Safely into the new decade
Safely into the new decade
ISSUE 32 GLOBAL IMPRESSIONS FROM OUR INTERNATIONAL OFFICES group news JANUARY 2010 Safely into the new decade Woodside Work Sakhalin Success Double Delight with QP Strength to Strength in Saudi AFRICA EUROPE MIDDLE EAST ASIA PACIFIC THE AMERICAS RUSSIA CASPIAN REGION 2 JANUARY 2010 message from your CEO Last year was one of unprecedented turbulence in the global economy and a year that many people were glad to bid farewell to. With this in mind, it makes me extremely proud to read in this issue about the many Kentz successes of 2009 and the enduring commitment and resilience of our people. At the end of October the value of our backlog stood at US $1.55bn, another record achievement for the Group. The fact that our clients continue to award us work is due in no small part to the number one value of the Kentz Group; Health and Safety. And as of 30th November 2009 we delivered over 32 million man-hours of work across 26 countries with a total recordable incident rate of 0.18. Within this newsletter you can read all about the Group’s annual HSE Calendar Competition, in which Kentz employees and their families share what it means to them to be safe, healthy and environmentally conscious. I am all too aware that working for Kentz can often take us all to remote locations for extended periods of At the end of October the value of our backlog stood at US $1.55bn, another record achievement for the Group. time, but I am convinced that this commitment to the regions in which we operate is essential for our development. Our increased focus within the Australasia region has in the recent months been very successful. We have secured a number of LNG-related projects in the Northwest Shelf of Australia and within Southeast Asia to support the growing energy demands from emerging economies in the Far East. While new areas will continue to open up for Kentz, helped by the levelling of oil prices to around US $75-80 a barrel, the resources of the Middle East remain dominant. Our continued presence in the region for over 30 years has not gone unrewarded. In the second half of 2009, Kentz secured a multimillion-dollar EPC contract award from Qatargas for the Laffan Refinery Project at Ras Laffan Industrial City in Qatar. As we continue to focus on building sustainable long-term relationships with our core clients, we are delighted to be selected as preferred contractor for several recently awarded projects with long-term clients. These include Saudi Kayan Petrochemicals Complex Project in Jubail, Saudi Arabia, and two further contracts with Qatar Petroleum. Kentz’s people are very pro-active in the local communities in which they live and work, and this is never more evident than over the Christmas period. In Ireland, Australia and South Africa, our staff yet again generously donated toys and presents for underprivileged children. With a reputation for achievement and success, we can look forward to the year ahead with significant confidence of continuing to deliver for our clients. Dr. Hugh O’Donnell Chief Executive Officer CONTENTS 3 Laffan Refinery Project Award Woodside Work 15 Apprentice Appreciation Celebrations for 7 Million Man-hours Without LTI 4 Sakhalin Success Another Gorgon Win 16 Colouring the Safety Future 5 Growing Scope on Saudi Kayan 18 Sasol Award 8 Million Man-hours Later 6 Double Delight with QP Phase 1 of Ericsson Ends 19 Chevron Construction Kentz’s Rising Star 7 Aramco Contract Award Refinery Rehabilitation 20 New Contract with RBM Clonmel Mayor Honours Kentz 8 Pearl GTL Hosts 5th CEO Summit Employee Profile 21 Safety Success Yet Again! Prestigious Thebe Award Winners 9 International Entrepreneur of the Year 22 It’s a Goal! A Long Way from Tipperary 10 Inauguration of Qatargas II 11 Super Safety 12 From Strength to Strength in Saudi 23 The Joy of Giving 24 People on the Move 14 Rompco Project Complete Fluor goes Fifty:Fifty ON OUR COVER... Aerial view of Woodside's Pluto LNG Project, Western Australia SEND IN YOUR NEWS... Please send in your reports to appear in KENTZ GROUP NEWS. Contact the Group News Co-ordinator Catríona Nugent on +353 52 6122811 or email to ensure your items are included. 3 QATAR laffan refinery project award Attendees of the Laffan Refinery Project kick-off the meeting Laffan Refinery Company recently awarded Kentz the EPC contract for its prestigious receiving and loading facility project based in Ras Laffan Industrial City (RLIC), north of Doha, Qatar. This multi-discipline contract, worth over US$85 million will run for a duration of 21 months. The project has been divided into two phases, which will both be carried out simultaneously. Phase one consists of an eight inch carbon steel pipeline, which will transport gasoil from the Laffan Refinery tank farm to the Qatar Fuel (WOQOD) jetty approximately 7 km away. Phase two has a 16 inch carbon steel pipeline, which will transport gasoil from the Laffan Refinery tank farm to the proposed WOQOD Gantry truck loading facility approximately 8 km away. Both pipelines will be above ground resting on sleepers with a number of bridges and horizontal directional drilling crossings and have fibre optic cables running parallel to them. Work at the tank farm includes modifications to the existing plant distributed control system and emergency shutdown system (ESD). The proposed Gantry truck loading facility also falls within the remit of the project. The scope of work will include: two 5,000m3 gasoil storage tanks; four covered loading gantries to fill eight trucks; metering skids; a truck loading automation system; ESD and fire and gas systems. The scope will also extend to a new control room, substation, administration centre and ten other support buildings. The Kentz project team, headed by Project Manager, Bernard D’Souza, held a kick off meeting for the client project team on 28th to 30th of September at the Marriott hotel. The meeting was highly successful with both teams contributing to the already strong relationship. Kentz would like to wish Bernard and his team every success on this project. AUSTRALIA woodside work Kentz, together with its Australian joint venture partner Thiess, was recently awarded an AUD $86m contract for the LNG processing site on Woodside’s Pluto Project in Western Australia. This is another great win for Kentz, following its recent success of securing three scopes of work on the Gorgon LNG Project in the same region. Woodside’s Pluto LNG Project is a “greenfield” project consisting of a 4.3mtpa LNG plant on the Burrup Peninsula, about 1,400km north of Perth. It will receive gas from wells in the Pluto gas field, which is approximately 180km away from the onshore facility. The Pluto gas plant is located adjacent to, but independent of, the existing Northwest Shelf Venture gas plant. Key elements of site B works include: ● Substation 1 (Main Site Substation) ● Substation 3 (Process Train Substation) ● Field Auxiliary Room (FAR) 1 ● Analyser Houses AH1 and AH2 ● LNG Process Train ● Fuel Gas System ● Power Generation ● Heated Water ● Site Wide High Voltage Cables Kentz’s contract involves the installation and testing of high voltage cabling, switchboards, transformers, UPS systems, instrument control system cabinets, motor control stations, field panels, lighting and small power, trace heating, process instrumentation, fire and gas detection and protection devices, above-ground cabling, earthing and bonding, as well as the recovery and termination of cables installed underground. The work will be carried out on pre-assembled units and pre-assembled pipe racks. The contract will run for approximately 10 months – it started in October 2009 and will require a total workforce of 300, of which 65 will be management and support staff. Back row (L-R): Derrick Munteanu (Supervisor), Paul Hilton (HSE Advisor), Robert Pool (Foreman), Neville Rankin (Supervisor), Sunny Phillips (HR Manager), Dries Strydom (Inst Supervisor), Andy Ozolins (Project Sponsor), Colin O’Donnell (Quantity Surveyor), Allan Ralph (Elect Superintendent Substations & FAR), Jeremias Buraga (QA/QC Manager), John Cuzzubbo (Material Controller & Storeman), Gresley Davis (Foreman), Michael Holsworth (Elect Foreman), Jorge Alcorta (Project Controls), Peter Nahirny (Foreman) Front row (L-R): Jemar Timajo (Progress Monitor CCMS), Paulson Gonzales (Field Engineer), Rod Williams (Construction Manager), Stephen Storer (HR/IR Manager), John Sharp (Project Manager), Jessica Davis (Cost Controller), Harry Sonnenberg (General Manager), Allan Kelly (QC Inspector Electrical), Rob Bruce (Foreman), Eddie Doyle (Inst Supervisor), KG Wee (Commercial Manager) 4 SAKHALIN sakhalin success Kentz is pleased to announce the award of a shutdown services and operations support contract with Exxon Neftegas Ltd, within the Sakhalin 1 development project, through its Russian joint venture operating company Kentz DEM LLC. The contract is worth approximately US $25m and includes the provision of all personnel, permits, equipment, transportation and front-end execution planning, as well as the management of contractor and subcontractor resources. This project falls under Kentz’s technical support services global business unit. Kentz DEM LLC is a Sakhalin-based company comprising of Kentz Russia LLC and DalelectroMontazh (DEM) – a leading Sakhalinbased engineering and construction services company for the oil and gas