the mass media times


the mass media times
V o l um e 3 3 , I s s ue 1
W KA L N e w s
J ul y 2 0 1 3
A Rainbow of Flowers
Sabrina Osborn
Bouncing Eggs
Hot Cocoa Recipe
Magical Butterflies
Chicken Hats
Paper Stars
Special points of interest:
• Backstage pass to Musical
Theater’s The Emperor and
the Nightingale
• How to make fine jewelry
from household items
• Enjoying China from the
• Directions to Rabbit Pond
for an outdoor adventure
2014 Dates:
Session I: July 7th—July
Session II: July 14th—
July 18th
Session III: July 21st—
July 25th
KITE: July 28th—
August 1st
Have you ever wanted a gorgeous garden full of multicolored
plants? If so, Garden Party is the class
for you! This week, these young gardeners made colorful pots, stunning
artwork, and planted coleus seedlings.
These voracious planters also played
fun garden games and learned about
bugs! Here are the steps to make a nature drawing:
Sienna: The games and fun.
Olivia: The art projects.
Amanda: I love the art.
Bella: The planting!
As you can see, Garden Party is super
The Fun Side of Math
Griffin Caruso
Calling all young mathematicians! This week in Math Fun, these
Step 1: Get a blue piece of paper.
Step 2: Draw a tree or plant on the
blue paper.
about money
Step 3: Cut green paper to look like
and symmegrass.
try, and even
Step 4: Stick on bug and frog foam
made a
stickers so they look like they’re flying
store. They
or crawling!
each picked
two items
Voila! You have a gorgeous nature
from the store, added the prices, and
drawing! While observing, this relearned about making change. These
porter also interviewed four young lov- coin-throwing mathematicians have
ers of nature:
done it again!
WKAL: What is your favorite part of
Garden Party?
T- S H I R T ? ― W K A L N E W S S T A F F
Are you planning your
next fun-filled family vacation? Don't forget to pack
your Kaleidoscope t-shirt!
Snap a picture of yourself
wearing a Kaleidoscope tshirt and send it to The to see where the Kaleidoscope t-shirt has been. Say
Grand Canyon, Niagara
Falls, the Empire State
Building or the Great Wall of
China; wherever you visit,
snap a photo! Watch our
website at
P age 2
V o l um e 3 3 , I s s ue 1
brushes to create colorful, unique
clothing. They also made fashionEmma Keamy
Riley Caruso and Sophie Gilligan
able t-shirts on
magnets, paper,
Get ready for a major game
Smile for the camera! This
and cardboard.
of Jenga! In Domino Physics,
week in Digital Photography, these
Their classroom
young physicists built domino maps young photographers went around
motto was capout of toys, boards, string, and
campus taking nature shots. Hiding
tured on large twhatever else they could get their
behind trees and crouching in
shirts: "Think,
hands on! Instructor Peter Bloom
bushes, these artists took turns takCreate, Design!"
has even designed twenty different ing shots from different positions.
domino maps for a book that he
They even learned how to trick the
will be showcasing their fashions
wrote. These physicists also got to camera with illusion shots! Say
on the runway.
build gigantic Jenga towers, as well cheese for the camera in Digital
as domino towers as tall as themPhotography!
selves that they got to destroy in
any way they can think of!
Falling Dominos
Strike a Pose!
Building Up
Cut, Glue and Glitter!
Calling Creative Thinkers!
Catherine Francis and Grace
Do you want to learn how to
make clown masks, play "Wink," or
make amazing collages? In Outside
the Box, you can do all three!
Throughout the
week, these creative
artists listened to the
hilarious Philadelphia Chickens while
making masks,
paintings and collages galore! They even taught us
how to make clown masks and how
to play “Wink!” This is how:
Step 1: Pass out cards (one card
must have a picture of someone
Step 2: If you get the wink card,
you must wink to get people out.
Step 3: If you're not the winker, try
to figure out who is.
This is definitely the course for
Tyler Smith and Ben Weeden
Tess Gordon and Danielle Seifer
Would you like to make
expands into a city?
Let's start with a challenge!
