ISHES monitoring report_4th Quarter 2013 to 3rd Quarter
ISHES monitoring report_4th Quarter 2013 to 3rd Quarter
R.public ol rhs Phltlppinos D.p.nm ol Envlbnrent .nd x.tunl n.@@ MINES AND GEOSCIENCES BUREAU R€ionalOffcs No. Xlll Km, 2 Nolo.olHishwo, Slosoo Cit r. No. l+6346) 326.31$r tor M r+d3 36)S16.rotA; r.nol INTEGRAIED S.H.E.S MONITORING REPORT (SAFETY AND HEALTH - ENVIiONMENI : ; - SOCIAI DEVELOPMENT) M.erol Producio.Shor.g Agreeme.t MPSA r58-2000-Xr . SMR rieciore5 Moy 2,2000 CIP ConnrLJciion ond Mining CoForoiion 0702-007-2I40 lDohicon Nickel Projecl) 321.40,40 ECC Areo Augln 23 Coveroge ol 2007 Eoron9oy Dohlcon Coroscol, Mr, Clofence J, PimenielJr. Chiei Execurive Otiicer Ocrobef 2013 10 Augusl 2014 Sepref;5ere-12,2014 PIO ZALDY M. METANO ELECITO E. ESCUYOS comnJ. ry alto 6 otiicer ( The .iegroreo SF!S iso'erv c.d Feolf a.!ronme.l ond Socor Developmeftl Monogeme.l Mo.Torn0 co.dlded by rfe o.d Geo-sce.cer Blioou s omed 01 revewl.g o.d evo,!o:i.O 'he compo.y s SHFS pedormo.ce while .creos.g owore.e$ ol ne empoyees o. SFES nonogement thoi con be user! in iher nlerocl0. wrl olner nokeho de6. t ir o so tne of :he M.€s ond Oeoic e.ce3 Bw€o!, through lhe d* Onoted mo.torlng reom SiIES monogement niioives ol the rc oe.ri ,:lh os come-up o se1 ot recommendotions monaqemenr oreos wfh p€rce ved.6ed.or €.nq.cem9nl. "MiNING SH^LI B' FRO.I€OILE N 1o enhonce PiO-ENVIRONMENT ^NO IMPROVEO AU^LI]Y OF LIFE.' ^NO COMPANY lAC(GiOUNDI of the Min€.o Producton Shorng Agreement IMPSA) execuled by o.d lhe behvee. Govemmeni ond C'lP Conitruclion ond Mning Co.poroUon ICTP,CMCJ on Jo.uory ll, 19t3, co.seqlenirv rereosed bv rhs ofilce of rhe Presldenl o. october 22, I993, CIP Connrucllon ond Minlng Copo.oio. ICTP-CMC) wos o owed lo condlci exporolion, deveopmenr ond commerciol ullzoton of ch.omie ond olher ml.ero deposit exsing wiihin the controd o.eo. By virtue Following thereofiei, CTP-CMC hos secued lhe E.vnonme.lo Comp once Ce.tificole (ECC) for Dohicon Nickel P.ojecl. Per oppoved producllo. rore ol lh Dohicon Nicke Proreci, compony solow€d loononnlo oroduclion of 1,000,000 DMT. CIP-CMC hos ol5o o. opp.oved Env ronme.tol Prol€d on ond E.honcement Pfogfom IEPEPI ond FlnolMine RehobiLilolion ond Oecommhsionng Plon (FMRDP) both doted Moy 23, 2012, whie the Oired Mining P.oj4i Fe$ibiliry IoMPF) wo3 okeody ilbhitted io Mines ond Geosciences Blreou Cenlrol Ollice. P.r 1. D O 2OlG2l .nd I'AO-2000-08 Ann!.|S.t ty.nd tlo|tn Prcgr.n (Chapier XV Sstiln 14,r of DAO 201tr21.) 9d9a!!9i!d ASHP 2014-O*.6,2fi3wnh @ision aPpr@al ofto 2, E3r:b||3hmdt ol s.tny (Ch.pler I Seclio 3 of DAO 2OOG98. 3, R.g|3inlton ot S.Lly Ottc.r (Chaplerxv S€clion l!6 or DAO 2010-21 ) 4. Ir..ignalion ol I 2 ol OAO 2000-98.) El.ct lc.l / ln.rdh0on €rXV Seclion 150 ot OAO 2010-21 6. a of Jan 29, AnGx A a9td!!r-aos9! U.diel Pncdlio... lchaller XIV Section 2011 Anached photo $ A9EDalt-Nsle Atached oholo a3 Anner S Annual Mechani€t/Et.dnel lmp€dion wt3 conducted last nL14n6 20t4 bv MG6 X I R.m.tori.l o Saioly and Health Progrem Acconp ishm6 R6p.n (ch.pt6rxvs.