Spring 2010


Spring 2010
Minnesota Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
Serving RPCVs and the Community
Spring 2010
Jane Bardon, Turkmenistan 03-05
Anne Kanyusik, Bangladesh 98-00
Greg Hochstetter, Peru 07-09
Jamie Hopkins, Ukraine 96-98
Maggie Kozak, Burkina Faso 04-06
Gary T. Bank, Kenya 95-97
Miriam Krause, Samoa 00-02
Renada Rutmanis, Romania 03-05
Jack Bardon, Turkmenistan 03-05
Anne O’Conner, Samoa 02-04
Christi Williams, Poland 96-98
Communications (non-board)
Elsa Frettem, India 68-70
Valerie Aas, Cameroon 93-95
Mission Statement
To serve Returned Peace
Corps Volunteers and the
community by providing
service to others and
fostering appreciation of
cultural diversity.
Monkey Business
by Dick Anderson
I have usually found that the first comment I get about the photo of the
kids in the 2010 RPCV Calendar (October page) is they do not look
like children one would
expect to find in the heart
of Africa. I then have to
explain that there are a
lot of people in Tanzania
who originally came
from India. The majority
of them seemed to have
come with the British as
servants, bureaucrats and
technicians and a lot of
them have since developed
into the core entrepreneurs of the country.
Nguzo Primary School in Morogoro was a last minute
site selection by the Peace Corps as a place to host
language instruction. In hindsight it was probably
not a very good place to hold classes, as the kids
were constantly hollering and screaming during recess and poking their heads in the door and
windows. And I probably didn’t help things along when I made faces and made a general fool
of myself. For some reason they thought it was hysterically funny when I pushed my nose with
my finger and made my tongue stick out. I taught the kids to pull my ear and then my tongue
would flip over to that side. I never taught them to pull my finger. I seemed to have been a
master of cheap comedy in Africa.
Nguzo really was quite a good school. Most of the classes
were taught in English and I was generally very impressed
with the level of commitment and professionalism among
the staff. What truly amazed me was
that during recess a large group of
kids, rather than go out and play in
the field, would fight to get in line
to the library so they could spend
their time looking over the small
selection of books. Some months
later I had a number of
family and friends send the school
quite a large selection of
books. I wrote the school a number
of times after I returned
home to see if they actually received the books, but unfortunately I never got a reply.
Near the end of our training, I arrived early one morning to find the gate keeper awkwardly
holding an air rifle and firing it up into the trees. It turned out that he was trying to shoot the
monkeys that gathered around the school. The monkeys were considered a problem as they
Continued on page 2
Dick Anderson, Iran 1967-69, Samoa 2003-05, Tanzania 2006-07
Peace Corps Week
Share Your Peace Corps Story March 1 – 7, 2010
Each year, thousands of RPCVs celebrate the Peace Corps’
anniversary by organizing or participating in a third goal
activity and sharing stories of their host country experiences with other Americans. These activities advance the Peace
Corps mission here in the U.S. while strengthening peace
and understanding between Americans and Peace Corps
countries of service.
As an RPCV, you are invited to participate in Peace Corps
Week by planning a presentation, a Q&A, or an exhibit, by
writing a story or letter to the editor of your local paper, or by
visiting local officials during the week of March 1 – 7, 2010. If
you are interested in classroom visits, the World Wise Schools
Speakers Match (http://www.peacecorps.gov/wws/speakersmatch/) program helps to connect RPCVs with schools
and civic groups who request speakers—write to wwsinfo@
peacecorps.gov to sign up or for more information.
Please remember to register your Peace Corps Week participation online; this is the only means we have to demonstrate the impact of third goal events to Congress. All registrants will receive a free presentation kit, which includes
a world map, Peace Corps logo stickers, and bookmarks for
your audience.
Visit www.peacecorps.gov/thirdgoal to get details, activity
suggestions, and to register online! For more information,
email us at thirdgoal@peacecorps.gov or call 1-800-4248580, ext. 1961.
