registration information - Uintah Basin Applied Technology College
registration information - Uintah Basin Applied Technology College
UINTAH BASIN APPLIED TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE SUMMER 2016 REGISTRATION INFORMATION TUITION AND FEE SCHEDULE PROGRAM FEES Registration $40.00 Re-enrollment $20.00 Basic Assessment NO COST PART TIME 4 HOURS/DAY - $2.00 HR Business (Vernal), Basic Skills, Welding, Carpentry, NA, Culinary Arts April 21 days $168.00 May 21 days $168.00 June 21 days $168.00 July 19 days $152.00 August 22 days $176.00 FULL TIME 6 HOURS/DAY - $2.00 HR Business (Vernal), Basic Skills, Welding, Carpentry, NA, Culinary Arts April 21 days $252.00 May 21 days $252.00 June 21 days $252.00 July 19 days $228.00 August 22 days $264.00 Single Classes: (Day and Evening Classes): Tuition is due for the entire class at time of enrollment. Payment or sponsorship voucher for tuition must be received in advance. If competencies are not completed in the approved hours, students will need to pay for an additional class block in order to continue. YOUR CAREER STARTS HERE ROOSEVELT 1100 East Lagoon Street Roosevelt, UT 84066 435.722.6900 VERNAL 450 North 2000 West Vernal, UT 84078 435.725.7100 1 Enroll M–F from 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. at the Roosevelt or Vernal Campus. 2 Register at least one week before class begins. Seating is limited! 3 Get the training you want in a way that fits your lifestyle. SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS - see inside for details See for more information Win FREE training hours!! UBATC has ways for you to win FREE training hours! Check out the back of this bulletin to learn how! REGISTRATION AND TUITION Class times vary. See the individual class/program for specific details. Tuition costs vary for open-entry classes. The costs for individual scheduled courses are listed in this bulletin. Books and supplies are in addition to tuition costs. See the registrar for details. UBATC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Vice President of Student Services, 1100 East Lagoon Street, Roosevelt, Utah 84066, 435-722-6900. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE & SCHOLARSHIPS Visit under FUTURE STUDENTS and FINANCIAL AID to view eligible programs and for more information. DUCHESNE COUNTY RESIDENT SCHOLARSHIP Tuition and fees. UINTAH COUNTY RESIDENT SCHOLARSHIP Tuition and fees as applicable. BOB & AREVA HUISH SCHOLARSHIP One-year tuition, fees, and books. HELEN HUISH SCHOLARSHIP Scholarships are awarded to eligible students who plan on enrolling in the Practical Nurse or Pharmacy Technician program. PRESIDENT SCHOLARSHIP Tuition and fees as applicable. Scholarships are reviewed on an on-going basis. After application is complete, please allow 3 weeks for processing. The maximum pell grant award is $5,775. STATE GRANT Maximum state grant award is $300. *Funds can be used for tuition, books, transportation, personal expenses and off-campus housing. VA EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS STUDENT LOAN DEFERMENTS PRIVATE STUDENT LOANS Private student loans come from banks who OFFER PERSONAL STUDENT LOANS. It’s money that may help a student pay for higher education expenses such as: tuition and fees, books, supplies and tools, room and board, transportation and personal expenses. UBATC does not have a preferred lender list. Contact UBATC to schedule an appointment for Financial Aid information & Admissions: CULINARY ARTS JIM LAMUTH AT 435.725.7103 Culinary Arts will be available through the Summer. High school students can also register if they have taken Foods 1 through their high school. High school students pay $25 fee, adults $135. ROOSEVELT: T, TH 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. VERNAL: M, W, F 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Filling out an application does not guarantee scholarship funds. VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION Provides services to assist eligible individuals in obtaining employment through: • Training • Personal advisement • Job placement assistance Eligibility depends on the presence of a physical or mental impairment which constitutes an impediment to employment. This includes a wide range of disabling conditions. Call Roosevelt at 435.722.6969 or Vernal at 435.789.0273 to arrange for an orientation. WORKFORCE SERVICES Works with individuals to obtain employment through individual career counseling activities, which may include: • Additional skill enhancement • Job placement • Training services • Support services Call Roosevelt at 435.722.6500 or Vernal at 435.781.4100 for an appointment. You can also apply online at FEDERAL PELL GRANT S * ADULT CULINARY ARTS PROGRAM R M-F 8/24 7:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Open-Entry 990-hour Learn a variety of skills during this evening workshop! Sanitation, Tasting