WEATHER! - North American Brass Band Association
WEATHER! - North American Brass Band Association
BrassBan Brid BY GABBF'97SPIRITSNOTDAMPENED WEATHER! The 1997GreatAmericanBras6Band Feslivalwash€ldJune13-15,and desoiteinclementwealheron th6 Saturday,the Feslivalprocoeded withgreat lrornbothplayersandaudlenlhusiasm encesalikeandwasonceagaindeemed a success.Althoughlhe ralnkeptthe attendance downiromtheaverag€35,000 toaneslimated 27.000.a recordn!mber 22groups wer€repres€nted allhisyear's festival, whichwasonceagaindirectod andorganized by GeorgeForeman, cofounderotlhe l€siivalandconductor ol thehostAdvocateBrassBand. Specially selectedto represent NABBA byvirtueolwinning thoannualaudiotapo competitionwerethe distinguished Blass Bandof Columbus(PaulDroste).Also represenling NABBAwerelhe Natlonal Capltol Band of the SalvationArmy (StephenBulla)whojoinedwithbands representing Amedca'sgamutol brass bandperformance. condonating Particularly notableaboulthist€stival, thetesllvalrunsmoothly, l€€l to mak€everyone now in ils eighthyear,is th€ effectjve slderable€nergy comblnatlon of boih entertaining and welcom6.To completeth€ f€silvllles. pertormances theperfomances with werecoordinatod hlstocally enllghtonlng onAme canBand adaylongConferenc€ lrom the varlousgroupswho trav€lto Danville KYlo parlicipale. Thisy€aftho Historywhichthisyearfocusedon The and Erawitha s€riesotlectures AdvocaleBraaaBandjoin€dth€ pa- Ragtlme radein theirnewlydesign€dand bullt performances. wagon,ba6eduponturn-ol-the-century models that r€plicat€sth€ kind that broughtbrassbandsinto and around y€als American townsoveronehundrod INDEX ago. Editor'sNot66....,..,,,,,...............3 Prcsid€nt's Podium..........,,.......4 Tho r€marl<abl€ varioty of this y€ar's B a n dN o w s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . testivalspannedfrom the Ameriikan Poljat-Boys MN), YouthBrassBandC|in|c............7 olAm6 ca (Norlhtield Band Pro9rams,........................8 iheSl John'sBicycleBand(Detrolt),lh€ Mernbership............................10 202ndAnnyBandol Frankforlandlhe 1 BrassBandRecordings...........1 Naporville ConcertBand. In doingso, NewMusicfor BrassBand.......16 lhebroadest delinition of thelermbrass Workshop..2l I\rcl\raster-Yamaha bandwas represented in a conlinuous Upcoming Concerls.................22 seriesof concertsthat ran the enliro Celebrating 110 Years.............23 weekend.The manyvolunleers made **** 1997SUMME RISSUE**'r* Details of Performancesand Work*hops,Reviewsand Articles Inside Haveyou checkedthe Websiterecentb? BandBridge Sepbmber1997 lhe Brass ComyewatinX or Non-Orytnthting? flnt t tleq*rttun, ...andthe answerto thc quesri()nis r y1tr, usuallynon.compensating. performcrwantsto dealrvith a stuffylow regisrerl . Bcssonof Boosey& Harvkes,rhe inrcntor of rhc compensaring systern, understands the tiifficLrlties a orusician maycDcounrer during practiceand pedrrmance. r The rcsuhofthis understanclingarc rhe RE99j BBb and 88983 EEbnrbas. . Both are incrediblycomfortablcro play (they featurc4 in-line, srainless steel,front acti(h valves)and soundcrispand clcar (Ycs,ir'scornpensarin all regisrers. ing and no, it's not srLr6y!) 'fhe 'a BESSON Tllh RE99]LltlllANI) I}893]EERTURAS r.710bore(8E993) antl .689bore(BE98l) . 4 srainless steel,frontaction, bottom sprungvalves I Fully compensating . Springdamperset . Lightweighrvalvesprings r Newly dcsigoecl mourhpipe I Adjustablerhumb rest . Two carriagerings . Lacqueror silvcr plare 8E993 and 8E983 . The definitiue answerto the age old qtrestion. BoosEY6:HAWKES Boosey& HawkesMusicallnstrumenrsInc. . 1925EnterpriscCourt o Libertyville,Illinois 600{g . Phone:847.816.2500 . Web Site: OfficialJournalol the N/9BA I imagine thatmysummertime hasbeen yours;active much like with brass band Foundedby J. PerryWatsonin 1980. aclivities, learning previous lrom experiTh€ vtews erEressed by conlributors ErassedOftlatthelocal are Dol rFcessarilythose ol the North ence,watching planning movie lheater, and lor the upAme.i:an 8.as9 BandAs.socialion, Inc. year. particularly coming Two lulfilling CopyrQan O ! 9€7by f|e NorthAmedcan participaiing aclivates for me wero in the ErassBandAssociation,Inc. G.and Celebration Brass in of Bands All rignts eserved. CedarFapids lAinJun€andperforming a ioinlconcertwilh Reg€ntBrasstrom Colin W. llolmln, Edltor London.Somehow thiskindo! musical The BEaa Band B.ldge l€llowship reminds melhatalthough we 31 Jos€phLane aroallsingleentitiesln ourensembles, Glendal€ He€hls.lL 60139 it is whenwe comelogetherthat our Teleprb.le(630)€6921 3 strength andgrowthis mostevidentand E-rnal $oh O davil.whe.ton.adu mostelfective.In tand€mwilhthis,let me onceagainrequestthatyou don't Georga Foatar, P.oductlon Support lorgelthe8rd9easth6majorsource of 619 Dorring Rd communicalion belw€enmembers and Lib€rtyville.lL 60048 m€mberbands,andthalonlybysubmit(847)367-796'l Telepho.r€ iinglnformation canitbesharod lhrough(8,rD 367-7240 Facsimile oulthemovement, E-riail ! Paul Droata,Ncw iluslc Revlower 1310l,laizeRd Court Columbus. OH 43229 (614)884-0310 Telephone Ron W. Hola New Reclrdlng/BookRevlewer AsburyCollegeMusicDepartment Wilmore,fi 40390 (606)858-351 Telephone 1, Ext.2246 Facsimjle(6OG) &58-3921 MAJ Tom Palmatlor, Advedrhg Lrug€. c/o Tfre U.S.Coitinental Eand Fon lronroe. VA 23651 OfficeTebphooe(757)727-3888 HomeTelephooe(757)623-4943 FAx(757]7274052 E-mailpariataenrdrc+€hh B6rt L Wll€y NABBA Iemb...hlp Chair P.O.Aox2438 798 PressleyCr. Rd Cullowhee,NC 28723 Telephone(70,1)29+7469 E-mail b€,n€lOv,cu.cahpos.nrci.n€t prevented mefromincluding inlormation on the GrandCelebralion, the InternalionalBrassBandWorkshopand the newSedesonBrassBandWatmups, all ot whichwill appearin the oecember rssue, I knowlhat severalbrassbandshave madeattempts lo begintheirownyouth brassbandin the pasl. FlonHolzhas identiJied in his Presid€nt's Podiumthe n€edlor moreyouthbandsInaddition to lhos€whoregularsupportNABBAfrom lhe All-Starorganization.This issue highlights thesuccessof TdangleBrass Band'srecentworkshopin DurhamNC and hopelullytheir rec€ntexpedence mightinspkeolherbandslo beginlhek ownyouthband. Atlholimeofgoingto print,lho NABBA Boardwillbemeelingin Lexinglon KYto y€ar,demakoplansfor the upcomlng Thisissuecontalnslhe usualsenesot tailsol whichwillbelorlhcoming in bolh excell€nlNewsand Reviews,bolh ot lhe next Presidenl'sN€wsletlerand musicandr€cordings.Bandprograms Bridge. provide memberswilh thechanc6lo see whatoth6rmemberbandsareperfom- On behallol NABBA,manythankslo ing,tocompareprograms andseewhat RonHolzlorhistwoyearsol presidency ilemsare ol popularilyand inlorestto andlorallhismanyandvariousconlrabu othergroups.Alsoof noteis lhe New tions,Thetwoyearsseemlo haveflown YorkSlaff Bandof theSalvation youwholailhlully Amy by!Andlhankstoallof celebrating 110 yearsol service,and and regularlysubmilmaterialsfor the detailsol lhisyea/sMcMaster-Yamahamagazine. LowBrassWorkshop leatu ng a slunning selectionol soloists,backedby Happyreadingandb€stwlshes{oryour Intradagraaa, upcoming brassbandaclivities. Spacelimitalionslor this issuehave ColinW. Holman, Edllor photographs Th. BfaSS Band Bfidge wetom€snews,communications, (preferably blackandwhite),newadvertisers andscholarly arlicleson all aspects relating, andforthebenetilof brassbandsin NorthAmerica. Scholarly arlicl€sshouldincludelootnotes whereappropriate. andbibliography I\,,laterials maybe €ditedlor inclusion, andmaybe sublittedin writingor on 3.5' pleas€). floppydiscs(lBMcompatible if possible, Publicaliorvadverlising deadlines areth6 1slhof January, April,JulyandOctober. S€pbmb€r1997 TheBrassBandBddge In eaiy September all cuffenlmember bandswillreceivethe informationpackel aboutNABBA1998,including all Con' lestrules,guidelines, for some reasonyou have not received lhis packel, please contact Berl Wiley immediately. ln our last Bulletin,July 1998,we sent a reminderto all ol our bands about lhe urgency ot booking holelroomsnow lor Apil 1998,due to theh€avytourist seasonin Lexington at that lim6. lf you havegeneralquestionsrelatedto NABBA98, pleasecontact me or Sk p Gray, as indicaledin the NABBA box lhis issue. Conlest mattersshould be directedto CaptainTlmothyHoltan, Coniesl Chair. In preparinglor NAABA98, I gain more respecl every day lor our bandsthal riskedhoslinga conterence in lhe pasl. We in lhe LexinglonBrass Eand hope we can come close lo lhe excellenistandardsprovided nlhepasl. All ol us in lhe Bluegrass Slalewantlo makeil a specialweekend, so we enlisl your he p in addressingconcernsyou nrighthavewel in advanceoflhe confeF encel involved in NABBAaciivilies, olcourse, withlhehoslingol theAprilconlerence. Al our Augusl22-23Eoardof Directors meetingwe wrll be welcomingseveral new members:E mer Hall,Commonweallh Bfass Band; Ken Kroesche, Smoky Mounlain Erass Eand; and Dwighl Vaughl, Erass Band ot Minot. On behaI ol NABBAI wanl io express our srncefeslthankslo lhe lollowing boardmemb€rs whoselermsexpirelhis Aug!st and who havechosennot lo be reapponledal lhrslime: PaulDroste, BrassBandofColumbusiBramGregson, Inlrada Erassi and MichaelVotla, Tri angleBrassEand I haveservedNABBAas ConleslChair {or eighl years. Vice Presidenlfor two terms.andlam nowcompleling mytwoyear term as President.we will be newollic€rs elecling atlheAuguslBoard has beena joy and privilege lo serve as President;I will be fully Ourorcanizalion lo grow,as conlinues evidenced inthethreenewbandscitedin our July Bulletin:AllantaBrassBand; Chesapeake SilverColnels BrassBand; andOldPuebloBrassBand.Ourgrealesi needis lor groMhin youthbands.I hope lhal we can make a concerled needwithinlhenext efiodtoaddressthis lewyears,makingita prioritywecannot ignore. You will rcad elsewherein lhis issue aboul somefine summetprogramsffomNorlhDakotato lowalo Kentuckyin whichNABBAplayeda supporlive role, Congralulalions lo all who were nvolvedinlhesespecialelforts, My bestwisheslo you andyourbands lora successful andrewarding seasonol grealmusicin 1997-98. making FlonaldW. Holz,Presidenl Andyouthoughtourselection wre andscryice Unbelievable! 1O OARPRICES AREMAGICTOO! For lhe\\orld\ lllrlc.l sclccli(D ol brr\swindin\trunrcnt\ rnd reldy lin inrmealirle acccssories. dclivcr\.... Call us todayiol spccialpriccsor a f|eecirtalu. ll'e pelitrnr...:o vnt ctln Ft'lbn]].' rct:tFft1.8OO.348.5OO3 LOCAL rftgw-&nllutJ\lfl aft0Bnjas$wlrll, I'2te'272'8266 he'^ooo{ noaLne B.