August 1959 - Road Runners Club of America
August 1959 - Road Runners Club of America
Bn tl're fl-ong Run it's the hlew ,dateg.ffi,caeeeaw 8ry No.44 aucus?, 1959 *r,l 4's t? 1e( AvA'ep NatRAe+ru s;i-r Z e Rtta z cr€.!, Calt!., 5.? lr. Se41or & 1,9 IIF E. S. (9ept. 27tti oet" J- llchlean A8s!. {-Costrt CbarAts" D.trolt, Iloblgar. Fa:l lollag. F€!t_ i3t Araual {ortl: ival 1? gl1e Aled E 06,prrzerJ ldei. flss€. {iri q.rd Fnlri€s ir! iar!! :{tck. , l0l Hald it., ltorlh r€acir gaas. C,ci. 4- i0 t{t:€ Paad E!i?i, athcl, !!s-es." 10 i4i1e 4oas E 3, Elt€rdia.6,C4l " $r. ,idi!l, 15 ai.1s lla:J.:i, At-!tl!ti. rlte, !t.J. ,Isardttal {:!eF) oeii" 10- :8 !l_le ct'o3s Ci',lr1irv R6:lati {d lian iraes ) a'i:ltl}ti. a1tt, iqJ ihtr:$e to a.!, sha4et, 1C2 S' :i'r,so: .ve., Y€"qei€ clir, :t_.J.; rla.e:tt il+liilex 1laa4 Eace ' Delsr. aallf.. 3.8 ei:!€ 3ul1, col6t.! aa:::" Oc!, 11- 1i-811t n4-1ai-!ap, Atl'ant1c a:tt li,.r. {c?ar ihs ar, Nal"1' :J !(1ri tr.d$a]k cr!Jsel.. :Lo-!riill6_Late Baad :iace, Bi'D.ktaat llexrilt Brrat ) aLatllass. " i3nl, C.:lif", 1,0 r!1o {-c' seatlie' lraeb, oct. 12- li.E. A,r'F', ij {ilo t!Eep., i{anchestar, N,Il. Oat" \'l, 24) li - Eantlta! Dlsis'l e Rurs, EalNtoore, !,1d. cct. 18- ff" lratl.lal i9-1ii1o BE chanp" 1ork. Pen]6, oct= ?!- tt !,!ile B1l1l, l.eF Ahgciss, calif' Oci. ?5- Sr, tuti.oaal '.i lil1c && clian9. 4t13ntt!: Cit7, I.J." Tne r,oxc DrsgarcE 100 A POAIICAI;OII FOR II|{EAS BY BgN'685 Vofuna 4, Ira!}€r {4, Au€usi 11, r9J9 Sol$c"lrtlcD A&tus! :59 a coPY; $?.50 a y66F. il\lbllshed Eobthltrr Elltvr\al, Corxcstoaietrc6! I{ X t.s . J. Sr. r 'Jootb'*: ; lot ..i , -:ter c-Free-.6nrlc:oe r ;rr^hl{ SubscrhDl""n KeUy" 1? El.c1 r -! , lr'irdbrJ. N.J Pun1lrhea bI Falrlna t?itl1:€ t... 155 rl. 15t\1 si:.' !ht!a., !6" Coatrlbui3rs al:6 xolltb: DoD islt BosLon: Bob C&Pbel]' D.stoai io€ Xle:!€rdan. Nev :orki ir,ob Ctaibl Callfornie! Eal lll gdots, chleaAc; Cir:cae6: 9.!l .r-4cdb3. ame B!cb*is, j?d;]e!, daflfoulai O:csoBi th;e Bl]].ilDeecb, 9aiiimore; Cet:ra' Plitsbursh! $'agh ;e64ourt' *!!1a" i larlg D61a[sy, Caad6!l. !i J'; 538 Srutl" Afl1car Jack clrll'lgl Ca:iaita; Staa ?laanl, Auetxaliai Slal G:E414. B:aokly!; Eob tiasuiFd, Califomla" s!:@s Sspi. 7- Sr.. ilatloG] Ono-lca iiui ChrB ", Co!;:a ilesa' Celll^ E6]41. s€pt. ?- 1lo-!iaa,lerL-slle thic4go" lllincl! Sepi.9- ):rlcente44lei T&F lrlrltei loE lcet, :l tisbrgh, ?a" Selr|, 1:, 3 rilc IJE,I 85c., "{nerru, rinss.. Ner fo::' jC Fail at :!:.evef3 lI&.F liec! alt!r€+3r" I6L&_rd, telhq! l.{aroi, fi.Y.. tu.ias, orlia.:D, 15-l'111e Eace. ."n'. j-ul1e 1iL3, Plg Bea! "is1ieY, ;o.:11( "n. a, r"ra, '-:lt. RL, ,o, ).- /- -.P' , ? - tsral lr'!rii4 ih5 EeY li:c4 ' ;iarli'"oa" oaLario O:!- 11- dos-c€ ]{;rdlhon iC?ecboslovekla, liov. 7- so laci{ic A6sn" sF. ,,000n' chaoi), J lns Ar€eles ca]if.. ' ,et:'o .tr. Nat'1. ll:'"i;i X-il ihsdD". ij'r:f";::;.l"iii.i&t, i{icrrica', (rr'uccn r Oci ',-.i,lll;;,l:;""gll:'' ili;i;;;;; ,r;' ij-;; i;;i'" **'' *1,?3;.i1iil"" 1*'"":"-:'*"' *::ii;"li;:i:"'"::F.*:*.;. Eoac nace' Brrrala" t*"' ciirr. i,'iiiii-n"riiv, 6iii!,"8 *:;'-":li" s€rr. re- p;.rr-! I:l:-ll*'..-il 'ilo ir"ot*truli*::lr: ::;:i,r;""T*."L* s.ot. *" *ro- i'ji'iii. ,r ;: ,,1" ii"ii.o'""rr ""i*;;- ,- flii.iri: *n:tii;ji iro&les & i.thei pri?e6." chanP' ti)s ".'.,i*31'ii!';"J;"i;;"1'1.',!i.31*: ' *"n"" '!€eies'-4aitr" roal e,-, c'*aioo, :rass'" :::'*:":i:i;."i;rii: ib-iii. Net']. ?5-iiilo nun chdr sr. " t:ov. z6- :1,*""' '"""'" d*u{:ii,tii";:ilt"l;ii" ::Bi: tz:"i:;i"'i:"::;i,:"1; \:Jr sr. Nalimi1 crose-ao'atrt vll:ifi i]'tu'i;{;i'"Fri'u {;Sliri!}i'"m;*$ioil"!i,i.u'"frf!;' BOAD BsF{lnS CiUA T$t I{IIJ g,S. EuNr.u"llf A{[r 28, 1919, CAICACO, TLIIfOI$ GA! iiu,LlAili'of th$ &!1eer6liy of ghtcagc lrack Club putl€A aaay la th€ laet i:irr ciios of lhe Natlo&1 alcr6 lsn EII€ Chaaplanshlp t6 rin !3 soFe th.!x 101 y..nis rer tEadnate Eal flleiloa. vllllalrr ttne orer the cou!5e e* 55.2t, litt nfu{oa 1? secoadd back. Onlr 61erea.urmers 11nbd up ei the rtelil.€ U:re: tiut s€eitorjal d.l6lftb1itlol1 ulis AooC iaciudhg nDtar:o, $asse+t1rEits, IE{1ana! l)blo, :}li!loi8 aaa {lsacaEin. I'be fie}, aes }irn+han for tt '!rst DilF tter i:1]lao6, Don Pcits, Ji.gdoE, aDd the lHo Eaniito! ta!aeF3! Bob fiart:E snd lihltel St6r1ds! bega! to pl]l axay tron ilE !i,b4.3, At i,ro iu11E6 Fo:ta ald ll11l16oa opelEd groulld on Uarti! alrd :llgdeB. It aout ntlsa Foltz ard i{ttL1ae8 heid the leaii rllh EisEor 50 yara8 io ttxE rill :lbi€ d.1sta:xc€ ien:lttred ebout the 6ene u1:!1 alrout Ee!e! flll€s lthen tli{d.r fasae(L t!6 two ieF-ders 614- llove{ lata lhe lead" Foltz bssen d!.rp!:t€ rEj"li !l!r! Vlu1Eas bel-e a:: to !€Aalu th€ lssd ai eight 611aE atd lacrea€e li t+ bis xtErdrg Eargin iae aors by nlne. iiignoB dsdg up scss g'6und :n the l.6Bbatf e11e afte. a cur of rs6lar iras ih?o*n in hls tace lut 1i wa& nci e!1o!€h. B€ plu:)sed la ihe ;ia*a !,E$€1t 3fter lln!3hlng. Aoliu llalshed nore tite4 6 slauie lre!1ntl bui si1,11 r*]1 oDe l3t hlE b6si racea' eepeslally so conslderlxg lhs heai a.d nlgh lruo1d.lty. rlsrtln afier losln8 acataot qlth the leadtrs at fou! 8i163 d.3ppe* bacl rteBd119" fhally illcpped $ut at .tbout s€ve!1 ni163" aLdelin€B: Eey M6Ezie sho hs4 inl6toal aE dlLo 'Ito eall's}}ts ratehed 9.os lhe(ltt ea.ller 1:1 ibe {esk and Ntck o! Ntrclnlaii yho had 4 Ool8on oak blectlon. Anole the oftlclals Ele Fred llll]t ard Bert Nelso., aulhor of Eon They Trah eaii ed.ltor ol track & Flelil News respectlrelt. 0n1y oae trophy ,es ava11able io p.srert to tto ruirnef€ 6iEc6 B.oHliDg Eoss l6d fal1ed to 3h1p tbe othe! t'olhle8 froB flxuarialphla ln !1se. 1'be bluiei.head. 1. Oa.r U!l11es, IJCIC, 6. Jobr-DlCodanitrea, Boston !,t, 55t20 2. liaL Elgdoa, sCTc, 6At2\.6 55.37 ?. !a.ry Bes6, Drak€, ?0:51.2 3. DoD loltz. Xawatosa, lt1s.56;44 4. Arn6 BicLards, sClC, 63!!3.2 8. {11Ilar De Roc;le, BoEioa,lA, 5. rrhliey $6r1da:., Emiitoh OC, 66:05.1 71.57.3 altf: Eot, Sartll!, fiapj.lion Oc & 9" Dick Klng, UCTci 72:lrl,9 Bob llcvel+tl, llnchlstl Tc. o! _AOGgSr PAN-AlGnlCAli CAliES, SOLDIEE trlELD, CEICAGO Tte thi.d Pa-la-Aricaa Caas! " ahlch the Unlted slsteB coBsldered a l{slsrlD the 1960 lor lhe tot tq6o olrrptcs OlJTp.lca ir if, !one, Fone, turBed turred out io rc te be such a.oEp a.od) that lhat erd iie eyd ihe U.s. coach€E ad<ted ih€g rere rct pronlrs nuch of a teEtlns grourd. lhe alsirer llsdtern Eed:sphere nelioEs 41d not furniEh nuch opposltlo! & the U.S, athloles r6ceited noet of thelr conp€iltlon frcE 'souih of th€ boalder* ail{ete6 attenillnE attenillnA AEe.l Alellcatr Utrlvera1i1,es. 1!1000 let6r Bu!, Awust Auslst 28, 1959 :qgqq_!E!se_@, FroE past teniornarc€s lt sppea.eiL as thougb th€ 10,000 would be a shoe-1n lor ArgentJne djelahc€ o& OEvaldo Suarez, l,UD.ner tn gexlco Ciry \2t Ir 1955, l9J Soarez hai Lhls BtMer sei South An€r1ear r€co.ds ol 8:12 dil 1lr:11 ior 1000 ebd 5000 !6lers respecllvely ib lurope, Oplo8ing hro ftlF s p6L!'of C€@di aEs ald Aoer!csna ot doubLful ]rtermtlona-t la]ert at th16 ill!!uc.Doug xr1€ lBaL sel aa Anerlcan six rlle recor!. ot 29t22.8 ai Dayton h 195?, but lEd been off forE lalely. Itr the hlgh altltude !!? rile r'ace at Boulder. he iEat h€ haat ilropp€d dropped out at !1ve Dllea, Ellee, Fe Ee hail outklcked tklcked crr{oa Crrdoa Dlckson Dlcksoa ln in the ihe caraatlan qualtfylDg tF1als, bui tbe t1@ lias 610r and rblIe Dicksoa has posteat rorld cless Earathon tioe6 he ha€ ody beer a good-not-gleat track rrlnaer. Bob Sotb haA begul b shor{ p.oolse as a 1or€ trtstarce [an, bd there ra3 sore quesilon aE to }helher o! not he ira6 fuUy reeoveled tuon nl8 ba4 tuck case of heat prastration at Phllade1phla. BreokeFltlge hatt posted fast j00c lilie! thls 6pri!9, but had yet to 11& a fast ttne ld to,octl. I.ta: Taex, rbo rlght hava g1r€n Suares s baitlB, uncerla1n of his &trllltl to aouble fror 10,000d to 5,000e afts! succoebiDg ltr phj.laa6lphla 16 6tbse th€ rborter dtstaloo. 1'h€ 5 !ag. xas let for a !a*t tlae. Ii; hsi! brcD ho! aU atay. tu! a rralf hour after ibe nlgnt $6et got Ellde! wat a shrft ot rtrdF alur s ratrstord dlopp€d ihe lenFel.atule by at lea6i :5 d€gToee. A! tho tltre tha raoe Btarte6, 1! Fes rhale€6, ientrt€lature 1! file ai&-E enti€€ (catlEai€), and th6 tfac\ looked flF,. lhe haentiBe b6r.aE fa€i, hittirl'{ four ed 6lgbt lape €n the 4ooe trsck ln ,r:4t-&d 9:10.-Sou lEd so@ bt i:r 4t+3.5 aad 9:38 ald at 8 tap3 !.6s nrrudlg B1:th, r{Ie, Dic:reon, sid th3 th1$n CtltladlaD (EErdy IraBoE? ) nad dropped rEcq fms the stsrt ud rEd 6pe!L mch of !}re ftrst stageE of tnc Foe Bt tll3 back of the rs.k" ilose on Susreztd b€e1s |rcr€ C€olge Deloaia of Errl.lsb Cuiana and BreekeFtitge. bu: ot atq4 1ep3 (3600€) o6ia14o plcE6d up t6D yar.ds on ih€o ard-b;esn to pu]l arat blt by b1t, Al thi6 steac lE the rsc; huj6 EoEaI1€E".a. .\6rezrs- Eesonate, and Guadalupo JlElacz of [Gllco Fer€ ruhllls 4ta t 5ib ah€pc or Srih ard about l0 or llo yard.. behltrd the leader6. r,yle hadr,'! beE llr ro uak6 hrt p!€8erc€ f€tt yeL. At twelre 1s!s, sEr6z pass€d ta 1.119 {i i.t OoPeE4E and Br.c*erriitAe logel,her ir 1!j?6. xr:e hed oov6d lnic tourrb .4:16, ros sode l7 secorlts bebirtl f1r6t Dlace xlth Soth aEB Dlckson 20 r'st{r lebl}ld hIB. BosueAra shoaeil 10 t6r{s of tlaJIIahL b€hiid Dtcksoll, Sbcrttt aflje- n:dh€y lrr the rac€ the aDj1oulcer tolil lbe croEd jrhat the ?an Ane!,iean recol€. i31:0? tI curt Stole tu l95l) ha6 lbl'@telBtl sitrce Sure? ILad passed 500( Eelere !n 74r??. lbLa tlEe ras 'a 6rFor and posslbty coutd bave be6). 1rr:5? lf r.e €s readl.!€ ftoe s 30 36cond raich! ?ire cropil shored qulte ul-tue?1car iater'est, !b such a fore rece aEd ch€€red Suarez louilly i, tlE bid for Lbe /ecord. {obody hoaaled tor ihe €:1t3 €eer though the nightls praArM aa5 alEost over, adL perhaps th13 lE Fmof that ABeilcde cd. be luter€sted lE a lorg dlstanc€ raoe -pr.ovlded. ttrat lL iq a goori ors. At 5500 oeters (1t laps) sua"ez passeil h 16:+7 with DoPeela 16:5q, Breck6nrldee 16t57, Rr\e r?!04, Soth 17!09, ther Dlckso!. At 5400 E€terB (16 lap8), Suar€z pa€sed ln 19:17, vrtch DePea@ 19.29, Ytyte 19!31, Brecked"ldse rr35, soth r9t45 ald DlckEo! t9'53" l..ylF, !o{ ln thi*l place and oEly lL lecorit8 behlrd. @d novln€ up o! Suarez aDd tbe fatu beg& to rond6. 1l he {ou1il be sble to catch tie Alsentrdu. Suarez weal by tb€ uell lap 1n 20:30 a@ aL 7200 Eeters {tB lap8: Bs 21:16 wLth Kyle Itotr itr Eecond ort1y 11 seconils behtlil iD 2115?, D6?eaE clocked 22:10, BrecksDrldse 22.13, Soth 22:18, anal DLoEaoa 22t29. At 19 laps lt ag surez 1n 24:10 ald Ky'e lb ZtLt26, Ati 21 lap8 lt ra6 Sus!62 1n 26:J8 and KtLe In 26t53. WlLh only fou lap3 to g. lt ras appar6nL L)l!t Xyl- ds not goibg to bs ab16 io pull the trick and the Areeatintan soutd rid" But a more late.€st1nA battle ras develophg. Breck€F1dg6 hed be$n t6 fade ard Soth haal begur: to noye up. Fo! Lrc lape he foDght a f16rce bart:e nlth i,ePeam anal bheD rltb th!€€-quarl.r6 of a Dlle to go Soth b€ga:r to pE1l amy lrto trlrd 6pot. sErez jn the neantlng was rlnalrg, hlttiDg 27158 ed29tA? k Par.lrrg by the rix Eil€ nalk rhare ihr66 tlda!'s rere statioBsd (thar8s to TN Bi.ft Sohr€Lb€r, sot the AAU) In 29118 tor a nar Arerlcsa Slr lle record, Ee firlshsd ltl 30117.2 Ehrch wa8 later alrlourced as a I'SA record as ns1l as a Pan Ara.loari moorrd. Such rras Eot the case. 61nc€ the true Anenloatr r€oor\n 16 lo:11.4, €6t by Jaausz Kusocllskl of tolaid htle slr}nlDg th€ 1932 oltrplcs. tsy1e ras 1l Eecotrds behind l{ltb ons lap to go r{1th Soth 21 sscotrtls behhd h1E, atthough the papers had thord listed a few secontts spart" lor the officlal tioes E€e'i.ack & Field News Etnce Berl Nel6o4 ald Dlck B€lrk niss absolutely aothb€. The true battle of ihe 10,0C08 took plaoe bt th€ sida ol tbe track {nere the 1ap scorels gurallte€4 !ha! ihs nlscoEtlEg of PhiLail€Ufiia rould aot bappen La Chlcago, O@ soorer *as asslel1etl to each ]:1reer to record Bot only ht8 trMbe! of laps but also hls spl1t€. AEong the dlotanoe rutui€rs xho 8€ry€il as 1ap t!e! Brom ad FlEnl Heatgcock of I1lhoi3, Dar Btangladorr, sllrl Bert Ohlaniler of W€sters llllnols, snat Lartoa l,a$!, Oa! vlllians, Eal Aay Ueuzis, Arne Blchards of tb€ uCfC. ?o thqi eoea the crsclt fo. the euccesB oi the race" 1, O6"alalo Suarez, Argenllna, 30:17"2 2, Doug Nyle, Calatla, cr€dlted Hitb J0:18! Aclully J0:28(sob6 7l ydik behlrit) Bob soth, uSA, crediLed eiLh l0:21.8i Acbuells 30:51.8 (250 yard.s tehlnal) J. n. O€orce D€leara, Brltlsb cu1m, 31116 5. cordon DlcksoD, C3Gda, 31.18"6 z li, tr1l€: Iir+.:'!*did.Ae, itsAe 5i:a9.6 {lie4oFrtti€ t4 tL* atlleaga T8llr@€, !.obsbly 7, tlvsmo vld,rt" -1.11e, ll;j'J.? l. lar'P €gr"er- "rsF:r!:Ea! li:,!2"6 9- Altoaeus A13a, Ye:iro. _lir5l,8 X0. t-r?,::t:!pe "ilE:rr]::J Xs?io.J 32:13.1 ::, I6:aJ:o 5ctn-at il€:lea. :2.&+ :r, Jeer:; Qa;.b, {!.are#cb, 33:15.3 :.iri4otltrir:€a:1 star,isd, Bc appa.en:1t tLe .!ilX 4ne rirt t,r tinrsh EaE ile :L:::4. iasedier. Jeb,i8 fuacla of Guetea4ia, Cao fill8i1ed 1a3r. Eet s n,atloral'rrdd a6. :?. -6rJ.:17. re f,6s rske4;L 3t€p r! lc Lhe ?Jc-orr 6fand efier '516 wlu:.r €a beer ad.ored ald rhe c"rKd es{e h:r a l8ger o'eiloE tnqn .:.r iar€ L4 .rrarez j r'rd !.r.{ se.c silre? r bt'-L:i cf cE orai'oE}. is.rarez'0 !€- !i_r46 'o.e 414: ) -'(: '!:4i), r4:l? i4:h9i, 1',rJ? L:aa ,2'a1o li!.53), rJi ,i:iJ" I.rr.r 5-rtr ro41d Fut hjE :rsi 1aa t4 '0"2. {xbcf:iolll tides). i s'rx;i:iy, dugE.t jSl]llle[3Xgi alrl3&]lr6:t: iEge!., tt$! sorce ueutelaAt froD cdara, talilor:rla, tuir!,i::[tea the Argertins iaTorite, Osvaldo surez. iE lhe stroieh iite4 Su"r€z? :h6 osle!i1ri!! ctdFl€a, :i€d sl1 t.te ray !a the glus1llr1g three pu1led e?ea ate*lls Xrhe sire?ch an4 l€at hig iije, '88 /arc r6c.. j aar rl !,he :.'Fe 1I l€_.]-rqe4 ! .,.:l l3ol 6si a hala 1r tloe rb?t set a a€i Causs :r.(rd .i 14:?0,4, D.fl,rJef ras the orly u"s. ea!!y ru the 5,000 ncters io f:Eilh i[ l]:e:!o:1s5. ?ta,::?uer! 1l6rsaw, Iad. ! e_ho ]€d t0ithdFara fros the 10,0000:ade ca F.inag e$Fecla1lt for thls everli, ar.opp6d out wlth e lap aDtt e holi t, Fo! $rll-e le!.5te1g11tz, i{6gi Eertford, Cosr!,, neyEr Ess a facl;or e.d il5lsheri !1th. De]llnAer soa desplir€ a Erjrain€d t€n4or (hs said 1t f€lt r1!n6 a hlra pskep eac oE tt;) bat h€ a!4 to colae oE }Ik6 Sullire !o do 1, 8j.11 OeUlnger, !sA, 14:28.4 (liew Pan AB€rlcaE reoold, o1d recozn, L4t57.2' br Eloa7lia Blal.o. arser'dina, 19j1). 