{iion 155ol0Ao201o-21) P.ragraph..l. c.$ ol Eny oraccidenl, clwing R6pon wil b6 submirl.d on rhB or clea nE $6 d.nE€rol lo33 ol lile or!e ous physl€l injur es ihe percon h cherge of th. op.r.rion sher Gpon th. $m€ to rh6 R6lioner oii4 within 24 hc. Failur€ lo Fpod th€ eem€ wilhoul j$lifiabl€ G6eon€ crwe fof lhe mpoeilion of adminidEiive 3andioB oEsq bed u.d€r DAO 2010.21. Monthly Repon oi Aedenr or lllnees (MGB Date Re@ivedr Monrhly Gene6l A.cidenl Repon(MGB Form Dale Reeived Minutes ot the Cenlral Salety and Nealth comm tee Metng and oepe m€nt.lsafery !!le-899e!!e6 No 1t5) Quan€ny Energy Consumplion Repon tchaoter XX|X Section 2?0 Lette. H ol Dao2010 Jan lo April - May 13,2014 21 Semeslral MedieLRepon Jan to June- Jury 10.2014 STATUS OF PREVIOUS RECOMUENOATION DAHICAN NICKEL PROJECT 1 No report submitied (To submll safety and health rcponoial 2 Few safely pracltioneBWerc employed, por DAO 20000-98 Chapler I S€c1ion 2 rul€ 7. CTP be ongs to the CassA 3 Nof6tad training conducted durnglhis No w3ter safely and mine €scue condocted 5. No lightning pDrection instaled atthe COiIPLIANCE 1 Satety Otf cer h €d last Augusi 1 2014 and 2 salety inspectors comp y lasr october2l-25. 2013 (Aliached pholo as Annex Comp y lasl Odober 2l-25. 2013 (Atlached photo as Annex The Anseca l,lanagemenl did not Sabtv Slad.tcs of lon- apdl20l4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 83,700.00 236,840.00 6,703 0€1.55 2.52 0 2.52 15,116 00 0 15,116 19,046 16 0 19,04€ 10 2.52 0 252 0 0 Total No.. of Accldont 5. Aclualman-hl Wodcd .. 3. F€quenq Ral€ p€r Combined F€qu€ncy- 341 413 5,t 0 0 0 0 r0 Days Losl (Old Caes) I Numbe. ol Employ.€s 1,297 roN 279 ^No rMFrovEo ou rfr oF L|FE." N ANO MFROVED OU^LIry OF LIF€." .=-l PHOTOS OF PREVIOUS RECOIIIMENOAIIONS AG'c FiBt Ald. W.t.r Sar.ty .nd T.chniqu.. Tdin'n!.nd S.hinar AI{I'IUAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAU SCHEOULE (2014I DAHICAN NICKEL PROJECI (ONP) REIARKa I ACCOXPUSH||ENI oierYs I r.r lbndudof I E Nme rradd.dr L Pi4nn'oi i {*.rdmr rd,mqn,oilFd,e,or oierY.r ON AND IM'iOVEO AU^LIW OF LIFE ' TOTAL 23,0m.00 23, qrc.00 NEW RECOMMENDATION FINDINGS/OBSERVATION A 1. Som€ of lh6 areas have no llamc mntiol (e.9. r€gulaiory, waming, intomalive No bund wall at ANSECA tu61 3. Good ho$€k€€ping otthe mne woi(ng a€6s. iMINING 100% COTIPANY COIYI ITiIENT The company should prcvide moaB of t aflSc control i. d6ng6rcus cu0€s, poor visibility and wl|€r€ h€aw The conr€ctor ANSECA had lo p.ovide ad€qual€ bund wall Prcp€l ho{s€k€€ping shall always be maintained wirhin lho mine rclking ar6as. SFIALL 3€ PRO-P€OPTE IN SUST^ININC WEATH CiE NION NO IMPROVED AU^LNY OF LIFI." Pd OAO 2OlO.2r ond DAo t?t4.62 apprcv€d on Moy 23, 2Ol 2 approvedonMoy2l,lol2 3. CIRF 4, EstoblishmenlotMEPE 5. Submission ot Enobished MEPE oinc€ heoded by M5. Yones RoeA. Lumbo wilh 42 suppodinq peEonnel. eporionol Revised ond opproved 201 .