o"oiji*o - Planning Public Access
o"oiji*o - Planning Public Access
NorthWarwickshire BoroughCouncil 0a/6lopm6ntContol CouncllHouse SouthSteet Th€Townand County PlsnningAct3 TheTownrnd CounkyPhnning(Gcnc|!l tlsv€lopmsnt)Ordcrs DECISTON FullPlannlngApplication CVg1DE ApplicatlonRel : PAP/20O9r0142 J T Sutton Siia AddGss 17 Holte Road,AtherstoneCVg 1l-fw Osscriptionof lhvelopmsnt Firstfloorextenslon Applicant MrTsrryW€bster Yourplanningapplication was validon 2 April2009. lt has no\r beenconsid€€dby th€ Council. I can informyou that: Planningp€rmission is GMNTED sqbj€ctto th€ followingconditiom: to whichthispermission rEl€t€s mustbebegunnotlalErthanthe 1 . Thed€v€lopment epiration ol ihreeyearsfromthe dateof this pemission. REASON To complywithSeciiong'l of theTownandCountryPlanningAct 1990,as amendedby andCompulsory PurEhase Acl2004,andto prsvsntan Section51of thePlanning planning permissions. accumulation of unimplemented Thedevglopm€nt hErebyspprovedshsllnotbe caniedoutotheNis€ihan in accordance withthe proposedplanrec€ivedby the LocalPlanningAuthorityon 2 April2009endlhe planr€csiv€d 1:500blockplanandthe 1:1250siielocation by 013LocalPlanning on Authority 2 April2m9. REASON To €nsur€that lhs d€volopmsntis qenisd oul stdc{lyin accordancEwifi the appmved o"oiji*o Daio4!!rll3@ f^&r \ 'trJ ft--., PAP/2009,0142 3. Thg newworksshallbe caniedout withfacingbricksand roofingtilesthatare of th€ dvrelling. sametype,tEXtJrE and colouras thoseusedon the exis,ting REASON In lhe int€restsof th6 amenitjesol lh6 areaandthe buildingconcemed. 4. The learwindowon the proposedextensionshallbe glazEdwithobscuredglassand in fiet conditlon. shallbe permanentymeintain€d REASON To protectlhe privacyof the adjoiningpropertyandto preventovsrlooking. INFOR ATIVES 1. The submitedplansindicatelhat the proposedworkscorneverydose lo, or abut property.Thispermission doesnol conveyany legalor civilrightlo neighbouring undertakeworkslhat affectlandor premisesoutsideol the applicantscontrol.Care lo shouldbe takenuponcommgnc€ment andduringth€ courseof buildingoperations €avesand roof Ensur€lhat no partof the development, includingule foundations, overhangwill encroachon, underor overadjoininglandrvithoutthe consenlof the adjoininglandowner.This planningpermission doesnotauthoriseth€ carryingout of any land,or ac{€ssontoit,withoulthe consentof the owne6 of thal wofts on neiEhbouring ofwork. land. Youwouldbe advisedto contacthem Driorto th€ commencement of the PartyWall boseekindependent adviceon the prDvis'lons 2. You are [ecommended and planning mntrols, etc.,Act 1996.whichis s€paralefrom oI buildingregulation party walls, concemsgivingnotic€of yourproposalslo a neighbourin relebonto booklet buildings.An exPlanatory nearn€ighbouring boundary\rallsand exc€vations Office from HerMajesty'sStationary entiu€d'Ths PartyWalletc.,Ast 1996"is avarlable (HMSO),BullStreet,Birmingham, dudngnormalopeninghoutsor can be dos,nloaded web sitetromthe Communitieg and LocalGovemment http:/ 'v',1,1w.communlties.qov.uUDublications/planninoandbuildinq/Dartvwall. 