In Scrapbooking, these artists had These builders designed, built, and
created a city in just one week.
to work with a partner and comThey each built a part of the city
plete the challenge of a themed
and teamed up to make it. They
page. These creative girls had
twelve minutes and had to include a made all the essential parts of the
real photo that fits their theme per- city like a police station, a library,
fectly. Were these artists able to do houses, cars, schools, a cemetery,
playgrounds, and fire departments.
it? These creative thinkers had
gems, stickers, colored paper, and This class is for grades 4, 5, and 6.
so much more to use throughout the If you want to create a city of
LEGO, this class is for you!
challenge. Later in the week they
brought in some photos and customized their own scrapbooks! If
you LOVE to cut, glitter, and glue,
Aim, Shoot, Score!
Scrapbooking is just for you!
Mackenzie Morong
Get Your Kaleidoscope TShirt On!
Maddy Ryan
Do you want to know how
to turn your plain old white t-shirt
into a colorful new one? Well, the
designers in T-Shirt Madness used
stencils, colored fabric paint, and
Did you know that there are
many ways to pass a basketball? In
Hoop Stars, these future NBA players learned how to do chest passes,
bounce passes, and overhand
passes. They also created a challenging obstacle course with objects they found in the gym, and
then perfected their dribbling by
going through it without touching
T he M a s s M e d i a T i m e s
the course. Using all of their new
skills, the offense will verse the defense. Let the games begin in Hoop
Ready to Have a Pet Party?
Ilana Hunter and Sabrina Osborn
Do you love animals and
taking care of them? If so, Pets and
Pet Care is the course for you. This
class is for kindergarten, first, and
second grade pet lovers. Each day,
they had a different animal. They
learned about these animals, and,
towards the end of each day, the
animal they studied visited the
class! These animal-fanatics will
also discover how to identify animals by their features! Also, they
made a craft for the animal they
found out about everyday. On Monday, these soon-to-be veterinarians
studied cats, did cat-cart projects,
and a live kitten even came for a
visit! If you are a pet-obsessed person, then you should definitely take
this class!
Caution! Construction Zone!
Katy Riley and Vanessa Shipley
Better put on your newly
decorated hardhats because you've
just entered the construction zone!
Get ready to decorate your own
trucks so
that you
can go for a
ride. These
little builders learned
what every
good build-
P age 3
ing needs! From shingles to cement, you've got it all in Construction Zone! So grab your shovel and
get to work because there's a lot to
be done at the site. Even with only
LEGO bricks, clay, and gumdrops,
you can build a one of a kind skyscraper!
Speaking of eggs-periments, here's
how to make an egg bounce:
Step 1: Put a raw egg in a cup of
vinegar (this will cause the egg to
Step 2: Let the egg sit fully covered
in vinegar overnight (24 hours).
Step 3: The next day, the eggshell
will be dissolved.
Step 4: Using a ruler, measure how
high you can get the egg to bounce
3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF!
Olivia Lai and Shivani Srikanth
*We have had eggs bounce from a
Have you ever seen a rocket drop height of 14 inches! Can you
launched into space and wondered beat that record?
how it's done? These young rocket
Have fun with magic and science in
scientists in Rocket Launch will
Science or Wizardry!
show you how! They designed,
built, and painted their own rockets
and launched them at the end of the
course. Throughout the week, these
Let's Get Beading!
scientists learned about different
kinds of rockets and space, made an Tess Gordon
international space station, and also
had a stomp-rocket contest. During
Calling all jewelry designthe stomp-rocket contest, they com- ers! These amazing artists in Jewpeted to see whose stomp-rocket
elry Making
went the furthest, highest, and
worked so hard
landed inside a circle. Get ready for
all day! Let us
take-off with Rocket Launch!
show you what
they've made
this week! These
jewelry makers
were busy painting the bottom of
No, They're Not Real
their jewelry stand. Guess what?
We even have directions for how to
Mekonnen Eon
paint the stand right now!
Have fun with science in
Science or Wizardry. Throughout
the week, these witches and wizards made boomerangs, edible
gumballs, and tested clay boats to
see if they could float. They also
made kaleidoscopes and whistling
straws, as well as milk pushers, optical illusion t-shirts, eggsperiments, and crystal gardens.
Step 1: Make sure you have a clear
Step 2: Wet your brush (if you are
using water colors).
Step 3: Dip the paint in the color
you want.
Step 4: Make sure your brush tickles the paint.
