z}`n APRrLzor3 - Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
z}`n APRrLzor3 - Persatuan Alumni AOTS Malaysia
A}{NUAL REPORTFOR2OI2 ffi^ ffit v %', TB zythAI{NUAL GENERAL MEETING z}'nAPRrLzor3 PERSATUANALUMM AOTS MALAYSIA 52-A,JALAN SS22125Damansaralaya 47400PetalingJayaSelangor . Tel : 603-7726 2863.Fax : 603- 77282348 Email : paam@aots.org Website: www.aots.ors PR ssLE) \a#7 PERSATUAN A L U M N IA O T S M A L A Y S I A R e g .N o 3 7 2 0 / 8(5S e l a n g o r ) ] [R.O.S N o . 5 2 A ,J a l a nS S 2 2 / 2 5 ,D a m a n s a r a J a y a , 4 7 4 0 0P e t a l i n g J a y a ,S e l a n g o rD a r u lE h s a n . fet 603-77 262863 F ax. 603-77282348 E - m a i l :p a a m @ a o t s . o r gI W e b s i t e w : ww.aots.org NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MBETING NOTICE IS I-IEREBYGIVEN thatthe 28thAnnual GeneralMeetingof the Alumrriwill be heldas follows: Date/Time : 28'r'April2013(Sunday)at 10:30am Venue : FunctionRoom 3"'rFloor PAAM Office 52-4, I ALAN SS 22125Damansaralaya 47400PetalingJaya,Selangor AGENDA l. Addressby President,Mr Tan Teng Ek 2. To receivethe AnnualReportfrom PAAM for tlre year2012that will include: i) ii) Confirmationof the Minutes: a) 27't'AnnualGeneralMeetingheld on 22"dApril2012 b) EGM heldon 10'r'June2012 andBranches Reportsfrom the CentralCommittee,Sub-Committee er 2012 3. Presentatiorr of Statement of Accountsfor YearEnded3l'r Decemb 4. Proposedamendments to PAAM Constitutionin regardto AGM & EGM of which prior notificationhasbeenreceived 5. Any otherbusiness Yap Choon Ming Acting Honorary General Secretary Datedthis 6tr'March 2013 Note: PleasecontactPAAM office to confirm your attendanceby I 3'r'April 20l3 'l'he registrationdeskwill be opened'at08.30am. Therewill be a TeaTalk on "TAXES RESpONSIBILITIES" in the morningfrom 09.00am - 10.00am,followedby AGM at l0.30arn. Lunch will be servedfrom 12.30Pm' PROGRAM FOR 28.hAPRIL 2013 09.00 am 09.45am10.30am 10.35am 12.30pm 14.00pm 09.45am 10.30am 10.35am 12.30pm 13.30Pm Registrationof Members TeaTalk on "Taxes- Responsibilities" of PAAM welcomeAddressby the President AGM Proper(pleasereferto Notice) Lunch End of Program Proposedarnendmentsto PAAM Constitution in regard to AGM & EGM Currentclauseon Article 6 GeneralMeeting TheHonoraryGeneralSecretary 6.4 shallsendto all members, at least14 daysbeforethe AnnualGeneralMeeting,an agendaincluding copiesof minutesand reports,together with the auditedaccounts year.Copiesof thesedocuments of PAAMfor the previous shallalsobe madeavailable at the registered officeof PAAMfor the perusalof members. ProposedAmendment: shallsendto all members, 6.4 TheHonoraryGeneralSecretary at least14 daysbeforethe AnnualGeneralMeeting,an agendaincluding copiesof minutesand reports,togetherwith the auditedaccountsof PAAMfor the previousyear.Copiesof thesedocumentsmaybein the form of an electronicmedia and thev shallalsobe madeavailableat the registered officeof PAAMfor the perusalof members. Rationale for the amendment: Thismethodof sendingnoticeof meeting,agenda,minutesand reportsof AGM aswell friendlyandcostsaving.lt is alsoin linewith asauditedaccounts of PAAMwill be moreenvironmentally for manycorporations and NGOsin the conductof their general trendof