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South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan 2014 Updated: January 2014 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... 3 1.0 BACKGROUND.................................................................................................................................................. 4 2.0 PURPOSE OF THE PLAN .................................................................................................................................... 4 3.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES ......................................................................................................................5 3.2 SOUTH NATION CONSERVATION ...........................................................................................................................6 3.3 MUNICIPALITIES ................................................................................................................................................6 4.0 FLOOD PRONE AREAS IN THE SOUTH NATION RIVER WATERSHED ................................................................... 6 5.0 SNC FLOOD FORECASTING AND WARNING SYSTEM ......................................................................................... 8 6.0 MESSAGING ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 6.1 WATERSHED CONDITIONS STATEMENT ..................................................................................................................9 6.2 FLOOD WATCH .................................................................................................................................................9 6.3 FLOOD WARNING ..............................................................................................................................................9 7.0 LINES OF COMMUNICATION .......................................................................................................................... 10 Table of Figures Figure 1 – Map of South Nation Conservation’s Jurisdiction……………………………………………………………………………… 10 Figure 2 – Map of South Nation Conservation’s Flood Prone Areas…………….……………….……………………………………. 11 Figure 3 – Example of a Message………………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………12 Figure 4 – Diagram of South Nation Conservation’s Lines of Communication…………….……………….…..………………… 13 Appendix Appendix A: Flood Forecasting and Warning Directory……………………………………………………………………………………… 14 Page 2 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 Executive Summary The South Nation Conservation (SNC) 2014 Flood Contingency Plan was prepared following the provincial standards established in the Ontario Flood Forecasting and Warning: Implementation Guidelines for Conservation Authorities and Ministry of Natural Resources document. The Flood Forecasting and Warning Program is part of the Ministry of Natural Resources’ Emergency Response Plan that describes how to respond in the event of flood conditions. To reduce the risk of loss of life, injury and property damage, SNC strives to provide flood warning messages with the enough lead time for municipalities and the public to take action. Messaging Three types of flood messages may be issued by SNC depending upon the situation. From least to most urgent, they are: Water Safety Statement WATERSHED CONDITIONS STATEMENT Flood Outlook Statement FLOOD WATCH FLOOD WARNING General notice of high flows, melting ice or other factors which could be dangerous for users such as boaters, anglers and swimmers, but flooding is not expected. General notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions. There is the potential for flooding within specific watercourses and municipalities. Flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities. Roles and Responsibilities Ministry of Natural Resources: Will maintain a provincial flood warning system to alert Conservation Authorities. South Nation Conservation: Will maintain a flood warning system throughout its jurisdiction for alerting municipal representatives, the media, local police, the Ontario Provincial Police and the Ministry of Natural Resources. Municipalities: Municipalities are responsible for responding to a flood. When a flood event occurs, it is the responsibility of the municipality to implement their Emergency Response Plan, or