5. C€orge D,!?eerA, B.ltLsh Gulara, 2" 0!s;1nc .E.oz. rgeBLlE, 14:28.t tt't57 6. E1ielo caltcio, Ilorlco, No Tiae. 3. Dou€ \I1o, rdlqsa, 1't:11.0 4. llfredo Tlnaco, ilexico, 14:13.8 800 ;!ere.?er ToE t,d:"ohv. lhe ltad€tlan .'olloee srad. iouEhl calt-to-oaIf before E;a€-ia=e uesr;st{d u. of, ]llrlors)-4e6rae Kerr-iE tbe 8oo ueter.s. '1." ?om lt ira,hy, USA, 1r49"r, i Narr PsI1 Anorlcall Caraes reco!'d, 01d record' 1:49.? hy ,qi,rrla 5o3e11, i9_5J) ?" Ceorgo {€rr, 1,ts€i Ird1e6 Feilerat.lon, 1:49.4 S€t!, Brirtsh cuia:la, (9" oi lilchig&lx) 1:49"7 ;. !!rly !t, Ue1 Spe.ncei, Hes! :!rd!es F€4. (Arizona State) 1:50"0 j",!r'nie C|!lj.ffe, rtrsA, ll:51.5 5. e|arl irorsti€id! rla:€da, 1!52.4 7, Sieginar ctialEnn! CaEda, ro tine" lieyoiio il4lters: nltad-erE, Ceilfornla: daopped cut.l ,t41xqa*SSi.::g: iugu€t 31 - VteEeA froa afcr: the leE-Ane.ldn gaE€3 r€salble n buli,ri,: Lrj]l!h, -i.ith €?ely sthleilr i:,dbit dish€d up br draN poker aid hopscolc! 4-lcie 4, ,he Odrr are eo&3thllg 6lie" they BruFd llke Xarie! Cueat's band, iiracticing ei!€! a ie!. .edes oi rar. 'lhe La€l r6@ah EF need. eF}lf1.atlon" Eaeh tiine an alhlete wiEs here, nis rretLD.ry:l arrth.* iE .i!f,qck uF by iire ira:rd." Since lhe f"5. sas e:?e4ted tc st&P ihilg8J ih16 r{ran, enly 2c .r 25 b:asl,s of ihr Srar. Spaqle'1 Eal][ei, enoueil Ir tlrn i?,€ loet pairiaiilc ear io jej:!t. But tid. diiit! s$iiee. 'Sono!.6,i stche en e$lssEry f.nn A3g€?tlne, i*e aaX Bo! riD a gold erdi,1, 51us the .4rgsEtl$e snthell - ahr l{h€t nagattleoace, ahat aoui shtrttlg be&ull - lri1] -4ot ne hear4. ?lease alro plat t56 antkeDs ef ths :i;e! leho i".i;iiEh Eecsrlil Bid -dhird.,3 ite1l" eoi:l leighb4]. polley and a1i ti:e+,... Noe, afier eaeh eren! ih€ra ar€ 30 cacaopholuG hirri:e' rhtle a ballt s*-geers thrrxglt iLe fluslc of PaDA&A, Cube, verte"uele. Cl111e Erd lho rferij ladie!" wllile euyr 111€ Don Brage srd Josh Cu1 br€th 4.o !hel" cBnres. soI.tler Fle1d sorrd: like e spenl6h dence r"6]1 dElng € sJsar cebs:rsijral. it'ortin ed nirr paqe- clod"!) Forh,,a!e1y ro, spe*a'ora_i,rlh ? k;":"i*y"-il.y;"ll"ri:9.::S5"#if 16! ruob. If ibe ElaL! lrod EIc gpl rn "+i *H'* ur,;lnd ro repori ths! lbc rsebr;tDe !":ilnel +tliu ' '" .";i"" ;'1{ ri,l'"*#:ft*.;i.*:i.;;*:::r',r::Jg;.fl"*il:"i:'i' pa. .J.*,!csn lj-i"i,"'""-u'tyi,r.u: anerr.i/ r. "*;:;.":: :. *"";:::1. :'1 .,"ttti,lrJ"ili:Sr"*:i:i,hc {ii:ffii",114::1,. **.,f-, iH:ffi,il:iii;:,;;il* :'',t,#", .,,;ni: iq.*' lr;"ii?;;".#';",i:i"'"* iiif;]iff; r: lif;il"3i'il; !;:{l{:i:i;:i,:: i":"iil,";*t::.rt;1r",, :::'ml.::t:'iilfi il";'{.;: ;i"ii"',",'"'-' f*Ui*i*Ji:H::fii:ili1;t;i ld#?iiFii !H#;::,ii"i:lti ;,s":* :':x4:'-*:ii:,' :"fiegl'":H:i'';*ll'?r";'1.#'i;"? :p,i#,iit:q*::Hirk::*H::ff'i:kf; ":':*i":':":"*i';*: xls i*ffi-:ffiidi:l;rri:-*:FF"i::#i*gff ii,-;:#?{*::*f''. a ni-dion close rac€5_ there aren'r- at,' settlds.S'il"llll'"F'f !!. i;i. ;;-;; ; ii'i:t.. -L'lE^'rot' l:tura1 j. ?;?i j' usr' #i?!;'ii-G' l: #1-!l'3ffi;,'*i,'a?!;ls* " .* ^ iffi;1 3il;,i;: r6t:g;3; "'':i $::i:::":'I;:i-fl3f:5:.i;"i;I"r''"" ffS v**;':*"Srqrm';xi ii*r ::x':$;q';'r'ls ;;5e3"'" lil#j#iffi*i*'t{i;;i ::rx ;irilrr:,";E';::::r i} i':::t'sl:' ; ;il#l?i:.ff i:;::#l:ii:i:.ir3;: i;l:.ini:;';i:i:"'r:i;l"nir*"*rl"l'" :i"ffi : i" l;$p:'}ff ii:',g;;';i,'il;;il,;x'tq,;;l li''#ff iilii "#"s:il;t,*'r,,i:;e'' a: i, ffiH''#lll"tril"i':9;; ,'. ,,... :#$:,sffi r$Ek}fr li!ffi$*;ikf';hi..tft iliAriliilqp#* N lgear.r tssr. ShsrDs., KonDor6. N.Y. li:l;r,^t$ ;"i?-i.€*'.}aoi3lz.';x': Le€ Flnnelly. ;ard.ntosn Tci t€rtln, lean€lt ac.. U!lS:3.I. Ron $drh. +..rdsffiosn Tc. 4'11 (srlth 1s 77, t.;\ \127 & 1:56 io h1s cr6d1t. Plin€,io enrou at alabane Uu1v. th:€ fall,l: ?. Frank FID$err,yi l. DaY6 5t, e!}-ansor|, G€rdentolb TC. 2-It11€t 1. John KoD1l. NIAC. ($cr) ?*i3;,[?T5,:i"3:i;":I**l: ton oc, (165 yds); 4. Ed Duncar, Rocheste. fC. {scrj 10:01 Tsanr Balttndre Ollaplc Club BonEett ac !o: o€ra€;tof,n Ic (8 other !€EEs coiop3led), 75 t,en!., no Ftnd. Track !'atrly iron €€rly aornlng rdlYr " 56! ?6" &ere€ 31d amual" st, ltyacinth. l4€.:'tthon 12:lo p,o. st the citt Hal1, Cranby, P.Q., runday, o.tober IOlh. o.saniz€d bv oelard oot€.4 iires 'B;Etonr i{im€r.. Enlriea lo r4r. llth 15-25 n!b. (U started i, tho 3 nil€ ahd ? finlshed.) Toao: Bennett AC 49*, cardent'oh rc 241i Rochester tt 16- lostal Eox zl-oe 51,. riyaalnth6, P.Q., Caneda Jean-Guy Brodeur, NAIIONA! BE1AI C1IAi,jIS. AND FIRE FIGIIIERSI ASSN. I6E"T, 8UFFAI,O, N.Y' (Sundas. Ausu3t 23J New lbik AC, anchored by fomet Perm si;ate dl€r Ed Moran, won the d1slanc€ dedley 1n 10:00.2, whlle the Ne, Iolk Plon6er 01ub won the nl1s r€lay champtonsbfP tn l:]4,6, rhanaha! Carhotic Club, slarked by !hr€6 I7-year-old blgh school bo7s, were clocked ih:l:1?.I in flnlehinrg (HardrockrE in ths ness asain!) Paul (Hardrock) oiDpsoar 55 years old roday {5epl.2.l 1q c€Iebratlw by !.llslng ons nlre ror eacn y€4 of h1s 11f€. sta!'tine at MartiDEvL11e, va., he flgrlfes lt sbould r€acb rek6 hid about rlne houls to g-C. his bon€ tosn of Burllngton, By pf,ofesslon hers a Dsil cariler'. He EoeB ln fo! lonE dislance nr!rin; id r!1s off-duiv hours. (?an-A!i Uaratho! - conirrued] r€€o.d. tlne ot ?t2?.54.2. Kealeyrs 3:,,1i:, "iT'Ei"3l't3:!i3"i";",!13? illij foE:-Nebraska, 9:r1,4 (scratch) i 2. 6E;\ebraske,9i}1,L l1* BleckenrLiEe, Quantlcc llarties' tt'i";;;;;'i;";;;t.;;' in$";;;ii"i.; (75 yd6. lc, !,:ooo'fl"s ss$ an Anetican a-'d 6 broken, mosl: ltsiflct racord3 ltsiflct racold3 bioken! lllirEara lrlagara !1s!f1c! of tlt€r0 by Pa!:Ade.lcan tean E€nlsrg kho fle{ lver froE cbtca8o as a 4tuno_ up.' 85 d€gr6eg, hieh hwidttY, no wind, fasl t rack. Znd ANNUAL R@UEETER IRACI( CLUB INYITATIONAL. ROCHESTER. N.Y. (sar- - Aueit 29) 880: 1: Grvln wood. laltlnore oci T-:57 {25 vds,): 2. clarence Baker, Bennett AC, (50 yds)i 3. lraDk Ftrneriy. Gard€ntoh Tc. (Jcr. J lil€: 1. G. Wood. 6:22.2 (85 ydsj i t.--trslvin Ehabuei, Bennett ac, { I5O yds. ); 3,.Pete ilephonsqn, unsw. ('il0 yds,. tiiudph put e wallop lnto ibe ftEel tiack proslan at 10,900 watche, tE plaE6aai, su@r, ?0 ileg?e6 r3a'"bsr" Only 14 rurusrs fron s€v€n DtlolEg starieal 1l the Ialathoa up aad ilorn the I€Lefroat outer d-r1re, xith only o!.e of the EI: 1a:re highray s6t apart for tbe rulaera a6,tlc Fhizseil by. Ke11ey Fe f,lth Aigertila's l,la1i€! ilonos fd. &i[e Elles thea took out or hls ora. 2" JlD Green, UsA, 2t32.16.9i 3. cordon DlcksoE, Csnada, 2:35.18.6! 4. A1 Co!{alon€, ssA,2:38.52.9i 5, Jur Srlva, c}.l-le, 2t42.34.5i 6. rla!€rlo subuyuj, cuate@la. 2t42.39.4t ?. valter LeEoe, AT.AEF tlD, ?:18.18.6t 8. $alyaitora Bolalear lle:lco, 3:13.38..d.d - Doug 4yfe CaEtrat Ju]l valllagtr!, G@teEala! oses DrEka, B!1tl6h CulaE! Setastlan Carcia, Clateoala; Al.danilo *l-!o Aigeatlla; PeiFo Alvalado! lleltco. (P!'esg t!!e- race aletallB nef,t r@th) A t(€Xley-?opoy race 1tr Pldla. couLl have be€a ore of tbe hlcl-l:cbts of all t1B€t hsteaA th€y ;ch.d; a El-k? '']. -T' I ?aa-An nla\IlEhi: 'iiFEiffiffr-b-f:-T.n,u! ntrcE: i-,l'Brsq I,lo-<x eaooutegtig e8$rc; i:n lit :la:ii af tB oui ci a possll,le :12 et:e trs'lei; by Vncle sdie loNerloure ti ;4e neE'i dielsicn o:' f,h€ ?au-{meFi.aa iracL ,1' flelc itdn,-! qee iiE s4oelrrg irYr t!: dlst{Ece e'retrt!, Tde wearers ol the €"3ts r:nrr striles Fon at 1500a, ai 50cin. :n the rBlsition and !! ihe 3'0004 sieepie.irart" ?here could be as !+rt€r rleqefoareai e6 f6. e.' j90( C:.r' .r' ..1 ! '5:]r! th€ 1500' ths l.S" !'.asn': r:r! ia t:1e iltinpic6 Eince li:r. sheFplr'c dla. it bacl rln 1912" Eui 9ri';'esot neB Chick l/ef4€:, c.a.!- ct i5e AEett.;aE tean belieres il1e 1ti-ye!t-o1d kloL ilEishine o'egq! slaf, :s al!'eaal irl the.lass of suol r.,:.1err a-< Ee"b *T.'hiEi :el|.!J. har{, ,E1,' K€i1e:/ ccairiBa tle n!:rtr1 In 3r4r:Y '&ia3la?!$g kitt 1]Iri€r tl.e r$j: " tA:ile AI llaF d-B:t!e:aii!Ji a lel$rter asked a tat q4criltlr: a-t.iri ihe ilaratt!.a. Slch ee? grtrir ir.e! arif,ole r::}dc3r_ $ snqil '.:c.iure r'.r l!€ei -"41 eiri f sere:ai!rii* 3_toui'.ih.i lEsi nlnhb," s31d ,!iti!:leir. !:tji a1- oori !rooi;!!ie i) E,p1',:L I ': he": a,cla{ :i IiT? Jea-E-:ut ',h; rr:i ePtnn.- rL Lat realaa to ni irlE i.l.r' ; b1;e.rd lur: {ur tr:. a lei .8, ?c "r'i, .i aol4a 6.14:l_ir.1 - ?n:-t ni i ucr.=:. ror rsr. 3l" , rt c'e r'-r ' 1 irJirii:'J'll1lns 26 dilt3 t* riicl,:i-'!4 Dewrtelttr oij-nb1ne' Ee.t, Al r did yau hide it ln ille ci.r6elil" AI :1oq i:1,! lr::rAie?s, a IDF-:jleP_e.d_ llrnb r* and i:hree dlsiece rituers l!a6 airived io a:e lr lti sear..h' 1!e 4omi'tory .oorf, Frs b.ln€ Cisnant_ El_.Llott & Eon De:aqv" ]ee.. Furnii,tre! liciu'es. ii1: .rig; fladisox S.{ur4e Garde,: "ai1bl.dts iEv thi6 lilriter. s.iit.3ses !wl::ta as lt 1r ibe st'lp s:e -njs neh1-asl d-ie selrdi orv!-q lrdool' !L' :aL Pe p:ans Er !'It !]as a t.!sh todafttr sate of !s l:nisl:e'l. Ctee4, ionlt eighi"ac. i doRti lmow thv. b'rt ihe 'l5Bt io!r. TOEfitRE FOB fEnE iN EiJll nifes seeoed anful.l.:J ha€ fc:' all 3l 90 yor. haee ar over'Fl.1lljlg deslte "lJe suslfct lhe colrse /3s a 1itlle lo]1E.' said, ai, iiLronibg stliriE' rn a crrd sl-o.;r \Nr ! 'i ,-,, or :j tlle6' coet; and ran-r.d {nlfo.4s rlld1! h case ihis fetlsb s€ems outia:xiish! ihe oueei for rriE i2ro oerqersL ana idrd.€r, lhreF Iitnesses ;ar be .aued '{ho lnsisi ii is quiie 'r [hir-L ii 4ai halri tor ce !e.ad3. l,talter !eio:, {ri ]lreie*tiM, cha-Lldr_ rYon s€d ne 60 hard.," mused 4€:1eY" l'he naE€6, lett io ltglt, are J4hn J. ra a maratho!. rY 6tde tu side don'. KeLlev. Jis Glee! and Ai Co!t61oDe. Too br.h t€nslor!. llear vcu out. the suburbE oi They ;ie buddle. frln 5od_1rLe ela'' Bosion" theee suyE atI'sr'-d 1-:-4 1n "ne hafp Lo ru1 1': 6-e? -r1 ,)l r@r1){ii dislurb. you! patterr P&-Aro saraihon rur, alcra chicagors But Lencs {ai ed " t}eL *av Lhe flrsh oritex drlre rlthoui ol1e resi stop or Eitre ol1ee" 'te11) the?ers a placo iE l,]v{alklns tickel. comend oi' "';i l^wirE the griffi Lhe trio {bs foud eve$ laae phe!€ I'au take fall baer.,.I spurtee ftod tirle +-o 22 :n a romrLcrt rooo 1i the lnrler8iL' llesh to e11es. I tisilt h5te 1oo1t€d of Chicaeo, aU ye1l.!f; excitedlv !tr Lo _4ldiet'.' Field Lne rrocd so. BostoD accents. but rr 6s 't"raP .!' : €d -nouPlt I Has 'Ah^ celebratus oE E€ttonre fir6l: dhen I left Louo8 berair€ildtlonal n6ia!h'-n d_! 11 5: vears," hiad. It fias a nisitake to ihhk ttrai' a .e@rie" auessed. ror buili up too bi8 a fead and Io9 'No-, Lhts is a!s,r erpialn€d the -epsI rFnl dFac !i ihe 143. four n:1Fs. ealathon eiEer, .'oh h: he]leJ, a 2aI;as sure I corild fitriAh irhough, Jea.-old &elIsh t.:cher lron CroLon. You dorirt ihhS You rrrn hslhciively, CoItt., "A1 here hr.1 $290 soretrhere in about fo:m as I suppoB€ the nl1ers dc. the roon and t{e canii re$enber shere." 'r'he lasi i o: 4 a1les voir e:iFi on "1 put ii in a book, John'n said A1, 1'|i11 aloa;. .{ctua1lt, after lLe hard wiro is lanky and hatrd5ome. Dracilca" ihe runniag of ihe raoe is 1n rvalde''' said oreen, e. 'I ]ookealscrappy t sort or relea6e. It iiberate6 vour lookiEg youith eno nuscular, sbirlt.i (P.S" A1 foud the $290 i4 lirlsned Becond ln the rnaraihon. "You .eaa Tho.oau all Beek" llaybe itrE under his tracl shoes- Er€tvoEe .h6€r*d' ) 9" {:s sPBtlT; AoBle pulled a terdon in hls rlr:irt leg tn J@e, rhtle iorkiDs out in IglC &S4I, rnce rhe rasteEt Drler ntleiiu Cj.ty, a f6r days before f1ytr th':, rorld. has lc€ilr! a li€: hone".ilt ,ss .tlll botherhs ne aa !l tschri.c&:! cltiaer 1!1 vlctorl& 60 I gar-. up att€clth8 to est into Stai6rE] parLs Auihofilr.., condltioD,i he say3. rNor ltrE eollls lee llegg!" F.lieden!! 6!b-foii? liiuute licqp rire! bi I doErt wa!1i to rush llller, slr:-le.ed. hle o$tr iorld .eoii" I hoFe to Aet lato shape ard lua e!'d f.F 100C n€isr3 ob Aua.!1st, tgth &:ot of cross-coEtry th15 autllM. I}ren he 16r: the d1c'.anre fu 2 dia6,lhen Ir11 1'ui initoors. " .,. once asalr !6 6ecs. flat.. Blr!:rlla Blth 3 Fe pay tribute to those uloblruslea f,6re. esaiB€! doctorrs o!de"s, rb€ oiaicl€lE \ho Lua our y6ar 1| ?eat $rede pu! on a trede&4ouE bs;t 1a cn dlsiance and raeesihe stretch to beei: c.Jt stephar peolle l1ke Fob Cralb. Bob cadFbell. l.!randoh!1r1, of P61and. by about rrly Grace. Jack Py:,h. "on! 3jr..t;tr, flve rards,.. ,!.tilet1Ect; sborld Da?Id levy. etc..eic... l,ie Fee tbat g€l togetltsrn.. fietropolltM AAU the culv6r. city {Ca11f") fiafathor 1s I-ong Dlstatrce Comlitee 31oD€ Flth scheduied for DeceDber trls rear. Tlter :[ot Be6lstretton Co,l|llttee soL't fj@l]y @d€ a oovF...'If you pia. aIIod.N.I. S.RC Ira spolsor Bcrat.h to bp BDo!A the"rse 20C.000 or so wlo ntt; ruls (Lrtth thelr Droeran their eo bo _Booe for ihe OlJaplcc lb August fussy?) N€N [rsiald aooeitiee tet16 o_ 1r6c-a sarnrrs: l''ou shoutd nor otar spoDsors to .1rr3 scratch rlr!_s" Thls to €scheq the hoaers a!d. 61eep .e ihe 13 high c1a6e seiesbab€hip?.,. Iqeh tEnks of rhe TIbe!. under. as rr:e, say, ED€land runn€rE tr.ylne to fund out a Dla#et cf blu6^ llhe baLks of the nno has the corc€asioD or ncuff -iber nake f)p restless EleeDLne. lDde tlnlsi - liestern Uass. & ihode belns lareely paved. (rhat ts sr ;L!y I61and races baY€ beer 1oad6d slth inside tlp, eo f6r! on the 1960 Olyrtire sade... T31k about lhlia" nixpics)""D14 we aEAI,IJY.ead 1t rishtup in the 10,0008. A1 flart dlEost tlEt iootbali pools provlde .ttatyrs had a I dile fleld rE an extra olrrpic conrniitee qith ebcui $100.000 lap ia e August devefopme[t eeei... a. {eek? W6 dld... te,d b€ able to a{for1 atr 01lrip1c6 here, ioo, it se .aptuei leEgs' of the Bo€ton arl vla !9:g verfiont unleerslty & iJ.s. Amy 6oEe ol the @ttoars no:'nal sMburl€ (lras };ith BiU Squires oversea€) 1s bu.Lget that wa?, and put lt tFck i..