Spallation Neutron Source Drift Tube Linac Water Cooling and
Spallation Neutron Source Drift Tube Linac Water Cooling and
(SNS-104020500-DE0001-R01) Spallation Neutron Source Drift Tube Linac Water Cooling and Resonance Control System Final Design Report (SNS-104020500-DE0001-R01) by: J. D. Bernardin, R. Brown, S. Brown, G. Bustos, M. Crow, J. Gioia, W. Gregory, M. Hood, J. Jurney, D. Katonak, Z. Konecni, P. Marroquin, I. Medalen, A. Owen, L. Parietti, and R. Weiss Mechanical Engineering Group Spallation Neutron Source Division Los Alamos National Laboratory April 4, 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 1.1 Project Scope, Deliverables, and Design Criteria -----------------------------------5 1.2 Drift Tube Linac (DTL) Water Cooled Environment ------------------------------7 1.3 DTL Resonance Control--------------------------------------------------------------- 19 1.3.1 Basic Philosophy ---------------------------------------------------------- 19 1.3.2 Water Cooling Resonance Control Technique ----------------------- 22 1.4 DTL Cooling Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------- 25 1.5 Mechanical and Electrical Interfaces ------------------------------------------------ 32 1.6 Comments and Action Items from Preliminary Design Review --------------- 33 2. DTL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System Design Summary---------------- 40 2.1 Water System Layout ------------------------------------------------------------------- 40 2.1.1 Manifolding on the RF Structure --------------------------------------- 41 2.1.2 Water Skid ------------------------------------------------------------------ 43 2.1.3 Transfer Lines -------------------------------------------------------------- 47 2.1.4 Facility Chilled Water Source ------------------------------------------- 50 2.2 Instrumentation and Controls---------------------------------------------------------- 50 3. Water Cooling Analyses ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51 3.1 DTL Water Cooling Loops - Lumped-Parameter Flow Network Modeling-- 51 3.1.1 DTL RF Structure Cooling Loop --------------------------------------- 51 Design Goals ------------------------------------------------------ 51 Design Specifications-------------------------------------------- 55 Tank 3 Global Model Description----------------------------- 56 Drift Tube Sub-model Description-------------- 60 Drift Tube Sub-model Results ------------------- 65 Slug Tuner Sub-model Description ------------- 70 Slug Tuner Sub-model Results ------------------ 75 Post Coupler Sub-model Description----------- 78 Post Coupler Sub-model Results ---------------- 83 Dipole Magnet Sub-model Description -------- 87 Dipole Magnet Sub-model Results ------------- 91 Tank Wall Sub-model Description-------------- 94 Tank Wall Sub-model Results ------------------- 97 End Wall Sub-model Description --------------- 99 End Wall Sub-model Results -------------------103 Drive Iris Sub-model Description --------------105 Drive Iris Sub-model Results -------------------108 Tank 3 Global Model Design Studies/Results -------------110 Summary----------------------------------------------------------114 3.1.2 DTL Water Skid ----------------------------------------------------------115 Design Goals -----------------------------------------------------115 Design Specifications-------------------------------------------116 Model Description ----------------------------------------------116 Design Studies/Results -----------------------------------------128 Summary----------------------------------------------------------136 ii 3.1.3 SINDA/FLUINT Uncertainty Analysis-------------------------------137 3.2 DTL Water Cooling Loops – Stability and Response Modeling---------------142 3.2.1 Design Goals --------------------------------------------------------------142 3.2.2 Model Description--------------------------------------------------------143 3.2.3 Design Studies/Results --------------------------------------------------148 3.2.4 Summary -------------------------------------------------------------------158 4. Mechanical Design-------------------------------------------------------------------------------160 4.1 Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------160 4.2 Engineering Codes and Drawing Standards ---------------------------------------160 4.3 Plumbing Materials---------------------------------------------------------------------162 4.3.1 Radiation Damage Assessment ----------------------------------------162 4.3.2 Material Selection for Design ------------------------------------------165 4.3.3 General Manuracturing and Assembly Techniques ----------------167 4.4 DTL RF Structure Water Manifolds and Lines -----------------------------------169 4.4.1 Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams --------------------------------169 4.4.2 Major Components -------------------------------------------------------175 4.4.3 Assemblies -----------------------------------------------------------------177 4.5 Water Skid -------------------------------------------------------------------------------179 4.5.1 Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams --------------------------------180 4.5.2 Performance Specifications---------------------------------------------182 Vibration Isolation ----------------------------------------------182 Noise Level Requirements-------------------------------------183 4.5.3 Major Components and Specifications -------------------------------184 Structure ----------------------------------------------------------184 Plumbing----------------------------------------------------------185 Pump---------------------------------------------------------------186 Heat Exchanger --------------------------------------------------189 Control Valves ---------------------------------------------------200 Heater--------------------------------------------------------------201 Water Purification System-------------------------------------202 4.5.4 System Performance -----------------------------------------------------202 4.6 Parts Database and Naming Convention -------------------------------------------204 5. Water System Purity-----------------------------------------------------------------------------207 5.1 Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------207 5.2 Water Purification Techniques -------------------------------------------------------208 5.3 Particle Accelerator Specific Issues -------------------------------------------------211 5.4 Operating Parameter Specifications-------------------------------------------------213 5.5 Water Purification System Design---------------------------------------------------215 5.6 Prototype Design and Testing --------------------------------------------------------217 5.7 Facility-related Issues------------------------------------------------------------------228 6. Instrumentation and Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------231 6.1 Local Controls---------------------------------------------------------------------------231 6.1.1 Introduction and Design Requirements-------------------------------231 6.1.2 Instrumentation and Control System Architecture------------------232 6.1.3 Control Methodology and Logic ---------------------------------------240 6.1.4 Safety Interlocks and Equipment Protection-------------------------248 iii 6.1.5 Signal List------------------------------------------------------------------253 6.2 Global Controls -------------------------------------------------------------------------257 6.2.1 Interfaces -------------------------------------------------------------------257 6.2.2 Configuration--------------------------------------------------------------258 6.2.3 Interlocks -------------------------------------------------------------------259 6.2.4 Operator Interface --------------------------------------------------------260 6.2.5 Archiving-------------------------------------------------------------------260 6.2.6 Alarm Management ------------------------------------------------------260 7. SNS Facility Interfaces--------------------------------------------------------------------------261 7.1 Klystron Gallery -----------------------------------------------------------------------261 7.2 Linac Tunnel-----------------------------------------------------------------------------267 7.3 Chases ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------268 8. Safety-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------272 8.1 Hazard Analyses and Protective Measures-----------------------------------------273 8.2 Personnel Safety ------------------------------------------------------------------------274 9. Procurement---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------275 9.1 Water Skid Procurement --------------------------------------------------------------277 9.2 Water Manifold Procurement --------------------------------------------------------278 9.3 Hardware Costs -------------------------------------------------------------------------279 9.4 Delivery and Inspection ---------------------------------------------------------------279 9.5 Quality Assurance ----------------------------------------------------------------------280 10. Assembly, Installation, and Certification Plans --------------------------------------------284 11. Operation, Reliability and Maintenance -----------------------------------------------------286 11.1 Operation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------286 11.2 Reliability------------------------------------------------------------------------------289 11.3 Maintenance---------------------------------------------------------------------------292 12. Decommissioning--------------------------------------------------------------------------------294 13. Project Summary and Schedule ---------------------------------------------------------------295 13.1 Project Summary and Ongoing Work --------------------------------------------295 13.2 Cost Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------297 13.3 Schedule--------------------------------------------------------------------------------298 14. Appendix A – ASME B31.3 Code Tables --------------------------------------------------301 15. Appendix B – Engineering Drawings -------------------------------------------------------307 16. Appendix C – Water Skid Specifications ---------------------------------------------------312 17. Appendix D – Hardware Costs ---------------------------------------------------------------336 18. Appendix E – Parts Database/Device Name List for DTL Tank 1---------------------341 19. Appendix F – DTL Drift Tube Heat Load and Cooling Requirements----------------352 20. Appendix G – Orifice Plate Spreadsheet Calculations for DTL Drift Tubes---------358 21. Appendix H – Flexible Tubing Data---------------------------------------------------------366 22. Appendix I – Procurement Specification for the Water Purification System --------368 23. Appendix J – Resin Handling and Disposal Plan------------------------------------------376 24. Appendix K – Preliminary SystemView Calculations -----------------------------------379 References----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------386 iv 1.0 Introduction The Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is an accelerator-based neutron research facility being designed for scientific and industrial research and development. Specifically, SNS will generate and use neutrons as a diagnostic tool, much like X-rays, for medical purposes as well as physical, chemical, biological, and material sciences. The SNS will produce neutrons by bombarding a heavy metal target with a high-energy beam of protons, generated and accelerated with a linear particle accelerator, or linac. To effectively accelerate the protons, the linac uses high electrical fields, established in copper resonance cavities with Radio Frequency (RF) energy. The low energy end of the SNS linac consists of a room temperature copper structure that dissipates roughly 60-80% of the RF energy in the form of heat. To deal with this waste heat, a water cooling system has been designed as an integral par of the room-temperature linac. The water cooling system is responsible for removing the undesired RF waste heat and maintaining the electrical resonance of the copper RF structures by manipulating their operating temperature. One of the two room-temperature accelerating structures in the SNS Linac, is the Drift Tube Linac (DTL). The DTL accelerates the SNS proton beam from 2.5 MeV to 87 MeV, before injecting it into the second copper structure, the Coupled Cavity Linac (CCL). The basic design criteria and features of the DTL can be found in [1.1, 1.2] and are summarized briefly in Section 1.4 of this report. A preliminary design for the Drift Tube Linac (DTL) water cooling and resonance control system was completed in August of 2000, and documented in [1.3]. This report summarizes the final design of that DTL water cooling and resonance control system. 1.1 Project Scope, Deliverables, and Design Criteria The complete project scope associated with the DTL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System includes the design, analyses, fabrication, assembly, installation, testing, and certification of the cooling system components. The efforts associated with this project scope include performing final design engineering calculations and developing corresponding engineering drawings, preparation of 5 procurement packages, liaison with vendors and participation in assembly, installation, and testing at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). This report covers the final design efforts, based on a preliminary design outlined in [1.3]. To develop a functional, reliable, and affordable water cooling and resonance control system, the following final design deliverables were identified [1.2]: 1. Revision of preliminary design aspects as directed by LANL SNS-PO following the DTL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System PDR [1.4]. 2. Completion of all engineering calculations and supporting R&D experimentation. 3. Completion of all water purification studies. 4. Completion of P&IDs as well as assembly and detail drawings for the water skids, distribution manifolds, support fixtures, etc. 5. Complete design of instrumentation, controllers, and software for the local control system and global control system integration plans. 6. Specifications and procedures for water cooling system material preparation, cleaning, handling, and shipping. 7. Completion of detailed mechanical drawings and procurement plans with bill of materials for procurement of off-the-shelf items and fabrication plans for specialized components. 8. Completion of assembly, installation, testing, and certification/quality assurance plans. Table 1.1 lists the general design criteria that were applied to the SNS DTL water cooling and resonance control system design. Each criterion has a brief description and a weighting factor associated with it. The weighting factor is intended to give a measure of the criterion’s importance in the overall DTL water cooling and resonance control system design, and consequently, assist the engineering design team in selecting between various design alternatives. An example of the use of the design criteria and weighting factors in assessing two different design alternatives can be found in [1.2]. 6 Table 1.1. SNS DTL water cooling and resonance control system design criteria. Design Criteria Functionality Weighting Factor♣ 5 Description • • • Safety 5 • Procurement, Fabrication, Assembly 3 • • • Durability/ Reliability 4 • • • Cost 4 • Maintainability 3 • Consistency 2 • ♣ Resonance control criteria must be met (i.e. heat removal, temperature stability, etc) Water cooling system hardware must integrate with support structure Water system must be resilient to react to design and operational beam line changes Proper controls and safety features, following appropriate DOE guidelines, should be employed to protect personnel and the beam line (equipment and operation) Design with standard, off-the-shelf parts Avoid using exotic materials Assembly and maintenance issues should be incorporated in the design to ensure consistency with other subsystems (i.e, support structure, vacuum system) Best engineering practices should be employed in the design of the water cooling system to maximize its availability and reliability. Pumps should be selected for 30 year lifetime and have a 5 year maintenance period. Pumping redundancy should be considered in order to meet the reliability and duty factor requirements of the accelerator. Optimize functionality to minimize procurement, fabrication and assembly costs to fit within the allocated budget (based on the conceptual design). Pumps and hardware should be accessible for maintenance/replacement with minimal impact on beam down-time Every effort should be made to use the same type of water system components throughout the Linac. In addition, these components should be consistent with those used elsewhere in the SNS facility (i.e., RF systems, RFQ, storage ring, target, etc) 5 = very important, 1 = least important 1.2 Drift Tube Linac (DTL) Water Cooled Environment The SNS linear particle accelerator, or linac, is comprised of three main structures including the Drift Tube Linac (DTL), the Coupled Cavity Linac (CCL), and the Super Conducting Linac (SCL), as displayed in Figure 1.1. The first proton accelerating structure following the ion injector and RFQ, is the DTL. The 402.5 MHz Alverez DTL [1.5], is used to accelerate the H- beam from 2.5 MeV to 86.8 MeV. The SNS DTL is comprised of six tanks, the first of which is roughly 4 m in length, and the remainders are approximately 6 m in length. Tank 1, as shown in Fig. 1.2{a), is made up of 2 seamless copper-plated, carbon-steel cylinders that are bolted together with RF and vacuum seals 7 DTL CCL SCL1 SCL2 CCL DTL Proton Beam Tank 1 Tank 6 Module 1 36.5 m 6 R F cooling skids, 1 per tank for drift tubes, for slug tuners, post couplers, drive loops, and tank walls Module 4 56.5 m 4 modules, 12 segments/module, 8 cavities/segment 4 R F cooling skids (1/module) 1 EMQ cooling skid (1/ four modules) Figure 1.1. General layout of the SNS Linac and basic descriptions of the water cooling systems. 8 (a) (b) Figure 1.2. The Drift Tube Linac R F structure, support structure, and main vacuum pumps for (a) tank #1 and (b) tank #2.. 9 at each joint, and tanks 2 through 6 are made up of 3 sections each, as shown in Fig 1.2(b). The RF structure provides a stable platform for an array of drift tubes, post couplers, and slug tuners, all used to shape and tune the structure to maintain precise resonance and optimal acceleration of the proton beam. These components, and other design details, are shown in the cut-away view of tank #1 in Fig. 1.3. A more detailed description of these components and their functionality can be found in [1.1] and [1.5]. Table 1.2 summarizes the number of tank sections, cells, drift tubes, post couplers, slug tuners, and drive irises within each of the DTL tanks. Table 1.2. Summary of DTL tank component distributions. DTL Tank # Tank section # # of cells # tank wall cooling channels 1 ” ” 2 1&2 1 2 1, 2, & 3 1 2 3 1, 2, & 3 1 2 3 1, 2, & 3 1 2 3 1, 2, & 3 1 2 3 1, 2, & 3 1 2 3 60 48 12 12 12 12 ” ” ” 3 ” ” ” 4 ” ” ” 5 ” ” ” 6 ” ” ” # of post couplers 59 34 25 47 # of endwall noses (half of drift tube) 2 1 1 2 20 11 9 23 8 4 4 12 1 0 1 1 34 12 12 12 12 19 15 13 33 1 0 1 2 9 8 6 16 4 4 4 12 0 1 0 1 28 12 12 12 12 12 11 10 27 1 0 1 2 6 5 5 27 4 4 4 12 0 1 0 1 24 12 12 12 12 9 10 8 23 1 0 1 2 9 10 8 23 4 4 4 12 0 1 0 1 22 12 12 12 12 8 8 7 21 1 0 1 2 8 8 7 21 4 4 4 12 0 1 0 1 12 12 12 7 7 7 1 0 1 7 7 7 4 4 4 0 1 0 # of drift tubes 10 # of slug tuners # of drive irises Figure 1.3. Cut-away details of DTL tank #1. 11 Under normal operation (beam on), approximately 60 to 80% of the RF power is dissipated in the DTL copper structural components. The dissipated power causes thermal distortions (i. e., shape change) which result in a frequency shift of the RF energy. To maintain the desired resonant frequency, the thermal distortions of the various DTL components are controlled by water forced-convection cooling. The water cooled components include the tank wall sections, end walls, post couplers, slug tuners, drive irises, drift tubes, RF windows, faraday cups, and dipole electro-magnets. Detailed engineering frequency shift and thermal/fluid analyses have been conducted for each of these DTL components and documented in [1.5]. Consequently, only brief descriptions of these components are provided in this report. Each tank section is cooled via 12 rectangular stainless-steel cooling channels (1 in wide by 0.5 inches deep) that are bonded and clamped in machined groves on the tank walls, as shown in Figure 1.4. The tank endwalls are cooled by water flowing through a series of machined cooling channels, as depicted in Figure 1.5. The post coupler is used to tilt and adjust the shape of the standing RF field inside the DTL tank. Figure 1.6 displays the construction of one such post coupler and its internal water passages. The concentric water passages allow the cooling water to enter the post coupler stem and pass along the outermost passage, turn around at the post coupler tip, and return within the innermost water passage. To further shape the RF field within the DTL tanks, several slug tuners are spaced along the bottom of the DTL. A slug tuner is solid copper cylinder which extends several inches into the tank body. RF energy creates waste-heat electrical currents in the slug tuners. To remove this waste heat, cooling water is circulated through a circular cooling channel machined in one end of the slug tuner, as displayed in Figure 1.7. The drift tubes serve to form the RF cells which accelerate the packets of protons and also shield the accelerating proton packets as they pass from one RF cell to another. Quadrupole magnets, housed within each drift tube, provide the required focusing of the proton beam. Each drift tube has cooling channels machined in its body, as shown in Figure 1.8. The flow of water is fed through the outer tube of the stem, splits in half, circulates around the drift tube body, and exits through the stem inner tube. 12 Cooling Channel Figure 1.4. Stainless steel water cooling channels mounted in grooves on a DTL tank wall. 13 Steel alignment Bushings press-fit in place SST coolant fittings Copper tubing Magnet housing with coolant plenum OFE copper Endwall base OFE copper PMQ alignment pin press-fit into magnet housing Be am Endwall coolant passages Cover plate OFE copper Exploded view Figure 1.5. DTL tank end-wall cooling passage design. 14 Copper tip Copper Stem SST Coolant fittings Rf seal groove Copper Body Brazed Assembly (a) Water Inlet Flow Diverter Water Outlet (b) Figure 1.6. (a) Solid model and (b) cross-section of a SNS DTL post coupler. 15 Copper Body and flange SST backing flange For Rf seal SST Coolant fittings Brazed - Welded Assembly (a) 4.5 in 2.25 in Cooling channel (b) Figure 1.7. (a) Solid model and (b) cross-section of a SNS DTL slug tuner. 16 All metal vacuum & rf seal mount assembly Cooling/vacuum manifold Stem assembly Samarium Cobalt PMQ with Aluminum yoke Bore tube Body Coolant channels Figure 1.8. Assembly of a typical DTL drift tube. 17 RF power is transmitted to the DTL via rectangular gas-filled waveguides. Separating the atmospheric pressure waveguide and the vacuum environment of the DTL tank, is a ceramic RF window. On the DTL tank-side of the RF window is a narrow slit, termed an iris, which allows the RF energy to pass into the DTL tank. The transition waveguide which connects the RF window to the iris, is displayed in Figure 1.9. The RF losses in the transition waveguide and iris must be removed with internal water cooling channels. The RF window has a separate water cooling jacket. Dynamically adjusting the cooling water temperature in the drift tubes and other RF structural components will maintain resonance of the DTL. A uniform frequency shift for all DTL cells can be obtained by balancing the water flow rate, tailoring the cooling channels for each individual drift tube, and adjusting the water inlet temperature. The heat loads and cooling water flow requirements for each of the DTL components are contained in [1.2] and summarized in Section 1.4 of this report. Rf Vacuum Pumping Grills Turbo Pump Turbo-V70 Gate Valve Cooling Tubes Getter Pump Capacitor-B-1300-2 Figure 1.9. DTL RF window waveguide transition piece. 18 1.3 DTL Resonance Control 1.3.1 Basic Philosophy The electromagnetic field resonant frequency of a particle accelerator is a function of its internal geometry [1.11]. In the case of the DTL, the resonant frequency is mainly a function of the geometry of the tank walls and drift tubes. In the CCL, the resonant frequency is primarily a function of the geometry of the cavities, side coupling cells, and bridge couplers. By manipulating the dimensions of these RF structures, the resonant frequency of the particle accelerator can be finely adjusted and tuned. In practice, resonance control of a room temperature linac is maintained by both the Low Level RF (LLRF) control system and a water cooling system (RCCS). The goal of the SNS resonance control systems is to resonate the DTL at 402.500 MHz and the CCL cavities at 805.000 MHz under nominal loaded conditions. In practice, the DTL will be designed and pre-tuned (with post couplers and slug tuners) to a frequency which is offset from the desired resonant value of 402.5 MHz, with coolant flowing through the structure at a temperature of 20.0°C and no RF heating applied. This frequency offset, which is yet to be defined, will account for the expansion of drift tubes, tank walls, and other tank components, as they heat up under RF power. In practice, the CCL cavities will be designed, manufactured, and pre-tuned to a frequency of 805.140 MHz, (140 kHz above the target frequency) with coolant flowing through the structure at a temperature of 20.0°C and no RF heating applied. As RF power is introduced into the cavity, the copper cavity will heat up, expand, and its resonant frequency will decrease. Engineering analyses have been performed and estimate that the decrease in the cavity resonant frequency (due to RF heating) will be approximately 140 kHz under full RF power and a coolant inlet temperature of 20.0°C. The CCL’s steady-state operational resonant frequency, 805.00 MHz, is achieved and maintained by manipulation of the CCL cavity dimensions (expansion/contraction) by adjusting their wall temperatures with the Water Cooling System. The LLRF Control and the RCCS share the responsibility of the resonance control of the DTL and CCL. Consider the DTL as an example. From system start-up, when RF power is gradually introduced to the DTL tank, to full-on steady-state accelerator operation, there are many complicated thermal, fluidic, structural, and electrical 19 interactions occurring which influence the resonance of the DTL structure. To deal with these effects, and achieve and maintain resonance of the DTL structure, the LLRF Control and Water Cooling Systems have individual, as well as shared responsibilities. Figure 1.10 displays the responsibilities of the LLRF Control and RCCS as a function of the DTL resonant frequency. RCCS / Agile combo. Frequency Agile only Frequency Agile only Dead Band outer inner FagF0 - 33kHz FhiF0 - 10 kHz Flo- F0 Flo+ 402.5 MHz Fhi+ F0 + 10 kHz Fag+ F 0 + 33kHz Frequency Agile only: Water RCCS is inactive, holding at a saturation position of the valves, while the Resonance Control Module brings the drive frequency into the RCCS / Agile band. RCCS / Agile Band: RCM and the water RCCS act to control the cavity resonant frequency and bring it into the deadband. Dead Band: LLRF control system locks to the fundamental frequency (master oscillator) and the water RCCS takes over to control the cavity resonance within the deadband limits (as determined by operator through the RCM). Fno RF F0 + 100 kHz Figure 1.10 Resonance control responsibility diagram for the SNS DTL and CCL. 20 During the early stages of introducing RF power into the DTL RF structure, the RF control system will monitor the structure’s resonant frequency and adjust the LLRF Control system output drive frequency to the klystron to match it. The RF control system will thus continuously change the RF frequency as the cavities warm up, and follow the cavity resonant frequency to the desired operational resonant frequency (402.500 MHz). This “chase the cavity’s resonance” activity is referred to as a frequency agile mode of operation. The signal that determines the output RF drive frequency is also used to send an error signal to the water system which indicates how far off the cavity resonant frequency is from the desired operational resonant frequency, and in which direction. For the DTL, a 0V to 10V analog signal, sent from the LLRF to the RCCS, will be used to represent this frequency error. In particular, the analog signal ranges and resulting RCCS actions are as follows: 0V to 0.5V ⇒ negative frequency saturation. RCCS: Cool the water and structure by forcing all circulating water through heat exchanger. 0.5V to 5.0V ⇒ error signal is proportional to the -50 kHz to 0 kHz frequency error (the lower frequency error limit is software selectable). RCCS: use PID algorithm to gradually cool the structure and push the frequency error signal towards 5V, or zero frequency error. 5.0V to 9.5V ⇒ error signal is proportional to the 0 kHz to 50 kHz frequency error (the higher frequency error limit is software selectable). RCCS: use PID algorithm to gradually warm the structure and push the frequency error signal towards 5V, or zero frequency error. 9.5V to 10.0V ⇒ positive saturation. RCCS: Warm the water and structure by forcing all circulating water through the heat exchanger by-pass line. When the resonant frequency of the cavities gets within ±33 kHz of the operational resonant frequency, Fo, the Water Cooling System begins to perform active resonance control by adjusting a water mixing proportional valve in an attempt to bring the cavity resonant frequency to Fo. This ±33 kHz frequency band is termed the RCCS/Agile Band. During this mode of operation, the LLRF Control System continues to monitor the resonant frequency of the DTL and attempts to match the output RF drive frequency to it. In addition, the Water Cooling System reads the operational resonant 21 frequency error from the LLRF Control System and attempts to adjust the DTL resonant frequency by manipulating the water inlet temperature. The DTL resonant frequency shift induced by a mean temperature change of the DTL drift tube copper is approximately 6.5 kHz/°C. Thus by adjusting the cooling water temperature, the DTL resonant frequency is brought closer to Fo, and the operational resonant frequency error is reduced. This control logic, similar to that used for the Accelerator Production of Tritium/Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator RFQ and CCDTL Hot Model resonance control systems, is depicted in Figure 1.11. Note that this resonance control methodology is much different from that used on the LANSCE accelerator, where a particular cooling water temperature is sought, but no feedback is provided by the RF system. When the resonant frequency of the cavities gets within ±10 kHz of the operational resonant frequency, Fo, the LLRF Control System locks to the operational resonant frequency and the Water Cooling System takes over active cavity resonance control. This narrow frequency range is referred to as the Dead Band. Note that the limits on the Dead Band will be software selectable. 1.3.2 Water Cooling Resonance Control Technique In the case of the SNS DTL and CCL, a closed loop water cooling system extracts heat from the RF structure and transfers it to a facility chilled water supply via a liquidliquid heat exchanger, as depicted in the P&ID diagram of Figure 1.12(a). In this closedloop circuit, water temperature control is achieved by manipulating the hot-side (Linac side) heat exchanger water flow rate while holding the cold-side water inlet temperature and flow rate constant. This is achieved by using a proportional control valve that divides the circulating water between the heat exchanger and by-pass line, as shown in Figure 1.12(a). By changing the hot-side water flow rate, the overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger is varied. Since the heat removal rate must effectively remain constant for quasi-steady-state conditions (heat rate into system equals heat rate out of the system), the hot-side water temperature must change inversely to the overall heat transfer coefficient to achieve a new operating condition. Consequently, increasing the water flow through the heat exchanger results in an increase in the overall heat transfer coefficient, and an associated decrease in the mean water temperature. And 22 conversely, decreasing the water flow through the heat exchanger results in a decrease in the overall heat transfer coefficient, and an associated increase in the mean water temperature. This water temperature dependence on heat exchanger hot-side flow rate is depicted in Figure 1.12(b). Choose frequency gain or water temperature gain ef Valve (position) PID eT - Water Temp. Set Point Cavity (temperature and frequency) Water Temperature + Low Level R F System Figure 1.11. Resonance control system logic proposed for the SNS Linac RCCS. 23 While being robust and versatile, the water cooling systems for the DTL and CCL will possess limited working ranges and stabilities in water temperature, flow rate, and pressure drop. The nominal operating conditions that the water cooling systems are being designed to are listed in the following section. R F Structure Water Inlet Manifold By-Pass Control Valve Water Inlet Temperature Reservoir/ Expansion Tank Pump Hot Side Facility Chilled Water Source Cold Side Heat Exchanger Hot Side Water Flow Rate Heat Exchanger (a) (b) Figure 1.12. (a) R F structure water cooling loop schematic and (b) Water temperature control through heat exchanger hot side water flow rate manipulation. 24 1.4 DTL Cooling Requirements As mentioned previously, the DTL water cooling system removes the waste heat from the copper RF structure and maintains resonance through active temperature control. In designing the water cooling system, the copper waste heat loads, RF structure mean operating temperature, temperature range and sensitivity required for resonance control, and control methodology (variable flow or variable temperature) needed to be defined a priori. First of all, RF cavity physics computer codes were used to determine the distribution of the RF waste heat in the DTL structural components. Next, a mean DTL copper structure temperature was chosen along with the desired range and resolution of the RF resonance control provided by the water cooling system. Finally, finite element and computational fluid dynamics codes were employed to optimize the design of the water cooling passages and determine the required water flow rates and temperatures. Much of this is discussed in more detail in [1.2, 1.3]. The following tables give the heat loads, required cooling water flow rates and supply temperatures, as well as flow pressure drop specifications for the DTL drift tubes, post couplers, slug tuners, end and side walls, dipole electro-magnets, RF windows, and Faraday cups. . All the heat loads reported in the tables assume a 7.02% RF duty factor. A representative set of data for the heat load, water flow rates, water temperature, and resonance control parameters for the DTL drift tubes is given in Table 1.3. A complete listing of individual drift tube heat load and cooling flow requirements is given in Appendix F. The frequency shift characteristics of the DTL in response to drift tube water inlet temperature changes, in KHz/°C, are also given in Table 1.3. The maximum range of frequency control, ±33 KHz, corresponds to an inlet water temperature range of ±5.1°C about the mean value of 20.0°C. The drift tube pressure drop corresponds to the flow path between the inlet and outlet connectors on the drift tube stem. Note that the heat dissipated on the drift tube outside wall increases as the energy level increases. To avoid field errors and frequency mismatch, the frequency shift needs to be the same for all the DTL cells. This will be achieved by properly tailoring the water flow rate to each drift tube by using an orifice plate upstream of each individual drift tube. 25 Table 1.3. DTL drift tubes nominal water cooling system design and operation parameters. • Parameter Nominal heat load per drift tube • Value 0.05-1.85 kW Comments/References Heat load is different for each drift tube (see Tables 4.5 to 4.10 for individual heat loads) Average drift tube operating temperature is identical to average CCL copper temperature. Flow rate is adjusted for each individual drift tube. A uniform frequency shift for all cells within a tank is obtained by balancing the flow rate and tailoring the cooling channels for each individual drift tube. Flow resistances for each drift tube are estimated from standard pipe flow correlations. Tables 4.5 to 4.10 give flow rate requirements and flow resistances for each drift tube. Initial drift tube water inlet temperature chosen to equal mean desired operating temperature. Drift tube water inlet temperature must remain constant as RF power is introduced. An approximate ±8.3 oC band about this mean temperature will be required for full resonance control (i.e. to get ±50 kHz frequency adjustment). Tables 4.5 to 4.10 give water temperature rise for each drift tube. A 0.1 oC change in water temperature corresponds to a change in RF frequency of 0.6 to 0.7 KHz. Resonance is maintained by dynamically adjusting the water temperature in the drift tube circuit and the tank circuit simultaneously. • Nominal average operating temperature of drift tubes • 26.6°C (79.9 oF) • Nominal water flow rate per drift tube • 0.13-3.22x10 -4 m3/s (0.2-5.1 gpm) • Water flow rate accuracy and stability per drift tube • ± 5% • Flow resistance across drift tubes • 1.06x1012-3.23x10 14 Pa/m6s (0.61-186.7 psi/gpm2) • Drift tube water inlet temperature prior to RF power and during steadystate, full RF power Temperature range of water • 20.0°C (68.0 oF) • 5.1 oC (9.2 oF) about mean inlet temperature • Nominal temperature rise of cooling water through 1 drift tube • 0.6-2.6 oC (1.1-4.7 oF) • Temperature accuracy • ± 0.5oC • Temperature resolution • ± 0.1oC • Temperature stability • ± 0.1oC • Frequency shift per change in water inlet temperature Range of frequency control Stability in frequency control • 6-7 kHz/1oC • • ± 33 kHz ± 0.7 kHz Chilled water supply temperature Chilled water supply temperature stability • 7.2 oC (45.0 oF) • ±0.5°C (± 0.9oF) • • • • • 26 The heat load and water cooling requirements for the tank walls are given in Table 1.4. Note that the heat loads and water flow rate requirements vary for each tank. The flow resistances for the cooling channels were estimated from standard pipe flow correlations. Table 1.4. DTL tank wall nominal water cooling system design and operation parameters (parameters given per DTL tank). Tank # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Heat Load (kW) Water flow rate (gpm) Flow rate accuracy/ stability (gpm) 8 30 41 42 41 44 19.2 60.0 79.2 79.2 79.2 79.2 ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% Flow resistance per unit length of channel (psi/gpm2/ m) 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.018 Steadystate water inlet temp. (°C) Nominal water temp. rise (°C) Water temp. accuracy/ stability (°C) 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 1.6 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 The heat load and water cooling requirements for the DTL slug tuners are given in Table 1.5. Note that the heat load on the slug tuner depends on it penetration length inside the tank. The heat load given in Table 1.5 assumes a maximum slug tuner penetration of 2.25 inches. The flow resistance for the slug tuners was estimated from a standard pipe flow correlation. Table 1.5. DTL slug tuner nominal water cooling system design and operation parameters (parameters given per slug tuner). Heat Load (kW) 0.64 Water flow rate (gpm) Flow rate accuracy/ stability (gpm) Flow resistance (psi/gpm2) Steadystate water inlet temp. (°C) Nominal water temp. rise (°C) 1.0 ± 5% 1.4 20.0 2.4 Water temp. accuracy/ Stability (°C) 0.5/0.5 The heat load and water cooling requirements for the DTL post couplers are given in Table 1.6. Note that the heat load on the post coupler depends upon its penetration length inside the tank. The heat load given in Table 1.6 assumes a maximum post 27 coupler penetration of 6.2 inches. The flow resistance for the post couplers was estimated from a standard pipe flow correlation. Table 1.6. DTL post coupler nominal water cooling system design and operation parameters (parameters given per post coupler). Heat Load (kW) Water flow rate (gpm) Flow rate accuracy/ stability (gpm) Flow resistance (psi/gpm2) Steadystate water inlet temp. (°C) Nominal water temp. rise (°C) 0.32 0.65 ± 5% 7.1 20.0 1.9 Water temp. accuracy/ stability (°C) 0.5/0.5 Tables 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9, give the heat loads and water cooling requirements of the end walls, drive irises, and electromagnets, respectively. Table 1.7. DTL end walls nominal water cooling system design and operation parameters. Tank # Heat Load (kW) 1 front 1 end 2 front 2 end 3 front 3 end 4 front 4 end 5 front 5 end 6 front 6 end 0.114 0.890 0.912 1.491 1.643 1.840 1.847 1.997 2.002 2.115 2.121 2.410 Water flow rate (gpm) Flow rate accuracy/ Stability (gpm) Flow resistance (psi/gpm2) Steadystate water inlet temp. (°C) Nominal water temp. rise (°C) 0.2 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% 16.10 11.33 13.12 11.33 11.33 11.33 11.33 11.33 11.33 11.33 11.33 11.33 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 2.2 3.4 7.2 5.7 6.3 7.0 7.0 7.6 7.6 8.0 8.1 9.2 Water temp. accuracy/ stability (°C) 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 0.5/0.1 Table 1.8. DTL drive iris nominal water cooling system design and operation parameters. Heat Load (kW) 0.355 Water flow rate (gpm) Flow rate accuracy/ Stability (gpm) Flow resistance (psi/gpm2) Steadystate water inlet temp. (°C) Nominal water temp. rise (°C) 1.6 ± 5% 0.13 20.0 0.5 28 Water temp. accuracy/ stability (°C) 0.5/0.5 Table 1.9. DTL dipole electromagnet nominal water cooling system design and operation parameters (two water passages in parallel per magnet). • • • • • • • • • • • • Parameter Nominal heat load per magnet Number of magnets Value Nominal water flow rate per magnet (for 3.4°C rise in water temp through magnet at normal heat load). Water passes through 2 coils in series. Pressure drop across magnet at nominal water flow rate Water flow rate accuracy and stability per magnet Magnet water inlet temperature Nominal temperature rise of cooling water through 1 magnet Temperature accuracy Temperature resolution Temperature stability Chilled water supply temperature Chilled water supply temperature stability • 0.35 kW • 24 magnets • 2.4´10-3 m3/s (0.38 gpm) per coil 2.4´10-3 m3/s (0.38 gpm) per magnet • • • 11.8 psi • ± 5% • 20.0°C • 3.4°C • • • • ±0.5°C ±0.1°C ±0.5°C 7.2°C (45°F) • ±0.5°C (±0.9°F) Comments/References Dipole magnet design excel summary sheet provided by Ted Hunter on 7/3/00. • Dipole magnet design excel summary sheet provided by Ted Hunter on 7/3/00 • Dipole magnet design excel summary sheet provided by Ted Hunter on 7/3/00 Tables 1.10 and 1.11 give the heat load and cooling requirements for the DTL RF window and Faraday Cup, respectively. Table 1.10. DTL RF window nominal water cooling system design and operation parameters. Heat Load (kW) 0.1 Water flow rate (gpm) Flow rate accuracy/ Stability (gpm) Flow resistance (psi/gpm2) Steadystate water inlet temp. (°C) Nominal water temp. rise (°C) 1.0 ± 5% 1.0 20.0 >0.1 29 Water temp. accuracy/ stability (°C) 0.5/0.5 Table 1.11. DTL Faraday Cup nominal water cooling system design and operation parameters. Beam Energy (Far. Cup) (MeV) 7.5 22.8 39.8 56.6 72.5 Heat Load (kW) 0.014 0.041 0.080 0.130 0.145 Water flow rate * (gpm) Flow rate accuracy/ Stability (gpm) Flow resistance (psi/gpm2) Steadystate water inlet temp. (°C) Nominal water temp. rise (°C) 0.01 0.04 0.08 0.13 0.15 ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% ± 5% TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 4 4 4 4 4 Water temp. accuracy/ stability (°C) 0.5/0.5 0.5/0.5 0.5/0.5 0.5/0.5 0.5/0.5 * A nominal 0.5 gpm flow rate will be used to cool each faraday cup. From the water skid partitioning scheme along with the heat load and flow rate data from Tables 1.3 through 1.11, the individual water skid performance specifications were derived (water flow rate, water inlet temperature, total waste heat dissipation rate, etc.). These water skid performance specifications for the DTL RF structures are summarized in Tables 1.12 through 1.13. Table 1.12. Summary of heat loads for the DTL water pumping stations. DTL Tank # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Drift Tube and Endwall Nose heat load (kW) 11.3 32.7 35.7 35.6 34.7 37.2 Tank side and endwall heat load (kW) Total Slug Tuner Heat Load (kW) Total Post Coupler Heat Load (kW) Total Drive Iris Heat Load (kW) Dipole Magnet Heat Load (kW) Total RF Module Waste Heat Load (kW) 9.0 32.4 44.5 45.8 41.2 48.5 5.1 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 7.7 9.6 7.7 5.1 4.5 3.8 3.2 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 36.8 82.3 94.8 95.4 89.2 98.4 30 Table 1.13. Summary of water flow rates and water inlet temperatures for the DTL water pumping stations. DTL Tank # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Drift Tube and Endwall Nose flow rate (gpm) 69.4 70.2 129.2 110.4 95.6 80.2 Tank side and endwall flow rate (gpm) Total Slug Tuner flow rate (gpm) Total Post Coupler flow rate (gpm) Total Drive Iris flow rate (gpm) Dipole Magnet flow rate (gpm) Water Inlet Temp. (oC) Total Tank Water Flow Rate (gpm) 20.4 61.5 81.2 81.2 81.2 81.2 8 12 12 12 12 12 19.5 15.6 10.4 9.1 7.8 7.2 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 120.4 162.4 235.9 215.6 199.5 183.7 Based upon the final design of the DTL water cooling systems, the water capacities for each flow loop have been estimated and are summarized in Table 1.14. Table 1.14. Water capacities of the DTL water cooling systems. Water Cooling System Flow Loop Water Capacity (gallons) DTL Tank 1 255 DTL Tank 2 280 DTL Tank 3 280 DTL Tank 4 280 DTL Tank 5 280 DTL Tank 6 280 31 1.5 Mechanical and Electrical Interfaces The key mechanical interfaces between the DTL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System hardware and the DTL RF structure are summarized in Table 1.15. All mechanical connections on the DTL components, will not be the responsibility of the DTL water cooling system design team. Table 1.15. Mechanical Interfaces between the DTL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System and DTL RF structure, magnets, and diagnostics. Interface Description Mechanical Connection Supplied on DTL Component Stainless steel tube, ½” • Stainless steel tube, ¾” • Swagelok compression fitting – 3/8” • Slug tuner water line ports Swagelok compression fitting – 3/8” • Tank end wall water line ports Swagelok compression fitting – 3/8” • Tank wall water line ports Swagelok compression fitting – 1/2” • Dipole electro-magnet water line ports Swagelok compression fitting – 3/16” • RF window water line port Male NPT port - ½” threaded • Drive iris water line port Swagelok compression fitting – ½” • Faraday cup water line port DTL tank body Presently not defined. Assume ½” beaded tube None • RF structure support stand/manifolds Pipe supports fastened to the support stand • Drift tube water line ports Tanks 1 and 2 Drift tube water line ports Tanks 3 thru 6 Post coupler water line ports Water Cooling System Impact • 32 Water cooling team will provide a 90° Swagelok fitting and beaded for flexible hose attachment. Water cooling team will provide a 90° Swagelok fitting and beaded for flexible hose attachment. Supply proper sized beaded tube for the interface between the flex line and DTL compression fitting. Supply proper sized beaded tube for the interface between the flex line and DTL compression fitting. Supply proper sized beaded tube for the interface between the flex line and DTL compression fitting. Supply proper sized beaded tube for the interface between the flex line and DTL compression fitting. Supply proper sized beaded tube for the interface between the flex line and DTL compression fitting. Provide proper connectors that results in a beaded hose connector for the supply and return flex lines. Supply proper sized beaded tube for the interface between the flex line and DTL compression fitting. TBD There is currently no plan to support any of the water cooling lines or manifolds off of the tank body. Main supply and return manifolds will be mounted, one above the other, to the main support structure running parallel to the beam line. The manifolds will be attached with pipe supports on the non-aisle side of the linac tunnel. All sub-manifolds will be attached to pipe supports that are connected to the RF stupport structure. All water cooling system equipment (pumps, instrumentation, valves, etc) shall operate from the klystron gallery utilities. The SNS conventional facility requirements for the Linac are specified in [1.10]. Table 1.16 summarizes the SNS facility chilled water and electrical requirements for the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems. Note that the electrical requirements listed in Table 1.16 do not include any surpluses required by electrical codes and do not call for any “clean” electrical power. Finally, In the event of an electrical power failure, uninterruptible electrical power service (UPS) will not be required for the water cooling system diagnostics or PLC on the DTL. Table 1.16. Summary of utilities required for a single DTL tank water cooling system. Linac Chilled Chilled Chilled Chilled Electrical Structure Water Water Water Water (Qty/KVA/V/Phase) Supply Supply Supply Supply Temp. Mean Heat Mean Flow Pressure & Note that KVA is per (°C) Load Rate to Designed unit Removal Water Skid Pressure Capacity (GPM) Loss (psig) (kW) Typical DTL 7.2 ±0.5 80 40 100/15 6/25/480/3 (pump) Tank 6/30/480/3 (heater) 6/1.8/120/1 (water skid) 6/1.8/120/1 (elec. rack) 6/1.8/120/1 (elec. rack) The communication interfaces between the DTL Vacuum Control System and the SNS Global Control System are described in detail in Section 6 of this report. All other facility-type interfaces are covered in Section 7 of this report. 1.6 Comments and Action Items from Preliminary Design Review The DTL and CCL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System Preliminary Design Review (PDR) committee’s comments and the corresponding design team responses and/or action items are given in Table 1.17. Each item of concern that was raised by the PDR committee has been addressed and documented in this final design report. 33 Table 1.17. Preliminary design review committee comments and the corresponding responses and/or actions taken during the final design of the DTL and CCL water cooling systems. Comment # 1 2 Review Committee Comment Two options for providing for make-up water, as well as filling and draining It is recommended that the the water systems were considered. The first was a permanent facility-based make up water system for the system, with water lines and fixtures incorporated in the facility design. DI cooling loops be improved. This option was rejected in favor of a portable water service cart, which An option is to have a recirculating DI loop to provide would be available throughout the facility for filling, treating, and draining any and all water cooling systems. This service cart was beyond the scope the make up for all loops. This and budget of the DTL and CCL water cooling system designs. However, a will help avoid loop proposal (LANL-SNS Memo SNS-00-76) for the design and procurement of contamination due to such a cart was drafted and submitted to ORNL-SNS for review. maintenance errors. In addition, since recycling of loop water is currently planned (to reduce waste), reinjecting this water back into the system should be accommodated by the design. The loop heater may be used in system start up. However, the heat supplied How the loop heater will be to the water to heat up the DTL or CCL is relatively very small when used during start up and during compared to the RF waste heat dissipation rate of a DTL tank or CCL events like RF trips should be module. investigated in more detail. The heater operational requirements resulting from Q = mc p∆T where m = ρV, cp=4179 J/Kg∗°K, this investigation should define ∆T=(26-20)°K, ρ=1000Kg/m3 detail parameters like heater Q = 1000Kg/m3 ∗ 1.48m3 ∗ 4179J/Kg∗°K ∗ (26-20)°K power Q= 37,109,520 J 3 How much RF power is available as a function of structure temperature should be determined. This will influence the control system design and response. 4 The appropriate RF duty factors that the cooling system should be able to accommodate and how it should respond, should be more clearly defined. Requirements in this area should be developed in conjunction with the SNS division in OR. The requirements for the control systems of each cooling system should be defined in more detail. The following 5 Design Team Response or Action For the Heater [Q] = w = J/s, [Q] ∗ ∆t = Q [Q] = Q/∆t Plot [Q] as a function of length of time. Plot Cost ($) as a function of [Q]. Plot Cost (&) as a function of the length of time. An evaluation of the heater hardware cost versus time to heat the volume of water 6°C was performed to size the water skid’s inline electrical water heater. RF power is not a direct function of structure temperature, but rather of the transfer matching between the RF drive frequency and the resonance frequency of the cavities (the latter of which is a function of structure temperature). The RF power and duty factors for steady-state operation are currently well known and documented. These parameters are what the current water cooling system is designed around. Lower RF power and duty factors during early commissioning are expected and proper flexibility was incorporated in the design of the water cooling and resonance control systems to handle these off-normal conditions. The RF power and duty factors for steady-state operation are currently well known and documented. These parameters are what the current water cooling system is designed around. Lower RF power and duty factors during early commissioning are expected, but have not been specifically defined or designed to. The water cooling skid has been designed with a variable speed pump, and control valves on the hot and cold sides of the heat exchanger, so as to have enough flexibility in handling off-normal heat loads or operational conditions. No additional water system requirements were given to the design team from the operations or RF structures design teams. Consequently, the water system design was based around the criteria and requirements given in the latest “SNS DTL and CCL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System 34 6 7 operational requirement should be defined: • permissible time period to attain design temperature following a cold start • permissible time period to attain design temperature following an RF trip (for purposes of design, a “design basis RF trip” should be established with assistance from the responsible physicist and/or project office to define a credible trip scenario - if one does not already exist – and any requirements for thermal transients) • response time for minor temperature transients in the linac cooling loop • required turndown for temperature control system (the minimum level of power input – expressed as a percentage of the design value – at which the linac cooling system must be able to deliver water within the specified temperature tolerances on a continuous basis) Air eliminators are needed at system high points. The float type air eliminator has been used successful at LANSCE. The need for redundant pumps (and other components) should be considered in detail and if not included in the design, justification should be included in the design documentation. The RAMI allocation for the cooling system should be part of this assessment. It is noted that all of the other cooling systems for SNS (ring component cooling systems, target component cooling systems, klystron cooling systems, etc) have redundant pumps. It is recommended that the designers of the cooling systems mentioned above, be Description Document”. Each of the operational issues presented by the PDR committee at left, have been addressed and are contained in the DTL and CCL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System Final Design Reports. The transient conditions (start-up, RF trip, and minor temperature transients) were studied with a Systemview model on both the DTL and CCL. Design features, including a variable speed pump, water heater, and electrically actuated control valves on the hot and cold sides of the heat exchanger, were incorporated in the water skid design to handle off-normal operating conditions. Air eliminators have been incorporated at the high point on each water skid. We reviewed the LANSCE air eliminator devices which consist of a float type device. We are also contacted vendors (Spirax Sarco and Nalco) for product information. One brand in consideration is the Spriotherm Air Eliminator, removes all air, including entrained microbubbles from the cooling system with a patented screening process. This air eliminator also has the float for air release and does not need the air separator component. The air eliminators will be branched off the transfer main cooling lines at the high point in parallel with a vent valve. Vent and drain valves, with quickconnect, non-leakage fittings, have been incorporated on each water skid as well as each DTL tank and CCL module manifold system in the linac tunnel. No requirement exists for a redundant system. However, in reviewing systems that do have redundancy on LEDA (Power Supply Specifications B5473 and E2289) and in talking with those engineers involved, redundancy was designed into the system for either of two primary reasons. The failure of the system could cause injury to personnel or cause significant damage to the accelerator or the system itself. The failure of the water skid does not meet this criterion. There are plenty of safety interlocks to shut down the beam and RF power if the pump operation and cooling flow should cease. Inclusion of a redundant system would result in a significant cost and schedule impact. Additionally, a redundant system will significantly increase the size of the skid that will have a detrimental affect on the layout within the Klystron Gallery. Finally, the SNS RAMI program has been replaced by “Best Engineering Practices”, and hence the need for pump redundancy can not be incorporated into a full reliability and availability analysis. 35 8 consulted regarding the decision they made to include redundant pumps. It is recommended that the error bands on thermal and fluid analyses be quantified to help determine if design and safety margins are adequate. 9 Additional thought should be given to how and if individual circuit flow blockages might be detected 10 The use of orifices to balance the flow to individual circuits should work well. However, since changing one or more orifices to correct for unexpected hardware differences will be time consuming, verifying the flow characteristics of individual components will be important. It is important that full scale tests are performed (not just component testing) to verify the accuracy of the design calculations. 11 It appears that the temperature control limit previously specified for the primary side An uncertainty analysis on the SINDA/FLUINT modeling was accomplished by comparing flow and pressure drop predictions (from a S/F model), to empirical data obtained from the CCL hot model prototype water cooling system. The comparison and a thorough discussion of agreements and discrepancies are presented in the DTL and CCL Water Cooling and Resonance Control Systems Final Design Reports. The flow blockage problem is quite complicated and an easy and costeffective fix was not available. It is not cost effective, nor practical to supply enough flow sensors for every piece of DTL hardware or CCL cooling passage. Design alternatives included placing flow switches on each DTL drift tube, and flow meters on every outlet line on the CCL. This was found to be unrealistic due to cost implications. The design compromise, which satisfies operations, safety, maintainability, and cost, was to use flow meters on the DTL submanifold return lines, as well as the return lines on the CCL cavity lines. These flow meters will allow operators to detect significant flow blockages. Other design features include the use of screens at the entrance to the main supply manifolds, and well as all drift tube sub manifolds. RTDs will also be placed on each CCL segment and bridge coupler, which will serve as a safety indicator of flow blockage on those systems. In addition, several design features and detailed quality assurance measures were defined such as filters, proper cleaning procedures, exclusion of teflon tape sealant, high levels of water cleanliness, etc., to minimize the chances of flow blockage. Flow checks of the individual pieces of the DTL hardware and CCL segments will occur prior to assembly. Portable, nonintrusive ultrasonic flow meters, which attach to the outside of the water lines, will be available to trouble shoot flow blockage problems, should they arise. The pressure drop across six prototype drift tubes will be measured using an existing flow loop facility. The geometry of these prototypes is representative of the different drift tubes. Based on the results of these tests, analytical correlations to evaluate the pressure drop will be derived for all the DTL drift tubes. Before final installation, the pressure drop across each drift tube and orifice plate assembly will be checked at nominal flow rate. Orifice plate tests have already been performed to insure that the empirical correlation for orifice plate performance agrees with measured performance. Flow tests have been performed on the CCL cavity cooling passages to bench mark the numerically predicted pressure drop. Each of these tests shows good agreement between experiments and analytical/numerical models. In regards to the CCL, full scale flow tests will be made on prototype full scale segments (cavities and short coupling cells) and bridge coupler flow lines. From this data, empirical flow resistance factors will be calculated and compared against analytical valves used in the Sinda/Fluint flow models. This will develop confidence in the accuracy of the Sinda/Fluint models to correctly size orifice plates to correctly distribute the flow in the CCL. Finally, a flow test will be performed on the CCL during assembly in the RATS building. Flow meters, incorporated on the outlet lines of the CCL cavities, SCCs, and BCs, will be used to determine the adequacy of the flow distribution being generated by the orifice plates. These tests will determine if the orifice plates need to be revised for better flow distribution. Flow tests on the DTL will be performed to set the flow control valves to obtain desired water flows (measured with flow meters) in the various DTL cooling passages. Transient thermal modeling was performed to study the impact of disturbances to the temperature of the cooling water on the facility-side of the heat exchanger. Analyses indicate that temperature swings of +/- 2.0°F 36 12 13 14 15 16 of the heat exchanger (i.e.: +/0.5 F) can be loosened. Since this will simplify the chiller design, it is recommended that the new limit be quantified and conveyed to CF ASAP. It is recommended that the requirements for vibration isolation be investigated in more detail to determine appropriate design features (e.g.: should the entire cooling skid be vibrationally isolated or is it sufficient to only isolate the pump). In addition, the vibration issues associated with the variable speed pump (wider frequency range of operation than fixed speed pumps) should be investigated in more detail. It is recommended that the expected cooling system noise level and sound attenuation requirements be investigated in more detail. The “Design Pressures” for the cooling loops (as defined by the ASME code) should be defined and specified so structural calculations on related systems can be performed using the appropriate pressure. In addition, consider making the design pressure of the process water loop greater than the shut-in (i.e. deadhead) pressure of the pump plus any static liquid head on the system plus a comfortable safety margin. This will help prevent nuisance discharges of safety relief valves. Based on experience at LANSCE, globe valves should be avoided (they sometimes lose their setting). A better choice is a solid stem type valve. The design of the cooling skids and how they are positioned in the facility should facilitate required maintenance activities for both the pump and the DI bottles. This may require additional clear space on the sides of the skid where these items are located. A (about the mean of supply temperature of 45°F) can be tolerated by the DTL and CCL water cooling and resonance control systems. No dynamic vibration requirement currently exists in the SNS Systems Requirements Document. However, LANL will require that the pump be mounted on dynamic isolators. The skid may be mounted on isolators and will be a “recommendation” to the skid builder. No thorough analysis was performed by LANL, however, a “water skid vibration reduction” memo was drafted (LANL-SNS-00-80) which describes the vibration concerns and design features/requirements to minimize the potential for undesired vibrations. No noise level or sound attenuation requirement exists in the SNS Systems Requirements Document. However, LANL will require a “common sense” requirement to the skid builder that follows OSHA regulations. A LANLSNS memo (SNS-00-83) describes in detail, the noise concerns, lack of SNS requirements, and acceptable engineering practices and codes related to noise levels and attenuation. The design pressure for the cooling loops has been specified in the SNS DTL and CCL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System Description Document 150 psig. This is approximately 5 times greater than the largest anticipated pressure at the RF structure water manifolds in the Linac tunnel, and 2 times higher than anticipated maximum pressures in the water skids. Valve closure times will be sufficiently large to prevent water hammer. Pressure relief valves will be set at 100 psig (50 psi below the maximum design pressure). “Solid Stem” type globe valves should prevent the vibration loosening observed on the LANSCE Linac water cooling system. Several vendors (Warren Valves, Conval, and Flow serve) were contacted and supplied us with design information on solid stem valves which have been designed to eliminate valve position changes from vibrations. This requirement has been included in a general globe valve specification document that will be used for hardware procurement. Valve specification requirements also included valve locking devices to prevent accidental movement of valve setting positions. A great deal of thought has been put into the layout of the skid with reference to maintenance needs. The 2 items most likely to need maintenance that are somewhat personnel intensive are the purification system tanks and the pump motor. These have been located at the most accessible side of the skid and will be a requirement for the supplier/builder of the skid. Skids locations within the klystron gallery have been optimized and incorporated in the facility layout drawings to allow for required maintenance access. Maintenance of these components can usually occur during scheduled maintenance periods, and should not cause a shut-down of 37 maintenance plan to replace a skid, or components on the skid, should also be developed. This may influence the decision to include redundant components as part of the design or not. It will also give a check of the RAM analysis, which can yield misleading (fairy tale) results. 17 An updated list of spare parts should be developed, considering the current cooling system design. 18 To stream line the procurement process for the cooling system, pre-qualifying vendors is recommended. 19 Since 3-way valves are complex components and can be troublesome over time due to dead heading and erosion, alternate design options should be considered. An alternative design that could be considered is to put a valve on the by-pass line around the pump. Since the flow will follow the least resistant path, most will go to the pump suction. Granted, not all the flow will by-pass the cooling circuit, but the reliability issue may dictate not using a 3-way valve. 20 To avoid contamination problems, the oxygen scavenger bottle should be upstream of the mixed bed resin bottles. 21 Cooling the magnets in the SC part of the tunnel with the same loop as is used to cool the magnets in the warm part of the tunnel may reduce cost and should be considered. 22 The issue of radionuclides should be addressed in more the accelerator operation. A maintenance plan for component replacement will be developed during the procurement phase. Replacement of the entire skid should not be required and will not be part of any standard maintenance procedure. Component redundancy usually driven by operational and safety requirements. No specific requirements were given to warrant the inclusion of redundant subsystems on the water skid. The RAMI analysis, originally proposed by the ORNL SNS-PO, has been replaced by “Best Engineering Practices”, due to man-power and budget limitations. Consequently, the RAMI analysis will not be performed and will not influence the water skid design. A spare parts recommendation list was created, based on the final design, and submitted to ORNL-SNS. These spare parts are only a recommendation. No criteria, requests, or funding was made or allocated in the DTL and CCL water cooling system work packages to acquire spare parts. A selected list of potential skid suppliers/builders was developed and vendor survey forms were sent out to each of these companies via a LANL UC buyer. Presently, this list for the water skid fabrication includes 12 very interested and capable suppliers who work with very reputable component suppliers. We are waiting on the responses of these surveys and will plan to take facility inspection tours of down-selected vendors to review and assess their fabrication/inspection/certification capabilities, before selecting the final vendor(s). Several valve suppliers have been contacted to supply design and operational information on 3-way valves. These valves have been used in various services for well over 50 years and show no significant problems that would not be encountered with 2-way valves. In addition, the incorporation of the 3-way valve offers a wider range of flow control through or around the heat exchanger for standard and off-normal operating conditions, than was available with a previous design which incorporated a standard 2-way valve in the heat exchanger by-pass line. Several vendors produce 3-way valves with design features that minimize erosion. In addition, the normal operation of the 3-way valve will be to divide water flow between the heat exchanger and by-pass line, and thus dead heading will not be a regular occurance. Consequently, the design team has chosen to use the 3-way valve for controlling flow through the heat exchanger. The pump by-pass line has been removed since it is no longer required for operation of the water cooling system. The 3-way valve can by-pass cooling water around the heat exchanger if the need to prevent cooling to the DTL or CCL arises. The pump is a variable speed type and thus will not need to have a by-pass to control flow rate to the RF structures. Removal of the pump by-pass also eliminates a dead leg line which could have been a source for bacteria growth and dissolved oxygen. We agree, and this change has been incorporated in the final design of the water purification system. We have decided to move ahead with our previous plan of keeping the CCL and SCR magnets on separate cooling lines. Factors such as installation schedule, system pressure drop, water manifold placements for the two systems (on the support structure for the CCL and on the wall or floor for the SRF), and differing magnet configurations on the CCL and SCL, have led to two separate magnet cooling systems. We have decided to consolidate the 2 SRF magnet cooling systems into a single cooling system. We believe this will save both space and costs without a degradation in performance. • The collection and disposal plan for the ion exchange resins will follow that used by LANSCE (unless a better technique is found). The ion 38 detail. Joe DeVore (SNS OR) should be consulted on this topic. Specific issues which should be dealt with are: • When will radionuclides be collected for disposal? • How long are the resin tanks estimated to last before they are depleted? • Will the resin tanks require shielding? • How will resin bottles be handled? • Are there other sources of radionuclides and what is their impact? 