similar. Communication SNC shall maintain lines of communication between municipalities and appropriate agencies during a flood event. Any questions or feedback regarding this plan or other aspects of dealing with flood emergencies may be directed to SNC. SNC’s Flood Forecasting and Warning team may be reached by phone: 1-877-984-2948 or email: See Appendix A for additional contact details. Page 3 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 1.0 Background Flood Forecasting and Warning is part of the Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR) Emergency Response Plan, which was developed in accordance with Ontario’s Emergency Management & Civil Protection Act. The Emergency Response Plan describes the services provided by the MNR and its partners in response to flood conditions and how to respond in the event of flood conditions. To reduce the risk of loss of life, injury and property damage, South Nation Conservation (SNC) strives to provide flood warning messages with the enough lead time for municipalities and the public to take action. As leading agency, the MNR delegates to Conservation Authorities, such as SNC, the responsibility for monitoring water levels and conducting flood forecasting and warning at a local level. The goal of the Conservation Authorities is to provide the greatest lead time possible for municipalities to react in order to reduce the risk of loss of life, injury and property damage as a result of flooding. The SNC 2014 Flood Contingency Plan was prepared following the provincial standards established in the Ontario Flood Forecasting and Warning: Implementation Guidelines for Conservation Authorities and Ministry of Natural Resources document prepared by the Provincial Flood Forecasting and Warning Committee (2008). 2.0 Purpose of the Plan The purpose of this plan is to summarize the course of action that will be taken by SNC if a flood event threatens to occur, or does occur, in SNC’s jurisdiction (see Figure 1). One of the responsibilities of SNC is to maintain a flood warning system throughout the jurisdiction to alert municipalities, media, local police, Ontario Provincial Police and the MNR of flood threats. The purpose of SNC’s flood warning system is two-fold: 1. To provide advance notice of flood conditions to member municipalities and the public so that municipal officials and citizens can respond in a timely manner to avoid or minimize the loss of property. 2. To provide on-going updates of flood forecasts and watershed conditions during a flood event. Flood forecasting is a provincially mandated service provided to municipalities by Conservation Page 4 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 Authorities. SNC maintains a network of flood forecasting stations and monitors weather and flood information in order to notify municipalities of potential or imminent flood conditions. In this role, SNC acts in an advisory capacity only, providing continuous monitoring of flood conditions. SNC is not responsible for flood response other than in the operation of its own water control structures. During a flood situation, SNC’s office will be available to monitor water levels and weather conditions on a 24-hour basis, as required. See Appendix A for SNC staff contact details. Municipalities are responsible for responding to an impending flood. If the municipality declares a state of emergency, the MNR becomes the lead ministry responsible for flooding emergencies. This plan will be revised by SNC on a yearly basis, updated and distributed as follows: Member municipalities and Counties; MNR Surface Water Monitoring Centre; MNR Kemptville; MNR Provincial Response Centre; Emergency Management Ontario; OPP; Neighboring Conservation Authorities; and SNC Staff and Board Members. 3.0 Roles and Responsibilities As per the MNR’s Flood Forecasting and Warning Guidelines, the following describes the roles and responsibilities of the MNR, SNC and municipalities: 3.1 Ministry of Natural Resources The MNR will maintain a provincial flood warning system to alert Conservation Authorities. To implement its responsibilities, MNR will: Design approval and maintenance of the basic data collection system and archiving; Provide early alerts of major precipitation events; Issue Provincial Advisories; Provide interpretation of precipitation and runoff forecasting; Coordinate programs; Respond to a request by a municipality for provincial assistance should the total resources of the municipality be committed or inadequate or the municipality has declared an emergency situation; and Page 5 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 Coordinate delivery of the provincial response in a declared emergency. 