March 2009


March 2009
March 2009
Vol. XLV No. IX
Presents the
Musette Gazette
Coming Up for the April 20 Meeting:
*** Look for a terrific hands-on WORKSHOP at 5pm***
***Anticipate a “really big shew” FOR LISTENING AND DANCING by Ron Lankford***
***Enter the Roland Corporation’s ACCORDION CONTEST*** .
Here’s the scoop. You do NOT WANT TO MISS the April 20th meeting. The workshop that
begins at 5pm sharp will feature hands-on introductions to The Roland Music Corporation’s
hottest V-accordions. Come as early as 3:30 p.m. to try out the accordions!
At 7pm, Ron will provide a very entertaining show for listening and dancing, featuring a huge
array and range of music that is possible to perform on the Roland V accordions.
And then there is the CONTEST!!! Ted Walscak, our committee fund-raising chair, reports
the following – after speaking with Mr. Lankford:
On Sunday April 19, Ron will videotape Arizona contestants who want to enter the Roland
There are 3 categories:
1) Serious music for players under the age of 18
2) Serious music for players over the age of 18
3) Most Enthusiastic Accordion Player in America -- over 18.
All tapes submitted will be judged by a panel and the top seven (7) entries will be invited to a live playoff. Each of these seven in each
category will be given a Roland accordion for 2 months on which to practice, then these players will be flown to LA for the live competition next September. The winner in each category will keep their Roland accordion and the winner of the 18 and older group will be
flown to Rome to play in the World Competition as well.
The audition tapes are to be about 5 minutes long, each player performing three different pieces with different styles.
The live competition will be played on the Roland and must be about 10 minutes long again with different selections.
So if you want to enter, start practicing, and be ready to be videotaped on Sunday, April 19. To enter and schedule you recording, , phone Jack Dermody directly at 602-237-5627. Jack has complete rules.
It’s reported that people went nuts for the Roland accordions at the NAAM show in Las Vegas this year – putting all
the other Roland products on the back burner. On April 20th, you will find out what’s happening. With the accordion on
the rise once again, there is little doubt V-accordions will play a big role. With our club’s new outreach to youth, this
will probably be a big drawing card for young people.
Ron Lankford was born in L.A. Calif. and began learning to play the Accordion at age 7. He studied with the Milton Mann Accordion Studios and has been playing the accordion ever since. He has played in various Rock, Country, Folk, and Irish venues. He
has recorded on a number of music projects from Christian Contemporary to Zydeco. Ron is currently working for Roland Music
Corp. He is the Sales Consultant for their Accordion Division in America.
Page 2
The Arizona Accordion Club
Next Meeting is April 20th , If you want to perform please call Jack Dermody at 602-237-5627.
The Menu for April is Ham Slices, Pineapple, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans , Bread
March 16, 2009 Meeting By Raye Donatella
The workshop was conducted by Paul Betken on the dynamics of jazz and the accordion.
From what I heard, it was enjoyed by all who attended.
Ted Lee played what I call the “Welcome” music. Sorry, Ted, but I was busy at the front desk and can’t list all the pretty
songs you played – I only know it makes the whole place seem warm and inviting when there is music as people sign in.
Thanks for playing for us.
Pre-meeting music was played by Ted and Carol Walczak, with Carol
doing vocals, and Paul and Janice Kruczinski, with Janice playing
banjo. Amongst other songs, they played “Ain’t She Sweet”,
“Pennsylvania Polka”, “12th Street
Rag”, “Galway Bay”, “Accordiana”,
“From a Jack to a King”, “Up a Lazy
River”, and “I Walk the Line”.
Then Shirley Barnes played several Irish
tunes in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, including
“Irish Eyes”, a beautiful rendition of “Danny
Boy”, a rousing “McNamara’s Band” and “Who
Threw the Overalls in Mrs. Murphy’s Chowder”
and a lovely “Twilight Time”.
All in all, a great beginning for our St. Patrick’s day
We were honored to have Cathy Quagliata, the
president of Sons & Daughters of Italy Club,
and lots of people from the Italian American Club as our guests. I hope we made all of
you feel welcome!