goingpaperless the changing meetings. Current clauseon EGM Article 6.6 GeneralMeetingshallbe forwardedby the Noticeand agendafor an Extraordinary 6.6 HonoraryGeneralSecretaryto all membersat leastfourteen(14)daysbeforethe date fixedfor the meeting. ProposedAmendment: 6.6 GeneralMeeting,whichmavhe in electronic Noticeand agendafor an Extraordinary to all membersat least GeneralSecretary Honorary by the forwarded form, shallbe fourteen(1a)daysbeforethe date,fixedfor the meeting, Rationalefor the amendment: 6.4of the above. is in linewith the amendedClause Thisamendment andacceptance' Theaboveis tabledfor the AGM'sdeliberation PERSATUANALUMNI AOTS MALAYSIA CONTENTS A MESSAGE FROM MR. TAN TENG EK, PRESIDENT OF PERSATUAN ALLA4NI AOTS MALAYSIA B l. 2. ANNUAL REPORT FOR TI{E YEAR 2OI2 Patron Panelof Advisors CentralCommitteeMembers forYear 2012 Summaryof Events foryear2012 Central Committee Meetinss Membership Tea Talks and Other Activities JapaneseLanguage Courses Sub-CommitteeReports a. Training & Development b. Entrepreneurship(PME) c. Social d. MembershipSupport e. Publication 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The Office 1I . a) Minutes of the 27thPAAM Annual GeneralMeeting held on 22"d April 2012 b) Minutes of the EGM held on lOthJune2012 12. a) Treasurer'sReport And Auditors Report b) Audited AccountsFor The Year Ended2012 13. Report& Financial StatementFrom Alumni Branches a) Johor Branch b) SarawakBranch c) SabahBranch MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT, Mr. Tan Teng Ek Even before the Tsunami hit Japan two years ago, the JapaneseGovernment was already cutting down their public expenditures,especially ODA (Ofncial Development Assistance) funds which are used to help developingcountries. As a result of these drastic financial measures,AOTS Japan (or now renamed as HIDA) had to close many representativeoffices around the world including that of Kuala Lumpur. Another consequence of this ODA cut was that subsidized training programs were discouraged,instead self-financing programs were encouraged.This had made it very difficult for many Aors Alumni Associations to operate _ obviously, PAAM was not exempted. Despite all these setbacks, I am proud to announce that we had managed to launch some activities/programsfor the benefit of our members;some recent ones being the successfulAOTS Annual Dinner held on November 2012 and a two-day program on "Green Procurement in the Supply Chain Management" held on 4 - 5 March 2013. We will shive to be more active in the coming months but we will definitely need your valuable inputs as well as support/contributionsto make things happen. Thank you and warmest regards, Tan TengEk President 3 March2Dl3 ANNUAL REPORT For the periodfrom 1 January 2012to 3l December2012 PATRON: Y.BDato'SriMustapa Mohamed (Ministerof theministryof International TradeandIndustry,Malaysia) PANEL OF ADVISORS: Tan Sri Amirsham A.Aziz Chairman of the Malaysian InvestmentDevelopment Authority Datuk Lim Fung Chee Chairmanof Hasil Bumi Sdn. Bhd Encik Badaruddin Mohd Ariff Chairmanand Managing Director of P&G Network Sdn. Bhd Mr. P. Kandiah KAAS InternationalSdn. Bhd. COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR YEAR 2OIII2OI2 President Vice President Hon.GeneralSecretary Asst.Hon.Gen.Secretarv Hon.Treasurer Asst.Hon Treasurer Members Mr. Tan Teng Ek Mr. Yang Chor Leong Ms. Maggie Yap ChengI{ong (Resigned10 October2012) Mr. Yap Choon Ming Mr. Khor Kai Tong Mr. How Chee Seng Mr Siao Kent Wah En Khairuddin Ishak Mr. Lee Hock Leong En. Mohd Hakim Mohd Nor En Lokman Hussein En A.Aziz Y.Kamaruddin Mr Nadaraja A/L Arumugam (ResignedOctober 2012) ATTENDANCE OF CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS from Apr20l2-Dec2012 Mr. TanTengEk - 8/8 Mr. Yang Chor Leong- 8/8 Mr. How CheeSeng-8/8 En KhairuddinIshak - 7/8 Mr Yap ChoonMing - 7/8 En.Mohd Hakim MohdNor - 7/8 En.A. AzizY. Kamaruddin- 6/8 Mr. SiaoKent Wah- 6/8 Mr. LeeHock Leong- 5/8 Mr. Khor Kai Tong- 5/8 EnLokmanHussien- 5/8 SUMMARY OF EVENTS FOR YEAF.?OIZ - 7'hAFRO ASIAN EntrepreneursProgram(AAEP) on 7'r'- l4'h Feb 2012 - Annual GeneralMeeting on Sunday22"dApril2012 atFunction Room Pahlawan3, The Summit Hotel SubangUSJ - In House JapaneseLanguageTraining on l6thApril - 9thJuly 2012 - JapanHomestay, Tokyo 2012 May - June2012 - Homestay Program in Japanon 24't'May - 2"d June2012 - Hippo family from Korea HomestayExperiencein Malaysia 2nd- 5thJune2012 - Courtesycall on MIDA Chairman on 3'dNov 2012 - PAAM Nite 2012 on l0'hNov 2012 at SunwayLagoonClub - FOSAAS Conventionat Makati-Philipines on l4'r' -17thNov 2012 MEMBERSHIP The currentrnembershipas at 3 1.12.2012stands at: Life Members OrdinaryMembers(Active) Associate Members(Active) Affiliate Menbers 628 75 0 /. JAPANESELANGUAGE COURSES Class for In-House (companies) Level Duration No. of Pax Companies& Sensei Sensei Basic I (A) 22t5/2012-18/12/2012 t8 Canon Opto (M) Sdn. Bhd Misako Matsunoshita Basic I (B) 23/5/2012-12/12/2012 l7 Canon Opto (M) Sdn. Bhd Chia Leng Hiang Basic II 28/5/2012-17 /12/2012 2l Canon Opto (M) Sdn. Bhd Misako Matsunoshita IntermediateII 30/5/2012-25/u20r2 8 Canon Opto (M) Sdn. Bhd Chia Leng Hiang Basic1 r0/3/20r2-r5/10/2012 t6 Sekolah Menengah Sri Kdu Tokuda Ryuichi lntermediate I r8/6/20r2-ra/7/2012 10 AEON Co. (M) Sdn. Bhd Misako Matsunoshita t5n2/2012-3/3/2013 I Denso Misako Matsunoshita BasicI IntermediateII SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS (1) TRAINTNG & pEVELOPMENT Chairman : Mr. A AzizY Kamaruddin : Mr. Yans Chor Leons & Office Staff - Sometime in Dec 2012 the Sub-Committeeheadedby Mr Yang startedpreparingfor a Training on: Green Procurement in Supply Chain Managementwhich was successfullyconductedon 4d' and 5d' March 2013 at Holiday Villa SubangJaya. (2) ENTREPRENEURSHIP (PME) : Mr. Yang Chor Leong Chairman : Mr. Yap Choon Min Supported - Sometime in October 2012 the Sub-Committeeheadedby Mr Yang star-tedpreparing for an international seminarfor the 8thAfro Asean EntrepreneurProgramwhich was successfullyheld on 28'hJan - 4'h Feb 2013 at the International Youth Center, Jalan CherasKL. (3) SOCIAL : Mr. Siao Kent Wah Chairman : En Lokman Hussein Supported - The Sub-Committee& Oflice Staff plannedand successfullycompletedthe2012 PAAM Annual Dinner which was held on l0'h Nov 2012 at SunwayLagoonCIub, Bandar Sunway (4) MEMBERSHIP SUPPORT Chairman Supported : Mr. How Chee Seng : Haji Mohd Hakim & Office Staff (s) PUBLTCATTON : Haji Mohd Hakim ( ResignedDec2012) Chairman : Tan Teng Ek & Office Staff Supparted - A total of three issuesof the PAAM Newsletterswere published in2012 to communicatewith PAAM members and supportersthe various news and activities of PAAM. THE OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Staff: Mr. Jeyapal (l2th December2011- present) Internship Student Aimi Aina bt Supian Dewi Maslina bt Amran Nor Yusra Atika bt Samsudin (2 l " December 2012 - present) (2 1't December 2012 - present) (2 1" December 2012- present) MINIJTESOF THE 27THANINIJALGENERAL MEETINGOF PAAMHELD ON 22"dApriI2012 PERSATIJAN ALI]MM AO SMALAYSIA(PAAIW \Adrl NO. 52.A, JALAII SS 22125.DA\4A.NSARAJAYA. 47400PETALING JP^YA,SELANGOIT,MAIA\'SIATEL:03-7'1262863 FAX: 03-'1728 2348I 7'i26'1269 E-rr ail : p aan(@po.jating.ml, Websrte: \{\\,w.aors.org N { i n u t e so f t h e 2 7 t hA G M o f t r r eP c r s a t u a nA l u m n i A O T S M a l a y s i a( p A , r N I ) hcld on 22ud '{pril 2012at Surnrnilflorcl, USJ Suhang,SelangorDarul Ehsan. htlencler-rce: as per attendancelist With sufficieritquorum,the meetingcommencedat l0.45am Adoption ofAnnual Report for20ll The CCM Reportfor 201I was tabledfor the meeting'sconsideration and deliberation.Upon the proposalof Mr Lee Eh Sin and secondedby Mr Lim Eng Swee, the CCM Reporlwas passedby the AGM. Adoption of Audited Accountsfor 2011 The Audited Accountsof PAAM for 2011 r'reretablecifor the meeting'sconsiderationand deliberation.Uporrthe proposalof En ZamrudBin Mansor and secondedby ivlr liock Leongthe FinancialReportivas passedby the AGM. . Dissofution of Central Ccmmittee Members 20fi -2012 With the dissolutionof the CentralComnritteefor 2010-2012,En. ZamrudBin Mans',lrrvasunanimcrusl_v proposed to be the ElectionChairman. Elcctionof the Central ComnrittecMembers Resultsfrom the electionheld ft-rrtheCentlalCommitteefor periodof 2012-2014were as tbllows:Position President Vice President Hon. Secretary Asst Hon. Secretary Hon.'Ireasurer Asst Flon.Treasurer CommifteeMembers Candidates Yang CirorLeong vs Aziz Kamaruddin A Aziz Kamaruddin(uncontesled) MaggieYap CH (uncontested) Dr Thiagaraj (volunteered) Khor Kai Tong (uncontested) Yap ChoonMing (uncontested) Mohd Hakim (uncontested) Harziel Effendi (unconrested) RaymondChang (uncontested) How CheeSeng (uncontested) Karen Lim (uncontested) Mohd Ismail Bin Abu Bakar(volunteered) SaifuddinBin Badaruddin(volunteered) Auditors Lim Eng Sweeand RichardEng Mr. Yang welcomedthe newly electedmembersto the CentralComrnittee. Therebeingno othermattersto discuss,the meetirrgadjoumedat i2.00pm. Minutesrecordedby Hon GeneralSecretary Confirmed by Vy'onbv Yang ChorLeong A A,zizKamaruddin MaggieYap CFI Dr Thiagaraj Khor Kai Tong Yap ChoonN{ing Mohd Hakim HarzielEffendi RaymondChang Horv CheeSeng Karen Lim N{ohdIsmail BiLrAbu Bakar SaituddinBin BaCaluddin LISTOF 27THANNUALGENERALMEETING ATTENDANCE DATE :22ND APRIL2O12 1 2 3 NAME CHEOKYEW FOOK RICHARDENGSOOITEE MA MENGFOOK 4 H O W C H E ES E N G 5 KOH LAY CHAI 6 YEONGSOON SENG 7 JERRYLEECHEWATIN DR MD YUSOFF CHANGFUNGSANG,RAYMOND . LEEEH SIN HARZIELEFFENDIE BINHADI ,. YANGCHORLEONG TAN TENG EK NO. q I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 '/ u"_ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MEMBERSHIP 431 0631 N\ 0-05 Lel--.