June 2015 - Appleton Area Health Services


June 2015 - Appleton Area Health Services
Appleton Area
Health Services
What ’s
From the Administrator & CEO
Employee Spotlight 2
Five­Star Rating
Apple Ridge Estates 3
Pharmacy Update
Billing Questions
Apple Seeds
General Info.
Outreach Feature
Golf Tournament
Board of
Colleen M Tosel
Jill Swenson
Chad Syltie
Dion Sherod
Jeff Gades
Healthcare is an ever changing service; therefore
we must improve and update our facility on a
continual basis. I have been with Appleton Area
Health Services close to three years now and
have seen many improvements including; a
strong provider group, many new facility updates,
and increases in resident and patient satisfaction
With the increase in an older population we will
see a bigger issue for staffing and providing qual­
ity care. By maintaining our 5­star nursing home
rating, obtaining grants and evolving our services
we will be able to meet the demands of the aging
population in the years to come.
As we look toward the future of AAHS I would like
to see a Dialysis Clinic, Assisted Living Center, ex­
tended outreach services, and stronger relation­
ships with healthcare services around us to
ensure our sustainability and to continue to pro­
vide quality healthcare in our community.
Obtaining grants has been a vital tool in updating
our equipment and implementing technological
Volume 1, Edition 1
June 2015
The USDA grant provided us with a second poly­
com unit in our ER, which allows us access to
Avera emergency medicine doctors 24­7. The
small rural capital grant funded a hematology
machine, chemistry analyzer, digital radiology
suite, and a portable radiology unit. This is State
of the Art Laboratory equipment and enables us
to do more lab testing in house. The radiology
equipment uses less radiation and gives quicker
results to our providers.
The Leona Helmsley grant made it possible for us
to purchase a medication dispensing machine
(Omnicel), and add 24 hour ePharmacy services.
The MN IT grant was awarded for the purchase
of new tablets and COWs (computers on wheels).
The SHIP Grant will allow us to purchase ICD­10
software training for medical records. This new
system streamlines the process by which health
care providers submit medical claims.
Jeff Cook is Administrator/CEO
at Appleton Area Health Services.
Contact him at 320.289.8508
or jcook@appletonareahealth.org
we’re here for you
Catching up with Dr. Chakravorty
Doctor Utpal Chakravorty has been with AAHS for
just over a year now. He has brought a vast
amount of knowledge and experience to the
team. Dr. Chakravorty graduated from the
Gauhati University in India in 1972. Following his
graduation, his family moved to England where
he practiced internal medicine and geriatric med­
icine for over 12 years. The Chakravortys then
moved to Saudi Arabia where he practiced med­
icine for four years before moving back to Eng­
land for another year. Moving to Minneapolis, Dr.
Chakravorty took his board exams for a medical
license in the United States, and started his resi­
dency at the University of North Dakota Family
Practice in Fargo, North Dakota, in family medi­
cine. Following his residency he joined St. Francis
Healthcare Campus in Wahpeton, ND/Brecken­
ridge, MN for five years. He then joined the ur­
gent care/walk­in care department at Essentia
Health in Fargo.
Appleton Area Health Services has been more
than pleased to have him on the team since
March, 2014. When asked about his first year at
AAHS Dr. Chakravorty replied without hesitation,
“It has gone too fast!” He continued to describe
his year, “The biggest thing is to get to know and
work with everyone.” Patients that come to AAHS
tend to have multiple problems. It is important
for a provider to get to know them and their
background. Dr. Chakravorty shared, “People
here are very independent and have higher ex­
pectations for healthcare. I see 90 year old pa­
tients who request a plan to live independently.
The seniors want to be active and live longer,
healthier lives. They have a high level of compli­
ance with their follow­up plans and are disci­
plined and timely. Even when road conditions
and weather is bad they don’t miss appoint­
ments. You do not see this everywhere. This gives
me positive encouragement to help these peo­
ple.” Dr. Chakravorty enjoys working with the
staff members here from all departments. “We
are a close knit group who works together toward
the common goal of helping people. “
JUNE 2015
Along with the entire
group at AAHS, Dr. Chakra­
vorty is excited to have Dr.
Bajwa on board beginning
July of 2015. Dr. Chakra­
vorty will help Dr. Bajwa
get settled in and give him
support as a colleague.
“Dr. Bajwa will bring a lot
to our team, his youth and
rural track training will be
very fitting for the commu­
nity. I believe he will bring
new ideas and an ener­
getic approach to helping.”
Dr. Utpal Chakravorty practices
Family Medicine at Appleton Area
Health Services. To make an
appointment call 320­289­1580.
Sandra Fenske
was welcomed to the AAHS team
in April, 2015. She brings 24 years
of healthcare experience to
AAHS! Sandra has worked as a
CNA, TMA, Nursing Admin Assis­
tant, and most recently as a Di­
etary Manager for the last 7
years. She enjoys the home like
atmosphere here and is excited
to continue to improve services
as needed.