industry. The venture is supported by key resources and systems from the Maintenance & Shutdown division of Kentz’s Sakhalin 1 Project, Chayvo-OPF operation in South Africa. Kentz and DEM first co-operated together in 2004 under a strategic partnership agreement before officially incorporating their joint venture in 2008. Mike Murphy, Chief Operations Officer for the Technical Support Services division of the Kentz Group which will oversee these works, said: “We are delighted to be working with Exxon Neftegas on the first major shutdown associated with this development. We now look forward to delivering a highquality, solution-driven service which will draw on Kentz DEM’s wide range of skills and experience. We are also pleased with the continued growth in our successful technical services business unit.” Mike Murphy another gorgon win Kentz, alongside its joint venture partner Thiess, has been awarded a AUD $23m electrical contract for the site preparation and temporary construction facilities for the Gorgon LNG Project in Western Australia. Kentz is tasked with installing over 100km of high voltage and low voltage cabling on Barrow Island before the main scope of work can commence. The project includes the installation of eight packaged substations, transformers, 25 ring main units, lighting and general earthing, 12 transportable buildings, 60 temporary switchboards, instrumentation and communications throughout the site. AUSTRALIA telecommunications (AUD $150m) on Barrow Island. Australia is becoming an area of increased activity for Kentz, with over AUD $200bn of major oil and gas projects planned or under way. Kentz has been able to leverage its experience of executing projects in remote locations across the world to secure work and is currently bidding on a number of other contracts. The Gorgon Project is a joint venture between the Australian subsidiaries of Chevron (Operator), ExxonMobil and Shell to develop the Greater Gorgon gas fields, located between 130km and 200km off the Northwest coast of Western Australia. John Mansfield is leading the Kentz project team which will reach up to 150 people working on the site at full capacity. The project is scheduled to start in the first half of 2010 and has a planned completion date in the second half of 2011. It is Australia's largest-known gas resource and once completed will produce around 15 million tonnes of LNG each year for the project’s 30-year life. About 83% has already been sold. This contract follows on from previous awards to Kentz; to build the construction village (AUD $500m) and to supply the The total capital expenditure on the project is estimated to be AUD $43bn and to date AUD $10.5bn of contracts have been awarded. 5 SAUDI ARABIA growing scope on saudi kayan Saudi Kayan Project Management Team Back Row (L-R): Rudy Cosilit, E/I Superintendent; Ehtesham Ali, Planner; Vasim Sadiq Ali, Projects Administrator; Choy Aldipollo, QA/QC Manager; Anthony Uy, Project Manager; Yousuf Shaik, Commissioning Engineer; Irshad Alam, Projects Accountant; Ronan McHugh, Contracts Manager; Henry Chiu, Senior Planning Engineer; John Rodriguez, Material Controller; Tom Healy, Construction Manager Front Row (L-R): Edvin Dalangin, Field Engineer; Richard Lopez, HSE Manager, Vincent Raganit, Material Controller; John Orantes, Project Secretary; Rene Tolentino, Commissioning Supervisor; Mohammed Ansari, Document Controller; Ducu Advani, Commissioning Engineer; Gareth Leyden, Lead QS Engineer Kentz is delighted to announce a significant growth in the scope of its work being undertaken at the Saudi Kayan Petrochemicals Complex Project in Jubail, Saudi Arabia. Initially, Kentz was contracted by Fluor Arabia to perform the installation and testing of equipment for the main incoming 230kV substation. Subsequent awards have now been made by Fluor Arabia and Saudi Kayan, assigning Kentz further scopes for an additional five 4.16kV substations. Kentz will now undertake a number of additional tasks, including the installation of the Process Control System (PCS), the system integration for utilities and offsites, E&I installation, the testing and commissioning for five substations and back-bone cabling. The Company will also be responsible for outside plant telecommunications to Saudi Aramco feedstock facilities, additional E&I installation, the testing of two further substations and finally the cable and electrical equipment installation in the main pipe racks which will support the complex integration of various plants. Kentz currently has approximately 1,000 people on site. The original project team that completed the 230kV substation will be remaining on to complete the new contracts. Kentz recently celebrated a milestone when it achieved one million man-hours without a Lost Time Incident. Saudi Kayan Safety Team Back Row (L-R): Carlos Espino, HSE Supervisor; Mohammed Khan, HSE Supervisor; Mohammed Hassnain, HSE Officer; Marlon Salgado, HSE Supervisor; Alvin Serrano, Junior HSE Officer; Ronald Garcia, Junior HSE Officer Middle Row (L-R): Rexon Rom, Junior HSE Officer; Mario Canete, Junior HSE Officer; Sidney Wong, HSE Officer; Jimmy Chan, HSE Supervisor; Natalio Liarez, Junior HSE Officer Front Row (L-R): Dennis Dela Cruz, HSE Administration Clerk; Jefferson Boncaros, Senior HSE Supervisor; David Hannaway, HSE Manager 6 QATAR double delight with qp The Kentz team in Qatar is delighted to announce the recent award of two new contracts by Qatar Petroleum (QP). The first is on the sea water filters, piping and associated modifications at the North Field Alpha (NFA) Platform, located just offshore from Qatar. The contract was awarded in August 2009 and is expected to be completed in June 2010. The second project is the Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Construction (EPIC) of a new Instrument Workshop (IWS) at PS-2 platform. It will run for 15 months, ending in December 2010. The scope of the first project will involve the replacement of the existing 32-inch butterfly valves and 32-inch copper nickel header piping modifications for sea water filter inlets and outlets at NFA (PS-4) platform. Existing filters are being relocated to install the new valves for positive isolation of the filters. Modification of the existing drain, backwash, safety valve outlets, fire water, utility piping and overhead crane monorail will also be carried out as part of the improvement works. Associated works include relocation of the electrical and instrumentation equipment within the skid and skid control panel modifications to cater for the new valves being installed. All work will be carried out during the platform shutdown from April to May 2010. The execution of the second EPIC contract hinges around two objectives. Firstly a new Instrument Workshop (IWS) at PS-2G deck, which is 3m x 10m in dimension and will be located next to the Local Equipment Room (LER), and the installation of new work benches and calibration stations. Modifications will also be made in associated services like power, lighting, telecoms, LAN and HVAC. Hari Govind, Project Manager The second objective is the installation of a new macerator unit, which will require an extension of the existing platform structure on the lower deck. The unit will have its own control panel and tie-ins for sea service water and chlorine injection. Skid control panels will be interfaced with platform control systems including a Distributed Control System (DCS), Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) and Fire and Gas (F&G) systems. Site work will be performed in two phases for each of the objectives. Kentz wishes Hari Govind, Project Manager, and his team every success in taking these projects through to completion and would like to thank Qatar Petroleum for placing their trust once again in Kentz to execute these important projects. IRELAND phase 1 of ericsson ends In August 2009 Kentz was awarded the civil, mechanical and electrical scopes of work on the first phase of the Ericsson Communications Room Optimisation Project in Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Ireland. Kentz was responsible for the project management, supervision, procurement, installation, testing and commissioning of the civil, mechanical and electrical works. It was also responsible for overseeing the installation of the Building Management System (BMS), plumbing and fire detection on the project. The communication room development is an existing stand-alone building on the Ericsson Ericsson Communications Room Campus. Phase one is 2 75m and provides accommodation for at least 24 rack systems to enable good cable management. The cooling mechanism is chilled water which comes from the existing Westmeath chiller farm. The electrical mains and generator supply is taken from the Westmeath data centre network. A new 200Kw N uninterruptable power supply is housed within an external container. The decommissioned boiler and air handling unit plant have been completely stripped out and removed from the site. The consultants on the project were OBMG, and Johnson Controls were the Project Managers for Ericsson. A special mention goes to Pat O’Connor, Mechanical Division Manager for Kentz Ireland, who worked tirelessly to secure the contract award and has since overseen the successful completion of the project. Kentz Ireland is well placed to win additional scopes of work on the second phase of the project. L-R: Karl