Also be sure to let MNRPCV know about your Peace Corps
Week activities. Send an email to: president@mnrpcv.org
or janebardon@yahoo.com.
New Twin Cities Field-Based Recruiter
By Marianne Midwinter (Kazakhstan 2007-2009)
My name is Marianne Midwinter and I am the new FieldBased Recruiter for the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. I returned
from Kazakhstan last November, and I am excited to have a
job where I can share my Peace Corps experiences.
In the coming weeks I will hold a lot of information sessions, as well as attending some career fairs. If any of you
would be willing to come and share your stories, email me at
mmidwinter@peacecorps.gov for more information, or call
I’m looking forward to both working with the Minnesota
RPCV community.
Monkey Business, Con’t. from Page 1
by Dick Anderson
threw coconuts and stones down on top of the classrooms,
breaking the roof tiles and causing the rain to leak in. The
gate keeper obviously knew very little about firearms so I
taught him how to hold the rifle against his shoulder and
aim along the sights. There was a dramatic improvement.
I suspect the Peace Corps may have had some policy
regarding firearms instruction so I figured I would file that
one under pest control.
Many months later I was told by one of my colleagues, who
was assigned to Morogoro, that she would often be walking
through the city when out of a back alley there would pop
out a little kid who would stick out his tongue and pull on
his ears. I will leave now. My work here is done.
As for serving three times – there was nothing very noble
about it. I was just having a good time and hopefully
doing some good work along the way. I suspect a lot of
other people would do the same if they had the time or
opportunity. Although I am pretty sure I am finished, as I
really couldn’t handle another training period. Job Listings at Peace Corps Worldwide
Peace Corps Worldwide (http://peacecorpsworldwide.org/)
is now accepting job postings from organizations looking for RPCVs or Returned Staff - for both domestic and
international work. There’s no charge to anyone for posting
or searching jobs on the site.
If your organization recruits RPCVs, you can post jobs for
free, including full-time, part-time, volunteer positions or internships. Current employers registered with us include Save
the Children, HealthNet TPO from the Netherlands, CDM,
Abt Associates, Transparency International and others.
If you are an RPCV or Returned Staff looking for a job,
you can visit the site and search current postings, or register with us and create a profile so employers can find you.
Also, registered RPCVs and Staff can search the employer
profiles to find organizations who match their interests even
before jobs are posted.
View current jobs at: http://www.cambridgedata.com/
Post Jobs, Search Jobs, Register at http://peacecorpsworldwide.org
Please contact David Sears (Morocco 1979-82) at dsears@
cambridgedata.com with any questions.
MNRPCV P.O. Box 6413, Minneapolis, MN 55406
MNRPCV Welcomes Our Newest Members! Samoa Tsunami Fundraiser - Follow Up
Whitney Bey, Azerbaijan, 2007-2009
Katie Biese, Moldova, 2007-2009
Jeff Erickson, 1985-1988
Jeff T. Hall
Nicohl Lee Halverson, Mozambique, 2007-2009
Jamie Hopkins, Ukraine, 1996-1998
Adam Crist Johnson, Costa Rica and Guinea, 20052007, 2007-2009
Rachel Newby, Paraguay, 2007-2009
Molly Nicholls, Macedonia, 2007-2009
Annie Polse, Paraguay, 2007-2009
Sala Sweet, Ghana 1998-2000
Treasurer’s Throne
Gregory Hochstetter (Peru 2007-09)
Another year has come to an end and we are now turning
the page on 2009 to begin 2010. As of January 20th,
2010 we are doing well with our finances and have done
a tremendous job with our calendar sales. We hope that
next year we can sell the same amount or more, because
the profit from the calendar sales gives us more money
for grants the following year. We appreciate all the hard
work you all have put in to make this year’s calendar sales
a success. We also want to thank Toastmasters for their
donation to the Grant Program as well.