3.2 South Nation Conservation SNC will maintain a flood warning system throughout its jurisdiction for alerting municipal representatives, the media, local police, the Ontario Provincial Police, the MNR, etc. To implement its responsibilities, SNC will: Operate and maintain a data collection and monitoring network; Interpret watershed conditions affecting flooding, including weather patterns, ice jams, etc.; Forecast stream flows and water levels; and Prepare flood messages outlined in Section 6.0 of this document and distribute to the contact list found in Appendix A. 3.3 Municipalities Municipalities are encouraged to have their own flood contingency plan. While SNC will provide continuous monitoring of water levels and weather conditions, it is a municipal responsibility to respond to a flood by implementing their own plan. The Flood Coordinator, appointed by the Mayor/Clerk, will be responsible for: Developing and maintaining an emergency plan to deal with flood or other emergencies; Liaise with SNC; Assessing the flood situation; Recommending to the Mayor/Clerk the declaration of a municipal emergency; In case of municipal emergency, implementing the municipal Emergency Response Plan, or similar, and coordinate the municipal response; and Recommending to the Mayor/Clerk to request provincial assistance if additional resources are needed. 4.0 Flood Prone Areas in the South Nation River Watershed Within the South Nation River watershed there exists low-lying areas that are susceptible to flooding. The main flood prone areas are (see Figure 2): Brinston - Oak Valley area (North & South Dundas) Plantagenet - Founier Area (Nation & Alfred-Plantagenet) Bear Brook Area (Cumberland & Clarence-Rockland) South Castor Area near Vernon (Osgoode) Page 6 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 Flooding problems in the South Nation River watershed normally occur during the spring runoff from a combination of snowmelt and rainfall. However, flooding can also occur any time of the year with the onset of excessive rainfall or snowmelt. Page 7 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 5.0 SNC Flood Forecasting and Warning System The goals of the flood forecasting and warning are: To reduce the risk of loss of life and property damage due to flooding through the issuance of flood messages; and To provide information for the safe operation of water control structures. To accomplish these goals, SNC maintains a Flood Forecasting and Warning system as follows: A) Monitoring Network and Data Collection System SNC, in partnership with MNR, maintains a network of stream gauges, rain gauges, and ice and snow survey sites within SNC’s jurisdiction. This data can be used to quantify the components of the hydrologic cycle. Monitoring can also include visual inspections of watercourses. B) Daily Planning Cycle The Daily Planning Cycle is a series of scheduled tasks, performed daily to ensure that the flood potential can be identified in a timely manner. The Daily Planning Cycle includes the analysis of the following parameters: I. II. III. Daily calculation of the 7:00 a.m. flows; Daily check of forecasts for weather conditions, precipitation and temperatures; and Snow and ice survey data. After the Daily Planning Cycle parameters are analyzed, SNC is able to predict the flood potential (i.e. Low, Moderate or High). C) Flood Duty Officer The Flood Duty Officer is a designated SNC staff member responsible for carrying out the Daily Planning Cycle. This individual will be available on a 24-hr basis, seven days a week during potential flood periods. To contact SNC’s Flood Duty Officer, see the contact list in Appendix A, beginning with the first entry. D) Messaging SNC will make every effort to send out flood warning messages with enough lead time to allow member municipalities and the public to respond to a flood. See Section 6.0 for the types of messages that may be issued by SNC. 6.0 Messaging Three types of flood messages may be issued by