Bnttany Tabor; 8-a--ae Honllf Roll. Ore1ory Boyce, Kw~ Carrioa, T•ira Davia, CratJ Do•1laa. Travis teld, Terina Jonea ud Tate; Citizenallip, NM!r . Jaamine Sones an4 Nichcilu Ploitlorpaph. e Cftdot 4 Mn. Orinberp' c ... : Aavera1e H._ Roll, Midlolle Footer and Bllabedl ~ B-avoraJC Ho11c>r 1 Roll, Countloy. <;tUJIIJ, and BJIDCI Lee; C•ttaenahtp. Deuell au-, Allpl Browa. ......,. Back•""· B.........a. Joel Eloy, _. ~ HlldtioiL Mo. O'eo..-•a ejala: B-avera1e H-r Roll, Ki•llerly ·Carey, H-. Kiloneo, KeUey KiefDCt, Thaia· Miller, Daniel Moore. Marbialla Niu, Dylaa Ri..... Sarah Roper, Charles Scitea, 'Wichael While and Jervon Youn1: Citizeoahip,. Bryaa Dancy. Ma. Tabroa's cla11: A·•-· a1e Hoaor Roll, Shawnee Heimpel, Briaany l'l>ncM., ,_ SchMta, Sara~ Stewart, and ICadlerille Honor Roll, Rachel Blaacl Slit••• s.- z....taa;.a-a-. Matloline ............. Ricflani Lilly, ~Ilia Mattia. Jobatae McCoy, ·Jaa•i•· Moore, · Caadice Nlxoe; ~leyaa ,.,..Herren, Niye Spe!pt. lad .N~ ,_,.; ~ 1'lra llallic. Mr, \Vol Tuaell'a c!Ua: 8. a - . ....... Roll, April 0.. llnl, ~ ltuiaa, Michael Kenloct. A•aada Kiaa. MicheUo ......... Cody s.don. Neliaaa T1ira Wyi*Dop; ~ IIIII ,4..Bmi:lr c__.. ..... It-*-~ G'* 5 · Mn. x-• 1 o:Ja.:..._. 11e flll*lr ...... Aap '-«. NiWea J""*-. J....... La, Natub Reed, ~· .....,... .Jdl ......... Witt«, and Jeaad .......,, Cili...a~ip, s-N ~tt~n~tam. 11e1tocca ..,._ aDii Moptt O'c-11Mrs. No¥it:t'a dMa: " - - · a1e W. Gn1teota '"'" lor; 8-ncnp. Ho- Jlttii, Jt~ ~ e.11J l)aa. J * ·~ OiteFij ~ Aahley Jobaoa, ....... s.a Kuiaa; o - x-;.. ~ Mineo. K.- SuUr, "-tta Shupp, Pboeaia S•ilk. and Seaa Swet-; Cili..... ip. _ April Pitta aa4MidtMI Sllrka. · Mo. s - ·1 c1aa: .._..,. 110 " - Roll, C11eri Illiley, SaM .hldllri, 0oaqc a.-. ·B....... O.ailt. Saloa Oyeafi, Coenaey J .... , ~1.-, o;.. o..,a.i. ·Am&Wo QaiiiUitllla, Aadtew Wataoa, IIIII S1Jaiaa Wloler, ~. Arturo Oliva aad Clltlllian Yoana. Ma. Walah'a c1aa: .._..,. Hooot Roll, A.w ~ Keaclra McCotllotiP. _.: rr. ciou Satith; CMj fl; MoleOoar)e. . . . . . ~ ..... tany Lewia. ... . . _ a-rt~ 6 · YL.......'Ii·cloa: ~ ..._. IlDII.·'La::te,, a.a.a. lAII*ae ........ . CUrlea Clapoit, r Ekrtlardt, Mark a--lea, Daaiel Ontotll<erJ. 1'ltilip llall, Caau:f . ~ . 'trilah a.-. .....,_ ~ltict Trail. Hoary Wealep, and Nichola Yaftroup; ~ahip, Aaaada ~ Mfteia Dotl'llle. _. -..,;~ Joeaa. Ma. Maritoo'l c1.a: .....,._ 80 'CreaiMt Kids' Put Oft UIICIWG8111ZU . ,. 'YirJioU ........, Surely it"s not posaible in only IW<I weekJ to wemble 10 elealentuy school kid• of all imo enough of an on· lelllble 10 be able to put oa a muacal n:view! That'a what you -y tbink. But lbe cily'a Recreation Departmeat Iliff membera know oOorwiac. Tbat'a why !hey bad tbe clltotzpM 10 aeltedule the cbildlan·of tbe Creative Ktds day-ca•p .....,_ IIIII to produce tile oxtnvapnza, "Millennium" The dante and ••oic ........., took ploce in two performaaces for _parenu and friontla on Fricloy, July 21 m tile Oreemlelo Ana Center. Directed by Chris Cherry. a leli:Kr of elrama in the M.F.A. fl"'::""' II Georae Wubiqtoa UDtvwaity -and. u il turaed out, a~ a COIIIpooer IIIII lin..... - "Millcaaium lakebox" abowcued 10n11 repneaentiq - h clol3tle_ of the lut, ceaiWJ, - ••1 w•tb tile. 191!0.. In tbal ~· - tbe lialoat perfonten t - wu 11 ou•y u lhe warda to tbe aona they danced to, "Keep your auany· aide up.· . AJl their facoa were fnllled w•th yellow c....,..tioa paper raicly~·_,t•ratn& lham into indiv ...... A~ lllc DJOrninl performaace one .little fellow'• paper circle woaldn'l ally in place and he JtQOd there tus· 11•1 at 11, unable,IO dance until he p>l it aet jull riPL .The real of thm weal oa bh!Miy beamins, oblivioua 10 hia clootded cou--. . Tbe aeven-year-olds were birda. They wor• ~f-maob painted in bri11it colon they bad made lhauelvea. each wi,. a potnly beak. "Sin1, Baby, SinB" wu the l!lllOs -a !bey danced 10. •&e• u.c1 Boob....._. 