Arch Bridge Instructions - Black Bear Scale Models
Arch Bridge Instructions - Black Bear Scale Models
ARCHBRIDGEJIG Blrck Berr ConstructionComPanY Po Ed 26911 {5ta 46'l+llxl Autl4 T6.t 7rr5t{91l AB-201x Now you can build a great looking bridge withoti worrying about building a iig! This Arch Brldge Jlg is designedlor scals or dimensionalwood AllBlsck Besr Co tlucdon Co. AssemblyJigs are precisionq]l f|1)mdurableacrylic. Cut-outsprevent glue joints from slictftg lo the iig and allowclsanup befoF the glue dries. Soap and water washofl ihe gluethal doesgetonihe jig. Choppertemplate (ppvided) makes it easy lo ctlt accuEts angles Wid instructions help you visualize your train tayoutwith this great addition. (6.r3F) ARCHBRIDGEWOODSIZES FullSize N (160:1) HO (87:1) s {64r) O ft8:1) 9RIDGE WoodSize Beq'd WoodSize Reo'd WoodSize Reo'd WoodSize Reqd 1 2 :\ 1 ! t\12' a'xa' 6'x 6' 3Et'3rc2" 1ll6'x3132' 1n6"\1t16" 1132"x11t6', at a' 34" stgxllg 3192\3tg 150' l5' 63" 1Aa3/16' 204' 21' 3/3211/8' 86', 12'Eactr t16'x916' l6'Ebctr 3/16'x3/16" 273" 2g 115' 'IER 6"x l2' 16"DtA flBWs 1t32\3t32" aa 6'Each 1B\1/1" 2l'Ead' : I.englhrcquirementincludes10%malginior error. Notes Construction R€adinsnudionstErcughlybskrs be€inning constudion.Youmaywanlb jumparolndwhilo$o gluois drying! Wood.izos closolo tlo€6 sp€dfiodmayb6 us6d.Biassmall€rwoodb on6$d€o{ tle slotto mainbinallgnm.nt Preslainsllwood. Goodcolo|sars Floa]ilstajns:Nanl|ElPins,OaL l/Unut,T€alq& Drjttwood. UsowHrTEGLUElor constucton.solvonlb€€d dt€ (pl6lic 9h€, MEK,or.lyr€ne glus)nill drDagolho iig. @ Copytight BlackB€atCoNbuctonCo.19021993 PLANNING YOURBRIDGELAYOUT Tog€l f'o lnost out ol yow Arch Btdgo Jig. planon hildng s€v€|alArch Bddges. You €n sting ih€m logeher €n+b€nd to d€b a BddSoS€ri€e. Or, you can pul h€m tos€hsr in a curvod Seclion ot ts ck or, )ou can put hrc€ side plateslog€lnerto lorm a sideby€ide Doubl. &idg€. B€gsd€sq you will n€€d lo con{tdorhow u|€ bidgs tsmjnates al h6 Tr*k Apprcdh. For additonaljd6as and d€lalls,f6iaf !o "ilodel Railbad Bddg€ and T16116", lGlmbad Books,Mod€lRailroadHardb@k No. 33, KalmbadrPublishing,1992. TheTrackApproach Arch BridgeSeries Tho oasiestwEy lo cr€ats a 6aios ot Arch Bidges ls lo a8s6,nbl6oadl s€c{on on l'1o samopi..€ o, bottc'mc.hod. A! Step 1 ot tho AssemblyInsntlcdons,leavo$6 bonom chod sdoldngout ot ho end6ol h6 jig. Wr€n on€ 6€cxonof bddg. is compleigd, mov€ h6 bottomchod doi,vnsnd bulld lhe n.n s6odon. Cut he shoe6longonough lo oov€l he span botw66ntls btldg$. Oh€r lyp6€ ol bndg€s,or a secdonol ltoste, can b6 lns€dedb€lwe€ntle bddgosto crsste a r€elly hterccungafloo,l It $o bddge is apprcachodby a !6sll€ or set ol pl€rs.lhe pler or tesll€ underlhe Ehoeon tho bddgewlll n€€d lo b€ shortd lhan t1e on6e In lhg approach. Contnuo t16 bddq6sldnoeron ov6l flo pl.l8 or lres{€8. RestU6son lt1oslrlng€ls. Blac€ DoubleBridge Tl€o sid€ plalEsen b€ comblnodto hild a dge. ThEpler jlgs 616ma(b to allowan 6xta long pl€r plalE!o bo us€d. Asssmbleono s6t ot plgrson on6 6nd ol hs pior ph!g. Ihen tlip it aroundand gluo he Pj6B lo tl€ ohd €nd ot ho pior plaia. You will n6€d !o ctll longorioor