NAA: B884, QF271345


NAA: B884, QF271345
These copies are provided for research or study purposes. Before making use of the material for other purposes (for
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NAA: B884, QF271345
Series number: B884
Control symbol: QF271345
Barcode: 4863188
Number of pages: 12
LARKHAM ETHEL FLORENCE : Service Number - QF271345 : Date of birth - 27 Sep 1922 : Place of birth
- MT MORGAN QLD : Place of enlistment - REDBANK QLD : Next of Kin - LARKHAM R
... _<~J7."""." I,, ~ .t' AUSTRALIAN Q.,, 51~-'1;Z’.==oMOBILIZATION ATTESTATo be filled in for all Persons at the Place of Assembly whof the DefenceAct.A.A. Form Mob. I(Revised December, I94!)ILITARY FORCES.TION
FORMen called out under Parts Ill. or IV.ti;. i‘i'A1 my N0. IBI-OCR CAPITA%I A I‘I‘Unit /l '1/T/0Sumo/me . “AH.,K!§..H.,t7rZ'¥l§'h0'istizz0L N7/it//'71/\/5 it»-»/1 Z/M/ R)ames. Enlisted for war service 1.1. What is your name? . . .. ..
.. . . .2.2. Where were you born! . . .- . . .. . . . 2. British Subjectl .. .. .. .. .. 3-" 4.twat isgour age and date of birth’! . . .. .5. 1-. is your normal trade or oeoupationl Gl‘i1(l1‘if any? 5-nt oeeupationl .. . . . . . . ..6. on married, single or
widower‘! . . . 6-'l".'*,i€>l-llul-*} rried state date of im~irriage‘Z . . . . . .7. 1, _.,, - 7"-I vou had previous naval, military or Air Force ser-“"i'\ I r in peag or war? If so, wln-re and in what arm‘! _ o@s_4~1‘ was ‘th;?;1'eas0u for your
discliargei ..pii T-Q 8I 0 8 Z Dllk ~ K .8. o is _ ur zigtual ne/zyt (4% liin? (Oider of T8€lll(ZnSll<l1§/i7ife st son, eldest daughter, father, mother, eldest, eldest sister, eldest half-brother, eldest half-sister) _uwe W 9.9. " permanent
address‘! . . . . . . . . '10. U‘ religious denomination Z (This question need“J; ; .i swered if the man has a vonseientions objection 10.todoingso) .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1.l 2._ _ _ 3.11. \Vhich, if any, of the following EtllI(‘l;l0TIilI Qiinlientimisdo
you p0SSL‘SS'l . . . . . . _ . . . . .. 4,1 5.I 6.712. Have you ever been convicted by a (‘ivil Court? . . . . 12.l if so—(a) What Court? .. ~A .. ..OAQuestions to be put to persom: called out or 177‘0S(4‘7lll’Ilg themselves /'0OtherIn orIn
the .... i.(1m@)r enlistmew I .‘Snrname........i......l:t.HlT§.s§.%g§(names... . .. ear the town of£9s a e orcoun r 0 t t E f Q’Age.‘°iDate of Birth Y! ( a) .... (b) (7?)(a)..IIII§?§§;§§§i§§<riiIII1IIZIIIIIIIILIII...,...t..ll=_aRelati0nshi'p....,.......‘.‘_........ . .r Certicate for entry to Secondary School “Q Intermediate... . Leaving.LeavingJ‘H0n0111‘s...........,,........,.......... University Degree....,.... .
