the tree barks - Camp Wesley Pines


the tree barks - Camp Wesley Pines
December, 2012
A message from our Director:
Dear Fellow Christians,
We have become so accustomed to the Christmas story, that we are dulled to its incredible
message. Familiarity with the Christmas story, the repetition of the carols, and the pressures
of the holiday season keep many from breathless wonder over Christ’s birth and the joy he
brings! “When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy” (Matthew 2:10).
Joy pulsates from the accounts of Christ's birth. The wise men "rejoiced exceedingly with
great joy." Phillips translates it, "They were filled with indescribable joy." The New English
Bible says, "They were overjoyed." Although the message of Christmas is love, the sure
evidence that we have received a fresh touch of love is that we feel the uncontainable flow of
joy. Joy is the outward expression of grace.
This Christmas, catch again the full splendor which the Christmas story presents…. the
stunned amazement of the shepherds as they listened to the heavenly chorus (wonder!)....the
exceedingly great joy of the wise men.....and, the love that God has sent us a Savior! God
has poured all that he was and is and will be through the funnel of a miracle into the child
born in the manger of Bethlehem. This year, I’m dreaming of a RIGHT (not white)
Christmas...that I may hear the song of the angels, know the joy and wonder of the shepherds
and discover anew the worship of the wisemen!
(Luke 2:11) “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the
This Advent/Christmas season, listen and receive the message God has for you!
In His Service,
Bro. Johnny
Check out our web site at www.wesleypines for fall retreats as well
as summer camp dates and discounts!
Merry Christmas!
“Merry Christmas from our family to yours”
Thanks to our contributors:
Brookhaven Sub District United Methodist men
Centenary United Men's club
Natchez Cluster of the United Methodist Church
Jill and Kenneth Gilbert
Jack Jordan
Ebenezer United Methodist Church-Children's church
First United Methodist Church-Brandon (October & November)
R.D. Matthew (October, November & December)
Woodville United Methodist Church (October, November & December)
G.H. East, Jr.
Garland Brent
Sartinville United Methodist Church
St. Matthews United Methodist Church
Mount Olive United Methodist Church
Galloway Memorial
MS Annual Conference – C F&A
Parkway Hills United Methodist Church
Rev. Alan Randall
Bill Barham-Wellington Associates
Purvis United Methodist Church
McLaurin Heights United Methodist Church
Oak United Mmethodist Church
Adams United Methodist women
Waymond Mosley, Jr.
Rev. Byrd & Sara Hillman
Rev. Ted. & Lanelle Giordano
T. Dianne Taylor
Dr. & Mrs. Elmo Gabbert
Brookhaven District United Methodist Church
In Honor:
In loving honor of their parents anniversary (Curtis & Doris Lott) from all their children
Dan M. Gibson in honor of Johnny Crosby
In memory of Phillis Winstead – Keith & Deanne Giordano
In memory of Katherine Ellis – Keith & Deanne Giordano
In memory of Raymond Lamar – Paul & Janet Davis
In memory of Betty Stockett – Paul & Janet Davis
in memory of Rev. Charles Burton – Paul & Janet Davis
In memory of Mrs. Henrietta Shaw – Paul & Janet Davis
Our Recent Guest:
Mississippi Presbyterian Cursillo , First Baptist Church-Ridgeland, Linda McDowell, St. Matthew's United Methodist
Church, Central Mississippi Emmaus, Mississippi Annual Conference – C F&A, Living Word Christian Church,
Parkway Heights United Methodist Church, Janet Brown, Harris Family Reunion, First United Methodist ChurchYazoo City, The Vineyard Church of Jackson, Mississippi Coalition for Homicide Victims, Jane Cheema, Mississippi
Methodist Cursillo, St. Mark's United Methodist Church.
Our hearts are saddened at the loss of our former friend & employee, Will Blair. Serving as Assistant Director, Will
worked for Camp Wesley Pines from January, 2002 until July, 2007. During this time, he became a lifelong friend that
we will never forget. Our sympathy goes out to his wife, Beverly, daughter, Tiffany, son-in-law Ray, and grandson, Jack.
Camp Wesley Pines
PO Box 307
Gallman, MS 39077
Nonprofit Organization
US Postage paid
Permit No. 2
Gallman, MS
PH: 601-892-2341
Fax: 601-892-3478
We wish you all health and happiness during this holiday season. Let's not forget the reason for the
season, and remember to show our love to others as Jesus showed His love for us.
Year end donations can be made to:
Camp Wesley Pines
PO Box 307
Gallman, MS 39077
(donations are tax deductible)