-r r9330Sr3reL ie Rd Southaend.lN46637 .i /r I !I ti: .z i I a + Tt'€ Naro..J Catnd Aandol the SalvationArmy (SlephenBulla)perlormal the 1997GreatAmerican Erass SarE Festryal PholobyLt.Slephen Hood The Br.$ Eand (Anita Coctei Hr:lr mded 1996 wilh ils third annual Sa',?:c. Army Beneltt Concert. In adcl:7 la a number ot Christmas carols. t'E ba.:Ep.esenled l6at Rhtlhm {Gelshi.--.Feii.e). AJI I Ask Ol You (Webb.r Gfaharn). A Malvern Suite (Sparfe) geer ie Fhntslones (ar. Ridrards) G.eerngs (Anderso.'). ^los6 C.€aa\r.i,(Gon),and Chr'st z'€s Joy lle'd..ell) In March 1997lhe barts Jo.€d tlE FrrPylorn High School CorEe( Ba'rd n a prnl concert sponsored by fE nlJs€ oarenls association *e1 r(}-,ced, 4i. Wul(B€ethoved Earranlne) Aclures at an Exhibition (Mussor9sly). Ame can Varialions lFentet. A rlatEm Suite(SpaRe),and a rrass€d ban<ts finale including Natioiat Em*m Matdi lgagley) and Stars aN Sthr'PsFoeverl usa). Theiourney to Red Wing in Apnl for ttle NABBA provedbolhenjoyable compeiiiion ol BrassBandsin and theGrandCelebration fruidulfor the band,winningthe Chal- CedarFiapidslA and a perlormance lengeSectionlor the secondyearin a sponsored by WFMTradioslalionto a row.InMaylhebandtravelledtoLemon-crowdol approximately half a million nowlhe [,,lonroe HighSchoolloparticipaloin the peopleal lheTasteofChicago, ShaneHayesScholarship Ben6fitCon- world's largest outdoor lestlvalaccording cert.WithDr.KoithWilkinson as guosl to th6 GuinessBookof Records.The euphonium soloisland conduclor, the IBBioinediorceswithReggnlErassin pfogram included PodsmouthCitadel lhefirstconcerloflhesummertourin the Mafch(Thomas),Patly Piecelspatke) aadyAugust. andWilhOneLook(Webber). [TheCSB alsomakea regularfeature of outsland- The Braas Band of lhe Trl-Statein ingyoulhsoloislsin theirconcerts-and only its secondyear of exislencerenoljusl brassand percussionists; tood centlyhosledits secondannualBrass lorthoughtlorlhoseol uslryingto build Bandand HotdogFestivalat Central audiences andattraclyoulhmusicians Park in AshlandKY. Visitingbands inlobrassbanding.l eachplayinga one hourprogramwere sciolo BrasEand Percusslonandlhe ThellllnoisBrassBand(ColinHolman) CommonweallhBrass Band. The arejust comp'eting anolhersuccessful andbusysummerschedule ol lourteen continuedonpage 6 perlormances, participation including al Septemb€r1997 lhe BrassBandBridge t{gd CraftE and Sleph6nBullaal the U.S. MadneBand Library contjnuedlrcm pago 5 Festival concluded witha rnassed bands performance ol Liberty Bell, The ThundercLTimaeruYoungPeople,and Starcand StipesForcver The band, whichmaintains an acliveperformance schedul€,recentlys6id farewelllo its loundang direclorGaryClafie. In keepingwithils Britishmusicalheritag€,lheCommonweallh BrassBand provid€dthe entertainment lor the Oueen's Birthday Gardenpartygivenby ihe K€niuckybranchol the EnglishSpeaking UniononJ!ne 15. Theatlair honoring QueenElizabeth llwasheldat lhe 132y€aroldmansionin Anchorage l(Y. Whileguestsenjoyeda "testjve English lea"thebandplayedGrcatLi e Amy lAllotd), Musiclot the RoyalFirelrorks(Handel),SocondSuitein F(HolsV Hetbed)andMenol Hedech(Langlotdr. Followingthe champagnetoasts,the CBBaccompanied lhe celebranls with God Savo lhe Queenand Anenca lhe Beautilul and concllded the occasiofl (Willcocks),Cordd, wilh TheChampions Sulte (Perkin) and Famous Btilish Marchas(Langford). The CBB also look€dto Englandin pertorming at a fund-raislng €vent linkedto a sp€cial playing showlng ol BrassedOflby a brief concertin lhetheaterbelorethemovie. OnJune21, lhebandparticipated inthe socondannualBrassBandandHotdog Fosllval, andlourdayslat6rwasi€alured jna concert lorlheuniversity otLouisville MrisicCamp.Theband'ssummerpark sedesopened JulylSatCorydonlNand conlanued wilhconcerts inJetfersonville lNonAugust 15,Louisville onAug!st3l, andMadison lN onSeplember 21. variousAmericanmusacstyl€s ancl darrEd a vrsitlo NewOrleansaswellas th€ natbns capital-Thetripwas also DnEdlo cdncidewilhthe I\,4ane Band perlormaft€ol Nigels'wind bandcompositih sa'ural: s€acompleted thektsnthanniversary performing son'A Decadeol Class'by atPineForestHighSchoolinFay€tteville NCforlheNorlhCarolinaHonorsBand HighSchoollnOurham andat Biversid€ (AllCounly DurhamAll-Stars NClorthe (see Programs). Th€yalso Band) Band The Pr!lrle Brass Band (Oallas host€dtheirlirclYoulhBrassBandClinic Niedemeyed arecompleling linalplans {seearticleon pag€7) be{o.e theirfilstlallseason begins. Based in Chicago,theyplanlheirlirstconcert {o.tlo.€rnber3o,1997aitheSchauhberg PrdirieCenterfortheArtsandalsoplan to enterNABBAXVIin Lexington next Inlrqdd Brdss Apnl. Th€ Spokane g.ltlsh Brasa Band (MichaelWamer)presenledlen concerts in ils secondseason,twice as manyas its first soason, Underthe enthusiaslic leadership of its lounding conductor Michael the bandis Warner, Nig€lCla*e,composeFin-residencelor presenlly involved in compl€ting lhe the BlackDykeBandpaida recentvisit pay fundraising ol to for new $22,000 to lh€ U, S. Ma n€ Libraryin Washingandto establish an endowtonD,C, wherehe metwithcompose/ instrumenis menl lor future expenses. conduclor StephenBullaoftheNallonal CapltolBand ol th€ SalvationAmy. gand(MichaelVotta) Cla|kewas in lhe countryresearching TheTrlangleBra$ TheBmssBandBddgeSepbnber1997 ThcM'si. ol Rn| st"llntn-Al n by Coara VanE Th€li(tSgl|..atrTftrEb BrassEard's 'S€asm oaYor'| lAlid t:'aath€ir frsl YouthBrd CL hdd ar May 3, 1997 al tE Crr:a Thd! a Ouf|em NC. This c r tlig .a ttE f,aters' lor yo(l'€ EtrlridE sr inthearea h trg b.rnation of a to suncryhld Youh B.a 8-a- 6/i:|e.|ty, the an'YES!' swe. r:a8 a rcrfE Thodry bt, r r-m- as Tdangle Brasa Brd |tlrtq! trived riilh a irstrumenis, bo.rord ld bEbrd rnus. rtr,t' ,|r|- (a lot at trebleclel tro.rsdr -d baaa p6rl8 irsrd-copiod inlo b d id b. ItF o6r5ion) and nEle.iais ne€ded al Itr ffi-rt lo tr{i.t h cL F Ljpants as they Yqfi &nd ClinicTantu 4 rdt! sttirts b dt which had FftiEfl b€r .fdt d*F6d lof the clinic. nE laFt -! 6,ird by sectioninlo varhaErlirtroCarolinaThearja JE trt,tli!b.Ed, and had an instlrli -itrd o.,| fo them. Then nFt Et fi-r a Ua, da.nonstralion by qr tF dn€renc€s beTB8 |t:rbr ||Er -rn tt| rdr a3 @met and aurpatqt|lu!lEn rdlonor homvia!t a,riii-, deris availed tllri - ol lia ot9o.irity and at lo.(Ir.-c. ar r#rq|rd bandtook -r t>. .ln Hile l€ading b lr qr t!|r tE{h b lur! of lehealsal. Sirtr --atEtqi tlE libraryol tr Tr!|tb b Bid ItEe werenol eq t--, bi tF F |9 musicians trd q oG 9.!9r€ar on each lr r|t cq-r.Edf-r,t At: ! Irdr Jitr cdtisted ot pizza rd taa attrb, t! F'|g musicians rrt|-batirfqn DonLucas d Texas T€ch d ffi f.-re ffiEaftt td UE Sfi.oo (tomer q,fndirn dh ttro U. S. MaFirirl riE B'ld h rYrr*hgbo D.c.). At 3.00 p..n- Trbrgb 8.a6s Band President Wedey Ifoy lpob b lhs g.otrpfor a few minules,explaining thal basedon lheirr€sponse, thefomationol a youlh brassbandmightbe possiblo.When LONG.TERMPLANNING! askeditthememb€ro hadenjoyedplaying in a brassbandand wouldliketo continue, everyhandonstagewentup. April17-18, 1997 The youth brass band then resumed Lexington, Kentuclry rehearsal until5.00p.m. Although they Arts wer. tiredby thisllme,lheystillworked C€nterforthe Singletary veryhardon the muslclhroughoul the TheUniversity ofKentucky aftemoonwhichwas ot a goodindicalof how challenged and involvedlhey felt Forfurtherinfomationcontaci: wilhlhemusicandtheconcept.Aslhey The LexlngtonBraEEBand tumedthehinstrumenls backIn, each Ave 520Lexington sludenlreceived acomplimentarylicket Wilmore,KY 40390 io an €veningconcertgivenby theTriTelephone(606)858-3511, ert2246 angleBras6Bandwhichincluded solos E-mall nabba@ukcc,ul<y,edu by the days' cliniciansand Dr, Hile conducllnghis own arrangementof (BlisgHolsinger). Hymnsong ThesucBrassFest '97 Ptogtami Fdntarc lol cessol th€day'sactivilies wasin large (Curnow);TrcmboneConcetlo parl du€ to lh€ publicityfor th€ evenl NAaBA (Bourggolg), DonLucas,trombonesoloproduced byJohnEnlo€,BandDir€clor Thisls My Fathet's Wo d (Hitnesri isli at Fuquay-VainaHighSchool,whoplays The Year of the Dragon (Spatkel; reolano com6twlthTBB. Johnwasalso BIm heim FIoui shes (Cunowli Fanlasy recentlyrecogniz€d by NCBAwith an lotEuphoni umandBrassaand(Spa*s), the "Awardlor Excellence."Hopefi.rlly soloisl;AppaLucasSplros,euphonium succossof lhis brassbandclinicmight lachian Mountain Folk Song Sulte insoir€other brassbandslo l6sl the (Cumowri Hymdsong(Holslnger/Hlle); wat€ls. MercuryMarchlvan det Roosl). NABBAXVI ": ,,i r# Df Jim Hil6conductsthe YouthBrassBandClinic theBrassBandBddge Septembs1997 Buffalo Silver Band (\ryilliamE. Weik€rl),June1, 1997;TheChurchol theAsc€nsion, Buttalo.NY. Fanarcfor NABBA (Curnow); Goldcrest March (And€rson);E g/ish Folk Song Suite (Vaughan Williams/Wighllt LighlWalk lcoll:)iW OIdKentuckyHone (Aim'r,et), Jam€s Francisco,cornet soloisl: ,A Cam anFantasylBizellLanglotdl: Army of the Nile \Allotdl, Amazing Graco (Himos);So,lryAs / LeaveYou(Oevilal Cath€rall), EvonneMicheland Debbie Hogan,euphoniumsoloisls;Ca,adian Folk Song Suilo (Calverl\ Sandpapel Bal/el(Anderson/Brand)Joe Hochulski, LisaHugh€sand KolliScolt,percussion sololsls;lvesf S,?a Slo/y (B6rnst6in/ Wright): U,der the Double Eagle (Wagnevlanglord). One{Oliv€r/Geldafd). ThoseEndeding Young Chams \ar. June2'1,1997;BrassBandandHoldog Boddinglon); WhenrheSaint€GoMarch. Festival,Ashland,KY. Hso Sprach ing In(atr.Langlord\iAppalachian MounZanth nEta (SEe\t$JPe,.tc€l',SlaI Warc tain Folk Song Suite loumo^t ', Finale (WifliamsJBryce); lntruductionto Act l, lrcn Wi iam lel (Rossini/Hawkins); (Wagner,ryVrightl Lohorgnh Stars and St pes Forevef (Sousa/ , TheChanp/bnsWllcocks)i lrghtAsl4t(Bichads); Bernat). Somewt|ete Out There(Homer/Darroll); (HartmadMortimer), Facilita BobWebb, lmperialBra3s(BdanBowen).June8, UnitedMelhodast cometsoloist/Vessun Oomra(Puccini/ 1997;Community Parkes),BobWebbcometsoloistA// Church,RoseflePa* NJ. TheEadeol Ask Ol You (UoydWebbe/Graham); Oxford'sMarche(BydlH<rvaih)i Deep Frolic lor Trombones(Healh),John Passage(Soderstrom)iTrumpetels BradShoky, Albrecht.Sleve Adrian and Bob Lul/ab.y(AndeForvBarsoni), Sprakties,t ombonesoloisls:Finalefrcm cornet sofoisl: Ave verum cofDus Symphooyl,lo.4 (Td,aikovsky/Gordon); (Mozart/Jakeway);Thrco