Technical. t . Other Diplomas... ., .‘(a) (b) For what offence? .. 44 .. (b) . _ if .. ., .I I , solemnly <leelai-e that theabove answers made h%p1e above qi estions Wrue‘ ll ,Witnessed .. . .... 0 Aftesfw or lVzim=ssn O (er
(Signature)(Signet ' f 'ig - ' Hg ]j'i~ 2) I Hi ‘The person will he warned that should he give false answers to any at thele question: he will be liable to heavy penalties under theDefence Aetu
- a,MEDICAL EXAMINATION ' __62/=.z.'7/34':I have made full and careful examination of the abovenamed person in accordance with the instructions contained inthe Standing Orders for Australian Army Medical Services. In my
opinion he is—'1 3 (_¢3_. Fit for Class I. \ ' WW} 3' “J2. Temporarily unt for Class I L ................... .... 6..-'4 '3. Fit for Class II.4. Temporarily unt for Class II 1‘ Unt f lit5. or mi ' ary service
. .. . /ft-W» ’ a * 3.. Date Sigriziime
of Examining Medical Oicer...,.,......,... LN " Classications which arc inapplicable to be struck nut. tRcason for unfitness to be stated.COATH OF ENLlSTMENT1lIFor persons enlisted or called upon under Part Ill. or Part IV. of the
Defence Act, and not being members ofthe Active Citizen Military Forces to serve in the Citizen Forces in time of war. Not compulsory for serving membersof the Forces or those allotted to the Citizen Forces under Part XII. of the
Act, but unless in any case an objection israised, the oath should be administered to them as part of the ceremony of attestation. .. . . .. . swear that I will well and trulyserve our Sovereign Lord, the King, in the Citizen Militai'_\'
Forces of the Commonwealth of Australiafor the duration of the present time of war, or until sooner lawfully discharged, dismissed, orremoved, and that I will resist His l\lajesty’s enemies and cause His Majesty’s peace to be
keptand maintained, and that I will in all matters appertaining to my service faithfully discharge myduty according to law.$11 sh: time (5021!Signature of Parson Enlisted. .... ..‘. ......... ............................... ..[hf i "1 /Subscribed at , .
. . ., in the Slate .. . _,_day of ....................................... .......§'.<1.\ ..... .. 19/'5B f e / *c ole mc— /W 1,.Signature of Attesting Officer ....... ............. ‘1Persons who object to take an oath may make an nfrmation in accordance
with the Third Schedule of the DefenceAct. In such case the above form will be amended accordingly and initialled by the Attesting Officer.- ( 1.;-i I e . , - "_R\JlCE-§>-QT . FDR $1-, ‘y APP €*0Yei>,. i c 1 _;,,,l l -- .Ii Z... PQWUW
Wi Q» net ET“ es“? s AIl . I w W‘ "i‘ . myv pig‘. ,_K . F‘ r -\_-1 . we6%L“y;,£/MC jg " im/5Govt Prl .,e¢m>m. lIn\i_€'w1r
PART A-¢Complled_ by Unit:D|scharg0 , 1.,‘ “K. ‘Amhomq c All D‘19 MAR l&~io_1. Y S ‘Disclnrol l4Normally State in which mem-ber's home ls situated.rnocesnmss ron DISCHARGE. / Miizii §.il?‘i~»»: A ' - . A '< 1/ Army
No..&__€..~1_jLiH_{',_...Rank....-Z1?_s€£Reason for AMR 5 0 253":é]§ I / LHRKHHNLJState in which discharge deslred—- )))))) if Other Names Surname. .......c .... .. W_W____ I / lBlock Lettersls—i.ompiled by Unit PART D—Compiled by Ech. Er Rec.:PART B—Personal detail ' ‘ 1I. Home address 5. Details for Certificate of Discharge No .... / ‘,1 4 1-! Yf__ sw. Unit (for discharge |_ 4: 5- h / - Served on conti ous Full Time War Service in t ,Date
commenced F.T‘D'-.3 ‘/ S /yjome O In i Q ........... State whether :-—-Mowbd, single, No. of Dependents in respect of whom.:3wei-eedlwldvw dependant's allowance is being paid :-or widower ........ ._.Z____.__._ Under l6
yrs.......:.....l6 yrs. C1 over.?I._Z. Present Description of Soldier:— ' M8d.T¢'°| cu” omAge mmb§_ n a 0 zsum <4)i Height ft..:.;.lns. Disabilityr— 4Complexion...._._fQ¢;L[,{y Halr..._. ._. y Marks/Scars .. T d G Inwatt: .;‘L“.§y...