Step 5: Lastly, paint the design you
P age 4
V o l um e 3 3 , I s s ue 1
want on your jewelry stand.
used pipes, cymbals, empty Tic Tac
cases, and much more! Amrit Sinha
Now enjoy your colorful
and Kevin Yu built a track that
jewelry stand! These girls worked made the dominoes go up. This is
hard on making the tops of the
what they told this reporter to do to
stands unique and different from
make it: "Keep building up a domeach other's (some were flowers,
ino to go up. After that, put one
faces, monkeys, and more!). Also, crasher per domino, but the top has
earlier in the week, these jewelry
two." In the future, you should try it
makers made jewelry boxes, plaster because this reporter knows he will!
pins, and necklace with their
names! Doesn't this class sound
Stop, Drop, Dance!
Danielle Seifer
Super Chemistry
So you think you can
Tommy Russell
dance? Well, in Hip-Hop Dance,
these dancers were given a fiveHave you ever wanted to
minute challenge to make up a
turn bread into an eraser? In
dance with a group. When the time
Kitchen Chemistry, you can do that was done, everyone shared the
and much
moves they created! The dance
more. These
coach used different steps from all
super scienthe groups to choreograph one extists turned
citing routine to the song
soap into
“Dynamite.” When the dance was
foamy bubmade, the coach divided the perbles. They
formers into two groups. Group one
also made
sat on the stools and group two was
their own
on the floor. The step-by-step guide
ice cream
to take this hip-hop challenge on
and even created quicksand and
the floor at home includes:
erupting soda. They also made tiedye paper towels and Play-Doh.
Step 1: Crouch down, sit on the
That is what you can do in Kitchen floor, and use your hands to push
yourself back.
Step 2: Move your hands back and
forth three times while slowly making your way to the floor.
Step 3: Then, cross your legs and
Falling Dominoes
slap the floor.
Ben Weeden
Dance! Dance! Dance!
In Domino Physics, kids
made domino tracks so they could
create one big course. When the
kids made their tracks, not only did
they use dominoes, but they also
The Magical Art and Music
Griffin Caruso
You don't usually see balloons and singing together, right?
Well, you sure do in Markers and
These performers sang up a
storm and
made ducks
out of papermâché and balloons. Why
ducks, you
ask? Because they sang a song
about ducks in their show on Friday! Here are the lyrics:
Five little ducks went out to play,
Over the Hill and far away,
Mother duck said, “Quack, quack,
Four little ducks came running
Four little ducks went out to play,
Over the Hill and far away,
Mother duck said, “Quack, quack,
Three little ducks came running
Three little ducks went out to play,
Over the Hill and far away,
Mother duck said, “Quack, quack,
Two little ducks came running back
Two little ducks went out to play,
Over the Hill and far away,
Mother duck said, “Quack, quack,
One little duck came running back
One little duck went out to play,
Over the Hill and far away,
Mother duck said, “Quack, quack,
T he M a s s M e d i a T i m e s
No little ducks came running back
Father duck says, “QUACK!
Five little ducks came running back
P age 5
Step 3: Pour the rice inside.
Step 4: Cover both ends with the
construction paper and secure with
tape. Voila!
When asked about her favorite part of Never-Ending StoExcited parents heard their ries, Emily said, "Making arts and
future stars sing these lyrics on Fri- crafts." Literature lovers will
day. Put on a smock and break out a LOVE this creative and exciting
microphone for Markers and Melo- course!
Never-Ending Stories
Welcome to my Website!
Emma Keamy
Olivia Lai
Literature comes alive in
this Kaleidoscope course for ages 5,
6, and 7. If you love stories, this is
the place for you!
These young readers
created many crafts
that were related to
the books they read,
including "Caps for
Sale," "Rain," "If
You Give a Mouse a
Cookie," "Where the
Wild Things Are,"
and "The Grouchy Ladybug." For
example, after they read "Rain,"
they created rain sticks, a rainstorm,
and rain pictures. Here are the instructions for making a rain stick:
-1 cardboard tube
-1 large square of tinfoil
-1/2 cup of uncooked rice
-2 squares of construction paper
Step 1: Decorate the outside of the
cardboard tube.
Step 2: Crunch up the tinfoil and
put it inside.
Dreaming of designing your
own website, but don't know how?
You need to go to Website Design!
In this class, web designers in training learned how to create their own
web pages. They used coding,
which is what makes up websites.
They also learned how to add images and videos to make their websites amazing and unique. These
kids will definitely design amazing
websites when they are grown up!
Ready, Set, Make!
Riley Caruso
These kids in Young Chefs
baked up a storm,
from sun-butter
and banana sushi
to steamy hot cocoa. Once these
young chefs finished making their
masterpieces, they
were so hungry
that they ate them!