Sandra relocated to the area with her husband of 35 years,
Todd Fenske, who accepted a management position with
West­Con. One of her favorite quotes is, “bloom where you
are planted,” she added, “I try to be a blossom, not a weed!”
When not at work, Sandra enjoys spending time with her hus­
band, 4 children, and 6 grandchildren.
Dr. Bajwa – Coming to
AAHS July 20th!
Special Highlight in our December NEWSletter!
Five-Star Rating for Care Center
Appleton Area Health Services Care Center has once again
received Five­Star rating from the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS). In addition, results from a recent
survey of the residents placed AAHS above the state average.
Residents stated they are comfortable, experience dignity,
enjoy the food provided, and have individuality and security.
“We are very proud of our quality ratings, both in the Five­
Star and Resident Satisfaction results for our care center,” said
AAHS Care Center Director of Nursing Marti Croatt. “Our ded­
icated, hardworking, wonderful staff deserves recognition
and respect for providing such high quality care to our cus­
tomers. It does not take a minute longer, or cost a penny
more, to care for people with compassion, respect and dig­
nity. Thank you to all of our residents, families, and the com­
munity of Appleton for their support through the years.”
Have you seen our new look?
The Care Center has undergone some changes over the last
year! New flooring, furniture, tables, and fresh paint have
helped liven up the residents social areas. The dining hall has
been furnished with all new tables and chairs. The tables are
adjustable to suit resi­
dent needs and the
chairs are larger for
more comfortable seat­
ing. Resident rooms are
also being remodeled as
time allows.
Home is here at Apple Ridge Estates
An Independent Senior Living facility
At Apple Ridge Estates, Appleton Area
Health Services’ Independent Senior Liv­
ing Apartments, the senior population
can enjoy an independent, active
lifestyle. The facility provides a spacious
commons area, full access to the chapel,
formal dining room, guest room, exercise
room, laundry room, fireside lounge & li­
brary. You will find specially trained staff
ready to help motivate and encourage
the continued independent lifestyle you
or your family member is used to.
Monthly Rent Includes:
• Your choice of a beautiful one or two
bedroom apartment
• Noon meal served each day in the
dining room
• All utilities except telephone
• Air conditioning
• Weekly housekeeping services
• Use of the emergency call system
Plus many other services available!
Contact Cindy Maras at 320.289.8513
for more information.
Let us bring the
care to you!
The AAHS Home Care staff currently visits
42 clients within a 20 mile radius of Ap­
pleton. These clients range in age from
41 to 96 years. Helping our Home Care
clients stay independent, happy and safe
in their homes is our goal.
“I like all of the activities and time to
socialize that Apple Ridge Estates
offers. My family feels at ease knowing
that help is just down the hall if needed.
I also enjoy the flexibility of living
independently.” —Anonymous Resident.
Please call the Home Care office at 320­
289­8513 if you would like more informa­
tion on how AAHS Home Care can assist
you or a family member.
Services Available:
• personal care services
• homemaking
• IV therapy
• dressing changes
• medication assistance
• toenail care
JUNE 2015
Pharmacy Update
Exciting changes have
been made at AAHS with
the new pharmacy open­
ing its door in June of
2014. When the new phar­
macy was being set up Eric
Mathiowetz, a doctor of
pharmacy graduate of
South Dakota State Univer­
sity, joined the team.
AAHS’ new pharmacy is
larger. The walls are lined
with color­coded bins to
house each drug sepa­
rately. In addition, to help
Eric Mathiowetz
reduce any chance of error
all medication units now ordered are pre­packaged and unit­
Two further additions to the pharmacy have been added. The
first is an Omnicell – automatic medication dispensing machine.
Eric described this as, “a vending machine for medications filled
by the pharmacist.” The Omnicell offers a safe way to access
medication 24­7. The second is ePharmacy services from Avera
McKennan. ePharmacy allows AAHS around­the­clock access to
a pharmacist in Sioux Falls. They are able to verify orders sent
by doctors or nurses from AAHS, rendering accurate medication
administration and improved safety. The prescriptions can be
approved through the computer system and be dispensed by
Medications can now also be mixed through the new hood
room. In a small air­controlled room houses a sealed glass box
with heavy­duty gloves fitted for access to the interior. This box,
or hood, provides the pharmacist a sterile environment to mix
I.V. drugs. A second hood has been installed to provide
chemotherapy treatments, which are now ready and available.
Pam Wilkening, Lisa Holtz, Janette Frank, and Betty Boese
Billing Questions?