23 24 The plan to integrate and test the control system with the cooling skid only after it has been installed at the SNS site will delay the uncovering of problems and leave little time for required modifications. Ways to integrate the cooling skid and controls earlier should be considered. Waveguide cooling requirements (particularly in the chases) is still an open issue. This should be investigated by LANL and ORNLSNS so that the required capacity can be included in the cooling design as appropriate. exchange bottles will be blown down and dried, sealed off, and be allowed for burial. This process must occur each time the resins are depleted. Cost of regenerating radioactive resins would be extremely high and handling procedures would be difficult. We will not recommend regeneration of the resins. • The 9” resin bottles on LANSCE are changed out every 8 to 12 months. The SNS linac water cooling system will probably follow the same or longer exchange period. The exact maintenance period will depend on water/system cleanliness and will come from operational experience. • Radiological Control Technician measurements on the resin bottles from the LANSCE water cooling system do not show significant amounts of activation. Shielding is currently not required around the LANSCE resin bottles and it is anticipated that shielding will not be required for those on the SNS water cooling systems. ORNL operations engineers have been contacted about the possibility of activation of the resin bottles and water skid components. US DOE regulations for radiation area designations have been discussed, but no radiation level requirements have been specified by the ORNL SNSPO. We will follow the same design and operational procedure as used on the LANSCE water cooling system water purification hardware and recommend that a radiological scan be performed during operation of SNS to ensure that radiation levels are sufficiently low. If the levels of radiation are high on any point on the water skid, then shielding can be added. • Resin handling and disposal plans have been adopted from LANSCE and are included in the DTL and CCL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System Final Design Reports. • There are no other sources of radionuclides that we are aware of. Budget and schedule limitations will prevent full-scale testing of the water control systems prior to installation in the klystron gallery. A compromise was reached to perform the following tasks: 1. Test the resonance control system logic on the CCL hot model water cooling and resonance control system (using the Labview-based control system), and gain valuable operations experience. 2. Develop a prototype water cooling and resonance control system electronics rack, complete with PLC and touchscreen interface. Incorporate this prototype system on the CCL hot model water cooling system to test a minimal number of functional capabilities. Also use these tests to interface with an SNS global control system IOC, running EPICS, to test interfaces, communication drivers, etc. 3. Using the prototype control system developed in (2), test each water skid’s basic functioning characteristics (pump and valve control, instrumentation output, etc.) before shipment from the skid vendor to ORNL. 4. Install a complete DTL water skid and corresponding electronics rack in the RATS building to perform flow checks on each DTL tank and CCL half-module, following the assembly process and prior to installation. These tests will not allow for resonance control testing. Resonance control tesing will occur following installation of the systems in the Linac tunnel and klystron gallery. This is the current agreement between LANL and the SNS Project Office at ORNL. The waveguide cooling is a design requirement of the RF engineering team. That team is responsible for cooling the klystrons, and other RF hardware (up to the RF structures), with the exception of the RF windows, and has not requested the RF structure water cooling system design team to deal with waveguide cooling. To reduce the influence of undesired waveguide heat on the water cooling lines in the waveguide chases, the water lines in those sealed chases will be insulated. 39 2.0 DTL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System Design Summary The SNS DTL water cooling and resonance control system is comprised of multiple closed-loop water systems, one per DTL tank. Each loop is a modular system, comprised of a water skid (pump, expansion tank, valves, heat exchanger, etc.), water transfer lines, and manifolding/cooling passages at the DTL RF structure. Each loop removes waste heat from a single DTL tank and transfers it to the SNS facility chilled water source via a liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger. Since each modular water system is close-looped, the water simply circulates between the DTL RF structure and the water skid, and hence does not require continual make-up feed water. The closed-loop modular water cooling system, similar to that used in the Advanced Photon Source design [1.6], was chosen for the SNS linac over a fully integrated, open-loop design [1.7, 1.8, 1.9] for the following reasons: • Modular, closed-loop design allows for enhanced temperature control and stability during start-up and steady-state operation. • Modular water system is consistent with the modular design approach used on the DTL and CCL RF structures. This modularity allows each water system to be installed and commissioned with its corresponding RF structure tank or module. • Closed-loop systems mitigate spreading of contamination (radioactive, water purity). • Modular system provides consistency in design and ease of manufacturing and installation. • Modular system lends itself to reduced manufacturing and assembly costs. • Modular design lends itself to easy maintenance (fixing leaks, performing scheduled maintenance, maintaining spare parts, etc.). 2.1 Water System Layout Each DTL tank water cooling system is responsible for removing the RF waste heat from the tank’s copper structure and providing resonance control of the RF in the DTL cells. The water cooling system configuration for a single DTL tank can be divided into four main sections including the manifolding on the RF structure, water skid, 40 transition lines, and facility chilled water source. Summary details of each of these main sections are provided below. 2.1.1 Manifolding on the RF Structure The DTL RF structure, discussed previously, contains all of the water-cooled components and the associated internal water passages, as well as the external plumbing manifolds and water lines. Flow is distributed to the various components by way of a water manifold and jumper line distribution system, and metered by valves/flow meters and orifice plates. Figure 2.1 displays the flow diagram for the water cooling system on DTL tank #1, and Figure 2.2 is a top level assembly drawing of the water cooling lines attached to DTL tank #1. A pumping skid delivers water to a main supply manifold on the DTL tank. From the main supply manifold, the water is diverted to a number of submanifolds, which in turn feed the drift tubes, post couplers, tank walls, slug tuners, dipole electro-magnets, RF window, Faraday cup, and drive iris. Proportional valves in combination with flow meters are used to accurately meter the correct amount of water to each sub-manifold. With the exception of the drift tubes, each DTL component in a particular group (i.e., post couplers), has the same heat load and thus will require the same cooling water flow rate. Consequently, all components in that group are ganged together on a common supply sub-manifold and plumbed in parallel. This eliminates the need of flow metering equipment for the majority of the RF structural components. However, each drift tube has a slightly different heat load, and thus each requires a unique cooling water flow rate. This is accomplished by placing an orifice plate upstream of each drift tube. The orifice plates contain a hole of a specified diameter to meter the desired amount of flow to a particular drift tube from a common supply submanifold. To guard against flow blockage problems in the narrow drift tube channels or orifice throats, a fine mesh screen filter is provided at the inlet to the drift tube supply sub-manifold. Other design features include pressure and temperature transducers as well as drain, vent, and pressure relief valves on the main supply and return manifolds. Flow meters on the return lines of the various sub-manifolds are used to correctly distribute coolant flow to the various components, and serve as safety interlocks should leaks or blockages occur in the water lines. More details concerning the component sizing, 41 DTL Tank 1, 59 drift tubes, 2 endwall tubes, 2 tank sections, 20 post couplers, 8 slug tuners 4 dipole steering magnets, 1 R F window and 1 drive iris DTL PID - Tank 1 John Bernardin Date Last Modified: 3-14-01 DTL Tank 1 Cooling Loop for Drift Tubes and Tank Walls Vent T FM FM FM Drain FM Orifice Plate P FM Drift Tube Return Lines Globe Valve Ball Valve FM FS Flow Meter Flow Switch P Pressure Trans. T Temperature Trans. 0 58 59 2 3 60 Drift Tube Supply Lines Vent P T Drain Vent Water Skid #1 Faciltiy CW Inlet Drain Facility CW Outlet DTL Tank 1 Cooling Loop for Post Couplers, Slug Tuners, and Drive Iris T FM FM FM FM FM P FM Drive Iris Slug Tuners Post Couplers Dipole Electromagnets R F Window Vent P T Drain Vent Water Skid #1 Faciltiy CW Inlet Drain Facility CW Outlet Figure 2.1. Flow diagram for the water cooling system on DTL tank #1. 42 Figure 2.2. Water manifolds and lines on DTL tank #1. plumbing materials, joining techniques, etc., will be covered in later sections of this report. 2.1.2 Water Skid The second major component of the water cooling system is the water skid, shown in the flow diagram and model of Figure 2.3. The water skid is a self-contained unit with all of the necessary plumbing, water treatment hardware, instrumentation, and pumping/heat transfer equipment required for delivering water at a desired flow rate and temperature to the DTL RF structural components. A small capacity tank serves as a water reservoir and allows for expansion or contraction of the water associated with temperature changes. The tank is equipped with 43 a Nitrogen gas source for controlling pressure and reducing the presence of dissolved oxygen in the water. A pressure relief valve, vent valve, and a liquid low-level indicator were added for safety purposes. The water reservoir feeds the main water line on the suction side of the pump through a manual valve. The reservoir tank volume will be kept to a small capacity (10-20 gallons) to minimize the effect of its large thermal mass on the time response of the water loop’s temperature control system. A high capacity, variable speed centrifugal pump and a flow meter connected to the programmable logic controller (PLC), will be used to supply a constant water flow rate to the RF structure. Consequently, flow loop pressure fluctuations induced by the by-pass control valve will not upset the constant supply of water to the DTL. To provide for heating of the water loop (preheating of the copper structure), an inline electrical water heater was placed downstream of the pump. A solenoid valve, plumbed in parallel with the heater, will be used to direct all of the water flow through the heater when it is in use. To remove the waste heat from the cooling loop and maintain the desired water temperature, a stainless steel flat plate counter-flowing heat exchanger was incorporated. This type of heat exchanger is relatively cheap to manufacture, compact, corrosion resistant and extremely efficient. The cold side of the heat exchanger is fed with chilled 7.2°C (45°F) water from the SNS conventional facilities. To maintain steady flow on the conventional facility side of the heat exchanger, a 2-way control valve, connected to a flow meter and the PLC, was incorporated. A PLC will monitor the flow rate through the cold side of the heat exchanger and adjust the control valve to maintain the desired flow rate. To minimize contamination of the heat exchanger from the facility chilled water supply, a 100 mesh filter was added to the upstream cold side of the heat exchanger. Flushing ports will be incorporated on the cold side of the heat exchanger to allow acid cleaning to remove potential scale build-up. The water temperature in the flow loop is manipulated by adjusting the distribution of water flow between the heat exchanger and the heat exchanger by-pass line. This is achieved using a proportional 3-way valve on the return leg from the DTL tank. The 3-way valve directs a portion of the water flow to the heat exchanger, and directs the remainder of the flow through the heat exchanger by-pass line (see Fig. 2.3). 44 Steady-state operation requires that all of the waste heat from the DTL be transferred to the facility’s chilled water. By raising or lowering the velocity of the hot water through the heat exchanger (via the proportional by-pass valve), the overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger is raised or lowered, respectively. The net effect is that the effective thermal resistance between the DTL water and the facility’s chilled water is inversely proportional to the hot water flow rate through the heat exchanger. If the chilled water source temperature and flow rate, and the thermal load of the DTL are constant, the DTL cooling water temperature (water temperature leaving the pump) will increase with a decrease in hot side heat exchanger water flow rate, and decrease with an increase in hot side heat exchanger water flow rate. In the event of RF power failure or trip, and hence a loss of heat load to the water cooling system, it is desirable not to continue to cool the DTL structure. The motivation is to keep the RF structure as close to its resonance dimensions as possible during the RF trip so that when RF power is restored, little time is lost trying to get the structure back to its desired resonance frequency. To minimize cooling of the DTL during an RF trip, the 3-way valve upstream of the heat exchanger, will adjust its position and force all cooling water to by-pass the heat exchanger and thus minimize the amount of heat loss from the system. At the same instant, the 2-way control valve on the facility-side of the heat exchanger, will close and prevent further cooling of the heat exchanger volume. Once RF power is restored, the 2-way valve will open to its previous setting and the 3-way valve will redirect cooling water through the heat exchanger. 45 Ball Valve Filter 60 mesh Pressure Relief Valve T FM Vent Valve Reservoir/ Expansion Tank Mixed Carbon Ion Bed Cation Bed Resin Resin 5 µm Filter S UV 5 µm Source Filter Filter FM FM Fluid Low-Level Indicator FM Heat Exchanger Deoxygen. In-Line Heater N2 Reservoir/ Expansion Tank P P Heater Heat Exchanger By-Pass Control Valve Variable-Speed Pump T T P P P Filter 100 mesh FM Heat Exchanger T Valve for acid flush T Facility Chilled Water Outlet WP Water Purity Transducer (Ph, elect. Cond., Diss. O) 2 FM Flow Meter T P T FM Drain Temperature Transducer (RTD) P Pressure Transducer Pump Flow Control Valve Facility Chilled Water Inlet Water Purification Equipment (a) (b) Figure 2.3. (a) Flow diagram and (b) solid model representation of the DTL water skid. 46 A water purification system was included in the design of the water skid to minimize the formation of deposits, scale buildup, biological growth, corrosion and activation, all of which can be of significant threat to the performance of the SNS linac water cooling system. This system consists of several filters for removal of debris, a carbon bed for extraction of hydrocarbons, several ion exchange resins for the removal of salts, minerals, dissolved oxygen, and radionuclides, and an ultraviolet lamp to kill bacteria. The water treatment hardware was placed in a small side loop in which approximately 3% of the total flow will be circulated. Electrical resistivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen sensors will monitor the water purification system performance. Additional information concerning water purification and related particle accelerator issues is provided in a later section of this report. 2.1.3 Transfer Lines Connecting the water skid to the RF structure manifolds, are water supply and return lines. The transfer lines, shown in Figure 2.4 for a particular DTL system, are routed from the klystron gallery to the linac tunnel, through circular chases. In the klystron gallery, the transfer lines will need to be routed overhead, around other plumbing, cable trays, waveguides, etc. In the Linac tunnel, the transfer lines will need to be routed along the floor between the chase exit and the RF structure manifold junctions. Cover plates can be used to avoid the potential tripping hazard caused by these lines on the non-isle side of the accelerator. The transfer lines will contain isolation valves on either end for maintenance purposes. In addition, they will contain short flexible sections to aid in their installation and minimize the transmission of mechanical vibrations. Figure 2.5 shows the routing of the water transfer lines between the water skids and RF structures for all six DTL tanks. 47 Klystron Gallery Waveguide Chase Water Skid Water Transfer Lines DTL Tank 3 Linac Tunnel Figure 2.4. Water transfer line routing between a water skid and a DTL tank. 48 Figure 2.5. Water transfer line routing for the six DTL water cooling systems. 49 2.1.4 Facility Chilled Water Source Chilled water from refrigerated source within the klystron gallery, will be used to remove the waste heat from each DTL closed loop water system. The chilled water will be drawn from a facility supply main to the water skid, pass through the counter-flow heat exchanger, and exit to a facility return main. The current SNS System Requirement’s Document [2.1], specifies that chilled water will be supplied at a temperature of 7.2°C (45°F), with a maximum deviation of ±0.56°C (±1.0°F). The total mean heat removal of the six DTL water cooling systems is 472 kW, requiring a total chilled water supply flow rate of approximately 250 gpm, and a maximum heat exchanger pressure drop of 15 psi [1.2]. 2.2 Instrumentation and Controls A variety of transducers are strategically placed at various points in the water skid to monitor pressure, temperature, and flow rate. Several of these transducers will be used for control purposes during operation, while the remainder will be employed for system monitoring during commissioning and trouble shooting situations. A programmable logic controller (PLC), located in an electronics rack in the klystron gallery, will be responsible for overseeing the operation of the water skid and logging necessary data. Some of the PLC functions will include controlling the water temperature and resonance of the DTL, maintaining desired water flow rates on the hot and cold sides of the heat exchanger, monitoring and recording the water purification system parameters, monitoring the flows, temperatures, and pressures at various locations throughout the skid, and providing alarms for off-normal operating conditions. The PLC will possess the ability to operate in a stand-alone mode for commissioning and maintenance purposes, and will also have a direct interface to the SNS global control system for steady-state operation. More detailed information concerning the instrumentation and control system is provided in Section 6 of this report. 50 3.0 Water Cooling Analyses 3.1 DTL Water Cooling Loops – Lumped Parameter Flow Network Modeling Numerical calculations from a lumped-parameter computer code were used to compute all the pressures, temperatures, and flow rates for the SNS DTL water cooling system models. The computer code used is called SINDA/FLUINT (Systems Improved Numerical Differencing Analyzer with Fluid Integrator) [3.1]. This computer code is ideally suited for piping networks that will be used to cool the RF structure. In a piping network one has a length of pipe called a “path” and at each end of a path are points called “junctions”. The path lines usually calculate flow, while at the junctions, values of pressure and/or temperature are calculated. Figure 3.1 illustrates the correspondence between a simple physical model and a SINDA/FLUINT representation. The work discussed below, explains the SINDA/FlUINT modeling plan and the results for the DTL water cooling system. The end goal was to have a master model of an entire DTL water cooling system comprised of a series of sub-models (drift tube cooling circuit, water skid, etc.). Subdividing the simulation of the DTL water cooling system into separate, but coupled, models allowed the simulation to be efficient, tractable, and convenient for debugging. 3.1.1 DTL RF Structure Cooling Loop Design Goals The design goal of this work was to specify the piping configuration of the SNS Drift Tube Linac (DTL) and optimize their designs by performing engineering analyses to determine the flow and pressure drops, as well as temperature distributions throughout the systems. This task involved designing a system that provided the necessary water flow to support cooling of the RF structure. In particular, a cooling loop had to be designed to provide the required water cooling flow rate to each of the components in the DTL structure. These components include the drift tubes, tank walls, slug tuners, post couplers, dipole electric magnets, and drive iris. A more detailed discussion of the cooling passages and cooling requirements for each DTL component, can be found in Section 1 of this report. A cut-away view of DTL tank 1 is shown in Figure 3.2. 51 Heat Exchanger Tank Pump Pump SINDA/FLUINT Representation Flow System Figure 3.1. Simple flow system and the corresponding SINDA/FLUINT representation. 52 Figure 3.2. Assembly drawing of DTL tank 1 (note that the water manifolds and lines are not included in the schematic). 53 Although there are 6 different tank sections that comprise the DTL, tank 3 was selected as the representative structure and was modeled in detail. The results from tank 3, along with additional analyses necessary to model any significant differences, were used to design the piping systems for the remaining tanks. The focus of this work was to analyze each cooling loop with a computer model to study fluid flow and pressure throughout the system. Pipe line sizes, orifice sizes for flow control, and overall pressure drops throughout the fluid circuits were determined. This information was required to size the pump, heat exchanger, flow control valves, etc. The design goals for DTL RF structure model are summarized in Table 1. Note that all line diameters listed in this section of the report correspond to internal diameters. All water velocities correspond to mean or average flow rates through a pipe of a given cross-section. 54 Table 3.1. SINDA/FLUINT modeling goals for the DTL RF structure model. Design Goal Outcome Determine orifice plate sizes required to properly distribute the water flow to the drift tubes Optimize supply and return main manifold diameters to minimize pressure variations along length and minimize overall cost Optimize transfer line diameters to minimize pressure drop, erosion, and cost • From main manifolds to water skid • From main manifolds to end walls • From main manifolds to drive iris • From main manifolds to RF window • From main manifold to drift tube submanifold • From main manifold to all other submanifolds Optimize sub-manifold diameters for the • drift tubes • post couplers • slug tuners • tank walls • DTL magnets to minimize pressure variations, pressure drops, and overall cost Determine pressure distribution around the flow loop and the maximum pressure drop across the system (help size pump for flow rate and pressure drop) Repeat necessary analyses (from DTL tank 3) to meet the above mentioned design goals for DTL tanks 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 The orifice plates were sized to provide each drift tube with its design flow rate. Values of β ranged from 0.43 to 0.8. 3.5" ID minimum 4" ID minimum 0.5 " ID minimum 0.313" ID minimum 0.5" ID minimum 2.5" ID minimum Same size as submanifold diameter 1.75" ID minimum 1.00" ID minimum 1.25" ID minimum 1.5" ID minimum 0.5" ID minimum Pressure drop = approximately 24 psi Required that post coupler sub-manifold be 1.25" ID minimum. Design Specifications Reference [1.2] contains the design specifications for the DTL cooling loops. Each module of the DTL is to have its own separate cooling loop complete with heat exchanger, pump, and instrumentation, etc. A separate facility cooling supply of chilled water is available with inlet temperature of 7.2°C, ±0.28°C. The temperature of cooling water delivered to the DTL tanks is specified to be 20.0°C. The design flows specified for the DTL tanks 1 through 6 include flows of 0.2 to 5.1 gpm to the drift tubes, flows of 19.2 to 79.2 gpm to the tank walls, a flow of 1.0 gpm to each slug tuner, a flow of 0.65 gpm for each post coupler, and flows ranging from 0.2 to 1.0 gpm for the end walls. Section 1 of this report contains detailed descriptions of the heat loads and cooling requirements for all of the DTL components. Separate supply and return sub-manifolds 55 are used to provide distribution of the cooling water to each of these subsystems for a given tank. A single supply and return manifold combination will feed all sub-manifolds. This large manifold will be connected to the water skid by transfer lines. Tank 3 Global Model Description A flow diagram in Figure 3.2 displays the water-cooled components and the water distribution lines on DTL tank 3. A pumping skid delivers water to a main supply manifold on the DTL tank. From the main supply manifold, the water is diverted to a number of sub-manifolds, which in turn feed the drift tubes, post couplers, tank walls, slug tuners, dipole electro-magnets, and drive iris. Proportional valves in combination with flow meters are used to accurately meter the correct amount of water to each submanifold. With the exception of the drift tubes, each DTL component in a particular group (i.e., post couplers), has the same heat load and thus will require the same cooling water flow rate. Consequently, all components in that group are ganged together on a common supply sub-manifold and plumbed in parallel. This eliminates the need of flow metering equipment for the majority of the RF structural components. However, each drift tube has a slightly different heat load, and thus each requires a unique cooling water 56 DTL Tank 3 Cooling Loop for Drift Tubes and Tank Walls Vent T FM FM FM Drain FM Orifice Plate P FM FS FS FS FS FS Drift Tube Return Lines FS FS Globe Valve Ball Valve FM FS Flow Meter Flow Switch P Pressure Trans. T Temperature Trans. 0 2 3 32 Drift Tube Supply Lines 34 Vent P T Drain Vent Water Skid #3 Faciltiy CW Inlet Drain Facility CW Outlet DTL Tank 3 Cooling Loop for Post Couplers, Slug Tuners, and Drive Iris T FM FM FM FM P FM Drive Iris Slug Tuners Post Couplers Dipole Electromagnets Vent P T Drain Vent Drain Water Skid #3 Faciltiy CW Inlet Facility CW Outlet Figure 3.3. Flow diagram for DTL Tank 3. 57 flow rate. This is accomplished by placing an orifice plate upstream of each drift tube. The orifice plates contain a hole of a specified diameter to meter the desired amount of flow to a particular drift tube from a common supply sub-manifold. The approach to modeling the maze of water lines on DTL tank 3, was to generate a global model, comprised of a series of detailed sub-models for each subsystem of components. Figure 3.4 displays a representation of the global model and its sub-model construction for the DTL tank 3 water cooling system. The SINDA/FLUINT global model for DTL tank 3 is displayed in Figure 3.5. The sub-models were developed to optimize the water line geometries of the submanifolds, size orifice plates, and to determine subsystem pressure drops. Subsystem models, once completed, were represented as a corresponding flow branch in the global model. The pressure losses that occur in series through each branch of the global model, are summed as follows: ∆P branch = ∆Psubsystem + ∆Pflow meter + ∆Pother losses (4 tees and line friction) + ∆Pvalve where ∆Psubsystem is the pressure drop of a particular subsystem, determined from its corresponding SINDA/FLUINT submodel, ∆Pflowmeter is the pressure drop of flow meter in that branch, ∆Pother losses is the pressure drop of the supply and return plumbing not included in the submodel, and ∆P valve is the pressure drop across the globe valve used to meter the flow to that particular subsystem. Note that the flow resistance coefficient of the branch valves were numerically adjusted to obtain the desired flow rates through each subsystem. 58 Main Return Manifold Flow Meter End Wall Flow Meter Flow Meter Flow Meter Flow Meter Flow Meter Flow Meter Drift Tube Sub-Model Drive Iris Sub-Model Slug Tuner Sub-Model Post Coupler Sub-Model Tank Walls Sub-Model Magnet Sub-Model Flow Meter Side Wall Main Supply Manifold Water Cart Junction Junction Junction Junction Junction Junction Junction Flow Meter Flow Meter Flow Meter Flow Meter Flow Meter Flow Meter Flow Meter Flow Meter End Wall Losses Drift Tube Losses Drive Iris Losses Slug Tuner Losses Post Coupler Losses Tank Wall Losses Magnet Losses Junction Junction Junction Junction Junction Junction Junction Junction Water Skid Losses Junction VF Figure 3.4. Water-cooling system model representation for a single DTL tank. 59 Figure 3.5. SINDA/FLUINT global model for DTL Tank 3. The next several sections will present the model descriptions and numerical studies/results for each subsystem model. These sections will be followed by a discussion of the global model results. Drift Tube Sub-model Description As mentioned previously, each drift tube requires a different cooling water flow rate. The first step in modeling the drift tube subsystem, therefore, was to determine the orifice plate sizes needed to deliver the required water flow rate to each drift tube. To do this, all K factors and flow resistances in the drift tube subsystem were calculated or taken from reference [3.2]. Figure 3.6, a cross section of a DTL tank and drift tube, displays the pressure loss components for a drift tube flow circuit. 60 Adapter Contraction Elbows Bends Adapter Expansion Flow Switch Tube Contraction Tube Expansion Orifice Plate Branch Out Branch In Drift Tube Figure 3.6 Cross section of a DTL tank and drift tube flow circuit. The following table displays the loss factor values and resistances used for the drift tube circuits of DTL Tank 3. 61 Table 3.2. K factor values for the drift tube circuits of DTL Tank 3. Loss Factor K1 Description Dimensions (inches) Inlet Tee Loss Value (dimensionless) 1 1.75 Straight to .5 Branch K2 Tee to Union .5 to .62 .122 K3 Union to Orifice Fitting .62 to .65 .008 K4 Orifice Plate See Table 4 K5 Orifice Fitting to Union .65 to .62 .04 K6 Union to Adapter .62 to .59 .009 K7 Adapter .59 to .63 .015 K8 Adapter to Tubing .63 to .75 .09 K9 Tubing to Adapter .75 to .63 .124 K10 Adapter .63 to .59 .05 K11 Adapter to Elbow .59 to .62 .04 K12 Elbow .5 1.0 K13 Elbow to D.T. .62 to .5 .15 K14* Drift Tube Resistance Varies See Table K15 D.T. to Elbow .5 to .62 .122 K16 Elbow .5 1.0 K17 Elbow to Adapter .62 to .59 .04 K18 Adapter .59 to .63 .015 K19 Adapter to Tubing .63 to .75 .09 K20 Tubing to Adapter .75 to .63 .124 K21 Adapter .63 to .59 .05 K22 Adapter to Union .59 to .62 .04 K23 Union to Flow Switch .62 to .5 .15 K24 Flow Switch .5" NPT 1.5 psi K25 Flow Switch to Union .5 to .62 .122 K26 Union to Tee .62 to .5 .15 K27 Outlet Tee .5 Branch to 1.75 1 Straight K28 Straight Passage Tee On sub-manifold .2 *Drift tube losses given in [1.2] as a resistance with units of psi/gpm2. Ref. Parietti, L [3.3] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] Idelchik [3.2] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] AutoFlow cat. White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] White, F [3.4] Once all losses were characterized, the pressure drop associated with each loss was calculated. The following equation was employed: ∆PKi = 1 KρV 2 2 where, ∆P = pressure drop for each loss factor (psi) K = loss factor (dimensionless) ρ = density 62 (3.1) V = water velocity i = loss number (1 through 28) The resistance values given in Reference [1.2] for each drift tube were converted into pressure losses using the following relation: ∆Pdt = R * Fr 2 (3.2) where, ∆P = pressure drop across a single drift tube (psi) Fr = Flow rate through drift tube (gpm) R = Resistance of flow through drift tube (psi/gpm2) As mentioned previously, the drift tubes are plumbed in parallel branches. The pressure losses that occurred in series through each branch were summed as follows: ∆P branch = ∆Pdt + ∆Pk1 + … + ∆Pk28 (3.3) Next, equivalent overall loss or K factors were calculated to represent each branch of the drift tube sub-manifold. This was accomplished by rearranging Equation (3.1), substituting ∆P branch for ∆Pk, and solving for K. The equivalent overall loss factor calculated for losses through a single branch are presented in the Results section. Once the equivalent loss factors were determined, a SINDA/FLUINT model was developed for the drift tube subsystem. A graphical representation of this model is shown in Figure 3.7. The equivalent loss or K factors for a drift tube branch, were incorporated into the loss, or “L” components, of the model shown in Figure 3.7. 63 J FS FS FS Drift Tube #1 FS J J L L J J Sinda/Fluint Model Drift Tube #34 Drift Tube Supply Manifold L L J J Drift Tube Supply Manifold Figure 3.7. Generic Sinda/Fluint model representation of the drift tube circuit for DTL tank 3. Figure 3.8 is the actual drift tube model created using the SINDA/FLUINT computer code. J Drift Tube Return Manifold SINDA/FLUINT models contain “junctions” (where pressure is calculated) that are connected by “path” lines (where flow is calculated). The magnitude of the flow in a path is also described with a line “thickness”—thicker lines denote larger volumetric flow. Notice that the lines are described with a “T” meaning Tube, a “L” meaning pressure loss to account for fittings, bends, reducers, etc, and a “VF” meaning a constant volume pump. Although difficult to see from this image, the two rows of 35 junctions are connected together with tubes to form the supply and return manifolds. Figure 3.8. SINDA/FLUINT model for the drift tube circuit of DTL tank 3. 64 VF Drift Tube Sub-model Results Orifice Plates To fulfill the first modeling goal of determining the individual drift tube orifice geometries, spreadsheet calculations were used. A portion of the spreadsheet calculation is shown in Table 3.3. The flow calculations performed in the spreadsheet, predicted the pressure drop for each of the drift tubes and their corresponding orifice plates and inlet/outlet water lines, using the flow rates, passage geometries, flow resistance coefficients, and Eqn. (3.3). The main objective of the spreadsheet calculations, was to determine the orifice plate sizes required to get the correct flow rate through each drift tube. The drift tubes in Table 3.3 are numbered from 1 to 33. The end noses are numbered 0 and 34. The flow rates required to achieve the desired hardware temperature are shown in column 2. Column 4 represents the pressure loss across the flow switch. Assuming an adjustable flow switch will be employed, a pressure drop across each flow switch of 1.75 psi was assumed. The analytically determined flow resistance of each drift tube is shown in column 5 in units of psi/gpm2. These resistances are multiplied by the respective drift tube flow rate to determine the drift tube pressure drop. Using Eqn. (3.3), and the flow resistance data presented previously, the orifice plate pressure drop and hence the orifice plate geometry, required to give the desired drift tube flow rate could be determined. The sharp-edged orifice correlation from Reference [3.2] was used to calculate the pressure drop for a given orifice-to-tube diameter ratio, β. This empirically-based correlation was found to have the best accuracy for β ranging from 0.2 to 0.8 [3.5]. Since the last drift tube in a particular tank requires the greatest flow rate of the drift tubes in that tank, it will have the largest corresponding β value for its orifice plate. Using β=0.72 for the 33rd drift tube of tank 3, the pressure drop calculated for the orifice plate was 0.58 psi, resulting in a total pressure drop for the 33rd drift tube of 12.49 psi. Orifice plates for the remaining drift tubes and end noses were subsequently sized to match the overall pressure drop of the 33rd drift tube. Based on these total pressure drop numbers, the corresponding loss factors were then calculated based on a ½” ID tube size (last 65 column of Table 3.3). The results for the orifice plate sizes for tank 3 are given in Table 3.3. See Appendix G for drift tube orifice plate geometries for the additional five DTL tanks. Table 3.3. Orifice plate sizing spreadsheet for the tank 3 drift tube cooling system. Drift Flow ∆Pbranch total Tube Rate # (gpm) (psi) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 0.7 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.9 5.0 5.1 1.4 0.09 1.20 1.27 1.35 1.43 1.51 1.59 1.67 1.76 1.85 1.94 2.03 2.13 2.22 2.32 2.43 2.53 2.63 2.74 2.85 2.97 3.08 3.20 3.32 3.44 3.56 3.68 3.81 3.94 4.07 4.21 4.34 4.48 4.62 0.35 ∆Pflow Rdrift tube ∆Pdrift tube Aorifice /Apipe β IDorifice ∆Porifice, ∆Ptotal Ktotal .5id switch required (psi) (psi/gpm2) (psi) 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 4.90 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.21 2.37 2.40 1.23 1.36 1.41 1.50 1.65 1.70 1.80 1.91 2.02 2.13 2.24 2.36 2.48 2.61 2.73 2.86 3.00 3.13 3.27 3.42 3.56 3.71 3.99 4.02 4.17 4.48 4.50 4.66 5.00 5.01 5.18 5.54 5.54 4.65 66 0.032 0.111 0.116 0.120 0.124 0.129 0.133 0.137 0.142 0.147 0.152 0.157 0.163 0.169 0.175 0.181 0.188 0.195 0.202 0.210 0.218 0.227 0.237 0.251 0.259 0.272 0.293 0.303 0.322 0.356 0.371 0.406 0.483 0.518 0.074 0.179 0.334 0.340 0.346 0.352 0.359 0.364 0.370 0.377 0.383 0.390 0.397 0.404 0.411 0.418 0.425 0.433 0.441 0.449 0.458 0.467 0.477 0.487 0.501 0.509 0.522 0.541 0.551 0.568 0.597 0.609 0.637 0.695 0.720 0.273 (in) (psi) (psi) 0.117 0.217 0.221 0.225 0.229 0.233 0.237 0.241 0.245 0.249 0.253 0.258 0.262 0.267 0.272 0.277 0.282 0.287 0.292 0.298 0.304 0.310 0.317 0.326 0.331 0.339 0.352 0.358 0.369 0.388 0.396 0.414 0.452 0.468 0.177 8.25 8.31 8.11 7.99 7.81 7.58 7.46 7.27 7.08 6.88 6.68 6.47 6.26 6.04 5.81 5.58 5.35 5.11 4.87 4.62 4.36 4.10 3.84 3.44 3.29 3.01 2.58 2.43 2.14 1.67 1.53 1.22 0.72 0.58 5.75 12.49 1417.3 12.49 102.7 12.49 96.8 12.49 91.4 12.49 86.4 12.49 81.9 12.49 77.7 12.49 73.7 12.49 70.1 12.49 66.8 12.49 63.7 12.49 60.7 12.49 58.0 12.49 55.5 12.49 53.1 12.49 50.9 12.49 48.8 12.49 46.9 12.49 45.0 12.49 43.3 12.49 41.6 12.49 40.1 12.49 38.6 12.49 37.2 12.49 35.9 12.49 34.7 12.49 33.5 12.49 32.4 12.49 31.3 12.49 30.3 12.49 29.3 12.49 28.4 12.49 27.5 12.49 26.7 12.49 354.3 Inlet/Outlet locations In an effort to create a uniform pressure profile along the drift tube supply and return manifolds, while minimizing potential interference between flow ports and the supply/return liens, it was decided that the manifold connections be placed where the flow naturally splits or converges. The following table identifies the location for the supply and return water line connections of each drift tube sub-manifold. Table 3.4. Supply and return water line connection locations on the drift tube submanifolds of the six DTL tanks. Tank Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 Inlet and Outlet Locations (from front of tank) Between Drift Tubes 44 and 45 Between Drift Tubes 29 and 30 Between Drift Tubes 19 and 20 Between Drift Tubes 15 and 16 Between Drift Tubes 13 and 14 Between Drift Tubes 13 and 14 Sub-Manifold Sizing and Configuration After the orifice plates and the inlet/outlet locations were characterized, the submanifolds were sized. Figure 3.9 shows the SINDA/FLUINT model predictions for the flow rates and pressure drops in the drift tube cooling circuit of DTL Tank 3 with submanifold diameters of 1.25 inches. 67 Figure 3.9. SINDA/FLUINT model results for the drift tube cooling circuit of DTL tank 3 (Units: Pressure = Pascals, Flow Rate = kg/s). The color red denotes the highest value for both pressure and flow with blue denoting the lowest value. The total flow rate within the model is 129.2 gpm. The supply and return manifolds have been sized to an inside diameter of 1.25 inches. Using SINDA/FLUINT, a series of runs were made with a varying manifold internal diameter from 1 inch to 3 inches in ¼ in. increments. The results of this diameter study are shown in Figure 3.10. 68 Line Size Effect on Flow Rate 15 1.25" Difference from Required (%) 1.5" 10 1.75" 2" 2.25" 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 -5 -10 Drift Tube Number Figure 3.10. Drift tube flow rate variance (from required value) versus drift tube number for five different sub-manifold inner diameters for DTL tank 3. As the sub-manifold diameter increases, the percentage difference between the actual and required drift tube flow rates decreases. This trend occurs because the pressure in the sub-manifold becomes increasingly more uniform along its axis as the manifold diameter increases. As the manifold pressure becomes more uniform, the flow distribution within a given drift tube segment converges on the designed flow rate. For a manifold diameter of 1.25 inch, the maximum flow deviation in the drift tube assembly was 14.3 %. For a manifold diameter of 1.75-inch (ID), however, the maximum flow deviation decreases to an acceptable level of 3.75 %. Therefore, a 1.75-in. inner diameter is recommended for the drift tube supply and return sub-manifolds. A pressure drop of 12.9 psi exists when this diameter is employed for the drift tube system. Summary From the drift tube flow modeling studies discussed above, the following key results were obtained: 69 • Orifice plates hole diameters range from 0.12 to 0.47 inches for the drift tubes of DTL tank 3. Orifice geometries of the remaining 5 DTL tanks are given in Appendix G. • Locations for supply and return water line connection should follow that outlined in Table 3.4. • The drift tube sub-manifold diameter must be a minimum of 1.75 inches ID to produce a maximum flow deviation of approximately 3.75%. This will apply for all 6 DTL tanks. • The supply and return transfer lines for the drift tube submanifolds should have an inner diameter of 2.5” to minimize pressure drop and erosion. • A pressure drop of 12.9 psi is produced through the system. Slug Tuner Sub-model Description The slug tuner cooling system for DTL tank 3 is represented in Figure 3.11. Slug Tuners Return Manifold Supply Manifold Figure 3.11. Generic representation of the slug tuner cooling system for tank 3. 70 The first step in modeling the slug tuner cooling system was to determine the locations where pressure drop was expected. . Figure 3.12 labels the pressure loss locations for a typical DTL post coupler and Table 3.5 assigns a loss factor to each location. Slug Tuner Outlet Manifold Branch Adapter Adapter Adapter Adapter Inlet Manifold Branch Inlet Manifold Outlet Manifold Inlet Union Outlet Union Figure 3.12. Locations for pressure drops in the slug tuner cooling circuit. Table 3.5. K factor values for the slug tuner cooling circuit of DTL Tank 3. Loss K1 Description Inlet Tee K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 Rst K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 K15 K16 K17 K18 Tee to Union Union to Adapter Adapter Adapter to Tubing Tubing to Adapter Adapter Adapter to Union Union to S.T. Resistance S.T. to Union Union to Adapter Adapter Adapter to Tubing Tubing to Adapter Adapter Adapter to Union Union to Outlet Tee Outlet Tee K19 K20 Elbow Additional losses Size (inches) 1.25 Straight to .25 Branch .25 to .28 .28 to .28 .28 to .19 .19 to .25 .25 to .19 .19 to .28 .28 to .28 .28 to .25 .25 to .28 .28 to .28 .28 to .19 .19 to .25 .25 to .19 .19 to.28 .28 to .28 .28 to .25 1.25 Branch to .25 Straight May not be used 71 Quantity 1 Value 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .04 0 .23 .18 .18 .29 0 .09 1.4 psi/gpm2 .04 0 .23 .18 .18 .29 0 .09 1 2 1 .3 Once all losses were characterized, the pressure drop associated with each loss factor was calculated. The following equation was employed. ∆PKi = 1 KρV 2 2 (3.4) where, ∆P = pressure drop K = loss factor ρ = density V = velocity i = loss factor number The post coupler resistance value given in Table 3.5 was converted into a pressure loss using the following relation: ∆Ppc = R * Fr 2 (3.5) where, ∆P = pressure drop across slug tuner (psi) Fr = Flow rate through slug tuner (gpm) R = Resistance of flow through slug tuner (psi/gpm2) The pressure losses that occurred in series through each sub-manifold branch were summed as follows: ∆Pbranch = ∆Pst + ∆PK1 + … + ∆PK20 (3.6) The total pressure drop across a single branch was calculated to be approximately 12.5 psi. Next, equivalent overall loss or K factors were calculated to represent each branch of the slug tuner sub-manifold. This was accomplished by rearranging Equation (3.4), substituting ∆Pbranch for ∆Pk, and solving for K. 72 Several SINDA/FLUINT models were created which employed losses (L) and tubes (T) to characterize the slug tuner system. From Figure 3.13, notice that the SINDA/FLUINT models contain “junctions” (where pressure is calculated) that are connected by “path” lines (where flow is calculated). Path lines are described with a “T” meaning Tube, a “L” meaning loss to account for fittings, bends, reducers, etc, or a “VF” meaning a constant volume pump. The two rows of 12 junctions are connected together using a loss connector. Since flow must be distributed evenly to each slug tuner, the ideal location for the supply inlet exists at the center of the sub-manifold where flow evenly divides. Similarly, the outlet may be ideally located at the center where flow converges evenly from both sides of the return sub-manifold. Unfortunately, due to interference with other objects on the DTL, it may not be possible for the supply inlet and return outlet to be positioned at their ideal locations. Subsequently, several different SINDA/FLUINT models were created to study the effect of inlet and outlet placement on flow distribution. Figure 3.13 displays some of the models created for studying the slug tuner cooling system. Figure 3.13a allows the inlet and exit to be located at extreme opposites. This configuration forces flow, through each post coupler, to travel the same distance. In Figure 3.13b the inlet and outlet are located between slug tuner three and four. In Figure 3.13c the inlet is shifted over and located at the center of the sub-manifolds. In all cases, the equivalent loss or K factors for a slug tuner branch as determined above, were incorporated into the loss, or “L” components, of the model shown in Figure 3.13. 73 (A) (B) Figure 3.13. Various SINDA/FLUINT models of the slug tuner cooling system. 74 Slug Tuner Sub-model Results Figure 3.14 compares the average flow rate error (difference between desired and predicted flow rate) through each slug tuner branch as a function of sub-manifold diameter for various supply and return water line connection location. Results from this study confirm that the best location for the placement of the inlet and outlet are at the center of the sub-manifolds. If deviation from the central location is necessary to accommodate other devices on DTL Tank 3, then, as Figure 3.14 indicates, an increase in error for the average flow rate through each slug tuner will occur. This is especially apparent when smaller diameter sub-manifolds are employed. This implies that the slug tuner sub-manifold should have a minimum diameter of 1.25 inches so that inlet and outlet placement does not have a major effect on flow distribution. 60 Side Entrance And Exit 55 Entrance And Exit Between Slug Tuners 2 & 3 Percent Error from Required Flow Rate 50 45 Entrance and Exit Between Slug Tuners 3 & 4 40 Entrance and Exit Between Slug Tuners 4 & 5 35 30 Center Entrance and Exit 25 20 15 10 5 0 0.5 0.75 1 Manifold Diameter (in) 1.25 1.5 Figure 3.14. Average flow error versus supply and return sub-manifold diameter for different water line connection locations for the slug tuner cooling system. 75 Inlet and outlet placement has little effect on the overall error if a sub-manifold diameter of at least 1.25 inches is employed. The Sinda/Fluint model with the centralized inlet and outlet was chosen as a representative system to study the slug tuner system in closer detail. This model investigated sub-manifold diameters ranging from 1.0 to 1.5 inches. Figure 3.15 displays the Sinda/Fluint model pressure and flow predictions for a sub-manifold diameter of 1.25 inches. Figure 3.15. SINDA/FLUINT predictions of slug tuner flow and pressure with 1.25 inch sub-manifold diameters. 76 In Figure 3.15, the pressure drop as well as the flow rate are nearly equal for each slug tuner. Figure 3.16 shows the results for all sub-manifold diameters studied. Figure 3.16 shows that a sub-manifold with a diameter of 1 inch may allow over 3 % deviation in required flow rate whereas a sub-manifold with a diameter of 1.5 inches will allow a maximum deviation of less than .3%. A sub-manifold with a diameter with a minimum diameter of 1.25 inches allows less than 1 % error and produces a pressure drop of 3.6 psi exists across the model. Line Size effect on Flow Rate 4 Flow Rate Difference From Required (%) 1" 1.25" 3 1.5" 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 -2 Slug Tuner Number Figure 3.16. Slug tuner flow rate variance (from required value) versus slug tuner number for three different sub-manifold inner diameters for DTL tank 3. Summary From the slug tuner flow modeling studies discussed above, the following key results were obtained: • Water transfer line connection placement has little effect on the overall error if a submanifold diameter of at least 1.25 inches is employed. • A sub-manifold with a 1.25 inches or greater diameter will be required to achieve the minimum amount of error in the system. 77 • A pressure drop of 3.6 psi exists across the slug tuner cooling system. • Identical slug tuner sub-manifold diameters can be used for all six DTL tanks. Post Coupler Sub-model Description The post coupler cooling system for DTL tank 3 is represented in Figure 3.17. Return Supply DTL Tank 3 Supply Return Figure 3.17. Generic representation of the post coupler cooling system for DTL tank 3. The first step in modeling the slug tuner cooling system was to determine the locations where pressure drop was expected. Figure 3.18 labels the pressure loss locations for a typical DTL post coupler and Table 3.6 assigns a loss factor to each loss location. 78 Post Coupler Elbow Unions & Hose Adapters Inlet Branch Tee Outlet Branch Tee Figure 3.18 Representation of a DTL post coupler and its flow path. 79 Table 3.6. Losses for the post coupler cooling circuit. Loss K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 Rpc K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 K15 K16 K17 K18 Kelbow Kadd Description Inlet Tee Tee to Union Union to Adapter Adapter Adapter to Tubing Tubing to Adapter Adapter Adapter to Union Union to S.T. Resistance S.T. to Union Union to Adapter Adapter Adapter to Tubing Tubing to Adapter Adapter Adapter to Union Union to Outlet Tee Outlet Tee Elbow Additional Sizes (in) .75 Straight to .25 Branch .25 to .28 .28 to .28 .28 to .19 .19 to .25 .25 to .19 .19 to .28 .28 to .28 .28 to .25 .25 to .28 .28 to .28 .28 to .19 .19 to .25 .25 to .19 .19 to.28 .28 to .28 .28 to .25 .25 Branch to .75 Straight May not be needed Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Value 1 .04 0 .23 .18 .18 .29 0 .09 7.1 psi/gpm2 .04 0 .23 .18 .18 .29 0 .09 1 .3 Once all losses were characterized, the pressure drop associated with each loss factor was calculated. The following equation was employed. ∆PKi = 1 KρV 2 2 (3.7) where, ∆P = pressure drop K = loss factor ρ = density V = velocity i = loss factor number The post coupler resistance value given in Table 3.6 was converted into a pressure loss using the following relation: ∆Ppc = R * Fr 2 80 (3.8) where, ∆P = pressure drop across post coupler (psi) Fr = Flow rate through post coupler (gpm) R = Resistance of flow through post coupler (psi/gpm2) The pressure losses that occurred in series through each sub-manifold branch were summed as follows: ∆Pbranch = ∆P pc + ∆PK1 + … + ∆PK18 (3.9) The total pressure drop for a post coupler branch was calculated to be 3.7 psi. Next, equivalent overall loss or K factors were calculated to represent each branch of the post coupler sub-manifold. This was accomplished by rearranging Equation (3.7), substituting ∆P branch for ∆Pk, and solving for K. Next, several SINDA/FLUINT models were created which employed losses (L) and tubes (T) to characterize the post coupler system. Since flow must be distributed evenly to each post coupler, the ideal location for the supply inlet exists at the center of the sub-manifold where flow evenly divides. Similarly, the outlet may be ideally located at the center where flow converges evenly from both sides of the return sub-manifold. Unfortunately, due to interference with other objects on the DTL, it may not be possible for the supply inlet and return outlet to be positioned at their ideal locations. Subsequently, several different SINDA/FLUINT models were created to study the effect of inlet and outlet placement on flow distribution. In Figure 3.19a the inlet and outlet are located between post coupler two and three. In Figure 3.19b the inlet is shifted over and located between post coupler three and four. Figure 3.19c allows the inlet and exit to be located at extreme opposites. This configuration forces flow, through each post coupler, to travel the same distance. Finally, in Figure 3.19d, the inlet and outlet are located at the center of the submanifold. In all cases, the equivalent loss or K factors for a post coupler branch determined above, were incorporated into the loss, or “L” components, of the model shown in Figure 3.19. 81 (A) (B) (C) (D) Figure 3.19. Various SINDA/FLUINT models created for the post coupler study. 82 Post Coupler Sub-model Results Figure 3.20 compares the average flow rate error (difference between desired and predicted flow rate) through each post coupler branch as a function of sub-manifold diameter for various supply and return water line connection location. Results from this study confirm that the best location for the placement of the inlet and outlet are at the center of the submanifolds. If deviation from the central location is necessary to accommodate other devices on DTL Tank 3, then as Figure 3.20 indicates, an increase in error for the average flow rate through the post couplers will occur. This is especially apparent when smaller diameter submanifolds are employed. This implies that the post coupler submanifold should have a minimum diameter of 0.75 inches so that inlet and outlet placement does not have a major effect on flow distribution. Inlet and Outlet Location Comparison 25 Between PC 2 and 3 Between PC 3 and 4 Extreme Oposites 20 Average Error (%) Center 15 10 5 0 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1 1.125 1.25 Sub-Manifold Diameter (inches) Figure 3.20. Average flow error versus supply and return sub-manifold diameter for different water line connection locations for the post coupler cooling system. 83 Inlet and outlet placement has little effect on the overall error if a sub-manifold diameter of at least 0.75 inches is employed. The SINDA/FLUINT model with the centralized inlet and outlet was chosen as a representative system to study the post coupler system in closer detail. This model will look at sub-manifold diameters ranging from 0.375 to 1.25 inches. Figure 3.21 is the SINDA/FLUINT model results for a submanifold diameter of 0.75 inches. Figure 3.21. SINDA/FLUINT flow and pressure predictions for the post coupler cooling circuit with a 0.75 inch sub-manifold diameter (Units: Pressure = Pascals, Flow Rate = kg/s). 84 In Figure 3.21, the pressure drop as well as the flow rate are nearly equal for each branch. Figure 3.22 flow rate variance as a function of post coupler location for five Percent Error from required (%) different sub-manifold diameters. 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 1 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 .375" .5" .75" 1" 1.25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Post Coupler Number Figure 3.22. Post coupler flow rate variance (from required value) versus post coupler number for five different sub-manifold inner diameters for DTL tank 3. Figure 3.22 shows that a sub-manifold with a diameter of 0.375 inches may allow over 12 % deviation in required flow rate whereas a sub-manifold with a diameter of 1.25 inches will allow a maximum deviation of less than 0.04%. A sub-manifold with a minimum diameter of 0.75 inches allows less than 0.5 % error. 85 In an attempt to standardize all post coupler sub-manifold diameters, additional studies were performed to determine whether the 0.75 inch diameter sub-manifold is suitable for use on all DTL tanks. DTL tank 4, because it requires the largest number of post couplers, recognizably presents the worst case for flow distribution. Therefore, an additional model was created to study DTL tank 4. The new model resembled that used to study tank 3, except the number of post couplers increased from 16 to 30. The submanifold inlet was placed between post couplers 8 and 9. Figure 3.23 shows the results for the additional study of tank 4. 35 .375" 30 .5" Percent Error from Required (%) 25 .75" 1" 20 1.25" 15 10 5 0 -5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 -10 -15 -20 Post Coupler Number Figure 3.23. Post coupler flow rate variance (from required value) versus post coupler number for five different sub-manifold inner diameters for DTL tank 4. 86 15 Figure 3.23 indicates that a sub-manifold diameter of 1.0 inch will introduce less than 1 % error in the system. The results from this additional analysis indicate all post coupler sub-manifolds require an internal diameter of 1.0 inch. Summary From the post coupler flow modeling studies discussed above, the following key results were obtained • Water transfer line connection placement has little effect on the overall error if a submanifold diameter of at least 1.0 inches is employed. • A post coupler sub-manifold with an internal diameter of 1.0 inch or greater will be required to achieve proper flow distribution in the DTL. • A post coupler transfer water line with an internal diameter of 1.0 inch or greater will be required to provide acceptable pressure drops and minimize erosion. • The pressure drop across the post coupler branch was calculated to be 3.7 psi. • Identical post coupler sub-manifold diameters can be used for all six DTL tanks. Dipole Magnet Sub-model Description The first step in modeling the magnet cooling system was to determine the locations where pressure drop was expected. Figure 3.24 labels the pressure loss locations for a typical DTL magnet and Table 3.7 assigns a value to each loss location. 87 Outlet Branch Tee Inlet Branch Tee Unions & Hose Adapters Magnet Figure 3.24 Representation of a DTL magnet’s water flow path. Table 3.7. Loss values for the magnet cooling circuit on DTL tank 3. Loss Description Description Quantity K1 Inlet Tee .75 straight to 1 .25 Branch K2 Branch to Union .25 to .19 1 K2 Union to Adapter .19 to .19 K3 Adapter to Tubing .19 to .25 1 K4 Tubing to Adapter .25 to .19 1 K5 Adapter to Reducing Union .19 to .12 1 K6 Reducing Union to Magnet .12 to .125 1 Dpmag Magnet Pressure Drop 1 K7 Magnet to reducing Union .125 to .12 1 K8 Reducing Union to Adapter .12 to .19 1 K9 Adapter to Tubing .19 to .25 1 K10 Tubing to Adapter .25 to .19 1 K11 Adapter to Union .19 to .19 1 K12 Union to Branch .19 to .25 1 K13 Outlet Tee .25 Branch to .75 1 Straight Kadd Additional losses 1 88 Value 1 .18 0 .18 .18 .25 0 11.8psi .04 .36 .18 .18 0 .18 Once all losses were characterized, the pressure drop associated with each loss factor was calculated. The following equation was employed. ∆PKi = 1 KρV 2 2 (3.10) where, ∆P = pressure drop K = loss factor ρ = density V = velocity i = loss factor number The magnet flow resistance value given in Table 3.7 was converted into a pressure loss using the following relation: ∆Pmag = R * Fr 2 (3.11) where, ∆P = pressure drop across magnet (psi) Fr = Flow rate through magnet (gpm) R = Resistance of flow through magnet (psi/gpm2) Finally, the pressure losses that occurred in series through each sub-manifold branch were summed as follows: ∆Pbranch = ∆Pmag + ∆PK1 + … + ∆PK13 (3.12) The total pressure drop across a single dipole magnet branch was calculated to be approximately 12.5 psi. Next, equivalent overall loss or K factors were calculated to represent each branch of the dipole magnet sub-manifold. This was accomplished by rearranging Equation (3.10), substituting ∆Pbranch for ∆P k, and solving for K. 89 Once the equivalent loss factors were determined, a SINDA/FLUINT model was developed for the dipole magnet subsystem. A graphical representation of this model is shown in Figure 3.25. Notice in Figure 3.25, that the SINDA/FLUINT models contain “junctions” (where pressure is calculated) that are connected by “path” lines (where flow is calculated). Path lines are described with a “T” meaning Tube, a “L” meaning loss to account for fittings, bends, reducers, etc, or a “VF” meaning a constant volume pump. The equivalent loss or K factors for a dipole magnet branch, were incorporated into the loss, or “L” components, of the model shown in Figure 3.25. Figure 3.25. SINDA/FLUINT model of the magnet cooling circuit for DTL tank 3. Since flow must be distributed evenly to each magnet, the ideal location for the supply inlet exists at the center of the sub-manifold where flow evenly divides. Similarly, the outlet may be ideally located at the center where flow converges evenly from both sides of the return sub-manifold. 90 Dipole Magnet Sub-model Results Figure 3.26 is the SINDA/FLUINT model results for a sub-manifold diameter of 0.5 inches. As the figure indicates, the pressure drop as well as the flow rate, is nearly equal for each magnet. Figure 3.26. SINDA/FLUINT flow and pressure predictions for the DTL magnet water circuit with a 0.5 inch sub-manifold diameter (Units: Pressure = Pascals, Flow Rate = kg/s). 91 Figure 3.27 shows that a sub-manifold with a diameter of 0.25 inches may allow over 0.2 % deviation in required flow rate whereas a sub-manifold with a diameter of 0.75 inches will allow a maximum deviation of less than 0.05 %. A sub-manifold with a minimum diameter of 0.5 inches allows less than .05 % error and will be suitable for use in the system. 0.25 .25" .5" 0.2 Percent Error from Required (%) .75" 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 -0.05 -0.1 -0.15 -0.2 Magnet Number Figure 3.27. Magnet flow rate variance (from required value) versus magnet number for three different sub-manifold inner diameters for DTL tank 3. Summary From the dipole magnet flow modeling studies discussed above, the following key results were obtained • Water transfer line connection placement has little effect on the overall error if a submanifold diameter of at least 0.5 inches is employed. 92 • A sub-manifold with a diameter of 0.5 inches or greater diameter will provide uniform flow to the magnets. • A magnet transfer water line with an internal diameter of 0.25 inch or greater will be provide acceptable pressure drops and minimize erosion. • The pressure drop across a magnet water line branch was calculated to be 12.5 psi. • The identical sub-manifold diameter can be used for all magnet cooling circuits on all six DTL tanks. 93 Tank Wall Sub-model Description The first step in modeling the tank wall cooling system was to determine the locations where pressure drop was expected. A value of .018 psi/gpm2/m was given for flow resistance of each cooling channel in Reference [1.2]. Figure 3.28 displays the locations for pressure loss components and Table 3.8 lists the particular loss coefficient values. Kbend Kadptcont Kexpansion Kadptexp Kcontraction Kbranch Figure 3.28. Representation of a DTL tank wall’s supply/return water line. 94 Table 3.8. Loss factors for the DTL tank wall cooling circuit. Symbol Description Size (inches) Quantity Individ- Total ual K K factor factor K1 Inlet Tee 1.5 Straight to 1 1 1 .5 Branch K2 Tee to Union .5 to .41 1 .14 .14 K3 Union to Adapter .41 to .402 1 .009 .009 K4* Adapter .41 to .402 1 0 0 K5* Adapter to Tubing .402 to .5 1 .13 .13 K6* Tubing to Adapter .5 to .402 3 .15 .45 K7* Adapter .402 to .41 3 0 .0 K8* Adapter to Elbow .41 to .5 3 .11 .33 K9* Elbow .5 3 .9 2.1 K10* Elbow to T.W. .62 to .5 3 .15 .45 K11* Tank Wall 3 See Resistance Table K16* T.W. to Elbow .5 to .62 3 .122 .366 K17* Elbow .5 3 .7 2.1 K18* Elbow to Adapter .5 to .41 3 .14 .42 K19* Adapter .41 to .402 3 .0 K20* Adapter to Tubing .402 to .5 3 .13 .39 K21** Bend in Tubing .5 2 .95 1.9 K22** Tubing to Adapter .5 to .402 1 .15 .15 K23 Adapter .402 to .41 1 0 0 K24 Adapter to Union ..41 to .62 1 .04 .04 K25 Union to Tee .41 to .5 1 .11 .11 K26 Outlet Tee .5 Branch to 1 1 1 1.5 Straight ** Occur twice in DTL Tank 3. *Occur for each of the 3 sections that comprise DTL Tank 3. Once all losses were characterized, the pressure drop associated with each loss factor was calculated. The following equation was employed. ∆PKi = 1 KρV 2 2 where, ∆P = pressure drop K = loss factor ρ = density 95 (3.13) V = velocity i = loss factor number The tank wall resistance values given in Table 3.8 was converted into a pressure loss using the following relation: ∆Ptw = R * Fr 2 * L (3.14) where, ∆P = pressure drop through tank wall (psi) Fr = Flow rate through tank wall (gpm) R = Resistance of flow through tank wall (psi/gpm2) L = Length of cooling channel Finally, the pressure losses that occurred in series through each sub-manifold branch were summed as follows: ∆Pbranch = ∆Ptw + ∆PK1 + … + ∆PK13 (3.15) The total pressure drop across a single branch was calculated to be approximately 8.5 psi. Next, equivalent overall loss or K factors were calculated to represent each branch of the tank wall sub-manifold. This was accomplished by rearranging Equation (3.13), substituting ∆Pbranch for ∆P k, and solving for K. Once the equivalent loss factors were determined, a SINDA/FLUINT model was developed for the tank wall cooling circuit, as shown in Figure 3.29. From Figure 3.29, notice that the SINDA/FLUINT models contain “junctions” (where pressure is calculated) that are connected by “path” lines (where flow is calculated). Path lines are described with a “T” meaning Tube, a “L” meaning loss to account for fittings, bends, reducers, etc, or a “VF” meaning a constant volume pump. The equivalent loss or K factors for a tank wall branch, were incorporated into the loss, or “L” components, of the model shown in Figure 3.29. 96 Figure 3.29. SINDA/FLUINT model of the tank wall cooling circuit. Tank Wall Sub-model Results Figure 3.30 displays the SINDA/FLUINT model flow and pressure predictions for a DTL tank wall cooling circuit with a sub-manifold diameter of 1.5 inches. As the figure indicates, the pressure drops and flow rates across each tank wall cooling passage branch, are identical. 97 Figure 3.30. SINDA/FLUINT model flow and pressure predictions of the DTL tank wall cooling circuit with a 1.5-inch diameter sub-manifold (Units: Pressure = Pascals, Flow Rate = kg/s). Figure 3.31 is a plot of flow variance (% difference of predicted vs. desired flow) in the tank wall cooling lines as a function of the line number over a range of submanifold line diameters. Figure 3.31 shows that a sub-manifold with a diameter of 0.75 inches will produce over 15 % deviation in required flow rate, while a sub-manifold with a minimum diameter of 1.5 inches provides less than 1% error and will be suitable for use in the cooling circuit. 98 Tube Diameter vs. Percent Error 20 Percent Error from Required (%) 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -5 .75" -10 1" 1.25" -15 1.5" -20 Tank Line Number Figure 3.31. Tank wall flow rate variance (from required value) versus tank line number for four different sub-manifold inner diameters for DTL tank 3. Summary • A sub-manifold with a diameter of 1.5 inches or greater diameter will provide uniform flow to the tank wall cooling passages. • A tank wall transfer water line with an internal diameter of 1.5 inch or greater will provide acceptable pressure drops and minimize erosion. • The pressure drop across a tank wall water line branch was calculated to be 8.5 psi. • The identical sub-manifold diameter can be used for all tank wall cooling circuits on all six DTL tanks. End Wall Sub-model Description The first step in modeling the end wall cooling system was to determine the locations where pressure drop was expected. A value of 11.33 psi/gpm2 for flow resistance in each end wall was taken from Reference [1.2]. 99 Figure 3.32 is a representation which shows the main components comprising the end wall cooling system. Table 3.9 gives the loss values associated with each component. Inlet Tees Adapter Outlet Union End Wall Figure 3.32. Representation of a DTL end wall cooling water flow path. 100 Table 3.9. Loss K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8* Rend wall K9* K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 K15 K16 Losses for flow through the end wall cooling system. Description Size (inches) Tee to Union .25 to .28 Union to Adapter .28 to .28 Adapter .28 to .19 Adapter to Tubing .19 to .25 Tubing to Adapter .25 to .19 Adapter .19 to .28 Adapter to Union .28 to .28 Union to S.T. .28 to .25 Resistance S.T. to Union Union to Adapter Adapter Adapter to Tubing Tubing to Adapter Adapter Adapter to Union Union to Outlet Tee .25 to .28 .28 to .28 .28 to .19 .19 to .25 .25 to .19 .19 to.28 .28 to .28 .28 to .25 Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11.33 psi/gpm2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Value .04 0 .23 .18 .18 .29 0 .09 .04 0 .23 .18 .18 .29 0 .09 * Values change as transfer line size increases to account for contraction and expansion Once all losses were characterized, the pressure drop associated with each loss factor was calculated. The following equation was employed. ∆PKi = 1 KρV 2 2 (3.16) where, ∆P = pressure drop K = loss factor ρ = density V = velocity i = loss factor number The end wall resistance value given in Table 2 was converted into a pressure loss using the following relation: 101 ∆Ptw = R * Fr 2 * L (3.17) where, ∆P = pressure drop across end wall (psi) Fr = Flow rate through end wall (gpm) R = Resistance of flow through end wall (psi/gpm2) The pressure losses that occurred in series through the end wall system were summed as follows: ∆Pbranch = ∆Pew + ∆PK1 + … + ∆PK16 (3.18) A pressure drop of approximately 16.4 psi was calculated for each end wall. Next, equivalent overall loss or K factors were calculated to represent each branch of the tank endwall circuit. This was accomplished by rearranging Equation (3.16), substituting ∆Pbranch for ∆Pk, and solving for K. Once the equivalent loss factors were determined, a SINDA/FLUINT model was developed for the tank endwall cooling circuit, as shown in Figure 3.33. From Figure 3.33, notice that the SINDA/FLUINT models contain “junctions” (where pressure is calculated) that are connected by “path” lines (where flow is calculated). Path lines are described with a “T” meaning Tube, a “L” meaning loss to account for fittings, bends, reducers, etc, or a “VF” meaning a constant volume pump. The equivalent loss or K factors for a tank wall branch, were incorporated into the loss, or “L” component, of the model shown in Figure 3.33. 