Our own button box man, Bob Lewry, an Irishman if ever there was one, played “I’m
Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover”, “Wild Irish Rose”, “Peg O My Heart”, and “Danny
Boy”, with “Irish Eyes” thrown in as an encore. Thanks, Bob.
Ted and Carol Walczak played “Accordiana”, “12th Street Rag”, and “Galway Bay” with
Carol doing the vocals. This is one talented couple!
Now the Arizona Accordion Club Ensemble, which includes Lester Rossner, Josip Baginac, Jan Mundy, Jack Dermody, Jennifer Stocker, Toni Dimond, Jerry Syzmanski, Pete Donatella, Jay Stevens, Jim Winning on drums, and
Bruce Mundy on bass played “Amelie”. Then a solo by Jan Mundy playing a Charles Magnante version of “Come Back
to Sorrento”. Back to the Ensemble for “Danny Boy”. Leigh Dechaine was called from the audience to play our new Accordion Club Official Polka, written, played and sung by Leigh titled “The Arizona Accordion Club Polka”. The Ensemble finished by
playing “The Pink
Panther”. Good
job, folks. Keep
Continued on page
10 ------->
The Arizona Accordion Club
Table of Contents
Featured Guest
President’s Message
Our Meeting !
Some Sponsors
Come Hear Us Play
Upcoming Events
Accordion Instructors
Meeting location Map
Membership Form
Page 3
Pages 2 , 10, 11
Pages 4, 8, 9
Page 7
Page 6
Page 8
Pages 8
Back Cover
Back Cover
Meeting Place
St. Stephen’s Hall
8141 North 16th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85020
(602) 997-4563
Third Monday of the Month
Meeting Begins at 6:30 PM
President Jack Dermody
(602) 237-5627
Vice President Jerry Szymanski
(623) 584-9801
Secretary Leigh Dechaine
(623) 582-3746
Treasurer Pete Donatella
(623) 877-1846
Board Of Directors
Jerry Szymanski
( 480) 488-0949
Paul Betken
(480) 755-3539
Cindy Geremia
( 602) 369-8121
Chuck Voinovich
(480) 451-4416
Dionne Hauke
(602) 266 9622
Ted Lee
(623) 444-5106
Jay Stevens
(602) 819-5505
Elmer Faser
Scholarship Chairman
Bulletin Staff
Dionne Hauke Editor (602) 266-9622
Jennifer Stocker Distribution
Jeff Carpenter Web Master
Sal Genco Video Camera
Page 3
President’s Message
Can you believe how thrilling the February meeting was! Mario Pedone entranced the audience. Then our own members were lined up
around the block to play – and did they ever entertain us!!! It’s like a
dream come true. Thanks to the Sons of Italy for increasing the
crowd to capacity, for singing, for dancing! What a night!! One of the
hardest jobs being president is making sure that everybody who
wants to play actually gets to. If you want to make sure you get to
play, please call or write me in advance. If you wait until the meeting
to ask to play, it might be difficult to squeeze you in.
April is going to be a completely different event. If you read the
front page first, you know The Roland Music Corporation will pay us
a visit with a workshop, show, and contest. So many of our members
own or want to own an electronic accordion, and the Roland Vaccordions have had a lot of press lately. Be sure you don’t miss this
one. And of course our members will regale you with the latest tunes
they’ve been practicing. See last month’s newsletter for a lengthy article about the growth of Roland by Ron Schwarz.
We have a few apologies to make, Due to technical glitches, we
did not include our San Diego report last month, nor did we have a
proper tribute for Lorean, Ted Lee’s wife. You will find those important
items further on in this newsletter.
Let me tell you a little bit about the Sons of Italy who visited us.
They meet every second Saturday of the month at the Paradise Valley Community Center and are part of a national organization with
over 700 lodges. Their main goal is to keep the Italian culture and traditions alive through such activities as St. Joseph’s Table, Pasquetta
(Little Easter), Columbus Day, Carnevale, and Bocce games. One of
the club’s past presidents, John Protocollo, is also a member of the
Arizona Accordion Club.