We know that medical bills can be confusing. We are here to
help! If you have a question on your bill, your explanation of
benefits from your insurance carrier, or you would like to in­
quire about a payment plan or one of our other financial aid
programs, please contact us. The business office is open to
serve you and answer your questions Monday – Friday, 8:00
a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
For billing or insurance questions please call Betty (320) 289­
8518 or Janette (320) 289­8523. For payment plan or financial
aid program questions please call Pam at (320) 289­8519.
We appreciate your selection of our office to meet your health
service needs. We are committed to do the very best we can
to provide you the very best of care. Our staff – receptionists,
nurses, clerical, and technical – work as a team. We take great
pride in our training, abilities, and dedication and we are here
for you. Thank you for choosing AAHS!
Appleton Area Health Services is committed to providing high quality
health care services in a personalized, compassionate manner,
in an environment which enhances human worth.
JUNE 2015
Apple Seed Donations
Jan 2015 – May 2015
The Appleton Area Health Services’ Foundation is a 501 (c) 3,
non­profit, community driven charity that provides fundraising
support to Appleton Area Health Services.
Dialysis & Open Donation
Thank you David and Kathy Held; Theresa and Kevin Bachmeier;
Marlys Mahoney; Brenda Gorseth; Richard Massey; Betty
Burgess; Claudia Brustuen; Roger Stotts; Deanna Lundquist; The
Trinity Ladies LWML; Jonette Brogaard; Sarah Disinger; Grace
Lutheran Ladies AID; Sandra Tatge; Kermit and Marion
Ehrenberg; Randy Risch and Violet Risch; and the Appleton
Ladies Marathon Bridge.
To the Piano Fund in
Memory of David Klages
Elouise Klages, The Eden Valley Homemakers, Ruth Anderson,
Heidi Schuelke, Lynette Wellendorf, Deanna Kaiser, Harry
Culbreth, Jennifer Kunzweiler, Marilyn Hanson, Julie Danielson,
Darlene Mikkelson, Shirley Kindt, Jodi May, Cindy Brustuen,
Janice Eifealdt, ICAP Sunshine Fund, Barb Wiese, Susan
Stensrud, Vivian Janssen, Vadnae Kottke, Barbara Johnson,
Callas Hanson Construction Inc., Thordys Blume, Jackie and
Larry Thielman, James and Jennifer Tedesco, and Kristen Klages.
There has been a new Yamaha Piano purchased and is in the
Care Center, residents truly enjoy it.
A ple
In Memory & Honor of
Many donations have been made toward dialysis funding
in memory of and in honor of deceased loved ones.
VLois Lagrange by Brenda Gorseth; VTrudy Flower by Betty
Burgess; VCarl Ehrenberg by Claudia Brustuen; VHazel Kalmoe
by Craig Wilkening; VCarl Ehrenberg by Victor and Jeannine
Arnold; VJohn Kveene by Marlys Mahoney, VJohn Holland by
Craig Wilkening; VGoldie Schmidt by Marlene Boraas, Elaine
Rau, Barbara Konieczny, and Sherry Hastings; VJerry Giese by
Patricia Arnold; VMarvis Moe by Marjorie Norby and E.
Moseng; VCarol Trost by Jeannine Arnold; VBonnie Weiler by
Marlys Mahoney; VBodo Steinke by Elizabeth Mathison and
Ruth Anderson; VJohn Vaala by Margaret Gronholz, Craig
Wilkening, Ruth Anderson and Jeannine Arnold; VBarb Rutland
by Mr. and Mrs. Schirm and Craig Wilkening. And In Honor of
Paul Mahoney by Marlys Mahoney and Brenda Gorseth.
Gala Sponsors
G&R Controls, Shooter’s Bar & Grill, R&R Outdoors, Lewis Family
Drug, ACIRA, Prairie Sun Bank, Culligan of Appleton, KLQP Radio,
Farmers & Merchants State Bank, Vaaler Insurance, Appleton
Building Center, Transmed, Inc., Appleton Power Equipment,
Madison Bottling Company, The Appleton Press, Odden and
Zimbelman, Del Dee Foods, Next, Inc., SFM Mutual Insurance,
Subway, Aschemans Uni­Mart, Spicer Castle, Holiday Inn Express
Watertown, Otter Tail Power Company and all individuals who
supported the event.
For More Information on giving Contact:
Jessica Wollschlager
30 South Behl Street, Appleton, MN 56208
320.289.8510 or email jwollschlager@appletonareahealth.org
JUNE 2015
Our Providers
We want to keep the community in­
formed of current events and changes
coming in the future at Appleton Area
Health Services.
Jana Lilyerd, ARNP-C
Jana has accepted a new position in
Alexandria. Her last official day with
AAHS is August 6, 2015. We are currently
searching for her replacement and we
hope to have her position filled by Sep­
tember 2015.