bo€.msand c.oas blao€€io b{lld he doubl€bidgg. ArchBridgeon a Curve no pl6r It h€ bddgsls to ro€ton an €mbankm€nt, or lrasto is Equircd. R€sthe 6hooon lho loPol or rsbinlngwall. For simplldly, h€ €mbankmont youcqnlaylh€t-ackdlEctyon lhe iloorboarnsol $6 bridge. Tl€ designot ho Ad Bndgsalbws lt !o be u66dln a laiiy smallradus lum Tl€ drawhg showsa 130scalo loot Edlus tum h €tandatdgau96. TIl€ bddg6mustbs wld€n€dlo allow lor tho a.ldilionalinlid€ dsm@. Tho oubid€ lra.* is langontb n|6 originalstralghtuack Use @N6d stingols Insloadol th6 slralgt on66snown. Rem€mbef,you must ort longor ioor b€ms. cross bracos,and plet plal6 to bulldlh6 wicl€rbndgE. I 01@ B?dl B6d c6.t'dts cd PAnT1 - ArchBridgeConslrucllon l.3y 12x1?bottom chordinjig. Us€a piec€ rongerrhan you n€€d and let |t|e €nctssrick out of h6 jig Cut sho€s to fir angt€d podion ol slot. Cut the sho* trs same bngm oubjd€ of h€ jig. CIh€ disbncg trom rir6 ods6 ot lhe jig to h6 6ho€ angteare nor he same d borh 6nds-) Build rwo (2) bottom ciord somblies botorc staninq conslrucljon ot h€ bridg€. For€ chord to bo[bm ot slot wh.n glulng sho€ tn ptac€. siarr brj{o sld€ ass€mblywlb hnd boltom Cot 8xl2 vdticel p6L. Pla@ in jig dd glu€ to botiom chord. Do not lorco hs fi or th€ bolbm dDrd rnay rcble oul ot poslton. Pros€ho botlomc*iod nal aibr oach po6t ls W1€hh€ supponsare ffhlsh€d,l6t tie a!€€mblydry tor a sev€ralmtnutos.Curard gtueh6 6x8dlcqonelbr.c€o uslngtha chopp.rblnplataas a gulde. CLtt016bonomsflushwih the botomcol he boltomdDrd. Mlierthoiolntwh6rehs mtddt€bEcesm€€t. pdstdon$€ tops ol the dl.goml br.c€. so a Nut-Bo[-Washer (NBW]w tineupwt$ t|6 blac€and 6s6embty the v€rucalpo€t Laya fratw€ighton ti€ alsonbtywhtt6h ts h $e ltg. Thlsw h6tphotd ,/']\ ffi FFJ \[,/ XV'A /-R\ Removetle slde a!€ombly lrom he jlg and lay lt tlat on a pl€ce ol wax papd to dry horoughly. Tum h6 assombt ovgl and In6lalllha dlagonalbrac€6on he back slcle. L.aya tlet welghl on he a&rsmblyb k€€p it fat whll6 hs glu6 b drylng. Tdm away glu. fa6h. Tim any dlsgonalbEo€s lhal exl€nd below botlom chod. Rough up sny glue sloss wlh a hobbyknife. AAVA I \-Yf I l.7/,'F\\\ Y-=g*] V,I ) \__,/ \jrl Cul 8x8 hrco pl.lo., 3 long upp.r gu.!€|, and low.r gu.r.l tom 6rA slock Us€ lhe angle tor DIAGONAL BRAOE 1 on he olopps templata lo cul lhe €nds ot he lower guss€t, Cut s€veral 6xlra, Thgy a€ easy to los€. and lh€y may split wh€n hstalllng h€ NBWS lat6r. Slah hs ti$hly cul encls. Gltle he braco plal€B and upp6r gu.€€b lo boh sld€s ol lhs ass€mbly. Glue he end br.oo plale. firsl. Th€n rcst a ..' stalght €*o on |t|e ass€mblyio lln6 up lho inneron6s. Glu6t|6lou€r glsrol la.t. Cur 1Z\12 ro9 chod socrjons. Us€ th€ chopper lamplaleto 9€t aooural€angl€s cut on t|e €nds. Bias sach seclid !o f'e lop of lho slot. Mals $€ lit snuq wlt@ul tordng h€ Doslsoul ol oosltion. ffiw/ hstail l{Bw3 0n boh sides ol ass€mbtv. Th6 ln6ld€ ot hs sld€ pl6to do€s not r6q!ii6 he NBW3 along he bottomohod. Out he sl€m ol ho AW shod and ddll he holo ove|slze so you & nol have !o torc€ tls NBW intr ola.