Conish Ttum@t gl@s enal Canlab,i/e(Jam€s Darces (Arnold/Far);SleadilyOnwad andMathias/Geldard), BrianCahill,De€ lLeidzen; CanadianFolk Song Suite Pratt.Jim Straub.EdwinDELeon,Bob loalvetl)t Apil in Pars (Duke/Ffeeh). Webb, Jackie Amend and David Willy Hakim,comet soloist;Saranata (Anderson/Fre€h); (Jerom€ The Last Sping BraagBand Camlisano,comelsoloisl. Commonwgalth (G |997; eg/St€adman-Allen); LotdollheSea Amondand JohnJones).l\4arch9, (Colin (Steadman-Allen). UnlledMethodlst Church.Edwardsville. llllnolr Brr$ Band Holrnan). lN. Torch ol Frcadom lBalll, Elsa's June1,1997;FirstPresbyterian Church, Ptocessionto lhe Cathedrallwag e Ubertwille,lL,andJuneS,1997;Gloda Splre!BrassBand(JohnSlezak).May Him€s); Hls Eya is On tha Spa ow DeiChurch, Down€rsGrova,lL. Olympb 30,1997iwoinb€rgCenlerlorlhe Arls, (Bulla), flugelhom (WlljamvFoster JamesRecktenwald, Fanlarcand lh€m6 Fred€rick,MD. Summon itl€ Heroes ph sofoist; You'r, Never Walk Alone atn Dfe); ThaCali oI Bagdad(Boildieu/ (Himes); 7h6 Higher Plane lBllllal, J. (Rodgers/Snell); Peace Like a Bivel Rimmer); Jubirance(Himes), GuyClad(, CarllonRowe,sopEnocornetsoloist; (Bulla),John Albr€cht,L4ildred Kemp, corn€l soloist; Thrce Castles Suite Slaughteton TenlhAvenue(arr.B€mat); Luke JoeSpainand Charli€ Rademaker, trom- lqimmer\;Someoneto WalchOverMe Homeonth6Range(at. L6idzen), Beme Patrcl (Gershwir/Femie); soloisl', bone soloists; Blessed Assuranca On lhe Ouatledeck Spiros,euphonium (Bulla), (Fillmor€), (Howatlh): Flhapsody fot Trcmbone JeromeAmend,lrumpetsoloisl; l lotdl: LassusTrcmbonas JedchoHevisltedlqirnes),JamesRago, RobBames,BrianByme,St€vsPorch (Bulla),Chds l\ratlen,bass llombone narralor;Barsoned(Marshall), Raymond and OavidOakley,lrombonesoloisls: soloisliI Drcameda Drcam(aft. Barry), Horlon, euphonium solois\LelUs Brcak RubyTuesdaylafi. Calheralll,Corcna- LindaFischerTeasley,sopranosoloist; (Jordonl. Caprbclo(Newlon),Marty Edckson,E Brcad Togelhe| ,bn March(Meyerbeer/Reynolds). April6,1997iCllftonCenler,Louisville, ffat luba gofoist; Capiccio Eepagnol AtmedForcesSalule KY. Procoasion ol lheNobl€s(Rimsky- llllnolsBre$ Band{ColinHolman)and (arr.Wilkfnson)i Korsakov/Cumow); Ently ol th6 Gladia- RegEnlBrsss(PaulFenson). Ar.rgustT, (Bulla);EtemalFatheLStrcng lo Save tots \Fucikll.angford), ConcedofoI Trum1997;Des Plajnes,lL. Slar-Spangled (Stephens); Czardas (Slrauss); pet (Haydrtw ght), JeromeAmend, Bannet (ar. Hl.nes),Folk Festival Rivedance(afi. Far\. The Cauphol trumpetsoloist;O!,'htet/Vo.3 (Ewald), (Shostokovich/Snell); BrianCahilland LeslieWood,cornel;Spokan€EdtishBra6sBand(Michael soloists,NikolaiHargeaves, ienorhom Let'sFacetheMuabandDancelBerlinl Walner).May 10,1997:Sl John'sCasoloist,PhilRobin6on, euphonlum solo- Richards);Geolgia on my Mind lhedral,SpokaneWA, 'with lhe SPoChofi.CelllcSuite istandJimDrake.tubasoloistColonel (CarmichaeuMorison); 7he yiclorsFekaneAreaChildren's (Sparke);Crl.notd(Richards);'Sound BogeylAllordr',Krcmser(Ojlmer);Lgr't tum lRimmet)tLisbonCamival(vinletli CavalryOverlue (Von Suppe/Green- SweetGeoeiaBrcwn(Pinkard, Casey wood):MontrealCitadelMalch(Gotfin); and Bernie/Richards); Famou' Bifsh contnuedonpage I SecordSulteln F(HolsUH6rbert); Opus Marches(Langford);BelieveMe ll All TheBrassBandBridgsSeptemb€r 1997 enind hompage I ta TnnQt lPurc€lll; 'When in Oul fn^sr God r:r Glodfied(arr. Ctocket)l O6rE6 aN Lea'p''slPeberdy);Agrus O.r(B€rb€r/WanEr);Adrieveis lheGlorin s lrlo* Gfay*fiilerli CometCaiL ,on (8in9e), Cal Anderson,Rod Chislong€oatd Sle,roFilippini,con6l (Rimme4. soldsts: Ardirdo TrL.ngh A.d A.nd (Micfia€lVotta). I 2. I 997:PirE ForestHighSchool, Fay6tta .! NC. Fanlare lor NABBA (O.r|tr): r,td|siras.rb(l.lolst); Slntonia (Eaa Hafl\/ad): tlb Ygarol lheD6gon (Spart ); grtdirFrourirlres(Curnow); RI?g.@y lo. WaN Cometlea\tes'), BobbyHinson,sopranocometsoloist; AppalachianMountainFolk SongSui|e (Cumow);H,4nnsorg(Holsinger/Hile); Aned ForcesSalute(gulla); Sev6ntySix lrombodes(Willson/Duthoit). Apdl26, 1997:UNo-Greensboro, and May 9, 1997;DurhamRiv€rsideHigh School. Fanfarctor NA88A(Cunow); LittleSuit6 lot B.ass(Atnoldl: Sinlonia (Bach/Hautvasl); Ih€ yearcflheDragon (Spa*el', BlenheimFIoui sh6s(Curnow)i Thisls MyFalhels Wodd(Himes);MercuryMarchlVan det Roosl)tHymnsong (Holslnger/Hile); Severt-S,xlrDmbores (Wllson/Dulhoit); Elsa'sPrccession lo (Wagne/Hlmes). t € C6lhedral SendYour BandNews& ConcertPrograms Please sendyourconcen programsard articlesonrecent activitiestoTIIE BRIDGE We want to resd sboutyourbond! IMPRESSIONS" Brass Music Exclusively" ILAN BRASS ! p\\end otr.trg€mcntof this m.Snrfic€nlor8an*ork Th€ tS. A..t (f6atl?5o) - Fdatasia (in f ttajot) 'Fab56' F an .iccllent cxampleot rhebe.olifnl,lydc. contmpunlal mast.rof the Barcqncea stylcoi thc consurnmtrre $ll Telnrollr.' quirecasy- bul demandingthe uhost contrclof phmsing,lotre,a d inlomliql. (Ll'10") l! D.fibcs (l&36.1E91)- Match ond Prccession tak€nlrcm lhe ballet"Sylvia'(1876), lhis b.illianrlt .lfut.d e!* is fl]ll of enerS€lic rhylhins,hLaDtitllmelodics,andcolorftrlscoritrg Req{idtg adv.nccdphyers.rhisrcrt snl b. :n .rcellenradditionlothe rcponoireol thebBssband.(c 5mir) $26 of GBtnSeas a br&ssbandararrScmenl P.Br Gninser{1882 196l) ,ris/r ru"e lmn Coudry D.t! b.:lttful hamnization ol lhis vcll-tnown kish mclodv. (c. 3 min.) $16 a btillianl scningof lhis Si{Hd K.ra-Elcrt (1877'1933)' Ns, Ddnket aIIe Cott ("Now lhank we all onr Cod') nE*dd chqalc *nint by the well-kno*nGema! orgrn conposer. Armngedantiphonally.lwosroupsof thrccconrcrs ard autmenllhe bhss band. r\ll pansc2nb€cover€dwith fie nornal sizcbrassba|ldcomets€clron. dh..mpliD.rl (.r dtr ) $23 v.rdi (t8r3-l90r) - ' FinaL lrod Act II '(irzd) Cio-pF a moslspelacularmusicalpadde kom one of Sls oFa r tet st scenesThis Mrk kill b€a grertfinaleto dy bhssbandconccn.(c. loni. ){IE67-1945)-Solldsfronth.Huden-on.ofClark€'smoslpopularandofienPertorm€d $106 A 8Et sdt to t atureyo!. prircipalcomerislo. guestsotoiston your ncxi brsi bandconcen.(c. 6 nit.) $26 RLhltd W.8nGr (l8ll lSal) Grand M.r.h frcn "Tsrnhluser' - a brillianlwork to stanenherhatf of a brss b..d con .n. A ver.vfertile tud disnifiedwo'k lhal lerds icclf well lo thebnss bandm€diun. (.r min) $27 AtL Of THT tLAN BRASS IMPRISIONs BRAS5 BA\D ITtI,TsCOMI V]TH AIUIII@BT AND B{\ {\D TPJSIICIIf PART\FORBARITO\IS. TROA,IDO\ISIUPHONIUM.AND BASSFS. VISA/MASTERCAT,D ACCEPTED IMPRESSIONS ETANBRASS 463 EastDeerficldRoad Mt. Pleasant,Mt 24858 TellFax (511\ 773-9617 SepgnberlS0Tlhe BnssBandBddge \ NORTHAMERICA}I BRASSBANDASSOCI,ATIO||' rr. P.O.BOX2438,Cullowh€c, NC 2tZ3 APPLICATION FOR MEMESISSI' pleasecompletecbady d b H Moving? TIIF-B.'.ss BandBidge cannotbe lorwarded becauseit is mailedlhirdclass. So, pleasebe ChakBerl slre to mailtoNABBAMemberchip or yourcopy Wileyyourold andnewaddrcsses, ol the Bndgewillbedjscardsdby th€ U.SPost Olllc€,andyouwillnotreceivsanytulureissu€sl N MrMrs/Miss/Ms/Dr(pleasecirclcc) GOOD NEWS!! FBEEBEER!!I w€ need OK - nowthal I'vegol youratlention, yourhelp.Th€advertisers in TheBidgehelplo dues down lhrcughtheir keep membershlp suppori. Everyone ot us needs10lell our advertlsersyou sawlhehadlnTheBidge,even atlhattime.They ifyoutenoibuyingsomethlng and namer€cognltlon, arebuyingexposureand onlyyou can proveto th€mthey'vegol thelr mon€y'sworth. You can also h€lp tls bt suggestrngfhe Bridgelo new advertisers myaddress andphonenumber Pleasegiveoul shownbelow,or belleryet,havetheme'mail Street/P.O.BO City ap- State Country Telephone Number( Membership Category MaiorTomPalmaller ArmyBand c/oThe U.S,Continental FortMonroe,VA 23651 Phono(757)727-3888 FAXO57)7274052 E MaiI InstlumentPlayedBandName E-mail(whereapplicable) Categoriesof Membership Indlvldual. . .theregularmemb€.slip Rellr€e, . ,reducedratefor refrees Sludent. . .reducedratefor students Famlly. . -reducedratefor tamilies for bands Band. . .membership Corporate. . .companymemb€rship Patron LeadeashlD OJes:S 25 D|€s: g 15 Dues:$ 10 Dues:$ 40 Dues:S 60 Dues:$ 100 Dues:$ 500 Dues:$1,000 Pleasenake checkpayableto the Nodh Ameican BrassBand As$ociation. formto: Mailcheckandcompleted Mr. Berl L. Wlley NABBAMembershlpChait P.O.Box24ir8 Cullovrhe€.NC 28723 10 TheBrassBandBridgESepbmber1997 BRASSBANDBRIDGE ADVERTISINGRATESREMAIN THE BF^ST BUY IN TIIE INDUSTRY! TYPE ONEISSUE FOIJRISSUES 460 125 FullPagelnsideCover 100 FullPage HalfPageBackCover 70 55 HalfPage 35 QuartelPage 25 EighthPage 20 SixteenthPage 370 250 195 t20 80 60 CurrentReleases (LisledinAlphabetical Orderby Title) ReviewedBy RonaldW. Holz(unless indacated olherwise) EressedOlf.Original SoundTracklrom lhe Miramax Motion Piclure. GrlmethorpeColllery Band (John Anderson) andOdginalMusic'(frevor Jones).RCAVctor--€MG0902&687572. TT49:55-PtogjamtDeathor Glory lHalll; A Sad Old Day' (Jones);F/oral DancelMoss);Alorcmenlionec!Essential llems' lJones);En Annjuez con tu amor(Rodrigo), nugelhorn soloislPaul Hughes:Yea6 ol Coal' (Jones);March ol the CobbleE (BatIeWSiebert);Ihere's Motelmpotlant Thingsin tife' (Jones); Crossol Hoaou lRimfiet); Jerusalem lParryh1et&t1r',FlqantiE I MarchlF uciv Barsotti);Darny Aoy (c'aingetl: We'll Find a Way' lJonesl: Clog Dance (Marcangefo);ColonelBogey \Allotd)l All Things Btight and Beautilul lat. Rinmet\ Finalelrom WilliamTellOver tLlre(Rossini/Grant); HonestDeconl HumanEeings'lJonesltPompCicuhstanc€March11 (Elga Humel. The film Sress€dOtl rocelvedsolid cdlicalacdaimthissummerwhen itwas rel€ased throughoul NorthAmerica.No smallpanot thesuccesswas dueto th€ qualityof lhe soundtrack,particulady lho excellentplayingof Grimethorpe packagColliery Band.Thisfitty-minute ingofthalscoreprovides agoodsample ol quinlessential brassbandDiecesof sho.lduralionandwideaooeal. ln addition,veryshort€xcerptsol originaloF cheskalmusic byTrevorJones arcinterspersedthroughout lh6 disc;severalol lheseare l€ssthana minutein length. playing Th6solotrumpetandflugolhom otMaudce Mulphyonthese Jonos'piecos marksanotherhighlight ol theprogram. Thagreatmaioily ol the albumis d6voted to Grim€thomo's contributions. Brassbandpurislsmaynol haveloved how some asp€cls of brass banding were portrayedin the film, but they qumot arguewithhov,Grimethorperep- resented playing. was givena very ditficultassignment, themin theirexcellent Their soundis wonderful, warm,and especiallyas lhe materialis moslly