1 The PTA of Oreenbelt Blementar}' School il aow col~ng far tllelr boot liooth at tile Labor Day l'elliYal. ..,... 101 widlill .., Peoplo .., Ubd. 10 llroj, off iq deYicc of MYb!l beea ae· · their 10 a boa iii.!IMI Colecled by • ...........y viai· op ~ Tltc box· will tor aa·a _..., ~- 1'1111 be arptled ,..._.y. WM Cllerly, . . . . . . . . aaid, A apecill plcbp for large - .......... aiiiiDpllpll. doaali0111 caa bo arraaJed. He . . .,.....tiD( a blt8t:ll of Call 301-47+5312. ........ .,.... 1 q.p lite Volu-ra ~ needed to ... ..._ ...,.., ftl' ,.rur-. help willa lite bootb. Call the - wto bel• udl ade4 die above tnlntber to oolu-. ahow with 11011p owriiiiiD .by _ _. _ _ _ _ _.....;__ _ BaileJ. Jte11a Blrtlla. 1111na u-r. Cllilallttip. o..a.tq.e ...__ . Mn. S-.ID'a clai ..,.__ aae g_, biJ. n.1Jti lloJ<I, Tr..:i 8-i. Jaaiqae o.-101111. K.tina SWtllt&.lllll Jeaaifu Swopa; ~p. Allllloay Hal. Je. 11a1tt. .1aaiJ aaot,...c.;pr.;Qi..;. .......... eierdtnt& &.., Daao118 Martia. COIIIrlbodlq in· Cbeny. , u-u.t.bly, billllelf 11 10 llllllm 1M a... be foulld lttlalleif ia • Bllzabedlan c - . Tbat , . . . IOIIIC no doubt when .. lalet. u a aolo, 1ave a vocal readilioa of "Oroeaaleevea." • If one ia ..-illl lllrouP ~ n.ically, perhapa I few Clllllltrlea ... ia u JOOd u a few cltlcatlea. Ot~er aroupa of cbildrea claaced to "SwwiiPD' oa a S..,... face of aaialala aUied ia lloa 110111l, doakeya. pip, ud fiah for ..... 1940a; "Rock Arolllld the' Clock," in bobby aoa aacl bri&ht· akirta, t+ -u.a ie-. ...a each with one or more appliqued poodlea for tho 1950o; "Starfin' USA" of the 1960&. with n01e1 paiated white &Jaiaal the IIID lid dark ·a~aaaea: and "Lilt Daat:e" from the 1970.. II Wll apf*elll dw tbey had had devoted direction during lbeir two Weeb of preparation, from cboreopapber i.elly Mayfield, coataeo deaianer Mabel Lilea llllllllllllical din:cror Oe«Jia llulheL And lhat tbe two-week propam deMrved ill - · f,. what it produced wu lnlly c-tfve ltida. .... - j p ll-HSI-1011 CHL.-IIICIIIN IIE1WEEN 8-1-37 ~ 7-31-91 . a 5th AOO. ~~ • 10:00 . . to tlllilon Oreenbelt CeDter y:J ': n.......,...,_,were playla& beet Ill ·dte Qarlotte SliDJ, IIIII ... ~7l. All was IIOIIoel ~ IIi-IDOl!•< was alill thtri lit • ...,...., of kids froa S~II,'Late. They ......... M:illllllaaiaam. chcen and . . . _ . - ,.. Washins- MJIIIca ,..,. Ia penon, and tiHoy left wiCia joy, pride and m-ID~-- ipin. ' .J ;~ [j===============l====;l. 101. AU :~ .· ·~ clade: Baskia-Robbina.leltway Plaza: Cetrones ·Pi&&a aad 1:Yan. Cipr1aao Sq . . . Plaza; Doaliuo's Piua, ~ Joe'a Dell, Grecllbell ~leu Leliott Poll 136. GreeabClt Aquatic and Flneu Ceater, Greenbelt A 11 Ceater, Greenbelt Elem ntary School PTA, Greenbelt Homea, lac .. Greenbelt LW. Club, <halbelt Re<:reation Defar- aa4 Greenbelt Vide!>. Oreo•llelt: Domino's Pizz •• Oleaardea; l.H.O.P., Cinaal>oa. aacl ltld City, Landover t.fall. OJaftbea-ball Clll Rlpken .'. 'J1. rr- qe Hoaor Roll, Nl4olaa 0i11eoa, V - 1t.n1J. 1eaep1o " - . 1A11ita ~..,_ NMII m ........_ Wan! . . ....___..,...._..: _., '~:.::~ Booklllclvo• overflowing? Ute Ill ... Olbjet claacias JfiNPI, IIIey .w.., ot l'".l«d ....,.......y at .... ~ by SWu Bradd l!ad all 1M ~~~'---------------------- ..._,!¥ . ~ ......, (plaeaapafnl) 81gn11Jn(a) - ......... ........ ....... FNIItiiW,_....., .... . ..... -..lio....i.,._ ·~·.. .CIIIcbn. Fresll 861Mt Extra .. . pint a.e.n GrOund.,. Round lb. .. ·' .·. ·'·l ............... :--..•rPr..... lll:alln ~----~L---~~~~--~~~r---~~~--~1 ~- PcliiMO Frill .. ... . 10 ,..~ .... ., it-' PAK (C...._._,..I)' The paal .....,. C. llle night of July 29 wii ...... to draw a crowd bal.. .......,., due lo lions,it aeel)lled litli · •• ordinary ......... willl ,....llwimming ............ IIOIIIId- We ... ticlpated tile arrival of the beiiJ . _ , l!lllllle* Mourat. claims, ·but she never said don't do that; you can't see." By nature Pak thiou of himsolf as ag1reuive. In additoon to hi• motber, Pak attributes his positive expe- .........u......-... riences to· aucndiaa ERHS. a premier biah sdlool in tile 11on that recci"ted tile New American Hi&~ Sc:bool Awltd · from the U.S. De,anmeou ol Education. He bal -.joyed .,._ ina socia1ly acecpcod by his peers and laehen. LIU - Y yoons me11 be elljoyl followiaa sports. Willi lhe llelp ol beeper balls ond bues, he played baseball with his si&hted rnends. His parents .. made him" study music - piano, flute, drums. and auil&l - but he never deYCloped an interest in playinJ. But he listens with pleasure to a vuiety of music, from rock and roll to clauical, and he aays music help1 lti• understand people. A &oed SlU· dent. he prefen courses in history and taw. As 1 senior he will take advanced placement psycholou and lansuaae clu&es. Math and science are aot hi&h on his list of interests. Wbat aeries of events haa drawn hila to a career in law? First of all, his par011rs encouraaed ilia, and Ius cousin worb at lhe Alexandria Ci!Y Police Departmeat. Nei....,.,.. ue employed by the Maryland and Prince Oeorse'a CCMIIII}' police depanmen... IIIII f'DIIowi"' doe 0. l. Simpson trial piqued his latcresc u well. oCr. wloa BRHS 1 16-week propam called the Cnaiul Justice Yolllb Aeldeay l~il sprina. Pak opplled, ·was ac.cepted, 111111 . . . eatified. Pollowina ........... in May 2001, Pak e•pec:la to major In polilical science at a ....U colleie. pcrl¥pl Goocber or Mouat St. Miry's CGiop. ~ Ions-term aoal is 10 become a ,..,.,,.ixllcti ....... Ctfdoc: wort fon:c .............. . sipled co-worton.. He . • to IIQidy pollliAI Mlence; lie- . ......... ~...,..,.,:,...... ~-..,., ' .. Ill<: '"" only seven of 22 high schools in this district arc invotved. Hiab ScbooUHtgh Tech serviceo ore provided frea to diaible l!udents with di ..bililies and to their families. Its purpose is to introduce youtha with diaabilitics to high tech by ~eating their lnterelll aad abilities in ~eicnce, enai· -UtJ. ucl uocbnoloay-relaled fields. HSIHT atllcients with poteatial for success are actively recruited for tltis pro. . - , wbidl provida f~ lrips ud vatwin& uperiences, offers major workshops foc•ina on biah teclt careers, and cueeR '"''Ides a reaowce bank of informacion ........ ~--· ~,... .................... _ ... _,.... llilt Scllooll hit jwaior year at .tic . . ntaeat Ceater ADMISSION POUCY GreeUelt ...i, ,.e..t.d piiiJ 10 .. ~ n.s. niles M( For additional infotmatiea on Hilla Schooi/Hi1• Tecb, ~isit www.high-school-hi&hleCit.cOIII ~~all3q.l·242-4m. .;.! City Nallll Greellbelt CARES The bontcullure crew removed on Lalr.eview Cirele and Nallllway - fell durin& dlo storms and .....W ad cleaned becb al Rooaeveh Center and Durina July, 22 fallllliel per weclt on •venae ...,.., seen for counseliDJ serviceo at cARES. The wecltly 1. . . . af indl¥iduala wu 42: tile wecltly a.aaae of ~oulha wis "· Appro•iIDOiely «i ...... ....,.;ved tutor- The parts craw cleaned city 109 and 114 Lynbroot C.-t of leaves and overarowlh. ~y completed conl!nlclioa of two new bus abellcn In ~It Ball and cOndDaed ....... "" . . Memorial ScJtn. Hilla Port. The porks crew conli nued properly . . _ The Aquatic and Fitness Center staff rcaJizc there may be aomc cxtenuatinng circiunltaoc.a tel ' the ~ policy. Give as a call at least 48 "'-t ia 8CMace of your visit and maybe we Clft help. colas. .... · - tdloes. AI die pool lfPII shone 'on ber oatfll, t~e hn began. · OrMabell stepped out of the 20111 _ , . ud IIIIo "Arabian NiJhla." na· started IDd ~ Anealis, twistins and twlrliDJ oa the deck. claaalna ~., cutanets, or "zllls," 11 aile called them, claell heiYiaJ, lllpo and belly -•it Seluom lfills l'lrt. oro.. .. in& ..