3. lt is advisedtiat lheremay be bats presenta'tth€ p.opertythatwouldbe dbturbedby ihg proposeddevelopm€ntYou are advisedlhat batsare deemedto bs EuropeanProteded works,you should sp€cies.ShouldbEtsbe ioundduringthe carryingout of the apProved Ecology Section of Mus€umFi€ld and seek tudher advice frorn the stopworkimmediately (Contacl 01926 418060). AnnaS,vifton Services,ThEButts,Warwick,CV344SS gas whici entersbuildingsfromlhe groundand c€ncaus€ Radonis I neturalradioactive lungcancer lf you are buying,buildingor extendinga propertyyoucanobtaina Radon if you havea postaladdressand postcode. RiskReportonlinefromwwv.ukradon.org This will tell you if the hom€ is in a radon affectedEree,which you need to know if buying or livingin it, and if youneedto installradonprotectivemeasures,if youarBplanninglo extendit. lf youere buildinge n€w prop€rtythenyou are unlikelyto havea full postal addressior it. A reponcanbe oblainedfromthe BritishGeologicalSurvsyal htts/shop.bgs.ac.uUgeoreportd. locatsdusinggridrefel€ncssor siteplans,whichwill tell youwheher youneedlo insiallradonproteclivemeasureswhenbuildingthe property. Authorrsed orric Date 12 Mav2009 Pege2 of 3 PAP/2009/0142 Agency and adviceon radonpleasecontactthe HealthProtection Forfurher information al wwwhpa.org.uk.Also ifa propertyis toundtobe affeciedyou maywishto contaclthe NorthWarwickshire BuildingControlPartnership on (024)76376328for furfler adviceon protective radon measures. PlanDolicies whichare relevantto this Decisionare as follows; 4. The DeveloDment NorthWarwickshire LocalPlan2006: ENV11- Neighbour Amenities,ENV12- Urban Design,ENV13 BuildingDesign,SPG:A Guidefor the Designof Householder Dsvelopmsnt, Septsmber,2003. REASONEDJUSTIFICATION and The proposedlirst floorextensionis ot a size,designand sitingthst is appropriate given will remove it repre$ents an opportunity to improvethe rearelevationof the dwelling PlanPolicies withDevelopment f|e existingbelconyThe proposalis in accordance localPlan,2006andwithadvic€ ENV11,ENV12and ENV13of the NorthWarwickshire givenin the SPG:A Guidefor lhe Designof Householder DevelopmentSeptember, 2003. NOTE 1. Thisdecisionis for lhe purpos€sof the Townand countryPlanningAct only. lt is not a decisionunderBuildingRegulations or any otherstatutoryprovision.Separate applications may be required. 2. A repodhas beenpreparedthatdeiailsmorefullythe mattersthathavebeentakeninto accountwhenreachingthisdecision.You canviewa c.pyon the Council'swebsibYia lt will be trle PlanningApplication Searchpageshttp://olannino.northwarks.oov.uUoortal describedas eitherApplicalionFile','BoardReport'or 'OfficefsObservatons'. duringnormal you canvi€wit by crllingintothe Council'sRecePtion Altematively. openinghours(upto datedetallsof the Council'sopeninghourscan be foundon our web sitetrtp://www.nortrwarks.Oov. uUsite/scriptJcontact.php ). Authorise