the wesley perspective - Wesley United Methodist Church


the wesley perspective - Wesley United Methodist Church
The Season after Pentecost
Volume 15, No 11
Wesley United Methodist Church
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Joe Connelly
544 Government Street
Baton Rouge, LA. 70802
Phone: (225) 343-8421
November 2, 2014
Associate Pastor: Rev. Bernadine Johnson
 Newsletter Editors: Anita H. Hansberry, Bridget McGee, Jacquelyn Watts and Carolyn Branch
“Wesley, a Church in the Heart of the City, with the City at Heart”
Jesus taught the disciples about faith in Matthew
21:18-21. Listen to the text.
Pastor’s Corner
Our Faith Is On Trial……………
I have come to realize that not
much has changed. People of faith have been
targets of certain groups for centuries, and today
the same is happening. All over the world if you
are a person of faith, you already are, will be soon,
and have been attacked because of your faith. For
so many our beliefs and our faith are intertwined,
and inseparable.
Our beliefs are the things that guide us into making
decisions. They help us in correcting our actions
and they aide in aligning our path in life. Our belief
system is based upon our faith and our faith is
undergirded by our beliefs. I know it sounds crazy
and may even be confusing but this how it works.
Faith is an important word in the Bible.
Faith is where the Promises and Work of
God are made real to His redeemed.
A. We are saved by faith.
B. We live by faith.
C. We receive righteousness by faith.
Now in the morning, when He was returning to the
city, He became hungry. Seeing a lone fig tree by
the road, He came to it and found nothing on it
except leaves only; and He said to it, “No longer
shall there ever be any fruit from you.” And at once
the fig tree withered. Seeing this, the disciples were
amazed and asked, “How did the fig tree wither all
at once?” And Jesus answered and said to them,
“Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not
doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig
tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken
up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen.”
God has called His people to have a faith that can
move the mountains in their lives. Those mountains
may involve sickness, finances, raising children,
and etc. One of the greatest examples in the Bible
of faith that moves mountains can be found in the
story of Gideon where with just 300 men he
defeated the Midianites & the Amalekites, a
combined army of over 135,000 men. Gideon
started out with 32,000 men which God cut down to
10,000 and finally a mere 300. Having only 300
men to work with was not Gideon’s only obstacle.
His family was considered the least in his
hometown of Manasseh and he was youngest of
his family. It took a God-sized faith for Gideon to
step out, despite what seemed like overwhelming
circumstances, and allow God to bring about such
a great victory. [Continue on page 2]
November 2, 2014
D. We are justified by faith
E. We have grace by faith.
We stand firm by faith.
G. We receive the promise of the
Spirit by faith.
H. We do God’s work by faith.
We wait for the return of Christ by
“All are welcome at the Lord’s Table”
Pastor’s Corner continued from page 1
Fortunately for Gideon, God did provide him four
signs that helped to build his faith prior to having to
act upon it. The first sign occurred when God called
him to defeat the massive armies of the Midianites
and the Amalakites. Gideon offered a sacrifice and
God consumed it with fire right before his eyes. The
second sign occurred when Gideon put God to the
test, asking that a fleece left overnight on the
ground would be wet with the with dew while the
ground remained dry. The third sign was Gideon
testing God in the same manner but reversing the
process - this time asking that the fleece left
overnight on the ground be dry and the ground be
wet all around it. God was even good enough to
provide a fourth sign, allowing Gideon to eavesdrop
on one of the enemy soldiers dream where he saw
Gideon defeating them. This was the final sign that
pushed Gideon into acting upon his faith. What
happened after that was simply amazing and could
not have occurred had not Gideon and his men
stepped out in faith. They went into battle in which
the odds of man were against them, but the hand of
God was with them. They showed forth their faith
by not wasting time. They met their adversary.