You will be
amazed by what they made! Here
are some strawberry fun facts:
1. Strawberries are the only fruit
with seeds on the outside.
2. Strawberries are the first fruit to
ripen in the spring.
3. Each strawberry has about 200
This is how you make hot cocoa:
Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of
hot cocoa mix to a mug. Add boiling water (or hot coffee, if you prefer Mocha Hot Chocolate). Stir
well. Sip and enjoy!
Little Ballerinas
Ben Weeden
Have you ever wanted to be
a ballerina? In the Kaleidoscope
class Ballet, that is exactly what
you will become. The dancers
learned ballet vocabulary and exercises that helped their strength and
flexibility. They watched "Swan
Lake" and were introduced to famous ballerinas. Not only did they
dance, they made props such as
crowns and wands. To become an
awesome dancer, join Ballet!
Extra, Extra! Read All
About It!
Tyler Smith and Shivani Srikanth
Have you ever wondered
who wrote all the Kaleidoscope
newspaper articles? In Mass Media
Blast, that's exactly what we reporters do. This Kaleidoscope course
includes writing your own articles,
creating commercials, and videotaping a news broadcast called
WKAL News. We reporters prac-
P age 6
ticed our scripts, gathered in teams,
and auditioned for a place at the
anchor desk. We toured the classes
that we wanted to write about and
designed our own press badges. We
were lucky enough to interview out
teacher assistant, Tee. She has not
only taken this class, but has assisted in running it for five years.
WKAL: What's your favorite part
of this class?
Tee: Learning about all the great
Kaleidoscope courses that we have!
WKAL: Do you want to be a
teacher in this class next year?
Tee: Yes, absolutely.
If you want to be a reporter this
class is for you!
Hey, Stop... Motion!
Emma Keamy
Get me a camera; it's time
for some stop-motion! In StopMotion Movie Making, these directors got to film their own stopmotion movie using LEGO bricks.
They also got to write the story,
dialogue, and create their own sets
and backdrops. Once they started
filming, they worked together in
groups to do the stop-motion and to
record their own video. When they
finished their film at the end of the
week, they were all sent their own
copy, and all of their videos were
posted on YouTube! So, grab some
LEGO bricks and a camera, and get
started with your own stop-motion
V o l um e 3 3 , I s s ue 1
aloud to Player 1. Player 1 tries to
answer the question. If player 1 is
Sabrina Osborn and Danielle Seifer correct, he or she stays on the current square. If Player 1 is incorrect,
he or she must go back to the
Have you ever wanted to
learn great new math tricks? Now's square he or she was on at the beginning of the turn. Then, it is
your chance! This week in Math
Player 2’s turn to roll the die and
Challenge, these mathematicians
answer a question. Continue taking
made math fortune tellers, played
turns until one player reaches the
fun math
games, and “Moon Landing.” The first player
made multi- to land on it and correctly answer
the question wins.
These problem solvers
also studied Super Scientists
Mackenzie Morong and Tommy
shapes, multiplication, data analy- Russell
sis, word problems, riddles and
Would you like to be a scinumber sense, and telling time and
entist for a week? In Adventures in
elapsed time. The teacher, Lori
Science, you can learn to be a sciMorris, created a great Math program for kids! Here's how to play a entist by conducting lots of fun experiments. This week, these super
fun math game called "To The
scientists went on many different
trips such as hiking in the woods,
visiting a
pond teaming
with animal
-game board
life, and go-multiplication cards
ing to a
-6-sided die
beach. They also collected many
-markers (any small object)
things. On a nature walk, they even
found a praying mantis! These
young scientists studied rocks and
How to Play:
minerals when they weren't on
Begin by setting the mark- trips. They also got to observe a
dried bee's nest. These are just a
ers on “Blast Off.” Each player
rolls the die to determine who will few of the cool things you get to do
go first. The player with the higher in Adventures in Science. If you
number is Player 1. The player with would like to experience one of
these grand adventures, follow the
the lower number is Player 2.
Player 1 rolls the die and moves the directions below to Rabbit Pond in
Andover, Massachusetts:
correct number of spaces. If the
player lands on a square with direcRabbit Pond is located in
tions, follow the directions. Player
Cochran Sanctuary
2 takes a question card and reads it
The Next Generation of
T he M a s s M e d i a T i m e s
on the Phillips Academy campus.