SNC depending upon the situation (see Figure 3 for an example). They will be issued by E-mail, fax and also made available at SNC’s Watershed Conditions website: . SNC’s contact list for Flood Forecasting Page 8 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 and Warning can be found in Appendix A. 6.1 Watershed Conditions Statement A Watershed Conditions Statement is a general notice of potential flooding or other conditions that pose a risk to personal safety, such as high flows, and unsafe ice. There are two types of Statements: Water Safety Statement: Indicates that high flows, melting ice or other factors could be dangerous for users such as boaters, anglers and swimmers, but flooding is not expected. Flood Outlook Statement: Gives early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecasts calling for heavy rain, snow melt, high winds or other conditions. A Watershed Conditions Statement is usually issued before overbank flow occurs, before Spring break-up or any other time of year, as conditions warrant, or as a general reminder of the potential for high flows and unsafe conditions. The Watershed Conditions Statement will be faxed and e-mailed to the distribution list (see Appendix A). Copies of all transmissions shall be maintained at the SNC office in Finch, Ontario. 6.2 Flood Watch A Flood Watch is issued to notify Municipalities and other primary contacts that the potential for flooding exists within specific watercourses and municipalities. The Flood Watch will include the watershed conditions, the potential impact and a hydrometeorologic forecast. Municipalities receiving a Flood Watch should initiate a check on their municipal emergency plans. The Flood Watch will be faxed and e-mailed to the distribution list (see Appendix A). 6.3 Flood Warning A Flood Warning with the title “ACTION” will be issued as a notice that flooding is imminent or occurring within specific watercourses and municipalities. Municipalities receiving a Flood Warning should commence the issuing of warnings to households, businesses and industries, which may be threatened. Municipalities should be referring to their municipal emergency plans. Flood Warnings shall be faxed and e-mailed to the distribution list (see Appendix A) and receipt confirmed by telephone. When a Flood Warning message has been prepared and the prime method of communication is inoperable, every alternate means of transmission must be considered, whether it is by radio, vehicle or on foot. The back-up communication system shall be the Ontario Provincial Police Communications Unit (1-888-310-1122) or alternatively, a Page 9 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 Flood Warning message shall be passed to the local police detachments or municipal police. The officer-in-charge will then be responsible for alerting the proper municipal officials. 7.0 Lines of Communication SNC shall maintain lines of communication between municipalities and appropriate agencies during a flood event (see Figure 4). Any questions or feedback regarding this plan or other aspects of dealing with flood emergencies should be directed to SNC (see SNC contacts in Appendix A, beginning with the first entry). For more information, visit or email Page 10 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 Figure 1 - Map displaying South Nation Conservation (SNC)’s jurisdiction, illustrating villages/towns and the location of SNC’s office. Page 11 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 Figure 2 - Map displaying the flood-prone areas in South Nation Conservation’s jurisdiction. Page 12 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 WATERSHED CONDITIONS STATEMENT (or FLOOD WATCH or FLOOD WARNING) Type of statement, date, time Date: mm/dd/yyyy Time: XX:XX a.m./p.m. Prepared By: South Nation Conservation SOUTH NATION WATERSHED – South Nation Conservation cautions residents that watercourses are expected to rise over the next few days due to abovefreezing temperatures and significant rainfall. Environment Canada forecasts above-freezing temperatures accompanied by rain for this weekend. The majority of the precipitation is expected on Saturday with approximately 20 mm of rain. The forecasted weather will cause snow to melt and runoff to watercourses, which will increase river levels and flows throughout the South Nation