facebook 15 can challenge gains momentum - 208-436-3932
facebook 15 can challenge gains momentum - 208-436-3932
News item from United Methodist News Service Daily Digest, 9-19-14 Communiqué From the Bilateral Dialogue: Representatives of the Moravian Church and The United Methodist Church met from 11 to 13 September 2014 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina for the fourth session of the dialogue. The purpose of the meeting was to draft a joint statement declaring and affirming a full communion relationship between our two churches. Previously, the dialogue had explored questions relating to the history, doctrine, polity, and church life in the Northern and Southern Provinces of the Moravian Church and The United Methodist Church. The dialogue committee found no church-dividing issues. Moreover, it concluded that, in accordance with the definitions used by each church to define a full communion relationship such, in fact, exists already. The Dialogue Committee finished its work on a Statement, with recommendations to their respective churches, and will soon transmit these documents to the appropriate authorities in the Moravian Church and The United Methodist Church. Upon receipt of the Statement it is hoped that necessary approval will be given to recommendations and that a declaration and affirmation of a full communion relationship will be adopted by the Moravian Provincial Synods and the United Methodist General Conference. Volume II – Issue 9 FACEBOOK 15 CAN CHALLENGE GAINS MOMENTUM John Johnson KUMC LP 101.7 FM 208.431.6451 cell kumclp@pmt.org Contact this office (436-3354) for donation information. Report from Sawtooth Camp: We are over half-way there at Sawtooth with the construction of this magnificent log building that will welcome people as they enter the camp with the office, restrooms, registration area and a multi-purpose meeting space. The outer structure completed by so many faithful volunteers is now ready for the windows and doors so the interior finishing work can be completed. The goal is to be able to have it ready for use in the summer of 2015. Those of you not in this area, there are food pantries helping feed folk where you live too, and they like to see their shelves empty . . and filled . . . and empty . . . just like we do! Let’s transform the world one can at a time! Blessings, (we don’t have quite 15 weeks from the time you read this – but we can do what we can do). The upcoming holidays for most, is a time of great joy and celebration. For some, for many reasons, it’s a time of sadness and going without. This year we can change this for some. Please join the 15 can challenge – it is simple and easy to do. 1. 2. 3. 4. Bryan Bruns-Custodian 208.436.3932 hm. 208.670.1244 cell Home of KUMC LP 101.7 Owned & operated by Rupert United Methodist Church Every week when you do your grocery shopping, purchase one extra item. It could be a can of something or some nonperishable item (soup, baked beans, veggies, fruit, etc.) Collect one item each week for the next fifteen weeks. Drop them off to the charity of your choice, during the first week in December. Invite as many of your friends as you can; remember together we can change someone’s life. Many communities will benefit. All food pantry’s and charities will greatly appreciate any and all donations. It is your gift to give, we are simply attempting to source charities in great NEED.* (*The above challenge taken from facebook.com) Message from Pastor Pam: Sharon Crowe-Administrator Mon., Tues., Wed. 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Clsd. @ lunch 12-1 p.m. 208.436.3354 office 208.430-4011 cell Rev. Pamela Meese 208.434.2128 hm. 208.436.3354 office rufflefern2@pmt.org Return Service Requested United Methodist Church 605 H Street P. O. Box 804 Rupert, ID 83350 U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 14 Rupert, ID Nonprofit Follow us on facebook.com Search Rupert UMC Full communion is when two denominations develop a relationship based on a common confessing of the Christian faith and a mutual recognition of Baptism and sharing of the Lord’s Supper. This does not mean the two denominations merge; rather, in reaching agreements, denominations also respect differences. These denominations worship together, may exchange clergy and also share a commitment to evangelism, witness and service in the world. Each entity agrees that even with differences, there is nothing that is church-dividing. September 2014 Once again you the members and supporters of RUMC came through on restocking the food pantry shelves. The case-lot sale donations were outstanding. It was reported that a total of eight shopping carts were filled, but that’s not all, several cases also showed up here at church in the basket. