Newsletter May 2014 - Christ Child Society of Toledo
Newsletter May 2014 - Christ Child Society of Toledo
CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY OF TOLEDO P.O. BOX 352254 Toledo, Ohio 43635 MAY 2014 CHAPTER NEWS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Christ Child Society Member, BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT I’ve really enjoyed being your President and thank you for your support – can’t thank my Board enough – without you we wouldn’t have reached our goals! …..and you, dear Members, as volunteers, are the life of this Chapter in helping needy children! CECILE BENNETT PRESIDENT-ELECT CHARLENE KUHN TREASURER ANNE MARIE BLANK RECORDING SECRETARY TERI GIACCI CORRESPONDING SECRETARY KAREN RIDENOUR STANDING COMMITTEES MEMBERSHIP JANE LARSEN SPIRITUALITY JAN PURINTON Arriving at the Queen of Peace Chapel at Lourdes Campus for the Spring Mass, we were greeted with beautiful floral displays both outside and inside………perfect setting for giving thanks………..presenting our volunteer hours; reading names of deceased and tributes; having Mass offered by Msgr. Metzger………..and his presenting us with a wonderful homily. Thanks to: Jan Purinton and Sharon Henning, for ceremony; Sister Ann Carmen, for the beautiful music; Sister Rosine Sobczak, OSF, for artistic Mass and Luncheon programs. Day’s events continued with Luncheon and Style Show at Sylvania Country Club. Camille Jankowski, Joan Nicholson and Mary Anne Steinbaugh did a superb job arranging everything for the day! Style Show was organized by Teri Giacci, bringing Robyn Ayers, of CABI Clothing. The Barbara Sommer Award was presented to a new member who made a significant contribution to the Chapter. PUBLIC RELATIONS Congratulations to Jill Kelly! KATHY PANCONE COMMUNITY OUTREACH TERRI MOHLER Congratulations to New Executive Board and Committee Chairs: Congratulations to Charlene Kuhn, President; WE NEED YOU, Pres. Elect; Anne Marie Blank, Treasurer, Donna Niehous, Recording Secretary; Mary Beth Krebs, Corresp. Secretary; Cecile Bennett, Parliamentarian; Terri Mohler and Jane Larsen, Community Outreach; Karen Smith, Membership; Kathy Pancone, Public Relations. I wish you all a pleasant summer, and hope we will see more of you next year at meetings, functions and our projects! God bless us all and keep us safe and healthy! Cecile Bennett, Past President Christ Child Society of Toledo Is a Member Chapter of the National Christ Child Society 6110 Executive Blvd. Suite 504 Rockville, MD 20852 1-800-814-2149/301-881-2490 Fax: 301-881-2493 Dear Christ Child Member, I want to take this opportunity to thank the Board for giving me the opportunity to serve as your President for the upcoming year. I know it will be an exciting one! I hope, with all of your help, that I can further Mary Virginia Merrick’s legacy, by serving as many children in our area as possible. The Christ Child Society of Toledo is such a dynamic organization, and I am extremely proud to be a part of it. Have a wonderful summer and I hope to see all of you in September at our General Meeting! May the Christ Child bring you peace and happiness, Charlene Kuhn, President COMMUNITY OUTREACH Page 2 Layettes - Chairmen: Marsha Cyranowski (419-349-5228) “Challenging Poverty One Child at a Time” Think about your volunteer situation, and what factors it promotes?................. Terri Mohler, (419-841-5376), “Personal contact with the needy for the love of Christ develops true charity and gives it a vital force” Mary Virginia Merrick I would like to thank 0 all of the Program Chairmen for their tireless efforts to benefit the people we serve, and for living the belief