-..:c. COIIIIrUCiiDa new bus shellon for Groenbell But, prep1red ballfleldl far ...... play, and bopn ......... ol Jllllr: beaclleo al Seluom lfills l'lrt. IWayiq. . D•riDJ a paase, Carol Mealey iatroclaeed Artemis. wbo Ia of o-Il and Turkish . - , . and llu beea leaching and duelq rot 25 pears. She tben JIYe free instnaetion to die tldl llDd 1 few lifesuards, lncl!"'lna a ._lng technique for balanclnJ 1 cane on the enc1a of 111e ftnaen. An advocate for Gypsy ......... A_,;, elooed the per· formtac:a by daaeing to a Turldah rhylhm,. or "'tanilama." .AER6.c.i ADUIJ SWIM LESSONs •DROP-IN SEssioNS in actual cases in which jlfYC- --~ Wilen abo ~- Elizalletb, or·~· which she 11101 u blr ~I name~ waa dreaJ Ia. • outfit that IIICiadetl . , . _ - a n d sequlaa, bejeweled aeck- and ............. lila ..,at-leg pants, a IIIIIIDeollnd ...........und veil, a biDe hoM scarf with gold ·~~ ·: ,:-;. ~:· ··:\fe promise you caring, ... affordable dentistry ... comfortable . and·we're in your neighborhood! DRS~ "".....,..... MAl~: AAvorte who II~- menially, Ond/or emotionally cha~ . Jenged II enc:ourOged to par1ldpol8 In any of 1he Aquallc A Flfnea Center's PfDgrarns. It you 1-.ed any JpiiCiaJ Ollllsttn:e. please col 301 ~7-2208 or TTY JO 1-4741811 and alldor Karen Holeley. · • MPCCIIN•...._ DHpola s...loM: Aupt 7, 2000- Ausust 18. 2000 .Replndoa DOl required. 0.....,.- per elau durin~ the two weeks. Clua- do not include- of rm- wina or pool. before or after class times. N/9flf 6::10t1D-7: 15om M/Wif ~7:15pm Ttnf TITH 7::J0p.-1: 15pa 8:00--8~ ti<JOpm-7: 15pm JIMI!It> JliwiP ,. Tinl F M/WIP M/91 ·Ttnf 'M/WW = .. :,,,;E 1'rliltilw Tl'i'R . ., , . $2 2 2 2 2 $3 3 3 3 3 $2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 $3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1.'., ...... .------------------.------------~--------------------------.-10 80 to 11er ollice ill IIIII 7'100 btoct of OlcrlyWood lAne. 1'lle - . n walked 10 die baiJd. iDI aDd found the atr~ee wu """""'· When she-- bact 10 lllc porting lot. bolh rho . . . . . s-1 on tr/lflflli«J by . . en and her money wae ...... ,.,__ a-s Btld llmes lllf1 tJQ8 - - .,.,. ODe of lbc suspectS ia ~ ccnlact8d about incidents. . ~a 1 black female in her fortieo. A.... ~ IOidW.IO .. 5'6", 175 lbs .. with JNY hair 6000 block of Orecllkll . . . . _ , , _ . - : : : : : ; and brown eye• lid a . Roed, Jaly 21. 6:21 per- ...,_. 01!1 'lllllllil black ...... hal IIIII clark dallti._: IIIII _.oo is~ • a . . . lllpOI1III ...... tll!tJ callod rho ..,._ . . . . .... ben ...................... . blttCk femole in her fortilll. 5'10". 13$ lbs .• wth ltladt hair ·.Of. IIIII brown eyes dCI -ata a en. of 1M .......... dis- fical ............... . loaabladi:dreos. ,.......... dcacribcd as a l1r1e _ , . , played a .... a.-11111 . . . . .... .. .. .... r--.toor. , _ IJIII-•·•"'11 P.•·· ...._ ..... Onaloell... ==~"!.: o- .............. ··--~ Att........ rhoviclilll'l ................ .................... of .. -ma ..... _ -.~.-.. -of~ _,......,. . . .. ne4 iato tile parti•l IOl of ClurJM wil6 ~-of Beltway Piau. where !hoy .... m~~~~ery. 1M> c.-~I red ......,.,. Chcvn>lot. .,.-__ .......,., . . 118ft One IIUapcd is described u a were: Kev,. ~ WJiPI. block malf, 20 JCUI of • · .. ~)6 ~ c-rteit c.n_, Weady's at Beltway Plaza Mall, July 22. 10::11 p.tD., a 22- year-old male noprcsiclcat 11- i:y· lomplcd to poy his food biU widl a c:ouatafcit S20 bill. He wu detained on the scene IIIII wu rdcucd i - the CUIIDdy of doc . .....,-.:.: I ~ lllanl. , . __ _ . . . . . . . ;. . •• __._...........:... ..._ dacribed u a black male. II 25, .. ~ _, 11 yean of 5'10". and 150 AI~ : lbs .• blodti n - " - - -~_....._...... andl!rowocya;hc_...,.. .......-- .....,,_ I • while 1lllk ll>p. p.... blue _. hcarina ~- • district cowt block ll:nais 1111oe1. ond 1 bllct Uaited Stotes Secret Service witbout c:1wscs pendi111 illvatiplion. ........., _. 