€. InslallNBw' on guss€b. You havo now complolddone sld€ aslambly. Retrm to St€p1 andbulldh€ secondsld€assombly. PART2 " PierConslructlon llarou Gaug€ s_|8nd5rd caug6 Uso $e L.youl Pla|lning Gtiid6 to s€l6d tis typs ot approadryou wsnt lf you do not went to use pl6F you may stjp Part 2. S€bd tr6 pi€r iig lo use bas€d on wn6u|6r you ar€ buildng a sbdard gauge or nanow gaugebndg€. Use nold€s (r{ in jig io @t lsngh ot piq rop pld. ttlm rad8 slod( Cur pieF trom 18" round slo€k and glue io pl€r top plata ll your pi€rs slick ott t|6 .nd ot h€ jis loo far us6 a w€ightto holdtle pl€ls fat. Cut dd slu€ horkonrd pior braco and di.Oonal pi€r bl:co from 6x12 stook Affsr lhe gtu€ has s€t"up tuh he pi6| asssmbly ov€r and glue hs bracason tE back si.l6. @ BlackBear ConslructionCo. I 993 PART3-FinalAss€mbly Cut crc63 br*€. trom 8x12 slock Use the no!$6 in ho llg as a guide d€pondingol wh€$er you ae buildinga narcw gaug€ of sbndard 9au9e bddg6. Maks hE cros brdc6 longer if lhs brjdg€ i you aro msldnga sid€-by.{ttl6bri€e. Tum |'16 sld6 asssmbllos uDsidodown on spport5. B€ sw€ dley d€ lin€d up dd s$lare. Bubb€. csmsnr wlll hold hings in p|a€ lompo€rily. W€ights hung from h6 lop ohords (ao,fngas plumb bobs) will kssp tt€ d.l6 llaias vodcal. Uno h6 cllods up wfi t}E outsids pisrs ol lis pierass€mbly. Glue h6 cro.3 br46 in placs. Eachcrcss brac€ siould lin€ up wirl he @rospondjng Tum he bndgo ov€r and glug tle two ln addlional bottom chod .!!dnbll6 plaoo. The chords should line up wllh lt1€ Inn6l plels on he pl€t assombly. Make lufo tD tops ot S16chords are lln€d up so ire flal ffoorb€6mswlll 116 Cul 35 lloor b€qrnr trom8x12stock. Ih6 6n& shouldb€ flushwitr he outsldarol he bottomdDrds. Fil four {4} beamsb€twe€neachpalrot vodcal poslswlh 12' dlrn€nslon \,€ruc€|.Th6 ourd b€amsshouldb6 flushagajnstfl6 posrwlh th€ r€malnlng wo bearns €v€nlyspacsdin b€lw€.n. B€amst|at InlerteEwitl he Inngldlaoonalbra..s may€lher bo dl shonb flt ilush againsllhg blaceor angledt !o fl arcundh6 braco. Tl€ b€amshal intad€f6vJihh€ €nds€clionsol h6 lo! dlods snouldb€cutto ft aroundlhs *Drds. Crrt ft6 lm€6 brec€ fom 6x8 stock and cutsting€Blrorn 8x8 sbd< and glu. hem in ph.€. Ihey should lin6 up wih lro middo two botom chords and Yow tack Us€ a socdon ot lack to cfi€d( t's nNALLYI: lnstall 8W3 on t|s snds ot tne cross brao€s. ToudFup ay fiEsh wood wltl siajn. Inshll uls bndgs in your layout and ath.h he bad( on top ol tl6 stingsrs. CONGRATULATIONSI Co.1993 fd) BlackBearConstruclion Black Bear Construction Co. P,OE6269ll Austln,Tms 74755-0911 Arch BridgeChopperTemplate ffi'*'" r*'^-"*'"-":'ql \"^u", '% %. z g --a s" .9 ,ud _dd- Usetheseoutlinesasa gui-de to cuttheKneeBraces. : : : N Scale HOScale S Scale O Scale Tips& Techniques " Usethe choppertemplatelor makingthetop chordanddiagonalbraceanglecuts. Note:Thewooddoesnot needto lie on thetemplateline. lt just needsto be Darallel to it. 'Mark the stockby notching witha hobbyknife. Usea chopperfor the tinishcut. * Youmayneedto finetunethe fit withmediumgrade sandpaper on a hardsurface. - Whenyouare gluinga fresh piece cut of woodthatwillbe hardto get at later, go aheadandstainthe endbeforegluing. @ CopydghtBlackBearConstruc{ion Co. 19921993