"cages.-';.eaA1%lg;;;;;“;'__"__y%3. Operational Service:— -la) Overseas urea Embarlred Disembarkedof service from Aiist. ln Aust.__ .___i__._ ./__/-_ ___/___/--------__/_.. /__ .__/,4.../....s_“ _._/_ /__ --/___/M-- .-..._ __.../-.. /._ ~/.._;/_._ibl N.T. (North oi Par. 1+)“ Sth.) or TorresSt. r From ._.-/_ _/-- -_-IL-/.__ ..._/- -/-— _-/__/.__Part B compiled by‘-Tf i ' v1.4/I./ {VX552;¥:;;';:;;;'"'§&;;;;;L';;.Ddte For Eeliel ":17? A .. . .1; J . 1(Officer's signature and
rank‘PART C-Compiled by Ec h. and Rec.:l 4. Non-effective Service ; '..... to........./........./........for a Total Effective Period‘ of..l.(7..§..l./...... ays, whi includedActive Service in AustraliaT....LQ§§.Q.;...days ZdActive Service O/S
Australia’r.4.......\....{....'days /Decorations and Awardsi during that Service:Clgsrs £13 Discharged from dischargeconfirmed vide Schedule No...$ take effecton and from Signature .... Date,,.,...../ ...... .../.......4.Officer
i/ct.H,...................._.................Ech6. Details compiled A.A.F.AtlOl written by..AE,3..>:§§........checked by. PART E—To be signed by Soldier on discharge:7. I hereby acknowledge receipt of: 3 6 la) Certificate of Discharge (bl
Army Form A.i3l p_ _m to contain my Will.(cl War Badge -Date Signature of Soldierz‘: Signature of Witne .. . ..Entered Discharge Certificate Register........ . Entered "Wills" r\, lA.A.F. A.l3l obtained by .... ......
..Register.............aeSr.I4- 3' "Effective Period" means the period of service, less 0 consecutive 2lor more for which the soldier was not entitled to pay.TAustro|ia means the mainland of Australia and Tasmania.i Does not include
War Mldll.dGY54(_,_Il~|
-v— '. DIMOII. INOTHER NAMES Date of Commencement of Full War Time War Service r Age at commencement of Full Time War Service.DICATOI.lnnnimuiriuu OI DemuI||.|lATl0n PRIORITY4/‘\ cPi” 4/ 84» -I "UA. ARMY
r4o..?.$.1§f-.'I.1.L_3_‘L'!_-_-.... RANK...-_...._.-D.l§.=............UNIT...a..__..s....-.i._.a':.I§.l......gI..... . SURNAME ....... .. ._...........QQ..t..years.I. ASSESSMENT OF NORMAL PRIORITY. _Z. Age at enlistment in years X 2 (males)
or X 3 (females) .. _4. Dependency Status (females On|yl—lnsert' "A"5. Marriage (females only) —lnsert "B" } co“5 T). Records and assessment checked. w I Ii-“Ind .-Dan 1_ __ ______5|qmm,-.1‘7. I desire discharge in the State
of._ ____._.§.“‘J“"“’”*"”\$ '8. I intend to appIy— _‘(ii DO" "" "JO ‘ QPainll AI. Length of Service in months X Z (males) or X I (females) . . . . "J1 _( 03. Dependency Status (moles anly)—one point for each month of Service .. . .. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . ?- Total (Normal Prlontyl Zof Officer./¢'=@4,%»»-/Signature.‘Not to be retained . _ . ..__ __..‘To be retained-lsee lnstructioil.‘(iii For service tl'\r0ugI'\OUt the Demob. period. ' .......e..¢£..r .__..;_....Slgmmm of
Member.C. DECISION OF COMMANDING OFFICER OR REPRESENTATIVE OF SERVICE ON FORMATION H.Q.'lDate.D. ALLOTMENT OF SPECIAL PRIORITY.Reason and Auth0rity..._.._........e..............._..__.___-_._ .__..,r...___ .......... ...._._._____ __________ .,_______._________,__________“_____M___M____4____________’___Dam Signature of Commanding Officer. _.._.._%_%_.___...._.._.._.___.__.__,_,____....,.._..__....,. or