Profiles, Knife Skills, Chicken Butchery, and Cooking Methods. COOKING 101 - EVENING WORKSHOP R Th 4/28 spots 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 10 available $70.50 Learn how to frost and decorate a double layered cake with buttercream frosting. You will learn how to use a piping bag to do a border, make roses and leaves and write on the cake. When you are done you will take your cake home as well as the tools needed to decorate cakes at home. CAKE DECORATING - EVENING WORKSHOP spots $100 R Th 4/21 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 10 includes available tools CULINARY ARTS CAFE Will be closed during Summer and will open again this Fall. BUSINESS PROGRAMS ROOSEVELT UBATC CAMPUS VERNAL UBATC CAMPUS JUNE 13 - AUGUST 19 (M-F) BUSINESS OPEN-ENTRY COURSES AVAILABLE Customer Service 9:15 a.m. - 10:32 a.m. $170 Records Management 10:32 a.m. - 11:49 a.m. $170 Microsoft Excel 11:49 a.m. - 1:06 p.m. $170 Microsoft Word 1:36 p.m. - 2:53 p.m. $170 OFFICE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE (900 HOURS) S * Stackable degree can transfer 30 credits to USU *Required || Pick 3 other clusters as electives *Communication & Customer Service Business Communication I Business Communication II Customer Service Accounting Accounting I Accounting II QuickBooks *Office Skills MS Word MS Excel Records Management Account Management Tax Preparation Credit Collection Payroll Graphic Design Illustrator InDesign Photoshop Apps/Cloud Computing Mobile Devices Cloud Computing Google Tools/Apps Social Media Marketing Web Site Creation Social Media and Analytics Video Accounting - Beginning through Advanced QuickBooks 10-Key Business Communication Computer Technology Microsoft Access - Beginning & Advanced Roosevelt UBATC | Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Culinary Arts will be open for breakfast and lunch 8:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. for both days of the Fair - Beginning & Advanced Word Processing Microsoft Word OFFICE PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE COMING TO VERNAL CAMPUS THIS FALL! CERTIFICATES OFFERED BUSINESS BASICS (450 hours) ACCOUNTING BASICS (480 hours) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT (720 hours) ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN (720 hours) BUSINESS DAY LAB M-F 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. BUSINESS NIGHT LAB M,W 3:00 - 8:00 p.m. FREE 1-HOUR WORKSHOPS! ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT WEEK APRIL 25 - APRIL 28! Workshops will be held 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS Annual Cabinetry and Trades Fair | May 19, 20 Microsoft Publisher Microsoft PowerPoint Keyboarding Records Management Microsoft Excel Roosevelt Vernal Customizing Microsoft Office - M Pivot Tables - T One Note - W Dealing with Angry Customers - Th Creating Charts in Excel - T Using Word Mail Merge - Th 3rd Annual Truck Show | June 18 Vernal UBATC | 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Truck Displays, Demonstrations, Free Hot Dogs UBIC Free Breakfast | August 5 Roosevelt UBATC | 7:00 - 9:30 a.m. For specific course requirements or for more information, contact a UBATC Business Instructor: Elaine Muir 435.725.7108 Diane Franklin 435.725.7105 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & CUSTOM FIT PROGRAMS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CUSTOM FIT PROGRAMS Custom Fit funding may be available to assist with qualifying training costs. What Can CUSTOM FIT Do For Your Business? WHAT IS CUSTOM FIT? Custom Fit funding is made available through the Utah Legislature for economic and workforce development through training partnerships between Utah companies and the Utah College of Applied Technology. practices and changes in HR law. Cost: $900, plus text. Custom Fit funding may be available. Fall course starts August 30th – November 8th. Call 435.725.7109 for details. ELECTRICIANS CONTINUING ED – TIME TO RELICENSE! NEC Update, UBATC Vernal campus September 28-29. Take the full 16 hour seminar, or 8 hours of Core CE credits. UBATC is a DOPL-approved provider. Relicensure deadline is November 30, 2016. This class also provides 6 hours of Core CUSTOM FIT works with Utah businesses CE credits for contractors – good towards of every size – providing 40% funding license renewal in November 2017. 