1'lloft Vllue City 11 Jkltway Piau Mall, July 22, 5:47 p.!ll .. I woJ. Icc waa taken from an unal~ tended punc in 1 restroom. Mdloaald bascblll fldd, July 23, 3:51 p.m., 1 storaae buildinJ wu broken iiiiO. Roosevelt Center, July 23. 9:38 p.m.; 1 aavy blue MODgoose Pro'• X 20-inch bicycle wu SIOica. Bcltwoy Plaza Moll, July 27, 2:29 p.m.. an ~ttendcd book boJ and its con~nll were reporllld llolcn at ""' ¥ideo arade. a._., _.. e. ....... _.. cape• ~ u. .... 6400 blodt ....... :r"' •ae. otr., ,_, 1111)._26. 5:12 o.m .• • - -..L-.-.,~- .. •. .. - . · ·='z:~:r.tft• .................. hair,.brawll 5'8" . . .,.. Mid: plW,.. . . . . .: : • • · ·. -:!!;f comm'i:::i.. .._... 11c11woy Pilla Mall. , . , 25. ........~llll.luly •, - a_..,.. 1 II 10 - · - - approachcd bJ e.-=:.;~-~~ '·DII.otul_ .......... -,.. lllda~-NIIup ................ _ l f l l e .. .................... ....,'(<........ _,._lie&*: 1Pif1_lllt!F 1o him. The· mea produced hllllall., from liMa. 0.. ol me. ..... punched him' in the face aacl' · .,.._ ......................... . . -- ~- .... "'•· a--_,...*"""" ..,.,.._.....,. ......-~ ",.. Mlfil •.IIIII dlae • • a lap -.of ~__.._ ~ . li- ~~tita.':===---tt £".::r:. posit bq COIIlliftina - y and checks, the robllen ned the scene in the vehicle, clacribccl as • dark blue 19801 dooMotic two-door. s..-AnD~~ ...._, 9100 block of Edmonoton Court, July 24, 7:45 p.tL, .,. oo:- punc, ond JO ~lie ,..... lot ~- up the "':"":"Y ....,. Ways, ~ the - - 'Doo ........ ...,.. vinc:ed the lO JMII ep dollan ID "ail< "P die saial ...,....... Of dic found moacy. .wllie• slae ~.,ne ·se..aJ .........,. "-'"•_..........,.., .....,. .. .~ . . . . . . . . . a . . . ,.,...~~ IIOIDaiiiC who did MJl diilill''liiia -· _ live 11 the raidcnce. /lpplolli- 10 ... - . ... 10 a lo- _ nwely ~a~millales- u«-· cal llult lo·caalo 11 llw ••• cupant of tbe ume .~ · : & A l l line~ · · · - IIIOibcr . . . . . . . . . -~ -~ 10 .... front door, ot w•u il,. a . , -lot .........ay Plua. ar•bbed him by ........... ~, ................. doe asked· for GREENaELT , . . _ " - . . . . , _ . . . . . a..-1; ... ~ ~ ........-.DJ A filllll~-~~,.1!11• ·.tr ... ~.* .-...n• ,..,_·..._ clicJn! _............. · :. •~~co · oiHc aptll!l au·: ••••.,. wlei we' , 41• cct.ed tM " teri-.c. .....oiitllf_q(a ....... for dill ........ to 4o w.if: · every odiltlr ·J•H au JlllrfWOIIIol .._ 1 0 - will~- The ,-... ' ...... taf~ ....... Laae, . . Por-pla8taud:e·· apota, II baa liMa t. IICh rain. Spoca ia die JllidOa M doa't draia well or :tJiil~kly have beel waterlone•. 11 · times. Plull in """- ~ cOOIId die juat bcce~ llllfe i1 ··a. too ••ell water M Several plaall in m~ diecl froa 100 much .ad . ICiveral look lickly. . _.. very dro•llll &olera• . - li1inth•• ud acltil - J.., a; 12:17.,.;. :JJ.,..... dlatclo-........... . ......................... ud llave p1tte11 100 · _. Oa the o&ller halld, • plull have uvtr loobll io ood. My ,.,_ ......, ~rb 1 pla•ts (•elina) are n•ice dlelr nul aile. Some planto to be catchiaa up from dial ... laat Jear"a droaabt ind•ccd bad ID opea ...... wllll doe abela. Try 10 toep up with wocdPJmoio Oeoop'o c.-,. lherift"1 ..,..__ Sloe wu . . . . . 10 iDI lbe ...... -With the bot the i!lloiritrs ror -· weather aad frequoat rain, vice of lbc w - . wccclo cu 1row quilC quietly. Velolda Crtelu Even a few minutes now and The followiaa ~ were then hocinJ or pullina out the reported IIOicn: a blue fooa--iloor biJiell weeda can be a 6ig 1994 Handa Accorcl with Mary~ help ia tbe lona run. laad lap ClRV 847, July 23, from Ia the Rower aardell ihe the 6100 block of Breezewood annual au•mer flowers are re~ Court; 1 blue lwo.door 1995 ally takiDI off. The little HOIIda Accord with D.C. liJI plantl purchase4 thia sprin1 .\15663, Jaly rl, , _ die 5800 have IOllc• larae and covered blodt of Cberry-.Jln.r..; ... with Rowen. Tbe nowers a blttCk two-door 1989 Acara pluled froa ~inl right in .......... with Mary._. lip BSK the aardell arc blooming. 