Utopia Limited
Utopia Limited
OBERTIN COLLEGE GILBERT l: & SULLTVAN PLAYER.S at TIIGHFIELD \ of LIGHT OPERA SEVEN WEEKS-july 12 - August 27, 1960 EIGHTH CONSECUTIYE SEASON ON CAPE COD GILBER,T AND SULLIVAN PI,AI'ERS OBERLIN COLLEGE & SI]LLTVAN PLAYERS GILBERT HIGIIFIELD pfesent "Ub4o (Ji*iul)" OE THE FLOWERS OF PROGRESS by IP. S. GIIBERT and A.R.TEUR SULLMN Producer W. T, JEWKE,S Associate Musical Dircctor JAMES II. PAI]L Stage Director JAME.S ELLIS HIGHFIELD THEATRE Falmouth, Massachusetts Itlly 26 - |uly 30, 1960 WESTERN AIITO ASSOCIATE STORE Auto Supplies & Accessori€s Beach anat Picnic SrPPti€s 149 F'almouth Main St. ORCHESTRA (, 'Fo'rr'i'' Vialin Dontd A'Del. Ma'eo '1.n, M"', .ffl.Jh'Br 'Ld \lo"Bd! l/o,,,vJl'P,ol.""],,],',\lllle,,.//orh.o|,ne'\,.B"e,-\, (.' ' R"-h.l l.'''r.0. ls'K,i",. O'., Role.' t nn,\^\ rruht|"'L roscl! " r, .' ' . ' qe ' ] s 5m ' ' /-.-"t0" 1'DoLnHro(r m^n ia,.st tldnd: Don.ld Aiber CHORUS UTOPIAN MAIDENS: Beverl,v Ba1l, Barbara Brliard. Ano Cummiogs, Cnnnic Grifith, Leigh loane, Jein Miksn, Susan Pomeroy, ludv Safer, Lois Shepdrd, Judith Stein UTOPIAN TRIBESMIN: Ire.leric Brosr. Davc Desmit, Robert Frazier, Pelcr lxrse'' \riliam ShePard, Wallace Skiling. !-IRST LIFE GUARITS: Curr JoInson, Richard \rhnc. Ushers and ljsherettes \me-". (6,'1.. B,'1") Bre'.'- acn e !' B"n_ r.. '."n P De\l'l K"'e' ,r-,i.l,dnh H,\e' '.'o >", - ll'\ \'.,0 uo_ro, oii a Crr3r', r"e'' HrdF'-n. i '"or. l^". D-i- r-".e;n. m rren 1",:'\, d. Ro'-. ,"'!r"a lo.n V r.'hi ao'ne I' l,-' s.-""e rlrJh lorlr \.. . N,ir. Rolb,, . 8.,L" " R, s_" D,n' 4,. \r.;i.. 4,.i;n, p:.l 5,- h, p,. !, .',' 4, " \." ". J;,- wo. o.o.. \"r v \x ood' (. CRUISE TO -79 THE ATTANTIC OCEAN PTAYGROUNDS! Nontucket ond Mqrthq's Vineyord SDccirl low-cost one day €xcumioE, t itays a seek. SDecal 2 Dit 3 ilay e!_ cusions, Monilay to Fiday. eil it.ily from WooDS EOLE to Doth is. .lso frequent Ierry senicc io llatthlis Vineyard siermcrs Lards, SIEAMSHIP AUIHORITY, wooDs HotE COLLEGE See our delighrlul collection designed to do so much lor you all tnmistahably o*o { RY STREET, BOSTON cAsT FOR ..UTOPIA pTMITED)" KrNG PARAMOUNT scAPHlc I IHANIrq I Utapid sbP'e'\LaLn TI{I FtI.St, Ri+g J'dser al thc u'obifl ol . D. ThoEar TuI v'c-'r;" ] J'h"rom Madi. TARARA, 7re P"blic Eqkd.er .. .... . Wiltiam Kloss CALYN\. The Utopiat Vic".(r.qb. ail \filia0] Shepard IMPORTID FIoSTIRS OF PROGRTSS CAPTAIN FITZBATTIIAXE, Fbn L;le Gtu tl' . .. Richard Firmin LORD DRAMAI-EIGH, I Bti.tilh Lord. Cbdatl,al,n, Scotr S. \rirhfov MR. mIDBURY, I Con?@t Prcnatet-altdtu@,1' Co pt.o p' ol the t'!op;.