that personal contact alone awakens true charity. Thank you to: Pat Burroughs, Sue Kertz, Mary Lindquist, Judy Keller, Sheila Nicholson, Darlene Johnson, Barb Biggs, Karen Jarrett, Marsha Cyranowski, Nancy Helminski, Lucy Abu-Absi, Mary Tonjes, Membe Susan Croci, Teri Giacci, Nancy Bingle and Barb Geha. These women represent all that is good about Christ Child Society! Angel Layettes – Chair: Pat Burroughs (419-878-4952) Members sew the layettes, which contain a kimono, blanket, small bag (in which keepsakes may be put) and a large bag. Members may, also, volunteer to knit little caps, which are included in the layette. The layettes pieces are given to the member in September, returned to Chair in May, and then distributed to the area hospitals by the Chairs. These layettes are used by the hospitals for fetal-demise babies, thereby, helping the grieving parents in a time of great loss. Thank you to: Mary Jo DeRaedt, Camille Jankowski, Sister Margaret, Sue Ney, and Midge Robertson for volunteering their time and talents to this needed program. Clothe-a-Child – Chairs: Judy Keller (419-868-1151); Sheila Nicholson (419-829-3444); Darlene Johnson (419-843-6962); Barb Biggs (419-882-8651); Thanks to all of our volunteers who helped with Clothe-a-Child these past two years. Judy and Sheila hope you will continue to give your enthusiastic Christ Child support and volunteer hours to Clothe-aChild Co-chairs for 2014-2015, Barb Miller and Suzanne Bond, as they take on the leadership! Many thanks to the following volunteers, for their support this past year – you made our jobs a pleasure! Marty Nordstrom, June Landry, Marlene Heringhaus, Rena Brooks, Dianne Shetley, Kathy Kraynak, Dee Dillon, Jenny Trojan, Mary Anne Steinbaugh, Joanie Nicholson, Pat Baumbarger, Jane Lane, Nancy Smythe, Judy Nemet, Jane Larsen, Beverly Porter, Marcia Heintschel, Dorothy Tarver, Karen David, Cecile Bennett, Ann Heinl, Camille Jankowski, Kathy Pancone, Betty Sherman, Mary Murnen, Jill Kelly, Patti Lohner, Suzy Bond, Cathy Nelson, Barb Miller, Kathy Maidlow, Karen Jarrett, Kathy Hart, Meg Sears, Jane Schuessler, and Kitsie Valiton!! Nancy Helminski (419-309-0112) We want to thank all our Christ Child members for donating diapers for the Layette Program, and for volunteering with the unpacking and the distribution of baby items for the Layette bags. Your volunteer hours make a big difference in helping out. Next year our position will be taken over by Joanie Nicholson and Camille Jankowski – please assist them as you did us!! It’s been a pleasure working with everyone and hope you will continue to support the Layette’s new chairmen. Thanks to everyone! A BIG THANKS TO: Charlene Kuhn, Camille Jankowski, Joanie Nicholson, Carole Dailey, Marianne Herrick, Nancy Smythe, Rosemary Amato, Judy Nemet, Mary Ann Steinbaugh, Diana Gabel, Pat Baumbarger, Pat Weiss, Marlene Heringhaus, Jane Larsen, Mary Tonjes, Jeannie Rerucha, Beverly Porter, Jill Kelly, Judy Brancheau and Pat Bullard. Parenting Today’s Kids –Chairmen: Sue Kertz (419-841-6855),; Mary Lindquist (419-243-7255), “Changing children’s lives, one parent at a time” This has been a great year for Parenting Today’s Kids. Over the past year, we have touched the lives of 93 parents, and indirectly 251 children. We know this program makes a positive impact in the lives of these parents and their children. So many people play an important role in this success. Without the ongoing financial support from the Christ Child Society and United Way, this program could not exist. It, also, could not exist without the strong support and commitment from the Catholic Club administration and board. But what makes