{ annuol EPEP wos submilted on Feb,lory 26, I'ol 4. Dole Submilted to MGB RO 2ol4AatEP 00le slbmilied io MGB Ro cY20t4 I monilding wos conducted by the compony ond submilled lo th€ EM8 Ro Xlllwhere oll r€sults ore wiihin the oENR A , j + MGB Georogging irolning^emino.on Apri l-4,2014 ot Tovern Hoie. "MINING SHALL BE PRO.PEOPLE ANO PRO.ENVIRONMENT IN SUSIAINING \^I/EALTII CREATION AND IMPROVfO AUALITY OF LIFE,' { rEC Stotur ot lh. pr6vbd ISHES commltmnlr Monlh Ceiebrotion plonli.g, mongrove plonting, cleon up dive or Comp sile. i.e - 6, 20r 3 Compo.y ro v.dertoke mol.ienonce ond imp,ovemenl ol setuing ponds ot 2. nls.sfy reloresroton ond mpeme.t slope slobilizoiion work ol Dohicon areo ro cotuid€r oplion of impemenling NGP within ihe opproved 3. Compony GCII'IAI. f INDINGS ANO O!5E'VAIION' Compony hos comp€ted the 2ot1 Annlo Mr.ino prodlclion iorgei of 95t.468.023 wMl c@4ponding to 2. 19 Proper benchi.g wos obs€toed o1 ce.tot pii hoving o ioiolof 1a.36 hedores, ond n order io miligolelisrun oil comtnq from lhe distubed o.eos, cohpony enoblished 14 uniB wi,h o totol 29, 523,72 c.u. m votume copocity of ss/ies oi sett .g ponds ot the tower porrion or h€ h ne oreo riowever, exposed siockpi e ore !!! obseoed dlrl.O ihe llme of mon iorno rmprovemen, ond bems nobutzoron wqs oo!4ed obng cousewoy ond n!6ery oreo. lonled wilh oqohospp ond coroboooro$. Presence ol differeni sp€cies of seodtings oi eslobished soiette nu^ery, wth o loio nock boonce or 13,354 sedlings. a5 of lune 2014, compony hos o lolol relorsted oreo ot 3.25 Compony 1o provide covert.g sheet to exposed nockpile ore 1o ovoid si |onio. ond deprerion of oe g.od€ col|ten1. lpdore/intomorion boord oi rhe hecrors, w h o ditiere.r lruit beori.g tee enoblished sorelile .u6ery oreo. spec'es ond nee speces ponied oo.g the lql|ose rood . o sx3h slondord soocino. Compony io ettend iis mongroye constucion/e&onsion plonling octiviJy ot Oohicon coueewoy cousewoy wos noriced hovi.g o iew i.lroducing by beoch mohing gtory occlmurorions cl the encrosed podo. of pes-copre) thoT wi provide |pomeo qtiqch protection f,om e,oson. "MINING SHATL AE PRO,PEOPL€ ANO PRO-ENVIRONMENT IN SUSTANING WEALT}i CREANION ANO IMPROVED AUAI|TY OF UFE." rstcs Compony lt^oN|lo NG/auD|l CIPcri{c - Dohlcon Nlckel Prol..t, !,9y. oqhlco., Cotro*ql Co.ducte<t on: Seplembs 9.201:r l.A. 7t42 ond llt lll- DAO 2010-21 . S*- 134ra6, ond RegionolMemro.dum Ord.r (nrao) Nd.ol & c2, SOAAP : s.ri4 YIS 042013 SDS NO IUNOALLOCATION of lrs previous yeo.s l.s% operoino con lOCi sho oe submrled wilh. sxly 160) doys ofler tne cY 20t3 Notonled Direct Mining Con rof 20la ASDMP orlocollon is end or eoch corendor yeqr