Please visit us on the Internet: Our web address
The office e-mail address is:
Twitter: @wesleyumcbr
THE LOUISIANA NOW, currently a quarterly
magazine that highlights opportunities, witness and
the various ministries for the Louisiana Annual
Conference is now available online at
On the conference homepage, there is a link to
subscribe to the weekly Louisiana Now E-Letter
Note: The UMW Conference President’s newsletter
is published monthly and can be located on the
UMW link under Laity. To access, go to the main
page of the LA Conference. Click on Ministries, and
then click on Laity to access United Methodist
Women, United Methodist Men, or Youth Ministries.
Other web resources:
We too must not look so intently on our
circumstances, or let our situations get the best of
us. If God be for us, then it really does not matter
who or what is against you.
What by faith must you defeat? Don’t be afraid,
Stand up and be victorious. (Mission) (Scholarships) (Discipleship) (News)
Be A Shining Example Of A Person Of Faith.
Pastor Joe
The Church Office must be notified of ALL
Meetings to be held at the church. Cards will be
sent out one week prior to the meeting date, if the
office knows of the meeting and the persons who
are to attend.
Welcome Visitors & Friends
Open Hearts, Open Minds,
Open Doors ~ Welcome to Wesley
United Methodist Church... May the
peace and Spirit of the Lord inspire you
to answer the call to Christian discipleship.
SAFETY REMINDER: Young children (under the
age of 12) leaving the Sanctuary during worship
services to visit restrooms, water fountain, the
nursery, narthex or any part of the building should
be accompanied by a parent or another responsible
adult. Thank you for your cooperation.
Bible Study
The Church van is available if you need a ride to
Sunday School and Worship; please call the
church office at 225-343-8421 by Thursday of
each week to put your name on the list.
The Covenant Bible Study, an eight (8) week
study session that meets on Sunday afternoon
at 4:00 p.m. If interested please contact the
church office.
Sunday School theme for the 2014
Fall Quarter:
“Sustaining Hope”
Mark the Date!
Mary Had a Baby
An Advent Bible Study
Unit 3 Title: Visions of Grandeur
November 2
Lesson Title: God’s
Glory Fills the Temple ~ Scripture: Ezekiel
November 9
Lesson Title: The Altar
Offers Hope ~ Scripture: Ezekiel 43:13-21
November 16
Lesson Title: Water from
the Sanctuary Gives Life ~ Scripture:
Ezekiel 47:1-12
November 23
Lesson Title: Inheritance
Marks a New Beginning ~ Scripture:
Ezekiel 47:13-23
November 30
Lesson Title: Good
News Brings Rejoicing Isaiah 52:1,2,7-12
On November 26, the Wednesday morning Bible
Study group will begin preparing for Christmas with
a four-week Bible-based study that uses four Negro
Spirituals as a springboard for learning and
growth. The four spirituals are Mary Had a Baby,
Rise Up Shepherd and Follow, Children, Go Where
I Send Thee, and Go, Tell It on the Mountain.
Sunday school is for life. Discover the spiritual
enrichment and joy that
learning can bring. During the
fall quarter reflect on your
priorities and celebrate the Gift
of God’s Promises; make
Sunday school attendance a
priority! Classes are available
for all ages.
Happy New Year! Are you ready?
Happy Christian New Year, that is. The first Sunday
of Advent in 2014 is November 30. Advent is a
season for remembering and celebrating the
culmination of all things in Christ.
Bible Study Options
Advent helps us understand just how the news of
the birth of Jesus we celebrate during Christmas
Season (December 24-January 6) is so very good.
In Advent we see, decisively, how God's reign
marks the breakdown and end of every other reign.
[Continue on page 4]
Wednesday morning Bible
at 11:00 a.m.
in the Blue Room
Advent Week 2: Getting Ready for the
End to Come
[Advent continued from page 3]
What the biblical writers knew, and we still know, is
that every human reign is disordered, sinful, full of
injustice and oppression. Those who hold power
find ways to make their disordered reigns seem
normal or even good. But those damaged by such
disordered reigns-- the silent or silenced ones
including the poor, the sick, the dying, the outcast,
the hungry and the persecuted, among others-know in their bodies and often carry in their
psyches for generations the wounds and scars that
give a very different testimony.