102 Figure 3.33. SINDA/FLUINT model of the DTL end wall cooling system. End Wall Sub-model Results The results for this study are as expected. Since there is only one path for the fluid to flow through, there is no concern that the required quantity of cooling water will reach the end walls. Pressure loss was the criterion used in selecting the diameter of the transfer lines to the end walls. Figure 3.34 plots the relationship between pressure drop through the end wall system and transfer line diameter. 103 18.5 Pressure Drop (psi) 18 17.5 17 16.5 16 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 Transfer line Diameter (inches) Figure 3.34. DTL end wall cooling system pressure drop versus line diameter. From Figure 3.34, it is shown that a large system pressure drop occurs when the transfer line diameter is less than 0.375 inches. A pressure drop of just over 18.3 psi occurs when a line diameter of 0.25 inches is employed whereas a pressure drop of approximately 16.5 psi occurs at diameters of 0.375 inches and above. Therefore, a minimum internal diameter of 0.375 inches is required to produce a reasonable pressure drop in the end wall system. 104 Drive Iris Sub-model Description The first step in modeling the drive iris cooling system was to determine the locations where pressure drop was expected. A value of 0.535 psi/gpm2 for flow resistance in the drive iris was taken from Reference [1.2]. Figure 3.35 is a representation of the main components comprising the drive iris cooling circuit. Table 3.10 gives the loss values associated with each component. Outlet Branch Tee Inlet Branch Tee Unions & Hose Adapters Figure 3.35. Representation of a DTL drive iris’s water flow path. 105 Table 3.10. Loss K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8* Rend wall Losses for flow through the drive iris cooling system. Description Size (inches) Tee to Union .25 to .28 Union to Adapter .28 to .28 Adapter .28 to .19 Adapter to Tubing .19 to .25 Tubing to Adapter .25 to .19 Adapter .19 to .28 Adapter to Union .28 to .28 Union to S.T. .28 to .25 Resistance K9* K10 K11 K12 K13 K14 K15 K16 S.T. to Union Union to Adapter Adapter Adapter to Tubing Tubing to Adapter Adapter Adapter to Union Union to Outlet Tee .25 to .28 .28 to .28 .28 to .19 .19 to .25 .25 to .19 .19 to.28 .28 to .28 .28 to .25 Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .535 psi/gpm2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Value .04 0 .23 .18 .18 .29 0 .09 .04 0 .23 .18 .18 .29 0 .09 * Values change as transfer line size increases to account for contraction and expansion Once all losses were characterized, the pressure drop associated with each loss factor was calculated. The following equation was employed. ∆PKi = 1 KρV 2 2 (3.19) where, ∆P = pressure drop K = loss factor ρ = density V = velocity i = loss factor number The drive iris resistance value given in Table 2 was converted into a pressure loss using the following relation: ∆Ptw = R * Fr 2 * L 106 (3.20) where, ∆P = pressure drop across drive iris (psi) Fr = Flow rate through drive iris (gpm) R = Resistance of flow through drive iris (psi/gpm2) The pressure losses that occurred in series through the drive iris system were summed as follows: ∆Pbranch = ∆P di + ∆PK1 + … + ∆PK16 (3.21) A pressure drop of approximately 1.54 psi was calculated for the drive iris. Next, equivalent overall loss or K factors were calculated to represent each branch of the drive iris cooling circuit. This was accomplished by rearranging Equation (3.19), substituting ∆Pbranch for ∆Pk, and solving for K. Once the equivalent loss factors were determined, a SINDA/FLUINT model was developed for the drive iris cooling circuit, as shown in Figure 3.36. From Figure 3.36, notice that the SINDA/FLUINT models contain “junctions” (where pressure is calculated) that are connected by “path” lines (where flow is calculated). Path lines are described with a “T” meaning Tube, a “L” meaning loss to account for fittings, bends, reducers, etc, or a “VF” meaning a constant volume pump. The equivalent loss or K factors for a tank wall branch, were incorporated into the loss, or “L” component, of the model shown in Figure 3.36. 107 Figure 3.36. SINDA/FLUINT model of the DTL drive iris cooling circuit. Drive Iris Sub-model Results The results for this study are as expected. Since there is only one path for the fluid to flow through, there is no concern that the required quantity of cooling water will reach the drive iris. Pressure loss was the criterion used in selecting the diameter of the drive iris’ supply and return lines. Figure 3.37 plots the relationship between pressure drop through the drive iris circuit and transfer line diameter. 108 Pressure Loss Vs. Tube Diameter Pressure Loss (psi) 7.3 6.3 5.3 Series1 4.3 3.3 2.3 1.3 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1 Tube Diameter (in.) Figure 3.37. Drive iris cooling system pressure drop versus line diameter. From Figure 3.37, it is shown that a large system pressure drop occurs transfer line diameters less than 0.5 inches. It may be apparent that a minimum diameter of 0.5 inches is required to fulfill this study’s goals (minimize pressure drop), however, since the pressure drop induced by the 0.3125 (5/16") inch diameter line is still less than that required for the DTL tank 3 system, the 0.3125 inch diameter line will be adequate for use in cooling the drive iris. To be more specific, when all subsystems are combined in parallel to form the entire cooling system for DTL tank 3, it is required that a uniform pressure drop occurs across all systems. To achieve this, globe valves in place near the entrances of each subsystem are opened or closed as needed. For the drive iris system, some of the needed pressure drop is introduced by using a 0.3125 inch diameter line instead of a 0.5 inch diameter. This means that less pressure drop occurs across the globe valve. 109 Tank 3 Global Model Design Studies/Results After the pressure loss and flow distribution through each DTL subsystem (drift tubes, post couplers, etc.) was determined, the results were incorporated in the DTL tank 3 global model, described previously in Figures 3.4 and 3.5. Also required for the DTL tank 3 global model, were the flow resistances of the flow meters, valves, and plumbing components not included in the individual submodels. Table 3.11 summarizes pressure drops and loss factors for each of the DTL subsystems, as well as the additional components needed for the tank 3 global model. Note that since each DTL subsystem is connected to common supply and return manifolds, the total pressure drop across each DTL subsystem is required to be equivalent. This is achieved by using a proportional globe valve on the supply line to each DTL subsystem. By adjusting the globe valve loss factors, the flow and pressure drop across each subsystem could be adjusted to its correct value. Table 3.11 displays the required globe valve loss factors (column 7) and the total pressure drop of 19.37 psi across each subsystem. From the system pressure drop, transfer line diameters, and flow velocities of the DTL subsystems listed in Table 3.11, equivalent loss (K) factors were determined for each subsystem branch. These K factors, listed in the last column of Table 3.11, were input into the subsystem branch losses, or L’s, of the DTL tank 3 global SINDA/FLUINT model, displayed previously in Figure 3.5. Using the global SINDA/FLUINT model, a series of runs were made with varying supply and return manifold diameters from 2 inch to 4 inches in 1/2 in. increments. Figure 3.38 displays the results of this trade study. Figure 3.38 shows that as the main manifold diameters increase, the percent difference in actual flow rate to the required flow rate, summarized across all DTL subsystems, decreases. This results because the pressure in the manifold becomes increasingly uniform along its axis as its diameter increases. Or in other words, as the manifold pressure becomes more uniform, the flow distribution within a given drift tube segment converges on the design flow rate. For a manifold diameter of 3 inches (ID) or greater, the maximum flow deviation decreases to an acceptable level of less than 1%. Unfortunately, the use of a 3 inch main manifold creates flow velocities in excess of 3 m/s, which may cause undesired erosion of the manifold walls. Therefore, it is recommended that at least a 3.5 inch (ID) main manifold diameter is used to drop the 110 mean water velocity below 3 m/s in the manifolds. Figure 3.39 shows the results of a SINDA/FLUINT calculation with a main manifold diameter of 3.5 inches. In Figure 3.39, the color red denotes the highest value for both pressure and flow with blue denoting the lowest pressure and lowest flow rate. The total flow rate within the model is 240.9 gpm. The supply and return manifolds have been set to an inside diameter of 3.5 inches. As seen in Figure 3.38, there is a system pressure loss of approximately 21 psi. 111 Table 3.11. Summary of the optimized line sizes and pressure losses in the various subsystems of the DTL tank 3 cooling system. System Information System ID Transfer Line Size (in) End Wall Tank Wall Post Coupler Post Coupler Drive Iris Slug Tuner Drift Tubes Magnets Tank Wall End Wall RF Window 0.38 1.50 1.00 1.00 0.31 1.25 2.50 0.50 1.50 0.38 0.50 Flow Rate (gpm) Velocity (m/s) 1.00 39.60 5.20 5.20 1.57 12.00 129.20 1.52 39.60 1.00 5.00 0.89 2.19 0.65 0.65 2.00 0.96 2.57 0.76 2.19 0.89 2.49 S/F models Tees & FrictionGlobe Valves Flow Meters Subsystem Other k Globe Globe Valve k Flow Flow Meter Pressure Pressure Valve Pressure meter Pressure Loss (psi) Losses (psi) Loss (psi) Loss (psi) 16.40 8.50 3.75 3.75 1.77 3.60 12.40 12.44 8.50 16.40 10.00 0.54 0.96 0.18 0.18 3.03 0.34 2.16 0.38 0.96 0.54 2.94 38.80 24.44 503.67 503.67 46.28 228.65 6.00 153.62 24.44 38.80 10.30 2.21 8.51 15.31 15.31 13.41 15.16 2.88 6.39 8.51 2.21 4.63 112 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.23 1.39 0.12 0.12 1.16 0.27 1.92 0.17 1.39 0.23 1.80 Branch Pressure Loss (psi) Globe Valve Pressure Drop (psi) Total Pressure Loss (psi) k Total 17.16 10.86 4.06 4.06 5.96 4.21 19.37 12.98 10.86 17.16 14.74 2.21 8.51 15.31 15.31 13.41 15.16 2.88 6.39 8.51 2.21 4.63 19.37 19.37 19.37 19.37 19.37 19.37 19.37 19.37 19.37 19.37 19.37 340.66 55.61 637.08 637.08 66.82 292.06 40.31 466.01 55.61 340.66 43.07 6 2.5" 3" 3.5" 4 2" 3 2 -2 End Wall 2 Tank Wall 2 Magnets Drift Tubes Slug Tuner RF Window Drive Iris Post Coupler 2 -1 Post Coupler 1 0 Tank Wall 1 1 End Wall 1 Percent Error in Required Flow Rate (%) 5 -3 DTL Subsystem Figure 3.38. Percent difference between actual and required water flow rates for each DTL sub-system in DTL tank 3 for various main supply and return manifold diameters. Figure 3.39. SINDA/FLUINT model predictions of the flow rate and pressure distribution in DTL tank 3 with 3.5 inch (ID) main manifolds (Units: Pressure = Pascals, Flow rate = kg/s). 113 Summary From the SINDA/FLUINT modeling studies discussed above, the following key results were obtained • Sub-manifold and transfer line diameters as well as pressure drops for all the DTL subsystems have been optimized and are listed in Table 3.11. • Connection locations for transfer lines on sub-manifolds for the DTL subsystems have been optimized and are listed in Sections through • Locations for main supply and return manifold water transfer line connections should be made near the midpoints of the manifolds where flow evenly splits/converges. • The DTL main supply and return manifold diameters must be a minimum of 3.5 inches to produce a maximum deviation of less than 1% between actual and required flow rates of the subsystem components. • A pressure drop of 21 psi is produced across the DTL tank 3 water cooling circuit (from the main supply manifold to the main return manifold). 114 3.1.2 DTL Water Skid Design Goals The water skid is responsible for delivering cooling water to the DTL structure. It must actively adjust the temperature of the water sent to the DTL by manipulating a control valve and bypassing an appropriate quantity of water through a heat exchanger to be cooled. The design goal of this work is to size heat exchangers, pumps, and line sizes for operation of the SNS DTL water skid system. This task involves designing a system that provides the necessary water flow and water temperature to support cooling of each DTL tank while minimizing pressure losses and material costs. Table 3.12 summarizes the goals for this study. Table 3.12. Water skid cooling system goals. Water Skid Model Design Goal Outcome Optimize line diameters in skid to minimize pressure drop, erosion, costs, and ease the manufacturing of the plumbing. Size heat exchanger for heat load and flow rates. For the heat exchanger, develop a relationship between the hot side flow rate and overall heat transfer coefficient. Determine the pressure drop through the skid for mean flow conditions (combine with flow loop model to determine pressure drop across the pump). Determine the pressure drop versus flow rate required for the proportional control valve to give needed temperature control (20 C +/- approximately 5 C). Determine the water skid pressure drop variance as a function of control valve position (and hence flow rate variance from the pump) and determine if action is required to maintain constant water in the loop. Size pumps (based on flow rate and pressure drop for DTL tank 3). Line diameters within the skid to connect the main components will be 3.0 inch (ID) tubing constructed of stainless steel. A 10 inch x 20 inch FlatePlate heat exchanger with 70 plates. From the data supplied by the manufacturer, relationship was developed using a fifth degree polynomial curve fit. The DTL Tank 3 cooling system produces a total pressure loss of approximately 45 psi. When operating at worst case (Tmix =14oC) pressure drop is 55 psi. See Figure 7 for pressure loss across the pump with respect to heat exchanger flow rate. See Figure 10. See Table 5 for pump specifications. 115 Design Specifications The design specifications for the DTL water skids were taken from the SNS Drift Tube Linac and Coupled Cavity Linac Water Cooling and Resonance Control System Description Document [1.2]. During steady state, full RF power, the target operating temperature of cooling water delivered to the each DTL tank is specified to be 20.00 +/0.28°C, with an operational range between 14.9°C and 25.1°C required for resonance control. The heat loads as well as the cooling water flow rates and temperatures for each of the six DTL water cooling skids are summarized in Table 3.13. Table 3.13. Nominal heat loads, total water flow rates, and water supply temperature ranges for the DTL water skids. Water Skid Mean Heat Total Cooling Mean Water Water Supply Load (kW) Water Flow Supply Temperature Rate (gpm) Temperature Range (°C) (°C) DTL Tank 1 36.8 120.4 20.0 14.9 to 25.1 DTL Tank 2 82.3 162.4 20.0 14.9 to 25.1 DTL Tank 3 94.8 235.9 20.0 14.9 to 25.1 DTL Tank 4 95.4 215.6 20.0 14.9 to 25.1 DTL Tank 5 89.2 199.5 20.0 14.9 to 25.1 DTL Tank 6 98.4 183.7 20.0 14.9 to 25.1 Model Description The water skid serves as the water supply for the RF structures and thus acts as a key element in the closed-loop water cooling system. As discussed previously, the primary water skid components consist of a heat exchanger, variable speed pump, expansion tank, water purification system, and a control valve. A simplified schematic of the basic water skid components are shown in Figure 3.40(a). A variable speed pump was incorporated in the design to maintain a constant desired flow rate. As discussed previously, water temperature control is maintained by adjusting the proportion of the total system water flow between the heat exchanger and the heat exchanger by-pass line. This is achieved by use of an electrically actuated control valve located on the heat exchanger by-pass line. Since the focus of this study deals with simulation of the water skid’s pressure drop and temperature control, the bypass water purification system was neglected in the current model. Additional water skid 116 features include control valves, temperature transducers, pressure transducers, and flow meters, which are strategically placed in the system to provide a way of controlling and monitoring the temperature, flow, and pressure through the system. The objective of this analysis was to calculate the system parameters (flow, pressure, and temperature) needed to size the plumbing and hardware components on the water cooling skid. As described earlier, the SINDA/FLUINT computer code was used to develop a network model of the water skid components. Figure 3.40(b) is the SINDA/FLUINT model representation of the water skid flow diagram shown in Figure 3.40(a). The water skid model in Fig. 3.40(b) is a numerical description of the system shown in Fig. 3.40(a). Recall from the earlier description that the SINDA/FLUINT code models a system as a combination of lumped-parameters. The fluid network is comprised of flow lengths called paths that are joined at ends by points called junctions. In a similar manner, the thermal part of the code uses conductors to describe thermal flow paths and is joined at the ends at points called nodes. Values of mass flow rate and energy flow rate are obtained from the path lines while the junctions and nodes give values of pressure and temperature. The heat conductor lines are labeled as HUS and HN and describe certain properties of the heat flow conductor. These connections are especially important for the heat exchanger portion of the system. The diamond shaped symbols represent connection points between the heat exchanger and the cold loop. The triangle system is a plenum reference point for the hot side and the cold side of the system. The simulation introduces the heat at only one point in the return manifold. This approach was taken since the focus of the analysis was the water temperature control capabilities associated with the water skid and not on the details of the heat transfer in the RF structure. 117 R F Structure R F Structure Heat Input FM Filter Proportional Control Valve Filter Pump Hot side of Heat Exchanger FM P Heat Exchanger P T By-Pass Proportional Control Valve T Variable-Speed Pump T T FM WP P P WP Water Purity Transducer FM Flow Meter T Heat Exchanger P Temperature Transducer (RTD) Pressure Transducer Cold side of Heat Exchanger Facility Chilled Water Outlet Facility Chilled Water Inlet (b) (a) Figure 3.40. (a) Flow diagram and (b) corresponding SINDA/FLUINT model of the water skid. 118 Loss Factors An important step in developing the SINDA/FLUINT modeling, was to properly account for all of the pressure loss components within the water skid. All of the fittings, valves, filters and instrument parts and their associated loss factors are identified in Figure 3.41 and Table 3.14. These plumbing components were accounted for by placing their loss factor, K, in the pipe or “path” lines of the SINDA/FLUINT water skid model. A modeling simplification was made to account for the flow resistance of the entire system of DTL tank cooling lines as a total pressure loss, L. The value of the pressure loss was taken from Section 3.1.1 where the pressure drop across the RF structure was calculated. This pressure loss was used to determine an equivalent K factor, which was used as input to the SINDA/FLUINT model. It was also assumed that for the analysis, a constant volume pump could be used to simulate the performance of a variable speed pump to supply a constant flow rate. To accurately represent the system pressure drop effects of the 70 plate heat exchanger in the SINDA/FLUINT model, pressure drop values at different flow rates across the hot side of the heat exchanger were obtained from the manufacturer. The individual pressure drops were transformed into loss factors using the Equation 3.22. A 1 inch diameter line was assumed to calculate the fluid velocities. ∆PHE = 1 KρV 2 2 where, ∆P = pressure drop K = loss factor ρ = density V = velocity 119 (3.22) Water Skid K Factors Kskid27 Kskid2 R F Structure Kskid26 FM Kskid24 Kskid3 Kskid23 Filter 60 mesh Kskid5 Kskid22 Kskid20 Kskid4 FM Kskid17 P Kskid6 Kskid7 Kskid18 Kskid15 Kskid16 P Kskid21 T By-Pass Proportional Control Valve Kskid19 T Variable-Speed Pump Drain Kskid14 WP Kskid25 Kskid11 Kskid8 T FM T Kskid9 Kskid10 Kskid12 P Kskid13 P WP Water Purity Transducer (Ph, elect. Cond., Diss. O) 2 FM Flow Meter T P Heat Exchanger Facility Chilled Water Outlet Temperature Transducer (RTD) Pressure Transducer Facility Chilled Water Inlet Figure 3.41. Simplified flow diagram of a typical DTL water skid. 120 Table 3.14. Summary of loss factors for a typical DTL water skid (refer to Fig. 3.41). Symbol Kskid1 Kskid2 Kskid3 Kskid4 Kskid5 Kskid6 Kskid7 Kskid8 Kskid9 Kskid10 Kskid11 Kskid12 Kskid13 Kskid14 Kskid15 Kskid16 Kskid17 Kskid18 Kskid19 Kskid20 Kskid21 Kskid22 Kskid23 Kskid24 Kskid25 Kskid26 Kskid27 Description DTL tank 3 total Loss Supply Transfer Line Ball Valve (100% open) Flow Meter Skid Water Line Proportional Control Valve Ball Valve (100% open) 2 two diameter bends Flow Meter Temp/Press Trans Port 2 two diameter bends 2 two diameter bends Temp/Press Trans Port Globe Valve (50% open) 1 two diameter bend Temp/Press Trans Port Size Transition (2.5” to 3”) 1 two diameter bend Temp/Press Trans Port Ball Valve (100% Open) 1 two diameter bend Strainer/filter Ball Valve (100% open) Flow Meter PH/O2 Measurement Port Ball Valve (100% open) Return Transfer Line Diameter (in) 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 121 Length (m) 18.287 NA NA 1.346 0.9398 NA 1.7526 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.4986 NA 0.1524 NA 1.143 NA 0.1524 1.346 NA NA 2.1336 NA 18.287 K factor 26.5 S/F friction .15 6.4 S/F friction Variable 0.15 1.8 4.3 0.1 1.8 1.8 0.1 6.1 0.9 0.1 0.92 0.9 0.1 0.15 0.9 3.28 0.15 6.4 0.1 0.15 S/F friction The loss factors associated with each flow rate were plotted against heat exchanger flow rate to produce a relationship as given in Figure 3.42. Note that y represents the loss factor and x represents the heat exchanger hot side flow rate. 1 5 4 3 2 y = -2E-05x + 0.0006x - 0.0069x + 0.04x - 0.1437x + 1.149 0.98 Loss Factor (k) 0.96 0.94 0.92 0.9 0.88 0.86 0.84 1 2 3 4 Flow Rate (kg/s) 5 6 7 Figure 3.42. Loss factor vs. mass flow rate for the hot side water flow in the 70 plate heat exchanger. The relationship in Figure 3.42 was put into the SINDA/FLUINT model to represent the pressure drop across the heat exchanger. The proportional valve to control the flow was modeled as a globe valve that could be adjusted as needed to obtain the desired flow through the heat exchanger (and hence obtain the desired water mix temperature). This operation will be discussed in further detail below. Heat Exchanger As discussed previously, a closed loop water cooling system extracts heat from the RF structure and transfers it to a facility chilled water supply via a liquid-liquid heat exchanger, as depicted in the flow diagram of Figure 3.40(a). In this closed-loop circuit, water temperature control is achieved by manipulating the hot-side (Linac side) heat 122 exchanger water flow rate while holding the cold-side water inlet temperature and flow rate constant. This is achieved by using a proportional control valve that divides the circulating water between the heat exchanger and by-pass line. By changing the hot-side water flow rate, the overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger is varied. Since the heat removal rate must effectively remain constant for quasi-steady-state conditions (heat rate into system equals heat rate out of the system), the hot-side water temperature must change inversely to the overall heat transfer coefficient to achieve a new operating condition. Consequently, increasing the water flow through the heat exchanger results in an increase in the overall heat transfer coefficient, and an associated decrease in the mean water temperature. And conversely, decreasing the water flow through the heat exchanger results in a decrease in the overall heat transfer coefficient, and an associated increase in the mean water temperature. The cooling performance of the water skid, including water temperature range, accuracy, resolution, and stability, will be highly dependent on the design choice made for the liquid-liquid heat exchanger. The heat load and flow requirements that the DTL water cooling systems are being designed to were summarized previously in Table 3.13. Note that the most significant variable in the resonance control is the water temperature being delivered to the RF structure. In the case of the six tanks, the mean water delivery or mixture temperature, Tmix, was specified to be 20.0°C, with a required range of ±6°C about this mean value. In addition to those parameters listed in Table 3.13, the pressure drop across the heat exchanger needed to be kept below 10 psi for maximum flow rates for the cold side and 5 psi for the hot side. The water inlet temperature on the cold side of the heat exchanger was specified as 7.2°C ± 0.5°C. The next step, prior to initiating the numerical studies, was to size a commercially available heat exchanger so that its performance could be included in the SINDA/FLUINT model of the water skid. The steps used to size the heat exchanger were as follows (Refer to Figure 3.43 to aid in the discussion): 1. For a known heat load, cold side inlet temperature, and hot side inlet temperature, determine acceptable cold side and hot side flow rates that give the desired mixture temperature of 20.0°C. The relationships used in these calculations included the 123 enthalpy balance on the hot side flow rates (Eqn. 3.23), and the energy balance for the flow on either side of the heat exchanger (Eqn. 3.24) mT cp Tmix = mh cp Tho + (m T - mh) cp Thi (3.23) mc = q/(cp (Tco – Tci)), (3.24) where the variables are m = mass flow rate, q = DTL Tank 3 heat dissipation: 95000W, cp = heat capacity of water: 4,179 J/kgK, T = water temperature, and the subscripts correspond as follows: c = cold side h = hot side mix = mixture of water to RF structure T = total (to RF structure) o = outlet condition i = inlet condition 2. With the inlet and outlet temperatures known on each side of the heat exchanger for a given set of flow rates and a known heat load, determine the heat exchanger’s overall heat transfer coefficient, UA, from Eqn. (3.25) [3.6]. UA = q/((Tho – Tci) – (Thi – Tco))/ln((Tho – Tci)/(Thi – Tco)) (3.25) 3. Choose a commercial heat exchanger that satisfies the heat transfer coefficient and temperature conditions from steps (1) and (2), while satisfying the pressure drop limitations listed previously. 4. For the heat exchanger selected in step (3), vary the hot side flow rate and repeat steps (1) and (2) for six more operating conditions. The vendor heat exchanger performance criteria are needed to perform this step. From this step, a plot can be generated of the heat exchanger’s overall heat transfer coefficient versus hot side flow rate. 124 5. Repeat steps (1) through (4) for three other cold side flow rates to generate a family of curves of overall heat transfer coefficient versus hot side flow rate. 6. Size heat exchangers for other DTL tanks. Step (1) By-Pass Proportional Control Valve mT mT mh Thi Tho q Tco Tci mc Heat Exchanger Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, UA Step (4) Heat Exchanger Hot Side Mass Flow Rate Figure 3.43. Pictorial representation of the heat exchanger sizing for the SINDA/FLUINT modeling of the DTL water skids. 125 Using the heat load, flow rate, and water temperature ranges for DTL tank 3, the heat exchanger was sized using the five steps listed above. The particulars of this exercise were as follows: 1. The given variables included a mix water temperature of 20.0°C (delivered to the structure), a hot side water inlet temperature of 21.5°C (this is the temperature of the water leaving the RF structure after heating up from 20.0°C), a cold side inlet temperature of 7.2°C, a heat load of 95 kW, and a total flow rate of 240.9 gpm (15.17 kg/s). Next, flow rates of 63.4 (4.00 kg/s)and 74.97 gpm (4.73 kg/s) were chosen for the hot side and cold side flow rates, respectively. This resulted in a hot side outlet temperature of 15.8°C and a cold side outlet temperature of 12.0°C. 2. With the inlet and outlet temperature as well as the heat load specified, the overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger, UA, was calculated to be 10,506 W/°C. 3. A 10"x20"- 40 plate, counter-flow, compact, multi-pass heat exchanger from FlatPlate Inc was identified by the manufacturer to satisfy these heat transfer conditions. Unfortunately, the pressure loss limits were exceeded. The size of heat exchanger was increased to accommodate the pressure limits. In doing so, an oversized heat exchanger was selected which had approximately 262.6% additional surface area than what was needed to provide for the overall heat transfer coefficient identified in step 2 above. In particular, a flat plate heat exchanger with seventy 10”by20” (FP 10x20-70) stainless steel plates was selected. See the mechanical design section of this report for the "new" sizing procedure. 4. After the heat exchanger was selected, several additional cases with different hot side water flow rates were studied to obtain multiple values of UA. This information is especially important since the variable flow on the hot side is used to control the water temperature returned to the RF structure. Knowing the product of the heat transfer coefficient and the surface area, as well as the flow rate information, an 126 EXCEL spreadsheet was used to plot these data, as shown in Fig. 3.27. A polynomial least squares fit of the data produced the following relationship. UA = 6.9126 m h5 – 182.13 m h4 + 1883.7 m h3 – 9885.2 m h2 + 29164 m h + 2.21,(3.26) where UA is the product of heat transfer coefficient times the area, (W/°C) and mh is the heat exchanger hot side water mass flow rate (Kg/s). At this point the heat exchanger sub-model was ready for input into the SINDA-FLUINT model of the water skid. HUS heat transfer ties in the heat exchanger need a heat transfer versus flow rate relationship and Eqn. (3.26) provides the HUS heat transfer tie to determine the heat transfer as a function of hot side flow rate. Here the heat transfer tie (HUS) UA value was adjusted to dissipate the heat between the eight nodes of the SINDA/FLUINT model’s heat exchanger. 5. Steps (1) through (4) were repeated for cold side flow rates of 94.62 gpm (5.97 kg/s), 53.42 gpm (3.91 kg/s), and 52.94 gpm (3.34 kg/s) as given in Table 3.15. 6. Sized heat exchangers for other 5 DTL tanks. See section of this report on mechanical design. Table 3.15. Cases studied for heat exchanger sizing on DTL tank 3. Hot Side Flow Rate (kg/s) Hot Side Flow Rate (gpm) 2.00 31.70 3.00 47.55 4.00 63.40 5.00 79.25 6.00 95.10 7.00 110.95 8.00 126.80 Tco (deg C.) Cold Side Flow Rate(kg/s) Cold Side Flow Rate(gpm) 11.00 5.97 94.62 11.00 5.97 94.62 11.00 5.97 94.62 11.00 5.97 94.62 11.00 5.97 94.62 11.00 5.97 94.62 11.00 5.97 94.62 Tco (deg C.) Cold Side Flow Rate(kg/s) Cold Side Flow Rate(gpm) 12.00 4.73 74.97 12.00 4.73 74.97 12.00 4.73 74.97 12.00 4.73 74.97 12.00 4.73 74.97 12.00 4.73 74.97 12.00 4.73 74.97 Tco (deg C.) Cold Side Flow Rate(kg/s) Cold Side Flow Rate(gpm) 13.00 3.91 61.97 13.00 3.91 61.97 13.00 3.91 61.97 13.00 3.91 61.97 13.00 3.91 61.97 13.00 3.91 61.97 13.00 3.91 61.97 Tco (deg C.) Cold Side Flow Rate(kg/s) Cold Side Flow Rate(gpm) 14.00 3.34 52.94 14.00 3.34 52.94 14.00 3.34 52.94 14.00 3.34 52.94 14.00 3.34 52.94 14.00 3.34 52.94 14.00 3.34 52.94 127 Figure 3.44 displays the heat exchanger overall heat transfer coefficient (W/°C) versus hot side mass flow rate (kg/s) for all cases listed in Table 3.15. 60000 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient 50000 40000 30000 y = 6.8553x 5 - 180.99x 4 + 1879.3x 3 - 9897.3x 2 + 30073x + 2.1481 y = 6.9126x5 - 182.13x 4 + 1883.7x3 - 9835.2x 2 + 29164x + 2.2097 20000 y = 6.8738x 5 - 181.24x 4 + 1872.7x 3 - 9728x 2 + 28324x + 2.1948 12 y = 6.9125x 5 - 181.56x 4 + 1867.7x 3 - 9635.7x 2 + 27602x + 2.2493 14 10000 11 13 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Flow Rate (kg/s) Figure 3.44. Overall heat transfer coefficient (W/°C) versus heat exchanger hot side mass flow rate (kg/s) for four heat exchanger cold side outlet temperatures for DTL tank 3. Design Studies/Results Temperatures Figure 3.45 and 3.465 show the temperature predictions for the hot and cold side of the heat exchanger at normal operating conditions (Tco =12 oC, Tho = 20 oC) for the water skid associated with DTL tank 3. 128 Figure 3.45. SINDA/FLUINT temperature predictions on the hot side of the heat exchanger for the water skid on DTL tank 3. In Figure 3.45, notice the heat distribution through the system. A sudden rise in temperature occurs at junction 1. This is where waste heat from DTL tank 3 is introduced into the system (95kW). The heated water is carried from junction 1 to junction 3 where approximately 27.3 gpm (1.72 kg/s) of the flow is diverted to the heat exchanger loop. This is done using control valves labeled as CT. To achieve the correct flow to the heat exchanger and a Tmix (temperature at junction 10) temperature of 20oC , the K factor employed at the CT following junction 3 was set to 2.13. In addition, the CT following junction 9 was set to 100. At junction 10, flow from the heat exchanger loop, after being cooled, is recombined with the bypassed flow. Figure 3.46 represents the cold side of the heat exchanger. Notice that the temperatures range from 7.2 oC at the inlet to 12 oC at the outlet. A cold side flow rate of approximately 75 gpm (4.72 kg/s) was employed to achieve the 12oC outlet temperature. 129 Figure 3.46. SINDA/FLUINT temperature predictions for the cold side of the heat exchanger on the DTL tank 3 water skid. The solver option in Sinda/Fluint was employed to adjust the K factor value applied to the control valve, located immediately after junction 3, to achieve several different flow rates, from17.9 to 95.2 gpm (1.13 to 6 kg/s), through the heat exchanger. Doing this allows Tmix to satisfy the required temperature range of 20.0oC +/- 5.0oC. Figure 3.47 shows the relationship between Tmix and the hot side flow rate through the heat exchanger. Notice that valve control is more sensitive when the flow rate through the heat exchanger is low. The curve is allowed to flatten out by changing the cold side flow rate. Figure 3.47 also shows the additional temperatrue curves for the various cold side flow rates. 130 70 Plate Heat Exchanger for DTL Tank 3 Tmix (deg. C) 28 12 26 14 24 11 13 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Flow Rate (kg/s) Figure 3.47. Tmix versus heat exchanger hot side flow rate for DTL tank 3. Pressure Drop A relationship of induced pressure versus flow rate through the hot side of the heat exchanger is given in Figure 3.48. Note that a 3 inch diameter line was employed for all water skid lines, excluding the 4 inch transfer line from the water skid to the DTL RF structure. 131 70 60 Pressure Drop (psi) 50 40 Pump Heat Exchanger 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 Flow Rate through Heat Exchanger (kg/s) Figure 3.48. Induced pressure drop versus flow rate through the hot side of the heat exchanger for Tco = 12oC. With exception to the transfer lines between the water skid and the main manifolds (4 ich), all lines within the water skid should be 3 inches internal diameter. Figure 3.49 shows the pressure across the pump versus water skid line diameter. 132 6 140 Pressure Drop Across Pump (psi) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2 2.5 3 3.5 Internal Line Diameter (in) Figure 3.49. Water skid line size versus pressure drop across the pump at normal operating conditions (Tmix = 20oC, Tco =12oC). Once the water skid lines were sized and set at 3" internal diameter, the water skid transfer lines were studied. The transfer lines between the DTL structure and the water skid should be at least 4 inches to keep pressure losses as low as possible. Figure 3.50 shows the relationship between the pressure drop and transfer line diameter. 133 4 58 Pressure Drop Across Pump (psi) 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Transfer Line Internal Diameter (in) Figure 3.50. Water skid transfer line diameter versus pressure drop across the pump at normal operating condtions (Tmix = 20oC, Tco = 12oC) Pump Sizing The water skid pump size was based upon the worst case pressure drop scenario. For the tank 3 water skid, this situation is expected to occur when 4.5 kg/s ( at Tco = 13 deg. C) of cooling water is passed through the heat exchanger and a resulting pressure loss of approximately 55.6 psi is produced across the pump. The water skid pump was sized using the following relations for a total flow rate of 241 gpm (15.2 kg/s). Equation 1 calculates the overall head loss to size the pump. Power = ∆P * Q where, DP = Pressure loss in the water skid (psf) Q = Volumetric flow rate (ft3/s) 134 (3.27) Equation (3.27) yields the following for the pump power on the DTL tank 3 water skid: Power = 53lbf 144in 2 15. 2kg m3 35.13 ft 3 ft * lbf * * * * = 4238 = 7.6 horsepower 2 2 3 s 998 kg s in ft m The total power required to deliver the required water flow is 7.6 horsepower. Please note, however, that pumps are usually only around 75 % efficient and must be sized according to a manufacturer's pump curve specifications. Pumps for all tanks should be sized according to the selected manufacturer's curves for the following specifications in Table 3.16. Table 3.16. Pressure drop and flow rate specifications for all six DTL tanks. Tank # Flow rate (gpm) Velocity ∆P across Tank (psi) Add ∆P through system (psi) System k 1 2 3 4 5 6 120.4 162.4 235.9 215.6 199.5 183.7 1.66654721 2.24790089 3.26526982 2.98428221 2.76142997 2.54273025 18 18 19.5 18 18 18 2 2 2 2 2 2 99.288 54.573 27.804 30.964 36.163 42.651 ∆P though water skid w/Hx valve at k = 100 and Hx Flow Rate = 4 kg/s 18 22.5 33.5 29.5 27 25 Approximate Total ∆P (psi) 36 40.5 53 47.5 45 43 Control Valve The control valve is responsible for sending the required amount of water to be sent to the heat exchanger to the system water temperature. Figure 3.51 is a plot which compares the control valve K factor to the flow rate sent to the heat exchanger for DTL tank 3. This curve is produced based upon a cold side outlet temperature of 12 deg. C. 135 80 70 Control Valve K Factor 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Flow Rate through Heat Exchanger (kg/s) Figure 3.51. Control valve K factor vs. flow rate to the heat exchanger for DTL tank 3. Summary • Normal operating conditions for tank 3 are achieved when a flow of 26.82 gpm (1.69 kg/s ) of water is bypassed to the heat exchanger and the cold side flow rate and outlet temperature are 75 gpm (4.72 kg/s) and 12oC, respectively. • A FlatPlate Inc. heat exchanger, model FP 10x20-70, is smallest heat exchanger that may be used on the water skid. • All water skid line sizes shall be 3" id min. with exception to the transfer lines to the DTL, which shall be 4" id min. • Pressure drop across tank 3 will be a maximum of 60 psi. • The total power required to deliver the required water flow is 7.7 horsepower. Please note, however, that pumps are usually only around 75 % efficient and must be sized according to a manufacturer's pump curve specifications. 136 7 3.1.3 SINDA/FLUINT Uncertainty Analysis The DTL water cooling system describe previously, is quite complex. In order to construct manageable SINDA/FLUINT models which yield meaningful results, several modeling simplifications and assumptions were required. Of greatest uncertainty in the SINDA/FLUINT modeling, is the incorporation of empirical flow resistance coefficients to describe the pressure drops across various pieces of plumbing hardware. Omission, or incorrect application of these resistance values, can lead to significant modeling errors. In order to determine the uncertainty in the SINDA/FLUINT modeling of the DTL water cooling system, a comparison was made between flow and pressure drop predictions of a SINDA/FLUINT model and empirical measurements from a prototype water cooling system. Such a comparison will provide an assessment of the accuracy in the modeling technique and the SINDA/FLUINT code. The experimental results were taken from a prototype SNS Linac water cooling system that was fabricated for an R&D effort on a CCL hot model comprised of two RF segments of the CCL. The prototype water skid is shown in Figure 5.4. The flow diagram of the prototype cooling system is shown in Figure 3.52. The pressure measurement locations are identified by the letter “P”, and the flow rate measurement locations are designated by “FM”. The pressure and flow measurement devices that were used in the experiment, had the following specifications: • Pressure - pressure transducers (OmegaPX63-100G5V) 0-100 psig full scale, accuracy is 0.4% full scale, or plus/minus 0.4 psi. • Flow in large water lines (1.5” and 2” diameter) - Paddle wheel flow meter: accuracy of +/- 0.2 feet per second (this will have to be converted to gallons per minute by multiplying it by the cross-sectional area of the pipe that the flow meter is inserted). • Flow in small lines (1” and 0.375” diameter) - Turbine flow meter: Accuracy = 1% of reading. 137 P4 Fm9 Fm8 Fm7 Fm6 Fm5 Fm4 Fm3 Fm2 FM1 P3 FmT Filter 60 mesh P2 P1 Variable-Speed Pump Drain Fmhx Heat Exchanger Facility Chilled Water Outlet FM Flow Meter T By-Pass Proportional Control Valve Temperature Transducer (RTD) P Pressure Transducer Facility Chilled Water Inlet Figure 3.52. Flow diagram of the prototype water cooling system for the CCL hot model. 138 The SINDA-FLUINT model representation of the prototype water cooling system is shown in Figure 3.53. A modeling procedure, similar to that described previously in this report, was used in developing and running the model depicted in Figure 3.53. Figure 3.53. SINDA/FLUINT model representation of the prototype CCL hot model water cooling system. 139 Table 3.17 shows a comparison between the experimental and numerically predicted values of pressure drop and flow rate. The numerically predicted pressure drops across the pump and water manifold system are within 4% of the empirical measurements. The difference can be attributed primarily to the uncertainty in the pressure measurement. The numerically predicted flow rates through the pump and heat exchanger (FmT and Fmhx) were also in good agreement (within 1.6%) with the experimental measurements. The agreement of the numerically predicted and experimentally measured flows in the manifold line distribution system ranged from good to fair. The predicted flows in the large lines (diameter = 1”) were within 4 to 10 % of the measurements, while the predicted flows in the small lines (diameter = 0.375”) differed by 4 to 22 % from the experimental values. It should be noted that the flow split for the SINDA-FLUINT values are exactly equal as they should be for the 1” diameter lines and are all equal for the small 0.375 “ diameter lines in the cavity area. The fact that the experimental values do not measure evenly indicates some variance in the experimental apparatus that are not brought out in Table 3.17. For example FM1 and FM2 should have equal values, however they differ by 3 percent. The small lines (0.375” diameter) should also divide evenly, but they vary by as much as 10 percent. These differences can be attributed to instrumentation accuracy limitations and slight variations in flow-control globe valve settings. In general, the SINDA-FLUINT results compared well with the experimental values (in most cases, better than 10%). No effort was required in “tweaking” the SINDA-FLUINT model to improve the comparison. Further, the K-factors were taken from textbooks or estimated in the same procedure that was used in the modeling procedure for the DTL and CCL water cooling systems. Consequently, the SINDAFLUINT modeling for the SNS DTL and CCL water cooling systems should yield acceptable results for accurately sizing pumps, heat exchangers, and plumbing hardware. 140 Table 3.17. Comparison of the SINDA/FLUINT model predictions and experimental measurements of flow and pressure for the prototype CCL hot model water cooling system. Parameter P2-P1 P3-P4 FMhx FMT FM1 FM2 FM3 FM4 FM5 FM6 FM7 FM8 FM9 Empirical Value 81.5 psi +/- 0.3 19.8 psi +/- 0.1 34.5 gpm +/- 6.9 94.3 gpm +/- 18.9 19.0 gpm +/- 0.2 18.41 gpm +/- 0.2 3.24 gpm +/- 0.02 3.3 gpm +/- 0.03 3.56 gpm +/- 0.04 3.27 gpm +/- 0.03 3.45 gpm +/- 0.04 19.28 gpm +/- 0.2 18.6 gpm +/- 0.2 SINDA/FLUINT Value 84.9 20.4 34.4 gpm 95.9 gpm 20.4 gpm 20.4 gpm 2.7 gpm 2.7 gpm 3.7 gpm 2.7 gpm 2.7 gpm 20.1 gpm 20.1 gpm 141 % Difference 4 3 0.3 1.6 7.4 10 17 18 4 17 22 4 8 3.2 DTL Water Cooling Loops – Stability and Response Modeling The successful design of the DTL water cooling and resonance control system relies on a number of key operating and performance conditions. These conditions include the temperature and availability of the coolant, how fast the cooling system can react to heat load changes, what happens if the facility water does not have a stable temperature, etc. A delivery system for the coolant was designed and provisions made for gathering the data required to understand whether the design would provide what is required by the cavities under the desired rf loads. To keep the cavity tuned, it is important that both the drift tubes and the tank itself be kept at stable temperatures as both affect the cavity tune. This is complicated by the fact that the drive iris, the slug tuners, the post couplers, and the dipole magnets are all cooled in the same cooling loop. To aid in this design process, a dynamic control model was written that attempts to simulate the process of maintenance of coolant temperature and availability, given the diameters and lengths of the pipes in the cooling system, the characteristics of the control valve, and the characteristics of the heat exchanger. This numerical model was developed in SystemView by Elanix ®. 3.2.1 Design Goals The SystemView model allows various dynamic or transients conditions to be investigated, such as the time required to reach a steady-state temperature condition for the RF structure and water cooling system from start-up or a trip in RF power. This is quite different from the steady-state analyses performed with the SINDA/FLUINT models, which were used, in part, for sizing plumbing and hardware. The modeling goals and outcomes for this work are summarized in Table 3.18. 142 Table 3.18. SystemView modeling goals for the DTL Tanks. Design Goal Outcome Determine the transit time of water through the cooling loop and components. Transit times determined and listed on the model figure Estimate the thermal response time of the copper drift tubes and tanks walls to changes in either cooling water supply temperature or RF heat load (i.e., response time per °C change in cooling water temperature or per Watt in heat load). Determine the optimization techniques (i.e., shorten pipe run lengths) needed to minimize the response time, or suggest how this can be achieved with the proper PID tuning. Estimate the required start-up time of the RF power and water cooling system to reach a thermally steady-state operating condition. Model has been developed and run for several case studies. Indications are that the system will perform satisfactorily in its present configuration. Determine stabilizing capability of cooling system and cavities to a trip in RF power. Create corrective measures to keep cavities from over-cooling (i.e., add heater, open bypass valve fully, close solenoid valve on cold side inlet to heat exchanger, etc.). Estimate acceptable fluctuations (magnitude and frequency) in the chilled water supply temperature and flow rate, that do not have a detrimental impact on the DTL resonance control. Model completed and run for a full RF power-on condition. Model was also run for various off-normal heat loads as would be encountered during cavity conditioning or linac tuning and commissioning resulting in proper resonance control Two conditions were studied, an RF trip of 10 seconds and an RF trip of several hours. The resonance point will probably be at some complicated combination of drift tube and tank wall temperature. These simulations show temperature control but can not show the areas of resonance. The model has been run for several different test cases. Indications are that fluctuations much larger than have been specified will not have a detrimental impact on resonance control. 3.2.2 Model Description The nodal network SystemView model for the DTL tank 3 water cooling and resonance control system is shown in Figure 3.54. The model includes nodes to account for the drift tubes, tank walls, post couplers, slug tuners, iris, and dipole magnets. Each of these nodes accounts for the thermal mass of its copper component, as well as the heat 143 Figure 3.54. Schematic representation of the SystemView model of DTL tank 3. transfer coefficient between that component and the cooling water. The numerical model also includes a pump, heat exchanger, variable control valve (controlled by an internal PID algorithm), and all of the necessary plumbing. Further specific details regarding the SystemView model are provided below. Structure temperatures: The temperature of the DTL structures can be calculated from the following differential equation: ?CpV dT = Q + hA(T f – T) dt Converting the equation to a difference equation it becomes Ti+1 = Ti + [Q + hA (Tf – Ti)] ?t k 144 = Q ?t + hATf ?t +(k-hA ?t)Ti k where ? is the density of Cu, Cp is the heat capacity of Cu, V is the volume of the structure, Q is the heat load input to the structure, h is the heat transfer coefficient of Cu, A is the surface area in contact with the coolant, Ti is the temperature at the ith step, Tf is the coolant temperature, and ?t is the time step. Simulation: The above equation is implemented as a time simulation in SystemView by Elanix ®. The simulation follows the diagram above. The temperature of coolant at each node in the diagram is time-dependent on the flow within the pipe and the diameter of the pipe. These time dependencies are implemented as delays in the simulation. Each node in the diagram is initialized at the holding temperature of the cavities, currently thought to be 24°C. As coolant reaches the node from the previous node, the temperature is released to whatever that previous node is supplying. A variable delay is implemented in the leg that sends heated coolant through the heat exchanger. This variability is due to the variable opening of the control valve that is controlled by a PID algorithm that is controlling the temperature of the low energy full segment. A variable delay is also implemented in the cold side of the heat exchanger to provide for different flows from the facility side to the heat exchanger. Heat Exchanger: The heat exchanger is a flat-plate counter-flow heat exchanger. balance equation describing this device follows: Q = U?A(LMTD) Where Q is the heat exchanged U? is the overall heat transfer coefficient for the heat exchanger A is the heat exchange area LMTD is the log mean-temperature-difference. 145 The energy U?A is estimated by the following fit to the vendor-supplied heat exchanger data. U?A = 5.4382*mh5 – 143.34*mh4 + 1527.3*mh3 – 8489.4*mh2 + 27367*mh + .00067 where mh is the water mass flow rate through the hot side of the heat exchanger and is in kg/sec and U?A is in W/°C. This data was obtained with input temperature of the hot side at 22.7°C. LMTD = (Thi – Tco) – (Tho – Tci) ln[(Thi – Tco)/(Tho-Tci)] where Thi is the input temperature on the hot side, Tci is the input temperature on the cold side, Tho is the output temperature on the hot side, Tco is the output temperature on the cold side. Using Q = U?A(LMTD) , Q = mh Cph (Thi – Tho) , and Q = mc Cpc (Tco – Tci) One can solve for Q and obtain Q = mcmhCp(Thi – Tci)[eU?A (mc – mh)/(Cp mh mc) – 1] mc eU?A (mc – mh)/(Cp mh mc) - mh In the simulation, if the exponent on e becomes greater than 12, eU?A (mc – mh)/(Cp mh mc) can be considered large with respect to 1 and mc* eU?A (mc – mh)/(Cp mh mc) considered large with respect to m h. In this case the equation becomes 146 can be Q = mhCp(Thi – Tci) This avoids the problem of attempting to compute a number larger than the computer can handle. One might ask how ave(Th) can be calculated since Tho is going to be calculated given Thi and the flow rates. Ave(Th) is calculated using Thi in the current time step and Tho from the previous time step. In this simulation, the cold side mass flow rate through the heat exchanger, mc is held constant at 2.82 kg/sec or 44.7 gal/min. This complies with the constant flow regulating valve in the circuit leading to the cold side of the heat exchanger. Variable Valve Control The variable valve that controls coolant flow through the heat exchanger is controlled by a PID algorithm whose input is taken from the average temperature of the drift tubes. The value of the gain for the differential term is set to zero since this is a first order system. Values for the other two terms were set to give good response. However, they are not necessarily the best values. Use of the Ziegler-Nichols algorithm would give optimum values. Since the PID algorithm is controlling a physical valve, the characteristics of the valve need to be included. The valve that was chosen for temperature control is actuated by a stepping motor. The valve requires 500 steps from fully opened to fully closed and vice versa. Depending on valve design, fully opened to fully closed can require from 15 to 27 seconds. 25 seconds was arbitrarily chosen because the actual valve has not yet been identified. Using the 25 second actuation time, the motor is able to take 1 step (1/500th of full actuation) every 0.05 seconds. The values that the PID algorithm generates are moderated to provide no faster response than 1 step every 0.05 seconds. Thus, the physical characteristics of valve motion are included in the simulation. The flow versus valve opening is assumed to be linear. This makes the computation a bit easier but as long as the system is stable there is no requirement for linearity. The PID algorithm is able to provide the necessary temperature control in either case. A series of preliminary thermal engineering calculations were required to support the SystemView model. These calculations are included in Appendix L. 147 3.2.3 Design Studies/Results Profile of Startup and Stable Operation These simulations were run using the temperature of the center drift tube (#17) as input to the control valve. The initial temperature of the tank components was 20.0°C, the desired setpoint temperature was 26.6°C, and the full rf power was introduced at time = 0.0. In reality, the RF power will be gradually ramped up, however, for the purpose of this simulation, the application of full RF power will be fairly representative of a normal startup condition. The PID controller has gains that are optimized to provide as fast a response as possible while maintaining stable operation. Temperatures of the lowest energy and the highest energy drift tubes in the tank along with the center drift tube were monitored. In addition, the temperature of the tank wall was monitored and is shown. The temperatures of the drift tubes and the tank wall all contribute to the resonant frequency of the tank. The results of the transient simulation are displayed in Figure 3.55. With Tci set to 7.2°C, the setpoint set to 26.6°C, the following steady-state conditions were found: • Temperature of the drift tube is 26.6°C, as expected. The temperature of the low energy tube is slightly higher and the temperature of the high energy tube is essentially identical. • Bypass valve operates at 88.7% open. • Tmix is 19.9°C. • Thi is 21.4°C. 148 Figure 3.55. Tank wall temperature, drift tube 1, 17, and 33 temperatures, and by-pass valve positioning versus time for a normal RF startup condition of DTL tank 3. 149 As the startup simulation begins, the bypass valve starts to open and the applied RF power heats the structures. Tube #17 approaches the setpoint in about 140 seconds. Next, the bypass valve begins to close, anticipating the need for cooling. From this point, another approximately 120 seconds are required to stabilize the temperature at the setpoint of 26.6°C. Due to the tremendous difference in mass, the tank wall heats at a much slower rate not quite coming to the target temperature (it reaches 25.7°C ) even at the end of the simulation (1200 seconds). Note also the plateau that the drift tube temperatures pass through. The drift tubes can react so quickly because of their small thermal mass that the proportional gain of the PID algorithm must be kept very small. Because of the small proportional gain the valve reacts very slowly. The drift tubes react very quickly to the heat being applied by the rf. The tank wall is a large enough thermal mass that it acts like a heat exchanger keeping the coolant temperature from rising. The valve is still open enough to allow coolant from the actual heat exchanger into the drift tubes. As the valve continues to close, the drift tubes are allowed to heat and finally reach the setpoint. Effects of Variation in Coolant Temperature To explore the effects of variations of the SNS facility chilled water temperature on the CCL cavity temperatures, a sine wave with an amplitude of 2.0ºC and a period of 8 seconds was imposed on the chilled water temperature. The results of this simulation are displayed in Figure 3.56. Note that this variation in coolant temperature shows up as a small variation (about ±0.02°C) in the temperature of the center drift tube. The variation also shows up as a variation in the temperature of the other two monitored drift tubes leading one to the conclusion that it will cause a variation in all the drift tubes in the tank. Note also that this variation doesn’t affect the tank wall at all. This is due to the large mass of the tank wall. This small variation in the drift tube temperature is so small as not to change the tune of the cavity. However, it is obvious from the bypass valve action that the bypass valve would be under continuous motion (±0.22% about 88.9%). 150 Figure 3.56. Tank wall temperature, drift tube 1, 17, and 33 temperatures, and by-pass valve positioning versus time for a sinusoidal disturbance of the facility chilled water temperature (amplitude of 2.0°C and a period of 8 sec.) condition of DTL tank 3. 151 The simulation was repeated with a coolant temperature variation with the same amplitude but a cycle time of 0.1 second. The results of this simulation are displayed in Figure 3.57. The shorter cycle time introduce an alias into the signal which shows up as an additional variation with a different cycle time. Even a cycle time this short shows a small variation in the temperature of the drift tube. This is most likely because the drift tube is small and will react to almost any temperature change. It is interesting to note that the variation is damped. Since the tank as a whole will respond to changes in temperature and those changes will cause changes to the resonant frequency of the tank and that is the quantity of interest, it is likely that the stability of the tank will offset the lack of stability of the drift tubes. At 8 seconds per cycle the variation of temperature of the drift tubes pretty much disappears at or below a coolant temperature variation of ±0.5°C. 152 Figure 3.57. Tank wall temperature, drift tube 1, 17, and 33 temperatures, and by-pass valve positioning versus time for a sinusoidal disturbance of the facility chilled water temperature (amplitude of 2.0°C and a period of 0.1 sec.) condition of DTL tank 3. 153 Momentary Loss of Rf Power A system such as the one described will lose rf power on occasion due to a spark in a waveguide or in a klystron. A question arises as to how much of an upset (temperature and deviation) will such a loss cause. A 10 second loss of rf power was input in the next simulation. The results of this simulation are displayed in Figure 3.58. The power loss (spark) was started at 800 seconds and lasted for 10 seconds. The temperature of the middle drift tube drops to about 23.9°C. The rf power comes back on and the temperature increases, overshooting to about 27.8°C before stabilizing back to the setpoint. Note that a 10 second rf power loss translates to approximately 200 seconds of temperature upset to the controlled structure. The tank wall also reacts to the loss of rf with a small drop in temperature. However, the loss is much less and the original trajectory is regained much more quickly. 154 Figure 3.58. Tank wall temperature, drift tube 1, 17, and 33 temperatures, and by-pass valve positioning versus time for a momentary loss of RF power condition in DTL tank 3. 155 Total Loss of Rf Power Should there be a total loss of RF power, management of the temperature of the structure becomes an important task. The lower the cavity temperature falls, the more thermal stress will be applied to the structure and the further the system will deviate from the steady-state resonance condition. For a brief period of time, the water cooling system can minimize the temperature drop in the RF structure, however, at some point, some other method of maintaining structure temperature must be applied. In this simulation, the RF power was lost at time = 800 seconds. The results of this simulation are displayed in Figure 3.59. The question here is, will something need to be done to preserve the tank and drift tube temperature? When the rf power is lost, the temperature of the controlling drift tube drops almost immediately and within about 77 seconds has fallen to 20.7°C. The temperatures in the other two drift tubes also drop copying the profile of the central drift tube. The tank wall drops as well but not nearly so quickly. Because the three-way valve can completely bypass the heat exchanger, the temperature in the drift tube tank can be maintained. One could assume that after reaching a minimum, the temperatures will slowly rise due to heat being added by the circulating pump. If that is indeed the case, it might be prudent during such a loss of power, to change the setpoint to follow temperature rather than the low-level rf error signal and to set the temperature to follow to something less than the 26.6°C operating temperature so re-initiation of RF power will again follow a normal pattern. 156 Figure 3.59. Tank wall temperature, drift tube 1, 17, and 33 temperatures, and by-pass valve positioning versus time for a total loss of RF power condition in DTL tank 3. 157 Change of Copper Temperature Setpoint In the next simulation, the copper setpoint temperature was increased by 1.0°C at 800 seconds. This simulates an operator’s decision to change the tuning of the device. The question is how long will it take for the tank to stabilize after such a change? The results of this simulation are displayed in Figure 3.60. The plots indicate that when the setpoint is changed, the bypass valve reacts by opening to its full extent. The drift tubes take about 150 seconds to settle to the new setpoint. The central drift tube lags the change in the bypass valve by about 9 seconds. The bypass valve closes down by about 0.1%. The tank wall shows a change in temperature trajectory and again shows an asymptotic approach to the new temperature. 3.2.4 Summary The results of these simulations indicate that the temperatures of the accelerating structures for the DTL in the accelerator can be controlled to the specifications required using the currently designed water cooling system. This system uses one control valve that is manipulated by a PID algorithm. The coolant is supplied from the facility chilledwater system and is fed into a counter-flow, thin-plate heat exchanger. Start-up times, as well as responses to thermal disturbances appear to be reasonable. It is well to note that the structure seems to be riding on the edge of stability. Slight changes in either the proportional or integral gains will send the unit into oscillation. In addition, if either gain is reduced there seems to be a need to reduce the other to prevent the instability. However, this may be an artifact of the numerical model, and may not be representative of the actual structure. It is speculated that initial testing and commissioning of the actual DTL water cooling systems will allow proper tuning of the control systems to occur and provide stable and accurate operation. 158 Figure 3.60. Tank wall temperature, drift tube 1, 17, and 33 temperatures, and by-pass valve positioning versus time for a 1°C increase in the copper setpoint temperature condition in DTL tank 3. 159 4.0 Mechanical Design 4.1 Introduction This section of the report discusses many facets associated with the mechanical design of the DTL water cooling system. These topics include the types and quantities of engineering drawings being developed, engineering codes and drawing standards being followed, and general mechanical design processes that were followed for the design of the water cooling system hardware. 4.2 Engineering Codes and Drawing Standards To ensure that the DTL water cooling system design meets reasonable reliability and safety standards, design guidelines and specifications provided by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel [4.1] and ASME Piping Process (B31.3) [4.2] codes are being followed. The ASME B31.3 codes are sponsored, published, and maintained by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The scope of the codes as used in this report, is to provide guidance for the design, fabrication, assembly, installation, inspection, and testing of piping and piping components for the SNS Linac water cooling system. In Appendix A, B31.3 topics related to the design of the SNS Linac water cooling system are listed, and where applicable, background information is presented. Failure theories are discussed and their relationship to pipe stress equations and limits presented in B31.3 are established. Welding practices and inspection techniques are some of the major topics of concern in the water cooling system design. The ASME B31.3 is very specific in discussing the various welding procedures including inspection and testing techniques used in pipe fabrication. It must be emphasized that the ASME B31.3 code does not serve as an instruction list for design, rather it is provided to assist engineers and designers in their efforts to produce a safe piping system. It is the responsibility of the piping designer, the manufacturer, the fabricator, and the installer, as applicable; to follow the guidelines set forth by the B31.3 code and provide sufficient documentation of its implementation. 160 The main organizational responsibilities, as they apply to the SNS Linac water cooling system, are summarized below: Vendor (Manufacturer and Fabricator): Responsibilities of the vendors include examinations and certification of all contracted work. The vendor shall provide certified examiners and document all dates and results of examinations. Piping and piping elements shall be visually examined to the extent necessary to satisfy the examiner that components, materials, and workmanship conform to the requirements of the B31.3 code and of engineering design. All records shall be made available to the LANL design team. Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL): The responsibilities of LANL’s design team are to verify that all required examinations and testing have been completed and to inspect the system to the extent necessary to be satisfied that is conforms to all applicable examination requirements of the B31.3 code and the engineering design. LANL will also conduct visual inspections during and after all stages of manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, installation and testing. LANL will be responsible for final certification of all equipment prior to facility operation. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL): ORNL is the owner of the SNS project and is responsible for all final inspections. ORNL’s Inspectors shall have access to any place where work associated with piping installation is being performed. This includes manufacture, fabrication, assembly, installtion, examination, and testing of the system. ORNL inspectors shall have the right to audit any examination, to inspect the system using any examination method specified by the engineering design, and review all certifications and records necessary to satisfy the stated owners responsibility. All engineering drawings generated for the DTL water cooling system will adhere to the ESA-DE Drafting and Design Standards and Guidelines [4.3], which closely follow the standards listed in the Global Engineering Drawing Requirements Manual [4.4]. The formating standards used for the Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), were 161 taken from Sherwood and Whistance [4.5], and the ISA –S5.5 [4.6] and ANSI Y32.11M [4.7] national standards. 4.3 Plumbing Materials Material selection for the SNS linac water cooling system plumbing is driven by a number of design criteria such as functionality, strength, durability, radiation hardness, cleanliness, manufacturing capability, maintainability, availability, and cost. Copper, stainless steel, brass, carbon steel, and PVC have been evaluated for use as the primary tubing material. Copper tubing is desirable because of its mechanical properties of high strength and corrosion resistance, as well as being economical and easy to form and join. For more specialized water transfer systems such as those found in chemical processing facilities, microchip processing facilities, power plants, nuclear reactors, synchrotrons, and particle accelerators, stainless steel is commonly used. Brass and mild carbon steels are not recommended for water systems where high water purity is an issue as both of these materials are susceptible to relatively high levels of corrosion or erosion. Plastic and PVC materials are being avoided for several reasons including their lack of strength, high diffusion coefficients for oxygen (oxygen promotes bacteria growth and enhances corrosion of copper), and high susceptibility to radiation damage. Selection of flexible hoses was also evaluated. Flexible hoses will serve both as vibration and electrical isolators and allow for greater flexibility in the system design. The engineering design tolerances for the assembly drawings may be relaxed and potential plumbing misalignment can be absorbed during installation. These hoses will greatly simplify assembly and installation of the water skids, manifolds, and submanifolds. Selected flexible polymers have been chosen for short jumper and connection lines. In identifying the correct material of hose, radiation affects, compatibility with deionized water, oxygen permeability, and flexibility have been considered. 