January 2004 issue of the SIX DEGREES


January 2004 issue of the SIX DEGREES
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Ed i t o r i a l
am is a pleasant town where the
eucalypts are likely to make any
Aussie homesick and the date
palms clearly indicate a desert
oasis. But it’s the incredible ancient
city which makes Bam truly special.” This is
how Lonely Planets travel guide describes
the Iranian city of Bam. What is left from
Bam after the recent earth quake is far from
an oasis: doors and windows over piles of
brick and earth, ruined buildings and dead
Just a few hours ago these streets were full of cheerfully
playing kids; cars and pedestrians, salesmen and shoppers, rich
and poor, young and old, pretty and ugly, a few tourists taking
pictures… This one is in love, that one plans revenge, this couple has just married and moved to a new home, a baby is born,
an old man is dying, he is a grandfather. He is happy to see that
his offspring will carry on, that life goes on… Then comes the
night, the darkness and calm; here comes death with an army
of 40,000 angels - raw or ripe, ready or not, it’s harvest time.
Goodnight Bam, sleep forever!
Pompeii is covered in ashes. Life is frozen in an instant like
a Polaroid picture. Charred bodies of the inhabitants are right
where they were in their last moments. Hiroshima and
Nagasaki are wiped out in a blink. Still young and healthy
looking bodies of Srebrenica’s men are carried to the mass
graves by trucks which were used the previous day to carry
material to build houses for them. We sit in our houses and see
video footages of every human tragedy, but why is it that it has
no effect on us anymore? We think we are lucky not to be
there, that it can never happen to us.
“The sense of what is real and what is
extreme is indeed messed up in us. ‘Please
the consumers! Make the advertisers
happy! Give a positive image! Be for sale
constantly, although nobody’s buying.’
This is the upbringing of a
consumeristic society. Virtual happiness!”
Co n t e n t s
12 & 13
in the snow!
Reader’s feedback “Most of the discrimination is caused by ignorance,”
writes one 6° reader
Who is J. L. Runeberg? The round cake with a drop of jam, yes,
but who is the man behind it?
Nightshift: Taxi Driver Petri has seen most of the things that happen
in the back seat of taxi
Himalaya hypnosis Every day is a good day in Nagargot, Himalaya
Big brother is watching Everything seems to happen in New York, New York
Co v e r
NGO SCAN Having Tusovka in Helsinki
Cover photo:
A strong earthquake virtually
levelled the city of Bam in
southern Iran on Dec 26th.
A father is carrying the bodies of
his two sons to a mass grave.
All articles, pictures
and graphics
are subject to copyright.
No reproduction or reprinting is allowed
without permission from Dream Catcher Inc.
© Dream Catcher
The Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Javad Kajouyan Fini has
begun his duties only a few months ago in Helsinki. SixDegrees had an informal
chat with the new Ambassador.
WWWEB Time for a change Thank God the Internet provides handy solutions
for a new Me!
18 & 19
Nude is the word Helmut Newton’s photographs are all about power
CARTOON: Yellow Rust by Shachindra Dass
Gus van Sant’s latest film Elephant in Helsinki theatres on 30th January
Many thanks to all of you who spent your time in participating in the survey! Now it’s
time for the highlights of the results and the winner!
Party or the terrorists win New Year’s celebration at Times square was like a terrorist alert
Dough Corner New Year’s outlook: economic growth in sight!
Alexis Kouros
FRIENDSHIP: The Finland-Chile association celebrates Pablo Neruda this year
Väinämöinen – no luck with love The Finnish mythical hero did not convince the
Assignment: Maison de Quartier French Culture is more than Edith Piaf
ly, although nobody’s buying.” This is the upbringing of a consumeristic society. Virtual happiness!
But are we ever ready for death? Do we ever realize when its
time to go? We earn and gain, seek pleasure and wealth, consume
and store. We plan our lives as if we lived forever. It is so easy to
lose perspective, so easy to forget the basic things, to ask the
wrong questions. Why are we here? What is the purpose of life?
We like to think that man is the centre of the universe and the purpose of creation, but what would happen if we disappeared just
like the dinosaurs? Would the universe cease to exist? Our way of
life is characterised by materialism and hedonism. Our power
struggles and aggressions are just the developed version of hierarchy struggles of animal tribes. Is curiosity and the ability to
build tools enough to make us better than animals?
In the proximity of death, all our bustle and hustle looks like a
childish game, a game in which some muck their spirit and few
polish it to shine -even though for a second.
The forces of nature took over the historical Iranian town, Bam, last month. “What
struck me in Bam was the totality of the disaster,” says Tuomo Hämäläinen, a nurse
and a relief worker who returned from Iran two weeks ago.
Friends within a letter’s reach: Did you ever have pen pals from abroad when you
were a kid? Already 40 years ago Raimo Kaarna from Lahti published the first
Signal Pen Pal magazine and has ever since received thousands and thousands of
letters from people willing to start correspondence with others around the world
Issue 1/2004
I had to make a decision for the cover of this issue. Do I put
a picture of death, tragedy and destruction? A heartbreaking
picture of a father carrying his two dead sons to a queue for a
mass grave, or should I put a happy face on the cover. “Isn’t
that death picture a bit pornographic?” asks my colleague. I
think of all the covers we are used to seeing: all those extra
thin half naked smiling models, all those happy celebrities and
consumer ads. The sense of what is real and what is extreme is
indeed messed up in us. “Please the consumers! Make the
advertiser happy! Give a positive image! Be for sale constant-
Marsh, hoe and José The Spaniards do more than only have their siesta
and enjoy Sangría
NO to inheritary rule Who is going to be the next president in Egypt?
Daytripper: Coffee house Bemböle Traditional Finnish food and nostalgy
Shrovetide sledging fast Take out your sledge on 24th February and get out
6, 7 & 8
BOOK REVIEW: Naomi Klein: Fences and windows
20 & 21
22 & 23
SCHATZISM Culture Shocks observed by Roman Schatz.
SixDegrees’ selection of cultural happenings 28th January – 25th February
Caricature by Maarika Autio
S i xDe g r e e s
Editor Alexis Kouros alexis@six-degrees.net Managing editor Laura Seppälä laura@six-degrees.net
Advertisements & Marketing Laura Seppälä laura@six-degrees.net 09 777 2007
Subscriptions & Distribution info@six-degrees.net 09 777 2007
Out & See Sanna Paakkanen outsee@six-degrees.net Layout & Graphic Design Thanos K thanos@six-degrees.net, Martin Heslop martin@sixdegrees.net, Photography Martin Heslop martin@six-degrees.net, Sami Mannerheimo Writers Mikael Ahlfors, Kati Ala-Ilomäki, Maarika Autio,
Asa Butcher, Raymond Enakimio, Emilia Erkinheimo, Annette Falck, Jukka Helin, Jukka Huuskonen, Gavin Kalan, Minna Karttunen, Päivi Komsi,
Elina Korhonen, Alexis Kouros, Lea Kurki, Juuso Lehtonen, Sirpa Meriläinen, Sanna Negus, Rale, Roman Schatz, Nona Seppä,
Pirkko-Liisa Uimonen, Siru Valleala Graphics Maarika Autio, Shachindra Dass, Thanos K. Proof-reading Glyn Banks, John Pederson
Print house Keski-Pohjanmaan Kirjapaino Oyj Circulation 25.000 copies
Publisher © Dream Catcher Productions www.dreamcatcher.fi
6° DreamCatcher, Kulmavuorenkatu 2, 00500 Helsinki, tel. 09 777 2007, fax. 09 777 2005 info@six-degrees.net
www.six-degrees.net ISSN 1459-5680
Next issue is out on 25th February
Marsh, hoe and José
Suo, kuokka ja José
By Jukka Helin, Barcelona
ealthy Europeans
– like us Finns –
consider themselves to be hardworking and productive
people whereas people
from Southern parts of
Europe are thought to be
a bit work-shy and idle.
Therefore the Spaniards, naturally,
live their life sipping sangria, relaxing on their siesta, just until it’s time
for a fiesta. Right? –Wrong. Take
Barcelonans, for example: they
work the European standard, 40
hours a week, starting at nine in the
morning and leaving the office at
The residents of Barcelona are hardworking.
around seven in the evening. The two
hours in between, usually from 2 to 4, are bachelor’s degree in a public university
dedicated to the national passion for eating starts from 4 000 euros, plus other expenses
well and relaxing. Despite the late working like books and handouts, even printing
hours, these people miss none of the fiesta; costs, and the State doesn’t give financial
for them the night is as long as the sleep is aid. Rents in Barcelona start from 200 euros
a month for a room and one can get a whole
Barcelona seems to have grasped what free flat for about 600 euros. However, the
markets mean: you can get what you want if average wages are around 1,000 euros a
you are willing to work for it, and month and, despite the fact that beer is very
Barcelonans do this with their own rhythm cheap, all the money is pretty much
and style. They want to be Europeans, and consumed by everyday life and you can just
do serious business, but still they keep to about forget travelling or buying your own
apartment. That’s probably why “kids” live
their own traditions.
The darker side of the story emerges when in their parents’ home until they’re thirty, or
money is brought into the discussion: A older. Imagine that!
NO to inheritary rule
Ei periytyvälle vallalle
By Sanna Negus, Cairo
Photo by Sanna Negus
t looked like Gamal,
Mubarak’s younger
son, would become
Egypt’s next president.
His rank was rising
within the ruling NPD
party and he was hailed
as a young reformer.
The 40-year-old former President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak in the bush.
banker was to breathe fresh air The news caught many by surprise and
some suspected foreign pressure for demointo the party machine stifled cratic change in Egypt.
with corruption. Handsome
While the announcement put inheritance
and media-savvy, Gamal rumours at bay, it hasn’t done much to ease
the anxiety Egyptians feel over the question
became the favourite of busi- of succession. The president fell ill in
ness elite and young profes- November during a speech at the parliament
and the broadcast was interrupted. This
sionals alike.
Rumours started to circulate that
Mubarak senior was grooming his position
to his son. Not the least because the president has never appointed a vice-president
throughout his 23-year rule. The presidential candidates are nominated by the NDPmajority parliament, and so far Hosni
Mubarak has been the only candidate. In
2000 he got almost 94 percent of the votes.
But it all changed on New Year’s Day.
The president delivered his beginning of the
year speech on the radio and in it he categorically ruled out inheritance of power.
“The regime of Egypt is republican and
there is no inheritance of power,” he said.
caused a nervous shock throughout the
country, despite government’s reassurances
over 75-year-old Mubarak’s good general
Now all eyes are focused on Omar
Suleiman, the head of Egyptian intelligence
and a mediator between the Palestinian factions. The regime cannot ignore the army
when electing the president – Egypt’s presidents have been army officers since the revolution of 1952. Suleiman would be a good
choice for them, while Gamal has civilian
background. Next presidential elections will
be held 2005. Mubarak senior hasn’t confirmed if he is running.
ISSUE 01/2004
By Nona Seppä
Nostalgia and
Finnish food
Nostalgiaa ja
sledging fast
By Annette Falck
s Mayday (vappu) is the milestone
of spring for Finnish students,
Shrove Tuesday (laskiaistiistai)
lays the foundations for major
student happenings in the winter.
f you are searching for a
place where you can get traditional, tasty Finnish food we’ve found it for you. Here you
will find in the menu the delicious Finnish
Photo by Minna Karttunen
Pulkkamäki is a must on Shrove Tuesday
Enjoy pyttipannu in the coffeehouse Bemböle.
dessert köyhät ritarit (or Poor Knights which in
practice is bread soaked in milk, fried and
served with jam and whipped cream) or then
pyttipannu, a mix of sausages and potatoes.
When you step into the red old house, it’s like
someone had turned back time. The atmosphere
is like an old Finnish movie, full of warmth and
The coffee house Bemböle was built in 1737.
It used to be a farm named Bell. The remarkable thing is that the house is still standing on
its original site. From 1917-1938 it was used as
a dwelling for farm-workers, a shoemaker’s
workshop and a school. The house also had a
very important role during the Second World
War. It was temporarily a maternity hospital.
As a coffeehouse it has been used since the end
of the 1930s.
The place is very full, especially during the
lunch hour. Many people spend their lunchtime
enjoying the delicious menus. On weekends the
coffeehouse is also popular, with many families
dining by the warmth of the fireplace.
Nowadays when everything is so fast and
furious, it is pleasantly calming to spend time in
a place like Bemböle coffeehouse. The history
of the house is strongly present in a positive
way. In a place like that you just have to stop
worrying about the time. The good thing is that
in the coffeehouse time is definitely flying
- Bemböle coffeehouse,
Bellinmäki 1, Espoo
- open: Mon-Fri 7.30-18.00,
Sat-Sun 9.30-18.00
- speciality: traditional,
homemade Finnish food
- dining hours: Mon-Fri 10-16.30,
Sat-Sun 11-17.30
- buses: 270, 290 from Helsinki
The Finnish name ‘laskiainen’ originates from the word
‘laskea’, which has two meanings in Finnish: sledging
and counting. However, unlike the festivities that take
place on Shrove Tuesday might imply, the term ‘laskiainen’ originates from the latter meaning. It refers to
the beginning of the countdown to Easter. According to
another theory the name derives from ‘descending’ into
the pre-Easter fast.
Whatever the original meaning, today’s Shrove
Tuesday is a festivity characterised mainly by excessive
sledging. Students generally head to Kaivopuisto or
other tobogganing sites where playful competitions and
frolicking are the name of the game.
While Brits stuff themselves with pancakes on this late
winter day, Finns have imported a special Shrove bun
from Sweden. It is a sweet bun filled with jam, marzipan and whipped cream. Yum.
This year Shrove Tuesday (laskiaistiistai) falls on the
24th of February.
Reader’s feedback
We can’t give up
and we should
never change!
fter reading your article “Invisible to the
outside world,” (05/2003) I was really
touched and it was a feeling of relief to find
a magazine where we can express our feelings and have contact with other immigrants who understand our emotions.
I myself am a “half Finn,” which is not as easy as it
sounds but it gives me the right to speak quite freely
without being politically incorrect. I have spent the last
(long) four years here trying to gain acceptance, find
an identity and share the same anger, hurt and sadness
as many foreigners here because of the discrimination.
The fact is that most of the discrimination is caused
by ignorance. We are not stupid, weird or different.
They are! And we know this because if you travel anywhere else you will never meet as many ignorant people in one place as there are in Finland. (A generalization I know, but sadly true.) This is a crying shame.