Conlon (Aspect Environmental), Ray Murphy, Electrical Project Manager (Kentz), Pat O’Connor, Mechanical Project Manager (Kentz), Gareth McGowan (OBMG) 7 SAUDI ARABIA aramco contract award Kentz in Saudi Arabia was recently awarded a contract by Saudi Aramco for the construction, completion and commissioning of works in the residential town centre of the prestigious King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). The Kentz Technical Support Services business unit is working within the KAUST commissioning team to provide them with the necessary skill sets for finishing works and the procurement of identified material and equipment shortfalls. “Galleria” town centre – this is an area surrounded by coffee shops, fast food takeout stores and is a common meeting place for students and residents The team currently consists of 860 people and will peak at around 1,000, including management, procurement support and all tradesmen; electricians, plumbers, carpenters, tilers, painters, masons and labour. KAUST, which is located in Thuwal in the Jeddah region, is the first mixed-gender university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is the realisation of a decade-long vision of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud. The graduate-level research university is dedicated to inspiring a new age of scientific achievement in the Kingdom that will benefit not only the Middle Eastern region, but the entire world. View of a walkway that runs along side of the “Galleria”. This is a view from under the canopy looking towards the entrance to the King Abdullah Mosque Kentz is proud to be working on this prestigious project which strengthens its existing relationship with Saudi Aramco and extends it into another field of infrastructure. Kentz looks forward to maintaining and growing this excellent working relationship. SOUTH AFRICA refinery rehabilitation Kentz’s global construction business unit recently completed a stack rehabilitation project at the Indeni Refinery located in Ndola, Zambia. Kentz has a presence at the refinery for several years as part of an ongoing modernisation project and was asked to carry out this work on an urgent basis due to the dangerous state of the existing stack. The main scope of work included the replacement of the top two sections of the boiler stack as well as some maintenance work. The removal of the existing stack, which was 45m high, proved to be extremely challenging as Indeni Refinery prior (L) and after replacement (R) there was almost nothing left of the main structural integrity. Both sections were removed safely, without any incident and as scheduled. As part of the ongoing programme to share knowledge in the regions in which it operates, Kentz took the opportunity to train local employees to perform maintenance work on heat exchangers and Fin Fan coolers. The project was headed up by Andre Roloff, Project Manager and supported by Raymond Jacobs, Rigging Superintendent, Ziggy Mikrut, Mechanical Supervisor, and Sergio Direito, Safety Officer. Well done to all involved for executing this project safely and on a tight schedule. The Kentz Stack Rehabilitation Project Team 8 QATAR AUSTRALIA pearl gtl hosts 5th ceo summit On 10th November 2009, Dr. Hugh O’Donnell, Chief Executive Officer of Kentz, joined Andy Brown, Shell’s Executive Vice President, Qatar and Managing Director of the Pearl Gas to Liquids (GTL) Project along with other CEOs and Senior Executives of the major contractor companies working on the Pearl GTL Project, to review progress and renew their commitment to safe work. Discussions were also held on how to work together to ensure the Pearl GTL Project finishes strongly. This was the 5th CEO summit held on the Pearl GTL Project and some 62 global CEOs and Senior Executives representing 13 companies attended the summit. The leadership team conducted two extensive safety walks around the Pearl GTL construction site, talking to workers about how to work safely, praising good practice and intervening to discourage any unsafe practices. They also participated in evening events at the workers’ accommodation, the Pearl Village, to mark Safety Day. Andy Brown said: “I am always impressed by the commitment of the global Chief Executives to deliver Pearl GTL together. We live up to our motto of One Project One Team. This co-operative approach is even more important now to keep momentum up all the way to the end of construction around the end of 2010 and project ramp-up over the following 12 months.” Kentz won its first major contract on the QP-Shell world-scale integrated Pearl Gas to Liquids Project in 2006, namely the EPC scope for the modular waste water treatment plant for the construction camp. This was followed by the diesel power generation scope and the temporary telecoms for the plant’s turnkey temporary facilities. The more recent award of the electrical and instrumentation scope of work for the utility and flare areas to Kentz cemented the Company’s presence and status on the project. The Pearl GTL Project has over 48,000 workers constructing the largest GTL plant in the world. The project will produce 140,000 barrels per day of GTL products and 120,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day of condensate, LPG and ethane. Construction will be complete around the end of 2010, with production ramp-up then taking around 12 months. employee profile Jemar Timajo Joined Kentz 2003 in Malaysia on the MLNG Tiga Project as Instrument Technician/Document Controller with Sean Cremin. Then joined the Nanhai Telecoms Project in China as QA/QC Support and now based in Australia working with Thiess Kentz. POSITION Project Controls Engineer LOCATION Perth, Australia GROUP SERVICE 7 years DATE OF BIRTH 4th December 1983 NATIONALITY Filipino FAMILY Mum and Dad (Jessie & Maria Luz), sister and brother (Joyce & Mikhail) EDUCATION Diploma in Instrumentation & Process Control Technology BE – Instrumentation Engineering (on-going) FAVOURITE SPORT Basketball, table tennis, squash FAVOURITE MUSIC Jazz, rock, R&B, indie rock FAVOURITE FOOD Not very fussy so I guess anything edible! FAVOURITE DRINK Gin & Tonic with Lime, Baileys on Ice with Cherry GREATEST INFLUENCES Dr. Hugh O’Donnell, Chief Executive Officer, pictured with Kentz employees on the Pearl GTL Project Biographical books, work colleagues, my Dad and my family have been my greatest drive to achieve my goals. But the diversity and culture in my work environment has been an even greater motivation to expand my perspective on people and life and appreciate more what I have today. I would like to express my gratitude to my friends in Kentz and Thiess Kentz who have always been there for me. DISLIKES I hate frogs and toads! 9 IRELAND international entrepreneur of the year Turning to the present, Hugh says the biggest challenges right now are “factors external to our business; global economic turbulence, the oil price and a slowdown in activity in the sector. Fortunately our breadth of clients and diversity of operations along with our financial strength positions us strongly to ride out the current economic downturn and emerge stronger than ever.” There was much excitement across all the Kentz offices around the world recently as it was announced that Hugh O’Donnell, the Chief Executive of Kentz, received the Ernst & Young International ® Entrepreneur of the Year Award . The Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award is part of a global recognition programme to identify, acclaim and support entrepreneurs. Hugh graduated with a Bachelor in Engineering degree in 1987 from Limerick NIHE (now Limerick University). After spending four years with Anglo American Corporation in South Africa, he joined Kentz as a Project Engineer back in 1991, hoping to work his way back home from South Africa. “It didn’t work out that way”, he notes. “I set up mechanical and maintenance businesses for Kentz there before being appointed General Manager, then Managing Director of Kentz Southern Africa. I then went on to become Group Chief Executive in 2000.” At the awards ceremony in front of over 1,200 people, Hugh spoke passionately about his utmost respect for everyone at Kentz and thanked them for their support Hugh also believes that being Irish has contributed to his success and to the success of Kentz. “Being Irish in a global context brings with it an immediate level of acceptance and often an entry into new and emerging markets. Inherently Irish values of modesty and humour can have a great impact on developing trust and relationships, which are particularly important when entering new markets.” He was just 35 when he took over the helm, and reflecting on that now says that “the biggest challenge was bringing senior management on side and giving them compelling reasons why a 35-year-old was the best option to lead Kentz. Building the trust and respect of the Kentz Board, the executive and all employees, but especially the ‘Kentz elders’, has been a learning curve and has inspired me to make a difference; for me, for them and for Kentz.” The awards evening was held in the Citywest Hotel, Dublin, on Thursday 22nd October. There was very stiff competition in the shortlist of eight competitors within the international category. These included a wide variety of industries such as; fashion, animation, biotechnology and manufacturing. Hugh was delighted to receive the award and thanked Kentz