players, compelling.Thekend-chair like drawnfromWestSideStory,a muchflugelhornistPaul Hughes,get high minedarea in brassaranging. As a marks.Theproducer acknowledges in result,lhe excerplsfrom Mass and thediscbooklet thatusingthefinalelrom Candide,lo mentiontwo ol lhe much the WilliamTellOvertureas lhe Royal lesserknownsourcesused,betterkepl AlbertHalltest-piece was an obvious my atlentionand intercst. The West ploythatdeviales dramalic fromcurent SideSloryanangementsllow€d unevenly practice. InthesekindsoJdecisions,the asthemixedprogram untolded. Then6w produclion teamcouldhavedon€a lot memberof the group,trumpeterJens worse. You will thoroughly enjoylhis Lindemann, makesanimpressive debul discas you savoran artisliceflortby and showswhy he was an excellent whach a hugeaudience wasintroduced choicefor this remarkablygittedenlo the soundof lhe British-style brass sembl€.Thisisaclassy,va edproducband.NABBAbandswouldbe wiseto iionlhatconlainssom€ solo magnilicent takeadvantage ol thatpublicity. Startby and ensembl€playingfrom both th€ quintetandth€€xlraplayers.Whilenol checkingout thisfinedisc. mylavoiteCanadian Brassr€cording, it CanadianB.assPlaysEenstein(Music hasmuchto commendit. lt youlikelh6 ol L€onard Bernst€in you Afiang€dbyChris- popularmusicoi LeonardBemslein, topherDedrjck). CanadlanSrassplus willdeJiniiely wanilo gei the alb!m. ,nany extra musicians. RCA-BMG 09026-68633-2. TT 61:55. Program: ChrislmasVoicesand Brass(ChrislAmerica;Make Ou Gaden Grcw;Jet mas Songs arrangedby Richard 9on9; Mada: Something'sComing;A Trevarlhen andJamesDooley).Smoky SimplaSong;Alleluia;A BoyLike That; MountalnBrasaBand(JohnWest) and Bestol All PossibleWo ds: OneHand, Smoky MountainChorale(James OneHoatl;Tonight;I FeelPrctty;Some- Dooley). B€rnelMusicBMCD001. wherc:BernsleinPodrait G66, Officel 67:15. Program:Sel 1 - Pr9ludeon tuupke. AdesteFidelis/WeThrcaKngs;O Come, OComeEmmanual;WhileByMy Sheap; Thisdlsc'slillewouldringtrueriflhetitle Int1rludaon JesousAhatonhia;Huron rcadCanadian Brassand FriendsPlay Carcl; Shepheds, Shaka Otf Your Bernstein, Inakaleidoscoplcove lewof DrowsySleep,Set2 - TheSnowLayon Berstein's showt[ines,lheworld'smost the Grcund; What ls This F@grance; acclaimed brassquinletisjoinedby as With Merry Heaft; Away In a Manger; manyasnineadditional musicians, usu- Hark,lhe Hehld Angels;Sei 3 - Fanlaallyextrabrassandhythm seclion.In sia on Maslers In this HalUGodRest fact,onlylhree ofthelifteen tracksarefor You; Once ln Royal David'sCity; Two just brassquinlet.The playingls out- TrcdilionalWassails;Silent Night:Joy standing,as is the naturallyresonant To the Wo d;Set 4 - ln the BleakMidsoundofallthemu6icians, lherecording Wintet;HowBightly ShineslheMorning sesslonhavingbeen h6ld in a large Stat A La Media Noahe;I Heatd lhe churchin suburbanToronlo. Moslof Be 6; O Come,A Ye Failhlul. ChristopherOed ck'sarrangemenlsare rolatively shod,thoughthe€ight-minute As the initialreleasein BernelMusic's Bomstein Portrait, wolkol lheclimaclic new compactdisc series,Chl,islmas the disc,dleplaysmoresymphonic diVoiceaand B'assdefionslratesthatthe mensions. I personallylound that I enjoyedthe musicandth6playingmuch continuedonpage 12 moreilllistenedinsrnalldoses. Deddck S€ptember1907 nE Brass Band Bridge ' continuedhompage 11 qn,htr-.9p(qaAe);Chtqo *, tF-gr|s): Ch,i:aqo new venturacan benetitmany M88A &-tt| fubAerl: Orebansa bands,bothasa productionteamsrrd.h td Otio Press OrrEfitrrl| this individualcase, as a rcp€rt(i! rEro+toi frsas CiVJoumat source,Thedisccontainstou. s€lsd (\,tr$ (.rAt frs{ (t'rrheeter)i medleysof carols arrangd for b.-asg lSraut€€ Senbandandchoir. Within€achs6tthra are short prsludesand antedud€3 b. bandalone. Severalpieceswithjnddl selcanbeexcery,ted forindividuatgertdmance.Set#l,lully listedabove.lasb 13:27.Thefirstandfourthitemsin ttE set afe lor band alon€. The t€ctv*, demandsar€ moderatelor bothbard andcholr(lwassenta pretiminarydrai ol lhelype-setcholalscoreas a gui(b). The olher sets lollow ihis genoratpattern, but wilh muchvarietyin the styl€6 lrcm carolto carol.RichardTrevarlFn bolh r€specisthe lraditionalhannoriet associeledwilh manyol lhes€carcls andaddshisownlmaginativ€ treatn€nts In orderto brlngnewljf€to thes€great songs.Neadyseventyminulesof mt6b wasrecorded, all on on6day,as ttEs€ lwo groupspresentedspecialholiday conc€rlsIn Wesl€rnCarolinain 1995. Therecording hasa'live'lesl,withgood pres€nco on bothgroupsandgoodbalance b€lweent tho lwo. The p6rlormancesthemselvesare spiritedand ioyful,il notllawlsssin €xecution.Congralulations lo allinvolv€d forth€nature ol lhe projeclandlor whatit meansas a resource lor olherbrassbandslhat so frequently workwith choksduringthe Chdslmasse6son. ContactBemel Music lor furtherdetailson lhe expecledreleaseol lhe music. tJ GbCqUrEl-. P,rss Club /5rryr (Marsha); d& Obt t* qr, (Uarsha ); rof, p.b -.hrra o3rsttaJ). tih rrr-. 'tid till€'s a charm. rq rd E-t +tsy to ttE Advocate ta ht M CO ol newsoaoer r|ldrr lt aftt tE3 many strong 9dir l a Cdrtrig p.ti€cl in band lE p.ase, evenlhough . a (-s ta r,['bgfrt &n€dcannewspF r|l,ctg c'r (itc a due to the q.-t aatt rnusic recorded. utrr Da Gdga Fo.ed€n providesanoaE di CO boklel lill€d with *rarr cgrrnEarery on lhe compq!' tr garE. -d perfo.mance practal irdrd, ThahanGo.nerep@duclit€ ., rf!6 t pogrsthroughoutlhe bodel do .d€..1 6dd cfiam to lhe byitg|irFd,Eld sarbs_Th€bandplay6 srf dd tr r@6.ig p.ovidesa good balar bGrEt tE s.nall woodwind sedbn (fire ard sir dadneis) and th€ dddra,l tra3s,/bercussion mass, In ra4 qE iier€cng sidetightto the reco.dngb ttp ray h whichthe prin6jpal corn€n,Vrsn DMarlino, comss lhrough as tE bading. but not overwhelming,voi:e in tlE lull tljtti sections. Mostbarxls of nE tt|e cotden Age (c. '|88G1920)world ha,/e hadverystrong lead comets who6e sourd woulddomiDallasMomingNews:FotgoftenAmeinat€, even define their band. That is can NewspapetMarches. Advocate disljnctlylhe casa here,tilough that is Brcss Band (ceorge Foreman).caby zeboRecordsWFR288. TT46i31.Pro- not meantas a n€galiveevalualion qta!n'. Dallas Moming News (Jonesl anyrheans.Therearea fewsurpdses Hend€rson);Boston Press CIub here, includinglha New Yo* Herald Pize Baby WalE, which might s€€m (Bollinson); C/eyelandNeuls(Zamecnik); out of placeunlilyou aeadForeman,s New York Herak! P ze Baby Wattz notes! Ettinge/s PhitadetphiaPrcss (Btookel: Philadelphia Press Pize Pize McKinley lnaugurclMarch(1897) McKnley lnaugural Malch (Eflinger); mighl b6 somethingof a r€cordtitle 12 TheBra&e BandBridgeS€pbmber'1997 length - all that for a somewhal undistlnquished 2 1/2 minutes!Taken as an enlire project,the lhree-volume se es provides unprecedented, currenl accesstoa nolablepartolourearlyband tradilion. Marchaficionados willberevd in this collectonas lhey havein the lirst two issues. lf you ar€ inleresledin American bandhlstory,thesedlscscontainingsamples of musicbyleading, aM obscur€, composers andbandmaslerc, will be invaluabloto your sludy and enjoymenlol this too-oflenneglected field. Fterlo*6. The Brlllsh TubaOuartot withRichardColes,percussion.PolyphonicQPRZ020D. TT60:36.Program: Fanlarc #1 \laylotli Ovatlwe - Meny lryivesoI Windsor (NlcolalISmilh);FIoweI Duethom Lakme(Delib€r/Mead);Nort Hearlhisl (D€mps€y); Overture- D/sttesse.lInnocence(Purcell/Smalley); Handefs Cauldrcn(Amos);OvertureThe Force ol Destinylv€rdilsmalley); P/96 (Ridout); Westmlnstetlnthda lFoIsylhl; Kie*eg aad (K pf€man);Fi6 wo.ks (Frith); Petite CapdcelRoasinV Oavisli Montagu6s and Capulets (Prokofiev/Small€y);P6@etuumMobile (Strauss/Smalley); A Cool Suite (Smalley); aaya,b, Polka(Schmidt). Fircworksls lhe fourth compact disc releasedby the BritishTubaouarlet,a grouplhatr€pres€nts viduosity, magnilicentensembl6, andgoodblendol60und. As in previousrecordings by theg.oup, lransc ptionsot orchestralwofts dominatetheprogram.Suchpleces,including the overtureshom Nlcolai'sM€ly Wivesof Windsorand Vetdi's Forceol Destiry as well as StrausatPqryeluum Mobile,ptwide great vehicleslor lhe dazzlingtechniqueof ouphonjumjsts StevenMeadandMichael Howard. Severaladoptionsol chamberworksorigi, proveto work nallylor olherenaembles continueclonpage 13 continuedfrcmpage 12 nicely,includingKeithAmos'irombone quatlel Flander's Cauldron. Alan Rideout'sPrgs,originallyfor four bassoons,is playedwell,but lhis perfoF mancelacksmuchof lhe composer's inh€f€nlhumor. Themusicalcenterpiece ol this discis Kie*egaard,an otiginalluba ensemble TheBTQOS workbyMeyerKuplerman. is Dassionate andexhibils Derlormance negoliate the th€kabilitylosuccessfully music.Fil€demands of conlemporary rorks (JohnFith), oneol theolhertew seriousoriginalworkslor luba-euphonium ouarlelon this disc. receivesa dynamicand preciseroadingby th€ BTQ.P6t6rSmalley's A CoolSuiteleatureslhe ensemblewilh drumsel In a popularsetlingandshowslhatlhegroup perlorming musicin is alsocomlortable the'easylistening'style. Thisrecordnea y llawlessplayangdemonslralos ing,outstanding inlonalion andblendof play€lswall sound.Tubaandeuphonium thoir inslru€sp€ciallyenjoy heaing program lhis of menlsrompinglhrolgh pieces. fun lightclassicsand other by SkipGray,Professorof lReviewed Tubaatlhe University ol Kentucky;CoLexington BrassBandl conductor ol Grcat Amedcan Bnss Band Festival 1996.CanadlanBrass(1)iFlverClty Bras6Band(2);LondonCitadelBand BrassBand(4);Americ!8 {3);Advocate grass Band (5): U.S.t llitary Academy Hellcab (6): IndlanapolisSynphonlc Banl (7)i Conversation(8): TrlenElcB,a3! Brnd (9); Wlndiammer' UnlimlLd CircusConcertBand (10);OtFpb B.nd 11;Vinceni DiMantrb.uunpet soloist(12). Re| 5, 1996.Produced co.dedliveJt'€ 1,1in th€WEKIIFM ard sporrsoredby The GreatAnE tan ErassBandFestival.TT 53:33 Progrrn: FentaE enclFlour6/E (C.rrr) 3: ,f,raly MedleyNanc.!) 