orri Datel3$sl39g9 Page3 of 3 OBSERVATIONS OFFICER'S DecisionCode: FAPG Refer€nceNo: Location: Application TyPe Proposal: Applicant: PAP/2009/0142 17 HolteRoad Ath€rstone CVg1HW FullPlanning Application Firstfloorextension Mr TerryWebster CaseOfficsr: Sig Datei 08/05/2009 Authorised Officer: 3!1ii"'"[i r/r/or RELEVANTPOLICIES LocalPl€n2006 NorthWarwickshire ENV11- N€ighbour Amenities ENV12- UrbanDesign ENV13- Building Design 2003. Development, September, A forthe D€signof Householder SPG: Guide RadonGas CONSTRAINTS SmokeControlZone RADONl Development Boundary CONSULTATIONS Neighbours AtherstoneTownCouncil Site NoticeExpired- 3cY05/2009 REPRESENTATIONS AlherstoneTownCouncil- No objectior. OBSERVATIONS Boundaryfor Atherstone8ndth€ relevantpoliciesof the The sitelieswithintrreDevelopment NorthWaMickshireLocalplan,2006are ENV11,ENV'12and ENV13alongwithadvice 2003. givenin the SPG:A Guidefor the Designof Householder Development, September, The proposalis for a rearfirstfloorextensionto the dwelling.lt \ailldirecllyreplacethe siting that0 extension of an existingbalcony,whichis not usedby theapplicant,it i6 considered heEismoresuitablethana balcony. OFFICER'S OBSERVATIONS The pfoposed€xtensionmeasures1.85metresin projectionfromthe buildinglineto lhe rear elevation,2.55metresin widthard measure3.6 metresin heightb the ridgefromthe exislingflat r@1,whichformsth€ balconyandwill measur€a totalof6.4 melresfromground floorlEvelto the ridge. to impastuponthe nelghbouring dwsllingin The locationof the extensionis not considered privacy or lossot light.The extensionis siledwithinthe 4s-degreelinerule termsof lossof neareslrearwindowand doesnol impacton lightto the neighbour.In fromthe n€ighbours lhe rearbalconywill be removed,thenthis signific€ntly termsof privacyth€nconsid€ring by tr|eexistingbalcony.The proposednew reducasthe impaclon privacyas represented to imprDve the rearelevationof the extenslondoesnot impacton privacyand is considered proposal lherefore in accprdance with ENV11 of fre Norh Warwickshire dwelling.The is Loc€lPlan.2006. PolicyENV13of fre NorthWaMickshireLocalPlan,2006,requiresthat'exfersiorsor alte!?gonsto existitg builditEs wi only be pemitted wherc the s@le, massing,lEight and appeadn@ of the ptoposalpositit6ly integqtes into its sunoundingsand the ntAleials and &tailitv used es€ct aN enhancelocal dislinctiveness'. as lhe sizeand It is considered lhat fie proposalaccordswithihis policyrequirement is acceptiable andlhe designand materialsusedfor fie extension locationof th€ extEnsion are appropriate and imprcvesthe rearelevationand squaresoff fie buildingline,without proiectingpesl ule originalbuildinglineto the rearelevation. The proposalls consideredto be approprialein termsof its designand sitingand doesnot representan amenityimpaston the neighbouring dwellingsin termsof lossof pfivacyor with ENVI'1,ENV12and ENV13of the North light The proposalis thereforein accordanc€ WarwickshiELocalPlan,2006and