411; Jaly 27, fro111 t•c 9200 These plaDla 1ove tbi1 hot. SUII~W....... blodt of ....W.. clalrac· liiiL . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 a .... pori 'fl a ,_.. ,.....,. a car t.o ~ Tbc - - ....S 01 lbc.,.. ............ oa a eitMioL A ~ 'willt a·.,.._ .,.,.._dock .......... ""'*- e-.-..... Ci9'of~ COMMUNITY MEDlATION. BOARD ."'....... ~ ... ' 'I I.~·-..... ~ ··~ .............,. . . I ,.. ... 111e>tltyd ~-~$heel •Communll.y . _ . _ ,* the auspices~ c--.- .-,u con<'st> ~a sll!p by Sliep ~ IOMng piOCess lhaln!SUIU in t h e - partM!s agrl!l!ing on a far sokAion. ~-as an alllematlve lO ~and bnngs- partieS 10 t h e - cin an equotlba51S. A - does not act as llt"ladwocale of efther party. Hl!lshe .....,_ jucll;pno!ll and does not voice apinjon. Types ~~~may !I<! naity neghbM. - . g dogs. tmpaSSing Clikl~. blockod family feuds. ~ loitering. neighbor:. '!I pn>perly ~ small claims - -¥· ~ ri"' will bf! availabll! at the~ Cornrlu1lly CI!Mler on the second~ ins fourth~~ each """""·llnf ~-ddlln- wishes to,_ 1M ~this flee - e should c the tunan Resources Olllca; CltyCif~ . 301-34!>-7203. . . . .,....;;:..~;·~ Non. . .. . . , . !dJIIl be able to purchilae dally lldinlukll• to the pool cen11r on aahands and Jiloldllp un1a1e ~ate gua11a Gfa · ora~~ ~....·. ' ' ,' .. ' the"""'"' Gaorg.~ Cculty t-U7WIIIIIallonS 'Rill 8Qird .. ~ "'~ who " ' - WlltJrileen!d ID fl!aNe medliiiiOn training and be ....,.._ lO mediMe disputes ~ neighbors. . I . The team Ourop... . . . . . 26but .W..,. ti .-..... ,.,_ .._._ lbc widl &COCOallllft"'lli bad several _, chaaceo 10 acaie ._ inside the -tnt ....31- : l i t h e - - poiDf Iiebe . . w ... lipped ~...~til'-' ~ ~ out ot plaJ willa lila hom sound....,. -:>r:-" ""' ,_..., "----'--lin I ~ tiftb ....... Jllc ieaal'a c:oalldtlto:c iiJi. ,...._-. I or "~ l,abn. l'hliJ. 11111et1 the throe· waa atcly challoaaecl. millule -"""'c:t;:y """ned Coac:ll . and I _told 11-, IIIII -. -~......... playing ond --~more otre111ive_ i-.prov-eet. _ , ~ Y could s~oriaa more polo~ tbaa IM pull this ...... Olll'with a win. ....,. bcbe, llotl lbal-- Midway ~ the overtime lioa 1 • - and__.. llliltabl lbey loll llltilllol part1c1pant to ...-foull. IIIia Iiiia die •m·s point oa clcfeMe preveDIIas us man 11r1-.1; heed 10 sit ,..... koopiaa die pme clolc at out. """'-a _:~q·. ,._ lead 011 two 1M .... and alvin& ,. a chance ID free ..;.:. 1o, ~ they were prevaH. ID piDC six they opiJt still 1lDIUI1l of tlMilselvcs ... teppccllheir previous high 11t:0re could ..,;, baal Clll. would they by pol(ina 26 poinll, but bccaulo make lbc loll play, would !heir <I the inability 10 ,_.., their fuD efforta I" tiiiiiOIIad? Wilh the oourt press, they were unable to 30 30 h 1 ey slow down and prevent another acore tied at ·, tiliiJID:·Willllhe 10 Clljoy _.... , . . cu die ol wa- . I ea.•t ·re- "- c..11 ..__ .., -1'ho(e ........ ,...... ia lbio aeiJhborbood who _,. lllllllina. ' 118 --.1)- ~ of, aild ap- precialivc of ...... ,atithl for the efforts they art diaplaylaa. Thcsc kids, wllo .., cleclicMiDi ~-""~ ~• 'laincelta), _.,. up the Spriaplll Lal<e LKen sum- blltedlall ll>lm. The Lalon,the _.._local_, ia the = _ _. ---,-7 ..... _.. ...... - _, aix-IC&lll leap that playa on Wednesday nl&hll at tbe SprinafliU Lake Rlclealioe ICI', have had !hair ......... The Lakcn. who took lhlir name because of a JI'IRI received from the SprinpiH Lake Apartment complex 'a Community Relations Monaaer Pepy Cain. arc learning to be arotaful for the oppor- defeat. !unity of ployin1 a sport they Tile Game truly enjoy and love, and wonting On July 19. after an excepto represent their community. As tiona! practice on Saturday. the their coacb. or iuatructor. for Lakers learned somethins amaz. these II.ISI le1110111 in sports life ing about themselves. The the intrinsic lcuon 10 be taught coochcs had again lltaled that they has been ovacomina disappoint- would need to score over 30 mcnl. points to win. that they wOIIId Wbca the 10181 wu illilially ' - ' to contn>l tempo and· keep formed, the L.A. Lallln had j•t their opponcnu in the 25 • 35 won their NBA ebampioasbip, point ranp. oomethial they and I believe lbe kids thoupt ·hadn't done sinoelhe_finl pmc. that we. too, -*1 will a cham- It wu 1 typical ftrot balf olow ..W.