The entrance to the sanctuary is located between Nathan Hale and
Fuess houses, at the end of Chapel
Avenue. Walkers in all seasons and
cross-country skiers in the winter
are welcome. The gate is open each
day from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Source: Phillips Academy Website
Grab Your Construction
Grace Hennessy and Emma Keamy
Designing buildings is usually hard, but not for these architects! In House and Building Design, these workers built houses and
buildings all
week long.
popped up
on the
moon, in the
airport, and
even in your
very own backyard. These builders
could construct anything they
wanted, but they were only allowed
to use the materials around them. If
you think your summer is fun now,
wait until you join House and
Building Design!
Astronomer Activities
Mackenzie Morong
From space stations to control panels, spacecrafts to blob
aliens, these astronauts have their
hands full -- literally! All of the
creations made in Blast Off are
P age 7
hands-on crafts. The astronomers
3, 2, 1, Blast Off!
also made bubble art universe pic- Sophie Gilligan
tures, star and moon ornaments, and
space helmets. You wouldn't be
These future astronauts in
surprised if they really got to go
Rocket Launch designed and built
into space someday. Blast off!
rockets to launch
all week. These
Nothing to be Scared Of!
clever kids used
Tessa Barcelo
cardboard tubes,
spray paint, a
Discover what it's like to
nose cone, and
roam Earth as a bug when you enter
streamers to
Butterflies, Bugs, and Beyond. Kid
build their rockscientists did many things in this
ets and prepare for takeoff. How far
wonderful class. They painted
will their rockets go? Where will
wooden snakes, played with bug
they land? Will weather be a facgoo and bugs, made bug jars and
tor? Only those lucky enough to
bug bags, made magical butterflies, view their launch will know the anand explored bugs. One aide said it swer.
was "very messy." Other things
these bug-ologists did included
making goo paints, playing with
LEGOs, reading bug books, and
Spanish 101
playing in a sandbox with bugs.
Ilana Hunter
Janice liked playing with cars, and
Elenn just liked playing. Here is
Have you ever wanted to
how you make a magical butterfly: travel the world? Well, you would
have to know how to speak lots of
languages, including the one and
only Español! This week, the 3-6
year olds in Ka-glitter
Spanish course
sang with their
Step 1: Fold paper in half.
Step 2: Open it up.
Spanish teacher,
Step 3: Paint outline of half a but- Leela Bakshi.
You can defiStep 4: Paint a design on butterfly. nitely imagine
Step 5: Fold and press.
these soon-to-be-world-travelers
Step 6: Open and decorate with
speaking fluent Spanish by the end
of the week. They also learned
about the Spanish names of animals
Have more fun in Butterflies, Bugs, like ratón (mouse), osito (bear),
and Beyond!
vaca (cow), and gatito (kitten).
Also, this reporter was lucky
enough to watch them sing the
P age 8
“Good Morning Song” and the clas- Science + Books = Fun!
sic “Itsy Bitsy Spider” in Spanish. Shivani Srikanth
If you would like to sing the “The
Itsy Bitsy Spider” in Spanish at
Have you ever wanted to
home, here are the lyrics:
travel through the amazing world of
science with Ms. Frizzle and her
La araña pequeñita
class? Well, now you can in KaleiSubió, Subió, Subió
Vino la lluvia y se la llevó
Magic School
Salió el sol y todo lo secó
Bus AdvenY la araña pequeñita
tures! These
Subió, Subió, Subió
spent a week
exploring new
Man vs. Wild
through The
Mekonnen Eon
Magic School Bus books. Not only
did they read about these new and
You're lost in the woods,
exciting places, they were able to
several miles from civilization, and take part in cool experiments, such
you've lost some of your camping as creating their own optical illuequipment. If you took Extreme
sions. They also saw dancing raiSurvivor, you'll be fine. This week, sins and took a jelly bean taste test.
these survivalists made fires. We
Don’t miss the adventures in this
interviewed Paul Yannalfo on how amazing Kaleidoscope course!
to make a fire.
WKAL: How do you make a fire?
Paul: You first pile up dry sticks,
Santa's Workshop at Kaleithen you make a circle with rocks, doscope
then you light steel wool with a bat- Riley Caruso
V o l um e 3 3 , I s s ue 1
STOP! Inventing in Progress
Tyler Smith
What could you do with a
whisk? Do you like inventing
things? If so, this course is for you.
In Invention Convention, these inventors created their own inventions and took apart lots of other
gadgets. There are all different
kinds of objects to take apart to
make life easier in 2013. In this
class, inventors were given an object and had to think of another use
for that object. Then, these creators
made a commercial to advertize
their new product. Gather recyclables and other materials to make
your own invention. Be on the
lookout for items in your house that
could be reused to make a device
that will help people in the future!
