Produktzertifizierung für den Zutritt zum Weltmarkt
Produktzertifizierung für den Zutritt zum Weltmarkt
SEV Association for Electrical Engineering, Power and Information Technologies Produktzertifizierung für den Zutritt zum Weltmarkt Erweitern Sie Ihren Absatz mit den zum Teil zwingenden länderspezifischen Zulassungen basierend auf einer Geräteprüfung. Electrosuisse führt elektrische Sicherheitsprüfungen durch und hilft Ihnen, die für einen Zutritt zum Weltmarkt erforderlichen Zertifikate zu erlangen. • Kommen verbindlich vorgeschriebene oder freiwillige Qualitätsstandards zur Anwendung? • Welche Unterlagen sind für eine Sicherheitsbescheinigung erforderlich? • Benötige ich für die Zertifizierung meiner Waren einen Importeur? • Wie kann ich Haushaltsgeräte oder Verbraucherprodukte zertifizieren lassen? • Welche elektrischen Sicherheitsvorschriften und technischen Normen müssen berücksichtigt werden? • Warum weiten Sie Ihren Absatzmarkt nicht auch auf Länder ausserhalb der Europäischen Union aus? • Ist eine Energieeffizienz-Kennzeichnung oder sogar ein Hygienezertifikat notwendig? Heutzutage müssen Elektroprodukte alle technischen Anforderungen erfüllen, um weltweit erfolgreich exportiert werden zu können. Die Anforderungen für die Zulassung eines Produktes sind in jedem Land verschieden. Wir kennen die Zertifizierungsverfahren mit den benötigten Unterlagen und bearbeiten die Aufträge mit den Zertifizierungsbehörden. Wir führen die gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Prüfungen für elektrotechnische und elektronische Waren und Produkte durch. Lassen Sie uns mit den Geräteunterlagen feststellen, welche Landesvorschriften einzuhalten sind, damit Ihr Produkt zertifiziert werden kann. Für vorgeschriebene Konformitätszeichen ist eine Typenprüfung erforderlich. Für einige Länder ist ein Certificate of Conformity (CoC), ein Declaration of Conformity (DoC), eine Lieferabnahme (PSI) oder nur eine Registrierung erforderlich. Nutzen Sie unser PDF-Länder-Informationsblatt, um sich einen genaueren Überblick über die länder- und regionsspezifischen Erfordernisse zu verschaffen und um sich über internationale Vorschriften zu informieren. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Konformitätsanforderungen bereits in der Produktentwicklungsphase zu berücksichtigen um z.B. Zollprobleme zu vermeiden. Lokale Zertifizierungsinstitute gewähren die Zulassung schneller, wenn Electrosuisse als nationale Zertifizierungsstelle die Anmeldung ordnungsgemäss mit den erforderlichen Informationen und Unterlagen einreicht, wobei die Sicherheits- sowie die EMV-Prüfung unter dem Gesichtspunkt weltweiter Exporttauglichkeit durchgeführt werden. Steigern Sie Ihren Absatz und verkaufen Sie Ihre Waren in neuen Märkten wie China, Korea, Malaysia, Russland, Südamerika, den Golfstaaten usw. Stellen Sie uns die Zolltarifnnummern (HS-Codes) und genauere Informationen zum Produkt zur Verfügung, damit wir prüfen können, ob es zwingende Vorschriften (Normen) zu erfüllen gibt. Electrosuisse - internationale Zulassungen für den weltweiten Verkauf von Elektroprodukten • Sicherheitsprüfung gemäss den internationalen IEC-Normen und den europäischen EN-Normen • EMV-Prüfung (Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit) • Fertigungsstätten überwachen • ENEC-Zeichen (in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft anerkanntes Sicherheitszeichen) • IEC-CB-Zertifikate Einhaltung elektrischer Sicherheitsvorschriften - Wir führen die Prüfungen durch und stellen erforderliche Zertifikate aus. IECEE ist ein System zur Konformitätsprüfung und -zertifizierung elektrischer Geräte. Das IECEE-CB-Verfahren existiert schon seit mehr als 27 Jahren (Electrosuisse ist Gründungsmitglied) und ist das einzige Verfahren für die internationale Anerkennung der Sicherheit von Elektrogeräten zur Vereinfachung der Zertifikatsverleihung auf nationaler Ebene. Die Zertifikate werden von akkreditierten Zertifizierungsstellen wie Electrosuisse ausgestellt. Führt ein Land die Prüfung durch, soll es keine weitere Prüfung in einem anderen Mitgliedsstaat mehr geben. Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf i www.e Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 SEV Association for Electrical Engineering, Power and Information Technologies • 52 IECEE-Mitgliedsländer, 74 in der IEC-Kommission vertretene Länder • Schafft mehrfache, nationale Zertifizierungen ab • Berücksichtigt nationale Unterschiede • Reduzierte Prüf- und Zertifizierungskosten • Beschleunigte Prüfung und Zertifizierung Wie funktioniert das Zertifizierungsverfahren? • Der Hersteller wünscht eine weltweite Zertifizierung • Der Hersteller sendet das Elektroprodukt zur Prüfung an Electrosuisse • Das Labor von Electrosuisse prüft das Produkt auf Konformität mit den IEC-Normen • Electrosuisse (nationale Zertifizierungsstelle) stellt den CB-Prüfbericht und das CB-Prüfzertifikat aus. • Der Hersteller möchte nun das Produkt in einem anderen Land verkaufen. • Electrosuisse sendet das Zertifikat an ein Prüflabor im Zielland. • Die Zertifizierungsbehörde dieses Landes stellt ihr das Zertifikat aus, ohne das Gerät erneut prüfen zu müssen. • Die Behörde erkennt die von Electrosuisse bereits durchgeführte Prüfung und Beurteilung an. • Der Hersteller kann nun das nationale Konformitätszeichen dieses Landes auf dem Produkt anbringen und das Produkt in dieses Land exportieren. Ihr Vorteil bei einer Zertifizierung durch Electrosuisse Die Anforderungen des Weltmarktes sind sehr komplex, da sie normalerweise auf produktspezifischen Regelungen der einzelnen Länder basieren. • Sie haben nur eine einzige Anlaufstelle, da wir uns um die Anträge für Ihre Exportmärkte kümmern. • Lassen Sie sich frühzeitig einen Kostenvoranschlag geben, damit Sie Ihre Budgetplanungen danach ausrichten können. • Sie erhalten einen effizienteren Zugang zu mehreren Ländern, wenn wir nationale Abweichungen bereits im Rahmen der Basisprüfung berücksichtigen. • Soweit dies möglich ist, verwenden wir bereits vorhandene Produktprüfdaten. • Ersparen Sie Ihren Mitarbeitern den Stress, den eine Öffnung für neue Märkte mit sich bringt und profitieren Sie von unseren Kenntnissen aus früheren Zertifizierungsprojekten. • Profitieren Sie eventuell von einer gebündelten Werksinspektion. Sie vermeiden dadurch zeitraubende Inspektionen. Nutzen Sie unser Angebot, Ihnen einen erleichterten Zugang zum Weltmarkt zu verschaffen! Beginnen Sie jetzt mit der Planung für eine weltmarktbezogene Zertifizierung Folgende Checkliste kann Sie unterstützen. 1. Bestimmen Sie die Zielmärkte für den Ausbau Ihrer Exporttätigkeiten Legen Sie sich eine nach Prioritäten gegliederte Liste über künftige Absatzmärkte an, die festlegt, in welches Land Sie zuerst exportieren möchten. Definieren Sie, welche Produkte sich pro Land am besten verkaufen lassen. 2. Bestimmungen der zwingenden Anforderungen Obligatorische Sicherheitszeichen, EMV, Energiesparkennzeichnung, weitere Kennzeichnungsanforderungen, Warenzeichenanmeldung, Importeur … Für die Zuteilung sind eine klare Produktbeschreibung, die Zolltarifnummer (Harmonisierte SystemCodes) sowie der entsprechende IEC-Norm hilfreich. Bezüglich der Zertifizierungsanforderungen können wir Sie unterstützen. Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf i www.e Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 SEV Association for Electrical Engineering, Power and Information Technologies 3. Gap-Analyse Was müssen Sie ausserdem noch tun, um die Exportverkäufe in einem neuen Land zu steigern? Kontrollieren Sie, welche Prüfungen oder sogar Zertifizierungen bereits durchgeführt wurden. Verfügbarkeit von Prüfberichte, (CB-)Prüfzertifikate, Zertifikate der kritischen Bauteile, Werküberwachungsberichte, Gebrauchsanweisungen in anderen Sprachen? Wurden die nationalen Abweichungen schon geprüft? 4. Kostenanalyse Die Kosten können von Land zu Land stark variieren. Sie sind daher für jedes Land und Produkt gesondert festzulegen. Bestimmen Sie den Preis für die Prüfung und Zertifizierung, eventuelle Konstruktionsanpassungen zur Erreichung der Konformität, sonstige (versteckte) Kosten wie z. B. Kosten für Gebrauchsanweisungen in zusätzlichen Sprachversionen, Logistik, Vertriebsnetz (Reisekosten), Handelsmarkenregistrierung, Prüfen der Kommunikationsform (Zeitunterschied). Folgekosten wie z. B. Lizenzen 5. Sonstige Überlegungen • Sprache und kulturelle Barrieren • Imitationsgefahr • Gibt es Konstruktionsänderungen? Einzelne risikobehaftete Bauteilerhältlichkeit kann sich auswirken. Eine neue Produktversion kann zusätzliche Prüfungen und Zertifizierungen erforderlich machen. • Realistische Marketing-Zeitplanung • Herstellungskapazität • Versionshandling (Logistik) 6. Entscheidung Anmeldeverfahren in Gang setzen Für die folgenden Länder sind detailierte Angaben pro Land im Shop erhältlich Sehen Sie das Muster der Europäischen Union. Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf i www.e Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 EU European Union Certification of household equipment European Union Electrical Safety Mandatory No certification req. Europe Certification not required, but ENEC mark or national marks recommended for marketing. EC Self-Declaration of Conformity and CE marking required. Europäische Union German Union Européenne French Certificate name ENEC certificate Certificate validity 3 years or DOW of certified standard Certification Electrosuisse can issue voluntary ENEC conformity mark process Basic approval Conformity with harmonised standards under EC-directives LVD, EMC Safety standard Yes, harmonised standards under 2006/95/EC (LVD) conformity National standard EU-Country specific (EN deviations) General Country Facts Test report IEC with EN deviations requirements Capital Brussels Continent Europe Population 512'000'000 Compulsory mark Area km2 10'360'000 Currency, VAT % CE Mark EUR Euro Phone, time zone various Language Voluntary conformity mark NCB ENEC mark various No specific one NCB name Electrosuisse and many other accredited institutions NCB URL Handling charge: 0 EUR Estimated cost 700 EUR and lead time With all documents about 1 month (testing excluded) Standard Inst. Cenelec Electromagnetic Compatibility Standard Inst. name EMC certification Yes, CE self declaration with harmonised standards under EMC requirements directive 2004/108/EC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Standard Inst. URL Estimated cost and 1000 EUR, 2 months lead time Organisat. Member EEPCA Member n/a Voluntary mark of CCA-EMC mark conformity IEC Member n/a IECEE Member n/a RoHS & WEEE RoHS& WEEE 2002/95/EC (RoHS), 2002/96/EC (WEEE), WEEE registration: requirements Producers must register in every individual EU country. HS Code Member Yes WTO Member, since Yes 01.01.1995 WIPO Member No Estimated cost and 300- 700 EUR, 2 months lead time signed Madrid protocol: Yes FTA status with CH FTA since 1973 C Registration WEEE mark & mark F G Z Plugs used Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency ErP Directive 2009/125/EC for standby and off mode electric regulations power consumption, mandatory energy efficiency labelling requested for certain products Plug description Europlug CEE 7/16 2-Pin 2.5A Schuko CEE 7 3-Pin 16A British 13Amp BS 1363 3-P 13A fused Standards plug EN 50075, VDE 0620-1, CEI 23-50 IEC 60884-1, SS VII-CEE 7 BS 1363 Hygiene Hygiene NSF accepted for products which are in contact with food certifications Estimated cost and 7000 USD, 3 months lead time Mark of NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) mark conformity Standard for plug EU-Country specific Food contact regul. 1935/2004/EC FCM materials Plastic, glass, ceramic, rubber, silicon, coatings, ... Max. current for EU-Country specific connector inst. Others Household voltage 230/ 400V~ 50Hz Manual/ displ lang various languages -> country Sample required Case by case decisison Name plate req. No special requirements, CE and WEEE mark Power grid type and voltage Name plate rating 220-240V~ 50/60Hz Name plate lang. English 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Powercord req. CE-mark on plug and cable Special req. WEEE registration: Producers must register in every individual EU country. Without registration a product can not be placed on the EU market! ErP Standby power consumption Business voltage Factory According CIG organized by Electrosuisse inspection req. Insp. frequency 1 per year Insp. charge (1x): 1000 EUR Power grid type and voltage Local repr. req. Not required Export documents CE marking and EC Declaration of Conformity 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed PSI req. / Agency Not required Commercial use Yes, CE marking and EC Declaration of Conformity certification req. Machinery regul. Yes, Directive 2006/42/EC Packaging req. Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 Licensed for electronic use IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 EU Text Eur 1 op European Union Åland Islands General Country Facts General Country Facts Europäische Union German Aland Inseln German Union Européenne French Isles D'Åland French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Brussels Europe 512'000'000 10'360'000 various EUR Euro various Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Mariehamn Europe 30'000 +35818 EUR Euro Swedish General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Albania Andorra General Country Facts General Country Facts Albanien German Andorra German Albanie French Andorre French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Tirane Europe 3'129'678 28'748 +355 ALL Lek Albanian (Tosk is the official dialect), Greek General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Andorra la Vella Europe 67'151 468 +376 EUR Euro Catalán (official), French, Castilian, Portuguese General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Austria Belarus General Country Facts General Country Facts Österreich German Weissrussland German Autriche French Bélarus French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Vienna Europe 8'189'444 83'858 +43 EUR Euro (formerly Schilling) German (official nationwide); Slovene, Croatian, Hungarian (each official in one region) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Minsk Europe 9'755'106 207'600 +375 BYR Belorussian ruble Belorussian (White Russian), Russian, others General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina General Country Facts General Country Facts Belgien German Bosnien-Herzegowina German Belgique French Bosnie-Herzégovine French Brussels Europe 10'419'050 30'528 +32 EUR Euro (formerly Belgian franc) Dutch (Flemish) 60%, French 40%, German less than 1% (all official) Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Sarajevo Europe 3'907'074 51'197 +387 BAM Marka Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian (all official) General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Bulgaria Croatia General Country Facts General Country Facts Bulgarien German Kroatien German Bulgarie French Croatie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Sofia Europe 7'725'965 110'912 +359 BGN Lev Bulgarian 85%, Turkish 10%, Roma 4% General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Zagreb Europe 4'551'338 56'538 +385 HRK Kuna Croatian 96% (official), other 4% (including Italian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, German) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Czech Republic Denmark General Country Facts General Country Facts Tschechische Republik German Dänemark German Tchèque, Républic French Danemark French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Prague Europe 10'219'600 78'866 +420 CZK Koruna Czech General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Copenhagen Europe 5'471'590 43'094 +45 DKK Krone Danish, Faroese, Greenlandic (Inuit dialect), German; English is the predominant second language General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Estonia Faroe Islands General Country Facts General Country Facts Estland German Färöer Inseln German Estonie French Féroé, Îles French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Tallinn Europe 1'329'697 45'100 +372 EUR Euro after 1.1.2011 from EEK Estonian 67% (official), Russian 30%, other (2000) General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Tórshavn Europe 47'017 1'399 +298 DKK Krone Faroese (derived from Old Norse), Danish General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Finland France General Country Facts General Country Facts Finnland German Frankreich German Finlande French France French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Helsinki Europe 5'327'490 338'145 +358 EUR Euro (formerly markka) Finnish 92%, Swedish 6% (both official); small Sami(Lapp) and Russian-speaking minorities General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Paris Europe 60'495'540 551'500 +33 EUR Euro (formerly French franc) French 100%, rapidly declining regional dialects (Provençal, Breton, Alsatian, Corsican, Catalan, Basque, General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Georgia Germany General Country Facts General Country Facts Georgien German Deutschland German Géorgie French Allemagne French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Tbilisi Europe 4'474'404 69'700 +995 GEL Lari Georgian 71% (official), Russian 9%, Armenian 7%, Azerbaijani 6%, other 7% (Abkhaz is the official language General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Berlin Europe 82'689'210 357'022 +49 EUR Euro (formerly Deutsche Mark) German General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Greece Guernsey General Country Facts General Country Facts Griechenland German Guernsey German Grèce French Guernesey French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Athens Europe 