Representative O‘ SankaINSTRUCTIONS.AG! AT ENLISTMENT.-Completed years of age at date of commencement at full-time war service.‘ DEPENDANCY STATUS.-Accorded only to members an whose behalf an allowance
is being paid by the Arm for onreported, and in consequence has not been entered in their personal records._ (PART C.-—REASONS FOR RETENTION—-to be Inserted as appropriate1 Ii) Member of Permanent Military Forces;
(Ill) Service throughout Demob. period—valrI . _Y 8 Of "IO‘Strike out when appropriate Auqmmy> LENGTH OF SERVlCE.—Months at service calculated from the date of commencement at tull-time service to the date notified by
L.H dependants.MARRIAGE.—-Claims by female members for discharae on account at marriage will not be recognised if such marriage has not been""'°"Y1 ‘ ‘ Ill) Applicant for Pemianent Military Forces. (Iv) Saw)“; Q;§'f|g|_Refcjnld unml _"‘*“""”"""i“-Q___4.a
; E3:4.../»/9WE'RE’‘ V,‘ __ Q’/"Mn _ ' ,_;, ‘‘ioa_1(Aa§pzea) jg‘-k1\;.l>~” 4 5;‘ ,7, SERVICE AND CASUALTY FORM Afmy N, 4?/,;;,b,=,,,é~1»’ ' ' ‘ Unit Z07 6/ 221$’, Lknm4 2 ..... Christian Names 77/mf¢)9’t'é' Surname —\(0I_llg}ll1mInt) 9,05¢ 5: gnlamm 6 {#3 Z’ L’ =3! A’ /(3 mm: Cantxon/)’%'&g5 tK2<72/ DI"? A9/9*’/51”? '9 F‘Place @ gktofkin 1'; k _ I - Vgr)!-:¢ and Plane of Bu-=1”-2;" 7 :2 /$7‘ /7044490’ $1 Address of Next of Km '71 5:2 Ag\E
in.» »= Qmlnmm ,-2&0?/E-3;; - L—é#'E .......... .. 7 >4 lielanomhxp ( "“ /%/$5‘/N3502., \ 4,Med, ,1 cumin __Claaa 1 ldcnncauon--Color of um 73?/4’ raw fr!C (On ;e'ha-n‘ Dut1nct1veMarh.{DF/Y /4!)’ FF gB mu-"70.! Record of all
annlnn regu-ding mutton; (noting tampon-nrr luau! or lubnmun) ‘7 m"'m'nu: arm cl wwnammn “WW m .n'm'a:-gm ::1m:>:uci\! mm J?» be m D""°‘ H"°'“ 97°"‘ pmm Qhgm uuemlnrhtlon and eiuhnthdon tram n main?! nr
(indudmintxrlnugh. 6:) W m‘ Dam a;g":‘ nollvld2 T /EJj’;;.r.$(.3JJ~.£._ -Pip MA1&<;nmm.f4W12Jg>. ,5/21¢» ma 23%: :1: 4.’: Z>47PF4r»r/if #224:/ 4 fa?" MARCHEILLN .15-"2£__§ r ~ Tm 527%/»¢>>’a /4! 4 we yam,/ma 4w; 4
‘ézm—~ ~ ww’-z§»:1zm>..¢M4/ae >¢><>" ww /-1 — ~ M A 0 ~31»? <51"" ~0~q.¢_, 2§V\'H‘! __ ___" '¢ “if 7:~6) ‘“ 569$** 1_4v;gv /$ ;-um! _ _ _ ’!r P -¢> _ _W'_* -H14~ k W -v- 'mTlD¢¢~'-M4» ‘T ll 1) “ 3°“ 7'1’1lcn .
»..i4Q2M1..4¢..:...z }L;3f=.§.$_.~ f :¢>{..‘.. ,. ~:..9l§'.II 3:¥m aw»/£-.2» I14;IK 11‘ \u Quad /)1? n _ I!‘ WMW. ii”; * 47,74:4” "441 Mm CA 1%-mm nmdij I, 4 " * ~ >—4 an.-1»-w7&£_*\ —-.»— _ _ _ _ _*-%-_-
~q.1'27 My A/9/6/</~//My ‘ ” \M’ I- l|"- IiAL!:‘ - VK J‘ 4 1» M ~snob: um ‘ t“‘ mmsmmmmmmqmmmum mama wounnnmnwna noun mud———— L maumnmmmuémhwmumgighmu ma o-mm lullQ
dlMmWhmumnmnmd1(mMm|Mlm¢.&)IDIL 01%I-IQ.“Maya._ » mus?) H5.. llnv ':""\-'-'\_=:- 1.“ — _w 1.“-.L:;'1J~.:£;'§_‘f K ,, ,4 : ,_}§M-“Li'§v»;.Q»¢» , - ._e~.a K-.3>\ ,-_ f ;
SERVICE AND CASUALTY FORMContmuatlon Sheet to A F B 10B—1IPL mun/um! A1-myNo Q7 #717343 Surname AQR/("'/QMA.F. B.103—2 (Adapted)lRr\'(!@‘ April. 1995)Initials ...... ......... IREPORT mma of -u casualties
rlyardlng prcmoliuns (acting mm» y local =1 subshmlvz)nnolnunnu. n-mm" ponlln : lllnchmlnls 5; Iorfehure pay Whdl accidents Ditto!ldmluion w Ind am," = mm Hospital Cuullly Clzlnnq Stnnons e Du: qr cm-uyDm From ‘vb?