[o a good pro6pect. ite has a !ty1e 8po:'t,. I'he olynplc stailim itseif alat. €im11la. to liorece Ashente1ie..., frol fiusEoliri,/'Le hao Ln- opiortublLy fhoueh he Rlght fimly sraie h1s :o ru Lhere ! lhp Allied ^hanp'oDshir v1ews, tbe .un4er 18 fu1ly aFare !n the 61mp- o" 1944 rlons ct-l lJelLe. that hls is the dlnoritv oDrnba... l4eh1, l?ed Srcklnger & a host of other.s Trouble Hith sooe offlcial; ie against the Fr€Bch & Arltish seQlcetbat lLey Leep their eyes shut and nen.r) altbough rot conpleted unt1l their Douth6 operr.,.Ror Delanv low afte. the lraf. it Lolds 100,000 a.d ics daEhes leporis that Fi;!E;ds- to a doai arounal the field io catch 50cce" s{ttcb frob the 15000 io lrhe 300 !n enthqsia€ts eo route io proiest r€1 Uhe Boee Oly8pjcs..rIrb solis to or fansied lnlustises..rhere is nc proolses. def€nC oy t1tl€,q he corer, howeveri ald since the sun is "Irve tho'rAlit about li a lot, If I trait uiShiy hot ta August in Bonel perBons I ieel I calr run as iast as aayore. ' rron noderat€ c].imtes rould be prud+ni Delanyr who recently joined the io ta]1t Elo! asb?sros sun bobFts, or $es fcrk AC, 1€ -Lookilg folrard to prepared io leare feet flrsi.. A be the indoor se6sor rconira:y !o ee!-iie- trleel irom thi8 nala stadluir leads to repo.ts) ]the}: he.i1 try to elterd a saa]le._ip .ne nearby, 60 ihat athtelei Itrt€ uri€aten nile Erreak of l4 ricFat wam and get iDto actloa without to.les eDd 1o{er hls rorld rgcorA of having to flght their way through the 4;01.4,,,Ihe Irlsh oiler i6 doina auioglaph hute.s.. Blocks of aprth13 ninnlr}s sroud on l{adlsor air, ne&is across tbe Tiber in Fhich the thtE eonth-qe&.ine €ii.ay lIame1 8.0!0 athletes hill live noN a.e in suirs iEsioad of track shorts-as a .orRbni.tlan. Tl-Ase are butli o! sti-1ts p?olloilon sales €nd t.aiaee foF 54 th4t each nai, fioo" :s 12 teet abcle I:ish 4ir ;ires. l_ rHo-nonlb larolf '.oD:. rnd dher th: 0llr;1.c6 . . .vF:, JE D,bllb t.pca6e e n€cesslts wh;E e111 be used io ease Eorere h.rsilg p.fb. Fgr 20 Klro c8.a!lrs. laocoEbs Pk., a.oDr, JdlY 12 hstroDrlila! cha[plonsblP 2c Ktfo Boad iili- -sEorsoreA bY the Blc" BEDI !!E$EZ ${gS ldeaihirl: Eoi 4rn ve?Y lx'aial aE ry.r t 4B!blu.11l' 6rrt?et r I rt:'!:e' i*i: i:1- ElX".fi$iir JlE O'lic;rne;1, si '.;"i:i1'. A.rl 1 1: '0e !. Aldo scd..d,jP, Illl!,]s: '1:16-1, 1:1.-r,e Doner, rfi:uc, 9. Jos€ 6- qa:1 centF'Er, Itr}'c" x:i5.)i) ?- Serb Nae€rlr'Q, st. Arth. b- Jots"n Ist,rett, sb' aaih- 1,30.31 q. Eod usc$1ch,r11, dI?C, !r?-r.Za i.o. ;ia eorO"n, 1r20"11. !'_J?C lL E l. fi4ffl6. Jsflel [aratho!.s1uD 12. i!ik6 0'q6r"&, lt!tlro.e' 1:iJ-!t 1:24'."r 13, naf.y MuP'1Y, udtt.' ii,i53l*iil,Y""'" ;',ii.i l!: r6- 1?. Xat cilularck, li'iPc, ir31.): 16. i1li lai-liv, sr. t-r}tn. t:32.i1 t,if 11 19. i, Jr^!,oi1J, llPc 1. r5.r' 20. |i'. Ei.eriei', }.aPa, ?1 ,ans [o],tearos. :r, ,;i.., t:-:!11. _ ee6ut.s ot Elc.lloo , J'flcart njlc N-ll" Ass:.. ,'leil- T"i Cor-o;t!i Vice !t':el3et!t- Jc.' {]-ainel5ri:' Ess,i:r.;€',*9!*-jslsl-*Fi4s:.+ lert J8 Eltariort & 35 !1n188€Pr. 55.t55 1, SLar Ilrman, Fic, 2. lets a;orcav. BoElo!.{3, i,6r1l 56159 1" 8111 Sour;it, BAA, t7199 4. Dlck Ddroh!., B|1, BA-4, )6:1t s- Gerrry l.&r!4r"qo.tb -r5. Alad Sledrl' ':=i.c. t8::z 59t31 ?" .'o|J Grai. n4stoE A,,, 59t)J a- Poece sssrer" stlc, 4" Jqil"lle limohan, i.r"a.c. 59r+0 !i.'Ja]!€ t-.sltrt'j, soulhblldge'19:57 11. J4}!r Eert"-a., LYn:l e.C ' at1:41 .u:-rJ. Fi{1, 1?. Ioa hao,.j,:6it16, ir. rio eouol:i, Fl6ctr:e Eoat Ac, 61r0r 14. aay hster, !AAc, 91'\'i nr'.Jo 1<- ,i4hi iJrl!'n:arir3a. 6aI, c^' eri.''or 16. Flu Fuiiri 9?;1,e1?- Dch FatJ ;nc:c! M, 9<122 18. !en1 n'r-.tE- irLrto! A-, i:122 19. Jlft fcDe-itil, iffc, 91:!: c::+z 20, Der. l!e*i ,aat' '$err. ' ti. D;;;;;; n6,' irearore cr'ro'^6?:la -I2. Ecbert !i 1,.4. 23. Erlk il?.tcksr,:, 30! rr:1 AA, 69:4C 2i. Daa Dlr)tol'. .{'Fr)a An, :'r :: 2t. lhall!s Pit:, rg::rtL une(l' ii:rt '13125 lll'14. 22" ir!n,:ts 8.6t!:, 7-..J3 :!-. 'el gu<ka. 6 \:! ?r.d:rBoB' 'i" ' lC. r'r:r:-: ?t'!" jrh+l]. i{F;, lJltt rq- P:-dl it:Jq i.:. ,akc 9is1Br6oi-, I?., nea. -:ub "r'.. rt"a tr+xri. '5:5i1 $iic, :-"21 A::t 'Io. i:. ,.:orr-. FAt'teisl?-1. i1,!: r;i. Iend::t iinl!3ct.,1vr'-. J .: -'.i'-r'jj?g :r,,t:llr-i',et-, -:*:;.;3, !, ri:I:il 1:rnl,tr tllA]l?s" l"r :l: P=,' ' 5 jilE!',Aii :'959 it!,!i --i. N!\iI:OP!t!!lt 11-:. il : 1- -nF- toLth a'-. t. il,.. r- :-.ri _.,\c' ('r;r !,-i i 4 tt-I7'r5p6; Bos"i ^-' 5:x'1.27 2, E b .'41lno, !en-a 1'.6dat, 'ulv r.' frecr,. dJor ct red J:lg.zo ?- I.-;l,sr" Buard, 9ar'- roft !r'e+i i:2a.i"n Batirr.-J C,lt! I.-. J.ha ,l.ha l{sl1. l{sl]. tsalirr.-J :1 t,,3!::r! r: al f :i'ers ra aAel:itu. llelenloit' (TeaE T1lr€l Pe.n 4C E!3, i7:o$ {cor.) i - i.ii Jnm ri nico'*a'=", foofu. ---Eic-Fs-!!-UAc l)-na dtsYestler' ?. Jis 0AI'MES B" 1. 10 lllLEB L I EdlIAlr sT-{.N tlEBlrA}l S'tArl ,. _lavd DrsiLy, clorc.e.a, i.S. y.,iF rscra'..h' I.'cra..h, rrad Hece !' :-,o o"". r:g-"":i:f auua|I v.'liF ?!d hd auual, s;f") BAA, e,\r, ir,or.c.-. i5:03 b;;;, ";.,::'n:o'.'':i", i: lari,y i;;;" DsoB, 5, tuly 13, Lgio (6:rt aFon€or: o'r" } tc-' {f""13;,}'i3^ii'llJit;l"initi$i,'..'", i""*,-=:i":1;."iiioi T'iii:;r!ii"i'.;,i!;" :l'r :3Tli"*"Ii.1; ac ' i: ,i.ii,:lHii"t'iil;, ;, & no1.Jes ,9. Joha A€l!a$o, ilan] all others,. letre;b'rerts rc is' r'oa Feri Eq*tr'.. i4*- liAtfoiG--! Pitt5D,r, il.":'i:i;J:::: *ti-ii'iliiri; ::t:llfl'r:'::'" " 3;i"?'ffi:::';:ii"#ff;:a'ei{;i;; lH":HT.flT:';':15".:iTiY ;:H f il";:,"5Y::";Hll,!T:,ift;"ifu ;;' i;:i:"Jli? ::::;:'.' Ll!: :i"l;l $:;:" ;:.';3' :.;*'lll""-.;+;';i:' _:. ib€ eEa. !o rtglt up i:a" srngar, Forth l4edrord clu!. . *ifi,:i"i'":l'.tu:i";:?:"?.*":"i"." fr3::',#;'T";&'+::'li,:"":';i"tril;' EEr- (fiEAAT 316. CONTITUm) 'F,tlt!{PllEilT 25:26 it. ;la *reea, Boetoe aA. {sc!'&!ch} B6ei: Tr,lsi t. Jrlm DrcoMndr€a, BAAi 5. '; lllar "v6E!, BAni 7. John Seltano, ty::a.15! l.-. r&yts 815':hel.ey, E" (auafxte io!legei '..T.uoE ?47' BAA; 10 84b _. :l€:, Coli64. .?u1r.:., toi.ilnr ggs*l--.. !1!3 Dultan Ac YirI 66!d. a tee to ooEpete j.n th€ LoEdon to Brielttotr Tbey @t 5l EIle r6ce 1r s€pt€r'oer, etay cv€r to conpete in iho lM orFaniBed 100 nlle taee at llalic}? ln-Octaler. me 3 rl:nae!'s cboeeD is so rl1} try to uphold the eior:odr tfrl].ltlol!€d bI SorNh At*icatr rufireve l.D th€ lrast 1n this !n,rd slaselc i. B:1i1514. ,*-JogliuJ: Kc};! u(l-,jil,Es Tit E:a.t _1r1, lAE cEar! Bra ro9 n:c}. za-03sHll!]lxEl Ju .Bltrmorei "'a. J -s:5.dre1 ."ir.:!.::r: iiftd-:: ii iriia triit:: r-LrilJttio:r in"r ll ;r onists:rllrg dlnisr';t ii.rttj'r ir:l srirl"i :qr.! Ei--,6nLe1uBi. c.i liiojll l -_ J':r'r':- oP': o1 :} t 1f; ica :j YersEc-{ed lLrs&a iil:}jt:c arines \' 'slr:. tn! s;1 h !ru.J? Ll .i .aF'e au,."rrros: i-loD ,rr r'!r. jasu-ll .r,',"lon cf t? .!]l. lPzc ./rr i P: 4€el ii!:.e: c.)i". c oltaessed bv a eetlireted 1;C0O at' ttnntse tror !re!ori,, t!! .lsto1tt,l* at I'lotBen State llolielie" ln the tlr6 Lid€ 6f rl hrs. 9 o1n3, 53.8s. l.!ji Tl. XeN'i6?]r A.c. captu:€d 1itr t|€€ tt. ihid t' ttse t! tie ieaE nitle, eeti:]€ l8 or a rrisr.iv ci trri ra:e. orr:. afry dslaa'd fourth iotal oi 48 toints :n th€ retshi i,r is5i ia'oz.rq; ral ri€ie! !'avl€; lE e'eD!s. 1956 1\'tn5J5) ehiBred betier tl$ee. tlile: 1. Jah:^ Koprl' Quatico' 4:166, a ovet i6{vlis'ti:r6-n": sc.ocpllshed ' 2.-622 sarver F.o-c-,'417?.2i 3. ;";"i ;;;i;;; ilatxlee carlrloE'' I'hlfe' PloDe6r'.Ac' Tsl1. !eaD. hanl eF ltrl}.otg Bauhene'i**, ruser :'\2'..t '-s.:. + Bol ?f:l!, 9'9lt' h;;;;;-;h;-;.;i i.p*".i qith r saEve. .!ed throlqn 4+0'a oI oq' the lesdlts statee le Ssirtb Af!.lcatLich Eo-ri1 right on hls -':1?' 3:19 n'rdh-i;t-i5 'i].es ti.o" s'dderrll dade r'Ir ce F13'.close' Kopl] bla8i rri ureek tcrsatea ar:q"et61'-$1e;r-4 6-lr' t6il' wrn: Banbenleidei,-ti., ed tr'-e r:iiar 4+! rnjn57'6 totor tflii iiiiics i'nes, :, r'lla 58.? ri:o).t8-8: r" Irl: li:dr1, j.C i:!i.:j; 1-: |"-/'2. !: best n:s .. 3 ; tersoml :u.. f,-:o;'i-c."i,-o.c:, _racv-i 'i.:i.:.' aa. iiE 9Er:t.16, i. -,tor, . p_1:9.. 11,36.: ir; (;;;;J..r.' i-y-r:: 5 ir:o: t:-4 I_,:;tg: '- - b.- ?'' 6:r-q, B'o'c ' llr'4 Lr"dlcj-. r.'tt:,urB. :l . ' lia siii't-..", 2: r;ds*ra) !eao: ru'ban 3;"?i'"til:i.?;$"", }al}*' 1 IlB. ta.acli nuli cjci"NlzEl/ BY e!?|.!]SloN o-uaatlco, {A verv hterasirr'q IsteckeFldge set the pace rritn SPOATS Ctlt-A carfler rieht beliee bld' follortd Dasie Ner!:ie. blre Sculh lfrtqan croisbv irood and the. PflaglD8. woo'l r* counu:r chaipiro, qc', Lhp: !i:. r?ce s' of 1! rile8 ,he .irst lo JloD b3ck and PfraeilS Ile,liiie tralk eil,h + dls.atlee roved to n:!d. ad three Eiles 520 vards, The r€cord (S.A. attr1 s. Tll.l (Ernrc' droDo.d ou!. Pflaetng-sLaved rbe sprlnab;k Jan Bartard ln ii liro tvj,o+2 rE. did lrot !rdh. beh_t.l Bre.1'eErJ dse ard- (opil Bar€rd 11 o!l]€s X;rds: gdri6rs, ras not yet :n the nlcl')r.e. un'n Johtue6bure 2. feilb.r8o€s. 11 + &iles (alter 1st the p6sitiobR Ee.F BrecqeuidPe snl Pfl-'lr€ reached L rrlFs, vop:l ues 110 Tard8 becl/ i"tE".. thi E€are€t ou6rtir of a nllc) but Boe third' At llve rdle€ B.ecEa. Jackl. Coldle. c.cH. 11 si1e5, 4. P" erriilge slarled-Lo salk€ hot 6roueh, ccn, 10 + Ei1es,.24 fiDisherc' huid daY ad Pf.LaAhG {enL o! 31one. ltlth 880 yalds to eo. i(oDtl closad ltovFt cEoSS COUNIBY 'AI;! sccREr BACE G€rol slos catlle sFriers 2J5A, JohrburE ln o! rlla61DP and thoE luEpeil nir to {r1 Earrlers 2?21 (Elery fl!4er tras Placsd at the 6tart of the laFr 1ap natslE. !a"e Plst€naa ;n4 gcorea) i. Jeckie c'oldr€, GcB, 35tI2i bv a !a!ro! -d a gleadv tsce bc s6! btrird wlth i. o"'rii no.t.:., JH, 35i52t i. c'ltis SAti"E a,:ri!IgA$ Bllr,lrT !g-s€c l1flre ^t srevtint"cl. dcfr: 4. *!rih ..tiree tsouth afrloaa rlarathoE ohanpion) Jg, 35:18 5o-' M;1ca;;i1e f i'?;-h"-?t'd;'*' chalapio!, GCE, 39:25i. Sr.ckeD.ridse rrfi ae ljilm (contilrrsd aext pe€e) !'rood 5 r' lz i-Besrnnx e.l.u. tw) 'e \ O:t:bi- :i(_'oPo'nr .; "1. r'rurser, :r j dl;";-;.b i . ri" I v.o:uop. 9-s tr- : . i...rr :s-l=-' 6- lla Eacksrould Note6 ajeu!!. ::-F4i by A!11 Jtn;Eo!. .oarh B 0.C. -" z', :lr .r'rEan. s"a .:,, F*anl< Il'laglna had to go io rs--e Ia.rlref)i in,6' :1 .9 t' Fort {esde siih hie roserte rliuu j. '. ?r o.r'Jarsl.l. al.l i':" 30 I iite s€ei, on tlie eay cf .-. .';;, .*-.. r.ic:,. .hrr. . 'br aol €sen 4tier hlm h lhe m4't.E:' :t;: o^ Ssiurrda' he ran 15 22os i' t- !e' /', o-1" u-o-. jls s-rl ljs. aates .r -. r;',Lso,, ,1.r i:' ;, . . showsit up at +:+5 P.0..u'!,'5-r ,'"","'. f .1: to d., "Is rh:"e .nyinrt: re'. '-*Asl^ae4"n g.r 11:0s. t,,-."e Jrln?' I ce "' tha! 1 t1? 'rc-"' r".'. ,crly r i. & B]ler. -,-.i th€ ;,jr _ I satd. {Pui n.+r! r. : :2. -!;r"r ,r')ta r1 1t, ile You 'l he .eplied, A. . . nr"i,: groneer:han:tar ,. :?,,, cd ft&1 De sQtie lutrnlris e{ulp" c':. :2:lo - ty rash:r'tor, Bent.s I bad on ilack Panis so he -j, i 1L rt:.!er3 j .. took ihe4 ad I iook hi6 $Lreel: c l::i, , -- len '_:. 3a. -s. t. Ddts. Ee bor.owed a l.1lh1nE rh' sot:- sru' r: :lt'i.ll His Buzz. ;hirt fror Jl:40.6 ii.'.Y. 9',rn=rr ^:ul-5: r. Eeq-;ie ( rf or+, 10:12. 15t58,2a:to.26t"+' -o s :. - ..strnon.^Lt i -,Jj. "Sha€ha i l!l a:lrr! n. uas I)fettY good, conslderldg tnai 'iit. l s.-ar, he has been coiceDtrati4g oa 1 and 'r' f r-ijj:t* 2-Di1e stlnis tor th€ ts'o'c, -i[L-j_l 3-Mi1e! 1. -416x Brec!€aidger Q:,tA-,ONA! :R. ): ,,.r), nLLdt !-ct S6eltle. (A11 by hinsell!) ?" arli T[: resb!--s'or, ._l_ '5 '4_c! j0{cr' rrJrsa cootee St!ir'k, shanahd cci 3. otr clti slreeU...te4!. !u the l0r;'i {racy, Aobon Becreatlon, PlbtsE'c. ' 91./r1p : !rau "ipos, r -rtcur".1"luap, -. bugb; 4. Eon DavI6" !si,ia4re{. USAF' a. R!,|]| a1-b! 880: 1, lllke Flefritg, i!rrtlco: '1: r^ J9"2: l' reo iosi"t ?i'_:'lt Ardr_ qco:.,o"tcr.. Z.B-. r€aat, !1alnftel. Bor6ter: l ._;A \a .-t L.^.. ,1t':.: ' L. 4. loo T.r'! truce ravror, l. A. son. re."!ie o:rt!-' clrt L:1.1(_4. i:t6.1 ilcolath, Irycc Tire: ' 1. ii; r.elf'r, raLr. ^:'r€Lo' qash A4'r iosh ttundiesother simers: -lp.rd" r,oll,n 6^ rfr Js.ab-, dar1.. -ccon_ -;. culbreaih" lhr-3. ti.!., 5).'1j .. lea r6Y D:?scr t;a).25.o: Harmer- {i u111, llYAc, i."r!0": . I&r-....:.c, L::1.r2 .{jr'- ..- nlp- rr. 1OO"d6- vace iobilsor1, Boc, !.0: Se-+-r l-F !C Pa,L crlr''trr.1r 50C. I)o' 2zo:vance EoDi4son, 21,5 ipci_irl- ! ' -t+ !ctr--'.z:'. outsta!.1lte 6on tas raned the -Ytr.-l:: athleie of ,he nee!, but ii *is q 'lr',1 r\ I. a arto$ rlor.e belfeetr lrid Frencr: r, c:1r..!:- :.lJ;llts 'l_i fe"'d' KoDlt): r*c- Jolrr, s.ot!' shdr:are : J : -n:, ' 49:9; i2o1ir- Eer4an Jot$son ?lain- -..n-r!.J;l-ecora, rir-I hY:rrlLa LorS) \trlela Boosters, lL.jsi sho!Hr39tIj $ed !at6€nt, Saitf/, Hl- Bob :. \YAC] ,1r11+r'i fPaeati, \'YAc, Ton r.e-ti, ion 5f i1:''i +1:1! j" .lack l4a:der., Slrryi'. a,)o4 5'8+" lmi cardlei, Q.. t+!rt2 tr-4tt' s Cu!+'i 4" Clras. [E' -i"iia"rr. Braes, ShananM cc, 14iJ " A.,,41:14 srin i ,l"ii;r,r :!3n 2. E6b Cu!owsk1, t4ri ;-20111q. J.e 111s' sc'rY'!'' "/tli. 1)1s.'rsTc. 24'J3:'/4n narkins" tsruee TC, De'4kiEs, .roha Saj_uj., sFAt, ?. siu Thosson, NfAc. 160!11" i '.. i,i,; ",,'t, l ,2ttached 5c:08 t)' Javelir-BiLl nl1.Y, shorL di11s sfAc' i1t36 ao?aYtb, !, ,IaEe. Polanovreki BJ!a Un: I AC. 244tio" 5C\['V, 521 ilooers, lo. ?hil d€1at_ Orrole fc, 2lr1"t lilile TeM: Serta 41a.1 Youth cetrter. 1t. ?hi1a. ?loneer i., j224 "4 i ,6-lb.v,e1.sht- Stu thoosoE. ]iliAC ' . rnior ?,68 niies, 59 llrllshe"3 l2'6i" I4-R: HsJ- r!r11 sharle I ?0i1ts!: ' -r's .rtr.""6". ;'-l'Y .. :/uildl 1. i. 9raM :r.-i .Jli."rg:' ua]!. ' 2-[iie 48!tl*r; tc, shan;l]e JiaLL. Iiurtz. Bot 2d.21. 3, ^fac i..t::,. i*"",. ",rr 1 John Hu.tcke ! IfACi ?. Bill zanr'.^fac '.r:rc! 5' 1s- zani 1s: :i;,,', :i,,"c, ". '-ia I'l:uclg:odle' l:,, '-tr Oeelcheiko, ll1?ct J. Bob 1'1im' a.:lile 20:rrl: s.rtl/' t."'", lee AC! 4" Freil ltncoe' .NaPC. shede. ^".i" i;'- iar' , :o:i,, ?. -ar-r ;i;;";,. t\net a5127.5 slq: .tr. l; B. ".i :.".""-. ' 2\tr"/ Tean: IAAC 48: shamhan Cc & Qudbico Ha,J.lnes 32; Doc' Jr aL iiBEctlEil3:lc{ !4ail 6-t!ItE SEACF gVtN! rleton. 'r,.r., ,1,ts I _ Ths qFrl*s icoK or€r rh. 6eaotui 3duai s17_!1t1e r:?son rla ,FeEE.i,ea. by iihe 4r3]!! qi1alEbe!. 6f ionserce" I'ter l!-i1.. -.r.ldA,., .lnhn hobii ._ Cl-db ltur1. ,t! flcrL thB cr;nL,1.o fs. Ita:r,e tr.$c qrs fl.s: ihlee pr31!jc::€. ir':r(l6r ri i€.i, 7ea.r. .rnr E..ts.:{e njss inr]:1 ;.j. !t?-!ac ilurth ra l3 $ rnu..e. q0-6.9..e & nieh huaid:i:t,. eslat for reach .r!, cclfrcrr.ed. the !.rwe:'6 and ser€:ai.1. iher {e.e l: run o'it a! lne 1!3tsh, I]1a.\varon C ci i 6?E!ded i.ophids o the fir.: 10 aia1sher,." lrere !s8ent:d n:' chrf,fes t3tsi;, il$ief cmodore .t Aialoi y, a. 'l'1e flrsi ihree eltrien i!d., ta:i1.r: arso re,.elverr pk Lr4;. .rj' !er e J!h. 6uahJ.I.