11'119'890 131'957 +30 EUR Euro (formerly drachma) Greek 99% (official), English, French General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? St. Peter Port Europe +44 GGP Guernsey-Pound English, French, Norman-French dialect spoken in country districts General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Holy See (Vatican City State) Hungary General Country Facts General Country Facts Vatikan German Ungarn German Cité du Vatican French Hongrie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Vatican City Europe 821 0.44 +3906 EUR Euro Italian, Latin, French, various other languages General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Budapest Europe 10'097'730 93'032 +36 HUF Forint Magyar (Hungarian) 94%, other 6% General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Iceland Ireland General Country Facts General Country Facts Island German Irland German Islande French Irlande French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Reykjavik Europe 309'672 103'000 +354 ISK Icelandic króna Icelandic, English, Nordic languages, German widely spoken General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Dublin Europe 4'147'901 70'273 +353 EUR Euro (formerly Irish pound [punt]) English, Irish (Gaelic) (both official) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Isle of Man Italy General Country Facts General Country Facts Isle of man German Italien German Île De Man French Italie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Douglas Europe 76'538 572 +44 IMP Isle-of-Man-Pound English, Manx General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Rome Europe 58'092'740 301'318 +39 EUR Euro (formerly lira) Italian (official); German-, French-, and Slovene-speaking minorities General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Jersey Latvia General Country Facts General Country Facts Jersey German Lettland German Jersey French Lettonie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Saint Helier Europe +44 JEP Jersey-Pound English 94.5% (official), Portuguese 4.6% General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Riga Europe 2'306'988 64'600 +371 LVL Lats Latvian 58% (official), Russian 38%, Lithuanian, other (2000) General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Liechtenstein Lithuania General Country Facts General Country Facts Liechtenstein German Litauen German Liechtenstein French Lituanie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Vaduz Europe 34'521 160 +423 CHF Swiss franc German (official), Alemannic dialect Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Vilnius Europe 3'369'600 65'300 +370 LTL Litas Lithuanian 82% (official), Russian 8%, Polish 6% (2001) General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Luxembourg Macedonia General Country Facts General Country Facts Luxemburg German Mazedonien German Luxembourg French Macédoine French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Luxembourg Europe 464'904 2'586 +352 EUR Euro (formerly Luxembourg franc) Luxermbourgish (national) French, German (both administrative) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Skopje Europe 2'063'122 25.333 +389 MKD Macedonia Denar Macedonian 67%, Albanian 25% (both official); Turkish 4%, Roma 2%, Serbian 1% (2002) General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Malta Moldova General Country Facts General Country Facts Malta German Moldavien German Malte French Moldova French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Valletta Europe 401'880 316 +960 EUR Euro Maltese and English (both official) Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 240/ 415V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 240/ 415 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Chisinau Europe 4'128'047 33'844 +373 MDL Leu Moldovan (official; virtually the same as Romanian), Russian, Gagauz (a Turkish dialect) General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 127/ 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Monaco Montenegro General Country Facts General Country Facts Monaco German Montenegro German Monaco French Monténégro French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Monaco Europe 32'671 1.95 +377 EUR Euro French (official), English, Italian, Monégasque General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Podgorica Europe 630'548 14'026 +382 EUR Euro Serbian/Montenegrin (Ijekavian dialect official) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Netherlands Norway General Country Facts General Country Facts Niederlande German Norwegen German Pays-Bas French Norvège French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Amsterdam Europe 16'423'431 41'528 +31 EUR Euro (formerly guilder) Dutch, Frisian (both official) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Oslo Europe 4'751'236 385'155 +47 NOK Norwegian Krone Bokmål Norwegian, Nynorsk Norwegian (both official); small Sami- and Finnish-speaking minorities General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Poland Portugal General Country Facts General Country Facts Polen German Portugal German Pologne French Portugal French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Warsaw Europe 38'529'560 312'685 +48 PLN Zloty Polish 98% (2002) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Lisbon Europe 10'494'500 91'982 +351 EUR Euro (formerly escudo) Portuguese (official), Mirandese (official, but locally used) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Romania Russia General Country Facts General Country Facts Rumänien German Russland German Roumanie French Russie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Bucharest Europe 21'711'470 238'391 +40 RON Leu Romanian (official), Hungarian, German General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Moscow Europe 143'201'600 17'098'242 +7 RUB Ruble Russian, others General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval San Marino Serbia General Country Facts General Country Facts San Marino German Serbien German Saint-Marin French Serbie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? San Marino Europe 28'117 61 +378 EUR Euro Italian General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Belgrade Europe 7'800'000 77'474 +381 RSD Serbian Dinar Serbian (official); Romanian, Hungarian, Slovak, and Croatian (all official in Vojvodina); Albanian (official in General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Slovakia Slovenia General Country Facts General Country Facts Slowakei German Slowenien German Slovaquie French Slovénie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Bratislava Europe 5'400'908 49'033 +421 EUR Euro Slovak 84% (official), Hungarian 11%, Roma 2%, Ukrainian 1% (2001) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Ljubljana Europe 2'066'814 20'256 +386 EUR Euro Slovenian 91%, Serbo-Croatian 5% (2002) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Spain Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands General Country Facts General Country Facts Spanien German Svalbard und Jan Mayen Inseln German Espagne French Svalbard et Île Jan Mayen French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Madrid Europe 45'200'737 506'030 +34 EUR Euro Castilian Spanish 74% (official nationwide); Catalan 17%, Galician 7%, Basque 2% (each official regionally) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Longyearbyen Europe ? NOK Norwegian Krone Norwegian, Russian General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Sweden Switzerland General Country Facts General Country Facts Schweden German Schweiz German Suède French Suisse French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Stockholm Europe 9'041'262 449'964 +46 SEK Krona Swedish, small Sami- and Finnish-speaking minorities General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Bern Europe 7'252'331 41'284 +41 CHF Swiss franc German 64%, French 20%, Italian 7% (all official); Rhaeto-Romanic 0.5% (national) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Ukraine United Kingdom General Country Facts General Country Facts Ukraine German Grossbritannien (UK) German Ukraine French Grande-Bretagne French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Kiev Europe 46'480'700 603'700 +380 UAH Hryvna Ukrainian 67%, Russian 24%, Romanian, Polish, Hungarian General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? London Europe 60'776'238 242'900 +44 GBP Pound Sterling (£) English, Welsh, Scots Gaelic General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Australia Fiji General Country Facts General Country Facts Australien German Fidschi German Australie French Iles Fidji French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Canberra Oceania 21'050'000 7'682'300 +61 AUD Australian Dollar English 79%, native and other languages General 240/ 415V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 240/ 415 