dllunbnknion mu em nxklon Iwm - Lheatrz of wax (including furlough e=)== V!AmmyPlace QI ‘Q'§,%‘9'»¢-=~-1=v .,.1,.»..;DocumentAn:|\en-HealingSlqnltur!or lni.TO BE WRITTEN IN THIS SPACENOTHINGW T\‘1’1~¥»'~<RG*=D
REASGN AMR 50 253A (H < N) - Q ;'c°f If \< /~~h<>~w /\ R an zss (2) an (Iv) /,4 /\€’M¢->n1* ' _ R/,0 Wk '1“' 1I KWS Oomp U t - Marcher! " for D_iBchar~e from _<7 /9 -M ~< /-§M-M» >4 ¢= = ~¢ ‘I 62¢~l@l<»a I H '_.,._ *_.__
,. ?'jI'.I].I..
Continuation Sheet to A.F. B.103--1Ax-my No......._ ,........Surname....__....._._.........,. ....»....,.........._...._...._..............._....-,,,,...._....Initials._.._..__SERVICE AND CASUALTY FORM “‘"'"“"‘"'91"7""REPORT Rttnrd cl =11 casullllu
:eglrd|ng prumollona flcnq, temporary. Ion] or substantive).lppolnlmtnls. lrnnsizrn. ponlnqs. nllachmznll. 5¢.. forfeiture cl pny. wounds. lCdt!.I,ldmlnion m and diachlr Q from Hmuul. Clxunlty Clunn Smnmu. 5a.. Due ofdhunbarkniun
md cmiarkninn Iron: I than: oi wu (lncrudlng furlough‘ 82.).Due 0| Pluze of" Cuunlry Cllulltynu“ Fmm WhommczivedAudmrlkyw.zo1 1.B2069.or clhuDoulmuilAmbu-Pm ll. {inningR.O. Nu. Slgnulurem lulu.NIDVJS SIH-L NI NHLLIHM
NAMEAddress. _ .. ,//<1 ‘ . .' .. Y .. 4 r'31577-1:-1»-1M»-¢o=:oo~1¢>v\.c-:.¢1939745 sun ,, .. AFRICA STAR ,, ‘ with lst Clasp ,, with 8th Clasp 1ATL_Ai~mc STAR A.C. EUROPE sun IITALY sun .> .. \FRANCE & G. STAR
;PACIFIC sun IA ‘BURMA sun é_ ;DEFENCE MEDAL 1WAR MEDAL AI A-S-M- .. . ....... Qngh >‘I-»~¢TO WHOM DESPATCHED % .|,o.€?1S._i I DATE,,.Ij..§<§fflf.(>Ifj{RECEIPT . .. . .Sig ............. ,.mq Pros.1—ZH439/46—7lDm DA w if f ‘Recorden. . 1€Tg?j.".";’ 1' f . . .Checkel'_.... ‘V .AWARDS WITHHELDSerials; . .REASON1. Packer .... .. .. Dwnwha-.........