Our programs for young people are coming along fine. Member
Vince Testa gave us a terrific surprise by donating 4 Contello 12basses, and the club purchased 8 more from a vendor in California.
Next month I should have important news about our progress. Speaking of donations, Russ Staley of Cottonwood brought us a beautiful
speaker to the club. To you, Russ, a very big heartfelt THANK YOU.
You know we’ve struggled with sound quality for a long time and your
contribution has moved us closer to perfection.
And a BIG thanks to Lester's wife Sophia and board member Jerry
Szymanski for stepping up to the plate last minute at the March
meeting to take pictures with their own cameras. Take a look at the
photos in the slideshow on our website. ( http:// )
Pretty spectacular from those little digital cameras, I think you will
Jack !
Page 4
The Arizona Accordion Club
• A little regular time
• A big heart
• A love of communication
• Willingness to use Microsoft Publisher
• Comfort with a computer
• Access to e-mail and the Internet
Dream salary of $1,000,000/month. Jack will
write you a check.
• Dream vacations to all exotic locations.
• Live accordion music the 3rd Monday of every
• Access to all club secrets, gossip, complaints,
outrageous plans, and unrealistic visions.
The Arizona Accordion Club
Page 5
By Raye Donatella
On Sunday, February 8th, our Arizona Accordion Club Ensemble was the headliner for the monthly meeting
of the San Diego Accordion Club, known as ALSI (Accordion Lovers Society International). What an
honor that was for us!! The members that went were Jack Dermody, Pete Donatella, Jan and Bruce Mundy,
Lester Rossner and Josip Baginac.
The Ensemble began with a beautifully done “Accordion Jump”, then did a pretty little song called
“Twinkling”. Lester and Jack teamed up for “A Canary In Paris” and “Sway” (my favorite song). Then the
Ensemble played a moving version of “Danny Boy” with Josip on bass accordion. Josip went back to his Petosa accordion to play “Coquette Polka”. Great job, Josip! Now Jan Mundy, with Bruce on bass, played the
wonderful Charles Magnante version of “Come Back To Sorrento”. Lester stepped forward again and played
his own original polka titled “Anna’s Polka” accompanied by Pete. (That particular song will be on the new
Arizona Accordion Club Original Polkas CD due out in March.) Pete played a dreamy rendition of “For
Once In My Life I Have Someone Who Needs Me” – this has always been “our” song, so I really loved that.
Next Lester and Jack with Bruce on bass played a French style musette piece, then segued into Jack’s original
polka “12-Bass Polka”. Clever lyrics handsomely done!
(This is another polka that will be on the new Original Polkas CD.) The Ensemble closed with a German
march that was played as our friends from the San Diego Accordion Club, Gloria Ensign, Kjell Holmes, Bob
Page, Bob Waner, Linda Hibbert, Vicki Eriqat, Sharon Marotte, Rena Watton, Kari Andrews, Tom
Baxter, Erika Baier, and Larry Kaiser marched up to the stage and joined in a jam session that was to die
for!! They played the heck out of “Super Market Polka”, “Way Marie”, “Hava Nagilah”, “Mazurka”, and
of course, “Roll Out The Barrel”. They all had so much fun that I know it was tough for them totake those accordions off and call it a day.
We were served a wonderful homemade cake baked by the San Diego Club’s own Helen Stables, along with
punch and coffee, all catered to us by Joe Stables, Linda Slinko, Jane Ford and Elsie Jones. Talk about being treated like royalty! (Helen, I do believe that was the most scrumptious cake I’ve ever tasted!)
All in all, a wonderful Accordion Club Ensemble experience! Thank you, San Diego Accordion Club –
you’re the greatest!!
Fire up your musical growth.
Buy this LS-10 from
the Arizona Accordion Club
Get info from Pete Donatella:
Fast delivery!!