•hip. Willi ..,..,. ._._ .., slut wilb the Lall:cn lrailin& bJ ·-·..... ~ essential eleliletli' I• acltleving only oix, 1$ • 9. ~ coacllel ce. ~-~~: ... -~~ --------the ...._..... "-they--- e:.:::.::.::,£ 10 . . . . . . doay _..., .... .. played•dteii:IIIJIIollllwl. This ac•-foiiDd belief • thcmaelvco ad t1oc1r will be jual Whel IIIey tllllll 10 fmilh ......... _ ... ...... ..... ticipoe ilL "' neoe Labia Ire. Allllnw Malljul, Parooe WIUI- Scraio' Miranda. Ric:Mio lttlla- SoiD, ~ MayMod. . . . . . s-pa ,..... h. . out and -.q tftl1;1litft with only four oa ~- w... PWilip hit"" two I'Ne 1111owa, lliD acore was 34 . 3l, a IWO plllllt.ficil, they ""uld b8 l'tillJip•o-·hh•. as ho -..s ~ .. ···~· Now the .,._. _... . . . . . Ia numbers Whcll we lll&rted we had a full ~ l4 ....,. and . . the piiiO ... . , -II> IllY the dooc IIIII• . . ial ...... foul qottble. Sutltloplj';Widl ......... ' - OOIIIillp,·,....,_......,.,.,.. .,...._..,..... eliiiTtiiOe.... dian.._ ~ lbr 01 lhll -~~ W1th 11iJ1 Ia ..-lion at cloc:k ........ ~ !It£ _, •• lint .... ~:ltiftvemi-~~~ . . . . . . . . . ~, t*yon lar _..,...· IH a two "allot foul 11.....1. tcrcst. 1u ' Ud -tloe oollfldlonce• Tired _. lllf'rn dowa tr.. a wr-atllr........... We with • II>Uah 34-tBMc bailie. 1M aiJall, bove struglecl 10 uvc enouah .-..,.,. · and illllllaivc · -aY th11 fell lhort and .the pme codad. , playcn II> dtallellfe ........_ 11 had . . _......, Ia ....... and practice u well u suiting up on tlw•,.,_, It 1M first enough ...... 10 CDIII_IIcla cJur. time all scaoon the opponent• ina pii!Ca. . . coiled for IIi lime OUL 1'llil was I llavc tried 10 illlliU in lbcm the sian they were finally in a that their off- anr how """ pmc·and·lhe tldi tr- it. The should ...... ~- . . bJ lllU:iiCQICIII ·~~ad IIIey the res•ltl._ TIIM 111(11111.'";1111 jull Meclcd 10 ·clciae tl otit. It 7»1-11 _ _,. ........ . , work with itady . .....,_, as ID · wa • this lime I loll aD IriCk ~ wiDI and 1 - . It ia. hard for lime - what I do .--mller wos • the )'01111110 uadint.aDd ·prosje•• lllal dtis wu a pmc you live lbr. Hl'l. when tbcy w• dJiap 10 11qpea 1- - b e r die team boving so quic:kly. Ilia 'baRt 10 be dis- the lead 26 - 24 wben Paroac ciplined and ....,...... when ocn- foosh>d out and the twin Iowen mo- taba.llotlllatl ..... . . . , _ aood ......... r:::. ~3~= ~~~ f~r~: bod! ........ wllll line lbul1 they ciolllll no I..... play ...... _....,.,.ill ...,_of....._.,...., il ........ OUL.'lltlirW . . .. siblc favorable. out.c:omc That didn't heppotl. TheY turned the boll over and, escaped ~ ,1h another chance Ia double o\ltrltme . DootMe 09wtlmt With all IVIIilablc playm on the court dMiy ~ the second periOd 1 lillie dfaieed. They continued 10 11DW 011 with good free llliDw llllllotilla iad defense 1111111 a lllol*lai foul wos called AlotiJ with bJ&II upcclltiono, then is die poailllllly ~ shan- ° IIIIo...... ... Anolbar ... but dift'orall. , . , w .... -···----··· -OO.RIII'-- ';t. . 'l -· ~ , .::::. ...., Jim""*,, ..... -·----·-- ·~ .. - ~·~ ,• ; ., ) r-.--------~ -'-- ~~-- Papl4 ___ ,_.,....... -.ati@im.i ,..,. Yl!'l'aiMAIY~·- .. - . •. Mlly.3f1-~. ~MOvms-llldlll. ...... -IAU!IYOWND...;31ROIII ,._.._lac. 301-474-67.. ~ Alllllf·$,100. ...... ' Clll301-4'74o9M51io .... ...... -~poillllll:lll_..,.j. -willl-~....., .......... VIIS, . . . . . . . lll.M I'II!I!DAbouoc:solt<r'?· ......... Nil.. Cllefor,..,plan<s. :!111-474-2192. PI!Til'lANT SITTER+ f•lluilllo. willlirlwolkpets. care fQrpl-.iaOW Ooeeallelt. Adult. refs.lOI-4<41-3921. IIIJIIIS"''BANJNO-Afll..-. ....,.