As of right now we have three different accounts. Our
checking account with US Bank has a balance of $7,919.04
with still a little more money expected from calendar sales.
We also have a certificate of deposit with City-County
Federal Credit Union with a balance of $5,981.50, and a
balance of $3,185.54 with Microenterprise, a micro-loan
organization that gives loans to groups in developing
Thank you all for your participation in MNRPCV.
Editor’s Note: We are always looking for new voices
to appear in the MNRPCV Newsletter. As members
of MNRPCV, this is your publication, so feel free to
submit material!
We would love to see letters to the editor, photos, news
articles, anecdotes, or anything else related to MNRPCV.
For more information or to send a submission, contact
Miriam at mok4747@yahoo.com or 763-412-9315.
MNRPCV P.O. Box 6413, Minneapolis, MN 55406
Miriam Krause (Samoa 2000-02)
Several MNRPCVs who had
served in Samoa organized a
fundraiser in October, coordinated with Twin Cities Habitat
for Humanity, to support recovery efforts after the tsunami of
September 29, 2009.
Brian Juntti, Director, Marketing & Communications
for Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, sent the following
report: “I got a call from Lou Maea, a project manager
with Habitat for Humanity New Zealand. He’s in charge of
project Samoa Hope, which is responsible for all of their
Samoa rebuilding efforts. New Zealand is the regional
office managing all of Habitat’s rebuilding efforts in
Samoa. He called to say thank you for the donation from
your group and wanted to share some information about
what’s going on.
“The government of Samoa is covering 90% of the cost of
rebuilding a fale. So, HFH NZ is focusing on raising funds
for the additional 10%, which is about $925 per fale. So
the $1,714 raised will cover their cost for 2 fale. He was
thrilled that former Peace Corps members were still engaged and helping the community from thousands of miles
“He also said that they’re currently working on building 120 fale with the government and another 100 with a
Catholic group and the telecom company in Samoa. So
far they’ve had over 500 volunteers from outside Samoa,
primarily from New Zealand and Australia. Their goal is to
build over 400 fale over the next year.
“They’ve set up a Facebook page at http://www.
facebook.com/pages/Habitat-for-Humanity-RebuildSamoa/196771257706?v=wall to follow their efforts. There
are quite a few photos to look at.”
Annual Slide Show and Pot Luck
Saturday, March 20, 6-9 p.m.
One of our biggest annual events! Come and see the Peace
Corps experience on the big screen: bring your stories, your
slides, and a regional dish to share. Please email digital
pictures to Maggie at least a few days before the event.
Bring up to five slides to share with the group.
Location: Padilla Speer Beardsley offices, 1101 West River
Parkway, Minneapolis, 55414.
For directions, visit http://www.psbpr.com
Contact: Maggie Kozak: maggiekozak@yahoo.com or call
Holiday Party Report
The annual MNRPCV Holiday Party was again one of our
biggest events of the year. The pot-luck included delectables from all over the world and conversations ranged just
as widely.
During the announcements part
of the evening,
MNRPCV President Jane Bardon
presented dinner
gift certificates to
members who have
graciously hosted
MNRPCV events
in their homes.
Charles (Korea
71-73) and Terri
Stander have offered their home
for the Annual Holiday Party for
many years. Elsa Frettem (India
1968-70) and Bernard Gonzalez
share their home with us on many
occasions. We hold our fundraiser
dinners there; they hosted the
calendar open house; they store
calendars for us; and their address,
669 Summit, St. Paul MN, is now
the official MNRPCV address
registered with the Minnesota Secretary of State. Rhoda
Brooks (Ecuador 1962-64 and Chili 1980-82) hosts our
Annual Meeting and potluck picnic at her home on Lake
Minnetonka each summer. Many thanks go to these very
special people.
Finally, this year’s Geography Quiz was an exciting competition among four teams. The champions were “The Inlaid
Table” team, with a remarkable total of 89.5 points! Their
names are listed below.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Holiday
Party! For anyone who couldn’t be there in 2009, we hope
you can make it next year!