€os-c li- !.i 1ac )blr',.-rfte"_ lociler! and sltoee.s !r.:s.rcliCed a! the 2,oth st. Pier end ferr,shnenls sere serced tol1o,nila ike r,ace. The was froo, ?9th S!" aolrh t,, :1ih St., llei surri tc r5rl et. 1m lher lpck io 24..,i4 i4 c..1,. hdl s:.r The C 01 C took nver the eiorrsolshaD this year fron ite MlAdte Aal5ntic EB! snd w111 co4linue to pr,odoj;e the face In luiure vears. 1, Aler Ereckerldge, Quanttco, L Johr Lopl], Queti.o. 32 lood, Quartico, 2. clFn 32 r18 4. Br.omitrs Ross. t,eu AC. 33 :c0 Jack Balfy, snrnshar a, ,. 33 t19 6. steve Thonas, Penrr AC. 33 _. V:mcn rorean! Shsraharr CC. 8. !ra o. F ankr !rrzF6rrrck, Fitz!'6trick. shd, Shd, cc. CC. .t]5 9. "'e63€ Burdelle, Pebn AC, .72 !Q- Tod 0s1e.. Shamlran cc:5n rr, uuxf, !!apBaD, ree 4uj 1?. Deeis .tohoson, lioneer At, r2l 13. Fat T.arnor! shane.han CC. 12 ':33 I+. Hueh Jascouri. Poru AC. 37 ra2 15, John t4rsha11, perE AC, 37 16. Blchard Clapp, P6ntr AC. 17. Jack St. C13i!, leu AC. t17 1p. Larry Deidey, sharahaa-cc. 38 J9 r2A 19. Ea!1 srilth, le'l'r Ac. 39 20, Davld Buchy, A!€lon; 39 t+5 3t"1" 21. Jos Aoeco, Peln ac, 39r4a 22. Eceer t'lccroarltr srEh., 40:10 t:. Pet€ L6asue, urlatr., 41:05 24, lon Rslscb. P6Bn AC" 25, iial thorser. ..1:1alt,. "&106 44t06 26. 1|Isrren, -qealc!. 4'lr:21 ',eoreral vicodley, pAc, 4?:22 !I. ?[. I.y'*d" Eob3ri s!6erson, Aesion,52:1? {rF3 Sqrs EtYISm COiES! {4lr{ Ir rr9ur A{tlriil 5"f^ caitss clTtr R,i'lq Xa]. 2it. 3a'r ar:jcls.,6, rD:]!6. ircn ire: *y tldd. ".Or'l€irel to,l.i.i-i E:rr.rBc Eod :,errsed. C:* caff*o Fe.rd .rr. 5t ilom6r, B-i€,\', 7n 19)'t r.??t7?) I.u r'r e5,.. 5i fIr!sb€r-. i. l:1 51rd, Suta tiera iIV, rJrJq 2. ed turgent.,sCVrI, +2:\j '4. r-.ea} LJuljienre, -stvy-J. tt2:t:.t r. charles currrE, s.i- 0.t., l+lr40 j. n-r!'Jl Beard6Ir, iralrr AC, [']:59 .. Jce szlieser:, sf'/w, 14:06 ;. ,L1r:1 V5lgehl. faaUi.?q 8. craie sp.Lltm"n. !rs!.l; Au, 4-,5? 9. E€i' sch::cre, Scla /, 45:ilr 1i:. itirr Johnsor, Irnattecilea, !15..23 i:. Austjb 9Fl.r. SCij?V" t5i4:t 1?, lerlicnd 3n:e1, Un!l,&ched. r+5!5+ r ;. i€1 -P:Econ, ! 1e!c"cl,ei, \5159 .L. 1r;:.elil:, Unqri., t5:+9 : -r!L a!!.ei:l:. t'J|.pr:i.1.! -:!i:1 ltliis lii:ls lEfaiiiift " c.r.!iF., 11_!,t_{lticll :lhe r1!i:i] ,l:h Silidy ar:rriaersaT.' ol aie letalu:ne rbrath.r, l63tdrsl th6 cL.6est f1.tsh 1-a th6 histcf,y o{ rhr race. Aliholgh nuch sloee. tbir the l.eront !)ace sct b;f lldo ScaedErs !n t9ja Fith a 2rq!!.iC clockjE€! Austiu Py1e6 oi the $"ria Clapa toulh Viflaae did ciocl! Jr04:45 ic edee.ut tea&(at€ Gerly ialrd. Pyles lea through oost of the ra.e ati:bcugh hie eslet! sas alpay8 qrlte sliu. SF1llnan {i{q!ln AC) oarerhauled lr.les cd the i&1rt 1ar of lrhe L 1sp eveat ad built up a -li_e reai at rhe 16 a:fe Ee!k. Eouev6., Py1e5 .&e Jr tu trin &, taltd aorrd fron fou-th ro se.o@. "our Lr:0. E!naer, Jesse Vaa Zdi di'l not deferd hLs tiile. Jack KirkJ 52, started his 23rd ret. l'4a.aihoa ard cobpleied his -2rd. BlS lTS: r. Aui,t1r pyte6, Sr--:]r!, ):r4.a5t ). GEFJ I;ird, sC,n, l::5.14; AC, 3:16,16j 7. cralg spi1lnah, xarln 4. BeaPjqll. $arjr AC. l:23.?0i 'enlr 5, virce Sps6ler, SFAC, 3:10.13! 6. Dick Eoes, Eksfld, 3.4A.23r 7. Jac: Elrk, uEtt., 3.43.o9t 8. Alvln Eariula, l1ar1! AC, :l:1i6.28; 9. stere Jacksob, lJaatt, 3159.t+11 10. Joha D1ck, sflryT. !t Garaaaporrs, IE{, ' Ar€. 1--.9:g-B!9 ?#?H*ffi itjH:;-"€iH:T: r'*ooLYrlPic DFv' ljraetsr is eri:i taa" ot ll€€t Dir.ctor" Poueli !4oorheid. :; li"'"1' !: : ? 'i'-rr'i6i'oir iose! ,*tt i jr' rr'' A?s", 6h1e!,go 37i 5412 c4ra€]r {tiie lial Fledsn' r11. 1r" lhlcago rr-ncirudt1: *rlre Eo. ??66 l,!o!tab a?e e' ;"**' P+S:'**'--'**.^'i"' rt!"ti": 5. Ton :1iDes' {ac!ois!. ',-;' r.rat'' r:' r4€ +:i**;;-,; ;":'ii,. "' i,,;:'i, ;f ;i' l- Eottalll 5i1.6, l!c, ll31i.'r tr Jr0 I "te. E-u;; 'uo;i.o ) iri:*;*;:;*;::':,rli#iii"?i. iaaiana. in:. tsooFrnrl n'r gnLY . . -;;:.: ;;i/'r:i" ;i,prrtar,t:ed.bY"hls ' rre^acrs :-,..;;:'"";; ;;t; B ;;;T;' I ."-l'-a'i;i; oi :uo=r reet: . :mnbeil_ s,J,,, '.'it )j 5. r'"e .., l.€3. *'€ ii Tilrc: 6; {!a. !1ct-at]J6, Uctc i'- 'ri .1. \lor ,l ooi ra",oc', rcr, r?:rq! i33tt., 181lq! o. lerale tauisen,.Jc... ?Loob, .-rrZi to. ;eoiile_i{r!: ):: Lli, '41 .P,:5i r'. aio sr^c v. ;;. oa.t" ,"i:i-r' 12. iul1$1 Eolllnd' .1-1_o'1 ...', ..- ...:0'; t-. :-!r re,ilr jTU. :l: lrt 1r. 1,..$n. l Roh:eiic "?r ' Leaeld! CTt-Circlre"tr l'j'cr I rnl e'^ ' rciC- j. .r ^h! r'; - tc J lr "rtr !ra.k C:u.r i a- l:er-t'r:kt Clx':"t ''ii-l'o.;':.i.. "'o n - r'u1r:-/' "ur ' or , *r!:v "v,c':o -cop D r c"r_:e rs ..t.f.r:.' Jr rr4 -os. :.3.."tr' . ,. 'JoI. r :1"!? .L rlit ,€E -' -"f i"ed ro_ ftc frr.:- J - ..i!'l :1,. iirst 2 .r11";. tl.-I r^. 'lttlrar'lirJi' , -!G-nl" rblL l"apes be "e:^rl r' b (:r It' - t:r_\l d' u la Lli. : .ls,tr, 'li.. pu:r {,r ".c I ' it : . ;{;,'b-'u r;si;;c; mc E.,l- Datt. ei r 4r' sectnr! !-tee' ra.l. a elear s{eep or the Elt'i" ":*'iog r'. rrii:,.: i1-"r1":' ro! A"e. .l.:-: -* :li-;J----!-uvl r,l.|t.lEJI t,lE3 r..iu:rr'--Ol - Tl. "o:10{itr€ isforsb: oh should h. rL:'. !J]J€b a ro Loq }earlers ib Lnd ,{ilt_ 1. t:.o a t.-t ;;es have uo 1':e5 Hha+ !n alte^3r!' rrosras ot D?ol6 e!'-dls th' Fost io!-As re de11 '3.os. 4aF of :oMoD counlcrnts i.' 'I dor'i -t3.c tc rhe?€ neets afe b!i&l leld o? 4ho'( lir:- '. ,oErac!." Jh- kg vi a.{e:olrre lutu'F deflriii?4 list _e'5_w' j !ee'"s. Bihpl./ b4__ '-r ; tr n .oubi:sh1ns liJorostioB. .be q]en t1'res' rat:ous !!1 keY 11st of neet spe'$6's' !e 'or rirl i".iroi,ruriy Lhe Ean elomoue L''. re ieleiv" tetier" rroE el: '!^r. i'ol :@€rs ra!Ll n' ialoraadl'a To or' ,ee llrcn €"d rEd Fnoo Lo rire c{ lre !oi.':1'r r;;oni!i""",i*.*.":"n rhe ro];oaiBe 3e7 6e! : (:h c€d4: neeis !!ite Ted-qavdon-'- LJ' :or'urack 1l qhicago Llack coscir' :b!u 5' uar:' li'I ll ;,;i;;;:- ih.;. eio:':!ri.'" ;;;;;';;"i" elLd r:e*tn'4Y,.! i..;u;bLr "ere:i^'r-"" r.ev rer.-ro *iie * :ili :f;.tiiii*t"::ex1:."* r^ri sac'te' ;:'J;;.r'. !,,ir-ire.j :.:.,'' rtyf':,r. unlr' ?r5 -;' i L."i: .i;iiii.',,, -ron ieaic]r-"''3ck. "i'' .'"*'"" -lilliiil;, ::'.,,;;";;i i.-';;rr:_ _:9iiie, Yl:"I ;;;5* | -':-l:'j;""Ji.lj:jil' ,:iil; :,.-i.a, --',rr : i'9r'li 1l: t: ;i,:, "11 ;;,H.:;if";":x'" si.rtre ,.c.,- ju , i:il' ii: i;,t'ii'.',,i!"13i;r; l#;,?l: i,'1:ll;r ;.'t- il:t.!i,", .' "-599r-ifs.--- ii$i-:ir lumi4s, HFt.] "h*ltq:," '-r:acnEir Co 4rrv j_tuD' \D !' ' t1i11er. aros. aor ie;! rjL1e 'itl1 i-t.€g!q!.l,J0 nl!' E'fi C-{aY aias ltllis 'ril'li t :rl'" i.::"J.-; .i:';l.ii]ll: **i' ".'::,, :i:*",..',ti=tili'*: ine ss :.:r. a-es .f '';tl-:":'::. r1ers r)ranqe illii :;;cl,:"r;-1';i1e; eL r?! I:1is i'j^:':-"-'iil '" ,;:' ;if",i"l'i:i"TL:':":i;:', oe ihe t"':k' iili.i-*.1-;;'.;;a lle:t {contirued Page l (or&se coairi; cl]llees * Er. Eun) second !1acr Beni to Franl gopkl s, aiso oi tle lacers" arli of NeFpo:.| H3.bor tis. ;{here h€ 1s aDterhA b1t jDrior yelr, f,6pk1ns coaared 5 Ei1e6 IJeslElr:rlnr ESr;: Joe Gsrxeti.. tool ti?l :i! pia.e neda1" 6s:,r€tt, se4oB::i.ace qieet in the receEi Galder r,lIov€ 10,n:]e:, ra , siles aEi 3:l I'ar4s iE hls effort. 4. .rin Seblo, SC si:xiders, 50i. 2rr?. 4? ya', 5. urE o1itsky, L.a.., 5 :!i. 1! sia.iers,. T,ra Rye,n! jeije l,irDd:!e, Boir D.ake bd lorbtr Coff iia a.i _De E!pe3r,. A:1 arnourr;6a. t:1eI rould ai ihe liairioxa:L Oie-;lcur Cira{rior.. !1one o. l,p"bor :r?allabie lrah cocci, ]lornlai C, I,ux1Tr :i Cffu1se Coast c.rl]es.,. 5:J_r1".s i.r the + hr. "ua5:21 (!'a;1 rh..ras: sc:'ra ItS)i 11:0-l aee.: 16:4j ,' 2?129 li€eit 28:1? Otarge C.ant Croii eg.: tracL 3si:-r-- Sloaomo t0lICE.GAllE6 SIiCiV\.AIES Or.x, Erentd: llil€i ;, l-L ii6r€r0.rrt. ler!r lealon ri I oai 3, L:'.;1a.k.\'1. a;,\aa. T1r.. lri26..2-ili14 1, (ertn i[claus, t1s,i;{;n:-]ai-Z ';q1i.: red F.f.os. C!-C: 3" Bi.i.i C.!a:9. C!-t, tilxre: 16:07. ".iu3ior t-Ilie: i. clr'ist{wr"6'..-1 j;;Ti;l- i,idii;:-?oron,;o ?c1lt5; Z. -!^l DEnar, ,lanliioh 0e; ::--4::*!--&erer!-q!4.q.-g1esi--24! anilr:sH AI4ATE!! f itlt.Elaq "!.SscaIATilir qHAIPICNS]1iPS! i,onCon, Ju.Ly :loth (?lite {:i!y S"odlm) 6*nileei 1, sian Fld.r. 28112,rt 2, ifii-li;irinu, 2E:1-r,8i 3. Mii:e' BDl_rivpj+ ! 2!qrar.0; 4. Tory Bedra!s 21tJ..6t 5, rood.28:qr.6i 6, HeatIer, 24.52,2t i. Perkl\e, zlt tz,P., a, se:ed,j, 29,44,2i 9" ceo"ge Iinlghir " 29:??.8.,. .tdiy lith - qp: i. B. iiereoE" 1r52.0i i:. l,like Rass.att52,3i i totttgon. 1152,5. ro6e" 4.,.rb.1i z. xna€fsoo, 4flq::1. 4:08,5. j l'l--nt-:nrtl, 4:r0.6! l. L-eer3tL ! 4:ta.c; J. B1ag.o!€.4r09.7! 6. DerislardJ 4:09"?", jisi.LeEi 1. Bruce Tulroh, t3.37.2i L. 6e\i! ClUlse, l'J:16"4; l. siaa Eldor, t3:38,6r rr. PEte" alarlJ 1l;tj.8t 5. Alconsius, Be16ttr, 11r47"4i 6. l.l1ke lJar:r1rd, 13:48.0, Ibbotsoi, 13:51" c ?. Derek The bseloot hotetst, 23-y6ar-o1d Bruce luuoh leslnoil b1s ray around t!!e t.6ek nblle derviag tn the Br1tlsb Ardy Aorg Kong, lIrn iradazed,i sald the bar4lootetl Tr11oI afleF hI6 ru! aroonl the (irder t.aci! Lolldon.s 1trnite City Stadl@. !1 rrrnolbarefoctea beaanee I find 1r .ole lorftriable thst Lqt. lrrs € _a€acy ot f/ .iars ln :long (.r9, th4tre I tocti !p ruuIlg forr i.-6as aCo." Tr11.]h, rakislly :Lia ena .'irrrii4q .r:i,y 5-6 !aia: "t ]ar o{lr b+.,:f:.;: ^NaEteC io see !t i illelr i'; r.r::ii.rllie. t rere. exFecied r. ').r:ld b3 ir !5tr lir,ir $in"" tne t]le be-re-fooi rr,6" ,{4ated until qre.* sedli-1, Lhc- shr.l n, __ :ne 1-ad, r000- Srcl,are: l" l.rr!o t 52,F ? 3i;:ji:;z?33;6. r. r.Jr r r8-.____ CEBt]r.l\-Y 134, ltaly 112. !r?:,ce 1nl :-l/iu1'6., 5Dl-?er.lerJ 6rl, Hol .. r4 i rlsbuca, lu. i - i. rro!q: 1. !4uller, G. cerodr. 1r,: I '- r. .:5c'0r: 1. Bremer, j" rl:z;, t. :.,"1,li i. J;.../, !.-l:;=.2; j/cndendries6ce. B, :!,.'i..8a!athoa, .i. c, ij: li . i Jr::-iir{@,!q! 30:22.0i '.cer, :" fi:flod. F:--O;31. q..(,. _T:-s-.hni ioooo sc: l. d!, c. :1u,t6., 3. a..!1.6; :r!! i!J!.t-,2. hoei*, B. i:jjo.1i 3. wae1i, 5. 1:i0.8" .ic3\hoF, SHad.r!, Jufy 23- tlife: 1. Dan i6err. )r:ien, r,:(-,1' ?, 'oo Cea.oU, '5--. !i-.1., 8,,ir l. Bospr tloers. Ba. !:4d.[" : nF;-iih--rrre; 1:50.?, _F"u r.y - B-"-ir, tl! 11-1'- lel " Iil:l{.ostacr., l:4'.i: rino, I !o.,. Lud$tashaft.ea- r-u1l t- Dspaslalt Gxe64*! sr, 1:49.7.. :?.:, j:. 1.r19.3, celr"fe. l. L€ .,) i (on.teliduldee' Gr.3:49.r 1000!., ilu11er, C. E ! 18.8 Be.1ir- iu1y1l8- ostach, 3:45.2i BaIk€' 1:51.0 3: 1l?.0 . . Lawrenz, 1:50.8; Balke ' & Dessa!- .tuly 11-12- va1eit1n, 1.50.2 i.46 "6 Oslo, Norkay, July 15- B00mr i. :lbuse,D" tr50.l,r 2. va:uscirckskL, ('. _:t:.5i I, rahdh, N. 1:i2.1..J0c08. 1. Jatke, Gl l!4t. 1 naLlonal recora: a. Scnn idL. C. , . p:+c,l: 2. Euji.. L:.18.2...,iclaser t. Dap\t\t... tt5t,L..)50nn: i rel?DtlB' o, f-:crd: 2. l-rranr, lr4i.2i lr.TC'oo. 1. o.o... rll3afs'aru. lr4{.j dor,zLi, ?9:08,8, \ie:'oei . scorni 2. Bo!1ck6, ?9:1?.6i 3. 11orseF3€:1, ?9:30,8 llrland's sosi successfr: n'e'alhob funner, veikko Karscneh, fon)r:' 8oel.,n dsiEthon rllluel ha6 a:Eotnce'l to1,!r€ro4at. !6 oi,a Bli{DFRs TA(i ovEa liAlls'!c lt;'n qiit AlD tiitrll. DON SSE SEE{S Ycu sitl rio d.!bt E!i1 i).r ldii:it li i.;.. $if,i:;.; :l iti l.eile! l.!ii ::rri:il r.:i::;{ihe I'i ci ihe !:;rt-i4';.t rr-:rriljr,: 'rer.j lloc 1+t r :- - r cap :. r' tor C:i -e. 11 ,r..rr 'r -c11r'.i1rr *h!se a-...r.b t:. ,lr ,., r..{. ,i.: ,:a]n$ ' .,.ao rr, i erellr dlsiarLesl ! t:;nje !ieki3., l,ler.el latie€ & Sii 1.!li--1r rrl.r iir..::r The r4arathon ttraf€ tiut' oi ti."t.:-.:1 ne r ii.,-.y i''r i a{ a aesl-€r i.o" .eti -Lh1j!1ti :he the i,.rg Distance iog- j.i lrrs.5, couriesy of ohairran. ll. L ls {L re I co ^si ln Ar:i31r ot this :rear i i.ierc 'c trrc iro!-ioir s. to -]1fra4d snd.:i1 irinj.or:letrii.ioli11 l,andF Ilid to the to]: rri 0r Croats) e-Lui 540 n1];s hr 1_i d,','s iI hope), aal tiiet .r t. a4erlee i.) r!. l!'od lie* toxN :n f.1 I'ranclscoj!'o -'r"s .. ?t .- :,_rr .oo_ ".ai..' As d $ateur: Y.! {ii; a:ree lrit! re thai It q.i.11 not cilt' iike 5i."1ir! :!r9 ilio . sh (. :.'r'. i ihiik lcr ihe two ir1!s. ilnalr i tclrd j,rn 'Jery ,o d {!3h like ti!. i,iiat Iij etil.: fle a ;rf dd d':lg€r. f il tiJ f.!ll & peiral, eto" An/ ta?l ::,t iflnef! in E'16lda L arif .u1 trerj,,.U'ra1ed ani i tr:l_r ha"e ii litt-r-e ir!qe.Bae|- rit nv back es I haC lher 'L ler irori .rohsxn;sburjr tc i:1 lri? irlth the iioe of ? dvs --I+ hrs, .r,? nij.i) I n:i : l--i"r uhen i es .r \' : s'1_ 4 l.:uop6 om r6cLrd -n ", fl ia4ce is tol niles. I'11 be very lleased to get ln !.!ch rlth any.eade.3 oi ih. In Lo8, Chepio 1or tlcli, 1:oDf tri.!d. iec.i.j f,4 D.. snerrherd i ?/27lJ9) {Ed. iDoa cd be coltacied .i I (erk si, Johannesbufe' souih xf.ica. Anlr volr1l_ .\ }]llj:O-<O}llIrl IOC'll i,3 DiSTAllgS ':ir litn lbig l.-.rt r€16rdi'rl "tr lr3:e B::.;16:(1 ;r nul:terr.e3 iit 1:. ::ii rf t!titi._ lr.ari 1:i.?1f ilal:-:F: :1 :0 nj r-.1r''rr: 1 i1:ri tii::r), :i:lii! a*,::t -:i: : ,:i::;r5 :|x!:: l"tr' __,ai, r:':. i:.r il.!t't) :r.1:r 11.. 1;ie ei!,n" '.rr4r ::L -1iiel 5:r::i:i ll :: 5nni1 :.r1 n:&^i .rj+ f.i,: r]l:L:Jt€ i:!" ,.!!j:. :,' !r :r.i l-..'/i ..rf, .easonr !3.:in:1 i! ini i . !:.,k tr {1:j:3;l rhrl f,r.L:nc* r,r:rirN'i 11!eF ns i Jj:r,.).,. ta ir..rilL-i:. .r /rretnta1lc i 1.::!r.):.r: liclr :e:!rr:rl d c,trl ccdih -r.:ii .,i. ..n: t'.ar:11:.: :i.:!,.,:-' .:..r ll. r:,r.: :a-ill:: :..' r!ir,-:' 1.:r::1: "i, .-tr ::i1iij;:rl; :' ' - :!r',:rr at il; il:; ?, .: i '-i ' ],r r'r':] : ' .:, 1_.rii !jre tr:riri ,.5:: I a:r1r or' :!ia6 r';i ttr iry tri' , )it: ' \i t:'-' :.{:! i;rltr!ie, !o a,r:r -;rrlIr 1o {,.reii , i..r t.J di '!i, I rlrjr,ei3 i:1lie. 11ire" 11.., : -'-;:c. ach€d , -'a Err,+ ri cri{r iBel 1;.3.t..i i.1i :l i. rrtar e!rr ait!L'-de tnat ruD" :i:s e;treie! li::,,i!r r,irr i.e ori di r-h3 ie* FaYs leai to::r':!3s: oa:.1.-"er freelv. jt ts nr be:l th3t n.r 1irve. g.; irle oafle feelris !1 i:i ted.a tE aaY >r-.. fri;., {:::j ': _:- rrli illr: ::, a.! ::2-€6! Pi i::r: -'-i 1lti lhe . .r':; ::;i':3:tii : .'e':. ::I:141.,:i.!. :br.!i i i,.: ,.. !e, a\- e raa-. o!_i-i.i.l! :iii )se r!1es 4!d r:ss.i;ttr.ns drl.l1 ! 1_!eeioi!' 1 a.iiair rxiorin: ri riris 16' cl .:r i j {. tlrz ioi tn .:rii.-t;-:i-.ceg.r-rtt :t ;:ho!:{ be 4aYe !!;.ciyi '<.ri \t 4 :.::.: .iElFum. the l''.4.G. ,!A ar$ tlce it-i1crd:ts 4c l:r beyrtrd ihi: -!a.e r.I ntjrurn. lhe E.a-4, 15! a P.r!, c rr6c:roi! .., i'r.