6: Fd6s o*o{erl1: BamumaN Eailey'sFavodte(Kinql10',FolkDances (Shostakovilch) 3; t2th StreetRaglBowmanlPebedyl 2t Advocate-Messengel Marchlsmilh) 4; BogalusaSlrut(Tradi8; 8/uotional)11;Famblin'(Coleman) 11',ColonelBoberryHil (Stock-Rose) gey March(Allotd)9', Buglerc'Holiday (Anderson)3&f2; Fan-Tan-Chinese Mafch (Anthony)7t Circus on Pande (Rodgers)10; WilliamTell Ovenurc (Bossini/Lrayberry) 5; La Virgende la Macdrena (Mer.d62)12&3t Anazing 6rade (Himes)3t Starcand Stripes 4&6. For€ver(Sousa) is Conversalion, thatmaybeunfamiliar, & using asmall Rh!.thm Brass, similarto anddrums brassgroupplusk€yboards lo lealliregoodiazz and lusion. The rccordangoltheN€wO €ans-styleOlym' pia BrassBandalso paovesthat the ofthe evenl,andthesetting, ambiance providemuchol th€ successof these lor in detached excilingperformancos, isolation theirplayingleavesmuchto be desired.Thedisccapturesthemusical comacopiathis festlvalol'terstree ol chargeeach year, Thele a€ many lasclnaling andexcellenipedormancos hsre- especially CanadianBrass,LonAmerica's don Citadel,U.S MilitaryAcademy ln lhislirst CD documonling is linestbrassbandfeslivallhe laslener Hellcats(drumsandbugles),Ameicus givona tasteolthewiderang€ofgroups Brass(1glh-centuryoriginal inslruments), that are askedlo podormin Oanville andlrumpeter Asan VincenlOlMartino. on introduction eachyear. The outdoorcondiliohs lo th€ f€sllvaland as a thsmainstag€andtheconslantly chang- documsntol lhe sam€,it ls a success. ing sizeol th€ groupsprovidequitea who Guardian 6ngineer, challenge lo therecording olOuWay. LondonCltadel themidslot Irnd ofTheSalvation mustseluomicroohon€sin Army(JohnLam) -CD(Wodd the Privat€ a seaof olh€rmicsusedto amplaty Recording SA-LC&21 muslclo thel€nsofthousands TTTl:46. Pro9alhor€d RecordsWFCS-7069). on th€ ConlreColl€gegreen.Usually, {amt Sphitot lhe Wesl(Bight); l4hols grcupsgataslightly H67 (Hanby/Phillips)i therelore, lhegmall€r Choql9 dncl team Ioccala(Bulla);Guadianof Ou WaY b€ttermix.Alllnall,lh€production a consis- (cumow)iFtlsslarsa,Tors' hasdonea goodjobd€livering Dance(GlieteI tentsamoler.NABBAbandscomeotl Christmas)i CovertryyaradonsOovey); well her6, ospeciallyLondonCitadel. ToRegionsFai(gearc@l1r;JoylulSong whichis hsardonlhr€€items,a number (walson),DavidRoberlson, cometsoloonly matchedby the CanadianBrass. isl; On a Hymnsong ol PhiliP Bliss pedormance is of FolkDances London's (Holsinge/Gott)iPrcmisedLand (W. prooiofwhytheyw€reconsidered oneot Btoughton):Hand Me DownMYSilver the best groupstherethat year.You Trulmpel The (Wobb/Steadman-Allen); mightbesupizad bythekslow,maies- LightoflheWodd(Gollin): Madle Mililaie lic approachto Fdnta.eard Floutishes F anca,se(Saint-SaenyKenyoi)i My lhatopenstheprog6m.T angleBrass Comlonand StrengthlBowen); Colne perfomance (Rive). getsoneshot,anenergelic Allotd'sColonelBogey,completewith hundreds ol whisllerc.(Fortherecord,l As someone whosgmusicalknowl€dgo mustrelaylhatlhappento betheguest doesnotextend inlotheSArepertoireas conductor of lhat cut,lhanksto a gra- lar as manyolourreaders, thisCDwas Votta.Ah, a delightto listonto,bothtorthequalily ciousinvitation lromMichael well,theluckolthedraw!).Perhapsiti6 of perlomanceandvarietyof repertoire po€liciustice,but lhe leastllattedng the cutsareby groupswithwoodwinds, AdvocaleBrassBandexcepted(lndiacontinuedonpage 14 napolisandWindjammers). Onegroup lhe Bra$BandBridg€ 13 Sepbmber1997 contnuedlrcm page 13 H'4n son9'(HolsirE€./Hile),Ihe Pi zefihlte6(Sparla); fren rPhilhannonlker grass Farta16 (Strauss/Palmati€r); Alhze N{ at{r; Knoxvi h t8@(Cumow); ArDa2tngGrrcs (Himes)tSh noget de Covet [arqlo|d)t SeventySix Trcmborr6 (Wiffso.r);St rs rnd StdpesFor ever{Sotlsa}. repres€nt€d, JohnLamhasmadeselec' tionslot everyon€, including testpi€ces, transcriplions, hymntunes, medilations, spiriluals,marchgsand one solo leature.Forme,th€impressivd itemswere the two medilationsL/bht of tha Wodd and W Cotnloft and Slrength,lhough theCDendswithaninsphedrendition of Colne(Rlvel. Rath6flhanlhekaditional Wilh jrrslifiabl€ pride, Triangle Brass Band marked their tenth anniveGary MarcheMilitaireFrancalsearrangedby Walt€rHargreaves, here lhe band with a private,noo-commercialCD ol conc€rl. Th6 musjcal stretchosils musicalmuscl€a little theirenairrersarv items6le anlersoeGed with announcemore wilh a newer arrangemenlby Micha€lKenyon.BothBulla'slocrata rnentsby the guosl announcor,Major andChorale(usedasa NABBAl€stpiece Tllor|as Palmatjer,and MichaelVotla, Tiangle in 1995)andBramwellTov€y'sl€ssheard Jr.,th€bards aue conduclor. gras9holdsto a goodstandardot lite.aCoventryVaiations di'play the band's turE.anatuibuteevidentinthisprogram. depthot t€chnicalexpertise.The life tlack is a workby JamesCumowthat Th6 bard cornmissionedthe pulilzer sensitlv€ly incorporates tour songson parz€wirrir€ Am€ricancomposerRoblhesubject otChristth€ GoodShepherd. e.l Wad fo. arass Ablaze,whlch rcHolsinger'sOn A Hymnsongof Philip caiwd ils p.embrothatevening.R6mi8/iss works well transcribedlrom the riarc€(ltol his €arli€rwind bandwo*s, OvanJE,t ,eneaiy s€venwind band version,and Ty Watson's fitb t&tt'r Joylul Song is akin lo William Him€s' mimro workstrouldmakea goodaddiJubllarcoin its rhapsodicnature,h€re lion to works ol modgralelenglh (not leaturinglhe skillsol DavidRob€rtsoat, qrta 36\€nninui6s)andmodo|atel€chlhough it ls not as tightly compos€d. .*5 d€nEnds. Oth€rqualityitemslhal Perhapsth€ CD doesnol tullycapture aptEar and ar€ given good r€adlngs lhe richnessof the band'slrue sound i.ldud6 Arnold's lamous L,lll6 Suila, €flectlvely andconsistenlly onthisocca- Cumorv'sKnoryllla 1800, Thomas sion,butonc6againRonHolz'sconcis€ Palmetie/stranscriptionof Richard andintomaliv€proghmnotesbdngthe stratA' WienetPhilhdtmonlcFdnfarc, muslc6v€nmor€alivgin a Derformance ard Robe.lEaves'(l heardrccentlythis full of d€llnlllonand exceptionally welF is I pseudonymlor EdwardGrggson) Flhagsdy lor E llal soprcnocohet,lhe shaped.A mostenjoyable recording ol latl6.€tondypre6eniedby guest noadyseventy-two minutesol tinemusold3t JamesKetch.Beinga livs prosic. {Beviewed by ColinHolmanl, th€ recordingis not withoul its Tiangle Bftss Band: TenthAnnivercary occasionalglitchos,and musicalups however, Concdfl(Recordod Live,November 22, anddowns.Congralulations, 1996),TjlangleBrlrs Band(Michael to TriangleBrasson lheir successlul ol theirtirstdecadgand in Vona,Jr.), with guest E flat soprano complelion theh demonstraled commitrnent to solid comelgoloistJamesKetchand guosl pertomances good ot brass band nuconductor JackStamp'.Privat€R€cordstc, ing. TT 68:23. Progatni Fanlarcfor l,lABgA(Cvnow')iUttle Suitelot Brass Ttip to ConeylslaN: DesdiptiveOveF (Amoldl; Rhapsodylot E llat soqano cornet and Irass Eard (Eavss); lurcsEomAmedca'sGoldenAge. |lew '14 lhe BrassBandBddgeS€ptsmberlgC/ ColumblanBraasBand(ceorgeForeman),DodanDiscovery DI5-80153. TT 60:59.Program:A Tripto Con6ylslarn Clobanf);7he EveningCa (Reevesf ColunbuslqetmanliTheBattleol Shild, (Bamhouse)i TheHuhtingof theSnart (Folfinson); Tle Baltl€of SdnJuanlfl {Sw€el). GeorgeForemanis achievingrema*ablesuccessin resureclinglho bancl musicof Ame carsGoldenAge. This secondrecordingby th€ fully professionalNewColumbian BrassBandoffersupanamusing, andlntriguing reperThebasic loirg,lhedescriptivo overture. fom ofiheseworksis notsymphonlc;it really18thatof the potpouri,or s€lection,ladenwitha dotailedslorylin€lhat lh€ composefs hopedwouldbe pdnted in lhg band'sconc€riprogram.Mostol thecomposersquoled substantlallylrom popularand classical musicol lhedeyin point. ordd to makethekprog€mmatic Soundetfects,spok€ntext,6nd related noveltlesall add lo the rath obvlous, but €ntertainlng musicaldlver6ion ol a (nollntend€d decidedly lowbrownatrrre asanegallvsconnotation). Inonesense. lh€se Dlecesare the eoulvalentof Liszt tonepo€msorBeiioz-wagnerovsrtures, bulaimedal theav€ragocltlz€nwithout much musicalexpe ence or discemmenl.Th6subjeclg aretelling. patriotic pigces about battlgs or histodc epic; scenssfrom€v€ryday lilo-courtlngand parks.TheEvaning Call,fol amus€mont inslanc€,is subtllledScenesoEscripllveof a YoungMan'sCallOn His Girl; lh6 musicrangestrom wallzes,to senlim€ntalballads,to the chimingof the hallclockanda musicaldepiction of the suito/sllightas the 'old man' appearc andputsanendlo the date. Bandmusic waslhe musidofthemasses.lnlercstinglyenough,audlsncesof thidperiod heardmuchmor€classical muslcvlathe bandthan throughlhe symphonyor continuedonpaga 15 conlinuedhompage 14 cheslra, Bandprcgramsconsistedol marches,virluososolos,classicallranscriptions, and the highly enterlaining andobviouspiecesrecorded here.Good (bettertocalllhemthal,ratherthat'composarrangers €rs")likeTobaniandBarnhbus€ knewlheiraudience and knewwellin whalconlexttheirpieceswouldbe heard. Sophisticaled origanal bandmusicwas still decadesawaylrombeingwritton.Youwillgel a real chargeout ol lhis music,playedwithgreatpanache groupol virtuosi,Thesound andcareby Foreman's produced, ellectsareallnaturally as theywouldhave beenonlhebandshellatlhelum-ol'lhecentury.The entireproduclion is excellent, witha anothersuperb C0 bookletby lheconductor fill€dwiihdetailsdbackgroundnoles,andtheoriginalprograms loreachoflhe pi€ces. From viewpoinl, six lhe technical I foundit intiguinglo notehow jn severalof th€seworksthe sco ngbeganlos€paral€ lhewoodwindchoirfromthe brass,allowing lor a gr€alerrangeof timbres;the old 'brassband'was in lhe midslot a disappearing act whilelhemodemsymphonic was emerging inio band lhe limelighl.Thisis a lirsl rat€production. Worldol Euphonium:VolumaThree. StevenMead, euphonlum,wilh StewartDeath,piano. Polyphonic QPRZ019D. 1172141.Ptoglam:TheSongolthe Brclhet lLeidzenl: F/rght(Wilby); Bomance\Elga Wilson)iPartyPlece(Spatke\ Songol lhe Seashorc (Naila,/Kanai);Fanlasy Vaialions lllol: Sonala lol Euphoniun (Popet)t lm Tiafsten Walde lschfiidv Bacon);when YouWishUpona Stat(Hatline/Kanai)i Nollrmo (Rimsky-Korsakov/Mead); Concertop6l F/rcomoEasso(PonchielliAlowey). t ) , Theindelaiigible StevenMeaddoesitagainlSevenlylwominutesot 6xcellenl soloplaying, backedwithline - thoseare lhe essenlials in oianoaccomoanimenls Mead'slalestrel6ase,lhe evalualing thirdinhisse es entilledTheWorldol the Euphonium. Severalpieces - lor thatyor,usuallyhearwithbandaccompaniment Leidzen's Sor,9ol lhaErolhar(basedonthe example popularsong,'WhenYou and I nineleenth-cenlury WereYoung,Maggie')or'sPa.ryPtece- hold Leidzen's up verywell with pianoaccompaniment. tribulelo his sisler(yes,her nickname wasMaggje), daies hom 1916 and still challengesany playeas is technrcaland lyricalg ls, Mead'sperlormance amongthefinest,the mostelegantlyshaped,I hav€ fEad. WilbysFrlirhl, thowhoriginallylorsolofl ugelhom ard band.can. at the suggeslion ol the composer, jl is a substanllal, soundequallywellon euphonium; demanding, reperloire.Dittolor theless andexcellent addilionto euphonium lamiliarBoperSonataandlloFanlasyVariations, bothnewlome, and boihwhichlullyengagedand mainlained my interest.The whichconcludes lhedisc flicornobassociledinthePonchielliwork b€stdesc bed as a bassllugelhon,an is an ltalianinstrument Pin€sof the in Respighl's instrument thatmakesits appearance Concerlois a bit AppianWayin ThePinesol Flome.Ponchielli's long-wind€d and uneven,but has mom€ntsol brillianc€and is (ltdidnotholdor indeeda technical challenge loranyeuphoniumist minuteslong, maintain myintereslas a pieceot musicov€rtwelve St€vonplaysalllour thoughMead'splaying issimplyspectacularl). (origipartson hisownadaptation Nolt{]rno of Rimsky-Korsakov's nallytortourhoms),a leatol malch€dsoundthatcanonlybedone Mead inlhe recording studiolThroughoul thisd€lightlulrecording demonstrates againandagainthathe is trulya modernmaslerol recording. Thiswillb€comea classac theeuphonium. The sccondreleaseby lnlrddq Bross Hi, ChistopherColumbus! uD{rnr6Yourc outri s! rh. n. ruGLIr! noull! 