Step Aside Dale Chihuly!
Katy Riley
Make room in the art gallery
because these sculptures are the
next big thing! In Sculpture, these
artists are inspired by other famous
artists to create a work of art. They
Have you ever wondered
They also made shelters. Here are where your toys come from? Well, made chandeliers inspired by Dale
the steps:
Chihuly out of tissue paper, paint,
you can find out in Toy-Making.
and plastic bottles. Just when you
You will create your own tic-tacStep 1: Gather sticks.
thought they couldtoe boards, wooden cars, and pinStep 2: Make a frame with the lar- wheels. You will even get to create n't get any more
ger sticks.
creative, these artyour own kaleidoscope! You will
Step3: Make a roof with the
ists created mini
also design an amazing fish game
smaller sticks.
sculptures of people
and your own game pieces. So, if
you are sick of spending money on posing out of pipe
Have fun learning how to survive in toys, come to Toy-Making and learn cleaners, masking
the wild in Extreme Survivor!
tape, paper-mâché,
to make your own.
and tissue paper! Anya, age 10, said
what she liked best was "getting to
create many different sculptures out
of different media and colors!" So,
T he M a s s M e d i a T i m e s
if you want to be the next Michelangelo, this is the course for you!
Calling All Science Lovers!
Catherine Francis
Do you love science?
Would you like to explore interesting topics like sand, seashells, bubbles, water, and
oceans? In Summer Science, science lovers conducted experiments and investigated the natural
world. While observing, this reporter heard students
laughing and watched closely as
their faces looked amazed. Here’s
the experiment that caused them to
crack up.
P age 9
made weavings. They also made
frames from popsicle sticks. From
tin foil to old lunch boxes, they're
turning trash into treasures! So, if
you're interested in making the
world greener through a masterpiece, Earth-Friendly Art is the
course for you!
Do Not Disturb! Artists at
Grace Hennessy
turn ordinary materials into extraordinary craft boxes, glittery frames,
awesome t-shirts, and colorful under-the-sea pictures. Each creative
project’s materials are set home for
a rainy day! Here's how to make
your own t-shirt:
Step 1: Get a clean white t-shirt.
Step 2: Put wax paper on the inside.
Step 3: Choose shape stencils.
Step 4: Choose fabric paint.
Step 5: Now design!
Step 6: Let dry, then take wax paper out.
Who knew that art could
come from animals? The kids in
Animals and Art do! The entire
Now grab your glue and scissors
week, these little artists made
prints, sculptures, butterflies, drag- and go, go, go!
onflies, birds, and all kinds of incredible sketches! They even taught
us how to make a cardboard and
Super Style!
newspaper bird. Here’s how:
Tessa Barcelo
Step 1: Crumple newspaper toToot, toot! Shh! As you take
How to make Upside Down Water: gether to make head and body. Use
Moovin’ and Groovin’,
Step 1: Get a big, empty soda bot- tape to secure it.
transported to
tle and tear the label off.
Step 2: Cut wings out of cereal
the Magic Music World. Instructors
Step 2: Fill the bottle to the top
with clear tap water.
Step 3: Tape head, body and wings Ruthie and Chrissy make dancing
and music making better than ever
Step 3: Look through the bottle and together.
before! These
everything you see appears upside Step 4: Put gesso on it.
dance masters
Step 5: Paint it.
danced to an inStep 6: Add googly eyes, pipe
fusion of
cleaners, etc.
“Shoofly,” “The
Hamster Dance,”
Hop you have fun with your new
Green Art
freeze dance, and
bird. The kids in Animals and Art
Katy Riley
of course the trasure did!
You better grab your paint“Barnyard
brush and some empty bottles beBoogie.” The
cause you've walked into an Earthdances really just
Fill your Craft Box
friendly art studio! In Earthevolved from basic square dancing
Friendly Art, these little artists are Sophie Gilligan
and the Macarena. These kids
making the earth greener one masterpiece at a time. They used mateWhat can you do with fabric aren’t just ordinary dancers either.
They used everyday objects as
rials you would find in the trash!
and foam? Well, creative kids in
props―frogs and fly hats for
By taking CD's and yarn, they
Fabric and Foam Fantasies can
P age 1 0
“Shoofly,” chicken hats for the
“Barnyard Boogie,” and fun tambourines! The freeze dance allowed
kids to get creative and learn to be
unique. Each year, they have a concert at the end of the week. All fifteen are such extraordinary musicians and dancers. Kids learned the
sounds of instruments and read
books like Baby Brains Superstar.