16-hour assistance for approved trainings, technical NEC Update course fee $250, or $150 with training, safety certifications, leadership and Custom Fit. *Partial funding of this training management skills development, and more. program has been provided by the Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing APPLYING FOR CUSTOM FIT IS from the 1%Surcharge funds on all building SIMPLE permits. The company provides basic contact information, a brief description of company, the training your employees will need and PLUMBERS CONTINUING ED – the costs. The company signs a one-page RE-LICENSURE DEADLINE! agreement stating they agree to pay their Plumbers need to have 12 hours of continu60% share of training costs. ing education by November 30th! Get your required continuing education for relicensure at UBATC’s Roosevelt campus, FOR MORE INFORMATION ON on Friday, September 16. Take all 12 hours HOW CUSTOM FIT CAN WORK or just the hours you need. Cost $100, WITH YOUR BUSINESS CONTACT or $60 with Custom Fit! Register now, call 435.725.7109 LEZLEE WHITING 435.725.7109 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATE Boost your employability with this HR evening course taught in both Vernal and Roosevelt via interactive EDNET system taught by Frances Hume. Prepare for PHR or SPHR exams, obtain 41.25 general recertification CEU’s, updates on HRM best BEGINNING SPANISH RETURNS THIS FALL! Get your name on the waiting list for this popular evening course that will help you communicate at work and in the community with your Spanish speaking co-workers, employees, clients, patients and friends! 10-week class runs Monday nights, Vernal STATE VEHICLE SAFETY INSPECTION Call to get on waiting list Passenger/Lt. Truck/Motorcycle 5:30–9:30 p.m. 16 hrs $97 Tuition & Fees $12.50 Book Call to get on waiting list Tractor/Trailer/Bus 5:30–9:30 p.m. 16 hrs $97 Tuition & Fees $12.50 Book For complete details on classes or recertification call Lezlee at 435.725.7109. campus, taught by Judith Baquero, a native Spanish speaker. Cost: $175. Starting date to be announced. Call for details, 435.725.7109 BASIC WEB DESIGN Learn how to build a Website from scratch or enhance an existing Website. This 20-hour night class will give you the skills you need to know to promote your business or product on line. Next Basic Web Design class will begin in September. Cost: $175. Call to get your name on the class list, 435.725.7109 Remember! Custom Fit funding available for businesses or any size. GET THE MOST OUT OF EXCEL OFFERING BEGINNING, INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED EXCEL. Excel workshops are offered as requests warrant; sign up several people, or just one, it’s all good! Custom Fit funding available. For details call 435.725.7109. NEW HIRE SKILLS This 4-hour workshop reviews job skills that employers expect of employees, topics include: Team Work, Customer Service, Conflict Resolution, Communication, Proper Dress, Meeting Expectations, and Loyalty. Cost $38/person. New Hire Skills workshop dates, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. May 11—Vernal campus, To schedule call Jim 435.725.7103. Or schedule a customized workshop for your company. PILOT CAR & FLAGGING Flagging class on Friday, May 6, 4– 7 p.m. Vernal campus. No pre-registration. Cost: $40. Cash only, bring a pencil. Become a certified pilot car driver. This one-day class will be held Saturday, May 7, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Vernal campus. For Pilot Car costs, and to register go to: For more information on any of these offerings, please contact Lezlee Whiting at 435.725.7109. TRADES NEW PROGRAMS! POST Must pass NPOST entrance exam (2 hours), background check, and physical fitness entrance standards. A Special Function Officer allows a person to work in a limited number of Special Function positions such as constables, auxiliary officers, bailiffs, reserve officers, and other special function officers, as approved by the department. SFO must be completed before LEO or Correctional training. SPECIAL FUNCTION OFFICER (SFO) Special Function Officer R 5/2-6/8 M-Th 7:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. BASIC CORRECTIONS OFFICER (BCO) 7:00 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Cost: TBA In addition to enforcing laws, police officers are primarily responsible for protecting lives and property. Upon successful completion, students will be prepared to respond to calls, conduct traffic stops, issue citations, arrest suspects, investigate domestic issues, write detailed reports, patrol, give first aid to accident victims, and more. LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER (LEO) Law 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 Enforcement R 7/18-9/22 M-Th p.m. Officer HEAVY DUTY DIESEL Civil Technicians provide support services to Civil Engineers and Surveyors. This program prepares students with skills in AutoCAD, Civil 3D, hydrology, road design, sewer design, oil and gas field design, and land survey documentation, including core instruction in civil design principles and industry expectations. Students will be prepared with the necessary skills for employment in a Civil Engineering office or a Land Surveyor’s office. This is a one year certificate program that runs in the evenings, four nights per week. Cost: TBA The Basic Corrections Officer (BCO) is the fastest growing job in the law enforcement field. If you become a corrections