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Suva Oceania 847'706 18'274 +679 FJD Fiji dollar English (official), Fijian, Hindustani General 240/ 415V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 240/ 415 2 Ph, 3 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 240/ 415 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval French Polynesia New Caledonia General Country Facts General Country Facts Französisch Polynesien German Neukaledonien German Polynésie Française French Nouvelle-Calédonie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Papeete Oceania 256'603 4'000 +689 XPF CFP-Franc French General 110/ 220V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 110/ 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Nouméa Oceania 236'838 18'575 +687 XPF CFP-Franc French (official), 33 Melanesian-Polynesian dialects General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 New Zealand Papua New Guinea General Country Facts General Country Facts Neuseeland German Papua Neuguinea German Nouvelle-Zélande French Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Wellington Oceania 4'028'384 270'534 +64 NZD New Zealand Dollar English, Maori (both official) Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Port Moresby Oceania 5'887'138 462'840 +675 PGK Kina Tok Pisin (Melanesian Pidgin, the lingua franca), Hiri Motu (in Papua region), English 1%–2%; 715 indigenous General 240V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Wallis and Futuna Armenia General Country Facts General Country Facts Wallis et Futuna German Armenien German Wallis et Futuna French Arménie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Mata-Utu Oceania 15'480 200 +681 XPF CFP-Franc Wallisian 58.9% (indigenous Polynesian language), Futunian 30.1%, French 10.8% General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? Yerevan Asia 3'016'312 29'800 +374 AMD Dram Armenian 98%, Yezidi, Russian 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Azerbaijan Bangladesh General Country Facts General Country Facts Aserbaidschan German Bangladesh German Azerbaïdjan French Bangladesh French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Baku Asia 8'410'801 86'600 +994 AZN Manat Azerbaijani Turkic 89%, Russian 3%, Armenian 2%, other 6% General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Dhaka Asia 150'448'339 143'998 +880 BDT Taka Bangla (official), English General 220/ 410V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 410 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Bhutan Cambodia General Country Facts General Country Facts Bhutan German Kambodscha German Bhoutan French Cambodge French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Thimphu Asia 2'162'546 47'000 +975 BTN Ngultrum Dzongkha (official), Tibetan dialects (among Bhotes), Nepalese dialects (among Nepalese) General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Phnom Penh Asia 14'071'010 181'035 +855 KHR Riel Khmer 95% (official), French, English General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 China Hong Kong General Country Facts General Country Facts China German Hong Kong German Chine French Hong-Kong French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Beijing Asia 1'323'324'000 9'596'961 +86 CNY Yuan/Renminbi Standard Chinese (Mandarin/Putonghua), Yue (Cantonese), Wu (Shanghaiese), Minbei (Fuzhou), General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Hong Kong (City) Asia 7'040'885 1'099 +852 HKD Hong-Kong Dollar Chinese (Cantonese) 89.2% (official), other Chinese dialects 6.4%, English 3.2% (official), other 1.2% General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220/ 380 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval India Indonesia General Country Facts General Country Facts Indien German Indonesien German Inde French Indonésie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? New Delhi Asia 1'103'371'000 3'287'263 +91 INR Indian Rupee Hindi 30%, English, Bengali, Gujarati, Kashmiri, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Jakarta Asia 222'781'500 1'904'569 +62 IDR Rupiah Bahasa Indonesia (official), English, Dutch, Javanese, and more than 580 other languages and dialects General 127/ 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 127/ 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Japan Kazakhstan General Country Facts General Country Facts Japan German Kasachstan German Japon French Kazakhstan French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Tokyo Asia 128'084'700 377'873 +81 JPY Yen Japanese Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 100/ 200V~ 50/60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Astana Asia 14'825'110 2'724'900 +7 KZT Tenge Kazak (Qazaq, state language) 64%; Russian (official, used in everyday business) 95% (2001 est.) General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 100/ 200 3 Ph, 4 wire open delta connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Kyrgyzstan Macao (or Macau) General Country Facts General Country Facts Kirgisistan German Macao German Kirghizistan French Macao French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Bishkek Asia 5'263'794 199'900 +996 KGS Som Kyrgyz, Russian (both official) General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 127/ 220 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Macao (City) Asia 520'400 29.2 +853 MOP Macanese pataca Chinese, Portuguese General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Malaysia Maldives General Country Facts General Country Facts Malaysia German Malediven German Malaisie French Maldives French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Kuala Lumpur Asia 27'250'370 329'847 +60 MYR Ringgit Bahasa Melayu (Malay, official), English, Chinese dialects, Tamil, Panjabi General 240/ 415V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 240/ 415 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Male Asia 329'198 298 +960 MVR Rufiya Maldivian Dhivehi (official); English spoken by most government officials General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Nepal North Korea General Country Facts General Country Facts Nepal German Nord Korea Népal French Corée, République populaire démocratique French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Kathmandu Asia 27'132'630 147'181 +977 NPR Nepalese rupee Nepali 48% (official), Maithali 12%, Bhojpuri 7%, Tharu 6%, Tamang 5%, others. English spoken in government General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? German Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Pyongyang Asia 23'790'000 120'538 +850 KPW Won Korean General 220V~ 50/60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Philippines Singapore General Country Facts General Country Facts Philippinen German Singapur German Philippines French Singapour French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Manila Asia 83'054'480 300'000 +63 PHP Peso Filipino (based on Tagalog), English (both official); eight major dialects General 220 (110) V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 (110) 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Singapore Asia 4'588'600 707.1 +65 SGD Singapore Dollar Mandarin 35%, English 23%, Malay 14.1%, Hokkien 11.4%, Cantonese 5.7%, Teochew 4.9%, Tamil 3.2% General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 125/ 216 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval South Korea Sri Lanka General Country Facts General Country Facts Süd Korea German Sri Lanka German Corée, République French Sri Lanka French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Seoul Asia 49'044'790 99'538 +82 KRW Won Korean, English widely taught General 220/ 380V~ 60 (50)Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 110 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Colombo Asia 20'742'910 65'610 +94 LKR Sri Lanka rupee Sinhala 74% (official and national), Tamil 18% (national), other 8%; English is commonly used by about 10% General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Taiwan Tajikistan General Country Facts General Country Facts Taiwan German Tadschikistan German Taiwan French Tadjikistan French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Taipei Asia 22'894'384 35'980 +886 TWD Taiwan Dollar Chinese (Mandarin, official), Taiwanese (Min), Hakka dialects General 110V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 110 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Dushanbe Asia 6'506'980 143'100 +992 TJS Somoni Tajik (official), Russian widely used in government and business General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 110/ 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 127/ 220 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Thailand Uzbekistan General Country Facts General Country Facts Thailand German Usbekistan German Thaïlande French Ouzbékistan