Isaiah 40:1-11
Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13
2 Peter 3:8-15a.
Mark 1:1-8
Advent Week 3: Good News… for Those
Who Are Being Saved
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11
Psalm 126
I Thessalonians 5:16-24
John 1:6-8, 19-28
Advent tunes us in to their voices. Advent reminds
us that the good news we seek, indeed the only
really good news there is, is precisely for them and
those of us among them, and becomes good news
for all only in their redemption. Advent lays before
us starkly their usually silenced voices, the voices
of prophets who speak to them from God, and the
assurance that indeed the worlds that try to keep
them silenced for their own benefit have only one
future -- utter destruction and replacement by God's
Advent Week 4: Glorying in the
Promised End to Come
2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16
Luke 1:47-55
Romans 16:25-27
Luke 1:26-38
As such Advent can, if we let it, disorient us from
the dominant culture's experience and expression
of "Christmastime" and its many ways to ignore or
domesticate the wild prophet, Jesus, loudspeaker
and embodiment of this world's end and God's
reign coming upon us.
Wesley will serve the noon
meal at the Holy Grill
The old world ends. The awareness of the
destructiveness of our world prepares us for the joy
of the world being remade in Jesus. That's why we
call the message of Jesus "gospel." Let the
celebration of Advent help you and your worshiping
community celebrate this good news!
Wesley members will be the servers for the noon
meal November 3-7, 2014 at the Holy Grill which is
located at the Cadillac Street BREC center. This
outreach effort is sponsored by the Interfaith
Federation. All volunteers are welcome. For more
information see Mrs. Evelyn Baker or contact the
church office.
From Planning for Advent, Year B by Taylor-Burton
Edwards, GBOD
Scripture Readings for the Season
of Advent Starting Sunday,
November 30, 2014
Advent Week 1: The End We Need to
Remember Election Day on Tuesday,
November 4, 2014
Isaiah 64:1-9
Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19
I Corinthians 1:3-9
Mark 13:24-37
I offer greetings to you from your music ministry
here at Wesley, where the music ministry has been
doing as Psalm 98: 4-5 says. Make a joyful noise to
the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song
and sing praises! Sing praises to the Lord with the
lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody! With
trumpets and the sound of horn make a joyful noise
before the Ruler, the Lord.
The United Methodist Women will meet Monday,
November 3 at 5:00 p.m. The meeting focus will be
“The World Thank Offering” program and highlights
from the conference and district UMW Annual
Meetings. Come and share in our fellowship of
faith, hope and love.
We offer our thanks and appreciation to the
musicians, choir directors, choir members,
members of the wings of praise and all who
contributed their time and talents during the month
of October. We have another task before us in
addition to our regular service, The Christmas
Musical. We have started rehearsal and all is going
good. The rehearsals for November will be on
Monday nights 3rd, 10th, and 24th at 6:pm. All are
welcomed and needed. The title of the Musical is
“Rejoice”. We will perform it at regular service time
Sunday December 21st. The children will not have
a musical this year but they will be included in this
Wesley’s unit would like to thank the leaders of
Children’s church, our children and youth for their
participation in the Children’s Sabbath emphasis on
the second Sunday in October! The pictures,
poems and statements by Laela Baham, Collin
Grayson, Chase Hansberry, Kermaine, Connor
Green, Michael Rogers, Greyson Hansberry,
Miyaon, Roman Ruffin, Chloe Higginbotham,
Rayne McMillian, Alex Green, Reginald Lewis, Jr.,
Mcqurier, Brandon Hansberry, Haylie Hansberry
and Tanya Mencer were precious reminders of the
jewels we have in our mist!