officer, your primary duty will be to guard and supervise prisoners confined to penal institutions. Special Function Officer (SFO) is a prerequisite for the Basic Corrections Officer (BCO). Basic Corrections R 6/13-7/13 M-Th Officer CIVIL TECHNOLOGY HEAVY DUTY DIESEL Drive Train Diesel Engines 2 Civil Technology II V 5/2-8/22 M,W 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. AutoCAD Civil V 5/3-8/16 3D Drafting II T,Th 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. M-Th 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. $275 V 6/13-8/10 M-Th 5:49 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. AUTOMOTIVE $305 * V 5/31-8/2 AUTOMOTIVE CIVIL TECHNOLOGY S S $275 * Engine Repair R 6/6-7/28 M-Th 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Engine Performance 1B R 6/6-7/28 M-Th 7:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. $230 $305 FARM AND RANCH MANAGEMENT This program provides individualized training for farmers/ranchers. Participating farms are assisted in keeping a complete set of financial records through * monthly instructor visits. Record-keeping practices and WELDING computer record-keeping systems, including Quicken, PIPE WELDING- Experienced welders may enroll to QuickBooks, etc. Year-end information is used to analyze the financial position of the farm business. work toward certification as a pipe welder for the This program meets the requirements for FSA borrower oil/gas industry. Combined w/ welding. Same schedule training. For more information, contact David Gillman as welding. at 722-6956 or 823-0645. ($204/year) WELDING- Preparation for certification is available. Basic Course Priority will be given to adult students. Two certificates Or Advanced Course ($240/year) available for adults. Welding certificates are also ELECTRICAL APPRENTICE available to secondary students. Electricians are responsible for the safe installation POLY PIPE CERTIFICATION - Now available! and maintenance of electrical wiring. Levels 1A–4A taught first semester. Levels 1B–4B taught second WELDING semester. OFFERED AGAIN IN FALL. $305 S V July - August Night Lab M,W 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. R 6/2-8/11 Structured T, Th 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. $50 fee + tuition per month $310 Cost: TBA CARPENTRY Students get hands-on experience in the actual construction of a home. The student is involved in all phases from planning and drafting to foundation, framing, and finishing work. OFFERED AGAIN IN FALL. MEDICAL & HEALTH PROGRAMS NURSING ASSISTANT (NA)* PHARMACY TECHNICIAN Students will learn to interpret, calculate, and fill medication orders, as well as all other skills needed to assist the Pharmacist. This course prepares students to take the National Pharmacy Technician Exam and to get licensed as a Pharmacy Technician in the State of Utah. The 180 clinical hours will be completed on your own time, after school and on weekends. Open to Adult students and High School Seniors (must be 18 before completion). OFFERED AGAIN IN FALL. Call for details 435.722.6909. APPLICATIONS DUE AUGUST 8 Applications are available in the Career Center or online Entrance is based on the date of completed application. Limit of 12 students. Scholarships are available for this program. Contact the instructor for more information - PHARMACY TECHNICIAN R Aug - Dec M-Th 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. $720 +fees Class hours are flexible. Practical skills of personal, emotional, and social care, will be emphasized. This course will enable the student to render safe and meaningful care to clients in acute and long-term care. You will be trained to assist the licenced nurse. This course prepares students to take the state CNA exam. It includes 76 hours of class instruction and 24 hours of clinical externship. Must be 16 years old. *State examination fee of $75 must be paid by the student directly to the Utah Nursing Assistant Registry, after completing the class. Must be 16, immunizations required. Application required. MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY COURSE Learn root medical words, prefixes, suffixes, meanings from which these medical words were derived, basic pronunciation, spelling, and accepted medical abbreviations. This is one of the required Medical Assistant courses. OFFERED AGAIN IN FALL. PRACTICAL NURSING (PN) CNA Evening V 1/11-3/21 M,Th 6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. MEDICAL ASSISTING (MA) $290+books S Training will prepare students with the skills to assist physicians in doctors’ offices, clinics, and health maintenance organizations. Medical Terminology will be also included inside the program. Scholarship money is available. High School Seniors must be18 before completion. Testing for this program must be complete by August 8 and interviews with students will be held August 15. OFFERED AGAIN IN