Newsletter Inputs ? Please send them care of Jack at ,
Page 6
The Arizona Accordion Club
Upcoming Events
Our Regional Sister Clubs’
Monthly Meetings
See their websites at accordion_clubs.php.
Accordion Club of Tucson. 2nd Monday
each month at Sabino Hills Rec. Center.
Accordionaires of Los Angeles, 3rd
Tuesday of the month, 6pm, Victorio’s
Pizza, 10901 Victory Blvd., North Hollywood, CA. Lou Digangi (909) 592-9781.
Accordion International Music Society
(AIMS) of Santa Barbara, Sundays in
2009, 1pm to 3pm – April 12, May 27,
June 14, August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8. Valle Verde Retirement Houe Main Theater, 900 Calle de los
Amigos, Santa Barbara. Art at 805-6427940.
Accordion Lovers Society International
in San Diego, 2nd Sunday of the month,
Bailey Hall Auditorium, Mt. Miguel Covenant Village, 325 Kempton St, Spring Valley, CA. Gloria Ensign
San Francisco Accordion Club, 3rd
Sunday of the month, Oyster Point Yacht
Club, 911 Marina Blvd. South San Francisco, CA.
Pickers & Grinners 1 to 5 on the 3rd Saturday each month. 2802 East Devonshire
Phoenix, AZ . Squeezers welcome !
Some of the following listings provided by
APRIL 2009
8-10. Friday to Sunday. Gator by the Bay
2009. Spanish Park Landing at Harbor
Island, N Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA.
San Diego’s Zydeco, Blues, and Crawfish
Festival with Cajun and Zydeco and blues
bands on three stages; huge dance floors.
23-24. Saturday and Sunday. Simi Valley ,CA, Cajun Creole Music Festival
2009. Rancho Santa Susana Community
Park, 5005 Los Angeles Ave., Simi Valley,
12-24. Sunday to Friday (two weeks).
Polka to Hawaii. Little Bohemian Band
24. Fri. 8pm. Sourdough Slim. CA
Coffee Gallery Backstage. 626-398-7917.
MAY 2009
30-31. 2nd Annual Los Angeles Accordion Festival. Venue TBA. Los Angeles,
CA. Weekend of music featuring bands
showcasing their accordion players. Miss
Accordion 2009, Accordion Battle of the
JUNE 2009
7-12. RCAC Accordion Camp. Silver
Falls Conference Center – near Sublimity,
OR. Camp treasurer: Marlene Meissner
18-21. Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration. The Leavenworth
Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 327,
Leavenworth, WA 98826. 509-548-5807.
Fax 509-548-1014,,
26-28. Rocky Mountain Accordion Celebration, Accordions by the Sea. Victoria,
British Columbia. Edelweiss Club, 108
Niagara St., Victoria, BC. Mary
Klektau at 250-3838877 or Patty Forman at 250-360-2085.
JULY 2009
6-12. Kimberley International Accordion
Championships. Kimberley, BC. For
information: PO Box 473 Kimberley, British Columbia, Canada VIA 3B3. Phone: 1888-454-0822. Email:
Galla-Rini Accordion Camp. San Rafael,
CA. For info: Marian Kelly 650-854-1896.
AFNA Music Festival. AAC Ensemble
and Arizona young people to compete for
trophies against best accordion players in
western U.S. at Knotts Berry Farm Resort
Hotel, Buena Park, California. Contact
Jack Dermody for into. 602-237-5627. Email:
22-23. Saturday and Sunday. Cotati Accordion Festival. This could very well be
the very best outdoor accordion event in
the West…every single year. Don’t miss it.
Contact Call 707-664
-0444. Website is
Accordion Extravaganza Festival. Edmonton, Alberta, CA. Info:
accordion/, Email:
19 th Monday. The Ultimate Oktoberfest. Arizona Accordion Club
regular meeting with an allOktoberfest theme. Come dressed
for the occasion. Dance for it. Play
for it. Eat and drink for it. If you
want to be on the planning committee for this event, call Jack.