watershed. A higher rise in river levels may occur in the northern portion of the watershed (i.e. Eastern portion of City of Ottawa and Prescott Russell) as the snow depth has less capacity to absorb the rainfall. Leading Statement Weather and watershed conditions As temperatures are forecasted to return below freezing by the end of the weekend, severe flooding and ice jamming are not a concern at this time; however, nuisance flooding in low-lying areas may be observed. Residents are advised to stay away from rivers as the forecasted weather may rapidly increase river flows, cause slippery river banks, and weaken ice cover. Parents are encouraged to explain these dangers to their children. Caution Statement SNC staff will continue to monitor the water levels and weather forecasts as part of the Flood Forecasting and Warning program and will provide updates in the event conditions change. SNC next steps SNC encourages the public to visit our Watershed Conditions webpage at and to also provide feedback with respect to changes in water related conditions in their local areas (i.e. high water elevations, road inundation, ice break-up, etc.). All feedback can be sent to For additional information, please contact SNC at 1877-984-2948. More information and contacts Forwarded To: All Flood Forecasting and Warning Directory Figure 3- Example of a flood message distributed to the Flood Forecasting and Warning contact list, which are distributed in both French and English. Page 13 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 MNR's Surface Water Monitoring Centre issues provincial flood advisory, or similar South Nation Conservation determines if there is the potential for flooding Yes No Is flooding imminent? May issue a Watershed Conditions Statement Yes No Issue Flood Warning to distribution list Issue Flood Watch to distribution list Continue monitoring weather and watershed conditions Continue monitoring weather and watershed conditions and update message as required Figure 4 - Diagram illustrating how South Nation Conservation will maintain lines of communication between municipalities and appropriate agencies during a flood event. Page 14 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 Appendix A 2014 FLOOD FORECASTING & WARNING DIRECTORY SOUTH NATION CONSERVATION Sandra Mancini, Team Lead, Water Resources Golam Sharif, Water Resources Analyst Geoff Owens, Regulations Officer Jason Symington, Environmental Technologist David Fitch, Assistant Works Superintendent Mike Leger, Lands Assistant Ryan Robson, Resource Technician BUSINESS (613) 984-2948 x.223 (613)984-2948 x 373 (613) 984-2948 x.240 (613) 984-2948 x.230 (613) 984-2948 x.239 (613) 984-2948 x.289 (613) 984-2948 x.224 AFTER HOURS (613) 534-8593 (613)618-9275 (613) 933-1563 (613) 528-1929 (613) 522-0699 (613) 932-6926 (613) 448-1404 CELLULAR (613) 551-3242 (613)618-9275 613) 551-9170 (613) 360-4636 (613) 551-8942 (613) 551-9059 (613) 551-9057 E-MAIL MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Ministry Emergency Operations Centre BUSINESS (705) 945-5750 Surface Water Monitoring Centre (705) 755-5201 Provincial Emergency Response Coordinator Hotline 1-866-898-7372 (705) 946-7155 Ken Durst, District Manager (613) 258-8201 (613) 258-1430 (613) 989-1278 (613) 531-1256 Jeff Ward, Emergency Response Coordinator (613) 267-4200 (Perth) (613)258-8418 (Kemptville) (613) 267-2793 (613) 832-3035 (613) 293-2591 Steven Aubry, Enforcement Manager (613) 258-8404 (613) 258-9432 (613) 792-1121 (613) 293-7525 Kemptville District Office FAX (705) 945-5785 (705) 755-5038 or 755-5039 AFTER HOURS CELLULAR E-MAIL (705) 761-2044 Page 15 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 NEIGHBOURING CONSERVATION AUTHORITIES Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority; Fax: (613) 547-6474 Sean Watt, Water Resources Engineer Shawn Fairbank, Watershed Engineering Technologist Steve Knechtel, General Manager BUSINESS 613-546-4228 ext.241 613-546-4228 ext. 284 613-546-4228 ext. 239 AFTER HOURS 613-544-2950 613-766-2001 613-389-6657 CELLULAR 613-561-7989 613-328-7109 613-561-0576 E-MAIL BUSINESS 613-692-3571 ext. 1110 613-692-3571 ext. 1170 AFTER HOURS 613-256-2297 613-823-5348 CELLULAR 613-799-9423 613-301-2794 E-MAIL 613-692-3571 ext. 1103 613-226-5622 613-762-8334 613-692-3571 ext. 1126 (613) 821-3635 613-698-9453 Rideau Valley