2009 Geography Quiz Winners
Lisa Boyd – Central Africa Republic (1990-92)
Lois Braun – Lesotho (1987-0)
Leon Erstad – Micronesia (1970-72)
Les Everett – Congo 1973-1975)
Greg Hochstetter – Peru (2007-09)
Gerard LaSalle
Linda Lipscy – Samoa (1984-86)
Deb Most – Latvia (1994-96)
Molly Nichols – Macedonia (2007-09), China
David Parry – Belize (1985-87)
Chris Songalia – Philippines (1996-98)
MNRPCV P.O. Box 6413, Minneapolis, MN 55406
Community Service Events
Gary Bank (Kenya 1995-97)
World Savvy (www.worldsavvy.org)
(1) Minnesota’s Second Annual World Affairs Challenge™
needs volunteer judges! The 2010 World Affairs Challenge™ will be held on Saturday, March 6, from 9:00 a.m.
to 4:00p.m. at Macalester College. This year’s theme is
Water Around the World, an issue with significant implications both locally and globally. Over 250 students from 20
schools around the Twin Cities are currently researching a
range of water-related issues and developing solutions at
the local, national and global levels. They are excited to
share their findings with you and other community members on Challenge Day! You can see more information and
fill out an interest form at http://worldsavvy.org/programs/
(2) A community panel Perspectives on Water in our
Changing World will be held on January 20th from 6-7:30,
hosted by World Savvy in partnership with the Breck
School, the Freshwater Society and the Water Resources
Center. This panel will offer a range of viewpoints on contemporary water issues and is a great way to enhance your
knowledge of the World Affairs Challenge™ theme prior to
serving as a judge! Visit our website (http://worldsavvy.org/
minneapolis/events.php) for more info and to RSVP.
If you have further questions about the World Affairs Challenge™, the community panel or serving as a judge, please
do note hesitate to contact Charmagne Campbell-Patton at
612-767-4438 or by e-mail at charmagne@worldsavvy.org.
The Jeremiah Program
At the Jeremiah Program Dinner, volunteers cook dinner
for 40 to 50 (half adults, half young children). We only
need about 5 cooks considering the size of the kitchen; so
it is first reply, first choice. You may also drop off desserts
When: Tuesday, 26 January 2010, 4:30 to 6:30 PM
Where: 1510 Laurel Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403
I find “Cook For Kids” is always a good bit of fun, cute
little kids with great smiles after the crying stops. Also very
grateful mothers. According to http://www.jeremiahprogram.org/, “The Jeremiah Program is more than housing for
low-income single mothers and their children. Jeremiah is
a commitment to self improvement and excellence. Applicants understand that Jeremiah women are committed
to making significant changes that will build their selfreliance. If they are up to the challenge, at Jeremiah they
can succeed!”
MNRPCV P.O. Box 6413, Minneapolis, MN 55406
A wide variety of volunteer organizations cook dinner for
residents, one day a week, throughout the year. The Jeremiah program also has several volunteers who do other
work with the residents. Three times a year, MNRPCV
cooks dinner for the residents. This is an enjoyable time for
us. Kitchen space there is limited to 4 – 6 workers. The fun
is in chatting with other RPCVs and watching mothers and
tots enjoy the food. Gosh, you get to eat too and thanks to
those who bring great desserts!
2010 International RPCV Calendars
Jane Bardon (Turkmenistan 2003-05)
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of
our recent calendar sale by selling or buying RPCV 2010
Calendars. The sale was a success! We purchased 335 calendars for $1440, gave away two, and sold 327 at $10 each.
Our profit this year was $1830 – a welcome addition to our
grant funds. The sale was over by the end of the year, and
at this point we have only six calendars left.
New sales efforts included a Calendar Open House in October and advertising on the MNRPCV PeaceCorpsConnect
and Facebook websites as well as on our own email list.