Emmy said she liked making tambourines. Samantha said her favorite part was making tambourines,
too! Chase said he like hats, but
Leo’s passion was the tambourines.
Wow, the tambourines sure were
popular! Here’s how to make a
chicken hat:
-1 strip of cardboard
-2 rooster patterns
-2 small circles of black contact
paper for eyes
-1 yellow triangle
Step 1: Assemble cardboard strip
into headband.
Step 2: Staple the rooster patterns
onto the strip.
Step 3: Peel the back off the eyes.
Step 4: Fold yellow triangle into
beak and attach.
Dance on down to Moovin’ and
Groovin’ today!
Let's Go on an Adventure
Vanessa Shipley
Can you make the sound of
a bunny? What about a lizard?
Learn how to make animals noises
from all different animals around
the world! In Adventure Theater,
V o l um e 3 3 , I s s ue 1
experience everything from enchanting story time to painting with
cotton swabs! But, be careful! Paint
can get messy. Do you want to go
on an adventure? Right here you
can find some great storybooks that
were shared during the week:
Have you ever wanted to
sing out loud in front of an audience? Musical Theater is the place
for you! Now in his fifth year at
Kaleidoscope, director Jeff Caron
led soon-to-be actors and actresses
in The Emperor and the NightinShapes:
Ten in the
gale. This play takes place in
Bed, Permit Crab and Hermit Crab China, and it tells the story of an
Caps for Sale
emperor, played by Jenny
Butterflies: The Very Hungry
McIntosh, in search of a nightingale
with a beautiful singing voice. So
Wild Things: Where the Wild
sit down, relax, and enjoy the
Things Are
Birthday Day:
The Secret
Birthday Message, The King and
Queen of Hearts
It’s Edible Science!
Jackson Mergendahl
Time to Log On
Would you like to see exploding soda, dancing milk, and so
much more? In Kitchen Chemistry,
Do you love computers?
you can see all this, and then some!
These tech wizards do! In ComThese junior scientists used basic
puter Capers, kids got to do super kitchen items to create tie-dye pafun activities
per towels and coffee filter flowers.
while being
Not only did these scientists consafe on the
duct cool experiments, they also
Internet. Each learned the secret ingredients to
day, they got to make extraordinary things happen
play new, ex- to ordinary items. If you would like
citing games
to cook up something cool, join
with different Kitchen Chemistry today!
themes. Not
only did they play games, they also
created animated pictures and original computer art. Wizard Sam said Hole in One
that the class is “really fun because Tommy Russell
[he] likes computers.” So, grab
your computer and play some great
All week long, these amazgames in Computer Capers!
ing golfers here in Golf Club have
been playing Golf Monopoly for a
prize at the end. They even got to
take their skills on a field trip to a
Stars of the Future
place that has a mini golf course
Maddy Ryan and Griffin Caruso
and a driving range. They practiced
Emma Keamy
T he M a s s M e d i a T i m e s
their club handling skills outside
every day. They also constructed a
mini golf course
that you can
build to play
inside. They
played with a
partner when
they went outside to play. If
you win then you get golf balls.
These are some of the golfing activities that you do in golf!
Cultural Cooking
Tessa Barcelo and Emma Keamy
P age 1 1
-1 teaspoon of ground ginger
-1/4 lb spaghetti, cooked and rinsed
under cold water
-1 tablespoon of light sesame seeds,
toasted over medium for 3 minutes
Step 1: Get an empty pizza box.
Step 2: Cover the inside of the box
with black paper.
Step 3: Get a Graham Cracker, a
marshmallow, and a piece of
In a medium microwavable bowl,
Step 4: Place the marshmallow and
heat the nut butter until melted (15- chocolate in the pizza box.
20 seconds). Whisk the honey and Step 5: Leave it out in the sun (how
tamari into the nut butter, ten whisk long you leave it out will depend on
the sesame oil and ginger in. toss
how hot the sun is).
the spaghetti with the sauce and top Step 6: Put the top Graham
with sesame seeds.
Step 7: Enjoy your s'more!
Lights, Camera, Action!
Mekonnen Eon and Vanessa Ship¡Hola! Bonjour! Ciao! Wel- ley
come to the World Wide Kitchen.