6 . . ' i,rl!@ is ai _l@k\ gftd od sou.dsbduci _hirhlyenren.inins tmr(n|" -. nd{ cxcirin8 hmd Srs.00U,S.plul t1,00r6tssr -trditobt. ItodhrE& Mu!i. K 16+* Park D( UnI I2 R.R,*3 l0Oenb.pri5e Komol.,oN, Cdnodo NOIIRC Fu: l5t9l /73 2!/5 ld: {51t|,173.2,100 lhe BrassBandBddge 15 S€pbmbe|1997 Reiewed by Paul E. Droste o.rly slgft0y alEr€d. A recurrjngginmi:k h f* fia)e b a pe6kyflugelhorn Nar€lle playels Gnpt b itn in the lun. Atter Go iwog'sCakeWalklolaudeDebussy/ a fa lefusals,tfE conductorfinallyreEricBall).Moderate.Sminutes.OdgL lentsard alo*s tE fl'rgelhomto playa nallypublished byPaxtonin 1969,anew sfiodsdnallzy cadenzabelorethefinal s€l of partson full-sizedpaperis now sedbn. A€art, fis is good audience available, However, thecomboned solo Ceaseleavea space(afew partstillexists. This l€aar)b€tweenthis and Pol cornet/conductor rcviewerwonderswhy conductors and lrd. \tte I dd nol havea copyot lhe solo cornettislsdo nol deserv€s€pa- ori{*ral I978 Panoneditionforcompa rale,unclutteredparts. Cerlainlyashort b q..te obviorAthat this is alsoa score,if nota tullscore,isiustifaed. Atter regrii' rE ritr s}rc{tscrre andpartsin all,lheHowardSnellarangemeni,pub- lh€ h,]izcd to{ntat. lishedby Rakeway Music,comeswitha 0E Poslror, (W. Hogarlh tullscore.TheBallarrang€ment all but Pq tu Panoiit',lovello, Lear), 1975.Moderate. playsitself,acompliementto Ball'sskill parts lor three 3 rir.les. There are in bandstralion 6ndparlwriling. pocrlsn sd(Ets (inA tlai),althoughth€ Pel Mel lW. HogarthLear), Paxtorv partsseparaledry at theverybeginning Novello,1975. Dif{icult. 4 minutes. ard tE r€ry erd ot the piece. Casl in Whllethlscannotbe considered a new bcsa rEva slyle,the piecehasobvious publlcatlon, Novellohasreissued Elgar aud€'r esed as a lighternumber, (thecomposer's Howarth's rcal name) ar|(| with ttE noveltyeftect ol the posl PelMelinanewandmucheasiertoread hor&s" Ag6in, this is a reprlnt of the tormai.Thepaglnalion lsidenlicaltothe o.liral e<ttirr rvith parts and short (3 o ginal1975€diiion,butth€partpages lin€) sco{eo.l tull sizedpap€r. arenowfull-slzed insteadol octavo.The lhr€o llne 6hortscore has also been R- Sfltth ard C,ompanv expandedto lullslzed. Forlhosenot Efh Sy'',d'o.ty (Percy Fletcher),relamiliarwith lhis plece,Pel Me, is a vised editbo. 1996. This new edataon llashylnstrumenl d6mo. Eachsection cofitairls limpaniand percusslonparts olthe bandis giv6na loaturedmoment werg notin Fletch€r's original.The thal slartingwiththecom€ls, lhenthetlugels galissat.Anew parts added are by Jean and homs,follow6dby th€ trombones, lhenlhebailonesandeuphoniums, with full score,cootainingthe new percusreplacing tubasandpercussion havingshorlsolos sionparts,is now available, publicathe sho.t score of the original js as well. lt a real crowd pleaser, lon. especiallywhen laken at the marked "veryfast"tempoandwitheachsection Suite:Pageantry(HetbertHowells),restandjng as it is featured.Nowthatthe vised edfion.1995.Forthisnewedition. notesare largerandeasiertoread,lhe PhilipWilby hasadapted lhepercussion playershaveoneiessexcusetorsloppy parts for the lrom Howells' rescoing technique. 1937 Coronaton, A new full score, parls,is the newpercussion Cops and Pobbers,W. Hogarthlear, containing now available, replacing the shortscore Paxton/Novello, 1978.Difiicult.4 minules. Copsend Robbeois a veryclose ol theeadieredition.Thereisnota little conlroversyaboutaddingpercussion relativeto PelMel Thebasiclormatis partstohe olderteslpieces. Thepurisls identjcal,and th6 thomaticmatorialis wouldarguetorleavindtheoriginatedi- 16 TheBrassBandBridgeSepbmber1997 tionsunchanged, whilethe contemporary brassbandconductors(andcerwouldargue tainlythe percussionists) partsare a necesthal the percussion sary enhancemenl, and shouldhave intheodginal. Conductor's beenincluded haveoftenfeltfrustrated whenforcedto conduct,andleachmajorcompositions withoulhavingaccesslo a lull scorc. WecanallthankR. SmithandCo.and Connelly& Co.lor providing Campbell, tull,sasylo readscoreslot Epb SynphonyandPageanw. Rosehilll\rusic TrumpetVoluntarylJohn BenneVElgaf Howarth).Sololor Ellatcornel(moder atelyditflcult)and brassband(moder ate), 4 1/2 minutes. John Bennen who was an Englishman 11715-17A41 wrotelhisvoluntary inthestyl6olPurcell. Theflrslhaltof the piec€is a Lg€hetlo lhat €xploit6the lyiclsm ol lhe E tlal sopranoconet, The secondhall is a Thesoloistis pushed. 6pightlyAllegro. €nge wlse,to awdnenhighB llal. The lechnicaldomandsare not oxc€ssave, withrang€andtessitura the mainchallengos. The bandparlsare rclallvely safe and straightfoNard.The overall oar,wlthlhe elloclisverypleasanitoth€ but not accompaniment complimonljng wilhtho solopart. A good, compoting accutalesoloistis requiredand bands with this type of playerin the E llat lhispiec6. soprano chairshouldprogram curnowMusicPress TheOlympicFanlareand Theme('For lhe OlympicFlag') (JamesCumow). ditficult. 3 1/2minutes(or4 Moderately 1/2 minuteswith the optionalrePeat). by lhe This pi€cewas commissionod Allanta Committeefor the olympic inhonorofthe Olympiad GamesCultural '1996Centennial Gamos. continuedonpage 17 conlinuedfrcmpage 16 Let'slace it, Jim Cumow knowshow to write impressivetanlares! Followingin the l.adilionol his earlierJanlares,such as Two Ceremonial Fanlarcs a d Fanfarc and Flouishes, his thematic malerialencompassesslalely,dramatic,and lyricalstyles.A sweepingmelodyinlhe homs and euphoniumsis sandwiched belweenthelanfarelhemeof thecornels and trombones. Flouishes in the high cornel parts, an active xylophonepart, and rhythmicdrive lrom the resl ol the percussionseclionadd up loa powerlul and interestinglanfare. Althoughlhe tessilurais highlorlhe solocornets,lh€ rangedemandsrar€lygo abov€the statf. The keyisconcerlBllatand thereareno excessave lechnicalproblems. Thisfanfarewillsoundmoreditliculi than it reallyis, makingit a very usable concerlselectionlor groupsof more rnodestability.Thoreis plentyol inleF est in lhe internalparts,makinglhis a piecelhaleverymamberollhe bandwill willbe an impressive openerwhenever a dramaiiclantar€is appropate. Thiswillbe a limelyadditionlo anyconcertporgramforat least lhe nextlhreeyears,or unlilthe next Olympiclantareis written. lhe euphoniumand later in lhe bas iromboneand tubas. A new lheme tollows,openingin lhe key of E flat suddenlyshiflsloconcerl C tlat majorfor eighimeasures, lhenlo concertD tlatmajorfortheremainder otlhe march. The middlesectionhas hvo lhemeslhalsoundverymuchlikequotalionstromSundaySchooltunes. One couldcallthisseclionol lhe march"an oldfriendin newclolhes." I/ibuleisaworthyprografi bul addilion, it doesnot sound"symphonic" to lhis Irbute (JamesCunow). Moderately reviewe rsears.Thisisa goodtradilional ditlicull. 3 1/4 minutes. Followinga march-wilhsome nic6 contemporary shortfanfareiniroduction to lhis Sym- etlecls. The key changes,plusa lew phonicMarch,the tirst themeis pre- runs,mak€lhis a pi€cathal will keep senledby lhe corn€ls.Durang thenext €veryseclionol thebandon itstoes. lt pr€senlation olthethemelhereare some hasthedriv€andlamiliarity thatshould veryinleresting canonical lirslin mak€il app€aling etfecls, lo bandmembersand a!dioncesalike. \{itl5on TheNameArtistsThinkOf For EUPHONIUMS tN BBb,Eb,CC,F TUBAS LARGEBORETENOR& BASS TROMBONES DEGMusicPfoducts,lnc. PO. Box 968 . LakeGeneva,V4 53147 USA 41 4 -248-8314 . FAX41 4-948'7953 1 800-558-9416 Largo hom lhe New WorldSynphony (Antonin Dvorak/Stephen Bulla).Moderatelyeasy. 3 3/4 minules. Thereis alwaysa piaceona concertptogramfor a well-knownand well-lovedmelody. Thisisa simple, slraight-ahead arrangementotthefamousLargothatanylevel bandcanplay.Althoughlhe noteslook veryeasy(keyof B llat,allrangessalely parts),the.e in lheslaff,no fast-moving is musiclo be rnadehere. Th€ challengesconcerntonoquality,inlonation and is nicelo ralhea concenlrale on theseproblems, thanlacingth€strugllelo playla6lnotes accuralely and up-lo-lempo. presentsthe laBulla'sarrangement mousmolodylirst in the E llat horn(a horn?), and closecousinlolhe English then in a hornand cornetduel. The middleseclionis creatively scoredlor hornsand themiddleoflheband-Jl!gel, baritones withthesopranocornotal the clos6s,as it oclave.Theafiangement continuedonpage I I S€pbmber1997 lhe BrassBandBridgE 17 conlinued|rcfi page 17 tonesd|d G.frqarrts, soo.ljoined by h tho co.nets. Afiery op6ned, withlheshortandequallywell- li cdr-.lE b€aht $t\ d &gfight sectionthat knownchorale. This is a masterful pdn ol th€ march is r€cals fst tr arrangementthatshould finditswayinlo foald bt a rrataErneit of the trio lhe libraryof everyband. th€.tE. bul n ll. rE{ key of B flat. ibtng corrT@d he@;srlcha good, HdNestFeslivalMarch(DouglasCourt). solit rrarc,l lhal evokesan dip Mode€le.4 minutes.Thecomposer is erta. cra rl* maintaininga conlemlheDivlsion MusicDirectorlortho Salvab tho brassband. rEary sodr llonArmyIn Tampa,Flo da. Thisis a good,tun€fuland spi led marchthal 'CtBbls,' homHompresenls,in the middle,a syncopated a fid Co.r!