is supportedsubjec{to relevanlconditions. CRIMEANDDISORDER IMPUCATIONS None CONSIDERATIONS LA21AND SUSTAINABILITY None HUMANRIGHTSACTIMPLICATIONS None RECOMMENOATION Thatth€ application be GrantedSubjectto Conditions 1. Th6 development to whichthis permissionrelaleEmustbe b€gunnot laterlhan fie ye€rs from the dateof r)is permission. expirationof lhree REASON To complywithSection91 qf the Townand CountryPlanningAc{ 1990,a8 amend€dby Section51 ofthe Planningand CompulsoryPurchas€Act 2fi)4, and to pr€ventsn planningpermissions. of unimpl€msnted accumulation OFFICER'SOBSERVATIONS 2. The dev€lopment herebyapprovedshallnot be cafiiedout otherwisethanin accordance withthe proposedplanreceivedby the LocalPlanningAuthorityon 2 April20Og and the 1:500blockplanandthe 1:1250sitelocatonplanreceivedby f|e LocalPlanning Auhorityon 2 April2009. REASON To ensurelhat the development is caniedout stristlyin accordancswiththe approvedplans. The newworksshallbe caniedout withfacingbricksand roofingtilesthatare of lhe 3 sametype,textureand colouras thoseusedon the existingd','€lling. REASON In the interestsof the amenitiesof the areaandthe buildingconcemed. 4. The rearwindowgn tre proposedextensionshallbe glazedwithobsolredglassand shallbe pErmanently maintain€d in flal condition. REASON To prot€ctthe privacyof th€ adjoiningpropertyandto preventoverlooking. Notes '1. The submittedplansindicatethatthe proposedworkscomeverycloseto, or abut property.Thrspermission neighbouring doesnotconveyany legalor civilrightto undertakeworksthatatfectlandor premisesoutsideof the applicantscontrol.Care andduringthe cEurseol buildingoperations shouldb9 tak€nuponcommencemenl eavesand root includinghe foundations, to ensurethalno partof the development, overhangwill encroachon, underor overadjoininglandwithoutthe consentof the doesnot authoriseihe carryingout of adjoininglandowner.This planningpermission land,or accessontoit,withouttf|econsenlof tl|€ owners anyworkson neighbouring of of hat land. Youwouldbe advisedb mntiactthemDriorto he comm€ncement of the Party adviceon lhe provisions 2. You are recomm€nded to se€kindep€ndent contols, Walietc.,Act 1996,v',hichis separatefromplanningor buildingregulation and concemsgivingnoticeof yourproposalsto a neighbourin relationto partywalls, booklet buildings.An explanatory nearneighbouring boundarywallsandexc€vations from Her l\raiesty's Stationary entiUed"TheParlyWall etc.,Act 1996"is available duringnormalopeninghoursor c€nbe Office(HiISO),gull Streel,girmrngham, w€b sitedownloaded fromthe Communities and LocalGovemment htlp:/ m,$r.communities.gov.uldpublications/planningandbuildingr'partywall. 