-z-,tc )GDt /h- SIGNATURE &d&a^& f,a-^'r\\, /o_-u {Lort\--, \ 44:( 0657 L 0171 0659 Y 0619 t0. lv (bn KAiroNG MOHDHAKIMMOHNOR BALAGANESH G PAVAD$YI KAREN LIM YAP CHOONMING SEOWTHONGSENG ZAMRUDB. MANSOR i MOHDGHA-\LI ABU BAKAR MAHANDRAN MAGGIEYAP ANG LEONGHUAT NG KOK LEONG MAHANIMOHAMED WONGHUNSUN KELLYLEE PINGHUN CHENGSAMTUNG YUPYUN FUNG t f l,1 6:rv6 qwca M 0647 o529 Y 0048 0656 0529 0646 0509 0632 0625 i vlurs2r,. '/ft'89 /1 \xu .v/ ,)\ "/a /'14<4^) W ,w o404 ,-116.rr{ 0151 Y 001 \^ tr.' /NN=r-=( V^- ,L MII{TJTESOF THE EGM MEETNG OF PA rM HELD ON lOthJLII{E2012 (PAAM) AOTSMALAYSIA ALTJMNI PERSATUAN NO. 52-A, JALAN SS 22/25,DAMANSARA JAYA, 474OOPETALING JAYA, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. 2348I 7726 7269 TEL: 03-77262863 FAX: 0-1-7'128 E-rnail:paarn@pojaring.myWebsite:www.aots.org MINUTES OF PERSATUAN ALUMNI AOTS MALAYSIA (PAAM) EGM . HELD ON IO JUNE 2OI2 A"I lO.3OAM AT PAAM OFFICE Attendance:as per attendancelist. 1. Announcementof quorum The meeting was called to order when the General Secretary,Ms Maggie Yap arulounced that a quorum was present. 2. EGM proceedings It was explained to the meeting that purpose of the EGM was to regularize the election of the Central Comnaitteemembers. It had been pointed out to PAAM, after the iast AGM held on 2210412012,that two irregularities had been observed in the election of CCM office-bearers in respect to the election of President and certain Ordinary Cornmittee memberswho wdre not membersof PAAM. Article 7 of the Constitution was cited ie i. Presidentshall not hold three consecutiveterms of office As per ConstitutionArticle 7 CentralCommitteeon electionof President: 7-2a 'Nam€s for tha above offices shall be proposed and seconded and election shall be by a simple maiority vot€ of tfie mernbers at tho Annual Genenal MeeUng.. Alt of ths Office Bearers shall ba ellglble 6or reslection provided always that tfie office besrers of Presldent, Vlce-President, Honorary Se'cretary, Honorary T'rgasurer shall not be eligible for re-election for tfiree consecutiva t€rrns.. ii. CentralCommitteemernbershall be life members As per ConstitutionArticle 7 CentralCommitteeon electionof Committeemembers: perforrning officei and every PAAM of Bearers Tt-re Office and Citizens be Malaysian in PAAI\^,sFra.ll lunctions executiva PAANTof r.rrernber life a' Before the commencernent of the EGM. membersunanimouslyagreedto acceptthe Treasurer'sReportand the auditedAccountsfor 201I/2012 and CCM's Reportfor 201112012 that weretabledand passedduringthe last AGM held on 2210412012. The meetingagreedto only hold the electionof officer-bearers. il a The meetingunanimouslyelectedMr TheodoreWong to be the ElectionChairman.The namesof thefollowingmemberswereduly proposed, seconded andelected: 6ffi w ALI.IMMAOTSMALAYSIAIPAAM) PERSATUAN NO. 52-A, JALAN SS 22125,DAMANSARA.TAYA, 47400PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR,MALAYSIA. TEL: 03-77262863 FAX: 03-77282348I 7'1267269 E-mail:paam@pojaring.myWebsite:www.aots.org POStTION NAME PRESIDENT TAN TENGEK V I C EP R E S I D E N T YANGCHORLEONG HON.GENSECRETARY MAGGIE YAP GENSECRETARY HON.ASST. Y