4.3.1 Radiation Damage Assessment The radiation emanating from a particle accelerator can degrade mechanical properties of materials in close proximity to the beam line. The extent of this degradation 162 will depend on the dose rate and cumulative radiation dose, as well as other factors such as operating temperature, mechanical stress, and exposure to air [4.8]. Scientists and Engineers at CERN have compiled a fairly extensive database, which relates radiation damage to cumulative dose rate for a variety of materials [4.9]. Table 4.1 lists the radiation damage (cumulative radiation dose) limits for various materials used around high-energy particle accelerators [4.9]. Table 4.1. Radiation damage limits for materials used around high-energy particle accelerators [4.9]. Material Cumulative Dose Limit (Rad) Metals 1´1010 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 1´108 Ethylene-Propylene Rubber (EPR) 8´107 Polyurethane Rubber (PUR) 7´107 Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) 4´107 Polychloroprene Rubber (Neoprene) 2´107 Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene (Hypalon) 2´107 Acrylonitrile Rubber (Buna-N) 2´107 Viton 1´107 Nylon 1´107 Plexiglass 1´107 Silicone Rubber (SIR) 9´106 Fluoro Rubber 9´106 Acrylic Rubber 8´106 Butyl Rubber 2´106 Phenolic Resin 1´106 Tefflon (PTFE) 1´105 Assuming a particle beam loss of 1 Watt/meter along the entire SNS linac, the prompt radiation dose rate, at 1 foot from the beam line, will be approximately 1 Rad/hour at the low energy end (10 MeV) of the DTL, 8 Rad/hour at the high end energy (80 MeV) of the DTL, and 18.5 Rad/hour at the high energy end (185 MeV) of the CCL [4.10]. If the SNS accelerator were to run for 300 days/year, the maximum cumulative dose for a year would be approximately 5.8´104 Rads in the DTL and 1.3´105 Rads in the CCL. To determine which materials will be acceptable for the water cooling system tubing (from a radiation performance perspective), the material cumulative dose limits need to be compared to the annual dose present during accelerator operation. Assuming a 163 thirty year desired lifetime for materials in the Linac water cooling system, the total cumulative dose would be 1.7´106 Rads in the DTL and 3.9´106 Rads in the CCL. Thus all water cooling system materials for the DTL and CCL linac beam line should be able to withstand a radiation dose of at least 3.9´106 Rads. Referring to Table 4.1, the metals, such as copper and stainless steel, as well as many of the nonmetallic materials such as Buna-N, Hypalon, Nylon, Neoprene, meet the cumulative dose criteria. However, among the nonmetallic materials, it is only Buna-N and Neoprene that have an historical usage base to refer to. Both have been used on the LANSCE 800 MeV particle accelerator at Los Alamos National Laboratory with good success. The flexible Buna-N lines on the LANSCE CCL have been observed to harden over time by a combination of radiation and atmospheric damage, however they have maintained working lifetimes of well over ten years [4.11]. In addition, Buna-N/Neoprene hoses have been used as flexible jumper lines for the majority of the focusing and steering magnets on the LANSCE accelerator for the last twenty years [4.11]. Note that the annual cumulative dose rate estimated above was based on the high-energy end of the SNS linac and is thus very conservative for the majority of the room temperature linac structure. Nonmetallic materials will also be needed as flange seals and thermal insulation (within the chases) of water system components as well as electrically insulating the power and signal lines. Components such as valves or flow meters are likely to require some type of gasket material for sealing at the connections. Choices are often available from a vendor and the selections will need to meet the radiation dose criteria of 3.9´106 Rads. Viton and Teflon are among the most common options however only Viton is acceptable. Teflon should be avoided whenever possible. For insulation, selections will need to be made by consulting Table 4.1. Due to the threat of leakage, threaded joints will be avoided whenever possible but not in all situations. Teflon is a common thread sealant but, as was stated earlier, is unacceptable due to material failure in the SNS radiation environment. LANL recommends the usage of RectorSeal NO. 5 as the pipe thread sealant. 164 4.3.2 Material Selection for Design The design of the water cooling system for the room temperature linac will require consistency between components on the DTL and CCL, and will necessitate a clear definition of acceptable materials for the plumbing components. Various aspects of the accelerator and water cooling system designs dictate a need for certain characteristics in the plumbing material. For example, the water purification system requires clean, corrosion resistant, and impermeable (to oxygen) tubing. The RF structure alignment criterion makes the use of flexible jumper lines desirable. Flexible hoses also reduce high tolerance requirements in positioning of the water skids relative to the transfer and facility water lines. To satisfy these wide ranges of needs, it was necessary to define acceptable water cooling system plumbing materials. To determine the correct material for the water lines in this closed loop system, water quality and purity has been identified as a significant factor. A comparison between copper and stainless steel was diligently researched. Stainless steel was identified as the only acceptable material for several significant reasons. Although the DTL and CCL tanks are made of copper, the percentage of surface area relative the remaining portion of the cooling loop is small. Therefore, this factor was not as significant as several others were. The ultrapure deionized water is very aggressive and will attack materials such as copper, brass, and bronze. The water will begin to remove iron oxide particulates and allow them to reattach on other surfaces. This is called “rouging” and can easily be recognized by a reddish tint in the water. This will directly affect the efficiency and lifetime of critical components such as the pump, 3-way control valve, heat exchanger, and inline heater. Additionally, these particulates are likely to become activated and increase the handling risk of the water. Cost was identified as another criterion. Copper tube and pipe is slightly less expensive then stainless steel. To maintain material compatibility, fittings and valves would be constructed from either bronze or brass, which is significantly less expensive then stainless steel. However, brass is significantly more susceptible to the aggressive nature of the ultrapure water. The use of these materials would require a periodic flushing of the entire closed loop system to remove the iron oxide. This would increase 165 the system complexity, the system cost, and the system down time. The material cost savings of copper is countered by the added requirements in maintaining a clean system. System components such as the heat exchanger and the pump would be constructed from stainless steel whether the piping system was copper or stainless steel. This would require a galvanic insulating material to prevent corrosion at the joint if the plumbing material were copper. Even copper to copper brazed or soldered joints may create potential problems. Many of the standard flux materials used in solder joints are susceptible to the aggressive nature of deionized water. Such joints may potentially cause soldered particulates to break off and cause damage to the pump impeller or inhibit flow through an orifice plate. Having weighed the benefits and risks of both copper and stainless steel, the need for a dependable and safe system requires LANL to employ only the stainless steel as the piping and tubing material. From the complete criteria, which includes functionality, durability, radiation hardness, cleanliness, manufacturability, maintainability, and cost, the following materials have been deemed acceptable: 300 Series Stainless Steel Stainless steel is extremely durable, strong, clean, and corrosion/erosion resistant. While Stainless steel tubing is more difficult to form and join than copper tubing, its cost per unit length and availability are similar. In addition, stainless steel will provide a cleaner environment for the water purification system and be less susceptible to erosion and radionuclide-induced corrosion than copper tubing [3.12]. For deionized water systems, stainless steel joints that are welded will provide a more reliable leak-free system compared to copper soldered joints. Most of the compression fittings, valves, orifice plates and housings, and instrumentation probes will be fabricated from 300 series stainless steels because of its strength and corrosion resistance. Nonmetallic Hose Several polymers are being considered for use as flexible jumper and connection lines. The stringent criterion in selecting the correct material quickly narrows the possible choices. Selected hose materials will be the same for both the DTL and CCL 166 and must therefore meet the higher of the two dose rates (CCL portion of the linac). The minimum survivable radiation dose is 3.9×106 Rads and the ultrapure water electrical resistivity 10 to 15 MΩ. In addition, the hose must be reasonably flexible and its oxygen permeability must be very low. These last two criteria are more subjective and result in a list or ranking of potential materials (see Appendix H). Additionally, any history of use for a given material in a similar environment will strongly be considered. From these criteria, only Buna-N, Hypalon, Nylon, and Neoprene will be considered for flexible hose material. 4.3.3 General Manufacturing and Assembly Techniques Manufacturing techniques used to fabricate and join the water manifolds and transfer lines may include the use of the T-Ball extrusion technique, welding, flanges, threaded, and compression fittings. Qualified personnel will perform all manufacturing processes and will follow procedures outlined under ASME B31.1 code of practice. Many of the fluid lines require bending of the stainless steel tubing. All bends will follow the SAE-AS33611 standard. The detailed plans for fabrication, assembly, and installation for all water cooling system hardware can be found in Sections 9 and 10 of this report. The general manufacturing and assembly techniques for the water manifolds are defined below. • The T-Ball technique is used to produce multiple extruded flow ports in manifolds or headers using a die to control the radii of the extrusion. The process involves drilling a small hole in the side of a pipe and inserting a ball-shaped puller. The ball-shaped puller is then extracted outward through a round die that is placed on the outside of the manifold. As the ball is pulled through the die, metal is drawn with it to form a cylindrical extruded outlet port. The extruded outlet port extends above the surface of the header a distance at least equal to the external radius of the outlet. This manufacturing technique is especially useful for thin-walled manifolds in which it is not possible to produce a tapped hole for a threaded fitting. This technique also eliminates the need for welding or soldering a “T” fitting in place for a branch line. 167 Finally, the T-Ball technique also provides a rounded entrance to the extruded port, thus creating a lower flow resistance than a standard “T” junction. • Welding procedures and welding operators will be in conformance with the rules specified in AWS and ASME code standards. All stainless steel and steel tubing joints will be welded with gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), better know as TIG welding. In TIG welding, an electrical arc is established between the tungsten electrode and the work-piece, resulting in heating of the base metal. If required, a filler material is used. The weld area is shielded with an inert gas, usually argon or helium. GTAW is ideally suited to weld nonferrous materials such as stainless steel, and is very effective for joining thin-walled sections. Welds used to fabricate manifold support brackets made of mild steel, will be done with Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), better known as MIG welding. GMAW uses a solid metal cored electrode and leaves no residual slag. The shielding gas may be carbon dioxide or a blend of argon with carbon dioxide and/or oxygen. GMAW is ideal for welding thingage materials. • Compression Fittings provide a leak-proof, torque-free seal at all tubing connections and reduce the possibility of costly, hazardous leaks in instrumentation and process tubing. The joining action in the fitting moves along the tube axially instead of with a rotary motion. Consequently, no torque is transmitted from the fitting to the tubing, which eliminates any strain that may weaken the tubing. Compression fittings are advantageous for joints that must be taken apart for inspection, replacement, or maintenance purposes (i.e., instrumentation ports, water treatment hardware, etc.) • Flanged Fittings provide a very dependable and consistent joining method. For components that may need to be inspected, removed or replaced, flanges are optimal. ANSI flanges are the only acceptable types of flange because they call for specific internal diameters, external diameters, hole pattern, quantity of fasteners, and material type for each tube size. These requirements allow a smooth transition from piping to tubing. Leakage is not a significant concern. Flange seals are available in acceptable 168 nonmetallic materials. Rotatable flanges will be used when component or pipe alignment is critical. • Threaded Fittings are a very common joining method but will only be used sparingly. This joining method, versus the others discussed above, is the most likely to leak. For insertion RTDs, pressure transducers, pressure relief valves, and potentially a few other components, threaded fittings can not easily be avoided. The goal is to install them in a leak proof way. To do this, a sealant must be applied to the threads to prevent galling. It is recommended that RectorSeal NO. 5 (MSDS0011) be used because it is a soft setting sealant, its provides excellent sealing and antigalling characteristics, and has demonstrated very good performance on previous projects. • Beaded Tube Ends will be used to attach all flexible hose not identified as requiring quick disconnects. Document SAE AS5131 specifies bead requirements for tube ends. The bead may be rolled at the end of a tube or a tube stub with a bead may be welded into place. When connecting to a Swagelok fitting, a tube stub may be inserted into one end and locked into place. The flexible hose is installed over the tube end with the bead and then band clamped to lock into place. 4.4 DTL RF Structure Water Manifolds and Lines As mentioned previously, there are a total of six independent DTL RF Structure cooling loops. This section describes the engineering design associated with those cooling loops. 4.4.1 Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams The DTL RF structure Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) are a practicable way of showing the process flow as well as the instrumentation and controls, the hardware, and show plumbing identification. P&IDs are tools that not only illustrate the process in detail, but also provide information on equipment, valves, lines, and instruments, what the industry commonly refers to as Intelligent P&ID'S. 169 These diagrams can also be used for process safety management operational training and maintenance. The information from P&IDs allowed the design team to generate a detailed list of components and instrumentation. Flow meters, valves, pressure transducers, RTDs, etc. are identified in a table (see Section 4.6). The table provides information showing the relationship between the actual components and the P&ID where it is identified. Such information is the drawing number, page, and location where the component can be found. Other essential information related to the component such as flow rate, pressure rating or electrical requirements are provided. Figure 4.1 displays the 4 sheets of the P&ID for the DTL RF structure cooling loop on DTL Tank 1. One of the main features on the P&ID is the supply and return process lines. These lines are called single line drawings. The single line drawings are more compact and can represent more diagrams and instruments on less sheets verses the double line P&ID drawings. DTL P&IDs show the supply coming from the water skid in the center of the module process lines to ensure an even flow rates, and a mirror image for the return process lines. The arrows indicate the flow direction. The DTL P&IDs give each process line an ID naming convention. (e.g., 4”-WSDTL1-101-SS3). The first number in the ID label is the pipe diameter then after the dash is the Water Supply, DTL RF Module number, process line number and the material specification. Also labeled on the P&ID’s are the naming convention for the valves and instrumentation. DTL P&IDs contain diagrams of all supply and return process lines including drain and vent valves. The vent valves are to be located at the high point of the process system and the drain valves will be located at low points. This will insure proper draining and purging of the water cooling system. Valves indicated on the P&IDs are positioned so that the system can be segmented if a section is to be removed or replaced. All valves are manually operated. The DTL supply submanifold for the drift tubes is equipped with orifice plates to distribute the desired amount of flow to each drift tube. These orifices are removable for maintenance purposes. 170 Figure 4.1. Piping and instrumentation diagram for DTL tank 1. 171 Figure 4.1. Continued. 172 Figure 4.1. Continued. 173 Figure 4.1. Continued. 174 Instrumentation labeled on the P&ID’s are shown as balloons and also with a numbering convention. These instruments will be electronic in nature and will send signals back to the PLC for an accurate reading and a constant hazard control of the entire DTL system. There will be temperature, pressure, and flow sensors on each DTL RF tank. 4.4.2 Major Components Orifice Plates Swagelok VCR fittings will be used for retaining the orifice plates on the CCL. The line sizing for tanks 1 and 2 is ½” tube and for tanks 3 through 6 is ¾” tube. A detailed effort has been made to minimize the number of unique orifice diameters. A maximum deviation from the analytical orifice diameter to that of the actual drill hole diameter is 5%. Tanks 1 and 2 will require 21 drill hole sizes and tanks 3 through 6 will require 12 drill hole sizes. Orifice plates have unique installation requirements that must be adhered to. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in poor performance or improper operation. Orifice plates will primarily be used in the DTL portion of the linac but will also find usage in the CCL. Each drift tube requires a specific volumetric flow rate to correctly control the RF power. Fluid exiting the orifice must not create fluid cavitation. Straight lengths of tube without any obstruction or disturbance to the flow will create smooth fluid flow, both prior to the orifice as well as after the orifice. Specifically, a straight tube length of 3 diameters upstream and 8 diameters downstream is the minimum installation requirement. Valves Manual globe valves will allow for fine-tuning of the flow to the sub-manifolds. The stem may be adjusted using a standard hand-wheel. At the point where the valve is properly adjusted, a locking mechanism will ensure that no inadvertent contact would alter the valve setting. All wetted metallic valve components will be 300 series stainless steel and non-metallic O-rings will be of Viton. Due to potential sticking or turning of a screwed bonnet, a bolted bonnet is preferred. The desired body end is flanged. 175 Manual ball valves are required to isolate sections of the water system for the removal or replacement of system components and system drainage in this closed loop system. The rotary-ball valve will function as a manual on/off flow isolator. The stem rotation will be 90° open to close. The single-seat ‘eccentric’ version of this ball valve will be used to insure that no leakage occurs. The ball is slightly offset so that it presses into the seat on closure. The type will be a ball valve constructed from 316 or 316L stainless steel. All valves must have a lockout method to prevent unauthorized adjustments. Pressure relief valves will be used to protect the system from over-pressurization. These valves will be set to release at a pressure below 100 psig, so that the system pressure will not at any time exceed the maximum operating pressure of 150 psig. Flow Meters All flowmeters used in the Linac Tunnel will be of the turbine type. Turbine flowmeters produce either a pulsed wave signal or a sine wave signal, the frequency of which is proportional to flow rate. This type of flow meter possesses a reasonable flow resistance and is reasonably priced. It is quite possible that electrical noise in the linac tunnel and waveguide chases will disrupt the standard, low amplitude pulsed wave signal eminating from the turbine flow meter head. Consequently, amplification of the pulsed output signal or conversion of the pulsed signal to 4-20 mA output at the flowmeter is required. The electronics components required for the wave signal amplification or conversion will be at risk due to the radiation environment in the linac tunel. The radiation produced by the accelerator is comprised of Neutrons and Gamma rays. Shielding of the flow meter electronics against the neutron radiation is not feasible. Other types of flowmeters, which may not require radiation shilding, have too great a pressure drop or are extremely expensive and beyond the allowable budget. The only resolution is to plan for scheduled replacement of the electronic amplification or conversion unit. The anticipated prompt radiation dose along the SNS linac was discussed in Section 4.3. At 100 MeV, the beam will produce 10 Rad/hr at a distance of 1 foot and at 176 200 MeV, the beam will produce 20 Rad/hr at a distance of 1 foot. Radiation levels drop off proportionally at the rate of 1/r where r is defined as the distance from the beam centerline in feet. For the DTL, the flow meter electronic components are 3 feet away from the beam line and will see a dose rate of 3.33 Rad/hr. The accelerator will operate 300 days per year for 30 years. Consequently, the total radiation dose to the DTL flow meter electronic components would be: 3.33 Rad/hr × 24 hr/day × 300 days/yr × 30 years = 7.2 × 105 Rads over the accelerator’s lifetime. Based from historical experience, electronics will survive and remain operable up to a cumulative dose rate of 1.0 × 105 Rad [4.8]. Thus, the flowmeter electronics in the DTL will have a lifetime range of 4.9 to 20 years. The quantity of flowmeters in the CCL portion of the accelerator is less then is required for the DTL, which is of some relief. Scheduled maintenance should correlate with these component lifetime expectations. Turbine flowmeters have unique installation requirements that must be adhered to. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in poor performance or improper operation. A minimum straight tube length both upstream and downstream will produce accurate and consistent flow measurements. The installation requirement is 10 diameters upstream and 5 diameters downstream as a minimum. If a partially closed globe valve, a tight radius bend, or a tee intersection is part of the tube run, these minimum installation requirements need to be increased. 4.4.3 Assemblies Figure 4.2 displays a solid model of the water lines and manifolds mounted on the DTL tank 1 support structure. The supply and return manifolds have been placed on the back of the RF structure running in horizontal position and in-line vertically. The supply will be the upper manifold and the return will be the lower manifold clocked. The return manifold will be rotated 30° inwards to allow the process lines to be free of potential damage from the work area. The process lines then will be routed over the RF structure support to proper connectors. The support of the manifolds will necessitate standard readily available support brackets with a means for adjustment and the ability to be welded if required. The support structure will be fastened to the RF structure with standard bolt fasteners. This will allow for slight adjustments longitudinally, laterally, 177 Figure 4.2. Water manifolds and lines on DTL tank 1 as seen from the front (aisle) and back side of the accelerator. 178 and vertically. The key advantage of this support system is the elimination of prestressed joints on the manifolds and sub-manifolds. A secondary benefit is the angling of the main manifold to allow for more efficient draining and venting of the cooling system as required. Additional examples of the subassembly and detailed drawings of the main manifolds are presented in Appendix B. Similar drawings have been generated for all submanifolds on DTL tank 1. Tabularized drawings, where appropriate, are being used to dimension the remaining main and sub-manifolds for DTL tanks 2 through 6. A representative tabularized drawing, which uses a table of dimensions to describe similar manifolds from different DTL tanks, is shown in Appendix B. 4.5 Water Skid The water skid is a modular unit containing various plumbing components (pump, heat exchanger, etc.), a water treatment system, and instrumentation and controls. The water skids for the DTL RF Structures, the CCL RF Structures, the CCL Quadrupole Magnets, and the SCL Quadrupole Magnets will be very similar in function, layout, and operation. The general features and processes are shown on the P&ID of Figure 4.3. The DTL will require a total of 6 RF Structure water. The flow requirement for the RF Structure is approximately 120 to 235. While the pumping requirements all of the skids will be significantly different and may require different size components, it will be desirable to maintain consistency in the design and component selection. The goal of the water system team is to produce the greatest range in performance for each closed loop system. Unfortunately, to produce the greatest amount of thermal range for the cooling loops, twelve identical skids would not produce such result. The significantly diverse range of water volume, flow rate, and heat transfer capabilities drive the need for several unique water skids. Variables such as facility chilled water flow rate and temperature, heat exchanger warm side flow rate and pressure loss, mixed temperature from the heat exchanger and heat exchanger bypass, variable speed pump capabilities are some of the complexities that are to be evaluated. 179 4.5.1 Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams The Process and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) is a tool used to define the fluid lines, direction of flow, instrumentation/control leads, and facility interfaces. Shown on these diagrams are the components, drains, filters, etc. and it’s associated reference or naming designation. The P&ID is created as a simplified layout form for ease of understanding and is not to scale. The water skid P&ID is shown in Figure 4.3. Each water skid contains an expansion tank that will serve as a water reservoir for initially charging the flow loop and pressurizing the system with Nitrogen. The expansion tank is equipped with a water level indicator, a pressure relief valve, and a Nitrogen gas purge. The reservoir will be pressurized with Nitrogen to purge the deionized water of potentially system damaging Oxygen. Additionally, the pressurizing of the system insures a positive priming of the pump. The reservoir will include a pressure relief valve, a flow limiting orifice and a vent valve to insure safety within the system. The water skid will contain the entire water purity system, which is required to remove potential radionuclides (see Section 5 for details regarding water purification). The water remains in continuous circulation driven by one magnetic drive sealess centrifugal pump. The function of the water skid is to produce a correctly tuned RF frequency in the linear accelerator. Each water skid will provide a metered amount of cooling water to the RF Structure, which is monitored by several flow meters along the water’s pathway. The RF Structure return line is warm water and passes the first flow meter, which then tees towards either the heat exchanger or to its bypass. The flow to the heat exchanger passes through another flow meter prior to entering the heat exchanger. This second flow meter assists in the temperature control of the system. An electronically actuated 3-way control valve controls the amount of flow that will bypass the heat exchanger. Both flow paths reconnect prior to entering the pump. Upon exiting the pump, the flow will tee into two potential paths. The primary path bypasses an in-line circulation heater. The secondary path is through this heater. The secondary path is likely to be used only when the desire is to slowly raise the temperature of the particle accelerator. These three flow meters within the water skid will help to control the DI water temperature and flow rate. These 180 Filter 60 mesh Pressure Relief Valve T FM Vent Valve Reservoir/ Expansion Tank Mixed Carbon Ion Bed Cation Bed Resin Resin Deoxygen. FM UV 5 µm Source Filter 5 µm Filter Fluid Low-Level Indicator FM S FM In-Line Heater N2 P P Heat Exchanger By-Pass Control Valve Variable-Speed Pump P P P Filter 100 mesh FM Heat Exchanger T Valve for acid flush Flow Control Valve T Facility Chilled Water Outlet Facility Chilled Water Inlet Figure 4.3. Water skid piping and instrumentation diagram. 181 WP Water Purity Transducer (Ph, elect. Cond., Diss. O) 2 FM Flow Meter T T T P T FM Drain Temperature Transducer (RTD) P Pressure Transducer two variables should allow for reasonable control the RF Structure temperature. In theory, the flow rate will remain constant and the temperature to the RF Structure will be controlled by the amount of water flowing to the heat exchanger. The end result is a properly tuned RF Structure. 4.5.2 Performance Specifications One procurement specification will be required for all of the DTL RF Structure, CCL RF Structure, CCL Magnet, and SCL Magnet water skids. It will define the system performance requirements, engineering codes that the system must be designed to, fabrication and assembly requirements, and the required acceptability testing prior to delivery. LANL will provide the P&ID to the manufacturer/assembler of the skid. All potential vendors will meet applicable ASME Codes. Vibration Isolation No specific vibration isolation requirements have been specified in the SNS requirement documents SNS108030000SR0001-R01 and SNS104000000-SR0001-R00 that would guide the design of the water pumping skids. Consequently, it was decided to use best engineering practices to vibrationaly isolate the water skids from other subsystems. On the water skid, the vibration generating components include the 3-way control valve, the flow of water within the plumbing system, and the pump. The control valve does not have an impact on dynamics but only impacts the system with respect to noise levels and not vibration. The system flow will not create a significant dynamic impact based on experience from previous accelerator designs and the engineers who worked on those designs. The only significant source of vibration is the pump motor and rotor. Section identifies pump isolation requirements that will be imposed on the supplier of the water skid procurement. Additionally, LANL Memorandum SNS-00-80 goes into greater detail and discussion of the process and development of the vibration isolation requirements for the water skid. 182 Noise Level Requirements No specific noise level restrictions were specified in the SNS requirement documents SNS108030000SR0001-R01 and SNS104000000-SR0001-R00 that would guide the design of the water pumping skids. Consequently, it was decided to use best engineering practices to design a water pumping system that generated reasonable noise levels. With this in mind, the water skid was designed such that no personal protective equipment will be required during system conditioning. The water skid supplier is required to review document OSHA Regulations (Standards – 29 CFR) Occupational noise exposure. – 1910.95 and meet the requirements therein. Another commonly used resource is the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA). These two associations have provided the foundation for what are acceptable noise levels of various equipment for varying lengths of time. An A-weighted response, denoted dBA, is often used because it simulates the sensitivity of the human ear at moderate sound levels. To understand typical A-weighted sound levels, freeway traffic at 50 meters produces 70 dBA and a loud lawnmower at the operator’s ear produces 90 dBA. Two other components contribute significantly to the noise level in a defined area. They are the exposure time and the cumulative noise level affects of all equipment in the defined area. The OSHA and AIHA permissible noise exposure for 8 hours is 90 dBA. To compute the cumulative affect of various noise sources, an equation was developed. The front end of the Klystron Gallery has 6 noise sources: water skid (qty 2), Klystron cooling skid (qty 2), Klystron transmitter tank (qty 2), SCR high voltage rectifier (qty 1), modulator equipment (qty 1), and equipment racks (qty 3). The equation yielded an allowable noise level of 73 dBA for each water skid. Since exposure time may be greater then 8 hours during the accelerator commissioning, the permissible noise exposure will be reduced to 70 dBA. Measurements may be taken at any location outside the structural frame of the skid. For a more detailed review of the noise requirements, see LANL Memorandum SNS-00-83. 183 4.5.3 Major Components and Specifications The general layout configuration of the water skid is currently being developed. All water skids should be similar in construction however it is likely that differences in pump sizes, heat exchanger sizes, and pipe diameters between skids may be required due to differences in required water flow rates and heat loads per module. Considerable effort will be made to maintain consistency in water skid design features and components . The following components have been defined as to the system performance and will be specified in terms of company and model number to the water skid manufacturer/supplier. Structure The supporting structure of the water skid will have a base constructed from a flat plate material with supporting cage type structure for vertical attachments. The structure will not corrode due to a moderately humid environment. Best engineering practices will be used in all construction that includes ANSI B1.1 and ANSI B1.20.1. The support structure will be painted using durable enamel as a protective measure to eliminate potential corrosion and rust. Ideally, carbon steel will be used as the construction material. The supplier will follow ASTM guidelines including ASTM A276, ASTM A240, and ASTM A480. A structural envelope will be no greater then 5 feet in width by 8 feet in length by 8½ feet in height. The goal of the supplier is to minimize the water skid envelope to as small a package as possible. In reducing this envelope, the supplier will focus on the reduction of the length and width. A size reduction of the skid will allow greater access to components on the skid as well as more access to various systems in the Klystron Gallery. The orientation of certain components within the skid envelope is critical. LANL anticipates the need for scheduled maintenance on the water purification/filtration unit. Specifically, the carbon bed and mixed bed containers will need to be replaced to ensure the purity of the deionized water. Easy and direct access is required. Due to the location within the building that each skid is located, these containers will need to be accessible on the short side (envelope width). 184 The pump is a critical component that will require proper orientation on the water skid. Accessibility to the pump motor on the same short side (envelope width) as the carbon bed and mixed bed containers is required. Although no scheduled maintenance for the pump motor is anticipated, failure of this component has the highest probability of all components within the water skid assembly. The supplier shall develop and implement into the water skid design a method of efficiently draining the system. The drainage system must prevent water from dripping or draining onto the Klystron Gallery floor. The draining/venting scheme must be efficient and simple for maintenance personnel. All low points of the skid must have a method of draining that is valved. The highest point on the skid must have a valved port to vent the system and increase systemdraining efficiency. The structure of the skid must provide a collection tray for any inadvertent leaks due to system water overfill, spillage occurring due to system draining, or an improperly functioning valve. The base of the water skid may be designed to function as a spillage tray. Plumbing All tubing design and construction will meet the requirements of ASTM A268, A269, A511, and A554 documents. The primary material used by the supplier to design/fabricate the system will be stainless steel 316 or 316L. Viton is an acceptable nonmetallic seal material. Other materials may be used provided they are commonly used materials, are acceptable for use with deionized water, do not create galvanic corrosion problems, and are acceptable in writing by LANL. The method of joining tube-to-tube used by the supplier to design/fabricate the system will be by compression fittings, welded joints whenever possible, and flanged connections. The method of joining tube-to-components is the same as for tube-to-tube methods however certain components may require threaded NPT connections. All flanged joints will meet the requirements set forth in ANSI B1.20.3. Whenever a threaded fitting is required, a soft setting sealant shall be used. The recommended sealant is RectorSeal NO. 5 (MSDS0011). Teflon does not perform well in the any radiation 185 environment and should be avoided. All dissimilar metals require nonconducting dielectric connections and the written approval by LANL. Tubing support shall be in accordance with Manufactures Standardization Society (MSS) for the Valve and Fittings Industry, MSS SP-69. Supports shall be arranged to insure that no structural load is transmitted to the equipment. Based on extensive analysis by LANL, tube sizes have been identified and can seen in the Process and Instrumentation Drawing (P&ID). All tubing will be installed parallel and perpendicular to the skid base frame. Tube cutting will be with tube cutters only. All cut edges will be reamed to remove all burrs. All defects caused by machining, chipping, or grinding will be removed. All stainless steel components/sub-systems shall follow the guideline set forth in document ASTM A380 for precleaning, descaling, and cleaning. The water skid shall be cleaned per PFI ES-5. Flow direction identification is very important to the proper installation of the completed water skid. Each major tubing section shall have directional arrows indicating the water flow path. A major section is defined as any tube length preceding and following a tube intersection. The cold side of the heat exchanger will have typical facility water flowing through its plates. It is likely to cause water scaling and leave mineral deposits on the inside of the heat exchanger. The scaling would have a detrimental affect on the heat exchanger performance and will eventually lower the performance of the entire closed loop system. Therefore, two connection ports are required to do periodic acid wash cleaning on the cold side of the heat exchanger. Pump The pump will be a magnetic drive pump (MDP) and be of the horizontal sealless type to maintain constant water flow to the RF Structure and the magnets. It will utilize an outer ring of permanent magnets or electromagnets to drive an internal rotating assembly consisting of an impeller, shaft, and inner drive member (torque ring or magnet ring) through a corrosion resistant containment shell. A flow meter will be located just downstream of the pump to monitor the flow rate. 186 The material of construction will be 316 or 316L stainless steel. The selection of a pump will meet all of the requirements of document ASME B73.3M-1997 Specification For Sealless Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps For Chemical Process. All electric motors must be manufactured and operate per NEMA-MG-1. This document specifies appropriate maximum vibration levels for electric motor assemblies. Each pump assembly (including motor) will be installed on a conventional machinery vibration isolation mount. The mount system must be sized to provide 95% vibration isolation with respect to the pump’s fundamental rotational excitation frequency. Isolation must be provided along two perpendicular axes that are in turn perpendicular to the pump axis. Thus, the isolation mount for a horizontally mounted pump could provide isolation vertically and laterally with respect to the pump axis. Isolators may be mounted with their axes angled with respect to each other. Conventional wire rope, helical spring, or isolator styles may be utilized. Correct pump sizing is critical to the performance of the entire water cooling system. Given that the pump manufacturer is not known at this time, an estimation of the required pump sizes has been made. A standard pump performance curve (3 related curves), as seen in Figure 4.4, was used. Along the abscissa is the flow in gallons per minute and down the ordinate is the pressure loss in terms of Head (feet of water). The intersection is found and a curve is selected, usually the curve directly above the point. This curve is the required impeller size. Drawing a vertical line down to the next graph will define the required motor in terms of horsepower. The correct curve is the one that corresponds with the placement of the impeller curve relative to the other curves i.e. if it is the 3rd curve on the pressure loss graph, use the 3rd curve on the horsepower graph. The drawn vertical line continues down to the next graph, which identifies the pump efficiency. Selection of the correct curve follows the same steps as that for the horsepower curve. From knowing the pressure loss across the pump in terms of psi and converting it to Head by multiplying by the conversion factor 2.31 as well as knowing the flow rate in terms of gpm, the impeller size, motor requirements, and efficiency can easily be determined. Actual pump sizing will vary from this estimate because each pump supplier has slightly different pump performance curves. 187 Figure 4.4. Pump performance curves for a typical centrifugal pump. 188 Upon review of standard pump curves, a total of three pump sizes will be required for the twelve water skids. From the SINDA/FLUINT modeling, the flow rate and pressure drop requirements for each closed loop system was determined. This information is available in Section 3 of this report. To allow for any assumption errors in modeling and to allow for future system growth, the pump sizing used 125% of the calculated pressure drop across the pump. The estimated horsepower requirements for the pump motor are 6 hp (for DTL-1, CCL-MAG, and SCL-MAG), 12 hp (for CCL-1, CCL-2, CCL-3, and CCL-4), and 20 hp (for DTL-1, DTL-2, DTL-3, DTL-4, DTL-5, and DTL-6). The pump efficiency ranges from 53% to 74% for these cases. The pump sizes required for the DTL water cooling systems are summarized in Section 4.5.4 of this report. Heat Exchanger The water skid performance depends greatly on an efficient heat exchanger. A stainless steel brazed plate heat exchanger will be selected. Plate-type heat exchangers outperform traditional shell-and-tube heat exchangers and do so while reducing size and weight. FlatePlate Inc. has been selected as the company to supply heat exchangers for the SNS Linac water cooling systems based on their efficient design, heat transfer characteristics, and history of outstanding performance. Each skid must actively adjust the temperature of the water sent to its respective tank, module, or magnets by remotely adjusting a control valve and bypassing an appropriate quantity of water through a heat exchanger. This task involves the sizing of heat exchangers to support active cooling/heating of the Linac while adhering to pressure loss and temperature requirements. The design specifications needed to size the heat exchangers were taken from the SNS DTL and CCL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System Description Document [1.2]. During steady state, full RF power, the temperature of cooling water delivered to the each DTL tank is specified to be 20.0 +/- .28 °C. Furthermore, for the six DTL tanks, the waste heat loads range between 34.2 and 96 kW and require 118.3 and 240 gpm of cooling water. A flat plate liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger was selected to 189 transfer the waste heat from the closed DTL water loop to chilled facility water. The chilled facility water supply temperature was specified to be 7.2 oC. Pressure drop through the hot side loop of the heat exchanger at extreme operating conditions was limited to 5 psi. This value was selected based upon engineering judgement. For the facility side of the heat exchanger, a 10 psi limit was imposed. Selection of the appropriate heat exchangers for the SNS Linac water cooling systems is critical for successful operation of the Linac. The size and quantity of plates are the only two variables used in evaluating the heat transfer coefficient of potential heat exchanger models. To proceed in sizing of the heat exchangers, the plates sizes were set at 10” x 20” which allowed the heat exchanger sizing study to be based on the quantity of plates. Added to the complexity of this analysis is the desire to minimize the number of unique heat exchangers. This section demonstrates the process and reasoning behind the selection of heat exchangers. The selection process is not trivial, however, and many variables, shown in Figure 4.5, must be considered. R F Structure Tho Thi Qin Tmix FR total By-Pass Proportional Control Valve FR hx Qout Variable-Speed Pump ∆P hs Heat Exchanger Size ∆P cs Tco Facility Chilled Water Outlet FR cs Facility Chilled Water Inlet Tci Figure 4.5. Water skid flow loop and the variables that influence the heat exchanger size. 190 The block diagram in Figure 4.6, shows the steps necessary to identify the correct heat exchangers for each closed loop system. This method is trial-and-error approach that is time consuming and requires set parameters to reach a conclusion. SELECTING A HEAT EXCHANGER STEP 1 Determine all cases to study STEP 2 Determine cold side pressure drop STEP 3 Is cold side pressure loss less than 10 PSI? YES NO STEP 4 Select heat exchanger to study Consult manufacturer's data sheets for particular cases and create a relationship for overall heat transfer coefficient vs. heat exchanger flow rate STEP 5 Input relationship, heat load, and flow rates into Sinda/Fluint model and plot results STEP 6 Determine hot side pressure drop for each case at Tmix = 14 deg. C. STEP 7 Is the hot side pressure drop determine in STEP 6 less than 5 psi? YES NO All preliminary requirements met for specific case Eliminate case STEP 8 Select next heat exchanger to study Figure 4.6. Block diagram showing heat exchanger sizing procedure. 191 For this study, a heat exchanger was sized for DTL tank 3. It is appropriate to study tank 3 since it represents the "worst case" (highest waste heat to cooing water ratio 95 kW/ 240gpm) situation for cooling in the DTL. The results from the tank 3 study were adapted to size all other heat exchangers employed in the DTL. The heat exchanger sizing study is outlined in the following eight steps: Step 1: Determine all case for sizing the heat exchanger. Result: Table 4.2 displays all cases considered for sizing a heat exchanger for DTL tank 3. Note that the heat exchanger size is characterized by the number of plates. Cold Side Outlet Temperatures Table 4.2. Cases considered for sizing the DTL tank 3 heat exchanger < 30 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 30 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 40 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 Number of Plates 50 60 <10 <10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 16 >16 >16 70 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 80 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 Step 2: Determine cold side pressure drop for each case. Results: See Figure 4.7 for cold side pressure drop information. Figure 4.7 shows that the pressure drop in all cases becomes too large after a cold side flow rate of approximately 8.5 kg/s. 192 90 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 Heat Exchanger Cold Side Pressure Drop 80 70 Pressure Drop (psi) 60 30 plate 40 plate 50 50 plate 40 60 plate 70 plate 30 90 plate 20 10 0 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 Flow Rate (kg/s) Figure 4.7. Pressure loss across cold side of heat exchanger vs. cold side flow rate for each heat exchanger size. Step 3: Eliminate cases by determining which cases do not meet the 10 psi pressure drop restriction imposed on the cold side. Result: Table 4.3 Cold Side Outlet Temperatures Table 4.3. Evaluation of cases based upon cold side pressure drop criteria. < 30 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 30 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 40 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 Number of Plates 50 60 <10 <10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 16 >16 >16 70 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 Cold Side Pressure Drop Criteria Not Met Hot Side Pressure Drop Criteria Not Met Both Hot and Cold Side Pressure Drop Criteria Not Met All Criteria Met Have Not Been Studied 193 80 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 90 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 Step 4: Select a specific heat exchanger to study Result: Selected a 70 plate heat exchanger with cold side outlet temperatures of 11, 12, 13, and 14 deg. C and created relationships between the overall heat transfer coefficients and hot side flow rates. Refer to Figure 4.8. 60000 Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient 50000 40000 30000 y = 6.8553x 5 - 180.99x4 + 1879.3x 3 - 9897.3x2 + 30073x + 2.1481 y = 6.9126x5 - 182.13x4 + 1883.7x3 - 9835.2x2 + 29164x + 2.2097 20000 y = 6.8738x 5 - 181.24x4 + 1872.7x 3 - 9728x 2 + 28324x + 2.1948 12 y = 6.9125x5 - 181.56x 4 + 1867.7x3 - 9635.7x 2 + 27602x + 2.2493 10000 14 11 13 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Flow Rate (kg/s) Figure 4.8. Plot of the heat transfer relationships for a 70 plate heat exchanger. Step 5: Input relationships into Sinda/Fluint model and vary the amount of water sent to the heat exchanger to determine Tmix. Result: Figure 4.9. 194 70 Plate Heat Exchanger for DTL Tank 3 28 26 Tmix (deg. C) 24 22 12 20 14 18 11 13 16 14 12 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Flow Rate (kg/s) Figure 4.9. Tmix vs. hot side flow rate for various cold side outlet temperatures. Step 6: Determine hot side pressure drop for each case at Tmix = 14 deg. C. Results: See Figure 4.10 for hot side pressure drop information. Figure 4.10 shows that the pressure drop in all cases become too large after a flow rate of approximately 5.75 kg/s. Hot Side Heat Exchanger Pressure Drop Comparison 35 Pressure Drop (psi) 30 25 30 plt 60 plt 20 90 plt 40 plt 15 50 plt 70 plt 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Flow Rate (Kg/s) Figure 4.10. Hot side pressure loss vs. flow rate for various heat exchangers. 195 Step 7: Eliminate cases by determining which cases do not meet the 5 psi pressure drop restriction imposed on the hot side. Use appropriate data inferences to further eliminate or accept other cases (i.e. if a 70 plate at Tco =12 deg. C is acceptable, then so must a 90 plate at Tco =12deg. C) Results: Table 4.4. Cold Side Outlet Temperatures Table 4.4. Evaluation of cases based upon hot side pressure drop criteria. < 30 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 30 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 40 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 Number of Plates 50 60 <10 <10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 16 >16 >16 Cold Side Pressure Drop Criteria Not Met Hot Side Pressure Drop Criteria Not Met Both Hot and Cold Side Pressure Drop Criteria Not Met All Criteria Met Have Not Been Studied Step 8: Repeat steps 4 - 9 for a 90 plate heat exchanger. Results: Table 4.5 196 70 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 80 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 90 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 Cold Side Outlet Temperatures Table 4.5. Final results of heat exchanger size elimination. < 30 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 30 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 40 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 Number of Plates 50 60 <10 <10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 16 >16 >16 70 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 80 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 Cold Side Pressure Drop Criteria Not Met Both Hot and Cold Side Pressure Drop Criteria Not Met Hot Side Pressure Drop Criteria Not Met All Criteria Met Have Not Been Studied Table 4.5 shows that a heat exchanger with 60 or more plates satisfies all criteria. Note however that a 60 plate heat exchanger does not have very much flexibility. Therefore, it is recommended that at least a 70 plate heat exchanger be employed for use in cooling DTL tank 3. Rather than continuing through the costly and time consuming selection process for every DTL tank, a 70-plate heat exchanger was selected for use on all DTL tanks. A quick check was performed on tank 1. For tank 1, both a 30 and 90 plate heat exchanger were modeled with the same cold side flow rates to determine the effect that an oversized heat exchanger had on temperature. Figure 4.11 displays the results. 197 90 <10 10 11 12 13 14 16 >16 Tank 1 Heat Exchanger Comparison 30 t =12 90plt Tmix (deg. C) 28 t =14 90 plt 26 t = 12 30plt 24 t = 14 30plt 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 Hot Side Flow Rate (kg/s) Figure 4.11. Tank 1 heat exchanger comparison. Figure 4.11 shows that there is not a significant difference between the curves. Therefore, all DTL tanks may employ the same heat exchanger as that used on tank 3. The heat exchanger sizes required for the DTL water cooling systems are summarized in Section 4.5.4 of this report. As a final note on the heate exchanger design, fouling of the heat exchanger surfaces is of significant concern due to losses in heat transfer efficiency. In the case of the linac water cooling systems, the hot side of the water skid’s heat exchanger is kept clean of any potential deposits by the use of filters and a high quality water purification system. However, this is not the case for the cold side flow from the facility supply. Therefore, there is some concern about the effects of fouling on the cold side of the heat exchangers. a) Definition-The definition of heat exchanger fouling is deposition of an insulating material on the heat transfer surfaces. These deposits can be biological, precipitation of dissolved substance, accumulation of finely divided and suspended solids, and chemical reactions [4.12]. Corrosion is also another form of fouling that can occur. These types of fouling can occur separately or simultaneously. 198 b) Effect-The effect of insulated deposits on the heat exchanger surfaces is to reduce the heat transfer and increase the pressure drop through the heat exchanger. Heat transfer is impeded due to an added layer of material that must conduct the heat. Fouling reduces the overall heat transfer coefficient by adding an insulating deposit that increases the thermal resistance. If the flow area is significantly reduced and the surface is roughened due to fouling deposits, this can cause the pressure drop to increase. However, the velocity increases due to the reduced flow area and its effect increase is directly proportional to velocity squared. c) Fouling Factors-Fouling factors are multipliers of thermal resistance and as they increase the thermal resistance increases. The authors of reference 1 present a table that shows that fouling factors can range from 0.000088 m 2K/W to 0.0005 m 2K/W for river water. Cooling tower treated makeup ranges from 0.000176 m2K/W for treated makeup to 0.000528 m2K/W for untreated makeup. City or well water can range from 0.000176 m2K/W to 0.000352 m2K/W depending on the velocity. Reference [4.12] shows that a heat exchanger in a fouled condition can increase the pressure drop by 70%. d) Flat Plate Heat Exchangers-Extraction of heat deposited in the cooling water by the CCL and DTL structures will be removed by flat plate heat exchangers. The cold side supply will be chilled water at 7.2°C and may have outlet cold side temperatures that range from 10°C to 17°C. Reference [4.12] discusses the performance of flat plate heat exchangers and points out that these types of heat exchangers are used in processing of foodstuffs where frequent cleaning is required. The corrugated and torturous path leads to high heat transfer coefficients. The turbulence reduces the potential for fouling of the heat transfer surfaces. Fig. 4.12 shows the data presented by Cooper et al on a flat plate heat exchanger using cooling tower water [4.13]. This data shows the relationship of fouling resistance as a function of velocity and temperature. The point where the cold side water flow for the linac structures are likely to be located is also shown on Fig 4.12. The temperature for the heat exchangers is expected to be approximately 284 K and the velocity to be approximately 0.26 m/s. This shows that the fouling resistance will be much less than 0.0001 for the temperature and velocity in the RF structure cooling loops. Therefore, it can be concluded that heat exchanger cold side fouling is not likely to be a problem. However, if it does become a problem a provision is included to flush the heat exchanger with an acid solution. 199 Fouling in a plate heat exchanger 0.0005 Asymptotic Fouling Resistance (m2K/W) 334 K midpoint surface temperature 0.0004 328 K cooling tower water 0.0003 Ref: Cooper,Suitor, and Usher, CoolingWater Fouling in Flat Plate Heat Exchangers, Heat Transfer Eng., Vol 1, No 3, 1980 0.0002 321 K 0.0001 0 0.15 CCL HX Data (284 K, V=0.26 m/s) 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 Velocity (m/s) Figure 4.12. Effect of water velocity on fouling factor. Control Valves Two control valves are required for the water system. On the warm side of the heat exchanger will be a 3-way electronically actuated valve. This is the primary control valve that divides the water flow between the hot side of the heat exchanger and the bypass line. On the cold side of the heat exchanger will be a 2-way electronically actuated valve. This valve will help maintain a desired chilled water flow rate through the cold side of the heat exchanger. Both control valves shall meet applicable ANSI and ISA requirements. The primary control valve will be a 3-way diverging valve located at the heat exchanger-to-heat exchanger bypass intersection. The valve will provide true linear proportioning and a smooth gradual flow reduction when flow adjusting. The valve will have stable transitioning when switching ports to prevent valve slamming and pipeline water hammer. All wetted surfaces will be 316 stainless steel and packing/sealing made from Teflon or Viton. Teflon is not recommended for a radiation environment however 200 the water skid, located in the Klystron Gallery, is well away from the potential damaging radiation found in the Linac Tunnel. Additionally, this is a static seal, which will prevent any significant wear. The valve will require a 100% duty cycle. The valve shall have at least 200 incremental steps in it setting position to allow for sufficient flow control resolution. The valve will have sufficient actuation speed so as to move across its full range of motion in less than 60 seconds. A 2-way electronically actuated flow control valve will be required prior to the entrance on the cold side of the heat exchanger. This is facility-chilled water and is not deionized. This valve does not require 316 stainless steel, Teflon or Viton as construction or housing materials. However, it is required to be compatible with the tubing material and must be highly sturdy and reliable. The valve will require a 75% duty cycle. The valve shall have at least 200 incremental steps in it setting position to allow for sufficient flow control resolution. The valve will have sufficient actuation speed so as to move across its full range of motion in less than 60 seconds. The valves will be electronically actuated and will provide a position feedback signal. Each will operate with a two-wire, 4 to 20 mA signal for both the input command and the position feedback signals. The available input power will be 24 Vdc. Position accuracy will be ± 1% of full actuator travel for the 3-way valve and ± 5% of full actuator travel for the 2-way valve. The actuator housing for each valve will be NEMA type 4 requirements. Heater The inline water heater has been sized accoriding to the following analysis. The primary use of the heater will be to heat the water and RF structures/magnets when RF heating is not available. For example, during the alignment phase of the linac, the structure will need to be at its mean operating tempertature, which is several degrees Centigrade above room temperature. By heating the cooling water, the RF structure can be brought up to temperature, and the alignment technicians can still have access to the linac tunnel (which is not the case if high levels of RF energy are present). 201 The heater sizing was based on the following calculation. Assuming that a typical water loop contains about 300 gallons of water, and that the water needs to be heated 5°C in less than one hour, determine the size of the water heater to accomplish this task. q = mCp (∆T/dt) where q = 20 kW, m = 300 gallons, ∆T = 5°C 20,000 W = 300 gal/264.2 gal/m3 x 1 m3 x 1000 kg/m3 x 4180 m3/kg x 5 °C/dt solving for dt dt = 1185 seconds < 20 minutes for a 20 kW inline heater dt = 1972 seconds < 33 minutes for a 12 kW inline heater Based on actual usage, cost, size, and a reasonable time required for heating the water, an inline between 12 kW and 20 kW will be sufficient. As a final note, the desired water connection ports on the heater unit, will be flanged for ease of removal. The ports shall be a minimum of 1” diameter and optimally 3” in diameter to reduce pressure drop. Water Purification System The Water Purification/Filtration System will be hard mounted directly to the water skid structural frame. It will contain filters, mixed bed canisters, carbon bed canisters, a flow meter, and will provide water purity status to the PLC. The purification system will draw off a small portion (1-5%) of the water from the primary flow path, treat and clean the water, and return this newly purified water back to the primary flow loop. This purification loop functions within the overall closed loop system. For more detail regarding the water purification system, refer to Section 5 of this report. 4.5.4 System Performance The water cooling system performances are basedd on the cooling requirements and thermal/fluid modeling as described in Sections 1 and 3 of this report. The critical components in the water cooling systems are the heat exchanger and pump. Sections and describe the detailed process in selecting the pumps and heat exchangers, respectively. In particular, the heat exchanger has many intricacies that required detailed examination as well as many performance variables. Under steady state conditions, the heat exchanger will have a performance range, controlled by the 3-way 202 electronically actuated bypass control valve, that readily covers the temperature performance requirements as specified in the associated SNS Linac Water Cooling and Resonance Control Systems Description Document [1.2]. Based on steady state analysis, the estimated number of different water skids, based on pump and heat exchanger sizes, is three (See Table 4.6 below). Pump size estimates were made using a 25% extra capacity in the pump pressure, over that predicted in the analyses of Section 3 of this report. The increased pressure drop capacity will account for any uncertainties that may exist in the SINDA/FLUINT modeling, future increase in the temperature range of operation, and allow for increased potential cooling capabilities. Table 4.6. Summary of heat exchanger and pump sizes for the DTL, CCL, and SCL water cooling systems. SKID FLAT PLATE HEAT EXCHANGER FLOW 125% OF DELTA P (GPM) (PSI) HEAD (Feet) ESTIMATED PUMP MOTOR (Hp) IMPELLER DTL-1 FP10X20-70(2"MPT) 120.4 45.0 104.0 6 6.0 EFFICIENCY % 3 x 1.5 x 6 70% DTL-2 DTL-3 DTL-4 DTL-5 DTL-6 CCL-1 CCL-2 CCL-3 CCL-4 CCL-MAG SCL-MAG FP10X20-70(2"MPT) FP10X20-70(2"MPT) FP10X20-70(2"MPT) FP10X20-70(2"MPT) FP10X20-70(2"MPT) FP10X20-90(2-1/2"MPT) FP10X20-90(2-1/2"MPT) FP10X20-90(2-1/2"MPT) FP10X20-90(2-1/2"MPT) FP10X20-70(2"MPT) FP10X20-70(1-1/2"MPT) 162.4 235.9 215.6 199.5 183.7 218.9 257.0 257.0 257.0 59.5 70.4 50.6 66.3 59.4 56.3 53.8 40.0 49.3 49.3 49.3 46.3 56.3 117.0 153.0 137.0 130.0 124.0 92.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 107.0 130.0 20 20 20 20 20 12 12 12 12 6 6 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.3 6.0 6.0 3x2x6 3x2x8 3x2x8 3x2x8 3x2x8 3x2x6 3x2x6 3x2x6 3x2x6 3 x 1.5 x 6 3 x 1.5 x 6 SIZE 53% 60% 58% 55% 56% 74% 73% 73% 73% 60% 61% In addition to the cooling water temperature and flow rate ranges supplied by the selected heat exchangers and pumps, cooling performance and capacity can be influenced significantly with the use of the inline water heater, and the two control valves located on either side of the heat exchanger. Three off-normal operational conditions, which would take advantage of the flexibility in the water cooling system, are the follwing: RF power off, increase structure temperature 1] Turn power on for the inline heater. 2] Close manual inline heater bypass valve. 3] Adjust 3-way control valve to bypass 100% of flow to the heat exchanger. 203 UNIQUE SKID A B B B B B C C C C A A RF power on, increase cooling to structure beyond system design temperature 1] Adjust 3-way control valve to increase flow to the heat exchanger. 2] Verify 2-way control valve on heat exchanger cold side is fully open. 3] Increase variable speed motor on pump. RF power on, increase warming to structure beyond system design temperature 1] Adjust 3-way control valve to bypass 100% of flow to the heat exchanger. 2] Turn power on for the inline heater. 3] Close manual inline heater bypass valve. The previously described scenarios are examples of how easily this system can be adjusted to meet a variety of conditions. The system design was created with great flexibility. As a final note, the number of unique water skids, based on heat exchanger and pump size, is three. These skids are identified in the last column in the Table 4.6. The SNS program will benefit by a reduction of required spare components with only three unique skids. 4.6 Parts Database and Naming Convention The DTL and CCL water system parts data bases were created to keep track of the multitude of cooling system components, and serve as a library of information for the entire design team. The parts databases were developed from the P&ID’s and continuously updated to reflect the present design. These databases serve several functions; as a documentation source for the hardware sizes determined from the Sinda/Fluint numerical modeling, defining components (manufacturer/model number) and their device names, providing a data base for component purchasing, and device listing to facilitate PLC and global programming for the sub-systems controls. Device names for the data base were selected using the SNS Device and Signal Naming Convention and form the bases for overall system software development by identifying names from actual device through user interface screens. 204 The naming convention is mainly oriented to facility operations and has been developed for the purpose of naming signals which come into the SNS integrated control system which are then manipulated, displayed, archived, etc. Because signals are always associated with equipment or devices, the signal names include the names of devices with which they are associated. This syntax can also be used to name SNS equipment that does not have associated signals in which the signal part of the name is simply omitted. The general format of the SNS Device and Signal Naming Convention has the form: SystemPart:DevicePart:SignalPart The three parts together constitute the complete signal name. The SystemPart is made up of a System Name and optional Subsystem Name. The DevicePart is made up of the Device Name and the System/System Name. The SignalPart is made up of the System Name, Device Name and the Signal. Therefore: System Name=System/SubSystem, Device Name=System/SubSystem+Device, Signal Name=System/SubSystem+Device+Signal Example using the first CCL RCCS water cart: CCL_RCCS1:TT1:T CCL is the system- RCCS1 is the subsystem; 1 indicating #1 RCCS system- TT1 is a temperature transmitter of the water cart- T is the signal; temperature What is shown is the basic organizational scheme using the P&ID and associated spreadsheet database lists for the various systems. Since all the water carts are the same in component count, the System and Subsystem denotes which system is referenced at the control center or in the field during maintenance or trouble shooting periods. Signal names were left off the excel database at this time but will be incorporated after the control system is developed, then integrated into the data base. The controls group will be developing a signal list for the many different signals types and provide the appropriate signals for the excel database. The final excel data base will be incorporated 205 into the project configuration database using Oracle and will allow devices and signals to be located throughout the linac. The DTL parts database is contained in Appendix E. 206 5.0 Water System Purity 5.1 Introduction Pure water is a necessary commodity demanded by nearly all of the World’s industries. It is required to produce items that are bought and used everyday by millions of people. Items such as intravenous injections by the medical industry, hardware by the computer industry, and even usable energy by the power generation industry, are all produced using pure, contaminant free water of different grades. Although many industrial processes require water that is pure and contaminant free, the level of purity and the type and quantity of contaminants present in the water can vary greatly. This implies that the pure water standards of one industry may not meet the pure water standards of another. Factors determining water purity for a particular application include permissible impurities, corrosion or erosion of wetted materials susceptibility, water availability, quantity, cost, etc. Each industry must define, implement and maintain a specific level of water purity to ensure both product quality and efficiency at a reasonable cost. Typical parameters used to measure or quantify water purity include pH, electrical conductivity, total suspended and dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen content, and radioactivity. Parameters of a specified value can be achieved by employing various purification techniques and equipment. Common techniques such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, carbon adsorption, deoxygenation, ultraviolet radiation, and ion exchange can be employed to purify water. Figure 5.1 illustrates a typical water treatment system. Many of these technologies will be used to produce contaminant free water for use in the SNS Linac cooling systems. 207 Mixed Bed Deionization Reverse Osmosis Pretreatment Pump Raw Water Activated Carbon UV Storage Drain Polishing Loop Ultrafiltration Drain Microfiltration Figure 5.1. Generic water treatment system (courtesy of Cartwright [5.3]). 