- Hoaenol4 W,nsron CoLld C-A.Pf-AlNSlR FDWARD CORCOR AN. K, B-,at t. Rorat .Rchrrd'ifll ,tc TIIE PRINCESS ZARA, EDet Ddlrghre/ ol Kitue Panmo,,r ^auJ.. Eutaila Beecher THf PR INCfS: NEK,{ YA I .. ., ., I 1 THE PR|N('LSS KALI.BL net ra@8 t, lerr THI LADY sOPHY, Tr?i" En i h Go",@ja",? r I PHIaL I SALATA Mf,LtNh I lrtapia" lvaidca K.. AIM Rider I M:ryllno Fieta Murne \rorer AoD Culmins" tuai,n S"-i" ',eaD I'tjksj, SYT.IOPSIS OF SCENES A UtoDid Palm crove Throne Room i.{J<rs P,ramounfs I The Falmouth National Bank afhe Coneu.it, Bd. for 119 yers By ihe viliase Green since Cape Codt otdest Bmn.i Om.e+Woods Hole Oais Ail Iro(c 1a21 !a!t - East faldmih Base M.DLlxrt lledcml DeDosit TnsnDn.p ann OBER.LIN COLLIGE Ba k wh€re YOU come ffrst- -the Savlngs PIan- - Economical Home-Financing vnlr savinsb Are lnsued b !u SANDWICH CO-OPEMTM BANK Established 1885 SANDWICII, MASSACIIUSE TS MEET THE CAST the r [AvDl]N BOVE&S. -;,i prodJ.e',of p-o *=o. o, "r;i;^."';:;i";; irij,l ";"- r,.fii;i.i and L:'.pre'u-P. colrcc. hs been rMulry hca.r or obFrun lh6 ursahEahoo since its lnceptro!' Be_ i"""" ';'; .1. i". u.irn * the Plare'. to Lhe ;;.-;LvF,; rs uirL" o bP EJ;: s hF haq ;i$ ,li. ;;;, v d.:" .*mpr i! 'ap' i:'ifu',i:T'":'J.l?#i:i'i",i';."J# Bro-up _.ii""i r"i'i.; i*ty_i;,-ed c & s(JbPrE a ootr'ir' A grad@F or trFs' hoo or rnc Easbnan 'ld mai 'aa'aN'r^h t rerd ^r ltJdr' nA M '"''' she-'' hs ropeo.tia1 ""i?l; .H;,l-{:l},,H";*1Y:i"{,,il: Bishnerd ro" (;;lte. reMr,- 'l ;, ;;;;,: ;;"";;;*-. r h" e,r, b" abr" ro ruin u'aD rhF "no o hF.ea"on. lo 1xP scoT"r s wrnlRow L nc! ou' od ro rne Pr'vtro'. rrib presenL ror ii,oiii o;p,u4 :is :;:j;fii,i;:-A"' "; F 'usloDMdFr gradb'e. ht won lbp Selbv ;I",,i1, ij,,?j.ii w T- .rfwl(Es. CePodr..! rd As r.irnt Proie so! o'EDgllsh Ljle'aLur a' oher]jn. -- headi.s LnP "ompanv durtne uld J'rlo tou"l- bL ln Li' coun tl \eLu h s.otrand, he receiled Lhe M.A o' ;;;;.'; ;L* ftom Lhe un'vpru:rv (.],ros ano-boL1 j- MA. jn poltical .dch-..,n. t-he Ph,D. ir Drglish tlo6 lhe lrni\ersirv oI Ws'ocin, Prot€sr Jewke6i'ra" err;gnene J druma boLi iE lhe rrn ren itaLes aad iD S@tlend ilrlude" ;i- " ..r:.n or Eedtehl EDglisb mracle nlavs and reLisio6 .lIMs lor th@Lre ;o;os ,r Obslm. Code Sep'mber. he -sirr ioin 'he taf,Jlry oi rhF Pennsjtvania a:4,; oD:vo"i y. JEBoME B. LANDFTETD, Assisknt Prcfsor ol speech at oberliD and co_ .."0r*, ,*';. PluPrs duinc Ancxs'. r"*r,." rcur* n armq '"i"."i, c.so brir s! ,o rbp P'&r.r" a ba.keiroJ, d or p.orps,oDar ad:rs pxserimce on rhe .tni" ."a o" brevision. rn rdiliiion, he . .uaio *tr annobcer aDd ouJ*otnua "" in the At r, "n*ialist ""t""*t-"", "" has th€ M-A. Landneu Prolessr Force. i*"I""a U-tersitv uil ihe o"e."" ""; ihe univehitv of Missouri. ;;:D. fton ou :n mb'. dPo rl 6 lhpo rD r. M"' wrurow Inee''ffe pieDo Hall lasi Decmbp' .rAnrEs rLi,ls, soace D,,e"!oi ls in his tuh sulrmp'w:lh'n. PlavPrB on capr and ,rim radualFd lrom obelli. {rehe honor- i ar hi"!.rv in 1957. $h"'e a.red orr(,cd. and servad as clrar@D nir c & S b@!d, This spru e, he re' ", ,pi\ed his MA, degree ir dramatic a_' from the LD.versity of tosa' whe'e ie dileclFd. seded ss mu''c aDd dmma o'trc' €nd D'ayed se,er.l lean roles. Jb retuns sludv lor r" ro*a nexr rta- to a theahe suNev I4?hD md io ieach'onliue JA,uFs B.fAUL.