A PC H O O NM I N G H O N .T R E A S U R E R KT KHOR HON.ASST.TREASURER H O WC H E E SENG SIAO KENTWAH KHAIRUDINISHAK ORDINARY COMMITTEE MEMBERS LEEHOCKLEONG M O H DH A K I M LOKMAN HUSSEIN A.AZIZY.KAMARUDDIN NADARAJA A/L ARUMUGAM AUDITOR SUBRAMANIAM NARAYAN V A L E R ILE. F C , HONG 4. President's speech The neq,PresidentMr Tan TengEk, in his speech,thankedmembersfor the confidence . givento him andthe new CentralCommitteeto leadPAAM. He urged all membersesp the CCM to work togetheras a team in making PAAM strong by coming out with more programs and activities for the benefrt of the general membership. 5. Meetingadjourned The meetingnoteda suggestionthat PAAM Constitutionshouldbe furtherstudiedandif needbe,to amendaccordinglyto makeit clearerandsuittheneedsof thepresenttime. Therebeingno otherurgentmatters,the EGM adjourned. Recorded by: Verified j"\W HON. GENSECRETARY Date: AN TENG IPRESIDEN Date:5f t l&ry ATTENDANCELISTFOREXTRAORDINARYGENERALMEETING at 10:30am DATE: 10thJune2012(Sunday) VENUE:PAAMTrainingRoom,3rd Floor NAME NO. 1 A.AZIZ Y.KAMARUDDIN sl6Nnrunr M E MB E R S H I P qr 0089 / 2 ANGLEONG HUAT 0632 3 AZADDINABDULAZIZ 027r 4 AZIZ@ FIKRIMOHAMMAD a467 5 LYE FooNNr\a.io,) cHEoNG 0035 (,/L I /o ,- r.{ | t)-''" -X &=) ...,..1..,.:.:.j...1,:,.,:..,.;j..1,....:-i.....:...,.,:..:t...t........,,,,..,.,,,.:._,:.,,,,t.,, ==::!:+j#i.^#i:ili*i-iiil.ii*ii:+#.*+, CHIAJIN SIAN, HENRY *v 7 S I O WY E N CHONG 0622 I HOW CHEESENG 0011_ 9 ISMAILB. HASHIM 0274 10 KOHYOONHEN 0505 t1 LEE EHSIN a771 L2 LEEHOCKLEONG 0307 13 LIM BOONHONG,SHARON 0269 L4 LIM ENGSWEE 0530 15-- YAPCHENG HONG,MAGGIE 0s99 16 M O H DH A K I MM O H DN O R 4647 ^\/NV /)^ br t\ \\"{(b ATTENDANCELISTFOREXTRAORDINARYGENERALMEETING 'DATE : 10thJune2012(Sunday) at 10:30amVENUE:PAAMTrainingRoom,3rd Floor L7 NG KOKLEONG frt 0625 I 18 NGEAMTSEPING 0682 19 P.BALAGANESH 0529 20 SIAOKENTWAH o4z3 2L YANGCHORLEONG 0619 lw ,4\\\^ t\ 0048 23 ZAMRUDMANSOR 24 CHANGFUNGSAN€,RAYMOND 05s7 25 KOH LAYCHAI,ERIC 0008 26 TANTENGEK 0329 \,/ .1.:"ri .:-;r,'f !r*ri:==:-f l=:ri:.',' !t:l!in: 0646 gtuc, )zl YEONG SOONSENG 005r. 28 THEODORE WONG 0331 29 LOWKIANG an_4 30 LEECHEWTIN,JERRY 0L34 31 G O HP O HH O O NW , INNIE 0278 32 DR. IR. ABDULMIZ ABDULRAHMAN 0459 i'tu}ffi,v" I I _s\ I YI tu U \.,--z i , i i ! MEETING ATTENDANCELISTFOREXTRAORDINARYGENERAL at 10:30am DATE: 10thJune2012(Sunday) Room,3rdFloor PAAMTraining vENUE: l (t42 REPORT FROM THE TREASURER This is to confirm that the financialstatements of PersatuanAlumni AOTS Malaysiafor the year ended 31 December2012'havebeenprepared to thebestof our knowledgein accordance with the requirements of theRegistrarof Societies. Preparedby: (:...................................: ... .. .... . (KhorKai Tong,Honorary Treasurer) REPORT OF'TTTEAUDITORS We have examinedthe accountsof PAAM and obtainedthe information and explanationsrequiredby us. In our opinion, the accountsof PAAM are properly drawn up so as to give a tnre and fair view of the state of affairs of the Association as at 3l December 2012. t,Q :H iam Naravan HonoraryAuditor Dated ;20tn March2072 ValerieL.F Cheong HonoraryAuditor PAAM'S 2012ANNUAL ACCOLINTS PERSATUANALUMNI AOTS MALAYSIA BALANCE SHEETAS AT 31 DECBMBER2012 ' 2012 RM 2011 RM Property, Plant & Equipment Building Renovation Equipment Furnitqq & Fittings Computers I ,3I 1,945.00 222.00 4,195.00 1,198.50 3,684.20 1 , 3I 1 , 9 4 5 . 