\ rl tbe :inecessai'Y iea iape ol ile i.n,_i. 1!e i'lld.dle Ai_ 'ia;tl. E^s,C. hA. Lidaaaed la Put Di a e:rj r!t,i_i\riiLt s.nedele oJ r.:d.s a i:4lriE.f.ei-lape il|r1 lor the ru:1_ .nil a !e,i!iu.a .ers" i beliete iaai i:he Dredit lcr lhjs is dle PllrnxilY io ihe eliori. oi iiree tell i1l iack Pt-rah, ri?-o oiilcl&1 e:.!ra' Jadinarre. ll€ do.e :r cYc'r'leDr lcb rl tfi:cI5t1b€ {he czi is r'rRedta!6 ant .e:d a iaich) ar1d 'ou!t- teEFeeief "iir e1:! of iLe rullir€rB, {?) Browiae rlosB, nRc .rsanlrer, lsiro srDFl:e.; ai; .,J ir$ qlii ln6pirailorl P-ad 'llo?€ ttsie*cE -itrC€', !Jl ?t!t {t'.ri:e; .]ir-er, alia;ec:etarf,, dir lailrful:x ailetrils €,11 *e€:a,rg8 anc:riils 3i, ! .tied cal|1: alnrirlrll: rje.e dsaaa $!1 :,1e€3. ;nI tl! ij: :r,:1'r U!l-:J rr: ar3 nce o: , ..ler! i'::,r 7cr all, a4r ::aperhs!:4e ihe g1{)1't )t tsil:iirs 1ef9 oft6!. :l n1!Gr,-1s enie.6 tUltdce asc, $lF rrie 1111 $ir e:d tsl4ce iht 3€1t nf nve!=ag€6 d,r€s ao: c,eelate 1r:,.4c13r:, tlr sa!1r ie{ qjll, 11! doal nl lr:1e :ae!s. ilii *rireilbe. !L a-:Ie,jl::r1:cl!:f : ii roon .ttusri la.k EcD1. !N. =!--",-trr rDcel gr€ers ecuid lorL '!ert aror iri.leed i1 iEt3l'n.-ilo!:'1. ccoi.L-::ir:i, iust 1:ke e!er-!t:jl.A elreJ i:1r:rrnce rrrr:€ opeiiat€3 oli l!!e ;:her:r ol a.ijlaii-Y1'rj'i" Ii oe.ta:r r3.e oilici6ls ncul4 Leep i5::r'straegle:s' ib 1114 theX sould not ask rne to dlop o,ri rneir lapp:il o. io ru :r. ihe oule. lanes after they ilava b€e! lapFad" If a sar is allo{eE tc cotrpete he should l! LlltnEed io rrn the etrtire dliier1ce !r erv dam lane :!er) r:s1".- ,ro,'..oLL s s -"€trlnd€! that you s!e, after-e1l-, .a]i tlesh & blood, ?he lcoffee-iiouse,' cr.trd Eet drouned !!: i?,el! philrsrph:c nea.der1n66 arC iecorie di..rcea i.oi the :er- .hrir€s 4.1-bu6ting c?o5 s-rj$&!t r.;' .ece *eck t,}'$rd :t is fuerr1y :!:cclaeldec '$u lor "l:Eatniksk ard ali p"opr€ sl"'ii-rn" liel'.t\: ri e.:- np ri .rcF f:s oI ri.3c .)e ri! hr '-rd .,.: .r qi.-lDose thai the perso4 {!th feellias nf :irfericriiy c!!oe1d roa iplte rt disi3.4e trlhit€ oa ihe grounds i:ba: l! wo\riJ lurther his f::e1lnge af :.!fe!irf!in. It doe!-! . .s,'..1:r ',. \ .l: i-l, pv6n. d.'er ,b- LosL -.or.-ar'. d, !c irnua.._ viduab can nalle great rjains 1ri std1!6 anil sitengtn it tley di1l persevere. EveE talougb thet ral coriilua1it I'inish at the lail eni .f ihe pack, they eill see thelr tines i4provi!€! ald {ii1 galh, th€refrod, aD lncieasl'a confidence in lheoa6lres. they {t11 iftou that th€y cd push their bodies io the liaii alii aot faU oler wiih a healt sttack o. be ashaned oi the Paddfing, bulgybutt€d spectacle ihey k.u1d nake. tlhat othsr ioa8on6 nlght you heve for bolqA a ndl6tdce aut?' 6tid, t I letrs le4s it. - Ttis beconinC hcrearhgly iiiff lcult, nor-a-ileys, io be a trrilqui-] lrlost af ue adalre arii er"y -.erEoE. tlle persoa tsho c€n Bt€y t rop 5t h18 job! enjoy hls tanilrj aud rsnelr a caln, halpX llorsoD. l!:aaqui:ilizer.s have irecone a d1:}lon icl:lar 5rstlAse, Eui. rbst tlarid-ui1llzcf eve! ria!. ihe lee1l:rg rf "aon9.1.:.'a-dqa.r :rel Jeu 1e'. '.oo ruru:a6 i0 iillss olt a bc. d.y.r a Faraihoi ee Jack !3'rX .rouiJ sa"r)? ljives are zolr.:1cji: 1.r colllairing abori Doney s!e.t oi L:bbler. ilhAt hobby cf dist3ric. ru.rilrs? A Bair oi o-id iellis sinres {scre p;opie qeer 3ixeet :hoEs) end e Eal! of ilunks €r'e ihe e6s+iiio1s. So^re sFlDlge and bu/ Eweaisuitsr B.R.C. enblers, ei." pon:,.n' Ihe "1Ii.ijie ca:lrt coFp]4ln No\r thAl Joul batter]' is ?echar6!ed, 1ei'E g6t xlth l!. Runl F..|nl Eui! '!.ob .acL Elac' bLrrr l5: U..! llih A! is eL idea.bout which T ,?ould rJith interested petple. ner {ould prolii a g3eat deel by iix/,../6 oc lard c.ftetjfi' ral ir€ u'.Lh h. s he(kly qorl.oli lcbeJrI. ,,< rr'rrsF :s :.r'by 6oDe @1{'i.s, bur. ocL a gre5. erou:! e:ipbl I,1r ..lceairation b4s shified rurmln{ to waikiE€, "ou! i etiff take rae lG!:d (iff Eel rlrrdrE wo.kout per eeek. fiy scheaule ha8 been this {aX f.r t.e !1s: :a ronihs. I or'.isiatrdiis ruuer i!:19 & 9:28), -Dut cv .t t -.! rr:| Ihe 4fJ ]arn :ree-styjc la5 srayed tbe sane rith tonl ruae per dc4th-. Er:rLpie: 2C a 44C 1.ds, - Av. ?0 secs, d1!h 4140 .ios i! i:etl.eea. -33119,3 six rile diier a herA Lalk a bines aro rlot tro gord ir tbenselves, but I e ;ure thai a iRo d-ay per reeh 6etu? ror4d fei ae ro better ihan I arer 3in. The ilffererlce is h e?eaier I wolr1a lilie io heer soae id.ea8 or ".:iepe Froli si{ cendi., 20r) Cltnton St., BrcoLl}i f. i{.Y. rolld llLe lo cor!: e :n tha a€ln .:'Tmx rrlr'ro issue coolorld on lhe 19 (Our. Bea46r. tsE€ Ov.r - DAtb€ gr.Fe8 ihlch I coE.8td.t tru1tt6.s. I r.aDt to polrt eut i Clt rct ?ro thls out of ary ( ta rlillcul€ blrt !€cal.l3e lt sB6s6 so n6c333ary to shor rhai Ere the linlts ol 6ur 6xp€rtrc6s aDa xhetr ?o ar€ ov€rstepplng iheae 1lalta. 0a pag€€ 10 ard 1l ol lhs proare booU for lhe U.s"a" va" o.s-s.RIeet ln Phllailetphla th€re 1! a!' arilafo orx a eaEe plated lty Brutirg Eatlllton 25 yeers a8o la xhlch hs predlctsd lhe iuitlEele! liaitr of hunarl affori. 1t i! unlnpo.tart that of 16 pr€d1ctlons 13 heve a1r€sd.y gd''e $!"c11g. 1r1 fsct, ihe OlynFlc aiE:Eu& gtarttard tor ona eYer! 5M1ltotrra ultlnals! liha! eotierE is th€ be!1s for thos8 p.eilictlo:$, th€ afticle ia rhe progrs$ ikaorl€dgeablet refers to $solltoE as ihavlns elat as eerred as 611 Olyapls coaoh, he hsd all th. creaeltials he aeede4'. No olre cab possitr:ir :l!pugi4 Hdliion'3 Bi6trg ee a {o*L6rful coacli but r'hst iE Nhe relatio]l brtYeen b€ing a EoDle*frl .each eDd lutnrs rs xoul&rtt xai,t !o qa. ths !or. Th€ eecolil basis for pr.dlctlon ror].d be ln th6 statlsllclants resh of e!periae63. Ia tbLs ca8. oDe roalil lco& f,or aoDe dafl4li€ lathssetlcal trend !n the erolutlo! of r€cortk. Fo? e3ep1e, ir tb€ ilna tor a eertai! €r€t1t tn 1900 Md sucl and Euchi la 191n lt sss 8 secoarrs f$t€ri h 19?0 lt MB 4 $€conds faale.i ald so fefth. Thle rould be a verr slsple proeee6€1o]1, th€ ilt{e6 rf Bir:ch na one s|lspocbe e;1st6 t.1r any eveBrr I}] aay case {here th€ proS}€3316n aoee noi dlreei,ly tu1ndld t6 zer6 a6 1t dde6 t!1 tbe above, ,r1il'eie6i colrld orlll be lltlnat€s lcr 69sE1:j.c dat€s" poBlrut th6 progles€i,j:! sot lapger lut 'slth sup_ cvert 1C j€ars kctead of Bea:ler, lher sha.t? lhel1 ror cruld r&i(e }atlanal predictiano l()r €yticulsr yeerR bnt 1t Fculd _ue sllir t! use the iem "ul!hat. it aali raie 1'r does mt Eetter b€cau€e unless eo eone i3 rasity suFerlor the l aE ln deieiilng:.e.Y1F st4rpl€.r corplex L:e$s. 30 € rc\ exjeh. :te pm. gre.61on3 lF er€r! e?eEt hare so lar pioceeded randoElj.. arle nlehi hale euslected a6 Eurh :f orle had odr eor!1der lhe e"e"changirg cou:iitlos. 6Ed techai- belrg a 6uper-FrEgaostlca!.rt I 8hou1d th1nk, tor the foilcFl1s o!1;5!1C DEVSlCtt{Elt'l tlEEI. tl:,?It4ogEr t!'. .essoft. ttlls klr,d al predic:lea beloag8 to oDe ol two tieIds. Sudaj, -{r€ust tJ 19j9 First, onE Elght be baElna oaert 9g0j 1. F!a.-k qi6glr€j! r"o,C., 2:00.7; ?, B1li speacer! a,t.C., 2tat,6\ 3" Preal4ilons oE soDe ei.tre.dl@r? kno&lefue of phy5iolosy. {hai is, Clyl1:t r,Iooc, B.c" a. j 2:0E.t" z_Ijler 1. - 1T {ood. r0r. 9:t4.9 {r!:4 aBsunlhg ther"e are taws of phyGlology a:!i ihat &ey are oatEedalrically oa1- i!;{I-Ie ) i ;,'Frark P{ie6r:rs, !oa; 10t39.2 l5t1\ 16! rli.:)t j. Cery i!111€r culable ia the se*Ee ihat lars of lhysicE are, one Fould Eake .alculat- cloes cautrt clrb, ivery ret tleck. loN troo thsse lawE toeether e1!h fhe r@e:a had to 'rse -hc lhlrd laae eathenailaally lr1or$ 1n1tlal colditon tbe beck a!.etch..!te 1st 440 ot the 880 FaE J15- Uood ea6ed vp ar+er 66C. lors oi a 6lveD athl€te.s plxyslology plus phrslcel 1an6 1ii!€ Alavliy, etc, Pflaslns preseeO a1i thrdr lha racs. Orarltlng the asEepiion Ee stiU see the Z Dlle !re6 re olly 20 DlDuias ii $outd be necessary to na&e th13 aftet ihe 8$c. taod'oou1loed bac& r€ry Ared.ictlou ody for th€ slven athlete !e11, ?flaara dlo not. about ehon *€ kno* these cond1tlotrs. -(l'or' ETme ' Ee eouli not nake er ulLrrate p!+dicl,- olYirPlc DEi-Eio?lrEry r{EEt (4th IEAAU lon lor tli€ clase oi all aihletes Atea eet) 4 Hil.e handreap {16 !aps) becaus€ ae EusL alaaTe k!o4 the 26 etert€ls, 23 t1!r16her6..Usbi 3 speeiflc 1alila1 cordltlon6" Ahe!. too, Eeital3 gi?€a.,56 ite8reea, clasr" our pre4lctlolr, 3sp6,,rj.e11t !:1 the ca6€ 1" 9. Buddllgtoa, Eelro!€, Iass"t ?. D€ve llelchaatr Dearffipart. Eess", 3. m . of junplrg eyerts, sa,rl.r. hsye to t'€ based s! lhe kros tecLriquas.r !h6 tulcar, lochesier, ll.:"r 4. 41 Selssl, eYent. If ,he i6chEad_ue! u3dexg6 e?61- llorth lodford Cl.ubi J, ?!:orge B6ra6tt, utlon, *o ha!! to . .... olr calcrrl&:- E.I.I.i 6, Ed !lra4*ett, Ly!! ACi 7. to[€" Artl. of Larry Decu. EosloE !r {19:58 Cor. Urto* lD adrarce ju6i in r4hat {ays the EEEE*rI;FI; 8. Daye B1a;h€14y. E, !tez, iechnjque8 slll chalge od be b.lLe: ColieAei 9" Aob zolillloffer, E. ilab, coUeg8i 10. lod A!16:r, rrl1stt" i 11. thaa tna oner se kroh slnce 1! Y€ ',{io. FeeEctr BnAt 12. Jolrn Drco6a[dfea, ll]\t kres drat r.o'$n be better ln the 13. ltclr tioaalae ! B,q-Ai 14. Paul Scor!,BA{ :.6. Luls sohla'o, YPc" 65:10 1?. Bob€rt Culletr, AAA, 66133 Bstb, Xsle€, Sar", Aue. ! {, !e) 18- Ed.ra:it Floglon, BAl, 55:18 Af conlalane aE3 s$sr rltb ihe 19. lll3ra Y113or, fic, 6?127 ner hgland 6.',a.s! aao ij Kl1o 68:53 20. John {odo1]t, urat!. ' 7Ot3Z chalplorEhi! B*: i9+ n1lee, :otlay. il. laor Bourque, Irat AC' 3y h1s rlclort ao!ra1or!6 .epi,rr64 ?2" Chss. Brsde!'!o!. Jt. FltC, 70t44 73roi ihe Ctsleace 3, ?e 4r ll€o.rla1 :1. PaLl schell, XnC, 2:r. toelil Ds"l€s. F,{AC. ?3:4C lt\ophls-. €eoa""s I Eorohald1ra. 2J. Fr€i SFol'u' sr.t NllC' 75t15 lee fr1l.{:11s the .acn. 26" Jak6 Brsdarsod, N$c, 75.19 gll]t Euppsr courso,. n0', s.s4r, 21" tred, Aurka, Eaaat. Ba4t 7?t23 2,r ofrlci6l tinlsh€rE.. SpoEaolea bI 28. Arthur nadreeu, Nnc, 73,5, ihe Si. rarlis Fleld ,aE -{eraetailr!. Taan scoxhs: r. Bo.lon .4-4, 1.-2-5.9r i. .a-1 lor$elc'1e, Bostde L{, J1:3?"4 ?, :lorth xediord C1ub, l-l-?= 14r 3. 2. rlck DoEolue. Bostod A.c, 5)i+? Fe$ Ao.k lloae€! Club" 5-8-9= 22. l.rr. ioh! \. 8s1l€,a, Luratt r 54:4C Dick P:rckai{, Eosinll n-A, i5:00 J. siaa alarlan" N{c, liEl'l tlIGi.AXD 2n (It0 iB^ I"AAIAOAIiSe]!9 55t22 t, ]1qODE lsl,ANll {^ug!tt 3J 19J9} ?" ironzala! Srotior 5411, 55t51 E, ;ona llconr,.dree, l:i14. 5? t3c :. .roln jlcfr6n, i, ne11ey, Bostaa 44, ttr7,5t i\t?4f!!d! 1:13,{t4 .l!Er :, ,taba Feli{nr, r,r"n! tt. t1t36 iq. c€tr6e Ycuri6, !.€-ica -{,i,jer30 crahas !er$e1i, Bositr .44, \1t3.54 :1, ti:1esi Traey, telhaa !c, 5;.!29 $111y su':ih. ilarriliro:! l)c: t. t3" 59 !2. !1:1 icscb, {fiq, t1:11 Peie C6rl{al 3!,{ 1.15.25 l;. nreal ;ohDA.n, .jrrlrlld A,: a4r5? ;: At an sla4aL, tclc,' 1r 16,01 1{. Loyc€ :j&nye:-r NnL, orru4 "/. Ga4zsles scotto, Bli' 1'1.6"29 1i. lraEk {:il.J, littc 56,.11 Jacli :a:ry! Sha€ha:l cC' 16. JIG! Lf,eL AC, 66tLt 3",17,25 lPsrkard' BA,4' 9" 1?, st.!e cailey, l].3y, ge,, 63:50 10. Ji6 Coucll], Eldctrlc Bt" 1tL7"30 7tIA,24 18" Geor'gje Nesront', P.?t]er.: 71t30 11. t rgh Jascoilr't, ?€n]1 AC, 19, S!4, sorha$ !-C, f7:16 2, too 'T!rri:i.s' O31et" Sfrat 20, Ed 0ue11e:, Co!\u ,1C, ?8:f0 \.2A.28 2: " "{.1 PotNer:, Gorha:r rlc, l:r41 12, sleve Rc6s. ,ior'he$ Ac" 3.iilQ , !t2t"24 15 . l'hsDae Sl&ders . leii ?J. !:d trbrperd. i:rFhh !a:, 5i,;06 rt21"43 16" ",l1lli5i Ys.pht' BAA, ' ?4, trl,ed Peali.ln,! i:i9:3/., \!22.79 1?, Don Fay, eo8toa !n, \t22.31 ^c, 18, $1d sEith! Banilloa 0C, o. BaJ i,I6te?' F:uiEh AE ac, !122.5\ taELLEl r_Iils S!. VINCEIIt l)e?ArII, 10 HITEE 7r25.Ota , aa1pb rllb.ra, sclc, It25.09 1, B:fl FeeDey, BosioB A-4, ?rovfience, Shode i.:!and, s3r:., !-!g.:r- I 22" aob Zolllilbofter, ts14, Joiury {e1l€t .nce as,E.ln e.,9trrea ttre ?3. llalrl( neliy, il{, tt?l.24 6bual {:1stJ St" illnreut ire?arl1 ]i rtle 24. lol.rert auller1r Bt l' L;29.25 (scrsteh) rosd. raee 1n ner? ho!r, 9o.l i:29.58 !!. gercr snIth. ile!1bon 0a" "'t29,58 1130.4? :6" tJ!€lle Dlae l.{er'clsnt fle.(hsnt.i $ttii. '.ut:.. !. Job.n J. Ke1l€y. Boston.l4, 49 ti+5 "? ?. X. i!'1ck3o:1, !3.4,' \131.0? g" !r.ic 2. GranaE ?4me1lJ aostoa,q.4. i3131 7t3t'33 Dao Drrrli!. rcabo. ;-q " Afaa Slegeir ,lorlh !{edford C" i5: co 1:14.16 chas" iloierst!, \r,Ia, :. t, 4" E4 Dwl*€!, .rn€i., nochesier, at, t o5 C Dan lav1e6 I c. I iiii{,;-' :i;i!...............a'';;r.. c"""v i 1245-\7 ).' 5. leyne ranothe, i{o. uecllof,d 4. t5t 59 6, Charles BDbbils. iII?c, ttx 5,< ieflai. "tioa:aa l.ttrn ,1-{ Jr. lea][7. nay Cr.rther.J laaitached, eeiey, zoU:t.horer, C!n1en" l4erchant, 58t 3c 8. 8111 F€ener, Brstor A,{! cklar. i-2-3-tr-:-1, pts., Jri sta.ted. 58:38 pltzes..col1'Ee lorg-saae a! lasl 9, !€rrds Lirehd: nl@1nh:\0 ac 58:5. 10. Jees i.laDemoti, 59tzo 11, {l1liaa 4urphy, Aoaion.{-A, ':i!'lc, 59t'j4 -i2, Janes Couclll, nleotrlc 3eai !i1:2i !l.e U.E. rrFn. I:. l5-r'ilo r'tl1 16 13. Johr Aurns, l!r! Ploueer clrb, 91. t? :chrduiaf :). :ept. ?6 1tr !]eteriowo' J,jt" IhoEas Crane! $orth tleilford, 6213? 1r, l.hosas San4€ra. qnabisc!6li, 62r43 COnFAlot!5 liSils NEU IX{G',AE r:tTI,E il I 29. sAl,EM, I1ASS, I4iCK PA:tf, ASs'r. IC,6 i,lt1e Hanci.:! noad Bac, !!i,r6r', -4u!! 'l ih.)C r..)1. i7; c"sfees Friix rlorqT ' _ !,:i- ::lal,lolhe, $ttc, 6nr:1. -:tOA -:ql :i.. Iiayne:--n tt:'t: ;, {:1:J b}-^. ): : l: .0 ... 4; :. ..1 c.:r.:..o:. BaA,,.a.:. 2.:( ,4..,. 4" Pall Scni,t, AA!\. art?;: 5.)a t':.iz - a'it?e ,. Jir rrc56e6ney. l"AX _. ?r00 ,.. ..:: 6:,?5 6. ( lt 5tr:j.s, .:..: -J ,-, r... r, ---3ic: ":.'l -!!:'..41.;3 l. a.). ,. -. €. ie.*'ii;rre.:. 2t3t ai.r:) 9. ljrl i.,:.a3, i:.qiesiier,b7: t! i:rr-1 {.ir:1.) .:., r'r , .il$, ': .:r..ri q.:, ;,C .,, " ::, i c- : >r:. i. . -., - -.,:. Gonaa:l:: Sc.t!.. ti$rnn ,.: 6610? riciii i33tari, Ecsi:o1 ,4e,,:ri, La.71 ,ioiln ;.$1o. |rbt ra l'.i::i q:-:, Joh! ileifanc, 5N:04 'l:!oe3-dr..a. 1T" !1ck tteelr. t-rn!, IC. a6t'a 16. ,lin U.!e*4,.i;. i!cdi. iii.d r.4 a. i8;:f 19. Dave 81ecl1e] P. i)a3e:':.r3 4.,1" 58:14 a.7,;:r ?C. Etil 16i:i\:,').sicr nr., :?1, li.t toilcl,u., itr:i:r'r 4.". o"rt! 3!. li:d !:i1 , li:ii.lior rlc . &5i 15 21. t:)i r€q, !(,3N..:,ih, ;t,n6 ?4. 3.b l.:ti.hc1:fer", f,. 4au. Cci-. 5-q:19 ? t. iastelbcqer, lcrtl: l*:.C.. 6,?: 03 "'reo!E3 ?t. ToE rrabe. iinrrh liediorlt ,:.. alui, 59.ii jE ,^ ? l.