I _ ,.?.. - _. E.F. L.I7Rl<H' 5 fl»/Z /1/sai-=?,:r2“o L\1-Wéffi /0 wrmaz“.aza/¢2?7,4¢..uf4,;z@§1 O£Q¢w!j;/Ga ,2% -_‘ arm‘;/J"" Q2/z au.@.;Zq/6/“y?//743 5 <25“ M/yqé 4/J»/_.§Z¢w,u:/amoé — ¢rwZ§Iu
¢7?z@/wyé<w7",<f'¢%¢.>f$7/L04)!/9- /1.<.<,u/H w "',9. 9. EQJZW , a/5+w1af—' @[.<iQ7é.@Z’;,Xf@4.u5/u»/.¢naZ4 Jaw 1/L56 , 55¢/LZZLA QTI9-4-\J-.1/LA , and,4£Z:a/|.f;~— v60/2/lac/J gain? qfuz/Lae_¢ iZ/ywulu hmzfw QFQZ7/345‘GA 4-ai Q/04:5/1‘ /‘\/0. - 54/ 3333J /7QUA a/ya 0770M?/(la//71a/nu. ex
LTu M cumpluled by uh: sender. 1.4 mmprlw W :'=.r,»;4rr¢-m<11 ,'1?,§"""ff‘°fnf,[‘,:f:fu,‘,, ((3) . P I Ordinary 10,4»-.1.-mm , , { Regulcrcd 1R((‘!)mr|In!|a{;I ,In1u|mdforI4vn Vlul (‘A =4.-1r~»\=l| A m» mhl Mm-= -I l §% ida Road Post
‘0f!‘iceW»l.?;~r.; rm Mlrruu ,1» [Huff an . .. ,lddmn 0/ hldrervnMlle. en nu‘/luvr rm - " M“ E'F'" L“’k1"“’1SE.;...,,.;r....1,rr,.n,.~»,.».u,1;”;/H10 Hill Street. .. . S~l§§l-;‘Aav';|‘&}ii‘;€i”&";;M‘ ., .GOULBURN NSW 2580" ""i5'x'=]r<}£r
r1=}i‘i}§Zi}l»}-FL/~' 4'.»',.i;.}'ii}h}'ri§1}|)" " c'.'r'-'rr‘r'rP§'r$r"r'1é§'ii'v|'£.'|'|r'1'rrYkkir }i¢'}§rl.'r'ii»|}1'r'ir'»}i"4/¢;\7E:nor_=clad ur hnm um ':1:1» be camp- ,| Int Una“(A <»»,,,/an J1|)(2)(3)Th: undrrslgnzd rm-lm-~ um nw wlcm m<n||uv|nd
¢l'u»:_||';|\ 31¢» rm; _\|¢I|v:d/L.’ rm,-Hg"; rlmrm qw I'm.» IIIe'!|l|1HYm' |¥~ll|‘¥\!4\ 1| rlr am-mu /fvru In slump ,,; am“0’ of dexlinlunn . . ‘I .v . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,“,0) Sngnalurc -,1 addrtswq g. - - ivcry pmm ,,,,,,»,,,,,,,,,,,rS|pnalure du
dauirmlairel .1: am“ of dtsnnllwn/Sipmlm dz fngem du hurrah dnlinamlrrbSrrik»: uul ubkthever enlryaoes not apply‘lndrculc in brackcls lhc n lure Minn? urlinil: (lunar, postcard. prinltd papcrs. :3.) if neczlaary.lrrh: urricte was puslud
in Auslra ia or dc ivcry l cram lhis udviu: mus! he sign by the rcssc:unly. unlss a sp¢cia| facsrmile signature arrangement has been appmved. In oxher coumries (he advicemuy be signed I? ch: addressee. ur by a person
aunhonscd by uh: rt ulalions in Ih: country ofdwinulron or. i the regulaliolls sn indicalc, by rhe nfcial ul lh: ofc: of dcsrinuuon.Tu h: rclurncd diracn nu uh: sender by rsl muil uflcr dchvery of the article.1 4 mvmrn rllm-u-mvn! au
rlminamire pa! pmuier r-rmrier apnh Ia Ii\' dc I‘:n\'u1'!
;__Vi" '7SER VICE 055 P051555Ce DH mu; J04‘ 9°" V 4- rL12 ADVICE OF PELIVERYm ws as RECEPTION!nlral Ar-Inv R(.(.m,da':'0g( , Slrael Ind nu|nb¢r1Rl4\' r:Sm: 1Lm:l|'z€»m 1/ nu arnrlr /.1 addrxrd m.”;m§_~‘N..‘... . ."R15 <cs)’\1Admlnnslrllmn den ponn AUSTRA 4~_§,'-!.l !1‘.\’,4,T‘.\, .. . .. ..f.. Sump u{‘uE1u|: I' -'~ ’Yrn'nrnm;l¢ vlugm é\ ‘flv " /-r Tnnbm u humanrrnvuyanl I'nw.r!Place of u¢mn5'ii£>§|"i'L1'='iJ }i="'4¢§}}»}}§1}'}}'i'/' 'an
owrsms ruunm In! Mi! mi_‘ a Wt‘! 1| w he rrlumrd r», .m_/al mum; in 15¢ nhmv hm m. "m:.wo/ PAR 4 worv." Bill/In a_/flx 4| M-¢ nlrmml 1.1:»-1 - /we A wow" Bl 1'/1 U] hm1:» 1» M /i:1<4m by nu M4".Wh will /ndlralr Du mm /-1» nu rrmrn 0/ um mm-AUSTRAL|A......... Posmod: ((04: Pmlnll1