Flood Risk Factsheet – Fox and Hound


Flood Risk Factsheet – Fox and Hound
Flood Risk Factsheet – Fox and Hound Site Name
Site Address
National Grid Reference
Primary Source of Flood Risk
Secondary Sources of Flood Risk
Site Area (Ha)
Area within FZ1
Area within FZ2
Area within FZ3a
Area within FZ3b
Is the site at risk from a 1% AEP?
Is the site protected from flood risk
management assets?
What is the flood hazard to the site?
Is the site at risk from surface water flooding?
Is the site at risk from groundwater flooding?
Is the site within a Critical Drainage Area?
Can the site be developed sequentially to
avoid vulnerable uses on areas with high
Will the development result in offsite impacts,
e.g. increased runoff?
Is there dry access and egress to the site
during a flood event for occupants?
Is there access and egress to the site during a
flood event for emergency service vehicles?
Is the site covered by flood warnings?
Can the residual risk be managed through
appropriate evacuation and flood response
Is compensatory flood storage required?
Can the loss of floodplain be compensated for
in the site?
Can the development reduce flood risk?
What is the Likelihood of the Exception Test
Fox and Hound Pub and Petrol Station
Abingdon Road
451930 204170
Fluvial from River ISIS
Surface Water, Ground Water
Flood Depth analysis has shown that the majority
of the site is considered to be at risk from
flooding. Approximately 30% of the site is not
considered to be at risk from flooding so could be
developed as there is no associated flood hazard.
0.04Ha in less risk from AStSWF
0.02Ha >0.3m deep on FMfSW
0.35Ha with > 75% susceptibility to groundwater
Yes, but this can be managed on site through the
use of SUDS
No, Abingdon Road and Weirs Road are within
Yes from Abingdon Road
Yes, it’s within the “River Thames and tributaries
at New Botley, New and North Hinksey and
Grandpont in Oxford” Flood Warning Area and is
also situated in a larger geographical area “River
Thames and tributaries in the Oxford Area,
including areas between Wolvercote down to and
including Radley and Jericho”, where the
Environment Agency provide a general
Flood Alert early notification to possible flooding.
The majority of the site is within Flood Zone 3 but
is served by a flood warning so evacuation and
flood response procedures can be adopted to
manage residual risk.
Potentially but depends on the masterplan layout
of the development
Unlikely as there are no areas within Flood Zone
There may be an opportunity to reduce surface
water runoff as the site is brownfield and as it is
within a Critical Drainage Area there is an onus
on betterment of the existing runoff rates.
Flood Depth analysis has shown that the majority
being passed?
of the site is considered to be at risk from
flooding. Approximately 30% of the site is not
considered to be at risk from flooding so could be
developed as there is no associated flood hazard.
Whilst, there is no dry access, the depth of
flooding on Abingdon Road is <0.3 m so there is
safe access and egress to the site during a flood
event for emergency service vehicles.
Raising ground levels above the design flood
level will require compensatory storage for the
loss of floodplain within the site but this is not
likely to be a feasible option
The Exception Test is unlikely to be passed
Flood Risk Map
FZ 3b
FZ 3a
FZ 2
Development Site
Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery
Office (HMSO). © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to
prosecution or civil proceedings.
1% AEP Flood Depth Map
Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery
Office (HMSO). © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to
prosecution or civil proceedings.
1% AEP Flood Hazard Map
Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery
Office (HMSO). © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to
prosecution or civil proceedings.
Areas Susceptible to Surface Water Flooding (AStSWF) Map
Development Site
Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery
Office (HMSO). © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to
prosecution or civil proceedings.
Flood Map for Surface Water (FMfSW) Map
200 year >0.1m deep
200 year >0.3m deep
Development Site
Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery
Office (HMSO). © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to
prosecution or civil proceedings.
Areas Susceptible to Ground Water Flooding (AStGWF) Map
Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey map with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery
Office (HMSO). © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to
prosecution or civil proceedings.