5.2 Water Purification Techniques This section describes several different water purification techniques commonly used in industry. Microfiltration Microfiltration is a purification process employed to remove contaminant materials from water including suspended solids, bacteria, colloids, etc., which are typically larger than 0.02 microns. The microfiltration process can occur in the polishing loop (see Figure 5.1) using either a dead end or cross flow filtration process. In the dead end filtration process, contaminant particles too large to pass through the filter are trapped. Heavy filter contaminant buildup will eventually occur and the filter will need to be replaced. Unlike the dead end filtration process, the cross flow filtration process utilizes a tangential water flow scheme to continuously “wash out” contaminants from the water system. Due to the continual loss of water, cross flow filtration should not be employed in completely closed water systems. Figure 5.2 illustrates both microfiltration processes. 208 Filtered Water Filtered Water Key Filters Contaminants Water Flow a) Dead end b) Cross Flow Figure 5.2. Microfiltration processes. Ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration is a process, which utilizes membranes to remove non-ionic contaminant particles ranging roughly from .002 to .02 microns in size. Ultrafiltration is most effectively used for the removal of microorganisms, high molecular weight contaminants, and colloidal material [5.3]. The ultrafiltration process requires a crossflow filtration scheme (similar to what may be used in microfiltration Figure 5.2(b) to continually remove contaminants from the system. Ultrafiltration usually occurs in the polishing loop of the water system as seen in Figure 5.1. Reverse Osmosis Reverse osmosis (RO) employs the properties of semi-permeable membranes to purify water. Only selective materials, such as water and water-similar molecules (based on size and molecular weight), may transcend the membrane. Typically, reverse osmosis systems can remove 90 to 98 % of ionic contaminant [5.3]. The reverse osmosis process usually occurs in the pre-treatment portion of the purification system. While effective, due to its requirements for an additional pump and drain an RO system will not be employed in the hot model purification loop. Carbon Adsorption Another commonly used process in water purification is carbon adsorption. Carbon adsorption utilizes activated carbon (usually in powder or granular form) to remove high molecular weight organic contaminants from water systems. Another attractive characteristic of this technology is the ability to remove chlorine and traces of certain 209 heavy metals from the water system. Since chlorine is harmful to most membranes used in reverse osmosis, carbon adsorption is usually one of the initial purification processes. Ultraviolet Radiation Ultraviolet radiation exposure is another technology often used to reduce the number of microorganisms present in water systems. By taking advantage of the fact that microorganisms, such as bacteria, have little or no resistance to intense ultraviolet radiation, a simple, low-tech process can be employed to inhibit the propagation of microorganisms. Deoxygenation Deoxygenation is a process of removing excess amounts of dissolved oxygen from water. In removing oxygen from the water system, both the corrosion and the microorganism growth rates are decreased significantly [5.4]. Several methods exist for removing oxygen gas from liquid. One deoxygenation method utilizes resins that act as scavengers to remove oxygen from water. Another method employs a hydrophobic microporous membrane. A fluid passes over the membrane a vacuum on the other side of the membrane pulls the gas out of solution. Critics claim that the removal of excess dissolved oxygen from water systems will have much better results in reducing biological growth than ultraviolet radiation [5.4]. Ion exchange Ion exchange is a purification process that employs special resins to remove positively and negatively charged ions from solution. Resins are synthetic materials composed of small beads and can be of either the cation or anion type. In a water purification system, cation resins exchange hydrogen ions for unwanted cations, while anion resins exchange hydroxyl ions for unwanted anions. Cation and anion resins can be used individually or can be combined in a mixed bed system to purify water. Typically, high water quality (resistivity of 18 MOhm-cm) can be achieved when an ion exchange system is employed. Ion exchange is an economical water purification technology since resins can be repeatedly regenerated after they have become fouled. 210 Figure 5.3 compares the various purification technologies. Contaminants Retained Colloids Particles Organics Salts Distillation Deionization Ultrafiltration Contaminants Passed Through Bacteria Reverse Osmosis Figure 5.3. Comparative purification technologies ( Courtesy of Cartwright [5.5]). 5.3 Particle Accelerator Specific Issues A water purification system will be responsible for maintaining high quality cooling water for the SNS linac. Water treatment is a necessary process for retaining high and consistent system efficiency. The formation of deposits, scale, biological growths, corrosion and activation can be of significant threat to the performance of the SNS linac water cooling system. Corrosion Corrosion must be limited in the SNS Linac water cooling system to maintain cooling efficiency and minimize damage to accelerator comonents. Corrosion is the dissolution of a solid in a fluid (in this case, metal in water). Corrosion in the cooling passages promotes material build-up, thus reducing the heat transfer rate. One form of corrosion, oxidation, occurs when dissolved oxygen in the water reacts with metal flow-passage walls. Galvanic corrosion occurs when two or more dissimilar metals come in contact. It 211 may be reduced by several techniques. Minimizing dissolved oxygen and dissolved salts in the water, employing compatible building materials, and providing a galvanic insulation between dissimilar metals can significantly reduce the amount of corrosion. At any rate, corrosion can cause a number of problems to occur within the SNS linac cooling system, including flow rate restrictions, increased head loss, reduced heat transfer, pitting and leakage. Scaling Scaling is the formation of deposits, including calcium and silica salts, on metal surfaces. The formation of scale on pipe walls occurs as a result of large temperature changes. Large temperature changes affect solubility, minerals and salts precipitate out of solution and eventually build up on exposed metal surfaces. Scaling can cause problems in water systems by reducing flow rates and heat transfer rates. In the case of the SNS linac cooling system, large temperature variations are not expected. Consequently, scaling should not be a major concern in the SNS Linac water cooling system. Biological growth Biological growth in water systems is very common. A water system is an ideal place for microorganisms to grow and reproduce. If large amounts of microorganisms are present in a water system, problems such as increased corrosion, water leaks, head loss, and a reduction in heat transfer are likely. It is very important that biological growths within the SNS cooling system remain at a minimal level. This can be accomplished by reducing the dissolved oxygen content in the water to a level, at which microorganisms cannot survive, or by passing the water through an ultraviolet light source [5.4]. Pipe design also plays a roll in reducing bacterial growth. Piping will be designed as to eliminate stagnation areas, or dead-legs, which are areas that have little or no flow. The lack of motion or kinetic energy in the fluid provides a breeding ground for bacteria, both due to the lack of fluid motion as well as a place to trap dissolved oxygen. Eliminating dead-legs makes it much more difficult for bacteria to thrive. This will be done by designing the piping such that there is flow into each run whenever possible. Carbon 212 based populations can be measured by taking water samples, and are counted as Total Organic Carbon (TOC) represented as mg/L and Heterotroph Plate Counts (HPC) represented as (Colony Forming Units) CFU/L. Activation During operation of the SNS accelerator, scattering of the proton beam may allow the cooling water to be subjected to direct spallation and activation. Be-7 is a radionuclide produced through the direct spallation of oxygen and is largely responsible for the activity in the cooling water. In addition, spallation neutrons activate corrosion products present in the water and in turn generate long-lived radionuclides including Co-60, Zn65, and Mn-54 [5.6]. Radioactivity in the cooling system is of concern due to the potential for contamination of hardware and personnel. Safe accelerator operation demands that the quantity of activated water, caused primarily by Be-7, be minimized. Deionization has proven to be a very effective process for the removal of Be-7 [5.6] from accelerator cooling water. Entrapment of radionuclides in the resins used in a Linac cooling system cannot be regenerated. Instead, they must be removed from the cooling water system and replaced. The old resins will need to be dried and properly disposed as low-level radioactive waste, unless surveys deem otherwise. Radiation levels are not expected to be high in the purification system and therefore shielding will not be required. 5.4 Operating Parameter Specifications Features from current water treatment systems on particle accelerators were considered for use in the SNS cooling water system. These included the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE), the Accelerator Production of Tritium (APT), and the Advanced Photon Source (APS). The Linac water-cooling purification system was designed with the intent of minimizing erosion, corrosion, scaling, biological growth, and hardware activation. Each component was selected to target the removal of a specific impurity, and in some cases, multiple impurities. 213 The basic mechanical design of the cooling loop has helped to minimize erosion and scaling. Water flows in the cooling systems will be kept below 2.5 m/s on surface impingement areas such as tees and elbows, and less than 5 m/s in straight sections to reduce the effects of erosion. The narrow temperature band of the cooling water, 10 to 25ºC, reduces scaling. Other critical parameters, which have been defined and will be controlled, include electrical resistivity, pressure, pH, and dissolved O2 content. Typically an electrical resistivity value above 6 MO drastically reduces scaling [5.9]. However, it is important to keep the resistivity below 15 MO, particularly in copper structures and piping. Due to the polar nature of ultrapure water, a very high resistivity tends to strip away ions from the metal surface of piping, particularly copper when dissolved oxygen is present [5.10]. Maintaining the resistivity below 15 MO minimizes this effect. Analog pressure gauges will be used to not only indicate system pressure, but also to indicate filter-loading information for filter replacement. Approximately 1-5% of the main water flow will be diverted to the water purification loop, the quantity being monitored with a flow meter. The flow in this loop requires an oxygen content of less than 20 ppb to minimize corrosion [5.1]. When copper is exposed, the corrosion is embodied as insoluble particles of CuO and Cu2O, which amass in the system after removal from the parent surface. Filtration is helpful in reducing this effect, however minimizing oxygen in the system proves more effective [5.1]. Table 5.1 summarizes the water quality to be obtained from the water purification system. Table 5.1. Water purification parameters. Parameter Recommended Value Flow rate (through purification tanks) pH Electrical Resistivity Dissolved Oxygen Content Particulate size Ref. 1-5 % of total flow [5.7] 8±1 10-15 MO < 20 ppb = 1 micron [5.2] [5.10], [5.11] [5.3] 214 5.5 Water Purification System Design The water purification system design is shown in Figure 5.4. It was designed to meet the water purification specifications for the SNS linac system. Considerations included minimizing the adverse effects of scaling, flow blockage, biological growth, activation, and other forms of contamination, much of which is covered in section 5.2. Component selection was made carefully to develop a lower maintenance passive system. Reverse Osmosis was discarded for this application. While very useful and effective at removing a variety of contaminants, it is a higher maintenance item with more moving parts than other components. A 1-5% portion of the flow will be diverted from the main loop into the purification or polishing loop. A 5-micron pre-filter sieves out the largest contaminants. Following the filter, the water will pass through an oxygen scavenger resin canister, similar to the system used in the APS Linac Water Cooling System [5.1]. The carbon canisters remove hydrocarbon contaminants, including residual petroleum products remaining in the piping from manufacturing processes. After passing through the carbon adsorption canisters, the water then passes through the deionization canisters. Here any free ions remaining in the system are removed, which left untreated could contribute to scaling. Next, an ultraviolet light source is used to kill surviving bacteria, which are then filtered out by a 1-micron filter. At this point in the system, the water is quite pure. The pure or polished water will then be returned to the main loop. The ultraviolet light source may be redundant. It is believed that the oxygen removal mechanism will be able to deprive oxygen supply to effectively eliminate organic growth. At the time of this writing, the CCL hot model water cooling system is being used to study this very issue. 5-µm Filter UV Deionization Carbon Oxygen Removal Filter Main flow 1-µm Figure 5.4. Process flow through the water purification hardware for the DTL/CCL water cooling systems. 215 The piping material will consist of stainless steel, which serves as an effective barrier between the atmosphere and the cooling water, minimizing O2 permeation. Due to the corrosive nature of deionized water, brass and carbon steel components are not acceptable. Flexible tubing will be used as jumper or transfer lines to avoid the need for high tolerances in the water line designs and to serve as vibration isolators. Several flexible tube options were explored. Material selection was based on DI water compatibility, low oxygen permeation rates, and resistance to radiation environments. A comparison of various flexible tubing materials based on these parameters, is presented in Appendix H. Many materials examined were found to meet one or two of our needs, but only a few were found to meet all three. Those that met all three of our requirements include Viton®, Nylon®, Hypalon®, and Buna,. Tubing manufactured from the first two materials, may not possess a suitable pressure rating. A review of the various materials found that neoprene does possess adequate radiation tolerance and provide adequate pressure ratings, however, it does not provide an adequate barrier to O2 permeation. Consequently, it may be advantageous to consider using a multi-ply hose or tubing with Viton®, Nylon®, or Hypalon® as the wetted surface, with a neoprene sheath since the neoprene sheath can provide the needed pressure rating and radiation resistance. Multiply hose and tubing of this type may be obtained from sources such as Goodyear, under various trade names, as well as Boston Nyall and Thermoid/HBD Industries. Various types of instrumentation will be used to monitor and record the performance of the water purification system. Instrumentation will be provided to measure electrical resistivity, pressure, flow rate, pH, and dissolved O2 content. Measuring each of these parameters will give feedback concerning the overall quality of the water as well as alerting operators to component failure. Much of the water quality data can be obtained from the instruments incorporated within the system. However, parameters that cannot be easily monitored with sensors or their capital costs make them prohibitive include particulate, bacteria, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), heterotroph plate counts (HPC) and trace elements. Particulate sampling will verify the filters are removing the desired particulate size. TOC and HPC testing will indicate bacterial and carbon based populations. Testing for trace elements such as 216 iron, copper, and zinc, elements used in the piping system will indicate negative effects of the DI water on the piping system. A water sample should be taken after initial startup, after water has circulated through the purification loop. Samples should also be taken periodically and after major water system hardware configuration changes. A draft procurement specification has been produced for the water purification systems (see Appendix J). This procurement specification will be incorporated with the over-all procurement document for the water skids. 5.6 Prototype Design and Testing Prototype Design To test the performance of various water purification techniques and hardware, and thus optimize the design of the water purification system for the SNS linac, a prototype water-pumping skid with the water purification system features shown previously in Figure 5.4, has been developed for the CCL Hot Model. In regards to water quality, experimental data was taken to optimize the performance and minimize the cost of the purification system. The prototype purification system has been sized for a closed-loop application utilizing ¾” piping for flow rates up to 3 gpm and is comprised of the following components: • A mixed-bed canister and a cation canister provide deionization for the cooling water. The mixed bed canister contains resins for removing both cations and anions. As mentioned earlier the SNS accelerator will require a Be-7 removal mechanism. A cation resin, Amberlite® IR-120 in H+ form, which has been proven effective at removing the Be-7 nuclide, was used [5.7]. Although Be-7 was not generated in the hot model experiment, the Amberlite® IR-120 was incorporated into the hot model to observe its performance as a cation resin. • Two carbon canisters eliminated dissolved organics, such as soldering fluxes or machining oil, and decrease biological growth build-up. • An ultraviolet light source was provided to kill bacteria. • A 5-µm filter upstream of the purification loop was used to remove large particulates before they enter the purification loop. A 1-µm filter removed smaller particulate 217 matter, some large bacteria, and any resin material, which may have entered the loop from the canisters. • Two Liqui-Cel® contactors were required to achieve the dissolved oxygen content requirement in the cooling water. The contactors, which are comprised of a large number of very fine mesh polypropylene cross flow filters, allow only gases to pass through. A small vacuum pump was used to pull dissolved gases out of the cooling water along with a nitrogen sweep gas. The basic removal mechanism is shown in Fig. 5.5. The Liqui-Cel® unit removed dissolved oxygen in the cooling water, minimizing corrosive effects, and limiting bacterial growth. • Nylon3® hoses with PVC reinforcement were used to connect the canisters where flexible lines are needed. Nylon® derivatives are compatible with DI water and minimize the diffusion of O2 from the outside environment [5.8]. Short runs of Teflon® and polyethylene tubing were used on data acquisition insturmentation sampling ports. • Data acquisition hardware was an integral part of the purification loop on the hot model. Resistivity monitors, a pH meter, and a dissolved oxygen analyzer, Orbisphere 3660, measured dissolved oxygen content in the system. Sensor model #2952A, was selected in conjunction with the analyzer, which would also be a good choice for the facility due to its maximum dose limit of 108 rad. 218 Figure 5.5. Gas removal mechanism in the Liqui-Cel® contactor [5.8] The prototype CCL Hot Model water-pumping skid, which includes the purification system can be seen in Figure 5.6. 219 Figure 5.6. CCL hot model water-pumping skid with water purification hardware in the forefront. 220 Approximate hardware cost figures for the CCL Hot Model water purification system is presented in Table 5.2. Table 5.2. Water purification hardware costs. System Component Manufacturer Water purification unit CLW Systems Inc. Cost $9,200 Degassifier Liqui-Cel® by Celgard $3,000 Dissolved O2 monitor Orbisphere 3660 $6,600 PH monitor Omega Water testing Assaigai Analytical Laboratories $550 $1,500 Prototype Testing This section outlines the procedures used to operate and test the water purification system on the SNS CCL Hot Model experiment. The focus of this effort was to manipulate various configurations of the water purification system to obtain the desired purity while minimizing required hardware and costs in the facility design. All tests began by using ultrapure electronics grade water that was transported from a clean room water purification system. The order and purposes of the 7 tests (A through G) are summarized in Table 5.3. As mentioned above, the first goal as to see if in fact the system could obtain and maintain the purity specifications listed in Table 5.1, with various configuration changes. The final test, which still needs to be performed, will demonstrate how the purification system performs when tap water is used to charge the water cooling system. If this latter test is successful, it will preclude the need for high purity water being trucked to the SNS site, and possibly allow the use of on-site municipal supplies. Another goal is to verify that the purification system is providing adequate water quality for the testing of the copper CCL accelerating structures. Each test recorded the parameters specified in Table 5.1, namely pH, electrical resistivity, and dissolved oxygen. 221 Evidence of corrosion and bacterial growth in the system was investigated through laboratory testing of water samples. Table 5.4. Water purification test summary. Test Test Description A Initial water quality check after system was fully operational B Test A was rerun to verify the results were repeatable C Flow rate increased to 3 gpm to see if the DO concentration could be reduced D Flow rate further increased to 3.5 gpm, looking for DO concentration reduction With the UV system off, the system was run and water samples were collected to see how the lack of a UV system impacted the bacterial growth Observe the effect on the carbon and bacterial growth counts when the UV and one carbon bed is removed from the system System water will be replaced with tap water and data will be compared with previous samples. E F G Initial Start-Up and Water Quality Verification Testing This section outlines the initial start-up and regular testing of the water purification system. Tests A and B are included as part of the initial quality verification. This procedure was followed the first time the system was brought on-line, and should be used if the system has been inactive (water is not circulating through the system) for a long period of time, typically more than a couple of months. Additionally the system should be inspected for bacterial growth, as well as all sensors should be examined and cleaned or replaced as necessary. 1) A cursory check was made for loose wiring, including power and data acquisition lines, and any evidence of leaks, or loose fittings. The CLW system was pressure tested at the factory. 2) Extra care should be taken if the system has not been circulated for a long period of time or lines have been broken due to the addition of components 222 or soldering operations. Turn off valves to isolate the purification system from the rest of the loop. Run water through the rest of the system to flush out any large particles, fluxes, metal fragments from machining operations etc. Volume will be determined by the appearance of the water. If the system has been dormant for less than a couple of months, skip steps 2-4. 3) Switch position of the valves to direct water into the purification system. 4) Water was added to fill the system, and use air bleeds as necessary to get as much gas out of the system as possible. Reducing the air in the system reduces the amount of oxygen trapped in the piping, reducing bacterial growth. Then the system is back-filled with nitrogen to purge the system of any remaining oxygen not in solution. 5) The power was switched on to the purification system as well as all monitors, pH, resistivity and O2 concentration. 6) Initially the time as well as all pressures from the pressure gauges, in particular those that indicate the pressures across the filters were recorded. Also the readings from the pH, resistivity and O2 monitors were noted. This process was automated with the advent of LabView software to record all needed data. 7) Measurements were taken every 15 minutes initially, until measurements appeared to stabilize or the trend began to slow. 223 System Performance Testing After the initial start-up was been completed, various water purification hardware configurations were tested, these included Tests C, D, and E. Tests F and G were not completed at the time of this writing. It is suspected that water purification parameters can be met without the UV source and possibly one carbon canister. In addition to instrumentation monitoring, several water samples were taken and sent out for complete chemical analysis. All data should indicate that the water quality is within acceptable parameters prior to proceeding with another test. Tests A and B (repeatability) were performed to observe the ability of the water purification system to reduce and maintain the water’s dissolved O2 concentration to a value of 20 ppb or less. As mentioned earlier, research indicated that a concentration above 20 ppb could be a catalyst of corrosion on copper structures. Tests A and B each consisted of a 2.5 gpm flow rate through the water purification system, the UV system was switched on, and the Nitrogen sweep gas and vacuum pump for the degasifying system was on as well. Based on the data obtained, it was conclude that the system in this configuration could repeatedly obtain dissolved oxygen concentration to an acceptable level, as shown in Figure 5.7. 224 Data A & B O2 Comparison at T=120 70 67 65 60 Data A O2 Concentration (ppb) 55 Data B 50 45 39 40 32.5 35 30.3 36 30 31.8 29.6 25 29 27.9 28.4 27.5 20 15 Goal 10 5 0 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 Time (min) Figure 5.7. O2 concentration versus time for two test runs (tests A and B) To further enhance the performance of the oxygen degassing system, the flow rate of the influent passing through the purification system was varied at 3 discrete values of 2.5 (Tests A and B), 3.0 (Test C) and 3.5 gpm (Test D). It was desired to see if the degassing system performance was dependent on the flow rate through the water purification hardware. Figure 5.8 shows the results after running the system for 120 minutes. 225 O2 Concentration vs. Flow Rate: B,C,D Data Sets T=120 70 67 O2 Concentration (ppb) 65 60 Data B - 2.5 gpm 55 Data C - 3.0 gpm 50 Data D - 3.5 gpm 45 39 40 35 32.5 31.8 30.3 29.1 30 27.4 26.6 26.1 30.2 25 27.8 26.8 25.7 25.7 25.5 29 27.9 24.9 25.2 25.2 24.8 20 15 Goal 10 5 0 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 Time (min) Figure 5.8. O2 concentration vs. time for various water flow rates (Test C). In reviewing the data, a small reduction in the dissolved O2 concentration was observed, however it is too small to suggest there is any significant effect of water flow rate on dissolved O2 concentration. Although the dissolved O2 concentration is slightly above the design goal of 20ppb, water test samples showed no evidence of copper corrosion. The current laboratory water sampling data can detect copper oxide levels down to 10ppb, and thus far, have not detected any copper corrosion products. In tests A through E, the pH was maintained just below 7, which is consistent with the desired operating range specified in Table 5.1. The electrical resistivity values recorded for each of the tests were between 16.3 MO and 17.2 MO, slightly higher than the desired upper limit of 15 MO specified in Table 5.1. This high electrical resistivity was no doubt an artifact of the clean water that was used to fill the system, which had an initial electrical resistivity around 18.1 MO. It is speculated that the water which will be used to fill the SNS water cooling systems, will not have such high purity, and thus the electrical resistivity range specified in Table 5.1 should able to be met. Although the specific tests were not yet performed on the prototype 226 water purification system, it is speculated that the electrical resistivity will be able to be adjusted by controlling the water flow rate through the purification hardware. As a final note, water test samples showed no evidence of copper corrosion as a result of the electrical resistivity values obtained in the current set of tests. Chemical analysis data from the source water and the tests completed thus far, are included in Table 5.5. The HPC’s and TOC’s are more of a relative measure. It is more of a concern if these values show a rapid increase throughout the progress of testing. This would indicate growth of the bacteria or heterotrophs. Thus far, the HCP’s and TOC’s have been reported at relatively low values. The Test E data set was essentially invalidated since the vacuum pump required service during the test and had to be shut down. It should also be mentioned that the water in the SNS Accelerator would be flowing for long periods of time. The prototype system water does not run continuously for a long period of time. It is frequently shut down, which gives bacteria the opportunity to repopulate. Table 5.5. Water purification data summary for Tests A-E. pH Electrical Dis- Temp. Cu Heterotroph Resistivity solved (mg/L) Plate Count ºF Test (MO) O2 (CFU/mL) (ppb) Total Organic Carbon (mg/L) Source - 18.0-18.2 - - ND ND ND A 6.97 17.2 28.4 - ND 47 0.8 B 6.95 17.2 27.9 66.1 - - - C 6.92 17.0 24.0 65.4 - - - D 6.88 16.6 24.9 66.1 ND 3 ND E* 6.86 16.3 33.2 66.0 ND 97 ND * Vacuum pump required service during test, degassing system not fully functional ND = Not Detected Additional tests are currently underway and include: 1) The functionality and necessity of the UV system will be studied. It may be possible to eliminate bacteria by simply minimizing the O2 content of the water and eliminating the UV system. 227 2) The size requirements of the carbon canisters will be studied to see if one canister can be eliminated and thus reduce the size, cost, and complexity of the system. 3) Tap water will be placed in the prototype water purification system to determine the ability of the system to deal with a relatively impure water source. This will help to determine the consequences of using relatively impure water to fill the SNS Linac water cooling systems. 4) The dependence of the pH, electrical resistivity, and dissolved oxygen on the water flow rate through the purification system hardware will be studied in more detail. 5.7 Facility-related Issues Initial Start-Up and Water Quality Verification Testing Initial start-up is expected to be similar to the prototype water purification system. The water skid/purification system manufacturer will provide, a detailed start-up procedure and a troubleshooting matrix to be used for diagnosing potential system failures. The purification system will have been tested to provide the appropriate water quality as well as an examination of workmanship for safety and quality, and will be pressure tested. It is recommended that the piping of the main loops be flushed with tap water prior to connecting and operating the purification system, to remove possible debris remaining from the manufacturing process. Once complete, the entire system should be brought on-line, and after a period of approximately 24 hours filters should be replaced and water samples should be taken to verify purity. It has been suggested to use tap water to fill the system as a cost reduction measure, rather than having water trucked to the facility. Past experience on the LANCSE accelerator and the studies done with the APT testing has shown this to be an effective source for water supply [5.13]. Samples will need to be taken of the source to ensure the manufacturer can provide a system compatible with the water. This particular test has not been completed on the prototype system to compare water quality. In addition to the manufacturers procedures, the following general guidelines are recommended to the start-up of the purification system. 228 1) A cursory check was made for loose wiring, including power and data acquisition lines, and any evidence of leaks, or loose fittings. 2) Extra care should be taken if the system has not been circulated for a long period of time or lines have been broken due to the addition of components or soldering operations. Turn off valves to isolate the purification system from the rest of the loop. Run water through the rest of the system to flush out any large particles, fluxes, metal fragments from machining operations etc. Volume will be determined by the appearance of the water. If the system has been dormant for less than a couple of months, skip steps 2-4. 3) Switch position of the valves to direct water into the purification system. 4) Use air bleeds as necessary to get as much gas out of the system as possible. Reducing the air in the system reduces the amount of oxygen trapped in the piping, reducing bacterial growth. Then the system should be back-filled with nitrogen to purge the system of any remaining oxygen not in solution. 229 System Operation and Maintenance In general, the purification system is intended to operate with little or no operator assistance after being brought on-line. The system has been designed to require maintenance annually, with maintenance schedules in the manufacturer’s maintenance manual included with each purification system. Although very little or no levels of radiation are anticipated in the water or to accumulate in the system components, it is still recommended that each bottle be surveyed for activation. A general resin disposal procedure is outlined in Appendix K, which will need to be revised to reflect ORNL’s procedures. Conclusion Although prototype testing has not been completely finalized at the time of this writing, it is believed the water purification system design will meet all of the functional requirements needed for the SNS Linac water cooling systems. Preliminary prototype tests show that the water purification system maintains the desired operational levels of pH, electrical resistivity, and dissolved oxygen content. Water samples do not show any significant levels of corrosion or bacterial growth. A procurement specification for the water purification system has been drafted and will be modified as deemed necessary following completion of the prototype tests. Finally, operational and maintenance activities for the water purification system, including handling and disposal procedures of the water purification hardware, have been documented in this report. 230 6.0 Instrumentation and Controls 6.1 Local Controls The DTL and CCL water cooling and resonance control systems will employ a control system that can be operated by a local, programmable logic controller, interfaced through a touchscreen interface, or it can be operated through the SNS global control system network. This section discusses the features of the local control system, while the next section discusses the global control system and interfaces. 6.1.1 Introduction and Design Requirements There are two types of water cooling systems associated with the DTL and CCL structures. The first is the Resonant Control Cooling System (RCCS), which serves to keep the DTL tanks and CCL cavities in resonance by removing the RF waste heat from the copper cavity structures. The resonance control is accomplished by manipulation of the DTL drift tube/tank wall and CCL cavity dimensions (expansion/contraction) by adjusting their wall temperatures with the RCCS. The DTL and CCL RCCS not only performs resonance control of the RF structures, but, in addition, provides performance assessment and diagnostics of the water cooling system and safety interlocking. The second type of water skid, termed the Quarupole Magnet Cooling System (QMCS), serves the CCL quadrupole electro-magnets that are located between each CCL segment along the beam line. It is very similar to the RCCS except that the magnets simply require constant temperature water. quadrupole electro-magnets along the CCL. One QMCS water skid will serve all The CCL QMCS is responsible for removing electrical waste heat from the magnet coils and maintaining the magnets at an acceptable operating temperature. The control loop for the QMCS will be similar to the RCCS except that it will be responding to water temperature measurements only instead of both RF frequency error and water temperature. The proceeding section will first discuss the types of instrumentation and control hardware that will be used on the DTL and CCL RCCS systems. Next, the logic behind the control system in maintaining the resonance of the DTL and CCL structures is reviewed. Next, the safety features incorporated in the Resonant Control Cooling System 231 are presented and reviewed. Finally, the signal and device naming conventions used for the control system will be discussed. 6.1.2 Instrumentation and Control System Architecture The RCCS will be responsible for monitoring the performance of the water cooling system, maintaining resonance of the RF structures, diagnosing the water cooling system in case of off-normal operation, and providing proper safety interlocks in the event of system failure. The final design of this system is shown in the layout of Figure 6.1, while a more detailed control system block diagram is shown in Figure 6.2. main architectual features are discussed below. Figure 6.1. Schematic of the DTL/CCL water cooling control system. 232 The Figure 6.2. Block diagram of the DTL and CCL water cooling and control systems. Programmable Logic Controller The water cooling control system is being designed for local stand-alone operation and for interface with the SNS global control EPICS system. The heart of the local control system will consist of an Allen Bradley ControlLogix Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and a rack-mounted touchscreen operator interface. The PLC will be programmed with Allen Bradley’s RSLogix5000 ladder code programming toolkit. 233 The RCCS control system will use the Allen Bradley ControlLogix architecture. This equipment was selected from the SNS Control Standards Handbook. The controller hardware will consist of the following modules: • 1756-L1M1 Processor with 512K memory • 1756-CNB Ethernet communications module • 1756-IF16 16 Channel Analog Input module • 1756-OF8 8 Channel Analog Output module • 1756-IB32 32 Channel Digital Input module • 1756-OB32 32 Channel Digital Output module • 1756-IR6I 6 Channel RTD (temperature) module The ControlLogix equipment will be installed in the RCCS equipment rack. For each RCCS system, 2 PLC chassis will be used. The first chassis will contain the modules for instrumentation and devices in the water skid. Since all DTL, CCL, and SCL water skids are essentially the same, this chassis configuration will be the same for all 12 (6 DTL, 5 CCL, and 1 SCL) water cooling systems. The second chassis will contain the modules for the devices in the tunnel. This configuration varies for each RCCS system. The appropriate module selection and chassis size will be implemented based on the device requirements. For example, DTL#1 will have 2 chassis with the configuration shown in Figure 6.3. 234 DTl#1 Chassis Close up of Chassis A DTl#1 Chassis Figure 6.3. ControlLogix Modules for a typical water cooling control system. 235 To simplify wiring and reduce installation costs, pre-wired cables and DIN rail mounted Allen Bradley Interface Modules (IFMs) will be used to connect to the field wiring. The IFMs contain screw terminal, and may optionally contain fuses and diagnostic LEDs. The field wiring will connect to the screw terminals of the IFMs, and the signals will then reach the ControlLogix modules via the pre-made interface cables. The IFMs will be mounted in the back of the rack for easy access and maintenance. See Figure 6.4 for a typical IFM module installation. Figure 6.4. Typical Interface Module (IFM) Instrumentation Digital signals will be 0/24VDC, with 0 V normally representing the OFF or CLOSE state and 24V representing the ON or OPEN state. Analog signals will be 4 to 20 ma. All temperature signals will be 3 wire RTDs. Instrumentation will be provided on each water skid and in the water supply manifolds for control, diagnostic, and safety interlock purposes. In particular, the following instrumentation will be employed: • Pressure transducers: Monitor local static pressure before and after the heat exchanger and pump, within the reservoir/expansion tank, and at the inlet and outlet heat exchanger manifolds. 236 • RTDs: Monitor water temperature before and after the heat exchanger and pump, within the reservoir/expansion tank, and at the inlet and outlet heat exchanger manifolds. • Flow meters: Monitor water flow rates through the heat exchanger, out of the RF structure, in the water purification and pump by-pass loops. • Water purification: Monitor the water’s electrical conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen content. • Liquid low-level switch: Monitor the water level in the expansion tank. Equipment Rack The water cooling control system will be installed in a 19” equipment rack. The re will be one rack for each water cooling system. The rack follows the SNS Basic Order Agreement (BOA) #4200000028 for rack procurement. The rack provides 78.875 inches of vertical equipment space, and contains a Lexan front door. For more details, refer to the standard rack specification in the WBS 1.9 Integrated Control System “Control Standards Handbook”, Section 3.4. The prototype RCCS rack is shown in Figure 6.5. 237 Figure 6.5. Prototype RCCS equipment rack. The equipment rack will contain the Allen Bradley ControlLogix equipment, power supplies, PanelView 1000E local operator interface, internal cabling, IFM modules, and a cooling fan. Total heat generation of the rack is approximately 400 watts. A single 6” fan will provide air circulation. Cabling Multiconductor cables will be used to carry signals from the RCCS rack to the water skid and to the tunnel junction box. These cables will be tray-rated. Digital signal cables will have an overall outside shield. RTDs and analog signals will have individual shields. Table 6.1 provides a listing of the types of cables used. 238 Table 6.1. Cabling descriptions for the DTL and CCL water cooling control systems. Trade Number 1065A Manufact. Conductors Description Belden 8 pair 1067A Belden 16 pair 1050A Belden 8 pair 1052A Belden 16 pair 1094A Belden 8 triad 85230 Belden 1 pair 85240 Belden 1 triad 9322 Belden 1 pair EXPP3CU-24S Omega 1 triad twisted pair, overall shield twisted pair, overall shield twisted pair, individual shield twisted pair, individual shield twisted triad, individual shield twisted pair, overall shield twisted triad, overall shield twisted pair, overall shield standard RTD extension wire Usage AWG Jacket Code Rating digital signals 18 PVC digital signals 18 PVC analog signals 18 PVC analog signals 18 PVC RTD 18 PVC digital and analog signals RTD 20 Tefzel NEC type TC tray cable NEC type TC tray cable NEC type TC tray cable NEC type TC tray cable NEC type TC tray cable n/a 20 Tefzel n/a digital and analog signals 22 PVC RTD 24 NEC type PLTC tray cable Polyvinyl n/a Dia. Weight (in) (lbs/1000ft) 0.599 197 0.793 339 0.654 236 0.898 455 0.751 324 0.182 32 0.193 34 0.2 23 0.166 14 Local Operator Interface Based on the product evaluation described in the SNS DTL Water Cooling and Resonance Control System Prelimiary Design Report, an Allen Bradley PanelView 1000E industrial operator terminal (Figure 6.6) will be installed in the equipment rack to provide a local operator interface. This terminal uses a 10” color LCD touchscreen. It is programmed using the Allen Bradley Panel Builder software development package. For the prototype control system, the terminal will communicate with the ControlLogix system using ControlNet. An Ethernet version of the terminal should be available from the manufacturer by the middle of 2001. Based on this, the production RCCS control systems will use the Ethernet version of the terminal. This will eliminate the need for a ControlNet communications module in the ControlLogix chassis. 239 Figure 6.6. PanelView 1000E operator terminal. The RCCS system will normally be operated in the global control mode via the SNS EPICS control system. An IOC (Input/Output Controller) will be used as the interface between the RCCS PLC and EPICS. The EPICS developers will provide a software driver to read values to and from the PLC memory, via Ethernet or ControlNet, and pass it along to EPICS. 6.1.3 Control Methodology and Logic Resonance Control As discussed previously, one of the primary functions of the Water Cooling and Resonance Control System is to aid the LLRF control system in maintaining the resonance of the DTL and CCL RF structures. Refer to Section 1.3 for more details on the resonance control philosophy. The LLRF Control and the RCCS share the responsibility of the resonance control of the DTL and CCL. Consider the DTL as an example. From system start-up, when RF power is gradually introduced to the DTL tank, to full-on steady-state accelerator operation, there are many complicated thermal, fluidic, structural, and electrical 240 interactions occurring which influence the resonance of the DTL structure. To deal with these effects, and achieve and maintain resonance of the DTL structure, the LLRF Control and Water Cooling Systems have individual, as well as shared responsibilities. Figure 6.7 displays the responsibilities of the LLRF Control and RCCS as a function of the DTL resonant frequency. RCCS / Agile combo. Frequency Agile only Frequency Agile only Dead Band outer inner FagF0 - 33kHz FhiF0 - 10 kHz Flo- F0 Flo+ 402.5 MHz Fhi+ F0 + 10 kHz Fag+ F 0 + 33kHz Frequency Agile only: Water RCCS is inactive, holding at a saturation position of the valves, while the Resonance Control Module brings the drive frequency into the RCCS / Agile band. RCCS / Agile Band: RCM and the water RCCS act to control the cavity resonant frequency and bring it into the deadband. Dead Band: LLRF control system locks to the fundamental frequency (master oscillator) and the water RCCS takes over to control the cavity resonance within the deadband limits (as determined by operator through the RCM). Fno RF F0 + 100 kHz Figure 6.7. Resonance control responsibility diagram for the SNS DTL and CCL. 241 During the early stages of introducing RF power into the DTL RF structure, the RF control system will monitor the structure’s resonant frequency and adjust the LLRF Control system output drive frequency to the klystron to match it. The RF control system will thus continuously change the RF frequency as the cavities warm up, and follow the cavity resonant frequency to the desired operational resonant frequency (402.500 MHz). This “chase the cavity’s resonance” activity is referred to as a frequency agile mode of operation. The signal that determines the output RF drive frequency is also used to send an error signal to the water system which indicates how far off the cavity resonant frequency is from the desired operational resonant frequency, and in which direction. For the DTL, a 0V to 10V analog signal, sent from the LLRF to the RCCS, will be used to represent this frequency error. In particular, the analog signal ranges and resulting RCCS actions are as follows: 0V to 0.5V ⇒ negative frequency saturation. RCCS: Cool the water and structure by forcing all circulating water through heat exchanger. 0.5V to 5.0V ⇒ error signal is proportional to the -50 kHz to 0 kHz frequency error (the lower frequency error limit is software selectable). RCCS: use PID algorithm to gradually cool the structure and push the frequency error signal towards 5V, or zero frequency error. 5.0V to 9.5V ⇒ error signal is proportional to the 0 kHz to 50 kHz frequency error (the higher frequency error limit is software selectable). RCCS: use PID algorithm to gradually warm the structure and push the frequency error signal towards 5V, or zero frequency error. 9.5V to 10.0V ⇒ positive saturation. RCCS: Warm the water and structure by forcing all circulating water through the heat exchanger by-pass line. When the resonant frequency of the cavities gets within ±33 kHz of the operational resonant frequency, Fo, the Water Cooling System begins to perform active resonance control by adjusting a water mixing proportional valve in an attempt to bring the cavity resonant frequency to Fo. This ±33 kHz frequency band is termed the RCCS/Agile Band. During this mode of operation, the LLRF Control System continues to monitor the resonant frequency of the DTL and attempts to match the output RF drive frequency to it. In addition, the Water Cooling System reads the operational resonant 242 frequency error from the LLRF Control System and attempts to adjust the DTL resonant frequency by manipulating the water inlet temperature. The DTL resonant frequency shift induced by a mean temperature change of the DTL drift tube copper is approximately 6.5 kHz/°C. Thus by adjusting the cooling water temperature, the DTL resonant frequency is brought closer to Fo, and the operational resonant frequency error is reduced. This control logic, similar to that used for the Accelerator Production of Tritium/Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator RFQ and CCDTL Hot Model resonance control systems, is depicted in Figure 6.8. Note that this resonance control methodology is much different from that used on the LANSCE accelerator, where a particular cooling water temperature is sought, but no feedback is provided by the RF system. When the resonant frequency of the cavities gets within ±10 kHz of the operational resonant frequency, Fo, the LLRF Control System locks to the operational resonant frequency and the Water Cooling System takes over active cavity resonance control. This narrow frequency range is referred to as the Dead Band. Note that the limits on the Dead Band will be software selectable. Choose frequency gain or water temperature gain ef Valve (position) PID eT - Water Temp. Set Point Cavity (temperature and frequency) Water Temperature + Low Level R F System Figure 6.8. Resonance control system logic proposed for the SNS Linac RCCS. 243 Modes of Operation Depending on the operational requirements of the water cooling system, there will be several different control modes for operations staff to select from. Several basic modes of operation have been incorporated into the design to provide a flexible water cooling and resonance control system that can be used for initial water system testing, linac alignment and commissioning, low power testing, steady-state operations, and trouble shooting. These operational modes of the water cooling system are discussed below and are summarized in Table 6.2. 1A) Temperature Control Mode – The operator selects a desired primary water temperature exiting the water skid or entering the supply manifold at the Linac. A PID routine is used to maintain the desired temperature. An expert screen allows for the adjustment of the P, I and D terms. 1B) Temperature Control/Heater Function Mode - Heater is on/off. Normally not needed but available to operators if there is a need to raise water temperature if RF is not present. The button will be on an operator screen, where you manually turn it on and it automatically shuts off when the water reaches the desired temperature. 2A) Frequency Error Mode - Uses the 0.5 to 9.5 V frequency error signal from the Low Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) controls. Attempts drive to and maintain this signal at 5.00 V using a Proportional, Integral, and Differential (PID) control algorithm. Again, an expert screen allows for the adjustment of the P, I, and D terms. 2B) RF Short Trip Mode - If the LLRF error signal is lost for less than a certain period of time (user programmable) the control system holds everything (valves, pump, etc.) in the mode/position it was last in when the signal was lost. The waiting time period can be changed by an operator expert screen. 2C) RF Long Trip Mode - If the LLRF error signal does not return after a certain period of time(user programmable), the control system will change over from the Frequency Error Mode to the Temperature Control Mode, where it locks in to the last known primary water delivery temperature when the signal was lost. 3) Manual Mode - No PID control, the operator manually adjusts valves, pump, and heater. Used for installation and testing. 244 Table 6.2. Summary of operational modes for the DTL and CCL water cooling and resonance control systems Heater Condition Mode Mode Description Typical Operating Scenarios Programmed or Set-point Variables Feed-back Variables Pump Condition Hot-side Control Valve Condition Cold-side Control Valve Condition 1A. Temperature Provide stable, programmed water flow and temperature to RF structure • Cleaning of water system • Checkout of water cooling system • Low RF power testing • Loss of RF power • Primary water flow rate exiting water skid • Temperature of primary water exiting water skid • Facility chilled water flow rate exiting water skid Pump speed varied by PID algorithm to achieve setpoint flow rate Valve position controlled by PID algoritm to obtain desired primary water temperature at the outlet of the water skid Heater Valve controlled by turned off. PID algorithm to maintain a desired flowrate on the cold side of the heat exchanger. 1B. Temperature/ Heater Provide stable, • RF structure or programmed water magnet alignment flow and temperature to RF structure, with a heater-supplied heat load. • Water flow rate exiting water skid • Water flow rate exiting cold side of heat exchanger • Water temperature exiting water skid • Primary water flow rate exiting water skid • Primary water temperatur e exiting water skid • Facility chilled water flow rate exiting water skid • Water flow rate exiting water skid • Water flow rate exiting cold side of heat exchanger • Water temperatur e exiting water skid Pump speed varied by PID algorithm to achieve setpoint flow rate Valve position controlled by PID algoritm to obtain desired primary water temperature at the outlet of the water skid Valve Heater controlled by turned on PID algorithm to maintain a desired flowrate on the cold side of the heat exchanger. 245 2A. Frequency Error Provide stable, programmed water flow to RF structure, adjust hot side control valve to adjust water temperature and drive frequency error signal to resonance value (5V) Low and high level RF power. 2B. Frequency Error with Short Term RF Trip If LLRF frequency error signal is lost, hold valves at last known position.. Short term RF trip 2C. Frequency Error with Long Term RF Trip If LLRF frequency error signal is out of range for greater than allowable setpoint time, change over to temperature control mode. Manual control of pump speed, valve positions, and heater setting Long term RF trip 3. Manual System checkout, testing, or trouble shooting • Water flow rate exiting water skid • Water flow rate exiting cold side of heat exchanger • LLRF frequency error (5V) • Water flow rate exiting water skid • Water flow rate exiting cold side of heat exchanger • LLRF frequency error (5V) See temperature control mode • Water flow rate exiting water skid • Water flow rate exiting cold side of heat exchanger • LLRF error signal (010V) • Water flow rate exiting water skid • Water flow rate exiting cold side of heat exchanger • LLRF error signal (010V) See temperature control mode Pump speed varied by PID algorithm to achieve setpoint flow rate Valve position controlled by PID algoritm to obtain desired frequency error set point (5V) Valve Heater controlled by turned off PID algorithm to maintain a desired flowrate on the cold side of the heat exchanger. Pump speed varied by PID algorithm to achieve setpoint flow rate Valve position held at last known value Valve position held at last known value Heater turned off See temperature control mode See temperature control mode See temperature control mode Heater turned off None None Manual setting Manual setting Manual setting Manual setting 246 Process Software The actual code will reside in the ControlLogix Processor modules, also refereed to as a “Programmable Logic Controller” (PLC). The software is developed on a PC using the Allen Bradley RSLogix5000 software development package. The code consists of Ladder Logic routines. Once completed, the code is downloaded to the Processor, where it executes. To simplify the coding effort and software maintenance, the code is written in independent individual software modules. The following is a brief description of the modules that will be developed: 1) Start Up – Provides for processor initialization upon power-up. Preset registers where needed. 2) Status – Checks operation of the Processor and I/O modules. Monitors for major and minor system faults. 3) Read BI – Read the state of all digital inputs and store in the proper variables. 4) Read RTD - Read the state of all RTD inputs and store in the proper variables. 5) Read AI - Read the state of all analog inputs and store in the proper variables. 6) Convert AI – Perform scaling and engineering units conversion for analog values. 7) GCS Read – Reads values for Global Control System. 8) Manual Mode – Allows for manual operation of system. 9) Temperature Mode – Perform the control and PID functions for operating in the Temperature mode. 10) Frequency Mode - Perform the control and PID functions for operating in the LLRF Frequency feedback mode. 11) Heat Exchanger – Controls the facility water flow through the heat exchanger. 12) Pump – Controls the pump speed and flow. Operates the pump motor starter. 13) Alarms – Monitors values for out of range conditions and checks for interlocks. 14) Shutdown – Performs shutdown of water skid 15) Write BO - Write to the digital outputs 16) Write AO - Write to the analog Outputs 17) GCS Write – Writes values to Global Control System. 247 6.1.4 Safety Interlocks and Equipment Protection The SNS Global Control System will perform the primary monitoring for alarm states and incorporation of corrective action. For additional protection and for operating the RCCS control system in stand-alone mode, the RCCS control system will also provide for alarm condition processing. Alarms are typical indications of out-of- range conditions, such as a temperature being too high (or too low), an excessive pressure, a lack of water flow, etc. In the event of improper initialization or malfunction of the water cooling control system, safety interlock signals will be available to the SNS Global Control System to prevent system start up or to shut down RF power during operation. Note that all water system interlocks that influence other subsystems (i.e., RF power, magnet power supplies, LLRF controls, etc.), will be sent to the SNS Global Control System. There will be no “hardwiring” of equipment protection signals from the water cooling control systems to other subsystems. Consequently, for complete coverage of equipment and personnel protection, the SNS Global Control System must be operational. The particular safety interlock instruments and their purposes are listed below: • Liquid low-level indicator on reservoir/expansion tank to indicate insufficient liquid or liquid loss. • Flow meter on supply and return legs of the water skid to note any loss in water flow from leaks or blockage. • Flow meters on various outlet lines of the DTL and CCL will detect minimum required flow rate through heated components and prevent or shut down operation due to such things as, flow line blockage, water line leaks or disconnect, accidental valve closure, pump failure, etc. • Pressure transducers and pressure relief valves at various locations in the water cooling circuit (located on sections that could potentially be isolated by valves) to prevent over-pressurization of water lines. • Solenoid water valve on inlet to heat exchanger to shut off the facility chilled water supply to the water skid in the event of RF shut down. This will be incorporated to 248 prevent the DTL or CCL from overcooling (and hence moving far from resonance conditions) due to interruption or absence of applied RF power. Alarms will have different levels of severity. There are normally 4 levels of alarm conditions – HiHi, Hi, Lo, and LoLo. Lo and Hi alarm states are Caution (Yellow), primarily to warn operators as well as the Global Control System of an impending problem. Usually, no action is needed by the control system. If the problem is not corrected and continues to worsen, the alarm will change to a LoLo or HiHi Urgent (Red) state - this will notify the Global Control System and in most cases, shut down the water skid. An alarm list will be developed to indicate the desired action for the different alarm conditions. See Table 6.3 for an example of DTL tank 1 alarm actions. The values to trigger the different alarms are also being developed. These values will be monitored and can be changed from the Global Control System. Table 6.4 shows the alarm limit values for DTL tank 1 (an alarm list will be generated for all the RCCS control systems). 249 Table 6.3. DTL tank 1 water cooling system alarm actions. Type Power Supplies Resonance Control Leak Flow Temperature Pressure pH Dissolved Oxygen Resistivity Pump Speed Condition Units PS < LoLo alarm value volts PS < Lo alarm value volts PS > Hi alarm value volts PS > HiHi alarm value volts LLRF Error <0.5 or >9.5, for volts <1 minute LLRF Error <0.5 or >9.5, for volts >=1 minute FT1-FT2 > TBD gpm FT < LoLo alarm value gpm FT < Lo alarm value gpm FT > Hi alarm value gpm FT > HiHi alarm value gpm TT < LoLo alarm value degrees TT < Lo alarm value degrees TT > Hi alarm value degrees TT > HiHi alarm value degrees PT < LoLo alarm value psi PT < Lo alarm value psi PT > Hi alarm value psi PT > HiHi alarm value psi PH < LoLo alarm value gpm PH < Lo alarm value gpm PH > Hi alarm value gpm PH > HiHi alarm value gpm O2 > Hi alarm value ppb O2 > HiHi alarm value ppb RE > Hi alarm value Mohm RE > HiHi alarm value Mohm PMP > Hi alarm value rpm PMP > HiHi alarm value rpm Description Power Supplies too low Power Supplies too low Power Supplies too high Power Supplies too high Short loss of RF signal Serevity Urgent Caution Caution Urgent Caution Long loss of RF signal Caution Leak in system Flow too low Flow too low Flow too high Flow too high Temperature too low Temperature too low Temperature too high Temperature too high Pressure too low Pressure too low Pressure too high Pressure too high pH too low pH too low pH too high pH too high Oxygen too high Oxygen too high Resistivity too high Resistivity too high Pump Speed too high Pump Speed too high Urgent Urgent Caution Caution Urgent Urgent Caution Caution Urgent Urgent Caution Caution Urgent Urgent Caution Caution Urgent Caution Urgent Caution Urgent Caution Urgent 250 Action Shut down skid None None Shut down skid Hold valve positions and pump speeds Disable Frequency mode, change to Temperature mode Shut down skid Shut down skid None None Shut down skid Shut down skid None None Shut down skid Shut down skid None None Shut down skid Shut down skid None None Shut down skid None Shut down skid None Shut down skid None Shut down skid Table 6.4. DTL tank 1 water cooling system alarm limits. SNS DTL #1 Resonant Control Cooling System (RCCS) Alarm List System/ SubSystem DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 Device Name PS1 PS2 TT8 FT1 FT2 FT3 FT4 FT5 PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 PT5 PT6 TT1 TT2 TT3 TT4 TT5 TT6 TT7 CV1 CV1 CV2 CV2 PH1 O21 Device voltage voltage temperature transmitter flow transmitter flow transmitter flow transmitter flow transmitter flow transmitter pressure transmitter pressure transmitter pressure transmitter pressure transmitter pressure transmitter pressure transmitter temperature transmitter temperature transmitter temperature transmitter temperature transmitter temperature transmitter temperature transmitter temperature transmitter 3 way PID valve readback 3 way PID valve control 2 way PID valve readback 2 way PID valve control purity xducer oxygen xducer Location LoLo rack 22 rack 22 rack 18 water skid water skid water skid water skid water skid water skid water skid water skid water skid water skid water skid water skid 15 water skid 15 water skid 15 water skid 15 water skid 15 water skid 15 water skid 15 water skid water skid water skid water skid water skid 6.5 water skid Lo 23 23 20 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 7 Hi 24.5 24.5 35 270 270 270 HiHi 25 25 40 290 290 290 Units Volts Volts degrees C gpm gpm gpm 270 90 90 90 90 90 90 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 290 110 110 110 110 110 110 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 gpm psi psi psi psi psi psi degrees C degrees C degrees C degrees C degrees C degrees C degrees C 9 25 9.5 40 pH ppb 251 Description rack power supply #1 rack power supply #2 rack internal temperature main return flow meter flow meter loop of heat exchanger flow meter at skid exit water purity loop flow meter flow meter out of heat exchanger back to CWS inlet pressure of heat exchanger loop outlet pressure of heat exchanger inlet pressure to pump outlet pressure from pump inlet pressure to heat exchanger, facility outlet pressure of heat exchanger, facility inlet temperature of heat exchanger loop outlet temperature of heat exchanger inlet temperature to pump outlet temperature from pump inlet temperature to heat exchanger, facility outlet temperature of heat exchanger, facility outlet temperature of heater HTR-1 PID control valve - 3 way PID control valve - 3 way PID 2 way valve, chilled water to hx flow controll PID 2 way valve, chilled water to hx flow controll main water PH transducer main water oxygen transducer System/ Device SubSystem Name Device DTL_RCCS1 PMP-1 pump DTL_RCCS1 PMP-1 pump readback DTL_RCCS1 LT1 fluid level DTL_RCCS1 HTR-1 in-line heater DTL_RCCS1 RE1 resistivity probe DTL_RCCS1 RE2 resistivity probe Tank 1-section A ---------------------DTL_TANK1 FT101 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT102 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT103 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT104 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT105 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 PT101 pressure transmitter DTL_TANK1 PT102 pressure transmitter DTL_TANK1 TT101 temperature transmitter DTL_TANK1 TT102 temperature transmitter Tank 1-section B ---------------------DTL_TANK1 FT106 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT107 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT108 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT109 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT110 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT111 flow transmitter Location LoLo water skid water skid water skid water skid water skid 3 water skid 3 ***** tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel 15 tunnel 15 ***** tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel Lo Hi HiHi Units 1000 Low 1100 rpm 5 5 20 20 30 30 Mohm Mohm 17 17 270 270 270 270 270 90 90 25 25 290 290 290 290 290 110 110 28 28 gpm gpm gpm gpm gpm psi psi degrees C degrees C 270 270 270 270 270 270 290 290 290 290 290 290 gpm gpm gpm gpm gpm gpm 252 Description main loop pump variable speed main loop pump variable speed water purity loop reservoir tank fluid low-level indicator in-line heater, manual remote control at MCC panel resistivity probe @ center of water filtration system resistivity probe post of water filtration system main post coupler return flow meter drift tube return flow meter end wall return flow meter post coupler return flow meter slug tuner return flow meter main supply pressure main return pressure main supply temperature main return temperature ***** end wall flow meter flow meter flow meter flow meter flow meter flow meter 6.1.5 Signal List The ControlLogix processor will contain a database consisting of all signals and values processed and stored by the RCCS control system. This database is derived primarily from the RCCS signal list. The signal list will contain the signal name, type, description and location. In addition, the signal list will contain ControlLogix I/O designations, cabling information and signal routing. Complete cabling diagrams and installation documentation will be generated from the signal list. The signal list for DTL#1 is shown in Table 6.2. 