FALL. * S * The practical nursing program begins each Fall. Testing deadline is June 23, applications are due June 30 for the Fall 2016 class. You can apply if your prerequisites will be completed before classes start in August. Contact the nursing department at 435.722.6973 for more information or Lesa 435.722.1746. Upon completion, 30 credits can be applied to the USU-Uintah Basin Associate Degree Nursing Program. This program is accredited by ACEN (Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing): 3343 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta GA 30326 Phone 404.975.5000 or Fax 404 975 5020 ENERGY SERVICES PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY NEW PROGRAM! FUNDAMENTALS OF AUTOMATION CERTIFICATE- This course will familiarize students with the operation and maintenance of automation used in the Oil & Gas industry. Topics will include safety, methods of measuring and controlling flow, temperature, level, and pressure. Students will learn the ability to solve and identify basic problems relative to instrumentation and troubleshooting. Roosevelt Campus, T-Th, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Call Kimberli Wadsworth at 435.725.7110 for more information. FUNDAMENTALS OF AUTOMATION 3 - The Fundamentals of Automation 3 Certificate is designed at the request of the local Oil and Gas Automation industry. This 300-hour program is intended to build upon the delivered fundamental understanding of electricity and automation procedures and practices to the novice oil and gas student learned in Automation 1 and 2. This course is project based where the student builds, maintains and troubleshoots automated hardware and software in simulated scenarios. This course is M,T,W 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at the Roosevelt Campus. For more info call Kimberli Wadsworth at 435.725.7110. WELL CONTROL CERTIFICATE (IADC ACCREDITED)- UBATC is proud to announce that we have a new state of the art Well Control simulator; one of only four in the country. This new simulator is well equipped and complies with the IADC and IWCF standards to meet their certification requirements. The simulator has top of the line updated computer software and hardware, featuring a main display to produce the 3D graphics needed to facilitate a realistic training environment, full 3D animation of top drive drilling and Kelly bushing drilling, and a student touch screen console. This full upgrade also includes a modern joystick that will control breaking and throttle in a simultaneous action/motion and camera controls. • DRILLING: Four-day supervisory level course. Vernal campus, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pre-registration is required. Instructors: Mike Mold & Gary Duncan. • WORKOVER/COMPLETION: Two-day supervisory-level course. Vernal campus, 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pre-registration is required. Instructors: Mike Mold & Gary Duncan. • DRILLING & WORKOVER/COMPLETION: Fiveday supervisory-level course. Vernal campus, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pre-registration is required. • INTRODUCTORY LEVELS: available upon request. • DRILLING OPERATIONS: available upon request. S PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY CERTIFICATE WITH ASSOCIATES OF APPLIED SCIENCE DEGREE OPTION - Classes start in August. Space is limited, submit applications early. Designed for those seeking employment or advancement within the oil and gas industry. Developed in partnership with oil and gas companies to ensure students receive the critical and technical skills training needed for success. PELL grant eligible and scholarships available! Classes held M-Th evening, a few daytime classes. This 900hour program includes classroom courses in: • Petroleum Technology I & II • Oil and Gas Safety • Wellhead and Surface Equipment • Leadership for the Petroleum Industry • And many other courses Get on-the-job training, and hands-on training using actual equipment used in industry. For more information please call Tammy 435.725.7135. PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY I- Class starts in August. Drilling, exploration, artificial lift systems, instrumentation, geology, history, technology, and latest trends in the oil and gas industry are all taught in this 10-week course for both the novice interested in learning about the oil & gas industry and the job seeker wanting to increase knowledge and skill levels. Cost: $413. LEADERSHIP: This leadership course is designed for new and middle management leadership. This is an interdisciplinary course designed to introduce the student to the tasks, strategies, and skills of effective leadership. Course activities will move the student from theory to the practical processes of leadership. Basic concepts essential to personal skills development and organizational leadership behavior are included. Call