0 0 332.00 5,876.56 1,479.30 3,09 4.80 I,321,234.70 I,322,727.66 846.03 31,247.46 476,567.87 521,500.21 46.13 86,329.42 363,875.32 7.722.00 457,972.87 (28,340.12) (17,612.40) Current Assets Cash In Hand r CashIn Bank Fixed Deposits Other Debtors; Deposit & Prepayrnent t2.844.8s Current Liabilities Other Creditors & Accruals 1,814,394.79 1,763,088.13 1,763,088.13 r,697,r97.53 Members'Funds BalanceB/F FromPreviousYear Excessof IncomeOverExpenditure BalanceC/F To Next Year 51,306.66 1.8r4.394.79 65,890.60 1"763"088.13 PERSATUANALUMNI AOTS MALAYSIA INCOME STATEMENT FOR THB YEAR ENDED31 DECBMBER2012 2012 RM 20lL RM r. MEMBERSHrPsusdcnrPTroNs Ordinary' Life Entrancefee Affiliate 60.00 300.00 40.00 600.00 40.00 400.00 640.00 2. TRAII\{INGPROGRAMMES Grant Japanese LanguageCourses Afro-AsiairEnterpreneurs Programme Tea-Talks KaizenSeminars QC ProblemSolvingApproach(QualityControl) ProjectManagement 10,046.00 76,380.60 73,396.06 (30.00) 34,r49.95 19,208.13 (2,0s 1.00) (s2.es) (2,183.40) ( 1,086 .36) 1,320.00 99,792.66 49,304.37 3. PROJECTS/ SOCIAL ACTIVITIES FOSAASConvention& WNF Committee Annual Dinner Mini TanabataMatsuri HIPPOHomeStay Prograrnme TechnicalTranslationServices (5,817.10) (10,29.35) i:,lzs.oo; (3,453.00) 2,923.69 31,797.00 (13,245.77) 24.359.00 12,692.55 1,275.90 66,660.00 11,936.99 t,256.93 82,930.00 80,628.45 96,123.92 167,575.34 170,427.29 4. INVESTMENTS FixedDepositsInterest Banklnterest Rentallncome Miscellaneous Income TOTAL INCOMF; PERSATUANALUMNI AOTS MALAYSIA INCOME STATEMENTFOR TFIE YEAR BNDBD31 DECEMBER2012 2012 RM . 20ll RM LESS : EXPENDITURE AGM Expenses BankCharges Depreciation pptgrtainment Gifts& Donation Insurance LicenceFee t Maintenanceof Office Premise Maintenanceof Office Equipment Maintenanceof Homepage \4edical Eipenses MiscellaneousExpenses Meeting & Travelling Expenses Newsletter Printing & Stationery ProfessionalFees Quit Rent & Assessment Sundry,Newspaper& Periodicals ServiceTax EPF Contribution SOCSOContribution Salary Utility, Telecommunication& Postage TOTAL EXPENDITURE I]XCESSOF INCOME OVER EXPENDITURE BEFORETAXATION Taxation EXCESSOF INCOME OVER EXPENDITURE AFTER TAXATION 4,819.70 37.00 4,705.96 3,647.08 962.9s 1,300.00 3,850.00 1,170.00 1,110.00 50.00 2,979.37 238. 00 10,888.54 1,262 .45 10,200.00 962.9s 2,335.50 3,454.05 4,280.00 2,777.00 3,100.00 3,051.90 1,224.70 186.00 5 , 8 31 . 0 0 743.9s 46,976.53 9,989.08 178. 00 410.00 323.00 1,484.00 4,053.49 2,200.00 2,050.85 3,100.00 3,r74.82 4,352.I5 186.00 2,970.00 39s.60 28,912.09 r0,919.20 103.266.80 94,r76.0r 64,308.54 76,251.28 (13,001.88) ( i0,360.68) 51,306.66 65,890.60 BalanceB/F FromPreviousYear 1,763,099.13 1,697,19 7.53 BALANCE C/F TO NEXT YEAR 1.814.394:79 1.763.088.13 REPORTFROM BRANCHESAND FINANCIAL STATEMENTFOR PERIOD FROM l'tJANUARY 2OI2TO 31'tDECEMBER2OL2 SarawakBranch Report As attached report Johor Branch Report Forthewholeof 2012,JohorBranchdid nothaveanyprogram/activity. SabahBranch Report Forthewholeof 2012,SabahBranchdid nothaveanyprogram/activity. PersatuanAlumniAOTSMalaysia(SarawakBranch) AnnualGeneralMeeting