We also found that teachers, especially geography teachers, love the calendars as teaching aids. We could explore
approaching more teachers next fall for the 2011 calendars. To maximize our profit, I tried to order only as many
calendars as we could sell and monitored the calendars as
the sale progressed. I may have cut it a bit tight, so I hope
everyone who wanted to buy a calendar was able to do so.
Some of our special sales helpers were: Greg Hochstetter
(MNRPCV Treasurer), Elsa Frettem (open-house host
and calendar supply point), Mary Adams (calendar supply
point), Ruth Alliband (super-seller to teachers), Elizabeth
Songalia (super-seller) and Maggie Kozak (holiday party
sales follow-up). Everyone did a great job!
Stay up to date on the latest MNRPCV
Community Events and Social Events by
checking the mnrpcv yahoo listserv calendar
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mnrpcvEmailList/cal), Facebook page, or website
Upcoming Social Events – Spring 2010
Maggie Kozak (Burkina Faso 2004-06)
Toastmasters (1st and 3rd Thursday of every month) 6:45 to
8:45 p.m., Roseville, MN Improve your public speaking skills
with Toastmasters! Check it out on the first and third Thursday of
each month at 6:45 to 8:45 PM. Meet at the Roseville City Hall
on the NW corner of Lexington and County Road C. See the receptionist in the main building for room location. Contact Brian
Ahern at 651-497-7168 or at BJA85@hotmail.com.
February 2010
Sat., Feb. 13, 6 - 9 p.m. Fundraiser Dinner (Asian theme)
Elsa & Bernard’s house, 669 Summit Ave., St. Paul 55105
Enjoy appetizing Asian foods, while supporting MNRPCV’s
grant giving. Bring your family and friends! $10 suggested
donation per adult. Children welcome! There is still room for a
couple more cooks. Contact Christi at quiltzilla@gmail.com or
612-825-7203 to volunteer to cook.
Sat., Feb. 20 8 p.m., Ice Skating at The Depot
The Depot, 225 3rd Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55401
(downtown Mpls/river) We’ll meet by the skate rental window.
$8.00 - Adult Admission (18-61 yrs); $6.00 - Senior Admission
(62 yrs & up); $6.00 - Junior Admission (17 yrs & under); $7.00 Skate Rental (Bring extra for hot cocoa.)
Come out for a fun, active Saturday night! Skate to music in the
historic depot with your fellow MNRPCVs! According to their
website, “Named one of the top ten best places in the United
States to ice skate by USA Today ad MSNBC, The Depot Rink is
a historic Downtown Minneapolis train shed that now houses a
modern-day, indoor rink with floor-to-ceiling glass walls showcasing views of the downtown city skyline.”
More information available at: http://www.thedepotminneapolis.
com/icerink/ or call 612-375-1700.
Sat., Feb 227, 7 p.m. Movie Night: Atanarjuat (The Fast Runner)
2446 Aldrich Ave S #311, 55405
Join us for a viewing of this movie from Nunavut, Canada, the
first to be filmed entirely in the Inuktitut language. RSVP or for
more information contact Miriam at mok4747@yahoo.com or
Sun., Feb. 28, 1 p.m. Museum of Russian Art
5500 Stevens Ave South, Minneapolis, MN 55419 (south Mpls)
We’ll meet in the lobby.
General admission is $7.00 per adult
Voluntary donations are suggested for students. Now is the time
to visit the Museum of Russian Art! Right here, in our backyard,
is the only museum in North America solely dedicated to the
preservation and presentation of Russian art and artifacts! Exhibits include “Photographer to the Tsar: Revealing the Silk Road”
and “Matryoshka: The Russian Nesting Doll.” For more information and directions, visit: http://www.tmora.org.
