The Metro Messenger - University City. UNITED METHODIST
The Metro Messenger - University City. UNITED METHODIST
The Metro Messenger E l e c t r o n i c N e w s l e t t e r o f T h e M e t r o D i s t r i c t o f t h e It is always interesting that the season for “making appointments” takes place at Easter. Perhaps there is some irony in this scenario as we prayerfully strive to bring new life in our churches through new and renewed pastoral leadership. Before I was appointed to this ministry, I believed that there was some “mystique” about how appointments are made. Well, believe me, there is no mystique….just hard, passionate, wrenching work. I have often said…”appointment making is the hardest work I have ever done.” Why? You ask. Because we take very seriously the fact that we hold churches, pastors and families in our hands. We hear you loud and clear when you tell us that you need to stay in a particular geographical area. It makes our work doubly difficult, but we do our best to accommodate any request which is legitimate. We do our best to help pastors who are hurting through various “leaves of absence,” financial support and appointment specifics. I know you are tired of hearing it, but there is a new reality we are dealing with today in appointment making. Every year we lose Elder appointments, churches and salaries which complicates our desire to “promote” pastors in moves. Couple this with our changing culture and demographics and you have a formula which has cause us to have to change the way we make appointments. Our primary goal is not promotion appointments but missional appointments. This simply means “getting the right person at the right place at the right time for the right reason.” If this is our goal, then salary becomes a factor but not the factor in making appointments. The truth is, if we don’t get the right pastoral matches in our churches, the future of the United Methodist Church will be in question. So, please know that your Bishop and cabinet work very prayerfully and diligently in placing pastors in churches. So I would ask for your prayers, your patience and your support as we make, what we believe, are appointments inspired by God. As Paul reminded us, “keep your eyes on the goal” as we move forward toward making disciples and transforming the world. Gary Dr. Gary C. Royals Metro District Superintendent U M C Volume , Issue April 3, 2015 Inside this issue: Lay Servant Training 2 Creative Workshop Conference 3 Project AGAPE Bethlehem Center 4 You’re Invited Job Opportunities 6 Annual Conference 7 Building Teams 8 Special Points of Interest: Golden Cross P. 4 UM Women P. 5 UM Men P. 8 The Metro Messenger Volume 4, Issue 1 Page 2 Lay Servant Ministry Training in the Metro District This year four training locations were held in different areas of the Metro District--some on weekends and others during weekdays. This provided a participant the opportunity to select a location which best suited their schedule. On March 21, early in the morning, fourteen advanced class members and twenty basic class members arrived at Forest Hill UMC in Concord for Lay Servant Training. One excited lay servant leader and two course leaders, having spent hours preparing to lead their classes in their respective ten hours of training, with a collective of fifty to sixty plus years of experience teaching, showed up as well. Over the course of the next twelve and one-half hours we melded into a community of faith! We began to tell our stories, one to another, sharing from the depths of our hearts and from our life experiences. Some stories were told with laughter and some with tears. God was there, as was the Holy Spirit. Lent was such a beautiful time to come together for this training, because our hearts were already bending in preparation for Good Friday and Easter. By the end of our time together in training and fellowship, the great love these lay servants have for the United Methodist Church and the church universal became evident. As we celebrated in closing worship the dedication of each individual lay servant, they made the promise to assume the role of a lay servant in their local church and to provide leadership to their respective churches. As a district, we committed to pray for, support, and encourage each of them in their service to Jesus Christ. We must not fail in this promise! In 2 Corinthians 9:6, the Scripture says: “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously, will also reap generously.” (NIV) Thirty-seven committed Christians left that training on March 22 to go sow generously! Basic class participants break for refreshments. Rev. Wes Judy