$ho.'01 bl!:9.'lj- ry1,:.X,"iiliil;,LJi1;LXi,ll,Ti:T;'X ";::;r;,:,.-;;;;.:, D,rp; or. Nr6.ar " and lhe bIgI' il. i.rior",. "r,-",. "lroi,s school band ard chorE whil" li 1919--'-' Pullman' Wash ' and he took over as musicsr dilector oI 'Patience" dunng Cdmencem€nt 'Week this vear' ID onerlin' he directs the Baptist Chuch choi! and studies voice tnd conductiDs' ALFRED SOARES PLUMBING & HEATING r<r 8-2047 Falmouth GILBIIRT AND SUI,I-TVAN PLAYERS MEET THE CAST (Cont.) D, TEiOMAS TULL firsi aDDeded with the Plarets iD 1951 qs a chofrs member rvhile stiu in p.elraratore school. whe; thc company was located in Mashbee fol riih Gilbe* and SulliEn. Euiaila i6 ! lunlor ahd a schotalship student at tb6 GeorBe Pelboqr colese for tfeacheL wh!re hor major otnd! rj musj. pdr,.Aii"; wilh concenrmtioD in voice 0d her mr.ors, it3 firsi season. It was inevibbre drar his inlerFst in crlbed and Snllrvan shonld .onlinuD. Drd Ie has 6sumed a hntrintp r.le for his ffth sesoh oD the ca.c D6n i, Assistaht iu tne producer a tF; ih ,i- orglb and lsychology. IIer haior ruleq dt Peabody have beh in .,La peii_ rhole ahd Menouis "The Medinh sha B arso a member of Sigma AtDha" Iota. and dneeior of ..patience,,, as Probably bost all of this suumefs produciiohs. we[ WINSTON GOITLD had his fi4t taste G & s at the aee of iwelve wheh he oJ in .pinrforc_, Now be ir in his s*uhd sumhc on the CaD-a ,\ a ba$ lead, havlnq caDbured fo"r'lF:di ln lhe Playe$' c@pB p&ductions in his E.si fwo Jea$ at Obertln. IIe preE es Ior a @re$ in d.ma bv suDDlehentihg , rpee.l hajor wiib drre(iire and rcrin;ih plaXed tbe CaptaiD t}er theathcat emus ahd he h3d r;ds in garoyant 'The Cave Dvetlers, and Turg.he' s -A Monih in the Cou|Ir* this )car. winhie is slbo a varsrty iotbcU UaJs a.d was ararded thc p,kpr srhnjlrship, a Jou-yer full tuition srur. , JoEN MCCONKII joineil the ptayeh in his Juior y@r at Obolin and we4t on io take tads hG seDtor Iear rhile workiDg on a zoology_ chemistiy pre-med major. John,s !on_ mEical dla@tic erperience includes the rc]e of Robert Brotrning in ,the Brr_ retis of Wimpole Stieet,, ahd a tead in as & chorus member Brecht's'fhe caucsian Chalkctr.tewhich he llayed in Geft@. JolD, vho hails from Cedar !,apids, Iowa, vi enter Iova Medical Sclool in ihe faU. EIIIIIILA BEECIIEE has leeD sinetug on lhe stage since she ws sev€n ye s o1il. but thn s]rrmer is her trrst mconntpr C. Campbell Lawrence Warren E. White Real Estate & IDsuDnce hono.ary plolesionat husic fratFmire Miss ]ILARYLYNN I{ELD .OMES tO hq B_A. raud; trlm GeorBeto\o Co|ese andcm MA lrch Peabody, &tarvllDn Ftu h-or Carnepre G& S Irom Nashville qhere she t€a.tcs mnsi. alteL havrDe recened Fpilu.v ai Peabodx and atso a schotakii,n stndent ai Tangtewuod four sr]rmds rs; She h!