French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Bangkok Asia 64'232'760 513'115 +66 THB Baht Thai (Siamese), English (secondary language of the elite), ethnic and regional dialects General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Tashkent Asia 26'593'120 447'400 +998 UZS Uzbekistani sum Uzbek 74.3%, Russian 14.2%, Tajik 4.4%, other 7.1% General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Vietnam Antigua and Barbuda General Country Facts General Country Facts Vietnam German Antigua und Barbuda German Vietnam French Antigua-et-Barbuda French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Hanoi Asia 84'238'230 331'689 +84 VND Dong Vietnamese (official); English (increasingly favored as a second language); some French, Chinese, Khmer General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Saint John's North America 81'479 442 +1268 XCD East Caribbean Dollar English (official), local dialects General 230V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency 127 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed 120 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Bahamas Barbados General Country Facts General Country Facts Bahamas German Barbados German Bahamas French Barbade French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Nassau North America 323'063 13'878 +1242 BSD Bahamian Dollar English (official), Creole (among Haitian immigrants) General 120/ 240V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 120/ 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Bridgetown North America 269'556 430 +1246 BBD Barbados Dollar English General 115/ 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 115/ 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed 115 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Belize Canada General Country Facts General Country Facts Belize German Kanada German Belize French Canada French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Belmopan North America 294'835 22'966 +51 BZD Belize Dollar English (official), Spanish, Mayan, Garifuna (Carib), Creole General 110/ 220V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 110/ 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Ottawa North America 33'390'141 9'970'610 +1NXX CAD Canadian Dollar English 59.3%, French 23.2% (both official); other 17.5% General 120/ 208V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency 220/ 440 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 120/ 208 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 277/480 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Costa Rica Cuba General Country Facts General Country Facts Costa Rica German Kuba German Costa Rica French Cuba French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? San Jose North America 4'327'228 51'100 +56 CRC Colón Spanish (official), English General 120V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 120 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Havana North America 11'269'400 110'861 +53 CUP Cuban Peso Spanish General 110V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 110 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Dominica El Salvador General Country Facts General Country Facts Dominika German El Salvador German Dominique French El Salvador French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Roseau North America +1767 XCD East Caribbean Dollar English (official) and French patois General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? San Salvador North America 6'880'951 21'041 +53 SVC Colón & US Dollar Spanish, Nahua (among some Amerindians) General 120/ 240V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 120/ 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Grenada Guadeloupe General Country Facts General Country Facts Grenada German Guadeloupe German Grenade French Guadeloupe French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Saint George's North America 102'924 344 +1473 XCD East Caribbean Dollar English (official), French patois General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Basse-Terre North America 405'000 1'628 +590 EUR Euro French General 220V~ 50 (60)Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Guatemala Honduras General Country Facts General Country Facts Guatemala German Honduras German Guatemala French Honduras French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Guatemala City North America 12'599'060 108'889 +52 GTQ Quetzal Spanish 60%, Amerindian languages 40% (23 officially recognized Amerindian languages) General 110/ 220V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Tegucigalpa North America 7'204'723 112'492 +54 HNL Lempira Spanish (official), Amerindian dialects; English widely spoken in business General 110V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency 110/ 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 110 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Jamaica Martinique General Country Facts General Country Facts Jamaika German Martinique German Jamaïque French Martinique French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Kingston North America 2'650'713 10'991 +1876 JMD Jamaican Dollar English, Jamaican Creole General 110/ 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 110/ 220 3 Ph, 4 wire delta connect., phase center earthed 110/ 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Fort-de-France North America 395'932 1'102 +596 EUR Euro French General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Mexico Nicaragua General Country Facts General Country Facts Mexiko German Nicaragua German Mexique French Nicaragua French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Mexico City North America 107'029'400 1'958'201 +52 MXN Mexican peso Spanish, various Mayan, Nahuatl, and other regional indigenous languages General 127/ 220V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 127/ 220 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Managua North America 5'486'685 130'000 +55 NIO Gold cordoba Spanish 98% (official); English and indigenous languages on Atlantic coast (1995) General 120/ 240V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency 120 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, not earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 120/ 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed 120/ 240 3 Ph, 4 wire delta connect., phase center earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Puerto Rico Saint Kitts and Nevis General Country Facts General Country Facts Puerto Rico German St. Kitts Nevis Anguilla German Porto Rico French Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? San Juan North America 3'954'584 8'875 +1939 USD US Dollar Spanisch, Englisch General 120/ 240V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 120/ 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Basseterre North America 42'696 261 +1869 XCD East Caribbean Dollar English General 230V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Saint Pierre and Miquelon United States General Country Facts General Country Facts St. Pierre und Miquelon German Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika German Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon French Etats-Unis d'Amérique French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Saint-Pierre North America Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? +508 EUR Euro French (official) General 115V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Washington D.C. North America 301'140'000 9'629'091 +1 USD Dollar English 82%, Spanish 11% (2000) General 120/ 240V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency 115 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 120/ 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Argentina Bolivia General Country Facts General Country Facts Argentinien German Bolivien German Argentine French Bolivie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Buenos Aires South America 38'747'150 2'780'400 +54 ARS Peso Spanish (official), English, Italian, German, French General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Sucre South America 9'182'015 1'098'581 +591 BOB Boliviano Spanish, Quechua, Aymara (all official) General 230/ 400V~ 50 (60)Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Brazil Chile General Country Facts General Country Facts Brasilien German Chile German Brésil French Chili French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Brasilia South America 186'404'900 8'514'877 +55 BRL Real Brazilian-Portuguese (official), Spanish, English, French General 127/ 220V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 127/ 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Santiago South America 16'295'100 756'096 +56 CLP Chilean Peso Spanish General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 110/ 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Colombia