Many thanks to the Inspirations for their great
singing on Thursday night at the Bethel A.M.E.
worship service. Our Pastor Rev. Connelly gave a
dynamic message that was well received by all. It
was a blessing to have been present.
Life is a precious gift… too precious to be lost by an
accident. Safety first is our slogan, our mission in life.
Being safe is necessary as eating food. Both sustain life.
All choirs are accepting new members. If you are
interested in joining one of the choirs or the dance
team just see one of the directors. We will love to
have you.
May the Lord continue to richly bless you until next
As we look at the challenges facing our
communities, it is imperative for us to understand
that love is the only power that will save us. God’s
love can look at seemingly hopeless situation and
see hope; it can stand in the midst of hatred and
poverty and speak a word of deliverance; it can
transform our minds and our communities. The fruit
of the Spirit is love against such there is no law
(see Galatians 5:22-23).
In her song “What’s Love Got
to Do with It?” Tina Turner
raised a question about the
validity of the emotion we call
love. Some may interpret her
lyrics to imply that love is
something we can do without;
some Christians, unfortunately, feel the same way.
For many, love is simply an emotion. But the Bible
speaks of another kind of love not an emotion at all,
but an act of the will whereby we align our wills with
God’s will and do right by one another, regardless
of how we feel. This type of love, Biblical love, is
not envious, proud, self-centered or rude, and it
refuses to keep score. Instead, it is patient and
slow to anger, kind an gentle to all, unselfish and
giving, truthful and honest, hopeful, and
encouraging. This love is enduring so much that it
is without end (see 1 Corinthians 13:4-8).
Reference, Aspire Women of Color Study Bible
Lay Servants serve the local church in any way in
which their witness or leadership and service
inspires the laity to deeper commitment to Christ
and more effective discipleship. Through the office
of "lay servant" laity have many options for ministry
within the church. Laypersons are trained, certified,
and licensed in a wide variety of ministries,
including interpretation of scriptures, doctrine,
organization, and ministries of the church. The lay
servant's roles range from pastoral care to leading
an outreach project halfway around the world, from
assisting with the sacraments to preaching from the
pulpit. To become a lay servant, a person must first
complete the Basic Lay Servant course, which
helps them explore their call to service. Once that is
completed, the candidate requests recognition as a
"local lay servant." Upon completion of any
advanced lay servant course - there are about 30
available through the Board of Discipleship - a
candidate can request recognition as a "certified lay
to or visit
The Greek language, the original language of the
New Testament, speaks of three different kinds of
love: (1) eros (a common word in Greek culture but
not used in the New Testament), which refers to the
love between a man and woman, encompassing all
aspect of sexual desire; (2) phileo, which relates to
friendship, parental or family love; and (3) agape,
which was originally a very general word for love
conveying fondness, but which the writers of the
New Testament infused with new meaning that of
selfless, unconditional love. This latter word
(agape) defines and id defined by God’s love. God
calls us to have agape love for one another. Paul
called this unselfish, loyal, benevolent love for
others “the greatest” of Christian virtues, more
important and enduring than spiritual gifts (see 1
Corinthians 13:13).
This kind of love in fact, confirms our Christianity.
Jesus asserted, “By this all men will know that you
are my disciples, if you love one another” (John
13:35); and the apostle John warned, “If anyone
says, “I love God,’ yet hates his brother, he is a liar.
For anyone who does not love his brother, whom
he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not
seen” (1 John 4:20).
The flowers that adorned the
sanctuary were donated by
Dr. Joyce O'Rourke in
memory of her mother Mrs. Rheuhama Williams
whose birthday is November 3 rd.