21ST. MONDAY. An Accordion
Christmas Party at the Arizona
Accordion. This is the meeting to
bring your extended family, grandchildren, best friends, and favorite
colleagues from work to. Anticipate terrific music, dancing, pictures with Santa Claus, food that is
out-of-the-ordinary, and much
more. If you want to be on the
planning committee for this event,
call Jack.
14-16. Friday thru Sunday. 54th Annual
Honorary Members
Art Van Damme * Dick Contino *Dr. John Van Such * Art Metzler * Lenny Simmons
Frank Yankovic * John Cesinger *Joe Kino * Helen Criscio * Flaco Jimenez
Tony Lovello * Frank Marocco * Anthony Galla-Rini * Myron Floren * Al Monti
The Arizona Accordion Club
Page 7
Come Hear Us Play
Elmer Faser and Duane Tendick :
Haus Murphy’s
Silent Reeds
5739 West Glendale Avenue
Glendale Arizona 85301
623 939-2480
Every Friday and Saturday 6:00 to 8:00
Bill Regina :
The Black Forest Mill Restaurant
4900 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix
602 840-4000
Every Friday and Saturday 6:00 to 9:00
John Smoltz :
White Eagle Deli & Restaurant,
16846 W Bell Road, Suite 109
( Bell Road and Rt. 303)
Surprise, AZ 85374
(623) 583-8632
Call for dates and times
Augie Figurelli :
Vincitorio's Restaurant (480.820.2786)
1835 E. Elliot Road, C-109 - Tempe, AZ
SE Corner of Elliot and McClintock
Call for dates and Times
( )
( )
Tony Putrino : Call for his schedule.
480 483-3943
The Hurricajuns :
Shot of Java, 2nd Saturday of every month
7003 N. 58th Ave. Glendale (623) 847-2423.
Pulaski Club of Arizona
602-275-4331, 4331 E. McDowell Rd.,
Phoenix, AZ 85008
1934 – 2009
Lorean Brameld
We said goodbye to Lorean Brameld – Rene the life-long
wife of AAC member Ted Lee, on February 10.
We are repeating this column from last month because
half of it was eliminated through a technical glitch. Our
deep apologies to Ted Lee. Everyone, please read his beautiful tribute below.
Ted Lee pays a tribute to his dear wife Lorean/
When I was in the U.S. Navy, as someone
would pass on to the next life, we never said
good-bye. Instead, we said a Navy prayer like
the following:
Page 8
The Arizona Accordion Club
Musical Items For Sale:
Please Help ! I need a copy of Az. Acc. Club
DVD of 6/20/05. Shirley, at 480-895-2981 or
Joan Monti at 602-923-3856
Excelsior New York Model 5 accordion. Very
good condition. Frank Cic 480 895-8161
Looking for Chromatic accordion, Csystem, 17lbs or less. Want it for strolling. Neither color nor number of switches
matter. Call Steve Weninger at 651-7020719. E-mail:
ZALOR'S 3 Row Diatonic Accordion
C F Bb Box. Excellent Condition. $1,000.00
Bill Regina at (602) 938-3679
CONCERTO DA 100 – Digital accordion.
4/5 Reed, 10 Registers. Treble reeds HAND
MADE. 7 years old. Not used professionally.
Full description at Mfg’s Site – Paid $10,000 –
willing to entertain any serious offer.
Frank Mutranowski 414-425-8247 or
Arizona Accordion Club is in need of 12
-bass accordions, music, and music
stands for beginners. Do you have any to
donate or sell at a low cost? These materials will be used in our new classes
open to the public SOON. Call Jack. (602)
237-5627. ( Tax deductible receipt, ask
Pete Donatella )
Good Condition Cash or Trade for ?
Bob Dura 602-841-0487
Gold Magnante $5,500.00 best deal!
Band New ! MSRP $ 9000.00
This is still consider the best
instrument for jazz-swing music.