3. lt is advisedlhat theremay be batspresentat lhe propertylhat wouldb€ dislurbed by the proposeddevelopment.Youare advisedlhat batsare de€modto be EuropeanProtectedspecies.Shouldbatsbe foundduringthe carryingout ot f|e approvedworks,you shouldsbp ',./orkimmediately and se€kfurtheradvicefromlhe OFFICER'S OBSERVATIONS TheButts,Warwick, CV3.l4SS(Conbc{ Ecology Sedionof Mus€umFieldServices, AnnaSwifton 0192641860). gaswhichent€rsbuildings fmmthegroundandc€n 4. Radonis a natJralradioadivs you€n obtain or ex€ndinga proFerty cauBelungcancar.lf youersbuyirE,building posial if ),ouhavea address and a RadonRiskReportonlin€frDmvflvw.ukradon.org postcode.Thiswill tell youif lhe homeis in a radonaffededarea,whichyouneedto knowif buyingor liyingin it, and if youne€dto installradonprotectivemeasures,if you arEplarningto exbnd it. lf youars buildings n€u/pmpertylhenyou ale unlikely to haw a tull postaladdressfor it. A reponcanbe obtain€dfromlhe British locat€dusinggrid referenc€s GeologicalSurveyat htts://shop.bgs.ac.uk/gao|eportv, you you plans, whichwilltell whefier needto installradonprotective or site property. measurEs whenbuilding t|e Forfurtherinformstionandadviceon radonpleaseconEc{the HealthProtection Agencyet www.hpaorg.uk.Alsoit a propertyis ioundto be sfiectedyoumaywish BuildingControlParhershipon (O24)76376324 lo contactthe NorthWarwickshire ptotecllv€ for furlheradviceon radon measur€s. whicharerelevant to thisO€cision ar€asfollows: Planpolicies TheDevelopment NorthWaMickshireLocalPlan2006: Afiienilbs,ENVI2 - UrbanDeslgn, ENV13- Bullding Design, ENV11- Neighbour Deyelopment of Householder Septefl|ber, 2m3. SPG:A Guldetor lhe Design Justfication i8ofa sizg.dEsign endsifnothatis appropriaE 1 Th€proposed firstfloorexlension to lmprovet|e rearelevationof the dwellinggiv€nft will andrepresenlssn opportunlty with Developm€flt PlanPoliclEs removethe ExistirEbalcony.Tt|e prDposalis in accordance localPlan,200eandwithadvice ENV'|1,ENV12andENV13of 8|eNorhWarwickshire givenin the SPG:A Guidefor thEDesignol Householder D€velopr€nl S€ptember, 2003. AvondaleCoachcraftLtd,carlYon PAP/200910122 Erectionof palisadefenc€andgates Comment: No Objection !PAP/200S/O1'12 Firstfloorextension Comment: '17Holte Road NoObrection FormerSt John'sAmbulanceSiterearof 6347 stationStreot terac€ of a 5 dwelling fsqade of the4 flatunit,construction lo the existing Alterations Comment: of thearea. to onthegroundsof overdeveloPment Thisis objected PAP/2009/0r47 TraineeTownGlerk t-7 etf\ \a\c13 - $ u &-JX' cr'-1u" oirr'\ OFFICER'S SITENOTES - Remliiter PosbibleConsideratiohs Amenity- Noise privacy Odours Design Highways- Acdess Affgds Trunk Road? Parking PublicTransporucycling Provision Trees Landscaping Accessfof Disabled Crime/Security Accessfor FireAppliances Groundstability Levels Contaminaflon Arcfiaeology Area/HistoricBuildings .Conservation D -T I iD 3 (D PP F6 CD F z uJ o uJ .D PB ;@ E- i =: o,E AE g 6f E .g IJ BE = -t o € o o P tt o o iE if 6' o o { I o I 6i ts '! It 8 t o o { I 6 .T d o a 6 rD o a # q 5 5 o € o 6 I o o z z t o o @ o € s I t e f t E g i B g I + f tt B B t * t f ts t ! 