Nov. 26th
Nov. 28th
Nov. 28th
Nov. 30th
Remember our Sick & Shut-In in your
thoughts and prayers
Elouise Bailey
Rose S. Beal
Sherwood Gaines
Virginia Gaines
Janice Hall
Betty Johnson
Evelyn Johnson
Calvin Jordan
Nov. 5th
Nov. 7th
Nov. 8th
Nov. 10th
Nov. 11th
Nov. 12th
Nov. 13th
Nov. 14th
Nov. 15th
Nov. 16th
Nov. 19th
Nov. 21st
Nov. 22nd
Don Pelichet
Mary Phills
Anna Turner
Paula Wallace
Charlie Wetherspoon
Anissa Williams
Mack Willis
Wilhelmenia Woods
Nov. 1st
Nov. 1st
Nov. 3rd
Nov. 3rd
Nov. 5th
Nov. 8th
Nov. 8th
Nov. 11th
Nov. 15th
Nov. 17th
Nov. 18th
Nov. 22nd
Nov. 24th
Nov. 30th
Mrs. Leola Mitchell
Walter Weiss, Jr.
Willie Lewis
Celestine Davis
Leo Washington
Chloe Higginbotham
Tyquincia Hobbs
Christen Beal
Bertha Morgan
Neisha Hill
Byron Pitcher
Meghan Beal
Chenese Lewis
Alfreda Jackson
Donna P. Washington
Brenita Pelichet
Robin Bettis
James W. Smith, Jr.
Gwendolyn M. Livious
Brandon Hansberry Sr.
Gwynn Shamlin II
Rev. Bernadine Johnson
Patricia M. Stewart
Kamira Hill
Patrice Walker
Shyrone Wells
Kyle Hill
Davante Jones
Anissa Williams
Camron Bettis
Sancerie O. Allen
Katrina Davis
Mrs. Vivian Matthews
Mrs. Marvee Stemley
Mrs. Alice Grinner
Mrs. Doris D.Gordon
Mrs. Emma C. Shamlin
Mr. Don Gaines, Sr.
Mrs. Evelyn Archibald
Ms. Mary Jean Johnson
Mr. Edward Smith
Mrs. Sylvia Harris
Mrs. Naomi S. David
Mrs. Mary H. Samuel
Mr. Porter Stemley
Mr. Marcus Barnes
November 2014
Color Green
Season: After Pentecost/Advent
8:30 am
UMM Meeting
12:00 pm
Girl Scout Meeting
2 (Green)
All Saints Sunday
Birthday Sunday
8:30 am Sun. School
10:00 am Worship
5:00 pm
UMW Mtg.
6:00 pm
Boy &Cub Scout Mtg.
6:00 pm
Christmas Rehearsal
Holy Grill
6:00 pm
Christmas Rehearsal
Trustees Meeting
23rd Sunday after
8:30 am Sun. School
10:00am Worship
6:00 pm
Boy &Cub Scout Mtg.
UM Student Day
8:30 am Sun. School
10:00 am Worship
6:00 pm
Christmas Rehearsal
6:00 pm
Worship Meeting
9 (Green)
Veterans Sunday
Organ & Tissue
8:30am Sun. School
10:00am Worship
3:00 pm
Charge Conference
Advent (1)
8:30 am Sun. School
10:00am Worship
Holy Grill
11:00 am
Bible Study
6:00 pm
Holy Grill
5:30 pm
Male Chorus
We Shall Overcome
Holy Grill
Holy Grill
10:00 am
Media Ministry
11:00 am
Bible Study
4:30 pm
Festival of Table Mtg.
6:00 pm
6:45 pm
New Vision
11:00 am
Bible Study
6:45 pm
New Vision
6:00 pm
We Shall Overcome
12:00 pm
Girl Scout Meeting
6:00 p.m.
Sanctuary Choir Reh.
6:00 pm
We Shall Overcome
12:00 pm
Festival of Tables
11:00 am
Bible Study
12:00 pm
Office Closed
5:30 pm
Male Chorus
6:00 p.m.
Sanctuary Choir Reh.
Office Closed
6:00 pm
We Shall Overcome
Office Closed