Conservation Authority; Fax: (613) 692-0831 Patrick Larson, Senior Water Resources Technician Ferdous Ahmed, Senior Water Resources Engineer Bruce Reid, Director, Watershed Science and Engineering Services Diane Downey, Communications Manager Raisin Region Conservation Authority; Fax: (613) 938-3221 Roger Houde, General Manager Phil Barnes, Water Resources Engineer Josianne Sabourin, Administrative Assistant BUSINESS (613) 938-3611 (613) 938-3611 (613) 938-3611 AFTER HOURS (613) 931-1100 (613) 932-6531 (613) 938-9562 E-MAIL OTHER CONTACTS Ministry of Health and Long Term Care - Emergency Management Branch Emergency Management Ontario (Lisa Harvey, Field Officer- Loyalist and Seaway sectors) (Philippe Geoffrion,Field Officer- Capital sector) Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Provincial Emergency Operations Center OPP – Ontario Provincial Police Ontario Clean Water Agency (Blair Henderson, Operations Manager) BUSINESS FAX (416) 212-0822 (416) 212-4466 (613) 634-8616 (613) 828-6689 (613) 389-8618 (613) 828-6690 1-888-310-1122 Gen: (416) 314-6220 Emerg: (416) 314-0474 (613) 534-2486 (613) 448-3098 (613) 346-2092 1-866-314-0472 Page 16 of 24 CELLULAR E-MAIL (613) 329-0807 (613) 286-3369 (613) 223-1557 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES STORMONT, DUNDAS & GLENGARRY United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, & Glengarry; Fax: (614) 936-2913; Clerk: Helen Thomson, BUSINESS AFTER HOURS CELLULAR Jack Sullivan, GIS/Planning Technician, CEMC (613) 932-1515 x.245 (613)534-8255 (613) 551-3774 Tim Simpson, CAO (613) 932-1515 x. 202 (613) 362-0388 Monique Lefebvre, Alternate CEMC (613) 932-4301 (613)931-1911 (613) 557-0295 Township of North Glengarry; Fax: (613) 525-1649; Clerk: Daniel Gagnon, BUSINESS Chris McDonell, Mayor (613) 525-1110 Roch Lajoie, Director of Transportation 613-525-3087 AFTER HOURS (613) 551-8613 613-551-6501 E-MAIL E-MAIL Township of North Stormont; Fax: (613) 984-2908 Dennis Fife, Mayor Bill McGimpsey, Deputy Mayor Karen McPherson, Clerk Blake Henderson, Roads Department Claude Taillon, Drainage Superintendant BUSINESS (613) 984-2821 (613) 984-2821 (613) 984-2821 (613) 984-2821 (613) 984-2821 AFTER HOURS (613) 984-2291 (613) 538-2140 Township of North Dundas; Fax: (613) 774-5699; Clerk: Jo-Anne McCaslin, BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Eric Duncan, Mayor (613) 774-2105 Angela Rutley, CAO (613) 774-2105 (613) 984-0006 Daniel Belleau, Director of Transportation (613) 774-2105 John Oswald, Roads Patrol Foreman (613) 774-2105 CELLULAR (613) 551-2363 (613) 551-4883 (613) 551-0495 (613) 551-0498 (613) 293-2019 E-MAIL CELLULAR (613) 868-1611 (613) 223-5589 613-223-2126 613-229-3552 E-MAIL CELLULAR (613) 791-4378 (613) 223-0861 (613) 223-2700 (613) 223-0864 (613) 229-7878 (613)362-8371 E-MAIL Township of South Dundas; Fax: (613) 535-2099 BUSINESS Steven Byvelds, Mayor Stephan McDonald, CAO Hugh Garlough, Manager of Public Works Don J.W. Lewis, Mng of Planning & Enforcement Brenda Brunt, Alternate CEMC Chris McDonough, Fire Chief (613) 535-2673 (613) 535-2673 (613) 535-2673 (613) 535-2673 (613)543-2673 x. 4760 AFTER HOURS (613) 652-2271 (613) 652-4756 (613) 535-2009 (613) 657-8950 (613) 535-2284 Page 17 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 Township of South Stormont; Fax: (613) 534-2280 Bryan McGillis, Mayor Betty deHaan, CAO/Clerk Ross Gellately, Public Works Manager Hilton Cryderman, Manager of Building BUSINESS (613) 534-8889 x.210 (613) 534-8889 x.200 (613) 534-8889 x.240 (613) 534-8889 x.230 AFTER HOURS (613) 937-3116 (613) 534-8495 (613) 534-2682 (613) 537-8868 CELLULAR (613) 577-0753 (613) 551-0532 (613) 930-3083 (613) 577-2700 E-MAIL FAX E-MAIL (613) 673-1401 (613) 675-1007 PRESCOTT & RUSSELL United Counties of Prescott & Russell Michel Chretien Jr., Director of Emergency Services Marc Clermont, Director of Public Works BUSINESS (613) 673-5139 x.221 (613) 675-4661 x.3100 AFTER HOURS (613) 446-6066 (613) 679-7647 CELLULAR (613) 282-5139 (613) 551-3536 Township of Alfred Plantagenet; Fax: (613) 673-4812 Jean-Yves Lalonde, Mayor BUSINESS (613) 673-4797 x.241 AFTER HOURS (613) 673-5909 CELLULAR (613) 327-5481 Marc Daigneault, CAO-Clerk (613) 673-4797 x.230 Roch Hébert, Public Works Éric Leroux, Drainage Superintendant Dominic Côté, Director Fire Services Dan Holmes, CEMC E-MAIL (613) 673-4797 