MNRPCV P.O. Box 6413, Minneapolis, MN 55406
March 2010
Save the date: March 20 MNRPCV Slideshow. See page 3 for
Sat., March 6, 1-2:30 p.m.National Peace Corps Day
Hennepin County library: Walker library branch
2880 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis (uptown Mpls)
(Please note: the location is off Lake Street and Lagoon, in
Uptown) Now is your chance to celebrate the Peace Corps, share
your experience, and answer questions from the community—all
in one! Questions? Contact MNRPCV Gregory Hochstetter at
greghochstetter@hotmail.com for more information. We have
RPCVs already signed up for the presentation.
Sun., March 7, 11 a.m. Brunch at Kramarczuk’s (Polish
restaurant) 215 East Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis 55414 (NE
Mpls) Come join your fellow MNRPCVs for pierogies, cabbage
rolls, sausages, waffles, eggs benedict, and Polish pastries! For
more information, visit: http://www.kramarczuk.com/Restaurant/
Restaurant.html or call 612-379-3018.
Sat., March 20 1 p.m. The American Swedish Institute
2600 Park Avenue, Minneapolis (south Mpls). Meet in the lobby.
$6 for adults; $5 ages 62 and above; $4 ages 6-18 and full-time
students with ID. Children under six are free when accompanied
by an adult. We’ll view the current exhibits, featuring the work of
seventeen contemporary Swedish designers—all young, progressive women; the Institute’s 80th anniversary; and Swedish Life in
the Twin Cities. For more information, visit: http://www.americanswedishinst.org/ASI/Home.html or call 612-871-4907.
Fri., March 26, 6:30 p.m. Babani’s Kurdish Restaurant
544 St. Peter St., St. Paul, 55402 (downtown St. Paul)
Please RSVP to Maggie Kozak at maggiekozak@yahoo.com by
12 noon March 26, if possible. (All are welcome, even without
an RSVP.) For more information, visit http://www.babanis.com/
or call 651-602-9964.
April 2010
Fri., April 23, 6:30 p.m. Tanpopo Noodle Shop (Japanese restaurant). 308 Prince Street #140, St. Paul 55101 (Lowertown, St.
Paul). RSVP to Maggie Kozak at maggiekozak@yahoo.com by
12 noon April 23, if possible. (All are welcome, even without
an RSVP.) For more information and directions, visit http://tanpoporestaurant.com/t_hours.php or call 651-209-6527.
Do you have fabulous ideas for fun and exciting
social and/or community events?
If so, we invite YOU to host an event!
Please email maggiekozak@yahoo.com or call
651-387-7581 for more information.
MNRPCV Membership Application/Renewal
NAME_________________________________________________ Today’s Date ____________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________
RPCV (yes/no) _____________ Current/former Peace Corps Staff (explain) __________________________
Country and years of service _________________________________________________________________
New Member ________Renewal________ If renewing, has your contact info changed? __________________
Membership is FREE for any RPCV for one year after his/her COS date. Please fill out this form and mail it to
MNRPCV anyway, so we can send you MNRPCV NEWS and put you on our mailing and contact list. Membership is $15.00 per year for all others. RPCVs or former Peace Corps staff members are eligible to be Active
Members; other interested individuals may join as Associate Members.
Payment Enclosed $_______________. Please make checks payable to MNRPCV.
Send this form with your payment to:
MNRPCV, PO Box 6413, Minneapolis, MN 55406 – Attn: Membership
If you prefer to join through NPCA (National Peace Corps Association) go to www.peacecorpsconnect.org.
NPCA membership is $35 per year plus $15 to choose MNRPCV as your member group.
Notes from the Field: Eco-Kids, Honduras
Cottonwood Foundation
Dec 19, 2009
By Gabiel Sidman (PCV Rio Negro, Comayagua, Honduras) Thank you again for the Minnesota Returned Peace Corps
We took our first of two planned field trips in October with
my “eco-kids” and it was a great success! From myself and
all the kids, thank you so much again I really think the trip
enriched the class and my ability to teach it. And from the
students after their trip to the Parque Ecologico y Estacion
- I liked the lagoon the deer and the visitor’s center.