PTK truly unique (and so effective) is the mentoring provided by the Christ Child volunteers. Through their commitment to the families we serve, volunteers share their time, support and wisdom on a weekly basis. Thanks to the following volunteers: Lucy Abu-Absi, Chris Carroll, Diana Erickson, Mary Hannum, Sue Kertz, June Landry, Mikki Micallef, Mary Murnen, Terri Mohler, Peg O’Hearn, Donna Posluszny, Karen K. Smith, and Lynne Wolf. A special thanks goes out to Mary Lindquist, who has guided the program, along with the ongoing support of the Catholic Club staff. If anyone is interested in joining Parenting Today’s Kids as a volunteer, please contact either Mary Lindquist or Sue Kertz. Child Enrichment Program - Chairmen Sue Kertz (419-841-6855),; Mary Lindquist 419-243-7255 CCS volunteers, along with Catholic Club staff, help care for the children of parents attending Parenting Today’s Kids. Volunteers read to children and help with coloring and craft projects. Books, materials and activities are provided as are the toys and climbing equipment in the Toddler Gym. We always welcome any new volunteers. It is not required to attend every week – even once or twice during the year would be greatly appreciated. Page 3 Partners in Learning Le Let’s Read Chairs: Lucy Abu-Absi, (419-841-5341; Mary Tonjes, (419-491-0593); LET’S READ – ROSARY CATHEDRAL – MAY 5-9, 2014 WAS A FABULOUS SUCCESS! STUDENTS, TEACHERS, VOLUNTEERS…….. EVERYONE INVOLVED WERE SO APPRECIATIVE OF CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY OF TOLEDO! Tutoring at Rosary Cathedral Chairs: Barb Geha (419-471-0408); Nancy Bingle (419-843-2324); Thanks to our loyal chairs & volunteers: Marsha Boice, Judy Brancheau, Nancy Bingle, Karen DeMain, Mary Jo DeRaedt, June Effler, Connie Fields, Sharon Henning, Carol Morava Joan Kaminski, Dorothy Tarver, Mary Tonjes, Barb Geha and Corinne Welch. Rosary Cathedral students and teachers appreciate us! Our tutors and Chairs met twice during the year to discuss school-related issues – we were inspired at their dedication! Looking forward to next year – hope you can join us – very rewarding! Tutoring at Hope Learning Academy 4234 Monroe St. (Hampton Park Christian Church) (419-297-6313; Chair: Teri Giacci (419-283-1744); COMPLETE REPORT WILL BE PUBLISHED IN AUGUST NEWSLETTER! Thank you one and all!! Many thanks to our faithful CCS tutors, whose combined volunteer hours were just below 400! That was with only ten women and many snow days!! Theatre Vision Chair: Susan Croci, (419-280-1894) Thanks, again, to: Marlene Heringhaus, Pam Herschel, Since this project has been such a great success, and eagerly awaited by both students and teachers, we are planning on continuing it in 2015! Jane Schuessler has agreed to be Chair for next year with the support of committee - Deanna Harwell, Karen Smith, Patty Cabanski, and Cathy Nelson. Think about joining us next year – we’d love to have you! Jill Kelly, Mary Beth Krebs, Mary Beth Maloney, Grace Moore, Diane Pacella, Karen Ridenour, Sue Savage and Teri Giacci. HOPE YOU’LL JOIN US NEXT YEAR!! Sharing Gifts and Talents Chair: Terri Mohler (419-841-5376), This new program continues to flourish. Our members are tutoring, teaching peaceful resolutions and offering antibullying seminars. As the school year winds down, summer camps are forming for the children. Look for an email with the camp sessions that will be offered this summer, and see where you would like to offer your gifts and talents. CALL TO VOLUNTEER OR FOR MORE INFO! WE’RE IN NEED OF ITEMS TO BE INCLUDED IN OUR RAFFLE BASKETS AND SILENT AUCTION AT THE RED WAGON LAYETTE SHOWER LUNCHEON Creations of our own CCS