Kimberli Wadsworth for more information at 435.725.7110. NEW! PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY COURSES AVAILABLE TO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Approximately 100 hours of the 900-hour Petroleum Technology Program. PETRO TECH I for high school students is designed to give students a broad look at the start to finish process of the oil and gas industry. Everything from the history and properties of oil to the final completion and production of a well. It also provides information about the jobs available within the oil and gas industry. • Basic Well Calculations • Frac 101 • Practical Well Control • Resume Writing and Interview Skills HAZWOPER - Let UBATC provide the knowledge and skills necessary to ensure the safety of response personnel when taking action to contain and control releases of hazardous materials or response to disaster events that have impacted the workplace and community. This training will aid employers in compliance with local, state and federal regulations applicable to spill and disaster response cleanup. UBATC offers 8 hour refresher and 24 & 40 hour trainings. Call Gary Duncan at 435.725.7123 for more information. * TRANSPORTATION “Like” UBATC CDL on Facebook! BECOME A PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVER 420- Numerous jobs exist for truck drivers. A CDL license can open the door to gainful employment. Instruction is a mix of behind-the-wheel and classroom training. Our 420-hour course covers: • Pre-trip/Post-trip • Coupling/Uncoupling • Mountain, Night & Dirt Road Driving • Log book • Airbrake Adjustment • Large Driving/Backing Range • Variety of Big Rigs • Empty/Loaded/Bobtail Students typically finish course in 10 to 12 weeks. Training offered at both Vernal and Roosevelt. Upon successful completion a student receives: CDL license with initial endorsements, HAZMAT endorsements, brake adjustment, and certifications. Training package includes physical, drug screening and third party testing. Scholarships available for both Uintah County and Duchesne County residents. DOT HAZMAT/HM126 - Workshop can be taught UBATC in Vernal or Roosevelt. Offered upon request. CDL WINTER DRIVING CUSTOMIZED WORKSHOP- Topics include DOT regulations, slick road driving, chain up, driver evaluations, etc. Offered upon request. Vernal/Roosevelt. Offered upon request. Cost $78 DOT-UHP 4-HOUR WORKSHOP- Presentation by UHP Trooper includes: What to expect in a DOT inspection, oilfield exemptions, log books & motor carrier regulations. Call for dates. Cost: $78 AIRBRAKE WORKSHOP- Workshop can be taught at UBATC in Vernal, Roosevelt or at your place of business. Offered upon request. Cost: $78 DOT LOG BOOK TRAINING- Designed for indi- viduals and employers who need to know and discuss applicable DOT laws regarding Hours-of-Service regulations and proper log book completion. Offered upon request. Vernal. Cost: $78 CDL 3RD PARTY TESTING – UBATC can administer Utah 3rd Party Test for a CDL license. Cost for this test is $150. You can use a UBATC truck to take the test if needed for a fee of $90. Test must be scheduled more than 48 hours in advance. Call Tammy Smith at 435.725.7135 to schedule a test and for more information. DEFENSIVE DRIVING • PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVER: 6-hour Na- tional Safety Council course. Offered upon request in Vernal/Roosevelt. Six-hour National Safety Council course for the Professional Truck Driver. Cost: $110 3rd Annual TRUCK SHOW - June 25 Vernal UBATC | 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. | Free Admission Truck Displays, Demonstrations, Free Hot Dogs FAMILY FUN! OSHA TRAINING INSTITUTE EDUCATION CENTER To view schedule: Visit Under Certificates and Programs Petroleum, Energy and Transportation OSHA Training Institute and Education Center • OSHA #500 Trainer Course in OSHA Standards for Construction • OSHA #501 Trainer Course in OSHA Standards for General Industry • OSHA #502 Update for Construction Industry Outreach Trainers • OSHA #503 Update for General Industry Outreach Trainers • OSHA #510 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry • OSHA #511 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry • OSHA #521 OSHA Guide to Industrial Hygiene • OSHA #2015 Hazardous Materials • OSHA #2225 Respiratory Protection • OSHA #2255 Principles of Ergonomics (formerly OSHA #2250) • OSHA #2264 Permit-Required Confined Space Entry • OSHA #3015 Excavation, Trenching and Soil Mechanics (formerly OSHA #3010) • OSHA #3095 Electrical Standards • OSHA #3115 Fall Protection (formerly OSHA #3110 Fall Arrest Systems) • OSHA #5810 Hazards Recognition & Standards for On-Shore Oil and Gas Exploration and Production • OSHA #6000 Collaborative Duty Course for Other Federal Agencies. • OSHA #7005 Public Warehousing and Storage • OSHA #7100 Introduction to Machinery and Machine Safeguarding • OSHA #7105 Evacuation