Newsletter Tuesday 18 March
Newsletter Tuesday 18 March
WELTON PRIMARY SCHOOL No. VIII ! Mmmmmmm. Chocolate! 18 MARCH 2014 OUR KITCHEN CLASSROOM RULES Yesterday the Year P,1,2,3,4 students cooked a scrumptious lunch of lasagne and garlic bread. This was followed by a decadent dessert of banana splits. All students had the opportunity to construct their fare from scratch. We used our iPads to keep a photo record of the steps involved in making the lasagne and the older students created a book explaining the procedure. Lunch was a formal affair with serviettes, cutlery and a chance to practise our table manners. Daria, James and Brodey are keen to win this lot - but just like everybody else they will have to buy a ticket and then just hope! DEATH BY CHOCOLATE Our hamper has been filled with lots of yummy treats. Raffle tickets have been attached to this week’s newsletter. If anyone wishes to sell raffle tickets at their place of work or community group, we can supply a flyer and additional tickets. All funds raised will go towards subsidising our whole school camp in term 4. ASANTI DANCE GROUP Next Wednesday, March 26, the whole school will be attending a performance in Cohuna by the Ansanti Dance Group. The group will demonstrate African Dance and music and the students will be given a chance to participate. We will be attending with other district schools. The performance begins at 9.15am, therefore it is necessary for us to leave Torrumbarry by 8.30am. We ask that all students be at the Torrumbarry Roadhouse by 8.20am. The bus will not be making the usual morning run. If families experience difficulties with the change in these travel arrangements please contact the school ASAP. The bus will run as normal in the afternoon. Students will need their usual snacks, drinks and lunch. ! PAGE 1 WELTON PRIMARY SCHOOL No. VIII ! 18 MARCH 2014 Calendar FOOTY TIPPING Due to the early start to the season, or our late notice- we have decided to give punters a reprieve for the first part of round one. All entrants will receive a score of four for last week’s games allowing those who forgot or didn’t know about the competition time to enter in time for this week’s matches. Ensure that your selections for the remaining five games of round one are in by Thursday. See attached flyer for details on how to enter. Prize money will be dependent upon the number of entries received and will be announced in next weeks newsletter. YEAR 5/6 CAMP Yesterday our Year Five and Six students and Miss Michell left for their three day adventure to the big smoke. News has it that roast chicken and vegetables was on the menu for last night’s dinner followed by an adventure to Eureka Skydeck. We can’t wait to hear about all of their adventures when they return on Wednesday evening. Wednesday 19 March Urban Campers return Monday 24 March School Council AGM 7 pm Wednesday 26 March Asanti @ Cohuna Friday 4 April Death By Chocolate draw. (All tickets and money to be returned by this date) End of Term 1 Stay tuned! Tuesday 22 April Term 2 commences Friday 25 April ANZAC Day Holiday COLOUR DAY Last Thursday we had a Colour Day where students were asked to wear their favourite colour. In the afternoon all students participated in a range of team challenges. Maddy’s main challenge was being able to hold onto a balloon without popping it! Thank you to Mr T for organising such a fun afternoon. A special thank you to Harry Kennedy and his mum for making us all our own personalisedand delicious, cupcakes and for supplying some ice-creams for us to cool off with. FAMILY PORTRAITS Thank you to those families who are participating in our Family Portrait Fundraiser. A reminder that photos are being taken this weekend. Tracy Davis has contacted each family to give them a time and location. As we have families following on after each other, please ensure you are on time for your session. Thanks Tracy for organising this fundraiser. HELP WANTED If anyone has some spare time and a good pair of secateurs and a pruning saw, we would like some bushes cut back in preparation for the painting work to be done on our art room 1080. Please contact Lisa if you are able to assist. ! PAGE 2 WELTON PRIMARY SCHOOL No. VIII ! 18 MARCH 2014 SCHOOL COUNCIL We welcome Christina Kalinowski as a member of School Council. Christina is mum to Daria and Lucas. A reminder to all councilors that our AGM is being held at the school at 7pm on Monday March 24th. This will be followed by our regular March meeting. JUNIOR FOOTBALL NEWS Under 12 and Under 14 Training will start on Thursday March 20th at 5pm at Leitchville Oval All football grades (Including senior) player registra7on will be available from 5pm with Sallie Hawken and Jodie Rowlands. Please note: to be eligible to commence training with the Under 12’s you must have turned 8 years old by March 1, 2014. Please see Sallie for more details. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Sallie Hawken on 0409941480 or ! PAGE 3 !