3 v o z tz o z z z o o z z z z z z o z z z o o z o o z tz z m ! (tt o E APPLICATION COVERSHEET Reference: PAP1200910142 ApplicationTyper Full PlanningApplicailon Flrst f,oor extenrion Locatlon: '17,HolteRoed,AlherstoneCVg l HW Atherstone DeteRecaived: OZI0,4l20Og DatePassed to Validating Omcer DateReturned byValidating Officer ValidatingOfficGr: ValidDate: AllocateCassOfficer: FORVALIDATINGOFFICER'SINFORMATION Fee Noteg: &G!@bs: AssoclatedPre ApplicationEnquirv? lf so, attachfor ValidatingOffice/sinformation E4!!9!@9r9!cc3!3es!sg3!!.e!: Pres,g NodcaCode: DatePosted: Publication:ExpiryDate: $@!Lge!!!4ed:@!l!!cg@i SmokeControlZone RADONl Development Boundary Whereapplicable stalo: Conservation Area: ListedBuildlngGrade: 02104r200s ap!!Esg9r_gg!ggg!!r2l I = LMsjorDwellln€ 2 = LlrEjo. Oflico/R8D/LightInd|,|sual 3 = t-irajor HeavyIndustdelEtoregs/Warehous€ 4 - LMajorRrtail Di6tributionand Sarvidng 5 = LMajorGypsy/TravellorSil6 6 - LMajorAll O$er Moior D€wlopmsnt67 = SMaiorDwclling E = SMalorOffoeJR8DtrlghlIndu6tial I = SMajorHevy '10= SMaiorReiail oietibulion and S€rvlolng ll = SMaJorGyP8y/TlavellorSlcs 12 = InduotrlalEtorago/War6holr6d = Minorofrcog/R8D/Llght SMajorAllOtlErMsjo.Developmente l3 = MlnorDv/ellings'14 Indudrhl 16 = Mlnor '16 = 17 HeavyhdusldausloragrM/erehour€ Gyp8y/Travell€rSibE 18 = MinorRetEilD6lributionsnd Seflicing MinorAll Ohsr Mnor DeveloFmants19 = OtherMlnerals Ut = Oth€rChang€of Use 2l . Olher HousehoHer D.velopmentB22 = OtherAdr6rtlsomonl823 = Other Lliled BulldlngCofirenvAllar/Exlord lil - Lbled Buldlng ConsentDermlish 25 = Olhs. ConreNationArca Cons€nt 26 - Cerrifi(€teof ts,trfulnsss27 = Oth€r Nolifcalion3 TO BE IDENTIFIED BYTHEVALIDANNG OFFICER LE ValldApplication{withconrct fee) E ValidAppllcation. Resubmisslon of ApplicationRef. E ValidApplication(wilhincorlrst teeor no fee) NOTE- SendRECONREG f] InvalldAppllcetlon lEld4Eplgationt: ForComplex Reasons Validating to serdCORINV2 Officer ForSimpleReasons Planning Support Offic€rto sendCORINVI below Valldatlng Ofticerspecifyreasons Valid Aoollcations ./<) BoErdAppllcatioltgggd^ppliEation (Deleteas approprist€) AddigonalPublicityRsquired: Departure Application PresgNotlc€code: Applicslion of LocalInter€Bt Effec{sS€ttingof ListedBuilding Area EffectsSetlingot Conseruation (specrty) Oth6r library) Requlr$ Consultation Copyin Liblary- (Sp€cify \,/nr ',. EIArequired EIAreceiv€d CHECKLIST Receipt Ser Q-l.* lo r (RECFULL- correctfee) - pari payrFnt of fee) (RECPART Sent WherelnvalidLetterRequiredCORINVI/CORINV2 Sent WhereVelldbutfee insufilcientRECONREG Acknowledgement Sent ? 20 0e t0142 to a dwelling' extension forworks-or Permission for Planning Application Householder Act1990 TownandCountryPlanning Publicarion of Pbtining aPPlicatbni on cDurcil rebites th€ inlormtdon Ptovid'd on t!*3 of Ofii'rlhip' GontEt dct.ils !t# C'niti4l" ?|!6e nor. th* with ttE .rG.PtoD cf.pplictnt doal'n'nt! nry bc publbhld on t'. tDrD'il's tcblit' 'or'n tna i. rppr-,r." . "+f#.lg thich ldk iiilrin thf d€finiiion ol FrlDnal data u?d" trE It leu har'. p.o!'r.Ld .d, ottror intcnrroon a: pan ot tout 'PPticrtion yreb.it y'!