x. 400 (613) 679-1047 (613) 229-6421 613-673-2654 (613) 673-2654 (613) 223-9824 (613) 673-4797 x.221 (613) 632-0046 (613) 673-1622 (613) 632-0028 (613) 229-5668 (613) 678-0110 BUSINESS (613) 764-3139 x.512 (613) 764-2192 (613) 764-3139 x.514 (613) 764-3139 (613) 764-3139 x.518 (613) 764-2192 AFTER HOURS (613) 764-5580 (613) 764-3291 (613) 370-1689 (613) 764-3214 (613) 764-6292 (613) 764-5410 CELLULAR (613) 620-3139 (613) 850-4652 (613) 223-7489 (613) 223-8975 (613) 913-8516 (613) 720-9050 (613) 229-5688 E-MAIL Casselman Village; Fax: (613) 764-5709 Claude Levac, Mayor Mario Laplante, Councillor Marc Chenier, CAO Alain Castonguay, Director of Environmental Services Mario Villeneuve, Fire Department Yvon Laplante, Deputy Fire Chief Sylvio Boudrias, Road Superintendent Page 18 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 City of Clarence Rockland; Fax: (613) 446-1497 Marcel Guibord, Mayor Pierre Tessier, General Director Gilles Maranda, Director of Infrastructure & Engineering Yves Rouselle, Assistant Director Richard Campeau, Manager of Operations, Public Works Denis Longpré, Environment Manager Richard Bazinet, Foreman, Public Works Pierre Sabourin, Fire Chief / CEMC BUSINESS 613) 446-6022 x.2245 613) 446-6022 x.2224 (613) 446-6022 x 2270 613) 446-6022 x.2235 613) 446-6022 x.2239 613) 446-6022 x.2299 AFTER HOURS (613) 446-0240 (613) 446-1633 (613) 880-3249 (613) 229-2424 (613) 978-5612 (613) 488-2522 x 2240 (613) 248-9809 (613) 880-3471 (613)446-6022 x. 2303 MetroAlert CELLULAR (613) 229-4628 E-MAIL (613) 248-9809 Nation Municipality; Fax: (613) 764-3310 BUSINESS François St. Amour, Mayor Mary McCuaig, CAO/Clerk Marc Legault, Public Works (613) 764-5444 x.222 (613) 524-2932 AFTER HOURS (613) 524-5486 (613)537-2987 CELLULAR (613) 277-4325 (613) 551-4981 (613) 913-5640 E-MAIL AFTER HOURS CELLULAR E-MAIL (613) 913-0295 Township of Russell; Fax: (613) 443-1042 BUSINESS Millie Bourdeau, Director of Public Safety & Enforcement / CEMC & Emergency Coordinator Jason Laplante, Public Safety and Enforcement Officer Jonathon Bourgon, Director of Public Works Denis Pelletier, Roads Supervisor For updates only: Jean Leduc, Chief Administrative Officer Jean-Paul St. Pierre, Mayor Joanne Camiré Laflamme, Acting Clerk (613) 443-3066 x.2320 (613) 443-3066 x.2313 (613) 443-5078 x. 222 (613) 443-5078 (613) 325-3357 (613) 867-3650 (613) 496-0028 (613) 913-8377 (613) 223-0701 (613) 229-1304 (613) 443-3066 x.2336 (613) 443-3066 x.2307 (613) 443-3066 x.2310 (613) 443-3185 (613) 445-5242 (613) 443-4895 (613) 818-2725 (613) 868-0805 Page 19 of 24 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 LEEDS & GRENVILLE United Counties Leeds & Grenville; Fax: (613) 342-2101 Andy Brown, CAO BUSINESS (613) 342-3840 AFTER HOURS Kevin Spencer, Public Safety Manager (613) 342-3840 x.2388 Leslie Shepherd, Director of Works, Planning Services, & Physical Asset Management (613) 342-9246 x.2412 (613) 659-3197 Township of Augusta; Fax (613) 925-3499; Clerk: Mike Larocque, BUSINESS Mel Campbell, Reeve (613) 925-4231 Darlene Banning, Deputy Reeve (613) 926-2876 Kevin Hart, Public Works (613) 926-2002 Rob Bowman, Fire Department CELLULAR (613) 803-4319 E-MAIL (613) 803-2749 (613) 802-9735 CELLULAR (613) 341-1459 (613) 213-8791 (613) 349-5142 Township of Edwardsburgh-Cardinal; Fax: (613) 658-3445; Clerk: Debra McKinstry, BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Bill Sloan, Mayor (613) 657-4583 John Hunter, Deputy Mayor (613) 658-5364 Debra McKinstry, CAO (613) 658-3055 (613) 802-0365 Gerry LeMay, Public Works (613) 657-3552 (613) 349-9296 David Grant, Fire Department (613)658-3001 (613) 349-4541 CELLULAR (613) 802-0797 (613) 498-5096 (613) 802-0365 (613) 349-9296 (613) 349-4541 E-MAIL E-MAIL Township of Elizabethtown-Kitley; Fax: (613) 345-7235 Yvonne L. Robert, Clerk Jim Donovan, Fire Department Dale Kulp, Director of Public Works BUSINESS (613) 345-7480 (613) 498-2460 (613) 275-2459 AFTER HOURS (613) 283-9418 (613) 275-2945 CELLULAR (613) 349-9490 (613) 498-5135 (613) 349-9489 FAX (613) 345-7480 (613) 342-2358 E-MAIL Municipality of North Grenville; Fax: (613) 258-9620 Brian Carre, CAO Cahl Pominville, Dir.of Corporate Services/Clerk Karen Dunlop, Director of Public Works Paul Hutt, Director of Emergency and Protective Services BUSINESS (613) 258-9596 x. 155 (613) 258-9569 x.110 (613) 258-9569 x.132 (613)258-2438 