Dominican Republic General Country Facts General Country Facts Kolumbien German Dominikanische Republik German Colombie French République dominicaine French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Bogota South America 45'600'240 1'138'914 +57 COP Colombian Peso Spanish General 110V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 110 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Santo Domingo South America 9'365'818 48'671 +1809 DOP Dominican Peso Spanish General 110V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency 110/ 220 3 Ph, 4 wire delta connect., phase center earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 110 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Ecuador French Guiana General Country Facts General Country Facts Ecuador German Französisch Guayana German Equateur French Guyane French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Quito South America 13'542'420 283'561 +593 USD US Dollar Spanish (official), Quechua, other Amerindian languages General 120/ 127V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Cayenne South America 187'056 90'000 +594 EUR Euro French General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 120/ 127 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Guyana Panama General Country Facts General Country Facts Guyana German Panama German Guyana French Panama French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Georgetown South America 751'218 214'969 +592 GYD Guyanese Dollar English (official), Amerindian dialects, Creole, Hindi, Urdu General 110V~ 50/60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 110 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Panama City South America 3'231'502 75'517 +57 PAB Balboa & US Dollar Spanish (official), English 14%, many bilingual General 120/ 240V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 120/ 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Paraguay Peru General Country Facts General Country Facts Paraguay German Peru German Paraguay French Pérou French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Asuncion South America 6'158'259 406'752 +595 PYG Guaraní Spanish, Guaraní (both official) General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Lima South America 27'968'240 1'285'216 +51 PEN Nuevo sol Spanish, Quéchua (both official); Aymara; many minor Amazonian languages General 220/ 380V~ 50/60Hz household voltage and frequency 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 3 wire star connection, not earthed 110 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, not earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Saint Barthélemy Saint Lucia General Country Facts General Country Facts Saint Barthélemy German Saint Lucia German Saint Barthélemy French Sainte-Lucie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Gustavia South America 6'852 21 +590 EUR Euro French General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 240V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? Castries South America 160'765 539 +1758 XCD East Caribbean Dollar English (official), French patois 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Saint Vincent and The Grenadines Suriname General Country Facts General Country Facts St. Vincent und die Grenadinen German Surinam German Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines French Suriname French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Kingstown South America 119'051 388 +1784 XCD East Caribbean Dollar English, French patois Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Paramaribo South America 449'238 163'820 +597 SRD Surinamese Dollar Dutch (official), Surinamese (lingua franca), English widely spoken, Hindustani, Javanese General 115V~ 50/60Hz household voltage and frequency 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 115 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed 127 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Trinidad and Tobago Uruguay General Country Facts General Country Facts Trinidad Tobago German Uruguay German Trinité-et-Tobago French Uruguay French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Port-of-Spain South America 1'305'236 5'130 +1868 TTD Trinidad and Tobago Dollar English (official), Hindi, French, Spanish, Chinese General 115/ 230V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 115/ 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Montevideo South America 3'463'197 175'016 +598 UYU Uruguay peso Spanish, Portunol, or Brazilero General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 3 Ph, 3 wire star connection, not earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Venezuela Afghanistan General Country Facts General Country Facts Venezuela German Afghanistan German Venezuela French Afghanistan French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Caracas South America 26'749'110 912'050 +58 VEB Bolivar Fuerte Spanish (official), numerous indigenous dialects General 120V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Kabul Middle East 29'863'010 652'090 +93 AFN Afghani Dari Persian, Pashtu (both official), other Turkic and minor languages General 220/ 380V~ 50 (60)Hz household voltage and frequency 120 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Bahrain Cyprus General Country Facts General Country Facts Bahrain German Zypern German Bahreïn French Chypre French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Manama Middle East 1'046'814 720 +973 BHD Bahrain dinar Arabic, English, Farsi, Urdu General 240/ 415V~ 50(60)Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 240/ 415 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Nicosia Middle East 835'307 9'251 +357 EUR Euro Greek, Turkish (both official); English General 240/ 415V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 240/ 415 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Egypt Iran General Country Facts General Country Facts Ägypten German Iran German Egypte French Iran French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Cairo Middle East 74'032'880 1'001'449 +20 EGP Egyptian pound Arabic (official), English and French widely understood by educated classes General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Tehran Middle East 69'515'210 1'648'195 +98 IRR Rial Persian and Persian dialects 58%, Turkic and Turkic dialects 26%, Kurdish 9%, Luri 2%, Balochi 1%, Arabic General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Iraq Israel General Country Facts General Country Facts Irak German Israel German Iraq French Israël French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Baghdad Middle East 28'807'190 438'317 +964 IQD Iraqi Dinar Arabic (official), Kurdish (official in Kurdish regions), Assyrian, Armenian General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Jerusalem Middle East 7'180'000 22'072 +972 Shekel ILS Hebrew (official), Arabic, English General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Jordan Kuwait General Country Facts General Country Facts Jordanien German Kuwait German Jordanie French Koweït French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Amman Middle East 5'702'776 89'342 +962 JOD Jordanian dinar Arabic (official), English Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Kuwait City Middle East 2'686'873 17'818 +965 KWD Kuwaiti Dinar Arabic (official), English General 240V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230/ 400 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Lebanon Oman General Country Facts General Country Facts Libanon German Oman German Liban French Oman French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Beirut Middle East 3'576'818 10'400 +961 LBP Lebanese pound Arabic (official), French, English, Armenian General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 110/ 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Muscat Middle East 2'577'000 309'500 +968 OMR Omani rial Arabic (official), English, Baluchi, Urdu, Indian dialects General 240V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Pakistan Palestinian Territory General Country Facts General Country Facts Pakistan German Palästina German Pakistan French Palestine French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Islamabad Middle East 157'935'100 796'095 +92 PKR Pakistan rupee Urdu 8%, English (both official); Punjabi 48%, Sindhi 12%, Siraiki (a Punjabi variant) 10%, Pashtu 8%, Balochi General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Ramallah Middle East 4'018'332 6'020 +970 ? New Israeli shekels, Jordanian Dinars, US Dollar Arabic, Hebrew, English General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Qatar Saudi Arabia General Country Facts General Country Facts Qatar German Saudi Arabien German Qatar French Arabie saoudite French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Doha Middle East 812'842 11'000 +974 QAR Qatari riyal Arabic (official); English a common second language General 240/ 415V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 240/ 415 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Riyadh Middle East 24'573'100 2'149'690 +966 SAR Riyal Arabic General 220V~ 60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Syrian Arab Republic Turkey General Country Facts General Country Facts Syrien German Türkei German Syrie French Turquie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Damascus Middle East 19'043'380 185'180 +963 SYP Syrian pound Arabic (official); Kurdish, Armenian, Aramaic, Circassian widely understood; French, English somewhat General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Ankara Middle East 70'586'256 783'562 +90 TRY Turkish lira (YTL) Turkish (official), Kurdish, Dimli, Azeri, Kabardian General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 115 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval United Arab Emirates Yemen General Country Facts General Country Facts Vereinigte Arabische Emirate German Jemen German Emirats arabes unis French Yémen French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Abu Dhabi Middle East 4'495'823 83'600 +971 AED U.A.E. Dirham Arabic (official), Persian, English, Hindi, Urdu General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Sanaa Middle East 20'974'660 527'968 +967 YER Yemeni Rial Arabic General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Algeria Angola General Country Facts General Country Facts Algerien German Angola German Algérie French Angola French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Algiers Africa 32'853'800 2'381'741 +213 DZD Dinar Arabic (official), French, Berber dialects Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 127/ 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 127/ 220 2 Ph, 3 wire star connection, earthed Luanda Africa 15'941'390 1'246'700 +244 AOA New Kwanza Portuguese (official), Bantu and other African languages General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Benin Botswana General Country Facts General Country Facts Benin German Botswana German Bénin French Botswana French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Porto-Novo Africa 8'438'853 112'622 +229 XOF CFA Franc French (official), Fon, Yoruba, tribal languages General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Gaborone Africa 1'764'926 581'730 +267 BWP Pula English 2% (official), Setswana 78%, Kalanga 8%, Sekgalagadi 3%, other (2001) General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Burkina Faso Burundi General Country Facts General Country Facts Burkina Faso German Burundi German Burkina Faso French Burundi French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Ouagadougou Africa 13'227'840 274'000 +226 XOF CFA Franc French (official); native African (Sudanic) languages 90% General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Bujumbura Africa 7'547'515 27'834 +257 BIF Burundi franc Kirundi and French (official), Swahili General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Cameroon Cape Verde General Country Facts General Country Facts Kamerun German Kap Verde German Cameroun French Cap-Vert French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Yaounde Africa 16'321'860 475'442 +237 XAF CFA Franc French, English (both official); 24 major African language groups General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Praia Africa 506'807 4'033 +238 CVE Cape Verdean escudo Portuguese, Criuolo General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Central African Republic Chad General Country Facts General Country Facts Zentralafrikanische Republik German Tschad German Centrafricaine, République French Tchad French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Bangui Africa 4'037'747 622'984 +236 XAF CFA Franc French (official), Sangho (lingua franca, national), tribal languages General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? N'Djamena Africa 9'748'931 1'284'000 +235 XAF CFA Franc French, Arabic (both official); Sara; more than 120 languages and dialects General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Comoros Democratic Republic Congo General Country Facts General Country Facts Komoren German Kongo, Demokratische Republik German Comores French Congo, République démocratique French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Moroni Africa 797'902 2'235 +269 KMF Franc Arabic and French (both official), Shikomoro (Swahili/Arabic blend) General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Kinshasa Africa 57'548'740 2'344'858 +243 CDF Congolese franc French (official), Lingala, Kingwana, Kikongo, Tshiluba General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Djibouti Equatorial Guinea General Country Facts General Country Facts Djibuti German Äquatorial Guinea German Djibouti French Guinée équatoriale French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Djibouti Africa 793'078 23'200 +253 DJF Djibouti franc French and Arabic (both official), Somali, Afar General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Malabo Africa 503'519 28'051 +240 XAF CFA Franc Spanish, French (both official); pidgin English, Fang, Bubi, Ibo General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Eritrea Ethiopia General Country Facts General Country Facts Eritrea German Äthiopien German Erythrée French Ethiopie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Asmara Africa 4'401'357 117'600 +291 ERN Nakfa Afar, Arabic, Tigre and Kunama, Tigrinya, other Cushitic languages General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Addis Ababa Africa 77'430'700 1'104'300 +251 ETB Birr Amharic, Tigrigna, Orominga, Guaragigna, Somali, Arabic, English, over 70 others General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 French Southern Territories Gabon General Country Facts General Country Facts Französisches Süd-Territorium German Gabun German Terres Australes Françaises French Gabon French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Port-aux-Français Africa Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? ? EUR Euro French General 127/ 220V~ 50/60Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Libreville Africa 1'383'841 267'668 +241 XAF CFA Franc French (official), Fang, Myene, Nzebi, Bapounou/Eschira, Bandjabi General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 127/ 220 Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Gambia Ghana General Country Facts General Country Facts Gambia German Ghana German Gambie French Ghana French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Banjul Africa 1'517'079 11'295 +220 GMD Dalasi English (official), Mandinka, Wolof, Fula, other indigenous General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Accra Africa 22'112'810 238'533 +233 GHC Cedi English (official), African languages (including Akan, Moshi-Dagomba, Ewe, and Ga) General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Guinea Guinea-Bissau General Country Facts General Country Facts Guinea German Guinea Bissau German Guinée French Guinée-Bissau French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Conakry Africa 9'402'098 245'857 +224 GNF Guinean franc French (official), native tongues (Malinké, Susu, Fulani) General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Bissau Africa 1'586'344 36'125 +245 XOF CFA Franc Portuguese (official), Criolo, African languages General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Ivory Coast Kenya General Country Facts General Country Facts Elfenbeinküste German Kenia German Côte d'Ivoire French Kenya French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Yamoussoukro Africa 18'153'870 322'463 +225 XOF CFA Franc French (official) and African languages (Dioula esp.) General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Nairobi Africa 34'255'720 580'367 +254 KES Kenya shilling English (official), Swahili (national), and numerous indigenous languages General 240V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Lesotho Liberia General Country Facts General Country Facts Lesotho German Liberia German Lesotho French Libéria French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Maseru Africa 1'794'769 30'355 +266 LSL Maluti English, Sesotho (both official); Zulu, Xhosa General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Monrovia Africa 3'283'267 111'369 +231 LRD Liberian Dollar English 20% (official), some 20 ethnic-group languages General 120/ 240V~ 50/60Hz household voltage and frequency 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 120/ 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, center point earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Libya Madagascar General Country Facts General Country Facts Libyen German Madagaskar German Libye French Madagascar