|te t6rn*r u| !4ndll planni|g ijj. p-i.i r"i l" #- y* ao no wi,r, I u. ioruii.r - ur .ourEir'! , o.p'nri.nl pne lzar"\o,+t- cc'hprerculins brocl.g'pi*!:1- 1-":111."". Prease dEL)ilrs ilreprocessinjor yo.r apprication. Mll dErry MI completlon Fnnr6 incoF&tcomoretro.. asinco'&t guidance note6.. h Einport3nlthatyoi resdth€accomparvrng wl Tide: w,**,f--V"Zza'r W€Bl7F/2 c(inpany Unil Unru addmss Tovrn: Cdrt' corntr]l Cotl'rry fzFl--7,ot. d,t Ftzs 7 t{-e'az lxTF*r/dry }las th€ wrk r lreadYstlrted? (daremun b€ pre_applicatjon$brnissi(n) (DOA4M''/YYY) lf Y65,pl€6* statewhenthe r.rdi w;s staned be€ncomPlet€d? Hasrhewo.k€rreEcly E v- dr" (dat6mlst be Fe-app i@tim sub.nisidr) rf Yes,pl€asestatewhenthe work s{s compl€ted(DD/MMrY814: --] ls a new o. altered vehlcle tEess prcposerl to or froh tre Public highwayr ls a n€w Ir € ltered Pedgtrian a'ress pmposed to d rt'n $€ puoltc hrghway? srb ttt" trt' p"ttal.do.essotthesoP'icston iiflp.uio" u." f--l i:ffi. F [H: t---l Do rhe propos.ls require anydlverlm$ and/orcrEqtionof plbiic €xdnquishrn€nts rishdorway? Ll Yes Ed. g{" -.. Ll te' L,TN" Ll YEs I Address3r 474€Zf7a4€ c"-v I wa?-< t I t u ryH\" b€ensoughtft{in rhe h€l ., p.'* GGG*. / "o"i* aurhorty6bodtnisappric€rion? Nl4t. n Y" lf Y6, pl€!s. cornplets tne folldhlg inionnatlon abolt rhe advice you ;re given. ffhis $rill h€lp tie alnhdhv to dsal wtrh thls aFol-rcltiodmore efi alentlY), Ple6€ thl tf UE Mt cDntet dettils tr. not cDtnptet ts mud posslbb: n tr;-Jthen d( lf Y€6,pldle tmrt ffeh Frum on a s.! |ed plan 6nd stat€ ttE r€br€Ee numLFrol tny Wjll .ny treesd h€dg€sne€d to be ng{nov€doaFUn€d m ord€. to csny 4t lou p.ogosan Det€oD MM\ry'\'Y): !Y* ll Y€c pl€as€show on !'ort Pbns which s€€s bt gMng trEm (m|!'tb€ F*aPPlkaUm submissidi) willihe omDc€d won(s af€ct dilthg cdr parldng l.llngEneflts? Are there tnJ tE€s s h€dg€son )@r own prop€rty or on ! joining Proped6wnldr _- v_ r's ar€ w trh rEnim dGranceol Fur boundatE Ll nun6irsa+ rr. fa *i stro r}Ercler€nenomb€'oI thePbnGy ffi;ili#i?Cmreffi ! V* m€rnoe.ofth€co.flciP --v'*nD€rcr<'E1der*F L-l Yo tu[.4lraffrrhrr3 |g' No Erlsting (Yyhere aPPlicabl€) fAL ,',+1 /12/ c /( Ft?. lktr 82/tX 7a tke7t4 lx,( 7/* t / o^lcAE7&,t*?rZ/azZt*t tl 7.1a. 7'a 'Q A7' Ax/ c7/* lj2v( ln 8oondarytr€atYr€nts (e.9.feflcss,vrllB) h€rd6trnding Oth€.s (prease speciry) dnd 5E G dEr€m€nt? AE you srpdying addit'bEl hfonnation o|1$bmitred dan(sydEwing(syd€Eign and rE6 sfllsrn€nl *atE relb.enEs lor the I res EJNo C€dli 'et€ $'lth fiis rFFl'Gat'ql rcrl't ;r41. ard c.J*ry;l!finirs '5"t)'' -*G"-*t erc'.ed.Jre|ord€r19€Ec€-itin !'ra Mder Arr::i5 7 :;;;1.x:';ii;:*,i;;,-;1:*j,*'*tii".;ii;iii;;i::;9"s;nl;r;d:"t:"'"'Hr:;el DateIDD/MMAWYJ: warchttespi i.rtrsi re'.i:i S i g n e d. A P P L i c a n b Z 4'oS a! i n.'e/n-s beEre tr ;:nirr. ire ,!. i..irf c:nrii;sL,T i'il,,ii ii :a',i ..f.ra:'re dercor $li3:Dcrc.iicr, trr3srne c' -: 'i'r 13.i.