Perhaps we should spread the words “get out more”
among the Finns and try to educate them. Anyway, we
can’t give up and we should never change. Keep smiling when you walk past people in the street, acknowledge others and be friendly. Don’t allow people to
interrogate you, stop answering their questions and
ask them to tell you more about their lives.
As a last note I would like to quote something I
heard on the BBC this morning: “Our brain’s capacity
to store memories of our experiences is what makes us
unique. And our memories make us what we are.” So
let’s forget the insults and remember the compliments
because so many of us “foreigners’’ have had such rich
and wonderful lives that we are the lucky ones.
This letter is published with pseudonym following
the writer’s request.
ISSUE 01/2004
Who is J. L.
Himalaya hypnosis
Hipat Himalajalla
Kuka J. L. Runeberg?
By Mikael Ahlfors
i maamme Suomi
synnyinmaa..” does
this sound familiar?
Most likely you will
be introduced to the
poet Johan Ludwig
Runeberg’s (1804-1877) works
by this Finnish national anthem
Maamme which is based on his
Photo by Martin Heslop
The Finnish poet is mostly remembered
by the delicious Runeberg cake.
Other famous writings include Vänrikki
Stoolin tarinat, which contains poems about
the story of the Russo-Swedish War in Finland
in early 1800’s. Typically Runeberg portrayed
the daily, common life of people in a human
way, the way Finnish people like their stories
to be told. Some of Runeberg’s love poems
inspired the music of Jean Sibelius. Even if
Runeberg always wrote in Swedish, his importance to the Finnish national awakening during
the later 19th century was considerable.
Even so, the Runeberg cake (Runebergin
torttu) may be more familiar to some sweet
toothed Finns than his poetry. This rather dry
and cylindrically shaped sweet cake made out
of wheat and crumbs is spiced with almonds
and a splash of rum and was a very popular
delicacy in Finnish cafe’s in Runeberg’s day.
The common belief is that Johan Ludwig’s
wife Frederika made the cakes for her husband, but more recent studies have told a different story. Runeberg had difficulties getting
up in the mornings and sharpening his
thoughts, so he enjoyed a breakfast in a local
cafeteria in Porvoo consisting of a glass of
schnapps and a dry cake with a drop of jam.
The cafe owner named this delicious cake after
the poet. After all, many people say his romantic poems taste much sweeter than the cakes.
Finland celebrates
Johan Ludwig Runeberg’s
200 th anniversary on the
5th of February.
By Asa Butcher
axis are like limousines
for the underprivileged,
customers around the
city for hours on end, but
have you ever wondered
about the driver who is trying to understand your
slurred pronunciation of
your address or worrying
you’re going to decorate the
seat with half-digested Grilli
One of those nightshift drivers is Petri
and he drives one of those rather fancy
Mercedes Benz taxis for an undisclosed
Helsinki firm. Petri has been driving a
taxi for nearly five years and admits he
still sees things that both surprise and
shock him.
“I have seen most of the usual things
that happen in the back of a taxi, like couples beginning their foreplay, old ladies
flirting, a few drunk celebrities and occasionally I need to clean up some puke,”
says Petri.
Petri works for about 40 hours a week
and drives the nightshift every other
week, “It isn’t that bad once your body
clock gets used to it, and the money isn’t
too bad, especially when topped up with
a rare tip,” explains Petri. “It can be boring and lonely when I sit and wait ages
for a customer but then there are other
nights when I don’t stop. For those slow
nights I have a book and the radio to keep
me company.”
There are certain things Petri enjoys on
the night shift “One thing I love about
driving the nightshift are the empty roads
and every traffic light is green,” he
explains. “It is like driving around your
very own city, but it can be a bit strange
when the rush hour slowly begins and
you are suddenly joined by hundreds of
other cars.”
One story that still makes him laugh is
the time a young guy tried to escape paying the fare: “This guy jumped out of the
taxi and started running, but because he
was really drunk his legs collapsed and
he fell on his face. The next thing he is
back in the taxi, bleeding from his nose,
and asking me to drive him to hospital. I
did but I made sure he paid before we
left,” recalled Petri.
So there you have it, not all taxi drivers are as crazy as Robert De Niro’s
Travis Bickle but it seems some of the
passengers are.
By Siru Valleala
Photo by Miika Mattila
Nagarkot is a pieceful village in the Himalaya.
early everyone wants to get
away from Kathmandu,
spending a few days there.
The colourful chaos on the narrow
streets and constant hunt for
tourists’ money is certainly fascinating for a moment. But unless
you desperately need to buy tigerbalm, rickshaw rides or hash, the
dirt and polluted air will soon make
you want to move on.
If you can go trekking, do it. If not, go and see
the mountains. We were lucky to be in Nepal during a non-peak season. We were the only tourists
in a bus to Nagarkot village and after some mad
Nepalese mountain-driving, also the only tourists
in the village. And that was weird because
Nagarkot, situated on a 2 km high mountain, is
mainly a tourist village so it was totally empty.
But who needs company when you have the
Himalaya in front of you?
We did meet a few living creatures. A man who
climbed up to a hill temple to ring a bell every
morning to let everybody know that the sun had
risen. We happened to be there with him several
times at 6 o’clock and he always said the same
words, “Namaste, it’s a good day.” He was right.
Every day was a good day in Nagarkot, peaceful,
quiet and far from civilization. We also met a carpenter who slept in his open cottage every chilly
night and worked all day on wooden faces. Some
of them smiled friendly, while others stared
malevolently. He had the same looks.
On our last night when the moon was full, they
had some sort of a party at the temple. We two
lonely tourists were shaking in our beds when they
shouted, screamed and drummed in a hypnotic
way. The dark Himalayan heights were full of
ancient spirits.
Big Brother is watching
Isoveli valvoo
By Raymond Enakimio
n idle mind is the
devil’s workshop.
That must be the
reason why during some idle
moments a few odd
thoughts and questions
ran through my mind.
Most of them spin from
the events that shook
America and the world
on September 11th 2001.
Of all the places affected, why
New York’s Twin Towers and, in fact, why New
York? Looking back in time further, why is it that
when King Kong was kidnapped from the jungle
in Africa he ended up in New York? Also, what
was it that lured Godzilla when it swam visa-free
and without finger print scans to New York? Let’s
leave these Hollywood creatures and face some
hard facts. In 1912 over 1,500 lives were reported
lost when the British luxury liner Titanic sank during its maiden journey from England to where? To
New York of course.
“Why is it that when King Kong
was kidnapped from Africa he
ended up in New York?”
The French, known for excellent wines, tried
their hand at sculpture. The result? The Statue of
Liberty as we know it today. Not knowing what to
do with it or where to dump it, they declared that
it represented freedom and shipped it off to New
York. Between the years 1892 and 1954, an esti-
mated 12 million people breezed through New
York’s immigration post in search of the American
Be as it may, a dump, a gateway for an Axis of
Evil, the route to the American dream has become
a global nightmare. Now nations are required,
Finland included, to submit details of all the travelers heading to the U.S to keep out “the bad
guys”. Can you blame them? The best job on earth
right now has got to be that of immigration officers
at American ports - if you are a pervert that is.
Apart from the near strip searches, travelers must
also go through security cameras and scan their
finger prints. So what next – blood tests, urine,
stool samples? But does that solve anything? How
about better foreign policies? Will terrorists now
provide details of themselves so that when they are
off bomb duty they can go for holidays in Miami
with their wives and kids? Not likely. Safety is
good so long as these new walls of security do not
border on ethnic/racial lines. This big brother is
also watching.
Raimo Kaarna and thousands and thousands of letters from people all around the world.
ISSUE 01/2004
Signal Pen pals Magazine
-is one of world's oldest and largest
correspondence publications. The
first number was issued on the 11th
of January 1960.
-established its web edition at
www.saunalahti.fi/~signal/ in
1996. Now the magazine has 1000
pages and 40 000 pen pal ads from
one hundred countries.
-has attracted roughly about
two million readers in the course
of its 43 years of existence.
-has, during the last seven years, had
about 900 000 web readers and
gets hundreds more every day.
About fifty new listings are
received via email daily and much
more via old-fashioned snail mail.
Placing an ad in the net is today
free of all costs.
-was founded and is still published
by Raimo Kaarna, Lahti, now 60
years old. Having worked for 22
years as a newspaper reporter in
Etelä-Suomen Sanomat, Kaarna
today presents himself as a "grand
pa and a full-time idler", despite
publishing, editing, html-coding
and providing a net publication
with photos daily.
ISSUE 01/2004
Friends within a letter’s r eac h
Ystäviä kirjeenmitan päässä
Maarika Autio
Photos by
Martin Heslop
ow many of you had pen pals while you were growing up? Sending a text message inquiry to some of my friends, I get the world
covered a few times over: Sanna has had a pen pal from Malaysia and Poland, Merituuli from Harrowgate near Emmerdale, Outi
from Aberdeen, Fanny from India and Germany, Jaana from Hungary, my sister Anne from Senegal, mom from post-war Germany
etc. Multiply these contacts by the number of people in Finland, then cautiously expand your thinking outside our borders, and you
start getting a faint perception of what kind of global scheme we’re talking about. SixDegrees bites firmly on the global pen pal
phenomenon by interviewing a man who built a life-long career connecting people from all around the world, starting way before Nokia
ever got the idea.
Stamps and young ladies
Who ate the tomatoes?
’m not running around the
flagpole, but nevertheless,
we all have our oddities.
This is my madness.” What Raimo
Kaarna now addresses as madness
started showing its early signs 43
years ago. As a sixteen-year-old
schoolboy he published the very first
issue of Signal Pen Pals magazine. A
thousand copies were sent all around
Finland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia,
Britain, Russia and USA. Little did
young Raimo know what a massive
project lay ahead of him. Since 1960
both Signal and Raimo Kaarna have
grown and changed their appearance.
Kaarna has become a silver-haired
uring its peak years in the
mid-eighties Signal Pen
Pals, by then a colour-printed tabloid magazine, reached a
worldwide circulation of 12,000. The
monthly printing and mailing
required a respectable amount of
cash. Most of the costs were covered
by registration fees – one had to pay
a little to get his/her ad published.
That is only in principle. Kaarna
explains: “Payment or no payment,
I’d publish the ads anyway. I never
left out an ad if it was not paid for. I
actually announced that the publishing costs of a single ad were this and
this much, but in case people could-
“In 1960 Raimo Kaarna, as a sixteen-yearold schoolboy published the first issue of
Signal Pen Pals magazine. A thousand
copies were sent all around Finland,
Hungary, Czechoslovakia,
Britain, Russia and USA.”
gentleman with lively eyes peering at
the world behind grandpa’s glasses.
Signal’s colourful journey has finally
brought it into the net pages – a typical story of our days.
Today Signal’s website in
www.saunalahti.fi/~signal/ contains
roughly 40,000 pen pal ads from people all around the world, all hopefully searching for their soul mates.
What triggered Kaarna into
launching Signal Pen Pal magazine,
and what on earth has kept him going
all these years? “Well – I’m a collector,” he says. “As a boy I simply saw
this as a chance to obtain exotic
stamps for my collection. I placed an
ad of my own also in the first issue.”
Right! Let’s have a look at it. Soon an
old, unbribeable black folder reveals
a white lie: the teenager boy in question does not mention a word about
stamps, but is rather interested in
“meeting young ladies from different
countries”. Kaarna smiles, he is
caught. “Ok, stamps AND young
ladies, too, why not. But as to the
question of why I have continued,
I’d answer that everyone has to have
a hobby. This has never been a business for me, no commercial benefit
involved, with the exception of once
exchanging some of my gift stamps
for a used Volkswagen beetle. Much
more often I’ve had to empty my
pockets to keep Signal alive,” Kaarna
n’t afford it, they could come up with
alternative ways of compensation. So
Lahti mailmen have since then
brought me packets of cigarettes
from all over the world, cassettes,
records, about 40-50 dolls in national
costumes, bank notes in different currencies, carvings and statuettes,
African percussions, truckloads of
postcards - you name it. I even got
dates once from Algeria, I think. By
the time they arrived in Lahti they
were swarming with ants.”
“Not only gifts, but a few times
over the years I’ve received visitors
from abroad. An Englishman, Kit,
came twice in a mini, each time presenting himself with a different
name. Then there were a couple of
Algerian students, a Czechoslovakian during the -68 chaos who
decided to stay with us until the
worst turmoil was over. One guy
from Lithuania, Robertas, tried kindly to pay back some of our hospitality by collecting and drying mushrooms in our small kitchen.
Unfortunately they soon started to
rot. Still, I remember especially well
our very first visitor arriving at our
door in 1961. His name was
Gottfried Novak and he came from
East Germany. Now we had this bowl
of tomatoes on our dinner table.
Gottfried dumped all of its contents
onto his own plate leaving the rest of
the family quite surprised. The image
of the bright red mountain in front of
his happy face has stayed clear in my
mind,” recalls Kaarna
Ads, human stories and –
Al Jazeera?
pon entering the impressive
Signal Web Site one’s eyes
get instantly caught by the
links to Al Jazeera and New York
Times, placed there dead in the middle of the opening page. Hello! Why
“This is my way of pointing out
that a coin always has two sides. One
should not be so narrow-sighted as to
believe only the first interpretation of
what is going on. People should be
able to at least listen to opinions differing from their own.”
The pages also contain links to
other news offices in a number of
languages, magazines all around the
world, language translation sites,
radio stations, CIA world fact book
statistics etc. Still, establishing new
human contacts plays the leading
role. A person like Raimo Kaarna
must have a lot of juicy stories to
share about the ad-placers’ encounters. But a hopeful glint soon dies
out of the reporter’s eyes. “Almost all
the mail I get concerns the ads to be
published, people seldom share their
pen pal adventures with me.”
Scrolling through the seemingly
infinite number of ads I discover
another path forward. I send answers
to some ads containing inquiries
about the writer’s hopes, experiences
and thoughts, and soon get delightfully many answers– these folks
clearly enjoy writing. Seth from
Ghana wishes to remind SixDegrees
readers that “nobody knows where
his or her angel will come from”.
Helen, although only 14, is already
an old hand in the Pen Pal business
belonging to several international
pen pal and Internet organisations.