- I learned that you can make juice from the Jamaica tree.
- I learned the legend of the fig tree flowers at midnight.
- I liked the hike – there were interesting things like the fig tree.
- I liked the water lily because it is pretty.
- I learned about different classes of trees.
Gabriel received a grant from MNRPCV in 2009 for his
“eco-kids” program. His plan is to take 10 of his best local
students to areas outside of their own immediate community
to nearby parks and reserves where they can learn about
eco-tourism as a possible future for employment beyond
what their village offers.
Volunteers’ generous contribution to Cottonwood Foundation in 2009, and for all of your continued support!
We’re pleased to send you Cottonwood’s fall newsletter to
help show how your contributions are making a real difference. Thanks again! Best wishes & happy holidays,
Paul Moss, Executive Director
Cottonwood Foundation received a grant from MNRPCV
in 2009. It is an all-volunteer organization that focuses its
funding on committed, grass roots organizations that rely
strongly on volunteer efforts and where foundation support
will make a significant difference. At least 90% of Cottonwood Foundation’s expenditures will be for grants to other
organizations. If you would like to see the newsletter that
was sent to MNRPCV, contact Jane Bardon at janebardon@yahoo.com or 651-484-7989.
MNRPCV Receives Toastmasters
By Jane Bardon, MNRPCV President
MNRPCV gratefully acknowledges the contribution from
the MNRPCV Toastmasters group, which donated the
proceeds from their recent white elephant auction to the
MNRPCV Grant Program. The funds will help support the
small grants to PCVs, RPCVs and organizations that will
be awarded this spring.
MNRPCV Toastmasters is open to RPCVs and others who
want to improve their speaking and listening skills. See the
description of Toastmasters on page 6. February meetings
are scheduled for Feb. 4 and 18 at 6:45pm.
MNRPCV P.O. Box 6413, Minneapolis, MN 55406
you k your
Ren MNRP mailing
l Da V Me label fo
P.O. Box 6413
Minneapolis, MN 55406
MNRPCV Grant Award Announcement
(Request for Applications)
February 1, 2010
The Minnesota Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (MNRPCV) Board of Directors
is pleased to offer a new round of small grants. Currently serving PCVs from
Minnesota, Minnesota RPCVs who are continuing their Peace Corps work, and
organizations (nominated by one or more RPCVs) that work in areas appropriate to
the Mission of MNRPCV are eligible for these awards.
Funds for the MNRPCV Grant Program come from the sale of RPCV Calendars,
fundraiser dinners and donations. The maximum award per applicant is $1000.
Complete guidelines for the 2010 grant applications are posted on the MNRPCV
website (www.mnrpcv.org) and on the homepage of the mnrpcvEmailList
listserv: (http://groups. yahoo.com/group/mnrpcvEmailList/files/). The deadline
for applications is March 5, 2010. Grant recipients will be chosen by a special
committee headed by the MNRPCV President. All grant applicants will be
informed of the results of their application around April 1, 2010.
Grantees will be expected to submit a written report, suitable for publication in
MNRPCV NEWS. Accompanying photographs of the project will be appreciated.
For more information, contact Jane Bardon at janebardon@yahoo.com or 651-4847989.
Spring 2010
Table of Contents
Corner Board - Dick Anderson
Page 1
Peace Corps Week
Page 2
New TC Field-Based Recruiter
Page 2
Job Listings at PC Worldwide
Page 2
Welcome New Members
Page 3
Treasurer’s Throne
Page 3
Samoa Tsunami Fundraiser Update Page 3
Annual Slide Show & Pot Luck
Page 3
Holiday Party Report
Page 4
Community Service Events
Page 5
2010 International RPCV CalendarsPage 5
Spring Social Events
Page 6
Eco-Kids, Cottonwood grants
Page 7
Toastmasters Contribution
Page 7
Grant Award Announcement
Page 8
All events are announced via email on the
mnrpcvEmailList. Join this listserv from