- ilr( r! i3,'i:t i'-r rrclirri";'i;;li:,iii -:."r r'j.r;i"i "iie i;;;,,-;lnier*i 6t iaast7 ,lee1 \,r'iih ,nr:resr o, raasi:,,.r,: |;----:-i-l +[?;lrE.'AlTcFo$ ti3liP ' clR]];"jaTE4-FilL":uii; C'a"nt s:: c'rtiii';art rt:'sr tu:i'jr' l pla-ii'rg ld;;i"i S"d...;i; icvlrr rneic€untry i c-.xlift i5e acr=ic6nt ;erilies ti1.'. : lllifl*f;iitl"tf,li:;#Ii#:i,1?:ffl",*ffi;{""::hrrd,ai"r;,:i:il" b e e ru n a t : et o 4 0 s l,lotke ot the lpplicslon tus lcirEulatjnqIn ole ,@ wien published in fie tollo$ring ne{Epaper ;;..* | - A.*" DateIoIYM['Ul'fW: ' -]L-_-- ' - CEif:FIttT; !t- iii;edutet ; rcei l '-e5 csniti'r I Etr+:': ani're ? !*il"p*i"l' "ERflFICATEOFO{,lBr!sHi': ?ownand c.uritry Plaflnir6-tco,ii,:-1 I c€rtitu/fhe !pphcanicenltes thei : fff::r"'#,-.i.:::i:tri:!;fl*i:il"iifl'"l.e:!1r.r"r!..-.-ei1;t.g-."ij"".]::i::"".::i"yi,./ii# (6 awn",I :ar'net'r d peF/ d"tu 5f $h,DDiic€uo',5s :iLnv cn: cr ihs isro tr vth ch ttisrof, ici d nrelales TrB llot|cE ol lhe aDplcitlon lbs b€en publshed i1 the rol l.iflrkri.o in ili? arH whele tlE land is situated):-.z Date(DDA,M/YYYY): g5;ERlliii;ll: -q€aicuLTURlLii;LDtfi ,t;r-i;i;-.!e r!i,re. 3rttDj! 7 '. -h - . Ltt:iu'?:0-6-:3!: 1- I rff.-i ;lef,irq l:€nsii: Draca=arr i tu. b-ri-. ' v^'; M' '< Cnri'bl€t€ Eitis A I Eiths or cofiP|€tE Must Yo; Gcl;Biion Land ric1lrtuat rsLies is, s, or is part ot, an €ricultlral hokllrE IlA) ar ihno .f the mF land lrn l to whi.h the lh€ appl aDollc:tion r5Lies to which ibne of DEte(D0/Ml!UYrfl): sq' _ i qgr' ''v u' m sE theapprtts$It''o' m)rerr/uEdPP'E'r oiherth.n mFer/ 9'9-gll ?1-q-"lf B) lhavsr' ftt€ aPpl,ca hasgivEn the r€quishe mri@ ioe1,fl o€rsm oue'Intn p"n uI€|andio wh{h thEspohcnjonrelatr5 b€fde rhedateof thb apph-ton. "tu. " ."*n. o' uiigi'i'-rtta'i'E|d_'ng o'r ettor appncsuol -g ru$lt m yoor wrll r€$n recuked will irfomr{tidl !,orr. uppu*.rtidl requi€d submitted rh€ Laet Ptannhg Authority h6 been - dli;a "f ' FailurEto 3lbnh ltl -i"t "ifiliil bv rlqur umilslltifonfltuo'r sllrifonflttlonrlqur€d vllid umil will not G'<5rstae'.o be @ttddei€d v;rid t *rr hvt|ld ii r.fr;fiiliffi :il;;i----' rtt'*in'rand3coPr€.-ori..--iJi'irl"tJi'''o-oitio'"potc'ti..o'*Efg!::"d-g"s*flYm'":HFoiosed wdk5 rsll w|qin one or Tltedlginal and 3 cEPie6lt_tha datEdAtt cle 7 CerdfcaE s;Hfi;i;;_o;ii;;;fi;;;I coanDleied, 6T"XH;ffiffi1"'." ;-,#A;6;"4;;iiil;it--J:S"Ti',llUsc€r*ncift Ihe orlg h5l and 3 6pi€s df . plan whlch idE1trEE d€ hnd to whlch ttE aPplicatron 6rE $o!{ing the di.ection of otth: U . i:-"..""tr-.- er€sr ' ArE€o{ odst'n! ins natutalb€uv Th€cioinll lnd 3 @piesol othsr pl6r6 nec€5sarytct anddrddngso{infirnation _,/.Wod-d H€rltt€esti. d€lcribettresubJectortn€ apPncauofi bf .lhebrEs Uwetracoy apptyror ptanning @"a"coiti,nat Tt|e dloinal lnd 3 opi€s of the cornpleied, datsd Or;ltrs}lp C€nlfrcli€ (A g. c s D . 6srppli5ble): C.e ihe sitebeseentrorna publicrood,publlclootp m, bndl6{€yor otfier publichnd? DY€s lf the Dt,rn inalllfiorltv needsto maks,n appohtmentto clrry out a ;hs viJ{whom sffuurd rher @d".dl Wa'" effi orltf orle) !No tr9rTfu$'ffi;tH,lr Eng"* Eapchnr