“This has never been a business for me. More often
I’ve emptied my pockets to keep Signal alive,”
says Raimo Kaarna.
as Sky Blue. The latest post firmly
stresses the importance of improving
inadequate language skills, which is
a characteristic feature of many
Signal ads. Zeeshan, now 31, started
searching for pen pals in the hope of
enlarging his banknote collection. He
reports having received not only banknotes but also delightfully many
friends through Signal ads. This originally Pakistani male has since then
moved to Sweden’s Göteborg and is
currently married to a Finnish
woman… So let’s all wish him good
“A few times over the years I’ve received
visitors from abroad. An Englishman, Kit,
came twice in a mini, each time presenting
himself with a different name.”
This ambitious young lady from
England also uses the occasion to
market her first single – we should all
keep our ears pierced for the rising
talents of the band “Beyond
Question”. Helen’s hopes of finding
interesting pen pals willing to share
their lives with her is shared by,
among others, Alae-Eddine from
Morocco, Daniel Ismaiel from Iraq
and a Chinese lady addressing herself
The pattern seems to be that
among the youngest generations girls
constitute the active majority, but virile mail members take over at some
point. A high percentage of advertisers nowadays consists of men reaching out towards the opposite sex. But
still, I was surprised by the large
number of those who, in a rather oldfashioned and innocent way, simply
look for someone to share their
thoughts with. Raimo Kaarna nods
his head in agreement, but soon adds:
“I do have to edit some ads a bit. No
obscenities are allowed on the pages–
we do have young readers also.”
Writing through
Second World War
ost pen pal relations, especially the ones that are
started by an eager language teacher’s slight pressure, do
not last long. But there are exceptions. At best letters exchanged as
kids lead into life long friendships.
Mrs. Kaija Tanskanen from Kuopio
has a heart-warming story to tell. She
has been writing to her pen pal for 67
years already.
“It all started in 1937. In the beginning I had two pen pals – I
exchanged a few letters with a
Hungarian girl also. Soon I began to
worry about this arrangement. I felt
that I could keep in touch with only
one of them. So I asked my German
language teacher which one of my
contacts I should keep. His advice, of
course, was to choose the one writing
better German. That is how my
friendship with Claire began. I was
in the fourth grade, 10 years old,”
explains Tanskanen.
Continues in the next page >>>
ISSUE 01/2004
“In 1948 I had plans to travel to Switzerland to see her. But in
those days the world was a different place. Travelling was not an
everyday thing to do: one had, for example, to apply for foreign
currency from the Bank of Finland. Unfortunately my application was denied. But in 1963, when we both were already in our
forties, I finally boarded a plane heading towards Switzerland. It
was so exciting; I was looking forward to meeting Claire.
Although we had exchanged photos, I wasn’t prepared to see an
already grey-haired lady waiting there for me… I had no idea
that Central-European thick black hair lost colour that early. The
“Payment or no payment, I’d publish the ads anyway. I never left out
an ad if it was not paid for.”
trip was a very pleasant one - we soon became used to actually
seeing each other face to face.”
By now Kaija Tanskanen has visited Claire in Switzerland
three times altogether. The last visit she made in the end of 2003,
this time taking her granddaughter along as an interpreter. “In the
early years having a pen pal was something very special, not
common at all. I have kept all Claire’s letters. We wrote all
through the war, you know, some of the letters still bear a stamp
“war censorship” on their envelopes,” says Tanskanen.
Kings and Assholes Down Under
e? Oh yes. I had a pen pal from the Philippines for a
short while. It ended when he, a country boy, wrote
about the animals he owned, saying: “I am a cow, I am
a pig and I am a horse.” I took that as a sign of the uttermost stupidity. Please forgive me: I was only ten. At that age that’s just
how things go. My mom didn’t exactly help, either. She teased
me about writing to a BOY, which I found embarrassing.
But with Gwendalyn, things went more smoothly. We wrote
for years. I finally travelled to see her and ended up steering a
light blue Volkswagen van called Cliffith all across the dusty
deserts of Australia. Cliffith was a tired old warrior. In chilly
mornings we had to push him a bit before he’d budge. The long
and straight bush roads provided us with ample time to play
cards. That’s where I learnt this new game called Asshole. The
winner gets to be the King while the loser is nominated as the
Official Asshole. The two players in between try their best to
become the other and avoid ending up as the other. The Asshole
gets the worst place in the table, of course, while the King… But,
oh, Gwen? Sorry! I stopped writing to her, then, at some point.
What finally killed me was her unyielding punctuality. Gwen’s
letters arrived quickly and precisely like well-oiled clockwork,
tickety tack, filled with meticulous updates about her family’s
undertakings. But it always took me weeks before I could
squeeze some lines in response, so in the end I got tired of suffering from a nagging guilty conscience all the time.
I have long since forgotten the name of the Philippine boy.
Ystäviä kirjeenmitan päässä
uinka moni ystävistäsi tai perheenjäsenistäsi tunnustaa joskus omanneensa
kirjeenvaihtoystävän tai vaihtaa edelleen ajatuksia netin välityksellä jonkun etäällä asuvan
kanssa? Lahtelainen Etelä-Savon Sanomissa ilmoitustoimittajana uraansa luonut Raimo
Kaarna on uhrannut kirjeenvaihdolle ja kontaktien välittämiselle suurimman osan elämästään. Hän
on julkaissut maailmanlaajuista kirjeenvaihtolehteä Signal Pen Pals Magazinea jo 43 vuoden ajan
aloittaen massiivisen projektinsa 16-vuotiaana koulupoikana 1960- luvun alussa.
Huippuvuosinaan 1980- luvun puolivälissä maailmanlaajuiseen jakeluun levinneen Signal Pen
Pals – magazinen painomäärä nousi 12 000:een. Monivärisestä tabloidilehdestä sittemmin
nettijulkaisuksi nykyaikaistunut Signal Pen Pals hengästyttää edelleen lukijansa paitsi
ystävänkipeiden ilmoittajiensa määrällä – tuhatsivuisella saitilla on yli 40 000 ilmoitusta - myös
linkeillään mm. Al Jazeeran, New York Timesin ja muiden erimaalaisten uutistoimistojen
sivustoille. Kaarna tuo näin esille mielipiteensä totuuden monista versioista varoittaen lukijoitaan
sortumasta yksipuolisen naiviin ajatteluun.
Useimmiten kirjeenvaihtoon ryhdytään alaluokkien koululaisena vieraan kielen opettajan lievästä
painostuksesta. Ahkerimpia kirjoittajia nuorimmassa
ikäluokassa ovat pienet tytöt. Vartuttaessa
aktiivivaltikka siirtyy vastakkaiseen sukupuoleen
suhteita hamuaville miehille. Silti yllättävän moni
ensimmäiseksi tarkoitusperäkseen yksinkertaisesti
ajatusten ja kokemusten vaihdon. Signalin ilmoittajien
keskuudessa tehtyyn email-tiedusteluun eri puolilta
päällimmäiseksi motiivikseen keskustelun ja
mielipiteiden vaihtamisen. Mutta kuten ghanalainen
Seth asian vapaasti suomennettuna tiivistää: koskaan
ei voi tietää, millä oksalla se oma enkeli istuu.
Agnes Owusu
Ansah, North Road
Block, PO Box 535,
Sunyani BA,
A:25f, pretty, slim,
attractive African girl,
kind, faithful, open,
loving, caring,
romantic, single,
never married
O: hairdresser. I’m seeking a
lifetime partner, 30-72, photo
please. Email:
Sicilia D Cabiguin,
c/o Julie Dotdot,
Lower Cogon;
Agoho, PH-9100
Camiguin, PHILIPPINES. A:??f, 5’, 95
lbs, fair complexion,
brown eyes, long hair H: cooking,
gardening, singing, Roman Catholic
and believe in God. I’m looking for
a gentleman, single, neat, clean,
shy, sincere, sensitive, faithfuly,
respectful, loving, caring, honest,
devoted, understanding. I’m a nonsmoker, non-drinker, a non-materialistic person, a one man woman.
Muhammad Imran, H
No A/114-2445, Jail
House Hirabad,
Hyderabad; Sindh,
A:29m E: university
graduate O: business
L: English, Urdu H: travel, cinema,
shopping, music, sports, football,
fashions, arts, foreign culture, languages, nature, playing games want to find a lady 16-31
in JP MY Europe.
Jamadou Lamine
Diedhiou, s/c
Souleyman Drammett,
PO Box 2173, Banjul;
178 cm, Senegalais
O: le cuisinier
H: correspond
L: francais, anglais.
Babaita, Verma Bldg
No 500, St Chichrra,
Katra Sufaid, Amritsar
City; INDIA.
A:29f H: friendship,
exchange gifts.
All letters - 100 % reply,
write with your snap
Lisa Howard,
70 Williams St,
Mt Vernon,
KY 40456-2852, USA.
A:25f, 5’7”/126lbs,
sexy... European men,
write !
Anna Sovitskaya,
Crylova 11 fl 66,
BY-213822 Bobruisk,
167/65, divorced, son
of 7
L: English, German
E: higher O: economist. I’m
cheerful, with sense of humour, like
to read, nature, cooking.
Marriage minded men, write !
David Bauman, 12520
A-1 Westheimer 257,
Houston TX 77077,
USA. Email: davbauman@hotmail.com
A:43m, 5’10”, solid
build E: Master’s degree
O: psychotherapist
L: English, Spanish H: internet,
medical herbalism Signalis: a
unique opportunity to meet people
Greetings to readers: looking for
females - email or penpals 30 or less.
Yavuz Menekse,
Pendik Yacht Club,
Geziboyu Caddesi PK 65, Pendik;
Istanbul, TURKEY. L:
H: female penpals
wanted worldwide.
Mona A Frhan, PO Box
127, Diala; IRAQ.
A:25f L: English, Arabic
H: movies, reading,
Kaled Ahcene, BP 56
Cidex Tagmatt, DZ15001 Tizi Ouzou,
Kabylie; ALGERIA.
A:23m L: English,
German, French H: friendship,
These are just a few examples of the
pen pal ads in Signals Web pages.
If you want to see them all
or put your own ad, go to
Please do not send pen pal ads
to SixDegrees!
Väinämöinen – no luck with love!
ISSUE 01/2004
Väinämöinen – ei mikään naistenmies!
By Pirkko-Liisa Uimonen pirkko-liisa@six-degrees.net
The Curious customs
& myths of the Finns
Picture by Maarika Autio
yths and tales tell us
about the brave and
valiant heroes conquering, pillaging and doing
other stuff that heroes
do. They wave their swords and
ride their horses from battle to
battle. These masculine men also meet and
man already. Although her mother was satisfied with
the great suitor, the maiden Aino drowned herself
rather than marry the powerful man! What a tragedy!
conquer women who they marry or have love
affairs with. Consider studs like the Greek
Ulysses, or Odysseus, who already had a wife
but had a few girlfriends during his ten-year
voyage home to claim back his faithful wife.
Our Finnish heroes also have these qualities except the biggest and most important hero,
Väinämöinen. The old sage manages when he
deals with other men but when it comes to
dealing with women, the poor old boy totally
Unlucky in Love
The hero’s unsuccessful history with women
begins early with his mother, Ilmatar, the
Maiden of Air. She carried the fatherless boy in
her womb for 30 summers and one winter.
Finally Väinämöinen decided to come in to the
world but unfortunately fell into the water,
which his mother took no notice of it then or
later. The poor newborn baby spent years in the
waves before he found land. So not an encouraging start with the opposite sex.
For a while the cultural hero did good deeds in
“The maiden Aino drowned herself rather than
marrried Väinämöinen! What a tragedy!”
the world like inventing cultivation until he met a crooked man named Joukahainen. The
men tried to beat each other by singing as Finnish sages do. Joukahainen was no match for
the champ so, as he was losing the musical battle, he promised Väinämöinen his sister
Aino if he let him go. The fair maiden was not happy at all as Väinämöinen was an old
French culture isn’t all about
Edith Piaf and Toulouse-Lautrec
By Emilia Erkinheimo
The Last Humiliation
The enraged Joukahainen then shot the sage when
he was travelling to Pohjola (The North) to propose
to the daughter of Louhi, the powerful matron of
Pohjola. Väinämöinen once again fell into the sea
and floated there before Louhi heard him whining
and sniveling. As a good hostess she picked the man
up and took him to her realm where she took care of
him. She demanded the suitor build Sampo, a cornucopia, a mysterious machine to produce wealth.
Safely back home, Väinämöinen asked the smith
Ilmarinen to make this machine and so he did.
Unfortunately the maiden of Pohjola preferred the
younger Ilmarinen to the old man so once again the
sage was left with nothing! Later Väinämöinen tried
to steal Sampo with his companions and had to fight
with the frustrated Louhi, who naturally didn’t want
to give the dowry back. During the fight the Sampo
broke and was lost in the sea.
The humiliation was complete: all the women he
had encountered had, one way or another, defeated or
rejected him. Väinämöinen also lost the rest of his
dignity because of the baby of the maiden Marjatta.
She ate a lingonberry, became pregnant and gave
birth to a baby boy. Her parents were unhappy about
this, expelled her and she deserted her son.
Väinämöinen committed the two-week-old boy to
death but the boy outwitted him with words. The
sage became so angry that he left Finland for good!
Maison de Quartier
Photo by Martin Heslop
ulien Colot, 26, came to Finland for the first time as a young traveller. He was impressed by the living conditions of students and wanted to learn more about the Finnish identity. He returned to Finland in 1998 as an exchange student, and never moved back to France.
A few years later he founded a multimedia company called ‘Maison de Cartier’ with three other people. “Maison de Quartier is certainly not a school,” Colot corrected me as I accidentally called his firm a French school. “It’s a lot more than that!”
Promoting actual French culture
and life
Colot came up with the idea of a multimedia
resource center when his students at the
Cultural Center of France asked him where
they could find information on French culture.
There wasn’t any webpage that would have a
bit of everything in one place. Colot saw a
demand for a new kind of Web site. “I had the
technology to do it, I met the people with the
skills and the demand was there,” he says. In
his younger days, he was involved in a high
school newspaper and a student radio station,
so a Web site was a natural addition to his
Colot didn’t want to create a mere list of
links. Instead, he decided to take a more visual starting point to his project. The Web site is
entirely built in the form of a house: you open
the front door of the cute pink house and get
to explore each floor. Surfing is easy, and most
of all, it’s fun. You can do exercises, read various texts or just listen to good music. The
content isn’t only about the French language.
site gets from 100,000 to 120,000 visitors
every month and 12,000 French-lovers order
the Maison de Quartier newsletter. Maison de
Quartier is known worldwide and Colot is
life. “In France, we have a proverb that says,
‘if you want to, you can’. My own guiding
principle is that ‘if you can, you have to’. You
owe it to yourself,” he explained.