members? An item purchased by you? An item/service donated by your/a business? Containers/baskets you would like to donate? (clean out that closet?) If you can help us in any way, please call: Jenny Trojan, 419-865-8484 Meg Sears, 419-367-8504 Page 4 IN MEMORIAM……………WE OFFER OUR PRAYERS AND DEEpEST SYMPATHY TO…………………. ………….to all Christ Child Society Members, who may have lost friends or extended family……. ………………..May TheY rest in peace, Amen. CHRIST CHILD MEMORIALS AND TRIBUTES…. Mary Bell – 419-841-6642 Your generosity clothes and educates Toledo Children MEMORIALS Dorotha Stubblefield, Dear Christ Child Member Dan DiSalle, Husband of CCS member Mary DiSalle Norman Zeiter Charles Parris Ralph Makulinski DONATED BY Teri Bennett Giacci, Cecile Bennett, Bob & Sue Savage, Jeanette Bradley, Lucy Abu-Absi Colleen Langerderfer George & Carol Koury Judy Keller Judy Keller TRIBUTES Tina Sadowski, Happy Mothers’ Day Laurie Welch, Happy Mothers’ Day Deb Welch, Happy Mothers’ Day Marnie Welch, M.D., Happy Mothers’ Day Tom Tom Tom Tom & & & & Corinne Corinne Corinne Corinne Welch Welch Welch Welch THESE ABOVE CONTRIBUTIONS ARE FROM - April 15 – May 15, 2014 Assisting Toledo’s Children is our Goal – Thank you for your support! Please send any donation directly to: Mary Bell, 3641 Chesterton Dr., Toledo, OH 43615 419-841-6642 We now have Memorial envelopes available for wakes and funerals. If anyone wishes to list Christ Child Society of Toledo as one of their chosen charities, please call or email Karen Ridenour and she will handle placement of envelopes at mortuary…………; 419-885-4769 These memorials would be listed above, the same as the ones you send directly to CCS. Year-Round Fundraising…. Kroger’s Plus Card – go online at Or call Terri Mohler for help, 419-841-5376 (remember, you must renew each April – if you haven’t done so, go online now!) We are generating much-needed funds from this program – consider joining GoodSearch & GoodShop – Searching or shopping, CCS makes $..............They’ve revised the system and easier tracking of profit – if you had trouble before, please try again! Call Mary Lindquist for help, 419-902-4287 Christ Child Society – Memorials/Tributes Also, for deaths, births, anniversaries, birthdays, graduations. Thanksgiving, Christmas Call Mary Bell for help, 419-841-6642 Christ Child Society – Boutique Custom Charms, Tote Bag, T-Shirts, Aprons………..Graduation presents? Call Candy Sturtz for help, 419-885-2198 Sylvania Advantage Newspaper – Sign up for a subscription, and we make $ call 419-725-2695 Page 5 CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY OF TOLEDO ANNUAL MASS – INSTALLATION LUNCHEON – FASHION SHOW THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2014 From both Luncheon Committee and Spirituality Team…….. Thanks and blessing to all who made our annual event so wonderful……………. At Mass: Celebrant – Fr. Dennis Metzger Welcome – Cecile Bennett Memorials & Tributes – Mary Bell and Charlene Kuhn Volunteer Hours – Jane Larsen Eucharistic Ministers – Karen Ridenour and Darlene Johnson Offertory Gifts – Kathy Pancone and Dee Dillon Prayers of Faithful – Anne Marie Blank Scriptures and Programs – Sr. Rosine Sobczak, OSF Liturgy and Music – Sharon Henning and Sr. Anne Carmen, OSF At Luncheon: Chairs – Camille Jankowski, Mary Anne Steinbaugh and Joan Nicholson Style Show – Teri Giacci, Barb Koralewski, Robin Ayers (CABI Clothes) Models – Anne Malone, Kitsie Valiton, Carole Dailey, Sharon Henning, Nancy Smythe and Abby Liber CHRIST CHILD SOCIETY OF TOLEDO COUNTING THEIR BLESSINGS! Page 6 MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Chair: Jane Larsen, 419-517-3736; Chair As