Clinic / Hospital / Care Center / Independent Senior Apartments
Appleton Area Health Services is always seeking talented, passionate individuals
throughout our facility. By joining the AAHS team, you’ll be more than an employee;
you’ll be part of something bigger: helping deliver safe, quality healthcare to family
members, neighbors and friends. If this sounds like you, consider joining the team at
AAHS offers competitive wages. Benefits include: excellent retirement plan, health, den­
tal, discount on health care services, scholarship opportunities. Your application will be
evaluated for the skills, education, and experience our positions require. Candidates
selected for interviews will be contacted by Human Resources. We retain applications
and resumes for one year for future consideration. After that time, you would need to
reapply. AAHS is an equal opportunity employer.
Contact Pam Martinson with any questions 320.289.8507.
AAHS will be
October 1, 2015
• • • •
Smoking Cession
& Education Classes
will be available
JUNE 2015
We provide a wide
array of healthcare
services to care for
you and your fam­
ily at AAHS. Our ex­
perienced doctors
and staff provide
expert care your
family needs.
AAHS is a 15­bed
designated critical
access hospital
(CAH). Our facility
offers an array
of medical,
surgical and
health services.
The AAHS’ Clinic
is staffed
by a general
practice provider,
physician’s assis­
tant along with
several nurses and
Apple Ridge Estates, Appleton Area
Health Services’ Independent Senior
Living Apartments consists of 31
spacious apartments designed just
for the independent senior to
enjoy an active lifestyle.
Our 50­bed care
center provides
24­hour quality
nursing care to
Dr. Kabatay
Dr. Kabatay has indicated he would like
to continue to work in the same capacity
with our organization as he currently
does. He plans on seeing all his patients
in the clinic for the foreseeable future.
Dr. Chakravorty
Dr. Chakravorty has indicated that he
would like to continue serving our organ­
ization in his current capacity for the
foreseeable future.
Dr. Bajwa
Dr. Swachetan Bajwa will start July 20
here in Appleton. Dr. Bajwa practices a
full continuum of family medicine care
and will be with us a minimum of three
years. Dr. Bajwa was looking for a rural
practice where he could make a differ­
ence in people’s health care. Dr. Bajwa is
married and has a small child. We look
forward to him joining our practice this
Locum Groups
We utilize locum providers from time to
time to ensure the hospital has twenty­
four hour, seven days a week and three­
hundred sixty­five days a year of
emergency room coverage. Since we
have a limited number of employed
providers we can’t keep them on call
constantly. So to give our providers
breaks and vacation we utilize locums.
Hematology and Oncology
Hematology and Oncology are specialties of medi­
cine that focus on the diagnosis and treatment of
blood diseases and cancer. Dr. Bipin Amin is a Med­
ical Doctor board certified in Medical Oncology,
Hematology, and Internal Medicine that joins us
monthly from Prairie Lakes Cancer Center in Water­
town, South Dakota. Dr. Amin brings with him the
belief of providing both healing and teach­
ing to his patients and their families along
with over 20 years of experience in provid­
ing cancer care. He is joined by four of our
nurses certified by the Oncology Nursing
Society to provide chemotherapy infu­
sions to our community members.
Dr. Bipin Amin
Our oncology nurses are here to make
your visit as comfortable as possible.
To make an appointment for
chemotherapy services call 289­1580.
Pictured left to right: nurses Katie Nelson, Sherrie Lee,
and Toni Cam, and pharmacist Eric Mathiowetz.
General Surgeons
General Surgeons are Medical Doctors specially trained to perform a wide variety of surgical procedures including those that require
minimally invasive techniques. These procedures include but are not limited to:
Colonoscopies l Gastroscopies l Hernia Repairs l Appendectomies l Cholecystectomies l Excisions of Lesions
Dr. Eleazar
joins us from Chippewa
County Montevideo Hospital
in Montevideo, Minnesota.
Dr. Briones is a graduate of
the Medical Foundation and
completed his residency at
the University of Medicine
and Dentistry of New Jersey.
Dr. Eleazar Briones He is prepared to perform a
wide variety of surgeries to
meet the needs of our community. Dr. Briones is available
every other Thursday.
Dr. Michael
and his nurse Penny Hor­
mann join us from Avera
Medical Group in Milbank,
South Dakota. Dr. Bess is a
graduate of the University
of Minnesota Medical
School Minneapolis with a
special study in Rural Physi­
Dr. Michael Bess
cian Associate and com­
pleted his residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester,
Minnesota with a focus in trauma, burns, and medical gas­
troenterology. Throughout his career he has amassed a
large collection of Honors, Accomplishments, and Activities,
including an award for One of America’s Top Surgeons in
2009. Dr. Bess is available every other Tuesday.
JUNE 2015
Appleton Area
Health Services
30 South Behl Street l Appleton, MN 56208
we’re here for you
Mon – Fri l 8am–5pm