“The website is built in the form of a house: you open
the front door of the cute pink house and get in to
explore each floor.”
“Maison de Quartier is a lot more
than a school,” says Julien Colot, a
French entrepreneur living Helsinki.
“The substance is very important too,” Colot
explained. He especially wanted to promote
popular culture, which often suffers from
undervaluation. “There’s more to culture than
only the elitist side of it,” he reminded.
Business as game
“The first three years were hard as hell,”
Colot admited. “It’s sometimes very difficult
for a foreigner to convince Finnish businessmen!” But the hard work paid off. Today, the
often invited to lecture in conferences. The
company has numerous partnerships and gets
most of its income from promoting books,
movies and other cultural products. It also
makes Web sites for other companies and sells
licences to their concept. The Web site is free
for surfers to explore.
The company is now growing internationally, but the base market is still in Finland. “We
are the best in what we do,” Colot said proudly and I don’t doubt his words. He consults,
does marketing, teaches and writes texts to the
Web site. “My work is my life,” Colot
explained. Working with children taught Colot
that anything can be inspiring when you make
a game of it. “I take managing the company as
a game, but it doesn’t mean I don’t take it seriously,” he said.
“If you can, you have to”
One of the reasons Colot first came to
Finland was the will to create his own destiny.
He clearly has an existentialistic approach to
After all these years, what does Colot think
of Finland, as a euro-businessman and as an
entrepreneur? “What I really appreciate, is that
here, you can trust in an oral contract. It saves
time, and time is money,” answered Colot.
But life in Finland isn’t always rosy he
explained: “Finland should become institutionally more open to foreigners. We have
duties, but information about our rights is not
as easy to get.” He thinks Finland is strong in
development and research, but many other
domains are still in their infancy. “For
instance, customer service seems to be a
strange word to many,” Colot pointed out.
Maison de Quartier Oy
Julien Colot
tel. +358 (0) 41 46 96 046
e-mail julien@maisondequartier.com
ISSUE 01/2004
Party or the Terrorists Win
Juhlikaa tai terroristit voittavat
By Gavin Kalan
housands of police block the streets as undercover cops infiltrate the crowd.
The city is closed to air traffic, except for the U.S. Air Force fighter jets and
Black Hawk helicopters patrolling overhead. Snipers are positioned on the
rooftops, scanning the mob below. Specialists walk around with radiation
detection equipment, also searching for traces of chemical and biological weapons.
One million people note the heightened security and try to put their fears aside
despite concerns about being part of such a large gathering.
This is not a protest in Baghdad; it
was the annual New Year’s Eve celebration at Times Square, New York
City. 50 square blocks were sealed
to traffic; every sewer cover was
welded shut; vending machines,
mailboxes, and trash bins were
removed; and the only way into the
area was by passing through metal
detectors at 20 checkpoints. Good
thing the NYPD confiscated alcoholic beverages during the backpack
search – they needed alert citizens to
report suspicious activity, and if they
missed anything they could rely on
the plainclothes FBI agents among
All this, and nothing happened;
not one person was arrested for so
much as pickpocketing. Funny how
no one was bothered by the Mayor’s
refusal to disclose either the full
extent of his beefed-up security, nor
the cost of the one-night operation.
Better safe than sorry.
A few days after the capture of
Saddam Hussein, Department of
Homeland Security director Tom
Ridge declared a nationwide “Terror
Alert Code Orange,” the secondhighest of five levels. Fox News
Channel displayed a graphic to
remind viewers of this as pundits
speculated on where, when, and how
Al-Qaeda will strike next.
“If there was nothing to worry about,
there wouldn’t be SWAT teams
on the rooftop.”
As I drove from Connecticut
through the parking lot known as I95 on my way to Brooklyn for New
Year’s Eve, I heard on the radio that
my Congressional Representative,
Republican (read: party of Bush)
Chris Shays had advised his constituency to avoid Times Square
entirely, stating that the celebration
was a “tempting target” for terrorists
that he would not risk attending “for
Shays is the head of a terrorism
By Jukka Huuskonen
the kind of courage needed to party
in the streets, surrounded by inebriated Yanks, light years from anything
resembling a urinal. “You cannot let
the terrorists win,” Bloomberg told
the morning talk shows. Right-wing
Representative, who opposed the
Vietnam War and refused to serve in
the military, while proudly boasting
how Bloomberg defied the terrorists
- in his own words - by attending the
Shays has still refused to retract
his warning, noting that if there was
nothing to worry about, there wouldn’t be SWAT teams on the rooftops.
But NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly
views this attitude as “a classic case
of letting the terrorists win.” And
millions of Americans, whether they
decided to attend or stay home, continue to believe that more guns and
fewer civil liberties can insulate a
nation from the consequences of its
foreign policy.
Meanwhile I dwell on the effectiveness of the surveillance state as I
wait over an hour to cross the bridge
onto Long Island, as cars are randomly stopped and searched. I go
past unchecked, the contents of my
car unknown.
So party on, America.
Gavin Kalan is a 20 year old
student of international
politics at the University of
Helsinki. Originally from
Weston, Connecticut, USA,
he studied at New York
He has traveled to over thirty
countries and now resides in
New year’s outlook !
Uuden vuoden näkymät !
oyful 2004 to all readers
of Six Degrees. Live long
and prosper!
The year just past wasn’t the best
one economically speaking. The war in
Iraq, SARS, and weak consumer and
industrial confidence all continued to cast
shadows over global economic recovery,
especially during the first half of the year.
But as some of the darker clouds disappeared, activity started to pick up in the
second half of 2003, helped by a globally
low interest rate environment. Confidence
improved, consumers shopped more, and
companies started to at least think about
investments. Still, the economic performance in the main markets was rather subdued for the year as a whole. Growth in
the Euroland area was a pathetic 0.5 %,
partially pulled down by the weakening
U.S. dollar against the Euro especially
towards the end of the year. In Japan
growth was about 2 %, the highest in years
and in the United States, GDP grew by
some 3 %. For Finland, the GDP growth in
2003 amounted to an estimated 1.3-1.5 %,
not figures to ease off 9 % unemployment
or to help the government to advance in its
objective to create 100 000 new jobs by
New Year –
clearly higher growth in sight !
New SARS or similar disease outbreak.
Representatives so maybe he knew
something we all didn’t. Or maybe
he just likes to keep us afraid. But
NYC Mayor and fellow Republican
Mike Bloomberg certainly took
offense, accusing Shays of lacking
New war in the Middle East. Nuclear
threat arising from the underground of an
rates, higher consumer spending driven
partly by tax cuts all around and industrial
“The New Year should bring us
a markedly better economic environment.”
unnamed country. Major earthquake in
metropolitan Tokyo. Unplanned and
involuntary restrictions in global oil supply pushing the price per barrel to USD
40+. Major terrorist attack on London.
Crash of the U.S. dollar to 1.60-1.70 per
Indeed events of such nature could take
place also in 2004 having a highly adverse
effect on the global, in today’s world,
much inter-linked economy. But pushing
these rather unpleasant scenarios aside,
the New Year should bring us a markedly
better economic environment. As it now
stands according to forecasts, the GDP
growth in the Euroland area should
improve to close to 2 % this year, the
Japanese economy should grow similarly
as in 2003 and the U.S. economy, the
world’s locomotive, is set to register a
robust 5 % growth in 2004. Meanwhile,
China and Russia are to continue to grow
at a pace of around 8 % and 5 %, respectively. The growth will be fuelled by the
aforementioned factors – low interest
investment. In fact, the European Central
Bank is not likely to touch its interest rates
necessarily at all this year, while tightening monetary policy in the U.S. will take
place during the summer at the earliest,
according to current predictions. Naturally
any further drastic movements in
exchange rates are not predicted either i.e.
the euro is about as strong as it needs to
be; from the point of view of European
exporters it is actually vice versa. This
author’s analysis of industrial competitiveness indicates that a rate of around
1.15-1.20 would be about fair. The mighty
Americans just have to get their budget
and current account deficits in order one
way or another for the currency markets to
realign themselves.
The Finnish economy will rise aided
by global economic recovery !
For Finland the above could be excellent
news. As written in the previous column,
the 2004 government budget has been
done in a prudent manner, keeping expen-
ditures and indebtedness in check while
providing some stimulus to domestic
demand. As in 2003, private consumption
is forecast to increase by about 3 % also in
2004, exports – pulled by the higher activity by main trading partners – should grow
by 4-5 % after a subdued performance in
2003, while the decline in investment
activity should change to a slightly positive direction as companies begin to see
new opportunities. Unemployment should
ease a notch as well, but the predicted 2.53.0 % GDP growth for Finland this year is
not yet sufficient to drastically improve
the situation in the labour markets, as
growth is largely generated by machinery
operating at higher utilisation rate. But to
conclude, we were not doing so terribly in
2003 and it appears we will be even better
off in 2004.
Jukka Huuskonen was born in
Kuopio, but has for long been a
Helsinki resident. He is a graduate
of Western Michigan University,
USA with a business degree, a former Consultant at Jaakko Pöyry
Group in Helsinki and Director of
Investment Research at Arctos
Securities in Helsinki. Currently he
works at UPM, the world's leading
papermaker based in Helsinki.
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By Elina Korhonen
Having Tusovka in Helsinki
Tusovkaa Helsingissä
usovka is Russian and refers to
the atmosphere that develops
when bunch of friends get
together in concert, restaurant
or even by kitchen table and enjoy
life. As the famous Russian movie
director Sasha Bashirov put it: “It is a
creative cooperation between free
human beings.” For five years there
has been an organisation which main
goal is to spread tusovka in Finland.
“Everything started when couple of Finns fascinated
by St Petersburg’s underground culture met and started to share ideas,” says the chairman of Tusovka,
Meri Kulmala. “It is frustrating that Finns don’t
know about the exciting club culture in St Petersburg.
There are more things happening every night than you
could ever visit,” she points out.
The goal of Tusovka is to bring a glimpse of St
Petersburg’s club culture to Finland. The association
has organized festivals and concerts featuring bands
or other artists from Russia. “The principle from the
beginning has been that quality comes first. There is
no point dragging to Helsinki something that is not
worth it,” Meri Kulmala says. “This year’s Tusovka
This is Matina. She is a nurse working in Vantaa.
She has saved money to buy a car.
She just found out that her number wont change
if she changes her phone subscription.
This is just one of more than 100 000 immigrants in Finland.
They are from different cultures and backgrounds.
Most of them live here permanently.
SixDegrees is the only Finnish paper many of them read.
Festival will be arranged in the cultural centre of
Gloria from the 26th to 28th of March. There will be
great groups from Russia and Ukraine together with
Russian movies and music videos,” Kulmala says.
Even though Tusovka is mainly a cultural organization, it also has broader goals. “We want to reduce
some of the prejudices Finns have towards Russia.
Bringing high quality underground culture here gives
us a chance to experience that Russian cultural life is
not only pop songs and national dances,” says
Kumala, “We also offer something to Russian immigrants living in Finland.” Tusovka Festivals has also
functioned as a forum where Finns and Russians have
been able to get to know each other.
Tusovka ry
Founded in 1998.
200 members.
Organizes Russian
rock festivals,
gigs, movie nights
More info:
ISSUE 01/2004
Ambassador of Iran
Mr. Javad Kajouyan Fini
According to the statistics, the
population of Iran is very young.
What is the Government’s plan for
the young generation? What about
ou know that Iran is one of
the countries with the
youngest population in the
world. We have over 20 million students, which is five times more than
the population of Finland! This
brings lots of challenges for the
Government to provide education
and jobs. I have to admit that there
are not enough facilities for all
young people. For example, we have
over 1 million participants each year
in the entrance examinations at the
universities! Regarding freedom,
well, there is no absolute freedom
nowhere in the world. I believe that
Iranin lähettiläänä Suomessa
Photos by
Sami Mannerheimo
ran has been in the news lately for several reasons. SixDegrees had an informal chat with the new
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Finland, Mr.
Javad Kajouyan Fini, who started his term just a couple of months ago.
all societies need some regulations
and rules, of course within their own
traditions and needs. Iranians are
eager to educate themselves. All parents dream of a good education for
their kids. The relations between
Iranian parents and their children are
very exceptional in the world. Such a
strong relationship is not easily
found in Western societies.
It has been in the news that some
of the representatives in the current Parliament did not get
approval from the Guardian
Council for the next elections and
that some of them have staged a
sit-in in the Parliament. What is
the reason behind such crises?
he crisis stems from selective
and unclear definitions of
responsibility and power for
the Guardian Council from the
Parliament and the Council’s points
of view. So there are different interpretations of the law. But looking at
all the other countries in the region,
is there such a democracy, which
ment and other moves are the reasons
for the existing democracy in Iran. In
some countries when the members of
the Parliament fight physically, the
media interprets it as a sign of
democracy. But when in Iran mem-
“Recently, about 62% of students who enter
our universities each year have been women.
We have women active in different parts of
our society, in the political, social and economic fields. Women hold jobs such as physicians, engineers, teachers, journalists etc.”
allows the Parliament members to
protest freely against some decisions? Such protests in the Parlia-
bers of the Parliament protest peacefully against what they believe is not
correct, the media does not count it
as a democratic move. It is interesting to note that in Iran there is no
such power which could dissolve the
Parliament. On the contrary, in many
countries the President or the Prime
Minister has such power.
Is there freedom of speech in
e have more than 1,000
newspapers, magazines
and journals published in
Iran. We also have a ‘red line’
regarding publishing issues that can
affect our national security, as all
countries have. Freedom of speech
beyond national security will naturally be banned.
What is your opinion about an
Iranian woman getting the Nobel
peace prize, and the fact that she
Mr. Javad Kajouyan Fini, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, began his duties only a few months ago in Helsinki.
ISSUE 01/2004
“The Bam earthquake was a huge natural disaster,” says Mr. Fini and points at the area of the catastrophy on the map.
American troops are present in
many of Iran’s neighbouring countries, such as Afghanistan and
Iraq. Is it not alarming?
e respect all the countries
and in return, we wish to
have their respect too.
We had problems with both Taliban’s
“It was a great privilege to see an Iranian
woman win the Nobel peace prize. This shows
the freedom women have in Iran and how
active they are in different parts of the society.”
that she is interested in global matters as she commented on the arrogance of America’s policies in the
world and also the position of Israel
towards Palestinians. Regarding the
Islamic scarf, well, I think each individual should respect his or her own
culture and traditions.
You mentioned that Iranian
women are active in the society.