253 Table 6.2 – DTL#1 signal list. SNS DTL #1 Resonant Control Cooling System (RCCS) Signal List, Tank 1 System/ SubSystem DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 DTL_RCCS1 Device Name PS1 PS2 TT8 FT1 FT2 FT3 FT4 FT5 PT1 PT2 PT3 PT4 PT5 PT6 TT1 TT2 TT3 TT4 TT5 TT6 TT7 CV1 CV1 CV2 CV2 PH1 O21 Signal Device type Location voltage 0-24VDC rack voltage 0-24VDC rack temperature transmitter RTD rack flow transmitter 4-20mA water skid flow transmitter 4-20mA water skid flow transmitter 4-20mA water skid flow transmitter 4-20mA water skid flow transmitter 4-20mA water skid pressure transmitter 4-20mA water skid pressure transmitter 4-20mA water skid pressure transmitter 4-20mA water skid pressure transmitter 4-20mA water skid pressure transmitter 4-20mA water skid pressure transmitter 4-20mA water skid temperature transmitter RTD water skid temperature transmitter RTD water skid temperature transmitter RTD water skid temperature transmitter RTD water skid temperature transmitter RTD water skid temperature transmitter RTD water skid temperature transmitter RTD water skid 3 way PID valve readback 4-20mA water skid 3 way PID valve control 4-20mA water skid 2 way PID valve readback 4-20mA water skid 2 way PID valve control 4-20mA water skid purity xducer 4-20mA water skid oxygen xducer 4-20mA water skid Module Info IF16-1 IF16-2 IRD6-1 IF16-3 IF16-4 IF16-5 IF16-6 IF16-7 IF16-8 IF16-9 IF16-10 IF16-11 IF16-12 IF16-13 IRD6-2 IRD6-3 IRD6-4 IRD6-5 IRD6-6 2-IRD6-1 2-IRD6-2 IF16-14 OF8-1 IF16-15 OF8-2 2-IF16-1 2-IF16-2 Cable/Pair Cable Type J-Box 1-PAIR-1 Belden 9341 ***** 1-PAIR-1 Belden 9341 ***** 1-PAIR-1 Omega 3CU-24S ***** 1-PAIR-3 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-4 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-5 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-6 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-7 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-8 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-9 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-10 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-11 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-12 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-13 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-2 Belden 1094A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-3 Belden 1094A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-4 Belden 1094A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-5 Belden 1094A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-6 Belden 1094A D1-JB1 2-PAIR-1 Belden 1094A D1-JB1 2-PAIR-2 Belden 1094A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-14 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-1 Belden 1050A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-15 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 1-PAIR-2 Belden 1050A D1-JB1 2-PAIR-1 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 2-PAIR-2 Belden 1052A D1-JB1 255 Tunnel Chase # Cable/Pair Cable Type J-Box Description ***** ***** ***** ***** rack power supply #1 ***** ***** ***** ***** rack power supply #2 ***** ***** ***** ***** rack internal temperature ***** ***** ***** ***** main return flow meter ***** ***** ***** ***** flow meter loop of heat exchanger ***** ***** ***** ***** flow meter at skid exit ***** ***** ***** ***** water purity loop flow meter ***** ***** ***** ***** flow meter out of heat exchanger back to CWS ***** ***** ***** ***** inlet pressure of heat exchanger loop ***** ***** ***** ***** outlet pressure of heat exchanger ***** ***** ***** ***** inlet pressure to pump ***** ***** ***** ***** outlet pressure from pump ***** ***** ***** ***** inlet pressure to heat exchanger, facility ***** ***** ***** ***** outlet pressure of heat exchanger, facility ***** ***** ***** ***** inlet temperature of heat exchanger loop ***** ***** ***** ***** outlet temperature of heat exchanger ***** ***** ***** ***** inlet temperature to pump ***** ***** ***** ***** outlet temperature from pump ***** ***** ***** ***** inlet temperature to heat exchanger, facility ***** ***** ***** ***** outlet temperature of heat exchanger, facility ***** ***** ***** ***** outlet temperature of heater HTR-1 ***** ***** ***** ***** PID control valve - 3 way ***** ***** ***** ***** PID control valve - 3 way ***** ***** ***** ***** PID 2 way valve, chilled water to hx flow controll ***** ***** ***** ***** PID 2 way valve, chilled water to hx flow controll ***** ***** ***** ***** main water PH transducer ***** ***** ***** ***** main water oxygen transducer System/ Device SubSystem Name Device DTL_RCCS1 PMP-1 pump DTL_RCCS1 PMP-1 pump readback DTL_RCCS1 LT1 fluid level DTL_RCCS1 HTR-1 in-line heater DTL_RCCS1 RE1 resistivity probe DTL_RCCS1 RE2 resistivity probe Tank 1-section A ---------------------DTL_TANK1 FT101 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT102 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT103 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT104 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT105 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 PT101 pressure transmitter DTL_TANK1 PT102 pressure transmitter DTL_TANK1 TT101 temperature transmitter DTL_TANK1 TT102 temperature transmitter Tank 1-section B ---------------------DTL_TANK1 FT106 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT107 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT108 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT109 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT110 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 FT111 flow transmitter Signal type 4-20mA 4-20mA 24VDC 24VDC 4-20mA 4-20mA ***** 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA RTD RTD ***** 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA 4-20mA Location water skid water skid water skid water skid water skid water skid ***** tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel ***** tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel Module Info 2-IF16-3 OF8-3 IBD32-1 OBD32-1 2-IF16-4 2-IF16-5 Cable/Pair 2-PAIR-3 1-PAIR-3 1-PAIR-1 2-PAIR-1 2-PAIR-4 2-PAIR-5 Cable Type Belden 1052A Belden 1050A Belden 1065A Belden 1065A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A J-Box D1-JB1 D1-JB1 D1-JB1 D1-JB1 D1-JB1 D1-JB1 Chase Tunnel # Cable/Pair Cable Type J-Box Description ***** ***** ***** ***** main loop pump variable speed ***** ***** ***** ***** main loop pump variable speed ***** ***** ***** ***** water purity loop reservoir tank fluid low-level indicator ***** ***** ***** ***** in-line heater, manual remote control at MCC panel ***** ***** ***** ***** resistivity probe @ center of water filtration system ***** ***** ***** ***** resistivity probe post of water filtration system 3-IF16-1 3-IF16-2 3-IF16-3 3-IF16-4 3-IF16-5 3-IF16-6 3-IF16-7 3-IRD6-1 3-IRD6-2 3-PAIR-1 3-PAIR-2 3-PAIR-3 3-PAIR-4 3-PAIR-5 3-PAIR-6 3-PAIR-7 3-PAIR-1 3-PAIR-2 Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1094A Belden 1094A D1-JB2 D1-JB2 D1-JB2 D1-JB2 D1-JB2 D1-JB2 D1-JB2 D1-JB2 D1-JB2 DTL-A DTL-A DTL-A DTL-A DTL-A DTL-A DTL-A DTL-A DTL-A 4-PAIR-1 4-PAIR-2 4-PAIR-3 4-PAIR-4 4-PAIR-5 4-PAIR-6 4-PAIR-7 4-PAIR-1 4-PAIR-2 Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1094A Belden 1094A D1-JB3 D1-JB3 D1-JB3 D1-JB3 D1-JB3 D1-JB3 D1-JB3 D1-JB3 D1-JB3 3-IF16-8 3-IF16-9 3-IF16-10 3-IF16-11 3-IF16-12 3-IF16-13 3-PAIR-8 3-PAIR-9 3-PAIR-10 3-PAIR-11 3-PAIR-12 3-PAIR-13 Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A D1-JB2 D1-JB2 D1-JB2 D1-JB2 D1-JB2 D1-JB2 DTL-A DTL-A DTL-A DTL-A DTL-A DTL-A 4-PAIR-8 4-PAIR-9 4-PAIR-10 4-PAIR-11 4-PAIR-12 4-PAIR-13 Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A Belden 1052A D1-JB3 D1-JB3 D1-JB3 D1-JB3 D1-JB3 D1-JB3 256 main post coupler return flow meter drift tube return flow meter end wall return flow meter post coupler return flow meter slug tuner return flow meter main supply pressure main return pressure main supply temperature main return temperature ***** end wall flow meter flow meter flow meter flow meter flow meter flow meter 6.2 Global Controls The Global Controls System is a facility-wide system of networks, processors and software that enables subsystem control systems to maintain local control but allows sequential control, supervisory control, monitoring, data acquisition, archiving, alarm management, and operator interfaces from other nodes on the network. The software will be developed in the SNS standard development environment. The EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) toolkit forms the foundation of the standard providing a distributed processing architecture, tools and software. Operator interface workstations will be Linux based. Control system configuration consisting of I/O channel specifics, conversions, alarm limits, control logic, Channel Access process variable names, etc. will be managed using Oracle. Software configuration management will be implemented with CVS. 6.2.1. Interfaces The RCCS local control systems will interface to Global Controls via several EPICS components known as IOCs (Input/Output Controller). The IOC is a VME chassis with a single board PowerPC processor, VxWorks operating system and EPICS software. The RCCS IOCs will be further populated with MPS (Machine Protection System), Event Link/RTDL (Real-Time Data Link) and Ethernet network boards. The EPICS software on the IOC consists of the Channel Database, iocCore, Channel Access Server, Sequencer, driver support and device drivers. Cooling IOC Cooling PLCs Global Controls Processor (RCCS and QMCS) MPS Machine Protection System Utility Event Link/RTDL Figure 6.9. IOC interfaces. 257 Communication interface between the IOC and the rest of Global Controls is via Ethernet – TCP/IP over the EPICS’ Channel Access protocol. Every field of every record is available to all other nodes on the control system through Channel Access. Communication between the IOC and the RCCS PLCs is via EtherNet/IP. EtherNet/IP is the ControlNet on Ethernet implementation. 6.2.2. Configuration There is a one-to-one relationship between the number of PLC-based RCCS systems and DTL tanks and CCL modules. The design calls for six DTL tanks and four CCL modules. Additionally there are two QMCS (Quadrupole Magnet Control System) systems, each with a PLC-based control system. The relationship between IOCs and PLCs is: • 1 IOC for the six DTL RCCS PLCs • 1 IOC for the four CCL RCCS PLCs and 1 CCL QMCS PLC and 1 SCL QMCS PLC Archivers Operator Interface Workstations Ethernet to Global Controls MPS Event Link/RTDL EtherNet/IP DTL1 RCCS PLC DTL2 RCCS PLC DTL3 RCCS PLC DTL4 RCCS PLC DTL5 RCCS PLC DTL Cooling IOC In rack: ctl:dtl6 cab01 Figure 6.10. IOC for DTL RCCS PLCs. 258 DTL6 RCCS PLC Archivers Operator Interface Workstations Ethernet to Global Controls MPS Event Link/RTDL EtherNet/IP CCL1 RCCS PLC CCL2 RCCS PLC CCL3 RCCS PLC CCL4 RCCS PLC CCL QMCS PLC SCL QMCS PLC CCL Cooling IOC In rack: ctl:ccl4 cab01 Figure 6.11. IOC for CCL RCCS PLCs, CCL QMCS PLC and SCL QMCS PLC. 6.2.3. Interlocks Interlock specifics and details are in progress. To date the following interlocks have been identified. All of these interlocks route through the IOC. The IOC transmits or receives these interlock signals by way of the Channel Access (CA) client/server software over the Global Controls networks. Inbound (per RCCS PLC): RF Error signal from associated LLRF Outbound (per RCCS PLC): RF Permit signal to LLRF RF Windows Water Flow Signal to associated HPRF Outbound (per RCCS PLC and per QMCS PLC) Water OK signal to Magnet Power Supplies 259 6.2.4. Operator Interface Operator interface screens are under development. These screens will be available on all Global Controls EPICS workstations in the facility. There are various levels of screens planned at this time: high level monitoring showing composition results of all RCCS and QMCS systems, monitoring screens of individual RCCS and QMCS systems, tabular panel style operator control screens, P&ID representations with numerical and graphical indicators and operator controls (buttons, sliders, setpoint entry, etc.), and tabular parameter entry screens (i.e. alarm limits, PID parameters, etc.). 6.2.5. Archiving Signals from the resonance cooling system are read into the IOCs and time stamped. The time stamp is derived from the system-wide clock that is received by the utility board over the event and RTDL links. The time stamped data can then be used to determine any relationship between subsystem parameters. 6.2.6. Alarm Management The management of alarms at the global level has not yet been determined. The cooling system parameters can configured to be in a cooling only alarm configuration or as part of the related beamline components: DTL and CCL, or both. 260 7.0 SNS Facility Interfaces The design of the DTL water cooling and resonance control system requires multiple mechanical and electrical interfaces with the SNS facility. Figure 7.1 shows a plan view of the portion of the SNS facility corresponding to the drift tube linac. The DTL portion of the facility is divided into two main structures. The first structure is the linac tunnel, which contains the DTL RF structures and its subsystem components including beam diagnostics, magnets, vacuum pumps and instrumentation, and the water manifolding system. The second structure is the klystron gallery, which houses the klystron and RF power systems, water skids, motor control centers, electronics racks, etc. Figure 7.2 shows a cross-section of the DTL facility structures. Running between the linac tunnel and klystron gallery, are several chases, which carry in part, water transfer lines, as well as water system instrumentation and electrical power lines. Each of these facility structures, and their various interfaces with the DTL water cooling systems, is described in more detail in the following sections. 7.1 Klystron Gallery The klystron gallery is 30 ft wide by 26 ft high and contains much of the hardware and electronics for the various linac support systems (RF controls and power systems, water cooling and resonance control, vacuum, etc.). In particular, the klystron gallery houses six DTL water skids, and their corresponding electronics racks and pump motor/water heater control centers. Each water skid and its corresponding electronics rack and motor/heater control center, form the heart of a single DTL tank water cooling system. As shown in Figure 6.1, the water cooling system’s skids and electronics racks are distributed throughout the klystron gallery. The power and signal lines will run between a water skid and its corresponding electronics rack in overhead cable trays. This will also be true for power and communication cables between an electronics rack and its corresponding DTL tank. In this case, cables will be routed through cable trays between the rack and its corresponding waveguide chase, through which the cables will run to reach the DTL tank. A cable junction box, located at the klystron gallery end of the chase, will ease the routing of the cables into the chase conduits. For the six DTL water skids, there will be six corresponding motor/heater control centers. These control centers 261 Figure 7.1. Plan-view of the SNS facility along the length of the DTL. 262 Figure 7.2. Cross-section of the SNS facility at the DTL. 263 Figure 7.3. Cross-section of the Linac tunnel at the DTL. 264 will be remotely grouped together in a single location along a wall in the klystron gallery. This remoteness is necessary to maintain proper access clearance requirements dictated by national electrical codes. This will require the routing of electrical and communication cables between the motor/heater control center, and the corresponding water skid and electronics rack. The facility routing of the DTL water cooling system power and communication cables, as well as the water transfer lines, is part of an SNS facility-wide coordinated effort and is not complete at this time. Factors that will influence these routings include the following: Cable tray definitions and routings, waveguide layouts, chase shielding blocks designs, junction box definitions, other water line routings, etc. The LANL and ORNL facility interface issues related to the klystron gallery, are summarized in Table 7.1. 265 Table 7.1. LANL and ORNL Klystron gallery design issues, as they pertain to the Linac water cooling systems. Item Design Issue Description or Action Status 1 Where are the connection points/interfaces between the water skid and facility chilled water? What do the facility interfaces for the chilled water supply and return look like? (flange type, valve arrangement, etc.) The water skid will have connections at the top of the skid. The approximate location is 8’ 6” above the floor and 2’ to 4’ from the North wall. Each water skid location is defined on LANL drawing 155Y500006. Facility chilled water supply and return ports are noted on LANL drawing 155Y500006. Closed For each DTL water skid, there will be two 3” water lines running between the top of the skid and the facility chilled water supply and return. ORNL facilities will need to provide flanged connections off of the facility chilled water supply and return lines for each skid. These flanged connections should be sized for a 3” pipe connection. ORNL facilities must also provide isolation valves on the facility side of these connection flanges. LANL will be responsible for routing and providing the plumbing between the water skid and facility chilled water ports. The clearance is 3’ to the shielding blocks, 3’ to the electronic rack, 1’ from the North wall, and 2’ to the next water skid. Closed The cable tray layouts are currently under development by ORNL and LANL. Open All electrical requirements for the Linac water cooling systems have been defined and are contained on ORNL drawing # SK-GAJ-112800-01. For the racks, the power and signal lines will run along the South wall, split 90° and run from overhead racks dropping down to the trays. For the water skid, the electrical hook-ups will follow a similar path and drop from overhead trays. All electrical requirements for the Linac water cooling systems have been defined and are contained on ORNL drawing # SK-GAJ-112800-01. Wiring of the motor/heater control centers is still under development. The water skids, motor/heater control centers, and electronics racks, are identified on LANL drawing # 155Y500006. Closed A preliminary DTL water transfer line routing layout has been generated by LANL SNS. LANL plans to generate single line diagrams to provide craft pipe fitters with to plumb the transfer lines. These single line diagrams will be incorporated with the 3-D facility models (see LANL drawing # 155Y500006) as they are developed, to ensure proper clearance is maintained with other hardware. The shielding is presently defined as concrete blocks. Open LANL & ORNL Open ORNL 2 3 4 How much clearance exists around the water skids and electronics racks for maintenance? Where are the cable trays located? 5 Are the electrical requirements and wiring layouts identified for the electronic racks? 6 Are the electrical requirements and wiring layouts identified for the water skids? Where are the locations of the water skids, motor/heater control centers, and electronics racks? What is the routing plan for the water transfer lines running between the skids and the chases? What does the shielding look like around the chase entrance? 7 8 9 266 Action for: Closed Open LANL & ORNL LANL & ORNL Closed 7.2 Linac Tunnel The linac tunnel is 14 ft wide by 12 ft high and contains the six DTL tanks and the associated water manifolds, jumper lines, and instrumentation. As shown in Figure 7.3, the proton beam line is 50 inches above the floor and 68 inches from the South wall. The DTL support structure has a ground clearance of 23 inches and has a 4 foot spacing to the South wall. The main supply and return manifolds will be mounted on the non-aisle side of the DTL support structure. Access to this area will be required for manual operation of the water distribution globe valves during system commissioning. Access will also be required for periodic maintenance. Consequently, a coordinated effort by all hardware and facility design teams will be required to ensure that proper access is available and maintained behind the DTL. The water cooling system cabling to/from the electronics racks will enter the Linac tunnel at the base of the South wall through the chases. The chases are centered on each of the DTL tanks. The exact routing of the cabling between the chase and the DTL structure is currently under development. It is expected that the water cooling system cabling will be routed overhead, via cable trays, between the DTL tank and the associated chase entrance. A junction box, located at the chase entrance, will be utilized to ease cable routing tasks. RF shielding is required in the Linac tunnel at each chase entrance. The Linac shielding will be similar to the shielding on the Klystron gallery side of the chase. The shielding must provide feed-throughs for the water system cabling and water transfer lines to pass through. The shielding requirement on the Linac side of the chase is under design by ORNL SNS personnel. The LANL and ORNL facility interface issues related to the linac tunnel, are summarized in Table 7.2. 267 Table 7.2. LANL and ORNL Linac tunnel design issues, as they pertain to the Linac water cooling systems. Item Design Issue 1 What is the routing plan for the water transfer lines running between the RF structures and the chases? 2 Where are the cable trays located? 3 What does the shielding look like around the chase entrance? What are the clearances around the Linac for water line installation and maintenance? 4 Response or Action A preliminary DTL water transfer line routing layout has been generated by LANL SNS. LANL plans to generate single line diagrams to provide craft pipe fitters with to plumb the transfer lines. These single line diagrams will be incorporated with the 3-D facility models (see LANL drawing # 155Y500006) as they are developed, to ensure proper clearance is maintained with other hardware. The current tunnel design includes cable trays extending overhead along the South wall of the linac tunnel. The design of the trays and the routing of the cables is still under design. The shielding is presently defined as concrete blocks. The C/L of the beam is 50” above the floor and 68” from the South wall. The Linac support structure has a ground clearance of 23” and has a 50” spacing from the South wall. The water manifolds will be mounted on the non-aisle side of the linac. Proper clearance must be maintained in this area for operation of manual globe valves and maintenance procedures. Status Open Open LANL & ORNL Open ORNL Closed 7.3 Chases The chases will be located at an angle of 33.5° from the horizontal, running from the Klystron gallery downward to the Linac tunnel, as shown previously in Fig 7.2. The angled chase will have a length of approximately 20 feet. The chases will serve as passageways for the RF waveguides, water cooling lines, and power/communication cabling. All water cooling system power and communications cables for instrumentation on the DTL , will be routed between the tunnel and klystron gallery via the chases. To simplify the wire routings in the chases and minimize the amount of time required for pulling and routing cables, junction boxes will be utilized on both ends of the chases. The junction boxes will be connected with specified numbers and types of cables, which will be wired and routed prior to installation of the DTL water cooling system. The use of junction boxes will eliminate the need to individually route standard cables and will significantly shorten the required installation time of the vacuum control systems. The installation teams will simply need to wire a water cooling system electronics rack up to the corresponding junction box in the klystron gallery, as well as wire up the water 268 Action for: LANL & ORNL cooling system instrumentation to the matching junction box in the linac tunnel. More specific details on cable types, quantities, sizes, etc., can be found in Section 6 of this report. The chases are currently under the design and responsibility of ORNL SNS. The DTL water cooling system cable and transfer line sizes and quantities given in this report have been submitted to ORNL SNS to incorporate proper quantities of electrical conduits and water pipes in the chase designs. The numbering sequence for the various chases and their contents, is also under development and will be integrated with the facility-wide cable and transfer line layouts. Figure 7.4 summarizes all of the chase cross-sections, contents, numbering sequence, etc. Figure 7.5 provides details of the chases containing the DTL water cooling system water lines and power/communication cables for tanks 3 through 6. The LANL and ORNL facility interface issues related to the chases, are summarized in Table 7.3. Table 7.3. LANL and ORNL chase design issues, as they pertain to the Linac water cooling systems. Item Design Issue 1 How many chases are provided and where are they located? 2 What is the size and orientation of the chases? What components reside in the chases? (waveguides, water pipes, signal lines, etc) Is the environment of the chase satisfactory for the water lines and cables? 3 4 5 Is shielding of the analog signal lines from RF waveguides needed if both are placed in the chase? Response or Action The chases are identified on LANL drawing # 155Y500006. Chase numbering has been developed by ORNL and identified in ORNL drawing # SK-GAJ-112800-01. The chase size is identified in ORNL drawing # SK-GAJ-112800-01. The chase contents are identified in ORNL drawing # SK-GAJ-112800-01. Open Action for: ORNL Open ORNL Open Currently, engineering calculations predict that, for chases containing waveguides, the chase air temperatures will exceed 50°C. This high air temperature violates national electrical codes for the intended cabling plan, as it seriously deregulates the cable capacities and detrimentally impacts the insulation properties of the cables. The high air temperatures will also have a negative impact on the water temperature of the resonance control system’s transfer lines. It is unclear whether or not the RF waveguides will create undesirable noise in the signal cables, running in the electrical conduits. Open LANL & ORNL ORNL 269 Status Open LANL & ORNL Figure 7.4. Chase cross-section details for the SNS facility. 270 Figure 7.5. Chase cross-section details for the DTL water cooling system’s tanks 3 through 6. 271 8.0 Safety 8.1 Hazard Analyses and Protective Measures There are numerous safety issues and concerns associated with the design of the DTL water cooling and resonance control system including mechanical, electrical, and thermal. This section attempts to itemize the hazards associated with the water cooling system design, and list protective measures that have been incorporated to mitigate them. Some general hazards related to the DTL water cooling system design are summarized in Table 8.1. Potential mechanical and electrical failures that can be detected and mitigated with the control system are summarized in Table 8.2. Table 8.1. Summary of general hazards related to the DTL water cooling system design. # 1 Hazard Overpress urization of water cooling system. 2 Electrical -High voltage (220 to 440 VAC) for heater and pump. Water purificatio n resins activation. Water system plumbing activation. 3 4 5 Chemicals 6 Water – activation 7 Electrical - racks Mitigation Features • Plumbing designed to withstand an operational pressure of at least 150 psig, following the ASME B31.3 code. • Pressure relief valves placed on the expansion tank and supply/return manifolds of the Linac. Valves set to crack @ 100 psig. • Flow throttling device placed on nitrogen pressurization source to limit the entering gas flow to a value below the dissipation rate capacity of the pressure relief valves. • An industry and UL approved control circuit will be used on both the electric heater and pump. The pump’s motor controller will also have an overload protection circuit. • Controllers for both devices will be placed in a motor/heater control center which has proper access clearance according to the National Electrical Code for performing electrical work on energized circuits. • All electrical wiring will be protected with metal conduit and installed by qualified crafts personnel. • Some activation of the water purification resins will occur during operation of the Linac water cooling system. These activation levels are expected to be quite low, based on operational experience at LANSCE. A resin handling and disposal plan has been generated and is contained within this report. • Some activation of the water system plumbing will occur during operation of the Linac water cooling system. These activation levels are expected to be quite low, based on operational experience at LANSCE. Shielding is not expected to be required. DOE approved, worker radiation safety protocals will need to be followed to work around the water cooling systems. • Piping dope, cleaning agents, water purification resins, etc., will require specific handling procedures, personnel protective equipment, and training on proper use. Administrative controls will need to be in place by ORNL-SNS management. • MSDS sheets will be provided by chemical suppliers to ORNL-SNS. • Leakless drain systems have been incorporated in the design of the water system. • Training and administrative controls will be necessary for all maintenance work which requires draining of the water cooling systems. • Maintenance procedures will be documented in an operations and maintenance manual. Electronics racks will have access restrictions to prevent non-authorized personnel access. The touchscreen interfaces will be password protected to limit accessibility. 272 Table 8.2. Summary of potential mechanical and electrical failures detected and mitigated by the control system. # 1 Failure Mode Major Power Failure to rack and skid 2 3 Rack Power Failure Skid Power Failure 4 RTD failure 5 Pump Failure 6 Major Water Leak 7 Pump Failure 8 Heater Failure 9 LLRF error signal range Detection Method No heartbeat signal to the Global Control System (GCS) No heartbeat signal to GCS Controller will detect disagreements between setpoints and readback values Controller will record an out-of – range value Flowmeters will detect loss of flow, Difference in input and output flowmeters and loss of pressure. Pump readback will disagree with control setpoint No rise in temperature detected Voltage out of range (<0.5V or > 9.5 V) Result Pump shuts off, heater shuts off. Pump shuts off, heater shuts off. Pump shuts off, heater shuts off, control system generates alarm message to GCS Generates an alarm message to GCS Controller will shut down system and generate alarm message to GCS Controller will shut down system and generate alarm message to GCS Controller will shut down pump and generate alarm message to GCS Controller will shut off heater and generate alarm message to GCS Controller will decrease temperature of RCCS if <0.5V, and increase temperature if > 9.5 V. A message will be sent to GCS to indicate RCCS is not in closed-loop mode. 8.2 Personnel Safety In addition to the designed safety features and control system safety interlocks mentioned previously in this report, the following personnel safety issues should be considered by ORNL: • Proper ORNL safe operating procedures and hazard control plans (or similar administrative controls) will be in place at the SNS facility for the assembly, installation, testing, and operation of the water cooling systems. • All electrical work will be carried out in compliance with ORNL ES&H policies which implement U.S. Department of Energy orders to comply with local, state and federal regulations. 273 • All water cooling system personnel will receive proper safety and site-specific training as directed by ORNL ES&H guidelines. • All MSDS related to the water cooling system equipment shall be supplied to ORNL SNS by the responsible vendors. • Water cooling system components will be subject to radiation activation from beam scattering. Since water cooling system components will have to be serviced, repaired or replaced, workers may be exposed to the induced radiation. The hazard of activation of the water cooling system components must be addressed in a separate Radiation Protection Plan (e.g. safety plans, training, operating procedures, etc.) in accordance with 10 CFR 835, Rev. 1, "Occupational Radiation Protection". The SNS Facility Manager will need to develop and implement the Radiation Protection Plan. • ORNL SNS will be provided with assembly, installation, operations, and maintenance manuals related to the DTL water cooling and resonance control system, by the LANL SNS division. 274 9.0 Procurement The water cooling system can be split into two major procurements, the water skids and the water manifolds. The procurement plan will not differ significantly between DTL, CCL, and SCL water cooling systems. The complexity of each procurement, and therefore the procurement method, is vastly different when comparing the requirements for the water skid and the water manifolds. Detailed comparison tables were used to determine the procurement methods (See Tables 9.1 and 9.2). A criterion was developed, scored and multiplied by a weighting factor to compare two different procurement options. The water skid contains all of the critical components for controlling the water temperature and flow. However, the manifold system will contain flow, temperature, and pressure monitoring equipment that will feed back to the PLC. In essence, the skid is the heart of the closed loop system and the manifolds are the delivery portion of the system. LANL’s analysis of the water skids and manifolds, supported by the Hot Model testing, show that the SINDA/FLUINT estimates of line sizing, orifice plate diameters, etc. are very accurate. As can be seen, the manifold design does not involve a large degree of intricacy, which supports a build-to-print procurement. The Water skid design has great design complexity, which supports a more flexible design method of procurement. Table 9.1. Water skid procurement options† Criteria Individual Score Option A Option B Functionality Safety Procurement, Fabrication, Assembly Durability/ Reliability Cost Maintainability Consistency Weighting Factor Total Score Option A Option B 3 4 5 3 3 3 5 5 3 15 20 15 15 15 9 4 4 4 16 16 5 3 4 2 3 3 4 3 2 Grand Total Score 20 9 8 103 8 9 6 78 275 Table 9.2. Water manifold procurement options † Criteria Individual Score Weighting Option A Option B Factor Functionality Safety Procurement, Fabrication, Assembly Durability/ Reliability Cost Maintainability Consistency † Total Score Option A Option B 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 3 15 15 12 20 20 12 4 4 4 16 16 2 3 3 5 3 5 4 3 2 Grand Total Score 8 9 6 81 20 9 10 107 Option A = LANL will provide all design requirements for all of the components to be purchased by the supplier. The supplier will buy all system components excluding the heat exchanger, flow control valve, and water purification system. The supplier will provide all drawings for LANL approval as well as test the system for leakage and functionality. Option B = LANL will purchase and provide all components to the supplier. The supplier will provide all drawings for LANL approval as well as test the system for leakage and functionality. The statement of work for both the skids and the manifolds will be sent out for competitive bid to LANL specified vendors and purchased by the LANL procurement department. The vendor selection will be competitive and proposals submitted by contractors will be reviewed and judged on a cost as well as an established technical criterion. The potential vendors will be subject to approval by the technical review team who will evaluate the design proposals and methods. The University of California Technical Representative and Buyer from LANL will select the lowest cost responsible bidder from those received. Established LANL Quality Assurance Procedures (see Section 9.3) will be followed Vendor technical selection criteria will include: • Overall design expertise • Functionality • Basic fabrication, assembling, and testing capabilities 276 • Reliability • Maintainability • Past performance history • Manufacturing and delivery plan (clear and concise? Risky?) • Subcontracting plans • Quality assurance program • Inspection and testing capabilities • Ability to meet staggered delivery schedule (see Section 8 of this report) • On-site survey of contractor facilities 9.1 Water Skid Procurement LANL will develop all of the technical requirements for the water skid. These requirements will be provided to the manufacturer/supplier in a detailed procurement specification. This information will be the basis for developing the water skid. Some freedom will be permissible for the supplier to optimize their design, but it will resemble the water skid depicted in Figure 2.3(b). LANL will specify the manufacturer and model type for the heat exchanger, but will supply specifications for all other water skid components. The responsibility to purchase the heat exchanger will belong to the water skid manufacturer. The manufacturer will select all other components provided they meet the technical requirement explicitly defined in the procurement specification. The technical statement of work for the procurement of the water skids is contained in Appendix C. The procurement specification contains an outline drawing, a P&ID, and the testing requirements to the water skid manufacturer. LANL will not provide detailed drawings. These drawings are the responsibility of the manufacturer to develop and create based on their proposed design. LANL will retain drawing approval for assembly, installation, and detail drawings. The water skid manufacturer will provide a complete set of drawings for the system design and the supporting structure. The support structure will have specified requirements defining the envelope, mobility, stiffness, etc. Acceptance tests will be required to verify the fluid system integrity. Test completion and acceptance will allow 277 for the certification of the water skid. Packaging and shipping to ORNL will complete the responsibility of the manufacturer. 9.2 Water Manifold Procurement LANL will develop all of the technical requirements for the water manifolds. These requirements will be provided to potential vendors in a detailed procurement specification. A technical evaluation will be made of the potential vendors to verify that each proposal meets all of the technical requirements as specified in the procurement specification. In evaluating potential vendors, the same technical criterion as that used for the water skids and shown above will be implemented. From the technical evaluation will be a ranking. The technical ranking will be compared to a cost ranking. The result will produce the lowest cost responsible bidder. The procurement specification will be the basis for fabrication of all of the water manifold assemblies for the DTL, CCL and SCL. Some freedom will be permissible for the vendor to optimize their design provided their selections meet the technical requirements that have been specified and follow the guidelines defined in the P&IDs, assembly drawings, subassembly drawings and detail drawings. Any desired deviations will require written approval from LANL. The vendor will purchase all valves, flanges, fittings, etc. provided this hardware meets the technical requirement explicitly defined in the procurement specification. The flowmeters are the only components that will be purchased by LANL and provided to the manifold fabrication vendor. The layout design, primarily in the CCL manifold system, is very space restrictive. The LANL designers have very little working space due to the installation requirements of these flow meters, the closeness to the support structure, the closeness to the tank segment, and the quantity of required submanifolds. The total cost of the flowmeters requires a competitive bid process to get the best value for the SNS program. Additionally, the electronic conversion units mounted on the flowmeter, which converts a pulsed signal to a 4 to 20 mA signal output, must be allotted for in the design. End fittings, whether threaded, flared, or flanged must be identified and incorporated into the design. 278 Acceptance tests will be required to verify the fluid system integrity. Test completion and acceptance will allow for the certification of the water manifolds. Packaging and shipping to ORNL will complete the responsibility of the vendor. 9.3 Hardware Costs With the exception of the plumbing lines and water skid support structure, all water system components are standard catalog items that do not require any additional design development by a vendor. Table 9.3 is a summary of the major DTL water cooling system procurements. A more detailed cost break-down is provided in Appendix D. Spare parts are not included in this estimate. The supplier will provide a recommended spare parts list to assist ORNL in evaluating the need for various spare parts. It must be emphasized that listed vendors and hardware costs are for reference only. Similar components by other manufacturers will be considered during a competitive bidding process. Table 9.3. Summary of DTL Water Cooling System components and unburdened costs. Item # Description 1 2 3 4 5 Qty Unit Cost Cost Source ($) Drift tube Water skid 6 85,071 catalog & eng. Judge. Drift tube Manifolds & Trans. Lines 6 36,586 catalog & eng. Judge. RF struct. Manifolds & Trans. 6 46,488 catalog & eng. Lines Judge. PLCs, Computers, software 7 $25,500 catalog & eng. Judge. Electronics rack & equipment 7 $1,157 catalog & eng. Judge. GRAND TOTAL Net Cost ($) 510,428 219,513 278,930 178,500 8,099 1,195,470 9.4 Delivery and Inspection All water manifolds and water skids will be delivered to the SNS Receiving, Acceptance, and Testing (RATS) building at ORNL for inspection and storage prior to assembly. The delivery schedule for this equipment is presented in Section 13. The inspection at the point of delivery will be performed to check for obvious mechanical damage due to shipping problems. Operational or functional inspections will not occur until the entire water system equipment has been assembled to the DTL RF structure. 279 Several months of storage for water system hardware may be required prior to assembly and equipment operational checkout. 9.5 Quality Assurance To ensure the procurement and successful operation of a high quality water cooling system, a quality assurance (QA) plan has been developed. The QA plan is comprised of four segments that correspond to the major activities defined in the DTL water system work package; final design, procurement, delivery, assembly/installation/testing. To initiate the QA plan, this final design report will function as the guide for generating a document identifying the parameters and requirements, equipment layouts, engineering calculations, drawings, facility interfaces, control system architecture, procurement/assembly/installation plans, safety features, costs, schedule, etc. The QA components of these SOWs will be as follows: 1) QA Program and Procedures: Vendor shall furnish copies of its latest quality assurance inspection and test policies and procedures. Their QA program will be reviewed to determine its adequacy and relevance. 2) Vendor Facilities: To verify production, inspection, testing, and QA/certification capabilities, the vendors will be requested to submit references and provide for onsite visits by LANL personnel. Such personnel shall be allowed full access to witness all operations/tests involved in the performance of the SOW. LANL will maintain vendor and program surveillance to evaluate program progress. 3) Qualification and Certification of Personnel: Vendor personnel shall have the necessary qualifications and certifications as defined in the SOW to perform the necessary manufacturing, testing, inspection, and certification procedures (i.e., professional engineers, certified welders, etc.). The Vendor shall provide qualification and certification records. 4) Design Review Prior to Production: For the water skid procurement, the vendor shall provide for scheduled design reviews as identified in the statement of work. Notification of design reviews shall include the proposed agenda, and reproducible 280 paper and electronic copies of each document that constitutes the design or helps to demonstrate that the design meets the LANL requirements specified in the SOW. The water manifold procurement will be less formal but no less important. No design reviews will be required therefore LANL’s review process is significantly simplified. LANL will review the vendor’s schedule and maintain manufacturing progress evaluations. Full and complete documentation will be imposed. 5) Inspection and Testing Procedures/Reports: Vendor shall prepare and maintain written and detailed inspection and testing procedures that show how the procured items will be verified that they conform to the requirements or specifications in the SOW. These procedures shall be reviewed and approved by LANL. Upon shipment, the vendor shall provide reports of inspections, tests, and certification of conformance. These reports shall be signed by the vendor’s authorized personnel and shall be traceable to each shipment. Any deviations from the SOW technical requirements that are noted in these reports must be approved by LANL prior to shipment. 6) Engineering Drawings: For the water skid procurement, the vendor shall provide all engineering drawings (both in electronic and paper formats) as specified in the SOW. LANL will be providing all drawings to the vendor for the water manifold procurement. 7) Certifications of Calibration and Conformance: Vendor shall provide with each shipment, when applicable, a certificate of calibration traceable to the shipment and the National Institute of Standards and Technology procedure for calibrating such a device. Vendor shall also provide with each shipment, a “Certificate of Conformance” that is traceable to the shipment stating that the material conforms in all respects with the SOW requirements (i.e., drawings, materials, specifications, inspections, tests, etc.). The vendor’s authorized representative as defined in the vendor’s QA program shall sign the certificate. 8) Failure/Nonconformance Reporting: The vendor shall notify LANL of each failure or nonconformance against contractually agreed upon engineering, inspection, or test requirements within 3 working days of the occurrence. Notice shall consist of a 281 written description of the failure or nonconformance, an assessment of the cause, and the proposed corrective action. 9) Corrective Action to Failure/Nonconformance: Following a “notice of failure/nonconformance” from the vendor, LANL will submit a request for corrective action. For the water skid only, a written response indicating the corrective action taken by the vendor must be received within 5 working days of receipt of the request. The water manifold vendor will not be given this freedom. The vendor will be directed as to the corrective action that they must perform to resolve any nonconformance. The vendor will take no action until such action is approved by LANL. 10) Manuals: For the water skid procurement only, the vendor shall submit manuals that identify installation procedures, testing procedures undertaken, any special instructions, maintenance requirements, estimated failure rates, operating procedures, safety precautions, trouble shooting guides, as well as warranty and contact information. The manuals shall be written in clear, concise language, readily understandable by a technician or craftsman, and it shall conform to the industry standards that prevail for the preparation of such documents. For the water manifold procurement, the vendor will provide no manuals. 11) Warranties: For standard off-the-shelf parts, vendors must supply LANL with warranties that account for the potentially length time a system may remain unused in the RATS building. LANL, in the defined SOW, has increased the length of the standard warranty requirement to include the potential that system operation may be delayed by as much as 1 year. This will protect the project against buying faulty equipment that is outside a warranty period, simply because it has been in storage prior to operation. The terms of these warranties and the extent of the storage time will need to be agreed upon with the vendors. 12) Packaging: Items to be shipped shall be packaged according to size, manufacturer, dimensional and manufacturer lot number. Packages of mixed lots, sizes, or products are not acceptable and will be returned to the vendor at vendor’s expense. Packages shall be closed and labeled in a manner that identifies the item, dimensions (where applicable), quantity, seller’s name and address, manufacturer’s name, and shipment 282 address. When required, as specified in the SOW, the packages will be provided with special handling fixtures (i.e., crane and forklift lifting fixtures), have proper insulation against damage, and have shipping insurance. Upon delivery of the components to ORNL, a visual inspection and component count shall be performed. This inspection will verify the quantity of items delivered including the receipt of required QA documents, MSDS sheets, engineering drawings, and manuals. The inspection will also check for damage due to shipping, and check to see that all dimensional and cleaning requirements have been met. An inspection report shall be generated to indicate the conformance/nonconformance of the shipment. If a nonconformance is indicated, the vendor shall be contacted to perform corrective action to meet the delivery requirements specified in the SOW. Upon successful delivery and inspection of the vacuum hardware, the equipment will be stored in the RATS building until required for assembly. The water manifold equipment will be assembled on the RF structures and tested for functional and operational compliance. The water skids will arrive completely assembled. The specific testing and documentation procedures will be specified in the SOW by the LANL. A testing report shall be generated to indicate the conformance/nonconformance of the hardware functionality to the SOW specifications. If a nonconformance is indicated, the vendor shall be contacted to perform corrective action to meet the requirements specified in the SOW. Upon successful testing of the water manifolds and water skids, a certification document will be completed and signed to indicate the compliance of the vendor supplied material. While the vendor supplied material may be certified for conformance, the integrated control system, as designed by participating SNS laboratories, will require certification of operation prior to acceptance by the SNS operations team. The testing/certification procedures and documents for this process will be generated following completion of the DTL/CCL Water Cooling Systems Final Design Review. 283 10.0 Assembly, Installation, and Certification Plans Following fabrication, delivery, and inspection of all DTL water cooling system hardware, the assembly tasks for the DTL water cooling system will take place as an integrated effort in the assembly of each DTL tank. The water cooling system assembly tasks will take place in the SNS Receiving, Acceptance, and Testing (RATS) building at ORNL. The anticipated assembly tasks for the DTL water cooling systems are as follows: • Assemble the electronics rack, including PLC, touchscreen, DC power supplies, etc. in the rack factory. This includes mounting of components in the rack and completing all inter-component wiring according to the rack layout and wiring diagrams. • Receive and inspect the water skid. • Position and wire up a water skid, motor/heater control center, and electronics rack in the RATS building. These components will be used to flow test each DTL tank and CCL module. Wire components to facility electrical sources and plumb water skid to chilled water source. • Mount all water manifold supports to the DTL support structure. • Mount sub-manifolds and connect flexible jumper lines for the drift tubes, dipole magnets, post couplers, slug tuners, tank walls, etc. Note that the flexible coolant lines to the drift tubes will be attached at LANL prior to DTL alignment and tuning activities. Following the completion of the alignment and tuning procedures, the drift tube jumper lines will remain in place during shipment to ORNL. This will reduce the possibility of damaging the drift tube alignment as the water system lines are assembled at ORNL. • Assemble and mount main supply and return manifolds to the support structure and connect flexible jumper lines to sub-manifolds. • Connect flexible jumper lines between main manifolds and the end walls, drive iris, RF window, and Faraday cup. • Connect instrumentation on the RF structure water lines to the control system. • Connect water transfer lines between the water skid and RF structure. 284 • Leak check the RF structure water lines and connections with pressurized gas. • Fill water system, clean, drain, refill, and bleed out any air. • Perform flow test to set all valve positions and check flow distribution to all submanifolds. Also check flow distribution on drift tubes to determine accuracy of orifice plate selections and document the results. Change out orifice plates if needed. • Drain water from entire system and disconnect water skid transfer lines. • Disconnect instrumentation cables between RF structure and electronics rack. • Remove main supply and return manifolds for transportation to the Linac tunnel. • Cap or seal all open water lines and manifolds with bags, plugs, or blanks. • Sign-off on the assembly completion certification document to ensure that the assembly process, vacuum equipment check out, and leak check test have been completed per requirements. • Repeat for the remaining five DTL tanks. To accomplish the DTL water cooling system assembly tasks, the RATS building must be equipped with the following: • Storage space for water cooling system components, including fully assembled water skids, electronics racks, and boxes of water manifolds, flexible hoses, fittings, etc. • Nitrogen bottles (99.9% N2), equipped with coarse and fine gas regulators for purging the water cooling system for leak checks and displacing atmospheric air. • Handling and cleaning procedures/equipment for a deionized water system (detergent rinse baths, brushes, clean compressed air supply, rubber gloves). • Standard tools required for assembling water plumbing components (i.e., open and box-end wrenches, pipe wrenches, band-clamp devices, etc.). • Electrical power needed for a complete DTL water cooling system, as specified in Section 1.5. • Trained and qualified mechanical and electrical technicians, capable of cleaning, assembling, inspecting, leak checking, and testing a complete water cooling system. 285 • A temperature controlled environment to avoid damage to water cooling system components (i.e., freezing of water left in lines). The installation of the DTL tank and supporting subsystems will take place immediately following certification of the entire DTL assembly and testing process. The installation of the DTL includes transporting the DTL tank, assorted subsystem components, and control system racks from the RATS building, over to the klystron gallery and linac tunnel. The entire installation plan for the DTL is currently incomplete, as the design of the DTL is still in process. The anticipated installation tasks for the DTL water cooling system components are as follows: Klystron Gallery: • Install the motor/heater control center and route electrical wiring to facility sources. • Place water skid in position and complete the following subtasks: • Complete electrical wiring from pump and heater to the motor/heater control center • • Connect plumbing between water skid and facility chilled water ports • Connect plumbing between water skid and chase transfer lines • Leak check water skid and transfer line plumbing Place electronics rack in position and complete the following subtasks • Complete electrical wiring from rack to facility sources • Run signal and power cables from rack to junction box and chase conduits • Run signal and power cables from rack to water skid • Run signal cables to global control system IOC Chase: • Route cables through conduits • Install junction boxes at chase ends, connect chase conduit cables to junction box terminals, and perform electrical continuity check 286 Linac Tunnel: • Connect main supply and return manifolds to DTL support structure. Connect flexible jumper lines between main and submanifolds. • Connect water transfer lines between RF structure and chase transfer lines. • Leak check main manifold water line connections with pressurized gas. • Connect signal and power cables between RF structure and junction box and chase conduits. Complete System: • Fill system with water, circulate to clean, drain, and refill system. • Perform tests to observe hardware operation, instrumentation continuity and operation, flow distribution, control system software functionality, and water purification. Adjust valve settings on tank sub-manifolds if needed. • Connect local control system to the global IOC and perform SNS Global Control EPICS interface tests. • Sign-off on the installation completion certification document to ensure that the installation process, water cooling system equipment check out, leak check tests, etc., have been completed per requirements. • Repeat for the remaining five DTL tanks. At the time of the writing of this document, the design of the DTL RF structure has not been finalized. Consequently, detailed integrated assembly and installation plans have not been written. Upon completion of both the final design of the DTL RF structure and its subsystems (i.e. water, vacuum, magnets, diagnostics, etc.), a DTL Water Cooling System Assembly, Installation, Testing and Certification Manual will be developed to describe the above tasks and certification procedures in more detail. 287 11.0 Operation, Reliability, and Maintenance 11.1 Operation The operation of the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems can be divided into the following three distinct operating modes: 1. Water System Testing Mode: In this mode, the water cooling system is operating in either a stand-alone controls mode, or is being supervised by the SNS Global Control System (GCS). In either case, the water system is being tested for functionality and is not performing resonance control. This mode would occur following installation of the water cooling system or upon completion of a major maintenance procedure. This mode may also be used to pre-heat the RF structure or magnets for alignment procedures. During this operational phase, observations may be made of pump and/or heater operation, instrumentation performance, water flow distribution, water purification equipment performance, etc. 2. Linac Comissioning and Low RF Power Testing Mode: In this mode, each DTL water cooling system is operating under the supervision of the SNS Global Control System (GCS). This GCS supervision is necessary to ensure that all equipment and personnel protection interlocks are in place between all linac subsystems. The water system will be used for resonance control, operating under either a temperature or frequency error control mode. Tuning of the controller’s PID parameters will be required to obtain resonable stability and response of the water cooling and resonance control system. 3. High RF Power/Steady-State Operations Mode: In this mode, each DTL water cooling system is operating under the supervision of the SNS Global Control System (GCS). This GCS supervision is necessary to ensure that all equipment and personnel protection interlocks are in place between all linac subsystems. The water system will be used for resonance control, operating under a frequency error control mode. 288 Tuning of the controller’s PID parameters will be required to obtain resonable stability and response of the water cooling and resonance control system. More details about the resonance control system functionality and its sub-modes of operation, are provided in Section 6 of this report. Following completion of the DTL water cooling and resonance control system final design and the control system development phase, a detailed operations manual will be developed. The operations manual will include the following: • Piping and instrumentation diagrams and system descriptions. • Charging, draining, and venting procedures. • Start-up procedures and equipment/installation checklists. • Control system block diagrams, signal lists, etc. • Control system operations screens descriptions. • Control system methodology and ladder logic descriptions. • Control system “mode-of-operation” descriptions and detailed procedures. • Trouble shooting guidelines. • Shut-down procedures and checklists. 11.2 Reliability A measure of the performance in the DTL water cooling and resonance control system is the ratio of the time that the system is working satisfactorily, to the time that the beam is shut down due to a DTL water system failure. This performance measure is traditionally made through a reliability, availability, maintainability, and inspectability (RAMI) program. These terms, as they apply to the DTL water cooling and resonance control system, are defined below [11.1]: • Reliabiltiy: Probability that the water cooling and resonance control system will perform as expected for a period of time. 289 • Availability: The amount of time that the water cooling and resonance control system is operating as required, divided by the operating time plus down or maintenance time. • Maintainability: Probability that the water cooling and resonance control system can be returned or restored to operating conditions when maintenance is performed. • Inspectability: A measure of the ability to determine if or when maintenance is required to maintain the availability of the water cooling and resonance control system. A RAMI program for ensuring a high availability of 85% for the SNS was previously outlined in [11.1]. To meet the 85% availability for SNS, this program required 94.6% to 99.5% availabilities for each of the major SNS subsystems (i.e., from end, Linac, storage ring, conventional facilities, etc.). The SNS Linac was specified as needing to have an availability of 96.1%, which in turn would required even higher availabilities for each of the subsystems (i.e., RF power, LLRF controls, vacuum, water cooling, magnets, diagnostics, etc.). Unfortunately, budget and manpower restrictions eliminated the incorporation of the RAMI plan for the SNS. Consequently, there were no availability or reliability guidelines established for the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems. While there are no established reliability requirements for the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems, best engineering practices were exercised in the design phase to ensure that negative impacts of equipment failure were minimized. First of all, previous particle accelerator water cooling and resonance control system designs were used as a baseline to develop optimize the design and reliability of the DTL water cooling and resonance control system [1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9]. The latest engineering computer tools including CFD, network nodal, and FEM computer programs, were used to determine water cooling needs and size the cooling system components. Experiments were performed to benchmark the computer models and determine modeling uncertainties. A prototype water cooling system has been designed and built, and is currently undergoing a variety of tests of the system performance and control algorithms. These engineering efforts are summarized throughout this report. The preliminary DTL water cooling and 290 resonance control system design was peer reviewed [1.4], as discussed previously in Section 1 of this report. The review committee consisted of accelerator vacuum engineers and technicians from six different National Laboratories. This expert committee related their design and operation experiences from several accelerator projects, including LANSCE, APT, APT/LEDA, and APS, to strengthen the design and reliability of the SNS DTL water cooling and resonance control system. The following design features or practices were incorporated to ensure high availability of the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems: • Stainless steel has been chosen as the primary plumbing material. Stainless steel is highly resistant to erosion and corrosion, is extremely clean and compatible with deionized water. • The majority of the hard plumbing connections will be made with flanges, compression fittings, or welds. Where threaded connections are required, a anti-gall compound will be used instead of Teflon tape, which has a tendency to find its way into the flow lines and create blockages. • A water purification system has been included in the design of each water flow loop. This water purification hardware will maintain and monitor water purity levels, which will in turn protect the plumbing hardware from unnecessary corrosion, scaling, activation, and/or bacteria growth. Flow strainers have been provided in primary flow lines to catch particulates that could block narrow flow passages in the RF structures, magnets, orifice plates, valves, or heat exchanger. • The plumbing geometry has been designed to maintain acceptable water velocities and minimize the risks associated with water-flow-induced erosion. • A rugged, durable, and industry proven PLC has been selected for controlling the water cooling systems. A significant amount of redundant instrumentation has been incorporated to monitor and provide alarms for off-normal operating conditions including flow blockage, leaks, pump failure, etc. More detailed discussions of the control system, alarms, and interlocks can be found in the section of this report entitled Instrumentation and Controls. 291 • A leak-less magnetic drive pump was selected for the water skid design. This eliminates the need to replace seals on the pump head. Motor bearing replacements can take place during regularly scheduled maintenance periods. • All polymer materials used in the Linac tunnel will be radiation hardened, as specified in Section 4 of this report. This will reduce the likely-hood of flex line leakage due to radiation damage. • Solid-stem type globe valves were specified for providing manual flow control. The valve procurement specification will indicate the requirement that the valve setting not change due to flow-induced vibrations. • All manual valves will have lock-out attachments to prevent the undesired tampering of valve settings. • Engineering codes and standards have been followed in the development of the engineering design drawings and the manufacturing specifications. • A detailed quality assurance plan has been generated for hardware procurements, as summarized in Section 9 of this report. 11.3 Maintenance Following completion of the DTL water cooling and resonance control system final design and the control system development phase, a detailed maintenance manual will be developed. The maintenance manual will include the following: • Trouble shooting guidelines • Vendor-supplied maintenance procedures for primary pieces of water cooling system hardware including the pump, control valves, heater, heat exchanger, water purification system, etc. • Handling and disposal procedures for water purification system resins. • Water cleaning procedures for the plumbing components in the water flow loop. • Acid cleaning procedures for the heat exchanger. • Charging, draining, and venting procedures. 292 • The following drawings to assist in maintenance procedures: piping and instrumentation diagrams, water system assembly diagrams, rack wiring diagrams, cable layout diarams, etc. • Scheduled maintenance recommendations for such things as the pump motor, flow meters, water purification equipment, filters, etc. 293 12.0 Decommissioning Decommissioning of the SNS will require disconnection and recycling/disposing of the water cooling system components. It is speculated, based on operational experience on the LANSCE accelerator [1.7], that the water purification hardware, water skid plumbing components, manifolds and lines, as well as instrumentation, will become radioactively contaminated and will need to be treated as low level radioactive waste. Consequently, disposal of these items will need to follow proper U.S. Department of Energy guidelines for such hardware. The cooling water will be continuously activated with short-lived radionuclides, as discussed in Section 5 of this report. This water can be placed in a holding tank for sufficient time to allow the radionuclides to decay to a safe level, prior to disposal. ORNL waste-water disposal procedures should be referenced for further information. 294 13.0 Project Summary and Schedule 13.1 Project Summary and Ongoing Work The design of the DTL water cooling and resonance control system has been finalized and documented. In particular, the following activities have been completed: • All cooling requirements, interfaces, and performance specifications for the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems have been identified and documented. • The water cooling system hardware layouts have been completed including the identification of all water lines and associated plumbing components, the water skid (pump, heat exchanger, control valves, water purification equipment, etc.), instrumentation and controls. These layouts have been documented in the form of Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams and a parts database. Specification sheets have been developed for all major pieces of hardware in preparation for the procurement activities that will follow the completion of the final design. • The water cooling system steady-state flow analyses were performed to determine line sizes, orifice plate geometries, system pressure drops, heat exchanger and pump sizing, control valve and temperature control performance, etc. • The water cooling system transient thermal analyses were performed to observe response times and characteristics associated with system start-up, set point changes, RF trips, and cooling water temperature disturbances. • The mechanical designs for the water manifolds and supports, as well as the water skids have been completed. Material selections and strength issues have been studied and documented. All components have been appropriately sized (i.e., line diameters, heat exchanger size, pump capacity and motor size, orifice plate geometries, instrumentation ranges, etc.). • The drawing tree has been developed. Most top level and sub-assembly drawings have been completed and detail drawings have been initiated. • The control system architecture has been finalized and is consistent in its general form with those from other SNS subsystems (i.e., linac vacuum system). The interfaces between the local control system and global controls have been identified. 295 The control methodology, safety interlocks, and protection equipment facets have been identified. A signal and device spreadsheet for each DTL water cooling and resonance control system has been generated according to SNS standards. A facilityintegrated cabling plan has been devised and is under development. • All facility interfaces (i.e., electrical, water, etc.) have been identified and documented. All water cooling system equipment (water skids, electronics racks, and water transfer lines) has been identified on the appropriate facility layout drawings. • A water cooling system hazard analysis has been performed and protective measures to mitigate these hazards have been developed. • Procurement and fabrication plans have been devised for the DTL water cooling system equipment. These plans have been integrated with the CCL water cooling system procurements. • Assembly, installation, and certification plans have been developed to fit within the SNS integrated project schedule. • Basic operation, reliability, and maintenance plans have been drafted. While the final design of the DTL water cooling and resonance control system has been completed, there are a number of engineering tasks that are still ongoing or need to be initiated prior to delivery of hardware to ORNL. • All DTL water cooling system subassembly and detail drawings need to be finalized, checked, corrected, and signed off. These tasks are approximately 75% complete. • A prototype control system, including the PLC, I/O Cards, touchscreen, etc. has been procured. The programming of the PLC ladder logic is under development. This prototype control system will be interfaced with EPICs and tested out on the CCL hot model water cooling and resonance control system at LANL. This prototype control system will be the model for all of the DTL and CCL water cooling and resonance control systems. • The electronics rack layouts and wiring diagrams for the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems need to be generated. These will be used by the rack 296 factory at ORNL to assemble the water cooling system racks prior to installation in the klystron gallery. • SNS facility drawings need to be generated that include the cable and water transfer line layouts for the DTL water cooling systems. This is currently outside the scope of the DTL water cooling and resonance control system work package. • The assembly and installation procedures for the DTL RF structures are still under development. Consequently, the water cooling system assembly and installation plans may need to be adjusted to fully integrate with the needs of the DTL. • Assembly, installation, operation, and maintenance manuals for the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems need to be generated. • Procurement specifications for the water skid, including the water purification hardware, pump, heat exchanger, control valve, plumbing, and instrumentation have been drafted. Upon completion of the final design review, complete hardware specifications will be generated for all water cooling system hardware and incorporated with drawing packages and statements of work. These packages will be submitted to down-selected vendors for bids and eventual contract awards. 13.2 Cost Summary The labor and hardware costs for the design and procurement of the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems are summarized in Tables 13.1 and 13.2, respectively. Note that these costs are based on the latest LANL updated work packages and reflect the LANL internal baseline costs. These costs are not currently consistent with the ORNL SNS project baseline costs. The costs differences (current LANL SNS internal costs – ORNL SNS baseline costs) have been included in two project change requests, one of which has been approved, and one which is under review. 