Model Magnante Features 41/120 4/6
11+M/6 Weight 26.5 lbs., 19.3" x 8.3" x
17.2" Tony DePitrius at 480 946 7368
Lady size 120 bass, $190.00 and full size
-Musette reeds $325 Both A-1 condition
Jerry Sleger 480-278-9633
Monarch Reedless Midi Accordion (like
new), 120 bass, Includes Orla XM600
Orchestra Module + cases. Make offer.
Please call (602) 996-4832 or Email:
Excelsior Midi with a Xetron X4 module.
Eduardo. 480 661-7750.
$350.00 Cordovox, recently tuned.
GC 2 row Accordion $250.00.
Ed Mikulich 623 362 1525
Next 2 Items are from John Gaunt’s
Highland Ave., Clearwater, FL 33756 (727)
443-4113 Email
New ORLAVOX MIDI 14 pound Reedless
accordion. Hundreds of sounds. Shoulder
straps, Case and Warranty on parts and
labor for One Year. $3650.00.
PETOSA 4/5 Reeds with MIDI. Accordion
has 45 keys, not 41. Keyboard range is from
F to C#. 14 Treble registers plus Side Master
and 9 Bass Registers. Excellent condition.
Model AM 1300 EM Symphony. Over
$13,000.00 new, a steal at only $5300.00.
With shoulder straps, carry case, Midi Wires,
Audio stereo wire and 6 months labor and
parts Warranty .
What kind of Accordion (s) do you play?
Check all that apply.
Piano:_________ Button Box:_____
Concertina:_____ Bandoneon:_____
Please return with your Name, Address,
Phone, and email to:
Frank Schweller c/o AZ Accordion Club
1027 E Las Palmaritas Dr Phoenix, Az
85020 . Phone # 602 944 6560
E Mail:
Piano Accordion Instructors:
Joanne Drum 480 994-4698
Tony Putrino 480 483-3943
Dr. Van Orden 623 203 7909
Pete Donatella 623 877-1846
Jack Dermody 602 237 5627
Button Accordion Instructor
Tony Longoria 602 718-4058
ZUPAN - 3 Row Jubilium Diatonic Accordion.
Tuned BEA, Brand new from the factory in
Menges, Slovenia $4,500.00
MELODIJA - 3 Row Diatonic Accordion.
Tuned GCF Excellent Condition $1,200.00
RICHILIEU - Rubell 4 String Plectrum Banjo,
Mint Condition with Stand, Case and Extra
String Set. $500.00
Call John, 480-722-7762.
To the
The Arizona Accordion Club
$3,000 Heavily jeweled Castiglione Full sized
Pro 4/5 MIDI Accordion, 11 treble, 1 master , 5
bass, switches. Great tone well balanced, at 27
lbs. Gale Evans 480 836 1604 or mobile 480
250 1399 or
Wanted :Looking for a Petosa. An S-2000
model P-800 which had 4/4 sets of reeds or a
model AM1100 an S-2000 Midi.
Have one for sale? Contact Norbert Ludewig.
908-889-8476, 973-792-4661. 2 Ridge Way,
Fanwood, NJ 07023
Accordion Repairs in Coolidge Arizona.
Rebuilds and tunings.
Timothy Gomez 1 520 510 9317.
DVD’s of Club Meetings are available.
“All Arizona Accordion Club Meetings and sponsored events
are copyrighted by the Board of the Arizona Accordion Club
and are for the private use of our audience. Any other use of
these programs or of any pictures, descriptions or accounts of
the Arizona Accordion Club meetings, events and it’s performers, without a written approval of consent by the Arizona
Accordion Club Board, is Prohibited”
Ad Policy For Display ads, Arizona Accordion club members pay the lower price:
Business card Size $5.00 or $8.00 Quarter page $10.00 or $16.00 Half page $20.00 or $32.00 Full page 40.00 or $64.00
The Arizona Accordion Club
313 N.E. 45th St.
Page 9
Seattle, WA 98105 (206)-632-2700
Visit Our Web Site
“Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten”
Catch us on the World Wide Web or My Space at
Find Updates and features on upcoming meetings and highlights of our great guest performers. The Club Performers link offers Photos and
bios of some of our regular players. Arizona Accordion Club members are encouraged to send their info to Jeff Carpenter at Check the slide show for photos from recent Arizona Accordion Club meetings.