Could we talk about it?
et’s look at the Parliament in
Iran. Thirteen members of
our Parliament are women.
Recently, about 62% of students who
enter our universities each year have
been women. This means that they
will get most of the jobs in the future.
This is the trend in the last decade
and the percentage increases annually.
Iranin lähettiläänä
Iran on ollut uutisissa viime
aikoina monista syistä, vastikään
koko maailmaa järkyttäneen
Bamin maanjäristyksen vuoksi.
SixDegrees jututti Iranin
Islamilaisen tasavallan
Suurlähettilästä, Javad Kajouyan
and Saddam’s regimes and both of
them back then were supported by
the U.S. But what happened was that
both regimes were overthrown by the
U.S. itself. This shows the wrong
policy of the U.S. towards us and
also proves that our policy towards
both regimes was correct. We hope
that Saddam will be given a fair trial
one day. I am sure he has interesting
information about his relation with
the U.S. We hope that he will talk
about the sources of the chemical
weapons he used against his very
own people, against Iranians and also
about the other crimes he has committed. Anyway, now we have very
good relations with Afghanistan and
Iraq and it is our policy to have close
relations and ties with our neighbouring countries.
How do you see the future of
Iran’s relations with Europe?
rom Europe’s point of view,
Iran has an important geostrategic and geo-political
position in the region. Iran is an
important source of oil and gas for
Europe. European countries are our
first trade partners. Soon we are
going to sign the first trade and cooperation agreement after the revolution. It is a relation from which both
parties benefit.
start helping people. The Air force of
the state of Kerman was the first one
to appear in the devastated region,
“Finland is one of the most beautiful and
peaceful countries in the world. Among all
European countries, I believe we have the best
relationship with the Finnish Government and
providing necessary emergency support to the people. Soon later we
asked for help from the International
Red Cross. We received help from
How do you see Finland?
t is one of the most beautiful and
peaceful countries in the world.
Among all European countries, I
believe we have the best relationship
with the Finnish Government and
people! Our presidents have recently
met in Geneva and many diplomatic
groups have visited each other. We
hope to see more Finnish people in
Iran and also more investments from
Finnish industry in Iran.
Government manage such situations as the Bam earthquake, and
what is its policy to protect the
lives of Iranians from such natural
disasters in future?
he Bam earthquake was a
huge natural disaster. We lost
about 41,000 people. Such a
high fatality rate was due to a very
old and traditional building structure
in the city of Bam. Also, the earthquake happened during a weekend,
so it was hard to gather the forces to
Finiä, joka on vastikään aloittanut
tehtävänsä Suomessa. Hän kertoi
SixDegreesille itsestään, Iranin
nykytilanteesta monelta kannalta
sekä näkemyksiään Suomesta.
Urheilun parissa rentoutuva Fini
nauttii Suomen rauhallisuudesta ja
toteaa Iranilla olevan erityisen
hyvät suhteet Suomeen.
over 60 countries, including Finland
and the United States. I thank the
Finnish Government, the Finnish
Red Cross and the Finnish media for
a good coverage of the case and,
finally, Finnish people for their support.
Photo source: Photo Iran
was not wearing an Islamic scarf
in the ceremony?
t was a great privilege to see an
Iranian woman win the Nobel
peace prize. This shows the freedom of the women in Iran and how
active they are in society. I believe
that our Government is pleased with
the selection. Mrs. Ebadi showed
Over 40,000 people were killed in the earthquake.
Mr. Kajouyan Fini
Born in 1959
1986 graduated from University
with a major in International
Deputy of the Missions Embassy
of the Islamic Republic of IranThe Hague in 1990-1993,
Embassy of the Islamic Republic
of Iran-Copenhagen 1989-1990
and Embassy of the Islamic
Republic of Iran-London in 1989.
1995-1999 Head of the Mission at
Embassy of the Islamic Republic
of Iran-Oslo.
2000-2003 Director of the First
Department for the West of
As of 2003 as the Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
of the Islamic Republic of Iran to
the Republic of Finland. Also nonresident Ambassador of Iran to the
Republic of Estonia.
Ambassador Kajouyan Fini is
married to Fatemeh and has three
He loves sports and in his free
time he hopes to gather Iranians
together for occasional games.
ISSUE 01/2004
Photo source: Photo Iran
Bamin sankarit
By Lea Kurki
harbano Mazandarni, 97, became a true superstar last week.
She was photographed, interviewed and hassled by international press but not because she was exceptionally attractive
or tremendously talented. In fact, she’s something greater
than that. The old lady survived an earthquake.
Miracles and disappointments happen daily
in Bam, Iran. Finnish Red Cross field hospital
was proud to be the first one to help delivering
a healthy baby to the young parents, Mrs.
Fatemek and Mr. Alireza Amandadi. The girl
was considered premature and delivered by
caesarean. However, she pulled through.
“I also witnessed the recovery of a young
woman who was brought to our hospital. She
came with her parents and had injured her leg
in the earthquake. There were so many people
looking for medical aid in Bam… It was
impossible to say if some illnesses were more a
result from the stressful situation caused by he
earthquake,” says Tuomo Hämäläinen, a nurse
and a relief worker who returned from Iran two
weeks ago.
The forces of nature took over the historical
Iranian city of Bam in December. As we were
celebrating our holiday season in the comforts
of our homes, some people were obligated to
see theirs torn apart by one of the worse earthquakes this century, a 6.7 on the Richter’s scale.
Results were horrific: 85 percent of the city was
destroyed, 200,000 people were killed or
injured and hundreds lost their homes.
Hämäläinen helped by constructing and supplying electricity to the Red Cross tent hospital.
He had no time for outbursts of feeling,
although his city was gone and people were
crying help outside. Yet most difficult for
Hämäläinen was seeing the mass graves hiding
hundreds of victims covered with blankets.
“I was in Bhuji, India two years ago, where
another, milder earthquake took place. For me,
the difference between Bam and Bhuji was that
I was in Bhuji a month after the incident. What
struck me in Iran was the totality and acuteness
of the disaster,” ponders Hämäläinen
Now almost a month later, the situation is
starting to settle. People are suffering less from
physical injuries like fractured bones, infections, headaches and so on. But the psychological devastation and traumas lie deeper than
superficial wounds. Not to mention, the uncomfortable situation the Bamyans have to face in
tents, which make only a poor replacement for
proper homes.
“Overall the situation in Bam is bad and now
all local health care lies in the hands of
International Red Cross. In fact, Red Cross is
now applying for funding from the European
Union in order to reconstruct the health system.
With this financing, we would be able continue
running the field hospital at least until the end
of this year,” says spokesman Outi Pärnänen
In Bam mass graves hide hundreds of victims covered with blankets.
from Finnish Red Cross.
Red Crescent is looking after the children
whose parents died or disappeared in the earthquake, while trying to trace their parents or
relocate them to relatives’ homes.
“I could see the tent of the orphans that was
situated near our tent hospital. There were
1,850 orphanages in Bam and when I left, and
the amount was increasing all the time,” Tuomo
Hämäläinen says. In general, the children cope
remarkably quickly he explains.
“A few times we visited the city centre – or
what used to be the city centre – children were
playing in the ruins, greeting, cheering or
laughing at us. Normal life continues,”
Hämäläinen says.
What strikes Outi Pärnänen is the capacity of
local information is sharing.
“It’s amazing how people exchange knowledge in mouth-to-mouth technique, when they
try to find missing relatives. Everybody knows
somebody. And of course, Red Cross workers
put lists of the disappeared people all around
So far, Finnish Red Cross has raised 200,000
euros with the help of Finns. The first 100,000
euros went almost exclusively to buy blankets,
tents and getting the water supply working in
Bam. Finns constructed the first hospital in the
region in accordance with International Red
Cross orders.
“Internationally Finnish people are considered good and reliable workers but so are some
other nationalities. Erecting the first tent is
something we can’t take the whole credit for. In
the hospital we work together with Norwegians
and Germans,” Pärnänen adds.
“Luckily all the equipping for the hospital
came in time, except for the electrical plaster
saw, which had to be sent from Finland,”
Hämäläinen laughs.
In Bam, night temperature reach –1, which is
approximately 13 degrees above of that of arctic Helsinki. But the nights are freezing when
there’s no place to go.
Donations for the Finnish Red
Cross in Iran can be made at:
Nordea 221918-68000
Sampo 800019-225005
Okopankki 578007-10011649
Aktia 405511-11397
By Päivi Komsi
Suomi-Chile ystävyysseura ry. - Finland–Chile Association
2004 - Celebration of Pablo Neruda
inland-Chile society is one of
the oldest friendship associations in Finland. Its original
task was solidarity work
between these two countries and
helping political refugees move to
Finland. Nowadays the society
“The association was founded to support Salvador
Allende’s politics during the
times of revolution. So in the
beginning, our activities were
based on solidarity. Now that we have a democratic government, there is no need for same
kind of solidarity work as before,” says the Vice
Chairperson Eila Belila. She continues: “Now
we try to get more members in our society. In
the beginning there were around 20,000 members – nowadays we only have 130-200.” One
of the members is actually President Tarja
Halonen, a former chairman of the society.
Around the world Chile is known as a country of rich literature,
especially poetry. That
mostly from two
Gabriella Mistral in
Neruda in 1971.
Neruda created “social
poetry,” revealing the
faults in the society.
Through his poetry he
shaped a new kind of
identity for Latin-American people. Neruda left
a mark in European literature, and his influence
to European poetry was epochal.
During the year 2004 Pablo Neruda will be a
very central person in the association. In the
summer it will be 100 years since Neruda’s
birth, which will be celebrated in many ways.
For example, Helsinki University’s library will
host an exposition about Neruda. So if interested in this fabulous poet’s footprint, contact
friendship association for more information.
Fact File
Founded: 1975
Members: app. 150
Membership: 10€/year incl.
magazine 2/year.
Suomi-Chile seura ry.
PL 59 00241 Helsinki
Silja Lanas-Cavada:
tel: 050-3566350
Eila Belila: eilabelila@hotmail.com
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The readers of SixDegrees are from
48 different countries
We published a readership survey in the SixDegrees issue 6/2003 and we received plenty of replies by post and through
the Internet. Our warmest thanks to all of you who spent time answering the questions and filling in the forms!
The fastest ones are already wearing SixDegrees t-shirts. The winner of the grand prize, a cruise to Stockholm is
Luis Orozco
SixDegrees readership survey was designed and analyzed by Eva Wäljas from the Communication Department of the Helsinki University as a
part of her Master’s thesis on immigrants and media.
The survey was full of pleasant surprises for us, here are some highlights:
Around 50% of our readers are Finns and the other half from all around the world.
From its establishment SixDegrees has tried tried to bring together Finns and immigrants and give information about
the Finnish culture and society to those who have come here. We have reached exactly the target group we wished
The readers of SixDegrees are from at least 48 different countries. We received replies from people of all the following nationalities – and this is just the tip of the ice berg. We are happy that we have reached our goal of joining people from different cultures .
Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Columbia, Denmark, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France,
Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Malesia, Malta, Mexico,
Morocco, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestina, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Sierra Leone, Somalia,
South-Africa, South-Korea, Spain, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tanzania, Thailand, Tonga, USA, Venezuela.
SixDegrees readers
are internationally oriented,
singles and couples.
SixDegrees readers are from all ages, both sexes and highly educated.
75% of our readers have university or college educations. SixDegrees
interests both singles and couples.
Most SixDegrees readers are social (68%), open-minded (67%), curious
(62%), active (53%) and internationally oriented (74%).
of our readers
read the magazine
at least twice
SixDegrees is read carefully: 43% of our readers read almost everything.
Nearly 50% of our readers read the magazine at least twice and 74% keep the magazine at least a week. 66% spend at least 20 minutes reading the magazine.
SixDegrees is passed
on to others. We are
happy to learn that
63% recirculate the
magazine to at least
one person!
How to develop?
recirculate the
magazine to at
least one person
We also asked how our readers would like SixDegrees to be
Many of our readers, 52%, would like to read more information
about other cultures. At the same time, almost 37% would like
more articles about the Finnish society.
Dear SixDegrees readers, please keep it up!
Give us as much feedback as you can to the following e-mail address: feedback@six-degrees.net
Time for a change
by Asa Butcher
Thankfully the Internet is on hand to provide assistance in the restructuring of your life and can help make those slight adjustments
to anybody’s daily existence, so there is no need to fake your own death or enter the Witness Protection Program to be able to refresh
your life.
Fed up with your boyfriend or girlfriend?
Don’t have the guts to tell
them to their face? Then visit
Oooers who specialises in
making sad but sweet,
extremely cruel break-up ecards. There are over 130
cards to tell that not-so-loved
one to get the hell out of your
life. Choose from; “I want to
have children someday, but I
sure as hell don’t want them to look like you,”
“This year for my birthday,
I wanted to do someone different...so get lost,” or
“Remember when I said I’d
love you forever? I lied!”
Don’t forget to really rub
salt into the wound by
offering to stay friends!
We all want to improve ourselves in
some particular area or learn a
new skill that will dazzle the
opposite sex, but who the hell
is going to teach us? Parents,
teachers and friends can’t cut
the mustard when it comes to
teaching us how to speak with
an Irish accent or how you can
donate sperm, but there is salvation online with SoYouWanna. The
site is crammed full of helpful and
comprehensive advice on a host of
subjects ranging from media to
health, travel to the outright bizarre.
If you want to fake being a wine
expert, plan a bachelor party, lie persuasively or get a sex change, just
head over to this superb Web site.
At one time or another in everybody’s
life there comes a time when you really need to change your identity, either
temporarily or even permanently. In
those times of need you can logon to
Identity Database and input your personal details to find an individual who
partially matches you and is willing to
swap identities for a while. I briefly
swapped with Nick Howells, a blemish-free
dude who
had a 30%
match with
my own
details – it
was an
Fed up with being unable to find
employment or is your boss/job
annoying as hell? Then don’t take
any more shit…start your own company with Enterprise Finland. Aimed
at foreigners and immigrants in
Finland this service package is a
public online service that provides
assistance to budding entrepreneurs
in issues such as setting up a
business, taxation, employer
information and accountancy.
The site is in English and is
produced by the Ministry of
Trade and Industry. This is the
place to turn those dreams into
reality and find out what a 500
euro bank note feels like.
ISSUE 01/2004
Helmut Newton The Woman on Level 4 V,
Monte Carlo, 2000 © Helmut Newton
Helmut Newton’s photography isn’t about beauty. It’s all about power.
Helmut Newtonin valokuvat kertovat vallasta.