staff all over the world for their support. Congratulations to Hugh from all in Kentz across the globe – we would like to commend you on this great achievement. The President of Ireland, Mary McAleese, pictured with Hugh O’Donnell at the glittering televised awards ceremony. Also pictured is Mike McKerr, Managing Partner, Ernst & Young 10 QATAR inauguration of qatargas II On 6th April 2009, his Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, the Emir of the State of Qatar, inaugurated Qatargas II in Ras Laffan Industrial City, Qatar. Kentz has been involved with this project from the early stages and was invited to attend the inauguration ceremony. Martin Walsh, Country Director for Kentz in Qatar, and Bob Greaney, Qatar Gas II Management Camp Middle East EPC Manager, represented the Company on this auspicious occasion. Qatargas II is the world’s first fully-integrated value chain LNG venture and Kentz is proud to have been one of the first contractors on site at Ras Laffan. The project incorporates the offshore production facilities, the LNG facility at Ras Laffan and the receiving and regasification facilities at South Hook, Wales. In 2005, Kentz was awarded the mechanical, electrical, piping, civil and telecommunications scope for phase one of the camp facilities at the Qatargas II Project. The camp provides accommodation for 2,500 people, and needed to have the ability to cater for a planned expansion of up to 4,500 people. The scope of work Kentz was contracted for included accommodation units, mess halls, kitchens, a camp warehouse, a mosque, guard houses, switchgear buildings and recreation facilities. The civil scope included the site preparation, earthworks, foundations, building roads, security fencing, internal fencing, landscaping, and excavation and backfilling of trenches for all services. Kentz was then contracted on phase two of the Qatargas II Project to do the temporary site facilities works, infrastructure and utilities for the labour camp. This second phase involved providing accommodation for 12,000 people, bringing the total capacity of the camp for both phases to 16,500 personnel. Kentz was also contracted to work on the receiving and regasification facilities in South Hook, Wales. The team mobilised to Wales in September 2008 to execute the roles of system completions and assist in the management of the commissioning and turnover process. Kentz completed its work on this project in June 2009. Kentz is proud to have played a role in both phases of this successful project and would like to congratulate Qatargas on this achievement. South Hook LNG Terminal 11 AUSTRALIA super safety Rob Fietz, HSE Co-ordinator, pictured at Safety Cabinet, Thiess Kentz Office, Perth With safety as its main value, Thiess Kentz continues to look for new opportunities to communicate the importance of safety. At the Perth office, a centrally-placed safety cabinet is on display which encourages employees to extend safety to all aspects of life. Some essential safety items are on offer to encourage employees to utilise basic safety gear whilst performing even basic household chores. Safety incentives have also been established for those based on site. Employees are rewarded for their safety vigilance in the work-place with vouchers, tool kits and merit certificates. Below are some recipients who have been rewarded for their safety-conscious attitudes in the workplace throughout 2009. Raj Parshotham, (Site Co-ordinator QA/QC); receives voucher from John Gullan (Project Manager) at the RGP5 Project L-R: Ben Small, Electrician; Clinton O’Byrne, Trades Assistant; Duane Green, Electrician at the Pluto Project L–R: Jon Montini, Electrician; Derick Munteanu, Electrical Superintendent; Anthony Grubelich, Electrician at safety presentation on W2WA Project Jim Solomon, Project Manager presents Sevasti Hagidimintriou, Site Administrator/Document Controller, with Safety Award at the HNA Project 12 SAUDI ARABIA from strength to strength in saudi On 5th October, Kentz in Saudi Arabia held a Business 1978, Kentz continues to be one of Fluor’s preferred contractors. Development workshop at the Radisson Diplomat Hotel in the This relationship started in Saudi Arabia and now extends to over Kingdom of Bahrain. The meeting was led by Ross O’Muirthile, 50 completed projects with Fluor worldwide. the Country Manager of Kentz in Saudi Arabia, with representatives of each business unit in attendance. It was held Chevron Phillips is another long-standing client of Kentz in Saudi to clearly identify the way forward for Kentz in Saudi Arabia and to Arabia. In 1998 Kentz performed its first contract with Chevron in demonstrate how the Saudi Arabian office will embrace the Saudi Arabia on the Saudi Chevron Petrochemical Plant on the transition Kentz is going through from regional to Global Business Jubail Off-plots Project. Kentz’s scope on the project was the Units. electrical, instrumentation and civil scope, with project duration of 12 months. More recently, Kentz performed the mechanical, civil, Kentz has been operating in Saudi Arabia since 1977 and, in electrical and instrumentation scope on Jubail Chevron’s Product those 32 years, has developed and nurtured strong relationships Distribution and Export Facilities at Jubail. Earlier this year, Kentz with its clients. This has been achieved through living the Kentz was also awarded the electrical and instrumentation scope for core values of safety, reputation, tenacity, loyalty, pride, respect, utilities and offsites on the Saudi Polymers Project at NCP. Kentz teamwork and constantly striving to deliver excellence to is also currently working with Chevron in Qatar on the Qatar its clients. Chemical II Project providing them with PMC support and in Australia on the Gorgon Project, Barrow Island. Kentz’s first opportunity in Saudi Arabia was given by Fluor USA in 1978 on the Shedgum and Uthimaniya Gas Oil Separation Plants Kentz in Saudi Arabia also developed a successful relationship (GOSP) where it carried out the E&I and commissioning works. with Saudi International Petrochemical Company (Sipchem) and With the hard work and dedication of the team, this project has been working with them for the past eight years. One of the opened the door for many more contracts in Saudi Arabia, as well projects which Kentz has worked on is the Jubail Acetyls Complex as the rest of the Middle East. where it carried out the electrical and instrumentation scope for a new Carbon Monoxide Plant in Jubail. Kentz was also awarded Kentz has developed long relationships with many key clients over the electrical and instrumentation scope for the Vinyl Acetate the years. Having begun working with Fluor in the Middle East in Monomer Plant, Acetic Acid and Utilities Project on the Jubail Saudi Business Development Workshop Attendees Back Row (L-R}: Kevin Bonner (Country EPC Manager); John C Walsh (General Manager – Kentz Global Oil & Gas Process); Hareesh Kumar (Global EPC Proposals Manager); Donna Gray (Regional Marketing & PR Executive); Turki Aloni (Marketing Representative); Denis Prior (Regional Procurement Manager); Keshav Kumar (Country Procurement Manager) Middle Row (L-R): Rory O’Donnell (Regional Development Director); Eddie Cremin (Manager of Projects); Tony McCarthy (Operations Manager); Jenny Alicante (Branding Co-ordinator); Madhu Pillai (Country Manager – Estimating and Proposals); Yousuf Noor (Human Resources Manager); Michael Ross-Lonergan (Regional Business Development Manager) Front Row (L-R): Philip Larkin (BD Executive – Kentz USA); Pat Leahy (Regional Construction Proposals Manager); Noel Kelly (Advisor); Ross O’Muirthile (Country Manager); Fadi Bijjani (Director); Noel Ivers (Regional Support Service Manager) Missing From Photo: Seamus Malynn (General Manager – KEIL); Darren Ivers (Support Services Manager); Kaushik Sampat (Finance Manager) 13 Acetyls Complex. Most Ross O’Muirthile, appointed recently, Kentz completed its Country Manager earlier this multi-discipline EPC scope for year, has been working for the product transfer pipelines, Kentz for the last seven years. port facility and export pipelines He started out as a Site on the Jubail Acetyls Complex Engineer in Botswana before Project. moving to Saudi Arabia to work as Project Engineer. He then Saudi Aramco is a prestigious moved to Kentz Russia in company that Kentz has had Sakhalin where he spent two the pleasure of working for over and half years before moving the past 32 years. Past back to take up the reigns as successes include the electrical the Country Manager in Saudi and instrumentation for a new Arabia. GOSP at Qatif South in 2004; project management, detailed Khurais Site in Saudi Arabia where Kentz recently completed the E&I scope design and engineering, The Kentz team in Saudi Arabia has many years of experience equipment selection, procurement, logistics, supervision, between them, Dr. Noel Kelly has been serving Kentz in Saudi installation, testing, pre-commissioning and commissioning for the Arabia since its inception and still has the same passion and drive mechanical, civil, electrical and instrumentation scope for the for the Company’s success as he did in 1977. Michael Ross- Shaybah Gas Compression Upgrade Project in 2006; construction Lonergan, Regional Development Director, Middle East who joined management support services on the PetroRabigh Umbrella Kentz in 1978, has also been