Invitation for Bidding (IFB
Invitation for Bidding (IFB
NATO UNCLASSIFIED ROMANIA MINISTRYOF NATIONAL DEFENCE . . F e b r u a2r 0 y12 No.... Noticeof Intent (NOI) Invitation for Bidding (IFB) FetestiAirfield Romania'$NSIP project serial 2006/3AF35002-0' item4.1.4; a) ACi4-DS(2010)0018, References: item4.|.2. b) AC/4-DS(20|l\0027, l. II. The l't StageAuthorisationof this project was agreedat referencea) and National method. CompetitiveBidding+ (NCB+)wasauthorizedasprocurement Romaniathe authorityto gave Nation Host In referenceb) the InvestmentCommittee(lC) IssueInvitationfor bids (lFB) and Commit NATO Fundsfor the NSIP projectserial 200613AF35002-0. to Ministryof NationalDefenseof RomaniaInvitesfor Bidding(lFB) eligiblecompanies participatein ,,NationalCompetitiveBidding +" (,,NCB+")for the project^31F35002 Restore anrl ntodifurunway - FetestiAB. The project is currentlydevelopedin CP 540062 "Provide operational facilities in sevennewnations"and is commonlyfundedat"25B" by NATO Security (cost-share). andNationalInvestmentProgramme Programme Investment l. Main site/locationof works : Fetesti,Ialomita County The projectis locatedat FetestiAirlietd. The airfieldrunwayis currently2500mby 80m with the structuremadeup of individualconcreteslabs- PCN is l8/R/DiWT. The scopeof worksconsistsof andupgradeof the existingrunway,included: restoration to of the 2500mby 45m runwayto the initial characteristics Restorationof the existing Restoration by replacingheavilydamagedslabswith new slab sustainthe reinforcement with nmway theexistingjoints. and rebuilding ones concrete replacement Reinforcing of runway exisling Reinforcementof the 2500m by 45m runway to upgradeto PCN 3zRlDlWlT with a 30cm thick concretelayer on top of 2 cm asphalt layer. basedseparation Con,structionofoveruuns 150 m by 45m runway endsare being constructedat both endsat the requirementPCN l5 R/D/WiT. Apart from that 3 m wide shouldersand ' slabsarebeingprovided. 2 m widecounter-slope (lonnections to telciways worksare beingprovidedbasedon variablethickness(10Infrastructure 30cm)consretelayer to connectthe old taxiwaysto the new reinlbrced runwav. lL,[arkings Runwaymarkingworkswill be providedaccordingto STANAC 3 158: point, touchdown/aiming centerline.side strip, threshold,designation, exit. N A ' | OU N C L A S S I F I E D t-l NATO UNCLASSIFIED The existingrunway lightingsystemwill be partiallytakenapart by dismantling of elevatedlamps,of primarycircuits,isolatingtransformers andcables.Afterexecution of therunwayreinforcement, the lightingrvill be re-installed,preservingthe present configuration for precision approaqh, cat.III. New lighting systemwill be executedat ovenuns, arrestorand centerline.'Theairfield lighting system will be remote controlledand suppliedfrom two sources(mainsubstation anda back-up generator)through two new switchboardsbacked-upby two UpS of Lighting 80kvA. Drainage system Newdrainagesystemto capfurerainwaterfromthenewoveffunswiil be constructed on bothsidesofeachoverrunandconnected to theexisting network.Declogging operations and adaptation of existingsystemto capture theadditional flow fromthenewoverunswill beexecuted. Miscellaneousworks Adaptation s,recalibrations. 2. Project Cost Estimate - NationalandNSIPfunding. : EUR 10,400,000 3. Methodof bidding : National CompetitiveBidding + (NCB+). 4. Bidding information : a. TheContractNoticefor the projecthasbeenpublishedon: i. Romania'sGovemmentOfficial web-sitefor biddingwww.e-licitatie.rb, under referenceno. 132841 (Notices/Contract Notices no. l32S4l). The project reference(ContractNoticeno. 132841)will be usedsubsequently to identitrthe project:3AF35002. ii. TenderElectronicDaily ( b. Eligible companieswhich are interestedin participatingin bidding shall submit simultaneouslytheir Offer andDeclaration of Eligibitity. TheDeclarationof eligibility documentmust be submittedusing the NATO form, which is availa6leon tn'e documentAC/4(pp)D/2261,AnnexV. c. Completeset of bidding documentsin Romanianlanguage,includingqualification requirements,bidding data sheeto"Cahier des Charges",technicalipicifications, drawings,bill of quantities,securityguaranteeforms and contractform, are available on Romania's GovernmentOfficial INTERNET web-site for Bidding (UwwC:,underreferenceno. 132841(Notices/Contract Noticesno. 132841) d' All bidsshallbe accompanied by a Bid Securityof 2Yo (two percent)of the'bidprice. The contractingauthorityshalldemandperformance guarantee representing l0% of the overallvalueof the contract.. e. To qualiff for Contractawardnbiddersshall meetthe minimum qualifyingcriteriaas specifiedin the biddingdocuments. For thecomplyingbids,the criterion for contract award is the LOWEST PRICE. f. Biddingis conductedon-lineaccordingto Governmental Ordinanceno. 34/2006.Only companiesfrom NATO *.m6., countriesthat parricipatein rhe Cp 540062 "_ligl!P ("258") areallowedto pafricipatein the bidding,,NCB+'| g. Requestsfor clarification are accepted until 28th March 2012, 12.00o'clock (Bucharest time). 5. AnticipatedDateof SiteSurvey : Up to l0 daysbeforethe Bid ClosingDate NATO UNCLASSIFIED t-2 NATO UNCLASSIFIED 6. PlannedTender ReleaseDate_ (distributionof "CohierdesCharges") 03'dFebruary 2012 time) 02ndApril2012, 16.00o'clock(Bucharest Bid CtosingDate 7. Scheduled 8. AnticipatedBestBidder Award Date 10thApril2012 9. AnticipatedContra'ctAward Date 23'dApril2012 10.ProjectImplementationPlan: EDS Restoration of theexistingrunwaywith slabreplacement of existingrunway Reinforcing Construction of overruns to Connections taxiways Markings Lighting Drainagesystem Q rr 20r2 Qrv 2012 Q rr 20r2 Q ilr 20r3 Qr 2014 Qrr 20r2 Q rll2012 EDC Qr2013 Qr20r4 Q rv 20r2 Qr 2014 Q r r2 0 r 4 Q r r2 0 r 4 Q r r2 0 r 3 l I . Validity Period of Bids: Bids haveto be valid 90 (ninety)daysfrom Bid ClosingDate. 12.The typeof classifiedinformation:NATO UNCLASSIFIED. Workswilltake placeon militaryarea. I 3. Responsible Agency: : Real Estate and Infrastructure Directorate, Ministry of National Defense, Romania; Address 7B Drumul TabereiBlvd.,Bucharest,Romania; Fax 0 04 ( 0 )2 t 3 t 9 8 t s 2 E-mail POCs : MAI PopaTraianDaniel / MAJ PirneciRobert; Phone 00 4(0)21 31958 58 ext 2253I 00 4(0)21 3t9 58 58 ext.2844 Name N A T OU N C L A S S I F I E D l_3
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