and Emergency Planning • OSHA #7115 Lockout/Tagout • OSHA #7205 Health Hazard Awareness • OSHA #7225 Transitioning to Safer Chemicals • OSHA #7300 Understanding OSHA’s Permit-Required Confined Space Standard • OSHA #7400 Noise Hazards in the Construction Industry • OSHA #7405 Fall Hazard Awareness for the Construction Industry • OSHA #7410 Managing Excavation Hazards • OSHA #7415 Construction Industry Hazards and Prevention Strategies • OSHA #7500 Introduction to Safety and Health Management • OSHA #7505 Introduction to Incident Investigation • OSHA #7510 Introduction to OSHA for Small Businesses • OSHA #7845 Record keeping Rule Seminar • OSHA 10 hr. Outreach General Industry • OSHA 30 hr. Outreach General Industry • OSHA 10 hr. Outreach Construction Ind. • OSHA 30 hr. Outreach Construction Ind. For more information regarding OSHA courses, please call Kimberli at 435-725-7110 or NEW COURSE! COMPLIANCE PROGRAM BUILDING- Do you have the required written OSHA programs for your business? Our new Compliance Program Building Course is designed to help identify and build the programs you need to stay compliant to OSHA and other regulatory agencies. This course focuses on management, leadership and employee involvement, worksite analysis and hazard prevention and control, and safety and health training and education. Students will learn what written programs are needed based on their industry as well as the requirements for programs such as fall protection, general safety and health programs, HAZCOM, Permit required confined space, respiratory protection, lockout/tagout and many more. For questions or scheduling, please call Kimberli Wadsworth 435.725.7110 or Wes Porter 435.725.7143. PUBLIC SECTOR SAFETY & HEALTH CERTIFICATE PROGRAM- The certificate program in Public Sector Safety & Health Fundamentals supports OSHA’s mission by training public sector employees in occupational safety and health to reduce incident rates for workers in state and local governments. Participants have the opportunity to earn certificates for Construction and General Industry training. Participants can choose from a variety of topics such as occupational safety and health standards for the construction or general industry, safety and health management, accident investigation, fall hazard awareness, and recordkeeping. PUBLIC SECTOR SAFETY AND HEALTH CERTIFICATE GENERAL INDUSTRY Required: (3) #511 #7500 #7505 Electives: (4) minimum of 29 contact hours #3095 #7000 #7005 #7100 #7105 #7115 #7200 #7205 #7210 #7845 #2264 or #7300 CONSTRUCTION Required: (3) #510 #7500 #7505 Electives: (4) minimum of 29 contact hours #3095 #3115 #7405 #7105 #7110 #7205 #7400 #7845 #3015 or #7410 OSHA 10-HOUR GENERAL INDUSTRY- Taught in Roosevelt and Vernal, monthly. Two-day course. Preregistration required. Cost: $135 OSHA 10-HOUR CONSTRUCTION- Teaches construction workers about their rights, employer responsibilities and how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job related hazards. Approved for Contractors Continuing Education credits. Scheduled by request. Cost: $135 HAZCOM GHS AWARENESS- New chemical label- ing mandate. Update is required by December 2013 for all employees who are exposed to hazardous chemicals. This 2-hour class is held by request with on-site training available at your business. Please call to schedule. Cost: $38 NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL DEFENSIVE DRIVING- available to companies only. Cost: $40; Class w/ driving evaluation, Cost: $110 SAFETY MEDIC FIRST AID/CPR WITH AED - Taught every other Wednesday in Vernal, and once a month in Roosevelt at10:00 a.m. Cost: $60 Combine with H2S + FA/CPR/ AED = Cost: $85 CHILD/INFANT FIRST AID/CPR ENDORSEMENT- Ideal for day care providers, teachers, babysitters, nursery workers, parents and grandparents. FORKLIFT COUNTER BALANCE OR ROUGH TERRAIN - IVES Training System will help ensure your company’s mobile equipment operator training. Meets or exceeds all applicable industry standards and government regulations in certifying/qualifying your operators of forklifts. Classroom training and equipment evaluation. IVES AERIAL LIFTS- Aerial lifts, man lifts, knuckle boom, and scissor lift. Fulfills OSHA requirements to include classroom and practical evaluation. Available upon request. H2S HYDROGEN SULFIDE COMPLIANCE- This 2-hour class is taught every other Wednesday in Vernal, and once a month in Roosevelt 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Cost: $51 PEC SAFELAND- The Operators listed below recognize and support the SafeLand Orientation, with a primary goal of reducing the number of preventable accidents in our industry’s journey to zero accidents. SafeLand is recognized by Anadarko, Exxon Mobil, EnCana, BP, Newfield, Bill Barrett, Crescent Point and many others. Held monthly, available in Roosevelt or Vernal, 7:00 a.m. Cost: $112 PEC CORE COMPLIANCE- This training program will