On 3OJanuary2013at The RakuteiJapaneseRestaurant Themeetingcommencesat 72.00pm Attendees: 1. Mr VictorHii LuThian 2. Mr HsiungKwoFang 3 . M r S u nN a nP i n g 4. Mr HenryHii 5. Mr LiawMoo Thian 6. Mr LouisHii 7. Mr FongFuiYee 8. Ms RebeccaOng Absentwith apologies: 1. Mr PaulPusin 2. Mr MarcellinusMeron Addressby Mr Victor Hii [u Thian,PAAM(Sarawak)Chairman TheChairmanextendedhiswarmwelcomeand thankedthe membersfor their presence. Lastyear (2072)not many peopleparticipatedin the trainingprogrammesdue to the earthquake and radioactivecasesin Japan,programmeswere not suitableand a lot programmeswere also cancelleddueto insufficientnumberof participants. v Thisyearwe shallcommit ourselves to do more?ctivities.We canliaisewith Japanese Association to conductJapaneselanguagesprogram.Promote,andattract more participantsto participatein the HippoHomestayprogramme.We may integratesome of AOTSproBrammewith other association suchas FMM or SMA. Mr HenryHii hassubmittedhisresignation as secretary. We shallelecta new secretarylater. Lastly,we shallarrangemoregatheringfor the membersthisyear. Presentationand adoption of Statementof Accountsfor the year ended3!.tZ.ZOlt Mr sun Nan Ping(treasurer)presentedthe accountsstatement.seeAppendix. Proposedby : Mr Victor Hii Seconded by: Ms Rebecca Ong L12 Election of committee member New office bearerselected as follows: Chairman ViceChairman Secretary Treasurer Committee member Auditor MrVictorHii(Proposed by: MrSunNanPing,Seconded by: Mr HsiungKwoFang) Mr HsiungKwoFang(Proposed by: Mr VictorHii,Seconded by: LouisHii) Ms Rebecca Ong(Proposed by: Mr VictorHii,Seconded by: Mr HsiungKwo Fang) Mr SunNanPing(Proposed by:MrVictorHii,Seconded by: Mr FongFuiYee) Mr LiawMooThian Mr HenryHii Mr LouisHii Mr FongFuiYee Mr Marcellinus Meron Mr Marcellinus Meron Planningfor thisyear . Mr FongFuiYeeproposedYKGAC to inviteAOTSto participatein their sportsactivities. r Mr Vict6r hopeto sendat least1 pe6on to participatein the HippoHomestayprogram e Mr FongFuiYeewill contactwith AOTSKLfor more detailson the 5s/Kaizen training.Mr Victor mentionedthat we can useYKGIas the role modelcompanyfor this programme. . Mr LouisHii proposedto compileall the membersnamelist and createan emailgroup account so that we can usethis accountto updatethe memberson any updates.Mr SunNan Pingwill passthe memberslistingto Ms Rebecca Ongfor compilation. Beingno other motters to discuss, the meetingadjournedot 7.30pm. Checkedby: RebeccaOng Ai Wen Secretary VietorHii LuThian Chairman 212 (SARAWAKBRANCH) AOTS ALUMNTASSOCTATTON INCOME& EXPENDITURESTATEMENTAS AT 31.12.21fi RM RM tNcoMEt?ltlr'bo"r1+ SE #A[AR FEE REGEIVABLE FD INTEREST 300.00 735.50 1,035.50 LESS EXPENDITURE EVENTEXPENSES BANKCHARGES : NEHURPLUS PNG #rN NSN 4,039.60 7.50 - fa7*t6 4,047.1A (3,011.60) V{t*, pps kacsLLliul (SARAWAKBRANCH) AOTSALUMNTASSOCTATTON BALANCESHEETAS AT 31.12.2}fi FIXEDASSETS O F F I C EE Q U I P M E N T RM 8,325.60 RM 8,325.60 CURRENTASSETS BANK 6,441.16 CASH 102.61 FIXEDDEPOSIT 20,868.52 NET ASSETS 27,412.29 35,737.89 PRESENTED BY: ACCUMULATED NETASSI 38,749.49 NET SURPLUS (3,011.60) 35,737.89 AUDITOR ^ . t"rya^ilttA .rutt-ci
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