Sept-2 - NGAA west
Sept-2 - NGAA west
@nienton DEFENSE MAPPING AGENCY AEROSPACE CENTER Gen. Iryon: Hero or Hot Head? Thai civil wrr idtcau in Lyon olBris c*n Narh{ier Lyon !n rris ho^., an aid. standing bJ his side, srves no Li.rdrihc .onrrcversy ilar on.e sufodded both lhe nan and nis srarue, Park g.nerul! cycs. Talins tle un synpalheii. view is m rdi.le i. U,Derorie, ihe nlgazine olSi by editoi Luis Univ.rsitr, The connrnder of ure Si. l,u the outbrealr ofthe IJsnll.t . Cjvil war md bmporary cdn Duder of nrc AlTr of rh. wsi is depicted by RDbe sasan$ t djspense wth rules and laws, and noholtu baned." Quoti.g ihe lanoE Union Cen willirnT Sh ern a. , Roberls de vribes Lyon Inside Pfub6!.]bsbP G€leral Lyor, d.scfted as $ild ud iftglrd, l.3i ]lis lile ergag€ment he l.d ree Sp;!sfi€ld, Mo, b prv€ri sc@ssionidts f.oh t€ over the 6bb. Tlt/O Goal:Managing Change Maj. Gen. Roberi F. rI{gc6gythdD[,-{;uDddeiqsenodd a4iNtnrnr Ih srethe*aoed enprqewald uDddgdrs grea. dDqe rhDushour tle 4e(y a Durkin, we nqebN{dodultimabgmrdadgidPfudD.hon roffqbl|hs!deAeei.ygEesd thrugnieryse{vledMc&coiFdadon&ths Mapping .E/NcE'?R'NEIfIoN'.q!eft@4'prces Insead'itvi]l&awonlhed}qlggeydenetrbb uld@rchalgingioL€oflnonha v4eifrPbnenedscrc$lhe^sgDl'uD&!@mno! Mek e0 aid dp dtibr prcdwuon sydhn w r d{doF4 E'urb nn b d!h.b!Gd b neieE Eanddjgjd&b* iEludjd ana\ss or or ny nonalcu'ene lpusru&riea'd Distinouished Service s€ryier c@b, Di. hd6 r. xrysiel Eceiv6 ihe Dspda€liorDcrelgDkring&hedciv!n Dikvgidhge!!e.clr*.a'Diltucin196?' Col. Lemon Visits Kansas City Field Office P{eDDd s{i@s (?on) v4! Director's Hotline Replies tu. a Cutrd Rick Rach3s conplct s3 tu|t 4t3@^r'c NrF PL44. @hr 'rr".Frumo q, r di DoD ! on 1.103, Aned th€ *indshieldoron Iorcesftsfjc ricketi. pllccon cnployce s cd, psked ille$Ll Parking Code Enforcement Stepped Up 44a44 sh.!Lr4 t tb eu4i' b tuniv tE tisL^ df@ tb! hek( fbe w3* oljornt or lnor.yrs A. \* d.R!-G.h@ d mr"iD €lrl{b0olighba!s3}0ldlhe rubs, qid sNrtur lbdeu zieraa .hrcroaF6.iliy S{unry, rhe Coriirucd on pnse.1, ln Sympathy ...Gen. I-ryon 'Haaing sueeessfully demanded the sutrender of Cdmp Jachson, Lyon neut pursued the pro-Cotufederate go9enaor and his allies...' Mr. rerrey joined rhe &&naudcd ...Parking Code Colrirued frcm ls4e Continrc.l fab pag€ 1. hr opPrtuDiiy tu nohri..y !a3 theFliti.']djnaeEMisguiot 3. derbtDs @orii bur fie Bokr th€68!idadoD'freEFDdbjty e$nar up un6r rhis iime, M.jor v{61',i€ltth€3@qddoughns bsh ldry sn. dodr ento, rsdog ar you rodd do at soud vhi.)' ws itren a pas. rhen Bd a shoptnc $Dt theE b spn.deld, nL, by nity'espe.iallyyou4cemgn hjr Director of LO Y. abd Daiebr, ttot{dpaF. coloDd\lDsnddholds{I{n'A Aidlegisl!!tre,ceD{alLyonhad Do You Have a "lvlaster" SF-171 ? nclrsPiDgndd,Mo'vqqonAug, {!@d;hd b€ 1?2 hjlbry" Iu i ihr a dnilbn highruidbce'eF]1106!, by @npredq (hendoed b aDtiinon u$d b add o@ u sF ror oirwoi.wjob5b tbe Positions Open in Cartographer UM Program Prosam !*d r nrr cut€F l4 clnbrthrcughUpwordl{oulityh "The Upward Mobility Cartagnpher Program is a viable one here al the Aerospace Center. ' -L id SchoeD.rn Trainirs Dd DeveropD.nt DeFodrlgqlhetJlgdwqk3i oeD.5el..b tLs q"€ or@q!?5ir 'iis uP{Ard r6b ry 1OO in {uM) 6r a GtuFPLc (OFM X Lr3) c0fr€e.}4 Area Apply for FEEA Fund Scholarships Jd6 tii aDdss$are (vikc) calloYly (FENTRP) wae Fund(IEEA) rhjs \ith'lo{HeIdlpFn€dbxe l,dedl'!]nPl{awom@,dre xbp]oyes,thehen€DSdeiy.l LABOR DAY Heloed Renavate Buildino 37 Peo Leacls District FE Civilian of the Quarter aurb, i tre DFcbcb ofF&ri lisEidNenis Eeinso!. (Fn ns) Fe ws dbd by he eDovodon'}sF[owddEsiE' Top Supply Gtaduate (LossM) Retiree Joins Reagan in Signing Bill radu&d *$ hqDqs o'r00onh4&sB'sMscilobeitc. $de*irb$scamFg,d$20,0mi, Scholarship Winnet gdens!gil!b$rpuinon aploBbJ3pe€s'eenlalsyho Djci6rProdubDepahenlofie b€tore hs rehEnei. ruly 3q hs adsu4icol]4q!ryMyth&ks rom Tourney Champs .{t€Ii]io.theDqJDeil5andYukonJa.k, o.T'HodFenqFdiglepleesbura. (Dear) Pearoo, Hil chmbqldn, B l latuh, KCFO Competes ln Corporate Challenge lh;,oe€nPlry$'!106!arbjldol Nice Play wiih fte ban in he. glove, tusi basnd Ndinc I{udson ol thc Diamod Blue€ Js w€*wood (.l.ignt) !o putLinda Snyder of itrc B.baroos our rt fi4r!!se, xecpirs sorc is Bobaloos PlEbb'xlliFeh4