instrumental in the success of the Utilities and Offsites for PetroRabigh, a joint venture between Kentz operations in Saudi Arabia having been involved in the Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo in 2008. In 2009 Kentz was country for 25 years. Some of the others who bring with them a awarded the electrical, instrumentation and telecommunications wealth of experience both within the Company and within Saudi scope for the Khurais Water Injection and Utilities Project which Arabia are Mohammed Yousuf Noor, Country Human Resources was successfully completed without a Lost Time Incident, ahead Manager who has 25 years of service in Kentz, Kaushik Sampat, of schedule and within budget. Finance Manager has been with Kentz for 15 years, and Turki Aloni, Marketing Representative who joined Kentz in 1998. Kentz also shares prosperous working relationships with companies such as Linde, the Royal Commission for Jubail and Looking back over the past 32 years, Kentz employees in Saudi Yanbu, Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company and UHDE. Arabia are extremely proud. The team in Saudi Arabia will continue to constantly strive to deliver excellence to all its clients and look Safety is of paramount importance and the safety statistics in forward to many more years of continued success. Saudi Arabia are another source of pride for Kentz. Over the past number of years, Kentz’s safety record on projects is unsurpassed. Kentz has received numerous awards from Saudi Aramco in their annual Contractor Safety Competition. Among the many safety achievements, Kentz is most proud of its contribution to achieving 10 million safe man-hours on the Sipchem Jubail Acetyls Project in August 2008; 30 million safe man-hours on Sharq 3rd Expansion in July 2008; 10 million safe man-hours on the Safco-IV Project in May 2006 and 40 million safe man-hours on a project for Fluor back in 2004. The longevity of Kentz in Saudi Arabia would not be possible, however, without the commitment and dedication of all its employees. Kentz Project Team, working on Sipchem Jubail Acetyls Project in Saudi Arabia, which was jointly awarded an 8 million man-hours plaque without an LTI, July 2008 14 SOUTH AFRICA rompco project complete In accordance with ROMPCO’s long-term gas flow philosophy for the Mozambique-to-South-Africa pipeline, ROMPCO proposed to install a total of five compressor stations to further enhance the capacity to 252 PJ/a. The first compressor station installed was the Scraper Trap Station 4-STS4, near the town of Komatipoort, 4km from the Mozambique border. When this station is fully operational, the pipeline will be enhanced to deliver a maximum of 166 PJ/a to Secunda. The Kentz Electrical and Instrumentation (E&I) Project Division in South Africa is delighted to report the successful completion of the E&I installation to increase the capacity of the booster compressor station on the natural gas (NG)149 pipeline, which runs from the Temane Gas Field in Mozambique to Secunda, Mpumalanga, South Africa. The contract was awarded to Kentz in November 2008 by managing contractors Foster Wheeler SA, on behalf of the owner’s Republic of Mozambique Pipeline Investment Terence Masilela, Safety Representative, Xolani Brown, Electrical Foreman, on the NG 149 Project, Komatipoort The Kentz Site Manager on the Company (“ROMPCO”) and SASOL Project was Wonder Tshwane who reported directly to Nick Gas, and was completed in December 2009. McCarthy, Operations Manager for the E&I Projects Division in ROMPCO initiated the installation of the NG pipeline in 2001 and South Africa. Both Wonder and Nick are graduates of the Kentz by 2004 ROMPCO was piping natural gas via a 26"- pipeline from Executive Diploma in Leadership and Management course, the gas fields in Temane to Secunda, from where the gas is graduating in May 2007 and May 2008 respectively. distributed to various customers in Mozambique and South Africa. This pipeline was designed to transport a total of 122 million gigajoules (PJ/a) of gas to the border of Mozambique and 120 million PJ/a to Secunda under free-flow conditions. Well done to all involved! THE NETHERLANDS fluor goes fifty:fifty In September 2009, Kentz was honoured to followed by a Fluor/SRA networking be among the top 50 of Fluor BV’s Strategic reception which allowed Fluor and SRA Relationship Agreement (SRA) clients invited holders to mingle and chat in an informal to celebrate its 50 years in operation in setting. New relationships were forged and Haarlem, the Netherlands. The exhibition old acquaintances rekindled! provided a unique opportunity for “Speed Dating” sessions kicked off Day contractors and suppliers to network freely Two. Each SRA holder’s exhibition booth with Fluor Supply Chain Solution’s was visited by Fluor-nominated personnel. personnel across a variety of disciplines and Equipment suppliers had the opportunity to also with fellow SRA holders from around showcase new products, while service the world. One of the key objectives was to providers presented the range of services broaden the exposure of SRA products and offered to new and developing services among Fluor procurement opportunities. Peter Flynn, Business professionals and individuals who require Development Manager Europe, and Anna knowledge of materials, equipment, Brett, Group Business Development subcontracted services and logistics. Executive, represented Kentz at the The exhibition was held over two days, with exhibition and found it extremely beneficial. Day One setting the scene through Fluor’s commitment to their SRA clients was informative presentations on Fluor’s very evident during the two days. No effort strategic focus, sales and marketing, material management and contract management. The presentations were was spared by any Fluor employee directly Peter Flynn, Business Development Manager Europe, and Anna Brett, Group Business Development Executive, manning the Kentz stand or indirectly involved and Kentz looks forward to attending future exhibitions. 15 IRELAND apprentice appreciation Kentz Site Supervisor on the Galway Clinic Project, Michael Brennan, has been running an Apprentice of the Month Competition since the start of the project. Pictured below are the two recent winners, Eamonn O’Malley (September 2009) and Dave Duggan (October 2009). Kentz in Ireland began work on the extension to the accommodation wing at Galway Clinic located on the outskirts of Galway City, Ireland, in March 2009. The contract is for the supply, delivery to site, installation, testing, commissioning and 12-months maintenance of the complete electrical installation and protective services. The two-storey extension will provide 46 additional bed spaces. The new third floor will be dedicated to oncology patients, and consists of a new day care facility which can cater for 12 patients at any one time and which opened for patients in December 2009. The new pharmacy, radioiodine room and treatment room were also completed in December 2009. Many thanks go to Brendan Flynn of Curran Electric, the bulk supplier on the project, who kindly sponsored the prizes for the Apprentice of the Month Competition. L-R: Michael Brennan (Site Supervisor), Eamonn O’Malley (3rd Year Apprentice), Brendan Flynn (Curran Electric), Dave Duggan (3rd Year Apprentice), Paul McGrath (Chargehand) QATAR celebrations for 7 million man-hours without LTI In October 2009, Kentz was presented with a certificate for the great achievement of 7 million man-hours without a Lost Time Incident on the Shell Pearl GTL site. The certificate was presented to Katie Plummer, the Kentz Deputy HSE Manager on the Pearl GTL site, by Mr. Marty Schweers, JK Project Director on this project. All Kentz employees were given lanyards with cell phone holders to commemorate this auspicious occasion as well as to thank them for adopting the safety culture of Kentz. Kentz won its first major contract on the QP-Shell world-scale integrated Pearl Gas to Liquids Project in 2006, namely the EPC scope for the modular Waste Water Treatment Plant for the construction camp. This was followed by the diesel power generation scope and the temporary telecoms for the plant’s turnkey temporary facilities. Marty Schweers presents Katie Plummer with the award The more recent award of the Electrical and Instrumentation scope of work for the utility and flare areas to Kentz cemented the Company’s presence and status on the project. 