| Soao: ,98 b trrW 6.qpe(GotfRichards). v€rslonof lhe Thanksgiving hymn'We tlodare: 2 tZ ninutesi Short score. Galh€rTogether.'Thehymnretumsin Mri(.rt qrt lr€aayand with melanaugmenlation at th6 end of the march. Thlsmarchhasa strongrhythmicdrive. cndy. t- trdl solo oullinesan ABA h.m rtsir ttE 3oktst is heardin the lourkeychang€s, animpressive €ndin9, .r e bv€ly endcapricious oirF acEE and €noughlechnicalinlsr€stin each irE rd tr b€nd rs€pondsinwhimsical partlomak€thjsaveryappealing march. '| ttr n*tdle portion. Sludlols bdirl Thisreview€rlooksloruardto hearing grdd dsriE fE enlkeseriesHomandplaylngmor6of Mr.Coudsmusic. qe btL r& Grape Eachoneof g@d programitems. trcaa satc ars IPaul Drosle will shortlybe leaitv fis positionds NewMusicReiewer lot TIE TIE sdng rd atrangemenlareot high q/altt. Eridge.Onbehallol roade'sanc!eclito,s past and presenl, ld like lo pudkty Rrg., lrdn Sdo: Cre4l (Willi€N6lsor/ thankhim lor his many and signifi@nl Ar- lloflrson). Bandmoderate- soloist importanlconlribulions. Anyoneinte.rbules; Shortscoro.Alan 6stedln assumlngthisrcle shoulcl@tr- nE&&i 2'ndl-known Mo.risd\ a soloistin Great laal the Edltordircctw. B.ibir l|.3 a 3€riesol shortsolosthat Sn do*l bereleasingoverthenexllow Reviewed by RonaldW. Holz F.'3. ln ti6 bri€l adaplationof the faru.E Co|'lty t Weslem song by StudioMusicCompany, 77-79Dudden HlllLan€,LondonNWl0 18D,England. Wfe N€boo. Monison lirst oresenls h nEior.andthenrepeatslhe Ths followingelev€nitgmsare all new t|€t e G opqi|g ei$n barsa half-stephigherand (1997)releases. tagsona b.bfcoda.Thepiecemoves in a s,dd, 1218 saing svle. Percussion Match:Castleway(DatrclBary). Moderreouestedandudesdrum sel and an ate: 3 1/2 minutesiShortscorc, This part. €tt€cliwvibGphon€ n€w marchin an old-styl€(or shouldI sayrretro?')willbewithinthe r€achol all HomF€atur€:I KnowHimSo Well(fim our bands. ll opensin D mlnor(band pitch),soundinglikean old Bimmeror -RiceJKeihWilkinson).Bandmoderalo solcisls rnoderale:3 minulesi Short Gullidgemarch.Thefirstportionol the score. All three E llat Horns and marchis in threesections,the thirdof whichl€all'|resa thundebus basss€c- Flugelhomare front and cenleron this slle tune. llon soll of the old vari6ly. Th€ Trio e'fiectivelight-.ock,slorr-ballad Therangeonallthre€hornsoloistparts b€ginsinthe relative major{Fmajor)and goesup to B abov€lhe 6tafl,yet at that featuresa flowingmolodyin the baripointin unisonithe lludelhomspeaks 18 Ihe&arsBand&idg€ &pbmberlgg/ wilhinthe6taft.Theverseisfirstsooken by th€ SoloHorn,thenthe Flug€lhom, the otherlwo homscomingin slighty later. Balancing the arangemenlwill takasohe care,butlhepieceshouldbe r€addowngasilyby mostbands.This willprovea populat, sofl-and-easylist€rt ingprogramltem JubileePrclude(PhilipSpa*e). Moder atelydifficull;5 minutes;Shodscore. LexingtonBrassBandhas chosenlo oD€nits Midwestconcertwiththlsexcilingnumber,Altera b.oad,majeslic infoducllon,thetast-pacedallegroop€ns wilh somelast doubleiongulng In the (sldeenthnotesal quarlet baris-euphs nole €ouals152). The maln tune is - quinloggential bubbly,andsyncopaied easylnlhe Spark€.Looklng deceptiv€ly shortscore.lhis oi6cehas som€real for €nsembleand rhyihmic challenggs accuracy. Mylabelof moderatelyditfcun is nollightlygiv€n,lhoughthedemands arc not excessive.Jubil€e Prcludewill prcve a very popularconcortpiecs lot mostofou.bands.Thewoft wasodginallywritl€nforthoFanfaroConcordia ol Vetroz,Spain;th6 brassbandversion wa6flrstrecord€d on MasterBragsVol. um€Flve(1gg4-Polyphonic) by Brltannia BuildlngSoci6ty. B lfatCornetSolo:Oh!tlein PapalPaul Bu*hard/AlanMordson).Bandeasysoloisl moderate: 2 minut66;Short sco6. Nol havingh€ardlhig songin years (was it on an old Little Rascals movlE?),I was surprizedby what an thisslralghtfo|wad efiec'livepresentation clagsac arangemenlof a sentimental uplo highC couldbe, Thesoloistgoes attheclimax,butotheMisolhisi5 quil€ I betlhe aneasyplec€forallconcerned. oldercrowdwillloveit. Onwatdl Christian So/diars (Arthur Fernie).Moderately difiiSullivary'Alan contlnuedonpage 1I confnue<!hompage 1I l?ess(lNing Berlin/Gotf Richards). Moderatelyditficult;2 l/2 minut6s;Short cult; 4 and 1/2 minules;Shorl scor€. score.ThreeactiveandaccuateperThisanangement ol thelamousChriscussionisls willhelpkeepthissclntillatlian hymn concludesFairey Band's ing setllng of a greatBerlinslandard on HymnsAncientand Mod€mCD (Polyporlionot the track. The well-known phonic1993).Thetechnicaldemands powerand songclipsalongal halinoteequals140; comeinihear€aolsuslaining everybody needsto be awakeon this qualitysound, nolindiflicultruns,range, onel Fichards do69a fine lob ol not or rhylhms. Jusl when you thinknot just overarranging the tune,providing muchmorecan be donewith sucha enoughspjceandlloushwithoullosing lun€,Fernieshowsolherwise.Thetirsl lhe essenceof th€oiginalshowtune, porlionotlhearrangemenl !nfoldsovera pedal poinl reiteratedC quarter-nole join Time To Say Goodbye (Sartori & abovewhichambiguous harmonies Spa*e).Moderale; 3 lragmentsolthetune. Thepedalpoinlis Quaranlolo/Philip minutes;Fullscore. Thetullscoreh€lps unrelenting untillhechorusol themarch a gooddealin underslanding lhis line hymnblaz€storlh in F major(slillovera poptune arrang€m€nl of a Spanish-styl€ C pedal). This is not the linal key, that may not be too lamiliar. Alter a however, lor lh€lonicsoonchangesup broad introducljon, lragmentsot lhe a sl€p to G. The firsl pad ot the lune giv€nlo a solocorsong's op€ning are soundsin a qlartet ol repianocornet, net,soonioin€d bytheeniir€band,and llugelhorn, solo horn, and bariton€. markod by a rhyihmlc oslinatoIn th6 Voicesanddynamicgradually increas€ percussion. saxhomsand Staningin G intoa blazingGrandioso thatwilllaxthe (bandpitch), piec€ the endswjlh atriumpow€rol yourband,bul will sustaining phanirestatement ol the tune a slep sendchillsdownth€spin€forallbutthe higherin A. Shouldprovebotheasyto moslhardened alheist! playand€asyto progfam. Sercnaclelot Homg For Three E llat Hornsand 86ss Bandwithoutcornets Sparke).Moderately ditficullfor {Phalip soloistsandband;5 1/2minutes; Short scor€. Ever since I lirst heardthis smoolhly elegantpieaeon Polyphonic's CDCambidgeVadationsr TheMusicol PhilipSparke, Volume|(1996),Ihad wantedto seelhescoreandhadhoped to programitwhenmy E llathomswere r.lpto thetask. Thetitleis sell-explanalory;lheaccompaniment dispenses wilh cornets(flugelisused),makingforaline contraslin timbreanda goodbreakfor the upperanstruments. All three solo parlssoarabovetheslaff;theaccompanimenlcallslorsomedelicatepizzicalo €tfeclsinlhebassesand lorat leastone raiherhigh€uphonium line.Atrulylovely €ns6mble f€alure. TherebNo BusinessLike Show Busi ot balancing the at timegsoft-speaking Th6 soloist. solo partis for advanced levelmalletplayers. Amv EaslernTeritorvMusic Selvation QelallDeoL 440 WestNyackBd,W€sl Nyack,NY 10994. TonePoeml ShlneAs lhe LightlPelel Graham). DillicullI minulesiFullscor€. The scoringcalls lor traditionalbrass (no repianocorbandinstrumentation nel)and lhreepercussionigls coveing timpani,chimes,glock,snareandbass drums, cymbals,bongos,tom-toms, gong,tambourine, belllree,xylophone. Tworecenlr€codingsheraldlhe rel€as€ muot lhis highlyetlective,descdptive review sic:EgonVirtlosi's827larl6(see in nextissue)andThe N€wYorkStafl Band's Slar Lake Premiercl1o be @leasedlateAugust1997).Wrili€nlorthe lop camperbrassband at Star Lake MusicCampin 1996,the piecehonors lhe memoryol B flatbasssoloistof lhe NYSB,Al Honsberger(prolitsgo toin hls honorat lho wardsa scholarship famouscamp), andporlraysinlascinating mannera journeylowardsspiriiual At eightminutesl6nglh, MarimbaSolor Zinba Zanba (Goll enlightenmenl. Rlchards).Bandmoderaiely ditlicultit is an id€alconcerlitemlhal willchalSoloistdifticult:71l2 minutes;Short lengeany band,but asnol oul ol the score.W.iltenlor EvelynGl€nnie,lhis reachof our lhreeadultsections.Beseclion, madmbasolo, inlh€styleolatast, brighl sidesneeding alineporcussion youneeda strongprincipalcornet solosamba,makesa greatconlibutionto the slim list of percussion soloswith ist. The workbuildsto a tremondous bandaccompaniment. Theworklollows peakvia a sensamisurasectionnol an ABAform,themiddleportionpdma- unlikethal encounteredin curnow's beshelchec, rily featuringan unaccompanled lour- I/illlba Th€conduclorwill malletsoliloquytrom thethesoloist.Th6 just as much as the bandmembers. pace Thisis notlusta salvalionArmypiece. moveata blistering oulersections for musical andaredrivenby a motoperpetuo type Th€pieceworkspdncipally sololino. In additionto the goloist, the reasons, lhoughtheaddeddimensionol is a valuarangem€ntcallsfor fourpercussion- the theological underpinning isls. Whilenov€ltyxylophone andband abletool in helpinginlerpretthe pi€ce. pieceshavebeenaround forquileawhi'e, Like Ball'E Joumey lnto Frcedon ol GoflRichards' exc€llent showcasing ol Resurgam,il can be appreciatedand at a varietyof levels. the marimbamakesa mostwelcome understood debutfor lhis inslrument in frontot the brassband.Thebanddoesnoi haveit easyhere, bothrhylhmically andinterms lte Bmss Band Bridge 1 9 September1997 TheUnitedStates ArmyBand Own" "Pershing's - CelebratingTlYears contact: onvacancies, Forinformation TheU,S.ArmvBand AttwAuditions 204LeeAvenue, turt myer,VA 2221L-1199 (703)696-3643 FM: (703)696-3904 miVarmYband armY. http/Avww. include: Benefits Annualstartingsalary:$26,733- $-30,296, Fullmedidalanddentalbenefits, paidannualvacation 3O-days CollegeloanrePaYment Program by DavidBuckley LowBrassWorkThelVcMaster-Yamaha presencelhis shopshadaninlemational year with Dr. John Marc€llusand lhe BionicBonesfromthe EastmanSchool anilluslrious lineofMusic.Theyjoin€d AlainTrudel('TheKing upthatincluded ol Solo ClassicalTrombone'),Pierre Beaudry(basslrombone,L'Orcheslre Symphoniquede Montreal), JohnGrifiilhs (iuba,Universityol Regina), AlKay(lrombone,TheBossBrass),lvlarcDonatelle (lrombone, The NewHamiltonOrches(lrombone, tra),KevinHayrvard TheSaF vationAmy CanadianStatlBand),Jay (lrombone, Casiello Kiichener Wate oo (trombone, Symphony), RobSomerville Dave Mcl\rurdoBig Band),Clarence Whlle(euphonium, IntradaBrass),Ron Partch(PartchBrasswindServices), KeithKinder([,4c[,raslerUnivelsily), Davo (trombone, Buckley WeslonSilverBand), (tuba, MarkTetreault Toronto Symphony) and RussLittie(BossBrass). eventwere Yamahacanada,McMaster University and UniledMusicalInstrumentsusA withadditional musicloaned bytheU. S. ArmyBrassBand(Timothy Holtan). TheWorkshopbeganat 8.00p.m.FriHallof day Ap l 25 in the Convention I\rcMaster witha LowBrass Univercity Concertthatincluded SorakPianbForte (Gab oli),Quartolto 