our committee work is slowing down for the summer months, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your service to our community this past year. Membership renewal forms have been sent & the renewal deadline is July 1, 2014. Please remember to log all of your volunteer hours, despite your level of membership, on your 2014-2015 renewal form. Thanks, in advance, for your prompt replies, your in-kind donations and your nominee for the Red Wagon Award – to be presented at the Red Wagon Luncheon in October. Effective immediately, dues are now easily payable via our website and our new PayPal account! This option is so new that it wasn’t even around when the membership renewal forms were printed. So…………….as a reminder, our website address is: A special “thank you” to Karen Ridenour, for transforming our website from a “historical document” into a current, valuable resource!! Please join me in congratulating our new Membership Chair, Karen Smith. If you have a friend who might be interested in joining the Christ Child Society of Toledo, please email Karen, their contact info, or give her a call, 419-262-4613. We have had several inquiries regarding membership, and the Class of 2014 is forming later this year. Invitations for our Membership Orientation Coffee will be mailed in late summer. My special thanks to our Membership Committee: Marilyn Arbaugh, Jeanette Bradley, Carole Dailey, Diana Gabel, Teri Giacci, Charlene Kuhn, Tootie Morrette and Karen Smith……….plus a huge thank you to Corinne Welch for all her efforts in publishing our Roster. You gals are the best, and have been a real pleasure to work with! In closing, I would like to congratulate our new Class of 2013. Working with you,and getting to know you, has been a rewarding experience. Each of you has demonstrated your commitment to our community and have made a significant contribution to our CCS chapter. A special congratulations goes to this year’s Barbara Sommer Memorial Award winner, Jill Kelly. As a reminder, save the date for our 2014 Red Wagon Luncheon, October 7 at Inverness. Changes to Black Book: Remove: Dorotha Stubblefield………….Judi Bronk………………Jane Charette Change: Nancy Dargart – Candy Sturtz – SO, “KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON” AND BEST WISHES FOR A WONDERFUL SUMMER! Through your membership, we are able to continue our projects and serve at-risk children within our community. I thank you for your time, talents and dedication! A PROUD AND HAPPY RECIPIENT OF OUR CLOTHE-A-CHILD PROJECT! Birthdays are in red May 2014 Sun 18 Mon 19 Tue 20 Sharon Henning 25 Wed 21 Thu 22 Chris Brenner 26 Linda Murphey 27 28 29 Fri Sat 23 24 Diane Pacella Mary Lou Hotchkiss 30 31 Jane Charette Summer Birthdays: JUNE Barb Paskiet, 7—Donna Posluszny, 9— Kay Berning, 11—Mary Lindquist, 12 Diana Gabel, 13—Anne Malone, 13—Mary Lou Bollin, 17—June Effler, 17— Kathleen Bayer, 25—Susan Croci, 25—Karen Jarrett, 27—Karen K. Smith, 30 JULY Terri Mohler, 2—Anne Marie Blank, 3—Maureen Donovan, 3—Kay Murray, 3 Sue DeMarco, 8—Mary Hannum, 8—Pam Herschel, 13—Patti Kennedy, 16— Joyce Shultz, 20—Carol Anderson, 22—Judy Maurer, 25—Nancy McKelvey, 26— Diana Erickson, 27—Jane Sweeney, 27—Grace Moore, 28—Marlene Heringhaus, 31 AUGUST Carol Shrader, 8—Francie Rousseau, 12—Jan Bollin, 14—Sue Kertz, 15— Kay Rasmus, 17—Mary Anne Steinbaugh, 17—Cece Rutherford, 23—Jill Kelly, 23— Linda Graham, 25—Dee Dillon, 28—Sheila Jordan, 28—Judy Keller, 29— Judy Landry, 29—Julie Taylor, 29—Arlene Florian, 31 Next newsletter will be in August. Forward articles by August 15 to: Thank you! Enjoy! Corinne Welch Christ Child Society of Toledo P.O. Box 352254 Toledo, OH 43635