16 GROUP colouring the safety future In early 2009, Kentz HSE department launched its annual HSE This year’s winner of Category A, which was open to all entrants, Calendar Competition. The theme of this year’s competition was was Neil Ivan M Mabansag, Qatar, and his artwork will appear as slightly different to previous years. Kentz employees, their children, the cover of the 2010 calendar pictured below. Neil will receive the nieces, nephews and grandchildren were invited to share what it winner’s prize of US $500 and a winners t-shirt. means to them to be safe, healthy and environmentally aware The winners of Categories B, C, D & E (pictured to the right with within their own homes. Health and Safety is a core value in Kentz. their artwork) will receive US $200 and a winner’s t-shirt. Runners- However, the workplace is not the only place in which Health and up of each of these categories will also receive a competition Safety plays an important role. Off the job HSE vigilance is also a t-shirt. Congratulations to all winners and runners-up. Keep an eye critical element of Kentz HSE culture. out for the 2010 HSE calendar which was distributed to all offices Within our own homes, careless habits, simple ignorance or just in December. not thinking can lead to accidents or illness. It is vitally important Winners to be aware of what the hazards are and how we can avoid them, plan for them and live safely, healthily and environmentally aware Category A (Front Cover Winner): Neil Ivan M Mabansag Qatar Category B: Age 6 & Under Connor Aba Age 6 Isabella Keogh Age 5 Skye Manning Age 6 Australia South Africa South Africa Category C: Age 7 to 11 Sinead Kinane Age 10 Nuttawud Nutchanant Age 11 Philip Lyons Age 11 Ireland Saudi Arabia Ireland Category D: Age 12 to 16 Ryan Aba Age 12 Kate Hurley Age 12 Analee Ali Age 16 Australia South Africa Trinidad Category E: Employees Prasad Kumar Periya Jimmy Q Manarang Sherizan Carissa Mohammed Qatar Saudi Arabia Trinidad within our homes. The HSE department received many entries from across the globe with many different views and messages of Health and Safety in the home. Some were general messages and others were more specific, but one common element was the high quality of the artwork across all age groups. It was not an easy task to choose winners from each category and a “big thank” you goes to all of those who took the time and effort to take part in the competition. L-R: Bill Nucom (Country HSE Manager, Qatar); Neil Ivan M Mabansag, Qatar (Competition Winner); James Cassin (Group QA/HSE Manager) Cover Winner Neil Ivan M Mabansag, Qatar 17 Category B: Age 6 & Under Connor Aba Age 6 Australia Isabella Keogh Age 5 South Africa Skye Manning Age 6 South Africa Nuttawud Nutchanant Age 11 Saudi Arabia Philip Lyons Age 11 Ireland Kate Hurley Age 12 South Africa Analee Ali Age 16 Trinidad Jimmy Q Manarang Saudi Sherizan Carissa Mohammed Trinidad Category C: Age 7 to 11 Sinead Kinane Age 10 Ireland Category D: Age 12 to 16 Ryan Aba Age 12 Australia Category E: Employees Prasad Kumar Periya Qatar Runners-up Category B – Age 6 & Under Davina Howard, Age 6, Saudi Arabia Amy Barker, Age 6, South Africa Category C – Age 7 to 11 Jonah Eapen, Age 11, Saudi Arabia Niamh Connolly, Age 10, Qatar Prajwal Bheemguli, Age 10, Saudi Arabia Oveya Selvi Sadagopan, Age 7, Kuwait Siddhartan Selvarangan, Age 11, Kuwait Category D – Age 12 to 16 RJ John E de la Torre, Age 14, Saudi Arabia Katríona Lyons, Age 14, Ireland Mark Gopaul, Age 14, Trinidad Kabilan Selvarangan, Age 14, Kuwait Category E – Employees Rajagopalan Arumugam Narayanan, Qatar Maloji Bhoasle, Abu Dhabi Reuben Rebello, Abu Dhabi Celesté van den Berg, South Africa Jacqui Willemse, South Africa 18 SOUTH AFRICA sasol award Kentz Maintenance & Shutdown Division, South Africa, recently received the Luminous Award from Sasol Synfuels for Service Provider of the Year 2009. Kentz was selected from over 2,000 service providers and received this prestigious trophy at the Annual Awards Gala Dinner in Secunda in October 2009. L-R: Carlo Marengo, Business Unit Manager, Maintenance & Shutdowns, Africa; Flip de Wet (MD Sasol Synfuels), Jason English, Senior Site Manager, Sasol, Secunda; Oliver Naidu (MD Sasol Shared Services); Keith Barry, Regional Development/Country Director; Terry Henebrey, Business Unit Manager, Technical Support Services (Maintenance & Shutdowns), Africa Numerous criteria was analysed to select the winner, including the following: ■ Safety record ■ Down time due to mistakes ■ Number of jobs completed on schedule ■ Commercial and cost criteria ■ Support given to plant ■ Client relationships ■ Participation in corporate social responsibility All this was measured and rated in conjunction with the end users on the plant, the supplier relationship management team and the shared services business department of Sasol. Congratulations to Jason English and all members of the Maintenance & Shutdown Team who have contributed to its ongoing success in Secunda. ABU DHABI 8 million man-hours later From March 2006 to August 2008, the Kentz employees on the OGD III Project in Abu Dhabi completed 8 million man-hours without a Lost Time Injury. This is the single largest number of man-hours spent by Kentz on a project. Achieving this target of 8 million hours is down to constant communication between management and the workforce to ensure all HSE requirements are followed and implemented on a daily basis. The project was under the guidance of Steve Warlow, recipient of the 2008 CEO Safety Leadership, from July 2008, and has completed almost 3 million of the man-hours since he took over the project. In the photo you can see some of the Kentz employees who started on the project in 2006 with Steve, and other members of the management team. Back row (L-R): Andy McDonald, Quality Control Manager; Sharif Miah Mokter Ali, Electrician; Ceasar Thomas, Superintendent; Sundar Singh, Senior Quality Control Engineer; Vicente Andrada, E&I Foreman; Patrick Loftus, Telecommunications Manager; Herminio Francisco, Quantity Surveyor; Stephen Warlow, Project Manager Front row (L-R): Javed Iqbal, Electrician; Gerry Jovelar, Planning Engineer; Renante Maramot, Quantity Surveyor; Jayaprakash Narayanan, Supervisor Congratulations to Steve, the previous and the current Kentz workforce on the project who all contributed to making this a safe and successful project. 19 SAUDI ARABIA chevron construction In April 2009 Kentz was awarded a contract for the electrical and instrumentation (E&I) construction work on the utilities and offsites of the Saudi Polymers Project in Saudi Arabia. The project, which is worth approximately of US $9m, was awarded to Kentz by the New Chevron Project (NCP). Kentz scope of work consists of the installation, termination and testing of 18 230kv 630mm cables, medium voltage and control cables; assembly and pre-commissioning of four prefabricated unit substation c/w GIS switchgear; MCC, procurement, installation and pre-commissioning of the utilities and offsites lighting and small power; and lastly the installation, termination and testing of the plant fibre optic cable system. In May 2009, Patrick Fitzgerald, Project Manager, and his project team mobilised on site to coincide with the arrival of the first delivery of the 98MVA transformers and the prefabricated north main substation. The remaining sub stations were delivered mid-November 2009, with a target completion date for construction at the North Main Substation being set for mid-February 2010. The overall project is expected to be completed by July 2010. Kentz NCP Project Team IRELAND kentz’s rising star Kentz Group is delighted that Brian Kelly, Country Manager for Kentz Australia, was recently shortlisted for the Chartered Engineer of the Year Award in Ireland. Brian, who is originally from Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, was one of six finalists shortlisted from a long list of 15, who were in turn chosen from over 450 applicants. To be one of the six finalists is considered to be an outstanding achievement within the engineering profession. All finalists have graduated within the last 10 years and have been involved in significant projects with high levels of responsibility. Brian completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) in University College Dublin in 2000. He then joined ESB International where he worked in the power industry until 2005, executing projects in Ireland, the Basque areas of Spain and Syria. He also completed a diploma in Project Management at Trinity College Dublin. Brian joined Kentz in 2005. He has worked as a Project Engineer on several high profile projects in the Middle East. In January 2007, he undertook the Construction MBA at the University of Manchester and he is now undertaking his dissertation. Brian is also a Chartered Engineer with the Institute of Engineers of Ireland. He was recently appointed as Country Manager for Kentz Australia. To be in contention, finalists must make a series of submissions and attend an interview. Brian performed particularly well in the initial professional interview and was commended on his engineering practice report and essays. This initial performance review was conducted by a panel of Chartered Engineers with extensive experience in the field. Candidates are then shortlisted by the adjudication panel who are all members of the Board of Examiners and Fellows of Engineers Ireland and who have made significant achievements and contributions to engineering, both in Ireland and abroad. Each finalist presented their showcase project on 11th November 2009 at a ceremony in Engineers Ireland, Clyde Road, Dublin. Brian presented on Petrochemical Tank farms in Saudi Arabia. The overall prize was awarded to Michael Quilligan, a lecturer at the Faculty of Science & Engineering at the University of Limerick. Kentz is very proud of Brian’s accomplishment in reaching the final and wishes him every future success with his studies and his career with Kentz. 