By Kati Ala-Ilomäki
he road to stardom
isn’t usually the most
straightforward one.
Newton was first expelled
from school, and then just after two weeks he
got fired from his first photojournalism job
due to incompetence. The year was 1940
when 20–year-old Newton decided to join the
Australian army and served there for five
years. After the age of 40, he started submitting his photographs to French Vogue and
became a living photojournalism legend. Of
course, taking photos of naked supermodels
helps on the way to fame…
“For Newton’s sake,
celebrities have been for
years happy
to strip off their panties.”
Tit as an art
Helmut Newton Bellucci,
Monte Carlo, 2001 © Helmut Newton
The rather funny thing about art is that it
somehow makes it quite okay to hang pictures
of tits, asses and penises on a wall. For
Newton’s sake, celebrities have been for years
happy to strip off their panties. It doesn’t
bother the stars that millions of people end up
seeing their naked bodies while visiting
Newton’s shows all over the world. And that
is quite understandable because, after all,
nakedness is defined by the cause.
But boundaries are sometimes hard to see. For
19 years Newton contributed to Playboy-magazine. Now he hasn’t done that for some time,
but he got a letter from the magazine saying.
“Please, Mr Newton, you haven’t done any-
thing for us for a long time.
Do something for us… but
nothing as kinky as you do
for French Vogue.”
Newton is a perfect example
of how someone documenting the life of the rich and
famous can become a celebrity in their own right. It was
said that Newton was
expelled from the school
because he showed more
interest in girls than in his
studies. But maybe there lies
a reason why celebrities do
not hesitate to get naked in
front of him. Maybe it is the
uncompromising interest in a
human body that shines
through his work. He manipulates the body of his models
as meticulously as a surgeon.
Therapy for Timidity
A dutiful husband since the age of 28, Newton
has never had to worry about private relationships with the models and says that photographing nude models has been in a way a private business, a way of breaking his own
boundaries. Newton breaks boundaries for
today’s aspiring photographers as well. Most
of his photographs are taken by 35mm Canon
and he mostly uses the flash already in the
The exhibition of Newton’s photographs in
Helsinki’s Taidehalli will show among others
naked Naomi Cambell. The photo was taken
in 1998, during the era Newton didn’t much
like. In the interview for Index magazine
2001, he said he preferred 80s big, truck-driv-
By Shachindra Dass
Helmut Newton Flight Lieutenant US Navy
Los Angeles, 1990 © Helmut Newton
er-like girls to 90s anorexic models.
But are there more of the gigantic nudes coming? Almost ten years ago Newton decided to
put a stop to taking nude photographs. “I did
them and it was liberating because I am a very
timid person. But now I look at them and only
thing I see is the hard work I did to get them
right,” Newton said “but maybe I’ll change
my mind as soon as I see the next beautiful
Helmut Newton in Taidehalli
Helmut Newton died
accidentally in a car crash
on the 23rd of January 2004.
He was 83 years old.
ISSUE 01/2004
“Elephant” Not an ordinary day at school
By Juuso Lehtonen
Photo: Cinema Mondo
irector Gus Van Sant’s career
has been like riding a roller
coaster – up and down. He
made his name with such hits
as Drugstore Cowboy (1989) and My
Own Private Idaho (1991) and
reached a low point of his career
with a needless remake of
Hitchcock’s Psycho (1998). With
Cannes-winning Elephant, Gus Van
Sant is once again one of the most
American film makers.
Alicia Miles and John Robinson in Gus Van Sant's latest film.
Elephant is a courageous film about the
Columbine massacre that took place in 1999. In
Columbine High two boys ruthlessly shot other
students, teachers and finally themselves. There
was no explanation to what happened, no clear
motive. Michael Moore made his Bowling for
Columbine about the same subject.
In Elephant Van Sant pictures the Columbine
massacre without sentimentality, with no false
explanations or cheap psychology. He has made a
collage of loosely connected scenes. The camera
moves around the school, back and forth in time
and place – visits a garage where two kids check
out the guns they have ordered and plan their
shooting spree. Elephant doesn’t underline anything; in a laconic way, two boys’ fascination with
guns and Nazism are shown to be as common and
normal as eating lunch in the school cafeteria.
Naomi Klein:
Fences and windows
Making this tragic event so everydaylike is the
main reason Elephant is such a powerful but disturbing film. No wonder some critics have accused
Elephant of being pointless and shallow. On the
contrary, Van Sant’s refusal to analyze the event
“The boys’
fascination with guns are
shown to be as normal
as eating lunch in the
school cafeteria.”
makes this film much deeper than those ordinary
“based on true events” -type of films.
To be honest, it has to be said that Van Sant does
make a few mistakes; the scenes with the killers
playing violent video games and hints about their
possible homosexuality are unnecessary and questionable interpretations of their motives.
Nevertheless, Elephant is one of the most important films made last year. To reconstruct events in
Columbine takes guts and skill. Luckily Gus Van
Sant still has both.
Director: Gus Van Sant
Alex Frost,
Eric Deulen, John Robinson
Elephant will be released in Helsinki
cinemas on 30th January.
Picador USA 2002
Naomi Klein:
Vastarintaa ja v aihtoehtoja.
WSOY 2002
By Kati Ala-Ilomäki
suggests that Naomi Klein is one of the most influential people under 35 in the world. In fact, with her book No Logo, she
became so famous that some sceptical claim she became a brand herself.
hat’s why her new book Fences and
Windows – dispatches from the
front lines of the globalisation
debate would be easier to read if its
cover wasn’t so reminiscent of her
last success.
Klein’s new book is a collection of her
columns from 1999 to 2002. It’s also a
short history of a new kind of political
activism and its fight against free market capitalism. Klein is a good writer,
but this book shouldn’t be read
before familiarizing yourself with
IMF, WTO, Nafta, Mercosur,
FTAA and so on. Even a good
writer can’t tell the whole truth,
and that’s why the reader
should have an opinion
before reading Klein.
Otherwise she is too good,
and might influence the
reader to believe before thinking.
An unforgivable mistake when the issue is
as sensitive as human rights.
SixDegrees' selection of Helsinki events
January 28th - February 24th
Sanna Paakkanen outsee@six-degrees.net
Music / Clubs
Wed 28th Jan
Singer-Songwriter Club
Tuomari Nurmio, Make
Tommila, Anna-Mari Kähärä
and Harri Hyllinen play
Gloria, 1930-0000
Pieni Roobertinkatu 12-14,
Tickets: 6 €
Thu 29th Jan
Hellsinki Heat Night
The Blossoms play live, Dj
Hank plays records.
Bar Loose, 2100-0200
Fredrikinkatu 34, Helsinki
Free entrance.
Fri 30th Jan
Foundation Birthday Special
Stealth Unit Sound Collective
plays drum´n bass and breaks
live. Dj Desi comes from
Bulgaria and she is not only
the most demanded female dj
in Bulgaria but also a talented
singer, songwriter and
producer. Desi started her
musical career in the early 90s
as a lead vocalist in a band
called “Scam”. A bit later on
she discovered dj’ing and
started rocking dance floors in
the underground scene. After
gaining a lot of experience in
performing, Desi started a new
project called “Plastic HiFi”.
With the same musicians she
founded a D&B project called
“Bass”. With “Bass” she
performed alongside Goldie,
Asian Dub Foundation etc. In
2000 she established a band
called “Phuture Shock”, which
is one of the most recognised
electronica groups in Bulgaria.
“Phuture Shock” won the
MMTV music awards for the
best album in 2002. They have
performed alongside Stereo
MC’s, Jimi Tenor etc. Hip-hop
sounds by Dj’s Davo Ukki,
Annihelena and Timantti. Funk
by Dj’s Las Palmas, Elmono
and Dee.
Kerma, 2200-0400
Erottajankatu 7, Helsinki
Tickets: 7 €
Sat 31st Jan
Psychotropic Zone
Live set from Black
Forrest/Black Sea(USA),
Kemialliset Ystävät and Aïr.
Dj’s Astro and StalkerStella Star Club, 2100-0300
Sturenkatu 27, Helsinki
Tickets: 6 €
Sat 31 Jan
Club Bundolo
Dj’s Robin Hofmann(Dublex
Inc.,Ger) & Anna S.
Mocambo, 2200-0400
Ratakatu 9, Helsinki
Tickets: 6 €
Fri 30th Jan
Music Is Better
The club is originally from
Manchester. Mate Recordings
and Tanssikerho Moroder are
behind the Finnish version.
Fresh and old dance and ug
sounds from electro to postpunk. Dj’s Makelove and Boys
of Scandinavia.
Super Bar, 2200-0300
Eerikinkatu 11, Helsinki
Free entrance.
Fri 30th Jan
Hellsinki Heat Live: The
Micragirls, Barbe-q Barbies
& Patsy Walkers
Dj Maria
Semifinal, 2100-0300
Urho Kekkosenkatu 6,
Tickets: 6 €
Julien Colot
Herne & Nauris
Munkkisaarenkatu 16
An ideal day of roaming in
Helsinki would be having a
tasty and imaginative vegetarian meal in Herne & Nauris
restaurant in Munkkisaari. I
am a meat eater but this place
is great! However, it’s a pity
that they don’t have the lunch
buffet anymore.
Restaurant Everest
Luotsikatu 12
I could also head to this ethnic
restaurant in Katajanokka and
experience a great Kathmandu-like atmosphere. Any chicken
dish kicks ass and the music definitely takes you high!
The National Museum
Mannerheimintie 34
In winter I would spend the afternoon in the National Museum
(Kansallismuseo) which is built to make you walk through the
Finnish history - from tribal life to modern days. I like the
variety of items you can find there: bones, jewellery, dishes,
fishers’ nets and furniture. You can even find film clips of the
battles situated on the Esplanadi street between the ”Whites”
and the ”Reds” during the Civil War. You see people hiding
from the enemy behind the same trees that nowadays shelter
us from the sun in the summer.
Leposaari Island
In the summer, no doubt, I take the bike and ride to Leposaari,
which is a mini Island close to Kulosaari. Literally, “The
Island where you rest” has a little cemetery on the north side,
and on the south side rocks shelter from the wind with a wonderful view on the back of Helsinki. Here you spend the afternoon between the sun in the sky and its reflection on the sea:
always good company.
Sat 31st Jan
Timmion Rhythm section
With Edu kehäkettunen,
Hannibal&Soppa. Dj’s Pablo,
Pirkka and Sampo.
Tavastia Club, 2100-0300
Urho Kekkosenkatu 4-6,
Tickets: 5 €
Tue 3rd
Fannypack (USA)
Fannypack is a marriage of
electronic booty bass hip hop
flavor and dance hall, dance
floor, club music sensibilities.
Raised on rap, the Fannypack
girls kick a little old school
boom bap over modern and
future forward electronic funk
Tavastia Club, 2100-0300
Urho Kekkosenkatu 4-6,
Tickets: 15 €
Wed 4th
Wigwam &
Tasavallan Presidentti
Wigwam was unquestionably
the most important Finnish
band of the seventies. As well,
they were the first Finnish band
to (almost!) make it internationally. Though the big breakthrough they deserved never
really materialized, Wigwam
did enjoy a slight taste of international recognition. Even
today, more than 20 years after
the band’s heyday, Wigwam
still has a respectable cult following, in Finland and abroad.
Tavastia Club, 2100-0300
Urho Kekkosenkatu 4-6,
Tickets: 17 €
Thu 5th
The Fleshtones & The
Flaming Sideburns
The Fleshtones are Peter
Zaremba (vocals, harmonica,
& organ), Keith Streng (guitar
& vocals), Bill Milhizer (drums
& vocals), and Ken Fox (bass
& vocals). Based in Brooklyn,
New York, the quartet’s origins
lie just a few miles north in
Queens, where in 1975 Streng
and original bass player Marek
Pakulski rented “The House,”
as it was infamously known,
and found instruments down in
the basement. To quote Keith:
“How and why The Fleshtones
started was that there was a
place to do it!” Countless “Blue
Whale Bashes,” Lower East
Side sightings, and an endless
string of gigs and records later,
The Fleshtones continue to
record and perform with a wit,
passion, and energy that few
bands can top.
Tavastia Club, 2100-0300
Urho Kekkosenkatu 4-6,
ISSUE 01/2004
Kassandra’s Art Workshops
Spring 2004
Children’s Workshops
Photo by Johnny Korkman
Together with
Culture Centre Caisa.
Mikonkatu 17 C or Vuorikatu 14
Jan 26th – Mar 4th: 7-10-years
Mon Theatre Workshop:
Viola Pekkanen
Tue Afro Dance Workshop:
Fatima Usman
Wed Drum Workshop:
Malang Cissokho
Thu Song Workshop: Eva Jacob
Mar 8th – Apr 8th: 10-13-years
Mon Song Workshop: Eva Jacob
Tue Afro Dance Workshop:
Fatima Usman
Wed Drum Workshop:
Malang Cissokho
Thu Theatre Workshop:
Maritza Bastidas
On Tuesdays:
Jan 13th – May 25th:
under age of 7
Afro Dance Workshop:
Fatima Usman and
Pape Sarr
Participation fee: 20 €
On Tuesdays:
Jan 13th – May 25th:
Mothers and Children
Afro Dance Workshop:
Fatima Usman
& Pape Sarr
Partcipation fee:
30 €/adult
Fri 6th
Dj Stewart Home. Hosts Timo
Forss and Tuukka Kangas.
Café Kiasma, 1800-2100
Mannerheiminaukio 2,
Free entrance.
Fri 6th
Club Bundolo: Astro Can
Dj’s Sampsa & Vesa (Leftside
Mocambo, 2200-0400
Ratakatu 9, Helsinki
Tickets: 7 €
Fri 6th – Sat 7th
CC Rider Tour Comeback
Special ´04
Elvis is alive! At least two
nights at Savoy. The performance is based on his concert
recordings. The whole group’s
aim is to bring TCB Band,
Sweet Inspirations, The
Imperials and of course Elvis
himself to the stage. Songs are
performed by charismatic Jussi
Andelin and a leadguitarist,
and the musical producer is
well-known to all FinnishIdols watchers, Jani
Savoy Theatre, 1900
Kasarmikatu 46-48, Helsinki
Tickets: 23 / 18 €
Sat 7th
Hambone & Plutonium 74
Kipsari, 2100-0200
Hämeentie 135E, Helsinki
Sat 7th
The Funk Brothers feat.