lsec I 34 leiie. Slbmiiied io MGB Regio.orOffice 1no ovqiloble copy oi ihe CRO) lhe cohpony opon 5lbmiss:on of rhe 5wof. sioiemenT sho deposit or leost 25% or lis coresponding l% 0 recl Minlng o.o Ml ng cosl {DMMCI ln o governmenl or Toior CY 2Ol4 ASDMF bldget ollocolion is Php 1,720,t30,00 ol which ihe Php75, 000.00 k ihe ultilized CY 2013 DNHC bldgei Phpr/8,000.00 s unltiri2ed 20r3 PPAEMTG budget. Php200, m0.00 is lnutiLized DMTG 8udgel. CY 2013 Nolodzed Direci Mining Cort is Php 1,267,930.00 of which lhe 75% ol il is pnvole depos tory bo.k,lhe occou.l specrfrc for sDMP flnos lRMo No.02, c.r.o.j upon opprovor of lhe asDMP P on. rhe Compony shor reqlesr .eled. .l tlndr ro rhe MGB Corogo Rego.o Di.ector n occordonce with the oppbved asDMP Plon/Gonn Chorr {RMO No. 02,..i.b1. cohpony hos noislbmltled quoaredy/semsler .eqlesl lo MG8 Regiofol Olfice for ihe ele6e of The Flve (s)-yeor SDMP Pldn The succeedlng tyeor SDMP ond the Progrohs on Deveopme.J ol Mlning rechnorogy ono Geosc ences o.o o.lEC shollbe subhilTed io Jhe Regono Ofice concemed nol oierrhon rhnry 130)doyr iiom the comp euon of the p.eced n9 ive {sj-yeor Progroms lsec. r36'b por./). Prior to rhe end ofthe five-yeor ierh ot lh€ opproved Progroms, the compo.y sho be slbjecl10 Perlomoace Reviey (PR) by lhe au€ou to detem.e o.d m60su€ The impoci oi ihe vor ols Progroms lsec I 36 The compony is on the 5h yeor ol irs l! cyce fve yeor ICY 2010-20l,l) SDMP. Cerincoie or opprovol {SOMP * 0Ol-20lGolXll) issued J!y l0 2@9. The compony s dle for Pedormonce Revlew lPRl th s yeor prlorto lhe 2id c',/cle Fve-yeor lcY 20ls-2019) SMP Plon iomuolion. 0 LGUS concer.ed o.c ihe hon o.o neighbonng commlniJies sholi be prov ded wiih c copy eocn oi tlre opproved prog.oms (sec. I 36-8 por. 6i Compied. Copies wse glven io a.nuoL P.ogroms snorr be slem ited ro rhe Regionol Offce co.cer.ed oi eor th dy i30) doys pio. jo the .eqinnlns or every co endoryeor {r3ao por.9) slbmined Apd 23, 2ol 3 cerlificote ot app.ovo {Rxlll ,"SDMP - 20 l4{) I ) ssled ll,2014. 3. b2 'lh€ Compony5ho p.ovide eoch oflhe Copies were give.lo LGU5 LGUS.oncemed.nd ine hor qnd ne ghborlng communltes wth o copy ol rhe opproved ASDMP P on lseciio. 136'8 c. A5DMi budgej ollocollon cY 20la TotorAsDMi Aocoron s PPAEMIG|{I5%) - Phpl to,r 89.50 Lln!]i izeo aY 201 I Php I 78 000 0\) DMIG(10%) - Phpr2a.7r3.m J.ur zed cY 20 t3 Php 2@ oco oc oHNc ( I5%) - Phpt5o,t47.50 un!'ilzeo cY 20 I Php75,m0@ SoMP t/P/* hpletuntonon rom 3d ond ah qn 20r 3 up ro |he I t ond 2id quorler ol cY 2Ol4 occom p ishment ol qudn. y Fhon ldl plor lhe octud con Porce.r {%) I 6l%for3dQuo er fnoncio Accomp ishmeni. Plon o ocolon 3&I.20O.m. Actuol cost is Php 232, 2@.OO Perce.t (%) occomolishmenr ol quddarlr zhytk.l prdt oqoi.n lhe octuol impreme.roio. b) Percenr {%l occompishme.r al plon ogo nsi rhe dctud, cosr quo'.tt nonciol occompishmeni of qudrt