20 SOUTH AFRICA new contract with rbm Kentz in South Africa is contractors at any one time. RBM has a positive impact on the delighted to announce that it quality of life of thousands of families in the communities in which has won a 210 million Rand it works. Since its inception in 1976, RBM has implemented a (US $26.25m) contract in sound environmental rehabilitation programme to restore the South Africa with Richards mined dunes back to their natural state after mining. The flora Bay Minerals (RBM). and fauna in the rehabilitating forests are constantly monitored The scope of work includes the supply and fabrication of field. RBM focuses on strong HSE values. the structural steelwork and This contract award follows the successful completion of work piping, as the on both the QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) Project for Rio erection, and Tinto and the Moma Mineral Sands Project in Mozambique for electrical and instrumentation Kenmare Resources. Thanks must go to both Adrian Leahy and installation Bouke Kooiker who successfully led the bidding effort for Kentz as mechanical well for the tails in a most professional manner. Well done to the team who treatment plant project. The Kentz project team is in the Support structure for cone settlers at RBM Project and recorded by scientists who are respected experts in their process of being integrated into the RBM project team since September 2009 to provide assistance during the pre-planning and preparation phase. Construction has already started with supported Adrian and all who contributed to this success, including Russel Gabriel, Trish Judson, Jackie Fleming, Lize Buckle, Bouke Kooiker, Mike Davies, Ian MacLachlan, Dave Bernardi, Dave McKenzie, Sixtus Buthelezi, Leon Jacobsz, Keith Litten, Gerry Gleeson, Chris Dumas, Wouter Cronje, Jeeten Inder Gagai, Les Harper, Elvis Pillay, Hayley Barker, Hugh Wood. 360 tons of steel erected, and the mechanical completion date Keith Barry, Southern African Regional is scheduled for August 2010. Development Director, commented: “This is Richards Bay Minerals (RBM) is a leading mineral sands producer situated north of Richards Bay in Zululand, KwaZuluNatal, South Africa. Shareholding in the company is split equally between two of the world’s largest diversified mining companies, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton. RBM’s core business is extracting heavy minerals from the dune sands, with beneficiation to produce rutile, zircon, titania slag and high purity pig iron. The company employs 1,700 permanent staff and up to 1,000 yet another great contract award for Kentz in South Africa, where the team has built an enviable position in the mineral sands mining sector through consistently delivering for our core clients. We are delighted to be working with Richards Bay Minerals on what promises to be another exciting project.” Keith Barry IRELAND clonmel mayor honours kentz Kentz was recently accorded one of the highest honours of its home town of Clonmel, Cllr. Denis Dunne, Mayor of Clonmel, presents Hugh O’Donnell with a Tipperary Crystal Bowl in honour of Kentz’s 90-year anniversary of its special anniversary. Cllr. Dunne paid tribute to the Company for its huge success Co. Tipperary, Ireland, in September 2009. world-wide. He especially mentioned the Mayor of Clonmel Cllr. Denis Dunne hosted a number of countries in which Kentz operates Mayoral reception at the Town Hall to mark and its vast number of employees. He also Kentz’s 90 th anniversary. The occasion was attended by many local council members as well as close to 50 Kentz staff who had attended the Group Development Forum in Clonmel earlier that week. Each of the council members spoke about Kentz and the positive impact it was having on Clonmel. The Mayor presented Hugh O’Donnell, Kentz CEO, with a Tipperary Crystal Bowl in honour complimented the number of major contracts awarded to Kentz in recent months. Hugh O’Donnell, Kentz CEO, commented: “It was a great tribute for the Kentz Group to be honoured by Mayoral Reception in Clonmel. Kentz opened its first office in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, 90 years ago and we are very proud of our home town.” 21 TRINIDAD safety success yet again! Kentz-OJ’s Conduit Installation The Crew currently working on the Bechtel, Petrotrin’s agent for the Water Treating Facilities (WTF) WTF & CCR E&I Works, has and established a monthly safety Continuous Catalytic HSE Department programme at Reforming (CCR) E&I Works was reward for all awarded the “Crew of the contractors working on the Month” for the month of May project. Each month one crew 2009. They were each presented is selected as “Crew of the with back-packs, first-aid kits, Month” for its outstanding beach mats and air compressors contribution to safety in the at the award function. work environment by Bechtel’s HSE Department. The criteria In March 2009, Kentz-OJ’s was for selection is that the crew awarded and must have had no incidents/ Instrumentation (E&I) contract for accidents or near-misses for the the Electrical the WTF and Steam Generation Facilities, Substation, WTF WTF Electrical L-R: Adesh Sumrah, Ronald Lall, Andrew Chattergoon, David Mohammed, Anand Basdeo and Raj Bhajan (Bechtel Project Co-ordinator) Satellite month in which they are nominated and must have demonstrated adherence to all safe practices. Building, and CCR Unit tie-ins at the Petrotrin Refinery Gasoline Optimisation Programme (GOP), Pointe-a-Pierre, Trinidad. This award is one of the many achieved by Kentz-OJ’s that has contributed to the high calibre of safety standards developed and maintained in Trinidad. SOUTH AFRICA prestigious thebe award winners Kentz in South Africa is proud to liberate South Africa’s people have recently been awarded Thebe’s through economic empowerment, a Group Excellence Award. This dream that continues to be fulfilled Company Associates’ Award is by providing individuals with financial designed to recognise a Thebe security through accessibility to Associate Company that has a affordable products that enhance synergistic relationship with Thebe their quality of life. Thebe invests in Investment Corporation and its and actively manages businesses subsidiaries. This is in the form of delivering innovative and relevant positive contribution to Thebe’s products and services, thus enabling financial performance, successful them to contribute to the commercial collaboration with Thebe improvement of South African and subsidiaries, participation in initiatives and programmes led by Dany de Barros, Regional Financial Director, South Africa pictured with Vusi Khanyile, Thebe Chairman Thebe, and leading in the industry in Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) and transformation. people. Kentz has based its B-BEEE strategy on the Department of Trade & Industry guidelines. Thebe defines empowerment beyond the concept of B-BBEE, Established in 1992 by Batho Batho Trust, Thebe Investment and believes empowerment to be “a process of giving people and Corporation is Kentz South Africa’s Broad-Based Black Economic organisations the opportunity to increase their ability to use Empowerment (B-BEEE) partner. Thebe acquired a 25% (plus 2 opportunities, resources and their minds boldly and independently shares) stake in the Kentz South African business to improve their situation in a dynamic and competitive world; and in 2006. to do so without hindrance caused by previous discrimination and B-BEEE aims at substantially increasing black participation at all levels in the economy. Thebe is the realisation of a dream to denial of opportunities, resources and human dignity.” Congratulations and well done to all involved. 22 IRELAND it’s a goal! On Friday 9th October 2009, the employees of the Kentz Clonmel office arrived to work wearing their favourite jerseys, in order to support GOAL’s fundraising event “GOAL Jersey Day”. This event takes place in Ireland every year, when staff and students of companies, schools and colleges around Ireland don the colours of their favourite teams and make a donation to GOAL. GOAL is an international humanitarian organisation that is in operation since 1977. GOAL ensures that the poorest of the poor, the most vulnerable in the world and those affected by humanitarian crises have access to the fundamental needs and rights of life: food, water, shelter, medical attention and primary education. The proceeds from this year’s Jersey Day will go towards GOAL’s many humanitarian and life-saving projects which have been providing aid to the poorest of the poor in the developing world for the last 32 years. Kentz Clonmel staff pictured in their jerseys GOAL has extended its sincere thanks to Kentz Clonmel staff for their generous donations. a long way from tipperary From its relatively humble beginnings in Ireland, Kentz has developed into a large, public company with over 10,000 employees world-wide. Despite its Donegal massive NORTHERN IRELAND (U.K.) Lough Neagh growth in operations to over Lower Lough Erne Donegal Bay 26 countries, Kentz is very Leitrim Upper Lough Erne Monaghan Sligo proud of its Irish heritage and Lough Allen Lough Conn Cavan Mayo still benefits from having over 50 staff based at Many of the Kentz senior management team are Irish and Meath Longford its Louth Lough Sheelin Roscommon Lough Mask Lough Ree maintain strong links with the region despite working in very Westmeath Lough Corrib corporate office in Clonmel, Dublin Galway Offaly Kildare South Tipperary. Lough Derg Laois Wicklow Clare South Tipperary, which has a Tipperary boasts great transport links and a young, talented and Kilkenny Tipperary Limerick population of just over 83,000, Carlow Kerry different parts of the world. Inherently Irish values of modesty and humour have been