insure your employees are trained in the safety topics commonly required by operators. PEC H2S CLEAR: 4-HOUR STANDALONE H2S COURSE TITLED “PEC H2S CLEAR (4-HOUR END USER).” - PEC H2S Clear will improve employee safety performance for general industry workers who may come in contact with hydrogen sulfide during their regular day to day job duties. While not only improving safety performance, this course also prepares general industry workers by providing crucial knowledge of the dangers of H2S and the precautions, tools and controls necessary when working in H2S environments. This course has no prerequisite and covers the current classroom requirements of ANSI Z390.1 and is designed to meet the new ANSI requirements coming in 2016. OIL & GAS SAFETY COMPLIANCE FOR CONTRACTORS- Includes 10-hour OSHA General Industry, H2S Awareness training, Medic First Aid/CPR/AED & Respiratory Protection Awareness. Fit Testing upon request. Offered monthly, both days required. Cost: $216 OIL & GAS NEW HIRE SAFETY- Certification and awareness level safety training for new hires in the oil and gas industry. Attend full week or specific days as needed. Includes 10 hour OSHA, H2S, First Aid/ CPR, Respiratory Protection, & Fit Testing, Defensive Driving with evaluation or SafeLand. 14 hours industry specific training. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION & FIT TEST- Procedures for fitting a respirator to protect against hazardous gases. YOUR CAREER STARTS HERE PROGRAMS ROOSEVELT 1100 East Lagoon Street Roosevelt, UT 84066 435.722.6900 Business Roosevelt & Vernal Campus Office Professional Like us on Facebook! Medical Roosevelt Campus Only Medical Assistant Pharmacy Technician Practical Nursing Roosevelt & Vernal Campuses Nursing Assistant Trades and Industry Roosevelt Campus Only Auto Technology Culinary Arts NEW! POST (Police Academy) Vernal Campus Only Civil Technology Heavy Duty Diesel Roosevelt & Vernal Campuses Electrical Apprenticeship Farm & Ranch Business Mgnt. Welding Like UBATC on Facebook and get entered into a drawing for FREE training hours! ons to: Congratulati High School Only Programs Roosevelt & Vernal Campuses Automotive Maint. & Light Repair Cabinetry Welding Basic Technician Carpentry Roosevelt Campus Media Design Chelsie Storrs Winner of 25 FREE training hours! Get entered for our next drawing by “liking” UBATC on Facebook! CONGRATULATIONS TO CHANDLER VINCENT UBATC STUDENT OF THE YEAR! Chandler Vincent is a welding student at the Roosevelt UBATC campus and a senior at Union High School. Chandler started his own company, CRV Welding at the age of 16. He placed 1st at State SkillsUSA 2015 & 2016, competed at Nationals, finishing fourth in the nation as a junior and looks forward to bringing home the gold medal as he competes again this Summer. Chandler was one of the top 3 finalists for UCAT Student of the Year. If you would like to invite Chandler to a speaking opportunity, please contact Energy Services Roosevelt & Vernal Campuses Energy Services Safety CDL - Truck Driver Training Vernal Campus Only Petroleum Technology Roosevelt Campus Only Fundamentals of Automation Automation 2 Automation 3 VERNAL 450 North 2000 West Vernal, UT 84078 435.725.7100 S * *STACKABLE CERTIFICATES TRANSFER TO USU! 1. Upon completing a 900-hour certificate at UBATC, 30 credit hours can be applied towards an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree at Utah State University - Uintah Basin. 2. Apply your associates degree toward a Bachelor of Science in General Technology at USU - Uintah Basin. Certificates at UBATC that qualify for 30 transferable credits to Utah State University: Welding, Petroleum Technology, Heavy Duty Diesel, Medical Assisting, Practical Nursing, Auto Technology, Culinary Arts & Business Office Professional. v CAREER COUNSELING The UBATC Career Centers in Vernal and Roosevelt offer career counseling to anyone considering classes at UBATC. Call 435.725.7103 for more information. UBATC TESTING CENTER The Testing Center assists individuals in succeeding in their choice of academic studies by providing a variety of testing services. Call 435.725.7103 to schedule a test. The Testing Center is an authorized site for the following organizations: • ASE Prometric • Utah Nursing Assistant Registry • (RMGA) Rocky Mountain Gas Association • (POST) Police Officer Selection Test • CIC Crane Operator • MBTI Myers-Briggs Type Indicator • Strong Interest Inventory • TABE Placement Tests • Pearson Vue SENIOR CITIZENS Senior Citizens (62 or older) will receive an 80% discount for individual classes. Enrollment will be allowed on a space available basis. Community education and other self funded classes are exempt from the senior discount. No grade or certificate will be awarded. An “Audit” will be given. Bus transportation available between Vernal and Roosevelt campuses. visit
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