88(Fu ong),Fugue in G minorlBachlDonalell€) andEtreOu N€PasElr€Oomasi).TheGableliwas playedby tourtr.rbas on siageandfour inthebalconywith Donalelle lrombones conducling frcma podiumin thecentr€ of th€ hall. Oneof the featuresol lhe 88,composed bylomermemQuartetfe ber Greg Furlong,was lhe technical virtuositydisplayedby the use of multiphonics. Undoubtedly lhe Tomasi was the highlighlol the llrsl half,wilh Ma* Tetr€aultaccompanied by lhree lrombones. The s€condhalf of the Forlhe tirsttime.the eventwassoread concertfealuredthe BionicBon€s in lhat rangedfromtho wildesl overtwodaysincluding clinics,soloand repertoire Trcmbon9lo You €nsemblepedormances, and master- vorsioneverolLa66us to overone StoppedOut ol a Drcam. classes,all d€monstaating participanls hundred th6pot€ntial oftheir and tho pathto achieving On tho Saturdaymorninga tormal inslrlJmonls lhat potontial.MaiorsponsoGtor lhe warmupsessionwas held by John CDs The Wtld of ArN atlou t'itgenips Bert Wiley, President P.O.Box 2438 Cullowhee, NC 28723USA Phone/fa* 104-293-7469 email:b€ BernelCDr LTD lollowedbya seriesol clinics Marcellus, hostedbyJohn lorlowbrassindividually Gdftilhs,ClarenceWhite,AlainTrudel and PierreBeaudry, Clinicsconcenof playing lratedon the demonslration styles,showinghow bad good music and can soundwhenplayedllawlessly artislically butin lhe wrongstyle.John a demonstralllarcellus thenpresented tion ol orcheslralplayingstylesand audilionstandards usinga demonslration seclionof Marc Donatelle,John G ffiths. Ross,PioffeBeaudryandJohn Although noneotlhemhadeverplayed together,Marcelluswas ablelo show ihe needlor properteamwo* in s9le showed andbrealhing.MarcDonalelle how Bole/oshouldbe playedand lhe enliresectiongavea lessonin playing possibilitiesolstag' Wagnershowinglhe geringbrealhingto makea se€mingly impossible lon9phrase, After Ron Partch'sclinic on care ol inslruments, Al Kay,FlobSommerville, RussLitlleand a lew lriendsgavean excitingjazz concertdu ng the lunch hour. Al Kayfollowedthlswitha cllnic tocusingon balladplaylngandillustratingtheint€nslly needcdto makea ballad live. Al'slip ol the day camewhenhe was askedwhathe did to buildstrong Hisreply"blowuplourair breathcontrol. mairessesov€rynightlor two weeks' shouldbepickedupbytheTrombone-L list! ol theatternoonwassPent Theremainder in technical clinicsandin choirplaying, andluba.Withagood bothlortombone representation ol qualityplayers,lhese for the par weresatislying ensembles to put had a chance ticipantsas they tips into someof lhe day's Placlice. at reconvened A18.00p.m.,participants final Army Citadel for the the Salvation GalaConcertgivenby IntradaBrass conlnuedonpage22 TheBnssBandBridge 21 Seplemberlgg7 continuecllrcm page 21 andleaturinglh ree of the day'ssoloists. Intrada acquitted themselves royally despitevery limitedrehearcallime ard verychallengingreperloire.AlainTrudel was featured in Corcerlino lor Ba,d and Trombone lLeidzenl and Rhapsdy lor Trombone anc! Brass Band (Lar€{o.d). Bolh these very accessablesoloo seft€d as vehiclesto displayTrudel'sirnieos€ skilland artistry.Trudel'senco{elertF tion ol lhe Flight lo lhe Butrr6/€$€a proved to lhe audience that RimslryKorsakov really antended it for unaccompanied lrombone. Basstro.nbonist Pierre Beaudrywas featuredh the Gregson's Tuba Co,cerlo, this bei.€ the lirsttime Beaudryhad pe.lormedtlE work and the firsl time that brotlErlolhe-composerBram had coodrrcledrt Trudel joined lorces for a lasonalirg rendition of Small's Convetsatid, lq Tenor anc! Bass Trcmbone' l.lollo b. outdone, John Grittiths dernonsfaEd his astoundingskillby plaing tr€ u-a<F lional euphoniumsolo Believelre nA, Those Endeaing young chaltts on lhe tuba. All the soloisls relurned al the conclusionof the concertlor the tra<ltional encore Sevenly-Six T@mtulPi lbr.rafdd Strat Slhrlr Band Thealre,Toronto,Ontario Seoi€.rt .28- 1997 3-00I.m.Janel\rallett l{oreryb€rZ l9O7 3.00p.m.JaneMallettThealre,Toronto,Ontario Church,Toronto,Onlario t{o,€rraar29. r9O7 8.00p.m.St Pairick's Church,Toronto,Onlario tlol€r'$.. S. 1907 3-00p.m.St Pairick's Thealre,Toronto,Onlario Jarrsy 18.1998 3.00p.m. Jane[,4allett A&d 5. r 9$ 3 OOo.m. JaneMallettThealre,Toronto,Onlario Sffir Tl-! 8..$ Eand 7.0op.m.SheldonTheatre,RedWing,MN A4rEt Z 1997 7.30p.m.RedWingHighSchool,RedWing,IIN Oc&b.r tr.1997 Itoirra.t 293. 19978.00p.m.SheldonTheatre,RedWin9,MN g.Brd o, lh. T.i-Sirte A4d 7 TBA Marshall University TBA ohio University S.tErtar ra TgA AshlandKY 2I ArtsCenter,AshlandKY 8.OO Oeaarrtar9 D.m.Paramouni L& fobgdr 863! aand MN p.m. Roseville Lutheran Church,Boseville 7.OO Ocboat 12 p.m. Anoka-Ramsey Thealer,CoonRapidsMN 2.OO Drcrrnbar7 F.lrry I t99 3.oop.m. HighSchool,St AnthonyVillageMN se€arlicleovedeaf t{YsBCELEBRATES! Intrada Brass (Bram Gregson) Gala concen Program: Simoraine (Bafiaclough);Corcerrno lor BaN aN TrcmbonelLeidzen), AlainTrudel, trornbone soloisl; FitualF;/e Dance lde Fa\lal Slreet); Har'lsiorm (Rimmer). David Roberlson,cornel solois\ Concedolol Tubaand Bass Band(Gregson),Pierre Beaudry,bass lrombonesoloist;E/sa's Prccession to the Calhedrcl (Wagne Himes\; March Opus 99 (Prokotiev/ *and), BelieveMe lf A Those Endear ing Young Charms (Mantis^Verden)i Btillianle (Gt ahaml, Clatence white and RobertMiller,euphoniumsoloistsiSong Of Courcge(Balll. NYSBBandmasters DerekSmith.RonWaiksnois.VemonPostand BrianBowen TheBrassBandBridgeSepbmber 1997 by AaronVanderweele AnnualFestival, lh€ impactof the Staff Rondoallalurca. Band'sministrywaskeenlyleltthrough ForMajorThomas Mack,lheNewYork skillfulandinspirational playing-Former Theprogramquicklyleapedinloa conFestivalwas bandmasteB StaflBand'srecentAnnual Post,Smithand Bowen temporaryvein,reflecting lha creative morelhananevenlcelebralirEtrlebarx's tookturnsintroducing thepieces,lend- prcgramming of BM Waiksnoriswilh 110thanniversary.h was a nostalgic ingpersonal of insighlandreflection. PeterGraham'sswingarrangement 'lt jt past. into wasas I saw DrcamsComeTruelealuringLt-Colonel ioumey the myentirecarcerwilh lhe t and unlolding A spiitedtonetor tha €veningwasset Av6ryassoloist. lmmediatelylollowlng, beforeme,' said MajorMackwho lirsl lromtheonsetwilhlhebandperforming Steph€nBullajoinedth€ NYSBlromjoin€dihe NYSBin '1970. Williams Gordon's r6cenily wittensuite bonssectionfor his trombonelealure Sing Praises.SpecialgueslStephen PeaceLikeA Riv6r.Thenitwaslormer There.onlhepladormol theCenlennial Bulla,ChielArang6rforlh€ President's BM Bowen'sturnlo conducthls march Memodal Temple,wasthegreatVemon Own UnitedStat€sMa n€ Bandand Sovereignty. Postleadingthe StattBandChorusinrl anolherSlatl Bandallmnuswas leaTookA Mincle. The legendaryDerek lured at the pianoplayingihernesby Perhapsthe musicalhigh pointot lhe Smilhthen rekindledmemodssof the Gieg (ontheseiousside)andlhenina evening waslheNYSB'spresenlation ol porsonal early 70s wilh a movingfenditionol Srrhe as whimsicallookat his experi- the newlestivalaranggm€nl piano lheLlghtcomposed SomeoneCares, FormerBandmast€r enc€swilh ihe NYSBIncluding by StatlBandalumB an Bowenwasthe€, loo,leadinglhe artangements ot the StarLakomarch nusPeterGraham asalributetoCaplain bandin his marchSoyereignty.And,ol andBtuceBroughton's Covonarl AlbertHonsberger, Jorm€rtubasololsl course,BandmasterRon Walsknos wilhlh6 StaflBand, look his turnwilh lhe baton. Thiswas Continuing on thistdp intoStatl Band morelhana wasanevenlof history.V€rnonPostconducted these- With th6 €mphasison the passingol historicimplications, reunilingthe old lecttonThe cih ol God'sLovq one ol so promilime, eras and generations withth€n€w.caplivating lhe mor€lhan E k Leidzen's lasl compositions. The nentlyconveyedduing lhe ev€ning,it piecewasenhanced 1000concertgo€rs lomer torthebandtoconclude andreminding byLt-Colonel Albert wasappropriate and presenlbandsmenol one ol th€ Avery,for manyyearsa loaluredtenor withEmllSoderstrom'sbtlllianlMarchol most remarkablo and enduringminis- soloistwith lhebandwhosungthewords lhe Houts, clevetlytun€d inlo a multigeniusof triesInth€hisioryoitheSalvalion throughlhevideo Army. lo lhe lheme Pesca,P6ace,Peace. medialealure It wasalsolho preludelo a m€morable JelfSchultz. reunionwookendcelebralion. Thetirsiportlon ofthefestival endedwllh the epic suite TtumphantFaithwtillen The eveningconclud€dwilh lhe Stafl Th€bandhasgrownin skillandstature bytorrner Flockol bandsman andExeculive Ofli Band'6trademarkb6n6diclion slnce MarshallBallingtonBooth lirst cer SlanleyDilmer. Ages. Alumniseatedthroughoutthe Temple estiabllshed it in 1887to bdngatl€nlion Centennial Memorial cavemous toth€Salvation Army'sfledgling ministry Anotherclassic,Eric Ball'sStaf Lake were inviledto parlicipale. And, as in the UnilodSlat6s.Bul ils missionlo madelhekwaylolhe marchled ofl th€ secondparl ol the lormerbandsmen producelife-changing lhe music r6mains festival. As a quickcontrast,Derok platfom,joininglhoir aucc€ssors, unchanged. Fourteen bandmaslers and Smith, cornet soloist{rom 1959to 1972 sens€ol heritag€andministrylhat has morclhan 600 playerslater,th€ New andbandmast€rfiom 1972to1986,was 6ndur€dfor generations b€camemore YolkSlatlBandisexceedingly relevant, jnlroduced by VernonPostpdorto his €videntthanever. r€achingpeoplewithlhe Gospelmes- performance ol Ray Steadman-Allen's sage. SomeoneCarci Thebeautilulmelody and eversensiliveplayingof one of the SaidPhilipSmith,principaltrumpetof SalvationAmy's 9r6atsoloislswas a the N€wYork Philha.monic Orcheslra particulay movingmomenlduringthe andan alumnus of theNYSB'TheLord lestival. 6 slillfindinga reasonto us€lhe band arE bl€sslhe band.' Dereklhentookhistulnwiththebaton, leadingthebandInthetechnically chalTrrE and time again,lhroughoutthe lenging Leidzen arangementof Mozart's Sepbnber1907nE BrassBandBddge a Low Bnass playino Wheth€ryoule inaschoolband, acollege brasssnsemble ora symDhony orch€stra, Yamaha makes lh€pedecl lowbnss inslrumsnlto m€el provid€ AllYamaha lowbrassinstruments ercellent resDonse, ,qJ.t rtorn'.nc€ne€ds. lull,c€nl6red tonequalityand sup3rb inlonation. fn'l Urcv6) Dut)anUn: nd& orhdB DNG.r P0 3d399 6ord R4ft M 4951? 0S99 t\r /nD^ Lrrl){LtFt Ilirrlt AtaEo{f rat !$orlsl^tnt. TheBrassBandBridge ColinW. Holman,Ediaor 31JosephLane GlenddeHeights,IL 60139 U.S.A r-, Noo-Profit Organization U,S.POSTAGEPAID Cullowhee,NC Permit No. 30