x. 2 AFTER HOURS (613) 764-4607 (613) 258-3967 (613) 258-4747 (613)821-9222 Page 20 of 24 CELLULAR (613) 818-0410 (613) 227-3300 (613) 229-6489 (613)808-2783 E-MAIL South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 OTTAWA City of Ottawa; Fax: (613) 580-2754; E-mail: PRIMARY – On call OEM Duty Officer SECONDARY – On call OEM Duty Officer (Pager) City of Ottawa Call Centre Office of Emergency Management BUSINESS (613) 266-3060 (613) 760-2898 311 or 1-866-261-9799 (613) 230-0583 Page 21 of 24 E-MAIL South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 MEDIA 89.9 FM HOT (CIHT) RADIO E-MAIL 97.1 CLASSIQUE (RADIO NORD) 98.5 THE JEWEL AM 1220 BOB FM (819) 770-9710 (613) 241-9850 (613) 932-5180 (Bill – x. 230) (613) 932-5309 (newsline) (613) 789-2486 x.4252 CBC; CBO Radio 920, CBOF Radio 120.5, CBO-FM 103.5, CBOFFM 102.5 (613) 228-6445 (613) 228-6423 CFRA-AM/CFMO-FM/BOB-FM (613) 789-2486 x.4252 Majic: (613) 750-0100 CHEZ-FM 106.1 / 92.3 JACK FM / OLDIES 1310 AM (613) 736-2001 (613) 736-2002 CHIN OTTAWA 97.9 FM CHOD FM 92.1 CHUO 89.1 FM (Ottawa U.) CJRC 1150 AM (613) 244-0979 (613) 936-2463 (613) 562-5965 1 (866) 561-8801 (613) 932-5180 x.238 24/7 News Cell (613)932-5309 (613) 520-2898 (613) 727-4723 x.7740 (613) 244-3858 (613) 936-2568 (613) 562-5969 (819) 561-3564 CKCU 93.1 FM CKDJ 107.9 FM (ALGONQUIN COLLEGE) CKTF - FM 104.1 (819) 770-4636 NORTH COUNTRY PUBLIC RADIO RADIO CANADA (CBOS) ROCK DÉTENTE 94.9 TELEMEDIA (CIMF) (315) 229-5356 (613) 288-6600 (819) 770-2463 RADIO 1200 AM: THE TEAM SPORTS RADIO (CHUMJ) ROCK 101.9 / VARIETY 104.5 Page 22 of 24 BUSINESS (613) 750-1200 FAX (613) 739-4040 (613) 723-8990 (613) 723-7016 (819) 770-9740 (613) 241-9852 613-932-1929 (613) 738-5024 (613) 932-1929 (613) 520-4060 (315) 229-5373 613 288-6770 (810) 770-9338 South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan Updated: January 2014 AGRICOM AGRINEWS BROCKVILLE RECORDER & TIMES LOCATION Clarence Creek Chesterville Vankleek Hill CHESTERVILLE RECORD Brockville EAP CORPORATE Hawkesbury EMC St. Lawrence Brockville EMC South Ottawa NEWSPAPER E-MAIL EMC EMC Ottawa/Orleans Winchester/Manotick GLENGARRY NEWS JOURNAL DE CORNWALL KEMPTVILLE ADVANCE Glengarry Cornwall Kemptville LA NOUVELLE/L’EXPRESS St. Leonard LA VISION Rockland NEWSPAPER LE CARILLON LE DROIT LE REFLET LE/THE REGIONAL Embrun MANOTICK MESSENGER MORRISBURG LEADER ORLEANS STAR OTTAWA CITIZEN OTTAWA SUN PRESCOTT JOURNAL Ottawa Ottawa Prescott PRESCOTT RUSSELL NEWS Prescott & Russell RUSSELL VILLAGER SEAWAY NEWS Russell Cornwall STANDARD FREEHOLDER VANKLEEK HILL REVIEW Cornwall Vankleek Hill WINCHESTER PRESS Winchester BUSINESS (613) 488-2651 (613) 978-4268 (613) 342-4441 FAX (613) 448-2541 (613) 989-1729 (613) 342-4456 FREQ. st rd 1 & 3 Wed. st 1 of Month Daily (613) 448-2321 (613) 448-3260 Wednesdays (613) 498-0305 (613) 498-0307 Thursdays (613) 723-5970 (613) 723-1862 Thursdays (613) 688-1487 (613) 688-1474 (613) 723-1862 (613) 723-1862 Thursdays Thursdays (613) 525-2020 (613) 938-1433 (613) 258-3451 x.213 (613) 525-3824 (613) 938-2798 (613) 258-0617 Wednesdays Thursdays Weekly (613) 443-2211 x.246 (613) 446-6456 1-80-365-9970 (613) 632-4155 (613) 562-0111 (613) 443-2741 (613) 632-0112 (613) 443-2212 Wednesdays (613) 692-6000 (613) 543-2987 (613) 744-4800 (613) 726-5919 x.726 (613) 739-5112, 739-5113 (613) 925-4265 (613) 692-3758 (613) 543-3643 (613) 744-1976 (613) 726-1198 (613) 739-8041 (613) 925-2837 (613) 443-2741 (613) 443-1865 Fridays 1-866-307-3541 (613) 933-0014 x.226 (613) 448-3260 (613) 933-0024 Wednesdays Thursdays (613) 933-3160 x.250 (613) 678-3327 (613) 933-7521 (613) 678-2700 Daily Wednesdays (613) 774-2524 (613) 774-3967 Wednesdays Page 23 of 24 1-800-267-0850 (613) 446-1381 (613) 632-8601 (613) 562-7539 (613) 443-1865 (613) 632-0277 Tuesdays Wednesdays Daily Daily Wednesdays South Nation Conservation Flood Contingency Plan TELEVISION STATION ATV CBC OTTAWA (English) CJOH TV CTV OTTAWA GLOBAL TELEVISION NETWORK RADIO-CANADA, CBOFT ROGERS TV OTTAWA TÉLÉ-FRANÇAISE D’ONTARIO, CHLF (HAWKSBURY) TVA-CHOT / TQS QUATRE SAISONS Updated: January 2014 . TELEVISION E-MAIL Page 24 of 24 BUSINESS (613) 789-0606 x.2217 FAX (613) 288-6426 (613) 228-6423 (613) 224-1313 (613) 789-0606 x.2224 (613) 237-2026 (613) 288-6000 (613) 759-8623 (416) 484-2665 (819) 770-1041 1-888-770-2192 (613) 234-3587 (613) 288-6770 (613) 728-9793