- sung leads Phone lucryryn! b6 B-1b96 and a-2?40 M-"n.rtri1s "1i" 3_1so r@de televjslon abFrr_ an.a trnd snne wfth the Nashvile huh_ orbesra, ahd she hd io trer cr;dir 'tittlo theatre" egerjoce in InnisviIp phony Kx. ud Dulutir- Minn IIAY ALAN EIDEB iS Wilh thE PIAYdS dudng her summei ya6rio! irom the Dosition of Dne.hr of Vocal Musi. ,f Fort Knor l:llgh Schoot ir llort Knox, Ky, She held ihree schotarshiDs while ar w.-qr Virginb Wesieym Collese. rhere she ceived her B.M.E, degTee, and wss Camegie FeUow at e- !lr@d peabody whele she took he! M.A. I<ay ha6 suns 1eads in Irerbe 's '"Th€ Eed Mill,,, F1oyd,6 -Slow Dnsk," Nicholafs ,ghe Me!!y Wivs of Windsor," md ."The Mesia,h, In addi_ iion to her musical aciiviies, Kay played varsity detd hockey ir college. Eastman's Hardware C Ilyaniz€ Paints a ](itchen ft.mishings a Euftka Vacuum Clearers a Fishins Tackte and a Sporting cooils Main st., Fatmouth Lhbalt rn Medium," Ofienbach,s .1'olB of lrof]m,, aod Muzart's ,The ]ltahra8e of Fig"ro,,, a 131 the pta1fts,,.deeFsr s.nrii" mehber, Eulaila s home toFn-is Mccohb Main Bicycles ParkiDs in Rear St. Fatrnouth Kr 8_0407 GBEE,-IN COLLEGT: MEET THE CAST (Cont.) IiICIIARD FIB,MTN, noF in his fouth su4mer on the cape, has dohe ,.every- ihing iD G & S" fmn silging ii the chorus of all shows bul iwo since he has beeh at Oberlin to drs the hjcycre ir laqt vear's Drudu.tion ol -The Bartered Xride.' Dick revealed hts tead quality t6t iumner vhm he steDDed into the role of AJU I in offehb&ch's "Lr Be1re Eerene,, oh five hou* norice- ID obulin, he served on the G & S proftlcti.n board ahd sanq the role of Alfred in Die ,riedermaB.,, MAXINE I ENZLEE ICTftB tO IhC Cape after an .bsence of tbree ,6s, duing ,hich she has Uved jn EuroDe and tausht ninth md tenth srad6 in Las vess, New Mexico, stre worked wiur G & S durine ea.h ol her lour 9@s al, Oberla as a ihoms Dember le,d :nd director, also appeadne in onlinal husicars and in najor draoalic 1016 tr noD G & s lroduction8. Wrile in New Mexico, A Mar worked with the drm& depariment of New Msico Eighlands Univdsity, She hopes to spend next yetr ieaohiDg ior Lhe amed lorc6 in Euope. WILLIAII KLOSS h6 moved from chorus to ]ead !o1* for his scorld sumer on the ca!e. tle hs h€ld the llrli-tuition Ealer Scholarship while at oberlin and nor is sluMng tumatiG at ihe Aneri€n Shrkspeare Academy in New Yo* Ciry. Bill plMs & carcer as a professional siaee TOM MACFIE sterled his expe ence in Gilbert ahd SuIitu whe! he @g the rcle of Ptsh-Tush 4 the "Mikado" wbre siill ir high school. At lft.l&@o College, he sihss with ihe slee club and does ero work with the couege sihges. Tom is Mjorins iD Music Educaiion and plahs io teach vocat music itr hish school. FIRST NIGHT OF FIRST NIGHTS Neyer vas ar audience more *i]ling to applaud an,l cher thao on Odober 7, 1891, rhe op.sins nieht of t toDiz tLi-itedt- No, o.le hao rhe, bFr queL.