__ ............. Call 9bey1o, 301-441·2AI91. HOtlS!!cu!ANING - $35 md up. -....r..:nm. Alisupplleopro- ~ CSIIITl&lf:!, AJtael. :JOJ. CLASSES 'I FREE free llll:z.4607. FREE CLASSES!! FREE CLASSES!! No-blcki!J"''**? . . _ _ Buw;: nerwortilllo M - Ollice. web desip F1 ,_ ~J... +1 ~. 1 1-J tfi~CC "-'1'"5. 0 1~ ~ t ·~~All ,' i~-'IIIL - o..-Leamiacc-r.lO•· wil l ·-by. . . . . .--IIBJ!ASESTRESS ll1jl ......... N..-y c:onificd. SIOoffdnA•. ll. Cll301·912·1180. __.,._-...,..,....._.. GARDIINING. OLD Glli!IINIILT clooiO-up. ltcllalllc,con301·345-14$1 ,...c-.--•-...... AVON- - --301~7. 301-2192 ductory classes m-0100. I PICKUPCAPwiiii'*Ablctwln(pold s:HOJ- SICIO. I YOII< (plld$200) oow $7$. 1ooo1- GREAT~ Oral ...., Col . . . 301-982'2312. KJNGBEDSET--B llell. Ire-old. Qria. 1950. IIIII 5450. 301935-0099 'A111'011f01'1W - FUTON,NI!W,.,-IIzi.$12$. New 97 HONDA CRY- SUV. IQid, _....._lllllic,$75.ldl~. '61,000 ..... - - - c:GIIdltion POaiALI-'I'IIill!adUp_ ..... $14.-. 301-931.01211301-34$· _......,_,,,._. ........ - .......... 4diaiool _S487_.~-==:--- ==-~ 2 -~ C.... -.,-A-HTBD--TO~.-.-u-y-.-:._~-.-ize ..-.........-,e. 301-545-:11152. Oil Changes. Batteries Bralles.. snocts.. Tires Exhausts & Tune-I.Jps MD Stall! Take that 8UMMIIl V.ACATIOII youct-vewith a Credit Union Vacatioa Loan at 10'% apr. THE NC QOCTOB Call for IIIOft inlorma.-.., 301-474-5... WINDOW AJC ONLY ...._....:: - . h""' -~. 4.. •' '• ~· r- ~~---~------~--- ..... ....... ST.BUGB'S (C....-.Irr--1) She surtcd oui by qui;zzinJ the crowd on St Hush's fiiCII, wilb correct answers earning a prize. She !hen updao:d !he alumni oa \lanous projects. events, and accomphshmen<s either in lhe pl.,.. nin@ stage, underway. or alread)l accomplished by vanous facuh:y. )otaff. students. and volunleen. She concluded .by emphaaizina· the 1mportant role of the Alumni Assoc1ation in the school's fulute. ()poll H Thc Open House that followed provided an opportunny for alumni to \IISII then former -classrooms. look for rheir signa- tures underneath the coat racks certain cla5sroom!t. and tell countlen stones recalling events from 1he pul. One topic of dis· 11f cuss1on dull w11h air raid drills performed by !he students dunnJ the Cuban Missalc Crisis. One group of alumni were found in whal !hey called lhe "Detentioa SLH....'I ...... . , ..,.... . . . O,.Heueattlte..-.I ......... •A.._.M.. Sulay--., Room." They had wrinen their names on the chalkboard and were p\ac1ng checks ne:K.t 19 them. ,j ,,l ,\ Everyone enjoyed the wnndcrful disptays on the bulletin boards m the hall outside of each classroom prepared by current s1udenrs to welcome rhe alumm back to the school. Afterward, the success of the cookout/picnic was the preciston grilling or hamburgers and hot doas carried out by the McAndrew men. Bro<hers Tom ('68), Mike ('74), and Pat ('76) worked feverishly to keep 1.1p will! die demand, while !heir fa. ther, Tom, Sr., ooned in an advisory capacity. Kathleen McFarland, tho moll!er of eisht St. Huah'a alumnL arected people 11 the repslralion table .. Amons aevcral former Oreenbelten were Joe and Beverly lzzo of Lourd, )'lbo enjoyed vilitina with their former neiibb<n. the Kellahen and the Lloyda, and Beuy Bei'Jin, now li•IDB in R<:hoboth, DE, who II· ICnded wilh her 5011' Bob and his wife. Fonner Paslbr Monsianor O'Donnell wu 1reetec1 happily by many in !he crowd. who ,wen deliJho:d 10 .... him ...... Doe Dowos, IDe •otkr of ei&M - ........ ...... -~ lion Co-C~air Jtatblcan. Fiupnld Sclliaolotlo ('74). "''1tii is the tint 0.. our ta.ily Ilia . . . - IOpdler in ,_a." Irene Hensel, with her childmt and arand<:hiklml, now includinl two sets of twins. was also warmly p<eted. After all of uio food, -ic:..... .,.._,. aiel. ....,., sucb . . , _ wbal ramiaalan: .... l y - ? (Kalbleen Mcl'arlaad helped conaibuiC 10 lhis article.) drink:
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