Enter International Young Chefs,
What has Kaleidoscope
and you will find a bowl full of
been up to this week? Mass Media
recipes and fun! These chefs
Blast can answer that! We have
cooked up a storm as they visited
been reporting on classes from ExIsrael, Mexico, India, Italy, and
treme Survivor to Sculpture! We
China. They did fun music, crafts, have got it all! And by the end of
and cooking from all of these coun- the week, we will be reporting on
tries. They also made flags and
TV! Become a real reporter in Mass
passports to learn about different
Media Blast!
countries. At the beginning of their
journey, they visited China and
made cool paper fans. They also
played and practiced before cook- Let's Set Up the Tent
ing. Here is an exclusive recipe that Tess Gordon and Catherine Francis
we just managed to grab from the
You don't have to go far to
camp when you've got Camping
Cold Ginger, Soy, and Honey SesOut! In this
ame Noodles:
course, these
-2 teaspoons of peanut butter or soy
learned lots of
fun camping
-1 tablespoon of honey
-2 tablespoons of dark soy sauce
Camper Cece
told us how to make a s'more with a
-1 teaspoon of sesame oil
solar oven:
These campers did so many
fun activities. Some of the awesome activities that the campers
learned about included clouds, how
to set up a tent, how to build a bird
nest, some camp songs, and so
much more! Here are the lyrics to
"Donut Shop," one of the camp
songs they learned:
Oh, I went to the donut shop for
something to eat,
'Cause I was so hungry from my
head to my feet,
And I picked up a donut and I
wiped off the grease,
And I handed the lady a five-cent
Well, she looked at the nickel and
she looked at me.
And she said, "Hey, Mister, you can
plainly see there's a hole in the
nickel and it goes right through!"
Said I, "There's a hole in the donut,
too. Thanks for the donut... toodleoo!"
Grab your s'more and sing along!
P age 1 2
Maddy Ryan
V o l um e 3 3 , I s s ue 1
Step 1: Fold the paper in half from
top to bottom.
Step 2: Fold the paper in half
Have you ever wanted to
learn French in a fun and creative
way? In French, you will learn your
numbers through "The Worm
Song" and play "Passez le poisson,"
which means "pass
the fish." You get
to make a suitcase
and label all your
belongings en
français. You can
even create calendars and clocks
with French dates
and times. That's
not all -- on Friday, you will make
delicious, wonderful, tasty crêpes to
Move Over, Dr. Seuss!
enjoy with your new friends. Join
French if you're ready to have a
Olivia Lai
blast learning a new language.
Seuss is on the loose! In this
fantastic course Seuss on the Loose,
these three and four year olds explore a different Dr. Seuss book
4 + 4 = Fun!
each day. Some of the titles inIlana Hunter
cluded The Cat in the Hat, Green
Eggs and Ham, and One Fish, Two
Right when this reporter
Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. They
walked into Math Fun, she knew
also created projects related to the
she was in for a treat. The teacher
stories they read. They've created
explained to her that they were
learning about lines and fractions. vivid placemats, tried yummy green
eggs, and made picture frames to
They also had their own Kaleidocelebrate the magical story Green
scope Store, where they would
practice using money and change. Eggs and Ham. Don't miss this
amazing class!
Also, there was a "Match Ten"
game for these four to seven yearolds to play. One of their fun activities was making a star out of paper.
Keep reading to find out how to do
it for yourself!
Step 3: Undo the second fold.
Step 4: Make a third fold by bringing the tip of the upper right corner
to the crease mark at the paper's left
Step 5: Fold down the upper left
corner along the top edge of the
section along the top edge of the
section you folded in Step 4.
Step 6: Fold the paper vertically so
that the left and right edges match
Step 7: Cut the paper at a sharp angle as shown, creating a small triangle.
Step 8: Open the triangle and
there's your star!
Colleen Dolan
Mass Media Blast Instructor
David Benedict
Tahera Doctor
Mass Media Blast Teacher Assistants
Tessa Barcelo
Ilana Hunter
Riley Caruso
Emma Keamy
Griffin Caruso
Olivia Lai
Mekonnen Eon
Catherine Francis
Sophie Gilligan
Tess Gordon
Grace Hennessy Sabrina Osborn
A special
thanks to
the Pike
School for
the use of
Katy Riley
Tommy Russell
Maddy Ryan
Danielle Seifer
Vanessa Shipley
Tyler Smith
Shivani Srikanth
Ben Weeden