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. Thanks also to Stan & Leanna Bruns, Bryan Bruns, Cliff Hieb, and John & Chris Paulson for shopping, loading, and unloading all the cases. Grace Circle would also like to thank Stan & Leanna Bruns, Roger & Cheryl Juntunen, Charlie Warren, Peggy Hess, Don Wiedenheft, & Patricia Munden for picking up the Ridley’s produce and unloading the food bank truck. We couldn’t do this ministry without your help. OK PUMC, RUMC and all MiniCassia area friends . . . In the last newsletter we saw what our food pantry shelves looked like – virtually bare. Thanks to all of you, and some very frugal case-lot shopping, the shelves are now full . .. for a couple of weeks. We LIKE empty shelves; they mean we have helped hungry people. We LIKE full shelves, too; they mean we can help more hungry people! Let’s do this for the food pantry! Invite everyone to participate, as the food pantry, while we house it and administer it, is a COMMUNITY food pantry! Shelves are full again Thank you! Office 605 H Street P. O. Box 804 Rupert, ID 83350 208.436.3354 208.436.3807 fax umcluvu@pmt.org http://rupertidumc.org Sunday, September 28, during Hospitality time and again on Wednesday, Oct. 1, 7:00 p.m. “town hall” meetings will be held about the One Board Governance System. Most of you have received a copy of the proposal and the “town hall” meetings will be your chance to ask questions, voice your opinion and perhaps clear your mind of exactly what this One Board Governance is and how it will work. You will be voting yea or nay during the All Church Conference (Charge Conf.) sometime late October or early November. UMW Annual Harvest Bazaar and Luncheon – Friday, Oct. 3 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Your handmade items, gently used or new Christmas items, and baked food items will be accepted at anytime the office is open, and by Thursday, Oct. 2nd. Bring your friends and neighbors for a delicious lunch. (Free will donation) Pastor Pam has arranged for a Book Fair on Sunday, Oct. 19 during Hospitality Time. Might be a good chance to buy those Christmas presents! Bible Study every Thurs. for 7 weeks @ 5:30 p.m. facilitated by Pastor Pam. They will be studying from the book by Max Lucado entitled, “Grace”. “God’s grace has a drenching about it. A wildness about it. A white-water riptide, turn-you-upside-downess about it. Grace is the voice that calls us to change and then gives us the power to pull it off. Let’s make certain grace gets you.” Paul UMC will be hosting their annual Trunk or Treat on Halloween night, Friday, Oct. 31, 5 to 7 p.m. Decorate your car, wear a costume (or not) put some candy in the trunk and join the fun in the Paul UMC parking lot. Rather you can come or not, packages of individually wrapped candy are needed. Last year they gave out candy to between 150 to 200 children. This is a fun and safe way for kids to enjoy Halloween. The RUMM are again holding their 2nd Saturday of the month breakfasts at 8:00 a.m. They invite all men to join this group. The UMM also plan to honor someone soon during a Worship Service – they don’t know exactly when, but invite you to come each Sunday so you won’t miss it RUMC STATS FOR SEPTEMBER Attendance S.S Worship Sept. 7 Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Sept. 28 Budget Donations 30 83 $6,759 22 69 $1,838 29 82 $2,032 (not available at printing) Your tithes and offerings are much appreciated. We thank you for your love and dedication to RUMC FOOD PANTRY STATS FOR SEPTMBER (to date) 66 boxes given out, representing 251 individuals when it happens. 484.2 Lbs. of produce, dairy & bread received from Ridley’s A new youth group is being organized. This is great news! The new group will be meeting with the Paul UMC youth at the Paul church. Any youth between the 7th through the 12th grade is invited to attend. They will be doing a study of re:form Ancestors. “Unlikely people called by God to do amazing things; encouraging youth to see the similarities between them and their faith ancestors.” This study includes both the Old and New Testament. Beginning date and time will be announced soon. For more information you can the church office, 436.3354. By all accounts a great time was had at Family Camp. There were so many good pictures, it was hard to choose which to put in this newsletter. Here is a pictorial of some of the activities from Worship to campfires to eating to cleaning up to pretzel making, tie dying, baseball, zip line and so much more, to 5 baptisms. Those baptized were Evey Elizabeth Johnson, Jacie Ann Johnson, Braxton Andrew Merrill, Natalie Saige Torix and Mieka Elise French. They were so brave to be baptized in the cold water of the camp creek. Many thanks for all of the birthday wishes to Duane, who celebrated his 90th birthday on Sept. 17, 2014 (Sept. 14th at Coffee Hour). This time arrives sooner than one expects, so don’t wait to do the things you want to do. Duane has accomplished most of what he wanted to. Thanks also from Lucy for “get well wishes”. She did fracture some neck bones in a fall at home. Beware and take inventory of things that can cause a problem. That, too, can happen sooner than one suspects. and Love, Duane & Lucy Knos What happens at camp – stays at Camp.→
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god bless america - 208-436-3932
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