instrumental in developing trust and relationships particularly when entering new markets. During this Caher Clonmel particularly turbulent time in the global economy, it is more Waterford important than ever for companies to have strong foundations Wexford Cork from which to take advantage of opportunities across Europe South Tipperary and the world. educated workforce. This South Tipperary has a strong, diversified business community combined with a pro-business and tax environment and a and offers leading International companies a prime location from collaborative approach to the furtherance of industry makes the which to manufacture and distribute their products and services. region attractive to a number of international businesses Companies wthat want guidance on setting up operations in the including; C&C Group, the maker of Magners cider, the region can get more information from the South Tipperary pharmaceutical giant Boston Scientific and the world-renowned County Development Board. Coolmore Stud. 23 GROUP the joy of giving As the season of goodwill approached in November and December 2009, Kentz employees across the globe embraced the joy of giving by donating toys for children in need. Brisbane Office Australia The employees of Thiess Kentz in Australia sponsored Operation Christmas Child. Operation Christmas Child (OCC) is a unique project of Samaritan’s Purse that brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world. Last year, over 300,000 gift-filled shoe boxes were collected by teams in Australia and New Zealand and were delivered to South East Asia and the South Pacific. Globally, Samaritan’s Purse distributed an estimated 7.6 million shoe boxes to children in 105 countries. Thiess Kentz staff at the Brisbane office with their donation Perth Office Yandi Crew from Rapid Growth Project 5 Thiess Kentz staff at the Perth office pictured with their donation Ireland Kentz employees in Ireland from the Clonmel office, the Aviva Stadium site and the Ardkeen Hospital site continued their support of the Secret Santa Project in association with the St Vincent de Paul, Ozanam House Youth Group, in Dublin. Each employee chose a boy or girl from a list of children’s names and bought them a suitable gift. The Society of St Vincent de Paul is a voluntary organisation in Ireland working directly with people in need through an actionoriented programme, attempting to effect positive change through social justice. Their work primarily involves person-to-person contact. However, they are also involved in key social services, coordinating various community programmes and projects, believing that access to employment opportunities, education and health services are key determinants of social wellbeing. The Ozanam House Youth Group operates out of the Ozanam House Community Resource Centre and consists of 50 children from the Northeast Inner City Dublin aged between 6 and 12 years of age. The Resource Centre, in the North Inner City, has been used by the Society of St Vincent de Paul for a variety of purposes over the past 80 years. It is a five-storey building and includes a basement area incorporating a crèche and gymnasium, a One lucky girl receives her gift The children performing “Cinderella” show community hall, a computer centre, an arts & crafts and catering centre, and several meeting and training rooms and offices. There was much excitement in December when Santa Claus visited the Ozanam Youth Group children with a sack full of toys courtesy of the Kentz employees. On the evening of Santa’s visit the children helped prepare a meal for their parents, which they had learned to cook throughout the year. They also made Christmas decorations and decorated the room. The guitar group played some songs and then the children performed “Cinderella” before receiving their presents from Santa which they were delighted with! Tony Rock, Manager of Ozanam House Resource Centre, extended his thanks to all the staff at Kentz for their kind donations and gifts for the children. continued on page 24 24 GROUP the joy of giving (continued from page 23) South Africa About 1,500 motorcycles arrived to show their support for the cause. The local motorway was closed for the event to allow the 3kmmotorcycle procession travel from the Motorcycle Club to the Pick ‘n Pay Supermarket. Kentz in South Africa recently supported the annual Toy Run of the Centurion Motorcycle Club which took place on Sunday 21st November 2009, in Vanderbijlpark, South Africa. The Toy Run was in aid of underprivileged children and the purpose of the event was to obtain donations of toys for children who don’t have any. Kentz showed its support by donating toys to this worthy cause. The motorcyclists enjoyed the day with friends and family under the shade of our Kentz gazebo! Toys loaded up and ready to go GROUP people on the move There have been a number of personnel additions and changes within the Kentz Group. Brian Kelly Brian was recently appointed Country Manager for Australia. As the development groups’ senior representative within the country, Brian will be directing, with the support of group business development, all the business development activities which include BD strategy, marketing and sales within the Australasian region to ensure the regional business objectives and plans are met. Brian completed a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) degree in University College Dublin in 2000. He also completed a diploma in Project Management at Trinity College Dublin. In 2005, he joined Kentz in Qatar and worked initially as a Project Engineer on Qatar Gas II Project and then as a Project Manager on the Temporary Site Facilities. In February 2006, he made the short trip to Saudi Arabia where he worked on the bid and the full Sipchem Port Facilities Project until August 2009. He held a number of positions there from Project Engineer to Project Manager. In January 2007, he undertook the Construction MBA with the University of Manchester and now he is undertaking his dissertation. Brian is also a Chartered Engineer with the Institute of Engineers of Ireland. Bryan Jones Bryan Jones rejoined Kentz in September 2009 as the Pacific Regional Manager Specialist EPC Business Unit working out of the Perth Australia office. Bryan previously managed the Kentz office in Qatar from 2000 to end 2005. He then moved to Indonesia to work with Thiess as the Regional Manager for their process business and worked on various EPC projects involving a gas processing plant and a geothermal power plant. In 2008 Bryan moved to Bratislava in Central Europe and was involved in management of an EPC project for the revamp of 3 Ethylene furnaces in the local refinery and the completion of engineering for a US $700m utilities plant in Kazakhstan. Bahrain Shreedevi Sundar Shreedevi joined Kentz Middle East (Bahrain Office) as an Executive Secretary in May 2009. She has been living in Bahrain for 12 years and had previously worked in Ernst & Young for 4 years. Shreedevi graduated from Pune University in India with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting. In addition, Shreedevi holds a diploma in Computer Programming. South Africa Keith Barry Keith Barry has been appointed to take over the role of Southern African Regional Development Director. Keith first joined the Kentz Group in 1996. He is a member of the Board of Management and brings with him a wealth and depth of international experience, in particular from within business development. His experience and knowledge to date covers assignments in Asia, the Middle East and the Caspian region. In his new role, Keith will have full responsibility and accountability for the marketing and sales function within the region. He will lead the development of the regional annual budget process each year and direct all the business development activities which include marketing, sales and client liaison within the territory to ensure the regional business objectives and plan are achieved. Keith will also assume the role of Country Director and take responsibility and accountability for the functions associated with this role. Keith is a qualified Electrical Engineer, is a Fellow of the International Management Association and passed his Masters of Business Administration degree with distinction. Tammy Johnson Tammy joined Kentz, South Africa in November 2009 as a Human Resources Administration Assistant in the Midrand Office. Prior to joining Kentz she worked for Thynk Finance as an Internal Accounts Executive. She also held the position of Personal Assistant to the Managing Director of Advanced Voice Systems, a telecommunications company. Deborah-Lee Marr Deborah-Lee joined Kentz South Africa in November 2009 as Personal Assistant to Joseph Keogh, Construction Business Unit Manager, Africa. Prior to joining Kentz, Deborah-Lee was a Forensic Investigator for Insight Surveys, investigating medical aid fraud committed by doctors and members. Russia Alun Rees Alun was appointed to the position of Business Unit Manager for Technical Support Services (TSS), Russia, in September 2009. Alun is now responsible for TSS work that is undertaken in Sakhalin, Russia. He first joined the Kentz Group in 1993 as Engineer in South Africa. Alun has worked as Project Manager on the ENL Odoptu Project since 2008. Designed and Produced by ABDA • Australia
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