-, .. ." . 4.. :: Jl. ir. :-. 11. la, i5. ]6" 2. JLc,.. Ial:ilrii ij-.. iirle iic.:k: \ !.ilora t:-.nt:, ar tsrscileri, !i!:r ri( {r.1:l:l:B Yilccr. lln" l4ea{.:: 4., Drl\ {rtcksaE, 9os1.n an" ,, ?'-kc, ka1io, ]|:;. irhD G:ar posEnn nA, ?.1. l!rc'::ftjth, it'6 ?t110 lC. 72t29 'ili, 31. 32. -1.1'.. ll. :6.Ii! ll+. 35, 1"111+a lC. nobe!*- i{ilUaE:. s61ea. uass.. ,.t:39 GrorSe ?iie, lroeros nn, J?, 5.33 j]8, Irer losit,i€, l.ior9h rledfo:.d c,, ?64,55 ilatren. Revera, Masr,, 39. liLil Antir€r lloreau " Ii.. liedfcrd C.! 8l:10 /.4, :, P)er.r.. 3ttL., i:. !rL, !.a,fe. iaar.'e,, \o. r1-'i:d ci.o, d-:09 i.. Tean: !os-"or Ar,, ]sl, Tiae: Jin A!e€n; 2nd t.ime: !1 tlorJala:e., !ocai: Eoner",: I' 1s! r"oftr ind.. Jtnare!: iu! l4cswe?ney,. Frlzes: lrophi.s & Mes.!re1r- :rq.e: C1ee. . 371h .11' 7 ^sf otl}tric ll!\'i-:0P$su! r, ?Gi,tit lt,r{ltcrrp t'{obday, s6€, lC, - l-erg. e1dg. lrack, $orth 8o3i.a as usua1..65 d.AreesJ c.!iudy, fog". i5 sirttere l. !d Bracketr. !yn! Ai :l il icc:.) 2, Daqe Bla.he1y,r{McBoston AA, ?l:10 Alan 5i6E3l, J. ''ii11i& ir. feeley, Bosion AA 5. BudClrgio*! oneti, 5. Dlck Donohue, Bostor ai!, *i5J 7. lon natir !.,rron AA1 2\,t37 3" tsob i.:.1-ibloffer. !.r.".r, 2!r:0 9. iohr liCcna!1cj'3" tl}" 2j\4i +!"-lto!--!rsi,r9:!!.,--|rs:.-4e..-a!:-ls-Joi sCC?f iJrJl LtJlli liJi!r!5? ?.r.t 50!l01tc :! 8,14 RlFt3 i.a-us, 1.1. .r9t9r 'Ixe nn..: i:niEer. c1!!, ilY a.ssn,, i,!L. r.4.. t!t.i l!.ro sched.1;r i!::,: eveFr:4.: ii:{'; r,rlliai:t "i,111e:: i:iz .r?! ali: t f;iie lieia.:ii4li !,ve, c6::.8e. Th.r ltf,at :.,t.e 3irr"led ei ; l'il ;nrl \c;:r Jri:.j r ri::lie rulr otei t. tiloss !_il-re?:' Fho ir:re ncr; .en.b.C i:r!l!_ ?ili: cirrrrj.:j, i]l:s ij, .o! ;!,rr.,i t lq-year r:la. i,rr::- rr,ri- .hacrr 3!1i he.x]eri t6i il!. i,. .: il.-lraste !:er_i nonih" ;rat'i 10cL 9;e 'rerd at i;he hal-f {a:.. n:r! a:,j :i.,c !i"an ir:f8s€r, arl]ii:3! :.t *1i'!::r' rl., r,::*r.,ir 'ia!. rI 6i !ar46. $cci"!,r airc"lil-l f4: lile n::lt r:1.1!r rni3 te5i !,e!: ;rr ihe oper :e.:ii.. .:'i :l:: q iil .un Fh!.h was si.:rgea :i4eii;rieli' aii€r rne j4ijo. rarr j;s lofllfclr !.uny U.ndez. ]1i--( ir. i,j-ioreter irr. .ia4rj iooir'.1:. i4ad 3t tie ?1 Ei: nark ani led .:r-Xr/, 3\riaer iot to t.1ir !a?e lt ?-ie letas :t,'?te Ye.1 aest t,1n. of ;i;ci"7 .rj-th ?cii iaeri:i, iA4A i:os[ li:aEr .-i !aradourL & i-:fl_in )r, Lri.L 4hahpr ihit r,{:i-:!!il&,"*'il*ll$,$!Lr 1,. ioe l!rrr, lrl.'i, :. !.ra!. a!ase:', li*5, - 22.qJ.-a 22.22 \IPe" 2?tli l. i;ar::,'lerrr.r:, leoli, li!9ii, ;2:ri4. clarence 5. ..t.a!1 loe!sla.i€r, ilJ!':. ?i:5? 6, 'iillur Ncdeil, lllt't, 2i.L9 7. iix !'cr.netl, nr.Anlih.2l r39 ?4j0i 8. nar iacksii, \_Irc, 9. Toi celEa.tne" Jea:ir, tc! ?+:C1+ ]C" !ar1 ia4!ris, 'nati,, 24:16 C€f., liI:!: 25tA) il, Reul !.cie, lnatri., 1?. ":j: i:. rlqdr€ 56ii].. urati., j.lTT1.1" fl, :a tot.n. "Ieraica :outh lissale, lairlicm rr, :r" iou t€. Di+niar, liev/rrrrgi.. N: r vJLn trtiti RJ\ Fri:rslmr- ,.lriilllJlrl,,,o,., ;'. foe" NM. Ted 21:5! 22:16 l. Toe Laii.3, NIFC" /.. Fobert illar, l,XPc, 2):36 5. io! DrFetio. ilnair:,' 23tt,o u chlsttphe}E! 1:!5"x!,8" 8.,fli&e {,r-!,!t!l! t[I }ic EoAr B!"!,-,u{ltirt:ff@) st' C3Ea.a, 5t. latborlyre B"C"! 1:16.?0,01 9"-9er! ryalatro' St' A!!ho vsF B"c" 6, lo! ;.blsva1 wlr. ;tr'19 :j16'40'i; 1!' :?gql 4uflhv' tsPgklvE coDral is, rrjrc, 14t12 ?, Jobr1 lodb cffr-c6, l:17,59.6i 11. ted sulto, 6. .roe Hrotirt""ixit;.i ?4;i5 s!. A]!rho!x!,, 1,1e.5d.0, 12. xar ," ,;; !fi ;-:fo(?c;,,,, in;ai u:mlalck' ilaPc l:21-25'0t 1?' Jin r-c. xEit 5te:ssr, !-!tc, 2?.4? ' :'coE'eIl' sl' A:lthestr'i '.. nuE to.Le: iR, i:mr - . 1{, Eovar{ lorrls, ulatt., ':?i!'!0'ii 1r28.25.2i 1f. lary lessel., St. A4thoEr/'s, 12, ErEie i!edaad11a" nrcu VrloB r". Jce {6:1er, sr. a,"tl'oars, ii3ttr:B\:3:: -_ r,,, oenc \o5aea!, Jr,Alrr. ilyr:? {'r!'f' E{t flelsles! ur:ati'' j Jo€ fle!:r'riill.zEs: ;u11c. sace: T?oahy tt aar1! l'lll}rose a'4: Ge1r6 Bosedjiaa' st'ant' s1lr1er, o6.1sl B to :rnrt & fn1, ope' E;ce. cot{', Eli'€F 6 {lfli.K'?ff;,ll;,-t*:X:"":?#,:i"", deiills io 'jrsr J ttr:sh.-e & surho. cohts. -ir;;;i";o,aon]1o]tj,46 -cii"iJ-""ry )ronze u€dals !o aeib r i,rc seni;l":-ii. flar. gl* ?bnete h^d Mier frsd 5 tsl1ed oa" oi:flciars: chaxrna' ot reee: Joe Il'tzes: fea51 iroFht' ? halrldEl lre!rcrnan" Tt![er6: ilr]r eree!4n & trophl€€ s:ad ee"chaDdlse' Each rdelber Da";4 llar sllve.. sta!'!er; nevx, ltlul]1ra ie€e elsa r€c€lved s oedal" 9r ct€ik sf course! John sr€r;16! a sDNitors redels to e11 jrhai f1bl6heil Ted co.bltt, nhsckesA: Itasrt arter Beftoshnelxts & a t€rY lrlues" Iurp$, Niek Btliots, Earve; r!ch- y9i,,?:12srorze !€!E!;li.&saaji.r;Eei. - *::.:H;""*ffi:"";:n"r:t:::":::r"" Rith si' chrlsioph€rs snnuaL plcnlc' car,lEts :;:'.#::"::"?y:*l*i: l;";ili}":i: Jth ANNtAt sENroB !&F E!-T s?oNsosED by ArHr. rrc BlcirArrou ,u6. r2 {6 pd) ,."r" , "*-""*r* sald treck at a6th & flast€r Sic, ;rr*".*Bo! soth' sc st'1d€'s ln ulle doubled tbe Ph:lsdetpllla }loneer tlub iook ' & ? oile .,. !n 4:22.I & 9:l'l ,!, second a4d third plrce flnlshss !o lag, Iigt !g - !v sta Plsanl . 4usifcl defeat shryh4a cc br s pc1rr. June 2?- Vlcto.isn I',a.athor cltb 20sbaEher6 .t,€r,oy Jehnsor {on h1s ei 4i}levood_ 1. Ton tsollv' 1;58.55; 41i9 flfth +?rsecr!1r,e 3r0 iiii-i$ qlrh a ?. K. Lyrrs, 2;0?,J; l. -es Perry, '::03.8.. :orn"r 1.1s1 ru$n4r 4om K61ly, 1r rcba nry3hai1,_-!en acJ n4"il_-!!&i rS,-"."i.o-" 6oo_i""ii irn iiroueh ibe .PET!A. Pq., Heit. 1220 , i:ll.:: e:+,-ri i. r':1 i-.:g::.' .,lj-:l'::t" J. l_"-llj grlsh JascoJll ?ein iJ, l:tt'Jl 1.1,-}l'?I^j1-'""?}:t.:i1.5.;9{9*4 sna4'/ z!,r+."i ...:_ 19,,-jl!."-:-:f".. 2tr6"nt :., ?.. {arsn, :4r-!,, lt, llsrcoles, Sha:3A.he*" "rxri ilor!-Bec!steled l{lIer 1" Tari Zacharv" roier Dsaaeaoaga loder.. l(elly,'{ho ls tralla, raa ihe ilrsr 10 Drle; shourder to rhoi:riE! wrth sNale earalhoE chaop1oi1! !bar& ?Lt.beae.,.But af!€r tho 9OC:f!, ,limb ap i. ,a!&eaoa6, Eelly i,acsd assy".Ti1€'ctta: irbraa fi;ioc |.ttb 't!re ?1e14., arld tlr6t an4 last r€re a -. ffi;s;fi-4i!ii::::-."*' il"[;;* sxdrsr I $11e aoaii Hrdcap. "*:^ a4! TBaa. 1. P}tll.a. ploneer Alj, ]0i ?ii? r,-sta:r ii".r,i" iS:4rj +iiz0 2. srra'ehe4 ccj:g! ,i- &!!4 !J, q Z: J.-lralr";ii- i1,zii *j;ja i A'-ilerti:r {scf) 42i41 Fast r1E6 Eoad Bace s!. chrlsrolners 1sr 4!11@1. tu1v'18-..ior"l sfY:{'4 ntr's,Eoad nriloaF ;i; ;fi;;*;iA;d;;"1;:: ;ffi ;ii-' 1. Joh:r i.dtsubka, s!. chrlErophEr', '?' Al L!"tl:---is?Il,l?!51"f:ys€ r€c' sran4lllra', l'r111!'o€e A-a, \ | 9t. 3,9. 9t ?. Alae r _'iiii'siiii'i,r!!' r' nrr" rr09.56-?i 3. 'ludy lle:dsz, ra Plala€r;. .riir'r lJoitca y_4 crBnD: sr Bao;Eare 1:11.15.8r a" ualt Berse!. 5i.. thrisi:oDhers, j:1?.07.2i 5. rob!.iarreti, st." :i !P'l";ii,lialT ii;l I i.z$i Autbotryr F E.e^, 1!12,46.9! b" Joee Do rEo"anvl rll'er 27r12 gor' J' Ploreei c1uD, ir.i.tJ,t'; 't. o"'oJ!]' shculil b. ao dlfl€r€Ece 1lr lh€ kIDL of tiaulrE thet should to? Jtrti 11- f,$,r i t1.ll6 sclllor I^,:nt r:eeoa to !e a p:tnclple,oFthat &r$ui {*De coutr€) 1. DsY. Poqer {EBti5j24:4, the ru!:EeF rhctld tr61t at 2. C. Tho@s (r,roE.,sJ 2rr:t-r r K€itb hls orn dlsLsffe. i,. acqlire 5!5r l*ase ca Lhl. r.rtlcuier klnri Ol.lorsrsbay (u.Ets) 25!?6 J;iy 25- ro,oood lisid X-C Cl^esplolll'lp orf;r... 6{ b"1i s6 r. l€t h1s bo4g C€;le;tUar Patk {? 1al6 o? J,000lo over 4€!4Io!. 14 a Ddrircuier !:J. 'i.!thtt i3 a h1}ly coEs€ tlth 6and patob63.'rerf, the f'-:,n Ji rrtr€"' qark€d rut ? o1F:e e: p;F': nrPF 16! da:'. oolilllo3a t41d !o bs rorte r celrat! tbat bai erer b..r ercotmt6r€& 1!' str... :r F4rt !h1F r).-clP. tltl6 6Ye!!. ) (s!,3eorge) .-lzsd ]lP'rs. li .qecea' ila rt+c nav lE 1" Albs Thooa€ (166!cl 3i:47 te e-l r^lsht lo: a 6:1er b::t ,! J3t?3 2. c!si.6e rhoosg io, 6rsi: e {6ap6B fQ* ".t:e sl: nu€r. (Audlralraa Hr,l€ irr,rl t*o, 3. i_ ,Iar- {LladLa) *r '.c larie- ?ub hr-: r!1ef do' Hhai 11"10 !. r . Fi"er {esere} :hree ald "od? le6J i4:j: 5- r- !i1€. iB.s.r :r ieerd Ll. r r-. r.^ -rI noi fesl )? c1ur so !:-r! i' ..J.6il 'rer u.? Fev^ i. R. "€Er.:.6 {?yde club.,'0}ILt{'le Jalf 1! \-:r.ltl- lalker6 Lee-rn -ra 1. ,i,eenfh,1el.s ol hI3 ch;sD1on6!it. Poad ai 'etrret! 6r Parl police apltrt* ru UU:r ./Be. g:9!gg 1. B. Crsrford, 3:0J,1ai 2. "", IrdlD. Et*e!/ 'r l:lc.2c. 3:09.26r l. E. Everei: link: lituoitotLls All-sonef,$ July l8- nsn qsllre!'6 ctut) Kllo ahm:s, 2 r!1e ftc-:€ i':r,iq) &rrd lan i9:57.2r ao;d ceotelllsr P1rr. brs:"', f,::d.' re.".d 2" :. lr'l,t!. a:(l:Ji .e!.e!:xs"3t1 : for rne fl:rl i. c" nflv. 'l:54.16i .--r,1e aDd rrn:p. i.r ''- c:5c.;D. . 3, !, Err'?.d6. i.;r:!a. r-au'"r.*' T?.H;:;t:ir: ;:i';:*ilL;::r:* ?,1!sb.u.Ai.. -., !, . 7 &. rM foi relea. . or i"'.-':u6ntr6 880: r. Ioorteed,{!e}-' jLate:j''sr:. Ar 1:r'.'; ;6: lo;alltlI ud . L'"tits c{ fu z. H.i.} . ioke6, AsDorr1 - , i qq-bui soo.. ']:crc Lr eot + dFar ;"t Elb 'Lc . .l-y( :.-b"r;'i p5 rr:to.0i ?, i re: €dk i rel 1. ,Jteve..'./d-.l.jad. ln ab'.. i:,-d .'e76r.::.e. iresloel:_ 1l'eit. lers'rsanr rt:ititn{; llolm.v ea3;l' ae ectally Ba-;;;1i:, :. ! l:r _:bnr!. (coc1. ddcr.( for the c6rn{'-ei r.Ldr.. rn€ i-a r,r., Ceorse IF(y, ).,:,!:1. (YeeL rc tre:- pe!..'.1 record.,i a. i' Lbsdettr :ar. ae as :; .a4 :d1115 ph4ee il:: fi aro'nr t ..'- t:rrr'-18 ..dr'.'t.. Yel 3;ree Dobrss, lALntLL A.,( 1: ; Joe T&: rid!."'. ilo"i!3 reco'ds rf -thoaas, lil-yea!-o]d rtuc!!o'.{ r.i, topplEr :hi! €eaFoc Rlhen iJul:g, Senior-slate aile ara n-c clt3npro:l- riaD eri,i,a returaed 11:4t"6s oYer 3 +i26,4 aa rl:rz.z lut was sql g.rulor. at ri:ree,i. "'r iJlY ?Lh" '-fG? pll-tsbush, Pa.. AL€. 1!,-::54 5r. a.Y.d lre preYlous :ecord b: :hlc cu, {alr che;loEshlps. {got' 8cL'. lerl h,tldi 1.8 !ec5, Rtom, Eoted ror lrrs lx sheb Bl@ils f:'ot aSoves: i- aa:rv sLoke!. c,moa A', 1 55",' iaoen""", "e" lrL€r s thrlllire ?ii:t;a!-old Piit crodb 11 3ept.r: 2. ile i'ir.ier J;.Lcan lag-3]+i.:ii;r. P6nb scete. i!!:Fr- to d eres i mce.. malot rol€ ln iiir.' l. .loe i'lnooaa, slioELoM H.s.' 4:28i aear. etho ol;vad al1fe of qglada J-psnetle ta:-:ersi l. iiiearrr ;pott6 ne €s ?.-E.rl sanders,'rt' 8z' ne :eu"-"' si'irer' il"a-iii"s cJ.'i!-mrttir, carua', a@ob 4.c.. 14140'0 atjalDed a corta:f, oeasure of rde i-irie: r. eot pmaoter aDd a6 a nsDAser of iiona6. urliontof,n F.s.' #ffi;";rd 't.'creorre t 2. JoeIou1.L6! uoEtlacheS' "" a r*i".srr.e. s€ D'oas'd I9g iiio+.r: ""o.ti ths feous httlan aara!. GeorAe rFacv, lenoD A.c.' r;nqboat, :.i:rc.oi E 6i-rua;e! fror csledotrta.' ol1t. i 4 i r i. e' I rz-rr-ola n"s. Serror). *" tEntrs Hlii,l: ll'.33"1ffi"-#ffi! outstalalJrlg 6th!e!es & u@.r ilan- rBAcx sEoBrs - rn Fftsrribrns raEt the!€ se€ds to ee to b€ 3!i11 a coEslr- -*'qii.:i i:":"1:l'l'lT&::!ii:i: :ll:,** .*"*nr'::l a#Jig'$6"ff sooetlrlns I thlnl-Fvo!8. It,n11er&-rrrEE- iii-Fr."la;"; te r,ei Plper, rlrDrer n11ers aEd 31r-D11€ra ar6 ronao" to-e"rd'ton ;-*:,";i;;; r*s! i;5i:.c;"e'*uratlo'is ;.-i; ffif i"::: i:':.i *'9"9'l: *l#::: 21 BltX 3. Bob Ecadrtok3ot, Sbattle O-C.' scr. Ltr9.3!.4 LtZ9,3r.4 4. X€Y1D l€t. Tacora t&I' Arhfoid. coEa., Aus. g-{lra N.E, 1t49.35.6 r.36.36.6 load ra.; !: I d4rsf) vEy4* r,at{ot}rs, ? 0.c" Fno aaptuled ih6 31s1.6, irs.s. 10.8 5. Paul FcCorElgF' Soattle 1i33.3,4 scr. rt53"y Etler iro d4rs edl:€r, son rhe D!, 6. D,rt JacobB, Ils.$d, ol!s99'.. chsrl€y sobblEs .pereor'64 rf,e€ oyer 1.55.25.+. I Br' ler c.ur6r iE 53,i2. x,M 19'l -7t+2.26.4 2. Tlces: l. Eob fl€ldrtc!.oru &!tt :aaF-El-d l€flotl,'. *€t;;i;d l?-y€er-o1d. :- AtitllsloEl'1. llocot'Elo* Ed iurod cf 3o.iert1?, n, . bt s hoD n.!. torieter?-er 1,3 AEgoXss Xo.rth redford, 53.52 1, nt coit slnc€F &1'D|Ecrn. uJx;ttach64, ",s'rle";,4Frthc, i4:11 -', 'I€t oa o:prets s.tnl'atrou tot vour Do4!h]t.- Drst_ l. ".o".r""-.t". s!. ,trnih, EJ, !6ror EeE tho.r: it b6- aroud to hate 4; taor. ?€rF , 5h*n4haE ic, J?:J5 sroa 1. EurI Jslooql.t" Pon, hC. t'1.55 tl'olr aPotr SFortB rrliar. do lot slta PFopcr. b, Ch;ri"s Eot'b1i6. \Y ?t Le?t, ,.52 ls aBt'uf 62t7\ 6erti ro tbe spcrt uhlEh 7. .rrLe Fred€rsor, fl.{C. tm6 atbr.et63.r or ad b€rt lur1d€r 61t45 i- n"y";rir, !;;i.;*. "d1. 'litzi * lln€ir Decerr'er s'd dcl'l t. ;;i- i -;;'i: $t14. ac!1t6. '€xt 10" CharirE ere{€rson, }.r!a, ?'}tll '1:t: 1r, Bub Jo,ed. Jr.. wC -1,b CaDpbelr ' '/aterioin' daa' 1?, toh! Jaae; \Fa 11,'!-.': -old) 79:26 ir,jD .I'houE!'.:ne trli lssro ol tb6 Ls i',. =ril r"ro:i r:fic, i ,i!r"€d laE; the b6rl i,o alaLe. 1li- Dan runloo: BAA. €nd rrlned. !:I fou:d slasprl'$ rorl (10 01. & up) d..r.f, "tn a;ie!, :hanaho!':jc & Relph lnt€reailas" tl13 6ugg€silo!1s ero E!lle!i" uc1c., !4 $€eai,:". {idid. 76Fs :-ch sl or:4 the lln63 lrY€ b€en *. u31!-s ior scoe toars. Eu!' ihert l -ters.jg:-!-l-Ue!.-4:,?.9rr"!-!:Isr"--.4,'€1C 6Uete. thai ]!land. t&? ,A-sso41a!:l}r ol Sar' ?e:i'nelarlBo sugg;rt to 5C 6iaut€ 80 Eee &!0rs Lhev thhk ?dllee (ci1:f.: S4-er ,|0.6''cuxt:v fi€ets :t;r PrLlieshloEed & :boy vaEL ro sutucr, .r;lj 26, o r-dl?-4lr'".3./t tulles I!! old luE 55s {40's TheY aII 6eee to fo"eot that thet 1? t49 !. !:srv l€3€, !€diar:lg li., - n'ed B Sootl fotuitatiot flrst 6 13r05) sc!:. ei lCierler i 1..r. r". q1* ,e ):cad or "ahc?ekrt ira':zr'c rltA a i-.i lii:,"i i j ;''r<"" fa'! :. i'iiei:,:'-.rr, '.udd c(:leseq ielhodE tor the dstattrrn the Eas _ iS:41 sho':ld b5 1:rc:tded :1Et Enal x, .1,.:n,:-o .'r1:f 19r(3 611 he dld o? €13e 6o8e.thool our to" i !cL+r: r+!(. Rea:.r.6. 2b,r2 w.u1a be narathor€Is. rcrE s Lillng,eil] rir:l i\edsclYes ott_ ;. g,-ct,--:. !. 'iblna. rslt L4 rjlI4pl*", lT.""t';;:iT:"* I*:"#Ii'""i} r..{ ?. roh' Esquie6l *., run ors Lahe ltto consldenrtlon 1a::J '""t '.u.r,"'3ill 3, St3rs B;"rbc' Ss,]|1 i'ta.:ai. :l3sij LA qlirrp. 2l::r! thea lhet-atlospt to :tav cl.nn a ?, Berlj€ora Dld l1ar flalsh, Ae!qI9!.!-64E+_e!g j+-plgcigg --_ '-€ni€rts, Denr}is {ava#-ugh. il, :.6:t!s Bar\qra trash Del' rlor Jobn Prestoll, lttloirgioa' !i1]r14 i{. S,lll!h, S?3 serurrXlEo ;tave sIrcr-;au, &;d:iaalE ilgh strloc] ":! vo!! Julv t35ue' 'Jdiler Prep lBqar!a.5-c" i€irceis!., -Eq!t-L1l. o.|!dprea. !iii"l,lt.1l;r? 5":ffi*r::""'ji: 4stioBat lli€rtahoiastic n1l€ r€esrd!61der, n.1as i:lxe all-flre i{assachusetts n1' t-.DnBt.v Jeccd oi.12:03 for-28 oii. siJri,'rir: p"olql:l eo io se'ta n;' 1rur6 t:.uiJ, 5o{ 31, loeE not haYe Callf, "l€Iio}. Co11ee6 for a yea! trel6|€ !pod-' ho{eeer Fr1!q tc olgFo s!4ie -AeLlCsL--- ._* IrlaFJ laurele 15 resi llo?e!