guides participants through the advanced study material, “Dancing with Words.” The Metro Messenger Volume 4, Issue 1 Page 3 The Metro Messenger Volume 4, Issue 1 Page 4 Plan and collect items for the SPRING Humanitarian Aid drop-off dates: Monday, April 27 – Friday, May 1. Fall Drop off dates: Monday, September 28 – Friday, October 2 . To help you, you can download the Packing Guide from the conference website ( This includes priority items, instructions for packing, the drop-off points listed above, and the specific hours the drop-off points will be open to collect these items. Please encourage your churches to support this United Methodist ministry of humanitarian aid for the children, women, and men of Armenia. If you need additional information contact Allan Van Meter Chair, Project AGAPE Board Pastor - Fair Grove UMC, Thomasville Church number - 336-475-2598 Golden Cross assists individuals in the Western North Carolina Conference with medical bills not covered by insurance. The ministry is dependent upon offerings from the local church to fulfill its assigned mission. The first Sunday in May is the traditional Sunday designated to invite members to give to this worthwhile ministry. Another Sunday may be chosen to better fit the church's schedule. Once collected, the funds are to be forwarded to the treasurer of the Annual Conference. All checks should be clearly marked for Golden Cross. If you have questions or for more information, please contact Dr. Telezee Foster, Metro District Director of Golden Cross (704-6612010) or WNCC Golden Cross Director, Rev. Tom Hunter at or 336368-4548. The Metro Messenger Volume 4, Issue 1 Page 5 2705 BALTIMORE AVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28203 704-371-7402 BETHLEHEMCENTER.ORG Please Join Us at Our 75th Anniversary Brunch. Bethlehem Center of Charlotte celebrates 75 years outstanding contributions from the United Methodist Women in the heritage, history and many accomplishments of our educational programs and outreach. Co-Hosted by the United Methodist Women and Bethlehem Center of Charlotte Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 ▪ 9:30-11:00 AM Providence United Methodist Church 2810 Providence Road Charlotte, NC 28211 To Register and Pay, Click Here Or visit: Registration deadline April 20th UPCOMING UM WOMEN SPONSORED EVENTS April 18 June 12-13 July 16-19 District Prayer Breakfast, University City UMC, 8:30 am (reservation deadline April 8th) Spiritual Growth Retreat, Lake Junaluska Mission U, Pfeiffer University Details at The Metro Messenger Volume 4, Issue 1 Page 6 You’re Invited…. Greater Vision United Methodist Church will host a Fish Fry in support of a member of their congregation, Tammi Easterling, who has ALS. Proceeds will benefit the ALS Walk in Charlotte on April 25, 2015. The Fish Fry will be held on April 11, 2015 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at Greater Vision United Methodist located at 11901 Eastfield Road, Huntersville, NC 28078. Please come out and join us in efforts. The fish is flounder and perch. Lynn Swedberg, author of the The Church and People with Disabilities, our UMW district mission study for this year, will be at Forest Hill UMC on April 14th at 7:00 pm. She will speak a few minutes but will mainly be available to answer questions about how the local church can address the needs of those members and others who have disabilities. Please give this message to those you feel would be interested in attending from your church. Lynn Swedberg is a United Methodist laywoman who serves as disability consultant for GBGM/UMCOR Health. Her passion is facilitating accessibility and inclusion in faith communities and camps. She is a lay speaker and writer. Lynn provides occupational therapy services through Outreach Therapy Consultants, her private practice. She helps her clients, primarily older adults at a rural hospital and transitional care unit, return home and live as independently and safely as possible. Plaza UMC, 5600 The Plaza, Charlotte extends an invitation to their 2015 Spring Revival, All things are Made New. Three power-packed evenings-April 15, 16, 17, 7pm nightly. Speakers: Rev. Alexis Anthony,-Greater Vision UMC, Huntersville; Rev. Tiffany Knowlin-College Place in Columbia, SC; Rev. Miller Carter-Simpson-Gillespie UMC, Charlotte. Job Opportunities Director of Children and Intergenerational Learning, Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, Cornelius, NC Epworth United Methodist Church in Concord, NC is currently seeking an Organist/ Accompanist for 11am Traditional Service; also seeking a Director of Music for 9am Contemporary Service (Jacob’s Well) and 11am Traditional Service (Late Service with Chancel Choir). St. Francis UMC, a warm and inviting mid-size church located in southeast Charlotte, seeks a Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries to lead its vibrant children’s and youth ministries. The position is full-time and offers an annual salary commensurate with experience. Weddington United Methodist Church is receiving applications for the position of Director of Music and Arts. Central UMC, Mooresville, NC is seeking a Full-Time Church Secretary. The Western North Carolina Conference of The United Methodist Church has an immediate opening for an Assistant to the Archivist. This position, along with the Archivist, reports to the Conference Secretary, and would be located at the Conference office on Shamrock Drive in Charlotte, NC Hood Theological Seminary (HTS) located in Salisbury, NC, invites applications for the position of Institutional Advancement Officer. Visit for details on each of the above listings. Page 7 The Metro Messenger Volume 4, Issue 1 Western NC Annual Conference June 17-21, 2015 - Lake Junaluska Clergy Session: Wednesday, June 17th 10:00 am - 5:30 pm Opening Worship: June 17th at 7:30 pm Conference will adjourn at Noon on Sunday. Stay tuned for more Annual Conference Information at WNCC Annual Conference Display Applications Now Being Received - Due April 16 Applications for display space at the 2015 Western North Carolina Annual Conference are being accepted from conference ministries/agencies, official United Methodist affiliated groups, and others that are related to the conference mission and vision. Displays facilitate the ability of conference members to connect with groups and learn more about resources that are available. Groups are encouraged to read the display guidelines prior to applying. Applications must be submitted to Michael Rich, the Web & Communications Manager for the Western North Carolina Conference no later than April 16, 2015. Display Space Application and Guidelines details. All WNC deacons and elders in full connection, provisional and associate members, and local pastors under appointment are expected to attend. Clergy who cannot participate should request an excused absence. Retired clergy and those on leave of absence will be excused if not present. Please send a request addressed to Bishop Larry M. Goodpaster and send it to Rev. Kim Ingram, Conference Secretary, at (preferred) or P. O. Box 18005, Charlotte, NC 28218. The Ministry of All Believers We are excited that Rev. Dr. David McAllister Wilson, president of Wesley Theological Seminary will be with us for three great events in April 2015. Tuesday evening’s event, April 21st, 6:30 pm, hosted by Williamson’s Chapel UMC in Mooresville is specifically geared towards laity. Childcare available at Williamson’s Chapel by contacting church office at 704-664-3680. Clergy are encouraged to participate in any or all. David is a dynamic speaker and has a lot to share. We know that you will be enriched by this experience. Registration for Pfeiffer morning sessions can be made at https:// If you have questions or if more information is needed, please contact Kathleen Kilbourne at (704) 945-7315 or . Volume , Issue Page 8 Mark Your Calendar April 2015 5 18 13-17 19 26 27-29 Easter Sunday District Prayer Breakfast, University City UMC, Charlotte (deadline April 8 registration) Cabinet Meeting Native American Sunday Observance Metro Dist. Laity Service Celebration, Blair Rd. UMC, 3 pm Cabinet Meeting MAY 2015 3 12 10-15 17-21 31 Projected Appointments shared with Congregations Metro District Moving Clergy Session, Location TBA, 10 am Local Pastor Licensing School, Lake Junaluska Local Pastor Licensing School, Lake Junaluska Peace with Justice Sunday JUNE 2015 17-21 28 30 Western NC Annual Conference, Lake Junaluska Moving pastors last Sunday in present appointment Clergy Moving Day JULY 2015 5 12 Transition Sunday for Moving Pastors First Sunday in Pulpit-new appointment Learn about other upcoming events/opportunities in the Western NC Conference at: Metro District Office of the Western NC Conference The Rev. Dr. Gary C. Royals, Metro District Superintendent Location: 3400 Shamrock Drive, Charlotte, NC 28215 (Metro District Office is located in the WNC Conference Center facility) Mailing Address: PO Box 5622, Charlotte, NC 28299 Phone: 704-525-3395 Fax: 704-525-4238 Rev. Stephanie Hand, Church Vitality Strategist, Metro and Uwharrie Districts ( 704-535-2260 Administrative Assistants: Ravonda Britt ( Clergy Relations DeEtta Rivens ( Church Relations
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