Steve Winwood & Isaac
In 1959 Berry Gardy gathered
the best musicians from
Detroit’s jazz and blues scene
On Wednesdays:
Jan 14th – May 12th:
Children’s Afro dance, Song, Drum Group:
Fatima Usman
& Pape Sarr
Participation fee: 30 €
Together with Vuotalo.
Vuotalo, Mosaiikkitori 2
On Wednesdays:
Jan 14th – May 12th :
Childen over 8-years
Clay Workshop: Lilly Zuluaga
Partcipation fee:
20 € & materials 5 €
More information:
tiina.laukkanen@kassandra.fi or 09-6841420
All of them listed above are free.
Tickets: 12 €
Together with Youth House Merirasti.
Jaluspolku 3
to begin cutting songs for his
new record company. Over a
14 year period they were the
heartbeat on “My Girl”,
“Bernadette”, “I Was Made to
Love Her”, and every other hit
from Motown’s Detroit era.
This unheralded group of
musicians have played on
more number one hits than the
Beach Boys, the Rolling
Stones, Elvis and the Beatles
combined. That makes them
the greatest hit machine in the
history of popular music.
Forty-one years after they
played their first note on a
Motown record, the Funk
Brothers reunited to play their
music and tell their story in
film called “Standing in the
Shadows of Motown”. Steve
Winwood and Isaac Hayes are
also back as soloists in the
Helsinki gig.
Jäähalli, 1900
Nordenskjöldinkatu 11-13,
Tickets: 45 €
Sun 8th
Hespèrion Concert
Old Spanish music; Diego
Ortiz, Tobias Hume, Tarquinio
Merula, Santiago de Murcia
and Antonio Martín y Coll.
Temppeliaukio Church, 2000
Lutherinkatu 3, Helsinki
Tickets: 30 €
Tue 10th
Dj Toni Aalto.
Mbar, 2100
Mannerheimintie 22-24,
Free entrance.
Tue 10th
Trio Artemius: Gipsy Music
Artemius: violin, Sergei
Repin: accordion, Dmitri
Meerson: doublebass.
Malmitalo, 1900
Ala-Malmin tori 1, Helsinki
Tickets: 8,5 €
Wed 11th
Shlomo Bar
& Habrera Hativeet (Israel)
This first ethnic music group in
Israel was founded 26 years ago.
Since the 80s the band has played
in various festivals around the
world. Band’s “soul” Shlomo Bar
gets inspiration from Biblical as
well as Modern Israeli events.
Savoy Theatre, 1900
Kasarmikatu 46-48, Helsinki
Tickets: 20 / 15 €
Fri 13th
Redrama is a part of the nascent
Finnish hip hop scene, having
worked with Murmur Recordings,
Avain and a host of others. He is a
battle-scarred veteran of many an
open mic in Helsinki and elsewhere. Redrama has been rocking
shows around Finland since 2000.
Nosturi, 2100
Telakkakatu 8, Helsinki
Tickets: 8 €
Sat 14th
Valentine’s Day Party:
Ultrasport & Bridget
Kipsari, 2100-0200
Hämeentie 135E, Helsinki
Sat 14th
Touch Presents:
Valentine’s Day Party
Dj Rumpunch plays r’n’b, hiphop, dancehall and reggae, and Dj
Damian Jr entertains with the
Latin swing.
Stella Star Club, 2100-0300
Sturenkatu 27, Helsinki
Tickets: 5 €
Sat 14th
Soul Cookin’
Cooks Eppu, Smoodie and Joe
Blazey serve a long dinner menu
including soul, hip-hop and r’n’b.
Kurki Club and Bar, 2200-0400
Bulevardi 2, Helsinki
Tickets: 3 €
ISSUE 01/2004
Sat 14th
Helsinki Flamenco Festival:
Miguel Poveda Quinteto
Miguel Poveda comes from
Barcelona. He knows all the traditions of Flamenco, but has the
courage to for example mix
Kalevala’s texts to his singing. He
comes to Helsinki with guitarist
Chicuelo and dancer Sonia
Savoy Theatre, 1900
Kasarmikatu 46-48, Helsinki.
Tickets: 27 €
Sat 14th
Night of Passion
Päivi Mäkinen and Risto Hiltunen
perform the songs of Edith Piaf.
Vuotalo, 1900
Mosaiikkitori 2, Helsinki
Tickets: 8 €
Sat 21st
RinneRadio fuses electronic
underground beats with progressive jazz. As the rhythms of
and hip hop are fermented with
dark dub, lush ambient soundscapes and timeless soprano sax
textures, the resulting brew
becomes in equal parts sexy trance
jazz and surreal dance music.
Tavastia Club, 2100-0300
Urho Kekkosenkatu 4-6, Helsinki
Tickets: 10 €
Sat 21st
Backyard Babies (Swe)
The Backyard Babies were formed
in 1987 when singer Nicke Borg
hooked up with high school mates
Dregen (guitars), Peder Carlsson
(drums) and Johan Blomquist
(bass). The band toured Sweden
from their home base in Nossjo
before releasing their debut indie
12-inch single, “Something To
Swallow,” in 1991. The music
press describes the band as a lively update of the sleazy glam rock
sound of fellow Scandinavians
Hanoi Rocks.
Nosturi, 2100-0300
Telakkakatu 8, Helsinki
Tickets: 20 €
Tue 24th
Dj Pirkka.
mBar, 2100
Mannerheimintie 22-24, Helsinki
Free entrance.
Tue 24th
Tango Orchestra Unto: Stars
above the Sea
Finnish tango classics meet French
Malmitalo, 1900
Ala-Malmin tori 1, Helsinki
Tickets: 8,5 €
Wed 25th
Soiva Kanzu – Concert
Sibelius Academy students Hanna
Hurskainen and Riikka J.
Holopainen goes rap, techno, latin,
r´n´b and punk.
Kanneltalo, 1900
Klaneettitie 5, Helsinki
Tickets: 5 / 3 €
Theatre /
Sat 31st Jan & Mon 2nd
Mikropodium Family
Puppet Theatre (Hun)
STOP – Speaking Hands.
Puppet Theatre for children,
young people and adults.
Kanneltalo, Sat 1630, Mon
0930, 1030
Klaneettitie 5, Helsinki
Tue 3rd
Györi Balett & Budapest
Klezmer Band (Hun)
“Purim or the sortilege –
Queen Ester’s Story”
Györi Balett was founded
1979. It rapidly became popular in Hungary. It has gained
international recognition on
many tours in Europe, Japan,
China, Russian and USA.
“Purim or the sortilege” is a
modern version of Old
Testament’s Ester’s book, a
story of a Queen, who saved
exiled Jews. Together with
Balett’s 28 dancers, the seven
musicians of The Klezmer
Band make a unique ballet
Savoy Theatre, 1900
Kasarmikatu 46-48, Helsinki.
Tickets: 25 / 22 €
Fri 6th
Blink of an Eye
Fresh new choreography from
the students of Sibelius
Kanneltalo, 1900
Klaneettitie 5, Helsinki
Tickets: 6 / 3 €
Sat 7th
Journey to Selfrealization
Traditional Indian Kathakdanceperformance. Also a
mixture of Indian Bhajan and
western pop-music. Entrance
fee includes Indian veggiepie
Samoson and a drink.
Organized by Jagannatha
Bhajan Band
Culture Centre Caisa, 20002300
Mikonkatu 17 C, Helsinki
Tickets: 6 €
Sun 8th & Sun 15th
Door – Two Clowns in
Produced by Dancetheatre
Cable Factory, 1500
Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki
Tickets: 8 / 7 €
Tue 10th
Mikko Kallinen:
Cyb: Orgic Sapiens
Mikko Kallinen’s solochoreography’s basis is to explore
what happens to the movements of a human if there are
extra bodyparts involved.
Zodiak, 1900
Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki
Tickets: 12 €
More info: 09-6944948/
Tue 10th
Flamenco Festival
New choreographers’ night.
Gloria, 1930
Pieni Roobertinkatu 12,
Tickets: 10 / 8 €
Kassandra’s Art Workshops
Spring 2004
Women’s Workshops
Yonca Ermutlu
Photo by Johnny Korkman
Together with
Culture Centre Caisa.
Mikonkatu 17 C or
Vuorikatu 14
On Mondays:
Jan 12th – May 24th:
Rainbow Choir
Women’s Multicultural
Choir: Veera Voima
On Thursdays:
Jan 15th – May 6th:
Kassandra Dances
Women’s Multicultural
Dance Workshop: Aki
Participation fee: 30 €
May 6th & 7th,
May 27th & 28th
Rainbow Choir’s Intensive
Weekends: Eija Ahvo
Participation fee:
35 €/weekend
More information: tiina.laukkanen@kassandra.fi or 09-6841420
Fri 13th
Helsinki Flamenco Festival:
Compañia Mercedes Ruiz:
Dibujos en el aire
Flamenco dancer Mercedes
Ruiz started her career as a
dancer at age six. Nowadays
she’s known as an elegant and
tasteful dancer. “Dibujos en el
aire” is her first whole night
Savoy Theatre, 1900
Kasarmikatu 46-48, Helsinki
Tickets: 27 €
Tue 24th
Jyrki Karttunen: Without the
Moon and the Sun
Stoa, 1900
Turunlinnantie 1, Helsinki
Tickets: 15 / 8 €
Museums /
Until 31st Jan
Russian Triada Association
Savoy Theatre
Kasarmikatu 46-48, Helsinki
Until 1st Feb
Ben Allal Ayad: In the
Shadow of Imagination
Moroccan Ben Allal Ayad has
had a remarkable career. His
exhibition introduces strong
and courageous lithography
about life, being an artist, and
the presence of a woman.
Women are his inspiration and
muse, and Ayad says that his
mother has had a considerable
role in his life. She encouraged
his artistic ambitions.
Open Tue-Sun 1200-1800.
Lasipalatsi Mannerheimintie
22-24, Helsinki
Free entrance.
2nd Feb – 21st Feb
Tamás Katkó: Dancegroup
Photographs. Open Mon-Thu
0900-2000, Fri 0900-1800, Sat
Kanneltalo Gallery
Klaneettitie 5, Helsinki.
Free entrance.
3rd Feb – 27th feb
Fantasy in Colour
Culture Centre Caisa
Mikonkatu 17 C, Helsinki
Free entrance
4th Feb – 27th Feb
Textiles from Indonesia
Culture Centre Caisa
Mikonkatu 17 C, Helsinki
Free entrance
Together with Footlight.
Salomonkatu 5a
On Sundays:
Jan 18th – May 9th:
Professional Actors and Dancers
1300-1430 Buto Dance: Aki Suzuki
65 €
On Sundays:
Jan 18th – May 9th:
Professional Actors and Dancers
Afro Dance: Fatima Usman
65 €
9th Feb – 29th Feb
Paula Julia Rusokallio:
Ego’s Break
Oil Paintings.
Savoy Theatre
Kasarmikatu 46-48, Helsinki
Free entrance.
10th Feb – 22nd Feb
Pilar Medina de López:
View of a Soul
Open Mon-Thu 0900-2000,
Fri 0900-1600,
Sat-Sun 1000-1600.
Stoa Turunlinnantie 1,
Helsinki Free entrance.
11th Feb – 21st Feb
Turkish Exhibition: Gular
Akalan and Murside Ycmeli
Open Mon-Thu 1000-2000,
Fri-Sat 1000-1600.
Vuotalo Mosaiikkitori 2,
Helsinki Free entrance.
12th Feb – 26th Feb
Land of Dancing Fire
Visual arts from Azerbaidsan.
Culture Centre Caisa
Mikonkatu 17 C, Helsinki
Free entrance
24th Feb – 7th Mar
Paula-Maria Rolin-Cebi:
Fantasypaintings. Open MonThu 1000-2000,
Fri-Sat 1000-1600.
Mosaiikkitori 2, Helsinki
Free entrance.
25th Feb – 6th Mar
Ewa Maslowska: Colours
and Light
Oil paintings, aquarelles,
pastel drawings.
Kanneltalo Gallery
Klaneettitie 5, Helsinki.
Free entrance.
Sun 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
Argentinean Tango
Olympic Stadion, 1300-1500
Paavo Nurmen tie 1, Helsinki
Tickets: 12 €/year
Sun 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
Olympic Stadion, 1500-1600
Paavo Nurmen tie 1, Helsinki
Tickets: 3,50 € plus 12 €/year
Sun 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd
Folk Dances from Different
Olympic Stadion, 1600-1800
Paavo Nurmen tie 1, Helsinki
Tickets: 12 €/year
Tue 3rd & Wed 4th
Gentle Yoga
Villa Uusi Kuu, 1800
Damaskuksentie 9, Helsinki
Tickets: 5 €
Fri 30th – 1st
Hollow Ground
Combination of dance, theatre
and scenography.
Mediacentre Lume, Fri
1900&2200, Sat 1900,
Sun 1500
Hämeentie 135C, Helsinki
Tickets: 5-10 €
Mon 2nd
Women’s International
Culture performances, discussions and food. More info: 091693984.
Culture Centre Caisa
(Livingroom), 1400-1700
Mikonkatu 17 C, Helsinki
Free entrance
Wed 4th – Fri 6th
Dizzying Condition –
Festival of New Circus
Finnish and European new circus at Cable Factory.
Magnificent Sorin Sirkus, The
Chipolatas (GBR), POL (Spa).
More info and schedules:
Cable Factory
Tallberginkatu 1C15, Helsinki
Tickets: 22 €
Sat 7th – Sun 15th
Vene 2004 Båt – Boat Fair
Open Mon-Fri 1000-1900,
Sat-Sun 1000-1800.
Messukeskus, Fair-Centre
Messuaukio 1, Helsinki
Tickets: 12 €
Thu 19th – Sat 21st
Culture Bridge – Festival
“From Finnish Shrovetide to
Russian Maslenitsa”
The Festival builds a bridge
between cultures and generations. Bazaar, workshops, seminars and music.
Culture Centre Caisa
Mikonkatu 17 C, Helsinki
Free entrance
Fri 20th – Sat 21st
Georgia – Land of a Holy
The Festival includes a
Georgian film “Filming”(1979)
by Lia Eliava Ziana on Friday
On Saturday 2000-2130 a
group of five Georgian women
“Mzetamze” sing acappella.
Become familiar with Georgian
Culture Centre Caisa
Mikonkatu 17 C, Helsinki
Tickets: 7 / 5 € (Friday free)
Fri 20th
Bessarion Gugusvili: Woman
in Mythology and History
Lecture by Professor
Culture Centre Caisa,
Mikonkatu 17 C, Helsinki
Free entrance
Please send information
for next issue´s
Out & See to
by 17th February.