|bor 11944, sne" no3' 1t Po?eBb€r sff ?el-] no3' I wo! that t:t1e alld esiabtlshed e rl!/aAu 15 Ku. Haa4tcap il41jt, asa. 16 reroxd for ibe nsI| Fealill! ?d.k ilreeE I€k€. 66ai!10, lta3h. itsosto:ll .cErne" ?t a1le8 ta 12102! 1, tor anderson, lise.ttle Ol:dpic CiuiJ the ec!.s3 r!n4c th4t i1se ev ::-:"a4.? r:4;.48.? - -c:.31. "_-" '- lt-nt Aqqgl ro - r-!s! thenEed e'.d Ir, Soolt lould te 2; J'hnonerlt]e,lsiJ bil€4 _ 1:{?"1?.4 i:dc i..tle:holdet. rr'ri: Bot lbe uffrt4?.I?" ?0- |AYFB I,a$CfnE i|I!r$ LAG CtravFES : 4. t1d6 r€colrd bolatei, !tusr€ iltd lou g€t this lE or'oat16n? Are you to ruld re? (na., E4cloE€d flDil pslt of e photostat copy of clipliDg (iE partl eqr]alalnA the dtttr&iion. r6ep the !,og coEirg, lut ploese iot, th€ old tlne.s .est uDoa thelr laufels.' (Ed, rsue e&tssh, JoiD Pr66aon, tepresentlne St. Johnrs Eich ot Dss€rs, the flrsi prlvate school snd aanneober of the xass. Eead-easisrs. Assoclatlo3 to conpete in the asual cros6courtr'y rsce at rra!}li! Pa.k! lBu-1led actross the finl6! llu€ ir\ 1.2ta2, tar a rcw recorrd (& hle 6ih st.aiAhi vlctory af the yearJ. Our hurble apolosle8. 0L blrddy!! ) CA!{AD]AN ?AN.AII T&F TNIAI,S wlul]rpeg, Jury 1/-1d - uoug Liyre or Calgaly,drer a standing ovatioa rroD the spectatore oE Satulday es he wca the J,000 deters,b go \{iih Lis 10'0Q0 leter wla of tb€ day llsrlously, ryl.e b€at out Hanlltorr€ Ootl:o! lio&Eoa for lbe secolrd. tloe lrr the d.lsiadce ered3. Kyte ard Eady l4asoa of lorcni;o BoY€4 sltle-by-slde for derer lap! reiil thg easterner aleveloDed a stlLctr h bls r.lght slde. Dlck6on Eov€G up lEio secold spot ard held o! to beat out llasoa, r*ho lecoyered BulflcleDtly io Blrd up thlnd. (WiErlc ti@e - !5:12.1r siegnar Ohlema! of veacouver slrowea a ti,eneuiloue last-Lap klck io score a code-froo-behlDit licLory tn LbB e€nrs 800 nererF, Slaa {orrfold of loronto flnlghed secoEit ald Ala:l Ar:dfews of Yancouver third as early pace$oiter Ergas Leps of EoroDto lsd€d ll1 the 6treich tlrlve. ll1e wl!:rdaC ilno !la8 !t 53.4, J,00oE. s'chs6er 1. Eoa $a11ineford., Toronto; 2. .Iia lr'on8, fororioi 3. Dave Drlborough3 t!i.rr!peg. TiDe: 9:40.5 !600n, Aeky: i" Easi aork Tc {roronlo ) Carl 8e14, St€-a Noast.]i, KeD ?oselsaac, s.gae LeF6. lickeon, f\r1e, l,iallir+forn d, MasoD Bere naoed to +he fan-ar i-e. {-reniJ nen 5rd 10 seiected to the 1J-U1]e llechelega l{al'athoa -lloEireal 1" &olalld $ichaud, 1,ed tudces-AD1s, !t?8,32i 2.rlne3111t Sairh, Emiltoa oc, .rt29.38.. race uai mn ir1 ienperatule3 or over 90 deerees" rilrha1]d sei a bllFirerirg pace, sloBltllg badl.X i:-: lix€ larr f.{ ri:es a6 irhe h,.at r.:a0 :o tel:l".lloa'5 8111! $liiil leable to cateh EaDIIlo[ OlyEDi,l club ru.tuers cai'riee off ihe tea!'pi1ze (B.sDlth (6acond), Bob flartu {fouthl' sld srrltb tsixth) fast, hr! Eas Altr-Cosars Ueet - rat.: A!€" 8' 1919 Palo {lto. cal.ifomia, I'Lo: Jacli leman, ite1.J 49.2 400n. Hurcles: Toooey, (Col.ofadol r?,1 dgo: Jac! lttaldenr isanta 01ara Youth Yillaee) 1:5?.1 MiIe Jacr: llarden, 4: U.2 I500n. s,.hase. Ili.hard Dutto!1, 5:08.9 y!.rls, LO,OOOa. lflo d, JL-l Iert 33:5b"3 !4-AllaN C" WHITFIED, t$ice gold medar Finn€f tn tire 800 deter6 in OlyElic Ganes com|etition (1948 arc 195?1. a.cepted a losition as direc or of physical education in I-iberia ireslnnlna rn June. $alrs big resporsrhlu'uy wiU be i. ceveiop a curriculuE and be asks the het! of aU track nu!s. l4ost reeded are books, Da4Dhleis. equipdent. He can be con iacred thiouih aLie !.D. rnforutio! 5etrrce, Aneitcan Eabassy, lionrovie L:beria; \tesl, africa. 5 ]tlle Road Race, touihbridge, !4ass 7 /)+/59 1. Ro7 l€aaire. Worcestet, 25t4I 2. Deiu:s lj.tu1ehar,, IAao, 26:]a L cefry Ha!!ey, boBton AA, ?6:42 27tAO 4. 8111 i\rLarot, Nlilc, 5. Don i/r.a:!t8trie, IAAC, 27.11 ?8:Oo 6. JiE McDefmot!, wati:., ?8:r4 7. Dane Monks" unatt,, 2913\ 8, Lh" Fllcor, NMC, 29t54 9. Iran tsosiiis, unatt., 10. lous !oncot-!e, lynn ^U. 10;09 1]. lift. Nilt1a6s, lllli, lO:09.5 12. trave l{il.ltans, Ii{c, }ltZA ll, JclE Foetoh, rAAt, 31155 j2t!\ 14. lir-r "o'Pr, L/ra Ic, 15. lled ts1!L!, llec. Eo.i nc l?:56 ':jtA] 16. Fred !.om, i!, 17. !:ck *hj te.,ouse, unet!.,l3:0! jL:;l 18. !.n .1" Jchn. II1.l. 19. Ari liadreau, un3!!., 3\t 42 2ll 3oE r.r: You.E. Y.:,., NMC NMC. 20" l5rQ8 ?1. li. ie oinlson, Llna !), -15:11 )51i2 ?? E. F Ed(ard3, Fldu:rl3 lJl,10, Nl,ltl. llt 2?. 23. i..ioaee, Iil'Ll r l,iM 39.24 ) 'n2 _ i[g];3FE5t:!.1!Eri-{ij *!iii t!*i4:i-1 tioa! ! :6D:i'3 tier, ihat as vcu alreadv ha?6 s:oec :t is o,,ly a @tter of ijo+ aud lrainf'g _"D oeriloP the toeat! :r+:.y$. !:,,i., -1ai", x!5. 1.5 i2*,1 ii"!-i.r.ii--ri".tf ii dE: i,.:1;,:r.s1!:;ny ;: ::. JL':,#:i-IT,:". ;i1*"i"1!i:: tn" iLr o'rsr ihe Jiral t flt16s tn --".. j!" j :,i, r ,:.-' ,., -de.ejL:-!-.e--t*.g]iei- .--.i,i:..i :c,i,," ", -".. l.l,"a:s r'." J:: .3_. Ici'" the ..:tre' irrc!.:i tf.e eae'-x i1!)-sry,'s I !;: ,::1-t,, niri"";38, ^;i;t;"t 3""" _oinL l)-r ilu:rse 5t-. Elhbs r-th '.,' g,cj Lill ec.! :aE. ler1 rn Otyrpic Da::arhon .ace is rn1ot nas d.&slie .nd cclotfulnariablv ' Er:d qolte a the itrnners re6(i€l iciir,i,,r"" l*iy, ics€1;16es !r5€r.c" - ru" alI crl,r .:r'.ris ar4 ff:ci:1: i:ie a}'"jJa. a ::arbeese !:nne. lol]ow:ns tr. .ish Bentr..3r.q. ins o. p,.:.e3.1 - ^ aicpttc,: Frorlr"s d Kidsnle 016: . 11.^ aea.o6d. (Lroin:Ps -o .et j w . re1f, luriicr Ie.jr.i,.t.,l. .6hr irF:\"1!idse. v.-Dj:" ].an!tcj r4er;rni. r. ^Ier i^.<: :^ :: tz ME.shai1. Peni .\4. 6" :" ::il:;:::1::""::: :;:i2 ;cl .2i14 il John ,riilii cii",iiii.. i,iiiii ii;' F:;l'^;i , Ei.;a i.9. i:'J^J"";iH:i; ,'genn ac, L'.::" Hrsh Jascoun." i:."fin";i"iiillli, -i'i,i'r'"" cc. .i:ii lil'"iHll; *iili.i!0. . ii,.'r,: ij: 13. '.€rr"y lelaney, 5h3nahan cc, 75 : biXi ii.. n"i"i. iii<ji!"*i"""-iner.,i N" Piof,eer ir, r,*- lt"-n"i, 'Iuc, "-::l :.i:.ii;-;-:r!;;iil::i!l:;:i.-.'-! "':^' f i9" J4. :1{"i:",,::' fern Au b'i .;:-j--':- o-.-rr--.o 1.""..; i,.-."i."a grerori ror'rreece .;--;,,"_;':: iiy...-ji'",,i-,,. inaorrli lc:lrxe;r Drerherc,r 5u:r r. t_)F .,.jrt!:1,.s qesl)en!e j PlLi:L' ha:dlo a" lethl6t ir' re.-.,-a.opjl.,r r.esouno:nr inC ,jfurt:"e5 ir:urr. rL i,e...i:-r r.. ano unr)Lie.l(o "in ,L :elbrlrne" br', ,eier 1n t:€ "-sto., of Lri; b::1.1, such a hilai'nas iir€ie iit€ie been oveni has !ili:daratbon e! tous rece as ?he reoi)"19,h-:, Jnd' neve' h1s rlrc:e P!i.lJ"i"li"l;ii",'1,,:1i"l,i;::*"' .;";.i"irl'f;1:**;i.1i".,u,,',o," c4rncs in -c 'd'r; r; a cvslery' rnv Fe iecidad r' r'taf i tro qnerjce ,-:.i::,rf;tH;:;it.':'i,9L::".,, ",arvalrr caaes '"^*-* i4!e'5 ',s s losida i ln ^d"rjca, .rd one .,i€hr ffT:F !!:"iii!i::!::{i:ii::j:#' pracricarry '"""" ""-'^*-^ e!"rv on",or us aheadr ha6 :i*";: H;.9;:;",:: i:IXE"l -'- ii.i"" the speed we ?eqLLre.. rdhJt we do od hare Jliii-i"i"-ii-"i;u,lro rrororE+^ 1s the sLanlna our €ffolis ove. the course we hglpen to be codpetire at, Any schoolboy-of 1, could l.€eo uD 4ith a 4 nln. Eiler lor 20 or l0 iards - a proof th€r the .Dc.d is arread/ 9""':,:19.911y tn-e itartn€_ro usiain i..1€ and stlensih take !o thlnk ]rd:ee}-9p:d: ihat sta;ina J!"i:-" 9" I'5' - . .^ -. - Rienr a{ay, hg.quti bls jobr a3r set-aoo,rt iris rask- raising tG ;ece6sary tunds !o set bra ro -i,;i".iila no orobreo for i.4e nost oi thes havenr! ihe PhYsical sii;niir."i;i-i;6 ;,;"iage-ninl -rre-ract iiit-i"ii""1"i-i"i,-oi'inia-.,rr had Passossod their romer port.*' lt: ci"i.ii"i. o" " .*r ";;;;;;i;t ii irJ-i,iio ffi;[;;:";ii;;;a ;f-ri;;;,;";i"!-.ii,fu;.i',e ;i;i;;;; oeacefuuv and naDotlv ln thelr ,::"::i,';"I"';::,H'iil::'ii;:;,i"'::i9:ltr-:,::::"'.!l;t"';rs-sudd€!iv $re' rle oerc ielir" iii ii;i."iir'-tii-"-j';; i;-ri;'f;-i'^ i:ilr:il Hii::l:r:i,';"'ii,ai!; iii:iil' I;':i?:,:.";:::;1";":":,t;':!$H, This ^as Eoo e@d Lo 6iss...6ndl after dav dlthout a Eomentrs hesitati hafe d*eloled !h;" t,,ii;" r".*"i. ii,ey i:"':"i*:.3: ill.i"Ti'ir$"x1" 6tanjnl io- LhLs xind of horr alrhou8n ,26 rhsa tho crord lac latgs-.!o!rgn' CerrataL .topF€d hlr dDD!''Ig' ItourtinE s larso barr.l, a€,Ir.oc€€ io exPound h15 l]'rd!ro!P€oPlq leltlur to st. !ou15r'rhc g'n'f;f Bava . bsrov€16nt at(t ausr roalil coDtflbul€ tb. rol'y Ths ot€n! Ya. d.Iav.d shLl€ -Urr!ln- sbertilan dld a lrlLotLng Job on carvagar'3 "H:i": i::l:";'*"rs, h€ BrrPP€d orr i6 i.rd !1rl 8ls !ns! bav6 b36n a P€r3ua8lv€ r6nd6 - th. cesb roltod tD'loanc rlti .rou$ lo buy aard licl€l a llllrs lrinl1*'*li$:;;**ijffif i.llr lhsnled h1s P€oPrs'. DroEtt:.Y dlsaPPoared iD ![s.orr;cti6n irf the Dear6st shlPP:Dg offlc€. H. ioached N€t. orfsans 5ar€rY' Tb€n ca[s di3i3!er. H€ gol lnto s Dok€t aars Fich a f6t sdibefn a!iE.ntl6Eon.i and io lesE laan h;r- he had b€en refteeed ot arr 1;;*g-t***;f{i$;ffi,:!ii the Udtsd stet€5' Docls! [o!6v ov6r and abosot, aaa. ni: ;s':':::";' and D€rElIess. a srranse cou"'rv ns!o: un_ Not-ttrst i! HorYied oursi. !ou1s' for daud.d. he 3et offvhoL€ NaYHe httch-blk€d the lilngg4:;. for lii *e';.;v::Pd"'xs*i";'ioen a .ui!abre l:f ,'$":ii^; i-"iSririiti'p";";"c"a rt"'-lt D€rore w€Et fi6ld of h15 coElng reach€d ne reacn€u t,1;€.he tho g1E€ by-tho hjr- and bY irsd Eede st.louls, h13 eacalades tn ttlra Arerlcan beaaun€ nst6 1n of tt'. eE!1!€ loputatron iiiil n€rcore !o out t'Jr16d city ih; olF;"" . lecePtton' ln hand by lhe glaft was iaken"r"'*u."' fi he ilElllll'E:il}""l.i:!#li3r'lh who hoosec. d! uaftlq sh€fldan, tol"9il3"i* "*"= :f#*fl'::"1'tF U.!.1. tle staeasrsd lnlo the.stadi' "i-ii'" tii$llE il"H" i1,;"i*illt.:;:*:':t: {e-bad to be held uprlghl vb119 slg' "i;E *!*li"ii"r*i":*".:*.::5"i:'l*l::' lu"-"u"ona and lhlrc nhB€r€-corev. a4't ADettca-er''Yod ln nuch !n€ condltion, and had !o tecolts oealcar N;;o; of san- or carvasar. "ilii'13ft danced pravl"e to-the ".rul1 Sallerv' h€ '1re,-and "iiii lii-, :l:-ni ;*:t"*l;.:li!ir i:"if,"li cheertng 3s ...ano'fea a gleat bursL of he c.ossod lhe finlshtng rane' ";::i'a ,i",1:":::":.'.: :i',H:::Hi;,iffi for sloPs occasioiar ;ith ;i, ;;; ;; char: here 4d therel ::I;l':';,*";"::"iaiP"$::i:i, ,:t*"* naYana post@r, *ould non b€ ltr ;€:;i; *13fi F3eaff i{'n::r* #{il:t'.h:i#fu itoa cbadot-o$3hios" - :hi#i$:#ihili;li:'itn:r- "g:ffi*l;*ffi*,['*b:ur*rn h3l"t':;if :'H:"ix"'i"i'Eii?lii;' 3it;:ft H" ;iil:"'::il:,1,#:""f "i:tll" "*".", I ;:" "::":"i':-.$::':l"y:':'":""L h€ ths.r up.,.nb-the 17.8 s6corat3. *iii;i:r,ir';:**.r&:'i31,"#-:*. steal€a, !e 3s! s !.ooF or 'r1-" 'rt **::\:iHtF B"ilil:'":w' "l*Y' ii-$,$ii:"+*x+ul**,t+r;:" triF shlirsl j'i*it+tr#.:l:l{".i*rlli 4. EIFII{ All}'irll qISl,1lCE AIiilliERS lqll p';;!k 6! hdtinstoE B.aeh be '"rt,' $oa i{dt\y, Dir6cto! s6brden, Al8rsi A, 195t (caltlomla) &e.F3t1@ !'F!t!et lOgtla @dlc4n Bar 1. thd@ ," ata, CDf@" c&Y A0 " . 2. v!.k lye,sai.... '..... l. JoseoruJ Mt..,,' " "... 4. Jolb c*ci3, ou.l€! citt 4c . , . . 5. Job lslld,wl &., x[,4 O\&Pts3 . 6, {tUJe }o.te!, eal ....... !r.Ai . ... .. ?.Adlea J. Snoii, 8. Jolb t16tr, q4 O].v' . . ! , . 9. JolE P, !a$."ty, !.4 !i6Ld, UsN . 10. oatl/ l. A6eg, O!e36 C.utJ. Pac6!s. 11. nlcj18ld t6squeri ita 0tJ6!1ms ! ti. ,i3€ l. ci16+,ra!', U, To.e O. Johdaonr CtbEr dlty A0 :i,4. Dlck Rossr [hd!IC...,... i5. ilj.chasl C" !ll€n, gttwr ciiY IC 16! wlllie !. tleLls, cql@r cttt Ac 1?. rbdo l4ada.L48a, RiElsiie B{CA 16. ntu a& D. Situne, C\rlver 4lt]. !C . ' . , . . 19. Donald 4" trt*,6at m. icid.l $.h' R1e€ltlde S{CA " " 21. 1ta1t6. B. t6tka, qai.. ".., 22. .Jo.Eph (ttb', si. lrthorv'3 Bc . t1d not tln$ht Jo€ CaF6t!, rai DoEgla3 C. ErM, 6\1Er CitY AC ndat4 nie, e3t, ,. . , . . . laut Colraler, aat , ".... !triaad J, :tevtnsonr eat . . ' . R beli e@driguez, sai ..... td.iBrqdslgh, aet . . .. . n gp! Sl.dodlnrr itailn aC . " . , d-u! a n@ (dder 19) E-{ee IEP &a !!!i4 €.!. J2.Ur gse. .5s9 51315 ?0:34.8 55.34"e 7t3O 28.45 t9rIL'1O,52 ?tc€ 27t36 49tL7 72.)? 5tL5 29.13 5!.43 72t39 *att 27,a3 49t29 '13t52 1t?o ag,U ,2:L3 7+3o\ 4.3o n.44 52t23 '14,50 ,,r, 3oto6 ,2t12 74tr9 tt5 tt22 53tro 75to6 2.@ 32t1.',1 54'34 nr04 1t15 3o.5I fi.o$ Yt\!) 9.3O 2-',a.03 52tW 77th6 'lt:a 29t11 53t39 79t43 5.t5 3a,a3 5\!i8 '79t44 ;45 36:08 5?:56 79:48 'Itcfr 29,5'1 54.L7 n,5i 5,Lj 3!,rfi 56t22 AJlt+'l \.& 27!,'l i4!14 6!16 9t3O A,Lr 55,23 3Lt35 is:oo 26!n :4.5o e4,5\ 5.L5 33,1+8 6L,ol 6tO? 7.3o 3t+,oL 6)'02 94.5t 63.22 64t31 62t51t 67.52 1 'l 3 12 10 6 60rrl 2 ,.2.L6 1L 1? 7o.29 rJ nt32 14 65'Y itt5"l 77:re 19to5 &:tl : I 20 1A eTtU t't1'5 3ot52 52to5 6130 2A:L9 ,2:15 7t3o 28tt5 56tA4 '1,3o 29to5 59154 3!00 29.12 60! 50 7.3o 29.23 atn 29.44 7,30 Re (qllqerl9J lEP !i!l!b t. cel sd€!., NoEAlL .. " ?;l:"5x 1. s!* cotl\oa, s& 0ie8o T&tC 4,01 15:50 2. r@ Boevell, olsse co.re6F ?:53 15:5s 2, Bdio Hsh, Coryron . . . 7.39 3" lomld r.. lotlon, uarh. B4eb 6,01" 16:14 L Jj! coblayt Ia tlab!4 . . , ?r{l 4, vllto! Peaiac€, Ioe Adgel-os, 8!00 l6i2? 4, Jonr !€dy, Ia rbb!4 . , . 7:48 5. isnk ilopklns, 0r, Co. Pec€rs 8:02 L6r39 5. Ric,bad !o!red€5, Peco!6. ?.55 6. Iarrx eaj,n, s& Diego t&FC 8,0! L6r46 6; DonaLd Geetti wes'@!Fi,€r 8:21 7, Fran& DePed:o &,,Ios AnAeres 6:16 17:23 7. Mer Dod€€, Ia !4b!d . , . 6:33 6. Bob Blere., Inglftod . . . 8:].7 17:39 8, rlar l'ieli@, o!.Co. Pacole 8:52 9" lsv€ Ro$, Se tieso " " " . 9:03 19!U *N6 lecord. 01d @k, 7:5l,1by Rtched !ee&de, 1953 3-E11o Ro@1d Banis, IaB .In:aetei -_ffi6:. -54:14'd...Joserh lyler' Se Dleao liavaf T!&i!iqa Cdter, 3-&:1e iu,..15:06.0..rtod xnitei !6!port Bescb, 1956 1}-!i1. R@.." ?.33.6.".ce1 s*!e, Nolr€lk, 1959 1956 ag ?3ETO9. Al,loli !13:l: ?!-i4tll !c$:tit .{lt!l;A!, S@4!E9-$ag4$rr1 FoR ?n': rlErr Tlsror Al]citr , 41-:6ar-.1d la!'bai !"dltt( aou|:€'!€!. w4n':ii195t :cnsra,t:i I!':ir :',' tb': serohc t,in,, :r.n n: t!r-\sn f.r t:e JJne :.i .ir ' r\' cr.(€r ' '_t? +ot :"6 eo, +r,e rtrPr -se6-e:1j r;!$ te.r {3: i1-- 7:1o}r'-, tri !€c:ton- !1l1'l! s i,iii Dii. li 3e4!. for i:!€ J6 alke - atr 5 :". .; elo{e. !ns: in€ reeord o: JO sec€. 6.t ';? bY Eie great llallY :B $eyirard 1r .\rij, |iu!, ihs ro{r:e_r,e sbout 2 nlles l.rget :1o? eince frti th? el1 flnlsh h;3 bF€n ,ic?rC larir !tadt4. tracl ErcJ.d tr Kl.e't @cmd das C-ralo !'a:s risJ l..ban siiier,ic ci'r- *iEler ri' :rr:iJfl$4 1956 and;.1on€..i tlt rodofl Lo € roaC tfaslja li tecolt i1!e tn '?51 aad DresF!'u l,^rd't of ahe toll.l 1€:L'ds '":'H isait _ tot iO an.i 50 tuil€e or-)elile {eL: ,€st vear"s slnnst, :ef{ls;.6 calir€ sdir-er: :i,,!ebel-"''d. Tro recoros were aei 1': Eils :'ea!'s rcctt.: race f.r th. ltrst !1oo lr t,-el1!ed hrsrop. uor€ taan 10C flunerr uD {107, &. 