ryPhyllo, plo. ocruol impemenroton Percent occompiishmenl pror ogoins he octud/ cosi 1%) Quoder Physicol Accomplishmeni. Plon PPA5 is Eight Acluol impLemenled PPAS is 50% for 3rc 609 for :lh Quorler finonciol accompLishmenl. P on ollocotion i5 PhNrr, 3o0.m. Actuo conis Php22t, 6@.00, 50% for 4i Qlod6r Phys col accomp Ghmeni. Plon PPAS s Eighi {81 AcTuo imPlemenied PPAS s 76% for l5,Ouorter accohplirhfrent Php27O, 8t6.OO. Perce.l {%) cccomp isnmeni at quoneiy Phfslcdt p,o, ogo nt the octuol mpemenlqtion fino.cio o ocolion Plon Adlotcosl s ror ln Olodef Phvsico Accompishmenl. Plon PPAs is 13). Aduor impremenred PPAS 67% 12t Percent l%t occomprinmenr at quorLttt Ftnonctat plon ogoi.n tre octuol cot for 2rc Quorrer inonciol Accomplishment. Plon o locolio. Phpt, 581,366.g). adlol con is Percenl l%) occohpishmenr at quonet, Physl.dt prd, o9o nsr the dctsdl impeme.toTion 2t%ror t a% 2@ Alor1er Phys col AccomPlishmenl. Po. PPAs is Seven l/) acJlol imp emenled PPASi! Iwo 12). d3 Perce.r i%) occomp shne.t at Annocllndncldlpldn 18). 25% 6 or h6lsemener of CY 20la rhe lwo 12)quorleA cosl communny Rerotion ct6ce (cRo) fhe Compo.yshq incorporotei. h oroo.zoltonoL srlcMe o cohmlniry Reroions office lcRollhol is pnmonry tosked to moBhol the resolrces .eeded ond 5eryes os loc rolotcoold roror for rhe slcce$iur morehe.loto. of lhe SOMP, ond rhe P.ogro6 o. oevelopmenT ol Mlni.g lech.oLogy o.d Geosciences ond o. EC isec. 36.c por 'J. o. Con-..i. eeo o 5O''ce. Co-oe -C-o oC. 2 Clqddlle.o. cEo- MonoLie EdgitP. Llengos col ru rvO'lo't-" Gono.clos, Mory Chdtineloy 3. iJces bJ l c) Monthly Monltodng Monthly nler4ol moniorinq oi the Annlo SoMP lr6OMP) sno oe oone joinJry by he cRO o.o reprsentor ves ot lhe hos: ooo nelghbo n9 commlni1l6s io deJe.mi.e rhe eveL of :oplehenrolion orlhe P/P/AS . occordoncewiih rheaSDMp lsec. Compony ho5 no visible Orgonzoiono nrucllre ncoForoli.g commlnily CRO, nro'mot o. Comhun'cot o. Educohon Omce.{ICEO). c05 hove Ce.rficole of Appoinlmenh os prool ot hs/her egilimore posilion i. lhe Commlnily Relol ons Oifice (CRO), Condlcted. Report submified io the compony on-sile highesi oificiot tosl Ouqdert Monhonng 2013 9o qucner montodng ovo loble copy ol lhe repori ot lhe 20134i'quod.r moniJoring co.dudeo and repod cRo Cond!cied. Repod submitted b!t ovoioble copy of the report or ihe cRo 2011 ln qudrter moniioi.g .onducted c.d reporr PeporT 5ubmrrted augun 22,20) 4 20l42nd quo.ter monliorng condlcled o.d repotr co.d!cled. Repod !ubm tted 22.2014 Clwc/Commlnltvl3 Coordlndtion SDMP ociiv ties ofe in ccnsunolonwitr C;wC ClwG/Comm!niry^ ore communily Siokehode6 regu or coosultoJion wiJh rne Dlrbu6eh6nt ol P/P/aj wilh Oroof of di5bunenents/ Recepls IOR), deed of projecl '-e'roo Noled os lo lh€ proot otdisblEemenh on he mp emenl€d SDMP P/P/as eo seprarDe' o,2o 3 COMPANY'S COM/SITM'NI L ro nno b boordsoo^gnroregcsies. 2. 