Page 10
The Arizona Accordion Club
Time for our featured performer, Mario Pedone. Mario, there’s no
way I can name all the songs you played so wonderfully, but I’ll
name as many as I can. First off, a medley of “The Tarantella” and
“Arriva Derci Roma”, then “Waltz Allegro” by Charles Magnante,
“Gay Ranchero”, “Columbian Dancers”, “Polish Polka”, then his
lovely wife dancing to “Maleguena” and “Zorba the Greek”. (I’m so
sorry, I did not hear your wife’s name.)
His repertoire contained more songs than most people know,
including a very quick and catchy “Flat Feet”, “That’s Amore”, sung
by our own Jay Stevens, “Beer Barrel
Polka”, a tango medley, “Cabaret”, “I Could
Have Danced All Night”, “Orange Blossom
Special”, a great version of “Blue Eyes Crying
in the Rain” that would have made Willie Nelson proud, and finished up with a medley of
“Irish Step Dance” and “Irish Eyes” to a
much deserved standing ovation. You had so
many people dancing that it was not only
lovely to hear you play, but beautiful to see.
No wonder everyone gets so excited when
you’re going to be our guest, Mario – you are spectacular!
The Arizona Accordion Club
Page 11
At the break, we finally had the drawing for the Ice Machine. It was won by Steve Durkit, our wonderful bartender and guy Friday. We’re all happy that you won it, Steve.
You deserve it for all the help you give our club.
Paul Betken joined Gabe Rodriquez (our visiting ASU student) playing a
couple of nice tunes called “Aren’t You Glad You’re You” and “Once in a
Lifetime”. You played like you’d practiced forever, guys. It was swell.
Bob Torkelson then played “Danny Boy”, “East of the Sun”, “Foggy
Day”, and “In the Mood”. Some great sounds, and very entertaining.
Howard Van Orden took the stage to play a Czech tune titled “It’s Polka
Time”, then did an Italian medley of “O Sole Mio”, “O Marie”, and
“Carnival of Venice”. At this point his wife, Chris, playing on the Bodhran, joined him for an Irish Medley of “Danny Boy”, “Galway Bay”,
“Kerry Dance”, and “Stack of Barley”. You two are always a delight to see and hear!
Joan Monti and Betty Havlik, assisted by Carl Nyberg on guitar and banjo, and Jim
Winning on drums played “Barbara Polka”, “Blue Skirt Waltz” and “Beer Barrel
Polka”. Those were some fun songs beautifully played and sung.
Our young scholarship winner, Andrew Jemzek played and sang “Brand New Bag”,
“Waltz of the Troll”, and “Everyday Clothes” – a different genre of music, but entirely
enjoyable. Thanks, Andrew.
As the evening drew to a close, Sam Peccorilla, accompanied by Carl Nyberg on banjo, Jim Winning on
drums, and Jay Stevens on bass played dancing songs – and they had lots of dancers to appreciate them! They
played through the clean up and close up of the hall, and kept everyone singing and dancing with them. I had
to leave, so can’t list their songs, but it sounded great all the way out to our car! A fitting ending to a happy,
wonderful, musical evening! As my Dad used to say, “A well dressed person wears the corners of his mouth
up!”. We sure had lots of well dressed people here tonight!
See you April 20th!
Raye Donatella and Cindy Geremia
4416 North 102nd Drive
Phoenix, AZ 85037
Include this form with $25.00 for one-year membership
fee payable to: Arizona Accordion Club.
Send to Arizona Accordion club, c/o Pete Donatella,
4416 N. 102nd Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85037.
Full Name
Mailing Address
City______________ State ________ Zip ____________
Phone Numbers
Home: _______________
Work ___________________
Cell: ______________ __
Fax: ____________________
E-mail: ___________________________
Website: __________________________
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Are you a Student Teacher Professional Amateur
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Arizona Accordion Club Membership Form
Please Print or Type All Information