70 cobpeLliora .rr33ec lrte blEts3i firlshlra i1ne. The ar'.aaou€erhlaies rteld ra; 92 tn 1955 .ad 6lr codDletod th€ .outsa in t$e saee f€ar' nEe! rh6 .6cofd fie:.d lefi !4sr1trbur! at the 5ltoFB .f s1x otclcch Trs;or 'laFles, 5 courageoca Fhc4eela! froft lhriuufa 4.c.. coop€t.$q 1r. nls the lead :'irsi qcoErad;sl too?i c7f a..! te.+- iL rr',il abtul r.: Llce fioa Durb.i; rh€!e t1€ cbali4rE.' ; l':en !, dalsh Droved to. ttlohe. Hatnes ieq 3t .( ri)ot lr 6t:tO _'!1 !hEc<_ !al:\ lust, Iets,lnd, A" jL, _rlEi'l3r'io rotnt ie ers 2 @jrs,:n€ad -I i:ll.5l. rireklef, a' 'en c la .rerl^ern"r 1:4? l. Dasied 'Ai ?? iE o1163. sf..r a iojg n:iI 1'a) e clock.d ::,o;1o, .alsl' : 54.lL, {'r" 2:56, u€kler l:'J],ai 4 'rr1t. ''Lcde: 3:01, r7, tism€s L_.cK".- 3:-0,5{ ',4. ,! {'6oon irfed ta41t & sto:rpaa. r. test ' rllEn, .run1!s "ery 6ti!n€-U rl91 hii shrrilg 1ir€r !rlrn o1d. laised 'A , teE ras-+d ia]s. .€9onq un< i ''bJn bounCary sfter a ihrr1f1..+ sttuEgle and ran ln a ')ifo:lab1e Jln er. 3P:rt'te:s . cr.rds of agllauiitg lined the r'orie and i1uod, *.' I c 'e fol1a{ed !h€ lunn€ri lnito Durt,a. , The flrst slx runne.s receiled "?1d ieilals & rbe rest d.'r 6i:qe! ot4als. +,o s 1'.: . €-.,- -..!-4 L6:gi -:'ni.:Llr3lsl l:ih to s-n t'lt.' 19rh icaDrdlJ!-'a".i' .r. I .'edr-.1'l ,r--da:-+- :.::or r...j!:a1d cl ;ra,.,ErFrq iIr13h.d i!nrr. 'rile i:desi 4lJ5sr 15,:1:.ith. ?il*v!s?rld ::li:rr.r i4*aj.te *3en4;: ;l? ,!L€i: lr.aori-- .*o!P.itli ctrr. r1e r.' -EF:t i: ..!t.i.. ie rhe 1'u?€e ra" .;-. "..-rlo "i i. '. at: 'r Ju:l:t L€i46re lle .r1.n. .x Je--lio,c': iavre. ,".. k :iri nl,ode;Iu r ir'-! 1lrsi rC.,tr.d€iL' rea riftelJ j1 ins ]o1ri ot :!na ':!ion ll riie" irre ."ia llr:ish, ;irE, b-lt:,e4 !;v to Eain s gqic m'a;r' rL u;E ?'Jt;bl] .!+ .Ud:3: r€cs $r ct'e hl:t^rJ ol ti-2 iqcP. i -'rc ,: ?!"11 :. _ a,r"r l. t. i,ai!i itAcj r:11.:i , ". ; !+.t"1 r!a.1e-. ua ;" ?^ : t{i" qJ;ndna -'' .o tsde-e "' 5: l+9,44 ,"ti""."..n. -t^t). Eti'z.j' i. ri"n ii.e€n1ig: )Ar', a. J,4. i: i:l: lliiliii'"ji., "rj'i) i't"':l J,L. Eer;on. rtc, ,.45:2t-_ LIL+Ag!.-ile15Esl-els!-8c!-l!:i)::. Earitlburg, s.A. - ColLeglar Earr_ l!. ro* 'i:"":"*i:.'ff:"il"r"i8il;,, rC. i{. Ba.rb;nhetaoc, ,Al, U)6.2? Iasi€sr i14e ( scrarchl Ll- rreror {r.ler, )tC. ?:-1-t.:l {5cr ivery l+-i da;', ).1:lX.iDi:6rr coutser ,:o?raiaas'.D:rqr :,!., - ,rcoldea l,e6frt j'larar or. " .'roFr.le, ;cbdneridrg jtarr_ 1, oa"1: rsls. -:r8.:2 llilrcre! tbe $ouih rirr.alr r.c cisBPl4n for tha last tc uan tr'5 vesrs led ali i!1e eaYi-sxrPr, rreraihon el :\ ht.:i:'t G.rBisioa !t1113 .- ::cK:.e 1a/r'-eaB. ?:41+.troi -1, tvti1 "edBe$an cnri,lsrci --Joti, C,ub. ?,11'i9i iri 4. r,r:,": .:r-sin,rinlei.:er.'rhe "'.'L"li ':a ..cetd !:.i-eB. r.l 1e11 iL ti1. nPr_n8 :.r ,ra ii,fse r-s --., l.r ,.ierce:" 'n3vie; :.;1.'59 ln '95? l:rrrrE FLrl:pFUu TEA!'! li C!t'{Lr,C, .lTE til rlllrDoll to FR.LG'1'rClu noL,! !a:-sr tL{J,Iij - Trevor \1ie{! G-ra.Ld l4adrl' iri-- Saubenheiee. :L !llnz ,].tos di,iE reserves f)mv nor€ ano :!I,<[ie .-teva, who F111 be !'av:ne ll"ii"'fl."3t"!i"ii r"'ti*,lf 3#*" e9 11 D€Dt€hber, the teqo w111 fly to londoi ea:iY 1! iaL\erb€r abd F111 srar trirh Aiihur Na!,non lE h13 ilii:e cotiase ai 9 cottlneham chas€, Ru16:ipi ltlddlee€r(. The fuhds for ihe gour'runners Et1l be ilondon Erollded by the enter'to lrlghtonr !rtslng c onfiittae rho recslvo.l puDlrc donailons for the ]u!16rs Ito The Dulban a,c. stands a {ondertu1 chance of iaklng the iean elent oi S.unners lro cout & hhus eauallinE th€ a(irlee4enl of Uen;isron Callle lidrrlers rhc Dul1eo off !!e feat in 1954 wiih-waUv HavE€rd, Jackie l4ekler and Fred Morrisoi, ila:&a!d not o:l1y ron the race ltse]f bui shatiered lbe record bt nore thln 20-dl$rt6. ai tbo-arlof ]rL CHISAGO AI,L. CO]'MRS MEETS JuIy 7- glagg Field lOO0 fieter st€ellechase 1. Hat flisdon. ucTc, 9:19.6 2. Fradk fi€dEiock. tcTc. 9:29 lcTc l, Ame Rlch;rds, J€rry Hanl€y. 5t. Procoplus 4, (Note: Hisdon conEeted in ibe One Mlle fialk on [he 2lstJ flnished ln front with 7141, but was d1squalif,led for nrnning. l iuly 14 - stasg fteld 21 r'l1le ltandj cap Rdd 1. Cbuck Ftoadins, GTeen & cold, 2. Dlck cr€6n, Grifflth, Itd, 3. Fr6d loEan. Iork Track club, 4. E€fn16 Cl.aiton, l'lobart 0lyuplc Dey€top@ent H€€ls. Ctnci&atl, O. Jirli ?6- 0r66ih1us H1s!r schoor MllG: 1. Jobn Eaxteri 2. Nlck {iLl, ctc; rrle:.a:32.6. :.6!9i-i. ::-DoE.8*nrs.. rircha!d c@chi 't. ltlck rustin. l:ZO.t IiEust 9- Creeahills HS 660: 1. ron A!!tin. Dawon ac: ?. Don fi;i:ock, louisYrlr;i 3: Doua 6arton, ciicislAll T?ack club, Tl&e: ?:00.5 3-Uite. 1. liicl i(1r,t. cTc; 2. Rlcha.d iiiTl!6n. cTrl; i" ce;lse Sortb Lout svl1]e, Tlae: 15:25 C:ncinnat,i, Ohtoi Argusi 16- 4rth Arlrrual irLsh Oay Track &e.t at Coney ]s1e-ad Taan: ilicionani Track Club 36i Ohlc fG !6; Dal.ton Atbletlc !1!b 6, l{if€: i, NlcE xltr. CtC: ?, Jack Blac-SiiiT ;, earry Blnirey, val leydale xc. TrEe: ! !d." ?-.,Uler I. :{ick Kit!; 2. J. blackbLrn. Jhlf4;-t Bairy Binkley. 9'rr.1 ohio Tc; Llilg_le]l:i t. Jaak Elackbur., : "-7E6F rtrano, onio Ic; l: Dale sbifer, Qhio TC. Tlne: 7:00,.880: 1. Lt. DoD Austin, DAC, ?, Jack F;5b16!., VAC; 3. AusLln PvIes. U. of Ii6nlucky. Tlde: 2:01,4 !|qi 1. Fob i!:cveieh, cTc, 51"1. . TRAGT HEET. PN||GftAfiS t5'?9.2 r5t4r.1 7 z AYIItAItE 15:r,9 5 HtnJom. 64P.E. PE 15:41.4 ' 5, N€d hice, ucTc, & cold, a6tog.7 6. JohD Dick. Cr€en 16:20.8 Larry 8€ss, unatl., ?. Ray lsaacson, sobari, 16:24.r+ 8. 16:24.! 9. HaI Hisdon. UcTc. lo. Bud lar€chke, UeTc, Julv 21- rlaEs Field 4l UlLe nandic€! Ru l. bavlo Hay;;. JnaLLacded ?8:?9.' 2tt-, ?. B€rn1€ ciaxlon. Hooart, 28:50.0 2:40 ?115 3. Reed ltllLiaf,s. trn€ltached 29157.o 2:00 L, Al dann. Yo!k T.u.. lO:13 7:)a 5. Ha] HiEaon. UcTc. 37127 2:00 6- Richs.d t. Line. UcTc. 30:30 5ro0 3o:5o 7. Ned P!'lce. ucTe, 8. Jerry Hani€e, st. P!oco!.3o:51 ?:10 2t3O 9. Fred Amold. Unar!.. )Ot57 2:00 io. Dave Goldblalt. ioik Tc ll:m 11. Joh! Dtcl(. Cteen & Cold Jl:?l+ 2tl+5 31:.,1 12. chuck Flo6dinE, " ' 11. R€y Isaacson, ilobarl r )?j99 5:oo I 10 6 3 l 9 .rahr 6t rfi. '..!il 0!s R.U.SA Tr. st Meei m.y h. o$.i€d td ll . Fpy- €eq tt*t rh.r. e.tftatilbr tr.rld pcblic.rid a . Bitl. *ill h. sppli.d oI .harg..o ti.r p$ 6rn d.rn 0!v b. tI.J 6.. ; "ilt {," .;tu ."! Eo-& .f di $. @ih.t r&ll .rd.E alr. 5.d .h4* !r FRt d{.r r. $. Ptrk.r.ll'ts rb qdr.r Chlrili.6 lra" 400 N. ltsd ra- tlll& 'I 10 (so. Boston Olydple Dev. lbEt ) 3 -x1lo Hdcap: 9 Etart€rg 1. T. Royc.'$a*ter, l{llC 15 [5 1sr Aloutl lol ,ill:il: il#i"tll3 ii;i;{'""" hilts ^*'. ci,ureer Tso LaP6, lo]Ljn8 69 de:teoe, t1lsy' nboy. ' (Dlus l5O YAtds' Morchant, B|j, 1515' ?. ( Duate plus 150 yardsj !. Bostoo, 3. Drlck And6rso!, 16:00 ( Dlus l5O Yardsl scr. /.. Dick Donohu€. BAr, 16:00ocr. seigat, NrrD, 16:05 5. Alah 6, Don Fat, BoBton AA Dan Dalo!, Boston Aa 7, Bob 6,(6 Rttle.berg, uattached develorneri Dedals gtYsn. ' runnerE Pliced arouC '"tsc,: & all sti.-ied €t on9€". 60', E1stY, i;;$i;i ilooir'p.r"uit'.'"rrea' cnts 5:r.5 tr:r+r ?1 it"iiSii;?i :: c;a;;i;" "c6rto,5aAD":t5 6:oo 6i:rt "ill"^8ii,' br':-i.?: ff 63:/.: L lJ liiii BAi, l,a- iir-*::iil';ii:'" dD. l4urpbv. 65'2t 1; R.I. MIINR ' Aug' 14 Provtdsncc, &.1., F!!daY, (6 D-h.J adlusted to r :/1 6ties spo;so!: ilaie.s-r€ngdo9- I( 6i 80 degrees, huld.. n1rly course. l3 sta.ter6, 3: lanlsjle.e l. Bostnn Ar1 9i T6d scoline:gaai !c 19; l. FinniEh2. Elcctlic Anorlcan AC ?li 4, Notth lledfotd club 39 I - Noman H1EElns. EBAC , :l+:41.6 2" G.a\m laibelr. PAa, 25rl] a.<:10 3. Dlck tonohue, B^i, L- 1.,nv baDi.nza. BAA, 26:li 5. Rav- croihers, unatt', 2Ltia zi 6- 8111 Horrldaa. ProY.Co1.26: AA, 26:lo 7, BiIl leeney, Boston 26r\7 8- Tm Sanders. IAAC. Col., 26:51+ 9. A!.t tteses, lroe.NMc, z?tol io. Jim [cDeinott, NOB!4 I{ICAINs gTNS il: *:{"i,*:}:'i^}fl' 3l;li 11. Ji.E couclli, 81" tsoat; 2?:19 Il,. l,es Bennett. L6riDgton,2?t 5r rq. .I"!r" nasousien. unait..2?:51.I 16. John Dicoeandrea, nla' 28:04 Al, 2e:i4 l?. Don FaY, Boston 21t2J 18, Davs Mbrl8, !MC. 19. Harls Ceddord:i. P.c.,28:11 zt u2 20. Bob cullen. BAA, 21, Jake Bled€t3on, I'${C, 29120 22. Duan6 l,lerchant. lAA. 29rzl+ ?3: Larrr Berdan. un?t' ?9t5o 2l+. Leo fuconlgny, FA,lt, lI:09 25, Jie Bovlo!. Cranst-r., l]:14 3i: Eliii?$l:'ii'li''*.'., l]: li 33: 8[ii.-*"15i;""E];.u"?:: ii','\?, 39: iil,"3liit'l^ii'r. o4.r". 1 ro ;: c;;;; iai;r.";,, 'ii ':1a 6L'2e !+'; or:io i" J.ii'-t""'"' e, ;"iii aia;*6r.a 92.:l : \2 9!'1? 6l:';' >i'e.r, nirq. ei"i i.iO. e?:!! 9'19 j tc .: r) tt or: b,ui o!: Lllri 6c: ) airv6r, o"rrv Halvet, io. o"t!y gtri' !!,q- t'99 oj:36 ri" i"?. ii. tq!99 F:;";? e:r' n:c! q:!r i;: ,;i9 ii:9i ;i;i' ;;ffil..-rjl.a.r6il ii: ;i;; t?,?\ se;i; oo:4, ;s;i' l:T o:,: .-1d dcrweaoallr ;;j*;:::;'u'i'.71:a\ ili 15, lli 6l:21 r: scr.'.-4.1: i6. r""r'.apr.r;i,,s. 1.\'a' i"4'. '; )' 3ou4 r6:ri *gFi"i,r Ka:ly iii r7. Fr:ir l1 u' ..:, , L rr.; c;;;;" c;;;s" i8: ,. -i i^ \ f:l? \'j? 62'll 9?:1? ;;;- i;ii ie:;ii"fril;:nl:,1 l,'iL ii:ii zi. eot curie", bla.'r'9? r"are-uoni.. 1n rc ili ,e"-^ 79'9? ii,ii, ili lr,'; l:2"r 7r':o1 Z?:1r 41lo r"'d i,t"rs, fpciii "i*J,"i .iij. .L-q,i". siiai."".-^ R-.,r..q^n r!:-r 'r i6: Paur Prinney, l'tj,:ot'n. 27. Dick Danetsor .o 9: U e:11 .o^^ a^7 7t )7 -. \t IJ 6!1 23 yon", r,ll q]'lL ie. oiii ut'ite""'.., ,.v*,'' i6i i"i-o"ii., .. q9.,:{:6e Poetoh, . -+:, 10. Jonn oili e";1;i", "y^i' I uii6: a-..n'" i 6*- iil jil I , 19 q! i'.r L:0!' d5:11' XL"*"5::5.::. 1'l3"T"il,'l8iB'fl,31'"--"'*' Ii'lj"l3 $iSi3ii; \,2?.21 r!29'21 2. John crs?, {Fll' BAA, e:$iL"3*:i:"i*fl'' 5. Geo!'se G!z€b!e!' N C, i:i!:?q zr|J6-',t, 9:$*i'Blit:Ii"h.T'' ?:3?:i! 3: f;*.1'11!Iilli'*". liiiili 1?i?B?idL:L-T:;&E-.!e.-er-LTii!iierEiBu?ralo, F.Y., J) tnl' 23 - &q-Z!t) l,aa1( I'H fi !?.. Ht#hFir,*L:ilfi#::i1i: 'ri;';;;;i s ha!41oaP elert' ai;re.ce bui "3',19 }t11€ H$dlceP Roid Bace Y€rEsn ";3scralcn' froa I 5TAC,CERINC PEEFORI.IAIICEI 3Y IN]SEBORN ATHIETE ]I{ ETGIISI{ U,ARATHON itaraihol liere club-nstes iluao I'or and er-chailplo! Jo€ &cchs€ oD lbe cotro-back tratl ran to€etho. ( June 1.3 ) for orer I7 r116s a! ral€nt,l€ss In the ?ol'ttschd? uaratbon pac€. Nelth€r rould ylsld th€ (:ron'rsiddsor !D chiswickl 1n nrnavay lead bu! a! 18 ull€s ucchee rqas si.rj.c fr,D a f1ell of l?C, th[rles' forccd !o r6r,ir6 afEei a plucky .oir ter.:" c'diien (ji, :lbats clEyl €ffo:-E. Fo: bresied the laD€ tn n iils r!r't:?5"11.2. re.crl6d r.4 sia!--re!.!as r'"rf.rnanre lor a oan 2:?5:27 but adilltted to being dlsaapolnt€d ar the lloe. iI shall JuBt ' br :,as-ner€r-rl r ihs lisLute o€l)ro,' nat., to irain ha.ii6r. satd ih6 !edas .ros corts:..-.t,-' B"as,,er, roLder of l9-yesr-old $ose {aekly t*e nltnFic s!€.;]echesr rscurd, deecrlb_ m.kable 3chadE16 Ea&es ev4n athlete3 *inc6 ed li 1n tne nsunda:' Obsei'set,n ai the nention of:t..znd. qordon a r Cr:'ltar f:.iihed 3m ?5s altoad el !h€ .c44ie, 2129.2a..)td, Jack Foster. 6Bc.n.i dsn, !r'j:r.u! leei4_- lB-7.a.-old Tod crR€i]ly ron thc st€eplechase :thl!!e'".ri1o averaees loC nlles awe€k in 9:t?,2 e ehaBplo!5blp t\eit. Punniss in erd !f,od work. scot'":sh .ecord-hoide. Jack Boyd !€nni6 ii,Gorlr1nr lF lj, narrled wltt! won hli first chadplonsbt! 880 yd3. rhle:r chi.l.d.en-au boys- and dorks as ib 1:t1,9 r,{itb ah€ 6th r€a nnlltg a! alrcraft litiet n€t! nt, AlbEns, lr t6s, , loniicJl. The bulk of bli t..ii^if;e {sbotri llC &iie! a '{eek J i: ccr,e on his Ang. 19, -..on15rrt1e, Kt. - Earole io Rnd f.oE ihe iaetriY. ':4v Harlls. #2 san oa lt. of Iillaols 11;centl.r' ihe t-;a o'icorman corpetod ln cross;ounlry tearl last faU, tron hls cornrl : 'rIe j (_ack:i€.arr'nisllpino 5000-n.t6r cross-couBtry nir! at h€ hed lreylously Eon ile reebty 6' in Ba11er*1a6 ciueg€. Ih13 hl11y 2rd 01.s. nis hoDe id severi nll€s froE tl:e slie of the trat. .t!. ihe i{alfcrd staCiu$. lcnnir.g hie !::sck 10'900x rllr 1! r57" aet s111 tle the suli, llennis ran lro the stadlue ard, locetlon ot th!6 yd6r'E tratr}. St. efler Lhe racF. rd D1.i hode Lhe see .baepl6sshlp. sayr the e'€ L {ao ro3 It Jron Ierr:4an x-co'ret.y 1. Ea.olri Aer.!8, uoatt., r?!J9.9 Piedal:lst ) 5 miles 'ii!'r tEioir'in 1lr54sr orcordan Eas Betcid 1n 13:55s. 2. iie! rJM€s) CaDpb€U, Ky.Cldter 0:Gornahrs i:'a!!1ns F-ns a.e mostl-y a1t 3. atil ailEladan, l}lEltr Es (r,r. ) 4. austln ltler, o. of Kentucby done a! a f13t !ee4 - s}.t f,lri$ing 1s na"old cFac6! SouthorD flS (EI.) rarely jli1l:dei 3hC r€EqtCed a3 too nono- 5. t encr:s slnce iaer,er t'.u3irg sha.p€4s ine 5" Jo6 xroh, st. xaYl6! 8s (Ev.) senses. ite ittrattei runnlng on e, Eqll or ibe re*Lend3, {v- _ Ia an D;u1s likes to res! a:re 3ay befot! races; Aus. ?2' L9rlD€ltctr'Ec.! Bponsorod OltFFLc DsrelopBotl Lw6 4ee5 b6:n!e -LoDE rlstahce everts, .Jy the Adv. of reniuckr' A16r H€ roir.ds alore rii -_he foolsrvrq cf :Jslsci lanpbel l. IEcert 16po!t ott er i rre;an iratwarc.' .ucl. er . . Ntrth€rlr r.ElaDd, nr!)llns- for iya". tii'cr3,i and Jchb .oe lariJ ro63e l"o! Lhe [enllckv ctnder club' outkickoal .;;;;". ;" :1" mrue-b rrech ras :rolsnL Jarrl€ for first ln tte dir€i;;ai;; i;; io ice! r m" la..'.t over tne iarold gnil-a-tlQlf Lt€i 1a the seee 'un.Eafrir foL: 2!d ls ae6i he lltnD€d 88c." !tr-g!:g!: l Al€t csDpb6l'l sccTTlsii tHnrtrir)i{sElls- l,iew.\€ado*bank, ther{" EaF}lsr l. D, {},ens, IrlErry 3, ,tn,. 'A-2. t(ooJ, ,,8:4?.9 i16)irv:l:e 6:. 93!i:. acatlo ili,iir.: :i.,a"vt I. n]1srais lloFjsc ur aitlu" .6c-rd! eL i, j rd 5 .?vlst. :. c:;ixmiles^ dith !,des oI :9:02, l:l::t Enn 4catl: i: crltv.lhsLplon6hlpe 2E.;2:e ",r,1,-, 16"&E aro 17,23 off Ja! :omnr.). ,iurr ic : fu:lls! t. Fql sir;re'i r. sld i nrtp.!o€s ard 2-.rr Ere$otr" l;',T4, 3t?r.2t 2' citdaa ofI hts o!:r 6 ftile rec.rn" ila!io!. {0 1:2 i, ,!:!-4!-Eg:&1j" rood. lJ rq.b i. I,tuIe..t.;iislil1. ' ftee1€r, Btar & 1. :J' : lJia'lan, fi-fi"iro"1 (Dnoio-fi lsh a, aa-e 13ic. -inC1 _ cl*dlen !€cor'A"' l1z8.a besr.i lulsioe th6 cndDror:hip l'aok nli;:-;.-d;"i;; a;;;iril 4, - .' rc.'1 4-.i_,-:*gLg: :.^Edsr Yr:k succe3srve cna4PrJnsnlp *!4; i /. t, ,o € + II '4