Next SixDegrees will be
out on 25th February.
The editorial team
reserves the right
to select
the events to
be published.
ISSUE 01/2004
Helsingin Tekniikanalan
Stockmann, Motivus/ Sörnäinen,
Vuosaaren Kirjasto, Wayne's
Oppilaitos/ Vallilan Yksikkö,
Mr Pickwick/ Kaivokatu,
Coffee/ Aleksi, We got beef
Helsingin Yliopiston
Namaskaar/ Bulevardi,
Mikkolan Kirjasto Lentävä
Kielikeskus, Helsingin Yliopisto/
Namaskaar/ Rautatieasema, Next
By Roman
Pointin Kirjasto,
Opiskelijakirjasto, Helsingin
Century Fashion/ Hämeentie,
Arcada/ Pohjois Tapiola,
Ravintola Pantteri, Ravintola
Yliopisto/ Topelia Kirjasto,
Nosturi, Nuorisotiedotuskeskus
Chicos/ Tapiola, Espoon
Pingviini, Ravintola Toppari,
Hercules, Herttoniemen Kirjasto,
Kompassi, Nykytaiteen Museo
Keskuksen Työvoimatoimisto,
Silkin Portti, Tikkurilan
Itäkeskuksen Kirjasto, Itäkeskus/
Kiasma, O'Malleys Irish Pub,
Espoon Kulttuurikeskus,
Kirjasto, Tikkurilan
Hesburger, Itäkeskus/ Café
Oulunkylän Kirjasto, Q-Teatteri,
Espoon Kulttuurikeskus/
Primo, Itäkeskus/ Robert's
Public Corner, Raffaello,
Työvoimatoimisto, Vantaan
Tapiolan Kirjasto, Helinä
Angleterre, Arcada/ Lauttasaari,
Coffee, Itäkeskus/ Wayne's
Ravintola Big Mamas, Ravintola
Aikuisopisto, Vantaan
in aJumo
old flatKosmos,
in theRavintola
center of
Helsinki. I Rautavaaran
rent it - the
rent is horrendous
- but
Barto live
Ammatillinen Koulutuskeskus
no. 9, Berlitz,
I love the place and I Kaapelitehdas,
could neverKaapelitehdas/
afford to buy it.Ravintola
When Ooppera,
my Finnish
friends Kauppakeskus
find out thatIsoI Omena,
don’t own the
Toimintakeskus, Bio City, Café
ment they pity me. Renting a flat means that you’re a failure, you’re poor and you’re stupid too.
Carusel, Café Engel, Café
Leppävaaran Kirjasto,
Kirjasto, Kanneltalo, Kappeli,
Sanomatalo/ Modesty Coffee
Muu Suomi
Marrakech Delice, Caféhat?
You’re renting
hundred years own something that
Kauppahalli/ Norisushi Bar,
Shop, Saunabar, Savoy Teatteri,
Hyvinkään Kirjasto,
lives much longer than he does?
Café Milo. Café Primo, this
Café place? Kauppakeskus
ready to
for decades
Kluuvi/ are
Sir eat
STA Travel,
not forget one thing:Hämeenlinnan
Rex, Café Ursula, CAISA
Kauppakeskus Kluuvi/ Café
Stadin Kebab
owns anything, not even their
Kulttuurikeskus, CantinaYou’re
Picnic, Kauppakeskus Malmin
Yliopistokatu, Stadin Luomu,
your landlord richer
body. We’re all just tenantsJyväskylän
on this
Capital Restaurant Services,
Nova, Kauppakeskus
by paying him
Chicos Mannerheimintie,
Stoa Itä-Helsingin
er to
make your hosts compliments
ings went into fixing the pipes,
Churchill Arms, CIMO
their pretty
children, their
wife had
to fly to the
you get nothing
Toimintakeskus, Kokkolan
Kansainvälisen Henkilövaihdon
Ulkomaalaistoimisto, Kuopion
Keskus, City Anttila/
is their home.
the Kipsari,
third winter his
Well, I also make the dairy Kontulan
Kirjasto, Kuopion Kuvakukko,
Musiikkiosasto, Coffee House,
The best
thing to have is aTaideteollinen
to complain: “We never do
panies richer by buying a carton
Colours International, Corona
Lahden Multi-Culti, Mikkelin
of one’s own,
a so-called ‘omakotianything
together anymore. You’re
milk almost every day. DoesKuvataideakatemia,
Baari, Dabin
Monikultturikeskus Mimosa,
A friend
of mine bought
She filed for divorce
mean I’m an idiot for not buying
Työväenakatemian Kirjasto
Oulun Kansainvälinen
several years ago, a beautiful
and she wants half of the house
own cow?
Don't Tell Owning
Mama, Dubliner,
Toimintakeskus, Oulun
Lauttasaaren Kirjasto, Like
Tennispalatsi/ Kulttuurien
the house or apartment
live in is the single most imporKirjakauppa, Limon, London
Museo, Tennispalatsi/ Modesty
Finn Britt
Forex/in Finland. People
status symbol
Tampereen Kansainvälinen
Pub, Look Salon/ Hämeentie,
Coffee Shop, Tiikeri, Tourist
Heinon Pikatukku,
the happiest man on earth. HeInfo/
the future, something to passYhdistys,
on to
are ready toForum/
eat cheap
tuna from
Kohtauspaikka Unipoint,
all of his free time at home, fixing up
your children when you die.Helsinki-Vantaan
Grande can
dry bread for decades just
Tampereen Kaupungin
the house, repairing things, painting
we all know the taxation in
this Impulssi Talo/
be able
to pay
off the mortgage.
Kirjasto, Malmitalo, Maxim, MTyövoimatoimisto/
Kulttuuritoimi, Tampereen
walls, decorating, gardening...
country, and when you really
They are perfectly
Harjun Nuorisotalo,
Heinon willing toBar,
Maahanmuuttajayksikkö, Töölön
Kansainvälinen Naisten
During the first winter he found
kick the bucket, it is more than
to restaurant
Tapaamispaikka, Turun
out that the long driveway had a
ly that your children will have
abroad, their hobbies and anyHelsingin
Yliopisto, Turun
major disadvantage. When it snowed
sell the place in order to be able to
else that costs money, as long
Red Onion, Kauppakeskus
Club, Mother
Kansainvälinen Kohtauspaikka,
as they
can have their ultimate
Leipomon Myymälä,
Adlon, Motivus/
Vaasan Yliopisto
fulfilled: a place of their own,
Koivukylän Kirjasto KIRNU,
of the Motivus/
yard and make it toVerotoimisto,
for their wisdom,
even if it’s only a tiny little boxMotivus/
Culture Shock
Home, sweet home
Oma koti kullan kallis!
less than 20 square meters.
When you enter a Finnish home,
make sure to take your shoes off and
in time.
During the second winter the
pipes froze and broke. My friend
spent weeks without water and heat-
have always marveled at the white
man’s concept of buying and selling land and real estate. How can a
human with a lifespan of less than a
Picture by Maarika Autio
ISSUE 01/2004
Angleterre, Arcada/ Lauttasaari,
Arcada/ Sturenkatu, Bakers, Bar
no. 9, Berlitz, Betania
Toimintakeskus, Bio City, Café
Carusel, Café Engel, Café
Marrakech Delice, Café Mascot,
Café Milo. Café Primo, Café Rex,
Café Ursula, CAISA
Kulttuurikeskus, Cantina West,
Capital Restaurant Services,
Chicos Mannerheimintie, Churchill
Arms, CIMO Kansainvälisen
Henkilövaihdon Keskus, City
Anttila/ Musiikkiosasto, Coffee
House, Colours International,
Corona Baari, Dabin Oriental
Food/ Vilhovuorenkatu, Digelius,
DTM Don’t Tell Mama, Dubliner,
Erottaja Baari, Espresso Edge, Finn
Britt Society, Forex/
Mannerheimintie, Forum/ Sesto,
Grande Grill, Hakaniemen
Metroasema/ Jasmin Food, Harjun
Nuorisotalo, Heinon Pikatukku/
Sörnäinen, Helmi, Helsingin
Aikuisopisto, Helsingin
Kaupunginteatteri/ Lippukassa,
Helsingin Pääkirjasto, HELTECH
Helsingin Tekniikanalan
Oppilaitos/ Vallilan Yksikkö,
Helsingin Yliopiston Kielikeskus,
Helsingin Yliopisto/
Opiskelijakirjasto, Helsingin
Yliopisto/ Topelia Kirjasto,
Hercules, Herttoniemen Kirjasto,
Itäkeskuksen Kirjasto, Itäkeskus/
Hesburger, Itäkeskus/ Café Primo,
Itäkeskus/ Robert’s Coffee,
Itäkeskus/ Wayne’s Coffee, Jumo
Jazz Club, Kaapelitehdas,
Kaapelitehdas/ Työväenopisto,
Kaisla, Kallion Kirjasto,
Kanneltalo, Kappeli, Kauppahalli/
Norisushi Bar, Kauppakeskus
Kluuvi/ Belge, Kauppakeskus
Kluuvi/ Café Picnic, Kauppakeskus
Malmin Nova, Kauppakeskus
Ruoholahti, Kieliavain/
Kaisaniemi, Kilroy Travels,
Kirjakaapeli, Klaus Kurki,
Kontulan Kirjasto, Kulttuuriareena
Gloria, Kuvataideakatemia,
Käpylän Kirjasto, Labyrinth,
Lauttasaaren Kirjasto, Like
Kirjakauppa, Limon, London Pub,
Look Salon/ Hämeentie, Luckan/
Lasipalatsi, Maahanmuuttoyksikkö,
Malmin Kirjasto, Malmitalo,
Maxim, M-Bar, Memphis Erottaja,
Mocambo, Molly Malone’s,
Monikulttuuriyhdistys Familia
Club, Mother Bar, Motivus/ Adlon,
Motivus/ Center, Motivus/ Kamppi,
Motivus/ Stockmann, Motivus/
Sörnäinen, Mr Pickwick/
Kaivokatu, Namaskaar/ Bulevardi,
Namaskaar/ Rautatieasema, Next
Century Fashion/ Hämeentie,
Nosturi, Nuorisotiedotuskeskus
Kompassi, Nykytaiteen Museo
Kiasma, O’Malleys Irish Pub,
Oulunkylän Kirjasto, Q-Teatteri,
Public Corner, Raffaello, Ravintola
Big Mamas, Ravintola Kosmos,
Ravintola Lappi, Ravintola
Ooppera, Ravintola Tori, Reilun
Kaupan Tähti, Sanomatalo/
Modesty Coffee Shop, Saunabar,
Savoy Teatteri, Sir Eino, STA
Travel, Stadin Kebab Kaivokatu,
Stadin Kebab Yliopistokatu, Stadin
Luomu, Stella Star Club/
Sturenkatu, Stoa Itä-Helsingin
Kulttuurikeskus, Storyville Jazz
Club, Taidehalli, Taideteollinen
Korkeakoulu/ Kahvila Kipsari,
Taideteollinen Korkeakoulu/
Pääkirjasto, Taideteollinen
Korkeakoulu/ Ruokala Meccala,
Teatterikorkeakoulu, Tennispalatsi/
Kulttuurien Museo, Tennispalatsi/
Modesty Coffee Shop, Tiikeri,
Tourist Info/ Pohjoisesplanadi,
Työvoimatoimisto/ Kluuvi,
Maahanmuuttajayksikkö, Töölön
Kirjasto, UFF/ Fredrikinkatu, UFF/
Iso Roobertinkatu, UFF/
Runeberginkatu, Vanha/ Beer Café,
Vastaanottokeskus, Verotoimisto,
Viikin Kirjasto, Vuosaaren
Kirjasto, Wayne’s Coffee/ Aleksi,
We got beef
Soukan Kirjasto, Tapiolan
Työvoimatoimisto, Tapiolan YPP,
Yppi Palvelut/ Leppävaara
Työväenakatemian Kirjasto
Hakunilan Kansainvälinen
Yhdistys, Heinon Pikatukku,
Helsinki-Vantaan Lentoasema/
Carrols, Impulssi Talo/ Tikkurila,
Kauppakeskus Myyrmanni/
Hesburger, Kauppakeskus
Myyrmanni/ Red Onion,
Kauppakeskus Tikkuri/ Leipomon
Myymälä, Koivukylän Kirjasto
KIRNU, Maahanmuuttajien
Yhteispalvelutoimisto, Mikkolan
Kirjasto Lentävä Lautanen, Pointin
Kirjasto, Ravintola Pantteri,
Ravintola Pingviini, Ravintola
Toppari, Silkin Portti, Tikkurilan
Kirjasto, Tikkurilan
Työvoimatoimisto, Vantaan
Aikuisopisto, Vantaan
Ammatillinen Koulutuskeskus
VAKES Toimipisteet
Muu Suomi:
Hyvinkään Kirjasto, Hämeenlinnan
Ulkomaalaistoimisto, Jyväskylän
Yliopiston Ylioppilaskunta,
Järvenpään kirjasto, Kainuun
Monikulttuurinen Toimintakeskus,
Kokkolan Ulkomaalaistoimisto,
Kuopion Kirjasto, Kuopion
Kuvakukko, Lahden Multi-Culti,
Mikkelin Monikultturikeskus
Mimosa, Oulun Kansainvälinen
Toimintakeskus, Oulun
Ulkomaalaistoimisto, Turun
Kansainvälinen Kohtauspaikka,
Vaasan Yliopisto
Arcada/ Pohjois Tapiola, Chicos/
Tapiola, Espoon Keskuksen
Työvoimatoimisto, Espoon
Kulttuurikeskus, Espoon
Kulttuurikeskus/ Tapiolan
Kirjasto, Espoon Keskuksen
YPP, Espoonlahden YPP,
Helinä Rautavaaran Museo,
Kauppakeskus Iso Omena,
Kalajärven YPP, KeskiEspoon Kirjasto,
Kivenlahden Kirjasto,
Leppävaaran Kirjasto,
Leppävaaran Kirjasto,
If you are energetic, dynamic and ENJOY marketing,
Leppävaaran Työtori,
you are welcome to join our staff.
Leppävaaran YPP,
SixDegrees is hiring marketing staff to sell advertisement space.
We offer a small basic salary, with generous commission available.
Palveluyksikkö, Matinkylän
Call: Laura 09 777 2005 or email: laura@six-degrees.net
Matinkylän YPP, Sellosali,
Photo by: Dwi Setianto