297 Table 13.1. Labor cost summaries for the design and procurement activities of the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems. Activity Preliminary Design Final Design Control System Development Procurement Development Documentation Fabrication Travel Total Req’d Manhours 2830 Baseline Costs ($k) (with PCRs) 185.7 Expenditures to Date ($k) Total Expenditures ($k) Overrun (-) or Savings (+)($k) 224.6 Additional Expenditures Expected ($k) 0.0 224.6 -38.9 6620 488 443.9 0.0 349.2 0.0 80.0 47.4 429.2 47.4 14.7 -47.4 400 23.6 0.0 0.0 23.6 0.0 100 396 N/A 6.6 23.4 6.0 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.6 23.4 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Table 13.2. Burdened hardware procurement cost summaries for the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems. Equipment Water skids Drift tube manifolds and lines RF structure manifolds and lines PLCs, computers, software Electronics racks Unit Costs ($k) 90.0 Quantity 6 Total Costs ($k) 539.7 Comments 40.0 6 240.1 50.2 6 301.3 15% decrease in costs from original baseline. Cost decrease accounted for in latest PCR. 28.3 7 197.9 20% increase in costs from original baseline. PCR approved for cost increase. 1.4 7 9.5 Quantity of skids decreased from 9 to 6, but original baseline unit cost of a skid increased by 40% as design progressed to account for drawings, manufacturing hours, water purification and instrumentation cost increases, and shipping. PCR approved for cost increase. 10% increase in costs from original baseline. PCR approved for cost increase. No significant cost change from original baseline. 1,288.5 TOTAL 13.3 Schedule The project schedule for the procurement, delivery, assembly, and installation of the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems is shown in Table 13.3. These dates come from a detailed and fully integrated SNS project schedule. In addition, the 298 procurement dates of the DTL water cooling and resonance control system hardware have been coordinated with similar procurements of the CCL water cooling system hardware. The early start and finish dates listed in Table 13.3 are linked to project activities that occur prior in the project time-line. These are the desired dates for which the DTL water cooling and resonance control system design team will strive for. The late start and end dates represent the latest time that these activities can take place without becoming an SNS project critical path activity. Further descriptions and details regarding the procurement, assembly and installation tasks can be found in previous sections of this report. 299 Table 13.3. Schedule for the procurement, delivery, and assembly of the DTL water cooling and resonance control systems. Activity Early Start Early Late Start Late End Date Finish Date Date Date Documentation & Manuals Control System Programming Water Skid Purchase Request to PO Water Line Purchase Request to PO Rack Purchase Request to PO Controls Purchase Request to PO Tank 3 Water Skid Fab & Ship Tank 1 Water Skid Fab & Ship Tank 2 Water Skid Fab & Ship Tank 5 Water Skid Fab & Ship Tank 6 Water Skid Fab & Ship Tank 4 Water Skid Fab & Ship Tank 3 Water Line Fab & Ship Tank 1 Water Line Fab & Ship Tank 2 Water Line Fab & Ship Tank 5 Water Line Fab & Ship Tank 6 Water Line Fab & Ship Tank 4 Water Line Fab & Ship Tank 3 Controls/Racks Fab/Ship Tank 1 Controls/Racks Fab/Ship Tank 2 Controls/Racks Fab/Ship Tank 5 Controls/Racks Fab/Ship Tank 6 Controls/Racks Fab/Ship Tank 4 Controls/Racks Fab/Ship Tank 3 Water Line Assembly Tank 1 Water Line Assembly Tank 2 Water Line Assembly Tank 5 Water Line Assembly Tank 6 Water Line Assembly Tank 4 Water Line Assembly Tank 3 Water System Installation Tank 1 Water System Installation Tank 2 Water System Installation Tank 5 Water System Installation Tank 6 Water System Installation Tank 4 Water System Installation 10/16/01 11/13/01 7/14/03 8/8/03 23-Jan-01 01-May-01 01-Jul-01 23-Oct-01 7/6/01 5/9/01 5/3/01 5/3/01 10/1/01 3/6/02 5/1/02 6/27/02 8/23/02 10/22/02 10/16/01 12/14/01 2/5/02 3/20/02 5/1/02 6/13/02 7/30/01 12/24/01 1/30/02 2/28/02 3/28/02 4/25/02 12/14/01 2/5/02 3/20/02 5/1/02 6/13/02 7/26/02 1/15/02 4/16/02 2/28/02 5/23/02 7/9/02 8/19/02 9/14/01 6/6/01 7/13/01 7/13/01 3/5/02 4/30/02 6/26/02 8/22/02 10/21/02 12/19/02 12/13/01 2/4/02 3/19/02 4/30/02 6/12/02 7/25/02 12/21/01 1/29/02 2/27/02 3/27/02 4/24/02 5/22/02 1/14/02 2/27/02 4/15/02 5/22/02 7/8/02 8/16/02 2/15/02 5/15/02 3/27/02 6/20/02 8/6/02 9/17/02 7/6/01 1/4/02 1/29/02 1/29/02 3/27/02 8/16/02 1/22/03 3/20/03 5/15/03 7/14/03 5/14/02 7/11/02 12/2/02 3/11/03 4/22/03 6/4/03 4/24/02 9/16/02 2/20/03 6/6/03 7/7/03 8/11/03 12/3/02 8/22/02 1/22/03 6/12/03 6/10/03 7/17/03 1/2/03 2/18/03 9/16/02 7/7/03 7/3/03 8/8/03 9/14/01 5/13/02 4/9/02 4/9/02 8/15/02 10/11/02 3/19/03 5/14/03 7/11/03 9/8/03 7/10/02 8/21/02 1/21/03 4/21/03 6/3/03 7/16/03 9/13/02 10/11/02 3/19/03 7/3/03 8/1/03 9/8/03 12/31/02 9/13/02 2/17/03 7/3/03 7/2/03 8/7/03 2/4/03 3/19/03 10/14/02 8/1/03 8/1/03 9/8/03 300 14.0 Appendix A – ASME B31.3 Code Tables Table A.1. ASME B31.3 Code and Its Applicability to DTL/CCL Water Cooling Systems Design Scope and Definitions Conditions and Criteria 301.2 Design Pressure Applicability Significance 1 Low, 3 High 3 301.3 Design Temperature 301.5 Dynamic Affects 301.5.4 Vibration 301.7 Thermal Expansion 1 1 2 1 301.9 Reduced Ductility 301.10 Cyclic Effects 301.11 Condensation Effects 302.2.4 Pressure, Temp Variation 302.2.5 Ratings at Junction 2 1 1 2 302.3 Allowable Stresses & Limit 302.4 Allowances 3 Comments Required pressure containment and relief valves Small temperatures range 10º-30ºC Impact, wind and earthquake minimal Support, eliminate excessive vibration Minimal due to small temp. changes or gradients Welding, bending & low temperature Pressure cycling is minimal Condensation & oxygen enrichment Pressure not to exceed test pressure 2 Pressures on each side of junction components Concentrations stress near weld & components Wall thickness 3 Table A.2. ASME B31.3 Code and Its Applicability to DTL/CCL Water Cooling Systems Design Scope and Definitions Pressure Design of Components 304.1. General Pipe Applicability Significance 1 Low, 3 High 3 304.5 Pressure Design of Flanges 304.7.3 Metallic/Nonmetallic 2 304.7.4 Expansion Joints 3 Service Requirements for Piping 305.2.3 Cyclic Conditions 306 Fittings, Bends, Connections Comments Required thickness to provide pressure rating of psi Design gage pressure 3 Evaluated by applicable water purity & strength requirements Slip type components and instruments 1 Low, 3 High 1 3 Tubing grade is sufficient Listed fittings and bends suitable for fluid service 301 308 Flanges and Gaskets 3 308.2 Requirements for Flanges 309 Bolting 309.2 Specific Bolting 3 Listed components suitable for normal fluid service Flange facings subject to sever erosion & corrosion Listed bolting for components Bolting for metallic flange 2 3 Table A.3. ASME B31.3 Code and Its Applicability to DTL/CCL Water Cooling Systems Design Scope and Definitions Requirements for Piping Joints 310 General 311 Welded Joints 312 Flange Joints 312.1 Flanges of Different Rating 313 Expanded Joints 314 Threaded Joints 316 Caulked Joints 317 Soldered & Brazed Joints 318 Special Joints Applicability Significance 1 Low, 3 High 3 3 3 2 Flexibility and Support 319 Piping Flexibility 319.3.1 Thermal Expansion 319.3.4 Allowable Stress 321 Piping Support 321.1.4 materials 1 Low, 3 High 3 1 2 3 3 321.3 Structural Attachments 321.4 Structural Connection Comments Conditions of pressure & temperature Welding procedures Type of flange Ratings 3 2 1 3 3 Do not use if possible Permissible for our application No need In accordance with provisions Listed joints 3 3 Basic requirements Temp. & stress range are minimal Bending and torsion Piping stresses should be minimized Suitable material to support weight & 30 year lifetime Flattering of tubing Load Table A.4. ASME B31.3 Code and Its Applicability to DTL/CCL Water Cooling Systems Design Scope and Definitions Systems 322 Specific Piping Systems 322.3.1 Definition 322.3.2 Requirements 322.6 Pressure relieving Applicability Significance 1 Low, 3 High 3 3 3 3 302 Comments Instrumentation piping Components connect to instruments Instrumentation piping should meet all requirements Discharge piping with cracking pressures set System Materials 323 General requirements 323.1 Materials & Specifications 323.1.3 Unknown Materials 323.2.2 Lower Temperature 323.2.3 Unlisted Materials 323.3 Impact Testing 323.3.1 General 323.3.2 Procedure 323.3.4 Test Temperatures 323.3.5 Acceptance Criteria 323.4 Fluid Service Requirements 323.5 Deterioration in Service 325 Materials Miscellaneous to? psig 1 Low, 3 High 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 Limitations and qualifications Conform to listed specification table 323.2.2 Unknown specification should be used Listed materials Temperature limits Acceptance criteria In accordance with table 323.3.1 ASTM Spec. No. Tube A 334 Temperature criteria Table 323.3.4 Weld impact test Materials used for support, steel, stainless steel Resist deterioration, corrosion, and erosion Joining and auxiliary materials 1 2 Table A.5. ASME B31.3 Code and Its Applicability to DTL/CCL Water Cooling Systems Design Scope and Definitions Standards for Piping Components 326 Dimensions & Ratings 326.1.3 Threads 362.2 Ratings Applicability Significance 1 Low, 3 High Fabrication, Assembly, Erection 327 General 1 Low, 3 High 328 Welding 328.1 Welding Responsibility 328.2 Welding Qualifications 328.2.1 Qualification Require 328.2.2 Procedure Qualifications 328.2.3Performance 328.3 Welding materials 328.3.1 Filler Metal 328.3.2 Weld backing Material 1 1 1 Comments Table 326.1 Table 326.1 Table 326.1 2 3 3 3 3 3 Fabrication, assembly & erection prepared same Accordance with applicable requirements Employer is responsible Welding shall conform to 328.1- 328.6 Qualification of the welding procedures Employer is responsible for sub-contract 3 3 3 3 Qualification test record of sub-contract Metal shall conform to requirements Conform to requirements Conform to requirements 303 328.4 Preparation for Welding 328.4.1 Cleaning 328.4.2 End Preparation 328.5.3 Seal Welds 328.5.4 Branch Connections 328.6 Weld repair 330 Preheating 3 3 2 3 3 1 1 Cleaning internal & external Internal and external surfaces Reasonably smooth & true Qualified welder Important welds for system Welding procedure Preheating is not a requirement on this application Table A.6. ASME B31.3 Code and Its Applicability to DTL/CCL Water Cooling Systems Design Scope and Definitions Fabrication, Assembly, Erection 332 Bending and Forming 332.1 General 333 Soldering Applicability Significance 1 Low, 3 High 333.3.1 Surface Preparation 3 333.4 Requirements 3 335 Assembly and Erection 3 335.1.1 Alignment 335.2 Flanged joints 335.2.2 Bolting Torque 335.3 Threaded Joints 334.4 Tubing Joints 335.6 Expanded Joints 335.9 Cleaning of Pipe 3 3 2 1 2 1 3 3 3 3 Comments Formed by any hot or cold method Wall thickness not thinner than design Operator requirements, BPV code, section IX, Part QB Suitable chemical or mechanical cleaning method Follow procedure in copper tube hand book of the copper development association Before assembly any joints to be cold sprung, guides, supports, and anchors shall be examined Piping distortions Preparation for assembly Tightening to be predetermined torque Thread compound and lubricant Flared tubing joints As by engineering design Table A.7. ASME B31.3 Code and Its Applicability to DTL/CCL Water Cooling Systems Design Scope and Definitions Inspection, Examination, Testing 340.2 Responsibility Inspection 340.4 Qualifications Applicability Significance 1 Low, 3 High Comments 3 Owners responsibility 3 Owners designated inspector/LANL 304 341 Examination 341.3.2 Acceptance 341.4 Examination required 3 3 3 342 Examination personnel 343 Examination Procedures 3 3 344.2 Visual Examination 3 345 Testing 345.1 Leak Test 345.2 Test Requirements 345.3 Preparation for test 346 Records/Responsibility 3 3 3 3 3 Quality Control performed by manufacture Acceptance criteria table 341.3.2 Examined to the extent of engineering design Experience/personnel qualifications Procedures shall be as required BPV code, section V, Article 1, T-150 View before, during, & after manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, erection, examination, or testing, verification/LANL Hydrostatic testing, accordance 345.5 Mandatory Limitations on pressure All joints exposed Designer, manufacture, fabricator, erector to prepare records 305 ASME B31.3 Code and Its Applicability to DTL/CCL Water Cooling Systems Definition- Inspection/Examination SNS Cooling Team/LANL distinguishes examination from inspection by establishing different responsibilities and qualifications for each. Inspection Applies to functions performed for the project owner [ORNL/LANL] by the owner’s inspector. [340.2] The responsibility of the owner’s inspector is to verify that all required examinations and testing have been completed and to inspect the SNS cooling system to the extent necessary to be satisfied that it conforms to all applicable examination requirements of the code and of the engineering design. This verification may include positive material identification of piping and piping components, verification that piping components were manufactured to standards as specified by engineering design, and that piping and piping components were supplied by approved manufactures in the correct heat treatment condition. The owner’s inspector’s for SNS cooling system shall be designated by LANL/ORNL from engineering design within the lab or an employee of an engineering or scientific organization, or a recognized inspection company. The inspector shall not represent nor is an employee of subcontractor performing work on SNS cooling system, including tubing/piping manufacture, fabricator, installation, or testing unless the owner is also the manufacture, fabricator, installer, and conducting testing. Examination definition is that examination is associated with the quality control function for the sub-contractor of the manufacturing of the SNS cooling system, or for fabricators, or installers. The responsibility of the examiner [341.2] is to: 1. Assure materials, components, and workmanship is in accordance with the requirements of the code, 2. Perform all required examinations, 3. Prepare suitable records of examination and testing for the inspector’s use. SNS cooling system including components and workmanship shall be examined prior to initial industrial operations in accordance with the requirements of the code and as required by LANL/ORNL engineering design [341.3.1]. The acceptance criteria to be applied for this examination shall also be specified. 306 15.0 Appendix B – Engineering Drawings 307 Figure B.1. Main supply water manifold on DTL tank 1. 308 Figure B.2. Main return water manifold for DTL tank 1. 309 Figure B.3. Detail drawing of a portion of the main water supply manifold on DTL tank 1. 310 Figure B.4. Detail drawing of a portion of the main water supply manifold on DTL tank 1. 311 16.0 Appendix C – Water Skid Specifications 1.1 Statement Of Work This portion of the document defines the minimum technical requirements and the scope of work for the deionized water cooling skid for the Spallation Neutron Source’s (SNS) Drift Tube Linac (DTL), Coupled Cavity Linac (CCL), and Super Conducting Linac (SCL). The scope of work includes, but may not be limited to, design layout, development, documentation and reports, assembling, testing, and delivery of the water skid. 1.2 Deliverable Items The supplier’s scope of work includes procurement of all equipment (unless otherwise specified), materials, parts, fabrication, testing, inspections and transportation required to deliver all tested equipment to the specified location. Identification No. Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Drawing No. 155Y510015 155Y510016 155Y510017 155Y510018 155Y510019 155Y510020 155Y517209 155Y517210 155Y517211 155Y517212 155Y517213 Description DTL-1 RF Structure Water Skid DTL-2 RF Structure Water Skid DTL-3 RF Structure Water Skid DTL-4 RF Structure Water Skid DTL-5 RF Structure Water Skid DTL-6 RF Structure Water Skid CCL-1 RF Structure Water Skid CCL-2 RF Structure Water Skid CCL-3 RF Structure Water Skid CCL-4 RF Structure Water Skid CCL-MAG Magnet Water Skid SCL-MAG Magnet Water Skid 1.3 System Overview This procurement specification provides the requirements for a deionized water cooling skid for the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) accelerator project located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The skid’s function is to maintain a constant water temperature and flow rate to the RF structure or to a group of quadrupole magnets. This will require 12 water skids with each of the 12 functioning as an independent closed loop system. The loop will consist of water flowing from the water skid, through transfer lines, to the RF structure and returning to the water skid. The each skid will be designed to have a minimum lifetime of 30 years. Each skid will have four fluid line connections to outside sources. Connections, supply and return, to the water transfer lines going to the source which requires cooling, either the RF structure or to the quadrupole magnets, are the primary interface points. The interface requires an ANSI flanged joint. The closed loop flow rate will be held steady by a variable speed pump. Temperature adjustments will be made by redirecting a portion of the flow to the heat exchanger or by bypassing the heat exchanger. Flow distribution to the heat exchanger, not flow rate, will be the only variable used to adjust water temperature in the system. The supply and return fluid connections on the cold side of the heat exchanger will connect to the facility piping system. ORNL will provide chilled water that is not deionized. This circuit is separate from the primary closed loop-cooling loop and the fact that the water is not deionized 312 creates no problems. Flexible hose will be used to mate the facility-chilled water to the water skid. This will allow for minor end-point location deviations. A water purification/filtration system has been developed to maintain the cleanliness and purity of the closed loop deionized water. This unit will bleed approximately 1% to 5% of the water continuously. The purification unit will draw the water near the exit line of the pump. The water will be filtered and purified prior to being fed into a reservoir tank and then be delivered to the supply side of the pump. Figure 1 illustrates all the major components that make up the water skid. Additionally, this Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) identifies the flow direction and system control components. All components will be purchased by the supplier to meet the requirements of this specification and with the approval of LANL. 1.3.1 Supplier Management Supplier management requires a defined program plan. Customer visits, schedule, and monthly reports shall be strictly adhered to as defined. Program Plan The plan shall include a detailed schedule, manpower loading, and spending profiles. The supplier shall designate contacts for contractual and technical matters. Customer Visits LANL representatives may visit the supplier’s facility to assess program status. The representatives shall have full access to all areas pertinent to the program. Notification to the supplier will be provided at least 3 working days prior to a visit. Schedule The order shall be for a total of 12 water skids. The delivery of the first 2 units shall be to the ORNL site and shall be 4 months after contract award. The subsequent units shall be delivered to the ORNL site based on the delivery schedule provided. ITEM NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SKID NOMENCLATURE CCL-2 CCL-MAG DTL-3 DTL-1 CCL-3 DTL-2 CCL-4 DTL-5 CCL-1 DTL-6 DTL-4 SCL-1 ORNL ON-DOCK DATE 15 December 2001 15 December 2001 15 February 2002 15 April 2002 15 April 2002 01 June 2002 15 June 2002 01 August 2002 15 August 2002 01 October 2002 15 October 2002 01 November 2002 Monthly Reports Status reports shall be submitted monthly, starting 15 days after contract award, for the duration of the contract. Progress with respect to plan shall be addressed in narrative and schedule format. 313 Significant accomplishments as well as problem areas shall be addressed in the reports. Work around plans shall be submitted for any problem areas. 1.3.2 Reviews The following 3 reviews and review schedules shall be followed. All reviews shall be conducted at the supplier’s facility. The supplier shall take the meeting minutes, notes and action items for all reviews at their facility. The minutes and action items shall be published and distributed to all meeting attendees. Review Preliminary Design Review (PDR) Schedule 30 days following contract award Final Design Review (FDR) Test Plan Review (TPR) 30 days following PDR approval 30 days following FDR approval Preliminary Design Review This review is at the block diagram and system overview level. It shall illustrate the major components and subsystems of the design. The supplier program plan shall be presented. All long lead items, which may require the purchase of equipment prior to the FDR, shall be identified. This review shall also address how the requirements of the water skid specification shall be met. Final Design Review The final design details shall be presented prior to the manufacturing and build process. Final analysis will be complete and shall be presented showing that all requirements of this specification have been met or how they shall be met. Optional methods may include demonstration, further analysis not yet complete due to lack of available information, or testing. Prior to delivery, all requirements must be met and must be shown as to the method they have been met. The supplier shall submit a priced recommended spare parts list concurrent with the FDR. Test Plan Review The test plan shall describe how all of the testing requirements of this specification shall be recorded and verified. The test plan shall be provided to LANL 10 working days prior to the TPR and LANL shall return comments/changes 3working days prior to the review. The purpose of the TPR is to resolve any open issues regarding testing requirements stated in Section 5.0. At the conclusion of the TPR, the test plan will be modified to reflect all required changes necessary for supplier and LANL approval. Testing may not begin without LANL approval of the test plan. 1.3.3 Meetings A kick-off meeting, progress meetings, and closeout meetings shall be held during the system development, fabrication and testing. Meeting minutes shall be recorded by the supplier and submitted to LANL for approval. Meeting minutes shall include action items with assignment of responsibility and assignment due dates. Action items are to be recorded in a log maintained by the supplier. The log is to be reviewed at each subsequent meeting. Meeting minutes and the action item log are to be included in the Final Data Package for this procurement. Kick-Off Meeting 314 A project kick-off meeting shall be held after the awarding of the contract at the supplier’s facility. The time of the meeting shall be no later then 2 weeks after contract award. The purpose of the meeting shall be to review the project schedule, design documents, and quality assurance/control methods. The supplier shall prepare a revised schedule reflecting the actual order placement date, as well as a shop traveler. These are to be transmitted to LANL at least 2 days prior to the meeting. The supplier is encouraged to ask questions of clarification and to recommend design alterations and suggestions that would improve the system design. Progress Meetings A progress meeting may be requested by either the supplier or by LANL. Progress meetings are to be at the supplier’s facility. The purpose of these meetings shall be to review the schedule/progress status, to review the in-process fabrication, to review the in-process quality assurance/control inspections and records management, and to review design issues that may arise. Closeout Meetings Upon completion of acceptance testing for each of the twelve (12) water skids, a closeout meeting will occur. At this meeting, the supplier will present all documentation relating to each unit verifying the completion of all requirements and the closeout of all issues. 1.3.4 Equipment Component and part selection shall be made based on a criterion where system performance and functionality are given the greatest weighting. The design, reliability, maintainability, and fabrication methods must also be part of the selection process. Proper operation of the LANL specified components is the responsibility of LANL. An accurate and concise equipment manual, including all components, will be required by the supplier. To properly maintain the system, a maintenance manual will also be required. To ensure minimal accelerator downtime, the supplier will provide a recommended spare parts list. Fabrication The supplier shall be responsible for the fabrication and assembly of twelve (12) water skids in strict accordance with this specification, supplier contract drawings, data sheets listed in appendix TBD. The work shall include the fabrication and integration of all mechanical assemblies, individual components, monitoring devices, skid structure, skid drainage, and tube manufacturing into a fully functional unit. Unless otherwise stated, the supplier shall be responsible for the procurement of all associated equipment, materials or supplies necessary to complete the work. Drawings The supplier shall provide all contract drawings, as-built drawings, and shop drawings to LANL for approval and acceptance. Approval of the drawings by LANL does not relieve the supplier of their overall responsibility to perform to this specification. All drawings shall follow ANSI drawing requirements. All drawings, upon project completion, will be the property of LANL. Maintenance Manual Three copies of the maintenance manual shall be provided with the first unit. A single copy of the maintenance manual shall be provided with each subsequent unit once the initial manual is approved by LANL. The maintenance manual shall include but not limited to: • • A detailed discussion of the electronic operation of each major block or module in the system. A trouble shooting guide for possible malfunctions to be updated on a quarterly basis. 315 • • • • Addresses, phone numbers, and FAX numbers of the technical people who can assist in specific problems. Complete listings of addresses, phone numbers, and FAX numbers for sources of major components in the system. Safe maintenance procedures Preventative maintenance schedules and procedures. Equipment Manual The supplier shall provide an operation manual, a maintenance manual, and an installation manual compiled in an Equipment Manual for all equipment as described in Section 7.0 and indexed with the recommended Table of Contents in Appendix TBD. An equipment manual shall be provided with each water skid. As this includes the maintenance manual they should be combined into one paragraph. Where are the details of the ops and instl manuals? Are these the operating instructions (section 9)? Recommended Spare Parts List The supplier shall submit a priced recommended spare parts list concurrent with the final design review. 1.3.5 Equipment Acceptance Testing The supplier shall provide a written test plan/procedure and will perform tests to verify and demonstrate the functionality of each of the water skids as required by this specification. The supplier shall furnish the test data required by this specification to document the completion of all required. These documents shall be in the form of testing plans, procedures, and reports. The supplier shall perform a leak test and a proof of operation test as described in Section 6.0 of this specification. The supplier shall provide all necessary test fixtures to perform the tests. Detailed test procedures are to be prepared by the supplier and submitted for approval prior to initial testing. Test reports are to be prepared by the supplier and submitted for acceptance. 1.3.6 Packaging and shipping The supplier shall be responsible for the packaging, shipping, and delivery of the water skids to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) facility in accordance with this specification. Refer to Section 11.0 for detailed requirements. 1.3.7 Quality Assurance/Control The supplier shall provide a Quality Assurance/Control Program in accordance with Appendix TBD, Form 838c. This document identifies a complete listing of requirements. The objective of the supplier is to provide an effective management system to reduce the risk of potential failures related to the quality of the water skid. This system shall provide planning, organization, direction, control, and support to meet the requirements identified in Form 838c. 1.3.8 Conflicts In the event of a conflict between any portion of this specification and the LANL’s Request for Proposal (RFP), the RFP shall take precedence on contractual/legal requirements. This specification shall take precedence on all technical requirements. In the event of a conflict between this specification and information provided elsewhere in the design package, the information elsewhere, if written and signed by LANL, shall take precedence. 316 All other conflicts amongst any and all of the design documents shall be referred to LANL for resolution. All conflicting statements shall be decided upon by a LANL technical representative and coordinated through the LANL contract administrator. 1.4 Design Documentation The supplier shall provide equipment fabricated in accordance with the following design documents. 1.4.1 Contract Drawings The equipment shall be fabricated in accordance to the contract drawings produced by the supplier. LANL will provide the Piping and Instrumentation Drawing (P&ID) required to identify system layout requirements. All contract drawings require LANL approval. Drawings shall conform to best commercial standards and shall be legible if reduced to B-size. Complete parts lists for all components in the drawings shall be provided. Top-level mechanical assembly drawings shall also be provided. They shall be of sufficient detail to locate all components and fittings. Detail drawings shall be provided in sufficient detail to insure that the mating components or fittings can be purchased or fabricated. The supplier shall provide 1 reproducible and 3 copies concurrent with the delivery of the first unit. A single copy of the drawings shall be provided with each subsequent unit once the initial drawings are approved by LANL. 1.4.2 Shop Drawings The supplier shall prepare shop drawings where details are not shown on contract drawings or where the contract drawings or specifications call for field determination. The shop drawings shall be submitted with a drawing list to LANL for approval, prior to the start of fabrication. 1.4.3 As-Built Drawings The supplier, for recording as-built changes, shall maintain specially designated sets of drawings for each water skid. The supplier shall indicate approved changes by updating the version drawing files that will be provided to the supplier by LANL. 1.4.4 Specifications The equipment shall be fabricated and tested per the requirements of this specification and it’s referenced specifications and standards. The supplier shall request clarification from LANL in the event of a conflict between the drawings and specifications. 1.4.5 Engineering Change Notices and Supplier Disposition Requests It is the intention of LANL that all information in the design package for the water skid to be correct and free from errors in equipment placement, system interference, etc. The supplier shall formally request, in writing, a disposition of any unresolved questions, concerns, or change requests. Requests may be the result of requirements imposed on the supplier for approval of data required in this specification, the result of design error correction, or the result of supplier requests to ease or improve production of the equipment. Any design improvement suggestions by the supplier is anticipated and desired by LANL. Specific procedures for modifications to design documents and/or disposition to corrections of errors and omissions shall be provided by LANL. 1.5 Certification 317 The supplier shall certify all documentation, reports, and records and submit them for review and approval. The supplier shall submit the material certifications for all stainless steel tubing and all other materials that will be in contact with the deionized water. This includes, but is not limited to, welding filler rods, fasteners, seals, etc. The supplier is responsible for ensuring that all personnel assigned to skid fabrication, including welding, assembly, testing, and inspection are fully qualified to perform their respective job functions. The supplier shall provide the certifications for each individual performing the work such as welding, testing, or inspecting. 1.6 Substitution Policy The supplier may, upon LANL approval, substitute equivalent parts for those specified in the Bill of Materials on the contract drawings and in the specification. Proof of equivalency shall be the burden of the supplier. Any design changes required to incorporate the substitution of a part shall be the responsibility of the supplier. Any substitution requests shall be formally submitted to LANL for approval. The supplier shall indicate approved substitutes and design changes on the associated redlined as-built drawings. 1.7 New Parts The supplier shall use only new parts and materials. 1.8 Warranty The supplier shall warranty the entire water skid assembly, including all parts and workmanship, for 3 years after delivery of the equipment to ORNL. The supplier shall also provide an optional warranty extension to bring the full warranty to 5 years. 1.9 Supplier Exceptions If the supplier plans to make any exceptions or proposes any changes to this procurement specification, the modification shall be clarified before the contract is awarded and any work begins. Each exception or change shall: • • • • Identify the specification and revision number. Identify (by section and subsection number) the criteria that cannot be met or needs alteration. Summarize the reason for the exception or change. Present a proposal for resolution. Exceptions and changes agreed to during the bidding process shall be incorporated into the procurement specification prior to the contract award. This information will be made available to all potential suppliers prior to the final bid. LANL recognizes that as the design of the water skid matures potential specification requirements and expectations may need amending. Changes agreed to after the contract is awarded to a supplier shall be incorporated into the specification or as accompanying documentation before a deliverable will be accepted by LANL. 1.10Definitions ANSI: American National Standards Institute 318 API: American Petroleum Institute ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials CCL: Coupled-Cavity Linac DTL: Drift Tube Linac FDR: Final Design Review IEC: International Electrotechnical Commission LANL: Los Alamos National Laboratory MDP: magnetic drive pump MSS: Manufacturers’ Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry ORNL: Oak Ridge National Laboratory PDR: Preliminary Design Review PFI: Pipe Fabrication Institute P&ID: Piping and Instrumentation Drawing PO: Purchase Order RF: Radio Frequency RFP: Request for Proposal RTD: Resistance Temperature Detectors SNS: Spallation Neutron Source SRR: System Requirements Review Supplier: The successful bidder who accepts the responsibility to fulfill the overall requirements of this specification. TPR: Test Plan Review Water Skid: An assembly of components, tubing, monitoring equipment, etc. designed to control the resonant frequency for the linac on the SNS Program. 1.11References All equipment shall be designed and furnished in accordance with the references listed below. All codes and standards referenced refer to the latest accepted revision at the time of contract award. Any conflict between referenced documents shall be brought to the attention of LANL for resolution prior to proceeding with the work. 319 1.11.1 1.11.2 1.11.3 American National Standards Institute (ANSI) B1.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN & UNR Thread Form) B1.20.3 Dryseal Pipe Threads (Inch) B16.10 Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions for Ferrous Valves, Classes 125 thru 2500 (Gate, Globe, Plug, Ball, and Check Valves) Y14.1 Drawing Sheet Size and Format Y14.2 Line Conventions, Sectioning and Lettering Y14.3 Multi and Sectional View Drawings Y14.4 Pictorial Drawing Y14.5 Dimensioning and Tolerancing for Engineering Drawings Y14.6 Screw Thread Representation American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (ANSI Approved) B31.1 Power Piping (ANSI Approved) B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping (ANSI Approved) American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) 2025 1.11.4 Recommended Practice (also known as SNT-TC-1A) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A240 Standard Specification for Heat-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels A268 Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic and Martensistic Stainless Steel for General Service A269 Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel for General Service A276 Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes A380 Standard Practice for Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation of Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and Systems A480 Standard Specification for General Requirements for Flat-Rolled Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip A511 Standard Specification for Seamless Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing A554 Standard Specification for Welded Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing 320 1.11.5 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60751 1.11.6 Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometer Sensors First Edition; Amendment 1-1986; Amendment 2-1995; BS EN 60751: 1996 Instrument Society of America (ISA) S75.03 1.11.7 1.11.8 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged Globe Style Control Valve Bodies (ANSI Classes 125, 150, 250, 300, and 600) Manufacturers’ Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS) SP-69 Pipe Hangers and Supports – Selection and Application SP-72 Ball Valves With Flanged or Buttwelding Ends for General Service Pipe Fabrication Institute (PFI) ES-5 2.0 Cleaning of Fabricated Pipe Operational/Performance Requirements The work to be performed requires the prospective supplier to produce a single design, fabrication and shipment of 12 water skids that meet the requirements contained within this document and any accompanying attachments. Over the thirty-year lifetime, the system may be subjected to low levels of radiation from particulates in the water. In addition, the system requires the wetted surfaces maintain a low Oxygen permeability from seals and flexible hoses as well as being compatible with deionized water. 2.1 System Operations Description The water skid is used to control the resonance frequency on various portions of a linear accelerator. This accounts for ten water skids (DTL-1 through DTL-6 and CCL-1 through CCL4). Two additional water skids are used for cooling of the quadrupole magnets (CCL-MAG and SCL-MAG). Any deionized water leakage is defined as hazardous waste and must be treated as such. Therefore, leakage is a significant concern of LANL. All water skid construction and design must meet ASME B31.1 and ASME B31.3 requirements. Applicable ASME, ASTM, ANSI, and ASNT reference documents shall be used as best practice for all water skid work. 2.2 Physical Layout The assembled skid shall fit within an envelope size no greater then 5 feet in width by 8 feet in length by 8½ feet in height. It is the responsibility of the supplier to meet this requirement and it is the goal of the supplier to minimize the water skid envelope to as small a package as possible. In reducing this envelope, the supplier should focus on the reduction of the length and width. However, safety and ease of repair and maintenance should not be compromised. 2.2.1 Component Orientation The orientation of certain components within the skid envelope is critical. LANL anticipates the need for scheduled maintenance on the water purification/filtration unit. Specifically, the carbon bed and mixed bed containers will need to be replaced to ensure the purity of the deionized water. Easy and direct access is required. Due to the location within the building that each skid is located, these containers will need to be accessible on the short side (envelope width). 321 The pump is a critical component that will require proper orientation on the water skid. Accessibility to the pump motor on the same short side (envelope width) as the carbon bed and mixed bed containers is required. Although no scheduled maintenance for the pump motor is anticipated, failure of this component has the highest probability of all components within the water skid assembly. 2.3 Reliability The supplier shall use best engineering practices in all areas of the design and build of each water skid assembly as they relate to reliability. At the FDR, the supplier shall provide the calculated mean time between failure (MTBF) for the entire skid system. The MTBF of individual components shall also be presented at the FDR. 2.4 Maintainability The supplier shall use best engineering practices in all areas of the design and build of each water skid assembly as they relate to maintainability. The water skid shall be designed in a modular fashion so that a faulty component may be quickly identified and replaced. The mean time to repair (MTTR) for the water skid system shall be calculated by analysis and presented at the FDR. Additionally, the supplier shall provide a list of failure modes and the calculations that substantiate the design decisions made to be in compliance with this requirement. 2.5 Temperature The primary function of the entire water skid is to control the temperature exiting the skid. Accuracy and stability of the water temperature must be optimized. By choosing efficient components and high quality RTDs, the best thermal system resolution will be achieved. The water temperature exiting each of the twelve (12) skids shall be 20.0 °C. The required accuracy and stability are both ± 0.5 °C. The range in which the exit temperature must function is ± 8.3 °C. The facility-chilled water on the cold side of the heat exchanger will be provided at 7.2 ± 1°C. 2.6 Flow Rate and Volume The flow rate will vary for each of the twelve (12) water skids. Holding the flow at a specified rate will, in effect, make it a constant and remove it as a variable. Although the accuracy and stability allowance is generous, the goal of the supplier is to reduce any variance from the defined flow rate. Thus, the only variable in tuning the particle accelerator beam will be the exit water temperature from the water skid. The volume of each closed loop system will vary. Much of this volume is contained in the transfer lines and the manifolds and not part of the water skid design. The water volume, though not part of the responsibility of the water skid supplier, will be a factor in thermal response time and it is important for the supplier to recognize the importance of the system response time. SKID DTL-1 DTL-2 DTL-3 DTL-4 DTL-5 DTL-6 FLOW RATE (GPM) 118.3 160.3 233.8 213.7 197.6 181.6 STABILITY (GPM) ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 322 ACCURACY (GPM) ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 VOLUME (GALLONS) 256 281 281 281 281 281 CCL-1 CCL-2 CCL-3 CCL-4 CCL-MAG SCL-MAG 2.7 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 218.9 257.0 257.0 257.0 60.8 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 ± 5.0 308 308 308 308 359 912 Vibration Vibration isolation requirements are directly imposed on the pump. This will be sufficient to prevent any measurable or significant vibration transfer to the Klystron Gallery. No skid isolation is required by the supplier however, the supplier may choose to isolate the entire skid based upon previous experience. Section 3.2 provides pump vibration isolation requirements. 2.8 Noise The supplier shall design the skid such that no personal protective equipment shall be required. The supplier shall review document OSHA Regulations (Standards – 29 CFR) Occupational noise exposure. – 1910.95 and meet the requirements therein. The permissible noise exposure shall be 70 dBA. Measurements may be taken at any location outside the structural frame of the skid. 2.9 Water Drainage The supplier shall develop and implement into the water skid design a method of efficiently draining the system. The drainage system must prevent water from dripping or draining onto the Klystron Gallery floor. The draining/venting scheme must be efficient and simple for maintenance personnel. All low points of the skid must have a method of draining that is valved. The highest point on the skid must have a valved port to vent the system and increase system-draining efficiency. The structure of the skid must provide a collection tray for any inadvertent leaks due to an improperly functioning valve. LANL will accept the use of the base of the water skid to function as an overfill spillage tray. 2.10 Connection Interfaces Flexible nonmetallic tubing will be used for the supply and return water line connections for the facility chilled water lines. These ends will require a beaded end for a flex line attachment by a band clamp during the skid installation at ORNL. The supply and return tube ends that connect to the transfer lines of the closed loop deionized water system shall be a standard ANSI flange for a 3” diameter tube. The location of these interface points will be at the top of the water skid envelope. This will allow for easy drop-down connections from the facility water lines and the water transfer lines. The supplier will provide coordinate locations for each of the four (4) connections and will identify these interface points on their top assembly drawing. 2.11 Pressure Drop The skid shall not have a total pressure drop greater then 15 psi. This value must be determined by analysis at PDR and again at FDR. Design approval by LANL is required prior to skid build. A pressure drop test across the entire skid is required to verify the pressure drop analysis. 2.12 Support Structure 323 The supporting structure of the water skid shall be a flat plate material with supporting cage type structure for vertical attachments. The structure shall not corrode due to a moderately humid environment. Construction of the support structure shall use best engineering practice that includes ANSI B1.1 and ANSI B1.20.1. When materials for the support structure are not specified the following shall apply: • • • Structural shapes shall be type 304L stainless steel per ASTM A276. Sheet and plate shall be type 304L stainless steel per ASTM A240. Stainless steel surface finishes shall be in accordance with ASTM A480. 2.12.1 Paint Upon the build completion of the support structure, it shall be painted as a protective measure to eliminate corrosion and rust. The paint shall be highly durable enamel. The color may be either white or black. Why paint stainless? 2.13 Seismic Parameters The equipment shall remain in place and in operational condition during the following earthquake parameters: seismic zone 2B, peak ground acceleration (Z) 0.20 G, and a damping factor of 5%. 2.14 Construction, Floor Loading, and Floor Quality The design of the equipment rack shall be such that it may be moved via forklift (from any of the four sides), air bearings, or overhead crane. The floor loading distribution, calculated when the skid is full with water, shall be no greater than 500 lbs. per square foot. Total weight, balance, center-of-gravity, and overall sturdiness must be a significant part of any and all design considerations. The supplier may assume that the floor over which the water skid will be moved shall… …be a smooth trowel finish concrete floor, …be sealed with concrete sealer, …be flat and level within 0.25 inches within 10 feet in any direction, …be free of cracks, chips, seams or gouges, …be free of vertical projections and step changes in plane, …have all construction joints filled in and ground smooth. 3.0 Equipment The supplier shall be responsible for all equipment. Equipment is defined as purchased parts, hardware, components, control devices, etc. All purchased parts must meet ASME codes and the defined requirements stated in this document. Supplier responsibility includes component verification documents. 3.1 Reservoir Expansion Tank The reservoir expansion tank shall meet the codes as specified in ASME B31.3 and shall be constructed of 316 or 316L stainless steel. It shall have a minimum volume of 10 gallons. The tank will be pressurized by Nitrogen gas to a pressure of XX psig. It shall have a fluid level switch located at the ¾ volume point of the chosen tank. Located at the top of the tank will be an over pressurization relief valve, a Nitrogen fill port, and a deionized water fill port. The ideal tank location for the supplier is to situate the tank at as high a point as possible. This will create increased head pressure flowing into the pump. This is a goal for the supplier. 324 3.1.1 Nitrogen Purge System A dry Nitrogen gas bottle (99.999% N2) serves as the pressurized source. Dry Nitrogen will be used to purge the Oxygen from the system. Two gas pressure regulators (course and fine) connected to the outlet of the N2 gas bottle have been incorporated by the ORNL facility equipment group to step down the gas bottle pressure from several thousand psig to less than 5 psig. On the reservoir expansion tank side of the N2 gas pressurization system (supplier’s responsibility), a gas pressurization metering valve is requisite. LANL recommends a valve manufactured by Nupro. An orifice plate gas throttling mechanism is essential to limit the gas flow rate from the N2 bottle. From LANL calculations, the required orifice hole diameter is 0.020 inches. A manual isolation ball valve will be used to prevent any N2 gas leakage from the tank once the system is pressurized. The operating pressure will be less than 2 psig. The pressure relief valve setting will be 1 to 2 psig. The system will be located at the top of the reservoir expansion tank. 3.1.2 Fluid Level Switch The fluid level switch shall be a contact closure on/off type. A continuous 4-20 mA output signal shall indicate that the fluid level is at or above its required level. All wetted surfaces shall be stainless steel with the O-ring made of Viton. 3.2 Pump The pump shall be a magnetic drive pump (MDP) and be of the horizontal sealless type. It shall utilize an outer ring of permanent magnets or electromagnets to drive an internal rotating assembly consisting of an impeller, shaft, and inner drive member (torque ring or magnet ring) through a corrosion resistant containment shell. All nomenclature and definitions of pump components shall be in accordance with ANSI/HI 5.1 through 5.6. The material of construction shall be 316 or 316L stainless steel. The selection of a pump must meet all of the requirements of document ASME B73.3M-1997 Specification For Sealless Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps For Chemical Process. All electric motors must be manufactured and operate per NEMA-MG-1. This document specifies appropriate maximum vibration levels for electric motor assemblies. Each pump assembly (including motor) must be mounted on a conventional machinery vibration isolation mount. The mount system must be sized to provide 95% vibration isolation with respect to the pump fundamental rotational excitation frequency. Isolation must be provided along two perpendicular axes that are in turn perpendicular to the pump axis. Thus the isolation mount for a horizontally mounted pump could provide isolation vertically and laterally with respect to the pump axis. Isolators may be mounted with their axes inclined with respect to each other.Conventional wire rope, helical spring, or isolators shall be utilized. The isolation system must not be structurally short-circuited with rigid plumbing electrical conduit connections. Flexible hose assemblies must be utilized for pump interfacing. Flexible electrical conduit with appropriate wiring must be utilized for all electrical connections. The pump shall have a variable speed controller with the ability to remotely control the pump impeller speed. The controller will be placed along a wall within a Motor Control Center (MCC) away from the actual water skid. The controller shall have a lockout in the open (unenergized) position. This requirement is a noted exception to NEC 430-102. 3.3 Water Purification/Filtration System 325 The water system shall be designed to continuously maintain water purity in the SNS Accelerator. The work to be performed requires the supplier to produce a single design and fabrication of 12 water purification units meeting the requirements contained within this section of this statement of work as well as any accompanying attachments. One (1) spare set of filters shall be shipped with each unit. 3.3.1 System Requirements • System requirements shall include a passive system; no drains will be available. • Draining of the system shall be via a 1” Hansen stainless steel quick disconnect, or compatible, and shall be installed at the lowest point in the system. • To maintain purity in the cooling loops, the purification system shall be continuously purifying 1-5% of the total coolant flow rate. • The system shall be designed to meet a internal pressure of 150 psig. • Upon passing through the purification system, the water shall have achieved the following criteria: Parameter Flow Rate Through Purification Loop Required Value 1 – 5% of total flow through the skid (minimum of 2.6 – 3.1 GPM) 8±1 10 – 14 MΩ < 20 parts per billion (ppb) ≤ 1 micron ≤ 0.5 mil/year pH Level Electrical Resistivity Dissolved Oxygen Content Particulate Size Corrosion • Water system shall maintain the desired purity without calibration, component or material replacement for a minimum of one year. • Information in the following table shall be used in the design of the water purification system. Each system shall continuously purify water at a minimum range of 2.6 – 3.1gpm. Unit ID Number System Flow rate (gpm) Purification System Flow range (gpm) System Volume (gallons) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DTL – 1 DTL – 2 DTL – 3 DTL – 4 DTL – 5 DTL – 6 CCL – 1 CCL – 2 CCL – 3 CCL – 4 CCL – Mag SCL – Mag 119 161 234 214 198 182 219 257 257 257 61 TBD 1.2 – 6.0 1.6 – 8.1 2.3 – 11.7 2.1 – 10.7 2.0 – 9.9 1.8 – 9.1 2.2 – 11.0 2.6 – 12.9 2.6 – 12.9 2.6 – 12.9 0.6 – 3.1 TBD 256 281 281 281 281 281 308 308 308 308 359 912 326 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.3.6 • Operating temperature of the water and surrounding environment will be 68±6°F. • Each unit shall have a corrosion resistant metal tag with its Identification Number, as shown in the above table, imprinted and clearly visible and mounted on the frame of the unit. • All components shall be mounted to a Stainless Steel frame. Frame design shall allow easy transport by forklift, and not hamper maintenance or installation. • All components and piping shall be easily removable by use of simple hand tools. Materials • All materials shall be new. • All wetted materials shall be Buna-N, Viton®, Neoprene, Hypalon®, or Stainless Steel. Filter and Filter Housings • Filter housings shall be fabricated using corrosion resistant 316L stainless steel. • Filter removal shall be accomplished by removal of the casing, vertically exposing the cartridge. • Filter housings shall allow cartridge change without disrupting inlet/outlet piping. • Housings shall be of the T-type design with inlet and outlet on the same centerline. • The housing head shall clamp to the bowl with a Viton®, Neoprene, or Hypalon® O-ring seal. • A stainless steel spring against the closed end of the filter cartridge shall maintain the cartridge seal. • Seller shall provide redundant parallel filters. All filters shall be replaceable without shutting the system down. A 5-micron filter shall be installed at the entrance into the purification system. A 1-micron filter shall be installed at the exit of the purification system. Both filters shall be constructed of ceramic or stainless steel. Flow Control • A mechanical flow control device shall be added to regulate flow rate. • A total of two sample ports will be included in each unit. One sample port shall be located upstream of any water treatment component and the other sample port shall be located downstream immediately after all treatment components. Resin Tank • A minimum of one resin tank shall consist of Amberlite® IR-120 in H+ form, and shall be placed up stream of additional resin tanks. • All tanks shall have a rubber base and be designed for a minimum 150 psig operating pressure and 120 degrees F operating temperature. Hoses 327 3.3.7 3.4 • Flexible hoses shall be manufactured with Viton®, Neoprene, Buna-N, Hypalon® or University approved equivalent. • Hose ends shall be of a quick-disconnect type allowing easy replacement/refurbishment of resin tanks. Instrumentation & Electrical • The preferred output signal type will be 4-20mA, with 0-10 VDC being an alternative. • Instrumentation shall measure pH, resistivity, and dissolved O2 concentration. • See the P&ID for sensor locations. Provide adequate cabling for routing between instrument and sensor. • Supplier’s measurements shall be taken downstream of the purification system. • All electrically powered items shall utilize power from 120VAC, current not to exceed 10 amps, with a 24VDC, current not to exceed 10 amps, power source as an alternate. Flow Meters The flow meters shall optimally have as low a pressure drop as possible. The accuracy shall be atleast ±1% or better for each water skid flow requirements. The power requirement availability is 24 volts dc. The output signal shall be 4-20 mA dc, 2-wire configuration. 3.5 Valves Valve design and selection shall meet the requirements of ANSI B16.10, API 608, MSS SP-72, ISA S75.03, ISA S75.04, and ISA S75.14. 3.5.1 Electronically Actuated Control Valves The primary control valve will be a 3-way diverging valve located at the heat exchanger-to-heat exchanger bypass intersection. The valve will provide true linear proportioning and a smooth gradual flow reduction when flow adjusting. The valve will have stable transitioning when switching ports to prevent valve slamming and pipeline water hammer. All wetted surfaces will be 316 stainless steel and packing made from Teflon or Viton. The linear valve actuator will be electronically actuated. It will operate with a two-wire 4 to 20 mA signal for both the input command signal and the feedback signal. The input available power will be 24 Vdc. Position accuracy will be ±1% of full actuator travel. The valve will require a 100% duty cycle. The actuation speed shall be no slower then 32 s/in. The actuator housing will be NEMA type 4 requirements. A 2-way electronically actuated flow control valve will be required prior to the entrance on the cold side of the heat exchanger. This is facility-chilled water and is not deionized water. This valve does not require 316 stainless steel, Teflon or Viton as construction or housing materials. However, it is required to be compatible with the tubing material and must be highly sturdy and reliable. It will operate with a two-wire 4 to 20 mA signal for both the input command signal and the feedback signal. The input available power will be 24 Vdc. Position accuracy will be ±5% of full actuator travel. The valve will require a 75% duty cycle. The actuation speed shall be no slower then 64 s/in. The actuator housing will be NEMA type 4 requirements. 328 3.5.2 Manual Globe Valve The single globe valve will regulate the flow manually. All wetted metallic valve components will be 316 stainless steel and non-metallics will be of Viton. The stem will be adjusted using a standard hand-wheel. At the point where the valve is properly adjusted, a locking mechanism will ensure that no inadvertent contact would alter the valve setting. Due to potential sticking or turning of a screwed bonnet, a bolted bonnet is preferred. The desired body end is flanged. 3.5.3 Manual Ball Valves A total nine (9) of manual ball valves are required in the closed loop portion of the water skid. The rotary-ball valve will function as a manual on/off flow isolator. The stem rotation will be 90° open to close. The single-seat ‘eccentric’ version of this ball valve will be used to insure that no leakage occurs. The ball is slightly offset so that it presses into the seat on closure. The type will be a ball valve constructed from 316 or 316L stainless steel. An additional five (5) ball valves are required on the facility chilled water side of the heat exchanger. These valves shall have sturdy and reliable isolation capabilities. Since this water is not deionized, the valves may be constructed from a material other then stainless steel however, they must be compatible with the stainless steel heat exchanger. All valves must have a lockout method to prevent unauthorized adjustments. 3.5.4 Pressure Relief Valves Two pressure relief valves will be used to protect the system from over-pressurization. A pressure relief valve shall be located on the top of the reservoir tank. This valve will be set to release at a pressure such that the system pressure will not at any time exceed the maximum operating pressure of 150 psig. The second pressure relief valve will be located on either end of the inline heater and will have the same pressure relief set point. 3.5.5 Method of Installation The valves, whenever possible, shall be installed using compression fittings or flanges. All dissimilar metals require nonconducting dielectric connections and the written approval by LANL. Viton seals may be used if required. Any deviation from these requirements must have written approval from LANL. 3.6 Heat Exchanger The heat exchanger will be from Flat Plate Heat Exchanger Company model TBD. LANL will be responsible for the heat exchanger analysis and the choice of heat exchanger. The heat exchanger will be procurement responsibility of the supplier. The supplier will have sole responsibility for the installation into the system. 3.7 Air Separator An air separator is required in the closed loop system for air removal. Spirotherm, Inc. has a unit referred to as a Spirovent that is representative of the type of component LANL is recommending. Another separator may be used provided it functions similarly. The component selection requires LANL approval. 3.8 Air Eliminator 329 An air eliminator will be used at the air elimination port on the air separator. It may be mounted directly to the air separator or to a stainless steel tube that is routed between the air separator and the air eliminator. The air eliminator design shall allow no water leakage. The separator shall be located at the highest point on the skid. Spirotherm, Inc. has a unit referred to as a Spirotop and Spirax Sarco, Inc. has a unit referred to an Automatic Air Vent both of which are representative of the type of component LANL is recommending. Another eliminator may be used provided it functions similarly. The component selection requires LANL approval. 3.9 Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) RTDs shall be used for temperature measurement because of the need for high accuracy, repeatability, and stability. The probe shall be ¼” in diameter to prevent damage due to the high flow rates and constructed of platinum wire wound about a ceramic of glass core and hermetically sealed within a ceramic or glass capsule. All wetted surfaces shall be stainless steel and no Teflon may be used. A 3-wire configuration (style 2) shall be used. The output signal shall be 4-20 mA. 3.10 Pressure Transducers The transducer shall measure gage pressure. The calibrated total error band shall be no greater than 1.5 % root-sum-square (RSS). The output shall be a 2-wire, 4-20 mA signal. The available power supply is 24 Vdc. The construction of the transducer shall be stainless steel. 3.11 In-Line Heater The inline heater shall be a minimum of 12 kW and a maximum of 20 kW. The water connection ports shall be flanged for ease of removal. The ports shall be a minimum of 1” diameter and optimally 3” in diameter to reduce pressure drop. The heater shall have a controller with the ability to remotely control the on/off capabilities of the heater. The controller will be placed along a wall within a Motor Control Center (MCC) away from the actual water skid. The controller shall have a lockout in the open (unenergized) position. This requirement is a noted exception to NEC 430-102. 3.12 Strainer A 100-mesh particulate strainer is required upstream to the electronically actuated 2-way control valve. A 100-mesh strainer removes any particulate greater then .0059 inches (149 micron). The desired strainer will be a basket type for easy cleaning. The filtering material, as well as any wetted surfaces, must be compatible with a standard acid wash liquid that will be used periodically to clean the interior surfaces of the heat exchanger. 3.13 Tubing All tubing design and construction must meet the requirements of ASTM A268, A269, A511, and A554 documents. 3.13.1 Material The primary material used by the supplier to design/fabricate the system shall be stainless steel 316 or 316L. Viton is an acceptable nonmetallic seal material. Other materials may be used provided they are commonly used materials, are acceptable for use with deionized water, do not create galvanic corrosion problems, and are acceptable in writing by LANL. 3.13.2 Acid Wash Ports 330 Two connection ports are required to do a periodic acid wash cleaning of the cold side heat exchanger. The water flowing through this half of the heat exchanger is facility city water. It is likely that this water will leave mineral deposits on the interior surface of the heat exchanger. These deposits will have a direct detrimental affect on the heat exchanger efficiency and will eventually lower the performance of the entire closed loop system. The ports will be of type and size TBD. 3.13.3 Joining Methods The method of joining tube-to-tube used by the supplier to design/fabricate the system shall be by compression fittings or welded joints whenever possible. The method of joining tube-tocomponents shall be by compression fittings, flanges or NPT. All flanged joints shall meet the requirements set forth in ANSI B1.20.3. Whenever a threaded fitting is required, a soft setting sealant shall be used. The recommended sealant is RectorSeal NO. 5 (MSDS0011). Teflon does not perform well in the any radiation environment and is not an acceptable sealant. All dissimilar metals require nonconducting dielectric connections and the written approval by LANL. Refer to ASME B16.5 document for the desired flanged fittings. 3.13.4 Method of Support Tubing support shall be in accordance with Manufactures Standardization Society for the Valve and Fittings Industry (MSS), MSS SP-69. Supports shall be arranged to insure that no structural load is transmitted to the equipment. 3.13.5 Tube Sizing Tube sizes shall be defined by LANL. Refer to the Process and Instrumentation Drawing (P&ID). The wall thickness for all stainless steel tubing shall be TBD. 3.13.6 Cutting Cutting method shall be with tube cutters only. All cut edges shall be reamed to remove all burrs. All defects caused by machining, chipping, or grinding shall be removed. 3.13.7 Installation All tubing shall be installed parallel and perpendicular to the skid base frame. Any variation from these requirements requires written approval by LANL. Skid fabrication shall be in accordance with ASME B31.9, Building Service Piping. 3.13.8 Labeling Each major tubing section shall have directional arrows indicating the water flow path. A major section is defined as any tube length preceding and following a tube intersection. 4.0 Cleaning All stainless steel components/sub-systems shall follow the guideline set forth in document ASTM A380 for precleaning, descaling, and cleaning. The water skid shall be cleaned per PFI ES-5. 5.0 Equipment Acceptance Tests Requirements All water skid units shall be inspected, examined, and tested in accordance with ASME B31.3. All testing shall follow the guidelines set forth in ASNT 2055. Inspection, examination, and 331 testing shall include a visual examination, a hydrostatic system leak test, and a system functionality test. The supplier shall provide all required equipment and facilities (including calibrated equipment) to carry out acceptance testing at the supplier’s facility. LANL representatives may elect to witness the test and therefore shall be informed at least 10 days in advance of the start of testing. Each water skid shall undergo acceptance testing and demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this procurement specification. The supplier shall not be held responsible should LANL supplied components fail during testing however the supplier maintains responsibility for the connections and wiring of the supplied components. 5.1 Visual Examination Each water skid shall undergo a detailed visual examination upon the completion of the build and prior to the system leak test and the system functionality test. The supplier will develop a detailed visual inspection checklist that must be signed off by qualified personnel. The checklist shall include inspection of workmanship, weld inspection per ASME codes, all joints, all permanent valving, and correct labeling of flow direction but is not limited to these items. 5.2 System Pressure Drop Test A pressure drop test shall be performed on the first deliverable water skid. Water shall be flowing at the specified design flow rate. The pressure drop across the water skid on the warm side of the heat exchanger shall be measured. Additionally, the pressure drop shall be measure at 80% flow, 120% flow, and 150% flow. 5.3 Hydrostatic System Leak Test The system leak test shall be performed in accordance with the Power Piping Standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). The test of the entire system shall be a hydrostatic leak test. The two (2) supply and the two (2) return lines shall be temporarily capped off or sealed for the test. The system shall be pressurized to 225 psig. The fluid temperature shall coincide with actual system requirements. The fluid shall be water of the following quality. Parameter pH Level Electrical Resistivity Dissolved Oxygen Content Particulate Size Required Quality 8±1 10 – 14 MΩ < 20 ppb < 1 micron Any joints covered by insulation must be temporarily pealed back or removed to see potential leaks. A temporary relief valve shall be installed if the pressure testing equipment may possibly produce excessive pressure. As much air must be removed from the system when it is filled with deionized water. Given that air is compressible and water is only slightly compressible, any air that remains in the system when it is pressurized may cause injury to personnel, damage to equipment, or non-recognition of a small leak. The test pressure shall be continuously maintained for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes before starting the examination for leakage. All joints and connections, valve packing, and pump shaft seals in the system should be examined. There shall be no indication of leakage or weeping. A restoration checklist shall be prepared by the supplier to verify that all plugs, temporary supports, temporary relief valves, etc. are removed from the skid at the completion of the test. The system shall be blown out and dried. 332 5.4 System Functionality Test The system functionality test shall be performed in accordance with ANSI and ASME Standards where applicable. The testing shall verify the functionality of the entire system including all system components and monitoring components. The test temperature and pressure shall simulate the actual system requirements. The fluid shall be water of the same quality as that used for the leak test. The fluid flow to and from the RF Structure shall be simulated. The testing shall also verify the functionality of all system components. 