'lo fon trock rhe rmpt€menlotion of ppAs due YES NO ComRe toft io o$e$ ire colse orto rmpleme.led poybock u.e ot 2013 sHEs /^ No L co.dlcied Augln 26 2e 20 4 IINOINGS/OASERVATIONS Ihe compony hos notsubmlted q!orteny/semener ielTer.eq!es] to MGB Regioro Ofiice for the ieleose ofsDMP flnds 2. Or9onizolio.oL Sirudu.e incorporoi n9 communlry 3. Nolonzed 1.5tOC rorCY20r4 Annlo SoMPiund o ocoUon sho be depo5iled i. o prvote/ d€po5i1o.y bonk specifc for CTPCMC SDMP Doh con fund occolnr Mo.trlly subsidy/honorono 5ho be deNeed/nond in b the ComPo.y Jo submii q!oderly/ semener ererreqlen ro McB Regiono Olfice for the reLeose of Compony 5holl hove on O19onizolio.olntuclure i.corporoii.g ihe CRO. Compo.y 1o deposiT the .ororzed Ls% OC tor CY 2014 Annuo SDMP flnd o ocolio. sho bed€Posiled in o p.ivoie/ governmenl deposilory bonk sPecifc foTCTPCMC SOMP Doh con iu.d occo!nt CRO Stofl to deiiver/hond in monlh y subsldy/honorono to the e.B/3e.eficioris mpleme.led nrro projecl^ due support.9 doclmenls shot be ror rhe qlorlerrliol hove s!ppodl.9 doc!men15 (oR for ihpemenloion of the P/P/Ar Recip 5. o.k.ow edgemenr rece plls, ure/!nsucce$f ol vellhood hPlemenred ProlectA hove Foi host/.elghborlng communlues in ihe pon rv€ (5)yeo6' comPony sholl consuli/di5c!$ tris concern wlh tlre CTWG/ Comm!.i1y SJokeho de6 to come up wnri o reso Ulion forJhe cY 2ol5 Llve ihood projed^ orrocouon. Per implemenred P/P/A Ropubrc of rhe Phiripprnes D.partm€nr of Erlv|tonn€d.nd Natual R€$urc€3 MINES AND GEOSCIENCES BUREAU RegionalOffce No Xlll Km 2 Notionol HishK, Surisoo Ciry EXIT CONFERENCE COMMlTtvlENl SHEET lhisk to confrm my oppeo.onceond pdrlicipotion to lhe E Conterenc€ osThe oulhodzed .epe5enlolive ol CIP CONSTIUCI|ON ANp T N|NG CORpOIATION lCIpCMC) DAHICAN NICXEI PIOJECT Borongoy Dohicon. Conoscot, Surilloo det Sur in IhE RECOMMENDAIIONS/COMPANY COMMITMENT AND HEAIIN ENVIRONMENIAI AND SOCIAT . MO{ITOPNC r6M o, d '.t€o o. ,-ptaTDd t2 /O. INTEORATED SAFFIY OF flNDTNGS/OiSttVAION EIION 5AFEW AND IITATH 1 . Some ol the a@s have no lranic @ntrcl (e g €9ut6rory. waming infomative 2No blnd wallatANSECA flel IHE DEVETOPMENT The company should provide meam ot raf6c conlror ih oangeDos cutues. poor visibilly and where hEvy trafic The conll.clor ANSECA had to povide adequare bund wa ot "MINING SHAIL 8E PRO PEOPIE AND PRO-ENVIRONMENT ]N SUSTAINING WEALTH CREATION AND IMPROVED QUALIry OF L FE." t Propor hous€keeping shall arways be marntained with,n the rn ne working areas. 