-s ,p - day ro .tr oe( " N;,1 by n;.o.l,Ddjo,. sbu had p,mued':ome o :r,. u., .oe,,in,i,.o,.,.;,o L" o6","r oD rhe tngliin r,se, but l}ey sde'jub l,nr rL,' rhe h'tur sh(h h"o rn.Hhed to end ud .oll.bomdon v6 lealed. I' bad bftu th e yeu. -:D.e 1be bardah6: had (losed. Si.." rhar ri6e, c.lbe'r hd doE Lssr,r brotr3hr asen, Sul'vu,no D'Orly C, e in , di"prte :e€Ered by de ra6os .ar!6" qJarrel. Io rhe msnrioe.sull..,.h"d Rrnrtr /r,rlor. a sr d ops* rd a oN Lisll o!er.. tlzddon Fat, \ith l.brern' Sidnp. G.uEdr\. ,h(h s. e (omrEi&w ld'ure. Cilbst produ,€d 1tp vo, eia1p. rirhA,r-"Ice-rir,"n",inrtr,a,e,Geri,enoeved,he*ore,s:;nc,h. .!€ra a sood !un. Carte plompdy sae the DistaLe he had mde in alienatins Gilbea hd rarsed TIE olmios of Uropt w.s aIl the rudience hoped. Gi1bert and Sulliyan iar took rheii boNs sepahrely, but Sullivm sddenly appared on shse while Gilbed 16 bowing and seized lis hdd as tle spe.ero6 cleled. The notices vlich folloved Ey€d tut only .bout the qMlity oI ihe lrodu.tion iae1I, but also about the !ry chm.ins 3L; -4,L,.,51,", GENTLEMEN'S CLOTEING LADIES' SPORTSWEAR 18 Queens Buyway Falmouth 590 Main St. Hyannis Prla Beadl - Orleebs Ft, Lauderdale - OsteNiue oI the od" beBe€o tle BILL ao nert mmes. PERRY'S Maln Road West Falmouth, Mass. TELEYISION SAI.ES - - APPLIANCES SERIACE Phore KImbaU 8-2605 Eor Service GI],BERT AND SULI,IVAN PLAYIRq E. E. C. SWIFT CO. MEATS, GR,OCERIES VEGETABLES, LIQUORS GREETING CARDS Klmbalt Fa.Imou'th and Osterville 8-0109 EXECUTIVE BOARD V. Haydm Boves, ChahEan; wilfred J@es H. Paul, Jds T' JewLes' Jerome B' I-zod6etd Scott s' Vithrow D. lllis, D. Thomas Tull, Steller Alb*s' PRODUCTION STAFF W. Pnnee.t LaPtutl,.dt Hayd€n Boyers r v T. lryks 1 Je,ome B. Lmdheid . . D- Thoms TlI Ailr. b Prod,ed Dt. Robelb Rlrh Tred** SePhm B. Alb*s . B,i-e$ Ns/, Scot s' Y/itbJov M"ltal Dn, . .... . . Jdes H' Paul 1$a'. M,i'al Dit. .. . lades Ellis st.se Diector I ImnL Bldk cborca?nPhea 1 ea-. n.u-a t.t ( l,me\ lllis D.'."ct' ii*u" c"*., H. V. Lawrence, lnc' The Ca.pe Coal Nulsedes Florists NulselYmen La(tscape Galalenels Fahnouth 'fe.b, caafll;tuar. . . Beverley Glemser .. lon Caiter Lisbtins Dqisn* .. Judith Stein con tue caaJ'b n Toni BurbaoL Ptbli.itt Dirato/ . . HadY Dave .. cdfubtilse Re?, Perclope Hdgd |i.h.t .... .. Ame Colle, Nar O'ens .. ( SkN Crcu .... --- ..1 ( lvarh Co ar.linald Dieti.idi GULF SERVICE ARNOLD W. DI'ER, INC. F'ALMOUTII