6.0 Personnel Qualifications Qualifications of testing personnel shall comply with those requirements outlined in the ASME B31.3. 7.0 Test Reports Test Reports shall be generated and submitted by the supplier for all inspection, examination, and testing performed and required by ASME B31.3. Test reports are required for each of the twelve (12) systems tested. Test reports shall be provided which include all data taken during acceptance testing. Each report shall include the supplier’s written certificate of compliance to the requirements of this procurement specification. Two (2) hard copies of the test report and one (1) electronic copy shall be supplied concurrent with the delivery of each system. The test report shall include as a minimum the following information: System Identification (Tag Number) Date of test Test method and acceptance criteria used Name and signature of the qualified test operator Make, model, and serial number of test equipment used Calibration dates of test equipment Description of test article and all other fixtures and components used Time, location of leaks (or other failures), and corrective action taken Record of time, temperature, and internal pressure Calibrated leak data Signature of witness 8.0 Data Requirements All data shall be provided in hardcopy and electronic media. The electronic media shall use Adobe “…pdf” files. Data requirements shall conform to the requirements set forth in the Program Plan, the Monthly Report, the Design Review Data Package, the Test Plans, the Test Reports, the Drawings, the Installation and Operating Instructions, the Recommended Spare Parts List, the software documentation, and the Maintenance Manual. 9.0 Marking/Identification Each water skid shall be identified by a nameplate sealwelded to the front of the skid structure located near eye level. The nameplate material shall be any 300 series stainless steel. The following information shall be stamped or etched on the nameplate using atleast ½” high lettering: Facility: Project: Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, TN Spallation Neutron Source 333 Contract Specification: Identification No.: Description: 10.0 TBD See Section 1.2 See Section 1.2 Installation and Operating Instructions Concurrent with the first unit, the supplier shall provide 3 sets of installation and operating instructions. A single copy of the instructions shall be provided with each subsequent unit once the initial manuals are approved by LANL. These instructions shall include but not limited to: • • • • • 11.0 Unpacking and handling instructions Installation procedures Normal operating procedures Shutdown procedures Safety procedures and cautions Packaging Packaging, shipping, and transportation is the responsibility of the supplier. Best comercial practices are to be used. 11.1 Container Construction The water skids shall be packaged individually. The packaging structure shall not be the frame and support structure of the skid. Each skid shall be packaged in wooden shipping containers with proper bracing and placed on wooden platforms to avoid any damage during handling and shipping. Potential contact points between the skid and the crate shall be padded to prevent damage during shipping. The exterior of the container must provide access and method for moving of the container by forklift. 11.2 Packaging Preparations The supplier shall be responsible for adequate packaging to assure safe arrival at the designated shipping location. Each skid shall be shipped in a single container with one skid per container. A shock watch and tilt watch shall be included on the packaging to indicate any mishandling during shipment. So what is the shock indicator for? (the vendor has the responsibility and if he wants to put one on or not should be his decision as to how he’s going to argue with the shipper for damage claims. Particular care shall be expended to assure that the cleanliness, dimensional stability, and overall integrity of the equipment achieved during fabrication are not affected during shipment. The assembly shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove any dirt that may have accumulated on the equipment during testing. No water shall remain within the water skid tubing or components. All tube ends shall be sealed to prevent ingress of dirt into the system. These openings shall be sealed with temporary covers, polyethyene sheet, or other equivalent protection. Any tape used shall be low chloride (<250 PPM). Defects in the paint shall be touched-up and repaired. 11.3 Container Labeling Containers shall be properly and clearly marked on the top and all four sides using a stencil with the following information: Facility: Project: Contract Specification: Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, TN Spallation Neutron Source TBD 334 Identification No.: Description: See Section 1.2 See Section 1.2 Additional information such as the actual weight of the container, the orientation of the equipment within the container, and any other information the supplier deems necessary shall also be labeled. 11.4 Shipping The supplier shall assure that the shipment is with an insured carrier. The carrier shall provide exclusive use of the trucks for shipment. Are you asking for an exclusive use shipment? Containers shall be covered for protection from weather during shipping. Covering may be an enclosed trailer or other sheeting drawn over the containers. The truck driver shall carry a data package (is this listed under deliverables?) to be delivered to the destination supervisor. As a minimum, the data package must contain the bill of lading for each shippable unit and one copy of the Final Data Package. Prior to the equipment being prepared for shipping, the supplier shall obtain approval from LANL to ship. 335 17.0 Appendix D – Hardware Costs DTL Water Cooling System Hardware Costs SUMMARY Item # Description Quantity 1 Drift tube Water skid Supplier 6 Parts list (see below) 6 Parts list (see below) 6 Parts list (see below) 7 Parts list (see below) 7 Parts list (see below) 2 Drift tube Manifolds & Trans. Lines 3 RF struct. Manifolds & Trans. Lines 4 PLCs, Computers, software 5 Electronics rack & equipment DETAILED LISTINGS for 1 UNIT 1 RF Structure & Magnet Water Skid Components Component or Grouping Item Pump Quantity Heat Exchanger Expansion Tank Inline Heater I&C Unit Cost ($) Extended Cost Cost Source ($) 85,071 510428.232 catalog & eng. Judge. 36,586 219513 catalog & eng. Judge. 46,488 278929.5 catalog & eng. Judge. $25,500 178500 catalog & eng. Judge. $1,157 8099 catalog & eng. Judge. GRAND TOTAL Supplier 1 MP Pumps Inc. 1 Flat Plate 1 1 5 8 Flowmeters Pressure Transducers Thermocouples Liquid level switch APC Omega Omega Omega 8 Omega 1 Omega Plumbing Pipes/Fittings 1 Quotes per 336 Net Cost ($) 510,428 219,513 278,930 178,500 8,099 1,195,470 Unit Price ($) 15 % Discount ($) Price ($) $ $1,238 $7,013 8,250 $ $1,175 $6,661 7,836 $2,725 $409 $2,316 $3,473 $521 $2,952 $2,000 $300 $8,500 $180 $27 $1,224 $75 $225 $11 $34 $510 $191 $8,400 $1,260 $7,140 JIT Valves Air separator Press. relief & air eliminators Manual Valves (3" ball) Proportional Valves (elect) 1 spriotherm 6 Alb. Valve & Fitting 12 Dahl Plumbing 2 Worcester Cont. 1 Water Treatment Hardware & Inst. 400 $ 150 $ 343 $ 9,000 $ 13,000 $ 4,500 $ 9,600 $60 $23 $340 $765 $51 $3,500 $1,350 $15,300 $1,950 $11,050 0 $4,500 0 $9,600 Structure 1 Structure assembly, fab. & check-out man-hours 1 160 man-hours at $60/hr Assembly & detail drawings (6 drawings) 1 $ 1,310 0 $1,310 40 hrs/drawing = 240 man-hours at $60/hr, divide by 11 skids Documentation, testing, certification (20 hrs at $60/hr) Shipping & Insurance 1 1 $1,200 $1,000 0 0 $1,200 $1,000 $85,071 SUBTOTAL 2 Drift Tube Manifolds Component or Grouping Item Manifolds Qty in ft, Price per ft 0.375" Buna-N hose Qty in ft, Price per ft 2" Cu sub-manifolds Qty is total number Orifice plates and fittings Quantity Supplier 200 McMaster Carr 100 McMaster Carr 50 337 Unit Price ($) 15 % unit Discount Price ($) ($) 0.35 0.0525 $60 7.6 1.14 $646 100 15 $4,250 Qty is total number Stainless steel valves Various copper fittings Various stainless steel fit. Instr. (flow, press., temp.) Supports, bolt sets, misc. Structure assembly, fab. & check-out man-hours 60 man-hours at $60/hr Shipping & Insurance 2 Alb. Valve & Fittings 1 McMaster Carr 1 Alb. Valve & Fittings 1 Omega 400 60 $680 5000 750 $4,250 10000 1500 $8,500 15000 2250 $12,750 1 1000 150 $850 1 $3,600 0 $3,600 1 $1,000 0 $1,000 $36,586 SUBTOTAL 3 RF Structure Manifolds and Transfer Lines Component or Grouping Item Transfer Lines Qty in ft, Price per ft 4" Cu Tubing Qty in ft, Price per ft 0.5" Cu tubing Qty in ft, Price per ft 0.375" Cu tubing Qty in ft, Price per ft 0.5" Buna-N hose Qty in ft, Price per ft 0.375" Buna-N hose Manifolds Qty in ft, Price per ft Qty in ft, Price per ft Quantity 3" Cu manifold suply & return 2" Cu sub-manifolds 338 Supplier Unit Price ($) 15 % unit Discount Price ($) ($) 250 McMaster Carr 400 McMaster Carr 400 McMaster Carr 200 McMaster Carr 100 McMaster Carr 10.2 1.53 $2,168 2.4 0.36 $816 1.8 0.27 $612 0.5 0.075 $85 0.35 0.0525 $30 200 McMaster Carr 200 McMaster Carr 10.8 1.62 $1,836 7.6 1.14 $1,292 Qty is total number Stainless steel valves Various copper fittings Various stainless steel fit. Instr. (flow, press., temp.) Supports, bolt sets, misc. Structure assembly, fab. & check-out man-hours 120 Man-hours at $60/hr Shipping & Insurance 10 Alb. Valve & Fittings 1 McMaster Carr 1 Alb. Valve & Fittings 1 Omega 400 60 $3,400 10000 1500 $8,500 12000 1800 $10,200 8000 1200 $6,800 1 3000 450 $2,550 1 $7,200 0 $7,200 1 $1,000 0 $1,000 $46,488 SUBTOTAL 4 PLCs, Computers, software per skid Component # Item Quantity 1 PLC (plus cards, input & output connect) 2 Electrical hardware (cables, pwr sup.) 3 Local computer 4 Software (labview, PLC, etc.) Supplier 1 (N/A) Unit Price ($) Price ($) $10,000 $10,000 1 (N/A) $10,000 $10,000 1 (N/A) 1 (N/A) $3,500 $2,000 $3,500 $2,000 SUBTOTAL 5 Electronics rack & equipment per skid Component # Item 1 Equipment Rack Quantity 2 Equipment Rack Fan 3 Power Strip 339 Supplier 1 Premier Metal 1 Premier Metal 1 Premier $25,500 Unit Price ($) Price ($) $825 $825 $257 $257 $75 $75 Metal SUBTOTAL 340 $1,157 18.0 Appendix E – Parts Database/Device Name List for DTL Tank 1 341 SNS DTL Resonant Control Cooling System (RCCS) Master Data Base for Resonant Control Cooling System 1 and Tank 1, sections A & B System Name=System/SubSystem, Device Name=System/SubSystem+Device, Signal Name=System/SubSystem+Device+Signal System/SubSystem Device Name Device Manufacturer Model # Signal type Module Info Cable/Pair DTL_RCCS1 MV1 manual ball valve TBD DTL_RCCS1 MV2 manual ball valve TBD DTL_RCCS1 MV3 manual ball valve DTL_RCCS1 MV4 DTL_RCCS1 TBD N/A ***** ***** main skid return valve from DT TBD N/A ***** ***** heat exchanger loop valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** main loop drain valve, N.C. manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** main supply valve, heater by-pa MV5 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** main skid supply valve DTL_RCCS1 MV6 manual globe valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** inlet valve to water purity loop DTL_RCCS1 MV7 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** water purity loop manual valve DTL_RCCS1 MV8 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** reservoir tank valve DTL_RCCS1 MV9 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** reservoir tank vent valve, N.C. DTL_RCCS1 MV10 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** h-x unit supply acid wash port m DTL_RCCS1 MV11 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** reservoir tank nitrogen valve, N DTL_RCCS1 MV12 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** h-x unit return acid wash port m DTL_RCCS1 MV13 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** outlet valve from heat exchange DTL_RCCS1 MV14 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** outlet valve to heat exchanger fr DTL_RCCS1 FT1 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD main return flow meter DTL_RCCS1 FT2 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD flow meter loop of heat exchang DTL_RCCS1 FT3 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD flow meter at skid exit DTL_RCCS1 FT4 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD water purity loop flow meter DTL_RCCS1 FT5 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD flow meter out of heat exchange DTL_RCCS1 PT1 pressure transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD inlet pressure of heat exchanger DTL_RCCS1 PT2 pressure transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD outlet pressure of heat exchange DTL_RCCS1 PT3 pressure transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD inlet pressure to pump DTL_RCCS1 PT4 pressure transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD outlet pressure from pump DTL_RCCS1 PT5 pressure transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD inlet pressure to heat exchanger 342 Description DTL_RCCS1 PT6 pressure transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD outlet pressure of heat exchange DTL_RCCS1 TT1 temperature transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD inlet temperature of heat exchan DTL_RCCS1 TT2 temperature transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD outlet temperature of heat excha DTL_RCCS1 TT3 temperature transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD inlet temperature to pump DTL_RCCS1 TT4 temperature transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD outlet temperature from pump DTL_RCCS1 TT5 temperature transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD inlet temperature to heat exchan DTL_RCCS1 TT6 temperature transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD outlet temperature of heat excha DTL_RCCS1 TT7 temperature transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD outlet temperature of heater HT DTL_RCCS1 CV1 3 way PID valve TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD PID control valve - 3 way DTL_RCCS1 CV2 2 way PID valve TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD PID 2 way valve, chilled water DTL_RCCS1 PSV1 pressure relief valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** water purity loop reservoir tank DTL_RCCS1 PSV2 pressure relief valve TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** in-line heater pressure relief val DTL_RCCS1 STR-1 strainer TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** strainer, 100 mesh at heat excha DTL_RCCS1 HX-1 heat exchanger TBD TBD N/A ***** ***** heat exchanger unit DTL_RCCS1 PH1 purity xducer TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD main water PH transducer DTL_RCCS1 O21 oxygen xducer TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD main water oxygen transducer DTL_RCCS1 PMP-1 pump TBD TBD 24VDC TBD TBD main loop pump variable speed DTL_RCCS1 LT1 fluid level TBD TBD 24VDC TBD TBD water purity loop reservoir tank DTL_RCCS1 HTR-1 in-line heater TBD TBD 24VDC TBD TBD in-line heater, manual remote co DTL_RCCS1 RE1 resistivity probe TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD resistivity probe @ center of wa DTL_RCCS1 RE2 resistivity probe TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD resistivity probe post of water fi DTL_RCCS1 TK-1 Reservoir Expansion Tank TBD TBD N/A TBD TBD Reservoir Expansion tank DTL_RCCS1 AS-1 Air Seperator TBD TBD N/A TBD TBD Air Seperator DTL_RCCS1 AE-1 Air Eliminator TBD TBD N/A TBD TBD Air Eliminator ***** ***** ***** Tank 1-section A ---------------------- ***** ***** ***** DTL_TANK1 MV101 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A main isolation supply valve DTL_TANK1 MV102 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A main isolation return valve 343 DTL_TANK1 MV103 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A supply vent valve, N.C. DTL_TANK1 MV104 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A return vent valve, N.C. DTL_TANK1 MV105 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A pre strainer isolation supply valv DTL_TANK1 MV106 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A return isolation valve DTL_TANK1 MV107 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A post strainer isolation supply va DTL_TANK1 MV108 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A return drain valve, N.C. DTL_TANK1 MV109 manual globe valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A slug tunner supply isolation valv DTL_TANK1 MV110 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A return vent valve, N.C. DTL_TANK1 MV111 manual globe valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A post coupler supply isolation va DTL_TANK1 MV112 manual globe valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A drift tube supply valve DTL_TANK1 MV113 manual globe valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A end wall drift tube supply valve DTL_TANK1 MV114 manual globe valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A post coupler supply isolation va DTL_TANK1 MV115 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A supply drain valve, N.C. DTL_TANK1 MV116 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A supply vent valve, N.C. DTL_TANK1 FT101 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD main post coupler return flow m DTL_TANK1 FT102 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD drift tube return flow meter DTL_TANK1 FT103 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD end wall return flow meter DTL_TANK1 FT104 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD post coupler return flow meter 344 4-20mA TBD TBD slug tuner return flow meter post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler PC102 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC103 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC104 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC105 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC106 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC107 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC108 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC109 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC110 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC111 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 ST101 slug tuner N/A N/A N/A slug tuner DTL_TANK1 ST102 slug tuner N/A N/A N/A slug tuner DTL_TANK1 ST103 slug tuner N/A N/A N/A slug tuner DTL_TANK1 ST104 slug tuner N/A N/A N/A slug tuner DTL_TANK1 PSV101 pressure relief valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A main supply pressure relief valv DTL_TANK1 PSV102 pressure relief valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A main return pressure relief valve DTL_TANK1 FT105 flow transmitter DTL_TANK1 PC101 DTL_TANK1 TBD TBD 345 DTL_TANK1 PT101 pressure transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD main supply pressure DTL_TANK1 PT102 pressure transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD main return pressure DTL_TANK1 TT101 temperature transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD main supply temperature DTL_TANK1 TT102 temperature transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD main return temperature DTL_TANK1 STR-101 strainer TBD TBD N/A N/A main water supply strainer, 60 m ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Tank 1-section A ---------------------- ***** N/A DTL_TANK1 FO100 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO101 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO102 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO103 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO104 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO105 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO106 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO107 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO108 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO109 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO110 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO111 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO112 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate 346 DTL_TANK1 FO113 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO114 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO115 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO116 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO117 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO118 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO119 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO120 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO121 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO122 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO123 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO124 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO125 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO126 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO127 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO128 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO129 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO130 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate 347 DTL_TANK1 FO131 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO132 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO133 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO134 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 MV123 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A drift tube supply valve, pre strai DTL_TANK1 MV124 manual ball valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A drift tube supply valve, post stra DTL_TANK1 STR-102 strainer TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A drift tube strainer, 60 mesh Tank 1-section B ---------------------- ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** DTL_TANK1 MV117 manual globe valve ***** TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A drive iris supply valve DTL_TANK1 MV118 manual globe valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A RFW supply valve DTL_TANK1 MV119 manual globe valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A end wall drift tube supply valve DTL_TANK1 MV120 manual globe valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A drift tube supply valve DTL_TANK1 MV121 manual globe valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A dipole electromagnet supply val DTL_TANK1 MV122 manual globe valve TBD TBD N/A N/A N/A drift tube supply valve DTL_TANK1 FT106 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD end wall flow meter DTL_TANK1 FT107 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD flow meter DTL_TANK1 FT108 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD flow meter DTL_TANK1 FT109 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD flow meter 348 DTL_TANK1 FT110 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD flow meter DTL_TANK1 FT111 flow transmitter TBD TBD 4-20mA TBD TBD flow meter DTL_TANK1 PC112 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC113 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC114 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC115 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC116 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC117 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC118 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 PC119 post coupler N/A N/A N/A post coupler DTL_TANK1 ST105 slug tuner N/A N/A N/A slug tuner DTL_TANK1 ST106 slug tuner N/A N/A N/A slug tuner DTL_TANK1 ST107 slug tuner N/A N/A N/A slug tuner DTL_TANK1 ST108 slug tuner N/A N/A N/A slug tuner DTL_TANK1 RFW101 RF window N/A N/A N/A RF window DTL_TANK1 DI101 drive iris N/A N/A N/A drive iris ***** ***** ***** TANK 1-section B --------------------- ***** ***** ***** DTL_TANK1 FO135 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO136 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate 349 DTL_TANK1 FO137 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO138 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO139 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO140 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO141 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO142 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO143 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO144 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO145 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO146 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO147 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO148 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO149 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO150 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO151 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO152 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO153 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO154 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate 350 DTL_TANK1 FO155 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO156 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO157 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO158 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO159 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FO160 orifice plate N/A N/A N/A orifice plate DTL_TANK1 FC101 faraday cup N/A N/A N/A faraday cup DTL_TANK1 FT112 flow transmitter 4-20mA TBD TBD faraday cup flow meter TBD TBD 351 19.0 Appendix F – DTL Drift Tube Heat Load and Cooling Requirements Table F.1. DTL tank #1 drift tube flow rate, heat load, coolant temperature rise, and pressure drop specifications. Drift tube Flow rate Heat load 0 (end nose) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 (gpm) 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 (W) 15.6 48.3 51.1 54.0 56.8 59.6 62.4 65.3 68.1 70.9 73.8 76.6 79.4 82.2 85.1 87.9 92.3 96.7 101.2 105.6 110.0 114.4 118.8 123.3 127.7 132.1 136.5 140.9 145.4 149.8 154.2 161.5 168.9 176.2 183.5 190.8 198.2 205.5 212.8 220.1 227.5 352 Coolant temperature rise (oC) 0.8 0.92 0.97 1.02 1.08 0.75 0.79 0.83 0.86 0.9 0.93 0.97 0.75 0.78 0.81 0.83 0.88 0.73 0.77 0.8 0.83 0.72 0.75 0.78 0.81 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.79 0.71 0.73 0.77 0.71 0.74 0.7 0.72 0.68 0.71 0.67 0.7 0.66 Pressure Drop (psi) 0.7 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 (end nose) 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 1.4 234.8 242.1 249.4 256.8 264.1 276.5 288.9 301.4 313.8 326.2 338.6 351.1 363.5 375.9 388.3 400.7 413.2 425.6 438.0 165.2 0.69 0.66 0.68 0.65 0.67 0.7 0.68 0.71 0.7 0.73 0.71 0.74 0.77 0.75 0.78 0.76 0.78 0.77 0.79 0.3 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.7 4.9 5.0 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.8 6.0 8.3 Table F.2. DTL tank #2 drift tube flow rate, heat load, coolant temperature rise, and pressure drop specifications. Drift tube Flow rate Heat load 0 (end nose) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 (gpm) 0.25 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 (W) 170.2 465.3 472.7 480.2 487.6 495.1 502.5 509.9 517.4 524.8 532.2 539.7 547.1 554.6 562.0 571.9 581.9 591.8 601.7 611.7 621.6 631.6 353 Coolant temperature rise (oC) 1.7 1.96 1.99 2.02 1.85 1.88 1.91 1.93 1.96 1.99 1.84 1.86 1.89 1.91 1.94 1.81 1.84 1.87 1.9 1.93 1.96 1.84 Pressure Drop (psi) 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 (end nose) 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 0.9 641.5 651.4 661.4 671.3 683.8 696.4 708.9 721.4 734.0 746.5 759.0 771.5 784.1 796.6 810.5 824.5 838.4 852.3 866.2 880.2 894.1 908.0 921.9 935.9 949.8 963.7 390.0 1.87 1.9 1.93 1.96 1.85 1.89 1.92 1.95 1.86 1.89 1.92 1.83 1.86 1.89 1.81 1.84 1.77 1.8 1.73 1.76 1.7 1.72 1.67 1.69 1.64 1.66 1.1 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.7 6.0 6.2 3.8 Table F.3. DTL tank #3 drift tube flow rate, heat load, coolant temperature rise, and pressure drop specifications. Drift tube Flow rate Heat load 0 (end nose) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (gpm) 0.7 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 (W) 341.2 945.6 952.5 959.3 966.2 973.0 979.8 986.7 993.5 1000.4 1007.2 1014.1 1020.9 1027.7 1034.6 1041.4 354 Coolant temperature rise (oC) 1.2 1.49 1.45 1.4 1.36 1.37 1.33 1.29 1.26 1.22 1.19 1.2 1.17 1.15 1.12 1.1 Pressure Drop (psi) 2.4 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (end nose) 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 1.4 1048.3 1055.1 1062.3 1069.5 1076.7 1083.9 1091.1 1098.3 1105.5 1112.8 1120.0 1127.2 1134.4 1141.6 1148.8 1156.0 1163.2 1170.4 449.6 1.07 1.05 1.06 1.04 1.02 1 0.99 0.97 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.9 0.91 0.89 0.88 0.87 0.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.2 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.9 3.9 4.6 Table F.4. DTL tank #4 drift tube flow rate, heat load, coolant temperature rise, and pressure drop specifications. Drift tube Flow rate Heat load 0 (end nose) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (gpm) 0.9 2.8 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.7 4.8 (W) 453.2 1170.4 1179.6 1188.8 1198.1 1207.3 1216.5 1225.7 1235.0 1244.2 1253.4 1262.6 1271.9 1281.1 1290.3 1296.8 1303.2 1309.7 1316.1 1322.6 1329.1 1335.5 1342.0 1348.5 1354.9 355 Coolant temperature rise (oC) 1.2 1.59 1.54 1.5 1.47 1.43 1.44 1.41 1.38 1.35 1.32 1.29 1.27 1.25 1.22 1.23 1.21 1.18 1.16 1.14 1.12 1.1 1.08 1.09 1.07 Pressure Drop (psi) 2.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.3 3.2 3.4 3.6 25 26 27 28 (end nose) 4.9 5.0 5.1 1.5 1361.4 1367.8 1374.3 543.2 1.05 1.04 1.02 0.9 3.6 3.7 4.1 5.3 Table F.5. DTL tank #5 drift tube flow rate, heat load, coolant temperature rise, and pressure drop specifications. Drift tube Flow rate Heat load 0 (end nose) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (end nose) (gpm) 0.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 1.5 (W) 546.6 1374.3 1382.1 1389.9 1397.8 1405.6 1413.4 1421.2 1429.0 1436.8 1444.7 1452.5 1460.3 1468.3 1476.4 1484.4 1492.5 1500.5 1508.6 1516.6 1524.7 1532.7 1540.8 1548.8 622.3 Coolant temperature rise (oC) 1.5 1.74 1.69 1.65 1.61 1.57 1.53 1.5 1.47 1.43 1.41 1.38 1.35 1.36 1.33 1.31 1.29 1.26 1.24 1.22 1.2 1.19 1.17 1.15 1.0 Pressure Drop (psi) 2.2 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.7 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.5 3.4 3.6 3.9 3.9 5.3 Table F.6. DTL tank #6 drift tube flow rate, heat load, coolant temperature rise, and pressure drop specifications. Drift tube Flow rate Heat load 0 (end nose) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (gpm) 0.7 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 (W) 625.6 1548.8 1565.4 1582.0 1598.6 1615.2 1631.8 1648.4 356 Coolant temperature rise (oC) 2.2 2.8 2.7 2.73 2.64 2.55 2.48 2.5 Pressure Drop (psi) 1.4 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 (end nose) 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.8 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.7 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.9 5.1 1.8 1665.0 1681.6 1698.2 1714.8 1727.9 1741.0 1754.1 1767.2 1780.3 1793.4 1806.5 1819.6 1832.7 1845.8 754.6 357 2.43 2.36 2.39 2.32 2.18 2 1.9 1.81 1.69 1.62 1.56 1.5 1.42 1.37 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.2 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.5 4.1 7.3 20.0 Appendix G - Orifice Plate Spreadsheet Calculations for DTL Drift Tubes 358 TANK 1 Drift Tube Flow Rate ∆pbranch total ∆Pflow switch Rdrift tube ∆Pdrift tube (psi/gpm2) 260 28.6 30.0 31.2 14.3 14.8 15.2 15.5 15.8 16.0 9.1 9.2 9.2 9.3 9.3 5.9 6.2 6.5 6.9 4.9 5.1 5.8 4.4 4.5 4.7 3.7 3.8 3.2 3.3 (psi) 0.65 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.1 2.1 Aorifice /Apipe β IDorifice 0.07041 0.14179 0.14200 0.14217 0.17371 0.17389 0.17405 0.17418 0.17429 0.17438 0.20079 0.20085 0.20089 0.20093 0.20094 0.22398 0.22440 0.22479 0.22535 0.24660 0.24701 0.24866 0.26840 0.26889 0.26937 0.28779 0.28828 0.28558 0.28580 (in) 0.028 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.069 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.080 0.080 0.080 0.080 0.080 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.090 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.107 0.108 0.108 0.115 0.115 0.114 0.114 ∆Porifice, ∆Ptotal Ktotal .375id (psi) 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 88127.169 5507.948 5507.948 5507.948 2447.977 2447.977 2447.977 2447.977 2447.977 2447.977 1376.987 1376.987 1376.987 1376.987 1376.987 881.272 881.272 881.272 881.272 611.994 611.994 611.994 449.628 449.628 449.628 344.247 344.247 344.247 344.247 required # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (gpm) 0.05 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 (psi) 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 (psi) 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 0.00495786 0.02010531 0.02016384 0.02021288 0.03017573 0.03023719 0.03029232 0.03033845 0.03037704 0.03040872 0.04031464 0.04033919 0.04035772 0.04037099 0.04037665 0.0501675 0.05035416 0.05053018 0.05078442 0.06081109 0.06101353 0.06183188 0.07203785 0.07230314 0.07256212 0.08282323 0.08310622 0.08155375 0.08168343 359 (psi) 10.125 9.614 9.558 9.511 9.447 9.408 9.373 9.344 9.319 9.299 9.255 9.243 9.234 9.228 9.225 9.187 9.116 9.050 8.956 8.845 8.783 8.540 8.418 8.352 8.289 8.166 8.106 8.440 8.411 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9 2 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.7 1.4 0.34 0.34 0.42 0.42 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.81 0.81 0.93 1.06 1.06 1.20 1.20 1.35 1.50 1.50 1.66 1.83 1.83 2.01 2.20 2.20 2.39 2.39 2.60 2.81 2.81 3.03 0.81 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 2.6 2.7 2.3 2.4 2.1 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8 4.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.6 4.7 4.9 5.0 5.2 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.8 6.0 8.27 0.091642 0.09177508 0.10228422 0.10297921 0.11367695 0.11445826 0.12538988 0.1365033 0.13748278 0.14892253 0.15004604 0.16189128 0.17402496 0.17551519 0.18834641 0.19016079 0.20372388 0.21762891 0.21980058 0.23470106 0.25027157 0.253525 0.27088266 0.2894362 0.29409773 0.31547588 0.32119027 0.34638553 0.37522456 0.38511654 0.58 0.26731981 360 0.30272 0.30294 0.31982 0.32090 0.33716 0.33832 0.35410 0.36946 0.37079 0.38590 0.38736 0.40236 0.41716 0.41895 0.43399 0.43607 0.45136 0.46651 0.46883 0.48446 0.50027 0.50351 0.52046 0.53799 0.54231 0.56167 0.56674 0.58855 0.61256 0.62058 0.760 0.51703 0.121 0.121 0.128 0.128 0.135 0.135 0.142 0.148 0.148 0.154 0.155 0.161 0.167 0.168 0.174 0.174 0.181 0.187 0.188 0.194 0.200 0.201 0.208 0.215 0.217 0.225 0.227 0.235 0.245 0.248 0.304 0.207 8.314 8.288 8.088 7.969 7.766 7.649 7.439 7.220 7.105 6.877 6.761 6.522 6.277 6.154 5.887 5.755 5.475 5.201 5.077 4.788 4.497 4.353 4.035 3.712 3.559 3.212 3.059 2.693 2.316 2.146 1.75 1.690 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 12.526 271.997 271.997 220.318 220.318 182.081 182.081 152.999 130.366 130.366 112.407 112.407 97.919 86.062 86.062 76.235 76.235 67.999 61.030 61.030 55.079 49.959 49.959 45.520 41.648 41.648 38.250 38.250 35.251 32.591 32.591 30.222 112.407 TANK 2 Drift Tube Flow Rate DP branch total ∆Pflow switch Rdrift tube ∆pdrift tube (psi/gpm2) 21.76 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 (psi) 1.36 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Aorifice /Apipe β IDorifice 0.15940 0.29958 0.30300 0.30630 0.30981 0.31319 0.31645 0.31993 0.32329 0.32663 0.32997 0.33331 0.33664 0.33992 0.34320 0.34700 0.35079 0.35458 0.35836 0.36215 0.36594 0.36973 0.37352 0.37733 0.38114 0.38551 0.39440 0.40111 0.40789 (in) 0.064 0.120 0.121 0.123 0.124 0.125 0.127 0.128 0.129 0.131 0.132 0.133 0.135 0.136 0.137 0.139 0.140 0.142 0.143 0.145 0.146 0.148 0.149 0.151 0.152 0.154 0.158 0.160 0.163 ∆porifice, ∆ptotal Ktotal .4id (psi) 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 3514.581 271.187 259.959 249.414 239.498 230.162 221.361 213.055 205.209 197.788 190.762 184.104 177.789 171.793 166.096 159.720 153.705 148.023 142.651 137.565 132.747 128.178 123.841 119.720 115.801 112.072 103.883 98.603 93.715 required # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (gpm) 0.25 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5 (psi) 0.04 0.34 0.35 0.37 0.38 0.40 0.41 0.43 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.50 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.57 0.59 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.69 0.71 0.74 0.76 0.79 0.81 0.88 0.93 0.97 (psi) 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 0.02540844 0.08974626 0.09180911 0.09382191 0.09598224 0.09809052 0.10014228 0.10235728 0.10451352 0.10668772 0.10888084 0.11109255 0.11332478 0.11554501 0.11778485 0.12040599 0.1230524 0.12572462 0.12842401 0.13115155 0.13390871 0.13669797 0.13951982 0.14237579 0.14526755 0.14861474 0.15555017 0.16088902 0.16637433 361 (psi) 9.325 8.697 8.639 8.592 8.517 8.455 8.404 8.326 8.260 8.192 8.124 8.054 7.984 7.917 7.848 7.774 7.698 7.620 7.542 7.462 7.381 7.298 7.214 7.129 7.042 6.910 6.718 6.550 6.379 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.76157 1.8 1.833333 1.866667 1.9 1.933333 1.966667 2 2.033333 2.066667 2.1 2.133333 2.166667 2.2 0.9 1.02 1.07 1.13 1.18 1.23 1.29 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.61 1.66 1.72 1.77 1.83 1.89 1.95 2.01 0.51 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.3 4.7 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.3 5.5 5.7 6.0 6.2 3.77 0.17201884 0.17783704 0.18384544 0.19006142 0.19650475 0.20319867 0.21016958 0.21656006 0.22534171 0.23463959 0.24459756 0.25584225 0.26810847 0.28174814 0.29736069 0.31524417 0.3364254 0.36160108 0.61 0.10424426 362 0.41475 0.42171 0.42877 0.43596 0.44329 0.45078 0.45844 0.46536 0.47470 0.48440 0.49457 0.50581 0.51779 0.53080 0.54531 0.56147 0.58002 0.60133 0.778 0.32287 0.166 0.169 0.172 0.174 0.177 0.180 0.183 0.186 0.190 0.194 0.198 0.202 0.207 0.212 0.218 0.225 0.232 0.241 0.311 0.129 6.205 6.026 5.844 5.659 5.469 5.276 5.080 4.901 4.611 4.324 4.037 3.731 3.424 3.113 2.791 2.464 2.127 1.790 1.44 6.285 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 12.488 89.181 84.969 81.049 77.393 73.980 70.787 67.797 65.354 63.041 60.848 58.768 56.793 54.915 53.130 51.430 49.810 48.265 46.792 45.385 271.187 TANK 4 Drift Tube Flow Rate ∆P branch total ∆Pflow Rdrift tube ∆Pdrift tube Aorifice /Apipe β IDorifice (gpm) 0.9 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 (psi) 0.0311853 0.3237884 0.3465037 0.3699889 0.3942442 0.3942442 0.4192695 0.4450647 0.47163 0.4989653 0.5270706 0.5270706 0.5559459 0.5855912 0.6160066 0.6471919 0.6791472 0.7118726 0.7118726 0.7453679 0.7796333 0.8146687 0.850474 0.8870494 0.8870494 0.9243948 0.9625102 1.0013956 (psi) 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 ∆Ptotal Ktotal .5id (psi) 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 12.499 857.8 82.6 77.2 72.3 67.9 67.9 63.8 60.1 56.7 53.6 50.8 50.8 48.1 45.7 43.4 41.3 39.4 37.6 37.6 35.9 34.3 32.8 31.5 30.2 30.2 28.9 27.8 26.7 required switch # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ∆Porifice, 2 (psi/gpm ) 2.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 (psi) 2.19 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.7 4.1 0.040439636 0.117921971 0.122247072 0.127025239 0.131033843 0.131584463 0.136630448 0.140661598 0.145291381 0.149988044 0.154756523 0.155569251 0.160471921 0.165461075 0.170543142 0.175725069 0.181014393 0.186419308 0.189230469 0.193308273 0.199068027 0.206994946 0.211057829 0.217314564 0.221765725 0.225781244 0.23259718 0.24 363 0.20110 0.34340 0.34964 0.35641 0.36199 0.36275 0.36964 0.37505 0.38117 0.38728 0.39339 0.39442 0.40059 0.40677 0.41297 0.41920 0.42546 0.43176 0.43501 0.43967 0.44617 0.45497 0.45941 0.46617 0.47092 0.47516 0.48228 0.493 (in) 0.131 0.223 0.227 0.232 0.235 0.236 0.240 0.244 0.248 0.252 0.256 0.256 0.260 0.264 0.268 0.272 0.277 0.281 0.283 0.286 0.290 0.296 0.299 0.303 0.306 0.309 0.313 0.320 (psi) 8.516 9.106 8.998 8.823 8.771 8.689 8.493 8.444 8.316 8.185 8.050 7.954 7.814 7.670 7.522 7.371 7.217 7.059 6.814 6.783 6.616 6.296 6.271 6.094 5.800 5.784 5.598 5.22 28 1.5 0.0866259 TANK 5 Drift Tube Flow Rate ∆Pbranch total 1.75 2.3 5.27 0.082060575 0.28646 ∆Pflow switch Rdrift tube ∆Pdrift tube 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 (psi/gpm2) 2.7 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 2.3 (psi) 2.19 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.7 2.7 2.8 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.5 3.4 3.6 3.9 3.9 5.27 Aorifice /Apipe 0.186 β IDorifice 0.20180 0.35956 0.36609 0.37331 0.38148 0.38795 0.39540 0.40295 0.41063 0.41845 0.42645 0.43464 0.44305 0.44707 0.45381 0.46296 0.47535 0.48240 0.49282 0.50790 0.51547 0.52794 0.54750 0.556 0.29122 (in) 0.131 0.234 0.238 0.243 0.248 0.252 0.257 0.262 0.267 0.272 0.277 0.283 0.288 0.291 0.295 0.301 0.309 0.314 0.320 0.330 0.335 0.343 0.356 0.361 0.189 5.36 ∆Porifice, 12.499 308.8 ∆Ptotal Ktotal .5id (psi) 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 12.5137 858.8 77.3 72.4 67.9 63.9 60.2 56.8 53.7 50.8 48.2 45.7 43.5 41.4 41.4 39.4 37.6 35.9 34.4 32.9 31.5 30.2 29.0 27.8 26.7 309.2 required # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (gpm) 0.9 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.1 1.5 psi 0.127363057 0.799866698 0.854079885 0.910070554 0.967838705 1.027384337 1.08870745 1.151808045 1.216686122 1.28334168 1.35177472 1.421985241 1.493973244 1.493973244 1.567738728 1.643281694 1.720602141 1.79970007 1.880575481 1.963228373 2.047658747 2.133866602 2.221851939 2.311614757 0.353786268 0.04072246 0.12928397 0.13402174 0.13936313 0.14552355 0.15050618 0.15633827 0.16236746 0.16861417 0.17510157 0.18185615 0.1889084 0.19629363 0.19987584 0.2059465 0.21433246 0.22596186 0.2327102 0.24287002 0.25796344 0.26571101 0.27872031 0.2997601 0.31 0.08481001 364 (psi) 8.394 7.944 7.826 7.638 7.366 7.244 7.038 6.826 6.608 6.385 6.155 5.920 5.679 5.439 5.313 5.057 4.655 4.529 4.255 3.817 3.692 3.401 2.925 2.80 4.99 TANK 6 Drift Tube Flow Rate ∆P branch total ∆Pflow switch Rdrift tube ∆Pdrift tube Aorifice /Apipe β IDorifice ∆porifice, ∆Ptotal Ktotal .5id (psi) 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 1417.2 131.3 120.6 102.7 95.3 82.6 77.2 72.3 63.8 60.1 53.6 50.7 48.1 43.4 41.3 37.6 35.9 34.3 31.4 30.1 27.8 26.7 214.3 required # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 (gpm) 0.7 2.3 2.4 2.6 2.7 2.9 3.0 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.7 4.8 5.0 5.1 1.8 (psi) 0.043548298 0.47014387 0.511914687 0.600788764 0.647892025 0.747430992 0.799866698 0.854079885 0.967838705 1.027384337 1.151808045 1.216686122 1.28334168 1.421985241 1.493973244 1.643281694 1.720602141 1.79970007 1.963228373 2.047658747 2.221851939 2.311614757 0.287952011 (psi) 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 2 (psi/gpm ) 2.76 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 2.3 (psi) 1.35 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.2 2.3 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.5 4.1 7.29 0.03032771 0.09469176 0.09906859 0.10791682 0.11223983 0.12116009 0.12615524 0.13065121 0.14006602 0.14510114 0.1549881 0.16033452 0.16790042 0.17986545 0.18806546 0.20432573 0.21300772 0.22431506 0.24757606 0.25968188 0.28700873 0.32 0.12764372 365 0.17415 0.30772 0.31475 0.32851 0.33502 0.34808 0.35518 0.36146 0.37425 0.38092 0.39369 0.40042 0.40976 0.42411 0.43367 0.45202 0.46153 0.47362 0.49757 0.50959 0.53573 0.564 0.35727 (in) 0.113 0.200 0.205 0.214 0.218 0.226 0.231 0.235 0.243 0.248 0.256 0.260 0.266 0.276 0.282 0.294 0.300 0.308 0.323 0.331 0.348 0.367 0.232 (psi) 9.313 9.254 9.135 8.896 8.801 8.576 8.390 8.286 8.031 7.871 7.595 7.422 7.039 6.644 6.286 5.675 5.375 4.957 4.234 3.914 3.281 2.59 2.94 21. Appendix H – Flexible Tubing Data Tubing Material metals polyvinylidene chloride (Saran) Nylon Polychloro trifluoroethylene (Kel-F), CTFE? Polyvinyl fluoride (Tedlar) Polyethylene Terephthalate (mylar) Polyvinyl chloride (non-plasticized) Polyacetal (Delrin) Ethylene/Monochlorotrifluoroethylene copolymer (Halar) Ethylene/Tetrafluoroethylene copolymer (Tefzel) High density polyethylene (opaque) Polypropylene High density polyethylene (clear) Polycarbonate (Lexan) Polystyrene Low density polyethylene Fluorinated ethylene/propylene (FEP) Tetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Natural rubber (Latex) Silicone rubber (Silastic) Permeability Allowable Radiation dose in Rads (1) 1x10^10 Least permeable ND 1x10^7 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1x10^5 ND ND Viton Ethylene-Propylene Rubber (EPR) Butyl Rubber Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene (Hypalon) Hypalon w/ Neoprene cover Nylon tube w/ Neoprene cover (Boston Nyall) Styrene-Butadiene Rubber (SBR) Acrylonitrile Rubber (Buna-N) Silicone Rubber (SIR) Ethylene Propylene Copolymer (EPDM) Neoprene Polyisoprene Polyurethane Rubber (PUR) Polychloroprene Rubber (Neoprene) Plexiglass 1x10^7 8x10^7 2x10^6 2x10^7 4x10^7 2x10^7 9x10^6 ND ND ND 7x10^7 2x10^7 1x10^7 366 (2) Most permeable excellent (3) very low (3) very low (3) good (3) good good fair (3) fair (3) fair (3) fair (4) fair (4) fair (4) ND ND ND DI Compatibility (5) varies ND A1 A1 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND A2 A ND A1 ND ND A2 A2 A1 ND A1 ND A1 A ND ND ND ND Fluoro Rubber Acrylic Rubber Phenolic Resin Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 9x10^6 8x10^6 1x10^6 1x10^6 (1) CERN 82-10 (2) Orbisphere (3) Baxter Rubber Co. (4) Rubber Engineering Guide, (5) Cole-Parmer Chemical Resistance Chart 'A1=Satisfactory to 72F A2=Satisfactory to 120F A=No effect ND=No Data inc=inconclusive 367 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND A2 22. Appendix I – Procurement Specification for the Water Purification System 01. WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION 1.0 INTRODUCTION This document is the technical specification for the water purification systems needed for the cooling system of the SNS (Spallation Neutron Source) Accelerator. The water system shall be designed to continuously maintain water purity in the SNS Accelerator. The system may be subjected to low levels of radiation, 4.3 x 106 rads over a thirty-year lifetime. In addition, the system requires the wetted surfaces maintain a low permeability and shall be deionized water compatible. 2.0 SCOPE The work to be performed requires the prospective seller to produce a single design, fabrication and shipment of 12 water purification units meeting the requirements contained within this document and any accompanying attachments. 3.0 SUBMITTALS 3.1 For all submittals, the attached Submittal Routing Sheet shall be used. 3.2 With seller’s bid, the following shall be submitted to the University of California, Los Alamos: 3.2.1 Brief system description; include any suggestions regarding schedule and cost reduction, and quality improvement. 3.2.2 Submit catalog data on all components. Include any shelf life for components. 3.2.3 Furnish manufacturer’s maintenance logbook with listed scheduled maintenance and normal system operating conditions. 3.2.4 Drawings showing connection points and overall system dimensions, including tank capacities and exterior tank dimensions. 3.2.5 PID (piping & instrumentation diagram). 3.2.6 Cost breakdown with individual costs or testing, drawing development, fabrication, shipping as well as total project cost. 368 3.2.7 Schedule showing milestones including 100% submittal, delivery of each unit, test period, and delivery of final documentation; all based on date of contract award. 3.2.8 Electrical load summary to include the power requirement for each electrically powered item as well as the total power requirement for the water purification system. 3.2.9 A copy of applicable MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) 3.2.10 Provide a brief list of no less than three projects demonstrating the contractor has provided similar systems. The University may request references. 3.3 Contractor shall provide the University with a 100% submittal for review 3.3.1 No more than 25 calendar days after contract award, the contractor shall submit to the University for review as a 100% complete design, a PID, drawings, and an electrical load summary as described in 3.2 of this document. 3.3.2 Schedule showing milestones including dates for delivery of each unit, test period of each unit, and delivery of final documentation based on contract award date. 3.3.3 The University will utilize no more than 10 calendar days, beginning on the day of receipt of the documentation, to review and submit comments and change requests to the 100% submittal. No assembly shall proceed until mutual agreement of the 100% submittal by the University and the contractor. 3.4 Submittal of Test Report 3.4.1 A written test report for each unit shall be submitted and received by the University no more than 10 calendar days from the date of the test. 3.5 Final Submittal 3.5.1 A minimum of 3 copies of the Final Submittal shall be delivered to the University, in addition to the documentation delivered with each system. All items shall be bound in a three ring binder. 3.5.2 The Final Submittal shall include: Installation and Operation Manual. Manual shall include detailed information to allow an outside licensed mechanical and electrical contractor to install each unit. Manual shall include the system dry weight, tank capacities, lift points 369 showing how the system can be moved using a forklift or pallet jack. Power requirements and plumbing connection points and sizes shall be indicated. The operation section shall include a detailed start-up procedure and a troubleshooting matrix to be used for diagnosing potential system failures. Manufacturer’s Maintenance logbook with listed scheduled maintenance and part identification. Normal system operating conditions shall be indicated. A recommended spare parts list to include as a minimum, a description of the part, manufacturer’s part number, and manufacturer’s phone number. Drawings showing connection points and overall system dimensions, and exterior tank dimensions stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer. Drawings may be folded and inserted into binder side pocket. PID (plumbing & instrumentation diagram) with each component identified. PID stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer. PID may be folded and inserted into binder side pocket. Electrical load summary for the water purification unit to include the power requirement for each electrically powered item as well as the total power requirement for the water purification system. Stamped and signed by a Professional Engineer. A copy of applicable MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets). CD-ROM’s, each containing all Final Submittal data in Adobe® *.pdf format. 4.0 DELIVERABLES 4.1 Twelve water purification systems as described by this document the first to be received at ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Oak Ridge, TN) no more than 70 calendar days after contract award. 4.2 Three copies of the final submittal delivered to the University. 4.3 One (1) spare set of filters shall be shipped with each unit. 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE 5.1 Label all major components with class and applicable standard. 370 5.2 All instrumentation shall be calibrated in accordance to the manufacturer recommendation. Documentation of the calibration shall be provided with each unit, which shall include date of calibration; manufacturer’s recommended calibration schedule, documentation showing the item’s serial number and evidence showing the instrument passed the calibration. 5.3 All fasteners utilized for system assembly shall be stainless steel and shall adhere to ANSI/ASME B18.3, ANSI B18.2.1 and ANSI/ASME B18.2.2. 5.4 All plumbing components shall adhere to ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code and the ASME B31.3 piping code. 5.5 All electrical materials, appliances, equipment or devices shall conform to the applicable standards of the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and NFPA 70, National Electric Code. 6.0 TESTING AND INSPECTION 6.1 The water system shall be tested, and the contractor shall notify the University no less than 10 calendar days prior to the expected test date(s). 6.2 Testing shall take place no more the 50 calendar days after contract award. 6.3 The University reserves the right to witness the on-site testing and inspection. 6.4 Each unit shall be tested, testing shall include as a minimum: 6.4.1 A water sample of the influent, similar in make-up of the water for proposed use in the SNS Accelerator 6.4.2 A water sample of the effluent, leaving the purification system. 6.4.3 Visual inspection for fit and finish, and compliance with all applicable mechanical and electrical codes. 6.4.4 A review of instrument calibration documentation. 6.4.5 Review of as-built drawings and PID. As-builts and calibration data may be submitted prior to on-site inspection. 6.4.6 Water shall flow through the system continuously for a period of not less than 4 hours at a pressure of not less than 150 psi. Water temperature shall be maintained within 60-80°F with no visible leakage. 6.4.7 During the 4-hour test, the flow rate of the system must be adjusted between a minimum range of 2.5-5.0 gpm with no visible leakage. 371 6.4.8 The University will review and submit comments and change requests within 10 calendar days of the completion of testing and receipt of all testing documentation. 6.5 Retesting 6.5.1 If a system does not pass the test, seller shall make repairs to the system with new materials and retest. The University shall approve any system modifications. 7.0 WARRANTY 7.1 Seller shall warrant all components for a period of one year from date of subcontractor installation. 8.0 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 8.1 System requirements shall include a passive system; no drains will be available. 8.2 To maintain purity in the cooling loops, the purification system shall be continuously purifying 1-5% of the total coolant flow rate. 8.3 The system shall be designed to handle a static pressure of not less than 150 psig. 8.4 Upon passing through the purification system, the water shall have achieved the following criteria: Parameter Required Value Flow rate (through system) pH Electrical Resistivity Dissolved Oxygen Content Particulate size Corrosion 1-5 % of total flow, minimum of 2.6-3.1gpm 8±1 10-14 MO < 20 ppb = 1 micron = 0.5 mil/year 8.5 Water system shall maintain the desired purity without calibration, component or material replacement for no less than one year. 8.6 First tested system shall be received at ORNL no more than 70 days after contract award. Each additional system shall be received at ORNL at a rate not to exceed 14-days/unit beginning with the delivery of the first unit. 372 8.7 Information in the following table shall be used in the design of the water purification system. Each system shall continuously purify water at a minimum range of 2.6 – 3.1gpm. Unit ID Number System Flow Purification System System Volume rate (gpm) Flow range (gpm) (gallons) 1 DTL – 1 119 1.2 – 6.0 256 2 DTL – 2 161 1.6 – 8.1 281 3 DTL – 3 234 2.3 – 11.7 281 4 DTL – 4 214 2.1 – 10.7 281 5 DTL – 5 198 2.0 – 9.9 281 6 DTL – 6 182 1.8 – 9.1 281 7 CCL – 1 219 2.2 – 11.0 308 8 CCL – 2 257 2.6 – 12.9 308 9 CCL – 3 257 2.6 – 12.9 308 10 CCL – 4 257 2.6 – 12.9 308 11 CCL – Mag 61 0.6 – 3.1 359 12 SCL – Mag TBD TBD 912 8.8 Operating temperature of the water and surrounding environment will be 68±6°F. 8.9 Each unit shall have a corrosion resistant metal tag with its Identification Number, as shown in the above table, imprinted and clearly visible and mounted on the frame of the unit. 8.10 All components shall be mounted to a Stainless Steel frame. Frame design shall allow easy transport by forklift, and not hamper maintenance or installation. 8.11 All components and piping shall be easily removable by use of simple hand tools. 8.12 A means of draining the piping shall be included without the separation of piping joints. 8.13 The system shall fit into the defined space envelope on the following page: 373 9.0 MATERIALS 9.1 All materials shall be new. 9.2 All wetted materials shall be Viton®, Neoprene, Hypalon®, or Stainless Steel. 9.2.1 Non-wetted water system components shall be made of Viton®, Neoprene, Hypalon®, or Stainless Steel or University approved equivalent. 9.3 Filter and Filter Housings 9.3.1 Filter housings shall be fabricated using corrosion resistant 316L stainless steel. Housings shall allow cartridge change without disrupting inlet/outlet piping Filter removal shall be accomplished by removal of the casing, vertically exposing the cartridge 9.3.2 Housings shall be of the T-type design with inlet and outlet on the same centerline. The head shall clamp to the bowl with a Viton®, Neoprene, or Hypalon® O-ring seal A stainless steel spring against the closed end of the filter cartridge shall maintain the cartridge seal. 9.3.3 Seller shall provide redundant parallel filters. replaceable without shutting the system down. All filters shall be 9.3.4 Filter: 5 micron with a ceramic or stainless steel element 9.3.5 Filter: 1 micron with a ceramic or stainless steel element 9.4 Flow control 9.4.1 If needed, a mechanical flow control device may be added to regulate flow rate. 9.4.2 Seller will provide a rotameter that shall be installed upstream of any water treatment components to monitor water flow rate going into the purification system. Rotameter shall be mounted vertically with a minimum range of 0-10 gpm. 374 9.5 Resin tank 9.5.1 A minimum of one resin tank shall consist of Amberlite® IR-120 in H+ form, and shall be placed up stream of additional resin tanks. 9.5.2 All tanks shall have a rubber base and be designed for a minimum 150 psig operating pressure and 120 degrees F operating temperature. 9.6 Hoses 9.6.1 Flexible hoses shall be manufactured with Viton®, Neoprene, or Hypalon® or University approved equivalent. 9.6.2 Hose ends shall be of a quick-disconnect type allowing easy replacement/refurbishment of resin tanks. 9.7 Instrumentation & Electrical 9.7.1 The preferred output signal type will be 4-20mA, with 0-10 VDC being an alternative. 9.7.2 Instrumentation shall measure pH, resistivity, and dissolved O2 concentration. 9.7.3 Acceptable instrumentation manufacturers include Martek, Orbisphere, Thornton, and Omega. Other manufacturers may be acceptable only after written submittal and written approval by the university. 9.7.4 Sellers measurements shall be taken downstream of the purification system. 10.0 All electrically powered items shall utilize power from 120VAC, current not to exceed 10 amps, with a 24VDC, current not to exceed 10 amps, power source as an alternate. 375 23. Appendix J – Resin Handling and Disposal Plan Resin Bottle Processing Plan 1.0 INTRODUCTION Water treatment bottles are used in the SNS (Spallation Neutron Source) Linac for maintaining de-ionized cooling water purity. replacement. Periodically, the bottles will need Some bottles, identified by ORNL, as being free from radioactive contamination may be returned to the contractor for refurbishment. Others will need to be retained by ORNL (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) and disposed of in accordance with current ORNL protocol for low level radioactive waste. Attention and careful monitoring are needed to ensure bottle contamination levels are accurately identified and processed appropriately. 2.0 PURPOSE This document is intended to serve as a starting point for ORNL to aid in their development of a water bottle processing and disposal plan. This document should be reviewed and amended to reflect current ORNL policies regarding safety and the handling of hazardous materials. 3.0 SCOPE This procedure applies to all water treatment bottles located in the DTL, CCL, SCL water cooling systems and to all personnel who may be handling them for return and refurbishment or disposal. Any contamination must be accurately identified and properly disposed. It is possible that one or more of the bottles may contain low levels of one or more of the following isotopes: Tritium Beryllium – 7 Cobalt – 56-58, 60 Manganese – 56 Vanadium – 58 Chromium – 51 Scandium – 46 Sodium – 22 Zinc - 65 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1. 4.2. Survey Personnel l Perform surveys and tag/label water treatment bottles. l Properly document and report surveys to SNS operations personnel. Supervisors 376 5.0 l Ensure that surveys are performed in accordance with this and all appropriate ORNL procedures. l Ensure surveys and labeling of water treatment bottles are carried out only by properly trained and qualified personnel. l Review all documentation produced by this procedure for completeness and accuracy. l Periodically review/modify this and other associated procedures to accurately reflect local safety needs and ORNL procedures. RECOMMENDATIONS Survey personnel need to be aware of the importance of following established procedures for handling water treatment bottles. All nuclear safety guidelines should be strictly adhered to, up to and including the Price-Anderson Amendments Act1. 6.0 l Only properly calibrated and functioning instruments should be used to perform surveys. l Treatment bottles utilized on non-contaminated systems should be surveyed in confined areas specified by ORNL. l Bottles utilized in contaminated water systems shall be purged (Argon gas being the recommended medium), sealed and disposed of as radioactive waste in a manner and location designated by ORNL under DOE guidelines. All hoses, fittings, and other attachments connected to these bottles should be smeared for radioactive contamination. All lines, which contaminated gases or water pass, must be tagged as internally contaminated and handled accordingly. l Any radioactively contaminated bottle(s) must be isolated, tagged and eliminated from further processing. PROCEDURES A number of supplies will be needed to accurately survey and clearly mark the treatment bottles. The following list is offered as a suggestion, and should be reviewed and updated to meet the needs at ORNL. Beta/gamma count rate instruments Radioactive material stickers or tags Large plastic bags Tape Gloves Smears and smear folders Bottles for smears Boxes for smear bottles Marker Logbook 377 6.1. Processing and Disposing of Contaminated Water Treatment Bottles 6.1.1 Survey bottles prior to loading for transport off-site. Perform surveys in accordance will all applicable ORNL procedures regarding external radiation. 6.1.2 All bottles surveyed will be tagged in accordance with ORNL contamination control procedures. Bottles with removable contamination will be bagged prior to transport. 6.1.3 Each surveyed bottle should be logged in the logbook with the following minimum information • • • • • 6.2. Date of survey Bottle ID number Survey instrument used including model and property or serial number Signature or initials of surveying technician Location of bottle during last usage 6.1.4 At the location of the change out, mark each new bottle with appropriate internal radiation contamination identification. 6.1.5 All bottles to be removed should be free of removable contamination, or packaged for transport. All bottles should be appropriately tagged. 6.1.6 Bottle(s) should be taken to a contaminated drain and purged, using Argon in bottles containing high radiation, immediately after removal. Purging is accomplished by pumping a gas through the bottle, forcing water out and drying the bottle. Smears should be taken on all fittings, hoses, and the exhaust system of the pumping device. 6.1.7 Seal and dispose bottles at a site designated by ORNL. Processing and Disposing of Non-Contaminated Water Treatment Bottles 6.2.1 Survey bottles prior to loading for transport off-site. Perform surveys in accordance will all applicable ORNL procedures regarding external radiation. 6.2.2 Each surveyed bottle should be logged in the logbook with the following minimum information • • • • • Date of survey Bottle ID number Survey instrument used including model and property or serial number Signature or initials of surveying technician Location of bottle during last usage 6.2.3 At the location of the change out, mark each new bottle with appropriate internal radiation contamination identification. 6.2.4 Seal and dispose bottles at a site designated by ORNL. 378 24. Appendix K – Preliminary SystemView Calculations Preliminary Calculations to Support the SystemView Simulation of DTL Tank 3 To prepare this simulation, another set of assumptions are required. For example, to calculate how long it takes to move water from point A to point B, given the pumping speed in gallons per minute, one needs to know the volume of the pipe between point A and point B. These assumptions are listed. Assumptions made for DTL model: • Facility temperature with power off: 20°C • Temperature of coolant water supplied to the heat exchanger: 7.2°C • Coolant water supplied to the cold side of the heat exchanger at a constant flow of 44.7 gpm • There is no heat loss in the piping of the cooling loop In addition, certain characteristics need to be known in order to calculate the necessary constants. Constants: • Density of Cu – 8.93 gm/cm 3 (CRC Handbook) • Specific heat of Cu (Cp) – 460.22 W-sec/kg-°C • Specific heat of H2O – 15838.2 W-sec/gal-°C Given the assumptions and constants, a set of knowns can be calculated that supports the simulation. Calculated: Drift Tube Heat load (W) 1 945.6 2 952.5 3 959.3 4 966.2 5 973 6 979.8 7 986.7 8 993.5 9 1000.4 10 1007.2 11 1014.1 12 1020.9 13 1027.7 14 1034.6 15 1041.4 16 1048.3 17 1055.1 DT (deg C) 1.377779 1.336431 1.297902 1.307237 1.271043 1.237262 1.205782 1.214092 1.18432 1.156238 1.129919 1.104996 1.112356 1.088718 1.066255 1.045075 1.024883 frac W 0.0105169 0.0105936 0.0106693 0.010746 0.0108216 0.0108973 0.010974 0.0110496 0.0111264 0.011202 0.0112788 0.0113544 0.01143 0.0115068 0.0115824 0.0116591 0.0117348 379 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 • • • • 1062.3 1069.5 1076.7 1083.9 1091.1 1098.3 1105.5 1112.8 1120 1127.2 1134.4 1141.6 1148.8 1156 1163.2 1170.4 Sum Q (W) 34868 1.031877 1.012899 0.994847 0.977654 0.984149 0.967605 0.951813 0.936807 0.922371 0.9283 0.914353 0.900986 0.888165 0.893732 0.881312 0.86938 0.0118148 0.0118949 0.011975 0.0120551 0.0121351 0.0122152 0.0122953 0.0123765 0.0124566 0.0125366 0.0126167 0.0126968 0.0127769 0.012857 0.012937 0.0130171 Gallons /inch of 3 inch (ID) Cu pipe Volume/inch = p*(1.5 in)2 * 1 in = 7.069 in 3 / (231 in3/gal) = .0306 gal / in Volume of Heat Exchanger Hot Side 4956cc / 3785.41 cc/gal = 1.309 gal Cold Side 5239cc / 3785.41 cc/gal = 1.384 gal Transit time in Heat Exchanger Cold-side – 1.384 gal / 44.7 gal/min * 60 sec/min = 1.858 sec Transit time per 7.32 inches of 1.75 inch Cu pipe Manifold flow (gpm) 3.3 6 8.8 11.6 14.5 17.5 20.6 23.7 26.9 30.2 33.6 37.1 40.6 44.2 47.9 51.7 55.6 59.5 Time Manifold (sec) 1.3861246 0.7623685 0.5197967 0.3943285 0.3154628 0.2613835 0.2220491 0.1930047 0.170045 0.1514639 0.1361372 0.1232941 0.1126653 0.1034889 0.095495 0.088476 0.08227 0.0768775 in 380 63.5 65.7 61.6 57.4 53.2 48.9 44.5 40 35.4 30.8 26.1 21.3 16.4 11.5 6.5 • • 0.0360174 0.0348113 0.0742567 0.0796901 0.0859814 0.0935421 0.1027913 0.1143553 0.129215 0.1485133 0.1752571 0.2147517 0.2789153 0.3977575 0.7037248 Transit time per inch of 3 inch Cu pipe @ 235.32 gal/min = .0078 sec 600 inches = 4.68sec 290 inches = 2.262 sec 185 inches = 1.443 sec 97 inches = .7566 sec Transit times through drift tubes@ various flow rates Drift Tube Flow rate Time in Transit + Out 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.9 4 4.1 4.2 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 0.7063146 0.6801548 0.6558636 0.6558636 0.6332476 0.6121393 0.5923929 0.5923929 0.5738806 0.5564903 0.5401229 0.5246909 0.5246909 0.5101161 0.4963292 0.4832679 0.4708764 0.4708764 0.4591045 0.4479068 0.4372424 0.4372424 0.427074 0.4173677 0.4080929 0.3992213 0.3992213 0.3907272 0.3825871 0.3747792 1.4493915 1.3957104 1.3458636 1.3458636 1.2994545 1.2561393 1.2156187 1.2156187 1.1776306 1.1419448 1.1083582 1.0766909 1.0766909 1.0467828 1.0184913 0.9916889 0.966261 0.966261 0.9421045 0.9191263 0.8972424 0.8972424 0.8763763 0.8564586 0.8374262 0.8192213 0.8192213 0.8017911 0.7850871 0.7690649 381 31 32 33 4.9 5 5.1 0.3747792 0.3672836 0.360082 0.7690649 0.7536836 0.7389055 • Variable Transit time through the heat exchanger bypass, pump flow of 235.32 gpm Given the length of 90 inches of 3.0 inch pipe for the bypass and an allowable fractional flow, w, through the bypass, the transit time is .702/w sec. Given allowable fractional flows of .00001 to .99999, max delay is .702/.00001 = 70200. sec, min delay is .702/.99999 = .702 sec. Fractional delay = .702 – .702 w .99999 .702 – .702 .00001 .99999 = .99999 – w * 1.00002 x 10-5 w • Variable Transit time from the bypass to the heat exchanger, pump flow of 235.32 gpm Given the length of 55 inches of 3.0 inch pipe and using the same argument as in the previous bullet: maximum delay is 42900 sec, minimum delay is .429 sec, and fractional delay = w - .00001 * 1.00002 x 10-5 1- w • Variable Transit time from the heat exchanger to the bypass, pump flow of 235.32 gpm Given the length of 48 inches of 3.0 inch pipe and again using the same argument: maximum delay is 37440. sec, minimum delay is .3744 sec, and fractional delay has the same form as from the bypass to the heat exchanger. • Variable Transit time for coolant through the heat exchanger, hot-side, pump flow of 235.32 gpm Given the volume of the hot side of the heat exchanger, the maximum delay through the heat exchanger is 33380. sec and the minimum delay through the heat exchanger is .3338 sec. The fractional delay has the same form as from the bypass to the heat exchanger. • Calculated heat transfer constants hA is determined by using the differential equation: 382 ?CpV dT = Q + hA(Tf – T) dt In steady state, the left side of the equation goes to zero giving: 0 = Q + hA(Tf-Td) where Tf is the temperature of the fluid and Td is the temperature of the cooled device. In steady state, both temperatures are constant. Drift Tube: Drift tube #1 – hA = 945.6 W/ (26.6°C-20.0°C) = 143.27 W/°C Drift tube #17 – hA = 1055.1 W/ (26.6°C-20.0°C) = 159.86 W/°C Drift tube #33 – hA = 1170.4 W/ (26.6°C-20.0°C) = 177.33 W/°C For stainless k = ?CpV = (8000 kg/m3)(460 W-sec/kg-°C)(.000193 m 3) = 710.2 W-sec/°C For copper k = ?CpV = (8940 kg/m3)(385 W-sec/kg-°C)(.000678 m 3) = 2333.6 W-sec/°C For total drift tube: 710.2 + 2333.6 = 3043.8 W-sec/°C Tank Wall: hA = 41000 W/ (26.6°C-20.0°C) = 6121.12 W/°C Tank 3a – k = ?CpV = (7830 kg/m3)(460 W-sec/kg-°C)(.17154 m 3) = 617852.00 W-sec/°C Tank 3b – k = ?CpV = (7830 kg/m3)(460 W-sec/kg-°C)(.165427 m 3) = 595836.45 W-sec/°C Tank 3c – 383 k = ?CpV = (7830 kg/m3)(460 W-sec/kg-°C)(.172572 m 3) = 621570.45 W-sec/°C Stainless steel channels – k = ?CpV = (8000 kg/m3)(460 W-sec/kg-°C)(. 008714 m3) = 32068.42 W-sec/°C Total tank = 617852 + 595836.45 + 621570.45 + 32068.42 = 1867327.31 W-sec/°C End Walls: hA = 400 W/(26.6°C – 20.0°C) = 60.61W/°C Upstream – k = ?CpV = (8940 kg/m3)(385 W-sec/kg-°C)(. 00603 m 3) = 20756.17 W-sec/°C Downstream – k = ?CpV = (8940 kg/m3)(385 W-sec/kg-°C)(. 006243 m3) = 21489.4 W-sec/°C Total for end walls = 20756.17 + 21489.4 = 42245.57 W-sec/°C Slug Tuners: hA = 7680 W/(26.6°C – 20.0°C) = 1163.64 W/°C k = ?CpV = (8940 kg/m3)(385 W-sec/kg-°C)(. 001196 m3/tuner) = 4116.51 W-sec/°C/tuner Total for 12 tuners = 49408.71W-sec/°C Post Couplers: hA = 5120 W/(26.6°C – 20.0°C) = 775.76 W/°C k = ?CpV = (8940 kg/m3)(385 W-sec/kg-°C)(. 00018 m 3) = 619.54 W-sec/°C/coupler Total for 16 post couplers = 9926.86 W-sec/°C Iris: hA = 140 W/(26.6°C – 20.0°C) = 21.21W/°C 384 k = ?CpV = (8940 kg/m3)(385 W-sec/kg-°C)(. 004408 m3) = 15172.31 W-sec/°C Dipole Magnets: hA = 704 W/(26.6°C – 20.0°C) = 106.67 W/°C Note: In the simulation, the differential equation is solved only for those devices whose temperature is graphed. 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