3. G@d ho$ekeping ol rhe r/"orkrng mrne areas. E!vt!9!ut!I obseryed ot cenl.ol pil hoving o lororol I,r.36 h6cloros, ond in order ro mitigol€ ih run oll cofrpony lo provide covoring sheer lo ihe expded{lockpile orec. compony enobkhed ore lo qvold silJol0n ond oll !. h wi1h o loto 29,523./2 c.u. d Yolume copooiy ol senes ol seillng Ponds oi Jhe rower po.lion ot rhe mine comng trom lh6 dnllbed o.ed, however, 20 r4 exposed slockpilo o.e wos ob*ryed 2. !!i!s l!9 Presence ol !!me 9lmo!!9!!s, _ of ditter€ni speci€s seedlins3 ol $loblkhed filerrile nurery, wiih o toial slock bolonce of 13,354. As oi June 2014, compony hos o updole/in{omorion boord ol iotol reloresl6d oreo ol 3.25 lhe esloblished 5ore rre nubery heclores, wilh d diiietenl lruil beodng tree lpecer cnd ne-5pecies plonled olonq lhe houloge rcod in o 3x3 m :lqlorqlsoc !q! iii lo eiend ih plonling octivly ol mongrove Compony Dohicon cousewoy conslruclion/dponsion nlroducing beoch moning colrewoy wos rol c6d hoving thor o lew sill occ0muloliodol rhe slory {,pomeo Per.dp.el poleclion provide bedch wi encos€d poilon ol lhe oreo "M NING SHALL 8E PRO PEOPLT ANO PRO.ENVIRONMEN'T IN 5USTA1NING WEALIH CREATION AND IMPROVED QUALITY OF LFE'" l ' nor quodedv/- 4i*Oulnlr lo ,,o-,' subhit q,".,.avi Compdny ro ,t*o",'v 't € conpd.' nor s!bhilled quorledy^emdler le,rer.cqucd loM63 R6Qono, sem6ner b erreou€sr to MGB ' Reoionot Orfl.€ ldtn€ reEdre OfiLolorth€ reledieot\DMPol.:- - rund3 SDMP F-_jqq'2. compony hos I OrgonizolionolSlructlr€ hcorpddtnq , 3 otii e Ii!8oJ Nolodred .5%ociorCY2Ol. R€roi'on, deposilory bonk speclfic fo. CIPCMC SOMP Dohicon fund t uonrlv Corponvod6po,irrne 1'Ouaner2015 noto'ned l.stOClorCY20la Annuol SDMP tund ollocolio. lhollbe deposiled in o pdvole/ govemhehl deponlory bonk specific ld CIPCMC-SDMP I oohicdn lund occount roaoteizort sGGiino-nJ -cio sror o o.rG'rr'o^o i. monihly ,ut'r dtlhonororio lo shollbe delivered/hond /n to _8 dp!oqq3-q6[c!ol6! 5. lmpl6mentod Inko poject^ 6 lsepL;bei3a-o1a OEonizotionot.sltucture incorporotiro the cRO. Comnuniiy Annuol SOMP iund orrocolion r L -;:-_: ic;;;o;y _:_ 5ho|l hove o; no zorr _ j'1"r"r:T'1'ji11 due lor lhe qucler sholl hove eupporl.q doclments (OR rot conslruclion molef iols, ocknowledgement receipi^, o-nong o,he6J I Supporling doclmen,s shdll b6 implementotion ol ihe P/P/As Foilure/unsuccsdullivelihood cohponyshdllco.tlllld6co$ iocroleDorl --1 implehentedproiecr^hove hkco.cemwithlheClwG/ hor/neishbo ns commlnilies in lhe pod ive lsjYeo6 Communily Stokeholdeu lo como up with o consens!5 rosoluiion lor lhe cY 20l5 ttv6Uhood pqec lA ollocolion with lhe conllrtu lhol I mode lhe lor6qoi.g comdtmenllsl in ords lo complv DAO 20lG2t l]s requiromenk of FA 79a2 The Philippine Mining Acl ol 1995 ond This R€vbed lhplemenling Rulesond Regulolion olR A' 79'12 No other coDmnmen,s hove b een 60de ot inl€red olhet thon l&ted obove 'ho* "MININGSHALTBE PRO.PEOPLEAND PRO-ENVIRONMENT LIFE., IN SUSTAiNIN; WEALIH CREATIONAND IMPROVEO OUALIIYOF ?,IMEI{IA i.6 Opeolion Monogcr E GA. E ME tt G. acloo I MEPEO'Ii \ ME CY O. llsstt lll EXGN, \^ G, ONGUE Prc '214122-MR. Etic||o L ESCUYOS Communily Attdlr Oiiic6r - ll .MINING SHAII 8E PTO.PCOPLE AND PRO.EI.MRONM€MT IN SUSTAINING WEATTH CREATION ANO IMPROVEO QUATITY OF LIf€."