French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Tripoli Africa 5'853'452 1'759'540 +218 LYD Libyan dinar Arabic, Italian, and English widely understood in major cities General 127V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 127 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Antananarivo Africa 18'605'920 587'041 +261 MGA Malagasy franc Malagasy and French (both official) General 110/ 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 110/ 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Malawi Mali General Country Facts General Country Facts Malawi German Mali German Malawi French Mali French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Lilongwe Africa 12'883'940 118'484 +265 MWK Kwacha Chichewa 57.2% (official), Chinyanja 12.8%, Chiyao 10.1%, Chitumbuka 9.5%, Chisena 2.7%, Chilomwe 2.4% General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Bamako Africa 13'518'420 1'240'192 +223 XOF CFA Franc French (official), Bambara 80%, numerous African languages General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed 127 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Mauritania Mauritius General Country Facts General Country Facts Mauretanien German Mauritius German Maurice French Mauritanie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Nouakchott Africa 3'068'742 1'025'520 +222 MRO Ouguiya Hassaniya Arabic (official), Pulaar, Soninke, French, Wolof General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Port Louis Africa 1'244'663 2'040 +230 MUR Mauritian rupee English less than 1% (official), Creole 81%, Bojpoori 12%, French 3% (2000) General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Mayotte Morocco General Country Facts General Country Facts Mayotte German Marokko German Mayotte French Maroc French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Mamoudzou Africa 186'452 374 +269 EUR Euro Mahorian (a Swahili dialect), French (official language) spoken by 35% General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Rabat Africa 31'478'460 446'550 +211 MAD Dirham Arabic (official), Berber dialects, French often used for business, government, and diplomacy General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220 Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 110/ 220 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Mozambique Namibia General Country Facts General Country Facts Mocambique German Namibia German Mozambique French Namibie French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Maputo Africa 19'792'300 801'590 +258 MZM Metical Portuguese 9% (official; second language of 27%), Emakhuwa 26%, Xichangana 11%, Elomwe 8%, Cisena General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Windhoek Africa 2'031'252 824'292 +264 NAD Namibian Dollar English 7% (official), Afrikaans is widely spoken of about 60% of the white population, German 32% General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Niger Nigeria General Country Facts General Country Facts Niger German Nigeria German Niger French Nigéria French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Niamey Africa 13'956'980 1'267'000 +227 XOF CFA Franc French (official), Hausa, Djerma General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Abuja Africa 131'529'700 923'768 +234 NGN Naira English (official), Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo, Fulani, and more than 200 others General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Réunion Rwanda General Country Facts General Country Facts Réunion German Ruanda German Réunion French Rwanda French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Saint-Denis Africa 785'139 2'510 +262 EUR Euro French General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Kigali Africa 9'037'690 26'338 +250 RWF Rwanda franc Kinyarwanda, French, and English (all official); Kiswahili in commercial centers General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Sao Tome and Principe Senegal General Country Facts General Country Facts Sao Tome German Senegal German Sao Tomé-et-Principe French Sénégal French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Sao Tome Africa 156'523 964 +239 STD Dobra Portuguese (official) Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Dakar Africa 11'658'170 196'722 +221 XOF CFA Franc French (official); Wolof, Pulaar, Jola, Mandinka General 220/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 127 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Seychelles Sierra Leone General Country Facts General Country Facts Seychellen German Sierra Leone German Seychelles French Sierra Leone French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Victoria Africa 80'654 455 +248 SCR Seychelles rupee Seselwa Creole 92%, English 5%, French (all official) (2002) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Freetown Africa 5'525'478 71'740 +232 SLL Leone English (official), Mende (southern vernacular), Temne (northern vernacular), Krio (lingua franca) General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Somalia South Africa General Country Facts General Country Facts Somalia German Südafrika German Somalie French Afrique du Sud French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Mogadishu Africa 8'227'826 637'657 +252 SOS Somali shilling Somali (official), Arabic, English, Italian Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Tshwane/ Pretoria Africa 47'431'830 1'221'037 +27 ZAR Rand IsiZulu 23.8%, IsiXhosa 17.6%, Afrikaans 13.3%, Sepedi 9.4%, English 8.2%, Setswana 8.2%, Sesotho 7.9%, General 230/ 380V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 110 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 230/ 380 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Sudan Swaziland General Country Facts General Country Facts Sudan German Swasiland German Soudan French Swaziland French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Khartoum Africa 36'232'950 2'505'813 +249 SDG Sunanese Pound Arabic (official), Nubian, Ta Bedawie, diverse dialects of Nilotic, Nilo-Hamitic, Sudanic languages, English General 240V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Mbabane Africa 1'032'438 17'364 +268 SZL Lilangeni English, siSwati (both official) General 230V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Tanzania Togo General Country Facts General Country Facts Tansania German Togo German Tanzanie French Togo French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Dar es Salaam Africa 38'328'810 945'087 +255 TZS Tanzanian shilling Swahili, English (both official); Arabic; many local languages General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Lome Africa 6'145'004 56'785 +228 XOF CFA Franc French (official, commerce); Ewé, Mina (south); Kabyé, Dagomba (north); and many dialects General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed Power grid types and voltages Which plugs are used? 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Tunisia Uganda General Country Facts General Country Facts Tunesien German Uganda German Tunisie French Ouganda French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Tunis Africa 10'102'470 163'610 +216 TND Tunisian dinar Arabic (official, commerce), French (commerce) General 230/ 400V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 230/ 400 3 Ph, 4 wire star connection, earthed 230 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Kampala Africa 28'816'230 241'038 +256 UGX Ugandan shilling English (official), Ganda or Luganda, other Niger-Congo languages, Nilo-Saharan languages, Swahili, Arabic General 240V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 240 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012 Zambia Zimbabwe General Country Facts General Country Facts Sambia German Zimbabwe German Zambie French Zimbabwe French Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Lusaka Africa 11'668'460 752'618 +260 ZMK Kwacha English (official); major vernaculars: Bemba, Kaonda, Lozi, Lunda, Luvale, Nyanja, Tonga; about 70 other indi. General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Capital Continent Population Area km2 Phone Currency Which languages are spoken? Harare Africa 13'009'530 390'757 +263 ZWL Zimbabwean Dollar English (official), Shona, Ndebele (Sindebele), numerous minor tribal dialects General 220V~ 50Hz household voltage and frequency Power grid types and voltages 220 1 Ph, 2 wire connection, earthed Which plugs are used? Electrical Product Safety Testing Electrical Product Safety Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing Energy Efficiency Energy Efficiency RoHS & WEEE Regulations RoHS & WEEE Regulations Other requirements for product approval Other requirements for product approval Electrosuisse Luppmenstrasse 1 CH-8320 Fehraltorf Tel. +41 44 956 11 11 Fax +41 44 956 11 22 IMPORTANT: This information may possibly not be accurate and cannot be claimed. Publish date, v2.3: 21.05.2012